emocrat The Democrat," The Best Paper in the Valley, Tlie-:-Demoi'cat7 j One Year for Only $2.00. VOL XXVIII. Kntered at the Pa fluke al Albany. Or., an Beconu-t lai Mall Mailer; ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY a SKPfEMBER 30. 181)-:, STiTIn A KiniH, PeMlshers aed Praerteterst SO 9 State Rights W. F. READ GU WE ARE now receiving safely say they rxeel We want your trade, and if good stylish goods, low prices and courteous treatment are afi induce ment we hop, to merit a share of yoor patronage, ' t- li .jj" C. M. HE Jgtf S flflg jp im , fc lave ew yStatae tchest. "ImC1 p t Iota oui Jqle teach fr ' 'td rule V""aiaey TTTT We have latelv added a SHOES e-- which wo are price to get them introduced CALL AND SHE what trouble to show coods. W. F. AJtmn.y OREGON Wi.l Chop ali Kinds of Grain. et sons why you should buy the Giant: tat Because it is the bast mil! ic ex interna 2nd, Because it i msdi at home 3rd, Because it will grind mire a. 1 thai any other mi I. 4th. Becaa.se it does biter wo-k than anr ether mill. 5th. Because it is n j expiate n y u sfier yiu h v h i'iV. it. 6th. Because it dooa not hett to grain i.i grindl.ig as otatr mils do. 7th, Baca us you can rnak- m re m i.ik with t-i Or aria Gisit than wi ; h any 1. Ftr win. f :.? sre wii: ij-v? viu :h t'.i- three nam why you wl ' i' i i ityia wil: giil y enl tihtimni fit mill. MITCHELLjj LEWIS 4-STAVERJ CO. 457 and Kllwortli;st, Albany, Or Rupture, Asthma and Piles Dr's. Shiiiip & Ilouser, Specialitts in the treatment of aliform of Chronic, Catan hal, Nervous an f emale Diseases. Twenty (0) Tears Experience in Medicine. Sarjr-ry an 1 K r. i . enrabie cases Gaanrt.eol. Oifite 259 Commwdi: Street, Hlera. Oregon. III.'II M l.C.Tt I. ., Salem, Oregon, W. I. A mcrouch business tralnine, scbocl- Endorsed bjr the business and prolewional men of Salem. Five Departments: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English School in tcssion ih entire year. Si jden'.a admitted at aay time. Catalogue, rootsicinc informatics, fra THE suss 200 page Dry Goods and General Onffittinrr HATAT-OOTTF Iff AZE, Send your name on a postal card TO-DAY St FBANClSCe, allU get rIJC I .41.:. The Oregon vViin its home office at SJL-IEiM: - - - IOREGON In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office in Pnrilan j MT AKES a specialty of Bunnyside fruit tract near Salon Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50toi69 tfar-iaes- th9 BLOOD, Cares CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, riLfOCSNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, HICK HEADACHE, COLDS, I'IKfLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ARISING frcru a DISORDERED STOMACH. 77k Genuine HAMBURG TEA U put up in YELLOW WRAPPERS with Faetimile Signature of EM IL FRE8E. frLDIHQTON & CO. AocM-as. 8am Francisco. BOLD BY AJLSj iki ;imth aii wbockbo. -F. L. Dea'er GH0ISE TEAS, and a general Subscription agent foi ill the leading Mssir the P. Sj2k HKLEADIBCPHOTOGKAPH Albany, resjon. our fall goods and we cah anything ever shown in full line of BOOTS AND making a very low we can do for yju. READ & CO. -s- -1- Oregon GIANT Sure Death to Wilfe Staler Principal. Land Co. Kenton, -:- In COFFEES. SPICES assortment of Newspapers ami Msga.lns. Termsoaah. Ib Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.03 per dozen. Enlaiging picture 1 fSFTwSWjS I specialty . 10x20 crayons irarr.rs 2f1 JS for $10.00. We carry a large liti of 5x8 and sterescopic views of Or I Bit, LOCAL RZCOIJI). From Japan. Fred SUnton, Ora Cope land and R Arnold were in Albany this morning on Mieir way to tlielr homes at Yarjuina Bay from a scaling! trip to Japan, returning; by way of San Fran cisco. They left home about nine months ago in a seventr-two ton schoon er.the C U White.O llaitgerman.captain, which was after wards reported to have been wrecked. At San Francisco Mr St&nton telegraphed home that I hey were all right; but previous to the tele gram they had been about given up a lost. The young men report tsome very interesting experiences. Seal hunting 1:1 a small vessel on n foreign shore is not all poetry. It is risky business. The ! hunting is done in ro boats containing two men, the oarsman and the hunter, and some times they stray several miles from the vessel and get lost in the fog, occasionally never lo be heard of again. The seal sleep on the water, as a rule from 100 to 300 m'.les from shore, and are shot with buckshot when asleep. On beinc alarmed thoy jump several feet in the water and have to be taken on the wing. They are kept from sinking with long bamboo poles with a hooked end and thus are pulled into the beats. 'l ira was Mr Oopeland's second experience, and the first trip of the other men. Two of them did pretty well financially; but he other having been ill considerably did not fill his wallet quite as fall. They were glad to get home, and were antici pating Uie meeting of their families to night with much pleasure. Ratiikt. Mystkuiois. The Salem lournal tives the following accouut o! a very mysterious death at that city : This morning shortly after 0 o'clock W T Bennett.a motorroan on the Capital City railway, notified Sheriff John Knight that there was a dead body of a man found in North Mill creek, just above the electric railroad bridge on Seventeenth St. He had been notified of the fact by Rev I B Fisher, who is tenting near that point on Ohemeketa street. Mr Fisher discovered the body in the water as he was walking a'ong the bank. On exam ining the dead roan's pockets two insur ance policies were found, which showed him to tie Otto S Coee- One was a policy in the Travelers' Accident Asso ciation, of Hartford, for f2,O0O, which strange to say, xpiree next Monday at noon. The first named policy ie in favor ol James B Case, his creditor. who (wards on Asylum avenue- Case came weat with Cowee and had known him in Grand Island, Neb., where the hitter's parents stilt reside. The C her thing taken from his pockets were about a Jozen cigars, a jack knife, a harmonica, ami 154.00 in cash. PruBATx Mattebs. In estate of Mary and Gertie Zeiner inventory filed ; per sonal property, 1633.50 ; real estate, $730. In estate of Maria Sylvester, inventory filed: personal property. $439 50; I E Michael, Wm Savage andj K Chariton appraisers. Property order sold as peti tioned. In estate of Jos Wassom, Jonathan Wassom was appointed administrator. Bonds $3600. In estate of Robert Foster, inventory filed: real property, $20,080; personal M5S.60. Appraisers, W H Thompson, N R Case and J F Peebler. Petition to sell personal property granted. A Scnooi. Book Bill. A few days ago when in Lebanon, we met Representative-elect. M A Miller of that city. Mr Miller wilt enter npon hie legislative duties wi'h alt the enthusiasm usually manifested by young, vigorous manhood. He proposes introducing a measure to regulate the school book nuisance, and is gathering data for that purpose by inter viewing eminent educators, so that he may act intelligently and in a line in ac cordance with the wishes of the people S"io Press. Keeping PsiPtas. As Lb n county has alwiys had a very unsatisfactory ex perience In keeping paupers we gtvc the following varied bids for keeping the paupers of Lane count y : E E Shenr.k offers lo keep them for" from $2.45 to $2,90 each per week. O M Davis offers to keen six of them, for $3.37 per week each, and George Arzberger f or S4 76 per week. S E Canady bid on all at $3.50 per eck. W II Kanoff same at $3 per week. T L Zumw< fime at $3.75 per week. Mrs E S Davis offers to keep thctn all for $20 per etk, or nearly $3 each. B F Russell offrrs to krep them ali and furnish medical attendance for $2.50 each per week. Lawless Tbavslers. One da ths week two fourfiiorse teams passed up the McKerzie road, and when they arrived at the toll gate across the Blue river they tore the gate down and threw it into the stream, refusing to pay the toll. A war rant was sworn out for their arrest before Justice Isom and Constable Carey Thomp son arrested them at McKenrie bridge and they wire tiird on the charge, and fined $15 and costs which they paid, it is likely that the next time they attempt to cross the road they aril1 psv tor the privi lege. Eugene Gtard. After Samples op Hop... C Ilrms returned this morning from Harrisburg. He has been on a trip through Lane and Linn counties looking alter hop matters, and brings samples of hops from forty different yards, a good portion of which he will forward east to commission houses. The hop raisers aronnd Browns ville, he says, refuse to furnish buyers with samples unless they purchase the crop in lull. Salem Journal. Announcement Having severed my connection with the Albany nurseries, I take this opportunity of tendering my sincere thanks to all former patrons and friends of the above nurseries for their liberal patronage I am still engaged In the nursery business, having oca led just across the river, in Benton county, one hjlf mile srest of the Albany high steel 1. ndge on the Rainwater donation claim, where I am growing as fine a lot of trees as can be seen in any nursery In the Wil lamette Valley . Trees for sale this fail at the nursery, aLo at my trer vaid in Al bany. Awaiting your furthei orders, I am Yours truiy, J A Hyman, Proprietor of the Wesl Side Nurseries. CHOICE MEATS Or ALL KUDS H:xTariclc - fc - Baker Op?l 1 IIIC. LOUIS ANDERSON, CITY LATJNDBT.t Opposite'?! Cnsrlca Hotel. Bed oiotnlng and la eurtaiua well aitouded to. tsreh won a tpeetelly, Brarch office at Moms' lai bor shop, 1st ndrv e f ! liliga it 730 o'clock; ASSESSORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe bnara of equalization will attend as the office of the cotiEty cierK 01 i,inn county.oregsn. on Monday, tbe 20 h day or September 1892, and pub. inly examine ihe assess ment roils and correct ali errors in valuation, description or qualities of Unds. lots or other propsrtv. This dated tbe 28th day of Angut,1802. H 8 WILLIAMS, AjMasnr Lkbanun. Still, the paper mill has not water enough to run their machinery. Married, at the residence of C R Lamar, September 13, Mr A M Kendall and Miss Annie E Mcltride, both of Shedd. Linn Co , Or. C li Rawlings, of Albany was inter viewing the citizens of lebanon this week with a view to ascertaining how many want electric lights. By circulars received from headquar ters Wednesday, we learn that the insur ance rate on a number of the Lebanon business houses has been reduced. MrTurnridge of I .acorn b M shipping potatoes to Poi t land, receiving for them bo cents a bushel, lie says be lias five acres of potatoes this season, which will prove a much more protitable crop than wheat. I A Bennett, the industrious, bustling ageu', of the S P in Lebanon, gave 11s some figures this week which almost stunned us- tie says that during the month of July he received 325 tons uf freight and that he forwarded 37.1 tons, making a total of 098 tons of freight handled here for the month of July. Advance and Kxpress. RiTAEB Fishy. -Wm Hanley and wile returned last week from Eastern Oregon. He reports that on the desert near Silver lake the site cf an ajtcient city has been discovered. On side of the square has been traced for four or five hundred yards. The top it juat stove the surface and is about four feet wide, made of cement similar to those nf Arizona and Mexico- The city evidently antedates tt.e Aztesa and Tolleca. No thorough bred rockologist has yet visited the ruins. The cowboys have done a little prospect ing on their own hook Amone other tilings found is the imprint of a human, foot upon a block of the cement work showing that the In d carriers of those days went barefooted. A cast of a large sized trowel was also found. It is quite likely the city was built npon the shore of Silrrr lake, which is now distant about thirty miles. Ashland Record. Opf th Tina The Corvullit Times ays the state bur was no .food as a fair ; and the Democrat has made substantial ly tbe same remark only not so much so. Nearly everybody who attended from at least this part of Oregon, took the same view ol it. Salem has nothing to do with it. The Democrat is glad to see her prosper, the cities of this valley must prosper together or not at all . Our re marks had nothing to do with our feel ings towards that city, hence the follow ing is more wishy-washy than donation soup: "Tbe Albany Dcmocrst insists that the state fair was no good. This was because it was not held in Albany. The fair in Albany will be a grand anil glori ous success. e hope so, at least, for we wish Albany and tbe Democrat the greatest prosperity. The Dcmotbat wishes Salem lust the opposite, and bows its temper on every occasion whs re a Salem interest is mentioned." A Single Trace Road. The Baker Democrat has this about Dr Mahana's single rail railroad : "Tbe company will not attempt to test the engine on a track merely for experimental purposes, and are satisfied wiUtout going to that addi tional expense. They expect to wait until the opportunity offers for buildins a permanent road. They have now two prospects in view. One is a roaid from Portland to Mt Mood, and the other is a line from Salem to Dallas, a distance of fourteen miles. In tbe latter case the people are very anxious for a road and it is stated that they will meet tbe protec tors with a liberal subsidy. The engine now built wilt use steam as a motor power, although there is another motor in course of construction that is to be propelled by electric storage batteries." Frre Library. Ti;e merchants of Al bany, whose generosity and enterprise has made it possible for every family to procure a complete libra; y free of cost. are: Samuel r. loung. Stewart A Sox. T L Wallace & Co, Foehav A If as .c, C Mueller. C E Brownell. Wji A Stark. Albany Furniture Co, O C McFarUnd. Hopkins Brothets, Baker A t me tick. E 0 Will. Too much cannot be said in commendation of business men who strive to enlanre their business bv meth ods which are at once so generow and so ttenebcient to tbe communities in which they live. An AUASrHix CoMplaimed.-Every thing was very quiet in police circles last night and no raid were made. Detectives Griffin and Hetsappie arrested a man named J August Huehlln tor iartenv by bailee on the complaint o' cne John Pur djm, of Albany. The nrtsioncr was taken into custody on the East sid : last evening. Portland Uupatch. Got Left. Yesterday when the O F excursion party left for Portland Mr II S Norcross, editor cf the Ae l.ra. of San Francisco, the official coast paper, and a party of five or six others, were riding around the gem city of Oregon, reaching the oe,xt after the train left. An engine was sent from Salem and took the party to that city, in time for the regu'ar excursion train. MUONAb IIKMOCK AT IC TICKET. For President of New York. Grover Cleveland, For Vice President A. E. Stevbn on, at Illinois. For President! sl Electors George Nol and, of Clatsop county, R- A. Miller, of Jackson county, W. F. Butcher, of Baker count'-, and W. L. CoLvic.of Jaek sen county. SGK MEIK Paiker Bros, grocers. F. M. Frenoh keaps railroad limt. Hay your groceries of Parker Rru Kiss groceries at Conn & Hsodrioaoa '. Latest tbswt musio at Will & Liuk'r. Hew cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Rlnok, doss first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havans tilled 5 ocas cigar at Julias Joseph's, Dr M if Rlli., nhyticisn a i l aargsoa Albany, Orcrm. Otlbj mils It oitt'or eon n try. With hit new bakery Ciarad M y aDisto oneroid and new customsrt it thing firstslass in baked gondi. Postpohed. Mrs Farrell having post poned her visit to California will continue her instruction in instrumental music, and also purposes forming a class for tbe benefit of those who wish a thorough in sight into harmony and the formation of chords. 15 years experience and a thor ough English training enables her to im part knowledge in a very agreeable and easy manner. Evening class for young gentlemen. A card at post office will bring an early call. Your Attention is called to our linso l iiienne costumes,capes. iacket,blazera and mis, which is now complete. Tbey are tailor-made and guaranteed to fit. Ih: cloths are ol the latest fabrics. Very truly, Samuel E. Youno. Ladies Oxkords.- -1 not. have n com- oleic line lancing in price irom i.zs ilrti , . . . - to $4.50 a pair. Good value and every pair warranted, Samuel Young. Monet to Loan. I have money in sums of $600 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. Mo delay in furnishing the money. C G Burkkaxt, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. OI HI. AM) Pi.EsllVtl Ttll'RS DAY Tony Klein, formerly of this city, is a member of Salem's City council. Mr 0 Burkhart and Mrs F A Burk -hart are In Tacuma visiting relatives and friends. Dr A M Black, -c.l known in Albany, has been chosen 10 '.each a class in Hebrew in the Willamette University. Mrs Dr llendrlx, ( f ilairtsburg.ts in the cilv, called here bt ile tickets of her daughter, Mrs vv U a'- Mr Wallace Bald in went 10 Newport today alter his fan i'y who have been there some time for U e benefit cf bU .on Lester's health. Dr E L Irvine has decided to locate In Salem, where he will open an office In a tsw davs. Dr Iivine it an experienced and bright physician who will do welt wherever he permanently settles. PA 5 o'clock lea will be given at the Parsonage of the Southern Methodist church tomorrow evening for the benefit of ttie church. All are invited to be present. Think a good .upper sritl be served for only ten cents. The marriage of Albert CavenJer and Miss Kate Cos how takes place tomorrow. at Brownsville, at tbe residence .of U P Cothow, Sr. It will also be the fot lieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs O P Ccshow, and hence wi'l be a double event. The Atlanta Journal speaks of Mis. Fannie Strahan's de?th as follow, anu it will be of Interest to Albany peop'e gen erally to see the splendid manner in which the people of Atlanta appreciated her worth and talent: "Mb Fannie Heieford Strahan, dauct-ter of Chief Justice K S Sua ban, of the supreme court of Oregon, died yesterday afternoon, al the house of hrr mother, 63 Alexander street. Miss Suahsn's health failed her whi! she was attending the conseivaiory of music In Boston, snd when the returned to her home In Portland, Oregon, it did not Im prove. Her mother brought ner south, and she seemed to grow better. During the past few weeks, however, she has lost strength and grew vrortc and worse until ; hcrdeatV The funeral will occur at 3 o'clock this afternoon irom the residence. The pall bearers are M. P II Adams. Mr W P Hill, Mr Frank R Jones, Mr Col quitt Carter, Mr John Ogden. Dr MT S Elkln In the death of Mis Siraban the quotation 'death lorn a thlnlng mark" Is most forcibly and truly illustrated Mist StraJian was at briglit and lovely as at IQtHig ladv couid bcand if the prayers of a losing mother and sister and other loving kindred and fi lends could have stayed the death claim to her noble, loving spiri she would have lived. Bui "Tit: leaves of autumn bare iheir lime lo fall. The bright stars to set. And the te Rowers to tliher. raiDAT Matt Scott and familv have return from the mountain. Mr L iearhard.fatl.t r of Mrs C Meyer, is tying dangerously ill in Portland. Mr Paul Cottel left this noon for Tare ma, where he will work for C C Cherry. E C Pent land will assume the proprie torship of the Independence .Vest. Side 00 October IsL A D Barker, who ie to California seek ing health, lell San Francisco this morn ing for the Byron hot springs. Geo C Standard and wife, and Mies Nina Parker, went to Brownsville today to attend the Calender -Cosbow wedding. Mif Fannie Brenner. J UradwobPa accommodating clerk, is in Portland on a visit, being the guest of Mrs J L Hays. A B Slaueoa. of tbe Oregonian, and wife, are in the city, arriving this noon from Eugene, where they have been vis iting several days. Dr D M Jones, of Albany, returned to godaville Monday. The Dr had been called to Oakland to see his mother.who is very ilL Lebanon Advance. Mr J R Whitnsy. of tbe Herald, is re ported to have actually allied a deer near his Cascade ranch, a rare thing in edito rial history. He will bring it to Albany on tomorrow's train, or good evidence of the fact. Dr C V Chambrrlin, wife and daught er, Miss Winnie, left this noon for Port latd. where the latter wilt take lessons in crayon work, for which she has already displayed a splendid faculty. Mr William Althouae, who has b.-en visiting in Albany several weeks left this morning for hi home in Oregon, III. He was delighted with his visit here and regretted being unable to remaio longer. Miss Margirie Brink left this noon for Portland where she has accepted a posi tion as teacher in the public schools of that city. Miss Brink is an - earnest, faithful teacher and will do good work in her new field of labor. Mr B Cruikshank. reoresentative of the Oregonlan, is in the ciiy in the inter est 01 tne encyclopedia Brittanica. He will be here until Oct I2th. Any one utsiring inlormalton in regard lo this work should address him through the postoffice in this city. John Isom, jr , Denver Hackleman.J J Dubrnillc and C ' Watt have returned from tbe Sodas with a record of fifteen deer, killed by the men in the order named as follows: 10, 3,3,0. Also a bear, killed by the last named, which in a measure recompenses the absence of any deer on his string. They report a tine time until inundated by rain. SATURDAY . W K Garrett, of Portland, was in the ty this morning. W T Bader, of Portland, the rustler, as in the city today. Mr and Mrs I, Bilycn. of Eugene, ar rived in Albany this noon on a visit. 0 II Blount and wife, of Ashland, passed through Albany for Portland a day or two a$o. A letter from Mr J H Burkhart, at Los Angeles, announces that with his family he was about to leave for Denver. lb-Gray, the dentist, baa had a bad attack of asthma during the past week, but is about again. Ashland Tidings. J C Johnston, an old resident of this cauntv, was returned to Ltnn county ny the county court Tuesday McMinnviile T. R. Mrs F A Miller, of Lakevlew, was vis iting Mrs Dr Caldwell the first of the week, en route to Albany. Ashland lu'eoid. J H Nemchick has moved from Ionian to near Halaey where be will have charge of C C Jackson's farm during his term of office. Scio Preps Dr G W Masion returned last evening irom a trip to the t-ascaues. it had been raining terrifically, and as well thunder ing and lightning so severely aa to naral yze a flock of geese, a fact the Doctor will vouch lor. ine report that Mriuearhard was lying dangerously ill in Portland was incorrect. Mr (ienrhnrd is ill : but not in a very serious condition, lieing out of bed. He is an uncle of Mr (J Meyer, of tins city. Last evening a farewell party was tendered'MrsOverman at the residence of Dr C C Kelley, by the members of the Ladies Aid Society and their families, previous to her departure for her new home in Portland. The home of Rev and Mrs Wallace is indeed desolate. A few weeks ago we recorded the death of their little girl on her fifth anniversary, and Thursday morning death claimed their only re maining child. Their legion of friends sympathize with them in their hour of sorrow Junction City Times. Prof CH Jones, a graduate from fhe state normal school, was here visiting friends last week. He Is engaged to teach the Carlton school, of Yamhill county, as principal of the three depart ments of the large school there. Charley has made a grand success of school teaching West Side. A former Linn county boy, Ton can rave matey by baying of Read The next session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Md Fellows will be held at Milwaukee Wis consin. Judge Maguiie, democratic candidate for congress in the fourth congressional district will njieak at Portland Saturday evening. The Philadelphia 'rsst says: ' The re sult in Maine is entirely satisfactory." Ibis recalls the story of the woman who was tesigned to die "be had to be." ssss! essasar The Hoosier republicans who have thus eariy appealed to Chairman Carter for boodle should not be so easily discouraged. While there's life there's soap. There will two more state elections helii ltortf the presidential election. These are Florida on the 4th and Georgia on the 'th of October. State ofiicers. members of the legitlature and county officers are 10 1 elected. The third party is wakim? strenuous efforts in both states, but it is not probable that they can carry cither. 1 m , l Judge Oliver J Semmes. of Alabama, who has been on the bench IS years in thai stats and who baa been attending the session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Udd Fellows at Portland says democrats reed have no fears about Alabama not going for Cleveland. He says it is as cer tain for Cleveland at any other state in the union. Col W A Barrett, of Oxford N C. gives similar assurance as to that state and so likewise does Hon J G Aydelott. of of Tniiahoma Tennessee, as to that state.' T F Osborne of Port and is well known all over the state. He is president of the Portland Chamber of Commerce and is an active enterprising citizen and a life long republican and is to address the Independent Cleveland and Stevenson Club of that city al it next meeting. He will be followed by Hon O H Woodward who has a'ways been a republican and who was ejected senator on the citizen, ticket last June. The c'ub is composed of former republicans a l influential business men. It is claimed that Cleveland will receive in Multnomah county the votes of 500 former republicans. The tan degree of defections exist in Clatsop county and to a less extent in Co lumbia. The Oregocur Is fat a mess of trouble about Clrrc'snd't letter it fears very mocfa that the ex r'ci 'ea: w Jt find it dmicoit to writ Oat h's SeMer on the tcriff qsestssa. This 1 itWcd interest in Mr. Clevclsn-Joa the part of our coaicmpcrsry it touching ia the exueme. Meanwhile the On -t.ja editor and other friends cf Cleveland may rest raty to IMS sale lo say that when CiccUod speaks it will not be accessary to read between tbe lines to ueicrstaad Urn aa was the case wlih Hariu,ew's Icfte. The wife of Chsr'.e BdSags. a poor tiii! cr ate moaataincer, Hviag In A the County, X. C , twewty-eagb: miles frotn the nearest rail road ration, has Jut given birth to six chi:- drea, ail bnjs. They weigh from Lur and a half to nine pouads each and area! aSve. Mr. Billings it of mediam suture, sod thtr-ty-oee vearsold. She has (oar ether children ba: ibcy were all bora singly. Billings depeads oa game, fish, Ac, for a livseg, bat since the arrival cf tbe sestet he hsi been accept irg coagiatsltlioBt sad dona tions extended by rami hospitality. The 7Vgieas ha been interviewing; del egate to the Odd Fellow Sovereign Grand Lodge on politics. TV- following is a sum mary: Judge J P Sanders of Yonkers X T is a republican bat will vote for Cleveland. He say Cleveland will carry New York but that the republicans will carry the legislature. He tays they will sacrifice Harrison and everything eie to do so. Jacob Ditcher of Buffeio says Cere land will carry New York by 40.000 majority and will b- tH.-tod. N W Trump of Columbia. South Carolina, says both factions of tbe party in that shite are for Cleveland and there is no question that he will carry the state. ColTPRixey of Joneabnrg. Mo. say the democrat will elect 14 out of 15 congressmen, tbe governor and other state officers, tLe legislature and Cleveland It ia;nad in toneatt at Elwood. lad., on Taesdsy, and tbe plans for the in miter tin - plate McKinley pow-wow were"comp letely upet."ssf all of the higb-tarifl organs. Still here wat every evidence of intense entha- iii.tr. "intense was piobably no word lor it, with '.he fleets flooded with water, Ihe news fit in Maine jatt received, a stock -bo'der ia the tin-plate works on the scene threaten ing to sell hb stock at auction unless t'le Re publican State Coutmittte retained hi moa T at once, and ih; whole town f lact deJ with the tnitounctmenti of more stock fjr tale at a discount by four other doped stockholders whose nsmts were signed to the mnounce- menU. One of t hee stockholder it a prom inent lawyer of Elwood, and he will take the stump for Cleveland and make it hi pecial duty to "eapose Ihe to-called American tin plate worki," which be tays is a concern run by a few real -will and natural-gas boomers n conjunction with tbe Republican State Committee. Don M Dickinson, a member of the national democratic campaign committee was interviewed in Boston the other day about the political outlook and said: "1 think the outlook for the democratic party in better than it hat been in any campaign at this season since the war. said Mr Dickinson. "Every indication now point to an overwhelming verdict of the people in favor of democracy in iK "Do von reirard democratic success 111 New York state assured ?" he was asked "New York i as safe as Kentucky," be replied. "Ia Senator Hill's speech at Brooklyn satisfactory to the managers of the cam paignf" "David B Hill' record as a democrat i nnmnleta to date. He will lie at the fore front of a nations! canvas for the demo cratic candidate and democratic principle. No democrat has ever doubted it. I h ave read his Brooklyn speech, and it will five universal satisfaction. It is most convinc ing at to the democratic position on tbe groat questions of the day. "We shall have 75,000 majority in 4 City of New York, and shall carry the state by at least 25,000 majority, llus is ae conservative estimate and 1 shall be dis appointed if the majority in tho state w ill not be double that." What is the outlook in tho West?" I have been specially interested in the west. Wo shall carry Wiscontin ami are making a splendid fight in Illinois, Minne sota and Iowa. Use dollar caved is u dollai earned . to Allen Bros ana hay year groceries at ossk pries. Is Gal van i a wolf in sheet's clothing? Is he a republican in disguise Senator D B Hill speaks in tbe ioUrest of Cleveland at Buffalo New York tonight. Gov I lower predicts 50,000 plurality for Cleveland in New York. The Governor b one lit the S ate ofTiculs whese figures can bj trutttd. Tbe President in bis letter of a -n e say: "No intelligent advocate of a protective t stiff claims that It it able of itself 10 main tain a uniform rale of wages" Jess so, Mr President; tou are gradually getting there. Just put New Jersey down in tbe il.t cf doubtful States. lloiton Trazvlttr. We lou'dti't do iliat wiihjat patting the TiaVtlUt down in the litt of idiot., so w will leave o d Jersey where the hat been lor year in the D at.tx-a co:uma an ! roir.tr near the head of ti e precession. The Sioien; Cu". 01 X: V u-i has rendered i s deritiwn oa tLe icgiiativ ap portionment case in ilia; state, holtiog that live law It cwoti'a :o . T-aott Kpub!icaB Sfiiakm that ha m.Se sumach a-trte sboat this matt r will now dote tiicir mouths like dams. Tbe Lebanon AJvet say that the dem ocrats were rlectej to he last concrete pledged 10a rcpasl of the M.KIaley bill. This we dny and call upon tbe Advance to adduce us ;.roof. They were pledged to material redactices bo: not to icpsal. The Colored Men's National Protective Association, in session at Indianapolis, de nounced president Harrison and tbe ad ministration, tbe force bill and the protec tive tariff. Free trade was indorsed. An Iowa delegate offered a resolution indors ing Grover Cleveland, but this was reject ed by the convention. Col. Fraak Hatton contribs'e tbe foiluw ng little olive broach to the large stock which the RepaUia party now ha on Band: "Mr Harrison U the only ssan who ever held Btabtc p by the coat col A rand after he had shaken aha aad -aaght him a few leesoa kicked bint out of en ice. I wcaida t be torprtfed it the B.'aincite hsdnt socnethusg to e'o with Re publican bases m Maine. Being as m r Blaine man I sroajj tbisk them capable if almost aeytUag, bus in Ibis instance I gaess tbe best caocroctijw to be placed on ihe Maine vote ia that there wss a lack of interest It wij be remembered that at the dsns -oratlc primary conventions held ia Saetb Carolina Atg 30 lb barman alliance wing o the party were accesstleiertnsg a luge ma- yoayoflhe delagste. Third party papers dedarcd IU was a third party victory. Bat (he state cor. Ten km which was held a tew days ago after acrr.iasiing Tillman, (Alliance ) tot Governor, passed teeolalion endorsing Cleveland, aed not content with this devotion to Cleveland they went farther aad passed a resolution tset each caedriwie (or presidential ejector should be icqatred to saga a written plsdgs that be wool J vote far Cleveland . Tbe al'taacein Soatb CaroHna arc the strong est Clcvclatd men in the cveatry. A dispatch I'css S: Losit saysi Chairman Taabcaeck. of the peoples par ly national committee, icsjclsed a ssmntoa by wire to day to hastes te ladmaopotb to at tend a meeting of tbe national executive com mittee tomorrow. Whea be was asked what the object of the Indiana meeting was, he re plied: "Now I bare aa idea, as several mem bers of the Rational committee will be in at tendance, but I wid give oat nothing for Fab .tea' ion at yet 1 w 01 say that Were it a ng deal oa, and d I chose to make it pontic 1 could make a sratataor. in every chase t'aie is the Coins, aad sever! Other stales that art no: considered ioaUfal. There tt a gigantic dea going on ia three states, bat I will not gi v cnt the names ol tl state or the nature of be scheme being worked. It will come to sghtm tmo or tnieeweet. aedtben I wid be prepared to give some startling informa tion; bat I don't care tec the sensation to ot- igoiaie w the peoples party heaoqaarteis, and it wont it I can help it. 1 will probably be able to talk more freely when I retain rem Indiana " When the present term of office of Lien- tenant General Underwood expire next year the ''army headquarters" of tbe I. O. O. F., with all military offices above those of department or state commanders, will be abolished and each patriarch militant branch of the order will be placed under control of the state encampment within whose jurisdiction it is located. This action was taken by the Sovereign Grand lodge. and was acoonipiiahed by adopting a report submitted by a special committee appointed one year ago to in vestigate the "ajtuv headquarter'' feature of the order and suggest a to whether it is any longer a necessity. Ine committee found that the system ba accomplished its mission, and lias become too expensive a luxury to be borne by the chevaliers. It represents tax .1 tic n without representation and arbitrary power bestowed by law upon those high in authority and court-martial. a method of redress not in harmony with the principles of Odd Fellowship, all of which ha becom unnecessary with the removal of the cause that called them into being and have produced disquiet, apathy and indifference, and, in some quarters have awakened strong opposition to am tem of government no longer necessary. sousn DocrttihK. At a meeting of tbe Independent C'.eve land and Stevenson Club, (composed former republicans.) held at the Federated Trades hall at Portland Tuesday evening Mr J Silverston a lawyer and former re publican said: "This is the first time I have ever made utterance in a public speech to my feeling on political subjects. 1 do so from a pure motive of cititenship, with nothing to gain. Heretofore I have always voted tbe republi can ticket, but a now say without favor or fear that 1 am a democrat, and shall hence forth advocate the cause of tariff reform. "The republican party in the days of Abraham Lincoln had for its motto: Charity for all ' Today its fundamental principle is: rrotectiou tor tue monopolist. The laborer and farmer of today have no voice in our legislative hails. Ihe poor Laxirus begs at the door, while the rich Dives fattens on the spoilt: inside. "For thirty years the mpublican party has pursued a policy called protection. Any thinking man will ask wbe and what that policy protects. It certainly cannot protect the producing classes, who have furnished the muscle to build up the country, for the rich are becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer. Thirty year ago pauperism was unknown in litis country; now beggar are found on almost every corner, while destitution and want are visible on all sides. "If these conditions exist, there must ba a radical defect in our law. "I claim that protection is legislation for a private interest, and consequently is public crime. Kverythinar in daily use is taxed; and we ask: Who pays the tax? Does the manufacturer V If so, how it he getting richer? It will be found, if investi gated, that the farmer, the laborer and the masses are wvimr it directly into the ' capacious hand of the monopolist. Don't Give Up Tbe use of Ayefs Raraapartu. One bout may not cure "tight off" a eocantalnt of y-AT. ; persist until a cure It effected. Asa general rule, improvement follows shorUv after begin nine; me use of tin metfjeuw With many people, tbe effect ft tawsritlsf 1 r noticeable; but some constitution are lea tuseepttbl to medicinal influences than other , and tbe curative process may, there fore, it inch eases, be less prompt Perse vsranee la BStag this remedy is sure ol tu reward at last Sooner or later, tbe atest stubborn blood diseases yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For several years, in the spring amotbr I troubled with a drowsy, tired fa aed a asxt pain to tbe small of rey hack, so bad. at tine. . .-, ' betas able to walk, tbe least inrlrtrn 1 rwnama; me severe distress bofi aad rashes wetud break t Frequently. part of tbe body. Bv the utsvw r w. andmy family pnvstetaa, I began tbe use at Z "'"anerg'a aad riwnsuesl ft OB tbe poison in my Mood was thoroughly eradicav S'ttb.Monttwmtri Ctty, Mo. "My system was ait nut ttewa; say skta rough and 4 yeflowlsh hac. I trie various remedies, and while some M U, JtV temporary relief, none of them did any per aaewt good. At last I began to take j a rwaapanna. eontuudng It ly for a niamMualilc time, and ai t-' ay that it completely Cured Me. ill mail my liver was very ataeSi oat at ovaer, aad Ike Mood hsspore bs caaseamesme. Ayerstht ' tBBOt ,0 yeod ..yj"" 1 1" gin iiiHHtaa, wood diseases. Tbe doctors' prrsertptioar i d several totalled bttwHwrnters bemeT no avail, I was at last advised ley a fMeod u try Ayer's Sarsapartna. I did so aad new Ayer's Sarsaparilla 0. J. C ayH & CO., Ufttl, Mm. a kg Dnssgasta. ei.su Si. YcstagiaMtla. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The very latest owb ia that yon can bay at JULIUS GB ADWOHL'5 BAZAAR, fbr net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1-00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1-00 ft Gallons Good Pickles -90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap -90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 I wil exwdnca a atrial oscab atom, aad all good will be as Id for aetcsob frotu ie per test leas Lose regutar price. My stock of China ware, fans? good, and ibe desirable ayksa of iWasaw. aa well aa a fpwerat snvtjittaaat of fjtweestaa. eaoeft y, lamps ad annres fat eomptete. ! auk t mieititt si 4 tin, ejflsw and t ikiqg powder, aad always pi -oe my eoatooserx. Agent (or several responsible insaraee cots pan! - Jeltsts Ciraawcbt. t'tiwiZE aim THE FARMERS & MFBCH AHTS INSURANCE Alfceaay, r BEAD, Presodeari. J L OOWAK. LCawantgOeo FitnpaOB. W V Read, DBUiatb.vt StemiWR, J I K Wwathertord, R 8 Saranaa, i O Writsait-i Several Solid Eastern ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE Hi RETAIL Only White Labor Employee , for Infants C sat jrta tt so t-eB tail S tocMktrea thai econuneod tias superior to any praseriptKci Mt U aaa." II. A. Aseaea. H. IX. Ill 60. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K T. Th oca ot 'Ossterli Is so umiersal ana merits so well known that tt aewnatawwrk ; supereror-uioo to endorse It. lew are the ' .tciltgent uantliea who Jo nol keep Otstoru vit'Jr aey rewch " Carlos Mjlsttx. Tt. .) . Sew York Ctty. isto Pastor lV.Mn!c' tele Kofonned Church. AM CARPET DEPARTMENT. H ULL STOCK KD WITH TUB CHOICEST CARPETS! MATTINGS- OILCLOTHS, DRAPERIES; OF THIS SEASON'S PRICES DNBQOALED 01 MS MARKET. Samuel E. Young. TWO MEN AND JSE BOY FOUND DEAD! A hile trying to Crowd theii WAV INTO fiEYOE & FR0MAN DRU3 store, where they si way t have on hand be largest Stock south of Portland, of ' the latest Improved Rifle and .Shot ins; ' Immense stock of Fishing "ckk of every iescriptlon; Tent, 'an. oc ampttudn and thousands if ott. Ing too r.timerou to mention JEs ;ft.i7- Shop connect n wlih the Store, and one of He best wo men in the state to do any nd ail kind, of wor Come 03a Come No rouble to Ikjw goods "Small pre 11 1 and iitick I out -not to ORTMILLER & iRVIffff -fCNEifA I UIRETTOBS.- Arterlsl Kmtioimirig dc:s KdeiciAesllf Albany. Ore-area. ALBANY OR. w araiiai & hulbirt mi. Keg! Esta Ags-.ls esrat and Rancset forsals. Also eity orewerty in Albe swd Corvaanj JisniwTiass. CD F SIMPSON. Vic and Foreign Companies and Children. Castorla-C irec Colic. Con IkaRtkt, Soar Stcvcu. Tsarrbosa. tui uiioa. AulU W BCSBS, CtB WnlotaiBjork " For several years I kara recommendea your ' Cswtooo, " aoJ KiU tl wasi.w t. aasossnaes lavanamfiiuaumu owta F. Ptasssk at. IX, 'Tho Vinthroo." 13tk Street and Tth Ave., Sew York Citt Tub Cwrraca Cosn-aary, TT Mcrrast Snuurr, Ssrw Yaws, , CURTAINS! LINOLEUM: NOVELTIES AND r