The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 23, 1892, Image 4

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    I W -e"V I -
r f
Thousands of Smokers
The Millionaire in his palace,
The Laborer in his cottage,
The Swell on the street,
The Sailor on his ship,
Comfort-lovers everywhere,
Prefer Bull Durham.
Attorney at Law. Will practice in all court of tha
tola. Special attenU.n given to tnUer in prebat
and to co.hKtion. Of KICE-ln th Kllan Maek.
Attorney at Law en J Seliciter in Chancery. Oollee-
I on ail pacta. Laana ncaiiateo on
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at law, and Notary PabJo. Will pra-.iee in
all the mart of thia Mate Special atleutiaa eWwi to
reflections and matter In prhat r:-l'puir
Bssati-Twsdtl Block Albany. Ogn
D. a j. 11 I i 11 '
:.M Rtfi UN
ail legal mitten will recj i a promp
ffl.-9ir.UU FsUaw't TwtaV., Albany, O
kttenti a
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
Attoraar-at-Law. All legal, baainers attanded to
FL1NW3 Block, A'baay, Or
R. J. E. HI I.I. .
Pnycirian an J Sarieon . OFFICE Corner
Ferry slftiats, Albany, Oregon.
Phyaldan ao Sarreon.. OFFICE -Corner eeood
and B, jlabin tret. Albanr, Or. Call promptly
auerueu l aty and canntry .
nwaiwHilal "S"SpecLJlt tn diaeaaa af the Eve
Twenty Tearsiperiaooi Offloe boors 7 ta 0 a mi
w 3 p in, and DUI evening. Aibaat, Oregon.
I ',do prepared itni furnish! art si
in quantities to salt at reason j Pj
aoiei raici
Order books will iis f ouasl'at a:o ;f
rrsoa i. iwnwn, jonn igauianl rarkr
vVrgon will axil for order at th&sa
places it lam and 3pm daily, exesp
Sunday. Prompt service gnaranteel.
consisting of 4) acre,, lax"
niil) north or Albair. Lnj',T o
an J itwill i I. Fi i . . i
matio . w
V . . ASU
-:- of?-:-
Baby :-: Buggial
beit Jsssr rtmerit ever brought (to Albtry
just received atj
StcAtft Sox's.
See (he Buggies and Get friees
Hi 111 .!
Seal 't 1 Il'Jl ssal
' FA. TdBVaSafMstaaM
remuf as
PoriiaDa, S:45 . M.
7 Honrs Quicker lo St. Paul. .
2o Hours Quicker to Chicago.
40 Honrs Quicker te Omaha
Kansas City.
For rates and general information call
ai, or addrest
W H H C R LBURT, Asst.Gcn'tPat. Agt,
154 Washington St.;
fO.. T. K, Hogir, Keceiver.
Ticket now 011 ralo x CorvaUH un 1 AI
b:ny for tli-se excursion at the
vrry low
Ronnil Trip Uat of $3 25 and t3.50, re
upecdvel.' .
Good far tbe goinglti-ip on
of Audi week nn,,for aisturn until Sap
lerohor 30ih. 1892.)
CC BOG U Ik. dVk.
v. , IcFarlaiidi
Harness - and -Saduler,;
Display in the Dow..
Opposite First National Bank, Albany, Or
I j old kii (oje tre nyerry old soul,
Had lived itisreatqgeojoUrs,
He would latecalled jor BULL DURHAM
To snjoke .9 f?is pipe,
And been tTerrier Under its powers.
Durham Tobacco
Southern Pacific Route
Irea Train la v. Portland Daily.
7:00. a. Li
10:ra Lv
tlltl! Ar
mo vi lt 1, lArJ,
V r-i-.
San ftWASwSS
Li ( 4:33 a
7,-(Wr u
Akya train atap only at fallowing station north
a! Roseburg. Kant Portland, Oregon City, W.ixl
onrn. Salem. Albanv, Tangent, ShodJ, Halsey. 11 ar-
risbarg. Junction City, Irving, Eugene.
mail, saav
la a I Lv
Ar ' tin r a
Lt I tt:M a
ZLr I 7:O0a
ir-tra I L
5:5'Jra J Ar
auaxr locl bsilt atc-aer Srsoat)
t OS r a I L
Ar I ;o J t
S.e r a I Ar
Lt I S:S) a
1 :2Cr a
M a
j . . . 11 1
Par A waasaaadattaw et Psntsnn, . holding
eeaad-CIa llraeia,aiteaea ta et-pre-
s Trata
aTaal lda BHvlaiaa.
Ban. raaia aaur (Kxcwpt Snnoay,
7.SU a a Itv Portland Ar I tVSO r a
ltd r a Ar Corral ii Lv U-JW ta
, : a
axraas raaja aan.T (Excjpt Baaday .
4:lura Lt PorUaad Ar I :3S a
T:iSrAr Median villa LTS.a4e
Tnrowfirh Ticket.
all paints
Foitn.. iatoraitttoj regarding rata, aw as,
sa Company Agaat at AlVny
atanaeer Aaat O. F. and P.
Portland. Oregon.
Pacific RailfOdd,
UM.k, Receiver
Qisgm Da?8lopm9nS ro's Steainsrs,
Short Line to Calirornla
FlrsfrotasE through passenger and
a eight lino frem Portland and all poinds
to the WUlamatia Valley to and from Han
Franciaco, Cal.
Boats make ci oa connection at Alt. au
'th trains of the Oregon Paclfl Railroaa
TUtESCUEDC-Ut. axoept Sendars.1
1t Albany lfcJ
a, . Lav Taqama, 7 s" a, a
I. save Crralli 1: r. a . ! Lear CorraIUa.tO:S& a.a
Arrle Taqiuna, I: " e. a Arrive Albany, 11:13 a.a
O- A O. traias connaat at Albany and
O.rtallit. The above trains coanaottvi
Vaonina with the Oregon Development
Company's Line of Steamships hate-sea
Vaqmna and Han Francisco,
rao TA4.CDM.
Uttaev. 1 tsu
SXad Slat
raoa sax raaacawo
wTlknwslli Vallay, Ueoeataer SUj ; tsth ; f7th.
The Comptnv rvwrt ins ngat to
ihanga sailing dates without notice.
W. B. PaaaSngar from Partland and
illametta Valley points can make close
soansction with tbe trains of the Yaquln
route at Albany or Corvallia, and irdet
flnad to Han Fran-lsco should arrange ta
rrlv at Taauinn the eveuing hafore dst
wPaseacer a a I'r.lgtl ratesalwayt th
Soi23?ifi5 AmfriSi-r
Annr.oy for
ToT'.'ora-Hlcii r.I
Oldest bara&u lor a.- ,
Br-iry patent toa.- 1 ,
tbe public by k vtD. .
A OT A LB ART. OH roots.
sldeut aal L COWAH,
e-Preddont J B BALaTON.
at l:ablr O A ARCUIBOLD.
I aaorosa. I L Oawan. J B K-Jtaii. W 8
Ladd, W II Uollra, J A lrawrt JI O
1 A Areh
fRANSAma a aenoral bauklne tnuilnea.
DRAW SIOI11 IlKAPTU on New Vork. San
, 1 1 Oi-tli ' Oregon.
AN MOitEY on appioeed SwassrBf
RW ElVEdeoealtaaabrast check.
Vice President . . .
..g, W. LAN0005
rttAK 8 ACTS A GENERAL banking boatoeea.
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel Tapble transfer, sold
New York, Ban Pranolnos. Cnicag and P ntland
y;.CO .LECTIONS HADE on Uioraht tans,
J. E. Yoosa E, W, Ltow
L E Bkaur, L. Puaa
KuwatD t . box.
IS 30,0110. .'. II F MERRILL
Vice-President E J LANNIBO
tahler... lav W UfaAlN
Transacts s gene-s banking business:
Exchange bought and sold on all the prluelpal
cities in the United Htatesi ale on England, Ireland,
Franc and Germany.
Collections mad 0 at all sccessibls points on favor
bla terms,
interest allowed 0.1 time depaaita.
TRANSACT general Bu.kinr bindntm
hBAW SIGHT URAFTd oil Nw York, Han Fr n
eand Portland, Oregon.
LOAN MONEY on approved taeurity.
itECKI VE denoait subject In check.
CO) t.F.cnri v' .ui . . f .. b . terms.
INTEitE-ir paid on tinw.depoetw.
ANK OF aiciO,
stno, oKi.uon,
H Mskiiis
.0 g Mat
K MALC - Ons-half lutsrett ia a
esoii psvh'g husinsss an 1st sttt
for sale Bt a bartfain. For parliculart In
quire at this utlioe.
9aBBBaBBBBBabfirV t
The September elections have all heen held.
The cjueition is have they she! any light on
vrhst the lesult or the presidential contest will
be. In the election in Alabama where the dem
ocrats suffered loss from their fotmer majority,
the cause is traceable to dissensions of a vety
bitter kind in the party rather than from a dis
position on the part cf individual democralato
break their relationship with the party. The
democrats will carry Alobama easily for Cleve
and. In Arkansas the democrat, were pret ty
well united and they have increased their tnajor-
jtyof 18S8 no! withstanding their net loss to the
people's patty will be about ao.coo. The
conclusicn is fairly reached, as thing now look,
that Cleveland will carry all the southern states
though the majorities In tcveial of them will
be materialy reduced on account of defection
to the third party. The elections to take place
in Oeo-jia and Florida the 5th and 4th of text
month may shed some additional lig,ht at to
November results . But the most significant
resu'ts are shown in the elections in Vermont
aad Maine. Here the1 ronteata were squarely
between the democrats and republicans. There
wia no tnird party to modify or mystify the
result. Both patties made the fight with the
effect the le.ult would have on the November
election in full view. As all know who have
kept watch of Maine and Vermont elections,
the real presidential fight jn the'e states is
made at the September elections. Muting the
.ate campaign in these two states ihe repub
licans had M Kinley, Burroughs and many
othcis of their -blest speakers, showing that
tfcey were alive to the impcrtance of the con
test And what is t .c result? In Vermont
where the renublioansin the last presidential 1
" !
year (and that is the vear with which ccm-
t rstisons should be roadel "ad 10.000 maior-
:.. 1, . 1..., .1 . . o .u:
. ' . t iiuiiuutiL ia,uw miii i u. - ;
In Maine in 1SS8 Hanison bad 23,253 major-1
itv and this vear it is less than 12.000. These
IsasAstl. . . ... .
StSOa a I tosses cf tha republicans in these two states j
i5l!'re onunout- lMte 10 - p-opoitiocs '
i would take Massachusetts and .New 1 lamp-
shire out cf the repsblican column In Novern-!
b;r. Theie are indications that the hand
writing it 00 the wall
are cancerned.
so far as republicans j
It doe no: rxqulre a very strong vision
e read Blaine's feeling and thoughts.
That he Is badly disgruntled at the Har
rison crowd needs no Sjcular demonstra
tion more than whst he himself ha made.
True he wrote a letter but such a latter.
J It never mentioned Harrison
! had not a single indica'ion of
once. It
dere for
i- . 1 , i i ,k,
liwas nt" -'- - r.i.,,.
.light of his own neglect to register In
, order that he might vote this fall. It Is full
.1 ,: . .. , .
of indifference a. to the succe. cf Harrl.
! ton. Bialne does not desire tktucces of
1 11 . 11. .j k ...k..
k lea I I :v.i . uu, I a v .
ki. ki, fi laaid .rbd
than to see the party he ha done to much
lo build up be made the subject of the
leadership of Harrison again.
It is amusing lb observe the expression
of republican papers when ibeir editor
read the newt of the Maine elexilon. The
Orro,Vr. aalrl . .mihllean cairt the
. -
. .
ateoy, very i.rge majority. t ne
Seattle 7Ve- Timrs thoutt, -Maine true , nned Johiison and Bly were 011 the as- ; evenings ago be took an Albany Iriend
to her colors," other in 2 !milar way. jcending car. when the brake of the othe j into the patch for the purpose of inibib
The "verv laige majority 'consist in 1 1.- I ear became unmanageable and the disctiidr j ing one of the succulent aqan melons.
... ! inc. mr unliad nulUd it iin n a frarful r.ita i alnddanlw lha tonne man faced a shot
000 or 12,000 compared with 23.253 in
iSSS. If all the republican state shall
stand true to (heir colors in November
with the same per cent of loss it wi
be a
question whether Harrison or Weaver
gets the most electoral vote.
QOnc of the nsoit remarkable struggle we
have ever yet witnessed wa 1 hat of the Ore
gonlao trying to extract hope and tenth ine oat
of the election returns from Msine. With
ranch apparent atiiactioo it declare that it
makes but little difference whether a state
goes republican by 10,000 or 23.00a. Soft
doe r.ot if enough of t f.ent eocs ihet way.
It may be heartless, but it Is prooer 10 inform
nor .te.m..i ik.i
our seemed coternporar, that tbe tame per-
eeatage of tats in ihe wher republican sUtes
at occured in Maine will leave its parry very
l.ttle bope of success in November.
Carl Schurzwiii deliver twelve speeches
for Cleveland and 8tevennn in Illinois
and Wisconsin six In each state. Wis
consin I where Mr Schurz tint took up
hit aboie whet, exiled from Germany .
He helped to make that ilate republican
and now he will seek to undo the wrong
of his more indiscreet manhood. Mr
Schurz' speeches vU: have a powerful
effect in solidifying the German vole for
A disp.tch from Winston North Carolina
Or. J.J. Molt of Siatrsvill.lias declined iosc-
cept the place on tbe Republican Sta'e ticket
to which be wasnomintted yesterdsy.snd says
be will vote the Democratic ticket. Mctt is
Cfille-i the "Iron Hake'' of North Carotins, sad
has for many years been ihe dictator of the I
Republican party in this Slate. His action
insures a Democratic victoiy in Ihe State.
James G Blaine says In his "Twenty
Year in Congress" that it must be ac
knowledged that under the low tariff of
'46 there was universal prosperity acd that
all c'asses were satisfied with the condi
tion of industrial affairs. How is it now?
Labor cuts and labor strikes every wheie.
and our i;old going abroad on every de
parting steamer.
Fourteen years ago James A Garfield
said: "I am for protection that lead to
ultimate free trade." That was before the
republican party became a lying-in hos
pital for the promoters of trusts, combines
and monopolies.
It looks like the republicans of Washing
ton are about to bury themselves In" the
ast ditch Lake Warhington canal.
Dealt. 1 i Casji&i ha Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased Dortion of I
no ear. mere is only on
wav to cure Deafness, and that is bv
tional remedies. Death la ranted try an in
flamed condition of tha maooej lining of tl
BustchlnTobc. when this tubaeeUHnnami
too hve a ruinDiine s unit or Irunarrect bear
ing, and when tt is entirely closed Deafnet I
the rwtilt, and unless .ho Inflammation can bo
taken out and this tnoo restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever;
nine esse out ot tan are caused by cstarrh.
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mneon surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollar for any
oasa of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not ba cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
tneulars, free.
V. J. CHENEY A CO. , Toledo, 0.
AST Sold by Druggists, 7 Sc.
lo order to make room for our large
new full slock we will jive a special cash
discount of 10 per cent 011 all purchases
for the i.ext thirty days.
Thb Ladies Bazaar .
Couuh Svinu contains no opiatr eafsMfl or
any minerals, and osu h ) oungtst sod meet '
del loate child with perfect tslety. it is su
infahblo cure for roup and whooping ooug 1.
A hottl should alwat a ha kept convenient
ss it is also a certain our for ooogha, onlds,
consumption in its early stsgas, bronchitis.
BSthtna all throat and lung tioobles. 25
tnd 50c per 1 ottl. Hold by J A Cumuii.ig,
A I irg atoeii of oruaiag shars ud prun
ug h.o's, tb hast mads, just rsooivtd at I
Stewart at Sox's. Now is the titi to us:
hem .
A Bib Hawl.
San Fhancihco, Sept 16. -Jewelry con-
taininjr tliutnonds ami rubies valued at
1260,000 wtu found by a cuatoms innHK (cr
upon the person of Samuel Sondheiui. one
of the paBgencer on the steamer China,
shortly after her arrival from Yokohama
this morning. Sondheim, jvho has resided
in Yokohonia during ihe pant three yearn,
is on his way to New York, where he con
ducts a wholesale jewelry business. The
stuff was taken to the custom-house, and
unless Sodhwini can prove that it is of
American manufacture it will lie mnfiaeafc-
d ami sold
Wild stumor.
Jkrnky City, N J, Sept 10. This dif
had three ch ilera scares last night and this
morning. It was reported a case of cholera
had been found in bteuben street. Then
rumor had it that the cholera hail broken
out in a Morris street tenement, and thin
morning it was settled positively, according
to report, that somebody was tick with
cholera in Kasex street. Health Inspector
Menjaiuin declared none of the rumors had
any foundation in fact.
Two Farsarr.
Portland. Sept It!. Frank McKay and
Havrnest Loppe, two farmer from Washing
ton county, came to Portland yesterday and
celebrated the event bv getting drunk.
They went into a China wash-house on
Fourth and Madison streets, and finding
several Chinamen there eating, proceeded
to make things unpleasant. Wong Tow
objected and McKav struck him with the
butt of his whip. The Chinamen was ter
ribly cut, and a stream of blood was pouring
down his face when he came into the jiolice
taion. McKay and lioppe slept last night
in a cell.
rreltjr ratal.
Si'rimifirlo, Mas?, Sept 16. At the
second day's races of the Syringfield tour
nament Harry C Tyler, in a special trial
wi'h a peaoemaker. brought the record for
one mile, with a standing start, down to
OJkll' - I : t , I ;
Kw dof-iin.. ll th h n ; l .t
' uv ?i , , n,i u;. ?i.;.
...i. . .1. . : :.. .1.1. 11 i
ui lue i.iihiii(uuuiii ui lue aunu. ,
A Beeafdl lawere-di
. . . . .. i
naumiMi. inn. .-eni io. I no wortu t
tynjsjld stallion reconl of 2.V2H wa.
broken here today bv Moiuette, who trot
ted toe mile 111 .':1U Cat over a
trac- ne I. S reconl was mle hy
; Mc Kinney, ai Stockton, last vear
In Hew 1 or,
New York. Sept 16. I hiring the past
24 a ours at least SO cases of snsperted
cholera have been reported to the health
deportment but most proved not to be
cholera. It is not thought the disease will
spread mach.
oi Ft UktesreeJ.
New York, Sept 1.V Thi morning
opeits bright and frosty and New York is
thus enjoying just the kind of weather to
prevent the spread of cholera. The few
cases which nave appeared here, and wbictt
; were conaled bv the board of health, have
in no wav alarmed the authorities or citi -
.a a a . a
: rens. 1'eook Issre nave taeracna educated
j up to the point of having little or no fear;
fgZ dreaded disease.
1 "
ra the casBBalsa
. -
CAKmo""' , T i
: Horace Boies opened the canipaifn by a 1
1 , . , . - . . . - - w
; speech in this uty t(.Uy in the preibte ot onuinauc denxecratt. in
his speech he (leclared this to be the most
, important campaign 01 recent year. 1 he
tanff quesuon tras the great twjoe. an-I the
iir.w fnr the lumen to rkemand stirrraaaei
1" . , 7:
hail arrived.
j A de.i.
i Spoeaxb, Wash, Sept lo. Word ha
jat reached this citv of a fearful accidVnt
: which happen. J at the old tramway on the
' which hainvre J at the old tnunw
anCic 1 : : a.u a. T .
g . rf - . (; -
1 wo utrii
; T-v, ;, aM:irf ... trmlM ...
toe power bouse, and hurting Johson and
11 lv w feet throuarb tbe air. my stroek
I against the building and was instantly
' Killed, joonson srrncK a man named icier
: knocking him down and seriously injuring
ki lk-w. H,ll
A I'erattar Case
Astoria. Sept t V- The city of A.doria
has a case in tbe circuit court against ex
Chief of police W J Harry to recovtr sevtr-
I ai tftnnsand dollars which was collected by
. him while the delinquent tax roil of 1S9Q
I in his
An important phase
of this case wa developed at the last inert-
: ing of the city council, when Mr Harry sub-
muted a proposition, which lie allege max
'h" November there wa stolen from hi
! ofBcB the sum of 47JO. which be want
. Mocted fnm ci,T-, cIaim. This Is the
first knowledge that the council has had of
such a robbery.
Asalast Xew Varft:
I'pnama, (via Galveatoo). Sept to. In
conse-inence of the outbreak of cholera In
New York, all Columbian ports will be
closed against vessels hereafter sailing from
tha" citv. Ihe fteamship ewport. which
j taiiea on septratier te tor toion. nowever
, will be allowed to land passengers and
, freight if no cholera be found on board.
A Fast ige.
IxDEPEXDENr-g la. Sept 15. John P
Johnson, the fut Minneapolis bicyclist,
made a quarter of a mile from a flying
sttrt today In 27 2-5 second, which beat
the worid s record, made by Zimmerman.
Johnson will try for .ill records up to one
Five Vases la The City
New York, Sept 14. The board of
health announced this afternoon that, from
a bacteriological exciunination made by Pro
fessor Herman Briggs on the bodies of sev
eral suspected cholera patients, there have
been Ave deaths from Asiatic cholera In the
city of New York. All these cases were
originally reported to the hea'th authorities
I as suspected cholera, and have been under
investigation oy poysiciuns connected who
the department.
The titlaallea la Baaabam
Hambcro. There have been 609 fresh
cases of cholera in this city today, or 41
fewer than yesterday, and about 100 fewer
than the daily average for the previous two
weeks. Tbe deaths have numbered 203, or
24 fewer than yesterday. The interments
have numbered 818, In tbe cholera hos
pital and barracks 11191 patients are under
treatment. Tbe mortality is mostly among
naif starred women and children, from the
poorest quarters of the city.
The Maine Eleellaar.
Lewiston, Sept 14. Returns from 429
towns, nearly the whole state, show that
Cleaves, republican, for governor, has 65,
804; Johnson, democrat, 53,1 16; Hossy,
prohibition, 3 18; Bateman, people's. 2262.
Ihe republican plurality is 12.688. The
remaining towns will not materially alter
this result. So far as heard from, the re
publicans have elected 1 1 1 representatives
and the democrats 34, with six districts to
bear from 'Ihe Inst house consisted of 110
republicans and 4t democrats.
Burglar In New berg.
NurwBBRo.Or, Sept 14. This morning
between 12 and 1 o'clock tbe depot was
broken open and 1150 stolen. The liurgiarB
first went to Dickinson's blacksmith shop,
broke it open and took a sledge hammer,
tongs and a punch. From there they went
'to the depot, where they forced an entrance
through a window and succeeded in open
ing the safe.
Vive Desperad Arretted.
Deming. N M. Sept 14. Five of the
members of the notorious Dalton gang were
captMred here last night. Those captured
were Bob Dalton, leader of the gang; Geant
! Dalton. Amy Dal ton, Sam Wingn. and
: Three-Fingered Jack. Deputy Marshal
Williams has been following on the trait of
j the desperadoes sinco their list robbery.
The Lone shwayman.
Amaiigo, N M, Sept 14. The mail from
Pagosa Springs to Amargo was held up
yesterday by a lone highwayman. One
passenger was robbed of a small sum and
about 81000 was taken from the registered
mail jmckages.
iSee our bargsin oouotsr.
W,F Rbab.
See W P Read's hn of drasi gocdsj'aud
hefor buying alsswhar.
It baa been learned that
pheasants like watermelon.
A man in Yamhill county put in a bill
at the County Court tbeie for services as
challenger at the June election. Of
conrie it was rejected.
Jerry Dale, of, Calif., bad
his pocket picked of 60 at Salem. He
felt hail! y at losing bis puree as be had
carried it since loft!.
The raised lill racket has twen worked
successfully in the capital city ; but then
the horse races there have Drought all
the thugs and cut throats of the N W to
gether and robbery is the order.
It is reported that there are no vacant
dwellingn in Albany. Advance. Just
about correct. Put' that fact in both
ears, ye tnosahacks o CrvaUis and Ku -gene.
...... . i
A lorg halred.long bearded man pasted
through Aibanv this noon. He preaches
that all people who shave or cut their hair
will cross the river with Charon sure.
Ros Head, the bov who was airested for
throwing egg at ihe street evangelist, was
fined $5 and cost, amounting to $24' He
paid the fine and skipped ihe town to
avoid paying the rest. He (oid the mar
shal when arrested that a certain business
man of this cl'.y would have to pay the
fine, and it is probable he did. Eugene
Mr John Swikehammer.the well known
and accomplished log chopper and lect-!
itrer, who was in the city yesterday in '
forms the Man Abont Town that be will
begin leeturing in the valley about the
1st of November, the incipient lecture 1- ,
ing at Halsev, with Albany third on the
liet. For some months he baa been as-
aidnouslv read inn iluliiihold. Spencer s
II 111 lev and othererndiia scientists and 'i
-y . ..i! 1
prepared to present uie puui.c a
facU on important matters that will edi-
portant matters that will edi-
Albany should give Mr Swike-
IF them
- . . . n
Professor T C Aubrey, principal of the
Heppner schools, about two weeks ago
tnAlr 1.1 fmitr ant ittviV. In Arlinatawt.
there taking Ihe nam lor some pi see nn-
ktiOWn- ne leaves a large number of
creditors, mostlv small sums. Coagress-man-elect
Ellis was a creditor to the
amount of M00 and George Conner 1600
Tha Uiier however, held notes to the
amount of tSOO as collateral. One of the
notes, for 145. signed by I L Beymer, it
pronounced by Mr Beymer a forgery.
A warrant has been issued for Aubrey's
arrest. llepner fiaxette.
In view cf the advent of cholera in the
U. 8. rules ar being given everywhere
for precautionary measure against the
dread disease. Boiled down, they are lo
keen clean, remove all filth. Neither
: drink nor eat between meets and 00 1 7
! wholeaoiae food and pure water. Warm
1 a a e a a ft... ) I dK fT 1
IOOO is new. ana ixisiea waier 11 si su
. u. . ... .
Here is this week s jJi'i City Gazettes
O Pitem: Oregon Pacific have oecored
another extension of time on the money
,., i n. million rlMUe nneohaao
7 Baat a aaaa, aa wa aaaw ........ - wwawwaawaa
onai ,k la That virto-
iaT,h0, that there will be no work i
s on ,i,c extension this rear, and if they
; procraatinale. for years to come. Wa ,
we in hope th Uiev would complete
. - . 1 1. , ... .-.: . . 1..., 1. .
ivr tlia ui i. a ran taiiuis, uu- .jjw
matter i now settled beyond onestion.
: that the toad will not be boil! to Boise
j City, even next year.
A good joke is told on sn
i ToanE man. Hi fattier owns a
b:g wa
x 7--
-t lew
I 1. . ..1. I. . .
iciukhjii p4Uii auiaaiuTinvi.
nd m .r.. lQok nM Lalkinir
j to explain maiurs, lot uae man was on
the shoot, as was proven aw bile after-
use snoot, at was proven
i wards when the Albany boy carried off
aeverai snots in ins "out.
f '
Charles Kuvr. a pianist and insur
ance agent, last night had an experience
with electricity that will be remembered
by him for alt time. He was assisting in
tbe piano music in Whale's instrumental
booth and durinc tbe evening: the pavil
ion was suddenly darken! owing to tbe
electric light failing 10 work
j took hold of the htmp in Whale's booth.
which did not begin to burn as qui-kly
a ins remainder, wnen ua waa biii a
shock causing mm to iau 10 uie noor in-:
stanCy in the greatest agony, lt wvs
nearly an hoar before be became con
aeiotte. tfalem Journal.
A convict of the Indiana penitentiary
hit tbe nail on the bead (then in answer
to a question as to bow bis downward
course liegan, replied, in "trying to beat ,
2:4i with a three-roinnte horat." How
BBSkBy people in all branches of business
are Irving to beat 2:d0 with a three-
, tninnte business The man who has a
! small enterprise that is paying him, and j
goes into debt, is vainly endeavoring to !
perform the same leal, acd tne young
man who receives a small salary and
spends more money for ice cream, per
fumery, etc-, soon begins to realize that ;
he ieiiying to beat 3:40 with a three
minute salary. There are thousands of
people making the tame mistake the
the world over Kx-
aga tiE xr
Pa.ker Hrt, grooars.
r. M p'renth keeps rsilrc-a.
Kay yoarlgrooen-Ts of I'art
Piasgroorriss atCuno & II
i rtto
latest ht music at Wi't A; I.iok'e.
Now orevm ohaea jnst teotived at Coma
C W C ', job printer, Flioa H. dots
fink c'a eork.
Smoke a caUiiratad Havta t'll.-d 5 cent
oigar a; J ihas Joseph .
D.- M H Bliit, iihysietta
an 1
city 'or
Aloa... 'otion. t
ma I I 1
eonalry .
With bis new bakery C una I
sole in 'ar old .n l nw cistnmrs
tbina 'I rlaS i 1 hake I go wl 1.
Iu order ta rtrtqc nnr st k wo will i
ear tin lir of groceries at "tiaah for r
siietiy csh. A Ira ft. .
Cal) an J tee new fall dress goods at W
F Read's.
Large si ek of white goods and embroid
eries at W F ltesd CVs.
Tha lSkl iu nl ..f!ee in the'oity at C'oaia
otayer a
You can save money bv buy in.; of Read
11 AltKlllil.
evening, Sept. 15th, 1892, at the residence
of the groom's dstighter.Mrs P J Smiley,
In Albany, by Rev T J Wilson, Mr M M
Marks and Mrs tnna W Stover, of Scio.
On Wednesday evening, Sept 14, 1892, at
8:30 o'clock, st the residence of T L
Wallace, bv Rev E R Pilchard, Mr
George Morehouxe, the welt known elec
trician, and Miss Lll'ian Hackleman, sitter
of Mrs Wallace, a life long resident of U.e
Willamette vtllcy. The ceremony was
performed In the presence of a few rela
tives and friends, under a beautiful floral
bell, and was followed by warm congrat
ulations and a fine wedding supper. The
happy couple were handsomely remem
bered" by their friends with valuable and
serviceable weddiug present. They will
spend a couple months In California, when
they will beeln housekeeping in thl city.
their future home. That happiness and
prosperity may be their lot is the wish of
many friends.
netday evening, Sept 14, 189a, at the resi
dence of Q B Skinner, in Albany, by Rev
J T Abbott, Mr R L Gilson and Miss
Ollle Thompson both of Tallmsn.
MH t U.I,t.
September 15th, Iwj
The ramping season It not over in oor
lie c.y in u.o toot ..his ana people are ;
still film nir unit I'ninir nlmiiat. ju much
.. , .. ...... . .
as a month ago.
Public school will open on Monday, the
10th inst There will be a large attend
ance. Mrs Hattic Tillotson will be the
Mineral Springs Seminary, the new
high school at this place, will take its
initiatory step in school work next Mon-
I ho I yih int. There
together with its extreme healthful l--a-
tion, will be a gisat future stimulus to
its progress. Several counties will be .
represented Ibis year, embracing two ,
uy, ... i.iii ini. inere win oe lour , , B Tj , - , diire t0 iMy equp i.imaelf fcr Hi ser
instrtictoriand a good attendance for its S2j"? l.Y.7l . ",D"W vice in .he Posoel minutre. to thl. end he
lirst year. Twenty-six branches of study J 4 Al th. Jne m t court ta 1 hd spent Two" years in Jh prepsratory
To tefc it" initio,, pTe Uu'we" ' U ' WU . d-Unent of llonmo uh Coirege',!.....
1 Mr W W Parrish has completed his :-:wii Eaves, J Keiierman. Mrs Keller
j bath houses ahd, though 'tis late in the n,n. 0 B Touteloutte, Mr Tnuteloutte.
' anmiMnr tlaas 1. 1. t.t. - - bnni
pretty busy. Mr P. is well pleased with i
the patronage he has thus fir received. !
To )m .h!. t M . m;nA 1 !
bath at any time is no small indoc niB. !
' to people to come to our loan.
Dr Hill's mammoth store and ball
building is nearly finished. This is the j "vl
, largest building ,0 the town, being 41x54 j DivJKDeaxy Cosnccr A young roan
on the ground and 28 It high. H the Dr n,metl 0'Jwei, of Ibanon. we unde. and
bni U a few mora rneh structures we , , o( (hc Woo,en mill man, was ar
will make a call for electric lights, street , rnte6 by Marshal Hoffman, this after
ratlwaya and other like luiproveaientr. noon for"diordariwre,r.H..r i . w.,,i
.... ; : 1 I
Work has been beun on another !
! I .ltt;M
. " J " " , i
: nnder construction.
, , . ... . .. 1
. The fact that Soda;!!, ta making itself .
lell in the outside world becoming
evi Jeut.
September 15th, 1S92
Again it become us to record another !
death. In one week Ihe two son of R A the people of thai city are to be congratu
and Ruth Bamford have been taken from j hued on trelr actien. fork will be be
t this world of sin and sorrow. Charles O
, Bamford was born August 9th, 1S74, In
reori counir, in, -le came wim lit
parent 10 Oregon In the spring of iSSc.
lie made a public profettion of Christ
Feb. 13th, i8S7, in connection with the
United Presbyterian church of Oakville.
On account of tailing health he went to
the home of hi sitter at Hall's Summ it,
Kansas, last
mate seemed
October. A change of cli-
to help him, but afier the
death of hi brcther-in law he began to
decline, and in one week after the death
of hU dear brother he was called. Melvln
died on Uie
-.1. rh.,l n., .ik
on the lath
of SelemHe, II, .a an .live member
: of the YPSCE
of Oakvllie and wa
failhful in all chrhtian duties. Christian
parents mourn not, for all who know you
know that you liavc done your dutr and
your children testified to thl ta Iheir ac-
tion. To part wi'h those we love U sad,
but God kre,.. beat and He doeth .1!
, j
BE At SAT ATE s s LI .
Robert Glass lo School Diet 2A lots.
hi 7. G's A. Ctawfordsvitle t
Alfred C Dittenaner to Ievi Doag-
bu. 90x1 Q feet, Harritbarg
P W Homphrey to Levi Dong las,
10x180 feet', Harris bang
has Pfeitfer to Josephine Klein, K
feet front, lot 7. bi 14. LA
Clinton Cola to P w Haley, IS.dT
acres 10 w 4
Jos L rrickeon to Mart Muter, 13
acre II w 2
A and K Geisler to Roxa Ferguson.
1 acre IS w 1 .
K M and Bella Sntioni to J T Will-
lMBEa.24.S3 acre II w 4 and 5
K Keebl to F. SThew, 15 Vi Acre
ii w
J to J P Cheeher. 56
1 , , , , n.
nwi ui , iswawBa nw .....
AMStOLMtataBT. -Having severed toy
connec'tan with the Albany nurseries, I
take this opportunity of'tendertng my
sincere thank. lo all former patron and
friend ot the above nurseries for their
literal patronage. I am still engaged in
the nuraerv business, having ocated just
; acrns the river, in Benton conntr, one -
i half mile a rat of the Albar.v high leel
bridge on the Rainwater deration claim.
where I am growing a fine a lo? of tree
as can ba seen In ant nuraerv ta the Wil-
lamelte VaKey. Tree for le Ihi fad a'.
' nursery, alao at my lree Si AS-
t . - , , ,
own. dwai:mg your luvtur.. o uci, 1 ant
Your tr. lv.
I A HvatAK.
Prcptieiar of the Wc gida Nurseries.
c 1 n 1 r 1
Don t fail lo visit
Th druggists They cTy a large aad
holcetlock ot drug,' patent mrdiHne.
etc. Prescription are si way carefull
nd attended lo.
It will
Pay y u.
Volts ATTKXTtOM is caucd to rear line e
1 wenne ronumet, cape, txkct'.blazcrt sad
-frit, which is now complete.
ney are tailor-made aad guaranteed tjt.
1 he cloth aic of the latest fabric .
Very truly,
Sabi'el K. Young.
i Laoixs 0.fO5. 1 now have a
pleie lite rsrtirp In 1 rice frets lo
f.5o a psir. Ceod value tn i every pair
warranted. Sawckl Yocxr;.
Nkw I'pocxks. Cobb, the printer, has
: bought the exclusive right for this city
i and county for the F E Tartar chromatic
j printing prcccs. ar.d will mak color
j printing on- ' ' - - prclal'des. Pee sam-
plea ot hi late nor.
R - rgaiot at Read .
tir t in :. Hoaies.
iv.-j.::!. VDU
I home and make It attractive with Hvbrid !
- . ocoioo a.iu wiici couicw iuick, uiu a.iu
' new vaiieties of Japanese roses and shrubs.
Orders taken for th above and all kind
,; of fruit and ornamental thade trees at J
! A Hy man's, lit 1st St, Albany Or.
I, . , , . , .
iMeoarANT. To know thai the Hersme
fc Long Piano gives perfect satlsfacion.
stands in tune longest, and is an endless
pleasure to sit who buy them at B E Hy -man's,
First st, Albany, Or.
Littlsr tt ;Bai.i.,J dentists, make no
charges for extracting teeth wl ce they
put artific'al plates. You can save
money hy having them do your dental
work. OlVic In Tweedal block, Albany,
i iregou .
Bkaa Baby was stott, r gar bar Ctwtarta
Whan aha was a Child, aba cried far CaStorta
Whan die beeams Ml, eh olung ta raatwrta.
hen she bad Children, ah gar them Caalort.
W are going tojpu. the prises do wr to
etali and sU for oath oaly. Al'hsros.
Do You Nkeo a Baby Buooy? Fort
miller & Irving have just received a fin
assortment. Rubber tires. Each tup
plied with a patent brake, a great thing.
69 lo 3 W Cobb, saotxitorta faitiev A
nji!, Pliaa Block, far y mrjib printing
tf all binds
Com and se',thv beautiful! Exposition
ruby glass war at J Gradwhol's baxaar.
To riss in th morning with a bad tats in
th month and no appetite, indicates that
thsstomah eods strengthening. For this
purpose, thsr is natoing better than an oc
casions! dose of Ai'sPills taken at bad
Th. best; wlry at Will & Stark's,
, ( K ' ( -1 t ,
John Brown, of Lane
taxx, worth , by Iire r h ,
r 1 n't1"'
w.nti inirnii, tjt j.-iu; i:uu i:v. oil anon
1 The year M son ot 8 J Itrown died on -I
Toeaday sod was tinned yesterday. Rev
! Abbett cor.durdi g tbs services.
One of the new imprnvi moo 'a at iVateiloo
is a sidewalk Mtuttnfl from tha ntr l,tl tn
the woolen mill. I3 fut It is ths Brst idt-
i walk in that Looming town. !
BabMOoest .lli laviu havinr, cU.,lw !
' r a 11 list n '11 Ik la rt r a. r. I 1.
81 p. akr Arrivcd. Steamship VVil
lamet'c valley arrived at 2:j this
with ihe following paengem: Mi p
lacoi. Mm E Jackson. Tho lones
CiTV CoutciL.-An adjourned meeting
'he city council was neld lat evening.
An ordinance aooroortatinflr 6coo for the
protection of the bridge piers wa pasted,
end the time of Livingstone & Lear fr
Krd'n.5 rrst street, Milne lo pine e- j
t i Bask l . t - .
street house." andai nra .ime . in the i
,.ui iuTrZZ
V""B "1
, . , , .. - I
V.0.X 1 RAti ui. inn morning ine
,. ,;.. Atlrtt
directors of the Hsrriburg diich company
met at llarriahtirir and I W ibe e..n!rar. Sne '
. . '
K,,u.ti.. , ,k. ,.. iT ,i - in ii, i i: tr. ii !
for about $S.Soo. The ditch iill be two j
mile sort 100 feet I. and Mr Kellev. '
who was In the city this tunr., informed
the I) s stoca at. he thought could he
built in rome where near two month. It
Hj be a splendid thln for llarrttburx.2nd
: gun .n a lew aays.
, a Jap Aeoct-rkD -Two lap have been
j .... . .
i I" th ,ner tbf Celapooia
bridge. One of t!icm has a sixteen year
on daughter. A car or two ago me
other took the girl and left
toe the North
with htr. The father dec!ared 'hat she
had been abducted, and on complaint 10
i "? 0,"" wJ J'P arres.eo
thU nsornlng at Oregon City, whence :he
w7f""u 8or,-,
! K5 "an'ed, wssjo get hU daughter
back nd rha! Hoffman will go there
, IOr lne tame.
, aarntv.
Cjngreaiman Hermann will snake several ,
f spwacbet in Oregon .
; Monthly meeting of the" Bailiiag & L-
Aaaoc-aboo totught
w h a . M ,nb ,
I Ijih Afp tgaUu to deliver ao dd:w in
; Lebanon ia tb ittere tf Weaver and Field '
aaeo.-dieg to the Ad vane.
A iaege nnaaber of atadaaf have arrivid
. ta Albany reaiy foe their stain, which
beg.o on Mooday .
Soma welcome run to-an 1 rx- rrnvrtaJ ia i
, e I the Ctacada tatycad Uatar. reviag af saea- i
tasaab'e vale ta pattiaz ant la tire that .
cave teen lagtag
Tt: Btas atag a p- rta; ... the ovarlaad
wan'ed four toavaa cf Mud badly, an I ha
paid a drsyeaaa SO wa a to g.t Use a. Total j
70 await, or 1734 erot a "uai
Tea Lace Lamba- . eagae ar rxgawUei
30 j bUhag up thta A'nacy y sip aad irc )ard .
at Sino2Ct!d. sr-.i.h as tarn a lei f Jneabar I
. a wa ever
taaaafaetaran :a tha Lata.
! Meseor.
Mtrsbal Ht Sanaa retained from Ore-en '
j City thi tsooa with Its vMog Jmsmss .
- gii! tVgtn tn have been ahd acted .Sh .
waa returned ta her father. The aUtaettw i
I alao rettif o-l . The TtaS".r does nsl aeasi ,0 ;
j have been very svnoa-.
At te .....- rsc-.s -ara yan:rv!sv a
great treat u preaeted to lavrt sj fast
Oat tic-. Althaa. two tid. United a '
j aula ia S-27i. Lawanng , racord for two
. year elds aurth of Sir Kranjctsov; It'oadts
paced a mile ia 2:17; Altanaat Madicta '
trotted ia S:rS V-
j , 1 ;i.. A :
Tuiat w.-Last during,
1 the W B C camp fire Dieaie serosa the!
1 river, sever. I Albanr boys, who were
hanging aroo'd, look advantage of the "
ootBbiioo to he.o thejieelres to some wa- j
termeloos in cueofCspt Phillip patch !
I The patch proved to be guarded Two
Niovi miioi :n quiC
there waa a live scattering of tbe melon
I. ....... Il l . . c .1 1
thieves, vt hen the smoke cleared un it
was ounrf that Fred West brook bad
- three o 6 shot in two Sngsra and an
rtn. W ho did tbe shooting is not known,
i nor, is it (material. The melon owners
do light to protect their property. No j
i one baa anv more right to steal melons :
. from s field than to Uke a sack of tlonr '
SSB a Be IB,
At th mo. ting of tbe Rtuldto A Inaa
Wistioa Isataitrht 512waalore(Ito
Jos Hdwaat55moatks uateree: loadvaoce.
Th beat way to avweS ct!p dueaawa, hair
i . , f, "
..gpwv. ran peaaaasa Dwuaaaar to oaa
tne rawt preveative kaowa tor that parpore
Hir Bair Renesrar.
Tha long haired iog-r pot ia the tvsaW
tooie irvrn din ixi I, r Ar fne
dutnihinv I ho naaea. waa rUmJt tI.w .1
i left the city. He began to have lite, which
I do cot 4,0 we' I with Albany prison.
I Surveyor Campbell ha nearly buished
; running the but township liner, embraced ia j
hi contract, acd when Iht is done lb work
will he open for the inspector, who will ao I
doubt b ready to report bv the rirt ofl
October. -Gazette.
Tie tint of the week Mr J U '.:. bad I
j th miafortone to I oaa hi hour aad most f
) hi faraitsr hy lir. 1 h lire eacgbt from j
1 defeotive Hoe and no means could ba j
bronghi about hy which the rlsrac could He
extiegaished. Insurant oa tb home $300,
jfurDiture U00. lo t $1000. Brownsville
) Tim.
On Sunday, tb IS'-b of Spt, there will
I w a niissioosrv taatival in hsckietnso's
j grove, hold by th German Latheraa eoe- I
. grejatiou of Albaay and viciaity Th divin
j trvic8 in German ianenas will oommene
at 10 a m, bv Rev J G Mever from Salem,
t i. I 1: l 1
.30 p ni hv Kev J j
lo cae i: sbou'd
1 . .un. inqu aiwa
raid then th serv-.cj will K in tbe W C T
C Hall. Evrfbody cordially iavi'rd.
Sobb Tbotmxo. Yesterday and day !
before at the fair ground 2 mile races j
were trotted between J H Howards, and
Chas E Hermans horse?, for 40. each j
day. Howards horse won both races by
a smali distance, the best in 7:28. To-I
morrow a race will be trotted between t
the horses of Howard. G W Willis and j
Cril Burkhart
FaYcSl Lebanon Acciosxr. Yesterday
afternoon at Lebanon Mr Joa Wassom,
one of Lebanon's prominent citizens,
once a candidate for county clerk, was
sitting on the bank of a ditch being dug
near the pa par mill for the drainage of a
pond there, when the bank caved in,
covering him up under two or three feet
of dirt. When taken out he was found
to be deed, having been crushed and
mothered. Mr Wassom was a single
young man, highly respected by all. His
death cast a general gloom over Lebanon.
FsaPaBsiDBKT Okovbk Clbvblanu,
of New York.
For Vies Prbsidbkt A. E. Stkvbn
son, of Illinois .
For Pbbsibbkti sl Electors G toast
Nolakd, of Clatsop county, R- A. Millbr,
of Jackson countv, W. F. Bi'tcmbr, of
Baker county, ud W. L. Colvki, of Jack
ton count v.
Monrt to Loan. I have money in
sums of 1600 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, at lowest current rates. No
delay in furnishing the money.
Rssl estate agent. Albany, Oregon.
Os dollar saved is t o dollst earned . Be
to All Bros tnd buy your groceries at
8LERPLKSI INIGHTS mace miters hi
y that tarribls esngk. Shiloh a'Corai th
I Ua-TBIJrafJ , ;. iw asswa. lueuiuisyn, gA
Belsilal was tke Bealh ar M elala Ban,
forel. Neaawcr "f r v. r
Betllr, OreajOB.
Melvln Bamford was the elder son of
R A and Ruth Baaifaid, of Oakville, Or
He was born In Peoria county, HL, Jan .
toth. 1872. He nrofesaed hi fslth in
Christ F"eb. iltn, 1&J7, in connte'loti with
the United Prsa'jjrterlan church of Oak-
v'c. Or. Having thus early consecrated
himself to the Master it was hi earnest
with his sister, Mrs Edna Hart, spent part
of hi vaca'fnn with his parents. Mrs
Hart being tklied home by the ickneo
' ; her ht'sband, Metvin accompanied her.
: and after the death of Mr Hart, fell under
; the power of the same disease, typhoid
' fever, and passed awsy Sept. 71b, 189:, to
I "the house not made alth hand."
He was an earnest christian, steadfast
' in his profession, always delighting in
cmuttan worn. When our society o C
E. was organized he wa chosen it first
pre blent. In whtUver capacity he
served, whether as President or on com-
mittee, hi work wss done with supreme
' reference to the welfare cf the society and
' the glory of hrist. He was a dutiful
son. a loving brother, a genial companion
: and a happy christian.
It is fitting that we as a society of C. K.
should give suitable expression 10 our
a.. a a a
!ho.u,d f"e ,utle "Pr5Mu" ;
leeung arm make appropriate rccoro 01
feeling and make appropriate record cf
,hi, (olemn providence coming to near to
" r 1
u, inotioic
Resolved, it. That while we bow ta
hnnMe .uhmi.ibr. 10 the will eaf Mirn
who "doetb all thine well.
et In the
",d 01 r sorrow we would tb.nWuily
remember the merciful goodnes of God
in leading him so earlv to become a wit
net for Christ and permitting him to pats '
to peacefully from the active duties of
Ha -into Ihe real that rernaineth."
Resolved, 2nd, That we will affection-
atelv cherish the memory of his sterling
qualities at a christian gen'.leman and
Resolved, 3rd, That we deeply sympa- :
thize with the parent and children in
their sore bereavement and present sfftV .
tion and commend them to the tender tove
j of the ompataiona'e Savior, '
Resolved, slh. That these reo:uien
' be recorded In the minute of the society
and that a copy be sent to the famflr and 1
' one for publication ta the county papers ;
and the "Oregon Endeavoter.'
Oakville, Or., Sept. 13th, 1S92.
A M Achcsox,
Eva Williamson,
J E Hamilton',
A f tiding of duUrttxt,
languor, and dsprvjasion mesas that
yvjor Liver isn't doing its out. That
mesas impure blood, to begin with,
aad all Bands of ailments in the
Bat 70a can stop them in cvdvanoe.
Dr. Pierce's Golden. Medical Dskot
erjr inTigoratas tbe liver, rajrifuM ssd
enriches the blood, and rouses every
organ into healthy action. It pre
rents and cares all rHesners arising
from a torpid Iirer or from impors
hiood. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bil
iousness, Scrofalon, Skin and Scalp
Diseases syren Consumption (or
Lung-scrofals ), in its earlier stages,
all yield to it.
Has makers of tbe "DiscoTery"
claim for it only what it will do.
They guarantee that it trill do it.
If it tails to benefit or rare, in
any case, they'll return the money.
Nothing else that claims to porify
the blood is sold in this war ;
: which Droves, no matter what
. . a T .
dealers may offer, that nothing else
can be " just as good.'" Thajrvafore,
don't accept a sabstitiito.
i te'l " r-o
; ing lioh vy. Chronu. lonvHn btr.- Piatt,
1 "A1 ' B ' TL' V' '
wartar.- Isdtmhv ftlfa aWt Til
1 SkuM, H avtdai ears rralwt,.- -
- with th k ainary S jr. Jt -
hM"f?r"r kaawt.l.1. .
eawt ly aaaiu. he 1 T -- f - .
' wha a adtwn ataasstah aarl
! bean. rafai 1 sdtert( -1 - -
, T. ra
Sj-i dtr
. f d u
! IarftaSsaaaa. O
-le tgaal
w .wra laraaTta r
MatwaeaikRl.ati .!
IVm. A.itnm
Spatlieg of patent n:cdiein8,ihe Jndga
sst s: " I wish lo deal fairly and honora
bly with ail, and when 1 find an aittale
that will do what II ta recommended to
do, I am not sabamad to say to. I an
acquainted with Dr Vanderpool, (baring
bean treated by him for canotr)and have
used hi blood medicine, known as the
S B Head'ohe and Liver Cure.and while
I am vnty five years old, and have
u ad many pills and other remedies foe
the blood, liver and kidneys, I mast say
that for a kidnav tonta in Brlgbt's
disease, and aa an sJterativ for tha
blot id, or to correct the aotlon of the
stomach and bowels It la a vety superior
remedy, aud bsata anything: I aver tried,
Yaklms Wash.
lt50cHit a bolt 0. It U th.
laixit1. ftrienl and fi-ily doctor.
Beat stock of Sud'saW" goods In I hi
Vallsy, and th moat reasonable prioea
hsv on hand all kind of
O oe.door wast "of B B Yobb 's old sto
Laws! fegyB "ifefc ;
tsT m jB stAcarrio
itfpfrot t at m. vnjfwW $0wKBiwtT.
vp er witseat WewS" taw it i iwweaag j
mim. utaasta. tiaia. ri a liiaj. alee. I
esani uiw. i n Aa. sjtaw. ax ali tsn
essSajabak. lJMJjy1gwIJTiia j
t iim?Silrm a rr taal la laaaaauy a hy I
aarwwSwaaw,SSa,aawai tha ;
! 1 . wi Iwr
hnaaa aSaaaa ua r taiaA a w. i
-- - . --. .
Terrible n Oaring of little Baby.
Serea Deetore suid Two HoeoitrU
rail. Cswed try Ceswara.
My baby boy. ack old, broke on wlsk
on. Tha luktaa aaA W i u i.u.
sutas ts hi Vate. braaa. taaa. aaJ
a ssssrly la ; ass tonartas
pilabla to bakwM; a bad no oca.
m bw SMS raat Bight 01
say. BawaaoaAai Ha'.
man a enwaras aan
wo kosattoia aad by
tha an ttoaS"
was fsftkfBiiy srtoa, bat ha
graw wta all saw stxt.
Fee sssrtks I wsto
shows a par weak fee
rrttTn. aad was v
araty slsnaiasl. I p
eSSMwd CcTiccma, Can.
era Boar aad Cmccsi
BaaoLvsaa aad fauowad
lb diraaaaa So law kaaar.
saittoal. Ha stosdlTy improved aad ta alas weak
was entirely wared, aad ha bow a aiaai r a kts m;
t aa ratr a boy a aul what aoaM wia I ae I
Try SOW Biaaar wrwrr mmmj fatavontojr.
SS W. Bi 11 ikllai at, Bsaioa.
Cutlcura Remedies
Tb great skta
ear,, oaaod ponaar, aa 1
am Sgsas, sasmi y
avssa or
aad '" warm r nr. ir.
.".rerr ; :t 1
tw.iu. aaair.
pi V dlnni and ban or af ska akin, saalp, aad
Mood, wb low f batr, rroea 1sIMy toaa.
Z3XXlimt awl'
a., oti
o;.: wtae., Prlo. CcTBSjsa.,
, i aarnrr, gi. t-rsaeas ay
. .a in. - n,rm , Cnr estaa
W. Jl r.4rarlTOa, acd lflo SasSsssatBaU.
nildl-Tlfl 1 Saikhaa T red
f ijfi os.'y alrta etmd by Ctmacau Bear.
rati of aeaafeet tor all Pala. Issam
eaiTlnn. .-.! Weakaeaa cf tha Aayad t
tb I :ttenr Ac 11-r aim Pktateav
taacrstsad ocly patrv r. Tag sii lais-
m waa
taja aasat ware tew Vwar 1
saw r acvaswawr ar I
waa a, asm 1
eiea aafcee, :
BO affflBavXrlVlSkMSkJ
83 SHOE eaarfciasa.
a MeassSaJSUkaasy aldaaab
. . ay 1
BfaAl V.
a lp in GGLifiBUiS mmm
18Q1, 1892.
tea Ter at stpeaet awsttwaawer Ssa .
A I I ocry. of inatrisegoxia.
waa of sSndy arranged
all grsii ofsBttrtants
M ute-: la
Sf-dal rajaai aarai rftrni I trWear,
and BORER.
Samples and circulars free.
Paiaffine Paint Co.,
PostTLVxn. Uriook
wTJbbXA-B ATS c xru.
Dry legists aad iioaksvilfrs
At-t" Ufor John It. Alcnaa's ,vuo:i:'ttxs.
aleh wa !l p.-.i'si j.-, earfeaa wr h
IIHKi. -
CSreeat. and Trade Ma-fc oh
ent ba,:n cociactec. far Siefl.-v s Ccr.
Oar 0 is OssssS U S. Pataai iiiSca.
! we ran Mccre aaie-1 :n lee Liai tat tb
rem : j from Waahiagoa.
6ai model, drawing phato.. w .. irr!
tioa. Wc adv!. if wrstKe oe kot. reew 1
eMrge. t'ur Pie net 3u tit! patent is sactteci
A Pawsfawt. " Haw ta Obtain Panels."
ttasi ofactnil ciinte is your State, conn ..v o
tisra, tent free. Addra .
fTvs t Psbmt OB ca. aa stoa. . r
300 Arf.eiriird
" P tldci0'r ' Vtr-sr-l
.ui li$-rpaas,-t..5i. 0 mi t
n r .0 : r thr
cLvjijtrTrrt ft X'rt, t:.- tj
.ta- ;'tjsj
rv ttia W wi
. ti with Tbt v re i triy
gtM iUtfWt4Vt. S r ' .. . I 1 ;ij
tjtssti. , t4
afro r.' c aa.cra."tt fc.-r,.-4 tjciv
sltaata svaaruaaaaad. aoteaOw
yYPuxiaaazjiBiuLi.r. jfas
w Z
ift'iMliU! Ii.)
sissnilsslry. aad ts
orwulaai, d:adtrUe.
Mwatsd. sad
rr vjsa 1
lfTt aw
tweaanr aaaet
SSqlfewrw Saea. warm hwftanaew jbiSsSI
a eaawaa waa waas a sua! heavy can, ana
Slisalis adga3a.aajto walk ta.astwa
jSijSTll3&ttt aMS aad S.S War.
WXn tacaaaaa's SSraa wlTfcja ax wwar Jar the
fiTaaBiTwwSlBA a?rr Ttinm
I Ma ' 'TaBSawaajsslK
ffeaa .'Sta Se atlf. Ladte iia waanaaaassa at
. seaaoaBrrabISnaaaiiejs.
Caartaa.-w. L. rwagkaa' n 1 a aa-j tba ariea B
SJasaasar jSaoetowkj
W.lZ BOtCLA-N IltwcStlaa. .Mas. SaJdaF
eaeaaaaa iawwuHaeawaaawwHe
Id. K.
JsasBaat jaa BBaa w sss aev