Health and Comfort are Destroyed by the use of poor smoking tobacco. The one tobacco that has held its own through all the changes of time and against all competitors is Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. WHY? Because it's always pure, always 1? ' aammT'1 Hi DUjRHAMP A Question A Great Record the same, always the best. Such a record tells more than pages of j "talk.' it's just as good to-day as ever and it is the tobacco forow. If you smoke, you should smoke Bull Durham For You Qond Advice I A trial is al! we ask. i BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., - DURHAM. N. C. WEATBKRFOKD ft CHAMBEKLAl., Attorney at La. Will practice In all court of the tale. Special attention Riven to matter In probate and to co lection. OFFICE - In the Flinn block . w r niiLYEir Attorney at Law uul Solicitor In Cliancerv. Collec ts mad or. all polnte. Laane nefotiat'J on rable terms. Albauy. Oregon. G BO. H . WRlflOT, Attorney at law, ar.rl Notary Pubac. Will practice 'in all the court of Una Stat Special attention riven to collection and matters in pre bate OMrc: Vpatalr Maeon-TVedale Block Albenv. Ogn r. i. iu i i B -HkklitX A WATSON. all legal o ir. Olil m uteri will recs i ve promp attention. tS Fellow's Temple, Alba u y, 0 OXr.XYK. tr HACKLEM&N, Attorneys at Law, Albany ".jOr-egon. J J- ;whitev Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES J. CHABLTOlf, AUornev-at-Law. AH laral basinets fattsndod to praaipUy: FUXX-3 Block, Albany. Or D K. J. L. HILL. ThjFeJelan and Surgeon, OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. D RS. MASTOV WIS. Surreons. OFFinR n.,F I WCTeutMn street AlK.iv Or rt.n. . ,,., Willi I ctr and cetmsry; c. 17. CH.aHBEBI.4II, 91. !., Hssssanfatlilsl sal IIsmI III! in diseases of the Eye. Twenty years' experience Offlce boors 7 U 9 i id; i o 3 p Da, and 0 Us s eveninr. Albans , Oregwn. ONLY LINE RUN KING 2 THROUGH DA1XY TRAINS Loavins t. Portland, 8:45 A. 1. 7:30 P. M. DA.YS TO CHICAGO 7 flours Qnifker to St. Pao. 23 Honrs Qnitker to Chicago. 40 Honrs Quito to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN AND T0UBS3T SLEEPERS, FREE FECUNKC CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For rates and general Information call ot. or address W II HCRLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, 354 Washington tit., Portland. Oregon. ALPAHT CflLLBBUTE IHSTITUTK ALBANY, OREGON1' 1391, 1392. Irat Term Opened September Sir, A . 1 corps of instructors, CLASCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Cbtafwtxt 01 tudy arranged to meet tfc all grades of students. Sfrrinl uiatuxmcnti cftred to ttudent$ iron abroad. wrV. CLSIKILT N COM BIT President. o iKiOS PACIFIC RAILROAD ., T. E, Hog?, Kecsiver, UMiEK KXCCKSIOSS FOB 1892. Ticket" now on sale at CorvaHis an 1 Al b. ny for tbwae exclusions at the very low Bouod Tri; Rat offSlioand 3.50, re hjitjciivel' . Good for tho i;oing trip on WEDNESDAYS and NtTtiKDA 1 S of e tch wk an' hi i nib lguj for return unlii.jhep CC HOGTJE, GPX FOBTMILLER & IRVING -FUNKRAL A rtori 1 1 Kinlali)iin Albiiuy, dene SoleoU finally llrcjon. DIRECTOrlS.- CHOICt MEATS Or All Kihds KTw.-.ricli - JSc - I3alcei) it i n.'i rf vttbie, ant ' . i .i.P.alnf Oi's A Fact Against Time Fears Nothing Unchanging Talk's Cheap DR. ELECTRIC BELT LATEST MTE NTS WITH ELECTRO- KIT tMrtraVtMEMTS. MAGNETIC SUSPENSORY. will nr. WlUwet MeeMhwaS Wiatem reealttat rnea TeriaaaUaa ef keala. aerre winas.eieMn ar laaieenUea. u aal aaaaeasea, eaalaa, leesea,aer,.ea SeatUrr. .war- laaraer. taeaauau, asaajr, sm aaS SJaSSer Tt3deaU aM MSmaaaTfl.e. 1 1 waea. leaieeaw. mam. reaual IU aeana, IMI wassiaa WeeeaHal laamawa m rarraai teat u lawaau. rot! k. ta Th.Maaa. k... area .arel St lal. war. TwMSea .raw .a Ml. nulla filaA ... h Stjt aaadreSs of lewlwaalaU la UU aa eseryewMr etata Swf s7oTrai laraoTSB surra re srarixsasT. ta. snaaeateai UaRkaaS ALL KKLl I . RrMftllll itiITni):.Ul.M!:. Ws .asalea,lea. ASnM No. 172 First x..foimANO. ORE. ' EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. leave PortUnd Daily. 8ogth raos jctt 1. ISM. IMartll 7:0nr. at, I Lr Portland Ar 1 1 M am lOrara Lt Albany Lt 4:3 a a a a a Ar San Francisco L Tjj r a Above trains step only at follos-inr elation north mt Koran orr- East Porttaad, Oreeron City, W . sd aorn, Salem, Albany, nageot, Shodd, Halsey. Har riabarr. Junction City, Irving, Eofne. xoaxacaa uu,tir.t S J0 a a I Lv Portland ar' s-SAra l?:4i rxlU Albany Lv lftdu i3ru I At Bosatbarg Le I TaOOa uurr secALf BAixT sxcan Stoat) 5 90 r a I Lr Portland Ar lo SI a a S ao r a ; Ar Albany Lv a a LBaaaoa saasra 3.10a I Lv Albany at I l:nn 9 00 a a I Ar Lebanoa LrltAawaa 1 :2Cr a j Lv Albany Ar I S:I5 r a J 09 a a I Ar Lebaooo Lr I SJSra PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. WWW A-seweaaeodatr l rwarrr. holdlas rread-Claaa SlrftetajUtaehew tt Kx re s Trains sTest side SH rial an. EETTV Ct PORTLAWB A (OBI ALMS. Man. fsti'lini (Except Soooay. 7. si a a I l!U0r a Lt Ar Port land Ossrasaaa Ar Lt 5)r a IS rts tmsnnus SAtty ( Sonday. i-Ml r I Lr 7:1 r a I Ar El r a a 5.4SAS UcainnrUle Tlxrottjrrai Tickets all points EAST. AND SOUTH rai lu.. inform tti regarding ratal, on Cant pa or Azwnt at AjSany -. KOBR1.EB e E P. BOOK R", Haaarer test O. f . aad 1. 1 Portland, Oregon. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Rail, odd, T loct, Becelrer. -o- Oregon DeTelopmBQ. Po's Steamsrs, Short l.ins to CstlifbrBia FlrsKdaas through passenger and Velght line frem Portland and all points ay tho WUlamsit Valley to and from Bar, Trasclaoo, C'al. Rosas make e.loew, connection at A! ban with tralna of the Oregon Pacln Railroad TlMESCHEDl LK. except Sondaral '-cere Albany 13.-20 r. ,,Ljw Yaqmna. 7:oa,a fre Corrallla I : r. n . Lt orrania.lOAS a. a Arrla Taenlaa, l:S3 r. .Arne Alhaey, 11:11 a. O. at C. trains oonneet at Albany and Corvallb. The above trains connects! Yaoaina with the Oregon DeTeiopmeot Oompsvnj', Una of Stesunsbipe bwtr oc Vaqnina and San Francisco, SltU fMi OATEN . raoa tasciva. sstaatatti Itsh, Uad 31st raoa aaj. .a SCO willanieH Taller, Oeoemtser S'.a ; ltth: T?th. The Companv . .vrw to ngnt Ik. 5. ale icout notice. W, B. Paasengera from Portland and nUamette Valley points can make elosw iraoneeUon with tbe tralna of the Yaquln route at Albany or Corrallla. and Sf de sinad to San Francisco should arrange te rrlTe at Yaauina the evening t-wforw date r sssilifjay. saenger an ight ravtesalwajs th leweat Linn CO NATfONAf. BAWH. OF ALBAHT. OB "-OOH. CAPITAL STOCK tlOS.OtO. sident i 1 L COWAIT, e-Presidunt a at KAUSTON. stCvshier O A ARCHIBOLD. n aJSOrox, J L Cowan, J M Rfiston, w S Ladd, W H OoUra, 3 A Craw rd a"j O A Arch bold. t RANS ACTS a reneral banldne baetnee. . DRAW SlOBl DKAFT8 on New York. Maw il esfsts t Oregon. IXIAN MOifETon approred scuii: P.ECKIVEdepmitaaahieet cbeo. FIKHT MATIONAf. BtlVK, or Ar.Ay, orkoois. resident Vice Preeidont tashier LFLI.N'M 8, E.YOCHO ,.E. VT. LANODON rBASSACTS A OKKKRALhar.ktng bnainsas. ACCOUNTS KEPT sutije .: to abeck, SIGHT EXCUAKOE and te raphic trannler, acid New York, San Francisco, (tb'cagn anil I' 'Hand rsgSSJ 00 .LECTIONS SAUEon favuralile lernit . aiaseroas. aV. E 7oox E. W, Labw L K Bum, L. Flow Edwasb t . Box. 1 A Nam OF OREGON. OBS90N. mse.oss. ....II r MERRILL . K j LANN1N0 ... IavVYBLAIN Prosident Vlce-Preslilont.. aahlor Tratiaacta a genera banking bueiriesa: Kxcbauge bougbt and eold on all tho prlucipal eiUe in the United States 1 also 011 England, Ireland, Prariee and Ctemviny. Collections mad at all accxsslbl point on favor ble terms. Interest allowed 0,1 time deposits. IV I ! K afe C'l.,BANKi:Kw OF ALBANY, ORKSON, '1 IlA..t-Ai I . v..: lltukin baiotss. DUAWSKJirr UKAFTd on New York, San Fr co and Pcrtland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security . RECEIVE deposit subject to check. COLLECTIONS made an farnratite terms. INTEREST paid on tlmsjdeposite. 6 AMK OV stcio. sow, OKKOON. lent., srder ... J s atsaais O 8 Mat It if ALBANY, Capital, s i Ik Bcwunt THE F1UHT KOHTIIE AMERICAN M VttKBT ; All that the people of the United States eat, wer and use must be provided by their own labor H is diitiibuted by an exchange of products through trade. All that the people est can be provided bv our fanners: but al that i bey wear and use is not now provided by the mill owners. A patt of it is provided by onr farmers, in exchange for their surplus farm product. In iSSo the farmers numbered 7, 670,493. Ol these S,773.oo8 worked in 1879 to supply the American market with what it wanted to est, and 1897,485 lo supply the American market with a pait of what was needed foi wear and use clothing, lion, and the like. Of the $1,213,403,594 'r'h of farm products rslsed in 1S79 oaly $1,666,915,861 could be profitably disposed of, or were need adhere, leaving a surplus cf $546,476,703 which had to be exported. W hen their surplus farm products are sent abroad they have to import the payment. When their payment pas;es through the 1 custom house, all of it which would interfere with 1 he mills and factories is taxed 48 per cent, on ( he average; which amounts to a tax on the whole 01 about 30 per cent. This tax It leviid ta protect the Ameiicsn mill owner from the toroncti'icn of American farmer. The IA.000 protected mill owners ! and the ..897485 farmer, are ftghting one anodser for the "home market for manufac-; j tured goods the mill owners lo get it ail; the j farmers for a share of it. If the mill owners j gain it all, ihe 1,887 4S5 farmcis must aban ! don their land and find other work. The taa is nat levied to keep out the for eigner . He cannot come here, except as an ' itnmiraut, and then he is welcomed. The I tariff Ux is levied to keep out payment for our j farm prodacts- The business question i:''Shs!l our 1,897, I 485 farmers be permitted to supply their coun- Irrmen veailv with nrratur!. worth JUl I.OOO. 000. sbroad) oy an exensnge of oor surplus , farm products for them, or shall they be taxed j out of ibe business to protect lb: 14,500 mill owners from their competition?" A FHJBT For a PRINCIPLE One of the basic ideas claimed for de mocracy as a form of government is that i it inculcates the strictest devotion lo piln- ciple. Thus, according to its teaching if it becomes a question of personal emol ument as against devotion to its funda mental truths, there must not be a mo ment's hesitation as to which course to pursue. Keller the nominsl tgnomlnv ot j , . .. ... .. ,-, defeat and degredation than the real dls- Rsther the nominsl ignominy of grace of violating in ibe least degree the sacred obligations of duty. One ot these foundation stones of de mocracy it the right of every man to form his own opinion, hold on to it and fight tor it to the bitter end. No other course is recognized. fidelity tn an hnnwet con sn aoneai ni- victlon bring whst ttmayin its train, it must be adhered to. Of course, where democracy as a parly s strongest it is expected that the princi ples ot democracy should b rooted firm est. Whether the supposition Is univer It may in it train, K, sally applicable or not there can !e no doubt of it in section. Texas ha long been a banner state of this great political organization, and Texas now c'.aims at tention as vividly illustrating that partic ular piircip'.e to which reference .taa just been made. How powerfully the democratic obli gation to cling to what he believes to be right strikes the Texan of this faith may be judged by the fact that in the Twelfth Congressional district there Goo tallots had lo be taken betore a candidate was nominated, and In the Seventh at last ac counts 1,387 ballots were gone through without apparently comi ng any r.earet to a choice. WOOL ASH sHODliV. Tbe census of 1S99 show that at least one industry has been grestly fostered and ee c 'oraged by ten yeais of high tarif) taxes. In 1SS0 there were only 73 Aroertcsn cslsb- lisbments tor msklng shoddy, wbile Soo " there were 94. Ia t' e :n year their output had riien from a ralae cf 14.989,000 ta fo, 108,000 sn increase of nearly 100 per cent. These sre the price. st which Ihe shoddy factory sriis to ihe woolen mil! tk- .i . . . m... aei.s ...epnouc at a rune .ugtter rate. Some He of ihe piofit to be derired from adulterating woo: with shoddy may he gained (r itw.s ; .a, ,h. i. :ii. . ,, , , .. .! uted 154,1 3o,oco pounds olstioddy, totton and ( o'.het adBlterants to only 1x4,291,000 pounds' of wool. On the average for the bnsine ....... tr.. ,.. i..;.-. srsrage lor the basinet this is 55 pound of sduhersnt used to ever 45 pounds of wool in making "American wool cn goods." These official figures may help those wbo hsve American wool to sell to s-n understanding of why its price steadily goes down under the McKioley system. Tbe corporations which own the woolen factories are highly protected or. their goods, bat in order to realize they j mast get back the taxes they pay on imported wl. They do this by mixing -cotton and shoddy thus at onee cheapening their present expenses and forcing down the prices of Amer ican wool by lower ingt he demand for it in pro portion to tha grcss smotint ef the adulterants substituted for it. WCUi SAIII. The Oregonian represents the sentiment and feelings of every lover of decency and public morals when itays: There is small comfort for the decent cit izen in the dethronement of one hulking bully that another may he set up in his place a.s an object for the fawning admira tion of the mighty congregation of bully worshippers. But there is an unsuspected source of future consolation in the victory of Corbett. He willdiave to meet all chal lengers, and it is thought the first will be the negro Jackson. Sullivan always drew tbe color line against Jackson, but Corbett has met him once, and, according to the so-called ethics of this dirty business, can not refuse to do it again. Corbel t and Jackson are evenly matched, and the latter may earily become champion of the world. It ought to satisfy the decent citizen's sense of poetic fitness to see the crown of glory in this most repulsive competition won by a big. black, burly, fragrant buck nigger. Jackson is the hero for whom the world of pugilism has been waiting from the lie ginning. He is the man of the hour. The sooner his ho'ir strikes the better. A eig democratic rally in Blooniington, III. will be held October 10, and preparations sre being ni:ule to make it the largest in the slate lt hat been definitely decided by ex-Prsi!det Cleveland to attend, after which he will make a shore vir ith his running male, Mr. Stev enson. Mr. Stevenson returned today from Hern Ion Ky. The next engagement he has it in In dianapolis next Tuesday, wbsn he will deliver an address at the celebration of the birthday of ex-Vice President liendriciia. In Texas recently s horse thief wns not lynched, but was quietly tent to prison for the law lo take itt courts. The horte lie had sto len was spavined, blind, balky and old at the moon. THATI HACKING COUGH quiokly cured by Shilih's.Cara utitee it. can b so We .iuar. See outbargain counter. WF Kkad, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Woaderfttl Blryrle Kldlne SpRiNariEi.i), Mtws, Sept 0. Another i day of record smashing han passed info the history of bicycle racing1. Zimmerman again distinguishing himself. He shared ins laurels, however, with Windle, tho fast Milbury rider. Zimmerman first started for Nancy Hank's mile record, with a fly ing start. He did not fmeeeed, but estab lished a bicycle record of '':0H 4-5. He next j trimt one flying start for u half mile, mak ing it in i :00 1-5. George V Taylor lower ed Zimmerman's flying mile to 2:08 1-6, The New Jersey rider was then sent niter Nancy a second time, and eclipsed her record made on a regulation track by 1-5 of a second. His time was 2.-06 4-5 About 2000 spectrtors witnessed the test, and nearly went wild when the resmlt was an nounced. Sly a,M. Albany, N V. Sept 9. Senator David B Hill today becomes a pennnnent resident of Albany. For some time the beautiful villa iustnorrh of tho city line, built by Joseph h, Kmmett. the deceased actor, has I tnr haa been offered for sale by his widow. $50,00v for it and will reside there in the future It was nit mute. I here today that the mansion j would not be long without a mistress, and that an Klniira girl would lie installed : there. Tkr(b.f j 1 tuJTZ. , London, Sept 9. The Standard s Ham- ! burg correspondent says: "A further abate- j ment in the epidemic is visible, but the i number of freli eas. trwlnv ia .till v 1 t"6 t011 ling "OK. The deaths in the lost are 204 1 natients nntlw Inurm-nt i,t there are only nine cases in the shipping uaiu'i . ABadrire. giEnix, Sept 9. midnight.-Hedleyville. ,7 , .... . ' a Ouebec -suburb, has been almost entirely destroveti by hre. The tire is now under control. About 100 houses, ail frame dwellings, were burned. A large number of the homeless are camped on the hills. and are suffering a great deal for want of fi-ssfali xtlisi htv Tha mnnnf ..-.It to over $100,000. with very little insurance. rreeaaueas al AsSssrta. av-v. ,U(U suv mvuvi sv-na mil OUlUUUl ArroRiA, Sept 9. The cholera scare hns , reacneu in is city. 1 be citamoer ol com-; merce has asked the co-operation of Ihe city council in maxing necessary prepara tions to prevent the epidemic from entering this city. It is generally thought there ia no danger of the cholera entering the Co lumbia. la ? ' , LsiPiKK City. Or Sepr . The whale back steamer Charles W Wet more went ' ashore in a thick fosr this mornintr at itjjl ! o'clock, on the north spit near the Coos nay tsar. 1 ne v etmore blew a tagnal o! distress, but owing to the defense fog. it was not until 1U o clock thit forenoon Le- fore she could be reached, when the Coos Bay life-saving crew ia three boats, with Ik. aI U.iM.. j I :tA. . 1"T"VV . txk off the entire crew. ' in number- r.rntal W hurra p. Jkixico, Tenn. Sept B, Since the recent miner's wax. bwlesstMsts has run riot in the mountains here. A whitecap organization that came into eristettre some two months before the outbreak has been especisJiv active, and scores of men in the mountain's who did not come to the SsiJrUnce of tbe ; . , , tw-Ikl.. Ulu -Tl.. ' S the town and several of their male com - panions. They wera dragged by about 20 whitecap to a grove near bv. After strip ! . -as -. , , A - m . . ping every stitch of clothing off their fcmtining victims, they drew the shivering wretches over a fallen log and 1afced them until tbe blood drinrjed from tbe wounds :o:. 1 t t-fl .; ? " - wulr- IU araxtine, N . Sept f . Ihe four- teen th day of the rpecuti ouanntine r .. chosera has been a verv bumr one for the health officers during the afternoon The r-i"e. 1-a Kourgogne. the City of .New 1 ork and W iseland were frannajiy release.! and made haste to their piers. The liaass iiuin on these ship, as soon as the anchors were clear of the bottom, gare vent to Lbeir joy by continoed cheers, and on the Krench nner ittestm tognorn at the Ikist pive teeth three weird shrieks, presnmaUr cxpressi ir of the feeling of freedom. A aUat Bargain Indianapolis. Sept . The 'American Non-conformirf. the peofle's organ, which remove! here from Kansas after having contributed to the defeat of ex -Semator In gaiis. say that it has obtained information through the republican national committee : to tbe effect that a bargain has been enter- en inio otnwren i resiaent nam -Tin an-i W Fairbank. a railroad mamsale of thi citr. whereby Fair'oank i to be Cniled ' states senator, in cnt'ideration ol a f 100.- . . - . .... .. ... i 'mi contnoution to toe reputdi.-an cam- paign fund. I- Mr ' raUaies. Sam Faaxrtsoo, Sept . Tbe liradstreet ! Mercantil-: Agency reports 70 failure in ' the Pacific Coast states and territories for tbt. month of Ausrotd. with asset at 000 and liabilities SK2.39i. as comrjared j with So for the previous month, with as : sets 494.0:i and lialnliUe ti.0CU.59. snd 101 for June with ateU ttt!.i,C66 and lis- bjij, gr301,4-"l. strwrh r wkiiiseet i .. 1 Hampton FaUJ. X H. Sent 7.-John G niruer. tne poet, died at 4:.JU this rnorn- ing, wnittier paused away tvbittier pasiAMi away pesvoatullT. Hirt nearest relatives and Dr Ikmsrla at his bedside when death came. Tbe last conscious word of the poet wrs one of rec ognition of his niece. Mrs Samuel L Piek- j aru. who lived with him tjr some years ! previous to her marriage. His end was , peaceful and apparently painless, like one , failing asleep, a fitting close for uch a life. I AKiatrstnan Or ad. Utica. X Y. Sept 7. Ex-Cuited States 1 Francis Kern an died at his residence in this city today. His son Walter is now on the quarantine steamer Xormandiii. He was ' called home from Europe by cable on ac count of his father' serious illness, but tin fortunately took passage on what proved ; to be an infected ship, and bis detention could in no way be avoided. MrSHavtlle Kxrl rd. Mi'Min nvile. Or, Sept 7. An artesian well, being bored at the residence of Ed Tyler, near the depot, has been sending up a volley of sulphurous air since '2 o'clock this afternoon. Tiie drill ntxssed through a ten-foot strata of sandstone at a depth of 100 feet, when the mud and water was struck. This was thrown into the air. be- j spattering- the fcurronnding buildings. '1 hen followed the dry air. A steeni gjage lneh. The temperature is 56 degrees I abr- PN the pressure ut .fc pounds per souare enheit A hart ut Train Kabbery. Kansas Citv, Mo, Sept 7. A maked man got on the castbound Missouri Pacific train at the Grand Avenue depot in this city at 9 o'clock, and entered the express car. He overpowered the messenger, Ceo j McLaughlin, and liesurely opened the safe. He secured a large sum of money, which is ', estimated at rhi.uw. At neineiu, it su burb,, he jumped from the train and disap peared. The messenger was Imiinil and gagged, and couldnt give the alarm until the train reached Independence. The t'hulr rn St Pkteiisburg, Sept 7. Cholera re turns for Sept 4 for the whole of the em pire place the number of new cases at 4770. and deaths at 2,073, showing an increase of 408 new cases as compared with tho returns of Saturday. The deaths were exactly the same. In tbe city of St Petersburg !4 deaths were reported. This is an increase of five deaths, compared with the previous day's record. Here Fast Trolling. St Paul, Sept 7.-Noney Hunks, queen of the trotting turf, is evidently able to whittle two or three seconds more off the mystic figures, for today, on a regular track conceded two seconds slow, facing it strong breeze half the distance, she again broke the world's trotting record. It was a won -derful and unexpected performance. She made the mile on tbe circular tcack in 2:07. "HACKMETAOK," laiting and fra grunt psrfnme. Pries 25 and Jcen'a. Sto W Read's line of dress gocdaj aad lasloru buying elsewhere. Ths.besi; awshy at Will & Stark's, A iran with a wheel of fortune ia do ing the Valley. He should not be tol erated. Lane county is in great luck, notwith anding the lizzie of a railroad to the ea. It is proposed to locate a Norwe gian colony of 600 families a few miles west of Kugene. Roseburg I'laindealer. All of the educational institutions of flriiifnn am enetlincr tlttA Vfar Bi noonr before, a fact that will be of great benefit 1 to edticat'on generally, and build up all ot the colleges ol Oregon. The voting men aro coming to the : front. When old man Sullivan woke up j from the sleep into which Corbett pot him, he remarked in a language to sh aw his coarseness: "Say, am I licked. Did 1 the young feller do it." ; We bod a very pleasa;.t call from our j ,u, T,nU, ' J'.. 1 r K r . . . : . - . . . I Oregon when there were tew ot ins kind m tiif state, no anya nc nua inn le-n me , republican nartv. but wants no Harrison ; lu his. Portland Dispatch . ' Roseburg has a belie, band, which re-1 minds us that Albauy bad one as late as lm bl the cyclone of marriage struck it, and now how is it scattered, the tuba, anare drummer and B flat or sharp, are still single, according to the Man About Towns fivnrinv. with a nroanect of onlv two of them being left. already they have begun poking lun at Sililiiu,. ... . I. li'rri' .iil, l-r'. : -004 one in the Ktiatene iuard : 'Sul livan's noae got hit a great manv times last night and is doubtless very red, I 7 ,l?tirDUOtU mpATJ lo. ,,w beautiful Oregon sunsets as seen from ; Fairmcunt Heights Take a look at Fairmount before tou buy elsewhere." General Applegate eavs Mr I.wds of the Tidings got Hie cart'before the horse ; . as ... . .a . a aa II. t i 1 tl 1 if .ilini lit I f ii' 1 a f fi t 1 H I a t.n ainir ill , hi. tenl like, Agamemnon." rie says it I was Achilles who was in the tent and that the Tidings is guilty of a classical error Oi ants Pass Courier. The Seattle Telegram gets off as good illustration of the situation as we have read- We give it, and agree hereafter never to mention Sullivan's name except in an atKravated case: 'Mr hullivan has been recruited into the great army! iof back nombers, wboee ranks are si- yrsyi foil : so is Mr Sullivan, usually." j the circuit court of Benion county dur ng tne year i t loostnco ami ciiivea ' twenty-tlye ma'rimontal knots ; by judt- j c-ai eotct maoe nr.v nearts, out tne sadness and sorrow thai struck to I other hearts ia not recorded and never will ' h. hurln. th .ime tln? nini-tv mar- " ' " . V i " , riage licenses were issued by the county 5 , k Benton and the married column ken! recruited meaiurablr br this ! means, so that the inroads by 'death and J knott-dissolving process called equity, in- I augursted in the couru. is perhaps about 1 a standoff. There is "something rotten in ! Denmark'" Then 17 7-9;, of the tout mar- i ,he county, for a single year, h oisaCMvea ny rne court. . arvaiss itmea. creek : A southern Oregon paper telis of the j following very peculiar joke: "Henrr ; Gifferd, charged with aauU with a dan- ... . Krous weapon on Jon ortg. wa up oe- e hi honor justice Hamlin yesterday lor prellmiuarr examination. Alter hear- ing the tevimony In the cawe he was on motion of Depuiv Prosecuting Attorney Knian nacnsrrni irom cunuct arau live j case di-r;:d It appear from ihe evi- : dence tha: on tbe 1 tth of Juue Ut, Mr G I fiord, who live at the poor tarm.entercd .'into a contolracv w'th several othera to ' t,... . Ilt .m,,,nl - Sir I nna'. f , prnse. in other word Uiey put up a job on him. Mr Gifford went imo the j kitebew, chewed on a bar of soap until he frothed at the mouth, and 'hen pretended ! to have a fk. sr. red B sarvlng knife a f-ot ; or so In length, rushed out upon the porch 1 and made a frantic sham attack upon young isdy Instead 01 running sway snd getting scared out of his wits as was expected. Mr Long didn't scare worth a cent, but grappled with the pretended madman and h-ld him until assistance ar rived and the -Sit'" went off. Afterwards learning of tee trick played upon him be entered ccrrplaint against the joker with list sbove result," It is perfectly safe to eat Hamburg . Brapes regardless ol tbe cholera. Imbued with the rp.rit ot the age three ... . a . ' . . , . tioanv young rasni nara pssseeo ut psssw- ; tion a punching bag and practice daily and ottener. Several Oregon and w ashington ex- changes are running Mrs t.rnham's Cn - comber comber and Kldar ! lower t ream ad. county, where her home has been eon -Mrs timhamtkipned ont from Sin Fran- tiouoosly since the last date. tbe was Cisco folly six month ago.and Ihe papers I will onlv get , . . Brother Mays, of the Potneroy Inde- ; oeodent, stirs up a contemporary in the . loi lowing origin! iy le : e sxasexsn think the warning lira! haa sriven that . . .11 1 . j ., tne newer eu.sur ... w. p.-ce wouio sine a tumble on "gammins" when he writes lor tne pnouc in tne columns mat are open to bim to empty his moral charact- ri in nit-iij i ususcate i.ioec who rrau 1 his stinking lugnbrations." Recently the mother of young Brown, wbo it In tbe jail awaiting" the action of the grand inrr for highway robbery, ar rived in Albany for the purpose of baitiug out her son : Sut tbe amount required was more man sue had been inlortned. j and she was obliged to return to her I California home without accomplishing her object. Mrs Brown is a christian I woman, r.tid feels very badly over the j course taken by her son She thinks if! the could get him home again he would come out all right. Tbe case is one that j excites one's intetest. The probability is though, that Brown will go to the pea. This week's Mill Civ Gazette's 0 P item ii as follows: "The O P companv must have reached the full end of their rope when they juit work at Bolder j creek, sr.. I now are fishing for tbe broken i cable. The officers tun up occaslonally to brusli the flies off the track and to see that the push car system don't climb the mountain way on beyond. The Minto parly bored a hole with a gimlet at th of Mt Jefltrton, and would have cone farther, had they not heard tli Hong racket in the rear. "There is a good time coining" only wait a litte longer, until Job finds that million of dollars, then, then and Oh '. then. Just wait a little longer bova. until the old kettle begins to boil, and it will be soap ' o: buttermilk then Xitw Process. -rCobb, the printer, has bought the exclusive right for this city and enmity for the F E Taylor chromatic printing process and will make color printing one of Ids specialties .See sam ples of hi late work. Will ,V S'atk Oarry a aidendid stock of gold and silver watohet, for men and ladies' and an elegant line of silver wars MA UK IK! I. QUINN OWEN On Thursday after noon, Sept. 8, 1802, at the parsonage of theM E Church SotiUi, by Rev 0 Ci 'Har mon,' Mr P W Qui nn nnd Samantliit Owen both of Halsey. III Ml. MILLER. Oa Thursday evening, Sept. 8, 1892, at the home of her son, at Knox Butte, of old age, Mrs Mary Ann Miller, aged 87 years. The deaserf was a pioneer of 184U, coming hero that year with her family from Indiana. Sht was born in Delaware. The deceased was a woman of excellent character and had a warm place intthe hearts of those- who knew her. She leaves four children, Martin, Moses, Enoch and a daughter in Idaho, Mr Miller died a good many yeart ago. i m vi i i at kt i-imii nmu a I i LSI", lintuii Zitr" 1 - (J.N. Duncan, county judge; Wm. and J. W. I'uifh, t'oniinuMlnfiers.) Rumbaugh In the matter of repairing the Rector road, (be supervisor was ordered to make necessaryTeasits to amount of $80. BUI of Kred Bender, $6 disallowed ; alsr bill of Karl Race, f3 In the matter of resignation of I. Doug las ns J P same was accepted and P 8 !'..,;. ison was appointed. Petition of J Bectsb for county road granted. Green Splann, Si Barr and F Bennett were appointed viewers. Several road cases wre being M ered this afternoon. Application of J V McCartnev and others for county road was granVeil and expenses ordered paid, Petition of Stewart Lewis and others for county road granted, and expenses ordtrtd paid Application of I) W Hardin et al for county road granted. Viewers: John Denny.Jobn CotTeet and W W Crawford. v 1 r anomme' torsiouu Application o! M J Cameron for a lease i " I 0l Crabtree cteek dismissed, ,,,, . .... . , . . ,j V, , carm8 lor i,cK m"D' is .. 11 11 it Bn,n .ISf, Uim at ,,,,,;. . . tej U w k tt ""f10' J eo ,or oak i w Ior flr- I .T5,e n'ter of the petition for riprap- Pln? Pler? " Albany bridge was consid- ! "d the bridge visited, and taken 1 Into consideration until tomorrow. Coort adjourned until tomorrow morn ing in order to gJ to Salem to be present at opening of bids for Mill City bridge In the inciter of lite bridge at Mill City it was ordered that the contract be let to Fl Miller ior$ISlS, totinties to furnish lumber- Kendall's bridge was ordered relocated ; according to the survey made, Bill of John Usher, sect t H, reconsid- atJ and disallowed. Petition tor an appropriation for the Albany bridge not granted. Matifra nl hridro arrow Kantian, .1 1'nl i The folio iog bills were allowed 10 00 6 00 10 00 ; O P UMhow sr. aid Halls j O C Cooiey, std Mr Clark M Sawyer, aid Henderson. ... Ladiea Aid Society, aid poor J M Flaugher. aid J W Cox G F Crawford, aid Mr Robert. . . Peter Powell, aid Osborne faroi'r. A White, aid Matilda Kenworthy. 5 00 10 00 b 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 b 00 6 00 r rank Burnett, aid Junkey. Ml ram Baker, aid MraGafiowav John L'sher, janitors fees j O'eyon agt Margaret Round DayUJcKimsev 34 5 3S 14 00 24 OO 24 OO I J Charlton, ci teachers f f J Stiles ex teacher cj r Kue!l ex teacbrra, .. ; Glass ft Prudhomme, stationary SO OO I 47 S At OO G W Tavlor, roads, . Oregon agt Ar Hull G F Russell, a upt ' Chamnes Sioper, roads Orsgon agt Wra Rose!!. . . S t 00 5 15 17 30 Kx. C w KaddlU 14 co I 35 4 S 50 15 7i 3 00! n S9! 4 75! 1' r I Albanr E'.ectrtc light Co.... s W Young & Co, lumber 1 s P Barger. drawing jury list j t'orsv.h jc Hunter. lumber j , m Wade -v Co, mdse John Smsllmsn. sheriff fee in the 1 est ol Barbara Hubbard I R Fl'tittne hrirtr arer lUitrr 15 00 100 00 37 00 1 te j 7 50 16 00 4 1 40 , t 00 i ,6i ' 49 ! J B T1Iiaon, roads I K A Kent, roads, etc r.pley. rosdi liar 1 '-""g, E Gin, road, etc ' J Gn. road i T Goln, road J Dixon, roadc " ---- -- - w . 37 40; C P L-tmgtara.acrt road, j N T Stewart, acct road R Spring, rebate of lax 3$ oo 21 Oi 1 00 4 6 al ' Oregon agt hdO.iver Stewart ft Sox, mdse Train ic Whitnev, printing 9 50 L D Miller, road's, etc IS 00 Ea. of Oriasdo Walker 9 00 J B Tillotson, repairing Green fer- r y bridge . . . Forsvtlie ss tiamilton, lumber R M Wade & Co. mdse -' tTJocnu J W l'ugb Wm Rnmbsiugh j C C Sackson I 12 (3 o BiTt un. w . vl. , . Man Ann Miller was borr in Mercer : rxstinty. X J., May 9th. 1S06, her maiden name being Marr Ann Coddingtou- ; Removed with her j t rents to Union ;cooaty, Indiana, in 1812. Married Chilstun Mi ler Ang. SOth. 18. Made !a christian profeswion in Boon con at v, about 1S42. Left Indiana in the fall of "j'""3 ' - rortlaav y, ter 1147, passed the following winter in T' Howard county, Missouri. I:: 1848' The Harnbars Count say a dastardly crossed the plains and sett'ed near A!- 1 attempt waa made Mot. lay r.t,: to barn bany. in this conntv. In D50 moved to ' Marion county, but returned to linn ' tbe mother oi six children, one daughter and five sons. Her daughter ts now liv.'ng in Lewiston. Idaho, and three of ber tons. Mutes. Martin and Enoch Miller, well known citixens ot oor coun ty, survive her. Her husband.Christian Miller, departed this life July I5th. 1874. : sim iwrru a weuiucr oi v-ruirai V musitnu 11 L - 1 f I 1 .: , cm fa j , IUI orgatliza : - , . . . . ,; um.. . o.s. , uno . . . 1 1 ( a d . ,.,., eat. 1 m ati mi 1 Elizabeth Blain to Carrie Plain S 4 lot I, b 22. Albany G Y Phillips to W F. Curl, part of town lot lltS.Scio J C Haidin to E T Bagart, 11x61 feet 11 w 1 J E Turnridge to K T Bagar". 50x180 feet 11 w I.... W C Rigga to K l Day, i) acres 16 w 1 J P Allison to J J Thornton, 61.06 acres 14 w 4 K A Bawby t Mrs M J AHcrd, 3 lots, Hnrrisburg Oiegon to P J Murray, SO acres, 1.1 E 2 Elus Powell too M Powell. 30 acres II w 1 Waterloo D Co. to Cora A Garber, . wwy a 1 1 aier OO Pormelia J Ranib lo Ml Cameron, right of way along Crabtree fork of Santiain IJ L Cowan to Reuben Da is, 1 lot, Lebanon 1 Wm Field to Frances Malone, 80 acres 14 w 1 1000 J II Albert to Jam Smith, piece' land 18 E 2 100 14,664 nnATTBtiV a hi: tiaon you. Branureta's Fills are tbe best medicine known. First They are purely vegetable, in faetj a medicated riMl. Seood-Tfce s.rns dose always produces the same etTecl creased doses and finally cess acting. . ,-" m Third lhey purity tho blood. 'hey invigorate the digestion and cleaace th- at inns eh and Itowcli. Fifth They atimulate the liver and csrry off vitiated bile and other depraved secre tions. The lit est two or three doset tell the stoty . Tha akin becomes olesr, the oyo bright tho mind aotiye, d.gettion is restored, ooative ness cored, tho animal vigor is re truited and all decay arrested. Brandeth l Pills aritold in svsry drug and medicua store, either plain or tugar coatad. To tiie Ladies or Albany : desiring dress making done will call at Mi Ida Brash's shop. Those p'.eate ;e stock of pruning shsars nd prun- tbs bsat made, just reoaivad at & Sox's, Now ia tho ix to nss Bargains at Read's. You can save money bv buying of Raad New is th time to get your ehoio to asm of thoss Albany Woolen! suits st F B Allen &Oo. ARB ARHOaD WHFAT.'fKCENTA ; j yesterday, , TUCKS DAY. W H H Waers died at .Salem Mr J M Waters and wife, of Brownsville, . went t- that city today to attend the fon ! eral. Cliiocao pheasants are beiog killed 'n a. eat numbers now. His of our aimrcds bagged 1 17 within a few mils of this city last Sunday. Corvallis Time. The Octoroon was presented last night to - If,""" " 1 ...v ......... i.' 'in , n.i. tine effect. Albany people are generally pleased with this troops, resulting in a t ood bosineui Tonight Lights of Londoa. The Meiooic lodges of this city hav re- , oeivad a large number of fins bottomed ! -is worn n nui tor tnetr ireny eu- c a a w. . a.s. a . - . a ,, rsyaa . r j T y A.U' 1 lJi,V, ' tbs freight was ab half that pn ce. ! An Insane Man. Orlando Walker, : residing n:ar Halsey, was brought to Al , bany this merning, and on examination was declared insane and this noon Sheriff j Jackson went to Silem with him Ap- "y was given as the csuse. Tup. StXLtv AN--' oBeTT la,t attrscted local attention In Albany 1 It begsr. in Nesr Orieifls at 9 o'clock.and j ! the firs, dispatch,. Vriyed here shortly I after 7 o'clock Men who deprecate prize ! ed; even some women got excited; every ; body seemed 10 want to know about !l A big crowd were given bulletins at the ; Western Union, and a cleb received tbesn from the Postal. Every round showed Corbetf . superiority and It was no sur- prie when it syas announced that the big the list round, ft was the Pacific Coast against ihe Atlantic, and the bracing breeze of the peacefu'. Pacific proved a cyclone aai.iat the denizen of cultured ' Boston, who was knocked out as east! as ; ZV j result though was not what was predicted j ( most people previous to the contest. ! Hundreds of thousands of dollars changed , hand in the I'. S. 5n men in A '.bar, i P"t up all tbey could rake together t nmuDZ oiiuuic, hj j First Street society, pulled in $30 by the j operation. The man who closed hi op- , ponent's eye, bang ;d bit rsose up, and ! deprived hirn of his lung power Is a greater ; attraction than a candidate for presidio.'-. ; on thi evening day of the 19th century. Let u drop the obnoxious name of John I- SuUiWBM His race is run. rxyoAT. , .,, Zfca Salem wco'.ao xnilis ar now riiioo laetarieg weir awn gtxxi into c.s r; at that city. J M Solan baa sold his but toe s at Va iiioa city and wilt hereafter gire hi .nttr attvottoa to nis fcosia in this city. Lck , O'Brien ia tbe anarch is 1 1 ef taw laqoica store. Gaxs-tt. Another good hois greetsd the Wiiber Ctnpaoy in their pnawatstio of the Lfhu of London. Tb oompany is proving a strong one grow ing constantly in favor, Monte Cbristo tonight. To Two Orphan at tomorrow tastusa anl l fie usatttseaeeaa Case tomorrow night. An Albany man who baa iii'.oai from the Cascade reports that word htd been received where be wa atoppiag that fonr asas bad brn killed and two shot at wbo ware ssc-t killed at Blaek Ratf. in Crook ovinty, ta a firbt bstwsn abrwp herders aed tsocssrre. Nothing has been Irsrnal in isJeieuA La it other wis. Tlie following b the best yet wtittec aboot tbe figbt : "Cor belt sroke feeling refreshed anb in fine spirit and ate a ' splendid breakfast. Corbett's trainers wanted him to drink something, but be 1 did not care to do so. and said be would continue abetemiooe. SaleanandfSciowill pl.y base bail ea (.audi. ,1 ad RaUn. with tha L,! . nice: -s!c Ruily. 3s: BaoUi, lr,; b'.ac Wy, c; Larwqar, p: lliate, cf; Mef:rs. If; I 'orgr, ts; Holaaae. 2b; Grcwss, rf; Scto: WeUa. p; I'olWtt, c: Gill, If; Co- e. mh Joss, 2k; fJarea. 3t; Miller, lb; Bam, as; Pcgger, rf . AxoTHex Bad Bot. Today lostSre N M Newport, commifed Lawrence Comp , ton. the nine rear old son ! il C Comp- HOME 1330 SO . tor., of Scfo. to the rcfom school, oa com SO ' plaint of his parents. The boy was said to 33 8$ be tacxwriabie. Pre'.lv voung for a re 100 00 , form ac ho: 11 -mi Wa.iT IltNtiNo. Yeaterdav George wi . . . ' impswo, jesse isarter ana r spencer, ",l;e S P mciwntiT went Chine nhr-sut- V..- as a memento , i ll.e event on.- of Jen-; Barkers calve, into which jar Stimpson i tweiden tally landed ti.rte snot Mr , penw mruhorjt anv injuries. J They also killed two or three docks. sttvaoaT. ( Th spring wheat ta avail; all throbeal. , . .... L Bioadir. wfco asff 1 be to Altasny toon. the P ttnigm at that c-.v The t wo lots of tbe Jaa F H.i) ewtate, on i adwini-tratora aale today w-re beel ia for Mf wBteda if ail at 11700. last nigtt at Eugene two minuter ' prwachitvs tl e stmU were rotten iswed, created eoasidrrabl axcttemeot. Net very creditabla u that citv . Kewhrre by reqnest w pabiiab the rex- ! satta givta by tht t'snnty cmreias iottcr for refusal to apptopiute mncey for protection of the Albany Bridge. Ruber peculiar. A great fwet prlarenacce mat be seen at j Piri ttm, k,. . n,nn. .k. Lebanon j is- tographer last year, cf or s Phil ' Baltimore, of this citv, and Wayne IViI - I : liatns, of Polk count)-. whi':e on a hnrttng : ixpeditloe in tha mountains. There was a big difference oa the for I ' the Mill City bride, th biahewt being MM co-npelr: the lowest F J Millei, 1994.20 eoicp:et. or 5131'i ooootr to fur- ni.b lumter J B Tdlitaoo bid $!'5 and '""St J-bn A Stooe. 421C0. I I One week from tomorrow a race will be ' trotted at tb fair grounds ior three boxes of j I best t ia 3 heats betwooc Baldy, SsTaed by J h Howard. Sea- Foot Xellte, j 500 own'd by Cril Bark hart, and Bins Mountain boy, 16 years of age, owned by W Willia i 2000 The Dallaa Observer saya. "Triis vear's cily attaeaament a,ow np a total value of 350 taxable property $147,062. and an indepted nes of $123,620; whil last year IS91, the 100 total value was about th atne as this year, with an indartedcets of t9f,HS. 300 ; Two arrests. A long haired treet f ft-" " miivetvu t3t t7tlllt 1V1 UI9 J orderlv conduct His onlo weanon waa a ! kn'.te fn a belt. He was to face the re ! corder this evening. Today an bitoxlcat- j ' ed Swede with a inette was arretted for i the same cause. Fsix Ovsr 4'J Feet. Last evening about 5 o'clock Charlie Robertson, the ten year old eon of Mr George Robertson, an emplove in the Albany Iron Works. with another bo v. climbed on to the tmilding, and were getting ready to re turn to the ground when young Robert son slipped and fell through the skylight over the moulding department. His fall was partly broken by a beam, from which he bounded upon tome lintel weights and then to the ground, a dia- tinra in all ..f AO (..r Tl. . w - hip was di8ocated his nose broken, one i ot lilg eves conred nearly out. wn hilw i bruissd generally ,and injured internally. Ar runs was called and attended the un fortunate boy. The difficulty haa been for him to eat, and hit recovery depends considerably upon whether his internal injurietare so great that ho cannot get food to remain in his stomach. ANSouNc-EMKxr. -Having severed my connection with the Albany nurseries, I take this opportunity of tendering my sincere thanks to all former patrons and friends of the above nurseries for their liberal patronage. I am still engaged in the nursery business, having ocated just across ths'river, in Benton county, one hilf mile west of the Albany high steel ' bridge on the Rainwater donation claim. where I am growing as tine a lot ot trees at can be seen In any nursery In the Wil lamette Valley. Trees for sale this fall at the nursery, alto at my trer yaid in Al bany. Awaiting your furthe: orders, I am Yours truly. J A Hyman. Wet. Side Nur Proprietor of the rserles. One dollar saved ts l n doilat earned. Go to AUsa Bros and buy your groceries at etsh prices. Oak vim. k, Or., 8ept. 8th, 180a. Again the angel of death has spread hfs dark wing over our Utile society of C. E. and taken from our midst one of our lnost noble and exemplary young men. i who as loved by all who knew him. j. Melvln Bsmford departed this life on 1 the evening of Sept Jth, at Hails Summit, ' Tslansas. Melvln came to Oregon with his ps rents in the spring of 1885, he was then '. s mere youth. In June, 1886, he made a profession of religion. He was one who . . made it a point to always be present at alt j church services, and while he w-a quite ; young he took an active part in church work. At the organization of the YPSi C of Oakville he was elected President and also a member of ire social commit tes). The committee consisted of Otto! vf-i.,i u,i.a a v wMik Jiuiiv, ab via I uss 1 1 tv; u SsVSSU aTs a rn11.11, At thi semi-snnusl election, Otto Stone w, fIecuJ PrrKUSent ,nd , he mittee were re-elected. On New Year day Otto was acctdently shot. Thi ; a aid blor to our small society. W hen o-.r social committee met after the death off our President, there were but woof us. I Melvln and the writer ot this sketch. Alter tale usual ooeninif exercies were over ! ! Melvln arose and said. "Death has taken i one of this committee, and who will be : next .' and In a lower tone he said. "It j maybe me, the youngest member of the - committee, or It may be vou, the oldest. Vv e know not when we may be called : hence let us ever be prepared to meet in Heaven." He made up bis mind early in life to be j a missionary, to prepare for this he eras . taking a college course at Monmouth, III. , Juoe g d 'hfa rKUlan ,mon udnu and rehVuve hk sister accomoan.- I 1 lie had before his vacation was over the sad news of the sickness of hi brother in law csused him to accompany hi aiater to the death bed of her husband. The school year at Monmouth commenced on '.he '71b of September, but at 'hat hour Melvin bad received the summon and had gone to that home for which he was so well pre -pared. He said to tne writer of this sketch just beljre he left, will meet aBsin, if not on this earth, so why should parting be sad we can't go together." A. Y. Smith. AKIaLlJC. R A Bamford and trite leave on the : ;th for rialb Summit, Ksnaas. to aee their sons wbo are both down with tbe , typhoid ferer. Mrs Martha Jayne. mother of Dr R A , Jayne, of Shedd, is visiting relative here. W a Bobb has commenced tbe tall term of school. Dr J V Gaff, of Albino, baa had tome mote D's affixed to bit name. Mr Robertson wife and daughter. of Al- ; buy. were in auendaice at the U P ciiurch here on babbatb- A letter addressed to "The Handaom- est Man in Oakville" arrived last week. t After trying in rain to find a suitable person to give it to tbe Potrtrcaster ; opened it to and some cine to tbe owner and to bit surprise he found tbe words, i "TbOO Art the Mao." Awccs. Biff, but bad the old-fashioned pLLL Baal to take, and bad to have taken. lo efficient, too. It's only temporary relief yon can get from it. Try sometbiag better. Wita Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the benefit is lasting. Tbey cleanse and regu late tbs liver, stomach and bowels. Taken in time, tbey prevent trouble. i w - - i any case, Lney on it. i And ikae mna it - tu, And tbev cure it miid snd gentle, bst tboroajrh and : -T' enecttve. ltiercs no VV47A aa ShslaTa.arj to tbe svstem, tl : or One tinv, sTiirar- coated Pellet for s laxative three for a cathartic. Sick and Bilious Headache, Consti pation, Indigestioo, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of tbe Liver, ! stomach snd bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cared. They're purely vegetable, per fectly" harmless, the smallest, and tbe easiest to take bat besides that, tbey1! the ckeape pill yon can bay, for they're ffuaraitfeed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. Ton pay only for tbe good yon get. This is true only of Dr. Pierces medicines. . ( ) PlT I T' ( ) TV 1 Vy xVXAl j WAA-aA and BORER. PROTECT -iYOUR - TREES. P4B PAPER, PAINT, ROOFING. Samples and circular free. Paraffine Paint Co., Portland. Orkgox S0DAV1LLE Soda Water, Tbs best .mineral water; in the World, John Isom, Sr's.,; in quantities to suit, 1: keeps tbe svstem to order, and ts refreshing, pleasant drink- Everybody homes. should keep it in their Oe C. McFarlaiid. -;- DBAlrKR IX Harness - and - Saddlery Display in the Door. Opposite First National Bank, Albany, Or POINTERS AND SETTERS FOR SUE CHEAP. A rare chance to secure a fine brace of Pointers, dog and bitch, six months old, orange ami white in color. The dam is fine fielder. The sire is Mr Job's Sensa ttin Sport, the best pointer in Oregon. The Llewellyn Setter Bitch Daisy V., by Little Ben, 19748 (Hoosler Ben,u33S Neliie Gray, 8356) ex Bonnie Llewellyn, 23S3t (Romeo Rural Nellie, 13944.) Daisy V. is eleven months old, black and white In color, and verv promising. Address. A S CAMERON, Corvallit, Oregon. MONOOLIA.V PlIEASAXTS FOR SaLK. WELL DIGGING Ed Davidson in preps red to do well digging ia first olass style, promptly, and will guar antes bia work: DREADFUL PSORIASIS f ovcrlng Entire Body with White Scales. Suflferlnp; Fearful Cored by Caticora. iySiasaae fpeoraaia) first sssssassri MS. SDrasillae K, J , . ?V? "7 tmc- . rw tn'x- tr y eve, aod toe pnyatasasi was afraid I would lose cat Meatasss It auaatJ oat, coiil l ww 25lr UU sWIet.; lt lirm Joes u aore. It eoveted ray metre tody, tay face, fees!. mswil MUSg SCI a De waste aeaaw fail 00ewUr.t r fefl c,nxtu:t;r frcaa mi head, aaoaldwrs, rad areas: tV skin woo Id tMekM sad W red sod very itchy, sad won Id eraek and Ureal K2 two usuts .i.ti' ra ttaaoiTS.T. I eusld sea a I bad toT bottle., I wm alntoet eared, and when I had seed etx hwttk- i 'lticcsia IU!.iwt, eras box of Ctnoau aarf owe eakr of Cmorai Soar, I war enrwj of tk dreadful iftewaae froaa which bad snSererf for Bv yean. 1 issaast as fere ettha few whwt I awgerad before oatsej tha Ra ataurx They eared my itfcaaa I feel tt say dnty lo ritassilil Ihwra. My hair la 1 war r red as rood a awer, and eo la my ytgfct. Urn. SOU KJEIxt, BoekweU AtyVlwa. Cutlcura Resolvent The new Blood Porta, tssSsrsasDr the tiood of ail iwnorinaa aS rjoaroaoi (to and Otrtttaiaa, the greai Ms andCcrtcx-SA boat, ass rsajtnatte eo asssjesaaas v. aad seals; aad saators the hair), hair od of SSSSM when the enartdlor of cored iWa saaairsd a traart daily, the sen era if est. lS.JUa-. bassar, aad ttexang: ajsaost kwyoatt snitni 1 1 -w. hatr Wm law or all gas, ardsrrtag terrt bic. V t oshrr rraadiae have oaaaw wrh oarwa? Bead itiyhaia. Price, Ci-nemti, Vx . Soa?, ..r-socraa-r, tl. Vrrvaivi by the Fottxj Xsca astb Ctatsui at 0swXwXXwsx. Koeeoo. aarr -ad for " Bow to Cor Skla Uaaswaa," ft Ijm, ifi UlaMtratsoaa, and IssSxeatfeansnrt DiMrTJEg, titsrk haa it., red, rowgh, ettsssnesi.AI riHi oily eUa cored by Cmcraa Soap. rs ae Tvmrv: ltd wa watt- ir y.r saewew. Tr SWswssnr h s 1 1 hiiiaawa taVaaaa. wrhlrh prteew sri ,. ko scmrtiTVTs- ja I WW 1 DOUGLAS S3 SH OE TK BUT SHOE HT3E sat SHui 5rtrtert I hah fmaaians sis lliiilins Iklsnoi Si t: SA T. I- POffiLlS Bracks, -lv- L Fa. BjUAi . Star Bakerj f srDrsails hit:! and Firsst l- COt-RfO VEYfR.PSiVBlETO!.. ( stats, el rrsttttv. Glsxausssatrw., Orled rrtsltss. Tbje-c . xttTSSr Ctater. - (tBeetsssw ar . . ege'j.. . SSttfM t te.. Has. : passi aaa ' 1 ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE CDA7CD AXLE 1SE BJtsr m THE Trc BE -wwnrtat; si aTH lae 1 a is 11 n rajjlsaajsa two taaiat BTTa:rj nbsaaShT heat. ST"Sa, a' ilii. as. rs SALr 5 y p causes mxr: l - -- ' - c -WWSS A : i ? r- i , -. s. . , - , .eat it 13 -ni? Cirr la it A-iiUi i -a-Srt.l , - i ar st Isasi' ,y, l-,Se. a-:i-.-atf-,tiit-. tnajT-. tisaewi tl .. AJ . fr bmi:tli gjiwa. krCt. r Twesiwi t tastseil et.-, ruin; si .j . th tha ka an i---. . nttsanai See tnrrifi i . r-tayaatil. kyssti-rra . -.: i. ox.s reread stavsrty '-' ' t--rr- "irmi I'satuilt, ' S Araaasalax. Or aegis. Mies Agent. Albany. Oreawaa S.-l-M fr it. Attentat. Ta ADC SSAR-ks. tetsM PATCMTS 1 rsaraii CCfYtaCWTS, etc. ASESTeix, iT'o? te? SVmnht hSSi w r-r r or th is i smtaw ftetttifir jlraewatt l 1 : - soLaraUSc paper r tit o sssxswaai ft. wea SBsoSawJw1 FOSHAY & MASON muuvi as aartne- ! Druggists and Bookseller i AsTM-ta for John B. Aldsn'e put ltcalioas ' wai -h we sell at erjlslislrer' rrle with 'itWIraSMl fits' tliBANf , OKKtwOa 30C tvtV6s i tv t!iabe.- reWT - r ....... jB ... t5Btia. e; t-U- v'.. . ... ; ' -r CwSiToaj r. . .- , W. t ileir Ft fct-v K'.-i ... 4S I aitS. Tv r.,v .-, . , , , .'.iveaatWacslott. Saju- - sra - ' ' ' tt eA i..- . u." .. 'jrn . j' .. a icaa.iw . .j'i'ir. cf vl iAl saacerxrcvHu'iit' . t e sunn vi.!-, i,itt, 1 s REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, OREGO? HAS. PFEIFFEK PROi'RIETOR ACADEMY -OF- heard of the mm IT 8T0P8 THE PMM, MhC Bach ache, asdnry pete, wcatacaa. assaWh tiwd sss oww retnn-e by th Cat. mm 0 suiss Ajara-Pwan Flaaster. 36c arSBawnwaWSwwrs--rsrwr-Ti w-aaBiaar- was w 11 SST OT ewaar aawawaa wwawaw 1 ej't'? . am uwana A FOR "mEfE1!. Ill 1 1 had w3 ws rwa. Sawa zsxswmJl JCa r "-eiS ' sM-sas(afi!uAt,'in' fmr"'mm' 3 rV;W ftH iSMee Efiswv.wc by tessars aad stt. Fa osaanss who wan a good henry nsrf. thaw aaaw; ltaasswi ahoa. essay w waXit xe.aa atl ' kaajM th tweed. a I ns. S jtammSXJS1 as ,' TSoS"JTasra lean aaahow tSwSdaxcaaa. aTw fwad thasoasT - Boya'KSEjSjygTffcS' dasmaaTsa isai a si sij nail ?iafflalswaSaai a" . .- wit SSai w iiartast eswaaasasss wbhj. seawnetrT Laiy OtPi.i.i 11)