The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 16, 1892, Image 3

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    Tft( Dmorrat.
A Fox Chask A Drmocra r man
recently read a long sccaunt, in n first
class meajaalne, ol high toned fox chase
l.i the Cier.esee Valley. New Ycrk. the
scenes being familiar to the writer, in
vhich the (ox was not caught. Here U
an account Of oni- in the mo-e glorious
illamette Valley, from the Dallas
lranscript: "A rather funnv episode
turned up at the camp meeting" last Sun
day evening in the i-linpe of a fox chase,
nlmmick's hounds scared the wild ani
mal out In the neighborhood of his prem
ises, and came yelping down bv the camp
firound, making a rlproarous din, which
robbed the meeting of Iik congregation of
young bloods instautcr. Then away went
the whole caboodle up t,h vale along the
tramway, the boys ch-erlng like a Fourth
of July crowd, the defcs crecching nd
roaring, and the noise accompanied at in
tervala with rapid cracking ot fir.: arms;
while at every Hale lull arose the loud,
long cries of the exhorters at the alter,
who kept right on as though nothing had
happened, and all together making about
as wild and Incongruous a bedlam lo a
person on the outtide as one could ex,-ect
to hear in an ordinarily cultivated com
munity. The fox. i.y the way is still st
large. So are the boys and the ilogs and
the preachers.
Thk Cnust Qi ssTios. One of the
two men weeused of killing 231 Chinese
pheasants in two days, says the two men
were two weeks killing theui,an average
of 19 a day for each man. Among hunt-
man. In the meantime a breakfast of
Celestials knocks out even the ancient
dish of nightingales. Whether killed
wjth their heads up. on .he run or on the
wing, they present a diet unsurpassed
this side of Mars. Hunters should do
all in their power to preserve the bird
perennially, for it makes r. noble dfth ; i
www unnciHi cruni is nun iur pure i
enjoyment nothing has been offered
ahead of hunting the Mongolian ring
necked pheasant and his trotting mate.
Leave theequabs alone; pick out the
strutting rooster.and the tender breasted
youngster verging into roosterdom, and
the meek looking hen, and blaze away
for the fan of yourself and friends.
Hello, Hello.
The telephone circuit i
is now completed, rtnd is in splendid
working order. Albany is now in com
munication with Portland, Corvallis,
Salem and other valley towns by sound
of voice. The Albany office is with Geo
C Stanard, where, those desiring to talk
with other places on the circuit can do
The different towns on the circuit are
Aurora. Canby, Gervais, Hnbbard, Ore
gon City, Park Place. Saleui and Wood- j
burn on the East Side and An ity, Beav- i
erton, Corvallis, Forest Grove.'Gaston,
Hillsboro, lndependerce. McMinnvillej
and North Yamhill, on the West Side. 1
It costs 25 rents to ta'k with Corvallis
from Albany. 50 cenU with Salem, $1 00
w ! m. 01 siauiutnu proporuuuaie'y wiin 1
other towns. Three minutes is allowed I
for the purpose.
ATxaab. in estate 01 cnra-,
beth Slierfy, first account fi'.ed.
O ... T .... 1
In guardianship of Ina BTycer, annual '
account filed.
In guardianship of Thoa B Miller, I
idiotic fnal account allcwel and guar- i
dian discharged. ;
In estate of Moses Burge, semi annual !
account aprroved. Final settlement set
o, a iu.
in estate ol (.has H IHu kett. la?t will
and testament admitted to probate. Eliia
Dockett. executrix. Bonds. 3X10. Ap
proved Appraisers. L M Wheeler, C B
Montague, and C H Ralston.
Tn estate of Jonathan Needham. bond
of Adm'r approved. AppTat-ers. Z Hay.
E L Bryan and Joe Simpson.
In estate of M C Howard, W A Kimsey
was appointed guardian ad :itetn. Prop
- erty ordered sold.
Dsath or Fantcie Stbaua. A tele
gram was received this morning by
thmp and th word. and .h. .0 .rn.le Hs. flhilit v of . : the rper mill U at Lebanon.
aivaa Ha I' , n. 41 1 Li.- - ..... . . . it s ... I . r. I
hens, etc . are mixed up in a manner to across the Cascades Into Eastern Oregon. Deputy Recorder ZH Rudd
ronfnae pnnlnnnil n. The rnmtttnr uslrh S urnlUn.n .... I I -OUnty lCrk MOrrlS 1 .1 I1C and Mf
...... ............. u,.., , ... . . . .'in ujuij - - - r ....... - . . .. ,
tauae stranan irom Atlanta, ueorgia, 1 eit.Lt miles north of thisoitv. There was
announcing the death of hia sister, no oneat home at the time and Uie tour
tannie Hereford Strahan, who died on ; j9t nyanoed an entire suit of cloth's "un-
t lie 11th inst. She had been in ill health
for several years and had been taken to
Atlanta with the hope that her health
would be restored. She was the eldest
daughter of Judge Strahan and was aged
about 26 years- We have not learned
whether the body will be brought here
for burial.
Melon Thieves. Sunday several
boys entered the garden of Mr W 8 i
Crowder in the eastern suburbs of Al
bany, and not osly stole all the melons
they could get hold of ; but also destroyed
a peach tre and other property. Mr
Crowder mounted a horse on discovering
it shortly afterwards end rode them
down, securing their names He pro
poses to prosecute them, refusing at the
time to compromise with hem ; but
nothing has been done yet.
Goras Appeared. Elijah 'joins, who
disappeared from Jefferson last Friday
evening was found in his own yard last
night, in a somewhat dszed condition.
t, A rof ,-iaat t. r " n rA ol.U (n rail wltaM )
no uau ueeu- ooui. niiv peovie riau
hunted the entire neighborhood for him,
and it was feared that he might ha.e
Odd Fellows Exccrsios. On next
Wednesd ay there will be an excursion
Odd Fellows from Portland up the West
Side to Corvallis and from there across
to this city and return to Portland. These
people will be from the east, south and
north. The excursion will consist af ten
cars and they will stop long enough here
to take lunch (on the cars) and be shown
around the city.
n Uie Circuit Court of tie State oj Oregon for
Linn County .
Boneyinan, DeHart St Co, a cor
poration duly organized under
the general incorporation laws of
Oregon, I'laiatifTs.
K HVnnesa. T L Henne-is mil 1
T Heaness, Deieti'iaiis:
by virtue of an execution and order
of sale duly issued out ol the above
named court in the above entitled action
to medirected and delivered, I will on
gatarday, Uie 1Mb day of October, gv,
at the front door of tbe Court House, in
the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon,
st the hour of one o'clock p moisau i ay . j
sell at public auction far osh in hand to
the highest bidder all tbe right, tine and
interest of the said defendant, T L Hen
nas, in and to the NX ofthB8K!of
sec 34, in To 9. 8 of R 3 E of the WiUam,
ette meridian, In Linn county Oregon
containing 80acre, t will also ssll all
tbe right, title and interest of the said
defendant, E Henness, in and to tbe fal
lowing described real property towit:
Tbe N E '4 of the E 'A and the N X of
the N W 'A of the HJt of sec J Tp 10. H
of R 3 E of tbe Willamette meridian, in
T.inu countv. Oregon containing 60 actea.
The proceeds arising from such sale to be
spplted to tbe payment of the costs of
and upoa said execution and the original
costs ot suit taxed at f 37 05, snd tbe pay
ment of plaintiffs claim Amounting t the
sum of $158 47. with accruing interest
thereon from June 23rd. 1891, ft 1 be rate
of 10 per cent per annum; and tbe further
sum ot Z0 attorney's tees.
Dated September 13tb. 1892.
Sheriff of Linn county .Oiegon.
by virtue of anurdtr of the County
Jourt of Linn county, Oregon, made snd
entered of recsrd in said court the 12th day
of September, 1892, in the matter of the
eatate of M C Howard, deceased, 1 will sell
at public auction at tne court House door m
Albany, Oregon, to the highest snd beat
bidder therefor, for cash in the hour
of one o'clock p ta, on the 22nd day of Octo
ber 1892 all the estate which said decedent
had in and to tba folio wiag described real
eatate at the time of her death. Lot ons in
block No 14 in the city of Aloany, Unn
county, Oregon, asid estate being a fee
simple estate.
W U eiLYKi', " Adm'r of ssid eatate.
Found Dkad. Monday Al Morriion,
who llyes across ths river from Ibis city,
found a man dead In the brush, about a
quarter of a mile from the end of the hlg
bildge, on the Benton county side. Mar
shal Hoffman and others went over and
found that the man had ben dead four to
six days. Papers found showed that it
was Oscar Davis, son of J I Davis, who
lives the other side of the Santiam river,
near the Sanderson bridge. Reporlhas it
that Oscar had collected $300 or $400 and
that he lost It gambling In this city last
week. His father was In this city today
looking for hi.-n. Mr HoHrran did not
search the man, hence it Is not known yet
whether there is any money on his person
or not. Mr Hoffman telephoned to the
Coroner at Corvallis to take charge and
hold an Inquest. An envelope was picked
up near the dead body on which was
written the following:
My Dear Loving Wife. Please forgive
me. Oh, you are one that love, but I am
a wreck. Take good care of'the children.
I love one as well as the aother. I dont
need to tell you what has caused me lo do
thi H My friends and you can guess at
the rest. I have got the consumption and
could not live longer."
The letter was unsigned but it was
taken from his pocket and it seems quite
clear to be a case of suicide. He was
about 35 years old and it is saisl was ad-
dieted to drinking and gambling, the
body is decomposing and it is unpleasant
to approach it. No bullet mark or other
weund was found on the person, though
no examination was made.
! This week Messrs Sheldon and Boglsv,
j civil engineers of Portland, where In
. Prlneville in the Interest of the Siuslaw,
, hugene Eastern K K t o. They were
: looking over the country to gather statis
tics and ascertain the amount of probable
representing have a survev from Florence,
at the mouth of Sluslaw river, to Eugene,
and are looking for a route eastward.
Should tbese gentlemen after carefully
looking over the country, report sufficient
Inducement for building a road here. It is i
possible the company may lay their po
Ped line Into Crook countv. Review.
v 1 " r.ucr cni iw c. tu
: as a past affair.
Crook Coi nty. Several loads of wool
from South John Day passed through town
receotly-en roue to the Albany mills.
M H Bell has begun an action against
the members of ihe town council and mar
shal for $150 damages for having filed up
an iriizalipi? ditch throutrh which water
was carried on to his premises.
Diphtheria in its most aggraved form
j has made its appearance in the Liberty
neighborhood, about 40 miles east of Prine
I ville. It has entered the family of Mr and
! Mrs J M Mansfield and has left them al-
most childless.
Last 'J uesdav lorencon B F Allen's
house on McKay, ten mhes north of Prine
vllle, was destroyed by fire. The fire la
j opposed to have'eaught from a defective
! flue ft from sparks from the chimney.
CoMtNo this wav. The Kttgatie
(iuard save : "The evangelist, who with
his wife are selecting the 144,000 souls
that will be saved at the ending of this
world within the next four years, held
forth again at Matlock's coiner both Sat-
urday and Sundav evenirgs. Saturday I
right his argument proved beyond a
doobt? thM the end woohl soon come,
Last night he argued that pride and
covetousness were greater evn than the ,
saloon. His nmque wav of statins'
me of pasdoxes arising from pride
8 momg to ,he audience if not very
The Coos R. R. W Earl, who has
accepted the position of chief engineer
on the Koseburg, toos Bay railroad, wtl!
! - 1 .1. t v.: l-i .
ivitw iur me accue o 1119 laoora 10-iuor-
I row, says the Leader of Corvallis.
' Among those who will compose his party
are E A Korthauer, C K Nicholson. L A
Whereat, A Carlile, E Beach and s H
; Sykes. Mr Earl informs us that con
st ruction will continue from Myrtle
, Point in Coos county, eastward, and )o-
i eating will be commenced at Roseburg.
i Mrs Earl will accompany her hnsband to
' southern Oregon.
An TJxvn ExciiAXot. About ten
j days ago a tramp entered tbe residence
1 of Joseph Hazlet, a farmer living about
sight and unseen." When Mr. HazUt
returned home and discovered that bis
best suit had been taken and an old one
left in its place, he was verv much dis
satisfied with the trade and he notified j R Sheltop, of Scto, is doing Albany
Sheriff Osbtirn. who started on tbe today.
tramp's track, and he was overhauled at j m Moyer and Mr Cole, of the Foit
Dallaa yesterday. Times. 1 land Store of the Albany Woolen Mills
Just at Tn. Mr Carter, living in
Chehaiem valiev. the father of the bovs
i who captured Wilson, the Milwaukie
' murderer, went into the woods west of
his home last week and in rambling
around sot into one of the quagmires so
numerous in that section, and for three
das remained slowly sinking. He was
found Friday by a man who had chanced
to pass that way and rescued- W hen
; discovered, his head was all that re
mained above the surface. Speechless
and almost dead he waa taken home, and
now, by careful treatment, he may re
cover. The State Fair. Here it is from the
Corvallis Times:
I'he Oregon state fair
U in full blast this -?eek at Sricm. Tre
press of the state Is under no special obii-
gatlon this year for compli.nentaries . '
Secretary Greg has evidently concluded
it was too much like ' 'casting peans be- !
fore swine," and the printers will have to j
pay like the brlance of the boys this year :
if they want to attetd the big horse race.'
roa " r-.iEE, -leaseraa lodge Flinn was in Eugene veslerdav
George . Houck was bound over by H , , before jndtfe Fal,erton
G Davie, justice of the peace, to .wait , t, caM o B j FeoEra,gt A K Wheel
the action of the grand jury it. the sum ! r Ttip AnLnt Mr Klinn-s client.
of 1 1000. A warrant w as issued on com'
plaint of C. L. llalone, of Alsea, charg
ing the said Houck with tbe larceny of
about 50 head of sheep from his pasture
some ten days ago. Corvallis Times.
Another cause ior a railroad into Crook
coenty comes up The Review says:
"Our beef raisers year are placed at a
gieat disadvantage.having but one market
open to them, and In consequence prices
are very unsatisfactory. The best offer,
o far as we have learned, Is ic de
livered In the Dalles. This low price is
unaccounted for, since beef is retailed In
I Portland and the sound cities at the same
! price it wai two vears airo when buyers
paid Uc for beet delivered at Shearer's
t-.r;.l ... r
Coming. Albany people will be e'ad
10 learn that James G Clark, the noicU
singer, who was in Albany a year ago, and
whom many of our ciiiz.- ns heard sing,
will he In Albany next Tuesday evening.
Sept 20th, at which time he lll give a
concert in the First M E Church. Ad
mission 25 cents, children 10 cents.
This Means Something.
If you want a suit of clothei made by a
first-class tlalor. The tailsring depart
menl of the L E Blain Clothing Co. has
just received a large and choice line of
suitings for the fall trade, which under the
expert management of Mr Schlrller, will
be made up to suit, r irst class goods and
satisfaction is the program in this depart
ment, as a trial will convince any one.
Postponed. Mrs Farrell having post
poned her visit to California will continue
her instruction in instrumental music,
and also purposes forming a class for the
benefit of those who wish a thorough in
sight into harmony and the formation of
chords. 15 years experience and a thor
ough English training enables her to im
part knowledge in a very agreeable and
easy manner. Evening class for young
gentlemen. A card at post officii will
bring an early call.
Let U Have 1's. Pensively paune; pro
found ly premeditare; patiently ponder; yer
aiateutly publish: Parker Bios the pioneers in
placing plainly printed gileasinii purchaae
pricea on perfectly prepared packages ef
pure, powerful and perpitually popular gro
ceries, baking powder, baked goods, etc, pre
viding people, perceiving propiticus proi
pect, purchase promptly . Prudent persons
pay proprietor punctually, perpetuating
peace .
Linn Co. Council. Linn County Coun
cil will meet the first Saturday in Octo
ber, 1892, in the hall of Tangent grange.
J H Scott,
Ralph G Wiqle, President.
Wm Pfelffer, of Dallas, Is In the city.
Miss Lena Story who has bren visiting
in Albany several weeks, went n Salem
Rev K A McAllister, formerly of this
city, preached at the Ceutt 'louse, in
Eugene, last evening.
Mr Henry Hackensto, formerly of Al
bany, will go into the musical Instrument
business in Dallas, on Sept 15th.
C A McDonsld, thf well known evan
gelist, has returned to the railroad, and Is
now running an engine on the West Side.
Mrs L V Gulss has returned from La
fayette, w here she has been for several
das on account of sickness of Mr J D
tiuiss. Woodburn World.
District Attorney S W Condon, recently
hung in ertigy at Newport, was in Albany
this noon on his way home.ln a good stale
of preservation.
Mr t;eorge Hosq jel, th! Sodaville bar
ber, was in the city today. Mr Bosquet Is
manager of the mineral balh rooms.a line
health restorative arrangement.
Mr Seaman Meyer.cterk for the Revere
House, it is reported, has accepted a por
tion as advance agent for I)r Williams,
who will be in Albanv 'n a few days.
Baynard Montanye left for Corvallis
todav to enter the State Agricultural Col
lege Jasper Wyman and Arthur Wood
will leave for that city on Wednesday far
the same purpose.
Col and Senator Jeffreys M.vers, ac
companied by his cousin, Mrs lr Anna
Jeffreys, went to Sclo taday. The Col
took along a little purse of $3,000 to tav
, ott his hop pickers. alem Journal.
j Mrs Q W Spurting left this city this
I morning for Albanv. where she will join
ner husband, who Is at work In a paper
mill at that piece Hillsboro Democrat.
Payne leave tomorrow morning on a trip
to the Metolias They are all live young
men, who will at least bring back a good
record, if no fish .
County Clerk Payne and John and Wil-
liam Althouse
returned last night from
R.ttu..n !ri. - Mr P. ...... 1.
.KK lm,i.rr.wr1 In'hM.tth U -,.... K. .!
a great place for rheumatism.
Charles Redfield left yesterday noin for
Rosebur. from which place he was to
start out with Mr Earl and crew to-' the
permanent survey of the route for the
Koseburg and Coos Bay R R .
Geo W Hochstedter, supreme represen
tative of the grand lodge K . ot P. cf
uregon returnea nome vesieroay trom :
rvansas ti:y aoaompaniea oy Mrs Mocn- . ,he ine he-ween Una and Benton coun
stedler and reports a great time. T.ey j ties and is ent'tled to juu as much con
also visited relative, in Iowa alderatlon, particularly when It Is rem em
The Jacksonville Times says: MChas j bered that the city pay nearly a third of
Piper, one of the posta. agent who are on the taxea of the county. "The whole
duty between Portland and Ashland, J of Linn county should work together In
tarried in Jacksonville Wednesday night. ; tbe matter of public improvement. Re
He is one of the most efficient of Cncle j member that though ether sections have,
Sam's emrlovee on the route." Of Albany has never vet onnosed snv Im-
course. Most Albanv bo s turn out well
.Most anssi 00 s turn out well
The Ashland Kccx.rd says:
The re -
as. w
ported death of Luther Benson, the te.n- ;
perance orator, is evidently an error. The
Record of Brownsburg, Indiana, says: '
Luther is still alive-ha lken the Keeley
treatment-but never-the-le. he get. a
Jag on orcemSe.My. ,
( ine rsikujur.iy uwfrvtr ge:s aneau
sw lime ust a week, as follows: Mrs D
Belt, of this city, attended the wedding of
her sister. Miss Lillian Hackleman, at!
(Albany Wednesday. Mr Morehouse, the J
groom, is a promising young business man
nd Miss LU'Ian U a popular young lady
01 tnai city.
Rev J M Parker, the popular minister
of ihe M E Cnurch of this place, left Tues
civ for Fresno, California, to enter upon a
iife of matrimonial bliss. Mr P-rker wilt
be married to Miss Belle C Balev, nelce of
Judge Baler, of California, next Wed-
) udge
lle and his bride
Ill retum 10 j
Oregon in about three weeks, and will
attend the conference 10 be held at Albany.
October cih, 189.1. Many offerings of
good wishes will lollow this happy couple.
Independence Wes. Side.
Capt EJ Lanning, George Humphrey
and W B Barr returned Saturday night
from their overland trip to Tillamook,
where they had been for an outing. They i
brOLgnt back with them a Sne supply ol
trout and salmon, catching several of the
ratter weighing as much a about twenty
pound, with a trolling haok. The fish
were p'aced in cold atorage. where they
were inspected by a Dcmoorat man.
They also brongnt heme aome elk meat:
but the Democrat cannot tell a lie about
i".. Inevall reoert a fine time, nothing
occurring to roar the pleasure of the trip !
except a dispute as to who was head cook. (
Try, dat.
were in the city today
Mr and Mrs J Clem, of the Albany
prairie, left this noon for Walla Walla.on
a visit with Mrs Clem's sister.
Mr and Mrs Reason McConnell left
this noon for their Toledo residence,
where they will remain a month or more.
James G Clark, the well known singer,
will Ire in Albany next Tuesday evening,
Sep: 20th, at which time he will give a
The members of the W R C and Sons
j of Veterans will bold a camp fire picnic
at Capt W N Phillips, across the river,
1 Thnradav evening.
! The manv old time friends of Mr and
Mrs A Compton, ot Tillamook, wilt be
K'aU to know tiiey are prospering. ney
have a fine tract of land and are engaged
" making excellent butter and honey.
W F Read, J V Pipe, H H Ames and
Mr Colwell returned from the Santiam '
mines last night. They report numer- j
ous fires on the road from Oavteaille to
the mines, two or three bridges being
burned out.
asks for additional findings ami a new
trial, which is opposed.
Mr Olsen, the leading citizen of Olsen
ville, is In town.
Mr Robert Andrews, of HaUev. has
! been doing Albany today.
Mrs Jason Wheeler hit for Weston, F.
O, yesterday on a visit with relatives.
A .dispatch received irom Jos Koch bv
the Eugene Guard states that he started
for home alone last evening.
Mr and Mr E D Sloan.of the Orphan's
Home, left today on a trip to the Sound
'or their summer vacation.
E E Goft, superintendent of the Al
bany electric light plant, was in the city
yesterday, the guest of his friend, F R
(I spoil aletn Ma'eaman.
A reception to the Rev Abbott, the
. . 1 r i.; ::.... ...111 1 ... ..;.,., n r 1 1 .
new M E minister, will be given at the
parsonage tonight, 7:30 to 10 o'clock
Everybody is invited.
N H Allen, and CG Btirkhart return
ed last night from Portland, where they
had been to make arrangements in refer
ence to the Waterloo motor line.
Mr Biockway, a prominent banker, of
Brownsville Tenn, is in the city, on hU
way home from San, Calif,
where he has been attending the US
bankers' convention.
Hon Henrv H Gilfrey, reading clerk of
! the U S Senate, was in the city today on
! 1.1. r.: u:
Kin wav Lif in11 binie 1V.1I. run muiuy
are in Virginia. Mr Gilfrey retains his
position in Washington, notwithstand
ing contrary reports, a fact that speaks
for his great popularity.
Frank and James Froman and Tom
Waller returned last night from their
trip to tin mountains. Their log book
shows sixteen deer and one bear killed,
which we give at the the risk of injuring
their reputation. They at least brought
back six deer to show for the hunt-
P A Cochran and wife have returned
from a two months' outing. They left
here the middle of July with a full camp
ing outfit and a light spring wagon.
They went to Fish hake, on over the
mountains to the Deschttes, followed up
to its headwaters and then down the
Willamette river home. They had a fine
time, having berries, venison and Ash in
abundance. VVoodDuin independent
Mr Cochran was in Albany yesterday.
DO Tbe place to get one according to
YOU tbe beat information to be obtained,
WISH ia at Matthews St Washburn's. They
A carry a large atock of the very best
STOVE makes in the msrkat, both of cook
ing and heating stoves . No doubt abeut it
at all. Their hundreds of oustomers
through Lion countv will testify fo tbe fact.
No v is the time to investigate the matter.
Astoria barbers have just goiten down
to the 1 c cent rate, and Astoria now proni-
j Ises to'become a railroad city.
An Oregon exchange says there are
too man people around who will not
have anything to do with matters unless
they can boss the whole arrangement.
Coibelt, the lighter; Nancy Hanks, the
trotter, and Zimmerman the'bicycllst, are
on top on account of their muscles. Will
some body make a home run with his
brain. It Is not right to see bnln eclipsed
by muscle. They should go hand In
Seventy-two citizens In Ihe vicinity of
Junction City pubUh a trespass notice" In
the Times. The farmers of Linn cou.ttv
will probaily follow suit and protect our
game against avoraclous hunters who kill
for rortland epicurean!-.
The Pacific Builder ol September 3 con
tains a picture of the resldnce of Wm M
Klllingsworth In Aiblna. He went from I
Eugene about twelve ycirs ago wlthsut j
any capital and ii now worth $300,000,!
having made it all in the lis in real es - i
tate in and around Albina. Journal.
Gov Pennoyer wrote the following let
ter to Gen Weaver: "My Dear General:
Official business will call me to Salem the
day you speak In Portlai.d. I write this
to you to show that I am with you in the
fight, heart and soul. Cnless I am greatly
disappointed I shall soon speak In your ;
oenau oetore a larger audience than any
that could be gatheied at Portland."
A tenderfoot with Main dirt under
his finger nails was on the streets Mon
day asking where the entrance was to
that big cave to Mount Hood. He had
been told " ta hum," said he, "that that
enough for a horse ter canter in its hull 1
ci 1 a v iii in 111 hi - tt l 1 f rrwii i.uv iiil' 1
length, and I wanter drive through hit to
ue iop 01 tne mountain.
r .
As lie Was a
in Maine, the I
P "''Call Mil TtTid
banner republican state, it took a half!
I day's talk bv a voluble real estate man !
j to convince him that he bad been lied to 1
This is true as gospel. Oregon City
Courier. .
Verly properly Linn countv assisis i
in building a
building a bridge acres the North
Santiam on the
of Nation and Linn I
counties. She ought to do it. Albanv ts on
provement asked lor
provement asked for ins where In the
icoun'' - Our Countv Commissioner i
1 i
snoulrt tase a broa.l view of the matter.
A Mrml come, from Pori-
,Md A man ate watermelon. ...d then
wirunijD K9nUiDg in hl, be-
lng drowned.
Nearly all the tin horn gamblers of Or-
fn are at the state fair th;s week A!
' bany bae a few days rest.
; fiercely in it in this respect.
aaassa -
Washington has been christened the
Evergreen state by a Seattle real estate
firm who are evidently seeking to obtain
capital out of the idea. The name
though, is liable to be generally adopted.
It is good enough for our younger neigh-
bor, offering a fresh sound that always
sounds fresh, and suggesting
irrai poe -1
sibililies from a green apple to a 300 foot
fir tree.
In speaking of the Mongolian pbeas-:
ant, the Oregon lan says: "A favorite
method oi hunting them up the valley is j
-ij. j t. ,,, nu ,. ,,ik
their heads above the stubbl to see wha'.
is going by, they are hot., Albanv :
hunters as a rule take them on tbe wing, I
As a matter of fact the manner mention-
: . : : z 1
ed bv the Oreffoman is not a favorite !
X'xr ih mmmii l thr i'.-,.i... ,-
of GranU Pass are found rocks of por- i
phTry liia,t resemble water melons both j
in shape and color.
Speaking of a nine year old boy who
sent to tbe reform school ttie wooa
burn Independent says in a very interest
ingwav: "Better send the boy to the;
orphan s borne and put his father in the
i reform school, where he can be instruct-
ti.:. .1". e-..: vT .1 '
This thing of comnutting bovs in dresaes
to penal institutions to receive parental !
care is ail wron
- ,
The Albanv Democrat is oound that a
railroad shall not be built from this city !
I? t!!.- U5ri!: ".-?L,,r?f. J? I
i.:T" c ;r .1.. r.ilrnt
centre" organ that such is not tbe
How about the O P R R? Eugene I
Ouard. 1 be Hsmocrat got the idea from ;
a Eugene paper and is not to blame if
incorrect. When the Siuslaw R R is
built 62 miles past Eugene into the Cas
cades, as the O P is past Albany, the will agree ner to say, "what
about the fiuslaw."
a Trespass leasee
Shedd, Or
Hdi tort Democrat :
Sept. loth, 1S9J
A meeting was held at Shedd by the
fsrmiri of the aurrounding country to
organize a trespass league to prevent tres
passing on their farms. A permanent
organization was formed by electing J W
Pugh.Chalrman; V W Robriett.Secretary.
and F H Porter, Treasurer. By vote of
the club the secretary was instructed to
furnish the Herald and Ohmocrat the
proceedings of the meeting. The follow
ing persons signed the roll: H Kreerksen,
John C Davis, John W Pugh,J 8 Roberts,
C C Broadwcll, F M Rinehart, A B Pat
terson, W M Powers, J U Scott, Jas
Carothers, A W Kendall, A C Morgan, A
Freerksen, T B Davidson. S B Powers, W
M Shearer. L N Allen, F II Porter, V W
Robnett, T B Springer. II B Springer, W
M Kav, W 15 McCormick, C B Watson, B
F Tro'u'man, Mrs L J Houck, II Arnold,
Geo B Pugh, II Pollock.
V W Hons ki t,
TOP at Will & Stark's for wat-has,
elry and ailverwaro. Kkvant a-
a-irtinent for wedding presents. Nothing
like it in this part of Oregon.
Albany Marbel.
Wheat. 62.-.
Oats, 880
Flour, $6.00.
h utter, 2Cc
Eggs. 22c.
Laid, 12X0.
. Pork - hams, IS ; shoulders, K . sides,
Hay. baled, sis,
Po atoea, 25o.
Apples, SOc.
Uoii 17c.
Lrled fruit--plums, 0c, ar.p!
h!ckena, 4 60 per dosen.
Ileef. on foot, 2Me.
Hogs, dressed, Tc.
1 9c.
V A ItltlKIl,
residence of the bride's parents In Jeffer
son, on Wednesday, September 7, I802,
Ed Johnson to Miss Avis lludleson The
groom is a young man from Enterprise,
Wallowa county, and the bride is a daugh
ter ot A u uuaieson, ot jctterson.
HARRIS. In Sau Francisco, Sept.
12th, to the wife of Ala Harris a daugh
ter. DIKU.
PHILLIPS. In Boise City, on Tues
day, Sept. 13, 1802, ot dropsy, Mrs Isa
pbene Phillips, aged 25 years. The de
ceased was a daughter of Mr A B Morris
of this city, and formerly resided here.
Stato fair wak.
The uow Christian church was dtdioattd
at I'dryaDis yesterday .
Albany should bn up with tl e timer, and
have a couple font hall team.
This nnon the diay team of B V I'Drdorn
became fractious at the domt, hreakio th
tongue of hi dray.
8atur'', night the calabon at KIern
aoiitsinru ubnut liflcen dun I. , ture sijn il
ins coining state talr.
Elijah (i tins, a well-known faiiner.ivinj
! ue ir Jrfirjrsnu, lias disappeared, and hia
j whereabouts are not known.
The motor for thn Stiart car lin will lie
j shipped ftom Pittsburg I hm vettk, arriving
I hare about Oct I, when it will immediately
ant to runainir.
Il.itmdel. Salem'a favorite trottsr, waa to
app arou ths track at ths Stats fair this af
tenuHku befora one of th naw ball hearing
pneumatiu irel ulki.
A wall executed sImum c.r picturo of a boy
aud sum uut!
o tta hi Klack
lias woik of Miss
man & li,.d.,.- Ii
Mattm Martin, Ihs p
The Wilher C.mipai
srit in Albany ri.Url
Salem, where .hev op
H.rart iuMrucU r.
cuiaml a tncceaafol
y tdgat and went to
tonight, and being
atata fair week, will iu doott do an
mensa huaineas.
Mr Thompson is oootempiaiiog tlw enc
tion o( a largo eatiog hause aa Nye free k
before .he uext aeaaop. Tbe Nye Cre k
beach having proven tne popuUr bathiQg
place that section ptontiaei to become tbe
; the Kay.
Bead V I. Allen ACo's. new add 'oil of
Beuk dealers are having t ieir buiJi fa'l
waiting on scbeol !n dren
In L'matiita oocoty they sr improving
the roads by potting straw 00 them
Hillsboro, Dallas and Iudro-ndeobe have
1 . . .
P . TT
are eieven cnuuren m iMwtpnai.a
.aiem. ctniu a wrpnaa a BmSM
A special meiiae of the Choral lou.u
at tne rtaptist oorch. tonigat. at 8 o'o oek.
all members are rrqneeted 1 . be preseat .
Tbe oo of Tip Humphrey fell bft the
bridge at Jefferson ynterday, aerioosly iar
juriofi him. bat bow tiadlv i not tt learned.
Tn.aii(r .twu.1 .lis .,..- ...
daoce and tbu promise of a btftrowd dortag
tbe week. Asosoal tbe riceiare tbe mam
It waa learoad yesterday that the L K
' Blam Clothtog Co. had received a fell line of
; salts ol the Albany Woolen Mill good in
used 10m aid heavy weight -abi-.S they are
selling at surprising low prices.
The county cor rt of Josepniae ooontv ye
: lerday booi tbe sheriff $.V) or 25 deje Id tbe
i coeoty jail for oolempr. At the Jelr term
the c -rt eiteaded tbe time to lb' Sep:a
term ror sne retore til t" tax
ll T tM ML. e. - t a
!". oenn BBsasasj w oe eoco le-
tarn at tbe September term, proceediags for
; contempt were lositati.
A foot race tock Uce
cgust 24 th at
tan E E Tav-
lxoulwrgti, tou coootv
lor, rl Mehama, and Billy Moore, of tMver-
ton, for 250 a aide E R Tails, came off
victor end carried away tbe spoil. Neeo
nations are now going on between T) U r
and Use cbamptoi foot race- ot the PaaSe
Coast fc-r a race to coene off at SiieeTtoo io
the near f store Silrertoa Appeal.
SravcaMXB Did It. Tbe body of Os
I car iHivis.the young man who committed
suiciue across tne uiameite. was
placed in a coffin last night at II o'clock
and taken to the Chambers burying
ground where it waa interred. I'ut.r
Uie body a boti le of strychnine w as tound .
with some gone. It was an eighth of an
ounce original package of the poison.
purcnasea on me .tit o! .1 A Cnmmiug,
. 1: , ,- : ; : c
1 uuiiu( 11 ijsti eiaicu mav lie
wanted it to kill coyote. He was last
on the itli instant. A coroners
jury, which met last night found that
the deceasedcame to his death by suicide
M r J K Roaslaa u the owoer of the COU)
a. j . s. a . . . a
" c 00 tn an" sjrsway
f?"'' I", tactically faressbea
" Alheary market with
Thi afternoon fire est diecoveied 'n
,he wood.d of C E nob erton. in the
c- . ... ,
burning some
i a
; little value,
j damage.
but otherartic
01 mil rttsssracDisc
Tuesday evenining. Sept
Present Mayor, Kecorder.Sireet Com-
' missioner. and Council French, Stewart,
PfeiftVr, Hawkins and Wheeler.
m . ssuasa. . r il. - -- -
... .:.;T! ,.;..
'ZifcuZ 'ZitottZ
countv commissioners, and they had
., - '
. F . .... . .,
Tlie following bills were ordered pal( ;
R A Murpnv, 4o.S8; Train A Whitnev,
8.-0; S J Henton, 37 25; R Brown.
fu.QO; O W Warren. I3.0t : H Palmer,
40o; W B Barr, 158 00; cost bills 13 90.
Bill of Train A Whitney 'or T1.8T
Petition of S ti Irvine and olhe
bridge on fith street continued.
The Street commissioner reccommend-
i ed certain improvements. Referred.
Ordinance bill providing for grade on
'; Calapooia street was read twice and con-
i linued.
A resolution providtn for Uie itn
. orovement ot First street. Mongomery to
Maine streets was passed. Hearing set
! for Sept 27.
Bid of I F Hadley, for building side-
walks, was, 6 't sal.. 1- . cents : 10 foot
' walks. .14 cents. Contract let to him. 20
) days time.
Complaint of nuisance in block 4 E. A.
was made, and owntws were ordered to
connect with sewer at once.
The recorder was directed to have
notice published requesting our citizens
to notify the marshal ol all case of
closets 'in the city not connected with
sewers where on the line of water and
The street commissioner was directed
to serve notice on owners ol property ad
joining alleys to clean alleys of tilth, rub
bish, etc. imtndiately.
On motion Councilman Wheeler was
appointed superintendent ot the work of
protecting the piers of the bridge. An
ordinance was ordered drawn for an ap-
proprution not to axc?d t-W.
Adjourned until tonight.
Z B Lee to Eva Williamson,
acres 12 w $
Robert Morgan to A Sutherland,
1 lot, Shedd
James A Shield to Sarah M Sliieds,
M of lots 1 and 2 and fr. lot 3,
l-l 12 E A, Albany
II Bryant to Wm Graham, 120
acres llwl
U S to Geo F II Ri-e, 290.73 acres
11 wl
J W Hamilton to A J Hamilton,
lots 1 and 2. hi. 3, li's 4th A . .
F A Burkhart to CG Bnrkhart. all
interest in D L C C P
Burkhart AOO
P J Batenian to M W Bashor, 1 1 ,
acre nnd 1 lot, oliiville tils)
Henry Coleman to E P Coleman,
02.42 acres 18 w & I
Lonis Barm to H W Peiry, '4 in -
interest in Seminary Ad to So
daville 212
Jas Kester to John Denny, .187
acres 12 w 2 1000
J L Hill to Casper Kropb, S lots,
hi 0 Il's Ad, Houaviue I3SU
IB Baking
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Highest of all in Leavening: Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Is jW
Etlilart Jtetnocral:
I will try and pen a few items from
Tangent. Harvest is about over in this
vicinity. The last run made hy the
threshers was finished the last of the
past week. Spring grain was very light,
wheat made from 10 to 13 bushe's per
acre, oats la to 20.
There will be a scarcity of oats in Linn
county this year, as the larger part of the
winter's oats proved to be cheat "hen
they were threshed. '
The harvesting season being over, the
the time for seeding arrives, but tbe
ground is too dry and hard for much
work to be done.
Many of the fields were plowed late,
and tills ground is very bard and cloddy,
consequently there will be a good shower
needed Ix-fore much seedling can be done.
The Tangent drug store has been sold
by the sheriff, so there will not be quite
as much of that obnoxious beverage dis
posed . -J as there was.
School commenced in both depart
ments of the Tangent district on the 5th.
Prof A W Moaee as principal, and Mrs
Weaver as assistant
Miss Mary Wetmore, of Michigan, will
open school in District No. 27 on the IVth.
Miss Mary Williams has rented her
farm and moved to Albany to attend
school this winter.
Isaac K nigh ten says he is tired of
keeping bach, and thinks of trying to in
duce some young lady to share his tor
tune and cheer him on his lonely way.
What is to lie done with Uie pheasant
hunters? there is almost a continved
popping of guns from daylight until
lark. Birds of alt sizes and any age are
being slaughtered by tbe hundred. If
there is not means derived to stop
this, soon there will be a scarcity of any
kind of game birds in this valley. There
is a lot of farmers in the vicuvty of
Shecd, who have pledged themselves to
prosecute any who hunt on their farms
without permit- And uo one will be al
lowed to hunt birds for sale. Those who
signed this pledge mean business, and
banters had tetter beware how they
trespass on tl.eir premises They also
notify each other if they see any one 01
their farms hunting
Pot hunters wilt not look kindly at this
move, but there is a time when such
wholesale destruction must be stopped,
as we raise tbe birds on our farms, and
we do not intend to allow men to make a
business of hunting birds for sale on oar
lands So hunters bad better look a
leedle out.
Tangent Sept 12,
rnI ! ! in
Coavatxiv Or., Sept 14th.
Alter !cng a'icroerit and the presenla
iCn t a large number of affidavits. Judge
fultcnoa !e..ssci time to NovembVrlist
Or . 1 n j -!t g puichate Oiegcn Parific
Srca a Pi
. Tas -
Or a knife: and. i-erchaocr. even a tf-
inov bad. Keep 11 in year mind at a.
SIIS, ssssaasa the fact that tbe place to
nt lb beat erocef. . ted tr trht pro-
j snea s4 frnit, as at foam t Heodnosco a.
ff on :re v' 'h' BMsatsm or case
ifcev car- aopttty voe U r a dav ec lor a asoatb.
i The-, kreptbe best and always hire plesty
I eat bead. By all mesne make r-o nut'ak
: t wot ealheg eat tawm uefote bayitg
newer er.
Any person knowing of say nuisance
ciittta. caused bv water closet and
privies not being connected with lateral
sewers, where such sewer are construct
ed through the blocks, in which such wa
ter closets or privies are located, 1
hereby requested lo report the same to the
Ci'.y Marshal so that the Council may
I take such action a may be necessary to
. cause such nuisances to be a bait d
By order ot the Council of the city of
A-tany made Scot. 13. 1S9J.
K J Hbxtcx.
Recorder of.: he city of Albanv.
Albany, Or.. 6cpt. 14th !3yl.
. s v . Oct. In order to close out
business. I am now offering at cost all my
targe and wcil selected stock of dry
roods, dres good, c'-othing, hosts and
hot . snd eerihlg now In tttck. For
seed goods at marverous'v low price call
at once. U W Stssrso!..
Mis A M Talt will deliver tbe Istesl
niil wo 1 f Cram' Atlaa ab-ut Oe'.ober 15th
sny ore srisbinga eepy may leave order a,
beritri ieece corner flrosdalbin sod 3rd at.
STOP .t 1A U 1
ee the fitiees
Stsik't if yon desire to
Rsa f srivrwr ever
tanoght to A'neny. It emle roeov
novelties, and ill be sold at rearnable
. are aturdv fel!oa who speak right oat
u hat ihey think ad stick to ft. Yous re
pret them h- st, don't jco! Tea would
rather deal with och men tbar with fellows
wbo preach on doctrine and live another.
I; ia jast tb sunt to the etoye ansl tinware
business. Yt-a wsnt to know what yon are
eettig Can yen lepena on tne worn or
the met chant. The public have learned
that when Matthews & Waahburoe recom
jnenr! a stove rtr sny article in their slore it
will liot-i stand by it, Thevkiep tb best
and ao it iaeasy to get backing for their rw-
Dress H mings The lattst novelite
drr irimmirescan alay l e found at
SAMt'Et. K. YOt'NO
Mattle E. Martin.
th S irtit. residence ol Rev G W HH
The ptsai
to get SCHOOL
everything needed in toe
.ohooUol Aihanv, is st Froshay A Mason
I'ri.-c have been rr.loced censralU, and Oo
cn cat them cheaper than ever fere of
8ai'ow and leaden-hued complexions sunn
give place to the loveliest pink and white,
when the use of Ayrr'a Saraepaiille is per-
aiated iu
and comet:csrijtirely aiandonca.
Nothing can
perfect health,
thia medicine.
counterfeit th insy glow cf
which blesses those wbo use
Letter MR.
Fotlowirg is the list of letters remaining
in the post otllea at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, dept 12, 1892. Fersonc oalling for
these leitera must give the date on which
tbev were advertised.
Arnold, Chas
Graham, Miss Rsv
Preitag, Chai
Huston, Miss Myrtle
Logan. J P
Pedt, LA
Stroud, Jack
Williams, Fred S
Kiluore, Louis 2
Mitchell. Jerse
Seott, J II
Weaver. Mra Jane
II It o It s 1 1 1. I t
Sept. i2te, 1892.
The form work of the season is getting
aloBi; in fine shape. Grain la all thrashed,
hops mostly all picked and the weather Is j
still dry and rmoky ana a good rain would
be a great thing and start the grass liven
ing up things in general.
From the number of Cleve and hat
worn In this community one would think
Brownsville waa truly a democratic strong
hold, yet we see an occasional hat repre
sentative of Grandpa and no doubt some
will vote for Uncle Ben.
Mr J K M-rHars-uc will start this week
on a visit with relatives in California to be
gone some two months. ,
School opened at this place on Monday
last. The attendance i a reported small as
hop were not all picked then.
Goon Wateb. An analysis recently
made by Or Ames, of Albany, o' the wa
ter of the different cities of the Willamette
valley, say that tie water at Indepen
dence Is the best and purest of any. Quite
a feather in our cay and 1 C Gilmore,
proprietor of the Independence water
works, should feel flattered. Indepen
dence West Side.
One has to go away from home for
r.ewa. The uaroc ot Dr Ames does not
appear in tbe Albany directory.
Oreuon gross. C W Ayer last week
made a special trip to Portlani. in order to
get the Ashland stone used in the new
public building to be erected there in the
immediate future "The power, that be"
are strongly in fsvo of using Oregon
tone, if a quarry can be found sufficient
ly well developed to supply the materiel
as fast as It will be needed Jacksonville
Times. This vicinity is also in the swim.
Large quantities of stone go from here
evesv week.
Drs. Darrla at the
Baaac la taia etty.
Sot long ago Mr. G. B Matthews of
Eag'.e Point, Ur., hired li friend neat
Portland, and related hi case to a reporter
of the Oregonian as follows ; One year ago
mv case was considered hopeless. I had
a lung trouble, aggravated by catarrh and
bronchitis, also a turner in my side.
Through Dr . Darrin' electric and med
ical skill all my afflictions are a thing of
the pas.. It was with the greates' dttS
culty I was able to go to tbe doctor's off
Ice, so great was my weakness and nervous
debility. Now j am able to work, and feel
well. Mv Matthew's cae is certainly
wonderful, but no less sc than tbe follow
ing care which we briefly refer 10:
8. a. Whitman, Monmouth, Or., d -.l-n
and ringing nohc in the ear twelve
sear greatly benefitted and noise cured.
Mrs. F. A. Morris. berg, Or Asth
ma and bronchi': ten years, restored two
rears ago
' JenUa Jooes, 30; Ninth sl Seattle.
ash. Cuied of shaking and 'rembling
hands and feet, or palsy
E. A. Shaw. Forest 'Grove, Or Total
deafness, ao far restored a to be able to
hear ordinary conversation.
A Sir sseresu ailkr.
Oaing to h:rd times Da. Dvaei will
give electr c treatment for t a week, or
in that pro port ion, as the case may require,
until further no' ice. An exception made
In surgical operations. The poor treated
free daily from 10 to 11; those able lo pay, '
1 1 to 5 : evening. 7 o 8 ; Sundays. 10 to
S3 AU curable chronic, acute, private
and mailing disease, including eAricturc,
hydrocele and varicocele, cancers, tumors
and ail malignant dlseaic treated ucrv
f ully and cures guaranteed and never pub
lished. Office Revete House Albany Or.
Consultation free and strict! r confidential.
Send for question blank and circular.
The Doctors
are ionium!
The DajrvueW. ad CaaiseM Sjktria&a.
Dr. George V. Williams
r.mwriy Oraeen'e Uaapll!, Lendea, sarf isataSaall
will afia vit
September 20th and 21st.
: AT THE :
am) can be ronulteJ
These iratrion phisfciao can name your tis-
withoai aasma a question, l.o and consult
them this Jar : 11 will cos MM ii-'thing and may
eaxe vos rears of aufferiiuj ad prhps your lies-
81,000 IN GOLD
Oirea (or soy raa thev lako and cannot cor.
as'D another sirmtxm ax y OaWTOQ kve.
Young, Middle Aged, Old Men.
Woo may be aufferirig from YOt'THFVL FOLLIES
or the eacesae ot maiured life, altoahl eonaull al
ones before it ia loo.Jate, tbae releran rctii!on
era, wbo have no equals in the United 3tt0,feslby
can and will restore lo you perfect health iba all
others have failed
Broken-Down Constitution,
are rejuvenated and mantr viror restored by their
new aad wonderful methods ot treatment. Ne In
jurious drug used. Worn out business men, oail tor
drive, especially U yeu are auBeriue from
Nervous Debility
or tailing: power, ot any dissaas ot tbe ft, .ar.
Head. Throat, Limas, Heart, Stomach, Skm. Klde.ia
or Bladder.
Blood Diseases
fcured In the shortest time hy vegelahlo remedies
Catarrh and Consumption
IVaitlvely cured by their new German meUiod.
Ladies Who Suffer
from Neneus ProetraUon. Sleepleatu"s. Deseon
dsncy, Indlseetlon, Uonstipstlen. Lassitude, Pains
In the hack or sides ami diseaaea patultar t their
BOX, can consult these physicians with the utmost
Remember tbe Dates,
Sept. 20th and 21st.
Out-of-town Patients
Treated with unlading success tbrousjb eorreapon
denae. Medicines sent safely and frei froaobaerra
t ion to any pan ol the conntrj . Write for aymptem
klaak le itU eut, and a letter fully .plaining your
duwaae, slvlsg advise, etc, will b returned free
Address all letters plainly
GEO W w n.l.lAats,
SOB Geary Street: PnllT' - is . Framtaco, 01
S : our : Elegan
in light and heavy weights
We cannot
here give you any
-:- We want you
We have no hesitancy io claiming to have the LARGEST AND
BEST STOCK of new goods for the Fall and Winter trade there is any where
in tbe valley.
In the selection of these we have taken special pains to procure only what
we can recommend to our patrons.
These include Fine Press Sails
weights in the most becoming shades.
More than 100 doten new pants,
staples in Gents' and f urnishings.
We DO Not
BUT -:- WE
The largest stock, tbe best assortment
flic L L Ii
The Leading Glotaltn
Everything :
Fresh Vegetables.
Fresh Fruits.
Canned Fruits,
Canned Vegetables
We ask yon to try our 40 and 50
better than others are asking you SO and
Our Ideal
stands at tbe head. Don't take
consisting of ready made clothing, blanket, flannels and piece goods
goods are all warranted. Try them and yon will be satisfied.
Caderwear and Furnishing goods at BEDROCK PRICES.
F E. Allen & Co,
To Close Out Business.
Staple Dry Goods,
Dress Goods,
Wash Fabrics,
Embroideries and! Flouncings,
Silks and Satins,
Complete Stock cf Shoes, Etc.
Neglegee Shirts,
Young Mens1 Shirts,
Hats and Gaps,
Bootvs. Shoes, Etc.
G W.
-:- ofS:-
Baby :-: Buggies!
est Jassc rtnasnt ever brought (t Albsrj
just recelseel at
Ste-vfqit $L Sox's.
8m U Baggiw Mi jjj trim.
Red CrownMills
assy raooaaa rLooa srjraaioa m
jjcd aaaaaa ia,
See those medium wekghtl
all-wool Albany goods!
as we' I as tne neavy winiei
idea of our new Winter SurteJ
to see them. -:
Hi?h tirade clothing, neat Winter
the leading novelties as well as the
- :- ARK
and the lowest price.
and isfchmt Talon.
in : Bloom.
Maple Syrup.
leas, as we feel confident they are
cents for.
Roast Coffee
any other if you want tbe beat.
Oppuaiiet Charles Botel.
He.l eioiulng and lace ourtalua well
alteudsxl ts
t arcL vrora a specialty.
Brat eh office at Moses' barber shop.
Lavudrv e etett ticcieas tt T-S0 o'clock
Sea! iUt Agents
aarsaa aad Ranch aa tar sale.
aVlso oily broeerty iJ Albaae
aad Ceryaliis.