The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 16, 1892, Image 1

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The -: Democrat "
The Beat Paper in the Valley.
The -:- Semorcat,1 I
- Due Year for $2.00.
Knterril at the ' IBce at Albany, dr., a ttecotid-t las Mall Matter.
kTITEft ITrfl,raIUkcr a4 lrrielr.
W. MtEADJ Cft.
WE ARK iuav n-civingour fall goods and we call
safely say thev excel anything ever shown in
Wo want your trado.rnid if good stylish goods, low
prices and courteous treatment are am induce
ment wo hope to merit a
... "' aalM""-!
H on raw H tM
Wt ttwe ear sKaaea K
Vf tora o eae tceae
-.n obey tjjti jjjSjaj ruts
We have lately added a full
SHOES o.i which we are
price to get them introduced.
trouble to show coods.
W. F.
A.1 ban.y
- s-
5 V y v y -
f A
Salem, Oreeon. W. L
A tbcroeeh business training i. taaortoa &y :w onsmcs. w pmcniwMi ut - .
Five Departments: Eusints, Shorthand, Tjpewri::ng, Penmanship, English..
School in session the enure year. Students adn-.itteU;!; air ume. Catalogue, containing information Jrta.
Rupture, Asthma and Piles
Dr's. Shiinp & House r,
Specialists In the treatment ol all forma of Chronic, Catarrhal. Ncrrooa an
renal? Diseases.
Twenty (20) Team Eierlenie
curab! cases Uusran eecl. i.rae 259 Cot
1 1 1 M I
tl :,:-.; r .
Wi.l Chop aii Kinds of Grain.
tors why you should buy the Giant:
t. Because it ia the test mill in existeocc.
2nd, Because it ia mad" at home .
Srrt, Because It will grind mora g aii than any other mi 1.
4th. Because it dcts b Iter work than any ether mill.
5th. Because it is no expense to you after you have Donga, it.
8th. Because it dcea not beat tho grain i.i grinding as ottur m 1 is do.
7;h, Because yoo can make mjro money with the Oregon Otsn: tha i eUii any
i fjr wnif sce we aii: you heotber ihrt.-wjoi why you
,, i . x , ' jsot 1you will aiod'y call and ex unins tie sal iL
357 Snd A Kll worth t, VltJiavn, Or
Hli1 Issucb a 200 page Dr v Goods and General
1 Outfitting CATALOGUE.
HAZE Send 'our name on a P03tfti cafd TO-D A
ililW CV "ir-.
.a r j-wal n AnaTrnVarnTYJirrillV I 11 II iUK,'.T ill'. .
riBi'Zriu, all 8KW AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ABISINfi &nm
s ffiSSSSrSS' fe. a-- . mr
vtih Facsimile Signature of EMIL FK.8E.
RSDItiQTON i - CO. Acehts. 8ah Francisco
HO BY a,T, DKiGC'ttTts AWP mtOCKK.
ai Tlin l!Urm A.twiwtia
The Oregon
(Vita it home
In th flrsv Block, corner Liberty
ar-vr n anflcialtv of Sunriyside fruit tract near
Will sell C. 1 or 20
and a general
SubetriFtionagont for all tbe leading
Near iha P. .,
sm. S JJ
1 Albany, Oregon.
sharoo. yoar patronage,
1 1
line of
making a
nrv low
we can do lor oi.
Stilf - v. Principal.
in Medicine. Surry an J K'e ;.net'.T
romruer.-i. SiraH., Stlem. treason.
Sure Death to Wiids
Land (
office atj
State street, branch office ;n Prtrtlan
acre lots at w
Kenton, -:-
er in
aHaortmeni of
HewspaperH ami Magv.lne. Terms ash
Cabinet photos front, $1.50 to $4- o
per doxen. Enlarging pictures 1
specialty. 16x20 crayons i rarr icl
for $10.00. We carry a large I In
of 5x8 and' views ol O r
Wt Icec our sttASAKl Ksel mXW
iii fcajSt - .aT" s JT , - " T-'LV'-T " t
' ?m r
A Santiam Man's Ti-mulk MrCliurch
who has a farm iu the Santiam country
several miles above Mehatna, came to
Ntiem on Tuesday and stopped at the
Kansas house on Court street, savs the
Journal. About 10 p ui he retired for
tha night and was given the fifth room
in the second story on the west side.
About IS o'clock, midnight, the proprietor
of the hotel haard a noise coming from
the walk immediately under the window
of Mr Church' room, and went to see
what the trouble was. Here he found
M r Church laying on his right side in a
semi-unconscious condition and groaning
terribly. He was picked up and carrie,;
to a room and lr J A Richardson inime
d ietely called. It seems that Mr Church
.tad gotten up and Ml down in the open
window at this time, he not feeling very
well, and must have lost his balance,
falling liarkwards to the ground and
walk a distance of sixteen feet. He was
considerably hnttsed about the side and
. right ankle, and complained of some in-
. 1 1 . , - . . r , .,, ,
i i . i mu; :. on uie rigiu sine. i i.iv
lie was able to start on nis return home
and complained of considerable soreneas,
but thinks be will lie all right in a short
Lkdanon. Miaa Clara Blain.of Albany,
is in town visiting her istr,Mrs -farks.
Mr Chapman, of Albany, was in Leb
anon this week looking at the city with
a view of locating. He went front here
to Brownsville Tuesday to visit frieuda.
I Andrews' family will move back to
Lebanon this fall, and we are of the
opition that the head of the family will
come also.
Editor Ehelps of tbe Linn County Re
view looked in on us Wedtiesday. He
reports the Review gracing in ctrcula
lion and favor.
Mr C G Rawlings, of Albany, waa in
town several days this week on business
in regard to putting in electric lights.
He askg a franchise from the city. He
informed us that he would order the
plant immediately i! the city granted the
franchise. Local papers.
A Wt Eyperience. W G Obenaui,
of Albany, H Tannansee and Ko'a Seta
surted for the hop vard on Patterson's la
land Sunday. Ther crossed the bridge
and went up to the ford. AH three then
got in a single rig and started acrosi, but
when about half war over the horse re
fused to go further and began to sit down.
They could make him go no further and
so Obenaur and Tanna-aee, in order to
save the outfit and keep partly dry, took
off their panti and climbed out. Just at
this .tale of the proceedings a wagon load
uf ladies leaving the hop yard appeared
on the look. Tannansee warned them
back and the boys then unhitched the
horse and got everything out all right tbut
they gave up theit trip to the hop yatd.
ESgene Register.
A Good Paosnx-r. Ed Houston, who
for sa long had charge of the Salem yard
engine, :s now conductor of the train "that
makes two trips a Jay between Albany
and Lebanon. His headquarters are at
Albany. If tbe comtempfated extension
to the Sweet Home valley ia built, Mr
Houston will probab y have a longer ran.
A full force of surveyors is in the field
now locating this proposed line, and set
ting the grade' stakes ready for actual
construction, in case the managers of the
read decide to .nake tbe extension. It
would open up and develop a very rich
country. Statesman.
Eugenes Porri-ATiov . Mr Obenaur,
who has been working for some titr.e on a
business directory for Eugene. about
completed his work. He Cnus the popu
lation of this chy about 3450. Not hav
ing alt the ships counted we are unable to
give tne exact figures, sut this estimate Is
not far from right. Register. This I a
good showing fur our live tlster city.
Though 117s less than Albany's, it is no
discredit to that rapldlr grcwing and
prosperout city to be a 'ittle behind a city
that has the railroad advantage, Albany
possesses. As an educational center Eu
gen rank second to no city in Oregon.
Pbobate Mattees. In the estate o
Henry Ingram, citation ordered issued to
(ieorge Ingram before sale of property,
set for Oct 8th.
In estate of Alfred Leroy Reel, citation
ordersd issued.
In estate of Robert Foster, Strauder
Froman wa appointed administrator.
bon is to be 110,000. Bond nied and a
proved. Appraisers, Wm Thompson,
B Caae and Fred Peebler.
In the estate of Jos Nixon, inventory
filed, real property, '9900; personal
property, 1155.
In estate of li K Schooling, citation
was ordered issued for Oct 8th, before
sale of real property petitioned for.
Rich Strike. Geo Appleyard and
Henry Landey, old miners of Montana
and Oregon, came down from Gold creek
Mondav with some fine specimens of
gold, silver and copper bearing rock, say
ing that ther have struck it rich. Sev
eral claims have been taken in the same
region of late, by parties who will de
velope their findings at the earliest op
portunity. Mill City Oazette.
An Explanation-. Mr William Rum
baugh informs Use Demockat that the
action of the countr commissionets on the
petition for an appropriation of $3,000 for
the protection of the pkrs of the new
bridge was "a refuse! to give any more
appropriation out of the funds to the
present council .
ilAttniTT Wears It. At the reguls
shoot of the Salem Rod and Gun club yes
terday afternoon the honcrs went to B W
llaititt, bv the following score out ot a
possible twenty-five: Harritt 23. Turner
19. Lafollett, 13, Gabrielson withdrew.
1 his is the third lime Mr Harritt has won
tne diamond medal. Mr Gabrielson has
had it a like numar of times. The first
man to win it eight lime becomes owner
of the handsome medal. Statesman.
Wheat has dropped to 61 cents in Al
bany. A valley exchange, with a market
ike Albany s, has figured out tne lollow
ng prices the 1st ofSeptember for several
i ears. During tne uinereni years tne
following are the prices paid on Sept 1st
of each year: 1886. GiJc; 1S87, Oiji ;
888, 70c: 1889, 65c; 1890, 67c; 1R91,
83J4c; 1892,63c.
No Place fok Tiikm. One of the Al
bany parpers :ast week suggested that
the Corvallis mossbackH te p.ent, to roan
creek where they can spend their lives
in the seclusion whir.n they crave, vve
fear, however, that they would f.nd no
Test there, as that locality is improving,
too. W E Paul has been busily en.
Imaged this week in papering and paint
ing Ha Wiles residence tnere.
1Both the method audreaulte when
!rup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
Emtly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For Bale
in 50c and 91 bottles by all
SAN fRAMiaCO. CAL. . -,
A Banana Trek. There are plenty of
f g trees beinK heard from in Western
Oregon, but the Democrat only knows
of one bearing banana tree. That one is
at the beautiiul home of Mr I) Van Horn,
in this city. During the summer the
tree, now seven years of age, and 0ve
feet high, has iieen out doors, but re
cently, owing in the cool nWhu.has been
in doors. A fine l.unch oi bananas is
growing on the tree, presenting a curious
sight for this country, that maks ni
pretense of raising tropical fruin.
, At Lbast "OrF." A man was in the
city nursing the hallucination that a
couple of men had been following him
for three months, starting in Washing
ton, and he wanted them arrested. He
worked for Hr Davis at Harrisburg for
three weeks, when the two men boycott
ed him and he left. At Eugene he was
examined for insanity on applying for a
warrant, but was discharged, as the phy
sicians said he was not insane. He at
least has a very weak mind and undoubt
edly ia at least off.
Han Two Hearts. The Roaeburg
Piaindealer does not propose to be out -done
by the paper that discovered gold
in a hen 'a craw : "C K H ill, of this city,
killed two chickens one day this week.
and while preparing tbe fowls for the'
pan, il was discovered that one of the
chickens was endowed with two hearts.
one about a third larger than the other
l his fowl waa in perfect health and as
lively as could be. We always knew
that Douglas county was adapted to al
most anything.
Dangerous Shooting On Tuesday
evening jutt after the arrival of the over
lanj train a ptstel bail pierced the front
door of R B Vunk. living In the soi'thern
part of the city . It crashed through and
struck another door in the hall, gianced
and plowed Into the plastering in the hall
and fell to the rloor. Mr Vunk i very
anxious to learn who dots such careless
shooting in the city limits. He would
like to warm up those guilty of such care
lessness. St io Mrs W H Ramsey, and child
ren, will start in a few davs for Arling
ton, Kentucky, :or a three or four
months visit to her childhood home.
Our school board has employed Misa
Kingaley. of Springfield, Lane county to
take charge of the intermediate and Misa
Klla Cary, of this city, tbe primary de
partments of oar public schoo's.
MrsCallie Davidson, nee Powell, re
turned from Los Angeles, Calif., las Sunday-
Rut a few months .not quite a year,
have elapsed since a double, wedding oc
curred at tha M E church in this city,
abe being one of the contracting partie.
yet in that abort space of tiraa she has
become widowed, hr husband falling a
victim of consumption Press.
L The Santiam. The new covered
franae bridge across the north fork of the
San tiam "s north for k . a 1 1 he Ty lor place
above Mchctna, will be cropleted this
week and ready for the public. This
bridge is 1 15 feet In length. It was xuilt
ai a cost of ftcoo. The new $1700 school
houte at Mehama will reach completion
this eck.
Youa .iTTENTiost is called to cur line o
-sieaae c. jacket .bletera and
' Lie, whxb it bow complete.
They are taikw-msdc sad guaranteed 13
1 hi cloth ate of the latest fabtc .
Very ttnty.
Samuel E. tot-so.
Wnx ui e in :
Don t fall to visit
, The druggist They carry a large and
.boice ttock ot drug," patent medicine,
;tc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and prompt I v attended to.
It will
Pay you.
Monet to Loan. I have money in
turns of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
countie. at lowest current rate. No
delay in fnrniahing the money.
Real estate aent. Albany, Oregon.
Lap its Oxfords. I no uu
pine Use isifug in. tier beat ;i :: to
$4.50 a pair. Gcod valce aari ersry pair
warranted. Samuel Yocng.
Allen iCt.
their new store. opp-eit Masonic
Tempi" I ."ok et thn dw seit msd by
the A;: .any We lea Mill . Teeat!e ooda,
nice fiiit :ok so via, cheap good
Littler & 'Ball, dentists, trake no
charges fer extracting teeth wie-e they
put " ariific'al plates. You can save
money by having them do your dental
work. Office in Tweedale block, Albany,
T-n vss snt. f.nro her Castoras
Vhn slw ro a Child, slw rri for Cessona
!.en she bm-amc Klan, 1 eiimsj tr I'astona.
rtiea sno liari ("hilJien. aU: irao Uwni Casnms.
Improper and deficient care of tbe t ca'.p
will came grayneas of the hair and baldness.
Escape-botb by the us of that reliable
specific Hsli'i iiair Rf newer
Iu order to maxe room for our large
new fall stock we will give a special cash
discount of 10 per cent on all purchases
tor the nest thirty days.
The Ladies Basaar.
We ere gome to pu'. the pncee down
cash and tell for cash oaly. Allen Mrs.
Do You Neeu a Barv Bueav? Fort-
nilller & Irving have just received a fine
assortment. Rubber tires." Each sup
plied with a patent brake, a great thing.
fe to 2 W Cobb. 1
Silile,, Klian Block,
tf III kinds
successor to Paislev &
for yoarj b printing
In order redoee oar a took wawii
oar fine lire of groesriea at aath pritet
riotlyoh. I lea Bros.
positive aura for Cetanh, Diphtheria aad
Caaker Month.
Come and see that beautiful Exposition
ruby glass ear- at J Oradwhol'a bazaar.
need for C mUiiiaMT 1, Lui
Dizzucs, and all symptimi
Prioi 1 ind 75 c in . air tl.s-.Vi
1 wnst vou
of Au.ntit:
f O'Diaiik
Bkautikul; Homks. Beautify you
home and make it attractive with Hybrid
Perpetual and oilier choice rotet, old and
new varieties of Japanese roses and shrubs.
Orders taken for the above and all kinds
of fruit and ornamental shade trees at J
A Hyman's, 11c 1st St., Albany Or.
Important. To know tliatlhe
tc Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction,
stands In tune longest, and Is an endless
pleasure to all who buy them at IJ E Hi -man's,
First tt, Albany, Or,
Call and see new fall dress goods at
V Read's.
Large stock of white goodtjsnd embroid
eries atW K Read & Co s.
The best most ooflee in the city at Conia
if oyer a
Judge Lord, of Salem,
was in the city
today .
C E Wolvertou has bien ,. Dallas this
Mr Wolf, a Salem bicyclist, was doing
Alhany today on an Iinicrlal.
t It tinsel ua issued today for the mar
rlage of P W Qulun and Namantlut Owen,
of Hslsev. J
Waller Parker and family have rc
iur.ied front the mcimtalna and rerort a'. outing.
Attorney (leneral ' iv K Chamberlain
and family left 'his . 'icii or Tacoma aM
a few dais trip. ,
Mr Td Piper.editot f :he Press-Times,
of Seattle, i In the .tt. accompanied by
his family, they are lie guaata of Mr E
W Langdon.
Rev G W tHa la in Medford.on hi way
home to Albany, and will be here before
Sabbath, on which day he ill preach at
the Baptist church morning and evening.
Mrs I M Wallace, accompanied hy ler ,
ia..,.h!..r IHa l,ff lS fa morning fnr Cnt!.
I oioiadi
U remain tsro month. Mr
went as far as Pottland wbh
them. Salem Journal.
T McK Patton goes to Jacksonville to
night to attend the Southern Oregon
Plonceis' reunion on Tnurday. Mr
Patton wit ihe firt judge of larkson
county in 1852, and master of the firt
Masonic lodge In Jacksonville, and went
wiriuin inc iituiaii war i 111c , j
.-.t,lnr,l hv !,,hn I Miller kra.n a the
Rogue river war of '53. -3a!em Journsl. j
News was received in our city Sunday .
. 1. -. f VI I. . I I 1 11t..l K. - -..-.-
car in San Fianclsco Saturday nigh. He
was we" known in this city, Saving for
veart been employed a c, civil engineer
y the Oregon Pacific He wa a mem
ber of liarnum lodge, I O O F, and hi
many good qualities esrned for him scores
f friend. He had .-. off one car In
ront of another, which struck him on the
esd, fracturing hi skull. --Corvalll
re iuav
Miss Maud Hoffman is in the city
Mr Dr Cole, of Scio, has been visiting
at Mr Veal's.
Mrs Delia C H Ox, national organizer
of tbe W C T T, baa been in the city.
Mrs Frank Parton. of Waiteburg, is in
tbe city, the guest of Mr J A Crawford.
Dr T W Harris, and daughter, of Eu
gene, were in the city this noon on their
way north.
Sheriff tsborn. of Corvallis, passed
through tbe city this noon, for tbe state
insane atylnm, with a man named
Mr BertVancIeve, whoha been around
printing office since hit birth, ia opening
a job office in the Coaick block, on
Broadalbin street.
Mr Claud Mantncid ha gone to hia
Cascade ranch, in order to protect his i
house and timber frcra from the moon-!
tain fire raging there.
Mr Piettyman, the veteran fruit ad
cereal gvtherer, eras In tHe city todav, ou
his way to Salem ftom Southern Oregon,
where c has been making collection of
fruit for the slate fair.
Allie Thompson and wife departed
yesterday for Phelps, Wash., where thev
will make tbeir future home. Mr Thomp
son having accepted a situation with the
railroad company. Gazette.
i Rev Dr Gordan, of Fresno. Calif., it in
the city, on his way h-me from a trip to
Portland and tbe Sound, having stopped
off at Albany to tee P.-Irvine He will
preach at tbe V P church on Sabbath
morning and evening - -
Rev S E Meminger.tbe new Met!aditt ;
pastor, was greeted by a good congrega
tton last Sunday morning, and the im
r,.l H "":;-v T.:.;.iT:
T. R.
u.s.u mm 11c iiat. v . - Jiv -itm . iit i
j sage deploring tbe accumulation of to mud)
surplus money in tbe treasury of tbe Catted
Mr Fry, tbe Salem druggist, re'.nrned j Stales it aay
home today from the Bay. Instead of using ti surplus to redeem
Mr Pete Lingreen. the expert macbin- j bond, aod redu-e interest, be and his sec
1st. went to Corvallis this noon. ( retary of tbe treasu.7 let it accumulate or
Herbert Town tend returned Tueadiy ' pot it out on deposit in certain favored na
from Aibany Newborg Graphic. ; tional banks, where it drew no interest.
Dr W H Davis ha gone on a trip to Ml ' Now it is not true thai Cleveland did not
M ark Long, the barber, formerly a re
ident. of this county, baa been in the
Mer Ca vender and Calder. the papu
lar editor of Ihe Biowctvilre Ttmrs, were
in ihe city today.
Mr Julius Joseph has returned from a
trip to Southern Oregon in the in'-ereet
of hia popular cigar.
Mr Frank Parton, ot Waitsburg, Wash
ington, arrived In Albany last evening.
Mrs Partot, has been here ecveral days.
Mr Henry Conner, of Portland .a mem
ber of the chtta of 13 of Yale University,
is in the city, and will return to Connec
ticut the last of the month.
McLaughlin, tbe tailor, who run ' a
shop in Albany two or three years ago. ia
in the city again, and has accepted a pos
:n.. l 11.. 1 v 111.:- i- ..;:.,..., Am.
IIIVII IM . II J "imiu v V Uft4Wll,g.
David Clark and wife and daughter Mi
Lulu, of Alban, are visiting with J G
Grav and family. In this citv. Mr Clatk
a brother of Mr Gray's. Eugene
Mr Chaa Scott, ex-depaty sheriff, haa
r?turned from a trip to Southern Oregon,
where he reports poor crops, in fruit and
wheat. The latter ia only 4S cents a
bushel in Jackson county . '
Mr William Obenaur arrived in Al
bany this neon from Eugene, and reports
the information for his directory all in.
The population of Eugene under it is
3401. He is much pleased with Eugene
and considers it a fine city.
Judge Str.1l1.1n, who has been iu the
mountains, passed through Albany for
I'orliand tins noon in response to a uus
iness summoms from that city. He re
ports good hunting, his party having
ailed five deer and the Froman party
Genera! Lih Applrgate, whose name
ha been familiar In Oregon since iu
earliest days, recently Indian agent at
Klamath, a prominent politician, and
leader in the republican party of Oragon
ivas in the city today, and wslked In at the
open doorot the jjemourat otnec. uen
eral Appleglte proposes to exercise the
right of the Americon citizen, and will not
support Harrison, who put into execution
the star chamber on the General. Mr
Hpylegate is down on 'snivel serxlce," at
he calli It, anJ doetnt want any of It. The
call of the General was a pleasant one and
the Democrat Is under obligalior.s for
numerous erudite ideas advanced by Ml
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local application, a they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There la only on
way to cure Deafness, and that it by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness ia caused by an in
flamed condition of tho mucous lining of the
KustachianTubc. When this tube Retsjinaamcil
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
intr. and when it is entirely closed Deafness ia
I tbo result, and unless tho inflammation can bo
taken oat and this tune rettoct to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroy u forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which la nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case ot Deaf neas ( caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur. Send tor
circulars, free.
, v E J- CHENEY & CO. , Toledo, 0.
AsT Sold by DruggUta , 78c.
CATARRH CURKD, hevltri nu t ewes
breath secure 1 by SLileh's Catarrli tUrnedy
Price, ,19 coon. Nasal Iojeutor free.
LaiiiBS Knit Vkstm I have jutt received
a caaof latlie'a ribbed tumrner vests, long
snd short sSeeva Special ysluet.
Sami ki, E YoL'.se.
Look UaacThoi Brink will repoi
your furniture neat and cheap or make
furniture te order and sell furniture on
commission at the old staud.
AN UNMil'HHTICATKI) HfcPri5l4t"Afr
Charles Addison Uussell, of Connecticut,
you are called upon to explain, you are a
republican congressman, and have associa
ted and affiliated with McKialey, Reed (T
B) and Harrison long enough to know that
you should not do at you did at republican
headquarters fhe other day in New York
city. You told the republican committee
that Harrison would carry Connecticut. Had
you stopped at this, it might have tieen
well enough, but you got into "confusion
worse confounded" (from the McKinley
standpoint,) when you undertook to give
the reasons why Connecticut, which in 14
cast its electoral vote for Cleveland, and
would now cast its vote for Harrison. You
told the committee that along through U19
lonnecti it Valley are many Nutmeg citi
aens enga-rd in thecultitatioa of tobacco.
You said 1 lie reason these tela-i producer
'eccive uf, ,-flitj, lwr icicn.l tiutra f,r lliMr
k-i ,i. . . -,,
' 1 aa " '
Was be, jus-, J, twnli v incrt-ii.-i'"! the duly
on tobacco. You virtually (and truly, too.)
said that putting a duty on tolaicco increased
the price of tobacco. Now. t.ii is political
heresy, and. with your chances of political
education, you oultt to have known it.
1 ou ouirht to have known that the true
faith as explained by McKinley, Harrison
thit iwtting a duty on
an article
make it cheaper, but bene you tell He pub-
tc tiia. putting U;e duty ou tobacco in-
created tbe price of it, and that these to
uacco raisers being grateful for tbe great
lnefit tbey have received then-frou;. will
vote for Harrison. You ought to know.
1 but it is fair to presume that if vou have
followed in the light of protect ionism you
do not. that if the tobacco raiser of the
Nutmeg state sell their tobacco at tea cents
Higher per pound than before the passage
of the bill that it has added ten cent per
pound to Ihe profit of the tobacco raisers
but it hat also added 10 cent per pound to
tbe consumer who uses it. And in this
way tbe proof becomes incontrovertible that
the tariff is a tax . You have tbut placed
Mi Kiniey in a very awkward dilemma, for
a you know tbe true doctrine of McKin-
im it that tbe foreigner pays tbe tax. but
here this tobacco of which you spoke with
so much exulrance of spirit i raised by an
American, manufactured by an American,
and consumed bv an American, and waa
never osrned. bandied, or even seen by
mi kjMfr, aM rc 1 1 DM p-ky bsHbb
rata are asking bow in the name
of common seme can McKinley explain that
tbe foreigner pay- the tax ? it a great
ureas. lor you tn have matte on Use very
threboW of the vr.mpaign. True yon tld
, truti:. You thowed that tbe McKinley
tariS increased the price of tobacco and this
mu4 be a tax that beceSu tbe producer and
a there i n t one grower of tobacco to one
thonsand tobacco consumer, you have proven
what these hateful free traders have been
saying all the Urae thai tbe tariff it a tax
'evied for tbe benefit of tbe few at tbe ex
pense of tbe many. You have done a great
wrong to tbe cause of MrKinleyum. but
you have Uiereby contributed much to tbe
aj truth. lo it again.
AslFKIf., riSAMf-
I'nder the aUc captioi tbe ItttmU baa
a critidnn on Cleveland's administration
t"b is so very misleading as to call for
j-ak:ni of f -
use the surplus '"to redeem bond and re
duce interest." When Cleveland cante
into office he found a law that required tbe
secretary cf tbe treasury to set aside so
much money each year for tbe purchase o
bonds. Mr Manning used all this m ney
in the purchase cf fond, and then found
he still had millions of surplus money in
the treasury. Under this condition of
things tbe president asked congress to past
a law antboruing him to use this surplus
in the purchase of D S bonds not then due.
Thit was in April 187. Cragre jfrnmi
t be law and tbe secretary of tbe treasury a
one issued a circular inviting those who
held lionds to make offers of terms upon
which they wou'd tell. Numerous bids
were accepted and londs taken up and can
cel'cd, but many more were rejee'ed on ac
count of tbe very high price at which tbe
bids were placed. Here was the first in
stance in the history of tbe country that the
government of tbe United States went into
tbe open markets to buy its own bonds not
Not yet doe tecausc it had more money than
it could otc, asd this, too. by Grover Cleve
land. V e tun oor roteo-porary will see the
folly of going outside of history, fad, and
truth to Had weapons with which to fight
candidate otherwise unstasnabie. Let tbe
Herald fViaiatfaiifei liesr in mind that this
policy of haying and cancelling bonds hot yet
due which it an effusively at-phudt in the
Ha-rlson administration was adopted and
caned out by Mj. Cleveland himself. Our
contemporary boast; that daring the admin
istration of llairison up to Jnse 30 1S92 there
hadbeen a reduction ci the public debt to the
amount of 275,000,000 : n i intimates that
there wss no icduciion during the Cleveland
administration . From the beginning of Cleve
land's administration up tojune 30 lS88,Ccov
eriog exactly the tame length of lime that it
took thit administration to pay off $275,000,
000) we find Mr. Cleveland paid oil 336,
Oot,,37i,Soof the public debt. We trutt our
cotemporary will yet lcam that the Cleveland
administration taken in all res; eels is the
best the country has ever had.
If the Republicans of Oregon are asba d
demoralized in every county in the state at
they are in Clatsop, Cleveland will hive a
walk-over. Here they are thoroughly de
moralized, tlitoreanized and discouraged, and
are making no campaign wlutever. Thl
state cf iffa rt has been brought about by the
greetl snd trenchciy of ihe loset, who have
weiked politict for si! there wis in ii for them
selves. Ihe Chttop county ring is downtd,
however, and llic people wiil see to it that it
ttavt tloatn Aslorla Rudqet.
The campaign it booming in Chicago, One
nighi last week 1,000 aliens took the oath of
alUgiance an i secured their tinal naturalization
paperr. it it claimed ihat no great effort to
complete the naturalieition ol iliens and se
cure the regittrition of foreign-born citizen
entitled to vote hit ever been made in Chica
go, and that as a i fault of the unprecedented
woik in that direction now being done at least
75,000 name's w ill be added to the voting lists-
Two-third of the new voters are said Io be
The death of a roan in Seattle after eating
three quarts of peanut, it explained. He
wat not a Waihingtoman,
It it reported that the ex-brigadier general,
ex dsrnocr!, ex-know nothing, ex-republican,
and present presidential candi.Sste of the peo
ple' par: y, J. B. Weaver, It about to revrsi
the South for the first lime since the rr,
A on the fmrner ocesti'a be will visit thit
tection with hostile Inteniii ni. His present
pur tore it the durap'lon of the southern c
nocracy. In other words, he wishes to bring
it ahoattbal southerners shall le instrumsa
tal ia fattening tbe force bill inekleon the
South . It it worth going a long wiv to tee a
man who hiojoftee turned seainst himself
io politic an ! who do t not yet realize thit
tbe war between the Nnrrh and Scu hi over.
The press, lire tc ive a f psrry, ti oald
spread bis .- me. tl :! a' I (Bit) not fail 'odr.iw
good audiences
Weaver is what
ioo tl oflfne 1 oC'-'
ftcl I iWseastH iii
rn I as ta.b l.e m :
m-v be iiruHtl - r -less-Even
1 er r , he er he
office ct f-rcvcst-mafshail,
an il'fatiKJU. r rCOid Ihe
Hu tski (Teon ) CittM-n, in iecal og bit bra
tal readsc , tr.vilc sra'.ionc 1 tsSaW4 rays;' lea
ver nit a mer riles toe. wit.'na principle and
exTrctfC'l bu au'h tt io-o aajjeal aod era-
ei iDJDner.'
A'ler the r n neto two cilli.,. iulta-
neoui'y stncbn Gcoeiai Gum. beir.K . eo ta
aideot rqiubliraa ar t South 'ia -. How be
regarded the democrj-y ia aeat data may
be jadjed fiom ".it- fo-iowieg ec ract from a
speech made by torn ia 1869:
s bat it ihe use of farther arraigning ihe
ceiuact democriry with .1 ' i'tSoarj; crimes 1
the bar of pub ic op-.aioo.' e know that it
composts murder, treason, tbef , arson, Iraod,
perjury any and ait crimes possible for an
ergaoiza'ioa to commit or csanrvc at. It
wool'i I a mercy to put its record a million
nila deep int t trie pit that ta rr.en tanned io'be
hoi 7 ;r ted I mif aid, that il a large aod
distinguished assortnieatof i's alleged states
men were sect along it wcrcld only be
just tee.
A man mho will in public alter such vile
abate of one half of the American people
ought to be put ia a f.raigh! -jacket. He it a
polirtcai iatuttic. Another specimen of bis
rabtn ut'cr-iocc ts tbe following passage ia
oee of hit ifeeche.
The tame clJ gaag, except those who were
shot or bong, ia again conspiring to (ret poss
ession of the goveremeti!. Woe to them: tbe
the royal host wi'.l crush I hem forever sad for
ever out otal. possible danger of saa a naie
fortcne 10 oar cosnmoo couairv' No rrpaUi
csn can ever, uacer any cite ssatjtjasosa, have
toy pert or 'o with be hungry, rebelitott,
maa-haticg. wotaea-seliing gang corporvted
under tbe came ot democracy, a tame so fall
cf stench asd ; otson that it should be baot'ed
horn tbe tocat-uaryof civilized asaa and ban
dedoTtr to the ai'ana that L hstto fitly
Ann a o r.i dt c-te-balf of hit oaa'.ry-
rncs Is swell regard as that it a reproach to
hurntocy, aad shout! He saoaned evea by hit
on piny II tt tmposttble to imagine Cleve-
aod or Harrito 1 a; eting such words. Ye.
we see tuutdreis of men who are figuring as
candidates of ihe people' party gortg arouad
aad extsoetiag soatVera oemozrars 1 1 me to
make this iibti lana'tc presieu: of tne Ue-ted
hatet. Itttsn iasalt to latel sgenre, astd
tbocl ! be reteate ! aaiuth.
JacassnviUe Timet.
In this tastte we give a couple of clippings
from tbe Astoria JWget tho wing t he hope
fu! Crutkrak, far desneatrate ia C lattxtp county .
The aWaaieee of titat city, which i re-
pnbtican. gives it views about tbe dVmor-
alixatioo of the republicans in that county.
It says . that heretofore republicans have
depended upon Astoria for a good round
asajnrirv . It acids:
The situation it now changed. So man
in Clatsop county can give any definite idea
bow it will go ta the coaling Xovember
contest. Recent elections, municipal and
county . prove it beyond tbe possibility of
a doubt. There is onlv one stronaT. united.
determined and popular politi'sl combt-
nation in t. lattop coun' v. that is demo
cratic. It flushed with victurv. and led
by several of tbe most active, popular.
talented and cleverest politicians that Ore- J
gon can ooast. inuu not cany, n 15 tne
truth, and republicans who have the interest
of their party at heart must bear it in mind
when tney go to battle, ihere it no non
sense about tbem ia a campaign.
This will serve as an incentive to the
democrats of Linn and other counties to or
ganize at once. The Examiner further says :
For the republicans, tbe Kxaniiner must
admit the situation in Clatsop county i t
decidedly blue: for tbe deiuocrata it i
bright. The latter are working: Cleveland
is a popular man. and the; are making con
verts for him every day. Geo Noland is
one of cur best citizens, and as the demo
cratic nominee for presidential elector, the
Kxaminer believes he will make it
ine political out 100 m the east is en
couraging to tbe tkrnocratic forces. T Am
man v will stand solid for Cleveland : all the
labor troubles, business depression , failures.
event hing evil but tbe cholera will be
charged to the present administration
whether they Itelonir there or not. an! as
the Wall street financiers don't care a tink
er's which candidate is elected, the indi
cations are that Cleveland will do his man
up. by his good luck and popularity.
The republican campaign managers wit
not find so much cause for congratulation J
over Mr Blaine's letter as tbey expected
There is not a word of indorsement of H Sa
nson in tbe whole letter, and not even an
intimation that the repub'ican candidates
merit the support of the party.
The letter is in sharp contrast with Mr
Harrison's letter of acceptance in two par
ticulars: First, it is short and pointed;
second, it sticks to tbe text of the republi
can platform, without aology or qualifi
cation, and outlines a plan of campaign
which shall ignore the silver question and
the force bill. This is a virtual admission
that the two plank of the Minneapolis
platform which are distinctly Harrison are
not sate ground for the republican party
to stand on. The whole letter is a direct
stab in the back for Harrison, and wa
doubles intended to have that effect. Mr
Blaine's hand has not lost its cunning
nor ure his wits blunted. He
it the same old wily fox in politics that
ke alwavs was. He has squared hansel'
with his party and has removed he sus
picion that he was sulking in his tent, e
he has dealt Harrison a blow that it will be
hard to recover from. Evening Telegram
Harrison hat written hit 'e rer of accept
ance covering aiany quest iens of puh'ic interest
With all he deals not at a statesman but
asa politician. Hit treatment of the lowHI!
is nottb'e as 'he work not onlv of the pol
itician bat of the demagogue. He dodges and
shrinks the responsibility of the at temple 1 leg
itlatiot of the Reed congress ty attempting to
introduce a new scheme by whi h the Supreme
Court would be raids a commission to prepare
a plan of legitlation on elections and suffrage.
No, thank you, Mr. Harrison . The Su
preme Court is ttie ' once and It degraded
itself to the level of a Dudley and a Quay.
Jutt let Congrett keep itt handt off. 1 ea.c
the power to regulate elections jutt where it
is now lodged in the hands of the several
states. One tiling crops out in full. Har
rison it jatt tt much in favor of a lorce bill,
tuch si pissed the Reed House at he ever wa
Ihere is not a scin'ills of assurance tha'
hjere it any change of mind on thit subject' ,
The Best
Blood Medicine
So may Leading Fhytielanm
and Druggist, and their opin
ion im tndormed by thousand
cured by U of Scrofula, Ec
zema, Erymipelam, and other
dimeamem of the Hood.
-Ayefs RarsaparHla has woe its reptv
tatkan by years of valoabia aervlee to the
eijcnmuntty. ts ts seat." E. 8. tmag,
Vroucto. ta Merriinaek at.. Unrell. Mass.
Dr. W. F. Wright, raw raw Fort. Tenn..
saya: In say preys Ire. 1 iotartaWy pre
seritw Ayers SausapariiU lor cbrcjatt cus
eaaes of tbe btood.'
Dr. It. K. Boyle, Third aad Oxford sts .
rttuadelpbia. Pa. wraeat -For two years
I have prescribed Ayer. Sartaparula ia
naairiaa teataaeiei, and I And tt highly
eaVaeltmi in tbe trtafiwr et ail dtaorders
of the Wood,"
L. M. hmsvtn. Pharmacist, ftabtaa. O..
eertiSet; "Ayefs SaxsaparfUa has always
bees a great tetter. My customers uank
there is no bsood-ptnisVer equal to it"
"For many years I waa aaWeted wish
tcrof olons riiaalaa sores, whleb. at laat be--ame
so batl Hie ductar adySaed sapoiaala
otre of my leg to sate ay life. I aaaaa
t iking Ayeft KartaparlUa and soon saw art
tiuprovemeor. After ustux about two down
UXtles the sores were healed. I roatlmar to
take a few ttoutes of that aaedsexrae each
year, lor my Mood, asm am ao aceager turn
tried with sores- I have tried other reputed
blistlieilatn, asttaaan bus so mcrti eood
at AyeTt fliiiauaiiTIi Ii A. FiiIAmiiii
Seal, Kansas.
Don-t fall to see
Ayeis Sarsaparilla
M. 1. C AYER I CI, Uwt Mm.
00-1 try Jjnns. mUmt.S. Wsthal
Julius GradwohFs Bazaar
The very- latest 'news ii that you can buy at JUIelUS
GP ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, tor net ash goods as follows:
Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25e
lbs. Granulated Sugar $1 00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1-00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1 00
5 Gallons Good Pickles &C
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
I wO, cccdu-t a strict easar swore, and a'! good will be ao'd f r net eai frm in
jo 25 per ent leas traan recarar price. Ky vHc of Cb:nrtne. fiaev cooia, sate.
ail the ilalieMli avle of QJehea. aa well
err, tamps sod Sx'arr? ia eocaets.
tklag powder, and alwaje peeease my eoatoeaers.
Agent for ts - era !
W F RKaD. Preeideea.
LCoran,aeo F Simpson. K V Reed.
J X Weatftertora. K S Strahan. J W rttsman. ;
smn DtsrnucT adtts gem
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor.
Only White Labor Employee'.
for Infants
C rat ; rta U so w2 adapted to ehUdrea seal
' cottuaead tc superior to atn-- presx-ripcicga
it aosss." n. a. aactaxa. jl d..
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. T.
-The use of 1 distort- ' Is so noiryrssJ sno
, mitits so trr-li known that It seems a tmrk
. I rwjverwoe-tfioo to endorse it. Few arvthe
:'.e!nrent .trollies who do nut koep Csstoria
estate asy rsuctt "
Casus Miami. T. 9 .
Sew York Ctty.
s.ite Pastor tt joatir- late Kef aruied Church.
Tbs CsaTAmt
Samuel E. Young!
tVhile trying to Crowd theii
jtore, where they rnway e on hand
lit- largest Stock south of Pmtiand, of
the latest improved Rifles and .-ihrrt
mt; immense stock uf Fishing
vcklc of eery lescription; Tents,
Han. oc .Camp Chairs to, thousands
of ott. Ing toe 1 inner' s to metjtlon
JJr Jpii- Shop
"a connect n with Use Store, and one ot
He best wo men In tftc .tati- ha do any
nd ail kind, of tsyjr
Come Come No rouble to
how good "Sim I prcSt and nuick
slew" Is rti jsntto.
IV s no prepared f'o furnish
in )ttacttnea io eotl at rets
able rats
Order honks wi:: i f.taasi at sfo eseeT
Frisk I. Kenton, John Isouijar .! Karker
Ws gon
t laeea at
wtii ea' i for orders at tha
Sam and tpm daily.
Prompt sertiea guarantee i
a: bargain.
Fpcit asd vaeBTiaxa rtsx fob
eoastating of 41 acres, iocateti otc
mi rtorh of Albany Ltnd , iayw fio
an i ts we! I I nprwverl. For nr. oer 'jet
Baal to n sn-ttreetfa x litem f
Wm H TatU
as a getsara! assiflm-t:
I make spwsvttt nt 6 i
Itss aa-J
Jaliaw erattJwoeU.
J O WRTTS?i Secresarr
F SIMPSON. Vice Prswidanr.
I B If tn'jeith.Vf Sternberg w; W
and Children.
Castttria c rrc? OsBa, Ci as I IBS kut,
rVur btosuicii, tturrhcea. .vcataan,
lUUs Wcn-j. stssat sleep, sasi firoeaoees U-
Utout 1
iiuri-ics medkicioa.
' For arwral years I hae reeommeoitJd
your ' OMntas, ' and sitaU alvsiys eoesinue tc
do so aa It has invsi-iibij prvsiuced boaetsslt
results. "
Ewrx F. Pazossa. at. IX,
"Tbe Winthrop " ;3ca Siroet aad Tth Avtx,
Ocooaxt, 77 atraRAV Stuxxt, Sarsr Voax,
Uki Iff