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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1892)
SMOKED FOR OVER ths been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-five years, it is Just as Good Now as Ever. t. . Flavor. Fragrance and Purity have contributed largely to the 5 Aving- popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smwung is growing in favor because finer, sweeter and better tobacco can be had I b form and at much less cost than in cigars. DJLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM. N. C ' KATHKRFOKD A CHAHBEKLAIK, o . at Law. Wilt preotto la all eourt ot tha Attc- attenttm jivan la mature in prehatt I or nua-ia in riinu aieea. W R BIII.YKi Ait.rny at Law tnd Salicltor in Chancer-. Oa'.lao tieas iaaa oc all ae.nta Lean aafotiaud aa raatetanaa. Albaay, Oragoa. W. WRIGHT, Sttoraajr at tew, and Notary Faba. Will pactteetla iam mui in uiii ku spaaai attenuea t Uci.ant and matter. In peafcata twra Cp t . I 114)1111. B H hHI KN dk WATiOJI. all laaal miller will raci 1 ra pro bp atteoUon. (Hot lr. Oii Fellow'. Tuaple, Alba ay, d ONTAHYK14k H AC K L EM AN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon J- .WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES J. CHABLTOR, Attoraav-at-Law. Alt Iqral baaiaaa attaadad Jta BTCSaptlV: FUNK'S Hjck, Atkaay, Or. D R. J. I.. HIEX. Phreidaa and Snrgaaa. OFFICK Caraar Farry atrwta, Albaay, Oraaoo. D Ri. M4STON B MAVIS. wtaidaas sat larnom. OFFICE Owner tepad aad Bicrdslbin ttreett. Alkaav, Or, Calls praaptlj jh-i td to citv and eatmtrr: CHABBBBLAII. M. . Hssaaapathbt. SpacLJirt to ditaasa at tha Bye. Twaaty years' axpariaaoa VSca hours 7 la 9 a m; Iwlpm. aad S ta S araatof. Albany , Oragwa. I NX CO TATIOSALBAXK, t Or ALBANY, OB )OI(. CAFITAL STOCK tl,MO. ideni.. jnT L COWAN, e-Preaiduat J M RALSTON. tOwbier. O A ARCUIBOLD. P ascnaa. J L Cawan, 4 M Beaten, W 8 IMA, W B JoUra, J A Craward aSk O A Arab bald. f:-!AN3ACT8 a aenaral baakinr baataass. DUAWSloBl OFArTSan Saw York, Sao til ?a-t 1 Orefoc. r.OAN MOft'ET on appiorad seettrtty axr.ElVE dapawlta aubtact check. IRST SATISSAL. RANK, OF ALBAWT. eUOOH, reatdaut TkMPnaklrst ."tohlar LFLU 8. E.TOWSO .E. W. LAS G DON ntANSACTS A GENERAL banking ACCOUNTS KEPT aabjact ta shack. 8I3HT EXCHANGE and tl Taphic ar,U -ntlaM New York, Saa Franciaca, Chicago and I reron 00 J.EOTIOSI HADE on tenet. E Tons K, W, La L. Fuaa Eswasd I . Sax. B ANH OF SSRBf.011. AUtART, OlSSOK. tapllal. -:- ...h r KJ VicPrMi.itnt.. ashW Jar Transacts a fenera laaabia( bnaiasss: Kxetaanta sewfht and sold an all the adsajwel duel In the United States I else aa Snfland, IrsBfcd. France and Oerttnoy. Celleotieoi made at all iroisslbls paints aa later- tnter oat til wad ta tlata dapsalta. CCaiCK ak f (., 4. !S K ERJ r Ai.Ra.stT, eRsaow, Tr.AArrreearal Baukinr btidaass. DRAW SIORT DRAFT i en M.w Ysrk, Sao Fran mo and PerUaod, Orafee- LOAN MOXRT en approved saenrity . KECEiVE dapssil subject te check. C0LLECTI0X8 raad an Uveraklt .terms. I5TEREST pilS an timt-deposits. B tK OP S( IO. scio, aaEaow. dent i 8 stsaais .9 S May MA II A KANSAS C11Y, ST. PAUL CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, ANDAM.FOISTH East, North and South. 2 TRAINS DAILY. PULUeVSAN 3LEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, AND DINERS. Steainers Portland to San Francisco Ever 4 days. TICKETS TO AND PROM EUROPE For 'atesati-1 treneral informstion call or address S VyM;ItJRL3UR r,Ast.Ojli'l. I'm. Agt ij4 Washington St., Po-tTf.vsn, Orkgon ALBANY :OR. fUlMfil & HULBEB.T BE08, Rea! Estate Agents, .-arms and Ranches for sale. Also oitv bronerty in Albany and Corvallis, w lAjh DIUOISiG Bd uavifion in nrSD-red to do wsi! diBSlnir is fip-t olais ttyle, promptly, and will guar allied bis work. M TICKETS TWENTY - FIVE YEARS. Blackwell's Bull Durham i Smoking Tobacco ronrne t fur v aaraeif and fhm- yoar money. beat tbJm far prices waked, mm ihoutuada W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE c.Nm.N. TK BEST 3HOS M TW MU M TIB MKT. eatf.LaaaiB2 (actabla. KTUab ! dnraMa MJ atkar data wr IflSRs Swi ji. BaaeaJf 2; Mac moat strife. tw aad daraMa aaaa a uapanaaaaaaa aHaaShww. lata, want kT faiuni andatt waas m f haary tmlt . tataja aboa,aaa7toralk la. aad wtl USX Ladies' Mleeea aramad. dHU ad Tbay aiar taa. TBasBJuuaaoa xromMJUutoaajju. Ill whan you buy. fcr rnutnkatrad rashteet to byatwlordb- tatalnz money ander false W. 1,. DOCBUIS, L. E. BLAJ N. BT- EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. KtfiwasTrakas leave Portland Daily. Ss-V BCeSal. XtaMOSlOtt Klf krsb ins isn CUT bum wum. S2.4,aJwS.'.'Safwuti aaaney tbaa any other maka. Taay afa atada tor tar- Ttua. Tha taeraastaf aalaa show tha niaillf I n- aM Tasstka 91.78 wtsttal Shoe, are wora by the. key. mtmr- ml ail ikwalilaaiiiefildairaaarUM Sf thi heMDStGaV ace&lf. aa pry TUh, eemteHakU rat 3r aqoalieaataai tadathaaaaaattaa uaaaea wto wtao toatrn nrataa m t ti m,-w. udim bum aad tha ana a MamDad cm tha btnaai of mt Sana: look tor tt Sowta I " rsoajn.Tl. MSt, ijtrtm 7:D0r. a. I Lv P .rtiaod at ! 74 a 10 a r m 1 Lr Albenj L 43 a tdSaalAr 8aa Praotiaeo Lr ) t a Aber traiot step ealj at saliwwlBaT statisaa oatflk si Boaebnrx. Kan Portiaad. Onfn City, w.l- i aura. Bslans. Albany. TSjaswi'. Sbodd. Haktsy Rar risbwnr. Jaoetion City, frHas;, Bactoe. Baa. uit SOa (Lt Poruaod Ar ' -r"a 1. C.rn Lv Albany Lr I lfcSU V.Mr a I At Buaebnrg L. ' T0aa alsuct iac.u; aanr aacerr Stmat) i K r a i Lr Parueni Ar ! lis M a a S r a Ar Albaey Lv I a a uauumaaaaai 139 I Cv Albany .r I lfl3l ki 2:1' r a I Ar Labaooa Lv . fcSSAHlLv Albaay Art ttfri SlSaa'Ar Lebaaoa Lv I t JS lStralLv Albaay Ar l.-S5ra tOJaa lAr LabaBOB L. ' It J9 r a t-00 a I Lr Albaay JAr IMrm :15 a a I Ar Labaooa Lv a3 r ... , ' m j Ari i' j iArVlMrl i Lt i 8 -S3 r i PULLMA BUFFET SLEEPERS. SECOMQ-CU S .SLC,PI13 il See ItnaaM.: owef eneert. held 1ns eeeend-Cla.. . lrtet..altaeaed ite Bx pr Train Tet ktSe Mvtslsa. WRR.S rORVLSX AXIS COBValtlS. Mail nataaant (K-txptSnnaay. 7:SU a Lr Ar Portland CortalUs Arll:S0r M-JS r a Lt axraats raaia aanr (Kxetp. Sanday . 4:Urn insii Lr Ar Portland McMlanrille Ar StSIa a i.ti a a T-hronprli Ticket it an paints EAST, AUD SOUTH, fat (Oi. Information regarding rates, astp. a an Oaatpaay Artat at AVaay K0KHLBB K P. SOGERS. Hanaear tat O. P. and P. Ar PurtJaad. Onfen. YAQDINA BAY ROUTE. o Qieson Pacific mow e BUG, Bteeeiver. Oregon Development; ro's Steamsrs, Short Line to tallforaia Flrst-olaa through passenger and eitrbt lice from Portland and all points Id tbe vVillamett Valley to.anrl from San ' raneiaoo. Cel. Boats tnak cloat eonnectloo at Alban -'th trains of ths Oregon Patlfi Railroad TIME SCHBDULl. eioapt Stiadays.l jart Albany 111 r. a,Ltt Yaqutnt, 7:'0.,s .tare Corrtllll I :3 r. a . I Leave Carralt..,t0:8r.i,a AnieTaqaina, :S0 r. u.' Arnv. Altwiy, 11:18 a. a 1 ' C. 4Z C. trains corniest at A I nan v a no -arvsllis. The above trains coaneota Vaouina with the Oregon Development Jom pany'a Line of Steamships bets eeo t'sqtiinaand Han F raneiaoo, 0AII.IM6 DATRfl . rasa Ttatist. il'.ta.tti yttiaf. it, embef lth To" iiti tlat Willamette Valley, December 8th ; 18th ; 7tb. The Oootpsov aawrves tbe ngn' o tbangS sailing date " Inotit notlrte. N. B. Paaaenger frooi Portland ttntt VHlamette Valley tolnta can make lose tmnocti ti with the trains of ths 1'ao. til route at Albsnv or Corvallis. snd If de sned to San Frannlaoo should arrange' rlvs at Yaatilnri the nveaing b.fore ''ate fssUfay tVPasseaser aw Freight rale, al wart lb bstvaa Alb n e.l Y UNIVERSITY : OF : EUGENE. . b9Pln",C MondB lb" Voxt a.sicn 19tli day of Heptem Tuition. Ireo. Foot Courses: Claiaial, Kcientifio. I.itarrv and :i abort Kr. 'sh Course, in wtich these Ih no Latin. Qreek. Preniei ( '"g oiraeay nrxn oraoois mucous ar Irmin Thn RnelUh ie nr. .mln ! faces of t ' r, v t . !ri: 7.1C. per bottle. Bold or Uermsn rb Kogll.h la pre arr-in i h n Hn r vU, ; Testimonials free, sully a Business CcfXt$t ognso ! Address, " j w y-iT-rT' d a Ihe gfcmoctat STOAHOE I'PHEAVAI. OF LAN . . . . - ureal excitement prevail in ueieware long ihe nouheaU' n l undary ol Del egare cotiti ty wh'i Knox, In the neigh borhood oIRlch Hill, a (mall union on the Ohio Central railroad, over the rapid rl.tngofa hitherto level tract ot ground. The strar re ,!.eolo'leal freak occur on the farm of Ml I H Wrlg hi , about one-half a mile norU.of Rich HI I. The farm like Iht country thereabout, is quite level.there being no marches or pring 1 ihelmme dlate vlciuttv of the upheaval. .'out a year ago Mr Wright noticed the peculiar twitt ing of a fence that runs long that plat of ground n.-ar his residence. He thought nothing of It at the time but a few months aftfi-wnr.'. h; jt'cntinn wax again directed to the tatr.o pis, uhi-h teemed to have i I -I t 1- , , I mhui. lit" una -ft UUUUUUI VMtWIVO . t w . . risen Const . abl y The tract wa. oblong . the effecte of the ta,liaRt) it bm in form and eoveied in area five roia by inflicted. He was shot Thursday night thice rods Bein a urveor bv profe- j about 11 o'clock by Fred Baldie. was arret ion he ran ttw and made calculation Ud yertwday afternoon, and now occupies a - . . . , , , , . cell in the city prison Nineteen-year-old finding that tha: perilcelar .trip of land i S(uUe Ba,Jie o prisoner, was had risen several Inches According to a the woman at the bottom of the trouble, luhiquu rii."'n md' about two She received Smith's attentions, knowing i t; . - i : . .1 .. u l : .. -.. l, .i . Kt ih I 1 ground had . t.. two feet in ll e laal tter The t. t rt upheaval is conat'ntly acce'erating and now the ' ground rite over a inches ev ry month Within the !t three week three more incite have been added to the altitude of the young mound, and Gaurca are opening on t-e surface Hundred of people, In cluding many profetiiooai geologUta, have visited the place within the p-t month, but r.o one ha vet explained the phenom- enon. Superstitious natives ne becoming alarmed and fear an earthquake al most any day. On Sundays great crowds curl usly visit the mound. Mr Wright ha himself become uneasy over the wonder. PROTECTIOX. Toe cause of the differjnee U to be tough, ! i a the existence of that spirit of frotatiom j which is daneerous aad ret so plausible, that ! advancing civiiuauoa has to coo tend. This which may truly be called an evil spirit, ha always been it longer in France than in Bag land. Indeed among the French, it continue! even te the preseet day. to produce tbe most mischievoas results. It is intimately connec ted Srith that love of central ixatioii wbic't ap jean in the machinery of their government aad spiiitof their literature. It is this which induces those to retain restrictions by which their trade has long been troubled, aad pre serve monopolies which in our country a freer system has effectual distroyed. It is this which cause them to interfere with natural relations be wren producers sad coo turner to fotce into existence msouftctares which wan Id never sr'.se, sd which for that very reason are not require! to sUt urb he ordinary man ner of industry aad under p release of pro- tec ing iheir nitive Uborers. dimiaith the produce of labour by di.-ening I: from those profltable rhtnrtle m o whic'i its own iaterrsts alwaytccr.iel it to Tow. When the pro cctioa principle i-ra.'riei into trade these are is iaevitab:e lean it. Vhen n is carried into poUrics thta is fanned what is ciUed a paternal government, in which supreme rower is virited in a love eija, or in a few privileged classes, wnea i. is carried into tbe okjgy. :? ;--Jacesa ps erf al caarcb, aad a nutnerc-a- ..ergj wboare saapMed to be the necessary gitrriiass of religion, std every op potitisn to adorn it reseat ad a an iasot to to tbe pnbiic morsJa. These srs tf.e msrks by which protection raa be recegmzed. The above is a leaf from the Philosophy ofilta.cry. R. r .C. p a ssrr . prr;.o if clearlv. Sena 'ci Carlisle states s first principle'' a tbe fo lewing clear style: 1 Vhstsver makes U easier for the people to n t S1 a a A S - -- - i r" Use deccrtlyan-Jicorafonarrfy.whatsnrer makes therecet!iiei . :b tie people are bound to boy ana use cheaper tat "ess ex pen tire to tbe cutset, it a tneting to roan kind, and I hate never Leen able to appreciate tbe tiKicmti that policy which coonela men to work longer snd harder ia order to procure tun, mmciit ana ti.e.ier iut inrnttveet ana ! their fami'iet; i bare never eert able to ap preciate etiber tbe economic troth or the hu rasnit) of the proposition that the people caa ! be miJe bappf aorf prospcruot by taxation, j whether the purpose of that taxation be to defray extrartgeat expenditures 91 tly: part j of ibe government, or to increase the prices which tbe people pay for what they eat, driak ! and wear. I Tbe Mckinley, tbe Rslds aad the Harriaona J may hurl their "cheap and natty" arguments t .. ...,....,.. lt will . wA 4,.. is founded upas a rock. FROM KLAIifE Tl LE ELAN 11 . Theodore W. Ferdon. son of the late Con gressman John IV. Ferdon, of N'ysck, proudly declares th'. thi year be will suppotl Cleve- j Isnd snd Stevenson, snd sports a democratic 1 buttoc. Mr. Ferdon, until the Hinneapolie j Convention renominated Harrison, was sn ardent Blsine mm. Lsst yesr he wss Pres ident of a Ftttett club and hasoevsr yet voted a Democratic ticket. His father yst one of the only two Republican Congressman tbe Nyack district has bad in many jeers. ' New York World. An Kastern dupitch says: Several Welch tinplate manufacturers closed their works on Ssturdsy Siity woifca are now closed and hsods are idle Many stited on Saturday to find etnploymeae n America. This telle the whole story. The man ufsctureH product of chesp foreign labor is not permitted to be imported snd sold here witb ont paying a heavy duty. This is toprotect the Americsn msnulscturer, but the chesp for eign labor tltelf it permitted to one here without let or hindrance where it will compete wiih our laborers and tubs put dowmtbe pric5 of labor. Fiiitis jatt whst the manuf icturer 4 wsnu aad M-iKia'ey very obediently lend himself as a tool for lhe uie of the manufact urer. Such Is M-KHieyism, The repuSltcarti in Washington are in a 0rry p'ig'f. Nt-Vn Bennett who is well i taflwa h.-rc.'S'he treat railroad contractor aad i rAilroi I owner hat bolted the republican i ticket. I'tul S-iiulze, whole manner of life from the beginning wat after the most strict sst sect of lu-r0'1'1 '1 faith, republican, isnew talking louilly and xetloutly for Clevelsnd. Scores of other rppubicani in and ahaut f scoma snd other pint of Washington seem to be doing likewise It is a most heeftlifu tign for our gool neighbor. Like Ssnl of Tar -susof '' ., ..'..Menly there seams to shiaaarouni 1 ihem a lig . oft', 'he scales are faUrafC front lhe;r t,e. il-.-TT j iUISl Wo offer G-.e Hundred Dr .lars Reward for any cans of Catarrh tbal casual ba cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ci.:::Ey & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the un.l i :isve known F. J. Cheney. . . end boilers bias ptirfot.: - , i i. neinesstransaetlena j and Snsa made by t Sm, ry out any obliestioa ax vi'ts.Tolerlo.O. Wai.i'is, l..i.. ... , wholesal Drue- plits, Toledo. O. ITall's 1,'aUirru Cur:. !r taken Internally, at- N w is h tttoa no .at yur choice in senut of thoss Albaay Woolen suits at t B Allan Go . TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Prolrrlloti that t'oonU. Wasuinoton, D C, Sept 2.-The United States i urroumled today aa if with n Chine wall, by tha quarantine cordon against cholera. At every port on the At lantic coast and at all the principal port on the Pacific coast and ports of entry along the Canadian border and Mexican frontier United States officials stand senti nels, guarding the country against the plague. All information received at the treasury department is to the effect that the regulations have iieen strictly entoreeu oy United 8tates officers, and that the slate official are working in hearty conjunction. No cases of cholera exist in the United States, so far aa the treasury department is advised, and if its efforts avail, no cose will be introduced. A Brwtfcera Ael. Portland, Sept 2. Donald II Smith, city passenger gen of the Chicago, Muri ington yuincv railroad. nes in the Good Samaritan hospital with a bullet in his I J II.. 1 . ..1, ...,.. nt ..nv.r sum to oavw m wu asu m uuuuuot, vum opHiMiioii to uie uestic ui un family. It wis while meeting the girl at tenth and Morrison streets, in responee to her invita tion, that Smith was shot by her brother. A Bold Bobbery . Montreal, Sept 2r The stock broker age firm of N'icholls k Marie, was yester day afternoon robbed of $15,000. A hand some blonde drove up to the office, waived a handle of greenbacks, and beckoned to the clerk to come out. She had a five numi'ea argument about the discount on American silver certificates, and then drove i rapidly away. w ben tbe clerk returned to his desk, be found tnat tbe cash j drawer had been rined. A good looking i American who hat been loitering around the plar for a couple of hours thus after aoon hn disappeared. A I'erallar Dealb. Syracuse. N T. Sept 2. Mr Catherine Horan. wife of James Horan. captain of the ran.l Iwwtt 1 1 H.nln n1 tlmMMm wee in. lriud n Gere's lock, near this citv. tonight. She was walking along the deck of the boat and stumbled upon a coil of rope which she carried in her hand was driven into her brain, through her left eye. a distance of four inches. She was dead before her husband reached her. Tbe t belrra Hamri Rt. . Sept 1. Tbe thermometer has fallen to 70 decrees Fahrenheit, and there have been several light showers. The air is rlearsr toniirht than it ha been in the last 10 days. Nererthesesa the abate ment of tbe plague has not been so con siderable as to brine orach comfort to this stricken city. Tbe most trustworthy re j ports give tbe number of fresh cases today as 681, and of deaths as 347. Tbe decrease in the number of fresh cases from Teaterdav u and in toe number ot deaths Si. II ASccssTi Cute ago. Sept 1. Tbe effect of tbe chol era scare was Mi decidedly on the board of trade this morning. Everything opened III W otfwwl IwnM et tVu. HAi-lie .,t m Jf. tv , ... u I Za. : . . V v v.-i. sssssassst sarasass waa reciven uuiu .c iwts 1 iJ-l. a. .u, -m . .1 . .1 mnuw wn. eiieva uwu tarevr qi cBUKTt qn imen uuonemi mere and the market took another plunge down ward, wheat tooching tbe lowest point reached in sereraJ years. The story was j subsequently denied, and tbe market re covered. A Mia trse; Tetsa starved. Botes Citv. Idaho. Sept 1. Tbe town of Rocky Bar. in Elmore county, was totally wiped oat by fire today. One hundred and fifty people are homeless. Messages have . been receive. here aaking HaT iSBSxawS I j food, bat no particulars are obtainable. ' Rocky Bar is a mining- town of 400 inhabi tants. It is connected with the outride world by stage line and telephone. t aether Tew a Kpm ut TVeah nt I . Vnr,l just reecbed here that Conconully. the county .eat of Okanogan county, was barn- ed to tle ground between the boar. of i and 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. Nothing resraains of tbe town proper bat the school- bouse, courthouse and drugstore 1 iL. m . . . . i I'ersons its own -. I aray unstayed from tbe first. Tbe indirid- I . . . woo saw toe ore state wax it nan wj uumajcu uuu ual losses an not I ed that the total k j and ihe inm trance i Known, but it is eatimat- km will reach 100.000. is not oyer ih ner cent of ksfiat amount The town will be rebui at I once- Tweatynte Sfsaws SatXT 8tk Marie. Mich, Sept I .The I became the village blacksmith. Tele fish tug T M B A arrived in town tonight. Kram. having as a passenger Harry Stewart, of OlgSMt. Mich, tbe wheelman and only j Doting the year ltl no less than S snrvivor of toe mammoth steel steamer , divorces were ordered in Multnomah Wartem Reserve, which foundered alxmt county, which was s. the rate of two for 9am Tuesday. GO miles above White Kith j every day the court was fa session. Dor point, while en route to Keewana. He re- j the same period 916 marriage licenses porta 35 people drowned, amid heartrending : were issued, an average ol 76 per month. Seven Tear Far arder: Tillamook. Or, Sept i . Dlfagwortb; the s ayer of Adkint. was found guilty of , 3 state orison. The irisU lasted nearlv f,m day.. arvah Tar Kaary 8Uaka Isdepkxdcnce, la. 'Aug 31. Xaacy Hanks, tbe queen of borsedotn, added a shining star to her crown today, when she trotted the world-famous kite track at this place in the unprecedented time of 2)5. clipping two seconds off her Chicago mark. maiie two wee Its ago noe resetted Uie qunrter pole mau second, j,,' ' wa toe verdict of the crowd. and this waa accented by all as the truth, Tbe half was reached in i .01. and the men who watched the figures on tbe dials found it hard to believe Doble loosed her bead and urperl her on gently with the whip ann voice, as she darted under tl.a wire there wss breathless silence. Starter Mc Carthy announced the official time of 2KK4 and his voice was drowned with yells. Beached the EaitrA aialea 1'okti.axd, Aug 31. The most startling report concerning the cholera epidemic that came over yesterday V dispatches was the fact of the arrival of Uie Moravia in New York harbor with the message that 22 of her pasaenjters had died from cholera on the voyage. Last night telegrams con tain no accurate statement concerning the real classification of the diseaae, but a thorough examination is to be made today. In the meantime, every precaution that human skill can devise has been utilized. Hamburg, though showing a slight decrease in the number of deaths from yesterday, is still in a terrible condition. Harder Will Out ;s l: CiTf, Or Aug 31. A man ar rested by Chief of Police MiGuire for vagrancy confessed in jail that ho was the Perry Kinft wanted in Crawford county, Kan, to answer to a murder committed in 1885. His photograph was forwarded to Kansas, and wag recognized as King'ri. His crime with a brutal one. He was play ing cards with a man named John Pagtt. and a quarrel arose. King cut Page's throat with a pocket-knife. The Strike Eade4. Pittbbuho, Aug 31. H C Frick, after inspecting Homestead mill today, said: "I am fully convinced now the men will soon he able to run the entire plant to its full capacity. We are perfectly satisfied a to the manner in which our officials here have been running things. So far aa the company is concerned, the strike is a thing of the past." Btwaaway Aceldeat. , Roskbuhg, Or, Aug 3i. Wbile Mrs C W Kirk was driving near the fairgrounds yesterday evening, her horse shied sudden ly at something in the road, throwing her from the cart. She sustained a dislocated shoulder, a broken cheek-bone, a bad cut under the eight eye, besides other injuries, Curtis Dead. Nkw Yohr, Aug 31. George William j Curtis died at 5 o'clock this morning at hit i home at West Brighton: Staten Island. At j the bedside were his wife, his unmarried j daughter, and his snn, Dr F G Curtis, 'of j Boston. He was conscious to the last and j his death waa a very peaceful one. MM FIT. The herlff of JoaephJne county l tell ing watermelon through the valley. A "uggestlve fact. An exchange says the moat natural and ealet route tor a connection between A torla and the Willamette valley ,1 over the turvey of the Albany 8c Astoria Railroad. The Ubmocrat i informed that 6oo Chinese pheasant have been in cold .tor -age at Corvalli a aitlng Sept 1st. Kilt ing pheasants for the market will ruin them for game. JulU Harpole has commenced a divert? suit against K P Harpole in the circuit ceurt She complain of cruel and Inhu man treatment. They were married in Eugene July 17, 1891. The lady ha ap pcared In four dlvoree pioceedlngs In thi county heretofore. Kuttene Guard, The law require the road supervisors to keep the Canada thistles killed out ol the public roads within their respective road districts, and requires the road super visor to notify the county court whenever sny such weed is grow'lag upon private I land within his road di.trict. The ccunty court must then appoint a commissioner who will notify the land owner to destroy the weed upon his premises, and If he falls, the commissioner may enter upon the piemltet and destroy it' himself, and render his bill for the tame to the ceunty court, which will be paid out ot the county funds snd charge up the ssme at tatet j against the land owner cn whose premitet j the thittle were eatermlnated. 11 any road superv'.ror neglects hit duty he Is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and I Sned not lew than $50 nor more than $100 or each offen.e . Ex. There are 19 democratic sheriffs in Ore gon. 9 republicans, a people s party ana indeoendents. Oreaton i safe. ThoiiKh j the people mav fly off when it comes to ; congressmen theytare all right on offices that need to be well managed. , A. H ottt ton, who was indicted in Texas years ago for murder, has just been j set at liberie on giving $3500 bail. Hlow ' work tor Texas, noted for, its lightning; justice. A J A p person has the following ad In the McMinnvile T. R. It it good general? reading Jan ingenius dun : The beat way to keep your credit good is by not osing j It too indiscriminately. A thing to re- member: Wentber is tbe monUi to pay i bills whether van receive dons or not The best time to pay bills is when yoo J - .a e .w have the money. ever pot this on an -1 til thosjo yoo owe hare to employ an at- ' tornev to assist you in raising the money. . It is dangerous business. Tbe Kickapooe i have come and gone Their greatest sue- ces was in relieving people of their dimes. , I : 1'ottma'tier Steei has received a letier from the third sssusUtnt poatrnastet-gn-1 ' eral at asbtogtoa asking bun to furnish Eton asking him to lurnisn a photogrspu ot tue nrst posiomce in ; Portland, ant) also one of the present 1 boilding. Ilia proposed to include in the postal exhibit at th- world's fair a : &Zhcol i im oroved since the offices were first 1 awtah' iahed M r Steel has a Dictare til - -- - - - - . ,, , th ft ret biuUinir It waa a small lost i - ",1 rZm , ' v "I j . : . . . : torse rooms, it was occopiea oy i nomas sWlifc tke r'r., im.rin on nvm ber 8, my, and was located on tbe sooth- wast corner of front and Washington street. Tall fir trees sanoanded it, and in front of tbe door bugs fallen togs were i plentiful The office remained there un til 153, when it waa removed to tbe i corner of Front and Stark street- Mr! Steel will snd both pictures. Dispatch. Thia town may seem dull, but parties who have visited Salem and Albany re port it livelier than either of those place, ; Kusrene Register. The -parties' men tioned evidently stopped tu one ot trie Capital City's suburbs. There is more life in the average stiourt ot stuem ,own. T001'',"' .J... ; n1" . But for blow d b!nerEBgeDe knock out any city la Oregon. j I James Terstilliger. the man who hsjilf , - , , . . : the nrst noose in rorxtaxra, ana w uo i been brought into considerabe con epic- tiity of late as defendant in the celebrated . a a .. a a Saj f 1 1 2 J t i win contest oi ureen r .uigrr, uwu peacefully at bis home in tb is city ba ! Tbarsday, al ue extreme age os m ; rears, lie came here in lio on toe sr.ip ; ' Toulon jud built a log cabin down on tbe bank ot the liUmelte. Others loiiow ' ..t t,,. .,Imnl, .nJ deceased soon Tbe Mill City's Weekly O P item is as follows this week, and needs no com ment: "Unless we are badly fooled, the POsib!y have occasion to feel rejoiced. I rem Mrs 8rir War Bceeher: 40 OUAXKE ST., BSOtlKLTX. KY.I Feb. Uth. I8S0. ) "I have aicd Alleocli'a Plaatcra for some yea-a for myw If and family, aad, a. far aa able, for tb many rafferar who con to a for eatutases, and hart found bam a gann- ine re iet tor moat ot tbe ache, and pain which flesh ia heir v, 1 have uaed Alloock a t luier. for all kind of lamer eis and aoote ! pain, and, by frequent txparitneuta.tind that they cse octroi manv o.trt'not noticed in j year circulars. I "Tbe above is tha only testimonial I have ! aver given to favor of any plaster, and if my ' name ba teo ased to recommend any other ; tt is withn if mv a ithoritv or aanc-ion. Ms Hssar Waai Bks'H f.r. ANNot'NctHKyT, Having severed my connection with the Albany nuraerles, I take this opportunity of tendering my sincere thanks to al! former patrons and friend, of the above nurseries for their liberal patronage. I am still engaged in the nurserv business, having ocated just acr.Tss the river, in Benton county, one- j half mile west of the Albany high steel j bridge on the Rainwater donation claim, j where I am growing as tine a lot ot tr e at can be seen In sny nursery In the Wll iamette Valley . Trees for sale this fsil at the nursery, alto at my tree vaid In Al bany. AwaillnBVOiirfurthe. orders, I am Yours truly, J A Hr man. Proprietor of the Wes Side Nurseries. Una dollar tavad t na dollai earosd. S to Allan Kroa aad bay ynnr rnasri. at sash priest. Nsw Pkockbs. Cobb, the printer, has bonght the exclusive right lor this city and county for the F E Tavlor chromatic printing process and will make color printing one of his specialties See cam ples of his late work. MAltKll.K MOORE CAMERON. At th ai dence of and by Klder II M Waller, in this city. Wednesday, Aug 31, 1802, Mr William J Moore and Miss Nellie E Cam eron, both of Corvallis, Or, BONO JESTER. In Hsltey, on Vtednesdsy, Aug, 3t, 189a, by M P Sstchell, the new M E tbe res idence of the bride's mo'.hei.Mr II S Bond, of Salem, and Miss Lizzie B letter, of Halsrtv. The bride is a sitter of Mr W L Jester, formerly S P agent In Albsny. The hsppy couple have many friends here who will wish for their happiness and prosperity. HOItS. PROPST. On 8aturdsy, Aug. 29, 1S92, in Albany, to the wife of Mr Quince? Propst a sirl. All doing well. TBJE F. CASK. The diapttch from Corvallis in refer ence to the O. P. csae did not give the correct facta. The Democrat learns that the true situation of the case is about as follows: Judge FHnn represent in? Z oo, nnu me new corporation, ma wregon Pacific Railway Company, recently or-1 Snized for the purpose of assuming the ' interests in the purchase of the road now 11. 1 . t .1 . 1 1 1 .1.1 1 ,1 a . 1 1 neiu uy .tir f jotj, ana realty iepre- seining tue oonaiioiaers under the de-, cision of Judge Desdy, appeared in court with 8 petition, backed by affidavit-, j asking for at continuation of the case until Nov. lat, in order to give the par chaser time in which to complete the sale of the 13,000,000 in bonds for the purchase of the road, accordion to the agreement tuade In Judge Wendy's court, j ana were ready at the time to argue the merits of the petition on the proofs pre-; pared Judge Bryson, representing the! plaintiff, the farmers Loan and Trust Co., and Mr Linthicom representing several hanks, holding about 150,000 (a certificates, not parties to the case, but interested in it, appeared and asked a continuation of the hearing of the peti tion in order to secure affidavits from New York, for fifteen days This, owing to court business of ludtte Fullerton.was reduced to twelve days and ISept. I4th set for the hearing of the petition, and it I will then be decided whether the case is continued to Nov. 1st, and if continued, j as to whether the defendant shall iiive ! security for the pavmentof the purchase oric and dainaW that mv arise thev ! claiming it ur necessary because the 81.000.000 exceeda the receiver's certiti cats by $105,000, which Judge Fullerton ahw sustained in his Koseburg derision. ' "nfftne screen ot tae tront ooor; out rooa A view of thecasgiv.i to the 1m()cpat 1 "fng from sny of them, ewept a piece j is that a msjority of tbe landholder, as o rac,t Uom lhe buSeher hoP well ssof the committee of seven ap- About 7:30 o'clock thlt forenoon, wnue pointed to ssttle the matter, are in favor Mi Chss Pfeiffer. of the Revere House, Of the extension, aa the best way of set on his way to snd fram the post office, tling the matter in the spirit of Fudge someone wen: behind the office counter, Deady's decision ; bat one or two of the opened ihe safe door, which had only landholders for reasons not necessary to en doted ard not locked, took out the 1 state here, are fhrbtina- the whole matter t and placing every obstruction possible in j tbe way of a satisfactory termination ol the case It is urged that as tbe eertifi- cates are not due until tCt. 2tl tae t continuation would cot affect any one and would be In the interest of all eon- cerned, and by that time tbe bonds can probably be sold. HMwsUasj. Hall or Granu Praixic Urasos.N-. 10, j P. or U. August 27lh, 169J. j Whereat, The Supreme Ruler ol the j Vnltme bat seen proper to remove from . , , , , . . j ?orU1 our beloved brother and .l.ter j,,..",S, ,JV.Z', hVi, ! Juv ,I,h ,ml t3h. therefore, be It It I 8 t'. e I iL. J..sL S S-. I nc-oiveu, iwunine widoi toawd brother and twter we lose two who always trilling to iend a helping h,od and voice in behalf of their order, ; and pioneers in the cause in this county. 1 having joined Grand Prairie Grange, No. to, In 1S74, and ones who were deeply imbved with 'he great social and moral educational and agricultural principle of tbe grange. 5 Rawol,-d. That thu a-rann lose two of ,w t, member, their chlldren.affecilon- i 1IC parent, and society useful member. R , . Fllflher tr,. ,. bro'hert ' ..f'J ''J?' !T.S! dTvmpatKv4 Jllr cl ten and tcrrow mwilu nl kftaht le,mn.tlt. lofil lh i armvr I Therefore, be it UMWA That these resolution be ' I i . .v.- . , . t i.w ... n.c. u. nu. . i copv sent to the chWreo of our deceased f brother a id aUter and a copy fumtthed the Herald and Dcttoc rat for publication. lOHe ff WALLACt, )f WAtXACR, M V Gordon. Committee. W t I1AJC Sept. itt, iSoi. Biitmrt Dtmtoaml; In order to correct a mistake we made j in our last corretpondense and not do Mr Brandon an injustice, at he it well and t- tending to the duties of life, we ml.uoder ' stood our informant and we should have j said A Bard well had a severe stroke of paralrais and n-, Brandon, not wlthlna to mitiead we hurry to make the correction . Met W B Blanchard died at her ho ne la this place on Tuesday night at 13 .'-l--u ; l .. . -t , . -4 T-.. iuiwiii., w. v - . . . ...... mmmm 1 j WM uld lo hrr !onf In lh- cj,y ntc- j lerT mrttdix bT mnT Mrrowlna Irtecdt KRAL STATE SAUDS. A J Otfa to Amos Nicho ,2t0 acres tmtt $ 7900 Manr Beard to Sarah Mills. H loU, Tangent 240 Mary E Gee to I J Moms, 40 acres, Ul S40 W R Kirk to Amanda E Hvde. bl 5. K'e 2nd A. Brownsville..... W B Kirk to I O O F. No 43. 1 block, Brownsville SSS Henry Woltgvn to Patrick O tiar ry and F A Henry, 320 acres, Hwl TOO r.W Bditmrt Dmmtrn! Can von iniatm the writers if there is any ordinance Mpbibitiug parsons from enclosing Ibe aim tor eorralla or other wiss obstructing UM allies and making it impassable for ths public. Geo W HAKRts, A B Woodct. An alley once ODened bv tha citv must be kept free trout obstructions and leit in a passable condition. If a case of an impassable alley exists complain to the proper authorities and something will have to drop Ne vVoKusa. FtntCnt ! W ? Seotad Ditto- ! ! What waa it all about. Why isst over a sook stove that woold'nt sork. Poor stoyes re an abumioatioo. It pays to gel the beat. Than there will he more in life worth living or. Matthews & Washburn, of this city, are fortunst in having in stock the very best manufactured. They could give teett monials that would convince any one. Call snd tee their ttock of stoves, tinware, hard- ware, sic vViirtv veu come to Albany Don t fail to visit Blackman A Hodges, TVi druggists They carry a large snd .holce ttock of drugs, pstent medicines, etc. Prescriptions are always carefully and promptly attended to. It will ' Pay you. I r.HM'.MNT Branch Lavndry. A branch office of Ihe Salem Steam laundry ha been established In Albany. All work will be collected and the lsundrled srticles delivered at Salem price. No other ex pense. All work guaranteed. Orders may be left with W ! Philips, at T L Wsllsce 8t Co's. T M Hamilton is the permanent agent and solicitor fot Albany. SN. STRKLK A CO., Albaay, Oragoa. e Iioan it'onsy on aood real estate secnril l tun and adjoining enmities. Do You Nasi) a Baby Buoov? Fort miller St Irving have just received a fine assortment. Rubber Uses. Each sup piled with a pstent brake, a great thing. ' Dress Timmingj. The latest novelties dress trimmings caa always be found at Samuxl E. V OUNO Littler A .Ball, dentists, make no charges fer extracting teeth where they put in artlfic'sl pistes. You can ttvs money by baring them do your dentsl work. Offics In Tweedale block, Albsny, Oregoa. We ar going to pat' the prices down to oath sod sail for oath oaly. Allau'Broa. Itt order to make room for our Urge new fall stock we will give a special cash discount of to per cent on all purchases for the next thirty dsy. The Ladies Bazaar. A IB ABROAD THCRSDAT. f lop are worth 17 cants in Lane county Han KrsDsiseo people are afraid of cholera f by way of Alatka. VVoni wat reivad liaro yeatarday of tbe aeaiaeotai cieatn m rraok Koaaeu, a young sobol uach, in tha viclcity of Argtnti. dsi ftilvar Creek falls. Stattamaa. m Beneck fell thi. aiirnr.n ..h . ... , ... .. located - ' " ' her shoulder. Dr Maston was I called and set matters righi'and she wilt be all right again in a day or two, AN Arrest, On complaint of Arch Blackburn, E A M liner was arrested for disorderly ronduct this forenoon, and promptly paid a fine of $5. He also has a contusion ot hit right temple cuticle. made bv a poker, to show for It Gathered Tiikh Ik. Laar evening about 10 o'clock Mr A Strsney heard con- J siderable confusion among hi chlcaent, and on going out with hi lantern caught couple men leaving hit yard with a load of fow'.t. On Investigating mattert he found ihey had made several other trips, j and a number of his chickens were secur St In a neighbor's hen house where they had been tloied for .sic keeping. The leader claimed he thought they were his ' iowi,wnicn ne wa garnering up preriou 1 o leaving tonight for Sa.i Francisco, wrere rhlcken arc high priced. See personals. u... ... . -... 1 ... 1 ... , ' , . onlt- one be ln, cHmcer taloon by forcing '.he door open ; also Into Watson' grocery ttore by a rear window, ar.d into Emerick Baker's butcher shop by cut- ! monev drawer, con atn'-ng atu -.75 ana skipped, takmz :;.e drawer with him Though several men were arosuad no one st seen to do It. One man waa arre. -.-J on tuapacam, a gsmoia. at had plenty td money on hi person, sever- i si timet the amou..t ttolen, he wat db ' charged, and wat undoubtedly not the t man, a he went to bed at 3 or 4 o'clock : and had been sleeping since them. Who 1 took it. Ji'MPRD Faoss thi Train. A peculiar Incident happened up the Oregon Paei6c yesterday afternoon. The train si com- tag towards Albanr, about three miles Ljon. when a womso was seen by those in the car to be shaking her J a T,oIentl, erident,T ,or the inefit ' on " the paatenger.. A man riding in the car recognised the woman, rushed '-m a. lothepiiiiorm, and tnougn trse tram was going about twenty mites an hour.jumped , w the ground, and after turning several ' aomertaulu. gn op. evldent!y not Injured much. On teaching Lyons the cause of the strange proceedings was learned. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Wvatl went to that place in the morning for "the purpose of hating Mr Van Order, the saloon man. arretted for selling liquor j without a license Mr Van Order board- ed the train for Mill CHr, not being ob- s served at the time. Mr Van Or.'er learned -hat wa. up, and walked up the ' track three mile, and gave t alarm. apprlcl.ted at oce. Or t WO. ratSAV. axnua v; .v . . i. . ......- u. Mr W O W aires, tbe carpenter, brass. c ba h tod ia a bad snaaaer with a board. I ssysasssitsfingtbs an ties of asargaoa. Sheridan Vaiilinnesii. m yoaeg aaaa living ' with his peratte near Cnrvallas, died last Wednesday after a abort illness, from pnea - maeta, rissad by assnstiaj. eisarettew Last vTadasssday at Toledo the Sileti saatl carrier. John Johnson, walked ff the dock into las Yacjeiaa rivar aad wa drowned. He isavea a wife aad two c'ri'd rea. Pspils la te pahU: senaoi dasinag pre SBSttna easrttnnates for cxttreoee u.u the ysaiasi department may Prof Craw fwrd for eatracea ttoii -Utn. at tha school boxes oa next Monday seeraisg at 9 o'clock. Soaae of the beat bocwaa ia the Morthweat has bai a sutswsil for the rtcea betanicg . at the lair groB4t at that etty ept 26 b. iasartag tbe Baaat wHtrtms erer held ta Uas eeaoty. Oar pwl wiU aadoabtadly n i ' 1 lerer A ' Tto Is tak .' ar:br saw iat oa Ite ; Yaoatat water. It u te ba 1C0 fast leaa by SO feet wtde.aed wdi cuat a beet 5I5.0UC. Captain Chat .rtoa, of that city, isiaterwat ed ia tbe metier . Tbe week well beats Ko vsasfeer 1st. aid Ibe boat wtl! be completed by May lat, ISS3. saye anas. Tt Flavcl Laati ana Devetapmaet nam- CI y yeaterday bled article ef incorporation theo5e et tbe secretary ofetate. The iaeaepoaSnt ar S H R .eo, jr. I. a SeeSey. XG Read aad B L Payer. Tae saptui stock ia tStiOOiOOO. T e Pa. nose of tbe 1 company ta U bail! a ra; road from a point a . .... 1. .-.!...- . . . K. ( Wlli-niett yalier. strrsn.tT. It will pay to bear opera boete t aia'. .apt Campbell at tfco t Tbe B B tones it ioag waittad and perfect ffttioft, it cut be hid at tbe Ltdiea Baaaar. Ladies, msni. children aad intents cloaka t the Udiea Baaaar. The Ladis Baaaar have received the r i tall and wiatar cloak aad Jackeu. Call j -ske stlaesisa. The telephone wiraa and pdes are being pat ia position in Albany, aad the etrentt ; will soon be complete, taking ia all tie lead- I iag valley tonus. If the ear of the htir wr. made a part of a lady's sdsaaliiia. w thtid act ee Kt many aray and the ate of Hal' Hair ' Ranewer W.-uiJ be nnoeoeiaary. Oo of the est net at Vaosoaver ia th i o .-Ut mt .1 ii.'gt r..- memm li,ttnmeS Aerf,A Kv ' Barrow. Bros of Shadd Haasemad ta be; sat of form, coming in last each time being : distanced the last heat. Sy Popoltr prioes and a popular company of ; well soown aotar aad actreeaet oaglit tc draw big hoots at the opera h'aae all of MS week. Tao Wilber Crrantny hold the board in a reparlotr of brilhail drama ; and comedies . The money drawer stolen front th safe of the Revere House ris found yesterday after noon near the ho-ise, where it had been thrown anions some box a $13 ia silver baiag with it, the thief evidently btiog in two much fit harry to pat it ia his' pocket. Some timt during Thursday sight a sap- : posed burglar entered the offioe of th Sin- turn Lumbar Co near tha depot. II broke j tha lock from ths intide door and made bit ! way to the safe. Some ef the office books! and papers were scattered about the floor, but nothing va'usble was taken. Salem j Journal. The Wilber Company play a week', so-! gacemtct at the optra house, opening next j Monda; night. They give achangv of play nightly ami at popular price. Mr Wilb-r ws ths ptoueer with popular priced com (aalaa on the io.d, and by alwaya carrying J a complet- sod competent company and by ; giving due 1 reduction of the atandard ' drama and c inediec he has made the ven- ture a paiu on. BsAOTrrit. Hostae. Beautify you home and make It attractive with Hybrid Perpetual and other choice roses, old and new varieties of Japanese rotes and shrubs. Orders taken for the above and all kinds of fruit and ornsmental shade trees at J A Hy man's, 115 it St, Albany Or. Important. To know tlistihelletr.ine tt Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction, stands Tn tune longest, and is an endless pleasure to all who buy them at B EHt man's, First st, Albsny, Or. Call and tee new fall dress goods at V P Read's. Large stock of white goods and embroid eries at W F Read A (Va . The beat rnaat ooflea in tb city at Coma1' idoytr a CATARRE CURED, blth and twee breath teourai by likileb's Catarrh lamed y Frio, 50 oseat. Nasal Iajsetor free. Ladies Knit Vssts I have jutt received a eaavof ladia's ribbed summer vesta, long aad ahcrt alters Special values. Samckl E Youko. You can't btUen some aeaiers always. J ney wans to sell the medicine that pays them tbe largest profit. What 700 vast to bay is tbe one that does you the most good. Which one is it? Sometimes, it may be a matter of doubt. Bat, in the case of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, ' there's no room for doubt, it's s ! matter that can be proved. With the facts before yon, it's SB insult to your intelligence to , have something else offered as " just as good." And here's the proof : Among all tbe medicines that claim to care woman's peculiar weaknesses, irreg ularities, and diseases, the " Favor ite Prescription'' is the only one that's guaranteed. If it doesn't do all that's claimed for it, if it doesn't give satisfaction in every case, yoaH have your money back. There's strength and vigor for every tired and feeble woman, health and a new life for every delicate nod ailing woman- and if there's no help, there's no pay. BtCStStX STATE StlTStS SERt 11 C j Nummary. Station, AJbaaj, Or. Month, August, 1992. Kieyatioa above sea level, 217.7 fact, M aa tetnpwnttwra, 66 Ifeptrtare front normal, 0. Maxiaaaas temperate rt, 94; date, 18. Mi si mom tetnperatare, 46; data. 6,84,27. Mean of maximum tawtpcratara, 83. Mean of miainii lsast si lis. SO No. tuae Tax imam temperature 90s or above, 8. Nt. tunes nxmimom temperatare 32 or below, 0. Total precspttatAoo. 0.13 iswhaa. I epartnre trom DomaaL - 0-37 inches. PrevauinedirecttoB sf tbe wind. M. Ko. ot doodles days, 22. No. of pautly ctoedy days. 5 No. of cloody days, 4. Ko of day on which .01 of rein or aoow fall. 2. Dates oa wh eh bail feH.0. nates oa which wot fas'. 0. Hate of thasdar sSawata. O. !ts of iigat froat, 0. Oat a of lolling or in jwnowa frost, 0. Dates of solar haloa, 0. Date of '.onar ha las. 0. Jons Bricc. Volruiteer Observer. LOUIS ANDERSON, Cppaskafst Casrles Hotel. Bed cuotntng aad laee esrtaina wall attended la Ms ret wora a apecsalty Brush ofBea at Moaea' tartar shop. Luccri r iKiitiit o'dceh HEALTH IS WEA TH Da RC Waste Xa aa tsstiiS sac Hvi PStsJfwwaaaXassal aaatt thsassafi mrmm, laaattwa at tatamiar was Itailia ta asiserv. UaastMssri i ay ootjMom&m ot r4m Sl SS a ex. ee ki iS-T5. iwss.ssaiay sssslprsessa oa SI (XAKaSlUl SIX BPS lo ears nay aasa. Wtthaaeh arSsr iwiatvaS by a lei AMway. area a Star Bakerj trBr-dlhfMsnf rfnl SI' COftRAD MEY(R, PRDPIIEFOR. tsaarS, 51awstw, Orfed rs-atitra, Ttbatea, , t ottey. ? Casse tt-. I tgata pleas. Tea. Cte..- IntMttvenUt. thai la kant bt saa csacafy tutni tsaitat pete paid tee ALL KINDS OF PR0DUC3 MM AX UREASE SMIt, KBBT IV r:-. T0t-SiLTrKIJt0-30tJf. iggo POSHAY MASON aaiaai 11a aaa aatatt iru agists and Booksellers ngat.ta for John B. Aldan's pulilinatkins. ejico we sen at ouousaar- prises wits ,ugead.1m' 4 LB AM T. UK8CS.08 A BARGAIN" iTIPClT AXO YSOKTAnLS KAItSI FOR aAI2t 17 cousiallng of 40 acres, located oss north of Albany Land , lava fins an 1 Is welt improved. For sariner ta them f W a K Wars kr mstio n 'mniretfs 1 w y ANTED. Manager aad ov. rta to hire .mil oversee man aad ri . re sen a manufacturing Co. who wa I branch offices. We pay office rent, a i vertiting and traveling expanses. fW tlon psrtnauent.good peddlin ; ' no canvassing. Expsrianoe not neosaatr' as van act uuaer our instructions, xo must be known In your location an I'urcish references I;' required. Add re with stamp, Tbe Urandauburg Mfg Co,, Dayton, O. v atttt rag ta w- 'fcidk k .ft- a. t.a r i'ik84,- w c- m iUtlUwh:!),vl.n 1 1 a rU tie4 Villi- Thy ftrj u eljr VI,, et- M 1 Sir I lUMMUlA Sua. La.'C atsla'AS WSSta U tatw. Imr. .1 Mwara mi 'mHailS Q S.l ntajll..tra4 lv Wl wxSr trMlctto. tu. C 8TANARD AE ALS i CHOICE MEATS Or An. Kurta temriol: - Ac. Bak.r Oppotlta Sahntar't Uvary Stakla, aaa doer t Wultm.tu ackui Cr ttor. aaaiN m " iU-2ik wEp leta.Haaitai-aa.Xe traat iSal wtntacea. ' A7 BOTH IfM, J 1 1 i tin imiiiiitas asm m pi wmaw parthtwr ear written mMSSMSse ta ra(aa! si f MStessistqiaaijJ y , kt BABY ONE. SOLID SORE Tried Everything without Belief. Read, Wight or Day. Cured by Cntl itn Remedies. Wo tbaby, wken tw- month, old. bad wiil WlUl WDM Use wSwSSSSJrSBJBBJsl arras, (aet, and banc, ware sack one aoaa son. f tried tvtrytBtac, but asttkwr On) aeataae ear v. : . ... or atsjbt wShav. Ia my oawtwetv I tried sat Cr itccaa lixMaaiBt, tat I aeatsss I fcad no tetta t-i taaas, tor I sad aevar a tasas triad. To mj ?--. aarprlsa, ta one west's tantejsnarti8lnnlS8toaae shsCvrxcraA nxaarTas, the tores were wall, bat I sot.vrrT tcr a Hal while, and now ab ta aa fat a baby s ywa wooat Bfce to wdild bare (tied If I bad sot tried Ocrv.raa Kxa- xrttse. I wrue tast taas ansry ssotate wtta a haay UeSrata esa feat aoaadswt that tkert I. a astdieta tbaWtS awra tha woe scasaaa, aad tsatt ssswteteaia tae OWtatraa Isswaprse. KB- BXTaTE BIBESnm, Ixxkbart, Texts. Cuticura Remedies rm evarv kaaKW oi ths skin sad state of ! alsstidaood,wBtar i lids wi eawr dffltaS VSSO of ! asraasaas. sssasa ww- - ' I Sera, aad Sssstir iruwieii. et i aaaktteh- poj. and stay bawaad sfant witi taw aaoat frastfrfas sSl Pitas. CtmcraA. 49e- -. Soar, L Prepared try tae Porrra rt-t: ! .aotvawr. S3 n Wll ' SSS CSCCMICAL iV --td far " How to Care St SSSjaa, '. .-. -Itrt- v: and oiiy fii3 FREE FROM flrfEUMftTlSM th- Cott-OTK Awti-Pwta Ftaatev wlievea rfeaav adabe.BSp, ltd sit. weas.aBa pel-i rl .oiwea. a ALBANY, Of. EG ON r 1891, 1892. in Teres aeaea Seateasber St, a 1 . 1 corps of iwatroetora. CUifiiCAL, SCIEHTIFiC. UTFJAIt CUMli ESClAt AND NORMAL CLASSES. ox etady arranarad to tswet It all grades of stodsnts Sfmmi tmamamtnU eftrtd te ttmdmm't from abroad wry. ax. Rata r a casarr rrarieeat. sjasasj t- laak lex Sew v-i -. AlSoay, REVERE HOUSE, ILBAKY. 0REGC HIS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR ACADEMY Liir ttftrjitu! h - JUDGE NELSON'S DECISION. Spesktingof pttsnt medeiQ3s,tbe Jn.lgw it k ' I wlsb to aal fairly acd konara- . bly with all, and when 1 find an a rue ) that will do what it is recommended to do. I am not aseaaaed tossy so 1 aa actiuainted with Dr VanJarpo!, i. having been treated by him for eamte raod have uaed bis blood medicine, known aa the ! S B Head che aad Liver Cars And while I am seventy Ave years old, and have u ad many p'.i Is and other rsmsdisa foe ! the blood, liver and kt .it-ays. 1 must -ay ' that for a kidn-ay tonic in Blight's ; disease, aad as an iterative for tha 1 blood, or to oorract tbe aedoa of tbe Btatnsah and bowel it ia a ie: r superior remedy, aad b ts ruj thine I ever tried. J B KELSO W. Yakima, Waai. -ItSOemts a bottle. It ta tbe poor : man's fres4 and f nily loe:or. DR. ELECTRIC BELT lAnSTPATnS BEST HNOvtlKHTS. wtu rom wnsm mmt u wi. , m.-Mii M .KIO OCX, No. ir First St.. PORTLAND. 0E- OKKCOSI PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., T, E, Bogr, Bsealvsr. SUMMER EXCURSIONS FOR t898. Tickets now on sale at Corvallis and AL bany for thaae excursions at tbe very low a Round Trip Rats of $S S5 and 3.5S, re apeotivsly. Good for the going trip an WEDNESDAYS and SATtT&DAl I ofeasbjwssk i ne for return until QSsf i am dot ptn, isk. CC HO GUE, GPA w Rbii sy ssatasy lerwrlae. UlsSainSat, Itefc- attad, ptaraty, ar bfetthy , wssy issiiaiUj ef tbe Mood, taesttl and f.osd pal toaiac.l OIMPI r Uscsvawade. rll'l eired by Cc-nccaa B, SBBSSSSSS r-aadsajyamstassaaaasw SLt- Stssnsa tm&tr:- 3g HHb. Age 5 wB 5 I I J 7 T tefTTTi--z t -: ' " !ssWaaax vre L. stcjrs a co-. vn n . ... r.r- -m. gtatat latsikrscw.te . tr t-rtr? ce; tat n . '. t: - . r--.. LaeswSaeaya-. rv . . Is Ll iS CURB ! Aaaw,.t t psaRstiss.aV t'.ai. a Pawat - Ci' 1 tag tidmS' . ; ttVi - ! - ' . asayat i . . msatj : ' - .' I wit tha k' it jhsssawarb. :e'. laStkyaw;. t t w&m e vr.U;-. j SaiaMa iwta t nai j taetrrjpli OsSaa atiml e 1 mSWITH EUCTS8" it 1 jtnej's