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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1892)
cuiocrat. LOCAL RECORD. Probatb Matters. In the estate m j Howard, citation issued to H Howard and ots to appear Oct Vt h and snow causa why petitum to re property should not be allowed. in estate ot Jonathan .eedham, I C eeananswas appointed ndniinistraior Bonds, $12,000. In estate of Geo II Keeney, first account filed. , In estate of GVV Warmoth, citation was orciereu issued to J H Keenev to appear on uct 3rd, at. 10 a m, and show what property and inonev he has in his possession belonging to estate. In estate of Henry Ingram, application to sell real property continued. In estate of C T Ingram, final settle ment continued until Oct 3rd. In unardianship of Mary A Conner et al, petition to sell real property was granted. Bonds to be $4000. In estate of Alonso Bardwell, M P Bardwell was appointed administrator. Bond, $4000, which was approved. Ap praisers, F M Kiser, Win Sperling and Thos Brandon. In estate of as K Thompson, will ad mitted to probate. Mary A Thompson appointed executrix. Bond, $4000, which was approved. Apprai-ers.W ri Thomp son, Jas Hunter and Henry Jackson. Home From Alaska. Prof J D Letch er, of the State Agricultural College, wac in the city today on his way home from his trip to Alaska, greatly improved in health. He reports a delightful time. The trip was made on the steamer Mex ico, 12l' knots an hour, with an agreea ble party of 75 Portland people. The trip is one of in and outs among islands, the scenery being romantic and delight ful. The highest point reached was nearly even with Mt Fair weather. At Sitka Mr Letcher met Walter Porter, editot of a paper there, and Miss Alice Porter, also Warren Truitt. Hon E T Hatch and Gov. Knapp. The annual rainfall there is 109 inches, twice that of Oregon. Juneau is the largest city.with 3000 inhabitants. There are not" many white people though in this whole terri tory. Albany Whiskey The Uatsey News gets off the following.- A young lad who works near this- city for "John Bennett, came home from Albany last Saturday night, where he had been too close the cork of some whisky bottles. As soon as he got off the train he began to reel, stagger and whiit He walked up to a young man, punched him in the face, and walked on at important as though be owned Halsey. Some hot words followed, but all seemed quiet until he got over into town, when ihey met. More hot words followed whicn resulted in . rough-and tumble fight. We have not seen the Foxy srnart-aleck who started the racket, but do earnestly hope he is not badly hurt. Scio. Miltoi. Hyde, of Albany, was summoned to the bedside o his mother at the residence of his brother, Dr E O., of this city, last Saturday. Giandmother Hds is suffering from a cancer in the breast and her days are apparently numb ered. "We have met the enemy and they are our'n." Last Sunday ojr oall team went down to Salem and crossed bats with the best team Salem cauld muster and easily defeated them by a score of 9 to 6 in favor of Scio. Either the Salem boys have for gatten how to p'ay ball or Scio has an extra good amateur team. Pre A Baen Accident. Laet Saturday night the second floor of the bam in the rear of the Mcllwain block, owned by A Pearce, and rented by H Broders, broke down under a load of about three tons of baled hay. On the ground floor were four horses belonging to Mr Broders, which were caught under the timbers and hay. Two of them succeeded in kicking their way out; but it took the assistance of several men to get the others out, and it was a wonder that they got out with so little damage being done. Phkasaxts are quot?d in lie Portland mark:1, at $1.25 a pair. This is a big bid fof their slaughter through the alley. Our local sportsmen are anxious to see the bird preserved for local -jse.and in all probability will organize to fight their slaughter for the market, and they will be backed by the farmers of the country. Sal'ow and loaden-hue.l c..inf. exi .qs soon give place to the loveliest p: ,k and white, when the use of Ayer'a 8araparill 1 per sisted in. aod cosmetics entirely abandoned Nothing can coonterfeit the rosy flow cf perfect health, which blesses thoe who use this medicine. To rise in the morning rith a bad tarsein the month acd no appetite, indicatts that the stomach needs strengthening. Kor this purpose, there ia notcieg bettor thai, an oc casional dose of Ayer's Pills takeo at bed time. CITATION. a tie County Cotit of tie State of Otegou, fm tit comUy ot Ainn . Ia the matter of the es'ate cf Alfred L -roy Eeel, decesssd. To the heirs of Sarah Ere!, decease.!, acd to all oth-r, known and ook.iowr, inter ested in said estate. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Of Oregon, you are Hereby cited and re quired to appear in the county court of the etate of Oregon, for the county of the court room thereof, at Albany, iu the county of I -ion, on Sttaiday.tbe 8th day of October, 1892. atl o'clock ia the afternoon of that day, then and there to show canto if any you havs wbv the application of Sarah E Mills, administratrix of the above earned estate, to seli the real property belonging to said estate described as foliowr tosrit: Lots numbered five (j) and six (6) ia block No four (4) in the town nf Lebanon, Linn cenety, Oregon, shouM not be granted Done by order of the Hun J N Dot can, Judge cf the county court of the tUte of Oregon, fortheoounty of Liao, with the seal of said court sffixed, this 7th daj of Septem b or, A D, 1892, Attt: NFP&YNE. By B M Payste, Deputy. Clark. CODLiISr worm and BORER. PROTECT -YOUR!-fTF:2S. P&B PAPER, PAINT, ROOFING. Samples and circulars free. Paraffine Paint Co., Portland, Oregon S0DAY1LLE Soda Water, The oast .mineral water, in U10 World, -AT- John Isom, Sr's., in qusuUllsato suit, '-.It keeps ths svstem In order, and Is ref resiling, pleasant drink. Everybod y homes. should keep it in their 0. C McFarland. -:- DEALER IN S Harness -andSaddlerj; Display in the Door. Opposite First National Bank, Albany, Or Crook County. This year Billy Combs had 118 acres sown to grain. He has just finished threshing and had 1270 bushels of grain. This is about the poorest crop he has ever raised. William H Rowen died at John Sise more's place on Deschutes, Sunday, Ali gn.! 28th. aged 82 years, after an illness of nany years with consumption. The directors of the Lucky Boy niin uig company some time since sent a small quantity of ore to reduction works in .'alt Lake to have it tested.and last week received returns from the rock and also in offer from the reduction works of $140 1 ton for all rock of similar quality that ho campany would deliver at Salt I ,:iko. The property o! the company is the Elliott discovery locatvd in the Ochocn mines, thirty miles shave Prinoville- Review. Thk Boxinq Spirit 6truck Albany last litfht, as it is everywhere in the 1" S. during the New Orleans contests. Kid Patterson, of Portland, and Flannel's blacksmith, sparred three rounds in an Vibany saloon, Marquis of Queensbury rules, stripped for the occasion, resulting n me latter being done up, though lie held his own for a round. Another Al bany man stood up before the Portland man for awhile, thouah uot his eoual. There was no money up, the contests being simply for points, but it shows how greatly a national contest will affect the whole country. Begun Surveying. A furce of S P surveyors are in the field beyond Leba non, making a temporary survey or the extension of the line past Sodaville and Waterloo to Sweet home. This indicates that the company mean business, an i wilt probably do something, particularly if the tine proves an easy one to construct. If this extension goes "ahead, the proposed motor line wPI probably be aiveo un. otherwise pushed ahead. It is reliably re ported there are Portland capitalists as well as Albany men ready to make It a success. Hi s', in Effigy The Eugene Guard says the city of Newport on Yauuina bay was .thrown into a state of excite ment last Saturday nicht. on account .if the very foolish act of banning and burning the mayor of the city and Pros-! ecuting Attorney Condon, in effigy. The cause was that the msyor and Mr Condon had given notice through the press that hereafter all saloons in that city must be closed on Sunday. The hanging of a person in effigy is a piece of rank fool ishness and a cowardly act. A Good Order. Since the organiza tion of Safety Lodee No. 13. Ancient Or der of United Workmen in this city in I lhS there have been sixteen deaths KWHBg the mem ber in good standiing. and to the families of these deceased members there has been paid thesum of $3-.000 In the -tate of Oregon for the year ending Jily 1. 1S92. "here were 51 deaths and the families of these deceased members nave been paid the um of one : nunc, ed and two I hniuinH Hnllara Ox The Thsie Sisters. Prof Straub and family. Mr McClung and daoshters. i Theodore Tvre. Blaine Hovev sr.d Miss I Hattie Earns returned Thursday after- i noon from a trip to ihe mountains and the j ThreeSisters. Prof Straub, Mr McClung j!. ...u .Mr iyrc rriEae me inp m the top of the mountain MUs Earns went to wi nin 500 teet 01 ti.e top arc then I had to give it ij. Thev took up with ' them a zinc box. which they chained to a j iock securely and placed ins!dea book and ; lead pencil, so that all who reached the ! top may record the fact. Register. 0 w ., , - Postpoxsd. Mrs Farrell having post j poned her visit to California will con- ; tiuue her instruction in instrnmen'al i i music, and also purposes forming a class for the benefit of those who wish a thor ough insight into harmony and the for-; malion of chords. 15 years experience sad a thorougn English training enables her to impart knowledge in a very agree able and easy manner. Evening class i tor young gentlemen A card at poot ; office will bring an early call rERMwrsr Branch Laodrv. A branch office of Ihe Salem Steam launary i has been established in Albany. All work. ' mm be collected snd the laundrled articles ue,.reu:a.em price, .-no oiner ea- ' pense. AH work guaranteed. Orders mav be left with W S- Philips, at T L Wallace C Co's. T M Hamilton is the permanent agent and soltcitor fm Albany. A Deer Siory. The Sheridan Suni . caps the climax with the following story: 'Mr Cave, who lives In the foothills ten or twelve miles northeast of oheridan says that der have destroyed s number of his prune trees by browsing them. Only the other day he found seven of these mua even gazelles in the orchard ch-wing ahont thlT-ri.- a 1 a Z , ?eU ind , ?K n ,k 'e ! tenee and took nnt nf in numlu. as th,- I leaped over the fence and ran off. The deer are protected by the law, but the rancher and his prune orchard suffer." A Fixe Monument. E W Achlson called on us again today, being uere to put up s granite monuu.ent at the grave of Mr Dunn, also one ar Monroe at the grave of Mr and Mrs 1 Union. As ihis firm is always up to the times in material, workmanship, and price, they continue to hold the leading trade of this county in their line. They have ' an experienced man at the quarries in t'ie east to inspect all stock before shipping, and can there fore guarantee first-class woik. Ghre them your order when ready to purchase, i Corvaliis Gazette. A Prohi Fair. From an advertise- . ment appearing in another column this morning it will be seen '.hat the slate fair Sat week is to be a proni affair. No malt. Of spirituous liquors will be sold on the ' grounds, snd the board new seeks to locate S lunch and coffee ana soda house in 'be ' building formerly occupied by the bar. 1 Statesman. Fibemek's Election, Linn Engine C o ! " I No. 2 have elected the following officers for the ensnine year : D B N Blackburn. President. L M Curl, Secretary. A L Lamb, Financial BsastslsV David Link, Treasurer. Peter C Anderson, Foreman,, Frank Combs, 1st assistant. John Stewart, 2nd assistant. DO YOU WISH The lilacs to get ooe according to the beat information to t.e ohtaitied, is at Matthews tc Wawhaara'a. "In y throntli Linn couotv will testify fo the i.e. Now ia the time to investigats the matter. Change of Time Table. The Lebanon traias will run as follows hereafter, ac cording to a new table: Leave Albany at 8:10 snd 1.20; Lebanon at 9:30 and 2:39. Arrive at Albany at 10:21 and 3:25: Leb anon, 9:00 and 2:09. No more .Sunday trains. Dress Timmings. The latest novelties dcss trimmings can always be found at Samuel E. Y oijng ART STUD 1 o. Mattie E. Martin. 5th Street, Jresldence of Rev G W Hil STOP at Will & Stark's for ; o lr watch's, jewelry and silvsrwa. Elegant a sortment for wedding presents. Noihtuc like it in this psrt of Uregsn. Letter List, Followirg is the list of letters remaining iu the post office at Albany, Linn county, j Oregon, Sept 5, 1892. Psrsons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Anderson. J II Altree. Mrs M A Bamford, M V Cross, Mrs Sarah A J Gord.C Henderson, C V Keenton, L G Murry, James W Pettel, James Ridr. Minnie Allen, Mrs M M Burnett, Mrs May Cubic, Mrs Millie Gorman, Win H-2 Hitcbens.Miss Carl Lee, W Nimchick, Frank Rees, H L Hhelton-Haman Weatherred, W L Taylor, Miss Carrie Young, Mrs uarne T. Monteith, P. M uWivir " ' C l ? , i Urt Millar, roads. . . II a ,i" ; m,w " J botth " co" ' 1 0'lsrk Bros, lumber, mg and beat lug stoves. Nj doabt ahoul it : N- j, iayne fpg A ...... . e . . . v ... ,ueii iiuDiireus r.i ca,:inr'" . SOCIAI. AND FUtSONAL H F Mcllwain has returned from a trip (o Chicago. 7. H Rudd, deputy recorder, is rustlcat tng at Peoria. Miss Alovslus Mllner has gone to Port land to attend the Sister's Academy. Miss Kate Fennel, of Albany, has oeen the guest of Emms Murphy this week-, Jefferson Review. Mrs S S Train leaves this week for Washington to attend the National Kn campmeht of the GAR and W R C. The marriage of Ucorgc W Morehouse, the expert electrician, and Miss Lilly Hackleman, is announced for Sept. 14. Chas M Anderson, of Albany, lias charge of The News office while the editor nurses the stub of a finger. Halsey News. Miss Maggie Murry went to Stlesa !o day tc continue her studies at the Sisters Academy. She was accompanied by Mrs Marry, The friends of Mr Oscar Moore, of this city, claim for him the distinction of an extended acquaintance with Nancy Hanks " ner eariy oays. 0 II Mattoon will manage the business of the new grocery firm of Mi-ttoon A Co. The old gentleman is as spry and polite as many thirty years his junior In dependence West Side. The engagement of Mr V illisCalder, the live young editor of the Brownsville Time and Miss Lura Ca.npbell, of this city, now a popular teacher in the Browns ville schools, is announced. Chas Piper, one ot the postal aget U running between Portland and Ashland, tarried in Jacksonville Saturday night. Hli vlsiis wi'l probable be mote frequent hereafter Jacksonville Times. Mrs Irs Skeeles, of Albany, is expected to ve today from Ad.iv. Wash., 10 visit arri hei daughter, Mrs E U Anderson. She will be accompanied by Mi Zua Skeeles, who will remain and attend school Judge Mrahan. V D Hackleman. I I ' Dubruille, John Ison, jr.. of Albany, and A Klein, ot Salem, left last Saturday tor the Cascades, by horse conveyance, taking a sufficient outfit to lst two weeks mak ing allowance for some game. To mot row night a gift social will be held the residence of L E Blain, for the benefit of the Waitsburg Academy. The principal of the school, is in the eitv, and will make a short address in reference to the object of the gift. Everybody invited Mayor Cowan and daughter, and Grand Commander D P Mason and daughter, -etumed last Saturday evening from Dmyer.where they had been to attend the National meetirer of Knights Templar. as well as from ether Eastern cities, and re- Prt fine time. Rev. J. r. Abbott, the new M E. m'nUter, arrived in Albany at a o'clock resterdav morning, coming on the freight , train which was greatlv delaved. He i t reached hi first sermon in the morning, Sand seems t be an energetic youi.g man I of abilitv. He has a wife and tout child- ren who will follow tomorrow from Mc- Mitinville, where they have been located. Mr Andrew Nelson, formerly of this T. connocted with a hard ware firm A banyr arrived at this place for a few j ec 'sit Thursday. He came as fr j a "gene on his new bicycle. The Cor- TCl nn a5 a nan team was jubiient . - h - rrow on learning that his s-ay was , y arc umtc- ; ' -Cottage Grove v orld rcasnar. Geo DeVaney, of Scio, was in the city today. Mrs L Rilyeu and son of Eugene, re- turned home today after an extended so- journ at Newport. f n, rnini , nt,t.nt..r 1,.. returned from the Bav. where he did a good business the pa: month License was issued today for the mar riage of J st ludd and Miss Fannie Simpson, both of Linn county. A 'i e picture of Grand Commander D P Masou appears in the Illustrated American with the other G C's of the U8. Dr Powell Reeves, of Springfield, is now stopping at the St Charles hotel. ia priVat and chronic diseases for a few Hav onlv. Thoe arreted will do well to call and r. insult this able specialist. Dr Reeves has located a line stock farm at Springfield, Oregon, where he has j imported some fine brood mares and - liODS- A00 ,uem he has three . . , , . n r 1 .... 1 1... , 1, . T .. W .11... , " "j ii ""J i e, . the fastest stallion in Ue world. j wEnxssnAY. Prof Lee came up from Portland ester- j day and returned today. Seth McAllister and sister, Mamie, of ' Eugene, are In the city W F Read and James Pipe left this rnorniras on a trip to the mines, SP Hale came in today from beyond ! Brownsville with a couple cougar scalps. . He reports having treed another one, which he could not get. Mr Claud S'rsha.i was in the city today 1 on Ms wsy fo Eugene, where he will enter j the slate univendty, when the next term (begins. Last evening a social. full of enjoyment, ; was held at the residence of Mr L j Blain. Several hours were passed in a profitable manner. A delicious lunch of ice cream, etc waa served. Miss In a Robertson, principal of the Waitsburg j Academy was called on and made appro : priate remarks for the occasion. She ; was presented witfi a purse of over $80 ' for her school. crmr i et pkoceedisc (J. N. Duncan, county jdge; Won. sad J. W. Posh, Cnaunlawoncrs.) Rumbaugh Io application of J F Whitnev for granted and ..'.ill., . n. ... ,1 M. 1 1 J isl. ...... v ewe'rs appointed, towit : W C Peter- son, J G Reed and J O baton The follo ,D bil1" were ed : -V a I.iT II 1 I-.!- aV Of! V,!' "fv J"" 3 75 W I " Uanlnr.1 rnerta n m 28 00 28 37 10 00 21 04 40 91 15 85 13 60 45 20 19 40 3 25 9 50 31 Hok 29 6l 11 00 12 85 U 90 12 78 18 72 I Glass Prudbomme ! Harrisburg Lumber Co I A J Shelton. saleestrays : I Brown & Co. raads H B Mover, roads Orison A Menzies, reads C W Cobb. sUtionary Oregon agt Frank Stewa. t Oregon agt T G Price L M Curl, Justice fees Stites k Nutting Mrs I 1 Davis, keeping poor .. h 1 t risher, eurveying C W Cobb, printing.. .. G W Young & Co, lumber. Stick a Pin is h I Ysw - - - Or a knife; and, perchsnoe, svso a ten penny nail . Keep it in your mind at all e-ante, women u the fact that the place to Kt the best grooerie sod Hie tresfaest prt dace sod fruit, is at Conn fe Heudricson's. If 70a are guioK to the tnountsitis or coast they can supply you fur a day or for a moutb. They keep the best and always have plsnty 00 hand. By all means make no mistake by n t calling on mem oeiors buying. I.ErU Have I s. Pensively pause: pro fouudly premeditate; patiently ponder; per - ai L T 1 it u a sistently publish: Parker Bros the pioneers in placing plainly printed pleasing purchase prices 00 perfectly prepsred . pscksges ef pure, powerful snd perpttually popular gro caries, baking powder, baked goods, etc, pro viding people, perceiving propitious piet pect, purchase promptly. Prudent person pay proprietor punctually, perpotuatirg : eacs. A goodsecead hand bioyclo, in flrst-elrss condition, for sals cheap. Call on Vtn- Wilson, at Stewart & Sox's. Albany Market Wheat, 64Xc. Oats. 34c. Flour, $5.00. Butter. 20c. Eggs. 22c. Lard, I24a. Pork -hams. 15:; shoulders, 8c, slast I2e. Hay. baled. S15. Poiatoea. 25o. Applse,50o. Hops, 170. Dried fruitplums, 9o, apples, 9c, Chickens, S4 0 per dozen, Besf, on foot, 2tc. Hogs, dressed, 7c. TssE RACK. Entries for the races beginning at this city on Sept 27 and lasting four day have been made. Four or five of the races advertised have not been filled, in fact present no entries, and the free for all only one ; but it is proposed to of fer special purses to fill in with. Home good horaes will be here and an exciting meeting is promised- If the association presents a first-class track Albany may become n popular point on the circuit. Following are the entries: .1 minute trot, 3 in S, purse $200, Dr T W Harris, of Eugene, Katie Lee ; J M Staats, of Talltnan, Kitty L; C J Powell, of Brownsville, Leinet; J C Mosher, of Reedvilie, King Patchen; Geo Misner, of Portland, Lucy; Thos H Tongue, of Hillsboro, Alt Hamilton ; Rl) Cooper, of Independence. Black Diamond. Pacing, 2:23 class. 3 in 5, purse $300; RFMcttheeof Stanwood, Washington, Combination George ; Van B DelaalinmU, of Portland, Blondie; G W Gill, of Eu gene, Rocket. Trotting. 2:30 class, 3 in 5, purse $300; isaac W Anderson, of Tacoma, tady Mac ; jay Beach, ti Vancouver, wash., Pearl Fisher; William Bright, of Salem, Rosemon; Samuel A Crow ell, of Reed vilie, Pilot Lamont. f til. a ironing, inree year owe, owned or bred t r a t JSL ! Linn counties prior to Mav 1,1802. purse. $250. 0 J Powell, of Brownsville, Bonito; Dr J W Geaiy. of Halsey, Flora G ; C E Barrows, of Albany, DeLinn : McKnieht Bros., of Tallman, Alto V; G W GUI, of Eugene, Tony Mount. Trotting, 2 :40 class, 3 in 5, purse $260: K House, of Portland, Alto A; Barrow Bros , of Albany, Multnomah ; Dave Junkin, of Oakvilie, Dickey Linn; Van B DeLashmutt, of Portland, Stella H; Geo Misner, of Portland, Frank O'Neil; 2 MM,nfIr'0., rorlM?S,.!f?? U .V Voml ? Ton,ae.' ol Hl,jb2 A" Hamlin; Isaac W Anderson, of Tacoma. Corncracker, Trotting, for two-year -olds, 2 in 3, owned or bred in Marion, Polk, Benton, Lane or Liun counties, prior to Mav 1, 1892, puna $300. T W Harris, ofEuirtne, Patrician; Clinton Cole, of Buena Vista, Daisy Davis; McKnight Bros., of Tall man. Bueca Bias; John Morgan, of Shedd, Linn ; C E Barrows, of Albany, Malta O; Mart Burch, of Dixie, Silver , , , . 1 Trotting free for all, 3 in 5. purse i $500 J C Mosher. of Reedvilie, Challen- ger Chief. , Miasris. There will be a big strike in New Or leans tonight- The matter of wages wilt j not come up. The prevailing opinion is that rnilivan will win, though it would serve him right if he were knocked out. The name of John L. has become obnox ious. c , , . ,, . . so long as the Chinese are allowed to remain in this country they should be protected the same as while men. but when it comes to a law suit their ,ha0i, ' 7. anruble r i aod will saoye to that citv to reside, "n. isI?l? , iffj!!; Zimmerman rod. a WcyeJa a half ssfsa 'V ceotding to their interesUi, - Hartford, C-4. i, 11 4 "me 1UsterUU Nancy Haok-, .bo laet vna..r wa made in iSaoeood. . - - - 1 change say. the moon put Mar to sleep b.i mh m . ui.j ;. I he Woodbum World calls it the At- ' . . . . - . i oany ara Aiior I cucsnui. ivewp your coat on. Chesnuts are all right w'jm as young as this enterprise. Will Ray won the toot race last Friday night. The race was on a bet of $to. Woodbum Independent. Ray ia the young man who won ihe three hundred ' a:d rs-e in Albany on July 4. An Albany lady wants to know why thev call it' an opera house instead of a theater . in place we nevr have opera, j bur almost etc!utveiy theatrical. A fine accultation of Mars and the Mown occured Saturday night before and after 10 o'clock. As she former was about J?. 000,000 mile from the moon no harm wss done. iiun uU k. xnl nWr tor ine here is ) s gun factory. Our weather ju,j ui!ed 10 that kind of an Industry. Be- ' . . ... . . . tg me rallrga.l center at could snoot out m ail directions. Have we ar.y friend in VXsshintonr The following peculiarly worded Wll Is posted in f root of a Thlrd'street establish - ment t "eiiing out at net cost, as 1 m furnishing all the capital, doing all the work and giving alt the profit to the land lord. I am trying to save a little to en able me to ride out of town. Between hard times aod unreasonable high rent I am forred 10 go out of business." Port land Mercury. The Jefferson Review complains ss follows: There i a disposition on the part of same of the people hereabouts to j do all of their credit buying at home stores; but when they wish to pay cash lor their purchases, thev gi to Albany or Salem. 1 hen they claim that our home! merchants ask higher prices tor the same . articles than is charged elsewhere. Tnls ' is not giving our home men a fair deal. Joaquin Miller continues to be cranky and oia. A portrait of him Is on exhi bition In Oakland. The poet siu by a campfire, in a redwood forest, with a gun across his I. nces, evidently telling a hunter's vsrn. ine scene, csmpnre ana an, is J P,nIed from ",e- rhe P0' at at night ,ne """' sln"f'nK P'" '" - . j of onf otuthe 'woods to get light enougn to pal at by. He sav the unusua' and weird eflcrts of the campfire light are an exact reproduction of the original . The followinir from tbeOchoco Review indicates what would be done on a big scale did the O P reach across the moon - tains: "Mart Bailey, ol Grant county, passed tlirougu 'own tins wee, nau.iug iiis wool to Albany, A pneumatic tired ball bearing sulky arrived in Portland last Saturday, con signed to R CPmith, the owner of Prince H. The wheels are only 29 inches in diameter, so that the sulky presents an odd appearance j but it gets there sever al seconds quicker than the common sulkies. Another one of the wheels is in Salem, and will appear at the Stats Fair. One in Albany would draw more than the horses. COt NCIL rttlH II IIIM.-i A special meeting of the City Council was held Saturday evening. In the absence of the Mayor Council man Burkhart was elected Mayor pro tern. The committee on the petitions to the county, asking thct an appropriation be made for the protection of the piers to the bridge, reported that the petition was einK generally signed. The committee 1 reported in favor of a rip rap of brush and ' . . . rock for the piers The report of the viewers on the Madi son street right of way wss died snd adopted. A pelltlsn for a bridge across the ditch at Canal and Vine streets wss referred. A remonstrance against the change of grade on Calapoola street was "set down" on. A communication from the Telephone Co consenting to the conditions ot the new ordlnsnce wss read. Sidewalk and other resolutions were adopted. T.e contract for building several side walks, for which bids were advertised, was let to I F Hadlev at 19 cents per foot. The to get SCHOOL BOOKS, everything needed' id ths schools of Albany. 1 at Kroshay A Mason. Prices have been reduced generally, and jou can get them cheaper than ever before of them . STOP at Will & Stark's if you deaiis to ass the finest line of silver ware ever brought to Albany. It embraces many ooveltiss, and will be sold at reasonable prices. BOMK AND ABROAD WHAT. 64, CENTS MONDAY. Three life iosiiraooo agentn sr.. doi-g Al I by, representatives vf the Bankers, Nortli I west sad Equitable. Bulletins will rwiv-,1 in Alnny at the Poital olfiovs by found duiin ; the Snllivso-Cirbett tight. A big case waa tried befutn Jastico New poit Sat- day Pernoon, thrrwherman bringiojii uc against a farmer for $7 1 Cipt Campbell lectured at the opeis j house, Sturd and last nij.-u r, to small I houses. He gives sn enjuvtl,l . ntrrtaii -j Jirnt to thoae interested in ravsl matter. The census retorosshnw that there re 4 ! Presbyterian chorohn in -inn ooauty.with a j membsrship of 251); ssfia ( t.urt'v,fjtl800. Lund ii Times av. According to the. new llntirh mm l ren '.i.n foreign tetter mav be of any waYgJlt, but must not exceed two feet in l-0;tli or noe foot in hreadth - r depth. The B -ntno count v is nor without on inrrute. Wi,iDruii, eiDNM Ik Id 00 a charge h inveodtsnsni eww tl'V'n hi liberty a few iv ago, his ' of $2lsJ) having been formthed. Leac tr, Pty Mnn ley, thei at Imy rent to the raimai rmKH, nap m wihi career. - M time hw- reformat,,.. rehn m srhnol, ha ban wilil career. He inatitutions in California sod elaewhere, and it seems a if sis meanuess ran in the fmi ly, as ho has brother iu the Oregni peni tentiary arrvinu his third ttrm. hutemti At the Bay. Yesterdsy was a live day at the Bay, a good sized excursion party being there. The saloon and stores were all closed by order of the prosecuting ttto ney. A man from there thiugh, say that notwithstanding there were a large number drunk, and fourteen fights, Se man Meyer, of this city, ai.d two other men went out over the bar, in a boat and bad a rough experience getting back. The crowd declared the chance ten to one agslnst them and every moment they were expected to disappear. TCSSDAT. General Low Wat 'axe, the fomnos author of "B.nHor." will be in Oregon this wicte:. It will ca.t $200 a lectors to aot hiss. RkV Beotiey was arrested this foraamn for assault on a Mongolian. I He tria' wis i progre befer Kecor.ler H.utuo st press time At a fir ia Portia d ) today mortiia( The Farmer and Merchants In Co., of for s soil It on a Mongol un. Tas tria' tbii city, earned mWU irsnfaaoe r-z trie r r .: taaraot of T W Lindsay, complete ly t oroed. Mr C Marsb, of Knox's Batte. baa left at j the D smock a 1 office f oar fine poa-bt raiaed the Marth farm tnowtsc eoneiativeiy that Ijod roue! y 00 raise s good pascbss as say coontry id the ooaid. A eoriooe pectacl at too depot this aooa was a Caiaamaa aod a ttio wifr, arcm paaied by a little girl. They were from Port- .land. The sisht 00s whiaa mtkei ocst whit saen oasd, ! w eoxsanas. M, Aodersr. 0 this city, Us . ... , .. h i. V?! t,oc1" uS' onh,J' - . , ruvt tttt 1300 petMWla and taene are nw xs) tawOsaeM ,h. ."be nnrao corpe -soasiau f sisters aed 22 visitiog physicians. After hyiBR with nr ensbasd 25 years. Vay Maxwell, of Lane county ha ard hr hsshsnrl Henry for diroroe, for en third at the property sad $50W m ssrfs. I ay oars nins children Mr M Fennel ha pardsad lies t ;:j Bewtasraat of Mr Gibson, and will caw have Wge t it. Mr Fsnswll ss xpr 1 raced ui tht tu.ioaa: and wil: ma a hrt class p:sc . A I HoJew baa in ' 1-0 esaw a pieea of (ho eksl IkmoI Brown, the saaa who killed hissaw.f al Portlsed a few weska by blow ib his bead off wt h dynamite. I ! was fHck.d cp sssaial rod irvsntby piscrvi ssssJis A tbort meetieg cf the City Cessna I was held 1 it :y.airj. wbr. the natter ct pro- tacuog lbs pacta waa dtsonwed; bat an , aetsna ra takes. Tas cwsartl. :Mib. u ' ia faeorof npiapoiaa tWr pwt with rock aod broh, above and below. OaSandsv, the ISiarfSetX. there will j be a enweiauary feel leal le MeeklenuD'a grove, held ly tow Gwraaea lastberac onwre gatioa of A bany and vscnuty. The uivlne Swrvio- m German 1044 ' ' eosaaiaxce at 10 a m, b Bar J G Mesr from SUo. la the Kavliah laogu4e 2 X) p as. bv Brr J tV The is fiosn Aib-aa. In case it hmitd tain, then toe service wdi be ia tte W" t' T U Hall. Kvarybody eotdisliy totited. The B B corset is ,ooa sawl pw f-t ffttin;. 1: can be bad st the Ladies Bo-. Lsdie, ssissee. child ren sad irfaat clos I st lbs Ladies Bazaar. Tas ladw Bazaar have received Iftast 1 tall and winter cloaks asd Jscae's. : early asd ake yoar selection New gooc's st W F Read's. Bargsin in surr.mei goad at Rcsd's. Buy Winter Bros corset of W F Resd. Will Al Stark. (V rtwetwra. Lisas, plsster, oesswet atu rV.r, at cost, at I A Morris A: CVa. Ashb 4Care, .'BmI Eatate, 6fH Wash aglon Street, Pot Used, Or. Stewart at Sox sail the very testsUai shears snd scissors. The finest lice of pocket knives in the eity at Stewart A Sox a Theatrical. A good sized sudience greeted the Wilber company last even ing. The "Streets of New York" was presented with fine effect, bringing out 1 the excellent talents 01 the company : The con. nan v ia iraininir in the irood wilt 0 tncjr audiences, give clean perform - ances and deserve the patronage of h , pablic. Tonight,-The StreeUof London Yon Know those are eturdv fellow who iek n. In ant ; what they think and stick to it. V oris res- ! prct thesa for it. don't vnc Ton wculd ; rather deal with such men thai with Mlows , who preach one doctrine and live another . joes ssss same ia We stove and -inware uuius. ion want 10 know what ou are gettiov Can you depena 00 the wont 01 tb rnetcheot. Tb nubile have learned that when Matthews A Washborne reoora- aieuu a etove or any article 10 toeir slurs it will do to stand by it. They k rp ths best i i eey ffri tmcsing mr sne:r tec oinneudatioas. Try onr now touted coffees, t I' E ft Co. Allen A c.r load of WATERMELONS just received at I'm n A Heoorirsun'r. Finest yet b'ouglit to Albsny, as the Democrat can testify to. MA Kill Kit. LLENENGER MILLER. On Tues day morning, Sept. QUi, 1802, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Al bany, by Rev. E. N. Condit, Dr. H. A. Lienenger and Miss Tony Miller both of this city. The wedding was private, only a few intimate friends being pres ent. Mr and Mrs. Miller left on the noon train as substitutes for the bridal trip, on a visit to Oregon City, Dr. and Mrs. Lienenger taking their place at home. They have the best wishes of a host of Albany friends. DIED. COLE. On Sept. 4, i8f2, at Millers, Ada Ellen, daughter of Mr Harvey CoV aged 18 years. PRICE'S Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latent U. S. Gov't Report RoM ABSOLUTELY PURE KKAL USTATR II,K Bllastbsth B Tittle to Uaseinond J Devine, 33.34 acres . $ Waterloo Development Co., 3 lots. M Waterloo 250 R Sheltoa to city of Scio, 10x246.Si feet 1 J M Ware to F M Itumbaugh, 1 acre 1301 SO J L Hill to 8 H Cambell, 2 lots, So- daville 80 A W and K L Moses to M K Hearn, 1 lot, Iebanon 70 Wesley Jen ice to Lucy A McDowell, 40sereal4w2 100 Alivia Healey to Oscar ILaly, 1 lot, Sodavilte 273 iay W Blain to John L Ingram, 160 acres II & 12 w 4 2(03 Total -THE Wonderful Progress MADE IP ELECTRICITY. The development of electric power is put in ita icjancy. But it has made pro gress enough to indicate very clearly' that it is iiestined to produce more changes in the industrial affairs and economic condition of civilized life than have !een produced hitherto by any agency of force that has ben b round l under the control of man. The progress that that has been made so far in turn ing electrical energy to the service of man makes it certain that its use will become practically iliiminated- Its pos sibilities are yet. and probably will re main for a long period, beyond human forecast. The application of electricity to the arts and sciences ia no less marked than that to Uie- human system. Drs Darrin, now stopping st the Revere House, Al bany, Or., has made the subject ele-tric treatment a stud; for veers, and have "liarneseed and driven" it, to the great benefit of suffering homar.itr. un til their names harts become a house hold world That they do cure is at tested by the many cards handed ns for publication, a tew of which ws here sub mit : a SMWr and Bkswcbter KeSeSee. Editor Oregon tan : Six years ago I was -m stfTAJ as - Via w, W.K :tu liver, kidney ana atomacn complaints, resulting in bloating and dro;y, which rendered my Ufa a buroen IA ... .n m 1 1 mw feurtwle T wlan hart fa- trouble in all the compl-cation. In this condition I pot myselt under Dr Iarr:n' Elvctric 1 real ment. Now after sis month's home and office treatment, I a n a well woman. I will gladly ans wer !' enquiries by letter or in person. fiels. Or. Mr daughter. Mrs E Mann, rd Pioneer, Clarke Co., W. T-. was also cared of chronic rheumatism of long standing. Mr M I' Moamtsos. Rev. M. M. Basbor. Oregon Nasal and throat catarrh, cored. W. G. Ogle. Seat co, W.T Liirr and kidney compsaint and dyrpeptsia, also deafness and whoie system run down, wo red. Drs Darrin can I found at the Revere House. Albany. Orn from 10 to 5 daily, 7 to 8 evenings ; Sunday, 10 10 1 The poor treated fr-e. They make a speci thy of the electric as well as medical aura surgical treat-! ment of all diseases of eye, ear, nose, I tboai, calami, deafness, bronchitis, la J gripue. oonsuniption. dyrpepsia, heart, liver and kidney diseases. Ail nervous, i rhrouic and private diseases of men. in cluding stricture, hydrocele, varicocele, and ail peculiar tetoale tronbles are con fidentially and racceeef oily treated Moat cases can receive home treatment a'ter a visit to the doctor's -office. Inquiries answered. Circular and question blanks sent ftee. C'oom station free. ox the sarrsnas s : ktn Sept. 3th, 1892. Mrs Mart-hall awendenhall and son Will, of Sheriian, Yamhill county, are visiting at the residence of their cousin, J B risyworth. Miss Emma Tiison accompanied her sister to her home in Monmouth and will make a visit of several weeks duration. The Hotel de Burch is now located at Wti kins station and a lorcc of one hun dred and twentv men are engaged in track laving ltween that station and Cjburg. Mrs Burch, of Portland, ia boarding at Mr A Bingham's this week. E J WUIotighby spent Saturday and Sunday in Albany visi'iug friends and relatives. Mrs Bridget Kennedy is visiting her son James at this place. Mr Biilmireaml family expect to move to the Stephens farm hear Springfield in a few weeas. Mr Hesrlev's familr were called to Rowland last week by the death of a rel ative. Mr Bosseman had a lively runaway last Saturday, the damage done was a cart broken a .roost to kindling wood. Mr Lenevid and wife are preparing to move to a ranch near Waterville on the McKeaxie Uncle Phillin Mulkev was taken snd denlv ill at the residence of his daughter Mrs 'Felix Barger last Saturday, and his family were summoned from Eut;ene,but at last accounts be waa better and hopes were entertatned ol his recovery. Mr W W Allingham was struck by a flying stick of wood while working around a wood saw last Saturday, and a severe trash across his cheek hone, he now wears an elaborate series ot patches Mr W H H Grant is bow visating lrs wife at thn residence of her father, (iK Ward. He expects to start to Chicago this week on a two months trip. Miss Lincoln came down from Cottage Grove Saturday and begins her term ot school tins week. All the threshing in the neighborhood is now done, still farmers are very busy. Closing Out. In order to clowe uuslness. I am now offering at cot all my large and well selected stock of dry poods, dress goods, c.othing. boots and shoes, and everything now in 1 tock. For good good at marveiously low p rice call at once. . oi Your attention is called to our line o tienne costumcs,capes. jscket,bl iters snd, which is now complete. They aie tailor-made and gusranteed to 6: 1 hs c!oth are of the latest fabrics . Very truly, Samuel E. V-ouno. Niagara Kid gloves in black sod colors, SI per pair. None better for h price. Every pai' warranted. Sav-hx E .ois: Alls ny Ore. Baking Powder stBawaatiLLi;. Sept. 5th, 1892. RECurran left this plsce yesterdsy ; tor 1 acorn a, vvasi, to taae cnarge as sa- perintendci t of the Tacoma woolen mills Mrs Charles Howe left here on Friday bound for Roach Harbor, Wash, on a visit with her sister, Mrs Fred Anderson. Mrs Mary Carouette is quite s'ck of quinsy. We did not think our corresgondence amounted to much until we made our mistake in regard to Mr Bard-vell. When we see all ihe paper copying then we feel a lilttc 'Ike booting oureelf, yet to e're is humsn snd we hope to be forgiven, and will try to do so no more. Rev Wolfe commerced his yesr's work at this place yesterday, and mede a good impression. We wuh him success. RMBrsdiev returned from the Blue River mining district on Fridav last Did ' rot learr what suices t.e had to repart, i but suppose the mine are all right and 1 that the gold may be looked for up that ' way yet. I WVbber Bro finished ihrehlng on I Wednesday lst after a run of 21 days, ! having threshed 30100 bushels of grain Fall term opens on WED f.ES DAY, SEPT. I4TK. Dtf'M-iAi. -or - Co'legitie, Nut mat, Bjsinesa, Primary. Stvhv Also good bos.ding sical faciliiie school and WILL'S MUSIC STORE - : - ! aCSTS nt - .CHICXERIKG - ' H F WLUrS,' ' i-TECK." A3SD " "tosx at sos-riAXon, ISTEY," XIWJISS BOS.' RCawa. aSD EARHVFT C C CVi Wrliefe- CaJaaswas m! Prtesa Mere Parehusf E .here; tieli U IV Coi 5 Lowest Mcwu Saaall I lis j. Swats aad Mask ef Keery P ssj s: a ew Bene aJ stSSr Sswtnc t:hto. slea Nee.i'es, oil asi lAtrit !r all M-h!r E. I. WILL. AHwhv. Ir. NEW A DVBRTISKM F.N1S. WASf KO.-A boasswork Maston. girl to do geisral , )r autre ol IkO W aicrsn. Hrl tods general house-1 all at residsncs of Wm ' Ferrv and Eleventh ; work Fortmiller, at streets. GIRL WANTKD. - o do aansral bonts wo. k. Call on F P Hotting at Dbmockat oBre. im? AstTEn.-Osntisnisn SS ysars of f? age wishes smpievmant. Ans tome i to gscarai otsca work, acer.unts bookkeesina. First class rslerenaes. Address O Crsas, SwiUvlHs. OrSfjor. STe El.K fX)., Albany, Orogon. l.omi irr.ney an n -l real elte securlt - t.t.jn snd adjoining counties. I' llrst eJaas driving haras, hack and haroeea, will sell cheap or trade for real ornate aud pay dlRemuos In eaah. Oall on K M French, the jeweler. J. H. onut.liS. Ueuliat Dentistry t-s all Hi branches, including all modern improvement. He feels con rident that he can give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their pattonege, as his work is not surpassed in durability, stvle snd finish in the West. All in went of good dental work aic respectfully solic ited to give him a call. Rooms 3 and 4. &trahan Block. SPECTACIES AND EYE GLASSES Ths largest ASSORTMENT County. Havs -:- Your in L'.nn Call -i ans- i hnsln 's J stent Eye-Meter at F M FRENCH Slewslry Store. .ntaSBr Tfcslwt SEwSfiwwf jH mi FASHIOSrABJiE is preferrodof ouree win n j.rktf are ihe came as for other sty!-- OUR NEW SUITS are tlie most attractive we have ever brought on, and we ask your .special attention to our Tine of Sack anrt Cutaway Suite now on sale. We havs them in al) of the new and nobby design?. Also a fin lin ot straw hts,anei thlatet nov el'ies in furnishing goods. Our stock of boots and shoes lor el ring and sum mer wear is large and ehoiee. TBE L.EiLIllX OT eawwwwwwweawwwawwwwwwnwBa ewwewe -:-P. I-. OeaJwr CHOilE TEAS, acd & gmmrml nitmim of Q R O C E R I T Nuttciif Uoo agent for all taw leading Ksrwacapsrs ami Ms satire. Terms rasa, eaur the F. . Alley OREGON Wiil Chop ali Kinds of Grain. xijp ijpP' jiwswwi9flwi:' aS"VgarJ)33BSwwwwSwB wgy&Jjmwl.'. 10 reasons why you should buy the Giant: 1st. Because It ia the beat ssill in exiwtaoce. Snd, Bacansa tt i mad at borne Snd, Deeanss tt will grind mors g-aii than any other mi l 4tb. Beeasue tt)oew better work than any ether mitt. Ah. Because It is na expanse to yon aftwr yen bavs Dough: H 1 6Ut. Because does not beat the grain grinding aa otar m '.is x 7th, Because yon can mak- m ire money with the Oregon G: an", thai with a ny an i. For want of aaver ww wiil give you the other threw rjuisi why you ulayths i iant ;." you will kind'y oall and extmine ths mill. MITCHELL, i LEWIS & STAYER CO. 237 Snd A Bella worth st, Albany, Or 2t y tfslswi. Orweon. W. L cPTTsu. s-r-sA twprwisth tsasSSSSS ISsSjswg sebect - Kwdoesed by the basiacs aad ui riles it issal st eg tsstiw Five Departments; Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, PenmanshipEngiish. Scbodia session the SSSfss year. Slcdear admitted t any uot. CatosvcaataiaiauUorsadoB.trea, TUF MAZE, sax ma. Cisco. I C tit. FINE ASH LAND Peaches every morning this vreek at C. E. Browhbll'b. A BIG STOOF OF Baby :-: Buggios best assortment svsr brought t Albsrj just received st St'e-tftitft So's. Sm the Buifiis and M trim. 2nd Stoie. stock of Snd'anr goods iu th, Valley, and the moat reasonable prioea havs on hand all kinds of FUKNITim, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC, ETC. Out door. west of 8 C Voun s eld sto L. GOTTLIEB. CLOTHING OTHIEKS. Kenton, -:- la COFFEES. SPICES. GIANT Sure Death to Wild Oats Stun. Podipsl. Issues a 200 page Drv Goods and General Outfitting ATALOGUE. Send your name on a postal card TO-DAY and get one. r IS ! THE : BEST : HIGH : GllADS I 1 V- Il et. Eaamine into its superior paints. Is stock both for ladies and men, at Stswart & iVVs. VAN WILSOK, Agen'. OR SALE Onsbalf iotecewt in a gaoo paying business n 1st atrt tr sals si a bargain. For particulars in quire at this offios. ITTI.HR BALL, Dentists. Make ejraa ct. so.V srewiw, krWy wotk. ar teetk wttheui c!ie,' saw all tasr peminia; ss .atlary. mcl-la Td: aSeek.iiSaay.Sr. LH tsV t OLLt . T!! A H i'l ' C. H. DALRYMPLE, Manager, ClltlSiBS swesUlsjr rsrsJas et stK icr,. ntsta", si! I Be rsiley a OFflCi: SSSJ ster raster's Bi.Kk NOTICE tTICE IS HEREBY GlVeN THAT the Cieik of Scho i Ji'atrlst No 6, N L.inn eonnlv. Or. wil rtesies ssmled b d up to Tuesday, Sept 6ih. at 4 u'locife p m of said day, tor iwimtos 'he cuU ds ef Central school building, including ins roof two coats of pale- The ristriat t furuihh alt material The Board of Directors hereby reserve ths right to reject any or sli bids. Bj order of the Board if Direstor C O BUBJECHAbT. apt 1st, 1891. Die: !.