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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1892)
citiorut. A POINT OK LAW. Sditors Democrat: In your recent usue you state that if the election is thrown into congress, Mr Cleve land very naturally would be elected but Mr Keid would become ineligible as he is from the same state as the president elected by the house. I don dispute t xt if the flection is thrown into congress, (which is not very likely,) Mr Cleveland would he elected president by the democratic majority in the house. But why would not Mr Raid be elected vico president by the republican senate? It is true that the constitution refers to the point made but if you will examine it (article I section 8) you will perceive that it says: "The electors shall meet in their res pective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the some state." This clause refers to the election by the electors of the several states but there is no reason why this should be applied to the election by congress as that clause has no provision for the same. As it is not very probable that the elec tion will be decided in this way it is never theless a very important question. Should such a state of affairs present themselves before congress I am of the opinion that the matter would go to the su preme court for decision and it would record a great legal battle in the history of the country. Very respectfully. New York City, Aug 81, 1892 Wm. F. H. Koklscii The editors of the Democrat are at a loss to understand how Mr Koe'sch. our New York correspondent, received the im pression that the Democrat ha said that if the election is thrown into congress Mr Cleveland wonld very naturally be elected but Mr Reid would become ineligible as he is from the same state as the president elected by the house, for the Democrat said nothing like this. On the contrary it said '.': f resident and vice f resident migit be elected from tie same slat eitker by tic dec oral college or by tie ioute emd senate. If Mr Koetach will refer to the issae of the Weekly Democrat of August 19th in the article entitled "A Question Settled." be will find the following: From this it will be seen that the only restriction or limitation on the action of electors as it regards the locality from which a president may be elected is that no elec tor shall vote for a president and vice presi dent bo' h of whom are residents of the same state with himself , but there is nothing to prohibit an elector from voting for presi dent and vice president both of whom are residents of the tame state except his own state. A1 the electors in the electoral col lege might lawfully vote for a president and vice president from the state of New York ercrft tie elector from Jfew Jet. In this way both president and vice president miirht be elected from the aame state bj the electors. If it should go to the house there is no restriction as to states from which the election shall be made as the house does not elect the vice presi dent. S rhere would be no question to go to the supreme court if the election should be thrown into the bouse, as suggested by Mr Koelsch, for the constitution fully provides for any ordinary emergency. Should it go to the house that body would elect jne of the three having the highest number of electoral votes, but in making the selection the house would vote by states, each state casting one vote, and that vote to be de termtned by a majority of the congressmen from each state present. The senate would elect from the two having the highest num ber of electors for vice president the vice president. Each senator would cast one vote. Two thirds of all the senators shal constitute a quorum, and a majority of all shall be necessary to elect. In electing a pretident by the house, a quorum fortius purpose shall consist of a meralier or members frem two-thirds of the the states1, and a majority of all the state shall be necessary to a choice. And if th non e ot representatives snail not choose a president whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice presi dent shall net as president, at in case of the death or other constitutional disability o be president. TAX UTXlTaUM, INDEEK. A number of most prominent Democrats have declare-! that if their party gets into pow er the v will restore the duty on sugar which the republicans put on the free luff. These Democrats a free traders only when it would mjare an American industry; they would tax ihe people on tumr, tea, coffee and the nec essaries. We tav, tax the luxuries. Salem Journal. In the imerest of truth we call upon tha iourcud to state, by giving names, the prom in o democrats to whom it refers above. We fear hey exist Oily in the imagination of the Journal editor. So far as the credit of the renu'il.cans putting sugar on the free list there s none, for at the same time they gave the fe w s-jir planters of the south 2 rents a pound for ail the sugar they produce. This year the bounty amounts to over seven millioa doilart a 1! paid to lets than 703 persons. This it over an thousand dollars to each planter. Vliat do you think of giving a bounty of over 010,003 to each of 700 sugar planters in the south, simply because they are In tha snga business. It is open, palpable robbery of 'he treasury of .he United States, Bat the Jour nal says tax luxuries and not necessaries, but the party with which it affiliates does not do this. Let ut look into the tactt of the case . Tu ning to the McKinley law we find it run ning at follow!. We leave each person to judge of what i, and what it nota luxury: Biue vitriol duty 2 cetns per pound, acorns free. Castor oil So centt per gallon, ambergris (per furriery) f-ee. Camphor 4 centt per pound' agates Iree. Linteed oil 32 centt per gallon , ashes free. Tin or te-ne plates twoand tw ten In cents per pound, birdt stuffed, free Wo);n clothing 90 percent adraiorem, blond dried, free Jute. sacks 2 centt per pound, Bra zilian pebbles free. Lumber fifteen per cen. advaiorem, catgut free Pen Knives and ra zoit feats 75 to 200 per cent, coral free. Blan kest of wool from 75 to 9 per cent, diamonds uncut free. Thus we might continue tbit lint 10 cover a column, but the above will serve to thaw how the Journal' party puts necess aries of life on the free litt and luxuries upon 1 he dutiable lis'. HKPI'BMCaNS roil CLEVELAND. An influential political club, already amounting to eurhtv members, mostly lead ing business men oi Portland, has been or gauued within a few days for the express purpose of working for Cleveland's election and voting for him, too. These gentlemen are thoroughly disgusted with the effects of the McKinley bill, having had sufficient knowledge in their respective businesses of the injunex it entails. In the whole politi cal history of Oregon never before was seen so sweeping a change of sentiment. In every buck throughout the city republicans may lie discovered outipoken in their de termination to vote tho democratic ticket. In one large retail store employing ten clerks, which tins writer visited, every man, without exception, declared for Cleveland, and in the whole ten there was but one iraoorat, The proprietor never heretofore supported a democrat for office. Should the -"jano Bentiment prevail in other sections of the state, Cleveland will carry Oregon by 11 good safe majority. This article is not written for political effect. The statements are facts. Hence it behooves the democracy 10 lie up and doing, work like beavers, take heart, stand shoulder to shoulder, and Ore no'i four electoral votes will be counted in thedeim.cratic column. Portland Welcome. Tho DiufOOBAT has hod occasion more thsja oiic3 to call the attention of democrats throughout the state to the importance of loin;r their whole duty. Do not lie de iiilo.l by strange gods but stand steadfast to the faitli for stranger things have happen ed than carrying Oregon for Cleveland. THE SAME OLD CROWD. The placating of Piatt is accomplished. The trip toOphir Faim at the lima of Pres ident Harrison's visit can only mean that the Boss whs lampooned Harrison's Administra tion in Junr, and bitterly opposed the l'ret ident's renomiaation cn the ground that he could not bs elected, lias got his "understand ing." Following close upon the "quieting of Quay" the re-enlistment of Dudley and the tubmiss on of Clarkaon to the inevitable, this shows that The World wat right a month ago when 't laid that the disgruntled Republican man age! t would be in line before the ompaign wat fairly underway. It wat (imply a ques tion of price. There H nothing in it to disturb Democrats. Piatt has lost New York seven times in suc cession, and the breaking of his boss ship followed the'cemplete tiiumph of the Democ racy In the State. Hit activity in the cinvas would be a good omen to Democrats . Quay and Dudley have been "found cm" since tS88. The World hat charged and proved corruption against both of them . The f .urn si dared not tue. The latter brought a bluffing libel tuit for political effect, but was feiced to drop it. Their prominence in Republican councils cm only injure their parly. Like Clarkson in Iowa, both have lost their States Their method! of bribery have been rendered sr leu effective by reform ballot laws. Their day it over. The old gin; cannot produce the old results. The World. There is no doubt that the increased tar iff has made better prices for prunes and so stimulated production on his coast. "In a feneration or "in fifty years," as the Lon on Spectator says, the removal of the prune tariff may be desirable, out at pres ent protection for prunes pays. Seattle Press Times. There it is again. There is no sach thing as hai mony in the arguments made by protectio. lists. While McKinley is going all ovei the country, proclaiming that the tariff is not a tax; that if it is. the foreigner pays it; that the tariff dors not raise the price of the article upon which it is placed, that a cheap coat makes a cheap man and so on uJ infiaitum our cotempor ary, Uie editor of the Prrst-Timer "takes his pen in hand" and in the most unsophis ticated and simple minded way lets the pro tection cot out of the bag by admitting that "there is'. no doubt that the increased tariff has made better prices for prunes and so stimulated production on this coast. So the tariff then is a tax on the prunes that are produced in this country. What a fear ful time McKinley will have proving that the foreigner pays the tax for he 1: neither he buyer nor the seller. "Better prices" means higher prices, hence because of the increased tariff the consumer has had to pay a higher price and the increase is a tax pure and simple. We trust the Times will keep on telling these wholesome truths.' The SeitUe Pre-Timet has been labor ing very hard to prove that the sugar bounty has benefited the tugar rlanttis f Louttlana Well, it la spending it time idlv. No one disputes it. About 700 planters have received ihlt year about $7,000,000 from the government treasury. This is a gift pure and simple. The peo. pie of the United Suites are taxed seven million dollars to pav these southern planter 1 cents per pound for raiting tugar. Does any on; doubt that this seven millions it a benefit to these planters? Wfc.t ,K. T-. , ean hare In view in provintr tucl. a daJtaelng fsct ia more than can be understood. Suppose con eresa should oast a law eivine every wheat rower In Oregor. and Washington a boon- of ten cents on each buthel of wheat raised and pav them the hard coin out of the treasury of tne United States: would any one ay that uch a bounty wou'.d not benefit the wheat growers? But how would It affect ttie 63,000,000 of people in the U S. Senator Carlisle, of Kentucky, who hat jus returned horn a visit to Mr. Cleveland st Buzxsrd's boy, says be regard the democratic situation as very satisfactory in every port of toe country. The Southern democrats will ul ft limlw, t-i 1 mAnnm-A he the !o.i ve nmm;-, f tRe rvole'. r.rtw . Thee r r r T -1- j realizs lhat Cleve'and't action in ignoring tec t tonal laws during his administration was worth more to the South than all tbe special and class legislation that could be passed in s J century. New York, New Jersey, Connec ttetst and Indiana aie, in the senator' opinion in a much better condition than in 1888, while ! Massachusetts, which wat then republican, it now, to say the very least, doubtful. Tbe democrats will get six or seven electoral votes i In Michigan, and ate tore of W isronsin and Illinois, with chmces in their favor in Iowa and j Missouri. Tbe election of Cleveland aad : Stevenson by the votes of the people seems, to the tenstor reasonably certain. Within a few days Carl S:hutz will receive sn invitation to tpeak in t hicago in behalf of tbe Democratic national ticket. Tbe invita tion will come from the Central German American Democratic organization of Chica go. Tbe campaign in the Western metropo'U and in fact throughout Illinois, takes on a new interest this year fiom the fact that a large majority of tbe German-American voters ; are for the first time in a Presidential year on the Democratic tide of the fence. Of eighty five German papers in tbe State seventy-eight are aupporting Cleveland and Steventon and German Democratic campaign c'.ubs were never half as numerous and aggressive at now Pattial returns received np to midnight from all over the state of Aikantat are to tbe effect thtt the elec'.ion hat been quiet, A full democratic vote seems to have been polled, but there It a great tailing off in t'.e colored republican vote, owing to the unfamitarity with tbe Australian ballot law and genera! in difference. Tbit wat especially noticeable in the large negro counties. The democratic state ticaet, headed by Vv iltiam H. Ficbbsck, for governor, I undoubtedly electtd by a large majority. No approximate esiimale can be made to night. A diapa'ch from Kansas city says: Jerry Hutton aed Frank Kimsley. p:om inent farmers and alliance workers, st ere ar rested ut Sedan, Kmt., yetterdty, impeded of being plotter of the double murder of Fra zier and Gibson, cattle oatnera of Chautauqua county two yearg ago. Twelve more arrettt will be made in a few days. Great excitament exists over tbe cevelopmen'.i. It it suspected that this it a republican move to check the rigor of the third party campaign in Kansas. So far at the associated press has given us the newt the democrats seem 10 have had every thing their own way at the election Mon day in Arkansas. The only newt we have to day it the following dispatch: Little Rock, Sep. 6 - Official and unofficial returnet of yesterday' e'ec.ion are received from 32 counties, giving democratic majorities ranging from 2500 to I loo. The only repub lican majority reported i from lefferton which is 400 T.i:roui OA 11, r-.i'f ie given 800 repulilicin majority. From present appearances we should say that McGraw, republican candidate for governor in Washington, has a hard road to travel. Theodore Roosevelt, republican civil service commissioner says he is perfectly confident that the republi'-ans will carry New York. ORIJE IN KANSAS. The following dispatch from Topeks, Kansas, gives a full account of the arrest o members of a farmer's alliance for the mur der of John S Frtuier, a wualthv cattle man: Frank Kimsey and Jerry Mutton were arrested at Sedan. Chautauqua county, last night for the murder of John S Fraxier, a wealthy cattleman, June 28, 1S90. Kim sey .unl Mutton are members of a sub-alliance in Chautauqua county aad today twenty-ft ttr warrants were issued for the arrest of he remaining members of the alliance, who are charged with being in the conspiracy . I he arrests were made through the instigation of Governor Humphrey, and the detectives who have worked up the ease claim to be in possession of the facts which prove that the murder of Fraxier was die- 1 cussed in secret alliance meetings and the I men arresfed oppototed to do the work. The news of the arrest has created the greatest excitement throughout the western borders. John S Fraxier, the murdered man, brought from Texas on February 28, i890, a herd of 3000 cattle. It was during a four fever scare and the sub-alliance which had adopted strong res olutions against cattle barons and monopo lists took the matter in chaige. and agents of the anti monopoly company from thirteen sub-altianees waited on Fraxier and served notice on him that he must move his herd. Fraxier refused to comply, but offered to pay for every head of cattle which died from fever About ten days later five miles of wire fencing surrounding the pasture of Gibson and Frax:er were cut. and the detectives . contend that the day following a note was received from the sub-alliance at Howard: ' I he Sedan committee is here, but must return tonight. Send your committee by all means, as we expect 3000 cattle in with Texas fever tonight. He war ho com menced in earnest Five miles of Gibson's and Fraxier 's fence was cut last night and we did not do that." A few days later Gibson died at Howard from the effect of a dose of poism. which j has always remained a mystery. The terri-' biefateof his partner. Gibson, and the; threat against his own ife only served to I make Fraxier more determined to defend his own rights. If he or his partner in. j flicted injury on Any one in the county by j bringing in their herd they were always ready to make good the damages On June nth Fraier started for his home ia M'jltne to tee his held. It was feeding a few miles from Sedan and he stooped over night with hit paitnet't widow, eight oailet from Sedan. When there he was disturbed alt sight by outsiders who tried to get him to open the door. The tost sees of him wat the aSth ot June. Searching parties were organized ia Sedan and the bed; discovered in a stag nant pool 1 50 yards from the liauts of his own pasture. Evidence list been worked up to prove that Fraxier wat first b-saad lo a tree, hit coat and vest roaoved, and after having been lucked to pieces with Inures wst thrown In the poo . The first State invest srauoa wsa conducted by Geo. Hancock, of the Adjutant General' staff, since which time detectives hsve beeii ia charge of the case. The stcuy tf the Sedan conspiracy is th oensnico uf iredaT. In the hotels, at the offices and at the state oase the ir u lull I of gntaip. At the Alliaoc? Iieadqtarttrt the Blatter '. treated terious:v Toe Alliance men ssy trial there had been considerable talk I come to their exit oi 'he matter, and the fsct , had len known 1 comi for H-tof time that I the Alliance mighl be drawn into tbe trial With thU cad in view they say the coaail- , isnce of C'latanqaa coonty not employed Jet j Hadaon, the Fusion nominee ia tbe Third I Coeg-trsvacsi di'trkt. io asaisl in the pros- 1 1 ecation and bri-ig the goilty Alliance men lo Bjoe. Tbey have tatcn this ttep at thci only ail em vi is . to -ette show of fairneta to their cause. The F.crib.i tot sre inclined so hink thai -be rveteoce !) show teat tbe sub-Alliance nearest: the murder will be im plicated. They claim that these it evidence which wi:' make the Sedxo murder n-ore tea tatsosai than that which followed tbe Croats murder in Cnk.'go II will undoubtedly have i'.a effect in the coming campaign. There ia a miner in town to tLy that there will be a "squeal" on tbe pat: of one of ihe aatpected conspirator., and that ths msa hat ptomiaed w igisr 11- Miwir H7if 1 1 be 1, iiiuiMvii violence. Gov Humphrey ia out of town, and Private See tea 17 Smith aaye there t ootbiag 1 o be civen of He is of the Opinion that the cat it one oi the most important ever knowa in Kansas Incidentally it may be tioned hat t.e money taken from the tingent fund by Hancock, wnich Hudson, of the capital, msde ucba roar about last spring wat given 10 Hancock fur examining the ev idence in Una case and doing special detective work Tbe Vermont election will take place to morrow. Harrison had iW.OOO majority four years ago. 'Ihe Boston Journal remarks that "the last democratic house was elected by an oversight," It might have added that the next one will not be republican by a another kind of a sight. TELEGRAPHIC MS. Betas Slaoiwed out QuAUASTiKE, Sept 6. In some respects, the news communicated by Dr Jenkins on his arrival from the lower quarantine, is more reas- tiring than since the much dread ed disease was first received into the port Now there ore only three cases of measles on board the Normania. The cabin pas sengers were found all well, though very discontented at their long detention. The doctor is anxious to obtain tome vessel to which he could remove the saloon passen gers with absolute security. A Kin tenure. Sak Fkascisto, Sept C Liebee Bros Company, one of tbe largest tobacco boos es on the Pacific coast, suspended business thin afternoon. Mr Liebes said the sus pension was only temporary and the firm owes no one a dollar. "We are temporar ily embarrassed" henaid, "as the govern ment lias tied up t'250,000 of our money in this trouble over the Sumatra leaf business. Tke Meeaad Pleat. New Ohleanh, Sept 6 The fight to night in the Olympic Club arena was a con-1 test between black and white, in which pabiic liettiug was nearly all on the side of the African. The match was for $17,500, the biggest money ever contested for by bantams, bixon whipped SheMey, knock ing him out in the eighth round. A Woaderfal Performance. Cleveland, 0, Sept 6. The fall meet ing of the Driving Park Association has opened here. The sensation of the day was the pcrlormanceof N etiquette, a4-year-rld in U e 2:16 clant. She not only trotted three heats under 2:16, but in the third heat the track retard by a quarter of a second. The Termant Eleetlan. White HnKR JujfcTioit, Vt, Sept 6. Tbe election throughout the state today passed off quietly. If the vote continues relatively the sn me as the towns so far re ceived, the republitmn majority in the state will be about 21,000. The vote from the largest b4wrif has not been received. A aoleon Demolished. Getcjiell, Wash, Sept 5. Joe Mono ghan a Cos saloon and gambling den, 14 miles east of here, on the Everett Monte Cristo railroad, was raided by laborers from Johnson's grade camp about 4 o'clock this afternoon and totally demolished. The raiders went at it with pick-axes and crow bars and within two hours the building and contents were a complete wre. J tut Walked Oat Walla Walla, Wash Sept 5.-Fnwk Williams, a convict in the penitentiary, committed for seven vears for burglary froto Tacoma, escaped this afternoon. He was engaged with a large number of eouvicts unloading brick 111 the yard, ami while the guard's back was turned, walked out of the gate. The disappearance was ! noticed about a half hour afterword. The guards started in pursuit and tracked him to Dry creek, six miles away. Then all trace was lost . At midnight the guards returned to the penitentiary with Williams, whom they captured in the lower end of the city, mak ing his way to Wallula. 411 ftperabfiea. Sax Francisco, Sept 5. The steamer City of Panama was re'uastd from quarun tine this morning and docked. Quarantine ( Ifficer Dr Lawler said today : There are three directions from which the cholera con enter California. It can cross the Canadian border and thus gain a foothold in Wash ington. We can tret it from Alaska, as many Hussions come from Vladivostok and Petropaulovsky, and it may come from Sit ka and Juneau. From these latter points the disease could reach San Francisco di rect. Then we can get it via Panama. A richer Slabbed; Salem, Sept 5. At noon today in a hop yard five miles down the river from Salem, Ross McCormick, a 15 -year-old boy, stab bed Joe Webber in the right side with a pocket knife. The blade ran through his breastbone and broke off. Webber's wound is not considered dangerous. McCormick came to town after the stabbing to give himself up, but went home instead. He was arrested tonight and gave bonds for his appearance. Different stories of the quarrel ore given, and it is impossible to locate the blame. Tae riskier , New Ori.kans, Sept 5. The Olympic Club's high priced pugilistic carnival was inaugurated tonight witn the liirbtweinht championship, under circumstances auspic- ious in all respects save that of weather. McAuliff knocked out Myers in the 15th round. New York, Sept 4. Three large steam ships with immigrants on board arrived here today from Kurope. but there is no eviderce of cholera among the passenger. Dr Jenkins, accompanied by Quarantine Commissioner Allen and Professor Biggs, went to the lower quarantine this morning, and on his return it was learned that the cholera bad claimed a number of victim during the day. The startling fact was made public that three deaths had occurred on board the Xormania. two on the Mora via and one on the Ktifia. J the desul have been Liken to Swinburne island jjj cremated. A Ms fire Portland. Sept 4. The block bounded by Sixth and Irving and Fifth and Hoyt tireets, which was visited by fire yestenbty morning, was viewed by inoumnd 01 peo ple daring the day Ail that wo left of C H Dodd's warehouse, which was filled with valuable machinery, was a lorjeequantitv of mined iron wheel, hoop, boiler, etc. 1 he buildings, with the exception of the cool boose on the corner if Fifth and Hoyt streets were all swept away. However, on the spot where the Union Depot hotel was lo cated, there stood a few charred rafters. pitaWiKng a gtootnv and lonesome appear ance. Mr C H Podd visiud the sane yes terday. He estimated that his loss would betfcS.OOO. $18,000 on the buildings, be being the owner of the entire block, and the rest on the farming implements and ma chinery he had stored in his warehouse. There was about Wo.000 insurance on. this, so his total loss will amount to WO.O00. Sr Pet tuts Br mo. Sept 4 Statistics of j the cholera epidemic show that throughout use woote or auasna iburmlay there boTii new cotes reported and 25i4 In this city yesterday there were i30 and 3i deaths. Dtirinz the last fet davs thenum'jer of r.nretnt-rei new , ie and deaths, which werechieflv confined to .1- t .1 ! 1 , J 1 I 1 especially on the island in the river Neva. vi mc wnriu uu csaee. uun im ii.astii. 1 if, "in.. u :.. il . Wattttter y . Hampden Falls. N H. Sept 4. John U Whittier ia lying critically ill at t lie home of Missljirpve in Hampden Kail, and hit consunon is such that tne gravest appre ! ht-nenw are entertained. Whittier lloo-i day taffered . Jiidtirijance of tbe bowels and while medical assistance was immediately called, no apprehensions were felt. Teeter day morning, an alarming change was manifest in bis condition and there bo been no improvement. A Crest Cawse of Ball SaxJoor, Col. Sept 4. The greatest game of ball ever played in the California j League resulted in a draw today after tf j "imax hod been played. Los Angeles and son joae wan th contestants. The I nixes scored their two runs in the fourth inning. Ihe visitors tollered in the fourth and made a second run in tbe fifth. After this 1 3 innings were played without a single score, and tbe contest was decided a draw. Deafaess Cannot be Cured by local application, aa thevesuanot reach tbe meooi1 portion of the ear. There la only on eoy eu con uwaowa, at I by consUta- ueom caoaed be an lo flamed condition of the mucous lining of the eustachian To be. When this tubesretejjaflamcd E have a rumbling sound or imperfect hesvr , and when It is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the i- -'"n coa be taken out and tht tub restored to Its norms! condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine case out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which ia nothing- but an jaftnmnts tnsn of the mucous surface. We will (rive One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafaes (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Ball's Catarrh Car. Send tor circular, tree. -,... Jl5HEnrr Toledo. O. W Sold by Druggists, T5c. MONEY'S -:- SLIPPING -:- Through - Your - Fingers. A handful of money represents liaid work to acquire. It represents thrift, judgment and manuel labor. The only easy way save it to get it ii to -Workingmen suits for $ 1 0.00 See em m Our : Owner : Window Dressy Fabrics. Patterns, ALL WOOL The Great Exposition of 1 892 OPENS AT PORTLAND 21 and Ctos Oct 22. Attractions far ahead of all former vsnra The famous American Ban:! of Provi dence, R. I. A rt valued at $350,000. Gov ernment Models of Btttle Shlpt, A mac- , nlfksnt El -clrlcal display. The wonderful Hall ot Mraterv. Marvelous Mechanical effect. The Little World" and a myrisd oi exhibit In Mining, Elect ririty. Horticul ture, Agriculture, Woodt, Mil's and Man. ulactiirea. RcwOfed Rut's All TniBMportaiiii SH ERIFF'SS ALF. fn tie Circuit Court for Linn ' an; y.Stat 0 Oregon: J sob S.-huiidt, plaintiff, vs Win. Riles, L B Btain, ft. R. Humphrey and Mary E. Humphrey his wife, I,, W. Deyua Sod John Robson, partners u 11 dor the firm name of IV, oe It Rob too, defendanta NOiTCK IS HKRKBY GIVEN, THAT by virtus af an execution and order if sale daly issued oat of th shove named con rt in the above entitled satt to me directed snd delivered, I will on Saiatrda ! Ike lOtfe'day of Sepaewsbrr. ISW1, at the front door si the County Court House in the City of Albany, lann County, Ore- Son, at the hour of 1 o'clock P M of taid ay, sell at public suction for cash in baud, to th highest bidder tho rtl prop erty described in id execution and order of aale s follow, towit: bits No three and four (3 sod 4 ia block No 5 in Kirk Patrick's addition to the town of Lebanon, Una County, Oregon, a thown bv toe snaps and plats of aatd town now un bla ia tha Heoorder "a office of Lino Coonly, Ore goo. The proceed wising Irons the sale of said tea) property, to applied, brat, to the pay meat of the ets and expenses ot sale, inclsdieg tne oosts sod diebortttnenu of oit taxed . at t37.g5;ssened to the payment of plaintiff claim astoaoling to the tarn of 383 33 with accruing; interval thereon st the fate nf 10 per eastt par annum an i tht farther sate of F25 attorney fees; third to th "pay moot of the amount doe the defendant Devoe & Kobaoa. en.oo.ouog 10 the eatn of $82 with iatt rest thereon at the rat of 10 per cent . per aaeam I rem tbe Sth day ol Jane, iss. end tha farther am of $10 attorneys feet and $16.60 cost and duboise merits; (oath, . t the pavtuant of tho claim ot the defendant I. E Blsm, am on o ting to the sum of $134.40; Bfth. the overulo. if any, t( be paid to Use defendant Mary E. Humphrey Dated tni Sin day oi Aogwat, 1S92 C. C. JACKSON. Shertfl of Linn County, Oresjoo. SHERIFFS iALfc taaCWasf Court 0 lie Stale o' Oreo for Linn Count. Jsnob Schmidt, piaioUff va Wm HUee. L E 3in, R R Humphrey rod Mary H Muu-p'.irey hit wft. L VS Deyoe snd John Kojtoa, partners under the firm name of Deyoe st Rob eon. defendanta NonCfct IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of on exaau Ion and order f : sale duly issued out uf tbe above named ! court In'tnesboveentiled suit to me di rected aad delivered, t will, on tsalardoy ia latki stay cf itetxeaatsrr laet. si the front door of lb Conoly Court House. in Use City of Albany.Ltsn Cons ty.Cvetton, sell at p.tb'se auction f r rash to band to tbe Ub Mt blJder, tne real samaaartv described in execution and i order of aje afollow towtu Lota stent end nine f and Si in buxk one (11 M Ktrtatrich'a eeeowd odduion lo lite town of Iboooo. Linn connty Oregon, aa ! boKD b? lu ro4r-soi p.uxn mjmm sjsssj ' n,m in tne uianiy necsni s office of I ton Coo nay. oragoo- Tho pro S need arisinp frcm tb- state of said real P'ooetty Ls be applied first to Use pay ' teem of l be coots toe expert ct :e, i Including tbe coats and c tebursamenis of ! oak taaad at fXM& aecord. to Use toy tnent of plat tiufTa claim. towU ihe turn i off 113 so wfto accruing internet in- ren fr ,tn the M .1,, at Msn-h mm at UBS rat .(ten per east per annum and u.e further sum I5 atuimey tee: third to the pavraeat at tbe deteaaaout ' Deyoe at Kobsson's claim amounting to .he sum of VS2 wttb Interest thereon at tha rote uf 10 per coot per annum from lb 5th day of Junes. 18N and tLe further sum of 810 at torneys fee and lbs further sum cf fib 60 enats and disbursements; fourth, lo te payment of tl e amount due the defend ant L K Slain, amounting to tbe torn of $134.40; tbe remainder, if any, to be paid to e defendant Mary K Humphrey Dated mm St'i day f August, i $93 C C JACKHOtt, Sheriff ot Linn Count;. Oregon GOOD NEWS sh For the mmsws ot nam in of tf. Tutt's Pills. ll cirw Dr. Tstl pi. oaoe sjsaartie t new porting waist O TINY UVER PflJL wttish as of exeeMdlngb tantsTl afcto, a yet retaining alt the elrto of tb W lamer on--. Onasont I purely vegetable. ! lsrs f theee ptlf a are still tseued. The eusrt oiae of " TUTTS TIHY LIVER PIUS A at !town In Use border of this "d." M)R HAI.F'.'Hb P I wlit eella stood y eecrind ban) piano at a rfraat bar gain. Call at nay rosidsnce n 7th street , between )roadatbtn aad Ferry: M Rt 1 AT II AM XT fT Q"F R T P . . A v - ration just such goods as we we have excelled all previous ef tional displny of good bargains. we have excelled all previous . : I j - i f i v. v v r T V -v v y T - y WH rKUrUh lUbLLL 1 H If., tli. a 1'liuil lliiut to.-t llinan vt A iritu us the better you will like us. J i! i tiTitsT THE CREATES! LINE OF VOUNG Hingle and double breasted suits for young men's wer. The correct fabrics for dress and tbe prettiest shades for business wear. Fifteen $15.00 Dollars Ives you your choice oi an elegant line of tailor made suits. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEK THAT THI US iltrnlxnei! lias ln IhUitay by order of th i-imn- ty win of Linn county, jH,iiil.l niinlnUtralor ut tb ll of Marl 8lvMtor. late ( Linn counts', Or., dsssaead. All persons having- claims against li tu r hrehv required ami outtflet' to preterit th am with proper vouoher ti th 4mlnltrator or to hi attorn?, Blackburn m Wuo, at Albany, Oregon, within ix month from th da' hi if. llata tht With day of July. I eat. IMVIll HYI.VESTEIt." Bum at as A WTo, Admitiiatralor. Atry for Ad111i11wt1.1t...-. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. In tb matter of tb ut of o T Hedioe rtn I NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT THE LK denignad ho boon only annotated be is. L.iHii. L'm(i t,i Mini ctwKj yrTKzna aaminutrator of tna cm at or u 1 soattt aood. All pcrani hay ing- -lim again tb tstalt of th aaid O T IUdin rhrliy ruir4 to prawit th ui within i( month from th dale heref properly ynriflod. to th undersigned at th otB ; of H tl lltwitt, in th C5i "I 1IOUIJ-. w. a I140IVB II II lUwttt, r Atty for Admra. bat ad tb nth Jay ot Any, ISM. SHERIFF'S SALE: lie Circuit Court of lie State oj Oregon J&t I.iun county. L K Rlaln, Plaintiff, s Henty Btekensto, Defendant VTOTIOK I HEREBY GIVEN Til AT A. oy virtue 01 an execution uuly ia aued out or toe above named court, in tbe above entitle 1 ant Ion. to me directed and delivered. I did on the 1st dar 01 August, 189 j, levy u,Mn all the right,tltle sun interval or the above nnnetl tlnU rl ant, Henry Baekentlo, in and to tbe real property hereinafter described and wilt on Friday, Use nIU das- mf aeirirmhet. mst st the front door of tbe court house, In the eity of Albany. Una county, Oretron. at tbe hour of 1 nVI.tek o m of aald dar tall at public auction for cash In hand to the h-ghest biirferall ike right, title and interest of the said Henry Backenato in and lo the. pretnlaee doarrtbed a follows .owit: 1 ha smith half of block No tb la the pity of Albany, Linn oountT.Oreguj. 1 be' proceed arising from the sate of said rem: property tu be ap. lied Irs, to Use p-ymeoi of the e-ioxa a f and upon said execution; second, to the aastaraetion of aatd execution amounting; to tbe sum of fifty-four and 4S-100$fH 43-i0fj dollars, bated that 30th day of Augoet. ltrWL C c Jackson. h riff of Linn county, Orego ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICL VOTICZ IS HCRZBT CI VEX THAT THE tJf it derate o4 Is tti laws 1 It u-ats sea t ttx of Lane iwwalj .iew.itass .5. -;. 4 l.;4u A fcao,tu ail pasutii aavtoe sensed to Use wibioid at Altssay. orwros, sntstt txs aeassa inauui iui Tins the 1 no day at A , un Z H hi DP. Aimmw: swtwsmaoa ef toe eatat of Ljaia A RM. C ; . mm NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. incE a HEREBY GIVES THAT THE IS- of saw estate of Ttsasaa Ctsasas a eeeaa4 . AHter Hu, . ui La ooetaty. Or. .sea ess Jews A Jin J CWaaxttm. All itnaj tav Admr NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. roncE IS HrRUiY OIVEX THAT THE it 1wsa4l atwstafattMo- U the mnnx cm T 1 MiO. Ii 1. has sM Caert.fe Lm swt, Oress. u ta xW aesl the tan ha tssd th Xnl da; of ivseVr, li a. the hoar 4 I ertuek OS, tor the aeirloe of ahJcHns una to th ewtSeeMii H sj1 . J aaiTalAS. AOMINISTIArOR S NOTICE. N'OTTtX IS HEBEBT G1VE3C THAT THE I N lrennat. hast ths asy tuea eel; tnj 4 at tae eaasse 111, Ktass. sat everntttaeops1y isjUlit. to ihe ewterset ol aUhaay , Un eaaoty. Ores, iamia six sstssat tr t. ease. lHiei its. jfut di at Aawaat, Utw EH BCOD. 1 'wieitram of the estate JUL Ratfcf. ear A. NOTICE OF APPOlNTMErsT OF ADMINISTRATOR. X't'Tltt IS MEKEBT CI VEX THAT Tlltt IX .-- ' iatratar ithmm mm ef the Itarammaa. ie.eTr, V lmm eeawty, Oregsas, 3 bBcsaaot fi tmm -1 IVit -Ol.-e m .t.r. Oetgea, srUOte u lvalue as Aiass). or. A open lath. USU. it 3( aBnsiA.v. AilssleHtraiee D Hm . : 'JC) at Hl '. J. A. ConimiD Wall Paper, llmtzas, JR at in tot. Oil (alHNK, Ktr. , ALBANY, -r- OK EC 9:'; "VI T' ANTED. In bonk, s o-e or , fttce v T si nation oa bonY keeper. aaitont book keeper or expert aeoonntant having had hank egperiene. can tninieh the beet of tefcren-e. Address for tbe uaxt fw day X Y Z, Albany, Or, or Inqeire at tbi office. il lUssagiMtt it,! satis I a 1 1 1 is csolJBas aeaiaes sass Sate ate twsvtras! oveaasst Usee with saw prtfue suttisw aad feetwrly nialftail. wlttja u mmatmjnm Ihe S hereof, a aaits . X'jr.ll BBBSt I aad aB rsass bxi awMas I Ike r fath er. Lam tlj 'ill 1 1 at Dili fur Ti. Mr- This TO P T FT A Q TT U,e A v .4 .1 l-s-J LL, oor know voti would choose tfforts, and we are showing a Sine of atirortion that wiii Ion., MZLi k. - e V e-e-s e n r w e-- m- rXt I , 7 iwuiicy. f llu litin-t f rno A I is n t. . - ikn ssa m at - We have surprised others We will surprise you. aBBW.BBBBBaBBt S ' Bat BB 1 siKtjSsw. T. L. WALLACE & CO., "The LargMt Olothiuf Dealers of Ubwy mi the Willamette Yalley." ASSIGNEES SALE. NOTICL IS HERBB? OIVKN THAT the undersigned assignee of J K Cyras snd vv r fitcnionl, partners doioic business un der "rm, nsme and style of Crns & Fitch- ford, win, on , Saturday, tbe lets dar of Mrpietssber. MM 1 ' lock I M, sell at public auction st he Court lloasedoo, at Albany, in Linn county, .Stale of Oregon, all ot the right, title and int:ret tnt the said Cyras & Fitcbfurd, or either of them, hail in and to the following deathbed real eotate on the 15th day of January or atauv fmc there after, ton H: Commencing at a point on the sonthwett i of the nurtheaat of aectioo 7, township 1 1, south range on(I)etat, in Linn County. Oregon, where the Crabtree creek and ktoor ing river come together at high watLr mark -then m ruuaiug up tbe C'rabtree creak near the edge of low water mark, a distance of 37 rod, thence cart 54 rod to a point above high wter maik on the eaat bank of Bossing creek at the oppereod nf the backwater from the mill dam, theaca down the east and north bank at high water mark to tbe Berth end of tke old mill dam of William Cyrua Si Sous; thecce westerly ia a direct line to the place if begiunioir, containing fivn (5) act more or leu, all attoated in the Joouty of Lion, State f Oregon. That I will at tbe tame Itme aleo sell at public auction a water whe.I connect! d with said ianda, briog s 30 inch liiroora tcrbice wheel. That aaul aaW ia mads purnant to an or der of the C'ircn.t C'aort of Lion Coonty. Oregon, duly made and entered of record no the 27th day oi Jane, 1892. Sold sale is to be made for each ia hand on dsy of sole. J. H. PEEK V, Aaaignee. SUMMONS. fn lie Circuit Court of tie State of Ore gem, for f.imn County. Lanra Brion, Piaintifi vt Samuel S Brion I;fcndant To Ssmuct S feniant. Bri-n the suite name Je- In the name of the State of Oregon are h.-rebr required to appear you and answer the complaint of Piaintifi, now on file in the office of tbe tier of Linn County, Oregon, on or before, the first day of the next term of taid court, to be begun and held on Ihe 4th Monday, tbe 2atb day of October, 1892, ord you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear, at herein required, the" plaintiff will take a decree against you, dissolving the mar riage reiation he ie of ore existing between Plaint IB and Oefeodant; for the icstora ion of Plaiotiffe maiden rame. for the care and custody of their minor too, and for changing hit name from Oliver Percy Brion 10 Oliver Percy Senior, ar.d for her coat and disbursements cf tbl suit t j be taxed. This Summons is served by publication bv order of Hon Geo H Baraetr,udge of taid court, made at Chamber, in Salem, Oregon, August 5, 189s. MosTanvk A IhiklrHW, Atty' tor Plff. ADMINISTRATOR SALE. I In the Countv Court of Linn County, 1 Oregon lathe matter of the estate Bu r khart, deceased . of Hit M 1 NOTICE IS HE1EBY GIA'ES THAT in pursuance of an older of the Connty Court of Linn Coon' v, Oregon, mode and entered of record in taid court in taid matter on the 2d dar of August, 1S92, I will, DO the satk stag ef itpsewshn. taw; at the beur of I o'clock I'M of said day sell a-, public auction 10 the highest aad best bidder, at the Court House door in Albany. limn County, Oregon, for Use purpose of paying tbe claims and debts agate-, taid estate, all the right, ti til and interest hich tbe said decedent, Mrs. M. L Burkhart had at tbe time of her death in and to the following described tract of land, tnwit An undivided one- ly 1 tilth interest ia the north of the Dosta rn I . ; 1 1 1 , . - i, .? . . - . tn iiitutwun gi 1, r n-jisasn jru r. 1 But khart, hi wile, said north half of said claim containing 160 acre of land situated in section 10, tow rnhip it, tooth range 3 re of the Willamette roerid-inin Una County. Oregon, said 3006ft h ""interest containing 31 acre. Term of sair. oae-haif of the purchase price cash in nd at tbe time of sale, and one-half of the purchase price ia tig months from the date of sole secured by a 6rst mortgage 00 said premise. Doted lh: ; tth dor of August. IS92. FA Bl'RKH ART. A rator of !d Estate. SUMMONS. In tie Circuit Court of tie ytate ot Oregon for tne f. estate Oi Linn ; Anna G Uvea, TB K J Ryan. Defendant To E J Ryan tbe dsfeniont above named. IjC THE NAME OE THE STATE OF Oregon, yon ore hereby required lo oppew,' ana answer ine complaint n!d agoinet you in tbe ohore enUlicol salt bv tbe first day of the next term of the move entitled court tawrf: On tbe :ttn day of tVtc ber. 1882. god if yoa fait to so answer, tot wont tbereof.trte piaintifi will appi v to i be eoort Tor tbe reiief asked tot in the complaint filed in the above en titled conn, towit: For a dissolution o tbe bonds of matrimony now existing be tween p ainlifl and defendant and fur th costs and dUbarsmeata of ibis suit to be taxed. Tbtasumoioa is served by publication bv order oi Hoa ueo II Bo.-nett. judge of said eoort, mode at cbtmberxVin Ang gust I, iJ. VA I VTtt ! Si' i,.P CatMBIH . Atirhsys f.- f ,m8,e of our c"'0"1" the selection of goods. trade are constan'ly in mind and we select with were rati in tbe mirkst with Th. nom.l..:.. r o -. .... ... i vv, - wiiiirio m iiiia ouninnni v o. . - w . . - . . K LH KAFF.ST 1 t . s , "--ee- A iwus are cneap ju(aHi iroiu anv other MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS WE'RE BUILDING reputation by handling a superior line of ready to wear clothing made to tit. All are exclusive patterns and confined to us in the city. SUMMONS In ti Ctrrm ( Court of ike State 0 Oregon , T tit connty of Limn, M C In vl and Oeo W Davis, partners doing business under the Arm name and etyie Davis Rros, Plaintiff. va Peter R Bean Defendant I 'ihe name of the state r Oresrou von are hereby rean'red to on yon are bt and anJwer the appear complaint of tbe i a Do ve named olalntiff in tbe above en- tliled ( ,'oui t. now on file with iheelerk of said court, en or before the first day of the next regular term or tne i fo , .siu Wafcon bridge exclusive of tbe ap Cotirt for Em connty, regon to be . ,h ' 2 "MV" "i.. " i!L begun snd held at A! bony .in tbe coa ufv : IT of i.iun. stale of Oregon on Monday, tbe 2b day of October. 1802. as reqni-ed In tne orde. of publication of this umtnona nd you are hereby notified that if you fait 10 answer said complaint, for want thereof, the piaiatUCs will take Judgment against you for Use sum of tSfu JO, with interest thereon from tbe 2nd day of j Veptemner, 1991, at the rote of 10 oer cent ; pe.' eonnm, and for an order uirwcilug tbe aale of tbe following described res! propei ty tttsvebad in this action as tne inm.e. r .I.r.n.nt Th. I j'. -... - , ... . u. a w .no donation land claim of Owen Bear, it being Netincatlen number 2S0,and claim number 48. in township 12, B R 4 West in Linn county, Oregon. containing 844 acres more or leas, taring therefrom 41 aeree heretofore sold therefrom, and for tbe coats and disbnrsementa of this action to bs taxed This summons la published by order of Hon Gee H Burnett, Judge of the above entitled eoort, made on tbe 12tb day of Augott, 1802. WSATHUF.lStD at CHAlfBCaLai Jf , Attorneys lor Plaintiff. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING UI COUNTY WITH WOOD. Proposal will be received at he oBt of tbe coonty clerk until Saturday tbe 2 nli day of August, IMS at tbe hoar of one o'clock p m of said day for furnishing the coonty with forty (iff) cords of oak wood, either straight body or grab oak, not to be loos than a inches in diameter. Also with six (6) cords of large body fir wood, clear of knots. Said wood to be delivered at tbe court bona in said county not later than Sept 15th, 19K. Tbe right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. By order of tbe coonty eoort this tb day of August, 16VZ K ? Par x. Coonty Clerk. Bv F If Egnrtaxn, Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE fa tke Vtremd Court of the State of Oregon for Limn Count g. Lmia Bla or auer an TB Kail Fran's, p 'SV W I Davenport and B R Darenpon, dv feodants NOTICE IS HEREBY Ol E . THAT ! he virtue nf an execurlon ittrneil oat of tbe above named court ia tbe above entitled j nit. to txse directed aad delivered. I did on the lttii day of July, 1992, levy npon all tbe right, title oast interest ot tarn', above named iateodnnta in aad to the; ri property hereinafter described, and ; wiK.on tvalarwsg. the loth stag, r eteter f sag, at tbe frant door of the Coonty Coon House, in tbe Cu of A'bany. Unn runa'.r. taiesjoo, svt the hoar of 1 o'clock PMofsaudday. aril a. taajhttc amrioa, f srestb in band, to tbe highest b.dier. tbe real property levied npon in .l .nh,W anM 1 ii. ISi m iS mm Ikt entitle- tott.d 101 libed oa follow. towic Lot Xo four (41 ta block No three IS) in Beard's addition to tbe town nf Toagogj!; in. Liaa coonty, Oregoo, th Pioeeeda arhdnc froeo thw aale of oaad properly to be applied, first, to tb pay men: of the coats of and upon onad en- cotton: aeeotMt, ta ta p aint.nV claim, amoantina; a an.m of (IOfN.09 wllh inter e at the rate of S aes-aaat er snrum from tbe 14 h dav nf March, 1892 and tb further ram of 173 'O ttoroT f-e and tae for tber an stof f30,0 original aoala, lew the som oflo2.I5 credited opoxt said claim June IS. 1S92 Dated tbta ftb day or Angnst. 1891 -Mtt rtffrJ L:cn tVunt. Orexor SKES1FFS SAUL AnuiMICTaUTfifi'C Qll F,eeU WH.. tie Conity Court of lie Stole of O.egon comntr of Limn: , Ia tee atatter ef ttteoofrato ef Jaanoo F Had NOTICE rS HEREBY GIVES THA1" by Ttrtae of aa order of sole dsiy oaade aad catered ef reeord by the above entitled eoort ia t to above eotitied eoaoe at tbo res altr A ago s . terra of aaad eoort towit, oa tae th day tf Aagast, 1898, the ocderssfoed e-4in rator will, oa savtarsag, tae tosh stag ot Btanaaher. N99 st tbe boar of 1 o'clock. P U of aaid do, at the Caart Hoa door ia the City of Atbsay. Lino cooatv, Oresroo. eel' at pahlte saetiaa to tb atgisest bidder tbe following do-f de- srntstd leal ptouetty betnoxusg to ea town.. Lot land Sua No. Tg. in Moabattb'a ootbem additaasa to .s.. i -,-, tty . of Albany, in Liaa Coonty, Oregoo . af aaia, ooot-half cash aad oo- half enootb wrtb approved acaritr. Terasa ia aix f JAT W. f . Alb H h xwrrv. Attorney , tl ASvESSORS' notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the board of eqneliaation will attend a tae offieo of tbe i-ou-ty clerk rtf L'.nn countv.Oreg-a. . n Monday, tbe 2t h dav of "September 1392. and v exa ntna :h aaeosis ment rods and correct oil errors in valuation. deeeHr1 - -r qua! of ltnJs. lots - -v; i- .rtT This dated jxh dav of Aatraot,l$92. H8 WILLIAMS, Vhea we boy the wonts of tho ii I ii - a , i : ,, w - wft s11 ' MBtU- XT'",. V "!"'1 .tn'8 on. for . . .. i escep- STl'i' stan " 'Co. land point. The more yon bnv of a V C f V WifFE in InA vassea o Fa. SEALED BIOS FOR A BRIDGE. By order of the Counly Court oi Mo rton County, Oregon, sealed plant, strain diagram and bids for a wagon bridge tern the North Santiam tlver at Mill City, Marion County. Oregon, wlH be re ceived by tbe clerk of taid court until Friday, September 9, t 9 o'clock A M of taid day Said bridge tube 16 feet in tbe clear, covered and painted, and to be 1 ( cated st one of the two proposed ite. one Of which lte i Immediately below and the other above the railroad hrirfo at said place. Separate bid will be received for each of said location, and for the location above sold mil roar bridge the bad will be for - - - - Separate bids will also be received for said bridge exclusive of the lumber, irse county furnishing ill the lumber on the ground and the rontracur furnishing ' other material. Each bidder wilt be re quired to deposit with M bid five per cent ef the amount of such bid to abide the re tult of the awarding of taid contract a by inw required and provided Said court reserves the right 10 reject toy and all bids received under the said OTOCT VfM. M. Clerk. SUMMONS. In tie Circuit Court of tie StaU of Oregon, fn- f.imn eountr. E iIiKuunhaen.r, Piaiu-iS, Fred X .unhasmf, Defend ant. To Fi -A Klaisiam-ner, tbe aVv aasoad dtfttadaat. IN THE NAME OF TrIE 8 FATE OF Oregon, yoa ate hereby reins red to ap -; pear aad aaswer the co-npitint of tb t'mt plain tilt in the above eotitied avntrt now oa Sim with tt clerk ef said eoort y tb first I day of the aext regular Xt ma of tbe abort entitled eoort tawit, on Use Ct.h day Jt Oc tober. 192, tad yen are noufled 'hot if yoa fail to nii and aoawer aaid eompistat as hereby required tbepiaiotiff wilt epjiy tv the eoort fur tbe relief asked for ia lasstsS complaint town: for - djtsoiottoti of : boxsds cf aittntn av sow extatia; het ulsiorisT aad df dsot and tog Ms easts and ditaiBsseat sr tntt tart to o taxed. Tbi tuns nooa ia as- ved by psUseatkn by order of How O H Burnett. Jadge ot tke abtve titled eoort, made at Oaaashers Sept 7th. 1892. J K WgaTaxaromn. Att y far P,-ff. SUMMONS in tie Circuit Court of tit State of Oregon, for Linn atxafjr.- 1 Joseph Hawxiaa, Piaintifi. v ! Fetor B Bear, Deft TK THE SAME OF THE STATE OF JL Oregon, you are hereby r eon. red to 1 tae oompUia-. of the above sat ad plaintiff 11 the above ea titled cwt, now oa file with th c lerk of said eoort, 00 or bet ret h first day of tae next ragalor term of the Ctresrt Craxrt tor L-nn coa sty. Ore ,oc, to bo begun aad beil at Aiboar. ia tb county of Lino- stste of Oiotj MotidaT. the 24 tb ot October, 1393. aa nqoircd it th order 01 pebocauos oltxus aamm 1-; yoa sre hereby ootibod that if tot rati so aaswer aaid oootpUtat, for want taereof, tae pie inns' will tafco jotlgatoot against yoa for tb tass of with ietei-e ttoroan fro at the 9th dav of ApriL 1881, at tbe rot of 10 per cent per earn: at, and tb failtati eons of $10. with interest therectt from tb day of SipUanber, 1881, axth rate of 10 per coat per annua, acd foe aa order direet ng tb ssio of the following desaibed real tty of tbodefesdast tow t: Ska acd cJaira of Owen Bear, U t-ioa aaatber 22) end e-tio axtxtg Saeaaav Bsavbr4S, at township 12, S 14 j oasawaw. , uej trwvaie-vg was acre , f 1 aaviasg toartirm 41 acres aerrtoftare soid i tcerefrosa, aatd tar fate cost asc assSaarae- ! nsU ot Caw art mo to be taxed Tata soaMseaa w pabfasaed by orde-of I Hoa Geo H Borne-1. Jcde f the above ostitied eoort. ntsdo oo the Ij dv of Aogost. 1893 VrVTiigiitai t ..i ,nt, rtlmasss f,- PLensfitT In tie Ctrrsaf Court of tie for tie Count of Lame. QMBBg : C G Barkhsr. Plaintiff. I vb. I Tbomratxsc. J. ' X. BoEch, rjfiandaa. ; TbJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT iw by Ttrtae ofaxt exscotabai dsdyaa- aoad cot of the above t anted ooouuia tha above, entitle I tction to me doraatcd and delivered, I did oa tbe&b daw at Aagxtst, MM. duly levy cpoa all the tigbt. utie snt inwresx Ml) usacb. -eaat or bovo named .leleadaote, ia aad to tbo Baal property aereinafiar oVscnood aad wm, oa tioi aajtae tocfc wag r .ete as ihe front door of tbo County Court Hooaw, to tbe City of A berry, Liaa touniy. tgregott, at tlae boar of l o'cl-vcg P at, of said day, sell t pabiic aaeiiaa I tar cbob n o-nii, ro tbe highest baddor. i tite Baal Property levied t oo foUowa, to. wit: Loot 5 and 6 S ssa sasastn a-atrsi ooaauoo to tae Ctty 01 Albany, Linn Count v, Oregon. Hie prc ceeda ariaixtg frc m life aale of sM j t to bippiied. first to the pavaaoat of use costs oT and upon sold exeeauea aad tbe original coats of ait fixnd at $13 M and the further aamofflue Attorney's feea. Second to tbe rtvmeat at Plain ufs cisim aorountinc the tbe sex o SIMS 98 with Intern. at tbe rate . of 10 per cant p r .ncum ,-em tbo !4tH day of Jane. I89J. Dotsd th s tb day of Aug, 182. C- c. Jacksok, Sheriff of Lim Cvnaty, Oreges, lrAXTBI. Tb anderie-n. waata " lo purcbase 300 cor a a' good body fir wood. Call at U a Albany Brewing com pen y, near Soathern Peeitte depot. WM FABKR. RICHES :. TAKE W-I-N-G-S. But poverty need never fear or none need ever fear poverty, so long aa sre do business in the basis we do. Whoever heard of anyone lellint, ALL - WOOL Tailor iVfade garment for SI0.O0. These suits are Gens. -A great line of DRESSY SUITS fo $10.00