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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1892)
03 oDDTsqox uiBqjna s.tTOAfsJpcig I! Al scouts snoipnsBj Xutuu jo sjsnj m jo jqSipr PUB J!S3P SHI XJttjuaa v jo wjjnnb e UBtn uoui joj ussq sri ip;i; . jtnnd putt UBi8cij am sae.vic s; j 1 'paseaid )i WEATRKRPSKD K CHAHBEKLA1R, Attorney at Lav. Will practice in all court ot th state. Seectal etlenti then ta matters in probate and to c lections. OFFICE-In the Flmn Week . Attorney at Law snd Salidtor in Chancery. Co'loe Ueaa made on all pelnte. Leans negotiated on rakleterma. Albauy, Orefon. G EO. YT. WRIGHT, Attorney at lav, ar.J Notary Pub.le. Will practice in all the darts ot Uus state Special attention riven to eeUections and matters in prehate Bee Upstairs Maaon-Tvedale Block Albany. Ojn 1. . 11 1 1 in . B A WATSOX. all legal aaatter vill reeil re pro ran attonUon. fflce ir. Oli FeUov's Teatple, Albany, J. yJONTAXVK . H.U KLLJI4N, 'Attorneys at Law, 'Albany, Oregon. - WHITNEY , Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. J AMES JT. CHARLTON, AttornsT-at-Lav. All lesjel basinet attended to prompt! t: FL1N.VS Block. Albany, Or: D U. J. E. HILL. Fhrddan and Swfeon, OFFICE Corner Ferry streets. Albany, Oregon. JRS. MASTOV DAVIS. PbvsMaans an Snrrson. OFFICE -Corner eepnd and Btoedalbin streets. Albans, Or, Calls projjptly atte-ded in cttv and country. C." ( HBERLUS, II. !., Hemeopalhist. sTSpecUlat In diaeaaes el the Ere Twenty ) ears' experience 93k x boors 7 ta 9 a b; lAjpB.uutuiaTani. Aioans, Oregon. 1 jstrn renu m MAUI KANSAS CHY, ST. PAUL CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, ANDALLPOIXTS East, North and South. 2 TRAINS DAILY. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONI8T SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, AND DINER8. Steamet Portland 10 San Francisco Ever 4 days. TICKETS TO AM) FROM EUROPE For mtes an-1 general information call or address VIIIIURLBURT.AssLGcn-l.Pass. Agt 154 Washington St., Portland. Orioon ALMfll GOLLEQJATB IHSTITDT1 ALBANY, OREGON5' lSQl, 1893. irt Terns S)nned Sesuaser act, A ! oorps of instructors, CLASCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Counts 01 tudy arranged to ratal tb all grade of students Sfn'nl tuancements e fired to ttudnt$ from abroad. 9 FY. ELIIKRT H COSBIT PresMeal. I CURE A nw v t 'u ilds. Trii. m it, .o,9t if pvfci tories .Ointrneat in Cjh i'u . tl in 8 . 1 1 P s Poarit Ount fr nr is I . ',8!t J 1 -r 1S1 log I u s !- i' -, U -.4 r wr (f trj l.ttr Pilsi, Wfi ti jj . baT'- t h 'nn ri;tn T n" dia0Trv m Sb lioil cur ml if in r With tb ki 111' ' : 1 . " '' :i : " i ' t ' . Til Tj U hsaiivYcrboe n t i i . -)l jn-hx t wrt try mail. hy 4 iT i ( - VI ' " whan a wriuen f m i ti'.i 'y ; i t . boxM.Ui refund K m i ; iC ti v w. t -for free tiara pin. GarfsnW if sued by J A . araralBE, ilniKlM, HaU Agnt. Alfmny. HrcfED B A ! ti Of MCIO. dtot.. SRier . J B MoKits ....O 8 Mat REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, - . OREGON HAS. HFKIFFKR PROFHIETOR ACADKMV OF- i6y orPj;i!,i (r j "A BARGAIN. Ijl FC1T AND VraHTABI.a FA.M FOU BALK rnnnlsting r.t 40 acres, located one north of A linn e- LmH alio In wll l.nprwvfctl, i'or .tir ner 7 Di si ion ' ' in- at the farm f Wm h Waj IGKETS JO CUIOH tm&v poscsid usum saou LOUIS ANDERSON -CITY LAXJNDRT. ! I wall j Cppoalte'Ot Caarlea BoUl. Bed eioiulny; and laoe eortalna attended to. Staiet. tioi-k a specialty. Braaeh office at Moats' barber sbop, Lai ptT a'eetd it iieat T30t'clock EAST AND SOUTH, YIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Kepreas TraAns leave Portland Daily. 3 Booth raoa rctt 1. USt, Morts j f :U0. a. I L Portland ArT aT j 102SJ r a I Lr Albany Lv t : A a 8:16 a a I Ar Ban Franeuto L 1 fjSJ r ; Abere trains step e at fcllowlnr, stUianl ass5 i Roseborg. East Attend, Oregon City, . seV earn, Salem, Albany, Tfkfeol, Shodd, Haleey Har nsbeTz, i anevion City, Irrmg, Karens . (Meant mac, pailt fcM ab Lv ortasnd Ar ' -) r 145 r a I L Albany Lr li 3 a MWI I Ar aVawburg LtI TaDOaa nam mcai4 BAn.T tic art Smav) S 00 r a I Lv Peruana Ar j ". a a rr A: Albaty L : JJ a a uaajan swach 130 r a I L Albany r10Jf k t:l r a I Ar Lebanon Lt I : t a ttSCAHlLv Albany Ar I I:Sr a S-.lSAHlAr Lebanon Lr I ihSSrn 1 r s Lv Albany Ar Wis' Mia Ar Lebanon Lv 1 lWSr if' SJS a m Lr Albany "Ar I 7 .-OS r n S5a Ar Lebanon l'r .a r a PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. SECOMD-CUSS LE ) tor Ascwoaaaedaliea t faseearera. k.ldlfts ejeeavaoVCIasa tlrkets.aitarhed tte t.y Brews Trains al aide Mlala. rsysTTLAJIB) AIB) COStVALLIS. Mail .-atui saut (Kx3spt Sunaay, is ILr Portland Ar t:SO r m ltio r n 1 Ar OoeTaUi Lv I It 3 m axraas rests bad.t (Exupt Soadsy . :tnral Lv Portland iT"l rit a IM ru I Ar BkMbBaetU Lr I a Throoiifrlm Ticlnetsa all points EAST AND SOUTH. rei rati tarnr-n on Oompsiir ttA a rerardiae Aif.r.t at A.Vact XaiMLES Manaswr Portland, OlaB'A BOOERS, tatt O. V. and P. Ar YAQUINA BAY R0UTB. o Oregon Pacific Railroad, T e sect, ateeesrer. 0 Oragan DeTelopmsii. fo's SteaiDirs, Short Line to 1 nilforoln First -elaBS through passenger and height line frera Portland and all potavsa In tbe Willamette Valley to and from Ban 'rasclsco, Cal. Boats make cl oat. connection at A 1 ban with trains of tbe Oregon Pacifi. Railroad TTJIB BCH EDULE. except Snndar. I I Albany ltn r. B.lLAara Yaenine. T.-0.A.B UavCrBlU l:0r. b. Lease CervallU,10.85a tjTl Yae,oiea, t:.u r. a. Ajnre Albany. 11:1. a. b O. AC. trains oonneet at Albany and OervalBa. The above trains connect a: Tmnins with th. Orsunn emnpany's Line of 8teamablpe bet mb Yaejuinaand Ban FranHsoo, n DATES raoa tascisa. Bis ante I Vs'.lsr. UOt . Kid Stat yaaasas raascisco Wlllameoe Valley, December Sth ; isth; nth. Ths Companv -exarve tb ngnt to laange sailing date, f'thout notio. Passengers from Portland and Willamette Valley point, can make clean sewneotLrn with the trains of the Yanuin route at Albany or Corvallia. and Ifder dued lo San Francisco should arrange tc cries at Yaanina the evening lis fore ri.ts f BBiiing. SVPaaaewEer an Prlgbt rales alw ay th Lowest ormstlsn s e. baintan it est, Alka C. MO rdP LIHIKCO N AT IO Al. BASIS, Of ALBABTs O " OON. CAPITALBTOCK lOS.StO. Idn eeI L COWAN, e-President ...JR RALMTON. st Csahler.. 0 A ARCHIBOLI'. I sstTroas, J L Cewan, J M H ,ton, W 8 uaad, W a OoCra, J a Crawrd 7l o A Areh bold. fR ASS ACTS renersi bankins buslneas . DRAWSIOBI llltAm!. Hew York. Sai. stl Partlt' Oregon. '.O AS MOifET on appiored security RECEIVE deposits subtoct eheca. FIltMT VATSavtl, KINK. OF ALBANY. ORB90N, resident ...... Vice Preslaent rsAshier I. PL!!? NT 8, EiVorjWO ... W. LAMODON ACCOUNTS KEPT subtest te ulietk SIGHT EXCUANOE and tel iwphic tnuuler, ilt! Nw York, 8n Krsnclsoo, Chicago end P t tland regon 00 .LECTION J dAOEoo tavorable tenai. SSBBSSBBS f B 'oo R.W, Lssano L I Biaib, L. ruaa EtlBASS I. SOX. B ASK OF ORE4.0N. ALBA BY, OBSSOS Capital mMsm, "f"';- H F MERRILL Vice-Prsldenl , K J LASRISO Isr W BLAIN Trauaacta a fene-a ibaaklne kusineas: Exchsng swugbt end sold n all the priucieal oitiosintbs United SUtesi alas en England, Ireland F ranee and Oerraany. Collsctlen mads at all accesslkls points on favor ble terms, ' -t.i ttir dernwits. ' I ' i I ' K A 4 (.,U t VK Kits OF A LB AH Y, OBEBON, TRANSACT a general Buiklnr business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS en New York, Sao Fran see and Portland, Oregne . LOAN MONEY on approved aeeurily. RECEIVE deposits aubjeuiuctitek. COLLECTIONS leads an favorable Ureas. INTEREST paid as tlnasdsposlU. CL,EVi:i,Al) 1U HAKKISOK. The professed party paper which urges democrats to vote for W eaver on the ground that Cleveland hus uo show in this state, houlsl go over to Weaver or Harrison at once, and not piny false to it pretended friends. Weaver has as much show to carry Oregon as he has te get New York, and those who wish to defeat Harrison, will have to make choice between the two old parties in this state. Weaver will poll as it now stands, a good vote in Oregon. Hj will get as many as the candidates for con gress did on the people's ticket last June, hut no more. Cleve'and will get three thousand republican votes to the vote re ceived by the democratic candidate for congress, and if the work is done that is necessary, at least six to eight thousand democrats who wont off last June on the people's movement, can be brought back into line. This wou d give Cleveland the state. While there is bo eavthlv show for Weaver, there is a possibility to carry Ore gon for Cleveland. Let democrats stand by their party and the result will surprise them in November. The people's party it doing the democrats no harm now. It exhausted its bad influenced last June What access ions there are now to Weaver come from the republican side, and they are many. But at the same time, there are hundreds of republicans here in Por land who will cast their vote toT Cleveland and to these there are many scattered over the s ate who will do likewise. I?t democrat do their duty. Stand bv their nominees and do all they can io bring into line their fellow democrats who are being deceived the silly Idea : that Weaver haa the least prospect of gain , iuif Oregon or anv other state, unless It be Kansas and Nebraska. Oregon can be made democatic; she cannot be earned to Weaver. It is Cleveland or Harrison. Which wil' democrat, take? Poitland DisfaXti SEXU THEM IS. The New York IF 'rrf bt raising a cam- riaiim fund til luid in nsrini. llu. Viritt- western campaign made to take Illinois. Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa. Nebraska or some of them out of the republican column. This money is to be expended under the supervision of such mm as Gov Boies. Gov Peck, (iov Boyd Don Dickinson and others. The Democrat is authorized to receive such sums as demo crats may give. Iyt every democrat in Linn county contribute something. Send in nonev order, greenback or check. Send at once. Tbe Gtiaun 'eveland L'aloa has issued aa addicts rigoc 1 ly Cstt Schutx, Oswa.d Ottendoiiei, aliaro St iawajr, Heary Villaid. Louis s au mni-er, sad Gustavc H. Skbwab. 1 .- - . t . fksJ a-'dret reads in part, as follows: "Impressed with the unusual impartaac of thecoeninc prcstden l: ciec inn. we repaid ' it oar daty la give ou .. ut teoafor belie i ing lbe we,taieoKj? I '; ed coaatry reqaitet j the electron of Gum Ceve.nd, and i.e de serves '.he votes ol I aa ari!:nl Certnaa. Above ail, we b..,ievr he thoroughly an hosts', mm w: ten wtteven his most bttiei Among his ' eaemirs do But dale dispu'e. ' mail matked c outage sod - ciiot are his abandant a.'irt.n r IO IS convictions . As the bearer of ire power, he in- vatioldv v- .rt ; t- icteiett to tbe comm n t'e need refer to the 1 fstosnrs with which. notwithsUnding tbe rtnmg tndeocy of his pry in the Sooth and J r W est o uring ahont tne unlimited coinsgs I ct Ulw he om eMU BR waineo.cemt.ttne i dingers liable Irum - a policy. His ia-! j nate sense of du-y csonoi be better proven ' j taao by lbe fact that daring bis presidential atmia t ratios, as weil a laiiti: his second j candltiac). he never was a tav tite wt b ma- chtnepontc.ans, wtvo-e sim was their own ' ., ,. . .- ,. . i wetfare. It -s cw.Bg to brs tntelbrence aad coorsgs that tariff refotai was inscribed on the ; banner, uaser wr-kh his whole patty wat united i,nd led to a g otiou. victory. There . . I is no doabt by followtpg thi I will win another victo-v a m" " the mi nt tbe present campaign. Therefore we earnestly bescec'i our fedow-citixcot to aid as la curing iheeleriion of G'ovtr CLvelaud. We , . dooo. hesitate to rotke this appeal to out countrymen, be:aus;thc platfarmoftbe desa- ocratic ositvis entirely tstitfa:torv io reeard v. ...... Whtn Wathingtoh Heing, editor and pro prietor of the Stoats Zrittuif the great Ger- i mn Pl'cr ot Chicago, was before the nation al democratic campaign commit eeurging that a headquartert should lie etla ilished in Chi- 1. ii l .-. iiii:, .j "k"' ts isro.-isin :n:o me Cleveland column, o; at ! bo I used the committee wrun he informed it bat of the is Oermtn paper t.ubiithe Jin III- ncis. , but three support A.tgeld, the dem- ciatic candidate for coveroor and all bat 7 suonort Cleveland, lt term to lie a foreonn conclusion that the demj-n wi'I elect the governor in I i.ittoi an1 Mr Heting insisted tktt theGcrtnant if p . :clr r.-cognizd and enlisted would give lbe e e to Cleveland. Uboa this presentation of -h case the com mittee ordered the headquarters established at Chicago. i A few days ago lbe Orroninn mad tne j Blown I p. ! tatement thst a ro. jcii'y of v quorum of the ! I,,TTnU- AT 24.-A car loailed with i bouse cc.ld elect a presideni when called upon teel lnf0wa ''J0'" UP. ,wit,h dynamite i .i. . j . i a i . .L . ., on a side track of the Al egheny ul ev todoth.tdu'yi.yi, f.tlu.rof the electoral j railroad this morning. The car Was con colirgi: to elect. Tb Democrat called the I signed to the Carnegie company. Dyna I attctfinn to the mitik inadvertantly made ' m,e WM placed under the car under the ' at c betkeve A . Th.o nao-r ac.knnwl.iii... k. TJ noses of the officers on guard. There j mistake ami ropes our whole irojle and credits jit to the 'Attmy Herald)." We sre no; 'awareof any rcesaw why it eould do this. The Republican cu nm ale .in pointing to the "protective tard und r Washington-' : as a lueiilication of M-Kitllevism. The ' athirgton-rffrron silff ranged from I to 15 per cent, air' COG Bane 1 I o' iwoor three J hundred articles. T t M K.nlet taiiftwlth j "infant in !mt:i's" a loTidrcd jean old, av- I erages nearly Sj .cr cetc. tnd cevers more (hsn a thons ind ar'iclei I'he one was made to protect, lhe other to monopolize. M hy doesn't Go v C't vi . n from Dave Hill cn 1 , t oi.ndo failure Ij supcoi'? tnlrrman. iget a divorce desenijn rnd outt is taken J. In 'eetl; all tic nine ol lie j U 11. de'rrmining 'he tut ol enjamin I Inr j lison St Jame- O Blaine, a suit brought for di vorce on 1 he ground of wililul desertion snd open refuin' o support. They now e.iy that Chairmsn Brookfield cltdirmsn of the state central commi'tec of New York, lias dec del loaik Harrison to put in a week mski"g speerhes In New York . Vlhitltw Rcid is advising repulthcans guard again! "ovr confidence." We do not know how it is with republicans in othei stales, hut they are In no danger from "over confidence" in the commonwea'th of Oregon. An elegant lias of diamond rinoa Hi. i mrmd pins and diamond earijgs, just re- oetved at Will ii Stark's. Finest stock in th city. THAT, HACKING COUGH quickly cared hy Shil-ihaJCdr ante it. can be 10 M . fcuar- TELEGRAPHIC NE Btrarlaril Londna. London, Aug 26. There is no doubt the cholera has at last entered Kngland. The disease wits b.-otijrht here by the steamer Gemma, which arrived at (iravesend yes terday from Hamburg. It was reported that the steamer was infected, but tlio au thorities, after examining the passengers, allowed them to lam!. A few hours after ward two women, who arrived on the (Jem ma. woe taken siek. They were at once taken to the hospital at (iravesend. where the doctors pronounced their ma'adv cheleia In spite of medical aid, they both Jied soou after beini; admitted. This caused consid erable anxiety, and a close inspection of al incoming vessels has been ordered. A Mad Mob. St PKTK.usiit'iui, Aug 2ti, During the recent rioting at the Hughest steel works, the mob resisted the Cossacks, one officer lxring severely injured. The Cossacks at tacked the people, and 200 rioters unci 90 soldiers were disabled. Tlie crowd then sacked the hospital pharmacy. Liter i n the evening the mob. excited by" drink, tried to set Are to the village. The rioting was resumed next morning, when a mob of l0, 000 people terrorized the village, killing several Jews, Thev theu burnex! a villain. inhabited by people employed in the Hogb- est works, not a house being spared. They 1 then :nvaded the factories, destroying every tinng. A Straaarkablr Boar.l Kill. New York, Aug 25. Jane 11 Keed. who keeps a boardinar house at Hit West Kistieth litrivt. bus obtitiiuvl itidtmi.nt fr.. ; ftl7?S lfore Jtidina IhioTo nfthn - 1 court, of the supreme court, for arears of I board against Kicharil M lient. who has a piano fa tory at 76'J Tenth avenue. She proved that be had lioarded with Iter, off and on. since 186L From that year to 1 she she charged h-m 96 a week, and from iS69 to the bejfinhing of this year her rate was elO a week. '1 ken she has triven him anil his wife rooms at fcJ-'i a week. She 1 charged him in all gl.'.. (... and had eeived only WTdiS. Fire Sear roejallle City : Marsh PtKLD, Or. Aug. 20. News has just been received in this city that tire was raging in the brush, very a fierce cIomi to cofmilie city, hvery ne 1 out lighting it J A Lyons has shut down his samnill and haa sent all his bands to fight tire. It is eared that what remains of Coouille City will share the same misfortune as it ex perienced May It. abolish onslna Wasiusotos, Aug 26. Senator I olph has received a pajssing invitation from Hon 1'ks.u k' isL-ir ..).,.,.., ... k. S pobttcan state executive committee of Ubio ; f,ot'te P."1 tltecampaign in that state . iir ijsa ur iiutTi ii. a tK tntrnti. so oon as his vacation is over, to devote hi time ' to the canvass in Oregon. t'balem Basaavw. Hamrcru, Aug 25. One hunured and sixty-nine bodies of cholera victims are awaiting burial in this city. So great is the terror caused by the cholea that it is difficult to get men for the work of ban ing tbe dead, and many assistant of under takers have deserted their platan of employ ment. Business is prostrated, and all ship ping is going to other porta. So serious , the panic that Russian immigrant now in the city find it difficult to procure food, as everybody tries to avoid tbem. f.slrrrarr. PoRTUtXD. Aug 25. The annual con ference of the Methodist Kpbcopai cburth ..f fa 1 - .1 A . t t of tiregon conresed in tnetentenaxy church Fast Side, at 9 o'clock, yesterday morning. The church was appropriatediv desxtrated forth.- .Vision Thu -narr r.1 ih.. I. ,4 The tsesTrtarr of . - " J - session. John 1 kjaBBBat km rs... rJ slsa , oisbop. callesl the roll of the CT.meretxe. After wbicb. Mr i "arsons was re-elected ; a.Tetary by acclamation. C K (line and . ti 1' Klworthv waste ejected assistan tesnw- j tarie. H P tVebl. was elsvted ttotistical tweretary, and W K Struble aaaistanL S A i 1 wetetArr snil V U Mml.U :.A.I ' fl,mrr w e'cte, corderence treaaurrr A TtrBrt Soawlavalrel Oltmpia, Ang 25. After two days" vig eroo battle on the Seattle canal, the pank contained in the mat wiry report on the platform ha been adopted by the demo- ' ; erotic state convention with the amendment j I popoel ty Pierce county. The following I ZT f a avsTraaveseas frntWa. r U .tlUUI'l. Cnehalu: L H Plattor. of SisAarse kane: L W arch. ofno- .Meam. ot hitman: J h buirh. homish. CAyrtgretst. Thomas Carroll. ,4 Pierce. Governor. U J Snivelv. of Yakima. Mswsaaoaa rrwrecdilsjgs i Salem. Or, Aug 25. Attorney- lienerai Chamberlin has instituted mandamus pro - "gs against Samuel Umore. of Astoria. ! who has failed to file a statement under j with UiewreUrv f state of the num ; her of salmon caught "in l9l. as retiuirssl ; nnder tbe act of the last iegislattire. This 'lTBe?ln..V nmmmmm5 lur. " P"n- i of forcing FJmore to file the statewnt t'tber salmon cannerymen have complied with the act. ,M.n.-Mv )"" ." i . . win umn, Aug i.-ibe attorney-general has al0 nn tsirssl lunmhiinlit ami nlltA l - , . i- i . have Iteen cotnmenccd against Linn Mult- ( nomah counties to enforce payment of state ! decision of tbe supreme K- ' "expected soon to institute suits i MAeainer feaar . .. . i. I . .1 i . .. . I Multnomah. sirlinrlder willed. Globe, Or Aug. Schneider, the escaped convict from Salem, was run over and kill- ed by a irain here last night. He sras try- ! m. w nl" Wi' aWfaM the (olumbla. 1 , ., I ... e '. . Jm At. t a. a : "cs in. bbbbbi oy me ' .....I .....A v,:. .1 .i. i .l. ic aoove cause, of the state peni- SuDerintAsndent IWne , tentiarv. icfenliti.i.1 tin. mnn a. SL t..,.l.,r one of the quartette who escaped from the ! Pftwn two weaka ago. Schneider was a ioT berime of rape, ! MrIRe Ended BirKKALo, N v i,..ii I. 1. Aug 24. At midmaht. lo s. s e ia ... 1 i!'"' h. . . w,tchrnen s onler, ; omciaiiy acKnowiesliretl tbe fact taut the striKe movement ot tbe switchmen, which was inaugurated i2 days ago. had failed In an orfi ial onler the strike sras declared off. and the men will before davlio-ht notified by the local officials tbey are now at liberty to go back to tbeir places if they I can. is no clue to the perpetrators Blown l I Portland. Aug 24. About 11 o'clock ; tonight a loud explosion was heard on the ; Plaza block, m front of the courthouse. In I II..! 1 I -11 t I. Ill F-l.l-l. 1 I,.. I till. li.i-r i I .!. . . ......I .I. n.iiaiimi . . ..II. 1HV1 I 1 u.t: Bsn UH If of a man lying at the foot of one of the trees with hi head and shou'ders blown to atoms. His clothing huitft in shreds about him. and the flesh was also torn from his lower limbs It is supposed that the man deliberately set off a dynamite cart ridtre for the purpose of ending his life. Nothing was found among the fragments of the unfortunate imiii by which to identi fy him. A Jail Break Ellknsmuoii, Wash, Aug 21. Five prisoners escaped from the county jail this evening while the jailer was at simper, by sawing off the bars . They soon gained the brush. All the officers and many citizens were in pursuit, but there is stronir proba bility that all will not be captured, as they had nearly half an hour tbe start. All are hard rases. Hot Vienna Vienna, Aug 24. Eighteen deaths were caused by the heat in this city today. While B regiment was marcning from Kas chaii to Uorsod today, 250 soldiers were prostrated by the heat and tbreedicd. liain is falling in Hungary tonight. t'nmmltietl Suicide GOLD Hill, Or, Aug 24. Dr llowen Porter, of this place, coroner-elect of Jack son county, died suddenly today of heart. In i lure, superinduced by an overdose of morphine. The doctor took the drug to grodnoa sleep, which resulted in his (leant, le hud only been married a short time. To the Ladikb of Albany : Those desirintc dress making done will p'.ease call at Miss Ida Brush's shop. Bargain at Read'r. Seattle Is happy. The champion rat killing dog in the world Is in that city. Very tew people pronaunce Los An geles accoidtng to the dictionary. When you have the fact that the 1 n" is hard you only have part of the necessary informa tion . Three men were recently drowned In the Klamath river, and the following is the heading of the Star, which completely eclipses the palmiest efforts of any of the mc'.ropolitan journals: "The Kiimath's lluii.' "the busy Klver Jut Landed ( Tine- More (Shore." Sou. a on the hvergreen maatsaa. niohi i .... : The White Swan mill I and day on ore from what l called the Red ledge, a croas vein of the White Swan, and the bullion output is consider able. The other day a $20 nugget was found in one of the balieries.--Ba Iter City Democrat. Here is the way the Town Talk looks a It: The Oregon Picas association will meet some time next month at The Oalles. The meeting will probably be made a source cf nleaiure, and should be made a ource of benefit. Hut if the meeting la conducted as they have been heretofore, we fail to see where the benefit come in, and hey would just at well not meet at ail except for pleasure, T hi. follnuhitr from Tie K ugene Kcgts 1 U r. eiuevellM ol ihn reuerienr.e along the road that some day will reach i to Boise ( Itv and form the finest trans- i continent 1! line in ihe U S, thst we give j It a a sample: "Two men were seen leaving town with a surveying outfit a few daya ago and some thougol they were going to work 00 the Siuslaw railroad. If a man is seen going u.i the street with a pick or a shovel they wou'n think grading had been icaumed. A windmill wo much ele'." Speating of cph fob' reiurn tbe Corvain nine with it. usuni saicasm sav: Zeph Job .r rived home lat Sun day, lie went to wafia ni'ii atoui three week ago to visit his aunt and while there he received a dispatch sum--roning him to New York on business connected with the O P. Zeph has nothing to make public, further than the tact that hit aunt is belter, but the :. P will still need watching. He made the ! return from New York City to Portland ,n iUM -T nd ,p hou"- Last evening a nartv was given at the resldencr of Mr R M Robertson and see era! hours were spent in a delightful man ner. Including the psrts'aing of a well pre pared lunch Beside game a novel and interesting feature was the hunting to button hole bouquet previously concealed about the par'.ot. first and second price being offered for the one finding the Mfcis Lil Iy Robertson wiltleaV - most. Morula r lor her new home In Tacorr.a, where site will occupy a chair In a A.min- are, and will take with her the best withes for the success the richly deerve. Albany must have a surplus of vacant Imssni. house.. Stx locauons were tendered for rstfJice Suartera.-Eugene .iuard Coipletelv off. smarty. onlv one is vacant. There are 'six vacant buildings in Eugene to one in Albany on 111.0) 1 ir.LTslLjTWrss flr.t-las authority. it London school boy brought to bts . A. 1-.. I -:- ..... wasvri a irri hvui a e.Avi.u ...iius I ...i.:. I i . ......i t i . lur 5l lav? I : e long and rattier ex- act per.-l name. I amused the teachers suspicions and he discovers! that the I sshwedrian f bis the Usv bad cbacsrexl lo"ZM days.'' Anotber Ablany senatic:i may poaai blv strike within a week or an. The . - . f . - I . a , . . t A I" I.I, III., inn. W . only safetv aad isappinea in pore lives, 'Murder will out, and very proper, r. i whether io social or bu.ineas Ide- The ietlr on live lb more is iound in life wortli Vivina for. A McX. innviilc naner save Ihe Oreao Pacific director, held a special nreetin at Corvnllie on Ihe As lite let of j September approaches, the time set lor ! the comnaxv lo "settle" all difficulties :.i:. .t .ntu: iinuieway oi a rewumptiot. truuuing the line eastwaid, everybody is on the tiptoe of exneclal.on and anxiod. ton 1 news- Horsemen are all hurrahing for Nancy Hank. Tlie Derocbat doesn't object : but if Hand S had pnthxl a 62 pound sulky, ball bearing, wiO- pneumatic tires, an arrangement that runs so easy as to almost r nslt n home alone it is : . 1 l v 1 I . I - , suite prooatiir .-anry iinna . . . have heen lowtfre.1 Look out for Sunol . when shoved along by- one of tboee I . :r. . . . i maeic sulkies. i his la a wotsaenui see. ! pjj ,ht) Derocrat predict, we will be i ,'i.lin. in .11 k:J. t u.. iik ; ..u.Mat ... aiuui VI ... I II. Wfll w,sa, pneumatic tire, and ball bearing., and j rough road, will feel smooth- Hurrah I , . . . . . ,, .... . . . . . " v - - " v ..... m n in. ed off on the innocent speculator in Portland in the line of Cooe bay real estate tain tbe .bar of town lota: and!"" ii!in sj. " ,tnotnnt m this new town site is located on the ocean HF.' ",fnk, wmer patron ana Uacii between I' -sbtf and Capqua l! lhe ebove nurserir. lor Iheir bars, among drifUng sand bills, andthe , 1!berl1 P'ro"age. I am still engaged in site ! verv tppropriatelp called Ocean ,he u"r. bualnes. havlag ocaied just View. The owners of said property took c" ',he riv"- Ben coun,,T it up as school land and atterreciiving ,!.f ra,'e f,, , a"' .h,ht1eel the deed had it platted and said plat . filed. Recentlv 4.000 worth of lhi, , wl,erc ' ,m growings fin. a lot of we. LsU i M.e, A Mill. ,.f a can b. teen in any nurserv In lhe Portland c Umctte Valiev. Trees for sale thi . me isa stoaeoarkt pi i . . " The two Rose burg papers are making I "IT uhs ni.ill character that general It each other, of a generally makes tbe pub- lie "tired A young man from llepimer report. that i otatoe. sell there at three cents a ........ .i t ,i... ,i . i it.. ii AIAUAIA .11.1 HIHl I lit SOWI1 )B 'ItCnt I dried nt. All the. .,eh,. ... w-;u..f A conflagration would sweep Heppner from the face of the plain as there is no water to put out a fire. Hoard. Work on the filO.OOO dome on tbe state ho. i.e at Salem has commenced. The capitol isdomeless, but when it is fin ished the people will be moneyless. Pendleton K O. That is rather of a pes siiuistit: "ay nf looking nt a $45, OOOdotnc The Mill City Gazette can be depended on for at least one good O. P. item week. This week's is as follows: It is rumored that Mr Hoag has been lately beard to say. thai he would soon surprise the anxiously waiting people who have theii eyes open for the extension of their road. The talk about 25 and Xi cents a pound for hops, is a gross exaggeration, inclined to mislead a great many people who read ' such statements in print. The fact is ' that tip to date no Salem broker ha. had advices to oiler over 14 to 15 cents a , pcund.-Joiirnal. This is a hit at the; TBWwm.n, which sani -o cents was iie ing otfereil for hops. 1 1 IlILOH'S VITALIZEP. Is what vc, A Ralem doctor went to Yaqtiina Bav j for Couttination, Loss of Appstit in order to secure a greatly needed rest. ' 'oss. and all symptoms ot Dyspepsia Incidentally he took his case along.more Pno'lasd 75 cent per bottle for his own security than anything, re-1 n- solved not to let it be known that be was j Improper and deftoienfoar of the scalp provided with a cure all. He arrived in j wju 0,u,e grayueas o! th hair'and baldneaa. the evening and located on Nye Creek, j Escape both by the uso of that reliable By the next forenoon he had received epecirio Hall' tiair Iteocws eight urgent calls and hail answered j them, in fact being kept up all night. He was, notwithstanding, a voting man ' and a comparative stranger there. , j L1NDN KR-RAINWATER.-On Thura- da, Aug 25, 1S12, at Corvallia, Mr New Process. Cobb, the printer, ha. i Gustave Lindner, the rustling Singer bought the exclusive right for this city I ewiug machine man, and Mrs Sarah E and county for tho F E Taylor chromatic I Rmwater, an old aud well known resi printing process and will make color C"fnt of. Bntn county, across the river, printing one of his special'.ies See sam-1 Mr1nd Mr Lindner will be at home on pies of his lato work. j and after Bept 1st. Money to Loan. I have money in sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. No U jBCKKIIART, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon IHtu,. 41,,. ,..!.., ... . . i .. ihcir resource. It is a credit the; great ntate an well as Portland. 'Hie exposition this year will be the ! repository of the Chicago exposition of j taSS. This should bo sufficient indues-! ,ment to suggest to every raterprieinr man, woman and child in tbe state that ! an unusual effort be made towards pre-1 senting at our exposition something j ; from every part of the state, to the end ; that the same, at the proper time, may be forwarded to Chicago. Participation! j with ns means a rehearsal for the great i , showing of 1893. j To enable each county to exhibit, the diflerent traosftortation lines have given I Krtl.v reducetl rates. These rates take j effect August 10th, and are a, follows : All articles for exhibition at the Port-! land exposition, on which fall tariff" rates may be paid to the exposition, will be ; returned free to point of origin, if on tbe ! railroad line, and to junction point if on j an originating or connecting line. All I mat is required m, 11. at the shipper shall preseot, witoin nve oays alter the close ol the exposition, a certificate signed by ; the secretary, staling that the article 1 have been on exhibition, and have not; na ngeaownersinp the only exclo.ion in iwr lunan, srnciea 01 a per:aaoie nature, that for any iy reason mty.not be i vitvin " ov.-1-v opportunity me i people of the Northwest have to exhibit! , . , ... - . J- B: ons gnees 01 sucn ttrtlclM emll w rfiim,! tt.. .,.,,.,. paid, on presentation and surrender to - - - . ...... nit niuiiuiii. bfl the "iii i sue original expense accompanied by a Certificate from eecreUry of th exposition, to the effect that the goods were on exhibition have ""l "' ''" M!Ji sn! no revenue derived ir'on iiieiii The premiums this year .-xceed, in -amount and number, those ol all former : years. , it 1 1 fcaVATK asuts. Amos H Howard to Emily Croup, 1 lot. A A H's A, Albany $ W M Moore and H Bryant to Hen ry Strnckiueyer, undivided 4-5 of 70 acres 10 w 2 Ht-nrv Struckmeyerand H Bryant to W M Moore, undivided 3 5 of 100 acres. 10 w 2 W M Moore and 11 Struck tneyet to li Bryant, undivided 3 5 of 5 acres 10 w 2 Waterloo Development Co to An drew J Sanford, lots 3 and 4, 20U 1500 3000 200 330 300 HOCt . a-er:... TbosTmmbull to Andrew and Wui . x;mM-,G0 fre ,tK.' i.'.' 1 Ames to Lowelr Ames, MM acres it c I R H Kutherford to Walter B Pea cock, loo acre w 1 BBBB1 412 4.VI Mr Adolph Rotro. the veral times million - aireoi S.,n Franc ieco. brother of Mm ! Julio.. Grodwohl. of cite, accom- Mnsfd rv f it a ste-.r. i timlhfm Hm tn recently spending some time in traveling ! OTr Southern Oregon. Mr hotro has traveled tbe world over, and is familiar with the wonderland ol the Old World, ; but Crater his estimat'u pse - nothing he ha. everswea. to speaking 'lhf Vif,.rlaf 5ff" "ilkh ? depth, he said : VV, J. C T'1' , l he wlorU that of th. waters of the Blue 99t ia the coast cf Naples. The entrance to Ihe cave i, on a lel with the oceannd the tsMttoen who are skillful take the ex plorer into the cave in tbe trough of the I , I" I L sates, s nrtu Dili iiatatutnif auwiias - .1 .v.- tT ' ....i.: - that ol Crater Iske in color only: bat in magnitude and scenic grandeur the Blue tirotto does not com pa Death or Tnoe. Reed. On Thursday u:gbt, at S o'clock, at hi. hone in Ben ion county. Tho Rred. one of the I test known, and oldest pioneers of that j eounty. died afier an illness ol some i wne. resuitng previous to bis Ceatb in ' n. imof. complete losa of the ate ol hi. mind. Mr Kel leave 1 site and Sev- t"" grown children, one of tbem. BC S dsucicer. Mrs Thos C Baker, being a reattlen rf tlheins tr ReemI mail. fr. M, . a ii tw,.; " Tii. lite he gave awVy eeveral farms to bte . u i. ..-j Tfair siaedtortaae. 'SHwh mMxi a - ui JI Z !1j IlT a.. Are lAveeoeeee.. suair good trails ,s character that will ma ke him remembered by many. i Probate Mattebs. Io the estate of property ,2360 : persona! property ,1 149. I .... -r 1 v-s i j -r - .a. y.t .'", w BAAiAAiu ts rator was approved In .1 r-i... x i, ........ : ordered that the oetition rf the nuitsat. retu.nro.anaon wmcn ns tann rate. lUSmrr-Wmt1hmm .t.t that tbe Inc. -have len paid to the exposition, will be tlO0(lf tbo m ltdt h .,iBfr1 U will be .iuim, isauelte truess. he dismisssrd. and tfc tl" nppointment of W II Ingram aa ' c .wu,OT ronnrmeo. rinai acrouut I e l h. hiJ it Sam t.rai J nri t r In estate of Christopher Hardman. in - i trealnre eAAtiUI Base laaMsSs V"" V. i - - --" J ....... ..-. - ,...',-l-. ,.-. w . I pereotxal property. 11701.82 Personal' .attehat. property set apart tor Mary A Hardman ! The cubltc ch, d Albany trpeo Sept i and family, ftOl.tsJ. .5tb. os 1 Ajcxovnv tstXT, Having severed my connection! with the Albany nornerle, I .I ii-, trees Wil- fail at line nursery, al.o at my tree s at d In Al bany. Awaiting vour furthe. orders. I am Your, trulv, J A HVMAtt. P-oprielor of the Wet Side Nurserie. j The best; ewelry at Will Jt Stark's, L Hi ink rill retsai A furniture neat and cheap . or makn furniturate order and sell furniture on;, asi . ., .. .m commission at tbe old stand. I.00K IIcrk a Moment. 1 have of the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home ot his own bv payln a smalt down and small mont.ily pavment thereafter until all is paid for. For further information -ca'i at I he office, corner jnd and Broadalbin stt opposite Democrat office. Da G W M aston. Vher. shthf was atca, we tare her Cotton VVIteit aba was a Child, elie ctissl for Castsvrut wlaSB site brcatne Miss, site cltinE IB CnstivnB. Sbou she bai aiiklrcn. she cavo tbem Oaaton. Come and eto that beautiful Ks position rubyglas.wir at J.Gr.dwhol'abaxsar. stAasJUBO. nil d. PHILLIPS. At Boise City, Idaho, August ii, ibV, Laura IsaDhlm.'daunht.r of M T and Isapblm Phillips, sued six months. Mrs Phillips is a sister to Mrs jane Mor ris and Mrs George Harris, of this city. WHAT. WiCENTd tiii; John rinney, sf Portland, claim to have iovaotdacr coopler that will revolutionize tbe business. a i kol-.; n m. eotwiltiaa W iit M s IssT li Ini k' th th "amou r.terter ! t , . . ! A .go,", hrn,t cycle, in 8rst-cUss ",?1,'U00' 1 ehP- Call or. v. "wwars . oox . Tbe loss ocoasionrd the recent firs in T I. Wallace & Co'e was arijuated at t3I0, divided among six or sveu companies. Th 1 Albany company pat ltbeir psrt t the loss ereniog. Hsue Sc Buck today began work on the Corvsllis umdin contract. The Times sajsj Tbey will employ about twenty teams sad will push thing throogb, This firm is no in tb hahitef Irttinj moss grow tinder their feet.'' Tbt Scio will be lor Sund.y, when they 7il enis stick wim picked ato from Hslem The iieat game of the aeaano may e,p,.td at this time, a t Scio sre good ley r.. Mlem wckei team rill bare a hard nam to brat. -Stateman. J00cti, City m. fair w.v to oi Ula . Vfml ,u t( '.lege. Pattiea wre i ,, , 1... 1. ,.- -u ,t 1 ..,.t r ...1 ,k. i"i . 11 ,!.n- .11. - ' 1 ITU I I I .U I 1 .11 - . - recv 1 ,0 t ni!,r futnre tat L K M .nt- . m. . . . . . inc exae 01 an: u o ivium ??m,,'-v "V C,W betofe U S Commissioner ; 'M,dr',, ,5:M '' sod cucuou- ed notil 1 1 o'eliek today. Tne OrejonUn givetsebstantisUy the aecoant of the iff si 1 i.arrt.. by th DenocuAT, and Sons aeoantioosl cecuaietinoe are lattir.ated. whicn mv b breoel.t not when his case ta beard in th Unit I Sutj er-jrt t-'idey. rKit.AV Yeett-rrley at i' jnlaod was he'd Li await tbe grand jirv SB oat i'.' o 1 foreuhed. A liicycU ridr ft. thiougb AlLacv ti.t n It K Muni omery 4 th V S w i.l-r. in I'orner, parsed mtog, criMMd lbe bridge aid sped on waul tow aids Newvert 00 bts nn.r ontlo; Neglect of the hair often d.troys its vital r v sad nataral hoc nr. I '-aoee it to Before it u too late pn y Hail's Hair Be- I newer, a acre remedy . Mr Myers, of th Sattum, is aapplying ' th Albany market with ctbbethteaeaaoi. , He ra;ed 5000 beads, and as cabbage is acsree is tia-iing a ready sale for thesa. Tb berben et,oifoiiam lie Orecoa'e stale j flower. Aqbi aggu that after all it may tat r.- !:. tbstagh t he) DsMSM BAT j kicked bef are it beard na Latin lor wild Yeewrdsy while papering at the ret: j ence . . . ,, n . . . . . rw , ' of Dr O r Crawford. Mr J sea iiBOAi becieteg ar A took a TAg fall to the fiaer, lamtrg ttm, bat fartBnate'y breaking 00 t-octi ! id'ertutnc conot. when ,. ,. ng lmmmw 1 LiAlK: lr. 1 mhtm T'ZZ 'Jrjo ' " - - r . - Dearly eaoogfc He say. prtntera 10k 1 iitiisgiiig iii 1 1 1 FoilowiBtoo th extnrasrut itema of the Delias Transcript Prs.a and Lb M.eer went ova bbbb Uanrw) conaty after a dandy banting dog thev bad loaned to a BAsonrtktn. Abdsiiin 1 o-me fck a., nnit Hale Baekenano and the res', of to auavrd rapes:: to make the attered -1 1 ir - ' of the m-ootain wtlds fainv get Uoaod hex Uteir handi lor motcT. 1 1 - .... n. ,, fM ) A.AI IAB AAI1T . .a. WV ' ' mi. ' ford from Iter borne and that of her eon. Wnher B Peacock, two doors wentot the t'l.rtian churclV; this lorewoon aoout 9 I - I i . I J .1. lt) ciuca.a uwisiai mwiwswiseeceiiii. l . . J . to them, ol ihe Uce value ol aboat l.;t. One of the paper., consisted of , '"nTZL I - a deposit cleca on a haaa tn a city in ; , :.7.n " " 17 ashincton, for A)f. Ti e pockets of , " - ' --. . laMaS belong to UrTestott . 'fP' IAC.UUAt.MIL W ..A. ' -i - ib --s ' - Jre- i'?.1" ? ? cloct- and lie s. undoubtedly the tbiet. I I.vteb. About 2 o clock the man wbo ,' o!e the paper,, finding thv were of no ssn tr t.v him i r.l thm back to Mr, I lsifli l I iW Ts -no went to lbe I tnttr hcW Mr. Rutherford and --. -TCI . .. . a v.- neignoor louot- urn sbbbb uowu aja. via e nver and turned him over to Marshal Huff.nan. He was taken before ..' tce C url, and explainerj th " ,,e WM eliAti ! ar.nt to the house was to 1 .T . " V? , ' ZT He said "c bai no uou autu.ui s es .m. aa... grjd the heart of Hon Til Ford, who wai . (gAnjgs, melted and out came a fifty . ' r-1 .-. .?-. - A-i- !di..., t.k.n th. oiSw limit, wiven sc-rr.e fathvrl.- baIticb bv our live marshal j and eent on bis way. In tlie meantime i the owners ci me pr-irserty were very IS . .1.. '', t mc lortuoatt- termioauon oi . 'he matter. 1 I Tbr w.V He three AOL W ctd r for the month of Tn woman snxiiitry of Ihe Y IC has sevn-ed the opera house for Oct SI, tar t. - celehratMM of Clomboa' day. XI r ax 4 Mr Gastavn Undoes wore ten dared a serenade last Bight at their bom a emu the big steel twinge, lt was of tb tin pan. bell, home fiddle) stripe an i big crowd composed the sharivari party ' MrT M Hamiltcn, who htt hem acticc as aceat for th Salem eteam laundry foe Ea ffrne. watthts sreek called t.s Albany. H will oow he lb eat hatred aeeotol'th com pany id Albans- and Corvsllis and it wil keep bottling to attend to ho b towa, Kosen? Joama'. Followinst are tbe two nines that wi'I nine in Sato tomorrow: Scio Wella p. tvilet e. GH It. Cde cf, Jocea 2. Hirona ! 3b, Miller lb. Barns as, Kogger rf . Salem , .eveoo n S-. Holman 3a, lVth lb. I Mnato cf. Mel'en !f, Georg p sr. vs it Items c, Tarp oe 2b, Lsarman tf. .5 ... . . - i. .- to pcrsuaue me eactwwra m me new .inw . . independence to be inatitoted to tbe capital city a all tb paraphernalia and realia ia here. Great Iacohoce E J Ladd, of Port land, will be in a position t s know by Mon day, on whit day th degree team will eve there te institats tbe new tribes at ltd pendenc and Albany. Mate-in :i. Nev iroods at W P Read's. Bargains in summer goods at Read's. Buy Warner Bros corset of W F Read. ' WiU ,v Surk. V j-wele-s Large Mock of white end ein' roid- i srie at W P Rf ad A Co 9 . A large line nt elegant go'd wicha nw trav at Will & StarkV. Lime, plaster, cement and balr, at coat, at I A Moms tt tVs. Aehhv at v'atse, 'Red Rsiatr, SO, Waah ng'on Strsi i. rottland. Or. cstewwt it Sax aII tb vjry litt talant shear and scitsstrs. Th fine.-t Naa of pocket knives io the city at Mew i ; A Sox's. A stimuli: is often needed to uoutlsh sad stiencihmj fhe roots and to keep th hairs nttural coUvr. Hall Hii Rsnawer i the bacttouto for the hair Wett'a Cough Syrup,a certain aud speeds core for coughs, cold and all throat and long dtsea-s. Lsrko bottle. 25 and 50c. Sold by J A Cumming, drurgist. LIcense Revoked Mr DenverKack lemsn who returned from the bay today reports that yesterday a big crowd went out over ths bar on the Geo H Chance. The license of Capt Wlnant allows 65. The Inspectors counted 85 and on the re turn of the steamer took the license away from tbe Capt. A Urge number wens not allowed tc get In the boat, and It undoubt edly was not the intention of Capt Wlnant to violate the provisions of the license. Beautiful Homes. Beautify you home and make it attractive with Hybrid Perpetuals and other choice roses, old and new varieties of Japanese roses and si. rubs. Orders taken for the above and all kinds of fruit and ornamental shade trees at J A flyman's, 115 itt St., Albany Or. Important. To know that the llereme & Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction, stands In tune longest, and is an endless pleasure to all who buy them at B EHj man's, First st, Albany, Or, were turned wrong side out, but nothing T fmTMTL rnZrot else o? value was, taken. Tbe tank was ng pool, wbhi. a great center of notified at once, and efforts are being Attraction Tn batlitns : saua. asj st the to trace the offender, tut a. g Hilt ISO. Wbb wt all f theft was no: discoveret unUl BBatejrf"- mm,Vm noon, the burglar had a big start and ; 9 iPi I . " da' l mav have taken one of tbe noon trains 1 'ndr.. J J "VT 1 at , , ..; , i a : - bathe, i t mil in some parte ol tut y siJ.! .J??"?: vallev -asapsArtial latlure owing some 'AUrft!lsA OITIW. I . n 1. ... ft,-.,, ... t ! gAKTA Cftvy Moivt, Ann i I Editor Dmvrat'' 8' I w,t" the cwl shadejl roonntain re- jlreate and the fresh ? the ,grana 0,aJ' n f lew h?" lve we could pot resis the temp. tt of fewdaye "ontiDg," especially M the mercury has ben plavmg around among the nineties for tbe past week in the valley aa General Gordon would call it, "hotternell" weather. Tbe word "hotternell" being derived from throe pnre old Anglo-Saxon words and was forged by a blacksmith wbo emi grated in an early day from "Posey Co, ! Indiana." Leaving home with a friend , in the early morring of Aug loth we! drove over a level, well-eprinkled road ten miles to the thriving little gem city j of the foothills. Los Gatos, with a popu lation of about 3000, and containing many fine residences, splendid edur tional facilities, good hotels, the Ke. ly institute, etc. From here we bee n to climb, winding around the bills, follow ing the tortuous course ol trie Lioeuatot river. Tbe hills and mountain ranches covered with orchards and vineyards. Passing through Alma, a station on the narrow gauge, where we procure a fresh sorply of "provisions'' (in case of snake bite.) Then on ar.d up until the summit is reached, where we find some beautiful farms and mountain homes httll on op until we reach Skyland at 2 o'clock w 1, i.-.. .m tnmintf a ennr of the. aoa'nUla w get (MT first glimpse of the oceftn an(1 the bay of Monterey, appar- ently at our very feet, but realty bix or eight miles away- The view from here is one of grandenr, the ocean and bar on one side and the beautiful Santa Clara valley on theo ber, stretching away as far as the eye can reach- BMtiwga few hours at the Hillside cottage, Mrs Gray proprietor, where tbe seeker after health or pleasure will find a borne at reasooa hie rates, we go int.i camp a few miles beyond on the Sagnel creek, where, hav ing sampled our "provisions" procured at Alma, we retire. Arising early tbe next morning, we continue down tbe creek over a very narrow road, just wide . enough for tbe baggy sad precipice ot I several hundred feet at times within 18 t inches. Camping at noon beside a rip- P'tng mountain brook we conclude to I remain until the next morning. The ; next morning, finding oar stock of "pro- j visions" getting low we drive 00 down ' tbe creek to tbe old tow of Losoe, nestled in a fine little valley, one mile from the hay. From here we go to tbe beach at Capitola. where after spending a few boors we take tbe Santa Crui road lor the mountain, arriving at tbe Hotel de Bed wood, a beautiful summer reeort near tbe summit, with its large redwood . groves, fine tenting and camping i I A . . . ft I grrjoaac, cool spring water, etc iwre. I we sw ictt our hammock in the shade of a I ; groap of gigantic old redwoods, one of i ibetn 'meatsnriBgS2 feet in rircumference. ; , rD'nla"'.; " J?.? SaSS2 ' Zli odries 1 Use sight was even more beauUrut. the i - i . . -. . l t log lying only a lew lew lee oetow us aa 1 i level aa a floor and seemingly thick enoogh to wajk opon. This being the j "li attend church at 11 O clock j , and will start for the valley in the after- j nouu. months in tbe Santa Clara valley, tbe : garden spot of the world, we can aay that so far as we have seen no better , CI1IUIC CSU IOIAAAIA AIAA -O - UKI "Dark River, ' and but few want to take the chance of a better "over there." 'm-' - " ' A.fLi 1 'L'IT SS 1 tiSV SDd DO fiat: dnvfl CU Oe tOOIMt - . -en. ... ... ) anvwhere. Tlie favonie Sunday dnve t are tbe Stephens Oeck road. Saratoga, i , , -I, i .isaiilaMaliiii 'an inr inri . 7 loot in Aoril of this rear, but . . - " . T , ij .i i ,n? '"P""""" TTTZ TutfT uovarAis?, tat. iru is tue-n are " i - PP.J. "i'--,Z ; ' Vth'. "9 Uw P? moji VOttnE. OUl B lew SIX-vear OiC prUBe. W 1-. , , - , neAw. kni,htof the hell and punch " "n' 1Tim t.f. : (mn HoBbI Wn rVsmn to Ok Hill : cemetery, nearly seven rjite. The weather i. again coo! and has been , , f.- it.r. ,K "'iZZlZlTZl. 'i "T" lUC 1 1. I IUU1IICU AW .V. ti te. rarging during the warmest part of tne day trom IOSW. Ex-WeBrocT BE1 TBkll W offer One Hindr4 r-0ars Seward far SB cooa of Cotarrt: It atali-s Catarrh Core. naot te enrcd by F. J. CHENEY 4. fas . Profss.. Tetedo. O. YV the snrwiil.iii I. lix- anjws F. J, Cieaey for the -aj : t -,osi esiiere bim perfectly noaoraote ia - - ."neca traaxactinna aad BeaneiaJiy al . i aarr "ct an.- citiicaUow tsade by Sae.r Jrta. WbftTb--t ." " - t'i.u.j.Toies'j.0. W Air-l-r. k .v.. ..ui, aDfi,'.ei.iite. rts--. -Ha"'.-AA-.-fmjd-H-tly at -. . Isnae th ass .. hy ail D.-jj.--... '-ralTv. set- I BBBl tr-ao ca Bar- j -. r-r bcttii. Sold T5s free. Bicvole fob Sale. A Little Giant safety only used a few months. At a bargain. Call on Joslvlein for pxrticu- SLEKPLK by that lorn . . remedy f . ysa. v." ". T made miaerahl - a.o. Shiloh's Cars is ths B S Whittier has beaa appointed mail a -rent on the O P mate to the front, aad wil I begin business tSept 1. A great thing fcr people between Albany and the Cascades. AU back every cent you've paid for it, if it doesn't benefit or cure you. A med icine that promises this is one that promises to help you. But there's only one medicine of its kind that can and does promise it. It's Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It's tho guaranteed remedy for all Blood, Skin and Scalp Dis eases, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula. It cleanses, purifies, and enriches the blood, invigorates the system, and cures Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas and all manner of blood- j taints from whatever cause. Great I Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under ; its benign influence. It's the best blood-purifier, and it's , r , the cheapest, no matter how many doses are offered for a dollar for you pay only for the good you get. Nothing else is "just as good" aa IN Discovery." It may be bettei for the dealer. But he wants money and you want help. FOSHAY & MASON wsaUUiAkB ABB AStAJUi I Druggists and Booksellers Asm u for John B. Aldon's publications, : wbieh we sell at publisher' prteen with j aUEeaddsi' 1 ALIAIf. OKKVOsl SCROFULA 12 YEAR! Always Sore. Boraed Like Ktre. Ashamed to be Seen. Hot Worse I'nder Four Doctors. Cnrerl by i Tor aVjnt ten or twelre 3 with eer'.fijia. Sty hrad was dry aad aealy, and bnm-d I net , aoow what to do. I weefl i to '-Air lUUerml dfxitorJ Bad taey hrltril mr l CmJ In ih fall I ewt ,llfJ aeaSa ; Owen I trvd otberl remedies, t-.t they did 1 BO food. I mm sahaael to s mto panuc I v.. eiM toftwfcbt. r., i wrmsa y, - wna wt .11. t ? ' K at my dally labor 1 to wear a eon ct to keen the dirt from Rttn btto tt After I sou Id waab, I wuaid eorored wilt rwt limn .11 i '..r m, BWCat SSM fC. BOOSe or three people advised aw to try the (Mo JSSBcmss. I did try ties, ana earn S--a x,... tll-A m ..v T im a well man. azi.1 1.1 btof h-alth snsee. X eaoew prnsae tbttinc'.. Mitr. 1 1 nrhser 1ST laWTTBtf LEWW W. KATO, LorkestUe, Pa. Cuticura Remedies CcnecaA RasotrrsT, the new Blood sad Wat l urlfier it.ternaiiy (to eiewae tbe Woed of og bbv j,or7te and peaaoarow eletnenta). and CcmrSA, the rreat Skin Car, awl CcrtccBA ftoar, SB ex rjotetti. m n Parlarr id raoti6r.tlreny ft riear tV .tin and eealp and restore Use heir;, enrj esery wah and btunor of the skin, scalp and blood, -ab lose of kair. fr-wi i.!-y w . (roat pitr.piw ti serofols, eat SB e pByaUiane, bo- .nuis, id ail outer ism, Sole price, CCTtcCB. Sde.; WIAV itaaoavxsT. Si riBnS f BSI 1- rrria -'JBCO ASti CszariCAL Coktoxatio. a--H w to Cure Btia Dswaasee." 4 titration, tad teetJawvniaJc, mailed free oUy akin cored by Centra Doap- NO RHEdMATlZ RBOUT ME la one natntrtT tJse Owl AmU Pale Floorrr reaareq Ot . a.;.. BBBBCT, BBBW peine. TV f:-t aad Twc stare Taexsweefi ns vatu ar yetr ! saw, erhsrfc re? r prices staked, a KO r CBSTITL' W. Lc DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ce-SW TS BEST II 1 1 1 I !! III Ill lBtsSfif lltj a BCSsalM) B4. Ad S ), St im, issurb law is, 1 BVBtVBBBBB iSBSBIMB) S3.gter5L!reg boob ttm tee dry and wsrse. S2. jwOie BOreiJS Unrktee. I L. E. BT.i Bt HEAT, JwtEIilT f H A - PILLS? NO I! ; If you take pi;: it is aecanse von have " never tnrd the S. I. Batjaehe and Lirer ht It works so nicely, deansisg the Liver and Kidneys; acts as a mBd physic without caus ing pain or sickness, and Joes not SRBJ TCU from eating and working. To fry it is to bee-uas convinced, Tmd abi pll .; by IO-.H I Y ejieJS 3: .l:f.;. .', y. "vfTCW far ifeS OiVEtT?. naac svsasks. Ererr ixstest toheet tie fctte by areata 'rirnfiftc mauai m ewewloiwji o trar jcirnC.V- r wotia. Stc-nta dr enistnitod. x H fcSt s .ttKec tt. tth wr:fcslsu; nsttn AJ.'t. - . MB-, SBJOB AJAVIW 19 ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATENT 3 "TH EUCTS 'stAOirTif. EST IRPOTVEstENTS susPEsSstar. WIS tare WBBaa BAsetcK. eseoaaasSsasS keens, asm rsens.sae.Maa se ifcKi(i" ZmZ lL, eesS aa oaken, aa teres s eareeas that le bsuil 1-L- l. ll wasewwsoSsrtsst u...i . ew att Sf tiseeeis erases;. ttiiii kaes kssq sswkt UiW '1" " sr rsaseAAsTBAuS.1," Sin ksadree. et tswissssAs la .... ----WtiL7. eersrfi laraovtB itt.vv.ic nMsaaaTTta. !' J i wwAtBSB ins iiA amsrt lssle naWBXrxXX9r ff.wir mjj . OCX. No. lYR -Irst St.. e'CRTUAkjO, ORE. OKEtiOK PACiriC R tII.RO.iO CO.. T, E, Hogr, Receiver, (SUMMER EXCURSluXS FOR 1S32. j Tiekata now iicaew now on sato at Corvailis aal Al- kstny for th-sse oicursioas at tho j vtrjr ,ow Round Tw R&s W ad e3 5o, re- Good for the going trip oa WEDNESDAY 8 and H A T I HU A 1 of each week snl for "leturn until t-ep 1 ember 30th, isi CC BO Olr. 1 A ALBANY ;OR. f RITSI1H 6 HULL BROS, Real Estate Agents. r anna and Ranches for sale. Also city woserty in, Albnov aad Coryallia. - 4 I utieura. j I 'ears I kam been IroaT.M was 1 awaeaanr. SI I HiS .k Are inoetof ll My body nod Me r M n tt. ami I did SM vet Bht re. 4 1 nlBBB Vt tet act Use b Bess aisB Vel wsi iBasjllj. iar-TXs.E 9 9&SS AJAl 1.7i Shoe SBT Bnsie ct Use BeeBPBBBantorBn rBS. as risen S tetaatSB. In'tn i i i i 'a bibiSBB tkeerSa bibi am Baaria tnSseajL Cawrlawu-W-lJ3mr BBaaaaBet tha BtSee ta wBenyesnVp. Ei mi f SiniiitMiiinaBlii bIT atStnaeeeaerBaatoetitTasai Ben b snlalll wiian ws n BBtHIrn I end matures u. pCTaagBttat let tow SjroV. vr. 1- s8Ja pit S 2 BBBBBBBBM saV