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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1892)
k gmoriat. LOCAL RXCOllI). Contkmtobli Tactics. The most con temptible and biggest liars in Oregon live in Corvallis. Yeatei day a special elect, ion was held on the question of bonding the city for lour different purposes, towit : For water bonds, electric light bond, sewer bonds, and bridge bonds. A big fight was made against tne Donus uy me Cook CotNTY.Wm RyMs, who had i of.t ?2 SL2X?Z been Exiting his brother-in-law, E cjtv in the morning with flyeis, which Newman.of Ncwsom creek.o.-tr.sed thronoh ll,. "alhrniv linn n Kmileil , his home in town Thursday returning oenion c-junty. About i o'clock Holiday morning the Darn on G W Dodson's place elttht mile below town was destroyed by fire. One horse, about 30 ton of hay and a number of farm implements were also burned. Mrs Louisa C'avpool. wife of D V C'ayfool, died at Eureka Springs, Ark , Auuust 17th. T'.e reinabtJ ariivr d here Thursday evening nd were laid to rest in Mill creek cemetery, rieur Mr C'-typool's home, yesterday afternoon, Kev Hodgson conducting the funeral scrrfces Mrs Claypool wa about 57 vears ol age, and was the mother of live children, fmir o whom slill survive. She was loved h all indebtedness of $75,000. 195 empty houses and people leaving the town daily." Every proposition passed except the "one for hride bonds. What a brazen falsehood. In the first place, what n low, sneaking, contemptible tactic, to carry a point, that of wringing in a more prosperous city. 175 empty houses. Comedown Kli I'erkins. Mr Obennuer when taking his directory census recent ly found just three vacant houses, so lie informs tho Democrat Albany lias never made a better stroke than issuing bonds to give it a first class sewer system and the finest bridge in the Noitliv, it. both ol winch have helped the city. Put ! vour jealous feet, vou Corvallis moes- and her death casts a K!oom over the en- bffl01k.8- on lJ ' " AHwny is all right . . ntnl 14 nil Ilia n rt. rn do ttro community. Review. Will IUiui to Astoria - The Astorian, in its issue of Saturday "lakes this iru ortant announcement : "The Astorian is enabled to announce that the Northern Pacific railroad company has acquired by purchase the surveys made for the railroad commonly known as the (ioble road. These snryeys are for an extension of the Northern l'aciffc irom Goble to Astoria. Ait opuu.. a receuuy given : ,nat weghed ,hree pounds. C on them by the parties interested here. fe,sted ,rout William iv xiij purpotre ui uiv .mmurtii acuic in acquiring these records is undoubtedly to extend its track from Goble to Astoria, a distance of a boot fifty-seven miles. The Company has already procured full de tails of the trade of Astoria and has re cently had two confidential agents here, where for the first time this year it es tablished an agency. Moreover, t.'.e company baa intact, in Washington, a strong grading force which it can move here readily at anv moment." A Sll.VM KlSHBMAN.--V,!l Wild, of i Salem, lathe champion fisherman. While I enroute to the coast the other day he slup- ped 10 water his team in a stream. Frm j the rear cf the wagon there dangled a j fishhook and line, which -pun out upon I out upon the water of its own accord A j short distance from the creek. William went Into camp, when his oldest boy dis covered a big salmon trout trailing tht line UI course ail he never saw such fool trout in all his bom Cava. Sheridan Sun. True All Thk Same. Albany mutt have a surplus of vacant business houses. Six locations were tendercdfor post office quartets.- Eugene Guard. Completely off, smart v, only one Is vacant. There are six vacant buildings in Eugene to one In Albany on first-class authority. Al bany Democrat. There is not a vacant business house in Eugene, and very few dwellings are empty that are not engaged. And still it stands out that A'bany has six suitable buildings for post office " purpose vacant. Eugene Guard. An actual cbunt ir. Eugene recently made showed sixty six vacant houses there, which really Is not a high number for a place like Eugene, though a good many more than in Al bany. In Portland anJ San Francisco dozens of occupied places were offered for the post orhce location, any one with Business Meant. Geo F Holland, formerly a prominent, real estate and in surance agent of Sprague, Washington, has puichased an interest in the well known firm ot v ritsman & Hulburt Bros- He will conduct a general Fire, Life and Accident insurance business. This firm are also agents for Canadian Pacific R'y tickets- They will negotiate loans at a liberal rate ot interest and conduct a general employment aicencr. i Mr Holland speaks in tne highest terms I of this city and says that h- thinks Al I bany is on the eve of a prosperous era. A Street Fioht. This morning Joe I taoggenand a small, wtry stranger got in j to a controversy over a pioe stem.on First street, resultirg in a live contest 111 which the men rolled and hugged each other in the street, until parted.- The damage was very small The fight was declared decid edly In fayor of the small man. Jail Break. Chas Mcintosh and Geo Brown, the two forgers recently arrested in Corvallis for a crime committed in Eu gene, were taken to Roseburg for safe keeping, n,ugene practtcailv Having no kocial aj ekaosal MONDAY. J R Wyatt went to Eugene this noon on business Mr Foster Russell, of Tekoa, Washing ton, is in the city on business. G L Blackman, ihe Portland druggist, Is In the city for a few days, on business. Wan M Hoag was in Albany this morn ing und went to Portland on the 6:30 train. Mr J E Knox is In Portland, where he has a position with the Advance Thresh ing Co. Grandma Denny Is visiting her son, Hon O N Denny," at lot tlx nd Jefferson Review. Joe Klein and wfc, of Albany, are visit ing he old folks near Coburg Eugene Guard. Miss Parrott, of Rot. burg, a ,'nimer student in the Albany Collegiate li striata, is In the city. l)r E L Irvine and familv have returned from their trip across the Cascades ami re port a good time. Dr J L Alkln. of Albany, has take-, charge of the boarding hall of Philomath oillcge lor the ei.sulng year. Rubert Huston and wife, of Cotvallis, returned home today, afier a short visit with Albany rela ives and friends. Geo Morehoue and Chas Melzgcr leave tomorrow morning lor Hmstcad for an out ing and to vied thei Cascade ranches. The following new divorce suits have been begun: Crv S Delan-v agt Clavton E Delaney, Maria K Netlftta agt Dr V C Neugus. John A ltagerty, formerly of the News force, left Monday .norning for Albany, trorrf where he will go to the mines. Halsev News. THE HTKBHMBC-VrOLr VTEIMtMI. Last Sunduy at 5 o'clock Miss Sarah Sternberg was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Wolf, of Portland, at the residence of the bi ide s parent, In this city As the strains of Mcndeletohn weddlnjf march were heard, the bride, accompanied by her father.and the groom with hi mother, followed bv Mr M Sternberg and Mi Wolf and the family, entered the commo dious parlor which were neatly decorated with cut flower and evergreen for the happy occasion The ceremonle were conducted by Rev H Bories, of Portland. After congratulation the guests were driven over to the St Charlc Hotel par lor where a fine banquet was served. The table was ricely decorated wHh flower. Several good toad were made and tele grams were read from friend in Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco, New Hven, Conn., and Ellensburg. After the banquet the guevs all returned to the house where dancing was indulged in until a late hour. The bride wore n Cream banaline silk entrain, with point lace tiimmings; OraaV ' ments, diamond. The bride' mother wore black silk; ornament, diamond. I Mrs Wolf wore a black lace; ornaments, diamond. Mr D M Haflman wore a I white cream surah entrain; M Laments, i diamonds. Mrs Levi May wore a black silk decolette and black jet; nn.aments, diamond!!. Miss Henrietta Wolt wore a beautiful canarv crepe and La France , 4 oe . Mitt Clara Sternberg wore a I pink silk. Ihe invited guests present were.- Mr and Mrs S Wolf. Miss Henrietta Wolf , Mrs L Kline. Mr M Goltstein, of Seattle, Mr D M Hoflman.of Tacoma, Mr S Ulumauer, Mr Sol Blumauer. Mrs Levi May, Master Clarence May, Mr Mote K'ine, of Port land.MIss Pauline KHne.the Misses Sarah and Eda Jacob, of Corvallis, Mr and Mrs mii nis an abkoau WHAT. 64 CENTS Dr Landoa, of Portland, has been ap pointed professor of practtusl theology la tits ban Waucisoo theolof-ical seminary. About a dnzso line view of tho Sntisui mine, ta en bv Cheney, may ho trn at the otfioe of the Albauy Miolog t Milliog Co. The vVllbtar Company will o8in a wek engagement next Mouday.prenmiting popular play it will be a privilrgu i out citizen to wit e. Carl Y Uaddatx, a youiti; German, at tin nity, waa lioclarad insua Ssiuntay sm 1 - t. rday w taken to the iussiiis asylum hy Marshal lloffmsD. After conid ring ihe caB of i; U Chano. at Tstpiina. Ill taken froji t'aiit V irant w raton.r'l 10 !ii'n,hisexpia DatioiM biog atifaottry . N,i Hna waa imp-H-tnl. The little ha' eof H UC' tcblow ncd wlie, of aVIhan), tormarly t Shin ,tv, a fnuud de-l in id Sunday mnrn'uu It i iboogit to hav sinotti -ird. Tii" '-lv waa brnuvht to the Jaleriou .lemeterv for fctaiisl flllta soi, Rsvisw. V A Joiwu, who 'M "l'tn otj the Wor tii Saiittaiii, h- b - . I ..rn u he hoati- I tl at PWtta ,i. Mr J ' 1 1 i rn out of j his i,ni, .1 fr f.v- tir. : I ut it is ifciagM j ijcM'd totaaataMM a ; ! --. will hnug him i not all inht. Rav K N C Jiidit. of ti Iastitat, 'i csnhed atr Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rotol Baking Powder ACHALLENGE. ABSOLLfTELY PURE UBOWXKtlULE. Aug. 39th, 1892. On last Friday the Ar.mgton hotel was seen Ui b- on fire having caught from a drfectlve flue but wa put out by the liberal use of water applied with buckets, and thus we are occasionally reminded that we should have a better way of pro lection againrt fire. O P Cothow while our catching a wild Miss Bessie Settlcmirc started for New- ; M Sternberg, Mr ami Mr J Gradwohl, Mr port last Saturday night by the wav of Albanv, where she will visit friends Woodburn World. Jfir Redeker, the popular Simmon 1 la d ware drummer, ha returned fiom his trip as far south as Sacramento, and will now do the valley. J A Cummin, and Ed Cuiick have re turned from a trip to the Soda. They claim to have, together kl'led one quail. Prooably ihe I'sual hunter story. Miss Annie Crane, of Eugene, Is in Al banv ihe guest cf Judge Powell, while on ner way home from the east, where she hed been to attend tht National Christian Endeavor convention. Capt E J Lanulng, W B Barr and Geo Humphrey left yesterday on a trip over ihe surveyed line of the Albanv & Astoria R R on a summer's outing. They will go to Tillamook, and will no doubt have a great tiftie and Mrs P Cohen, Mr and Mr A Cohen, Mr and Mrs L Gottlieb. Mr and Mr H J Sower, Mr and Mr I Fox,Mr L Senders, Mr and Mrs J Joseph, Mr A Sender, the Misse Clara and Sadie Cohen, Amelia Mhs:iy Collejiste ug tnrnoti at th. it 1 t t u 1 : t , ... 1 t u s uaurcn obduit muiuiv, iun ui iojtic.aa . orilv wall a figures, showing th wonderful and I '1 j partiinci!. '-n is o cnr:iiniy outiog Jte last aerenty-flva years, particulsrlv the last decade, that alone sbowinjt an increase of 48 per cent, far ahead cf the iscre.e of imp utation. Dnowxtu at Haurismcro Venter day several young men went In bathing near the bridge at Harrisburg, among the number being diaries Brugirer, of Mili boro, a young man 18 year of age TGTH? INCREDULOUS. There wa Neterlhe Misn Whttt , wan I ! l r Slumbugged. i Ht Hiimbaga Ilimaell. The human race aflorda in itself a moat 'singular study. There aie among the hore got a little too near and waa kicked 1 ,!llny cl ' thinkers, thuee who repose to much confidence in themselves, or no confidence in anvihinz The man who ' 1 knows it all hitnaelf.the man who thinks I soiuehody else knows it all and the man who thinks he knows it "It. The egotist. Mm simpleton and the skeptic. Recog , nizing the fart that people reuire more subettintial evidence titan mere words wa' on and promises, lira Darrin reeort to the i moat legitimate method of a . . on the thigh, hapily no bones were broken only a nesh btuse and Oliver la agaii cn the .ree!. The kicking occurred on Fri day last. A Brandon had a severe psialytic stroke while st hl home near liaises 011 Satur day evening and sent 10 thit pUce on Sun - day saornltrg Kir two physician 10 attend Keese iiOin' a Star at that lime. WE CHALLENGE COM parison to our ntw fall slock of clothing, bigh grade nov elties, tlegfentlj tailored new suits for men and by. The finest importation of fine iady to wear t iothing ver brought to Albany. n inuc.i 01 . ' mood for writ- I lhemsives Uy advertising their cores. We are ingai-.i. I 1 (Oolev left us a widower 'That thoee among the community may ClOthintT nttv 01 mves'-igat- , TOI You'll decide "I0T TO RIFE MR HUT W T I?;. This &EA80I'' when you see this lije of nerfect fittinc on Wednesday last, going 10 Portland and " affjrded an npporta th souiid country vislling. jiogoeiore caning Mo W B Blanchard.who ha. been quite ! do?V' 2 '!'? i0-l ickof typhoid fever for fie pa.: two j Pb ','fI weeks, i.'reportcl on the lawproew. j !7 . . . . . Kend the followi I reter Kesltng Is said to Le convateting ,.( ) and hopes are entertained of hi full re- had been nicklne hop, (or Dr Davis. They went In at 3 oV-rk and remained until 4 o'clock, at which vounc Senders, Hannah Cs.nen,Ciara Sternberg, ; BruBzer had lust swam Ihe river, ana J.utla Sternberg, Eva Sternberg, Master stood shivering a short distance from the Joe Sternberg, Charlie Sternberg and Mr A Sternberg. hank, from the too cnoure. when ! the use of hi muscles failed him and lie The bride and Broom were the recipients ; sank going Into deeper water.the bank be . of manv handsome presents. They left , ing some what abrupt at the place. A com- on ihis's ovetland for a two i panion was close by, but could do nothing. 1 month trip through the East, taking whh ) as Bruggcr endeavored to c.utch him. and I covery Jack WinJ. finl.'icd thrashing on Sat urday las', and iut l.l. thresher away until 9t, taking the engine In he hop yard to do work in drying hops, picking to begin on Wednedv of this week. . Tlt- F B BTt. liivt'Stnrat- j ing before calling in person upon the uociors ine following te.Eunouials are evidence of :he doc- kill as well a surceas ing KxTUAcm of Teirri Moxuut : iiKrxi oUn 1 ias mixvtkk. Mr Editor I.Var Sir. I reside in North Yakima. W T. I conaatted Dra Carrin for defoeaa. My leit ear waa totally deaf. With one ration with Dr Darrin electro magne ic cure, of ten minute. 1 was made to hear aa well aa ever in toy life. Can be referred to as to I truth of my statement. C V Fowler. THE GREATEST LIIE OP SUTS FOR FIFTEEN mikt. All wool garments, in rich shades, $15.0. We cltallege any one to offer such intrinsic values for the money. them the best wishes of a host of friends. KiUL ESTATE A LEX. US 10 Kachel A Thomas, 44.56 acres 9 K 1 Patent j Janett Low to Waller K Yalea. Ml interest in eat Wm Robnett. 200 S H McKlmnrry to H C Caldwell, 120.71 acres 11 wl 1600 Mi Frank Wo.kJ, ot Albany, is In the F E Allen to A B Woaxlin, 2 lots, city. Mr Wojd i the pronrieter of an ex ensive stone qnarry that has stood the jail. Ss'uidav they succeeded in getting ! Government test and pronounred A I I out of the Roseburg jail and escaping. Of building material. This is superior to the : joiui .g sione. 1 omanu l'l.paicn. even horse sense knows that this is always inc case. Anything tor a post ottice in a course thev are wanted ousiness center. Sea Lion Polish. Mr il Kenton has Did He Pass It. N R Gavlord, of just received from Newport a large supply this city, who was a candidate for repre- i of cr. de palish which he will soon begin tentative on the prohibition ticket at the : to manufacture into that dne polish which late election, was arrested at Cottage so many housewives already appreciate. Grove Thursday foi passing counterfeit It makes glass, dish and silverware loot coin. Deputy Sheriff Croner went after j as bright and smooth as enamel. Lee him in the evening and brought him to , Williams a: Newport i I.U authorized Eugene. The counterfeit was a silver i agent. TTearMT. dollar and was passed on the hotel keener. o. . ... e ,,. . , ! The man presented it to Gavlord and, pi "i-'c School. -The public school. Mrs C L Brash, of Portland asked him to take it back, but he refused j 01 ln,s C1IT WI" Pe" on Monday.Septero- j city. and said he nad not given it to him. But ! fr irott-rawtord and hi corp c H Stewart, and one of hi aons, went to Newport today. A A H'a Ad. K Shelton to P O Smith, T 5t acrea Scio M A Miller to Kltaabsth H Uriah am, I lot, Lebanon I L Hill to C W Baraee,5 lou, So daville. S M Yoran started for the Blue Biver mines yesterday. He is accompanied by u ... , ".". n i i.'jLt V. . ' , three mining men. Mr Brown, of Alban, M K,"f,ljr. 10 I,eh P D,ckene- 3 -Mr .-sartlicutt ot M em. and Mr Nettnn - ' who has been prospecting in the Bohemia country for some time. They go to look over the prospects of the mines in that i region . Eugene Register. I 400; .'00 200 j 190 S00 I34S0 is in the IKUUX the man claims he had no money in hi i ? lechers hope all pupil will be prompt rill when Gavlord paid him. and this ' ,n itiair attendance at the begmnicg of the dollar was all he had when he discovered . term. it was counterfeit 1 he matter will be i 1 turned over to the United State author!- j Stick a Pie i li ties. Gay lord has been released from ; yM curtesy without bailEugene Register. I 0f BkDifrT mnd, rchaace, even a b He was dlhargrt'. as there wa probably , Keep it in year mind at ad nothing In it. avanta, w mean the fact thst the place to PaoBATE Mattehs. InetatecdCbiltttocer',' tresbeat pre . . ,. ; dace and fruit, is mt Conn t H -u dricaon. topher Hardman, petition to sell person-; u Jon . to ,h4 or al property for cash granted. they nppiv ym flrt. . lUy UlT , moath In estate Mary C Hardman, Henry C 1 They keep tha he-t and slswsja have plenty Hardman waa appointed administrator. ! on hand. By all means mate pn nistaka Bond, 1700, which waa filed and ap- by not calling on tntm oefura bayirg. proved. Appraisers, c K Hammock, L Na Woxiiee. KiratCook F Hardman, and John Weianer. In entory, personal property $526 GO; no real estate. On petition personal prop erty ordered sold. In estate of Geo W Warmoath, invent ory filed; real property $2350. In guardianship of Ory Estella Hard man et-al, D F Hardman was appointed guardian. Bonds. $5000, which were filed and approved- Appraiser!), E E Hammock, S A Dawson and John Weisner. M. E Appocstmests. The M. E. con ference made their appointments yes- tMMASENT Bbasch Laundry. -A terday. The following will be 3! interest 1 branch office of the Salem Steam laundry Second Ditto Z r. ! ! ! ! ! What waa it all MasHV Why just otst a, ; ;ook stove that woaid'nt k lor itrrea , I ra an abuminaticao. It jmya 10 ttet tha beat. ' I Then there will he more in life worth livirg I j or. Matthcwa A Washtarr, ofttmctv,' ; are fcrtanate in having in s o.k the very beat mariofaotared. Tby cnaM aire toti 1 moDials that would convince an oai v' . ar.d sc. tbair stock of etovc, tinware, hard- j ware, He- Mrs Dr Gray went to Portland this noon on a abort visit. Uroceryman Herahner, of Corvallis, was doing Aloany today. Mr Perry Conn and family left today for the Sodas on a short rusticating trip. Henry Glass and wife, of Oregon City, returned home today, after a viait with Linn connty relatives. Dr O C Awbrey retnrned last night ' from Portland, where, he siat. be has S.inply bsjsjsj a l ave n:s ejes BTSgltOrsd N B Frv, Pacific coast manager of the ' Singer Mf Co, and C A Chandler north- ! western manager of the Singer Mfg Co, are In the city. Mrs Rebecca Yonng and Mrs W S Miller went to Portland this noon on a 1 visit, and will be the guest- of Mr I W Wakefield. Mr and Mrs Holmes. Mr and Mra , Adams, and MrsC H Dalrymple and son. left this morning for the front on the O i P on a several days trip. Editor Nonan, of the Grants Pass Courier, waa in Albanv today on bia war home from a visit to Corvalha, and paid the Democrat pala'-ial sanctums a pleasant visit- J B Wirt, of Waterloo, was intbe'eity Mrs Henderson and Miss Madden, of Portland, are visiting Mrs Caroline Ham- . picked ap -o the beach o( 1876 i!toD Mr Geo D Barton has the nicest Sewer garden of its siie in Oregon. He has a . rest variety ot rosea, some very large, f he feared being drowned with him Cor oner Farrell, of this city, was sent for, and enpanpelied a jury consisting of A 1. Rob inson, E W Keeae, las Pheglev, G W j Brandenburg, S E Bn ant, and Geo A Mi. - Net), who found according to the facts stated. Young Bruggcr is said to be the son of prominent, prosperous people at 1 HUIiboio, who wcic telegraphed al once. TfltjIDAT. The M E cor.Iereno of 195 will be held u Albany . Regular du I of the Albany F.,-- Dpr. meat at 7 o'claxk t joicht. J W T alb am has reoted J A Groas' t.o sarburban property aad will reside on it with his family. Several Warm Sprisg Indian were in'th city today. Been picking hop around Letauoa. Aa Imperii! aftf tacit 'e was Mniea a faw days ago froan Xewtoa & Co.. of For I laad. aad it is th-ght the thisf t cwag ap the val.ay with it. A Draov aat man saw a water sea: today. It 1 owned by Mrs (i as tar Unlner aad waa takio to-be centeouiai id tn: yfsrt-y Mr Aahby rearea. Tn V allium wasci ui caoaaauiy mov.,1 j into their see building reaantly and tmrasd Aibany peofle on sererai ucrasions have seen tiie Marine Cadets of Eugene pass through the city. The following from the Guard hos them to be a fine J R Cunn'cifl.ain Waninitia Wum , county. Oregon, lotal deafness two years j in one ear and partially so tn the other. cured Mrs IE Smith, Prititlle. Otegon, thing for .boys, and someUiing every city . nervous debility and general weakness, Bi Sir It ha a dm varielv of fruit t He devotes his time to fruit and flowers, j lkr 6"n lb"r H bed Jmg to preear 1 narwnla evm end narlian ntlir from I gs. Iowa. Mr Jones, of Nebraska, arrived about a month since. He likes the 1 coontrr first rate with one exception he , can't hnd any one of the Jones family, Tbe member f lis V M C 4. bse oeeai here I eadewalk ta frvct of tawsr Feny sLeet prooerty. rroieor. nana c;a. real estate meo. paleten. etc , UsaA n ineir rent to work d,".o 1 rn lea. a eaaea st uuu swaa vin v a- svm a e a , if there is any of that name in Oregon ) MJ u 'fT " ' M 1 ttll'h-" ! tney will confer a favor on him by send ing a postal card to Jones Uakvtlle. R H Farrar is building a largo barn near here. t!ie aides alk be Le eatalogae tjU .SibUic Acdm;. of Lebajon, u oat. It as mfaaasd to piac 1 .. le might -e!l have: It will be interesting to many of our readers to know more of them as they are being recognized by military and athletic companies from California to Waahing- HB. er y two years ago a boy named Emu Baker, on ot ban ivaer. w a gun M r G A tacha made him one for aChristnisv present; after he had the gun be wanted to learn to drill like a soldier. Mr Sachs, who waa an officer in tbe Boval Saxon Aaliliery. began teaching the little fellow tbe tactic or the German army. Soon En it's friends, who saw his rifle made after tbe Prussian gun model. wan ted to learn to be soldiers, too. It was not long before Mr Sachs had his hands full, for aa Last as the boys came hs made them guns and drilled them until he now ha a company of eiztr boys and sixteen 70014 ladies (who drilf with lances and calisthenics, exer ctee tending to physical improvement. Ti e training which the boys receive are the German army tactics: First. G. titan gymnastics, wbich consists of six! different u...emente of the body. developing every member of tbe body jnii.-rnitv x-coml, gymnastic wtib St . TSiitu. manual of arms. Fourth. :iar. lung. r:llb, field tactic. The suit are made like sailor suit. tberefoe I tbe name Marine Cadets a adopted. . Following are tbe rules and conditions i on which a boy may join the Jiir.nt ca dets : Cleanliness, he must not come io drill with soiled bands or face; he must not use tobacco io any form : he must j 1 ot use profane language and must be attentive to all commands of hi in ! e tractor. j The organization is free 'o all hove almost bordering on insanity, cured. lienson McCov. Dnffer. Waaco county. Oregon, deafness and terrible pain in the j ear and bead for six months, until be was nearly crazy, restlessness and insom- n:a. Restnmt to health tnr oWtrtett v anted I ltr " othr treatments had failed. I Dra Darrin can be found at the Revere House, Albany. Or-, from 10 to 5 daily, 7 j to S evenings j Sunday, 10 to 12. They make asciiity of the electric as well aa medical and surgical 'real meet of all diseasea of eye, ear, nose, th'oat, catarrh, deafneta, bronchitis. La grippe, consumption, dyspepsia, heart, liver aad kidney diseases Al! nervous, ) chronic and private diseases of men, in- j eluding stricture, hydrocele, varicocele, aaal alt pecnliar female troubles Brecon- fidentially and sncresafully treated- Meat cases can receive home treat men: a'ter a j visit to tbe doctor'a ottre. Inquire) ' answered. Circulars and question blanks MM free. Consultation free. Come : and : see: for : yonrse'm T L. WALLACE & CO tli Leading GJctafsrs.'' FASrflONABIiE GLOTlflXG is preferred of 46 soli ir '88 2,288 sold in '39 6,268 scic in '90 20,049 SCid in '91 wo M ao 5.-132 W&3 rteaw Ik iImtiI am & radii hit, - ,:i. a a d i'. a i I rich or ooor. bad or si The tokvilk rker Co has reorgan- Clpih Mrl Q B jaup.. B S." prtm.ry da- aae part men'.; atsss astla as wusoo, masts a psitssaut; Hot A F elcMeUost aad art; J B-rard Mark, leettarse la tied, and will be in active operation soon Aancrs tv 1ISOEI a. ,t dav Exci aaios to Y jut txa Rv ; Circular are out announcing another 1 excursion to faqnina Bay, leaving Al banv at 7 m Sunday, Sept 4th. return ing in the evening at U :30 p m. Tbe rate for tbe round trip baa been placed at tl 50 and is within tbe reach of all. ; Tbe management of the O P R R de : serves great credit for the low rates, Uiat : nave tx-en made to uis coast t.'.is WEBXK.Stiy A ta of S2 C iiaaa phesaa-it srere I Hah 07 lisixn I'aaraie ttaaxoiio. 10, r. or II. August ?Tlh, 18SC Whereas, Il has pVased tbe Almighty Uod in His in6u: wisdom to remove by j nipped ta r i-tiacd yeatawday. aa t aaotacr j death from our midst our worthy sister, : i owe U ab,i-. Ui. . stabs- to Uy. j Mar frx. while we bow in bumble sub- j aC Mr J olios UradaraM inform it- Daau lary mission I; the will of our Heaven'y raav that aagar haa taasa an upward jsmp j Katber. who doeth a'l things well, we to the Democbats readers. Kev fe r has been established in Alhanv. All eori, ' tnlsy anl rim a alneina armnnt nl tlu ii, : i . i. T c 1 I .. .. ... ... I . ! e. . S . . niiwmi!u ionic rujn ojuuu twim j win dc conccicu tnu tnr launurtca articles STtee: Albany ,J T Abbott ; Brownsville, i delivered st Salem prices. No other ex David Wolfe; Brooks, W H Myers; Cor pense. AH worksuaranteed. Orders mav vallls, Hiram Gould ; Dallas, D T Som- J be left with W i- Philips, at T L Wai-ace erville ; Dayton, r t Koyal ; fcugene, U & Co's. T M Hamilton U the permanent i -icinturn; naieey, n r saicnweti ; i agent a Jefferson, J W Spangler; Lebanon, Har old Uberg; Mehama, J tl Koork ; Mc Minnville, SE Meminger; Salem, C R Kellerman; Shedd, S L Lee; Sheridan, E R Horner; Silverton, Isaac Peart; Canyon vilte. M 0 Brink ; Springfield, F H Calder; Hillsboro, H B El won by; Mt Tabor, Walter Skipworth ; Sellwood, TI V Webb; 8unnyside, Portland, T F Boyd. A Knmmer soes to California. Rev John Parsons becomes Presiding Elder of the Salem district Fob A Nebraska F4.IR. Mr jkillman, a former resident of the editor of the and solicitor for Albany. and the road is justly entitled to be called The Oman leonW ILnsui. Sam attention that burg ia attracting from tlie t ha' tbe harvest is ended, farmers lake outaiide world. Every man he met as he ! Ich baskets and families and dve them came out he declared was goinu to Wa. ' a Tacation of a day on the beach at Sew terloo. 1 port. Tbe Albany Brass Basjd ill ac- Arch-Bishop Urcsa has promoted ; company the excursion. rattier uuetgen. who s'arta this week to , . I . t . I .-.11; 1 . I sad is bow a usat mots poaad t?-o r cettt i;a la'.ioea. Young Pehar. eWrk of Caa ic Hedr ana. has acsnlat.-jqairrel arhtcB h- 'r Closing Out. In order to close out business, I am now offering at cost all my large and wed selected sto.-k of dry- goods, dress goods, c'othing, bo jts and shoes, and everything now ir. tor eood goods at marveionslv low prices call at once. G W Simpson. take charge of Sublimit? parish, near Albany, on the Silverton branch of the .Southern Pacidc Railroad- Father Buet gesi has been in charge of the Marshfield ' parish alxiut five vears. Bandon Record. I Sublimity, tbongli, is not very near aVt I bany. WJtnSEHP.iT. Yocr .iTTENTiON is cilltd to car lic;o Editor E C Pentland has resigned bis jacket,blaiers and ! Pition on the Frankfort Chronicle. ir, which is no comp'ete. They are lailor-made and guaranteed to ft The c!oih are ol tbe latest fab'ics. Very tiuly, Saxtkl E. Yovsg. Niagara Kid c'ovn in blsek aid c !", $1 per pair. None le 1 r lav tha price Every pair warrantrd. SamcelE Yocno Albany Ore. World's old Nebraska home patted through this city Monday. He now rep resents the Eagle Woolen Millsof Browns ville and wa enrnute to Lincoln, Nebras ka, with an exhibit of the Eagle Mills for the Nebraska state fair. The exhibit will be a vood one and will draw attention ot woolen goods dealers to -he prime anicles ; furnished by the Pacific coast. Wood- 1 burnWor:d- Goasdse, Attached All of Dr O C Awbrey ,s ' r Alibx i o. property wag attached yesterday on com-! r- .th,,r, plaint of the Oregon Bank for about $300. .mP ' ' "i It :j s.i-u 1 the Auany We ,a Mil i wiiouw iji iiiBiiuine reaiueuce, ia uij , - in Gnll. P.rV .itinn to luta in i ilea ulttiujj s.u da. Mag ton & Chamberlain's addition and office furniture and fixtures, and are in the hands of tbe Sheriff, though the furniture it is learned, was merely leased by Fortmiller A Irving. All the property was already covered with mort gages, not leaving much of a margin. j Maaou atw -it ,t mad ly cheap g- fal. License has been issued for the riage of H S Bond and Lizzie B Jester Miss Edna Protaman, of in ; ths city, ihe guest of Mr John Crawford. I Mr Watt Monteitb returned to Pott land today after a hunting expedition through Linn county. Rev John Sellwood. whoadied a few ', days ago near Milwaukee, left property : valued at about 1,000,000. Frank Froman. Tom Waller, et al, leave tomoi row morning for the Sodas on 1 a hunting expedition. J R Neil, a former resident o: Albany, was in the city today on his way 'o his home in I' rtland, from n visit with a sister in Benton county. e'ara to tx t orthv ot it to the World'a fair ' Tbe Y M C A. are arraasiez fa- a bag ex I carsioa to Jce oc Beat Wedaeeday, I.vi5g Albany at 7 o'ohh. The top ta a dj oar. ' and a big crowd snoaid go. Crawfcwda, Pax ton ba.e secnnr.1 tbe r- rioe of a 6 rat etaea t el 02 c he' and ar or pared to torn off wcrk f xatav thsn hervtsforr. They report a fine samtaer baiBe Toaaoerew lis aa ioncrtaa. -ikv niththw ma 1 y cos- I O. P.. or mav be nude ose In tbe r,ac- lotners :u this part cf Cregoa. The) ferine ! time the mploet are ' . . . tne uvi from all rver tha eoor.ty aad fiuji j by t'C Hegai tor the SKmitn of Febraarj, I acres the big bridge, t'eopie waatioa coos. , leaviag aboat six mouth du. . na or fiealifur icva that will snt. t us -ear ' Tk. A.v rt.r.i lr ntniutiim ii Io nar" J or hardware, sbon'd call en thia firm, leaders j asssBtsatSB from It blood ihe add that n their butiBera. 1 ckatM lb diaeaae. Tbia is tbjroogily ef- " ! fee tad by the cerseveriag o rf Aier'a Sr- Tl e Lest rout w!!m) m tbe oiy r.t Ooiitd sananll Ths nroeesa may be siow. out tbe -M I . . - oavjer m respectfuily submit the following reaolu- ttons. Rr eo'sved. That by the suddenness of 0 I er deatti we are reminded ol the uncer saajlers:, hat Ufa aaal tOM certainty of desub, gggg MATTIiEWS u WASHBCRN' TUE turn n n S-reves. Tnat ia the verdict of their aad we are admonished to set our aTec - j tions -n things eternal and not on things j temporal. Resolved. That we tender to tha be nived family in their sore affliction and unast:aced grief our heartfeit sympathy and c sdolencr, and that the hustan l baa lost a kind companion stid the child ren an affectionate met her and tbe a worthy sister. Resolved. That the hall be draped in mourning for thirty ds and a copy 01 these resolutions be spread 00 ihe min utes of 1 bia grange and a copy furnished to the Herald and Democrst tor publi cation. Jons H W allace, AstE M Wauact, V t .oanost. Committee. CA aaek UI.WVV SwHhB(F cree lertastiaai ii . SaBrnT o-5 erfnotw. warn VU www UUz: III : f 5 :t I til ails IMii iNjjT M hu." mitatio-Sl Irani;! aawBmHBBBBBTew r swawi a 92 1 awsjgaBBSsawaawaT im wta pi mm mm m aalaltim.Mei.n..-nwawiifasae aw r waaav. aaawaaawM ts Wa C I . A S-.c-J ana I Tower nen 3 mam , CTTtraoe stsjutaa Sasl tSat I ta)OtiMm cse-2oig, - S-.t-c; Aermotar ai w "faaaa thai Cosiawxi. ; tXewu4L waanaaaaaSi d at .-. i. TMKimwwwawl 1 torCO. sweat mat. lJ wmjtm aW C a -uri-e vilun prices ire the amefasfor other stvlei- 0U R NEW SUITS are the mott attractive we have ever brought on, and we aek your .special attention to our line of Sack and Cutaway Suits row on sale. V e hava them in all of the new and nobby designs aul atwTiUa fc: ul w laaoatf aaww, int'i m . waa awaKfewa. Ttsaaa a 5 Ijnaauacmowa piunMt tha uoawofgs eVU bwfc w-gl g;' eayaW aa ttOMtwaaX, Sg ml me AEaOTOIt et;T oa.-r;,otrata - asTra waXii y an wa c tkiiwv 5 saw Xw aawte aMSwwawr rT Hti sm e v ut 2 a aaawaawiawab awayiaawaawiaw,ag. a s rt 1 saiiisaa " a aaHausttvw rw a 2 Mats. s mm atSiwagW Wurof yeu come 10 Albany Don t fail lo visit Blackman 4 Hodges. The druggists They ca'rr a large and slock ot drugs, pates medlcle es, -tc . Prescription are aiway- careffHy and prompilv attended lo. It will Pay you. Do You Need a Baby Buggy? f'ort .niller & Irving have just received a fin e assortment. Rubber tires. Each tup plied with a patent brake, a great thing D BE BSTlMMtltCS, b. Ian 1 c' iiiea ATristaxd Sueep. Mr Pete Rnett ner bas just returned from his Hantiam ranch, and is decidedly "on bis e-.r." He. had some fine potatoes, corn and otner products planted, and flourUning. A ""lief entered and stole two racks of corfl.Snd not content with that left the bars down. A band of sheep enteral and laid waste the potatoes and otlur pro dncts. The List. Speaking of the telephone line the Statesman says : "Al bany should be on the list but the city dads of Linn's capital refused to grant the telephone company the privilege to erect its poles and string its wires in that city, although the line is built to the bridge." Another fabrication. The or dinance was duly passed, granting all mentioned. Albany is on the line. d.vs Irimmir.gscan alway be fo.ind at Samuel K. Y ouicc Mr Carl Lnderman eft or his home at mmm Butte, Men., this noon. He contem- j fho anas B rink derire ! lafcrm the pu plates moving to Albany if he can close. cl,at he 1 ecelves goods on ctninl.slo up his affairs satisfactorily in Bntte. . Mr Dune Rankin, the Hillsboro electric , - 1 . . 1 . 1 . . ngui auu waier suns uiHiiavc. is in tne ei,ar-e!1 f-r Littler it Ball, dentists, make no extracting teeth wbe-e they ... i v.... .... 1 . .. 1 . hfjro neotile tabilant over tin: trosr:t nf ; T . . . f. . j . ' m . , - , money ov nayinc- inem an venr iteniai 1 It is sum. The state lieard of education hsW a mcei iaa yesterday after coon at Salem ard elected a saptrtntscs'ent of lb refurri achwi M W Smith, visa S J Mile. real ?nei . Mr Smith waa aperiaVodat of the pablie tch'l at Tba Dallea for fie years, ai d hsa nf late represented trie Kortliwes eto lif- in uranc. company m Sslam. This morninc one Joe was showing the boys how to ride an indian caytse pony at Scbmeers corral, when he was thrown three times in succession, great antuse ment for all but the rider. A good sec .id haad bjsfsls, in trakalaiS condition, for sale ebaap. Call on Yao Wilano, at Stewart & s, 1 s. Negiectof tbe hair often de-troy it v tri iiy aad natural hue. and cauar it to fall no-. Before it is too lata app y Hall'a Hair Be- vtaon of ActftrV awaiaaw(utrittt was we w ywntaM iwi wal SwaSala naial'jn a'JsniTT' fj saw mm, waa mm wa'nis '..'t Saw w tka aa W .8 mm .. wisw Sw mmmmfir tmwi aa atwaa waa. m 9 sea an IWI.I Also a fins line ot straw liats.and the latest el' ies in furnishing geods. OY- W CRAWFORD. Agent. Tallman, Or. the Astoria railroad. jfiil u W Cobh. aucoaasor to f aiaiay St Flian Block, fur ynnri b re mds Wa ar geiof to pat tbs prises dews to salt aad call for a' aly. Allsn'Srss. In o.-dar Vi radooa oor atoek we v our fio Hp of grocaries at Slab peis riotly ch. A Ian Sio. SHILOH'S CATARRH: RKMEDT.--A p-wiliy ear forCatanb. Dipbthsria ar.ri Canker Month. Now ia tb time tee veoraboi in some of those Albaay Waolen' toita at f K AHea Co. Be.utwul Homes. Beautify vou Camnbell I hme nd mKe il ttra5tlve with Hybrid ....I. I .knln M I Perpetual and other choice roses, old and new varieties of Japanese roses and shrubs. Orders taken for the above and all kinds of fruit and ornamental shade tree at J A Hyman's, II5 1st St.. Albany Or. A Lecture. Capt H E will lecture on "Our Navy and Coast Defenses," at the Opera House, on next Saturday evening. Kept 3. The lecture wiil be illustrated by Steroptican views, brilliantly illuminated by Calcreion lights, it will be worth attending by old and youog. La-rjU Have'I'h. Henriyely pau-e; pro found ly premeditate; patiently ponder; per sistantiy publish: Parker Bios' the pioneers in placing plainly printed jileaaiox purchase prices on perfectly prepared package ef pure, powerful aod perpitaalty popular u;ro oerien. hakios powder. 'iuIm-,1 ootid, ate. tiro viding people, psroeiviog propitious prot- 1 Barn. Mr Aimer '2 pec, puronaae promptly. 1'iudnnt peraons pay proprietor punctually, peipetnating I SMS . In order to make room for our large new fall stock we will give a special cash discount ot 10 per cent on all purchases for the next thirty days. . The Ladies Bazaab. Iietter List. "ollowirg is the list of letu 1 ren.aioing in the poatomoa at Albany. I, ua oonnty, Oregon, August 30, 1892. Frr-. calling for these letters must give the date ou which they were advertised. AnuspauifVi, Mrs Clara llar1 Preston Wett s Lough Tiyinp.a ceitam nuii m ot.iv I care for couuh,colda sud all thioit aid i lung Larka bottles, 25 ai.i 50'. hold by J A CummiDE, druygisi. Try our new roaated coffeas, t f K Allen tc Co. Ladies Oxeorus. 1 now l ave a com plete line tanging in price fitm 1,25 to $4.50 a pair. Good, value and every pair warranted. Samuel Vounc. Call and iee new fall dress goods at W K Read's. RnoL. Mr 1) J Cooper, Mr Curtis lliiunlac, Patiio'i Fuller, Mrs Phobe Orois. Mr Kay Hill, MrsKste 2 lluduloo, Mr Dana liutho. Mrs Ke Lee, Mr W La Ponce, Mra Nora Loomia, Miss Matlic Merriam, Anna McDaniel, Fred Miller. Ira A I'ameDt, Mr Ira Iteid, Mrs Sarab A Savaae. Mr Albeit Bonnet, MrGeoree Burrus, William T Desrnaci.s, Miss Mary Korbsbe, John Fuller, F B Hclwig, Monroe C Holdeo. Mr J R Howard, Jams Johnaon & ('... Litmberr, Mr Frank 2 1. ill nd, A L Martin, J L Mianer, Mr,Mm McDonald, Charhs N Fayne Etq, J W Ray, Mr BR Robbian, Jbio'j S Trpp, Mr J inc them do year work Oftiea In Tweedale block. Albanv. Mr Charles Webber.who recently went 1 iregea . from Crook connty to California with a band of horses, is in the city, on his way tn Portland, where he will spend tbe fall and winter with his parents. George Waggoner, Jr.. went to Har risburi; today to take charge of the sur vey of ihe new ditch, which it is now proposed to lui d this yesr. beginning work as soon as possible. Capt J F Brennel, brother-in-law to Mrs Birtch, went to Portland today to meet his wif who will return home to Kngland with him on the Captains barque "Kirkhill" which Ive will load with Oregon wheat. Grant, Strauder and Isaac Froman, and J W Anderson, returned last even ing from their trip to the Metolias, and report three f v; gallon cans of trout as the output. Some one, though, advises the Democrat to see the trout before making a positive statement in reference to the matter. Thos Read, who died in Benton county a few days ago was SO years, 4 months and 27 days old. He was a pioneer of '45. The Times truthfully says: "True, he had hie peculiarities, but his virtues, out-weighed his eccentricities and in his death the county loses a good citizen. He was cbaritabls to a fault and during the early settlement of Ihe Willamette Valley, Tom Read's door was a;wtys open to a fellow traveler." ANNOUNCEMENT. co.inectlon with the Hot Ve offer Cis liun any caaoof CBtart Ball'a Catarr'- Car- . F. J. cnzsy ' We !'.: Baden ; Cheney fo.-thr li) . perfectly lio...; .c , and irartix t,t-l t maflo by tV. ! ' .:: Wc'jT.tTlV I M VAcmio, V 3 . .ui Detlan Rer-ard far B t, bo cured by SO , 9 !: Toledo, O. bavs kuowa F. J, - ra, wad believe him :i eMrcaaactlona 1 v w ;- ou'. t.riy obligation tUEl ls'.E.ToIdo,0. . WiioletaleDrng. Hn'Tsi . 1 . ' tt :-; l.tternallv. set. Inf gfeaetly 0 po ir -.rt" mucous sur- fsua ot the ' al r.. r : . r 1 ottlo. Bold, brail l):ui--;-. - ' t .1 a:., ."roe. siari, V' led' sll's 11 aAKRISO. Desertlaa Hani Imrs Hambuuo, Aug 30. The sultriness of the atmosphere since last evening int.- caus ed the cholera to spread with increased rapidity. Toaight 810 new cases and 3i'J deaths re reported for the day. The long expected panic seems to have come. The exodus of families is continuous mid in crcafinir. business ia dull, and tunny shops are closed. The cafes are deserted. The celebration of Sedan day, the anniversary 0( the surrender ot JNupoieon ill, has been orbidden. CORNETT BURCH. - On Mond ay evening, Aug. 20. 1KU2, in Albany, by Rev ER Prichard,c rj li Cornett a ad Miss Minnie Bur h both of She Id. They have the best wishes of ma .ny friends. 111 - 11 ' 1 ' -1 - xe -Haying severed my Albany nureries, I tak e thia opportunity of tendenng my slru'ere thank to all former patron and friends of the above nurseries for their Kbe ral patronage. I amti!l engaged hi the nursery business, having oca led just acmss the river, in Benton county, one- hilf mile west of the Albany high steel bridge on the Rainwater donation claim, where I am growing a fine a lot of trees a can be seen in any nursery In the Wil lamette Valley. Trees for sale this fail at the nursery, aUo at my tree vatd In Al- jban. Awaiting your furthe. orders, I am 4 Yours truly. J A Htmam. Proprietor of the Wes Bide Nurseries. Albany Market. iVbeat, 04Xc. (lata, $4tt. Vlour, f 6 00. Butler. 20c. Kgga. IBq Ird, 12J4o. Pork-hams 15 -; shoulders, . slaoe 13s. Hay, baled, $15 Po atoes. 25c. Applse, 50c. Hope, 25c. Dried fruit-plums, c. atoles. 9e, 1 Chickens. (4 50 per doaen. Beef, on fool, 2Hc. Hogs, drssssd, Tc. OElkSX KTATC WEXTBIEJX MJIVtCC In co-opera; Ion srith C S weather bureau, cf the department of agriculture office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather bul lelin. No 22. c;n of 1S9J, for wcea end ing Tuesday, Aug 30U1. esterit t)regjn for thresliing and uhcr aim work ihe weather conditions uring the past week has been all that Could be desired, hut on the other hand the partial drought of the past month is bexi' nine to tell on crops still in the ground, besides drytng uf the pasturee. The u-mpature baa been a'tiotf the average, the extremes ranging from 43 to u; .L-grtes. There baa bean plenty of annshine The.winds liave been so light that smoke from forests fires, burning of slashed lands other causes, ha accumu lated 10 such an extent aa bo a'.moat ob scure the heavens. Fall gram has all been threshed oy thia tima: the machines are now idle and waiting for tho spiring grain, which will soon be cut. The hop crop in some of the counties west of the Cascade will turn out much better than it did last year. In Eastern Oregon with the exception of a very light shower of rain in the northern portion of Umatilla county on Wednesday last, there has been no rain )all in this section. Threshiug operations ara not in full blast in most counties. In Grant counlv the prospects for wheat are said to be mkhI. in Baker county wheat is turning out from 20 to 46 bushels per acre. Th cMneral tone oi the reports con cerning the wheat crop is more cheer ful. Important. l'o know that the Hem me Sc Long Piano give perfect satisfaction, viands in tune longest, and l an endles pleasure to all who buy them at B E Hj - man's, r irst st, Atoany, ut, OATaRRK CURSO, health aut awes fcreathsssarsa by SUlah's Catarrh Haawdy frloo, 9 caaw. Kaaal Iajestor free. The Eieat Exposition of 1882 OPENS AT PORTLAND Sept. 21 ait Oct 22. Attraction far ahead of all former vears. Tha famou American Band of Provl- dence, R. I. A rt valued at $35000. Gov ernment Models ot Bartte Ships. A mag nificent E; metrical display. Tbe wonderful . Hall of Mis-.erv. Meivc'cus Mechanical efiect. T'.te tittle World" and a myriad of exhibit in Mining, Elec.riclty.Horiicul rare, Agrlcultute, Wood, MU and Man. , ufacture. BfwMf-d ataifK m UI TriBsnorUtiti Our stock of boots and shoes lor spring and sum mer wear is large and choice. Ut L L Slfiiu Mlw k THE I KjlTITVGr CLOTHIERS. D K J W. i) rtt.r.IlH. Drntist. Dentistry in all its branches, including all mcalern in-provement. He feel con- ndenttliathe can give satistactton to all who may favor him with their patronage, as his woik Is not surpssasd in durability, stele and finish in the West. All tn want of good dental work aie respectfully solic ited to give him a call. Rooms 3 and 4. &trahan Block Fa Xl. CHOICE TEAS, Kenton, -: Dealer In COFFEES. SPICES. y and g-Ktarml assort m of EHIE aifANTEO -Manager and Ova Im T v to hire -md overata men and te rasem a inaMifsoii. ;ng Co. who wa branch offl'-es. vie pay offios rent, a vertlsing aitd :rsTsi:uc ix ames. Posl tlou permanent, socxt satary Bat peddling no canvaaslng. ExpsriMicenot nsossaxty aa ywii act unde our Instruotlons. Tou must ba known In vour location and furnish references t rssjalred. Address with stamp, The Brandsnbuig Mfg Co., uayton, u. o o Subscription agent fct all tba leading Newspapers ar t Magaa.!aa. star tha a. ! Taria-i ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE H0 RETAIL Only White Labor Employee1, Ladiks Krr Vbsts I have jast received a oareuf Jadi.'a ribbed summer vent, cug and abort alsvie Speoiai yslaes, Saatntx B Yotrno. DIED. Walker, Mis Mary F White, Misa Kila Woodward, Wm ff T. Mo.NTKITF, P. M, ART S T U D I O. 1X111 Mattle E. Martin, 5th Street, Residence of Rev G W H1U NEEDHAM. -On Aug. 29, 1802, at Tangent, Mr Jonathan Ne dbani, tasjad 82yeare. The deceased wa a pione er ot 1851. He leaves eight children. Mrs Needham has been dead ten or twelve years. The reaper of death is tak irag the pionesra very lasi. BARDYVELL. At Halsey, Monday, Aug 29, 1892, of paralysis, Mr Alonzo Bardwell- The deceased came to Oregon from Iowa in 1800 and resided for a long time near Albany. He waa a brother of Mrs Ktimson, of this city, and was a man highly respected by all. PRICE'S m0 .Baking S0DAY1LLE Soda Water, Tbd bast mineral water, lu Ihe World, John Isom, Sr's., in quantities to anil. It kespa ths svatsin lu ordsr, and la refreshing, pitasant drink FINE ASHLAND Peaches very morning this wk at C. E. Browwll's. J. A. Ct ik nil tig Evsr.tbody hnmta. sh r-'d keep it in their Used Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. bUtSY t'OI.a.C'TINlA,H,l C. H. DALRYMPLE, M.nag.r, OaltaaSiaas a afaaUlvy rataralaea af atae. CVr- rnseHU ta all tka valla? teats. omCE ovr S Wala's star raster alsi-k ASSESSORS' NOTICE. ! MOTIOE la hereby given that tha boara of equallaatlon will attend a- the offiee af : tbe ooutsty olerk of Linn eeantv.Oraaaa. on Monday, the 30. u day or -tpnaiVe, ; leOJ, and patbdsly examine ths assess ment tola and so tract all errors in valuatieu, description or qualities of lands, lou or other property This dated ths 26th day of faat,18ss. U 8 WILLIAMS, Aasajior. Wall Paper, Jrrngs, Patints. Otl Glass, LIU., aUBANY, -:- 0REC0H w ELL DIUGIG - pret- swd to no .Sd Daidon well d! Aiwt e'.aaa atyls, atouiptiy, and antes bis work. !lqins Wlil gt to la .-Oll 8A LEOHeAP -1 will itell a good I second han4 piano at a eraet bar gain. Call at my residence n 7tb i between broada.biu sua Ferry. MSI 'LATHAM'