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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1892)
Ik cwactat Judge Gresham rays he ii not wedded to any party but the thiid party thinks it hai a strong esse against him fcr breach of promise. The PindUy Wire and Nail Mill has shut down becuase its employees objected to t re duction of wages. Findlay ia in Gov. mcKin ley's State. It is hardly necessary to call the attention of democrats, and people generally, to the very partisan character of the political news ant out by the Associated Press. Much that it gives out is unworthy of credit. It seems rather old to read in republican organs the solemn assertion that democrat "are becoming alarmed over prospects" in the notlhwestern states, not one of which has fail ed to go republican until 1890 since the war. The editor ofthe Canton(IU.) republican has been converted . He has changed the name of his excellent little daily to the Csntenion, and hoisted the names of Cleveland and Stev enson at the top of his editorial columns. The Statesman says that "Repeal the Mc Kinlev law" was the democratic campaign cry two years ago, but no effort to that end has yet been saade. We are not aware that the Sialnman editor is conscious ofthe fact that his statement ia untrue but it is untrue never theless. Reduction of the tariff was the cam paign cry two years ago and is bow . We sap pose the most charitable view is to conclude that the Statesman editor did not knew what hc campaign cry two years ago was. Democratic State Committeeman W iley, of Buffalo, talks with encouraging confidence of the presidential outlook . He thinks New York wiU give Cleveland 30,000 plurality and adds: "I have travelled through the West re cently, and It weald not surprise me if we carried four Western States which went for Harrison four years ago." They are woilh fighting for, and ihe Western Democratic Cam paign Kuad will supply the ammunition. The republicans in Indiana and New York are going into the courts in order to set aside the legislative apportionmtnt laws of these two states. Does the reader understand why these republican leaders are so very anxious to set these apportionment laws aside? The explanation is plain. These two states will elect United States senators this winter. These leaders see that it is almost a cer tainty that Cleveland will be elected and that the next house will be sifely democratic. They are thus attempting to save the senate. But it looks very much like they are di tlned to lose that body, too. The fust Republican campaign document printed at the expense of the Government has been promulgated py the Treasury Depart ment. It is a pamphlet of twenty-two pages. the report of the Special Agent of Tin-plate Manufactures. The report is made up entitley of statements furnished by manufactures them selves. In reference to the Tcmesca! tin mines, California, the report quotes W. W. Stewart & Co. of San Diego, selling agents, as saying that the mine looks as well as ever, but that it will require from three to five years to get the mine opened to work it properly. The total production of the mine for the last year s claimed to be 270,81a pounds. - aa, Hon A Stevenson, the democratic can didate for vice president, ia a great speech at Bloomington, Illinois, the other day, closed in these words: I firmly believe that your interests, the interests of all the people of these United States, are bound up in the success of the party that came in with Jefferson in the very infancy of our republic: the party which for more than half a century of our existence has stood at the helm of state; the party which in all periods of oar history has been the but arark of our constitution and the faithful guardian of the rights of all the people: the party under whose broad banner the men of all nationalities have been welcomed to share with us this God given heritage; the party which from the beginning has been the foe of proscription, whether on account of birthpia.-e or of re ligion ; the party which knows no privi leged classes, but demands equal and exact justice for ail; the party which, under Jef ferson, purchased the great valley of the Mississippi, and extended our domain to the gulf and to the ocean; the party which, under Madison, bore oor flag to victory in our second struggle with Great Britain, and which, under his immediate successor, es tablished firmly for all time the rights of the American nation, by the declaration and maintenance of the Monroe doctrine; the party which, in tne early morning and in the noon of this century, gloried in the leadership of Jackson and of Douglas, the undaunted foes of special privileges and of unjust taxation. Under the matchless leadership of the man who gave ) on an honest administra tion of the government; who wrested from the grasp of those who had robbed yon of your heritage 80.000.000 acres and restored it to the public domain; whose principle in action is, "A public office is a public trust" under bis leadership the democratic party confidently submits the momentous que tions at issue, and will abide by the de termination of the final arbiters at the polls. Acinar manufacturer zt Grand Islano, Ne braska, addressed the following letter to Mr. McKinley, ourinp his recent canvas of tha state, He desired information very much but tsytt Mr. McKinley has not been heard from. The letter ia as follows: Oband Island, Nib.. Aug. 3, 189s. M Dsar McKinley: I see by the Asso ciated Press that in your great speech at Bea trice you assured the people that the foreigne, paid the tariff taxes, and, presuming that you know what oi are talking about, I sddress yru for 1 he purpose of gaining a little infor mation. Tliis lsst week I received a bale of Sumatra tobacco used Io' cigar wrappers. The bsle weight 1 102 pound. The bill far Ibis bale of imported t Jbacco was $415,60. The cost of the to'jacco alone was $91 on- The tarift taxes at f 2 per pound as fixed by your bill, known as t lie McKinley bill, was $324 , making a total cost of I41 5.60 . You say the foreigner pays the taiifl tax, and as this $324 tariff tax has been charged up tome in the bill from tbe wholesale tobacco house, erroneuoslr according to your statement, the information I desire is this, where can I find the foreigner whose du ty it is 10 pay this $324 tariff? I want to draw on him, at sight, for the amount. By giving m: tlusdesired information, you will confer a great favor on one of the protected cigar ma kers of America. With ret respect, X am sir, Yours Truly, Henry Schlottfeldt. SENUIN YOUKDOliLAK. How marfy voters are there In Linn county who would cheerfullv give $io, $5, $2. so, or even $i for the pleasure of hearing the annourccment made next Novembei that Cleveland Is ele:ted presl dent How many women, how many girls, how many young men, and how many boys are there who would like to have their names enro'led aa among those who coi.trihuted a small sum into the western campaign fund which secured the election of Cleveland. The New York World is raising a campaign fund to pay the legitimate expenses ot a campaign to secu-t one or more of the state of Illi nois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebrss Ua and Minnesota to the cause of Cleve land. It has authorized the Democrat to receive subscriptions. This we are now doing. Let every democratic man, wo man and child who can, contribute some thing. It you can not give $5 or more give less. Send money in at once. Send direct or to the authorized agents ol the Democrat In the several towns in the tount.' tiKKKYM ANDEKINt, The Time Mountaineer has a kind of virtuous, holy horror for all gerrymander ing' schemes except those made to keep its party in power. It says: Iniquitous democratic msrrvmanders. de signed to secure control or state legislatures, have been declared unconstitutional in Wisconsin and Michigan. The New York gerrymander, which was the most out rageous of them all, has gone the same way, having been declared unconstitutional by a New tork district supreme court. It is a sad day for the people when the democratic machine is able to secure control of the courts and to influence them to confirm them in their.lawless schemes for plunder of power and public place. The plan of David H Hill and his henchmen to lay vio lent hands on New Tork falls throuirh bo- cause the people can still obtain justice in the courts. The Mountaineer is purely an organ, with all that the won! implies. It never s anything wrong in the conduct of republicans, nor anything right in the conduct of democrats. Whatever is wrong when done by democrats is, in its eyes, pure and right when done by republicans So strong is the obligation a a mere organ, that it feels under no obligations to state facts correctly. The gerrymander in Mich igan was set aside by the supreme court of that state, notwithstanding it was a demo cratic ooi. rt. The gerrymander in Wiscon sin has not been set aside but will likely be. The gerrymander in New York has been set aside only by an inferior court a republican court, actuated by the same partisan motive as the Mouataiiutr. When the case reaches the supreme and appellate courts of that state there is scarcely room for doubt that the lower court will be over ruled and the apportionment law sustained. The republicans of New York are the last that should ever complain of gerrymander ing. No party has so outrageously prac ticed it as they. For years republican members of the legislature of that state have steadily violated their oaths of office which required them to have a census cf that state taken, because it would have given the democrats much larger represen tation in the legislature. Now that the democrats have had a census taken and a assw pporuonmem iisai etvurra .u - , fairer representation the republicans squeal. 5 But did anyone ever hear of the Mountain- er complaining of a republican gerry- . . , . . . , mander r Did it protest against the repub- ican legislature 01 jato su mmuimLUm the congressional districts as to give that 72 ... , . , , ,-. parr, 16 and the democrats only 5? Caa - nacticut republicans went even further than New Tork in disfranchising democrats. As a result of the (rerrymander in that state, ! . . , r. ... . ! for instance, eighty republican towns cast- ing an aggregate vote of 31,624 elect 111 representatives to the legislature, while the ' cities of New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport , and Waterburv with a total votintr popu- I iation of 44,431 elect but eight representa tives. The Tillage of Hartland with i69 votes elects two republican representatives while the city of New Haven most cast 17,894 votes to elect two democratic repre sentatives. Eighty-nine votes in the re publican village of Marlborough elect one representative while it takes a total vote of 11,491 to elect a representative from the democratic city of Hartford. But you never saw a word of condemnation of the Connecticut gerrymander in republican papers. The only reason for the existence of the republican party being to get and hold the offices, the question how they are won is a minor consideration. I Jerry mandering is only an evil in republican .morals when it permits democrats to jx, elected to office. ASCAKCCKOW. A corresponrfeut of toe N' W Keferm Journal, writing from Linn county, inquires by what authority the assessor takes the census of al! nersoni over and under certain aees suliecl to ., , ai I a'T- 4 ne rD .uswes " lows: We understand there is a law in this state empoweiiug the assessor to do this upon the direction of some oflkial. It seems this has been don in Linn county. There is little use tor them to take the census on this bee; the plu tocratic element cannot get tha masses io tight for English investors in this country or for tne foreign money power co n spiracy. The law requires the assessor, (not sabjec to the direction of any official) to make out the list of persons subject to military duty, and perse ribes s penalty in esse of failure to da so. The probability that Bro McGill will ever be caHe l our to fight fjr Eaglisn investors stors in this country, or for the foreign money power con spiracy I whatever that is) is so remote that it has no existence excepr in bis own vivid im agination. But such threats as are implied in the above will subject him to those choice terms of reproach which io his eirlier days he used with sa much relish "rebel and traitor. Till t.CTHCKAN-8 fOR DEMOCRACY The Lutherans were holding a conference in New York city last week. A delegation of them went to the democratic head quarter on Saturday last and asked to see Mr Harrity. They were the Rsv F V A Vote, Prof C P Huth. the Rev J Schlerf, and Rev J Schutte, of Wisconsin, and the Rev J Broese, of Illinois,. They called to tell Mr Harrity that the Lutherans of tbe northwest, and particularly Wisconsin and Illinois, would vote the national demo cratic ticket. They explained to him how the attitude of the republicans in Wiscon sin, in restricting their rights in the schools, had led them to elect a democratic governor there and assured him that no matter he might be told the Lutherans were the democracy now. what with STOCKINU. UnJer the law which was lepealed by the psssage of the McKinley act the tariff tax on ordiaary stockings was 40 per. cent. The McKinley act has made the tax, according to value, 54,59 per eent,, 70.41 per cent., 69,57 per cent, and 58.99 per cent In 1891 the people of this country bought foreign stockings that cost on the other side $3,380,724. The tariff tax on lhsm was ,349i'96, so that for 13,380,74 worth of stockings 1I1: importers paid (5,729.920, and those who wore the stockings paid this enhan ced price ai,d the profits of the wholesaler and retailer reckoned on the whole. This is what the McKinley law has done or the wearers of stockings. Gen. A. E. Stevenson wltl devote the first ten days of September to Indiana, opening at Vincenaea and speaking nearly every dsy. He will return tu Illinois, speak for a week or tea days there and spend 1 he rest of the month in North Carolina Returning he will spend nearly the entire month of October in Illinois, although he will make a few addresses in New York State. A Lurge Transaction. Astoria, Or, Aug 30. The largest sin gle cash real estate deal ever transacted in the state ul Orugou cuueiiniuiated today in this city. Judge Carey and Fred Strong of Portland, attorneys for Messrs E L Dwyer. P .1 Burke and N G Reed, of Boston, and S H Brown, jr, of Marblehead, Mass, have been working for the past three days with Hon C W Fulton, of this city, attorney for Captain George Flavel, on the trangfer of the property on the west side of Young's bay Known as Tansy point, and comprising about 1800 acres. The price paid for the land was $350,000 and tbe deeds were sign ed and filed this afternoon in this county. STAND FAS.T. One of two 1 emits will follow the election in this state this f il .. Fither ll . rison or Cleve land will be elected. The republicans cast 34,000 votes In June, the democrats 26,000 and the people's parly 13,000. There is not a single reason to believe it possible for Weaver to overcome the 21,000 republican majority, but, on the contrary, there are reasons to hope that under good management the state might be swung into the democra'ic column. There are many democrats In the State who believed that the best policy was to fuse with the peo ple's patrv, but the people's party state com mittee has matte that lmpostib'e by passing a resolution oeclaring that ihey would not enter into such fusion . There is a large number of voters in the people's and democratic patty who would vote for either Cleveland or Weaver in order to defeat Harrison. To Math men we appeal in all candor to say woks is the most likely to occur, the overcoming o! 9,000 re publican majority bv Cleveland, or the over Coming of 2 1, 000 by Weaver? There can be but one answer and that is that there is but one hope of defeating H irrison In this state, and that is by voting for Cleveland II those in all parts ofthe state who declare their willingness to vote for el' her Cleveland or Weaver to defeat Harrison shall do so, there is reason to hope that Cleveland will carry the state. The republicans in this state have but little heart to make a fight. It is believed the appointment of I .titan as Collector of cus toms will cost that party 1500 vo'es in the stste four fifths of whom will vote for Cleve and. Let every democrat, who believes in the principles of the party, stand faithfully to the Cleveland electors, and if we do not win the state we will have the consciousness of having done ligh:. tatrrt. More young men and women are want ed with an ambition to excel, to go np a little higher. When vou see any of this character stand by them, and help turn the jack screw ihat raises tliem up. The comma Is very useful In its place. . -..,., H. .,,., iud.ment In the ut number of an exchange there ap pears an advertisement in which the firm announce that hey keep hetk rnoaam- Dique corset iace,r.jrureu miwin nairpins, """j embroidered' ren,j,ne .klrt..--E. . A Woodburn paper savat "In the nam comnon firethe honel anc; pig, us have city, not a cow pasture " 'J hat's business. A place Is tntitlea to no consecration so long as It allow cow on the street: in fact it is ridlculout to c,u ,och , collection ot houses a city. a. little newspaper pleasantry occaa- ionallv I interrs'ine. Here is some from an t: ine euttoi o, ine independent gives T H McGill ot the Reform Journal a dig whenever opportunity offer and Mctiiil returns the compliment. Yet the writer of this is intimately acquainted with boh and is able to say that in actions and character they are as much alike as two peas. What is stranger, each of them will get msd to be reminded of It. Hoyt's new plsy, A Temperance Town, will be firv. presented in Boston next November. The storv is founded on a true criminal case in Vermont in which a roan was sent to jail for 21,952 V day be- I cause he cou.d not pay $7314.19 tine for j violating the liquor law. The man ar rested was George F Gtbelieg snd re reived hi senterre on ChrUtros dsy . 1890, for a longer period of time than most men live from the crsdle to the grave. It is thought the production of the play will create a great sensation 111 cukikiiu. Quif a crowd gathered along Main ' street Friday evening to listen te the talk i of a gray haired old man, who stood in the middle of the street snd addressed his au . on spiritualism . Among other ' things he said the atmosphere was peopled ; by millions of spirit, and that there were ' i now two million of mediums ia the j . country . The close of his speech was ; somewhst interesting lie held a clasped MU. ,n hI. hIU ,nd remrk,d that if the spirits wished him to continue it would open. The book failed to open snd he dis missed his hearers. Pendleton F. O. cast . i i c . i t. i at Silverton all week, and only MS t Saleui, Woodbarn and Gervais. Silver- ton is the town. Tribune. County Judge Borch has ordered School Superintendent Hutchinson to vacate the office room which he now occupies in tbe court bouse at Dallaadhe Jodae thinking that be is entitled to J pnvate office of his own, not desiring to : make his headquarters m tbe clerk's office. The superintendent holds a dif ferent opinion, however, claiming that he has the moat business to do and that there is no other place for it to be tran sacted, a mi refuses to vacate. West Side. The presidential campaign sinks into , insignificance beside tbe New Orleans campaisr between Sullivan and Co r be tt. Until after Sept 7th it wiU hardly be known what is what in politic. Every body, even against inclination, is talking about the coming battle of the bWwhardt, and if both could be knockeJ out it would be a good thing. As it is, the Man About Town's tip is that John L. will put Corbett to sleep ith one of hia 16-100 second Olows created by hia right 14-., inch biceps, inside of 19 minutes. A nto-y comes to ns from old Yamhill that in some ot the hop yards the owners turned their sheep in to eat the sprouts and leaves from the hop vines near the groand.and thereby destroy the roosting place of the festive bop louse, and allow the nourish merit from the roots to go into the upper leaves and hops. A farmer on Salt creek heard of the exper iment, and not having sheep, he turned his band of goats into his hop yard, but, "0 ' what a difference in the morning," l-e was w ild with rage and astonishment to find that every dod goated goat had climbed the poles and eaten every vestige of tiie hops, vines and all. He swore that he'll kill every d m goal on tbe place He says go ts are good for oak grubs, but not good for hops. Ex. Kome apoles raised by Mr Sara Mullen, in 18'JO may be seen at Curran A Mon teiths. That is decidedly aged for apples. A couple traveling photographers have been taking; interior views and charging $3 a dozen lor w bat our local photograph ers do in a superior manner for $3 a dozen, and are always ready to attend to on short order . A Kansas farmer sent this mixed order to aChsnote merchant: "Bend me a sack of flour, 5 Bs of coffee, and 1 S of tea. My wife gave birth to a big baby bay last nigbt, also A Bs of corn starch, a screw driver and a fly trap. It weighed ten lbs and a straw hat." Tbe Corvallis mossbacks stirred np a hornet's nest when they lied about tbe best city in the valley in order to defeat a righteous cause. The result shows that as a whole Corvallis is all right. The city was not to blame for the con temptible conduct of a few antiquarians Corvallis will grow and prosper regard less of such old slow coaches. They made a mistake in not also voting for the bridge bonds. The Albany folks are picking tip their ears as the railioad building progresses eastward from Astoria- They are hop ing that there may yet be some milk in the Albany and Astoria cocoanut. Statesman- Correct. Also hoping that Messrs Lanning, Humphrey and Bsrr, who recently left for an outing over the line of the road, will bring home for gen eral distribution 11 line "apply ol fish and venison. Lsrgs stock of -vnite guide aud t nil roid ertssatW KKead ACos. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Forcible War. M.ympia, Aug 30. S R Cannon and five others were arrested at Rainier and brought to this city today charged with de priving John Tullock, of Tacoma, of his liberty and threatening him with bodily violence. Tullock is the owner of a shingle mill near Rainier, and the arrested men have been in his employ. Yesterday Tul lock expressed a purpose to shut down a mill, and discharged the men. The pay of the latter not being promptly forthcoming they made rsotous demonstrations ann Tul lock attempted to fly from the scene. He was caught and taken back to the null, where he was compelled to give the men checks for the sums claimed to be due. One of the workmen was then dispatched to Tucoma to cash the checks, and awaiting his return with the money, Tullock was kept under guard. Warrants were sworn for the workmen concerned in the affair and all but two were arrested. Fall Portland, Aug 30. J E Swanson, a grain buyer of Carlton, Yamhill county, died of apoplexy in the office of Balfour. Guthrie Co, in the Concord block, at 9:45 o'clock yesterday forenoon. He wrs talking with J S Patterson, one of the clerks in the office, regarding a wheat deal, and had just made the remark ihat the terms offered were satisfactory, when he fell over on the floor. Medical aid was at once summoned, but Swanson was beyond their reach. Clevelaast's Mevessteate. New York, Aug 30. Mr Cleveland will leave Buzzard's Bay the first week in Oc tober and will come to New Tork. He will register and vote in his assembly district, and will remain in the city from that time on until after election day. According to the present program he will net take the stump. t tk (east. WasnixoTos. Aug 30. Ex-Secretary James ( Blaine is negotiating for the par chase of a home in Los Angelas, Cal. He will not return to Washington, which has been the srene of so many family sorrows, but will make his winter home in Los An geles. Bring Is He re Washixotox. Aug 29 Before the Ore gon senators leave for the Pacific Coast ther will probably insist that the board of officers, consisting of three army and three navy officers, be appointed to examine and report upon a situation for gun factory on the Pacific Coast. Heretofore it has 'been j considered probable that this gun factory Mai be located at Benicia, bat the officers j of the various departments assert that the ! Columbia river and Puget Sound are mak ing an effort to secure the site. Bsey rrsJa W westers. Seattle, Aug 29. Today it was learned thai two. Snohomish bors, James Francis and John Harrier, aged 12 year, opened a switch at Dubuque, by which the Seattle, Lake Shore tt Pasta 111 train was wrecked. They hid in the boshes to see the train go off the track, and had another switch open ed further up the line for the train from the north, bat it was discovered in time. The boys wen arrested today and confessed. They will be sent to the reform aeooo'. Hakbi bo, Aug 29. Official cholera sta tistics place the number of new cases of the disease reported Saturday at .. and the number of deaths 145. For Sunday and up to noon today, s4$ new cases and 72 deaths were reported. The disease appears to be abating in several quarters of this tv . So small has become the traffic on the tram ways that the companies are restricting the CisciSKATi. Aug 29. Dr Samuel Henry arm irr J w Henry, rival physicians Benin. J season county, quarreled over, charge of catting fees. A few days ago ' she former shot t ire times at the tatter, missing him. Dr J W knocked him xit , with a brick, and had him bound over for shooting to kill The next day Dr Samuel Henry 's father dropped dead on account of the disgrace. Last night the son commit ted suicide with poison. Loxnox. Aug 29. Ida Sain van. a Rns- sian Pole from Hamburg, was admitted to ; the London hospital today dying with a disease believed to be Asiatic cholera. Cal onie Lane, au Eniriish girl, was also ad mitted to the London hospital, believed to be suffering from Asiatic cholera. Tsse Ota rVL Bevf.ri.ey Farms, Haas. Aug 29. Oliver Wendell Holmes is ! years old to- . day and. to ali appearance, he is in the en hausssit of as rood health as at any time during the past ten rears. Hi facniiie are unimpaired. lnt hia eyesight has not ! Deen t00" ely sslUcS By a WUttcal. Sax Disco. Aug 3?. A few days ago an Indian woman of PaJomar. tn this county, went a few nU from her boose to do some sewing in the shade of a tree. In tent upon her work, site did not anything unusual, until a wildcat sprang from the branches upon her back, fiercely r , ? biting snd tearintr her flesh from her body and ne neck. A doe came to her rescue, and the wildcat lef the woman to chase the canine to tbe stable. There the cat attack ed the horse, creating such havoc as to arouse the woman's husband, who came and shot it. The woman died soon after- ward from the effect of her wounds. , U fc... ntmt aw steal TBter. Hill Bonn, Aug 27. The irreaiest ex- citement was created in what is known as the Cornelius Plain, north of this place, I I last night For some weeks past farmer j and four 3 aad 4) io block No 8 in Kick have been losing large cjuantibes of wheat patrick's tddition to tbt town of LeHtnoo, and other stuff, taken from the fields and j Linn Coaaty, Oregon, as shown bv tne graneries. and a strict watch has been kept ' map and plats of taut town now oa i. ia to catch the thieves. Last night some per- : tha Recorder' office of Lion County, Ore sons, supposed to be the Pomeroy boys, j goo. Th proceeds aiiing irotn the Dwisrht and Walter, of .ScaDOoose. drove t. aala ff said is' prop it e. to he the Bardey farm and loaded a wasron with wheat. Tbey were then surrounded bv the ; watchers, and on attempting to capture them Mas-en,! idiots were fire,! nn Itnth tide without effect. The thieves managed to ' get away and drove furiously toward Port- i land, pursued bv a dozen infuriated farm era. After this'a sheriff, armed with a warrant, succeeded in arresting Dwight Pomeroy, and brought him to town. He found him near West Union, at his brother's house. Great excitement prevails, and there is ranch satisfaction among the farm ers over the arrest. The Cholera HaMBURO. Aug 28. The number of fresh cases of cholera Saturday was 460, I and the number of deaths 197. Incomplete returns (or today show that there are at least 500 fresh cases. The number of deaths has not yet been ascertained . Tbe mor tality from cholera has raised the nutnlier of funerals from an average of 85 to 320. Tbe streets today have been deserted for the first time since the disease became prevalent. A Ctsalera larldeat Versailles, Auar 28. A lady called on the mayor at Montmirtre today to register the death of ber child from cholcrar Per sons in the office drew away in terror, when suddenly the lady fell to the floor, writhing with pain. She was at once re moved to the cholera barracks, where her husliand had been taken the previous day. The husband is now dead. One (oil Set Canoe Place Inn, Aug 28. John L Sullivan went to church today, accompanied by Phil Casey and other friends. He ex ercised twice in the barn in the afiernoon, 100 men and women being present as spec tators. Afterwards he shook hands with 500 persons and bade them farewell. His actual eiirht at this time is 207 pounds. Sullivan will go to Biooklyn Monday after noon. COBLiljNT WORM and BORER. . PROTECT "YOURS-ITREE8. B PAPER, PAINT, ROOFING. Samples and circulars free, Paraffine Paint Co,, Portland, Ob booh II1UI Fall term open 011 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. I4TH. DsPARTMKNTk :-or -: Srcnv Collegiate, Normal, Business, Primary. Ala good boading sicsl facilities school and mu- A BIG STOOF Baby :-: Buggies beat eaerrtment ever brought te Albessl jus: rctciTW mi Seittv So.v'i, 8m Um ligftn tad Qit Trim. iuaqssJSteaa pssfj t at jjiuavi JT , siTsir -r o. d HcFarland. -:- us ai.cb W -:- Harness -and-Saddler j a Display In in the Ooor. Opposite First Nstionai Bank, Albany .Or. GO OB NSWSi a For the sssHient el eisissssn sf ZXutts Fills. II e1rr IM-. lull ilnsiHT ssosuM that he is now BSssttBSJ P w TINY LIVER PILL , Uat h ef-xree4tosrty amsstt mlm. . I yet rtaietss nil the trust. of ll.c I Urser mm. OoatwsUd pu : y i a -Krl'i.'. s of I h esie Jul Is I ' svrv stilt ssstsed. Tbe rml ttee ef i TUTT8 TISY UVEB P!UJ ' ks ttwrn tn Uw border of ssstS "ssd." SHERIFFSSALf. tm tie CirtuHCmmrt or Limn Commtf.SMm of . On get.' Jacsb S;betd. plaintiff. ! va Wm. Kiiea, L B liia. U C Haoipbrey aad Mary K. Humphrey hia wife, L, W. Deyos sad John Itobsoe. parteeva I aodtr the firni m of Deyo A Bib- too, delemun'S NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN. THAT! by nrtae t ma execution mua urmey ct . , ! daly iataed oat ot ta. atwve nsmej cou rt in , the ebo. entitled sou to ree di ecud and j del'vered. I will oa Beiertlay: taw tothtUy f Srssseetsser. MM, , j t the 'root doer oi the i aunty Court H -use : m the City of Albaa . Lino County, Ore- .on. at the hour o 1 o'clock P M of said -s n) nclioll fjf ca,h te s,td. to the biahe.t bid ier the r4 prop- , .rt. described in snd execution and under j of sale a follows, tow it: Lot No three applies'. first, to th ptm.nt ot j the ets ud ex pente of sale, including tne! : costs and disbursements of suit taxed at f.,7.S.;aecoui io tne BSrjsaesn isuuu.., oitim amountiog to the sum nt $2$3 33 with aceruintf intret thsroa tt tt a rata of 10. ... t . . j rr, . i or cent rx ' annum anithf fur-.her sum ot j 25ttoin-.. fees; third to th 'payment ol : the amount due the defendant Devoe At i Robwn. BBS -anting to tbo turn -( 862 with int. rest I hi roo at the rste of 10 per cent ner ant urn frcru the 5th dsv cf Jane, , and the further sum of $10 attorneys tud SIG.Oil coats and di' burtements; fou te th 1 - .men, of th claim ot tha ' defendant L E Blaio, amounting tn the torn ! of $134 40: Bfs. ihe overplus, if any, tr l-e paid t.. th defendant Mary K, Humphrey. Dsten tm8di dsv of August, 1892 C. C. JACKSON. bhoriA of Liuo County, Ortson. SlisWFrirULt In the Circuit Court of the Statt o Oregon for Linn County. Jacob Schmidt, plsiutiff vs Wm Hllsa, I, K Blrln, K K Humphrey no Mary K Huu'p'urey his w-f . L W Beyoe and John Kooson, partners under the nrtn name of ft Bob son. defendants NtiTlCK IH HEBEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an exesu iou and order f aale duly leaned out of tbe above named court lu the sboveentlled suit to me dl reeled and delivered, I will, on Salarear. Ike teta stay sr Septeasber, last, at tbe front door of the County Court House, lu the City of AlbKiiy.Ltnn Coun I iv r,..,n volt ml nutiliu auction f ir cash in hand to the ighsst bidder, the real property described in s'.ld execution aud order of sale aa follow, towlt. Ixits eight and nine (8 and 9; In bloek one (I) in Kircatrlok's secoad addittou to the lown of Lebanon. Lion county Oregon, aa shown by the inapaandplaisol said town now nn file In the County Beosrder'x nfBoe of J Inn Counay, uregon- Tbe pro ceeds arising from th sale uf asid real p'operty to be applieu urat to tne psy ment of the costs sue exiienees .t sale, Including the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at f 37.1 5; second, to tbe pay mentor plaintiff's claim, towli ihe sum of $112.50 with accruing interest th? reon from the 24th day of March 1892 at the rate r.f ten per cent per annum and the further sum l& attorneys lees: third to the payment .' tbe defendants' Deyoe .t Kobson'a claim amounting to .heaumot 982 with Interest thereon at the rate uf 10 percent per minimi from the 6th day of Juno, 1889 and the further sum of f 10 at toroeys fees and ths further sum cf 16 60 costs and disbursements; fourth, to tke payment of tl e amount duo the defend ant L 1 Blain, amounting to the sum of 1 1 MM; the remainder. If any, to be paid to the defendant Mary E Humphrey Dated this 8th day f August. 1892 o c Jackson, Sheriff ol Linn Court). Oregon sir-, 3 .;-... : 3 "iJm l;JhiK-. - . i 1-S rl l NKT ADYBKTIBEa! KN1S. W housework. Mast mi girl to do geaeral 1 inquire of Dt O W 117-ABTBD.- girl to do general tin DbmocbaT housework, Call at offlet. G m. rraii.c x Albany, Orseea. J, losti iirnv on aeod ri eatats eyialeg sauiitse. som ' I. a see WAMrao Uirl to do general hows work ( all at residsnas of Wm Fortmiller, at streets. Kerry and Eleventh JOP PICKERY WMTEn75 h'p 1 1 plokers, to begin work mi prubst.i v At.gSOstl. Mi r. ins a box w!l bs nalff. pp.y to J J Uratie-i , i street Albany. Or, t and Maker A I Ma. Ueuiisuian 3 years 5 wiaiia employment Aeuu ' to sua 1 to saerat , work .i bookkeeping. )ftrtl reterenot Address ti Cross, eaviile, rx'" . TITAN rstD In bank, TV situation aa book kaeier. store or '.".'. eper, aaaUlant L. . r pa eras pari aeeountani having i " wMpwrivucw, can lurmtn the j beet of reftr.n.. Arfdvess for tbo uext STaSS. A'n7. rW, or luqeJre j at this ofllee. HEALTH 18 WE A TH Da B C tsnl Xaars aa Baal r mnun u4 S.r itM,rf 3sH r tobseaa, Sraui rsmlunr in luun, 41 1 i.J nTw sals.rv . . 1. , ,TJ:,tr umi Kta f ism hi s ,. But. mUrU.wmymmprU JinntnMm. MilnsuatK su.aj ik., wi crejusrrea ais TsraraucsM. Wiu, vck trdt MH , m tofB M. KoainsM with r 0O. mwBl irol ib r ir vnuaa r-ssnnM x nlicA Out aust.t d o.j ufi . ou,. am. aal as k J raeaestsuu frasawk( Bete Asset, aikeay. errs uvrnLsse iTses jsarc n'l . S 1 1 csss:te rr rrt 1 w esssasi u s rstsai ee.: as S --!oc. Wttk rr . sJswsuS, or jl frrm - a 1 l'3f ftp SM f sssr!. "It (SB vf snteal ; lisrt. see: .wftrs BMW ! ::.r 7 aywar&u:. C.A.SNOW&C j PsSsei OSIe. tYsaaeuSa. 3 SHERIFFS SALE: i tm tV Csiruit Cent of fit State t Oreysw, 1 isr Lism rmmh; L E Blalo, PtaiotitT. vs Henry Hsckeosto, Delasuiaat. TssTOTICE IS HEREBY UIVES THAT X by virtue of an execution auljr la sued ont of the atsovsi earned court, in ihr above eetiiied action, to eae direct ed s. and delivered. I did co the 1st day ot August. JsJ, levy u;n.n alt the rigkCliUe and itf ereet of (he above ceased defend ;. eat, Henry ltsvekensto. In aao to the real prnr-erty kerescaner described and , wiii on rrlstas. law setk ear ef taassaastssea, test. I at the front door cf the court boese,lo the 1 ctty of Aloaay. Han oaclv. Oregoa, el Its biur or I o olrw-S r ta of wmUS die aall at pc b lie aurtsen for rath in hand to the b'gbesi hi Ider a'.i the right, ittle and inure oftheeaid Hsorv Backensto in ' and to lh- ptemisee desx-ribed mm follows .wll: I bevsotb ba!f of block -Xo i ia the city of Albany, Linn eoonlr,Oregj. 1 he proceed anslag from the aale of ; said re: i rtfetty to be aprlied frst, le the psymeot of the cta f and upon said xecutioe; eocond. to the satisfaction of : sssid exeeetkon amounllnc to the sum of arty-four an.t 43-100 fJM 43-iOO dollar. Ueted this Both day of togest. lata. U C .' A' Ks N nt nn ci unn eoanty. la'lnow trapartdtio furnish, fi MS la sjBSBUtlse to soft at reeena-f If ssoie Order Nrka will le found si s i aa of Prank I. Ksr.lrn, Jche Isetr .ar d Parksr roa. Wseoo will ts for la.- si thee t'aeee a t a m and t p to dativ. tsaeet ondsys. Pt mpt serv lee gasranteed. The IS : THE : BBST -. HIGH : GRADE the mark Kasmin vj T 'T t- rS I I VI H Into Its iiperlor nelnts. In tck both for d, trJ mfn at hsewart S sV' VAN WILSON, Agent. ALBANY OPERA H0USI. SATURDAY MATINEE, ONE WEEK Commencing A(oqdtv. Sept- 5tl THE WILBER COMPANY (J. R. M .Canti & O..Proprletors ) Supporting the ponular actor JAMES R. M'CANN, And the interesting actress LIZZIE KEN0ALL. REPERTOIRE: Monday The Planter's Wife Tuesday Street of New York Wednesday Lights of London Thursday The Octoroon Friday Monte Criato Saturday Matinee Two Orphans Saturday The Ciemenceau Case A OMISSION : to cents,3o cents,4o cents. Seats on sale at Will's Music .'tore. 2nd Store. Beat stock or Snd'asT goods In lbs VsHey, mid the most reasonable prices have on hsnd all ktmla of FUttNITUlsl, STOVES, TINWARF, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC.. ETC. i lie door,wet fof S E Young 's eld to L. G0TLIEB. III A mm m it,, will fee j Z IZZZT WlBSiBB J asm I ul Tiist.Mi rssusr wsreisT WANTkU. Ths undersigned wants to purchase 300 oor of good body fir wood. Call at tl e Albany Brewing Cora pan v, near Southern Paoiflc dspot. vf M FABEB, MEHT WHY AREw YOU MM mmms, 0? UT AKklFCO.' a s V - rfaBs, a tA jr . ' -1 ' tW. . i laW Rg;W av mHSmmmmmmmmmW-f.'J :. relief and core In your ignorance of effects and vitality which ia system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol- j cure or money refunded. Dr. Sendee's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many of THE WAr is a comple-.e galvanic battery, made into a belt so at to be easily worn daring work or at res. and it 2' es sootoin -xolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5.0OO. It has an IscproW 1 Electr- - Saapensory. the Beatest boon ever gi ven weak men, and we warrant it to care arry cf the above weaknesses, and to t -rge shrunken limbs, or parts, x oney Refoxtded. They urt n'.'drd in ssrengta to meet -!1 jtages of weafatcss ia yotasg, scx'aged or okl sicn, and w"" crs the worst casts in two or three months. Address A SANDER ELECTRIC CO ASSI NS 5, IE. KOTICE iS HKKKS? tilVES THAT the UL'drrti(c il aaii:o? of J E CffM and' W P Pitcnford, partewtS ioing basinsas ua der Prm, name an ! atl of Cros ii Pitch ford, will, on SalarsUr. site lath ear aeptesstber. iset a 1 t' ock r M, set! a-, public aactioa the Cosri H.udoo.' at Alkaor, m Lisa ' eoaoty, lau ! Unroo, a:i ot the nab', title and ut.-rt that the rait Cvraj Pchf. e ther theoa. had is mui to the roiiowiag desertbol real eata.e oa the 15th day of January or at aoy fmc tbcie after, towit: Commeeeisgatapa.atoo the soathwest of the norths ast of seetlon 7, township , II, south range oa (l)etst, in Lion Coo sty. Oregoc, where the Crabtxee creek and Bmt ieg river t-mw together at high wall. mark ' thee rename ap the Crabtree creek near the edge of lew watrr mark, a dsfttaeea ti 37 rod, thence ssrt 54 rod to a point above nigh water mark oe the east bask cfHosuieg j creek at the upper eed t f the backwater from the mill dam, thence down the east atd ' north bank at litgb water mark to the earth I end of the old mill dam of William Cyras & . Sews; these westerlr ia a direct hit to the plana of beaiooiag, coataiamg five (5) arret, j mar or tesss. an iiiutri in tea Joaaty or Liea, State of Oregon. Trat I trill t the tame Ua also sell at public aecuoo a water wbeU coetsresVrd with eud iseds, beiaz a 30 inch Biream tarbiae wheel. That said sale is nude pcrsnaat to ao or dor of the CirceitCeert of Liea Coaaty, Urrgoe. daly mad aad eetered of reecrd , o the 27th day ol Joar, 1893. Said sale is to b bv d i foe reds io bead oe dsy of ash. J. B. PEERV, Aaatgaee. SUMMONS. ' A CtrrmU Comrt V tie Stair c Ort- gmfm I Jin Comal j. Lanra Brim. PlaintiS s Samuel S Brioo, DHendai! To Samuel S !!; n the s.ort name de- feasant. In the name of the Slate cf Oregon yon arc !i-re required to appear aad answer the complaint of Plaintiff, now on die in the office of tt:.- Clcra of Linn Count v. Oreeon. on or before, the 6' day of the nev term ef said court, to ' be begun and held on the 4th Mondav, the 24th dav ot October. 1S92. ard yon are hereby notified that if you tail to apocar, as herein required, the' plaintiff srtll take i a decree against sou. ditto) ring the mar riage relation heretofore existing between Plaintiff and sJcfcndant: for ihetcstoraion 4 Plaintiff s maiden raroe. lor the care and cut'.ode of their miner son, and for changing his ntmc from Oiver Percy Brloo to Olive t'erev Sensor, and for her coat and d ursement cf :hi tuu ts be taxed. j ltd Summon is served by publication - bv order of Hi Geo II Buroett, judge of said court, made a". Charr-ber. in Salem, Oregon. Assgwet c. 1S9J. MosTtxita Hscklfmax. A'.ts", for Piff ADMINISTRATCn SALE. In the County Court o! Lian Coonty, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Mis XI J Burkbart. deceased . NOTICE IS HE EBY GIVEN THAT in pursuance of an order of Ihe County Court of Linn Coun'v, Oregon, ruade and ; entered of record !r. said court in said . mailer on the id dat of August, 1S9J. I will, aa the setk d.i mt Seetesaaee. IBB! j at the hour of 1 o'clock P M of said dav i sell a: public auction to th; highest and best bidder, at the Court House door in ; Albany, Lion Cunty, Oregon, for the , purpose of paying the claims and debts I against said estate, all the right, title and interest hlch the said decedent. Mrs. M. Burkhart had at the time of her death in nd to the followtrg described ' tract of land. In writ. An undivided one fifth interest in the north 4 of the Oona , lion land claim of C P Burkhatt and E J Buikhart, his wife, said north half of said claim containing too acres of land situated ! in section 10, township ti, south range 3 j west of the Willamette meridarn Linn , County, Oregon, said one-fifth interest ' containing 52 acre. Terms of sale, one-half of the purchase : price cash in hand al the time of sate, and ' one-half of the purchase price in six months from the dale of sale secured by a first mortgage on said prerr.iev Dated this 12th dav of August, IS9J. FA BURKHART. Administrator of said Estate. SUMMONS. nth Circuit Court of tie Xr.ife ey Oregon for the County of Limn : Anna Q Rycn, vs K J Ryan, Defendant To E J Ryan tho iteieiidant above named. I a THP NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to I appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit by wie urai day oi ine next term ot tbe sbove ntit;a court towtt: On the 14th day of Oct rr, I "92. and if you fan to so answer, for want thereof,ths plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief asked for in the complaint filed in tbe above en titled oonrt, tovrlt: For a dissolution or tbe bonds ol initrimony now existing be tween plslntiti and defend nt and for th oostsand disbursinc-uts of this suit to be taxed. This summon ia served by publication bv order ot Hon Ueo H Burnett, Judge of said court, made at chstnberalon Aug gust 1, 1892. IVKATHKIilMsn A ClUSBKR I.a1 Attorneys f or P PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING L NN COUNTY WITH WOOD. Proposals will be received at he office of the county clerk until Saturday the 20th day of August, 139? at the hour of one o'clock p m of said day for furnishing the county with forty (40) cords ot oak wood, either straight body or grub oak, not to be lesa than 3 inches in diameter. Also with six (6) cords of large body fir wood, clear oi knots. Said wood to be delivered at the court house in said county not later than Sept 13th, 1802. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. By order of the county court this tUh day ot August, 16VZ. N P Paynb, Br F M Rbopibli), County Clerk. Deputy. J ITT I. Kit dt BALI,. Dentists. Mate arte crttDs, goM crowns, hridf wars, (w teeth without Dltlas, V tea all UW aartatalas to dtBtlttrr. ofFICE-InlTFtedtls Ktci.AlbtsOr. L ANDSUSPENSORY FOR, fDACK.iKlDpJFV the effects of abuses, excesses. in oar marvelous invention, which requires hot a trial to convince the most skeptical CriL"1Cfe' or exposure, yon may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity and tb'-is caused your weakness or lack of force. If yon replace into yoer drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, seated. i ?e, perirnent, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vizor. MMea, as can be shown by hundreds of cases whom we bare strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our DR.SHNDEN ELECTS BELT 172 First St,. PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON Wi.i Chop aii Kinds of Giainj': Sure Death to Wild Oats 10 reasons why ycu nbould buy the Giant: 1st. Feeecse it ia tbe beat mill le existence. Sad, Because it is made at borne 3rd. beeanae it wilt grind more g aii than any other mi 1. -ttcr BMBSBM it dcxa better week than mar ether snilL Sb. Because it is no expense to yon after yon have bought rt. - Beeaoee it doee not heat the grain la grinding as other m ils do. 7th, Because you can make m. ire money with the Oregon Grant Lha-i vith any therullL Fcr went of .race we will give yoo the other three reaeoa-t why vow boo ct t it tbe Oregca Giant if yoo will kiody oail aad examine the mil!. MITCHELL, LEWIS 8TAVER CO 357 Snddx EU.worth at, Albany, Or NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. HiaZBT CITES THAT THE Of. jsa IU; 3 j 1 ;. mi a use Jsaat J rtuasssn. life ntsj I a I -r NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF AN A0MINISTFAT08. Tajoria: ts hebebt civex that the rx Cl Awreaol 4? sstasete tt less aae si Bhs cssasa at tsti a r, aiisanl. by th 111 own ot Orars. or ta Miiseaaiii m Tlsn lisat-i saasr wasos at jssuaax, urzviM, wasaat aut aw us eat bn DtieJ aa Alba-.y . Or, Aeewst ISA. lie. ts a si si- a , SHERIFFS SAIL ' the (Srca Cmmrt of tie State efO.-r?m or LnsaCotosfy. Looht ff.usrajsr : Kail Fran k, p ' fi VB W J Davenport aad B Davenport, - . trodar . VArli-F.KHERERViIitRX TBtr i hv virtue of an execurtin i-suej nut of -i ' above named eoaxt in the aoors e.-: :!e ! I suit, to tne directed and delivered, i did I on tbe 14th day of Ju y, levy upon I a! the riicbi. liUe so Insereet ot ine whose named ;e'er,dsn s ia and to the rsa! propertv hereiaafler described, and will, on SValerttar. taw leak ajr, r . leiiee. ISSS, at tbe front door of the Owf 'T Court House, in the Ctty of Attaoy, Lion Count v. Orettoa, at the hour of t o'clock p M of aald day, sell a. ; ublie auttiosa. f r cash in band, to th hizbeet bid Ier the real propertv 'evied uptso io tbe bor entitle suit d-scriNi aa follcw. towit: Lot No four (4) in block: No three (S) in Beard addition la the town of Tangent; in Linn count v. Oregon, tbe proceed ariina from th.- site of said property to brr'--. ', s. tbe pay -ment of tbe ts . -UJ epaa said ex cutton; seeotsd, t the aatisfaetion f p aint fiV claim, asaoanting to ths sum of $16(10.00 with interes: thereon at too rate of 8 per oenl per annum from the 14 b dav of March. 1892. and tbe further sum of $175. M) attorneys foe and t'ae far ther an n of $30.05 original ocas, lee tbe sum ef$!02.15 credited upu said claim June 18, 1832 Dated this Stb day of August. ISSi C C JaCKTON, Sheriff cl Lmn County. Oregoi ADMiMSSTRATGSS SALE. ftA Cet-ay Conrt ot ti Stat mf Oregca ommff of jLtnm: la tha matter rf the estate of dectawd. Jam s F : M TICK IS HKKEBY GIVKX THAT by virtue of aa order of sal daly mad at d eatvred of record by the above entitled c -urt in t ie above entitled cause at lr. res ulxr Angus, term of said court towit, vu the 6th day of August, 1S9I, th uudr .ad administer will, on Baler Jay, tne IBth day mt eeB4eaBer. ISM at the hour of 1 o'clock P M of said day. at the Court House do-sr in the City of Albany, Line counts , Oregon, sl' at paMw auction to th kigheat bidder the following de scribed seal property belonging to said ss tat, towtt. Lota I and 2 iu block Ko. TJ, in Mouteith'a out hern additioa tu tts City of Albany, ie Lion County, Oregon . Terms ef sale, otte-half eaah and one-half in six months with approved a curlty. JAT W BLAIN, Attunay or l ti tl h hswrrr SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES o Tha LARGEST ASSORTMENT in Linn County. -.- Havb -:- Yova ohnston's Patent Eye-Meter RENCH elewelry Stors. a P M tor's OK SALE. - One-half interest in a goon psvyins business an lsst atr.t sals sst a barsain. For nartinulara a qulre at this office. V o net - - - ,--..' . . - . '. wnsssB. whew, am .saaata tvasa tsst a r ssrtot ii uiwai, urapst, aoa ma penaa asi-r - cssssaa aawasa t! uu tr herrmj rt- M --. l-eases, . .atj -ieo li-e Cam -t an VsasssssssssBssfiit '''dkSwww5w2flwHwSgBaSwl bM- WEAK ? RTMC,KLT EAKJ4EN WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUFTERING from Nervous Db.liiY Seminal Wfak- .rsKSlOSSKpRAJNS.lMPOTENCY 'OR, lJMAfOOD'RH LAMF TfO IR1 FS NrPVO, KNFtt SSSMI u an4 lWMfS Vnr A lfin throughout this State, who would giad'y GIANT SRFJIFFS SAJ1. atAeCtrraaf Cetrrt mf tie Slate ay Orrpm for tlbe Commtm of Lmme. C G Borkhart, Plain ,X est. J. B. Tbotnpso ana J. Sf. BuB-ii, i-e-eadant. TsVTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT IS oyTirtus'taa exeraaon o'dJvh- sued cot of Use above . soed eotutjB the above Mint e. 1 cesion tr. hu JImmi . - 1 j deiirered, 1 did on Lbeaih day of AcgnsE, loss auty levy 1 pen all the ngtau t:t e and iDteaest of J S Beech, en cf the bove named dnendajt. in and to the Real proparty bs r i rafter descrined and will, on BswrsUj. lve tetla imj ml i pu aasii i at itse front door of the Cosset Court House, .n Ae Citr of Vbeny.Linn County. Oresjoc at the hoar ot 1 o'clock pu, of said day, sell at poblie suction foe cash io h-no, to the iihsss badHssr. the Read Pre petty levied npoo. decerned ass follows, to. wit Lots 5 &nd 6 is Bksefc , in Got trs Park addiOsa to saw City ef Albany, Lino Count v Orero-. 'Tie pre. eeeds arising from tsse stale of said pro per is to bo LapptissJ. first to 'be inBt of tne cos t of ua upon eat i eicuaon end theortg.nal cost of a-i: fixed as $J3 38 and tti roriher toraaffl4 Attorney's ft. Second to toe r-ejreeet of Plain -t(s claim aarcanting io ih tne sum o tlJ9S srUh lntrres. tlierwoo at tHe rase at IS per eestt p r annum irons tLe m s day of Jane, IHtt Dated th s sJj dav of Aug, 1SS2, O C. A K . Sterin of Liua Countv, OrettcB. AOMINISTEATCR'S NOTICE. KraKX IS HEKJEBT GIVES THAT TrfE TX- a ii asaa aal sy oreai mt tsst r tjaa osss.tri IS ssaae aith eeoacr vosetsara t- UVt so ass ttUsnstrs. Elst tbo- A Wats, u Albaar. Omraa, wruua u asssstb tha etv- here y. Dasad tais SSth das. -JuIt ii. UiVIIl SVLVTsmtK. nui- u s Hirsts, .j sttjr K S4at-usn-:r . ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Ia the tsataar mt the tattle ts o T Badas daosasoi. BTtmcat rs hereby given that tsk rs- euaasv joan ot Una eu aale Orccaa tslasiiiiwititi at assattwT atwtaaetatawad. in w, i... tssssss sssskssl the sssss I BWi w. fnet a trt Strthr wiiat to prcsen: the aaatt witkra ssk atssttss nsssatsjt was sssseat ,ri.ssli i.iaVI ii ja h ot a H HtwiaTiTVa alTAtkaav.Or. S S Bwss. A lanunii r. Atty fur Adam . KDated Uw itth say ( Aug-, ISSS. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. TffOTKK IS HKKXBT GIVES THAT THE IN A Mttaajaaa ass. tat etv Sesa HI itsliS to- boats aoa at toe ostaw ofLyeia A 1 " mi, au ptetna aa-nsw tessst atsssat taM tUte tr aerahr o, ei w pre ss Uses as bj sill t trail il to the atsastssnei: at AtWaj. Ortena. wtthia tt escaths (rves Ua ts. Thit tbe ttu day ot Atarust, ISBU z ii Ri'on. Adnicisarti.v dt boats aoa. ol th easts at LfwSt B KJU. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AJ"OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT THE Oi detsijroed. has stus dtj boea dnlv iT.ttUi td ministirU 4 tbe cstat of H L hu,M, Ut Llaa eounty. Oregv-a. dteetasd. Alt havuiiC cttuD siB sakl tMate art rtsnond u peeteut tbeuprvHierty riSe to tbe ssassstttewtsl id Aibaar, Linn county, .reco, witbin tsxawaOss Patetl this litb dav of Auyvut, Ka t It RVDD. AJminisirttor of ut w' H L Kadsi, dese. SEALED BIDS FOR A BRIDCF By order of the County Court ot Ma rion County, Oregcn, sealed plans, strain diagrams and bids for a wagon bridge across the North Santiam liver at Mill City, Marion County, Oregon, will te re ceived by the clerk of said court until Friday, September 9, t 9 o'clock A M ot said day. Said bridge to be 16 feet ic rhe clear, covered and painted, and to be lo cated at one of the two proposed sites, one oi which sites U immediately below and tbe other above the railroad bridge at said place. Separate bids will be recsived for eich of said locations, and lor ihe location above said railroad bridge the bid will be for said wagon bridge exclusive of the ap proach on the north side of said river Separate bids wtll also be received tnr said bridge exclusive of the lumber, thi eounty furnishing all the lumber on the ground and the contractor furnishing . a l other material. Each bidder wUl be re. quired to deposit with his bid five per cent of thesmount of such bid to abide the re suit of the awarding of said contract as bv law required and provided. Said court reserves the right to reject anv and all bids received under the said order. WM. H. EGAN, Clerk NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. MOTHK IS HEKEBY GIVES that the I ilasSNUtweaawl li,.i, ols M - w -wssjt,r-a uuu tasea ttvesN Ug VVi m T J Mill, dwoaased. bat Bled with tbo Clark, lor Lion county. Oroaon. bit .i tusaldasuvt and tb loan ha Sxse UwSrdiiav OcMbtr, ltiSi. t. tbe b or oi 1 o'etaek a sa. fa , u,. J O WRITS Hi ''SSSSe fe-tf i J 1 JP ssSBsssssWN i ...... .... -. osoissrasjlisav.- of Lisa oatr, Or, astale tr mtrmlrrm!. 'fit