The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 26, 1892, Image 2

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German-American Cleveland union has
issued an address signed by Carl Sehnrz,
Oam d Ottedorter, Williain Steinway,
Henry Villard, Louis Waudmuller and
Guatav H Schwab, which, after praising
0 rover Cleveland and giving reasons, urges
all (iernian-Americans to cast their ballots
for i he democratic candidate.
F S HafTord who fortnetl y taught school in
Oregon, ami who, by the way has heretofore
been a consistent republican, has been visiting
the Tennescal tin mines in California about
Which republican have blowed so hard. He
says: 1 We found quite a nunber of buildings
and some -too men employed, about Jo of
whom aork under ground. We could not
get pcrmrssion to go below, so after examining
the or and the smelter and engine, etc., and
talking to some of the Welch and English at
work there, we came aw ay. If you 'don't think
it would damage Harrison's chances any you
may punt that I came away wondering some
what abou' 1 he propriety of increasing the price
that over 60,000,000 pay for so common and
useful an article as tin, In order that a few
English and Welchmen mat come over hete
and work the richest known tin vein. If yon
send a marked copy to Governor McKinley,
of my native state and tell him that 1 am a
good republican in search of Infoimi'ioo, per
haps he wnl reply.
A republican friend takes the Democrat to
task for having said a few days ago that the
duty on wheat, corn, oats, wool ect. does the
farmer no good, ind wants to know how we
reconcile this with tnc objection made by dem
ocrats that the tariff duty increases the price
of the article upon which it is placed. Now
the Democrat has said scores of times that the
price of no article which has to be sent abroad
for a market could be increased by the im
position of a duty. As to wcol every one
knows that the wool imported into this coun
try h of a kind net produced In this country,
and that the price of wool like wheat Is fixed
ia London. It is not for democrats to explain
why the McKinley bill has done wool growers
no good . Properly we leave that to the pro
moters of the scheme of protectioaisrn.
Shedd Aug 20 iSoa.
Editor Democrat.
see the following statement
in the Hrrali. Is it' not a mistake?
"The gerrymander by whish the democratic
party hoped to capture the state cf Michigan
in the approaching presidential election has
be.n spoiled, by the supreme court directing
that the vote be made by tne previously
arrsnged districts, tbu nullifying the gerry
mandered districting. This strikes an effect
lee blow at Cleveland's chanches." JsiertJl.
The Herald's statement is incorrect. The
question wss brought before the saorcme court
of Michigan, (a majority of whom are repub
lican") and the new law was beld valid by the
unanimous vote of the court. The question
was then appealed to the supreme court of tha
United States, bnt no decision has been ren
dered, and is is highly probable the cast will
The Jacksonville Times says :
The talk about a fusion electoral ticket
between the democrats and people's party
in Oregon having not been of any avail,
the matter haa been dropped. The democ
racy have come almost unanimously to the
couclusion that there is going to be a liv
ing show to carry the state for Cleveland
an 1 Stevenson, riepom rroin every sec
tion state t there are mat y repabli cans
who will support the demoeristic party ticket
for various reasons, while tb balk of the
recruit which are now going into the peo
ple's party are from the republican ranks,
and the dominant party will lose both ways.
There is absolutely no hope of the people's
party carrying Oregon, bnt there appears
to be a chance of the state goingover to the
democracy Democrats should take heart
and organize thoroughly in the interest of
the raasw.'s, and lose no time about it either.
The Lebanon Advance says there is oniy
one way the plutocrats (meaning democrats)
can defeat the "reform" movement, and
that is to keep the masses ignorant. In
the same issueiit says:
It is not recorded that Cleveland will be
elected even if that doty should devolve
upon the house. None of the electors from
the free silver states will support him to
begin . with. The Silver League have
furthermore decided to address a series of
interrogatories to democratic eon pressmen
who favor free coinage and are seeking a
re-election, in which their constituents call
anon them to commit themselves in favor
of no man for president who does not pledge
himself not to veto any free coinage meas
ure. It is thought that this will have tte
effect to defeat Cleveland, Even iiotild
they fail in this, there are many other ex
pedients which will be resorted to that will
make his election extremely doubtful.
Here is a mess of stuff which, if a man
could believe, would make him ignorant
enough for all purposes. Now suppose the
Silver League shall submit questions toevery
candidate for congress, and suppose every
congressman elected this fall was opposed to
the election of Cleveland, how would that
affect the election of Cleveland if the elec
tion should go to the house. It is net the
congress that ia to be elected this fall that
would elect a president in case of failure of
election before the people. It would de
volve upon the present congress to do that
duty, and, as the election would be by states.
and as the democrats control 30 out of the
44 states it is difficult to see bow Cleveland
would fail of an election. In line with the
above clipping from the Advance comes the
statement from Dr McCi ne the great third
party leader to the effect that the constitu
tion of the United States forbids the elec
tion of a president and vice president from
tbe same state. Upon this statement he
builds the hope of the election of Field for
vice president. He says the election will
go to the j? and that Cleveland will be
elected. Then as a vice president can not
be taken from the same state as the presi
dent Reid, will be ruled out and the repub
licans in the senate will take Field in pref
erence to Stevenson. The ignorance in the
whole matter above is in the fact that there
is no such provision in the constitution as
tiiat referred to by Dr McCune.
C Keep the masses ignorant, indeed.
Is any fanner fooled by tbe pretense that
tbe McKiuley tariff protects fanners? It
pretended tc do so by raising the duty on
when .swhich was 20 per cent, to 25 per
cent; on com, which was 10 cents a bushel,
to fifteen cents a bushel. The product of
wheat in the Uuited States in 1891 was
450.000.000 Ijushels, and the amount im
ported was 8.210 bushels, while the amount
sported wan more than 100,000,000 bush
Is Does any one supposo that we should
have sent out so much and brought in so
little if foreign wheat liad been cheaper
than our osrn? The tariff on whea' might
lie pu up to 500 per cent without any other
effect than to increase the cost of what little
wneat of a kind not raised at home we im
port from abroad.
What is true of wheat is true of nearly
everything that the farmer raises. The
truth is that the farmer cannot lie protected
no long an ho doe3 not wish to raise hot
house bananas and other such things which
be has no desire to attempt. Meanwhile
republican protection increases the cost of
fifty things which the farmer must haTe.
liejmbiicans, themselyes, ure lieginning
tj admit that MassachusettH is a doubtful
state. There is noeacuse for her people
remaiuing in doubt any longer. lest them
turn their eyes to the sun and see the robber-like
policy of taxing tbe many for the
few and they will be doubtful no longer.
"1 , - I 1 T'l jt'tVr ufr n u i MCivy MIrlT.
A pioneer citizen of Lane county writes
to the Democrat to say that ho is purely
an independent in politics. Before tho war
he was an old whig. When tho war came
on ho became, a "union" man, and later on
became a republican. He revolted against
the republicans with Andrew Johnson.
Since that time he has been an indepen
dent. His first choice for president is
Weaver but he will support Cleveland in
order to defeat Harrison. He says, as an
independent, under no obligations to any
political party, he has been considering
what is his duty at the forthcoming presi
dential election. He says: "I shall vote
for Weaver if 1 have reason to be'ieve he
can be elected. I will vote for Cleveland
if it be necessary to defeat Harrisorr. My
vote will affect the election in no state but
Oregon. Which candidate is most likely
to overcome Harrison in this state this fall,
Weaver or Cleveland? Acting from my
standpoint I shall vote for one who it
most likely to do this. Getting the facta
before me in order that I may arrive at the
proper solution of the problem I find that
in June the republicans had a majority in
this state of 21,070 votes over the people's
party, and 9,449 over the democrats. The
republicans'will not be able to increase
their vote much this fall over that of June.
They were very harmonious in their choice
for congressmen and cast a full vote for
them. Both democratic candidates were
weak and ran very poorly. In one district
one religious body alone cast 600 democrat
ic votes against the democratic candidate
for congress. A 11 these votes will be cast
for 1 1 Ireland. There are half a doien lo
calities in this state where Cleveland will
make considerable inroads into the republi
can vote. The people's party vote in the
whole state will not be any larger if so ; cussed in allot its features, and ibe meeting
large as in June. In some counties they i adjourned subject to the call of the president,
will make come gains bnt in many they wil j "1 shall not appoint this committee on cam
lose. I have made my estimtes and feel paign work for a week, at least," said Chair-
safe in saving that in the natural eourae of ;
public sentiment the Cleveland electors will .
UVIA 4k.. V.U !
Slater did in June. Now it is easier, in
view of these facts for Cleveland to overcome
the republican majority ef 9449 than it ia )
for Weaver to overcome 21,070 majority.
Not much foresight is required to see that
there is but one chance to wrest this state
from Harrison and that ia to rote for Cleve
land. If you want to publish these re
flections and results yon may do so."
The'above is from a roan who is entirely
unbiased in his views, except that he pre-
fers Weaver, but is anxious to defeat Har-
rison. It is as the Democrat has before j
said. The contest in this state is between
Cleveland and Harrison. To defeat the
latter one must vote for Cleveland. We
know there are a few democrats who say
they will vote for Weaver to defeat Ham
son. But they mutt know if they will re
flect but a moment that in voting for Weav
at Cleveland's expense, tbey are weakening ;
the chances of the only candidate who can j
r" iracaii iisiiuuu. l ihu m csej
democrat stick to Cleveland. The state
committee is maJting arrangements to matte
a vigorous campaign for Cleveland and
every democrat should do all in hia power
to strengthen their hands.
The Orezonian in explaining the
in which the house elects a president ia
of a failure of election by the people
In thus choosing, the representation froi
each state has bo', one vote, whether tbe de
eg.tioncaus.sts of onereprent.tive or.h.iv. .,noaJMle TUt, iB (M.Um The New bat be feat his war in the hall, and hi. re
A quorum may consist of a member or mem ' , , mains were found in the opposite end of
bers from each of two-thirds of the state, ao , Vork II oriJ. PhtUdelpbta Retod. BouoaGlaoe : tbe building, borned to a cinder.
teat in tne present congress 30 member, a 00 10
constitute a quorum for this purpose, if each
member cam- from a different state. A ma-
jority of a quorum sleets, so that 16 repiesen-
tatives, each hou. a different Mate, the rest 01 aewsocrai. oo.y. oui iie - gJd and ExeruUve Chairman Halket to
the deiegttioris neing absent, might elect s democrats all over the country wlo would ' fV Trilent Harrison, when be has coru
president over 200 lepresentaUves from 14 ; -heerfullv -notiibs,ie!rom cents to ten dot- raeted his stay at Loon lake !o undertak. ,
other ststes.
Onr contemporary, inadvertently, evidently, 1
says that s majority of aquorum elects. The
I constitutional provision, (which we published j
tew days ago in answer to s Lebanon en-
uuuci ftuwui' uvuri iiiiuk:s uiu.iun ma.
' " r
uiHnuDi suaii consist ui a tncmuet ui mcintitu
from two-thirds of tha states, and a majority
-11 11. . t ir . . a- -
So it will be seen thst 30 states msse s
quorum but it takes 23 slstes to elect, j
Tbe democratic campaign managers appesr
to give op New York. What else can be the
significance of Use frantic appeal to get to work
snd try to carry the West? Tbe New York
World and other democratic journals Of the
East appear to base their main hope on sach
states as Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan,
and lor these states tbey are raising the great
co.r jption fund, which the World started with
f I o, OOO . O rrgoniu n .
Tne "democratic managers" donnt appear
to do anything of tbe kind. This "sppearence'
exists onlyinthe imagination of the Oregon ian
editor. The wish is father to the thjugbt
Well, the World is not raiting a corruption
fund. Corruption funds are not raised io thst
wsj . Wansmsker knows bow to raise a cor"
ruption f and. Quay snows how to put it wbere
it will do the most good, snd Harrison know'
bos' to enjoy the fi nits of its use. No tbe!
democrats sre going to csrry New York snd
some of the northwestern ststes too. Bes !
this little prediction in mind.
"" 1 ' ,; In co-operation with V 8 weather
The contest is between Ct'veisnd and ! bureau oJ lhe department of agriculture
Harrison; snd no mstter whst we msy j office, Portlsnd Oregon, crop-westher kssj -desire
ot how much we may sympathise j ,eUn No al ttea.or of 1892 .for wcea end-
wlth the people's party candidate, we are
compelled fo make our choice between
the two great parties. Thote who prefer
the re-election of Harrison over Cleveland
are justified in throwing away theii votes
upon the third party candidate; but the
man who has the least spark of democraos
left in him, owes his vote to his parly at
this crisis. We hope the committee will
Inaugurate an active campaign, and that
every democrat In the state will do his
full duty. By united, energetic and har
monioua action, much can be accomplish
ed, and Oregon may be enrolled on the
aide of democracy in November. fort
land Ditpatci.
One of the most truely buutiful and at the
same lime, significant spectacle, to be seen in
this canvas hss just been brstight to light in
Arkansss in the poliiicz! campaign no being
c-rrieil on, and ihit is that vVliipp'e.RepuV
licar., snd Csrnalian, People's party, candidates !
for Governor, are not only miking s can
eats fur the office, but are also riding on a
joint railroad pass, Whipple carrying the book.
It is thought that Carnahan is preparing
gracefully trt withdraw within tbe next ten
days. Weaver nnd Field will open lhe Peo
ple's party Presidentisl campaign in Arkansas
the present week.
Some of the Republican journals, which
announced with staring headlines that Mt.
Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic candidate
for Vice President, hss been s member of s
treasonable organization called the Knights of
the Golden Circle, during the Civil War, are
now printing obscure denials of the slander.
They don'c want to have tbe reputation of
willul lying; but if they can get a sneaking ad
vantage out of suck lying ttiry don't ohject,
yoa know.
It is quite noticeable that the Oregonian
speaks in a uracil milder lone about tbe school
question than it did in the fall of 1890 when
tbe democrats were making a vigorost assault
on the position taken by the republicans.
The republicans have tueir eyes on tho
electoral vote of Virginia, the democrats
theirs on Vermont, and the people's party
theirs on Texas. Such is politics.
The following are the proceeding of the
meeting of the democratic state central
committee held Inst Friday as reported by
the Tthgrtm, It will be seen that the party
leaders have determined to make a contest
for (9ts) Oregon ejector. This is, as has
frequently been said by the 1Kjioorat, the
very course to pursue. It is our duty to do
so even though we may not win:
The demo ratic state central committee
met at Tammany hall last evening for the
purpose of opening the fall campaign work.
DanR Murphy, chairman of the committee,
called the no e.ting to order at 7 :! o'clock,
and the fol owi.ig members reported pres
ent: Baker, George Chandler; Benton, J Ft
Markloy; Clackamas. J X Draper; Clatsop,
H Wise; Columbia, S A Miles: Umatilla,
CII Kndee: Lake. W A Wilshire; Lane,
John K Campbell; Linn, J K oatherford ;
Marion, John Gray; Morrow. T J Matlock;
Multnomah. D H Murt ' Douglas, TK
Sheridan: Washington, . h Huston; Y
hill. J W Baker.
Captain George II Moffett, as chairman
of the committee appointed to devise a cam
patgn plan, reported jn favor of the ap
pointment of a campaign committee to act
in conjunction with an auxiliary of the
chairman of the state central committee.
This plan was adopted by Calvin S Brie
in hia successful campaigns, and waa found
to work admirably. The leading demo
crats of the state who were present took up
the question after Captain Moffett had con
cluded his remarks, and discussed it to
thoroughly and satiafactor ly that the chair
man was instructed to appoint the com
The t'ttuation of the campaign was dtt-
man Murphy to a reporter this mornin"aa
I desire to consult with Colonel E. D. McKee, j
rJ ,K, n.linn.l rnmmiltrr hrtnrr makinif SDT
selections. We intend fighting for every inch
of ground in this state, and the prospect ss ,
very flatterinc from tse present outlook, it
it is decided to stump tbe state, no regular
campaign speaking wi'.l be done till about a
month before
election We will have), J,
K ais -
Weathertotd, of Albany.
I ), D. Whitman, of Medfurd; Dr MnlUnix, of
! Astoria; R. M Vestcb, of Coltase Grove. and
C. K
ir:.i. t t- i
make add
XHg headqcaktb.
Democratic headquarters wid be
soon, and will be occupied jointly
Chairman Murphy and N nonet
mitt eman McKee. who will afford
facility during Us ; campaign. It has not
yet been decided where the
will be located, but srge. airy rooms
be take a in one of the numerous conven-
lent buildings of tne city
The next meeting of the commutes: will
j prosaoiv oe neio ss soon ss ine cnsirmsn :
. has decided whom he wlM. appoint oa the '
: csranalgn committe?, when s i mt con
ference wil! be heid.
Wil.U lor HELf
A campaign fuad, fssr tbe purpose t f easbUag
1 m . . mm
' h. ,1mvrfS tft mil. ,a tlOP fit- Itenr in 111-
iojts, Inmana. Michigan. y tscoasia, lows.
: ssd H
tka Is being raised by popolar con
trirvo ansa, such as can be cirtn bv nesr'.y every
anc tne ioat uofestcu are ai me neaa 01
1 be movement. Heretofore cantribotions to
, , . . .
1 ' j
! ,. . 1. .t 1 .t
srs. It it to
rs.i fi"i". " (i.tiatu
an opponunuy to .ocn v. .. iney m.
awe to do tttat these sems; apers nave initiated
plan of aiding the party 11 recast. We
think there sre five hundred democrat in
, . . , . , ,. - ,
I this county who would cheer 'oily gie from 50
I a
to ten dollars were tbe onpor.ouity
Tbe Democrat is authorized to receive
eaatleihiitimis rmm anv whn wil. farwsrd aura
amount, a, they cnoose o give, or pi Mies may
eea.i theit contributions direct to t re address
given below. Any one wishing to contribute
.1 j mi ..... saw. riU-,. Ktsak rwrirasr
money order or check as hem:
ron tub wester?. DKnTOCRATtcfA vi'Ainx
I contribute .
Make check and money orders payable
to the Western Democratic Campaign fund.
Address all communications to the Western
Campaign Fund, box 2,354 New York
lng Tuesday, Aug 23rd.
In Wo. ern Oregon the week just
closed has been conspicuous for an entire
lack of rainfall. The weather lias in con
sequence been all that could be desired
by farmers for harvesting purposes.
Springs and wells are eaid to be run
ning drv.
Threshing of fall and early eprlng
wheat is rapidly nearing completion
Reports. of the improvement of late S3wn
grain are sti'.i coming in, 'hough it is
: conceded the crop wi
ill he light.
1 he potato crop 1
1 almost beyond re
no amount of rain
dernption now and
could improve it.
What litth fruit there is still standing
on the trees is in need of and would be
benefitted by a few well distributed
There has been no rainfall at all
throughout Pastern Oregon since last re
port, and tlie need of a good rain is badly
felt in the northeastern counties. There
lias been plenty of sunshine, although it
cannot lie anid to have been excessive.
Tlie tempera ture during tbe day was
fairly warm, perhaps a bit higher than
normal in some sections, but the nights
have been very cool
Although. the fall and earlv spring
arbwat crop is being harveated in moat
counties, iu portions of Wallowa county
very little grain haa been cut so iar
except rye.
Threshing operations are just begin
ning. More reports of the excellent condi
tion in which the bay crop is being put
up are being received daily.
Fruit is upening fast and the trees are
reported as being generally well loaded.
JHbnby F Alc'atokk,
Assistant, in charge Weather Bureau.
Albany Msrarl
"Vhea', MXc.
Oats 34c
Plour, $5 00.
Butter, 20c. , 15a.
Lrtfd, 12H0-
Pork haras, 16t; shoulders, 8c-, sides
Hay, baled. $1.
Po atoes, 25c.
Apples, 6O0.
Hops 25c.
lined 1. 11 it- -plums, 0c, apples, tto.
Chtcksns, It 1 0 par doii'ii.
Beat, on foot, 2Ho.
Hog", dressed, 7c.
The boat .must ouBss in tbsssity st Com ad
sdvyer a. f
Tlir rired.
HrFK.w,o, Aug 2:1. Au attack was mode
on the picket lines of the Tamil eat tajd.
regiment, stationed at Tofft farm, thianfter-1
noon, by 40 strikers. It will probably re
sult fatally to one of their number. A crowd
enjraged in throwing atoms at John M
(luicken nndt'hnrles Cable, non-union men
who won- working in the Tofft farm yard.
Lieutenant I buries 1, Austin and Sergeant
William Conrow, of Company (', ordered
the stone throwers to disperse. They re
fused to do ao, nud were tired upon by order
of Lieutenant Austin. One of the Ban was
struck by two bullets.
Cholera Kprradlai :
Wasiunhtox, Aug SI. The deport im-nt
of state is in receipt of official report con
cerning the alarming spread of cholera
from Asia to Kurope. Some days ago the
vice-consul general at Teheran. Persia, re
ported that the deaths daily reached the
large number of 400 persons, He staled
that 500 cuses are being treated by the
American mission hospital, and made a
strong appeal for fundi from the United
State government, having no money in
hand for such purchases.
A Barecreas War.
Taneikk, Aug 21. Negotiations be
tween the Sultan's officials and the leader
of the Anghera tribesmen, looking to sub
mission of the latter, have ieen broken off
by order of the sultan. The sultan has di- i
reeled that a grand attack be made upon , the lr,veler, who pa trough
Uie Anghenu and to. stimulate his Uve..w p.incville have certainly come from pro
he .lus offered $4 for every prisoner, they ; lfic iti(.tm A mt ,nd wJ,e were
capture, wounded or unwouiided, and tX , rOTked , ,hroUgh town who had thir
for every head they bring into their camp, j leen cMfarrrf u ed into one wa(on.
vtnrih obhrmiiM i rhev came from Nebraska. Ocoho Re
.. .
waitsbi bo, vah Aug St. vtaiumirg
held a special election today, for the pur
pose of voting on landing "the citv in the
sum of VS6,W0 for water-works purposes
Much interest stag shon and a full vote
polled. The opposition worked hard, bnt
were not in it. the result being heavily in
favor of the scheme, about eight to one.
The event is being celebrated tonight in
grand style.
Daarlnt laallaas.
UtTHKtE, O T, Aug 23. Deputy Mar
shal Lilly came in this morning from Otoe.
1 ? - " M "1. " I,
bringing nearlv a score of Indians. Lilly
states that the entire I Hoe tribe is dancing
t'10 Messiah lUlDCe.
A Hereisl sjrestTts
1 Cou-MBt-s, O. Aug 2:.. This was the ,
opehingdayof the meeting of the new)
i anting pare association, i ne attendance i
was :aaai and the conditions fine. In the ;
trot Kvangeiine made the fastest tune
. i- a u : ' i
ecr uusue ut as e-srisr-oau iu a i ... tu nil-
0,li JtiWi
" "
mm- BsttUe-
ni r-r.ui. All; aa. 1 a m. An i;uu :
was made on the twetftli regiment soon
( after 2 o'clock bv gangs of strikers and their
' fnends Thev crept up to within a stone's
throw of the camp, hidinf under the cars
1 1. , n, , i a, a mi .na.ii . ... mht . i i , . .. . .,
1 1 1 ' 1 A I -1 . 1 . I 4 .
I I f .s tw mJAimm Tlu,
' shooting was kept up for a long time, and
, still the stonethrowint? continued. The
latest ret- rt from the scene of the sboottng
a. .i a . i i: ti i J
men nave iwa suiieu sura
wraiSMSed in .ine nlasnein the Vrie val si
I mtuM ir,f,,l,. r.f Ihst etf-t- seul thst a mimlwr
of other men have been wounded by the
soldiers' bullets in other varus. The soldier
' at Seneca street say that the men hail been
Fatal t ire Arrsarat.
Blaixk. Veah. Aug 22. The Tbe
' tematicnal hotel was burned this after'" c
; Ed Jarobson. bead Sawyer in Cains Brotk
' ers' mill, lost his iife in tbe fire. He went
to a room in tbe tiunl story to secure a
- trunk, which bad already been taken out
' Kv a frisml anil mrmm asaaaaasasa A tmlWtmr.
. " --. - w..av - . .....
wnrtrmpn went up with Jum. and into a
room across Use ball. Me toured it to hot
and retired, calline to Jacoiaxsn to do tbe
same, which be must have done soon after.
New York. Aug 22. The Herald says
if ha rteen decided bv Cltairtitan Brok-
. srjeethuiakinv- tour f the state. The snb
.r . V . . . -s
Hueock. Mr Hlsroci urge,! it SO atnmgiv
IT- mtoM LIlKllHtli t lueilUUUeu UT .eSlatlV'1
, that it hnally found favor with the state
committee and the only thing now net-, j
sary to make it an assured fact is the con- j
sent of Mr Hanisot).
Cl:vx!.ajd, (. Aug 22. There is now
no doubt thai the fC.00.000 of ntsperted
c Xew y' ,,liiani JoltBsr
1 Huntington. Uie Cleveland millionaire,
! wbo has been having a hand to hand fight ,
Wlt1' death in Kurope for some tm-nth past
na just sent a sworn sia'enient to 1 leve-
1 Und declaring tbe use of bis muoe upon the
; notes as on indorsement to be a forgery.
The Va. atrea
Wali-a Walla. Aug 22. A peculiar
afternoon, when Mm Miller and Frank
poster, residents of hennewtck. arrived to the highest LilJer the rsal prop-
here in rapidiy-tlnven hacks, rusbetl into detcribed in si ! necat on and order
tbe office, and Hied contests on one piece of 1 of sale a. fo'lowe. towit: Lota No three
land at exactly Ihe same time. Mrs Miller u i four (3 aad 4) ia block No 5 in Kirk
succeeded in making her filing first, tiirougli 1 rntoick a dditiro to the loss of Lebanon,
Foster 's failure- to bring wiUiests-s. j j jnn Conaty. Orwgoa. aa shown b tna
i maps and plats cf said town now on tile io
Sieae te riecew Reenrder a effiee of Uon County, Ore.
Tacoma, Wash. Aug 2i. At a tneeting j gon. The rworsrds aitsiag trom tbe
of the Pacific Northwest hassthall lonmJ i sale of said tea prop.ity, to t
. nem in tne witimntial bank this evening.
It was unanimously derided to close the !
bttsebajl season today, giving to Seattle the
championship of the second series. The
O Ali- n at ..its s
cseauie ann romanu cuius are ta plav four
...... . ..l. - I . a I 1 . . i . .
cine rne nnai championship. 1 but action
ot use leasru.- n.w been made rn-iwan-
account of the financial condition of the
various clubs, brought about by lurht at
tendance in all tbe cities in which the clnb
belonging to the league have played. The
salaries of ail the players will be paid up to
A Train I
Kasras Citv. Mo. Aug 21.
rial's WirttStw sw-ei-1 TL- Cs r . .
-V, ilZ. r L'V 1, u
han Irancisco train which left here at.
10::kJ last mtrht wan be d un and the Well
Fargo express-car rohbed hy four masked!
men, near Auini-ta. itutler county, about
midnight. Before 9 o ckx'k this morning
the outlaws were raptured, with wart of !
their Imoty. The amount of money secured
prolmbly did not exceed 80ffl. but the
amount cannot be definitely ascertained.
Tlie robber)' wss committed liy four fann. r
living in the vicinity of Iiouglaas. Kntler
county, and it seems it was anticipated, for
as soon as the sheriff heard of the affair ne
pounced upon the outlaws.
Mlaers Airesled
CoalCkeek, Tenn, Aug 20. Troops
who returned from Briceville about G o'clock
met with very little resistence. A negro
desperado and miners' sympathizer who
was sworn to kill the first soldier whom be
lnet, offered resistance and was shot dead.
a dozen or more bullets piercing him throuh
About IZo ininem were taken rartsonen nnd
are now under a strong guard. A miner
has just been captured wearing a lieuten
ant's uniform and sword Where he ob
tained them is a mystery.
Another Blel
St I'etehsiu'ho, Aug 21. A serious
labor riot occurred yesterdny at Kkater
inslay . Workmen employed m the Hughes
steel rail factory set fire to a number of
workmen's dwellings, plundered the factory
and begun to demolish the furnaces, when
a military detoenment arrived on the scene.
A sharp encounter took place and several
persons wore killed and a large number
wounded before the riots were suppressed.
Hut iiersaasjr
London, Aug 2i. Many deaths from
heat are reported from all parts of Germany.
While marching in from the parade ground
a regiment stationed in Halle lost 41 of the
privates, who fell in the road overcome by
the sun. One of them died, and three
others are in a criticiu condition. In Posen
there have been six deaths' in consequences
of sunstroke. In Curium be six greiiadierf
died after the review this morning.
a . V . 1 !
Niagara hid gloves iu blaek aud coloia,
1 per pair. Sons better for the price,
ICvery pal' warranted.
SamuklE You so
Albany Ore.
Three Salem roune men
cemetery at midnight on
thouht thev raw it trlinst with
glaring evenhut it was only the refiec
lion ironi the city a electric lights on a
An exchange says that Senator Coge
wetl, of Lakeview, who haa enjoyed
a lucrative law business, is goine to
retire from practice. He lit made a
competency and can afford to take it
A thief entered the residence of J H
Cradlebaugh, editor of the Hood River
Glacier, not long tlnce.during the famlly'a
absence, but after making a thorough
search, left without tapping the vault.
'J he thirf made a great mistake by not
inquiring into Mr Cradlchaugh't business.
Sllverlon has a remarkable Marshal.
Hear the Tribune: Our Chie of Police
believes In enforcing the law even
against himself. Last Tuesday one of
his horses got loose and came down town.
Mr Webb promptly took It in charge and
collected the dollar which was duly turned
over to the citv treasurer.
The l'endletdu E O aays: Jack Frost
making merry at M-acliatn. Water
(rose half an inch thick at that place the
other night, and the difference in tern
perature between Meacham and Pendle
ton ia believed to be fatly twenty degrees
by a party mho waa '"Iroien oat."
The frienda of Sam Garland and F il ;
Miller will probably utiject to part of the .
following from the Prineville Neva, and ;
Major Canterbury t.. the other part :
Mr and Mrs A K Stowe, o( I-ebanon, ,
accompaDied by J W Morgan, weie,
gsets at the Prineville several day this
week. Mr Stowe is the leading attorney
OI me cuy oy sue ssuusiu, auu kiiuui
i.l... ........ aI . i .. . ... - .Klit. I
mMII n, ,h mnii mote across the moun-
tains. Tlie party returned to their borne ,
r ndav.
.. I
The r II if in at ha mipht have nan -
- " - -- .....
new!: 1 B Wei's and family and J W
Ionian fsmiir .eft Tee! Spring last Fri- j
tty. Mr Jordan wishing to return home.
it was a, hik m:ciiutu iu icuie.u .....
seek, and Mr Well wss heard to remark
j the treet that he had a good time and
j "hcd h hdt ',.ed . lofc.r- . He
'did not then know, and don t know I
yet, perhaps, that early ia 'he morning of
I the loUostli;,; Mondsv a big tree fei'. right
serosa the rxt where his tent isd been.
and would probably have killed or in-
lured all iu occupants.
A man a ho whip his wife 1 considered
a tvrant. What about the wife woo whip
her husband. A Portland paper tells Use
following: A certain lawyer sat In has
office last Monday afternoon preparing a
legal doronier.t. His cletk were in tne
sack room, and when the w'feof the law.
yer entered the young men very poitteiy
closed the door tonnccttng tne two ro- in
That. howeTer.did not prevent them from
hearing all that took place la the "front,"
1 and they smiled audibly when madam s
voice ran? o .: clear snd distinct with a
demand for two hundred dollars. They
; could like vise hear the lawyer declare he
would ie. rive her the money tnd Inform
her that she would have to poll on er
own ban account. Th-r knew what ws
corn!nj.r.J k dH no: surrrise tne.n when
; thev hetrd madam sat s 'There, take
that"" Peeping through the crsck of the
dour they saw tbe wife hit her liege lord a
blow oa the head snd mey saw tne -ou.-man
jr' to grass." But be came up smil-
lag 1 i repeated bis assertion thst madam .
would hate to draw on her own bank ac- A ItTr- P It
count. Then she gave him another blow,
this time square in the (ace, and down he
went or, the floor. Wit a her dainty little
foot did the loving wife kick her husband,
and then she Si-.ur.ced out the office
fa the Clrrmt Court for I Ann Coumlu.Stel OI 1
Jscsb Satbattdt, plaistitT,
Wm. Ritea. L K Blain. 1( C Ham-shry
and Mary K Hamphrey hi wtle. L, j
W. Deyoe sad Jobs Koteoo, partners
seder tne firm aameof Deyoe it K b
soo, defettdsnts
. ,
ww -s . . aw s - Sees e s ss rw a " I I 1 1 v Teww m w
Uti.r. l i.n r,., s tta t
fy vinae i an execotwo sou .woer ti saw .
daly tsioal oat of the above named con rt in !
; the above entitled suit to tne directed and '
j delivsired, I wdl on
tsisrest : Ihr lib dat mt Bteaabrr. I SSI.
at the front doer 01 tbeleunty Coart II . ,
in tlie Cit-of Albans, Linn t'.tuniy. Or-
... ..!,. .,...( I !..-a P VI of mmiA
S ' Mi Mbh aaetiem for rash m
"W""- "" "' j .
sis and dishureemetais of
tasid at
:""1 tbe payment "! tin .
at teas' in rf nt I Ik! in t in tha sum att VV1 .1 s aa It r.
" , I TZZ T , in
t tan ..,...., TSZLTmTiZTZ iZ. II
?n ! 'ti.. ..rrunt dne the H,fr..l-.nt. l'v. ir
Ilobson. animating So the suoi f 82 with
oti rest tt.crenn st the rale cf 10 per cent
per snr am from the 5th dsy ,f Jane, 1889.
nd tne nu hsr sum of S10 aitornevs free
end l6,ii coatsssd dit barsemsnts ; fouih
its tbs payment of tho claim ot the ;
defendant L K Blaio, smounting t the sum
! of $134 -10; fifth, the overplue, if any, tt le 1
r . . . . . . . ... a. It .
S I aid t.. 1 11 it M sry r.. . ,nnspB,.
'J't, ;'-'t 8th day of August, IS'.r.'
r 11. I'linx
i,.-- - of Ijuo C unty, Or'tjon.
! Ae Circuit Court of the .Suite o Ore.jon
Linn County.
Jacob Sohraidt, plaintiff
Win Piles. Ia E Ulrin. II it Humphrey
'Ud Mary it Huii'p'urey his wif. 1
W ryoa ami Jchn Kooson, nsrtners
under the firm name of Deyos A iiob
sot. ilefehdanta
by virtue of artexesu Ion and orjer f
susle dnlv issued out of tbe above named
court In" the sboveentiled suit to tne di
reeled and delivered. I will, on
Hulsirday. ibe 101b dsy or fteplrsnber. i .te
"l 'he front door of the Counly Court
i House, iu the City of AlUany,L.uin Coun
: 'ex'"1' " '""". vu
in band to thi Istbsst bilder, the real
property described in 1r.1l execution and
order 01 !e as follow, towit; Lots eight
aud uinu t and 9) in blank one (l) In
KirtatrlcK'e) eeooud addition to tbe town
of Lebanon. Linn county Oregon, aa
shown bv lhe inspaand plats ot said town
now on tile in the County Recorder's
ifnoe of 1 Inn Couoay. Oregon- The pro
ceods arising from Hi sale of sfl 1 real
property to be applied first to the pay
ineut of the costt sue expenses ot sale,
Including tbe oosts and 1 Isbursemenm of
suit taxed at J37.I5; second, Io ibe pay
ment of plaintiff's claim, towL the sum
of$H2.5U with accruing lutereat Hi re.m
from the 21Ui day of Marob 1892 at th
rate cf ten per cent per annum and the
further sum I5 attorneys least third to
tbe payment of tbe defendants ' Deyoo t
Kobson's claim amounting to .be sum 01
$82 with interest l hereon at Ihe rate . f 10
percent per annum from tho 6th day of
Juno, 1889 and tLo further sum of $10 at
tome vs fees and tha further nuin cf $16 00
coals and disbursements; fourth, to tun
payuientof tie amount dua the defsnd
ant 1. E Blain. amounting to the sum of
$134.40; the remainder. If any, to be paid to'
ibo defendant Mary c. Humphrey
Dated this 8tb day f August. 1892
.Sheriff ol Lion Cout t; . otegon
Do YOU NbED A ISA BY lit'oi.V ?
miller & Irvlni; have just received
a hue
sssortment. Robber Urea . Each
piled with a patent brake, a great thing
45 sold In '88
2,288 sold In '89
6,268 sold In '90
20,049 sold in '91
60,000 wai be aoM In '92
A Stool Windmill and St
Tower overy a minute...
0 T Theoa fwuro tall tne
tver-going, voriBSting
taei Armottft Mhtri
On KOevi others fOviow.
and w T uka tha Country,
Tbtritgh aold. w w;t .babl V. ad.) of
Us fi 4J JLct meet- r. Its fl. Or4eTT atom
Wtlt4 wmktUabv Ell. 4, btaltrv fan
yawiy laamMaat v j-. i ahd au e t4
pt.utt!) M JaifcDt af iucrtWt) U ti
LaVtlUbt (wfttaM f tlkt 0W.
At jutt ccitoni le kBtnr ttmm t.e Ar-
s,uMiaiu many timaaaa
many! nvindrntiia aa all other
makara combinad? n
atJN W snillaMIMItM WMBL
Ua rt tit A T i Kiwi. -
TaalaaM itn i t 7
Id W mmnnnmt Is UM to m 9
w,U5 IsWt Ud bat iatJK- ' 2
ami fr t' fr, IM U i.l'.fc j
Ukr svswm4 M UkrbtM M Q
r(,i u imitation x
of our invarittona
atuMtrilMir KW JsT
tit-. tftvaUiUtfi twj Mri-
tawt'-a aer. mU hy rtilasjs jX
aiMUlUatlPWffJal ttCft X
Mr Mm dfsutmoutc n
kaktu itii aaatft tftaer
t aaai -t whtMi. pm$i- x
mUa aria. WU WUM m
toalastt 7 aju)T
f ui, A (mm am, acte. "
jtHi. wm m mr aj
Vtel . aka VlaMtoM af
Hsaruka (iniiii
provaa tnai tna
mar. i- '
o most parrtoot baawtisajs
... ut son sm as ahauswive
' ftuttv re- :
rtll TOWSfS. .
of tho Aarmotor i
fi i t
sats mm ym m ssaa wmt aas wa ntana SmS
(Tasaanl aaaaawlw ttfmm ui a 9mm aanaaar sV c
am. aw- mm mm mrm ana" tf
mm mm amaMWttJsaai " mm. .1 .8
ea ss,. soh as 1 ali iSji 111 mill I sums sweat, at)
N W CtliT RU. Avgenf.
Tall man, Or-
f For the atilHoaa ef cssrusitrt ef am
It sue. Dr. Tutt pteswnre to ass-sfA
n. ..! BMS Uwt he is now patctn; up a
trhkrit Is of e SSBSSSasBSSjst small siaa, -as
s rptasinins; ail Uie sir1ne ot lite TaW
larger oar. tiaaswaSee-d tmrrl
treatable. Moth sitt-sef OieSr rxlls Sk
awe still sMttrd- Tne exssct atsc ( m
h sfaeai u In Use bortivrof this-ssil.""
Iaj. now rrepsrsd gso! fuin .L' f f
ia quantities to auil tt'issec n-. 1 V Fj
ab:a rate
Order alii found atatotasof
Prank L Ksntcn, John Iaam ard Parker
Wigon will call for cr der st thoas
asca at Sam and 3 p an daily, t zcapt
BJundayv. Pr-mpt eertie gusrantead.
J. A, Cnmmiog
Wall Paper,
I it tiya, I'Rititss. Oils
Inaaa, Etc. ,
rjaOB THE SPKI5S -Pan tee dee rise
F fie lemlilaol tbe irsgaifi veil hesCth
g.virg acda sprirga, irraiad on tha aorta
aide cf the SanMsm river, about ana oaiia
above 1 he. ar cb known aa Dateh Oaorgs's,
are hereby directed :o camp at the Rntcb
(ieorste taccb. wkara an abondsrsea mt
garden vegetab'ea good timMby bay and
sine pasture msy ba bad at very moder
ate prices Mo toll rand an pail aa 1 ia
not naesiisarT to paste Ihraugh .be toil
gate to obtain all the sdvsntaga cf lata
famed mineral spring and 1 basse oaanr
lei rami .i.g ant cshing prtvilsgas.
ITT LP. It A BALI. Daatsal a.
Mete eeee eressw. awWarsstsa
, , ,
s (erteeta wwawat Nates, aes ail
.iweatisnrv srntr. is
rit tv vitttiiuuts rsttm
rnwii-ri tf 40 anew, ioa-sd em
ai!e nnrh of Allary Lscd leys tas
sn i ia well dr. jrsvsd. For fnrtaar a
o matin', -e na st iba farm mt
Wm tl lfsiii.
AM S EP tJenHe.-naji years of
age wishes employment A.-nns gaoeral offer, work, acaoon is
bookkeeping. First olaas references.
Address U Cios, B saavllla, Orsgr .
r .txrtn t Jirl to do general house-
v work-
fall at resilience of Wm
Konmiller at
Ferry and Eleventh
I.iTTLr.a & Ball, dentists, make no
charee Icr
extracting teeth wl et they
of r"' aiiit.c ai piaie. iuu can sets
! money by having them do vour dents!
. ork. OfTice in Tweedsle blcck, Albany,
' 'regon
mrN'lK'' . -V p'"e Mr psrutansnt
ft home on farm, by a steady young
man, A place where a' terrnanent home
may l had. one with aged cojple ore
s' r (hI lnquirait Dbmocsat lea.
C. H. DALRYMPLE, Mantytr,
ellattisas ssaeeislty rega
e- i;: - is all 11 eallay
relets at site
iss 1 rw
l m srwta s
tea,,, aaflWMic.,
Heal BH I it
i.iak N m7a
""el IftWUY H
Be. B a X seta ata
arkJj tua, ar mil 2
mm a Haraaaaf kt-
ma ttmwewmm tmt in- - ,
1 m4 swai 4w h 7 i
. rnaaaafi
llllilllV iff I II,.
. poit
"ir tax
fir sale
NAI.E Ooe-hslf inters.! In a '
geoo paying business an 1st street
ale at a oa rare in. For particulars In
qu;re at this office.
sir.neil from my premises. nearSoel- j
bum on June Sttih. n Iron gray horse, '
dark on the hip holds hia head high, '
lump on lea bind loot, shod in front,
serfen veers fed, about 1SH hands hlah. ;
Will si vo teasooable reward for his re-1
tnin. Toti.enR SaratiasaB j
pickers Wanted 75 hoplevery morning this wek at
II pickers, to begin work on probnblv
AiigSOali. '0 cents a box will be paid.
Apply to J J Urabau , st 1st and Faker
st reels AlbMiy. Or,
Heat stock of 2nd ' nuT fiood In tin
Valley, and the most reasonable prices
hsvo on hand all kinds of
vine door went of S E Young 'a uld alo
L. C0TL1E8.
o. C. MeFarland,
-:- WEAI.BB in -:-
Harness -and -SaddlerySf,
Display in the Door.
Opposite Flrtt National Hank, Albany, Or.
the undersigned assignee of J K Cyras and '
W P Pitchford, paitners H ing business tin
der t'rm, name and style of Cyras &l Pitch
ford, will, on
aatstrday, Ike Kith la at isepleaalier. I sat
at 1 o'clock P M, sell at pabllc auction at
the Coo rt House door at Albany, in Linn'
county. State of Oregon, all ot the right.
title and interest that the said Cyras A
Pitchf'.rd, or either f them, bad in and to
the following described real estate oa the 1
15th day of January or at any t'me theie
swter, towit:
Commencing at a point on the southwest
j i.l 1 he northeast U of stction 7 township:
II, south range one (1) east, in Lion Coonty.
Oregon, wbere the Crabtree creek and Boar- ,
ing river cmis together at high wati.r mark '
then run jiug op the Crabtree creek near j
the edge of low water mark, a disttoco of
S7 roda, thence eat 54 rods to a point above
high water mark oa the east bank offtos'iog
creek at the upperend of the backwater from -the dam, thence down the eaat sod
north bank at high water mark to the north
end of tte old mill dsm of William Cyras Sc
Hoot; thence westerly ia a direct line to the '
place i f beginninir, containing five 15) acres,
more or leu, all attnated m the Cuboty of .
Linn, Htate of Oregon.
That I will at the same time also sell st .
public auction a water whevl connect d with
aid itnda, being a 30 inch Biincm torbice :
1 wheel.
That said sale 11 made pursuant to an or- '
j der of the Circo.t Court of Uon Coouty. i
Oregon, duly made and entered of record
saj tbs 27th day o) Jane, I8!f2 Said sale
to be made lor cath 10 hand on day of
sa!e. J. H. PEERV, Assignee.
Ike Circuit Court of Ike State cf Ore-
gou.t r I.iuu County.
Lama II r ion. Plaintiff
Samuel S Brton, Defendant
To Samuel S Brion the stove name le
fsmftml. In the name of the State of Oregon you
are hrreby required to appear and .
answer the complaint of Plaintiff,
now on tile in the office of tbi Cicrs of
Linn County, Oregon, on or before, the
6rt dsy of the next term of said court, to
be begun and held on the 4th Mondsy,
last 24th dsy of Csctober, 189a, ard you are
hereby notified that U you f sit to appear,
as herein required, the' plaintiff will take
a decree against you, dissolving the mar
riage relation heretofore existing between
r-uunue and defendant ; tor the leslora km
if Plaint iff maiden came, for the care
and custody of their minor son, and for
changing bis name from CCirer Percy
Bridn to Oliver Percy Senior, and for
her costs and disbursements cf this sui: ty
be taxed.
r order of Hon Geo H Bur5 iud of
said court, made at Charr.bers in Saiem
i Oregon. August 5. 189a.
Mohtaxvc a Hscklsmas,
Ally's for Ptff.
In lheCounty
Court of Linn County, j
In the matter of the estate
Burkaart, deceased.
el M M
ia pursuance of an order of the County '
' Court of Lsnn County, Oregon, made and j
entered of record in said court in Laid
metier on tbe id day of August. 192. I
' will, on Use
lata way efae leaser, tatt
at the hour of t o'clock P M of said cay
j sell at public auction to the highest ard
1 best bidder, at tbe Court House door in
j Albany, Linn County, Oregon, tor the
purpose cf paving tbe claim and debts
; agates, said estate, all the right, title and ,
' Interest -hich the said decedent. Mr. M.
J. Burkhsrt had at the time of her death
in and to the following described
tract of land, towit An undivided ore- ;
fifth Interest in the north K of the Dons-!
j tlon land claim of C P burkhsrt and E J
Bark hart, bU wile, said north half of said
claim cntaJntng too acre ot land snuated
in section 10. township 1 r, south range 3
west of the Willamette meridian In Linn ;
Courtty. Oregon, said e-6hh interest :
contsitting 32 acre.
Terms of sate, one-half of the purchase
price cash in hand at the time of sale, and
one-half of late purxhaue price in six
months from the date of sale secured
a first mortgage on said premises.
Dated this 12th day of August, IS9J.
Adn.ia'strator of said Estate.
In lit Circuit Court of lie State 01 Oregon, for
tin Count of Limn :
Anita G U
Ryan, Desndant
K 4
To E J Ryan the dtfemdam sbova
Oregon, you are Hereby required to
s appear and answer the complaint fi.ed
against you in the shove entitled suit by
the) first day of tbe next term of tn
sbova entitled court tow t: n tbe X4tb
day of October. iSktl and if you fail to so
answer, for want thereof .the plaintiff will
app r to 1 be eoart for the relief asked for
in the com paint filed in the above en
titled conn, towit: For a dissolution af
tbe bonds ot matrimony now existing be
tween piaintifl and dtendnt snd for the
costs and disbursrnanta of this suit to be
This summon is served by pobhVsatlosi
L.t order ot
Hon mm H H.i.-awtt. 1 ie
of said conrt, made at chambers oo Aug
goat I, 1892.
WEAVllKHrJltn A Chawbkr L At
Attorbays f or P fT
: aTfc v f-9 tit -st t . i. 1.
O 1 1 K. 1 C. et. Easmini
( Into its superior polnlt. In ttock both for
ladle and men, at Mewart S S ts.
VAN W 1 1. SON, Agen
of -:-
Baby :-: Buggies
beat assrrtment ever brought to Air-art
jut received at
Scqpt Sox's.
See the Biggin ami (id rrit.
S. 8TKKI.K st CO., Albany, Oregon.
Loan inoney on gaod real sate Is
nut - i 1 ion sad asvjnining scasriss.
ELL DIUOIKO -Kd Davidson in
prepared to do well dia-ainat Is
olaas style, piouiptiv, and w ill auar
snsas nia vrsrx.
An elegant line of diamond rings, dia
mond pins aaddiamond earriags, just re
ceived at Wiilffc Starke. Finest stock in
the city.
I 1 I
www ws art mast aw.
Wi.) Chop all Kinds- of Grain.
I iaaaaaaa iaaaaaaaaaa " ::TfiiiiaaaVaaaaaaV
BaaaaalPapiy djU,'
flHaBaaBDyRfl '
10 rearons why you fhould buy the Giant:
1st Because it la the teat milt ia eaistenee.
and, Keoaoee It is made at home
rd. Beoanss) it will grind more grain Uis r v other mi I
4th. sBeestnse it dots better work than any mill.
Sib. Beoanse it ia no expense to yon alter yon bars boogie it
fltb. Bex aoee it does not best the grain U gr ding as other ro iis do.
7ib. Because you can mre m'.nev vri 1 tbs Orezon Giant than with soy
titer mil.. Fir wsnt of sisc m wilt kits joi- bs other ibresrsaaib why yon
host Id bay the Oregon Giant Ifyesj wfh alsd' osil and cxsmlne trie asiit.
3457 2nd worth st, Albany, Or
Manager and ovarsasr
t f to hire
in i over) men snd rep
rsen a msaufso'urmg Co. wbo wan
branch office. We pay office rent, ad
vent nog and travsliug expanses. Posi
tion parmariefit,s:ood paddling,
no eaovaassing. Experience not nsosaasry
as ycu act uods oor Instructions. Too
must bs known to your loeattoa and
fori lab reference M ra aired. Address
with stamp. Tna Brandsnbnrg Mfg Co.,
uaytoo, u.
lie Canty Court of lie State of
County of I -in:
la the matter of the estate of Jam
deceased .
F Hail
by virtue of aa order of sale duly mads a
sa tared ef record by lae above entitled
curt lain above entitled eaass at Use ret
o'.xr A ages, term of said eoart towit, aa tbs
6th day of A strut, 1V2, the aadersigntd
wi.s, 00
tfc bo!.l 1 . said day. at
taeCewrt Hoescdo-wir. th "
itv cf
cf Albany.
taaa asaatr, urecna. set at pa
to the aigltest bsddar tea fotfowiag de-st-nbad
isal property belonging to aatd as
tale, to wil. Lota t sad 2 w block No. 73,
in Moo tenth's -owl born ssiditina to tka City
of Albany, ia Linn County, Oregon . Terms
of saie, ewe-half cash and coe- half ia sax
mocth with ay-proven security.
tf Ft hxwrrr. Attorney for Admit astratsr.
A uaej tar Aassr.
-.-- -set-, saj Bsas
.iL dsssas'i
- v
, waauateeTs
i Au ter
fa far CSrenU Court of tie State offtrrrom fmr
Leaa Oassrasfy .
laonia Blc neaner and Unil Frsnh, p ffa
? J Davenport and B F. Davenport, de
hT virtue of an execurtin ivkue.i aSatT tbw
above named court in tha above
suit, to tne directed and delivered. I did
on tbe 14th day o? July, 1892. levy npoa
. ai! tbe right, title and Interest of the
shore names, ;eendsn ia aad to the
rsa pro pert hereinaftrr MatJawSti, a-J
isalsrrsaay. law mtdii ef sjessiesatser. ts
at the front door of the County C urt
I House, in the Citv cf Albany, Linn
C.juutv. Orefton. at 'the hour of I o'clock
P M of sard dar. salt a. 1 urxL. auctioo.
. fjir cash in hand, to tha Lights: bidder.
the real proper.v levied npt in tbe
boreenti::e ui: deacriei follows,
in.ii: I av No four i4) in cock No three
rw ;n Rewrd'a addition to tbe town of
Tancest: in Lino eouotv. Oregon, the
procveda ariina from the sale of said
property to be applied, first, to the pay
ment of the coeta of and 1. poo said exe
cution: second, t th? s.iisfaction
p eint.flV claim, amnur.tinst to the sum
of JlrteM.OO w ith inter es' ibreon at the
rate of per seol sr n-iusn trum the
14 h daw of M i- -'i lst- and tbe further
i sum of $175 mi stioroeys f? and t'je far
ther sn oof $30 .05 original ocata, lea the
sum 08102.15 credited npoa said claim
June 1$. 1892
Dated this 8ta day or August. ISS!
Sheriff ot Linn County. Oregon
f PtodomIb will be xcWed ai he office
'of t h fHMTntv r!ifk until S : n rt. y tS
; h day of Atst, 1SW at the hour of
: on 0 c,ock p p of aa;d dar for furnuhmg
the county with forty (40) cords of oak
wood, eitbsr straight body or grub oak,
i not to be lass than i inches in diameter.
Also with tlx 1,6; cords of large body fir
wood, clear ol knot. Said wood to be
delivered at the court house in said
county not later than Sept 15th, In...
The right to reject any and all bid is
hereby reserved.
By order ot the county court this 6th
day of August, 1G9S.
N P Patnk.
Bt F M RiDrtaui, County Clerk.
' NOTICE isbetebr ttivsn ttat the tax
roll of the ctty of i lksuay, Orsgou.lor ths
year 1N8, haa been placed in my hands
for collection and will remain ao for a
u,IaJ r , U I .lara fmnwm its.S rtf ISllS
, ( v. an , . j ......
notiee. durina which time I will receive
and receipt for said tsxss t the Council
chamber in aaia city.
Alt taxes charged In sals' roll renaining
unpaid at tha expiration of thirty days
from the date of this notios will bs re
turned as delinquent to the counel! of
said oily, aad the costs and sxaana for
eolleetlng the earns will be added thereto.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this tth day
of July, lttt.
City Marshal
Cali -: an n -;- Havk Yoca
ohntton's Patent Ee-Meterl at F M
R EN CHSJewelry Store.
ot taw asaal 1 ef Ttwwasa qemrSaaaeeaasw. Ail twe
rvwaraatawsawtia tbe yritiet laarfcits ssd peiawlj
teetsee. wtrttat sea saaeetw frees taaeaes
Ssawaat el altitsy a tasatt 11 aatjOr.' " "
DueS Aaeww. 3 ItSS Jisrs A ruswi .
.. .' Cau;Kt .11 - jrj- -.
SJ . as ;
isrcsaa, aaa au si raise
eowac. Oswera. r as ateaawasw a aawatAaasaa as
Bask ah K m tmmrn staass ... n utm
!c aa Sas Sssa t-.rr I
Dated st Albas. Or. .laraw Ivh. ;s
eywSsasBMSBBBajj ain
' ;CCam BBaVM
: ke Death to Wild Oats,
II ike Circuit Court of tie state of ffrrgtm,
for Ike County of Linn
William Kaber. FUmtnT
J V Pipe and Lottie A Pipe, Defendant.
0T1CE I- 1 I I 15 CM THAT
by vtrtaa of sa execution and order
ot sale duly issasd oat of the shore named
eoart ia the above entitled sett trill on
Salarway. taw :Un star ut AmfOM, MM
at tbs front door of the county eoart boase
in the city cf Altaay. Luta osssuir. Orjscoa,
st the boar of ana o'clock r. ss of said dsy,
sell st pabKc aactsaa tcrcaaw ia band to the
highest sadder the real :tate daserihed ia
aid execntion and order ot sale as f oik. are
towit: Begiatrieg at a point 10 eh sin sad
9 haka E and 3 causae sad 89 finks S of the
N W corner of the donation land etssraa of E
N White and wife, ssaealiustassa Ko 9ki rials
48, in tp II, Sof B 3 west of tna WOaateUe
Meridian, in Lien eoaaty, Oregsn raaatag
theaca south 36 thatas aad 61 oaks to tha
center itae dividing the north bait of tha
scnth half of tha said donation land liim.
at oa e said center 11 aa 11 chants
.scs, fat I Saaarthtl ktw :retr a
cotsaty road; thence asrth 70 d egrees aata 45
rta.1 to the place 3 l-s;:cr .cj, I
The ssrocaseoa ansta
of aatd real tarct-ertv to hi spnlsed iwr. to
28.10: second, b the paTment of the attar
ny s fee ssr.crr. t:nto 5150; third, to the
tbe rata of 10 per east f.T saaam: aad
oarth, the over pi as if tat then be to he
pad to tbe defeadaate.
Dated tins 27:h day of JaJy, 1892.
-her-Jf ot Lean easaaty. Or row
In tie GrruZ Court of tie
for tie Count of Lame,
Of Oremm
C G Borkhart. Plaintiff,
J. B. Thompson ana J.
N. Baiseh, Pe endsntw.
i.v by virtue "f an execuaoo doty is -
sawd cut cf the above t am ad eosarfUia that
above entit ei cti"n to m durvie-! aad
dswiawaed, ; did on the 5th day at Angst.
1S92 duly levy upon alt tha right, seta
and interests of J N Beach, aatw of tha
tbove named d-s'endsar, in aad so tbe
Real property hereinafter desert o?d and
wiil. 00
at the fron-a door of the Cosiaty
Loan noose, .0 use t. try or tjany.
lonoij. vregoo. mi toe noar ot 1
p as, of said day. sell as pnbise
for cash 'a hoil, to the httheat btd-rer.;
the ruau fro party lewd 01
aa fo4 soars, to a it: Lota 5 aad S
in Gottra Park sdditioa to the City af
Albany. Linn "ounty. Crrecott. vae pre.
eesda sariarwg from the sate of said psopar
tv to betappiiel. Sra to he assy iiatsit af
the eosats of ace: upon aasd rvxevsattSasa and
theortg.Bal erases of stt final sat $13 W
and the further scmofllo Attorney's
fees. Second n tUe payment of Plate
nts claim aarountiag to the tha sssa o
;tJ 9$ arith in teres, thereon st the rate
or 10 per cent p r annum .rem the
day of Jane, 18i
Dated lb s gUt day of Aug, ISSC.
O C J Artvsajt .
iLeriffof Lina County, Uraatcn.
sawrraaasau ayearseroi'taee
ntata an aeoeaea frwat tae here
tatsasthdsvofJale. ;-e.
Dap svi vtvtstb
Dai.kS U S mt srSUaX. , :;
aatraa ear satawafssntec ,
In the saattar of taw estate ef O T
lv eesstaed Sas been anly sssaabaad se taw
eooote asurt o Liar, cueatv Omraa
UxeseateofOT ksiioe deceased,
ia; cisinss aaraiaet tzw estate et the
are aereov reoaared u aeasawt the sasas i
wisrbi hasathe atsie aeeeet property TeeiSeai, 1c
Or. uWrasgsad at the ds at Kg Kssitt, at the
cue of Alaaai. . S S Beers a.
n a. n c a,
Attj tar Aasssss,
Dated tbe tsth tar at Aaj, ISWs.
1 JeeawneJ Has lata dar been sanoreSeit
trabv ate boats smq eaftbt sssata et Iiyess A I
of Unn evxMl.'r.Or.v w, ,!a.esei. AU petsnaa
eisims aewJaaal aatd estate are tem 1 r t t'i io I
sent tbem prvHwrty verised to the
Albany. Orss-va. within six as alhs (rv-ott
rwatsass taeaesT ; .v uuss, asss
Z H Rt DD.
alsashatsaraior ale ba ois Nt of tbe estate ot Lrdia
Ta'imfty; is hkecbv esi-s-v- ems n mm
ISi r . . . ' " aaa.a.a m... , a..,
-1 deminiedL saa this aav baas dwlv unkai..i m&
. a" ewaie n t snsas.
ewj, v-r,(cvw, ear i eat 11. au
w:-'. ssaims asaiast aatd eststu are sew
eeeeeol Usseapropseiv venSed. ta u easssi'an.l i
AlhanT Una county, Oregon, wuass aU aaaatl
Hated this lith dsv of Auifust, 1S
. , . KHRCDD,
Aiirmiustraior of the estate vf H L Ratal, est i.
By order of the County Court ot Ma
rion County, Oregon, sealed plans, strain
diagrams and bids for a wagon bridge
across the North Santiam tiver at Mill
City, Marion County, Oregon, wil! be re
ceived bv the clerk of said court until
Friday, September o. t o o'clock A M of
said day. Said bridge to be 16 feet ie lhe
clear, covered and painted, and to he lo
cated at one of the two proposed sites, one
of which sites is Immediately below and
the other above the railroad bridge at
said place.
Separate bids wilt be received for esch
of said locations, and for the location above
said railroad bridge tbe bid will be tor
said wagon bridge exclusive of the ap
proach on the north tide of said river
Separate bids wfll also be received tor
said bridge exclusive of the lumber, the
county furnishing all the lumber on the
ground and the contractor tunusning
other material. Each bidder will be re
quired to deposit with his bid five per cent
of thesmountof such bid to abide the re
sult of the awarding of said contract at by
law required and provided.
Saiaf court reserves the right to
nv and sll bid '.aceived under the
order. VVM. H. EGAS, Clerk.
can be as
We guar-
auiekly cared by Shiloh'a Care.
antes it.
" aaSfreassssr.
estate are rearebr leaieiiul sail asesiaat' V m,m mt tas
same eitfc proper re or Bers te tbe i asiaBS es
te hss attmers. Bascktkarn y u Aisaas.