DURHAM JM Dj 1 MV DURHAM M jjij P JC BULL DURHAM All around the world, from East to West, Pipe Smokers think Bull Durham best How good it is, a trial will show, And make you smoke and praise it too. Get the Genuine. Made only by BLACKWEITS MMkM TGBAOCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. WE A T la KB ro fCD CHAMBEKLAIH, A turners at Lw. Will practice in all court of th state. Special attention given to matter in probata and to collections. OFFICE In tha Flinn block. w V BIl.YEl, Attorney at Law vnd Salicitor in Chancery. Cellee sleas mad on ail aa'.ata. Lean neratlaled table terms. Albany, Oregon. G K. W. WRIOHT, Attorney at law. and Notary Poh.ie. Will practice (In all the court of this state Special attention riven to eitections and mslter in prab&t OSare: -Upstairs Masoo-TwedaJe Block Albaay. Cyn D. K 1 1 M 1 f I . B All leaal matter will reesl vs nromp attention, fflo In Odd Fellow's Temple, Alba ay, 6 OMAXVK HACKLESilf, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J J- WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JAMES J. CH4KLT0M, Attoraer-at-Lsw. All Ural bonnes attended to promptly. FLIKN'S Block. Albany. Or. D U. J. I.. Ill LI.. n. OFFl. Fnrry atresia, Albany, Orereo Hi. MASTOW efc AVI. i ItTlfAlalflili Itllaali llKanw fa, all. .! ttacdedinatrandoaoatry: V. CHAMBEBI.4I9. M. D asMinai i n. in hiskism at th , Tweaty pears' experience OIBoe Bonn 7 tolia; w4jnfl.aaoofaamr. Auoant, Oregon. INK CO SATIOSAL BASK, I Or ALBAS T. ORMOIT. CAPITAL STOCK flOO,. swse' L COWAN, ...J M RALSTON St t'-ukier.. .0 A ARCHIBALD. I aacTOaa, 1 L Cowan, J M Rateton, W 8 laseM, W a Oolira, J A Craward aM O A Arch DBAWSIOB1 DRAFTS an New York U1AN MONEY on appeased security napsoauoenwrnoisn 'I BUT SATIOSAL BASK , Or ALBA 1ST, ORKOO.X, retsdent FiceProsjaent LFLISS -. 8. K.YOOSG -E. W. LANQDON TRANS ACTS A GENERAL banktntbnaloee. ACCOUNTS KEPT rabies.-, te eheek. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel Taphic transfer, ! Sew York, San Frandaco, Chicago and P-ntland 00 XKCTIOKI aADEnn tat arable . E. Yeas E, W. Laa L E Bun, L. Fuaa Edwau f . Sax. W t lWH K A CO. BAIIIlBBs or ALBANY, REOOR, TRANSACTa eenwal Buikinjr aanncas DRAW SIGHT DR AFTS an New York. aaa Fran eaand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security . RECEIVE deposits aubjed t check. COLLECTIONS mad an taronel term. , INTEREST paid an tin deposiu. ASK OF OBEC.OX. ALBA BY, OmBOON. Capital. I . H F MERRILL E J LANSING IatWBLAIN Vice-Praaidcnt. Transacts a general banking business: Exchange bought and suiil an ail tha principal ottiee in tha United Slate j also on England, Ireland. Praaee and Germany. Collection mad at all acroeaibl point on favor ble terms. 'ntaraat allowed j time depeaft. B ASH Of MA'IO, CIO, OBKOOW. dent., hler 8 .0 S Mat .JAPANESE I CURE A neweii Ciatlj.i TV teits e i etl a r ef posilories.Ointwo it in Cinijlsi.slio la Bet aid P a Positive c.ir 'o ttvw laUt '. 'n I mg Itchlnr, Caronie, Ui-rtnter Hweliury Piles, many other diseases si 1 taassjl i wsittsii!; lit waysa irreat heoilt B tht ge iiral hialth. Tis ilaeovenr of a 'Bsiicbl c-arj " . I i r at asira wit the k ill un-ce..vrr bvufti'. Tjr- as aisi'js kn ir iwf t'f. I, : tt,r wot by mall. Wiv 1 1 (-u ,i '.t'nt'i disi when a written gti trAttes Is ti'.irir f.ttert" ej hoss.to refuod tr.tmiterr i . in til. . for free Sample Guar am tee issued by J ACasaaalas. Biranlss. Male Agent. Albaay, Oregon Albany IRON WORKS ManufKCtiirere ,' IE AM ENGINES GRIST AMD SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON AUNTS' 0 ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. firecli! ntlnnUori paH to rspiirf- a. Hind of machinery. Fastr-rns Made on Short Notiet FOSHAY & MASON S'UlllH ABU KWAlb- iM ugiKtsand Booksellers rtp-oi ta for John B. Alden'B piiittlpatloaa, watch w gii at publisher' rruw with ytireili1e" ALBAST. OKKsUOi JUL BaaBBZanMBBBBBBJ TOBACCO W. L. DOUGLAS ms.sTS.!i9Jl.as!jTiKi,. nrloa. Eni irmB w "US anet wJ.HaaJ aawa, flaaeaif moatnvluh. asj act durable aam nrloa. Thar aauai Saw lmramal BO SO Police Shoe, warn brfarmar and an ss3e ether who waas a swod heavy calf, threw aoead. extension adaaanoa. aaa to want ta mm wtll aaep the fa err ana warm. 4ft f SO Fine Calf. w-A.J-5 and 90.09 XT,rk. aaaalaaaaa'aaaoatwiUaaororaartwtaa moa7 thaa any other saaka. Thwy are Bus for see- has f onsS that out. how tha Rnunl I-" " Tea ths' 1 .75 B i or tha bora Sehael whwraf The mo Ladies' ? laaea ara atad of tha beat DaagoU ar aaa Calf, a asaarod. Tbsv are varr stvilsh, eomf ortahle and dura. m. nwwisiawaoqaaia fremauntoSSai. Ladlea fun u max. laxm who to their footwear are flndln. this out. Caattaa.-W. I-nosW aaaaa and tha wrtoe ts tamped on tha bot tumof aaeh shoe: laosV tor It wbwnron bsry. Brsrarewf rteelers artesei liw to sah sttrate other makes for them. suehsuhafasattoBtara rrmodalwolaad wabtees tu pevwacwOow txj law tor oV Mm IOl til. AS. Bracktaa. Mass. Sold ay -W-L. E. BL.A1N EAST AND SOUTH, -VIA Southern Pacific Route SHAS TA LINE. Kiprea Trains laara Portland Daily 1 raoa mr 1. UBS, I S orh 7:Unr. a. I tr Portland Ar I T : a a 10:23 r B l.v Albany Lv t.ti a at MM a a I A.- San FranslMS Lv T.-0 r B Aheve tiina step ealjr at fcllosrlagBtatians nortb at Roteburf. East Fortland. Orca-oa City. .BaV aarn. Salem, Aibanr, Tsaxwot, Bbodd, Htlssy Bar riabwrf , Janetioa City, Irviaj, Kaswn . BAR,, SAH.T saaaiaa ssws aBass, rsu trta net rim, Ana ea&. twamless, sn-ooth tauMa. stoxtakv snore ssm ftarauatyuah and dnrabsataaa aajolasr ihoa wear 1 aolJ at the nrloa. Kcsah esaeei msds dKasmis. : BMaa. The t -JOAB I Lt Portia ad Ar 1 - IrrSSra Lv ARstay Lv 1 1x30 B iilts I Ar Rwbnrj Ls I TiWis UJUrt UWAUt BAILT BXCOTT 8TBBAV) S O r a I Lt Penuuvi Ar :sJ 4 ra Ar Albaay U(fcS9a uiassi sasjrta ldssTTjTv Albany 10sTab MJrslAr Lebanoa Ls Mia taABLv Albaay ArS:2Sra 919 a ! Ar Lebanon Lv I : let-ralL Albaay Ar) lr tsitalAt Lebanon Lv1t:0ra g:00 s a Lt Albany Ar 76 T a t:XS s if Ar Lebanoa fLv M r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. SEGQM3-CU.. HCSPI11 1 i rr a-roBSBsaslatiow at r. eaters, heidln teeoBd-Ctas llrkets.ai tar best ta Ex press Trains eTeat Blsle Mvtalaw. rKTL 1 1 1 ABB CnfaUU, Mail raaissAiit (Except Sonaay, 7:3u A fl I Lv ItaOr a I Ar Portland Corral lis Ar Lt it0 lfcxatrB I rasas tbais daily (Excjp'. Sunday. :ra Lv f ra I Ar Portland steJUnnvUle Ar s:o a a Lv I S.sA A a Tlirotijrh Ticket. M 9 mil poinU EAST. AID SOUTH. rat lu.. infornaaU i rorsrding rat, map. on Oaaspany Arent at A'Aany ''. KOEHLEB K P. ROGERS, afana-ar An'tO. T. and P. Portland. Oreron. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, T S? BIK.C, sterelver. 0 Oregon OeTBlopmsn. To'b Steamers, Sltort Una to itlii'ornia Firat-olass tti rough paaaenger and1 'i eight line frera Portland and all polaj n ttie Willamette Valley to and from Han rVaaclaco, Cal. JtOsvts males cloa connection at A I ban with trains of the Oregon Paclfl Railroad TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays.) Lesve Albany 12:3 r. M,.LJv Yaaaina, 7:v0,s ioave oarrauia i:uar. a. llieave c:arvaiiis,i";3f.A.a Arrfe Yaanina, t:S6 r. n.Amre Alban , U:U A. B O. at C. train connect at Albany and '-fervBllls. The above trains connect a Yaouina with the Oregon Deveiopmsdt Company's Una of Steamships betv ean V a ulna and Can Francisco, H AILINCI DATE . JKO TAOriS. iEu'Im fsHs; On nor IM, ii Slat raoa as raAXcisco WUlaaaetl Vslley, Becemker 8th ; lath Wlh. The Conspanv s-wryea lbs njj.it to tounge sailing dates w'thout notles. 'tt, B. Pajuaentrer from Portland and ATlUamstte Valley notnU can make clans sennectljn with the trains of the Yaquln route at Albany or Corvallls, and ifdst tlaed to San Francisco should arrange to rive at Yaaulna the evening hafore elate faatilng Passenger an Prelgbt rales always th Lowest jir Information apply to A K Chapman, Freight and cket Aeent, Albany, ' . H . I), r. aerf P o REflON PACIFItlKAILBOAO t'O., T, E, Hogf, Receiver, fUMMER EXCURSIONS FOR 1892. iickeut now-on (aie at CorvallH nn1 Al bany for tbe excursions at the very low Round Trip Rat of $8 25 anil 3.50, re spectively. Good for the going trip on WEDNESDAYS) and HATVRDAII i of each week nl for leturn until 8ep tember 80th, 182. C 0 BOQUK, Q P A. Thc democrat. I'KoVIDENCE NOT IN IT. An able young trpublican with an office in the nelgliliorhooJ of the cfty hall, wanietiio go don to Ohio tc mike a stump speech or two duting the campaign tosoitof get hi hand in for further usefulness, don't you know, bat he ili In': rnakd it. He prepared what he though was a brilliant effort, and submiued it loan old wheel horse in poliiicswho was selecting lump talent, "Rata" exclaimed the old hand w I the youug man went around to tee him after he had read the teech. W hat's the mattet?" exclaimed the shocked applicant. "Take that speech away and hide it till you get older and k now more . " "What's the matter with it? It'i a gaod speech, and I was a whole week in getting it ready." "Good (er nothing," blustered the old one, "It's lacking in ibe very first principle of a political speech." "Show me where it is wrong." "Aw, it's wrong all over; and right at the end, where the work ought lobe you're qutcred the whole business " "In what way?" Why look at it," and he pointed at the offending passage. "There you say with a grand flourish: ''And it is only reasonable that the people, and especially the farmers, should feel a profound and heartfelt grate fulness to an all-wise and !eneficient Prov idence for the abundant craps wbicn cover the fields with fatness and -mile at the gen erous granaries waiting to receive them." "Isn't that all tight?" "Of course it isn't. You don't knew a little bit. Providence is not in it. You ought to have credited all that to the McKin ley bill and the republican administration, where it belonged . 'A beaeficent Providence,' indeed? You make me tired." Detroit Fiee Press. ITSION. '1 he attempt to break the democratic line by carrying Alabama for a fusion ticket was made under the moat favorable auspices. The opposition ur.lted upon a candidate who claim to be a democrat and was a candidate for the regular demo cratic nomination, lie waa supported by discontented democrats, by the alliance men, and very strongly by the republican under special Instruction fiora Washing ton. It was enly a state election, !n which many democrats who would never thtnk of boiling a national ticket left free to dis regard party lines. Yet the result is the election of the dem xratic candidate by a majority of from 10,000 to jojoco and a two-thirds majority in the legislature. This will probably end the republtcnn hope of arresting southern electoral votes from the dentoctatic column thi year. Bat the fact that Gov. Jones's majority has been retraced from 97,000 to Irs than 20,000 in two year shows wry plainly that the Alli ance moveaaeBt is still a most important factor It conveys bo sense uf danger to the Dem ocrat in the South because oi the impossihil tyof fusing two elements whose aims arc so directly antagonistic as taose of the Repub lican and Alliance parties. The situation in the West is wholly d die real. While the Democrats and Allianc- men of that section are at variance oa many points, they are united upon the overpowering tssae of the campaign. The interests of both demand a lower ia rift aad aa esd of Repub lican paternalism, extravagance and mitrale. There is no reason why they should not join hands in a determined effort to achieve this common purpose. Aad these is every eason tor belief that such aa effort won Id be crowned with success. The chief lesson of Alabama is a pregnant suggest 100 to ifce Democrats of the West. N. Y. World- HOlsT BY THEfi: 0W fETAKll tren Clarkaon aa chairman of the national league of republican dubs ha a great many tariff tracts which he is distributing like flakes of snow in every nook and corner of the country. One of these ia a. map in which he shows that wages are lower in democratic states than in republican state. It is said the effort to establish this allega tion will be- mads a leading feature of the republican campaign. If they succeed in thi they will establish a truth for which democrat have long contended namely, that a protective tariff does not control and regulate wages. The protective tariff law operates with equal force in every state in the union, and hence wages would be the same in similar callings in all the state if that law controlled wages. If Claxkson proves that wages are higher in aome stats ban others (and we have no doubt of his ability to do so.) then the republican posi tion that the tariff secures good wage at steady employment is fully disproved. But we have never yet met with a single argu ment by a protectionist thai did not contra dict some one of the positions taken by that class to sustain protectionism. MTIOHAIdJOniocaATIC TltKir. Fan Presidbnt f? no van Clbvei.ano, of New York. Foa Vice Pr ebiukkt A. E. Stkvcm- bon, of Illinois. For Pbksidrnti at. Electors Gaoasa Kol and, of Clatsop county. R. A. Miller, of Jackson county, W F. Bt'TCUKR, ef Baker county, and W. L. Coi.vic, of Jack son countv. kU aWKB Patker Bros, grocer. F. M. French keep railroad time. Buy yoartgroceriwof Parker Bro Fiae groewnes t.Coon &HtidricOB'. Lstast'het music at Will & Link's. New cream eheeae just received at Conrad Mayer. C W Cobb, job printer, Flion Block, does first class work . Stewart Si Sox sell the very best ratens hear nd scissors. Th finest line of pocket knives fin the city at Stewart A Box's Smoka tha celebrated Havana filled fi cent cigar at Julia Joseph'. Dr M M Ellis, phyiician and aurgaon Albany, Oregon. Call mad In oity 'or oon n try. With hi new bakery Conrad Meye able to offer old and new customer e thing Model in baked good i. Money to Loam. I have money in sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton countlea, at lowest current rates. No delay in furniabing the money. C O BuBKHABrr, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Niagara Kid glove in hlsck and colors, $1 1 r pair. None better for the pries Kvery pair warranted. Sahckl E YoL-mi Albany Ore. Cafl and see new fall dress goods at W F Read'. An eleuart line of diainood ring, dia mond pins and diamond earring, just re ceived at Will K Stark's, Finest slack in the oity. TELEGRAPHIC NEW A Bet Battle. New Your, Aua 12. The Herald's Trinidad dispatch nays that tlm legalists, some 4000 men strong, under command of (ieneralB Hermintlex and dill, appeared before the City of Ikiliver early this morn ing' and demanded of the commander of (he irorernment forces that he surrender. The request was promptly refused. This per cipitated an engagement, and Hernandez and (Jill, at the head of their forces, ad vanced on the position occupied by the gov ernment troops and attacked it with ties rim'B'fi I fBII IBB Titev were met with mint! valor. Superiority of numbers told atluat, I howevor, and the governmentals gave way I slowly, contesting every inch of ground. H ! was not until Generals Career, Acosta and . Laudalta had been killed at the head of ! iheir troops that the governmental broke and retired from the held in disorder, leav ing nearly 500 men dead. The legalist!', while they lost no general officers, suffered fully as much as the enemy, losing almost 500 men. A Tertile ExnleslM. Wknatciiee, Aug 12. A terrific ex plosion took place near Cascade City, a camp on the Great Northern line, 45 miles distant from this place, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. One hundred and twenty kegs of black powder were discharged, from what cause no onccan tell. Swan Johnson. ; a teamster in the employ of contractor j Krickson, was driving a six-horse wagon i loaded with powder. The most remarkable , feature of the case is that neither Jrhnson nor any of the six heroes were killed out right, though John on was thrown high ! into tne air ami landed at some tlustiuice from the place of the explosion. He will probably die. rail Trolling. Gkaxd Rapids, Mich, Aug i2. On a fast track at Com stock Park today. Flying Jib. '104. astonished lO.OOO spectators by pacing a mile in 2KX", only a quarter of a second slower than Hal Pointer s Buffalo record, and half second better than Nancy Hanks' time yesterday. He went so smooth thai kta mmaI ...a nnl mIUJ I.... SI. WW. ... CWWM MV. UUUVm, l,Ul I I crowd went wild and gave an ovation when the time was announced. Marrtesl Maw. BossDOi'T. N Y, Aug 12. A daughter o ;.. Hn ..j its. u.a.i. - i . yTwg"rr" "-Py a 1 . a a t .a . eruay Mara e servea win, taster f or a longwnue. ana it u reporteti bride once saved, hi life when he was attacked bv ludians. . uu.L.iMLt, ssaao. Aug 1- Aiithael r: r tiii.i ... hi home. Old aire and a broken heart over the doing of his wayward son were the siac. ills sou will tap tries! lor Uls life next Tuesday for the murder of Dunne. atrtrellve Week. a ,i SALKat. Or Aug 11. On July i;,.ht-,Wt .t.,Z u 1' v 1' 1 Dove'.-iding S. TuSndercu- liar laismali nn ' .. , ant htaSotng a'lo' was instued in the firemen-. Fund for w-VOOO and there were rumors that she had been bnnsedfor th i-sr-sse-T TL -jsJ Wrd n. 1 ft, si j " aiii:nis(r nneuTr. I risr.i was Mi ;-.;. dr - Tr r result , hrv. of 1 J io lh vesael's crew beretodav for having burned- T!,e manulacturers ol "Hop Bitter' the vessel. The men arrested are Captain h,ve f cut bttsinews. For a num John IVrve. David Yountr. part owner and br -v",rs luiroauise bastresa was C A Pytsurn, fireman. They have nad no don"-' T Soul, the president of 1 1 sax neartng v. out evidence 1 ..n . : ,1 TS. ... .- si ustrtu. toe ufmuiT learned that an hour before the Youne burned, tool had been taken off hew and hid in the bruali. Tratse be found, and in an interview with the trio of suspect, said he taspextflil c-rookeslnes in the matter. He said be would make a search for the hidden tools today, but hurried to the scene with officers and hud in wait for the trio whom I he had reason to believe- wculd during the uxg" try to get tne toots and throw them into the river, thus deasUuyinat the evidence against them. Tbeou,cw had not been long in hiding until (tore. Young aad Py burn came to the woods for the tooJs, worn thev were arrested. The officer hate the tool and are certain they hare sxtfEcient evidence to convict A Vrasblnstwa Ttckr. Olvmpia. Wash, Aug 12. At mhliesn mnrtl . 1 ,, , ticket wa nominated ........ w,i- '"-UK Isepresentatives, Jahn L Wilson, kane: William H DooJiUie. Pierce. Supreme judges, T J Anders. Walla Walla; FJmon Scott. Whatcom. Governor. John H McOraw. King. Lieutenant-governor. F II Luce, Lincoln. Sewetary of state. James H Price. Pit-ro-. Auditor. L R Onmes. Kittitas. Treasurer. O A Bo wen. Wahkiakum. Attotucy gejuerai. W C Jotsw. Spokane Superintendent of public school. C W Bean. W hitman. Lommuaioner of nublic landV. W T Por- rest, Lewis. State Printer. 0 C White, Columbia. Presidential electors. O V Calhoun. Ska git, J 8 McMillan. San Juan; J A Novarre, Ostanogan. C F White, CbehaJis. ban ed at a rtrei Seattle, Aug il Elliot Place, a ram shackle row of cheap lodging on McChtre street, wa burned thi naorning at 3 o clock and two children of Milton Tanner, a la borer, were burned to death, while nine other occupants barely escaped with their live. sMatallssax In Sew fork. New York. Aug 11 .So many case of snuvlipox have appeared in this city during taac past tnree weett rnai use nealtk an- il a: sr .i i . taHs.see.rpr were in? . i general out- break of the disease during the coming s.i "v.. uoiera energetic measures are taken. atad rail Fraa a Law, of Bay, Oaklako. Or. Aop; 1 1 . Mrs C Bard, who lives near this place, wa riding on a load of hay with ber husband, when the team took fright and she fell off. The wheels pcuwed over her and she died in four hours. Aa reiea ansa Hard Sax Fhascisco. Aug 10. Emma A Til- I ton today sued M M Odell for breach of promise. I he plaintiff allege? that the tle fendent promised to marry her last Feb ruary, and that she waited tor him to ful fill his promise, but she recently discovered that he bad married another woman. She ask for 20,000 dainage. Odell. who ia about SO years of age, is an Oregon tock raiser and a butcher, and is said to be worth at least $100,000. He recently mar ried Mis Susan Barries, of (ialtbtnd. A Bad Maaaaad Portland, Aug 10. D V Diamond, so called, who was convicted here, aome nine months since, of conspiracy to defraud the government out of its title to some timber land, and iserrtenced to one year in the pen itentiary, was brought down from Salem yesterday by Deputy United State Marshal Miller, hia term, la credits for good con duct, having expired. He is wanted at Salt Lake City to answer to a charge of un lawfully using the mails for the purpose of fraud. HOBsc Hklrm'sblne Tang i Kit, Aug i0. Moorish troops this morning made another attack in the direc tion of the reliellious tribes, ascendintr the hills and setting Are to a number of villages The inhabitants fled. A portion of the taop have made an attack upon the re bellious Angherus, and two divisionn pro ceeded to Ktifiport ihe sultan's forces One hundred Moorish soldiers ware either killed or badly wounded in a subsequent engage ment. The Aagherites suffered but few casualities. Chinese Ssuacglrr South Bend. Wash Auk 10. Wallac Stewart, of Ocean Park, and Charles Ship pey, of this city, young nion well known tn the county, were brought liefore United States Commissioner Egbert Saturday even ing on information filed by George W Dil lon, a special agent of the United States treasury department.. charging implication in the smuggling of Chinamen into the United States. Another Ilend Tacoma. Aug 10. An unknown brute attempted to outrage a girl. 8 years old, but wit prevented by tne arrival of her mother, who chased him 10 blocks, when lie escaped in the brush. The brute was not captured. X large posse is searching for him. That s,ae New YortK, Aug iO. Upon examina tion today it was found that the gold treas ure from Son Francisco waa safety landed in the aubtreaHtiry vaults without any other mishap than the ouratuig of three of the boxes. Minnie A Scotchman, recen'.ly from Glasgow, was arrested this forenoon for being drunk and disorderly, and forcing hts way Into houses, and placed In the calaboose to await the usual fine. Ira F Power, the well-known furniture man, of Portland.has made an assignment. Ill atselts are figured out nt futi.ooo, liabilities, (76,000. With such s good showing creditors ought to receive as much a 50 cents on the dollar. Two enterprising gentlemen In tiiiliam county are preparing to go into the poul try business quite extensively. They in tend raisins; 5000 chickens,3ooo ducks and tooo tutkevafor ttie Portland market the first year. I'ndcr a recent decision of Judge Deady It will be Impossible to recover damages against Portland unless the city Is flag rantly in the wrong,and no doubt the sime ruling applies to other Oregon cities, and cities generally. The wisest men talk the least, the rich- est men show the least money and the fastest bicycle riders are not the ones who always go the fastest through public streets . It i about timo Yaquina bay had its sea serpent story if it would become dis tinguished in the eyes of the world. Oregon haa one first clas seaside re sort Newport on Yaquina hay. Salem Journal The heat ty odd in the North Weat. As in i-snll,in.,i.lu it Is ll.o 111 evert tiling eise It la ttie OUBilty mnlitv not the quantity of a brain that counts. V. ilson e bntin weighed ten ounces more than Daniel Webster's. Combine qoan- tity and quality and you are sure oi an intellectual giant. i j It is a proper thing that Sodaville doea not claim to be a fishing retort, ac-! cording to the followingfrom the Eugene Guard: Sheriff Noland, ao judge Fiak reports, ia the boss fisherman at Soda-ville- He caught three suckers Tuesday. ( the longest one being three inches in length. A dozen others out with him caught none. j n , . . . i , Some hf nJad the ,D?tlo.n tt!t I the secretary of the treasury invite the Hon Thomas Watson, of Georgia, who . recently created eucb a sensation in the ! bouee of representatives, to ron-.e out iandukeastoodatiuaredrink. Te'ij-ifram. Here is an opportunity for the Lion i SI 111 III 111 f II BB 1 1 ' I t X AlEllsT tl IBll HUE I i HT L(f " "-TuZ trnn, ' r ". . . I . here i- conwlallon in the following from the lialle Iran-rpt: If there i.anrthlnsto lament In the bt the circus dkl not touch at Dallas there It consolation arj good, tope, com- 1 ..... t. ,k-s.,.1tT.t.i- I escaped ihe 'avsgc of the gang of cut-; ' throat, thieves and pillager t always al- 1 latiieu i - - tv siei.kv iuuuvup villus. Whan a man has Da:d a fine lefor a I recorder it hardly eem just that be j should also be obliged to pay one before 1 a justice. The oW principle ol not tieine l ' U'h m a? to a certain extent. A case in Salem was treated thus : Job n W I.M Ia.,eveu- .fv ler, "rt? If ry . ,"OUht be,or Batchellor this morning 00 mo'ion of the I prosecuting attorney, tne case waa ata- o. t bad alreIy paid a fine of 5 and CO I for the same offense be- . ,, 1 Isa nsrs sen however all sdrenisine J w ; . - w ' discs nlevi and soon the sales run down to fSOW annually. Here 1 an sSS oTX results nl ad- vertLing- Also that like handHog an timl.reila in a torm. to be tocceaaful you must always keep it np "Apples three for a nickel' greetethe on tne train ol passengeri again as the cars stop at our depot, reaauu got mad at the boys the other day and talked so mean to them that Marshal Ireland It is one of the handsomest of ordered him back into tbsj cars when he , u,e kind eeer teen. -Corral Is Garett-r. attempted to sell papers on ibe outside. : There is an ordinance providing for ! licensing peddler in ibis city and Pao bats' Mtrrra-. In the guardian Peanuts was dumWoun.:ed.-iiranfs ,hpo( Artie, Caasie, Bay tnd OrrUle Pass Conner. Mackey, Mr II C Mackey was appointed Tire Pendleton E. O. is decidedly sour guardian, bond, $30. It says: OtBce holding at present ap- , Intheea'e of Jo Nixon. Harriet I peSSTS SO CSjnSISt "1 B oeaire (O BOSS BS : mIMd aa ssoawibus oni nf 'and twtfnrm I " f" . JT Ibe least amount ot service. lietween the oftcV holder and 'he highwaymen the people are as bad off as if thev were between the deri, and the MB" Tne Eugene Register make, the follow Ihg clsim for that ciy: Mr I R Wyat ha. been appolnled cseputy duiri a.tor- new tor l.ioo county, and A O Condlt ha. received a tmlli appointment for Martin coonty. Both these gentlemen have ! fomerly lived in Eugene, and have many friend Isere. A ...-! nunl. tr.T., rSrln... . . a - -. ! . , 1 i ' . w - parts of the Willamette valley are at Yaquina bay. It is the cheapest and best seaside resort in Orgon. Eugene Journal. Hem. like, tha follow intr. with the fisnarea rdiansred have len annearine in most of the valley papers : Round trip tickets Orettoo City to Yaquina Citv are nrata- m mm m the ssrsnllsarn Pari rir dej-ot for $6 Baggage checked through. rickets good unlilSept 30th. trrneralELApplegBte will lake the stump for Weaver and Field this fall. The general has been an old line Re pub- lican all along, butnt one time was a aree-hacker and now has a friendlv r" " " 4awiswisw.1 ..haaa n. al tejx, uu)( -! kiiv uiiNUwUii rjv tv; itiva vi vav- new party. Koyene Joarnah ?neral a 1 a. sat- I- T-1 ?'. at. . ' .iiyin.isz mis muh i. iai"r. . nitt nc '. -as C..ckeA oui ,,f Rlamalh. neo- . . ... I . nil. hs ti n n-a.lv to tviteve anvtiiiairi about him. j The Eugene Guard speaking of the ' women minitrels makes the followingi atartling announcement : "The audience j waa composed entirely of nien, and for 1 tite benefit of the lonesome wives. motiieran.i iiers we wouia tay uiat itis expeciea .arge s.re copies 01 me flash l ain picture taken of the bald Is aaahsJJ sa s e ea t t a flrlaa nna I a eat rtntLt in ill last on exhibition and for sale in a few dava ' - - w... ss' r. tfl.... ! l.ui tiit. si Bussa caw.- new. is yieiumg from 18 to ::3 bushels per acre in the vie- initv of Br'iwniville. Henry Letter has just threshed 57 acres of wheat that he rnisetl on Thos Munkera place, that yielded i8!2 bushels, ho far this is the best yield yet reported.--Scio Press. Polk county agaihst the world for big grain yields 100 acres ot the B s Smith farm at Lewisville threshed 4,210 bushel. John Hastings 40 acres at l-uckiamute 1,700 buenels, snd on the farm of Iewi llelmlck mi acres produced 2,600 bushels. Who can beat thia record ? Dallas Ob server. Aughbaugh A" Heater's steam thresh- ere threshed a forty acre field of wheat for Howard Smith in the Waldo hills on Friday last, that nvema-etl fortv-four and one-third bushels to the acre, also an- other field for W W Brook that averaged forty-two and one-half bushels to the acre, and a field of oats in the same neighborhood averaged eighty bushels to the acre. Salem Democrat. Base Ball. St io, Aug 1 1, 1S9J, Edilora Democrat: In replv to the to-called "Challenge Accepted" we will say that if the Inde pendence club Is actually disposed to play ball with for money, we will meet I hem in a series of game, two best out of three, for ($300) three hundred dollars adde, the game ti be played one each at the two towns, and the third (if need !;e) at some neutral place to be decided on. Geo Devankv, Manager Sjcio B 0 Club. Large stock of whit goods and emhroid ne at W F Read Co's. HAKKIKD. CASEYMARTiN.-On Wednesday morn ing. Aug 10, at the residence of W L Co show, In Brownsville. Rev F H Calder officiating, Mr W F Casey, of Crook Co., and Miss Laura Martin, of Linn Co. HO UN. BKUCKM AN To the wife of John W Bruckrnan, of Benton Cbunty, Aug 12th, 1802 a boy. ASCHE.-On Monday, Aug 8, 1892, at Millers, to Mr and Mrs J F Aache twins. Combined weight almost 20 pounds. . All doing well . LEHASO. John II Moist harvested 1000 bushel of w heat of "''. acres, an average of .11 buebele per acre. We bear that Dr J H Courtney will remove to Oregon City soon . We regret to lose so good a citizen and so skillful a physician. Fred Kizer, the thirteen-vear old eon of our nurseryman, is an expert for one of bis age in the matter of budding fruit trees. Already be can imd 000 trees in a day and his father la confident that with a little more practice lie can iticreane t . l. . . . I1UU1 ..... .1 - mv iiuuiutir to sow per nay ; Oavid Hare was exceedingly unfortti-! natelast week. While operating on a binder he was attacked by hornete on two occasions, each time resulting in a runaway, causing mm one trip to Leba non and one to Alltany for repair on tho binder. Mr Vincent, an old gentleman living j on Hamilton Creek, learning that Gen. I l eaver and w ife were to be in Portland the 12th inst., went tho rttetropolt to Visit them. Mr S B Weaver i Mr v in cent' aiater, and we are told that he haa not seen her for two score year. 1'r Maton, of Albany, wa in town today as counsel physician trith Dr. Booth in Mrs Hope's illness, who at time of going to prea ia da::geroiialy ill. Alvin Marks and family, of thia place, ami John Maxwell and family, of i bany, left today for the mountain. Iijttiy, Irlv lOliBy IOT lite UtQUDl&ille. ' f ... orge Gaylor J. who Jntu up on Hamilton creek, waa out with a team a few days ago and waa sitting on the ! ''n T.VZVllVi , in brake beam when his foot was caught on a "um1P-IDr"Df B0OU' nd ''" ! J K Charlton expecta to move into bia breaking his leg. Dr. Booth new residence on Bridge Monday locaI papers. Avenue next DtSTIMitlSllEO YlSITOBB. The Ovid Fellows committee of arrangement at 1'ortland are taking the necessary steps to have an excursion of the members of the Sovereign Grand Lodge up the Wil lamette valley as far as Albany durum the seeaioa of that body, which will met at Port'aud the loth of September. the purpose of this excursion ia to give these distinguished visitors an op per- j ' - - tunitv to oee tne .newt aurricuiturai re- trion in the whole northwest. well a gion in the whole northwest, well ih thrivinw .,rvrwa.ee, town of ti.w , ,. " -ft,?, .ill hsVV rsnehini-e to A. j 7,7 ' VTi,. "iiLt xVttm!. th !" w,th 01 iU.,R,end,!d aov.n awe .0 a large nomuer ot ntem - ' ";t, Tr t. i t. . i of the t nited fsUtas and They will arrive here, if the present rmrtwiaP of tka rommilta ia carried oot at none, wnl.mh. e 3l.t and ram. in ton, r . r a, - " , ' . , , . . i the low n NtwptiKT. On Mon. lay last Jude HulTord sold a lease which be held on one water-front lot in Newport to a citi zen of Albany, who proposes erecting a summer cottage there. The considera tion waa 250. Mr John Kirk land and his amis! he lady came from Harrisburg Saturday night acd spent a few days among old friends in this place. Mr Kirkland was formerly a merchant in our city, moving to nia present home last fall. The entertainment given under the auspices of the young people of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday but at the opera house was a grand success and was natron ired by a Isrre and apprec-a piiuniwi m i-igv auu iivv. live audience, wbo thorottavbly eoioyed theetTjrto: the performer. It ia not J e.t VUtTs ffSC ! gjjjj JJ Jjgj" . rendered by the Newport , orcieasSwport Tinies. E V Hadley, acting raperinUndent of th- 11 P ;;n ia ittathawinr maaaaawawal at Xewpprt an attractive summer residence . hi-h sriti mat Kn mmi.uien atsnsst , , -rvv'w suiiunsna, . OOCiaa BIO.JUV. 1 r .... iti -.1 1 ' sss oiskiii imi lemsn. inw as sffsww3. , bm Meaar Mct-onhie, ; Aroecaer ana " en were appointed ap- , 4 Ljdt.Rudd. Z H Rudd ; m appointed administrator de bonis . non. Rood WOO. Bonds approved. Ap- w A KimT Hulbort. M ,yne lDventory file.) Rl propertv A 800 lA ihi watat of H I KnAA 7 II Rudd , WM appointed administrator, i'mcd IT'JUO. Bonds BDDrovc I Aboraisere IV A VSn.v tl.rb 1 1 ..! ...... ...I t . - .. . . i .hk . . ma. . u ' iii . eeii JS Payne. Inventory filed. Real property, , i . . tl,n... rr Th Mill rit, i.av.n. A "ObM J M IT. Ibe Mill 1 Uy OazettS telle the following: The salt before Bud- ton court Last Saturday afternoon, of ice egt Kody. brought t3 prove war- ran tee of a pine horse. caused quite a tir. as tbey bad to have a jury tr.ai. and ! 'ur latyers to prosecute and defend the i J ',,bJ0"hn tr tTC'S 1 'T ''''tPlr"1 ' J." Ll llM TV''?' p'i fl. , Jn de endaiit. wa , cost of -oort -mounting to $40 .... Harry Budlong. and D F Hoeye for plaintiff. The found lor de:endant. with cost of txirt i special deputy constable, done the trotting, serving papers and placing th? jury, and it is difficult to tell who - iar , . ... . rae '.awcona oes , ne .ner noree n sol I rail e ass sriiin snTwnpn near if. a 1 ' : ' -' cost of proaecotion. Cost as Aa Here ia an account of a n acciden'. that did not happen in Lane County : Tuesday while gunning at i,earhart Park, on Clatsop beach, George : Hlngl,v a(JfJd 15 venr,of Portlcjid, met vlln a KeTy nsnooi accident, from the effecnt of which he loA hi, rj ht mrn) ' i . a . a - a lotinK iiicg-iey winie maainaT his wav , through the thick bruh, accidentallv ! dropped the gun. which waa a 44-calibe'r i rifle, causing the weapon to discharge. . "f ov. is,v, riie bullet entered Hingley shoulder badly shattering his arm. As soon aa Iosaible the bov waa conveyed to Astoria and placed in the hospital. On examin - ation. the surgeons found it necessary to ; amputate the limb at the shoulder joint, Rc OsTT Wmi $20. Thursday even - inn Albert Bond was liandliug a $20 gold - - . , . ' 7.- . w . piece in front of it saloon on First street w hen Fd Oliver, who was standing near, snatched it from hi hands and skipped out. It was thought he went to Corval lis. so Marshal Hoffman and Jeese Bar- ker look a hand car and left toward that place. The hand car broke down and a j rig waa hired ; but no clue was obtained I 'ohim until last nidht. when a disnatch was received from Po-tland that ho had been arrested there, and Marshal Hoff man left on thia morning's train after him. Oliver has worked around livery! Aahhv d- t"re, 'Ravi Estate, 90, Waeh atables and ap one of the young meii ! ngtou Street, Portland. Or. 111 the recent Independence trip. The evidence against him ia said to be com plete. A $30,C00 Bmit. The Grants Pass Courier, says: "The emigrant, whose baby died on the cars while going through Grants Pass some months ago haa sued the company for $30,000 dam ages. He alleges he was forced to occupy the smoking car, and that the fumes smotbereil his child. The conductor a tn that the parent betook himself and family to the smoker of hi own free will. It would seem as though the plaintiff had a better case against the smokers whose fumes kitted the child. The prosecutor waa so poor that a collection had to be taken up among the passengers to bury the infant at Ashland. If he can make his $30,000 case stick he can ride in the Pullman hereafter." The gentleman's name is W G Day, who formerly lived in Fall Creek precinct, and was the champ ion go-as-you-please walker in the county. Corvallis to Pa vk. CorvaMIs Is going to gravel ten blpcks of her principal streets and has let the contract for the paving to Havna, Buck & Co, of Albany, for $6, 541. The plan Is as follows: Six Inches of screened gravel will be put on the streets, after they have been brought to a grade. ntie last course ot gravel will consist of 10 per cent clay, to cement the gravel, m-s but a . K t . Thete will be no gutter, but a three-foot trench will be dug, in which will be plac ed a sewer pipe', then the trench will be filled with large grayel. IK.WI: ARBs ABROAD TncBaosrr. The total taxable property In Eugene Is i, oSi, oji . There are 788 ipaiient in the insane asy lum, 241 being ftmales. Mr Charles Andenoc, of this city, has bought a half inters In the Jefferson Re view, sod the paper will now be run by Humphrey & Audenun. I.atie county has bail a large number of eudileu deaths recently. Another on is raported, thi at Cottatje Grov. Raatus tlrown dieil utdenly there vea'erday morn- i iug, having been in apparently . g.xd health prentously. Charles A'olff. from San Franctco, a traveling man for a boot and shoe firm, was fouud dead in a inom oo the sixth floor of j Jlotjl Portland atllo'c.ock yeaurday mom- tt, tig Unit wa a m' a about 20 vears old, drersed wel, and to oaaual observer ap peared to be id prosperous ci'comstances. John Went not ino an altercattoa on the street yesteteay evcoiog with a stranger sad was soon after arrested and put in the city jail to answer a charge trday of dronken and disorderly conduct. A warrant was also worn out in Justice Batchlor' caart by Frank Mac y, charging West wick assaalt j and battery, Statesman. A former Albany man . i 0.i nest Siturdsy the ecurin train to Newport will leave Halcm at 4f p. m sod Albany t 0 pm. The Second Regiment Band of 24 rneinbet will be on hoard sad tha Alhnv tli.hnn.t tt twsA t.t I ' nuni , . . . . o s i will tlm I no. lh nrmuiM. Sserai , coticerU wtll bn given o Sunday. A very eajoyaWetima expected . Fare roond trip TtlTet. for .ale ny all mem- i her' n ,b b"d " tne tj lt.rt ml r j " wl" T,rl l c'n-' The atata fair fg;nt haaine oow month from tomorrow . I A stininlant is oftn nnadei In nourish . and t lengthen the rnota and to kaep 'bs ' hair a nslars! eolor Hall a iisir K tha beat tonic for the hair Urania Pass charged the ctrens SI 10 li cense fee. Albany should be in style and up with '.!.- ii.as oa ciretu license. Let the cennty and city ,-ree apoa a pi lee. If ladepacder.ee and Scio should play a aenea o three games : baae bail, Adany ; Bouij Bre them W one f the goose mw - , - . Ba ws w, siyiasWsaassaaar tea .aaa, i .TJT-" ' Vr ".y" "T"l.f 1 'o f 10 til- witr. tn aw 01 revenue stamp, and ancoesetuny paaaeo. bo.b a e currwd in Albaay yesterday, a bill . MTe(al bwlora beiag discovered , Tha Salem Joarna! editor is getting well. '"?W,D lwo '" ' 1 : newspaper tnas oiaae. at any I Liaasl tJ f firitrttllM Wmtk 11 rs(f. t. t-hrtraaa vers ts pmyiae so vne rai- . j lata at a very low price . What Salem wants to do at the sett city it to lect a new mayor who, when h sty be fa- vors puUie improvemeaU. toaan fast what : v.. StaliMB im . r. li .1 i sessfw - .y j aaavora. Jack Sherman, a ycn&z Loohkeeper ot Moomoath, was arrested us this city yswter - day 00 oowtntaint cf Kattso Goods, daughter of Jamas F foods, the aactaoaaar. charting hien with rap, Hia bctsda were fixed t fW. bat as be was unable to pat ep the im at be was taeareerUcJ in the ooeaty , jatl. Ten felicw has been kewptsc bwk is M 3i Iadeneadextee aad haa a wife, wba bow ia the esty ataiistw clfovta toaeeara hi taseasa Slate nan. News fa scarce, so that when early this morning the man about town beard a stranger remark to a con pan ion cubetan tially mat hia family was one barger than vestctday, he tried 10 bunt up the item, but at press time had tailed to find it. J 1.. ,i : ., ,k. it.m -CTl.Zir.Zl LZiZJ ' 5SKE "" B , noticed elsewhere- 1 STaassEa Aaaivau.-S S Wiilatsette ' Valiev arrived at 1 o'cUck p m todav with ollo-tng pasaeogers: Mr L H Additon, Mis t. burgess, uavHj xcrvirr.e -niss . r.,lk..l. VI it A lei Vt Mia C S:.rv. as. . r o rs as r.,1w I V Thiunst i loo TrelUni.'Oay Merks. - 1 New Mt dal Wsabeb. Yesterday af- ternoon the regular monthly ho' lor the Mascot Oun club's medals was held, Owing to so mane of the members being awav onlv a few contested. Grant Froraan and C II Dairy mpie making an even score a shoot oB gave the medal to MrFroman. wbo wears it for tha first :ime. Mr Dsutymptehad been wearing '. - Lj .'. OBTIO stvuitu ua.apii.nwrv..-, - j..s.u at anc time. A tie alaooc- : .nriej (er tne silver medal, between; Q y a. dam and D Turner, the former " ' '" sat sdat. Anmmm MMMl e. m Us. awaSa j Tr rZriJm ".-BP " "! t"P" j wears: ax- i The aew Lahaana aitoo ava ana? yester- adstvg R Crsdlet tarsh, bat drfog ht- u 1 l, .nast m eksatll hsiK? bmsnt j i.- - - ; to Albaay sresr the new hdec by pstrtaas I who forsnesly went essawher. I John Dorr. DwtiJ Yoc tg aad Pyaare, lUB!rr'rtJ for born ta; the BC Yosg ' , . Pvbarn aad e ft tss tsv hsaat aitsr noorioe oil aa jt, while Dove got the engineer wbo was ( - inaww.td in tha matter awav . New goods at W F Reads. Bargains in summer goods at Read's. Buy Warner Bros corset ol W F Read. ; Will x Sura. f iewek-r. Fruits sad ra,, jle at F E Ailea Cj. . People with hair that is continually tall lis? out. or those that are bald, ran atart I that are the falling, and get a good growth of hair Or utlr.g Itai! s Ifair Kencwer. Txvo SdtRirr Sales were made to dav ....... " - - i bald was sold to the plaintiff, R Davis. S Jr J artdone loaln Aibanr owned ' ?L . o1, "t" ''.r $i ! 7 tooton, for $990, A Cheeky Ht-xraa. Hugh S arr, of t Salem, while hunting near t'.at dtv vea- . n. mora in l.eoa nor. owned tiv l A a n-K i terday. refused to leave the farm of Mr Kurt a, when ordered to to do by Mrs fekurtr. and drew Ids gun on her, resulting tn Mr Kuril prcser.ting a gun also, making matter look belligerent. Starr finally re treated, and was arrested for assault with a dangerous vrranon. a nd amn!e ot th w- --r - w 1 , way to ireai cneeay nunter. j an Not nckmkxt. Having severed mr ' connection' with the Albar.v nurseries I ttke thia opportunity of tendentte mx sincere thanks to all former patrons and ' friends of the above nurseries for ihetr j liberal patronage. I am still engaged In ; the nursery business, having ocated just i acr.-vs the river, in Benton countv, one- . Kl . . . I . 1. - ill. v. i l . . 1 . i.i, v vii vi. ,-vmanv msjii svesri bridge on the Rainwater donation claim, where I am growing as fine a lot of tree as can be seen In any nursery In the Wil lamette Valley. Tree for sale this fail at the nursery, aUo at my tree vatd In Al bany. A waiting your furthe orders, I am Your trtlv. J A Hvman. Proprietor ot the Wes Side Nui urserie. Look Hek,;. Thos Brink will repair your furniture neat and cheap or make furniture te order and sell furniture commission at the old stand. Look Here a Moment. I have torn of the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr tale, term so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of hi own by paying a small payiue.it down and amall montuly payments thereafter until all i paid for. For further Information ca'l at the office, corner Jnd and Broadalbin t., apposite Democrat office. Dr G W M aston. When Baby wa sica, wo ravo bar raatartb. When sh was a Child, aha cried for Castor!, When she baaame Ktas, sh clung; te fusion, S'hon she hat! Children, she garo them Custom. "I was prostrated with a severe bilious complaint," writes Krastu Soath worth, of Bath, Me. "After vainly trying a number ot rmdl, I was finally iadaoad to take Avar's Pills I KsA s.imri,alv Sslran 1a bexsa wh.n 1 was oonipUuly cared. T . The beatJroat onffee in the city at Cow ad Iwy r a AA KHTATE SALEM. M E Fftrrel to Isabel Fronk N half lota 7 and SEA Albany f 1600 ' Dudley Hodden to Amelia Smith to lota Lyon 75 ; J M Ralston to E Goin, fi lots Ib- anon 400 John Stenger to J A Winter, 225101 feet Brownaviil AW R Koeh ler trustee to N A Blod- gett, lot 1, bl 7", M' . A- Al bany R Koeh ler to Matilda Roberts, lot N. 4, bl 77 M's 8. A. 1 1; H to Mary fc Marrels, 106 acres 'J E2 Va'-ul Cytua vVeatlake to L I Smith, 34.12 12 W 4 lcander Smith to David Swsnk, lot 2 block 1 Lyons 1,706. Trial.. Waterim). 4,681 The Springfield Mewser.-1 Iter roan writes an Waterloo as follows: Wa m..U an rww--t.-t wt-t , lV.S-.lyw.? the old town of ne promise which he 2!t miles east from Kodaville and Irom present indication will at no distant date rr i.iauiui iij; vivivuiiy tor scctr 1 ( low among theprominect new towns of the i count v. The Urge woolen mill being: built by a stock company will coat 112,000 j when completed and equipped with ma- chmery. Mr Davis, president of the' company, informed ns that the mill ! SFOfi lit V in .rmrstiin i,v lam t -t.. . ., ... . ' wsler n,ir I tu Inn. ,l.sj , .. ,t.. : Santiam, which at thi point sends it i ? crystal waters among jagged and pirtnr. esue rocks. About 2iTnew IniWuL r (in- -"t amonifst whicli are sev- eral business houses, a hotel and a liverv i stable. The pleaamnt grove alonr the river bank ahades rnanf jolly earners, ; A new apring has joat been discovered above the okl one winch poaeesse more medical properties. Waterlooans are confidently expecting to ace tie Lebanon branch of the S P built into that city before another year rolls around and we believe they will not I disappointed- In our opinion no new in that part of the country posweis'.s quite as good prospects as doe Waterloo. A Harbixbcbg AcctjEjrr. An accident that came very near costing- the life of Charles Cunningham happened at May A Senders' warehouse) about nine o'clock - s , ioesxta, morning. L barley waa aewinx ck. near an upright shaft, when in aome unaccountable manner his clothes got caught and commenced winding about the shaft- Immediately behind and about twelve incbe? irom the shaft is a larze eunoort post, while at the left about seven inches l 1. - -i . : . 1 iiuiu sow auao ia a jfrao-i apuuv. aiuuiiu ana around tne so alt Mr uunuioarbam waa forced, striking the grain spout at every revolution. Hia brother Grant ; waa in the warehouse at the time and i endeavored to disengage his brother from ' . 1 J :. r : . : . . . ' luc uauna erosaa puaitiou ;u suicmir sn. Thia he finally succeeded in doing.grarp- . ing him aa be revolved and causing his ; clothing to tear. When reaaoved the ; only piece of clothing left on him waa a sleeve of bia shirt A pnysician was immediately called, and upon examina- Uanitwas found that no bones were ; broken, though be waa badly bruised. Coorier. ' . , I A FiJtE Hoasm. Mr Fred Lynee was in Aitaany today with a son of tne tam ous Oregon Wonder, which attracted ftxsnaiderable attention The horse is c nr years od, n bntit exactly like Use "'' I ...t- orsiock that K 5 VrIfk feeta i , eIipprf 10 inches on the ground. The mane is growing aa inch a month acd promises ; to be equal to that of the CoJ0 e-.re. Her-". Dr H A Davis informs us that he will commence picking hops as early as September 1, and possibly a few dava earlier. Regarding the loose. Use doctor informs that be has five or six acres covered with the pest, while in the rest ' of his yard fcarceiy anv can be found., j Prices for picking will oe rune as htet ' year, 40 cents for seren-bushel boxes and cents for nine-bushel boxes- Courier. j -a When act thin; sLaada a tew of fifty years . people akt tse It t pretty ro-d setdsaaes that ; t-e v zt M a n beat proved by it fraa waar ta vent by the aaa famt'itw, as wail aa by a steady sals. Few, if any. medicine have met with rack eemttaaed sa bbiis and pops lardy a haa ' marked the ratrxmasctsaa aad Bsusjiasa of J Braadrcth's Pilas, which, after a trial of o ret fifty year, ar coocwded to be the safest aad : moot effectiv pcrgatira aad btood pstn her in 'rod need to the pabltc di That this is the resa't of m- rit and that I Brand reth a Palls avetatalty pert wsa ail that ts . afanwid for there, is essnclasivwly proved by ; the fact that those who rwward tsawo with i th grea-eat favor are those who Sara Hraodreth's Fill are sold ia every drtc and madaeiaa store, rt:h r plais or ssgar ocated. sVhwx too come to Albany Don t fail to visit Bhackman A Hodges. The druggists Thev ca-ry a ! argc and .hck'o CA'i nidvasna stent -r Ji.-:ces. etc. Prescriptions are always carefully j and promptly attended to. it will Pav you. "HACKM T. ' lAstiau assd grant wifam. t'r-.cw S and ecu's. fra- Tt-iwtr Is i Mat haws A W grades, well atad up- then u .-chased Tbey keep wood Pfander's Oregon Blood Purifier is th great conqueror of bd boo anew and liver oootpiaint . Kelt! Certain ir every Sold at one dolttr a battle ?rtt. li ffMS back all the money you've 6pent for it if there's neither benefit nor core. That's what ought to be said of medicine. It teould be if the medicine were good enough. But it is said of only one medicine of its kind Dr. tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It's the guar anteed blood-puritier. Not only in March, April and May, when the sarsapariUas claim to ao good, but in every season and in every case it cures all diseases arising from a torpid liver or from impure blood. For all Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and BUiousness, it is a positive remedy. Nothing else is as cheap, no mat ter how many hundred doses are offered for a dollar. With this, you pay only for the good you get. And nothing else is "just as good." It may be "better" for the dealer ; but you are the one that's to be helped. . REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY. OREGON JHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR smraae a ilswii asanas. 'fl Mil? 4 LVW I ITCHING AND SCALY Disease 0 Tasurs- MsdioiBsa UstlssM. Catwd by Ib 8)4.75. i fast lt ! my assy is sail ? ass with t.-.ur Ovtina BasnaciSM. I wss .s tot oear saa year wish s eteswifal Ke diaeae. Wane I ant fast is, share aseaared a law null sad spots en mj tireaat. ana it Best sBsnsiftwi slowly. Is a ass saaas m say te. tutwssa say saaalaaf. A few a sr after the pss ttaataav SasaAss tail (If. s h anv. i wonia ralaa !i avav Voay. i trtaa all she 1 Oil arer at I all use jet. laaasUSBlsk of, a sat aeat of. I also aaaalssf Sossars Tea, thaw woakt ears saw at shews . hal thaw aftrar fatissl. Than I gas It ail ay, iMiataf tsar wsa ao ansa far as, teat Jaiiaif !; Ihoafht I won Id try a aaah aoed t .1 te aar aewprt, Bar bona of is wssaatass OSSUSnU. OSS B t.cwtccmi eoar, i l,,i.rliaTa i j Vaad atr BiaBisah. I bar. Kaay truths tr, ; ' . m-. j$grkinSo Mlai, r. O. Ss 19SS, Wkaasosa, WsaMralms. Cutleura Resolvent Tkm aew Bioew and fata Ferta, tmunrnttj, mi rrsrt-Bs, Us fraa ssans mm (.nioss . exalsts a Bssasatar, nwraaT.j. la. . ..Haeaass snsssTfl- a awewy Slsaaaw sast siaati i restawa aatj ammSmm "Tl kaaasw r Us Btt. aJp,.aast MeaV wt tats net aasr, it a lnlaaaw to , maw r-v '. n rwssiut CoamBASio, a SBr-" How t aOtUastrssvma Bow ts ' sr BkiB IHaaasw,- mil FUES, tmiissi. red, roaaa, caws pen, sast riM oii ssia soswd By Ccnccaa aosj- ate WEAK, PAINFUL KIDMEY8, HEAL MEEIT & . rw ; ea ! 57 I PILLS? NO!! J . S H oecause yon have never tned the j u m WUAft ,J I rKrp sVstsUrii stun Ul V Bl" I-fworks so BD(V, Actnsr-z the Laser aad Kadacys; acs a a md physic wrihowx caxts Bsgpsuaor sscaaess. aod dor not saa yaw bom eatiag aad workiag. To try it is to become convinced. TraeVr swaawlrsl ay PSiSaiaT A ScteatilV: Arttnry ' I wtfE' ?AsLlT3. , -5!Ot iOLS. DtSIUi PATWaT3 swwsr '.-Or- Ricers. ot. i raii ii'mTTqaaa 1 "11 ML XX a COu ia U..JST1T. :- t ties. Oseaat aaawatsaaraww-aasl ilali ta r-aanew. Braty awaeata saasss o ver ta hwsa.li-- answx taataKaebyaaotsascTcof.-ei-oCesr f dentiCi: mtvi. ALBANY, OREGON X8Q1., 1892. sew Terea wwaeet Swieawir . A fi. 1 corps of insirurtor. CUJMSAL, SCiF HTIFIC. (JTBDiCT tMERClAL AMD H&flMAL CLASSES.' Costrs ot study arranrwd so tnsssu :t aM gradea of student Vwawaf lie i r c'lrwaf t imtUmft fraa avaaanf. 4s wrv. its SET cetaiT Sreieteat. SHILQH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The saocess of this 3reat Cottarh Car ia without s parallel ia tS history o! snesiiciae. Alt drcgwisu are authorised to sell it on a poa Hrvftraaraattee. t tea: that ao other care cut accssfnliy stani. That it may become trsoarc. the Proprietors, at an eHraom ex pense, are placing a Sampan Bottle Free into cverT fcoate la the United States and Canada, if vou have a Coagh. Sere Throat, or Broa eh'.tif. xse it. for it will core yesa. It your efilW V.a theCrtnp. or NV boo piny Co , aaa it promptly, and relief is n re. If too dread tfct irtsidiosts dis3M COBsnmotiio, cae it. Art yonr Drnrtirt for SHtLCH'S CTBE. Price lcts.. SSet'. aadtl.es. If ycaar Leses are sore or Back Lame, use Shiloh's Forcss Plaster. Price SS eta. For Bale by aU Draj wist and Dealers 1 la now prepared toi furn:h; aTl aHS in quantities to suit at reason - 1 -. - a a ws LL,'Lat a Die rates. Order books will b f mud' as stores of Frank L Kenton, John Isom-'and Parker Bros. Wagon will call for orders at those places at S a m and 3pm daily , except Sundays. Prompt service guarantee J. ALBANYTOR. WRITSSAN & HUIBSRI BEOS, Rea! Estate Agents. ."arms and Ranch e for sale. Also city broperty in Alhaow and Corval is. FORTMILLER & IRVING -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. arterial Embalming done SdeoUnoally Albany, Oregoaa. ACADEMY OK lad; ef Perpemal Help. 225 16 200 Sr ijaasscBt earsajaaxw ot aa i ai laaSB i rsnsswn-zmm w-jtie. 5:eciei".v ; cjtsaaed. Xo sHsssasat asaaa i-i-mTI wa wstt-st sc. tveva.li. st.ae c tljm atat swas. Aerr-a. ZTI a rj t-r:"- 'vxa. aa -. v-t- 3 ss