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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1892)
TUK SECRET OCT. The following letter from Mr McMillan tells the whole story about the tariff. We sell all the articles named by him pay ing a heayy duty and then hare a duty to keep others out of our market: New Westminister, B. C. July aoth l8yi. Allen Parker, Esq., Yaquina, Or. Dear Sir: Below is a list of articles of American manufacture that I notice for s ile and in use in this province since I ar rived here. As all,, the articles enumer ated below are competing with the same of British and Canadian manufacture and paying the duty set opposite them, I will commend it to those who are in favor of high protective tariff for perusal: PER CENT Locomotives, from Schenectady N Y, Duty 30 Locomotives, from Philadelphia, f7 Penn. Duty 30 klectric cars from St Louis Car Co. 30 Electric cars, McGuire Mafg. Co. Chicago 30 Steam Bolters from St Louis 30 Black and Worthington Steam Pumps , 35 Gasometer at Victoria Gas Works, from Laurel Iron Works Phila. 30 Steam Gauges, from Boston 30 Hydrants for New Westminister Water Works from the Gatvln Krassand Iron Works.Detrolt..- 30 ig Machines, from r ay & Co., evinatt, U 35 Detroit 30 a fw York and Mlchi- isr doz 10 Lshland. Ohio.. 35 tibita r.s 30 SEAUI.E CANT UO HAKlilSOX. Me Withdraws from the Republican and Gives Ills Reason. Party John M Saarle.heretofore a hustler In the Eleventh Assembly District Republican Association, of New York City Is another Harrison bolter and has concluded to cast his fortunes with the democratic party. Mis reasons for doing so are given In the following letter to the head of the association : New York, July 26, 1892. Hon. John C. O'Connor, President Eleventh Assembly republican Associa tion. Sir: I have been for twenty-eight years republican, having as an officer in the army voted for Abraham Lincoln. But there are many reasons why I cannot sup port the nomination of the republican convention at Minneapolis. First I think the Force or Election bill degrading to the manhood cf American eftizenahip. Secend I cannot support for President one who, falling from the past high moral plane of the party of Lincoln, Seward, Grant and Conkling, debases his high of fice by intei meddling with party district squabbles, as in the Eleventh Assembly District Republican Association last spring, and who permits one of his Cabinet ad visers to deprive a loyal republican, J E Milholland, of his bread and butter.stmply because he had the temerity to fight for hi convictions in the party lines (merely because he collides with the boodle Col lector of the republican administration). How different President Cleveland acted in the case of McLoughltn and Kane! 1 am not alone in this belief, but thousands of republicans in New York think as I do. Third The nomination at Minneapolis was not the voice of the republican party ; but was the result of bribery, promises 'of office, and the votes of 140 office-holders. Fourth I devoutly believe that the country at large would be emphatically benefitted by the success of the democratic party In the November sti uggle, knowing full well that the chimerical promises of the republicans to the people cannot be fulfilleU,and that Munchausen stories may pass when told to marines, but when told to old shell-backs marlinspikes are anx ly saught for. Jh 1 honestly advise the colored the country to forget back nura- in with the march ot pro- legating past antipathies ice the bettering of their ut the land. cleaned and magnifi s of this city make it v is efficiently goa lie rule, and that t is by the people king being my can- 1 am perforce . member of the te time sever mv . the republican e.arle. U. 8. Vols. ih street, city. IE UICB. sposed to the ion that a millionaires mes from the : otocuon. Of I nation not : Without ! amnlated in . and have Hth the tar- Gould, mil lion; Joan u nderbut. rail- Kit, railroads; 'lair, railroads railroads and itrton. railroads; fcxso Press. lime converting pe of protection- nn n nai unui on ; 1 I property they ! 1 run the general j that these rich from taxation. oil business it ! that when they 1 , ,i. g Bf export acoresor 1 reoace ot w per was collected on the Thus we see that nch and burdens for the teristics of the scheme rax ox the consumes. . pie paid a very lai ge amount : to ths government in loot in The money was paid here by brters and was added to the price tides. rest many cotton goods were im- Thelr value was $29,142,000. on them was $14,852,696. Ia fwords, for a dollar s worth of cotton the importei paid about $1.50. If sade an average profit of 10 per cent f his outlay the jobber paid at '.east $ 1.65. the jobber made IS pe r cent the retailer I about $1.90, and if he, in his turn, le 20 per cent the man or woman wno fugUt the goods for wearing apparel paid i.28 for a dollar's worth of cotton goods . )f woolen goods $43,0000,000 worth and on tnem ttie govern- tax of 135,000,000. or CTisrefore the importer .dollar's worth of sus dealers made Labove the con- trth of wool- jsumer tax August 5, I892 Pges 3 & U MISSING CAMi.UUf. COMMITTEE. Chairman Harrily has appointed the following committees; National executive W V Tarpey. Cal ifornia; Charles H Thomas, Colorado; Carlos French,ConnecJlcut; Samuel Pasco; Florida; Clark Howell jr., Georgia, J J Richardson, Iowa; Charles W Blair, Kan fas; Thomas J Shitley, Kentucky; lames Jeffries, Louisiana; AttthurSeell, Maine; Arthur P Gorman, Maryland, Daniel J Gamoau, Michigan; Michael Doran, Minnesota; Charles Lowerv, Mississippi; John C Prather. Missouri; Alva H W Sulloway, New Hampshire; Miles Ross, New Jersev ; William F Sh ehan, New York; M "W Ransom, North Carolina; Calvin S Brlce. Ohio; Samuel H Rhoney, Rhode Island; Holmes Cummtngs, Ten nessee; O T Holt. Texas; Bradley B Sma'iey, Vermont; Basil A Gordon, Vir ginia; William F Harritv, Pennsylvania; chairman ex-ollicic; S P Shenn, secretary cx-officio. Campaign committee Calvin S Brice, Ohio; A P Gorman. Maryland; WUHain F Sheehan. New York; B B Smalley, Vermont; M W Ransom, North Carolina; B F Cable. Illinois; E C Vail, Wisconsin; Joslah Quincy. Massachusetts; and Wil liam F Harrity, Pennsylvania Chairman Harrity to-day aid: "I am very much encouraged by rhe manner in which tha leading r.irf representative democrats of the country are coming to my support. Whatever" inferences ex isted prior (o the Chicago convention have disappeared." It is generally ctvnret'ed that Calvin S Brice will be hosen chairman ef the campaign committee unless Governor Campbell accepts the position. Both committees are regarded as the strongest and best Sited for their ork of any that could have been selected. rn Kii anceTon MSfflES. l.ACOMB, July 30 181. Editors DtmoCT'U: In my lettet of 14th inst. I called atten tion to the fact ihst the Lebanon Aitww, the organ of lb people's party of Linn county, makes ail its fight against the demo oats. The Advanet makes the following remark in reference to my criticism: The campaign is 00; already, one roan hat been run over near Lacomb snl had hit feelings hart. Again it says: If we have written against democracy more than we have against the republican party, it is because the latter's record it known , while that of democracy is not. or if it ever was known it seems to nsve been forgotten. v e told oar readers some time since that the democrett were making a record, and for proof we refer yon to the Congressional Record. If my accusation Is it in a manlv open. " ,ZZ. Now this is dodging, not true, why not deny way? Every reader of the Advance knows my charge is troe. If the record of the re- publicaa party it known and that of the demo- M. . . , . . .w c-i.. crafl it not, why should not taoR of the fight be made against the party whose record is known. The truth is the editor of the Ad- rone is an old republican and he can not shake off the old prejnlice. Alliance. A SOFT SNAP. The following dispatch from Washing ton to the New Orleans Picarmtr will be read with interest : "An interesting little detail of Mr White law Keid 's career came to light today which. it is probable, has never before oeen pub- lisbd. In searching through the old record of the house of representatives it was dis- covered that Mr Held s name was a: one ! time carried on the rolls of the employes of ,1., u iv. ui. ,.( 1 aec wwUlul i r t.:4-i d-:j-. :; 1 A: Alt n 11 I '.erst i 3 '.tit. leu itjs i uatu'u s n of th lihmrian. of eonwreWat a salarv ff iKih nar At mat tune ar tteia, was me corret- pondent at ashington of the old Gaaette. ofCincinnati, andTt is evident that he did At that tune Mr Keid, wee the corree- - r:: : VI V 1UL1UUSU, ailU .V U OWM C WU not disdain to eke out his modest allowance from lii nanfkr hv flmmhnr a aofr new and a government salary His newspaper' f iionncee 27 old men aprdied awl weregrant- dnties. however, occupied so much of his The Hood River i lacier recently gave positions today ; aim that over 1OO men time that he could not pay the proper at- an account of a voung gentleman named i rme Jn from the east. The influx of un tntinn to the handlinar of the books in tbe ! Lowen. ol St 1rais. Miesoori, who. while I wiled workmen, ifuperintondent Potter Ubrarv and he effected an arrangement wiG a ongnx young coionsu man. wuu wa aiau cuxjifA on u a laborer at $2 a day. to aaaist him in earninir his salary from tbe contingent fund. This colored man, whose name is Wil- liam H Smith, is stilt employed around the house, and he stated today to your corret- pondent that Mr Wbitelaw Keid employed him as his substitute in the library at the munificent salary of $V a month. This arrajifieraent must have . highly MiUft- iat. ivi t w liiTT ucoeu 4tUvuvv umiuiuohc j for th vice presidency, as it enabled him to pocket the nice sum of SI00 a monta for . frtASAH k - .aw.... oaadidato aoeo uiwy no exertion on nis part ex.-epi the necessary vouchers. s ifmnswmmm IT is nor puuiTicat. t Spat ali county officers who enter the Alii- i snce. Ore once in swhtle may he honest and enter through goo,! intemions,bot any man who j cied on Eh of the old-part, tickets i is elected o- thr of the old-party and joins the Alliance daring his term 0' of fice, is either a traitcr to tbe party that elects him or the people's party. He can't be loyal to both innn PirL. Xow. alien the Alliances were being first srganited in this county the public was em phatically inforn..d ibat the Alliance was not a political organization, but that a person miabt become a member without any inter ference whatever with his politics, that is he might become a member of the order aad re main a democrat, republican or prohibitionist or he might become a third party man. Now, the Advance Isjt down the rale that a man can not belong to the Alliance snd remain a den-ocrst or republican. My be the Alli ance has sdopted a new law, bat the pabH'c does not know it if it hss. .ABAMA E1.ECTIOX The election in Alabama held last Mon- 1 was for governor, other state officers I county and precinct officers at well. was between Jone , democrat, Kile's party, for governor. been claimed by the reat strength vof the states I enough to in Mon- led their lis indi- kwill re- A case was broughtto our notice this week where a gentleman had nald an eastern firm $145 for a carriage while his neighbor purchased a superior vehicle, from the local dealer, so it Is said, for $130, Har.-isburg Courier. The San Francisco gamblers liav at last abandoned all hopes of doing business in that cltv. for awhile at least, and have set forth for other fields to conquer. Most of them have gene to the Sound country where the games are "protected," and some few are here in Portland taking in the lay of the lands to see If the chances lor tufn'.ng a track arc favorable Welcome. A Umatilla man with a very long face who knew his crops were mined has found upon threshing his wheat that it averaged nearly 25 uushels per acre. There will be quit a number in Linn county in the some boat. The harvest will prove a great deal better than the ex pectations. Here is a case from the Courier of llarrisburg where tramps were wtongfutly accused: One day last week two tramps came to Mr Swartz'a and asked for something to eat. Mrs Boone the lady of the house, set them out a first class dinner which they partook of, thanked her and took their departure. Shortly afterwards Mrs Boone left the house and went berrying and upon her j return was horribed to hnd that some one , nia made an attack on ner larder and devoured the entire contents thereof. Suspicion at once fell upon the two tramps and great was that good woman's wrath. Later developments, however, have proved conclusively that the real culprits, who love pie so welt, are Whitey and Belle, two little Lancaster children hs had strayed away from home and had evidently not taken any lunch with them, judging from the onslaught then made on blackberry pie. j west of this city, to the first section of west An Albany man. who appreciates a bound freight train. No '.'.". Some part of good thing ha i handed the Dkmocrat the j the running-gear got out of order, an axle following clipped from an insurance ex- J broke, and. without warning, the 14 loaded change: A gent' 'man of Hebrew persua-1 cars were piled tip in great confusion. The sion entered the Palmer House, Chicago, ! scene of the wreck is a small canyon, and Stepping up to the clerk, he said: "I f the track it completely blocked. Four of want the best room in the house. I don't the cars were loaded with naobtha. which care vat It costs. Is there any telegram for me." "None. Mr Cohen. Front, show the gentleman to A, parlor floor.'' The rest of the evening, at intervals of half an hour or less, Mr Cohen asked, "Is there any telegram for raer until, about . midnight, the clerk. In exasperation, re-; j piled, "No sir, if any telegram arrive for ' j you it will be tent at once to your room . " j Hardly had the words left his tongue when 1 a messenger bov, hurriedly crossing the 1 a messenger ooy, numraiv crossing ine i polished floor, placed the long and eagerly ' CXDected "wlre" on ,he desb- Mr Chcn ' KrPd kcScrl. PUceJ t nnread in his , pocket, and paced back and forth, evident ly In high glee and satisfaction, "Why j dpn't you open and read It ? inquired ! Cerk, curious to know the reason of . txn hlor. "Oh. that's the ,h H K , right. My store's burnt down. 1 ; home in the morning. A dispatch from St Paul sty : An aeronaut. Prof K ibe, fell with a para - chute 5000 feet, the machine refuting to open, going ten feet beneath the sround. . ... u aa uregon must nave a prciiy roou n. u. as according to our exchanges Brlp. Gen. Oompaon has declared afte? each iospec- tlon hi satisfaction with the company. Robinone circus will rmse through ti.dI.. .nnrnin. hn s'i . Albany Thoreday morning, when Al- Ivanv lUannlsi will Ka Uf-ttsrstoH 9g mit An iltA n j ,n ; v ,.;, i , ! 111 ; The following apneara in the Hand n n , . . "1 s , ! Rcord- J? received, and makes inter- entity reading just now : The report that A D Webster, who was sent to the s " . t. ,.',,. , I P"tentiary for killing RU un'nle'. Fales, bad Im? ti , , , , Md. che oI the law and flower garnner. ' out fishing with Mr Russel, of The units, uourrio.'! ii i-nirnt iiuwo t uiuu, although advise i by Russel not to do it. In the attempt he slipped and fell, tear-' ing his hands badly on the rocks, and j finally fell over the prpndicuiar bluff i a distance of forty feet, landing on the j rocks- Fortunately no bones were j broken, bat the victim of inexperience ; and foolhardtneaa was badly bruised and lacerated. The only way one could no const for tbt? QsAD miraculous escape ' Mn. Iakit lataa ei.u.k i.enkan as tl.rtl tvaa uviu aseaeaaaK eesa un, fycv, to v it ttv hsiied from Missouri, 'f Kii-ht ahariff wpf in attendance at tbe sheriffs convention in Eugene. Pen- numbr ahelley.wbo did not know how to convey a prisoner throuah tbe wroctrv in the proper way, was made president. w. . , . . ... i , " Dmm. n noticeu recently untt 10m , llwy SLnf'? r rzl' rr llUB " couul""u ,ur ! household use. The tancut "'i." L"2Sr!f.'L lZ D8W Ub1 L." "f,, J" "J " anon ditch omptyin? Into it Albany pays about $2,000 annually for ! road work that is done outside of the city. Is this right. Tbe same case pre-) rails at baleen, and a suit for aoont ! nnauon. containci ia tne sundry civil ap $2,000 has been begun against the county propria! ion bill. Everything else, which by tbe eity to recover money furnished threatened troulde. including the anti-oi- oy tne city ana per.t entirely oateiue 01 tbe citv limits. Wheat is bringing 65 cent per bushel In Corvallis. In Albany 64 cents and Salem 63. But very little is coming in yet, but In the course of a week or ten days our streets will be lived with ladened wagons. Corvallis Times. Which reminds us that this is the time of tbe year for thtt city to start in a cent ahead of Albanv.the reason for which has been explained by the Democrat so many times that it is getting tiresome. The Merall r Marti. When soy thing stands a test of fifty y esta among a discriminating people, likv t'nc Amsiieaas, it is pretty good evidence that ibsrs k merit somewhere. The value of a medicioa is best proved by its continued use from year to year fey tha sme persatit- aad fmi'ie, as welt a by a steady increasing sal. Pew, if any. medicines have met with saeh enntianrd tnoeess and popularity as has marked tha inlrnriuctuai aad prngre'S of Brandreth's Pil, wluub, after atrial of over fifty years, are concerted to be the safest and most effective pargatlve and blood purifier introduosd to the penile. 1 bat this is tbe rasolt of m rit. snd that rsndreth's Pills aetaslly perform all that it lined lor tbern. is onnclttiively uroved iv ct tht those who rrirtrd tllem with t favor are these ho bave nseii e longest . th s I it! ere so'd in evert dm storu. either plain or sugsr je 10 Ibany rry ajlarge and pnt medicines, tys carefully TELEGRAPHIC NEW Cett.'ag a Foothold. Tacoma, Wash, Aug '-'.It was discover ed today that two Chinamen, Wong Chuug and Kong, of Portland, have been here since Sunday night. They have hired rooms in the Hostwick block for stores and are putting in fixtures. They represent the i'acoraa Oriental Trading Company, a syndicate of wealthy Chinete, chiefly from Portland, who will import and export by the Northern Pacific Steamship Company's line. It is thought there will be no trouble 11 they Imvo a guarantee of protection, it is aid, from the city government. Wholesale Libel Halls. Seattle. Wash, Aug 2. The Pott-Intelligencer has been sued by Mrs Albertenia Reams, of Rattlesnake flat, near Dayton, for fcii.000 damage for libel. The publi cation wan August 4, 1890, in the form of a dispatch from Dayton, charging Mrs Reams with poisoning her husband. The same then wai printed by the Union and States man of Walla and the Review of Spokane, all of which have Uvn xiuxl for lilsd. Kv eral other papers will probably be sued on uie same publication, o-s the item was wide ly printed. To Make AllelntrnU. Washington, Aug 2. Reuben P Boise and W H Odell, of Salem, will probably be named tomorrow by the secretary of the interior, together with an agent of the In dian Office, to make the Indian allotments on the SileU Indian reservation. After the allotments are made the lands will be open- ed to settlement under the homestead law. A strrord Breaker! SpHisiiKiKLD, Maw, Aug 2. George F Taylor made a mile in 2:14 1-0 on a safety in Maindden Park this afternoon, breaking the world's record of 2:i5. This record 1 ofhcial. A Msaatrteaa Aretdeat Spri n g ki kld. 0, Aug 2. A most dis astrious yntrk occurred this afternoon on the Big Poor at Cold Spring, a few miles caught fire and begun to blaxe away. The sight of Haines brought many hundreds of sight-eeers to the scene, and while crowding anmnd the wreck, 30 tanks of srasoiiae which weeb the freight exploded with terrific force. Two hundred were injured by the explosion, and 20. it is reported, will die. A Btsknaj Bebttetj uvuius, "it, .iug 1. rriuai u rr Omvrold was driving in the ! iieigbborhood, hit horse and himset , startled by a sudden explosion beaea Pexdletos, re. Aug 1. Friday night Helix himself were by a sadden explosion beneath his buggy. The doctor got out to investigate. when .mother exnlosinn omirrod und h f was knocked down and rendered insensible from the force of the concussion. When be recovered consciousness he crawled to .tewart's place. His condition is terioos. though he wilt probabaly recover. The outrage was committed by mietxeauU for the lunjae of robbery, the doctor, watch ; and money being taken Ht sat eani :. 1 ine robbers thoturht him dead, eh thear might have wound up their work by kilting him. There is as yet no clue to the perpe- "trainee. rtt Alabama Cirrtlaa J u , , , , BvisHAJt. Ala, Aug, l.-The state election pasted off qoietlj . ami the heaviest j vote for years was polled A large part of negro population voted, and their vote """fff uiviueu wn Jones i tra about equelly divided ! 'on and holb talliancei. and the regular Ucket are elected by not J lees than jU.Iw majority. Hu majority may reach 70,000. Seventeen lounttes, so far beard from, show 35.000 majority. In dications are that not over i5 out of 86 ; counties will give Kolb a majority, and n rt ; one will exceed 1000. The legislature will 1 be orerwht-lminglj 4raigfat deujocratic. The Mrtlers STrakealaa UoXKSTCArj. Aug 1. The company ) says, ha iecn sr, great that be has tele- - l v . ' . i ' i I "We have Itoken the strike, he said. The are apparent y undataaWWiowever. d t w a rah and unwarranted coadasm 'ey will Bock at once to the mill, eaYBtoaaetoltoe ' ; W asuisgtom, Aug 1. The house today j passed the bill changing the date of the I dedication of the building of the World' Columbian Mpcwition fron the i"JUi to the 1 1st of October. Hoi man then moved to uspend the rules and pass a joint resolution extending until August 4 the arropnatioc of the sundry civil act of -last year. After discussion, the resolution was passed with out opposition. Baxer City, Or. August 1 .Cracker creek, a mining camp Xi miles from this city was nignt wnp f a shooting -pe. Jph Mikels. a saloontorW; hot and probably fataliv wounded Andrew Olaen. Ihe troub.e aVcw over Mikei Peking a dog belornring to O'sen. Wfcal Cearr-u tsa ttaae- Wasuiscotox, Juiy 81. The future of this session of conyr depend altogether on the treatment ot tie world s fair appro non uui. nas own uispoawi 01 in some way The session drawing to a close has not been remarkable for actual accomplishment so far as respect.': large legislation. The sole measure cf the first class, ratio from the appropriation bills, was the Chinese esclu xion act. This bill, the Inruan regUtry bill, the Hlackhawk and Seminole Indian wars pension bill, the eight hour bill, bill to enable the pretiilent to enforce reciprocal canal arrangements with Canada, the army nurse bill, tbe intermediah; pension bill and the bill to increase the pay of life-savers were about the only measures of ranch gen eral interest enacted into law. Froe silver tariff, ant i options, retrenchment of appro priations. S.i.000.000 loan to the world's fair have been life topics of the session. The find three subjects were killed, at least until after the election. Tbe others are still befoui congress Will Probably Ca Ta Work. li t: sTKtii. .luly :n. The first iniiort ant break in the ranks of the skilled labor ers is likely to tahe place tomorrow. U t night there , was a meeting of 25 of the Rkilled men, several of them members of the Amalgamated association. Ihe filia tion was discussed, and it was decided tliat there was no hope of winning the strike A committee was appointed to wait on Mr Potter, the superintendent, to ask him on what terms they might come back. The committee called today and Mr Potter told them the rules the company hail adopted, which a ill probably le accepted by the strikers. Twe rates ofDiewnlag .-'.'.!.: v. July 81 This afternoon while bathing in the Willamette river just below Salem, Chris Rich whs drowned. Rich was a young geniuin and a former deputy sher iff. He was bathing with a unmber of Iwys when suddenly, while far out in the river, he went under to rise no more. It is sup .knkhI that he was taken with cramps. After nn hour the lxxly was recovered, but all efforts to mmttcitnte biui were futile. Oiikoox City, July SI. Karl Parker, a boy about 8 years old, was drowne.l 111 the Willamette this afternoon. Ho was in bathing with several other small boys, and venturing beyond his depth was drowned before help could reach him. The body was recovered in a few minntcs, but life was 'extinct. A Bigamist arrested . Mkdfoud, Or, July SI. Henry llobin- who recently arrived here from Iowa a woman whom lie rmiresents to be wife, was arrested neiir here .Saturday . warrant charging him with iioligiitiiv. I warrant was issued out of Justice Wal ls court, and the prisoner i held to ans- ' before the next grand jury, with bail at 5.KJ0. ItomiiKOu k first wife resides District Attorney H I, Benson tepre- pted tlw sttite while S 8 I'entz appeared ' the prisoner. a Terrible Death state iiAi.TUioitK, mu, July .ii tiiere wore roar fi A Compromise Pro liable. Washington, Aug 2. After an iiour more of filibustering', the house today ad journed after revoking ail leaves of absence to members. A majority of the democrats in the house arc making strong effort to tiring about a compromise on the" world's fair matter, and this afternoon a conference of 40 or more members was held in the ways and means committee rooms. Hoth sides in the democratic party were repre sented, nnd a committee to talk over the matter within the party was appointed. hi a MUaastlll. I'Iomkntead, Aug 2. As a result of the strenuous endeavors on the part of the Amal gamated Association, the wavering laborers nave lecn once again Drought into line, and are tonight more et thusiaHtic than the tonnage men. The entire strength of the association was Immght to bear on the mechanical departments to achieve that, and tonight it would appear the pressure was successful, momentarily at any rate. The result i that both sides stand in victory this evening. Pimples. The id idea 0 M yews saw was that eruptioas wars tt ts a "hloed humor,1 which Uwy gars potash. 1 Lot all too old parUlas eoatain potash, a aestabjssUaasUsaad drastic minora!, that lastead of Itmssalat. aetuaUr eraate mare orapoaw. Tan bar bs ttosd this when takJog ethos SsfOSjrtllas than ley's. It Is hovoror new known that tha stom ach, tbo bland mating power, la the seat ol an vlUatine or r loans ins operations. A stocsaeh etegfed by Indig estiua or roast! pattoa, rletotoi tha blood, rosalt pUapl.i a etosn stoasaeh an healtblu! dlgostion pari 11 ?a it snt they dlsappoar. Thus Joy's Vegetable Sarsapariila is TsyTnnflstT after ih modem Idea to ragulate tbo bowels aad stunalate tha dicsaUea. The oAetlslmmodiato ad meat tatutactory. A abort isrHmnntsl to eentrest the aetioa of the potash BarsapsrUlat and Joy's awdam Tcgatabia preparaUoa. Urs. C D. Stoatt, of M Bares St., & P., writas: " I have (or years had isdlfestloa, I triad a popular SAnaparilla bat It aetaslly eaased mora piaplas to break eat on my face. Rearing that Joy's was a later preparation as-.. n-si d!tereatly, 1 tried U sad tha pimplas ls:njiia:tl dliappmrsd " Joy's Vegetable Lsrxrst bsttie. tnoi efltxtlve. iusa price. rot &AU9BT CE3 C 3TANARD ALBANY iLBAIT OOLLlBIifl ISSflTUfl ALBANY, OREQON 1801, 1892. test rru prttd aeiMeiaber Sit. A t . 1 ewrpa of tnalruetorn, - CUottBAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AMO NORMAL S LASSES. Ooorses 01 study arranged to meet tt all grades of atudents. Sfinimt 1UKMM1 rsraaf iaaWi rVess cirwaaf. art s con air m CURB Aait la .a;a T--11 ei; i; WH-b.'Ji'ii ii4CKii.rn;ili il e s NaCCi.-jtj .-ti.t ;ire n- iaa t-,rjjf. 0-ji Ktrst'.a- - f - aasfKlnrtimm 1 '1 a . eaax mc Hi Huaagrsat StasSt tOi 1.1 .1 Sis 1 11 1 sta wtfttil s,- rul . . wti ia Sitfs nt-".-r 4--,"w. f 1 ...-a baaasesrbtKi kttrit'. asctkyanil. twsnitai twiiHi 1 knM.u ttiisliiiatiirfi. J.u. larL-MSuaai. O utm'ji lam i St J a fflsi. .Jsrwsgtsa. St ageet Slasar. ri-ia KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, East, North and Sooth. 2 TRAINS DAILY. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, AND DINERS. Steamers Portland 10 San Ever 4 day a. Frartclrxo TICKETS TO AND FROM FUROPE For rates an4 rcneral information ca 11 er address Willi URLBURT.Asst-G.n 1 Pa.s. Agt J54 Wsthtagton St., Portland, Uittoox Red rrAnMills e reocasa rLora erraatoa eea auii aim aaKana sss. V 1 1 IUTIB5 libanv lit f ii., J now prepared to furnlshlT 11 In quantities to suit at reseon- 1 J JCi able rates Order twefca will l found ataloiesof Frsnk L Kenton, John Iaom and Parker Bros. Wi Kn will call for orders at those places at 8 a in and 3 pro daily, except Sundays. Prompt service guaranteed. p. rmii lh. taver .rc irtl 1' 11' u:e, Purtti.'a 1.1. bti.H I t;it' v nl wjeSeK ii. 1 r ies nn Appv rjsodevarrwnem. t n uttlasaiaflSfVS. FORTMILLER & IRVING -FUNERAL DIRECTORS- ArtetUI iSuibaluing done SoleaMfleally AlbMny. Orga. 5- .... C M Wtiffc HEALTH PStTDRMR. mTT t; UT mtkmmMr 1 AMD 'daw9L 11 ttostrai rauKsn mmNF.'j Tcnm we have a relief and core In your ignorance of effects and vitality which ia system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. - Dr. Sanden'a Electric after all other treatments tastily, and from many of THE vnm is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so at to be easily worn dqrtn j work or at rest, and it f which are instantly felt throughout all weak porta, or we forfeit $5.O0O. It has an lipravc E latest boon ever given weak men, ir.d wc warrar.' it to cure any of the abo.e weakneaser., imi tot oacy Refunded. They are graded in strccgih to meet 'Jl aj;cs of weakness in yo: the worst cases In ko cr three Kontiit. Add.. . j SAFiDEM ELECTRIC CO., i2 First &? OREGON Will Chop all Kinds ofGrain. 10 reasons why you nhould buy the Giant. : 1st. Because it la the beat mill ic existence, lard. Because it ia made at home. 3rd, Because it will grind njore grain than any other mi 1 4th. Because it docs better work than any cine mill 5ih. Because It is no expense to you afier you hav3 nought it h. Because St doe not heat toe grain ia grtedtog aa other mills do. j;-iPemoJ Bk tore money with the Oregon Giant than with any .Kor w"nt of ''e wit! give you the other three rnensn whv you ibouid buy the Oregon Giant if yon will fctod'y eaU and examine tbe mill. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., 2nd & Kllaworth t, Albany, Or GWERSITY : OF : OREGON EUGENE. Next sssaien begins on Mont'sv. the 19th day of September. ISKl Tuition, free. Foe.1 Courses: CUaaieal. Scier.i-fla. ; Literary and a short English Course, in waiea tneie ia mo UKin Cireek. Frsn-h or Oerman Tbe English ia pr amin eutiy a Btistosws Coarse. Fer eataicgCM or;oker informstisn. Address, J TV JoInix. Prs : ; VIE mil A D Peaches tverr mornine this ve k at a I C. E. Biiownelis. Imperii BEST : HIGH : GRADE the msrk- O 1 C CLEe- Examine f Into its superior points. In rtock both for ' ) -. : .... . . : "na nlcnf al atewart .V N i t. VAN WILSON, Agec. NEW ADVBfiTISKHENIS, ALBANY OPERA :i0USE, WARNER A CRANOa Leasee uj Usaarcri ONE XI jIJT OKLY.- SATURDAY. AUd, 0 THE PREMIERS. HAVERLY'S MASTODON MINSTRKLS. I nder the Personal. Pircct ton of I H Harverly. tu Toote, Manager. THE FINEST AND BEST MINSTREL ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. Direct Irotn a six months' run at Hav- erly's Casino, Chicago. THE BEST SINGERS. THE BEST COJIEXWASS. THE BEST :.VXCEBS. THE BEST MfSICl AXS. ALL THE OU) FAVORITES: Billy Rice, EM Hall, Fred Bandell, E M Kayne, Kissell, A M Thatcher Fred Wilson, Ed Begert, Lou Delmore, Neil O'Brien, CliaaSully, Arthur Yule, Harry Constantine, Geo Evans, And 25 others. No Parade but a Grand Free Open Air Band Concert at 8 o'clock p m, at Cor 1st and Ferry on day of performance. WELL DIUOIKO -Ed Davidson in preps red to do well digging is "rst class ttyle, pscmptly, and will euar entee hia work. SN. ST K ELK CO., Albany, Orsnon. a liOsn ti'oney on Bemi real eusts seeunt i i iun snd adjoiumg comtiiaa TTtOR ta LIS. A net of light doable j.' narneaa, seooaa hand. Price $12,50. inquire at thla oftloe. BIOTCLE FtR SAIJ-:. gaf.tT, full ball bearing, vsgood ai:ew Call on William at MUler.ut J Grad Weill's. aiAflitu.-a piace t.,r perasanent v v nome on larai, ny a steady young man, A place where a permanent home may be had, one with aged couple pre teri ed. Inquire at Dkmocbat etnee. "COR SALE. - Oae.half Interest in a en 1st street JL geoo paying busthee. I IS! THE for sale ai a bargain. rjntre at this fflcje; For particulars lis. AREYOU I0TTHC. l?MAfiHOOD.fiiJMA .'J'.'ii n s the effects of abnees, excesses, in onr marvelous invention, which require! or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your 97 stem of aeree force electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If yon replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and In a natural way. This is our plan and treitment, aad we guarantee a ooiu 1 01 wr iiiustraiea ramptuets, tree ; Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health aad rigor, uuicu, ax can oc mown cy rranoreos 01 cases throughout this State, who eimhl j whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using onr DR. SaNDEN ELEC71IC GIANT ; Sure Death to Wild Oats SHERIFFS SALE: I tit Gradi Court tf tbt Stale aOrrgew, for Lima tsntatr. WiI;iaBi Fatr. Plaintiff, vs Prai.k A Bark hart, Clarence Borkhan sod M t Brannio, Oefendaota. OTlCEI KKREBY GIVEN THaT by vtrt a cf aa execsttec and order of uie duly ward eat rf the abeve nan coon in the above entitled aeti -n to roe di. reeted aad deiirered, lullca taeaveW, the isu r cr aojrast, test. be Creas cor.r cf il-e C'cart Hawse ia tbe tv cf A.hmey, Linno-erty, Oiegon, at the boar ct eae oc'at pa u said- cay sell at pebiic aactioa for eish in band to the highest aaaaarme neai p-cperiy deacnord ta said execalioa and order of sale aa toii-ws to wit. -Bnaiai at the eorthaest trvaer of block As fifteen (15) in Harfcteosan'a seeood addi txw ta tbe city of Albany, ia Una ceantr, Oregon; rccainc theaee eaatetly on the north boasdary tin of said block eiry-sii (66) iert; tbec.-e acatheily parallel with the west beandanr Ime of raid block one baa dred aad tea (110; rte!; tie nee waster!? nar sllel with the north bcaadary line of said Week t tbe wet boundary " line of said bioc ; tbeaca northerly ca the west 1 oan dary hoe of sd Uock : tbe place of t -in- !:. tae proceevii in.-mg iroratae sal-- ot su-d asuparts t. le applied Brat, to the nar mutt of the carta of aad ape.a aaid execnti-m acd the csigmal costa ef m.t taxed t f320; eaeepq. to ine paycer.: of tse nm of $o0 aa aa arttrcey'a fee: l Bint, to the payment of piln:ffa cliim xm.o-uuae to tbe tie of STS3 6U. with arc-cin iaterest tteres at tbe rat of tea ner otnt tier accctr: fourth asd thereafter, if any money remains the state wil! be paid ioto said Cureait Court. Dated this 13th day of Jalv, 1S92. C C J KVJX. Soetiff cf Lisa .Orrcoo. J. A. ( cinnunfjj P. Oragg, PaintK, Oil (lass,i Etc., AlBAkY, ORE COM LOUIS ANDERSON, -ITT T,vO"!SrX3R-T-. t eft eharJee Hotel. Red emntng and lace certains we!l attended to ?tisk wora a tpscktlry BraKeh cfllee at Moses' latbershop, LecndrT eieted aei issa tt T-tC o'a.'oeJt CUT TAXES. NOTICE ie hereby given that the tax roll of the city of a Ibany, Oresron.for tha yaar 1692, has bean placed in my hands for collection and will remain so for a period or thirty daya rrv-tn date of this notice, durica which time I will receive and teceipt for said taxes t tbe Council Chamber in said city. AH t ties charged lassie roll re saining uii(aiu ai toe expiration ot t Dirty east from the date of this antics will be re. turned as delinquent to the counot' of satd city, and the casta auj ex sense for cotlectiug the same will be added thereto. lusted at Albany, Uria. this W.h day of July, 1892. JOHN N HOFFMAN, Citv Marshal. ITton THE SPRINGS.-Parlies dsslrlng t'te henetltaof the magaifi wut .health giving aoita springs, locaUkl ou the north aide ot the Santlam river, about one mile above thsianohknowuaa Dutch George's, are hereby directed to camp at tha initob George tanch. where an abnndanoe of garden vegetables , good timithy hay and anepastu:e msy be had at very moder ate prices. No "toll nssd be paid, as it is not necessary to pass threugh the toll Jiate to obtain all the advantages of this anied mineral spring and these unsur passed camping and fishing privileges. IBAkV C4a,IJBCTIMt.'T C H. DALRYMPLI, Hnhftr, gelittueas r stare iees . er( aeuJenu u tews Wa aoer WEAK? WEUP AKJIEN VHpBDEBfLITTE D. AND SUfJBRING FKOM NERVOUS LOslLITY EM!NADWr?AK- Lame BXCKKl dneV TroublfS: Nepvoij snf -sTi?"" worry and expotare. For each srafferrs hot a trial to convince the skeptical sent by mail, nc inn. BELT ;res socthintf, prolonged correoM Electric Supossaory, the zrge stmnkea limbs, or parts, or ;-sgid - old men, and w"l cart PORTEND, OREGON. SHERIFFS SALE It the Cirodt Court cf th' state of Orrxm, for tie County of Liux, William Kaber. Flaistiff. as 1 V Pipe and Lttie A Pipe, Del. n lanta. XTOTICEIS HEREBY GI VEX THAT 1 bv rirtoe of .a exa:atioa aad order of sale daly issned oat of the shove nunsd coort ia the above entitled salt, I will aa Ml e roar, (fee day af Sja. let: at the front door of the caoaty e rur hasreae in the eity ef Albany. Lion, O'aa at the hoar of one o'clock c m of si 4dir. I sell atpablie aeettoa fcr cash ia bead tit the-' tusrbcat btdder taw real estate a execution aad Order of axle towit : Benanisr at a point 10 eh : 60 links K and 3 ;bains aad 89 links S of I N W cornet of the doaarioa fated rota of i X White and wife, aotincattaa Xo 634; aa at s it. not a wast at sas a ii - m a a A a aa an ear Sfenltaa. in iincnnlr I I T thence tooUi 36 isios a-d 61 Uki t 'Jlk , center line diridiaz the aorto half treat I aoata half of theaaad do'atum 5I : theaee cast on at tail usalii S-a 11 sksiai and HQ !Es, tbt see north to rhe center of a eoaaty read; tasaaa a n th 70 d agrees and 45 sseJ a) the pleas Si beasaaaWanatahatai j uxa. The nroceeda areuas fm th sale of aaid real prc&ertr to be arro'.ied first, t the nay await of the easss ad and upwi said exeeatioa S iathe erigtaaf and disharsemaata ef nit taxed att 28.10: seeoBd, ut the payment of tbeattar ay sfee sissajrina ta $130: third, te the payment of plaiatiffa eoHss amoaattegto $3203.83 with si iiaiaa. jntaraat Ihinaa at the rate of 10 per east ner awasas: asd fourth, the overt las if any there be ta be paid totai defeoiaats. Dated this STrii dt y of Jaiy, 1392 - C C J ACKSOX, Shi riff of Linn eoaaty. Or. gen SHERIFFS SALE; a (Ar Circa Ct mrt of fer Lima eoaaty. Ar State ef Oregmm, Ruben Davis TS J A Archibald Archibald ,tus Plaintiff, and r.. VOTICE H HERKBY ITE IHaT Iw by virtue nt a writ of ex wu lion aad order of sale dory tsaaadom of the above named mart in tbe above en titled rsw, to me directed and delivered, 1 will os aaleniay. tae lStkaayraT aasant, Ease at tbe front door of the Coart Hovaa, m t'e aty ot A I ban v. Linn ennxv. Umm at the hoar of o.e o'ciock p m of said day, eel! at pabitc au rtioti for cash in hand to toe nigneot btdrjer toe real pranerte decrited in said ezacBtiaaj aad order r sale as folio ws tr wit; all of btcek four (ii in " ssaonv audition to tbe own of Lebanon, in Una county, Oregon aa th ranis is minted. numbered and deani! denedl7i foaiwfl dak. on tbe mars, pl and surveys of eajkf . town and addiiiotia now on file and f f record in the ofSra sf the coantv recorder t U sail county. Tha aroeeeaa arauie iium sues aaie iu ue applied nrst. SO taja payment of the conta aad rihTinianiiaiwl ot ttiisanit. taxel at9- 30, and tbeeostt ot aad upon s eh tM aad the sons ef IICO attorney's ftas; second, to tha par rarnt or peaintiSPs claim amoooting So the sana of SS50. with fni aire llniicual the rate of ten par cent jer tncera fraea the 12th day cfSovembeiSSO, aad third, the overplus if aav tier he paid over to tae aid defeacanu. Hessie Arehibtld an J A Arcaibald. Dated this 12th day of Juiy, 1892. CC JaCKSOR, Sheriff of Una county . Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. VEX THAT THE ITT- Una coeatr. Onesa. r te Waataerterd a Caaateer aoi . euorerea, at Alkaa.T.Orepa.ertliia aix nwatas tua Uiiaaare. Jeet i h ALICE FiXEOAX. 1 NOTICE OF APPOiKTMf VOTU'E IS HEREBY GIVKX THAT THE CJ I las havicrc aranat : Meaal ; rr.r ver iiaearace of Jaaws J caarew ia A'Saer, u oraaiv, Oreroa, witaiasia awatas era tae dks twwr. Oalei the Slth lr ef Jane. 13at F.Li; BCTa H C.RiiH.vV, I iti s J Quurn, tSwaiattaUU. Attoraay tar Aiasr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTWICE IS HERE! Y GIVEN. THAT THE I g. ATi deraaaeJhaskeas laaaar Sr order af tae r.r. r court of Una ooaalTjpefiililarl aiaiiulsnatare etaie ol Maria Sjtreeter . lata ol Lata ovuatv, Or ili-eaaail. AH persona Savtag eaaas acaieat aaid state are hereby required erxl uotiS' to present tae aaaaattfa propw woentre to tae ailmialaliiiiir ae ta aa -.;rnr. ntiiilBaii im i i ithuv Oreeon. aihin aU awatat traea the da's aarajt. Dated this ih iv a Jnlr. lt. David syi.vkstee. bui.-airu a W.irsaN. AaStlniitrafcta Aii-ra Aitwtalstrater. 0. C. MeF&rland, -:- DBA .EE tS - Harness -acd- Saddlery. Display It in the Door, Opposite First National Bank, Albany .Or. A BIG STOCF -:- of -:- Baby :-: Buggies hest'assrrtmcnt cvei brought te Albert just received at Ste-vfqtft Sox's. See tfee him mi 6e fries. nj- ANTED. Tt eenerxi A eo xi patent girl to do! ganersi noueeworx. Apply to j Mrs 0 3 Stuart, near joruer of Tht btrxt am terry. ACADEMY XTOnCE IS HKS2BT I A" awaaaui saa new ti.j t-.uaieri j taaiaaair eoort ol Una aat r, Orarea. aaatratar ef tha estate ef E B nssre, a. asa at Lam eeaatjr. Oieaea. AS amn sasaw ciauB acaiset etalaMateara nsrahy aiiaiil w pro test tiem orttnr v --ied to tins n liiif.i.?,! cUitne acainx mii estate are i salmi aim U prooer v-cbers. ant p i la aO tee taller s Mere fatter J L E Hate's Sle