The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 29, 1892, Image 4

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    . , , , , - . -trrtstaas
1 c D vou want to keep yew hv. b r ' heme ! night,
I-wjUlW- and' keep him;eabi? ivJ peasant . Hj must
smoke, and yet, you don't like the smell 01 h's tob. c o. You can
drive him away to his c'ub cut of iust su h L; trigs cotso misery,
unhappiness and divorce. The trouble is that I:? uses poor
tobacco. Coax him to get BLACK well'? BULL Durhm Smoking
Tobacco; indelicate aroma H no? b: of?erc1vc to you, and
it will not fill all the ci'rtvns, irneines and clo.iiins, with that
stale disagreeable odor that r.ov I hies you. Keep your h rsband
home, and avoid aii risks by r. , . ij hmi smokfi Bull DURHAM
Tobacco. Sold eve-ywh.' 5 .
AUrH7t at Lao. Will practice In all courts of tha
tat. Special attaatlon fivon to matter la probata
aad to ee.locttou. OFFIC&V-In tk ninn Hook.
tttat ii.EtT,
Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Ckaneerr. Oollee
tiaa mas or. all aetata. Leans nefotlated
rabl terms. Albany, Orexoa.
Attorney at law. and Notary Will praetio in
all thaeeorts of thwatata Special attention riven to
collections and matter in pre bate walC: Upstair
Mawn-Twedal Block Albany. Or
D. a r. ii.unif .
all I era! matters will rec.i r promo
atteoUoa. Office ir. Odd SoUowa Teraphj, Albai
my, u
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
Attrnv-t-Uw. All lecal baaaes attaaded t
FLt.N.N'S Black, Albany, Or:
R. J. I.. HILL.
Pnywaan and Sorgaon. OFFICE
ran-. :ro;s. Albany, uragwn.
.is !sn Sarreort. OFFF08 Corner econd
aad f : iVijiu streets. Albanr, Or, Call praiptly
attar-ded in onv and country.
Q V. (Htn.GBI.UI, M.
Ham.w hist. fiTSpecUist in disease at tk By.
Twaaty years' experieaca 9 (nee boor 7 Ultaj
a S p b. and 8 I renins;. Albint, Orajwa.
at Oashler o A AKCHIBOLD.
I aanoaa, J L Oawan, J If Bajatoa, W
Maid, W H .J lira, J A C reword aja O A Arak
fRANSACTRareneraJ ban kins; bnstnaa.
DBA W 81UB1 DRAFTS on Hew York. See
n - Orafoa.
LOAN MONEY on appf ored security
RXCCIVK deoeaiu snbteet check.
OWhlic ,
rRASSACTs a ritrsnr.j,v.
Aooorrwra k v it -
New York, dan Francisco. Chicago aad PiUand
OO JJSCTlONy HADE on farakl terms.
F. Yoi-fa
B.W, Laaavaa
L. run
Edwakd I . Sax.
TBANSACTa searal Baiikinr boat
see and Portland. Oragna:
LOAN MONEY an approved security.
RECBIVF. aVapaait subject to check.
uml,l.ia. ul.s mule en taveraaie
ISTAUUSST paid as Urns deposit.
fMridaak -
Transacte a tsunu baakiar I
Kxchang beufht and sold en all tha principal
ottios in too United State : also on England, Ireland.
Frame and Germany.
Collections load at all aeoaaaiU points on rarer,
bio term.
'atorest allowed o j tint deposit.
rying to Crowd theii
;y arwavs have on hand
t Mock south of Portland, of
i improved Rifles and Shot
immense stock of Fishing
i every description; Tents,
Camp Chairs and thousands
Sngs loo numerous to mention
pair Shop
ii with the Store, and one of
k men in the State to do any
of wor '
;: Come No rouble to
i "Small profit and quick
10. T. E, HoKfj, hecoiver,
J iele Viow on iaU at CorvaUia and AI.
b.ny for III -e eacuiaiona at the
vtry low
Huuin. frip Rate of 3 26 and 93 M, T
bpeetlvei: .
Ciod for: lh King trip on
of jfli nl for lbturn ur.lil Nan
in in:z.
Or An Kiss
.;rr-riolc Ac - Baker
Opposite Schraaer't Llvary Stable, next
J-or to Wiilatoett Packin; Co' store.
wSowawssss- Sm K aw B A AAV - dlfal "eay SH 1 I aBS ,X.SSa, -C k I I I It 1 T
' 1 1 mm- i ui vra r in i a - , , .
.-w-x' u i nil in n . i i -
wSP--.J U 1 1 II 1 i I .()'' ! llli . J .
. i I - .. -nia 1
n K-n I I I j I 7 'i 1 i i ? - 1 x I nr. vumh.i i j
? i lid
Best stock of 'inl'anV goods in thi
Valley, and ths moat reasonable prices
have on band all kinds of
On door wait" of S E.Youut 'a old ato
A new and Corailat TrsaM i t, tinit. kf
pslteris,Ointm;jt in C ipiu'a i,t-s in 8 a 1 1 P
a PwdtlTe Cure ' t v i.l.l v. - i . t it r Bi
lag Itchinr, Chronic, BMlAtar HwiU'.try Piles,
aeaay ether diseaMi ail dai'i witkiaici; iti
wm a treat baniflt to thi (iniral hialtV Tn
laaTrv at a ialietl oi.- r k 1 i.-i; it i-a
with tha k tile un-iimry hiriiftir. V i r, n
haanrrbeaa knjwi tifiI. 1. -:t Wir
soot by mail. W,jv aBltr t.-n ilis iv ! i
whan a written cuwaitet U p xitivjly firn ;
bozos. to rerun i tc sa nr if n tatl. Ital
lor treeSamale. Guarantee issued by
JfA raataatKS. aknsntat. Halo Ajroat.
Albany, regB
win rare Wttkoat
orertasatw-a of brats, arr. fn tes,si or la Jfseretiee,
aa araeal raaaaaiMa, eraiaa. luawo. aaoimr. ra-
lussm. heaaot, reeawarliw. rldery. Hrer aa blotter
eoawialata. laaw back, lawkaso, setaUea, faaotal tO-keene. a Son oaoaita. W Oorfai aosoowaosa OTer
ell Mam. aa sins a rarreal that 1 hutaeUr M by ia
or 00 rorfWI o.w. aaa was cote illirtl abav.
a. par TaeMaeaa bav. bote ear by iau war
aooa after ail easor r 1 Til 1 fail., aa
grr. kaadroa. r loxttsMiaJa la tMa aa rrory oiaer mte.
ooronfai larauvtn KtatTan srsrtsauav. u.
rrealeat boa or dM rat amfta win ALL BBLT1
lit ..I limine, in MibariairTfws is taut reji
oad tmr Ulagirmli Paipblela. aaaUofl, eahd. tree, itlieav
No. 172 First St,, PORTLAND, ORE.
Ttarwoarins fjuaHtieeace ucRurpaaacd. actaaltr
Csatlaotlar two beata of any other bra-: a. Itda
For sale by
Dealers In
Albsny.J Oregon.
Sggoy ijs ! OTtin. . Ig suaq jtXieAO pi3
H M VJ fc. ? r, ft 't ' j, v. i 'Si i." femTOl
"iaoj'jtj alei," aii'a, s"oAa7
por. -ptvrjr .-ur.tuj atrj 'ypn j 'sic
-.-sidy o" :'.JJ '- ! '-ajwps saiiw
i3Huioit; pui aijup-v poe a-ai-j -in s,ooa if
a.vioiasM avd'ai a?u si ix
U3H01S3U HJ.1V3H
''I A
Soda Water,
The best mineral water in the World,
John Isom, Si's.,
in quantities to suit.
It keeps the svsteni in order, and Is
refreshing, plrasant drink
Everybody sh uld kop itiithitr
Tht. success of this Orsat Cough Cure la
Without s parallel in t'-ie history of medicine.
A I dr-ie .ts are set Iicrized to sell it on a po
i'iros;.. ctee. tea: that no other cur can
sticeeishiUy stand. Thst it may become
in own, tii Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, ar ' placing a Hitmple Bottle 1're into
et-cry bid as in Hie United States and Canada.
If Vrtn Ivtve a Cpirh, Bore Throat, or Bfon
' i!'.- as '.l, to.-It will cure you. If your
i hi'..' u.. H i Cr-inp, or Wboopbig Cough, use
i ...i r .. ,1 -i, , f , relief fs sure. If you dread
ftv.i 'ieua disease Contnmption, nss It.
AV- yn .r prturt for 81UU)H' CURE,
i'-P" to .. iwef... indtl.OO. IfyourLung
sronto-HacV lame, use Bhfloh's P.'irous
:i-irr. Price 26 CIS. For sal by all Drug.
.1.1. ,iml Hosier.
COBLIJsr worm
and BORER.
Samples, find circular free.
Psiaffine Paint Co.,
Portlaxd, Oregon,
23wrrH electro-
tytlicus a-T WaaisfBi WMaHlir rrt
TH li
m Ainnivn
- a.i. "
FADar, -r- rnt'l S .O
S9r 'JPi .... . . innwr pidatsmto vttw
a inii it if m.i iTin as B" vs
The "People's parly" depicts in strong
tetrns the condition! thai are thought to make
the People's parly necessary. It telis us
that "the nation has been brought to the
verge of moral, political and rotteiial ruin;
the people are demoralized; the neaispapeis
are subsidized or muzzled; our homes are
mortgaged, and the land concentrating in the
hands of capitalists; the urban workmen are
denied the right of organization for self-protection;
imported pauperized Isbor beats down
their waces; a hireling standing atmy un
recognized by our laws is established to shoot
them down; the national power to create
money is appropriated to enrich bondholders:
a vast public debt payable in legal tender
cunency has been funded into gold-bearing
bonds, thereby adding millions to the bur
dens of the people; silver has been demone
tized to add to the purchasing power of gold
by decreasing the value of all forms of proper
ty as well as human labor; and the supply of
currency is purposely abridged to fatten
usurers, bank rupt enterprise and enslave in
dustry." It is these abuses, ni-pnncing the
integrity of the government ana sM weal of
the Republic, that have called the new party
into existence for, it is further asserted.
neither of the old parties can be relied on to
provide a remedy.
But this is saying what there is no warrant
for. How can the leaders and teachers of the
People's party include the democracy in their
condemnation when the democracy, have not
had even an opportunity to show what they
can or might do for thirty years? There has
been no democratic policy daring the period
in which these great evils have grown up, for
even during the brief four ears from 1SS5 to
1SS9 when a sterling, intrepid and upright
democrat was executive head of the govern
ment a republican senate annulled every at
tempt to change the established republican
order, so that there was no break in the piti
less course of the republican policy. One
party and one party only is responsible for the
evils which the People's platform deplores, for
aii these things have grown up under its
reign. The malign conditions are the pro
duct of its rule, the offspring of its loins. It
begat them a'l, and if we would get rid of the
progeny, we must first get rid of the parent .
The democracy has
never ceased to protest
ajsinst the abases of republican rule as
faithfully and vehemently aa the People's
party n;w protests against them, and it is
most unjust for the People's patty to assert
that the democracy cannot be relied on to
correct them. The democratic party would
hive ror reeled them long ago nay, it would
have prevented them, il only a small propor
tion of those former repnbiicars now acting
with the Peoplc'a party in thi West bad lent
their assistance in the task . The very West
ern stales to which the agricultural interest
feels most scvere'y - be oppression of the re
publican policy "have been the stannch sup
potters of the republican party; and when,
years ago, the wiongsol that policy were rec
ognized, those states ought to have abandoned
toe dominant and airogan: party and joined
the democracy.
Perhaps it ill be said that western re
publicans , while ceasing to oc republicans,
were not willing to become democrats that
it would have looked too much like an act of
rerrean-v to dearrl one nartv and on owe. In
. . . ,
uppuuewt. 1 sc. . .Km uo tue wcx
best thing, l he deesocracy and the 1'eople s
party have one thing ia common; they rec-
ognize a common enemy in the arrogant
sectional party under whose domination ail
the evil complained of have come upon the
land, and they agree in the necessity lor r!is
loging it from the seats of authority and
powtr. They agree tbkt another four year
of republican policy woald be another four
years' reign of these abuses, at the end of
which Monopoly aad plutocracy would prob
ably be so firmly intrenched that nothing
' short of a catastrophe could overthrow it.
Let the People's party tben have the dis
cretion to limit its work to those republican
states which it is able to carry and leave the
reft o! the task to the detnocracy. Tha will
insure the defeat of the co-omoa enemy, at
least, and with the common tat Sly defeated
there will be Utile difficulty in providing re
lief for the agricultural west and south from
the evils that oppress them. S: Louis Rt
fublk. Contrary to the strictest injunction of
ex-President Cleveland, that Mrt Cleve
land's name mutr not be used tor organi
zation purposes In the next campaign, the
Monmouth, III.. ladies hare organized a
France Cleveland club of Warren coun -ty.
They have not only organized the
club to promote democratic in n rests with
their moral support, but their determina
tion seems to be to raise a campaign fund,
as shown by the subjoined letter:
Parlors of the Frances Cleveland
Club, Monmouth, III. s
To tie Hon. Theodore Aeo, Secretary of
the Democratic State Committee :
My Dbar Sir I am direciel by the
Frances Cleveland Club, of Warren coun
ty, a women's democratic organization, to
send you the inclosed check for $ioo at our
contribution towards ih.- atate campaign
fund. Though the sum Is small we trust
that it will assist In wrestling our atate
from republican supremacy. With this
hope and this belief, I remain very sin
cerely. Sara Bond
D is believed to be the first contribution
to the campaign expenses of a political
party ever made by an organized body of
Som; republican newspaper, not hav
ing the fear of Beelzebub before him,
started the report that Cleveland would
not sUnd on the tariff plank of the Chi
cago platform. Ralph E Hoyt, a journal
ist in Chicago in early days, but now a
resident of Los Angeles, recently wrote a
letter to ex president Cleveland, touching
the latter' indorsement of the tariff plank
in the Chicago platform. Today he re
ceived a letter from Cleveland in reply, in
which occurs the following significant ut
terance: "I think no sincere advocate of
an Honest tariff can be dissatisfied with
the posiiion cf the democratic party on
that subject, and 1 am sure there is no
need of fear that the contest will not be
mtde on the lines laid down, which have
already proved to be accentabie to a great
majority of the people.".
The democratic states of New Yotk and
Indiana have given their judgment upon
Plnkertonism by passing law forbidding
employment within their borders of armed
bodies of hired mercenaries. There can
be r.o doubt thst Pennsylvania will forbid
it also when a democratic Governor shall
have the support of a democratic legisla
ture :nd that time may not be far distant
If the object-lesson at Homestead shall be
1 homps II Carter, of Monttnj, has ac
cepted the chairrr.snship of lbs nations)
republican committee. The republicans
have had a hard time finding gome one
that would accept the place.
When protected monopolies vote taxes
up and crowd wages down It is lime for
taxpayers and wage-earner to vote the
monopoly party out.
Mr Harrison Is in danger of going down
on Mr Carnegie's sliding scale.
Sad Drowning.
Seattle, July 22. Alex Purver, a
oung farmer of MaUqui, and Mifs HerUia
ay, of Victoria, were drowned at Matsiini
while bathMK in a smaU stream on ine
Purver form Tart evening about 8 o'clock.
Purver and his sister were teaching Miss
Jay to swim. They got into deep water
suddenly and both Bank. Miss Purver
managed to drag her brother out, but lie
immediately plunge.' down again to rescue
Miss Jay, and was seen no more. Miss
Purver hastened home to give the alarm,
but by this time it was quite dark, and it
was found impossible to recover the bodies
before daylight this morning.
Looks Mad-
St. Louis, July 22. An advertisement
appeared in a local paper a few days ago
for puddlers, heaters and iron workers to
go East. It Is now stated that the adver
tiser is an agent for Carnegie, Phipps &
Co, and that ne is hunting for men to take
the plaee of thr strikers at Homestead at
from 15 to 40 cents higher wages per day
than the strikeis were receiving at the time
of the lockout.
A Bank I allure
Olympia, Wash, July 22. The Bank of
Shelton, Mason county, has been closed by
the sheriff, and the whereaboutA of Cashier
Metzgur are unknown. The liabilities are
estimated at B15.000. The assets are not
known. The safe b as opened today, and
less than 8500 was found m it. The heavi
est depositor is County Treasurer O'Neil, of
Mason county, who had $4400 of the coun
ty funds in the bank.
A Bat Iranabr Btte.
Spokane, July 22. The
8-year-old j
daughter of Theodore Jennings, residing
about 8 miles southeast of Spokane, is lying
at the yoint of death from arattlesroke
bite, and there are but slsglit hopes of her
recovery. The child was playing about the
yard yesterday afternoon with her brother,
and in passing through a clump of bushes
stepped on a rattlesnake, which struck her
on the left leg.
Marrily t balrman
YoiiK. July 2i. The national dem
ocratic committee met today and organized
In' flu tliiamnMin .tlr. ff ii. tt VV V II. ..,.
j " ' v.m ...... i.uiu. 1
or r ennsyivania, as cnairman. ami Mmon i
P Sheenn. of Indiana, secretary. Immed- ",c .o n .o.ny , ..jle,rl , oe ronftr,ed and proven that tha
lately after the roll-call, Calvin S Brice, more than from Eugene to AI- ; 0yaj Baking Powder i. pare and whole
chairman of the former committee, reiter- "nr. tugne Register ome, and that itataodV, aa far aa atrength
ated his declaration that he did not desire ! aad parity are concerned, at the head of the
U tt.cwsitleml a candidate for re-e lection.
Hamty was tben selected chairman by ac- j
cuunauon. ami made a tew remarks, ex
pressing a deep sense of the responsibility
devolving upon him. and promising to use
his best efforts to promote success. Secre-
j tary Sbeerin rat re-elected by acclamation,
and Robert B Roosevelt was chased tresiur-
He is a member of Tammuuv hall.
' and
appointed by IVesident Cleve' and
minister to the New "Netherlands.
Sioverwoe mitsseai
Homestead. July 21. A secret confer-
I ence of over on hoar's duration was held
tonight between ilorernor Pattison, Presi
dent Weihe, of the Amalgamated Associa
tion, and W J Brennan. legal adviser of
the strikers. At its conclusion none of
them would say a word as to the nature of
the discussion, kit said, however, the re
moval of the troops from Homestead and
the bearings of that matter from each pos
sible standpoint was gone into. Weihe and
Brennan denied that threats of any kind
were made, and are reported to have" stated
privately to friends tbat if the conference
proved as satisfactory as they hoped, the
whole trouble would soon be at an end-
Will Bo, roll BUs Steel.
PiTTsnt Ro. July 21. While the work-j
men at HAniMrtad will nw ulmil Iw,m. i. 1
rXMsihilitv that thev will be defeated, it is
evident the Amalgantated Association has
taken teps to worry the Carnetrie comrmnr.
even if it does succeed in getting non-union;
men enough to operate the mills, which are
PW WtaS OB OCCOUnt of the strike. If the
j boycott plan succeeds union workmen ever?"
i where will refuse to handle iron
at any of the Carnetrie mills.
Robe, July 2i. DsBpaanhes from
l ata-
ma say that the eruptions at mount
are increasing in violence
A fresh stream
oi tava pours antra tne mountain aaa u
opproacning Nicoioai. witheringtrees and
burning huts along its path. The people
of NiccJoti have passed most of the day in
prayer before the church, fearing to enter it
on account of the continued earthquakes.
Some of the shocks were fe.t even in Syra
cuse today. Fire and steam mark the way
of the lava down the mountain, and great
rocks are ejected to a height of 100) to r200
BvweU mil Bans.
Oi.tbpia, Wash, July 21 .The Thurston
county people's party dub unanimously
adopted a res Motion present ing Governor
William A Newell, formerly governor of
V i A n- i . :.
;;M 'rri,' ? " r.,'""
mI .Vtf iL r,7r-
Sple Je ' ' 3
maaie tor governor.
the Salisbury
Losdox is thomrht nrob -
i T.L ? tl r - v ttMTt P"
Li?- "T"" 0Lsh!B,y 3xPt -
on retg from ofSce. the dukedom tie-
cltned in 1886 and on the occasion of the
queen's jubilee in t887. Her majesty is
reported to have renewed her offer.
lre at Myrtle Polal.
Maiuhfikld, Or. July 20. At 9:30 p m
Monday, a fire broke out in the basement of
the old store building at Myrtle Point, for
merly occupied by Wise Bender, aad
belonging to H m Dinger Hermann. Every j
effort possible was mailt to get control of j
she flames, but without success, mi til dy-
namite was used to blow up the buildinns
on fire. After three large buildings had
'jeen destroye-l. the fire was got uuder con-!
trol. It was a narrow escape for MTtle
Point from meeting the fate of ber sister
citv. (Vimiillo and hawawastaaw n ld of
The windows in the surrounding buildings
were a1! broken bv the heat of the fire, and
the woodwork badly scorched. Ringer Her
mann owned a large interest in two of the
buildings and is the heaviest loser. The
total loss is estimated at 115,000. The
cause of the fire is said to be incendiarism,
for which F C Kennicutt is held in jail to
answer the crime.
A Bloody ASTalr.
Dublin, July 20 There was a bloody
riot in New Tipperary today inconsequence
of the excitement over the elections. Sev
eral Parnellites attacked a party of anti
Parneliites in the street and a hot encounter
with clubs and fists fo lowed. Reinforce
ments came to both sides and when the
police arrived a score or more lay on the
ground unconscious. By hard clubbing the
parties were separated and partly dispersed.
Two hours later the word part of both wde.
gathered again and began rioting through
the town. Men who had nothing to do with
the fight were overpowered and ma) treat til
ui the sheet. Several men who had fled to
their houses for protection were dragged
out and knocked about in the street. Their
houses were ransacked by the mob, windows
and doors were knocked out, and the fur
niture was smashed or thrown into the
Working Asalat
Homestead, Pa, July 20. The people
were curious to see whether the Carnegie
company would continue the operations of
yesterday in the Homestead mills. They
had their curiosity gratified this morning
by the sight of large volumes of black
smoke issuing from the tall chimneys of the
armour plate mill and Trees shops. The
absence of hostile demonstration on the
part of the locked out workmen ien has
given the non union men much enrourage
ment, and has quieted their apprehensions
of personal danger.
Big Horse Bale
Mr Engene Bochanan. of Moscow, Idaho,
bought of Bailey Wisdom yesterday two i
uuiuuun ui mgn ureti trotting horses, which
he ships to Moscow for the purpose of start
ing a breeding farm. This is the lai Ket
sale of trotting horses made to one man,"
said Mr Wisdom, "since we have been in
lmsiress and it goes far to show that the
interest in high bred horses is looking up,
and we oelieve that good horses are cheaer
now than they ever will be again in Oregon.
Proud or the Bone
Salkm Or, July 20.-8alern is proud of
her stallion Holmdel, who took the race at
Anaconda, Mont, yesterday, from seven
competitor. U dindel's rword was 2i23"b'
and he lowered it yesterday to 2:i84.
Tits Vote 'n Ireland
London, July 20. According to the
Daily News, the total vote of Ireland stands
for home rule 315,329, against 78,!r?9.
A Stage Held i n.
Stockton, Cal., July 22. The Roberts
and Union Island stage, which leaves this
city at !1 p m was held up this afternoon on
the old French Camp road, about two miles
iruiu town, uy a masae'i man wno was
armed with a rifle. The driver was relieved
of a gold watch and a few dollars in money.
The passengers, two laboring men on t.ieir
way to the island, were also ordered to
turn their pockets inside out. They hail
only 12 or $3 Itetween them. The stage
carries no mail. Officers guve chase and
quite a combat ennued before the roblssr
could be captured.
Startllac Discoveries.
Waiaacm, July 22. Humors are rife to
night of startling discoveries in connection
with the Mission affair, wherein it was re
ported many men were shot, others wounded
and some robbed, and the bodies disposed
of in such a way that no clue to either the
IwrpetratorHof the outraire nor the distvMi-
tion of the bodies has ever been found, un
less it has been done as is reiwrted yesterday
or today.
Albany should be safe now ; nearly all
the newspaper men and their families are
out of the city.
Marion county has only 152 more males
of ichool age than Linn county ; but It Is
ahead of thh county 1,436 on females.
Speaking of the arrest of Frank Coon
in this county for forgery the Pendleton
, O says: "Wonder If this is the same
F ranlt 00n wno married a girl one night
viiuivitvil UMU ICU lltl nit iicki lUUin
A craxy e hat figured out the
ing: I tie i republicans have a Harry-son,
the democrats a land to Cleve to, the
prohibitionists a well to Bid for and the
people's party a web to Weave (r) acd a
Field to make hay with. AH are satisfied,
and tne merry work of politics goes on
The Southern Pacific Is very accommo
dating to people up here. Thev give us
an excursion rate of $6 for the round trip J
kit Ysnuln. anrl ih. .I. i, Prti.d j
. Vonul a J ,l p ,1 j ;
. r;. u 7 V o J, J T. 1 .lT
GrlnU p, Couriery. of a phy.l- j
ci(m nw . ciK . ,.jjr G rjwiht !
Lothrops forfeited his t;o bail and left !
for the north one evening la.t week . Hie !
cae against a resident physician was dis
missed " It seems that the local doctor
had Lothrop arrested tor practicing with
out state licen.;, and the latter retaliated.
C Hodes, of this city, who was arrested
j tome time ago on a charge of selling
ltqu r to minors, entered a plea of not
guilty at the time His case came up in
the circuit court Moudav and through his
attorney withdrew the plea of not guilty
tnd entered a plea of guiltv. The judge
sentenced him to pay a fine of $50. Eu
guene Register.
Twelve years ago. Dr N G Blalock
bonsht 400 acres of barren aowebrush
land at 12.90 an acre, near Walla alia, except for breeding purposes, shall be
He irrigated it and planted it all with guilty of a misdemeanor." It will thus
fruit trees and now il is worth about be seen thst Chinese and other pbeas
400 an acre. ; ants, grouse, quail and partridges, can
only be killed between Sept 1st and Nor
There are eleven locomotives regnlarlv 15t.'-111(1 the person who eats them i as
employed in running to and from this ". PtJ 'bb the one who kills them. The
station The wages of the men employ j w bonld be lived up to, as it is the
ed in the locomotive department of the j only way our best game can be preserved
S. p. whose headquarters are at Rose-' 'O this valley.
bargamoot to about A4000 monthly.
S KotburK I'lamdealer.
Mrs BG Grnbbe, superintendent of
tne aatera scnoois. leceives i z a vear.
The principals receive from $750 to fSOO I
a year : the regular teachers get BGO0 a
year. Mrs A H Dodd is at the bead of
Central school, with two assistants. Miss
Jane Morris is in the North Salem school.
Benjamin Bailey, of Cbtnoa, III., a
r A I ar , . I . r,rM.rtnr haa f. I Ion Koir In
large fortune by the death of an uncle in
Oregon, and Israel Thomas, of The Cove.
Or., has fallen heir ton part of 68,000
acres of Isnd near New 1 ork t Uy worth
piles and piles of money. Such items
sound big on paper bat rarely pan oat
v Alien wars uvuuu uiri si vier-
gon City in the sum ot $200. which was
Charles Allen was bound over st Ore-
furnished, tor subornation of perjury
in inducing one Charles Clark to swear
to an untrue statement in order that be
might get a marriage license for a girl
under marriageable age. Cases of sub
ornation of perjury for this purpose have
occurred in this county on several occa
sion, as well as in other places.
In Los Angeles a detective has ben
, engaged m getting the names of not only
I the inmates but the visitors of the bouses
lf Pr0t,ta,10D- t He has token particu-
i h" P"" -o tte- t PArnesof Hie manied
; en who frequent such places, and has
, quite a list In order that there could
oe no mistakes numner oi tne t hnstian
ladies who are Interested in the work
have accompanied the detective, and in
concealed places noted down the married
men They now propose to go to the
wives of these men and ssk them to use
their influence to keep their husbands
from patronizing these bouses.
Mill Cm. The Gazette intimated
last week that there was on indication
LnB . lne " 1 .mPr wouiu resume
at a sl.. T IB v 1 .
ur f?" on ",e,r u exiensiou, ana
according to recent reports we were right
j m jumping at such a conclusion.
I Another collision on the Lumber Com-
panv'e log supplving railroad, occurred
Monday afternoon, owing to one of the
urates giving away to me rear car, I
which came down with lightening force, I
plunging into the front car, demolishing
and scattering things generally. Both
of the men jumped to save their necks,
one of them, Joe Rebhsn, injuring his
hand and wrist by the fall.
Still another accident occured on the
Mill Company's road Tuesday. While
joe Stish was coming down in the after-
noon a cow, belonging ,o Tom Barnes,
uieptiivii ins poeongc uy jumping upon
the track, rausinu the front truck to
jump the rails. Joe was again consider
able shaken up, but not seriously.
Patksr Broa, grocers.
P. M. Frsnoh keep railroad tint.
Buy your groaerUt of Parker Bros
Fias groceries at ( mm & llendricson'a.
Latest sheet music at Will St Link's.
Hew cream oheeae just received at Conrad
C W Cobb, job printer, Klion Block, does
first claaa work.
K W Aohison ftCo ars.selling monument
at Portland prices.
Stewart St Sox sell the very best j at ens
shear and scissors.
Ths finest line of pocket knives in the
city at Stewsrt ft 8ox 'a.
Smoks tha celebrated Havana filled 6 cent
oigar at Julius Joseph'.
Dr AI H Kilit, nhyiioian and surgeon
Albany, Orj.-m. Cllt mads In oity or
count ry .
With his new bakery Uonrad Meye
able to offer old and nsw customers ate
thing firstolassin baked govdi.
We are goiog to put the prion dowp
oath aud eM for oavh only . A Ton Bros.
Lime, plaster, cement and tastr, at cod, at
A Morris & (Vs.
ff haa Vsky waa sloe, ws tat a hsr Castor is.
Whan aha waa a Child, sho rtoxl for ( 'astern.
Wbsu ah booain Kiaa, li clung to Ponton.
S'tstss she had Children, she gavs them Castoria,
SLEEPLESS NIOHTS made miserable
by that tsrnblscough
remedy for yoo).
Shiloh's Cur is ths
positive ours for Catena, Diphtheria sat.'
Canker. Moutfi.
Auutlulilo . Hon by Hoard of Health
ine irauittK Powder Question.
Board of Health can engage In no mora
commendabl action than the examination
of our food supply atl the inttruclion
the public as to thoae attiolea which are
found to be pure and wholesome, and which
therefore consumers shou'd ute.
Action of this kinn with the baking paw
d:rait particularly opportune. There are
quantities of baking powder in the market
to uso which ia certain detriment to tha
health of the consumer. They ara made
from alum, or impronerly comconnded from
other chemicals so that they leave a strong.
aiaauuo residutn in the loou. Many of theae
powder, having proved anaalabla in the
Eaat, have been collected by their manufact
urer?! fro the dealer with whom they were
left 0.1 commission, and ahipped to the Pa
ciffo Coaat. In the effort to gain afoot
hold in this market una:rupulnu manufact
urers of these cheaply made, low grade baa
ing powder have indulged in extravagant
atatemeata both with reference to their own
and otter brands, claiming the most im
probable eLdonemenU for theirs, and de
faming the brand best known and longest
used upon the Pacific Coast
J he following extract from the reports of
our well known health authorities will be of 1
a; f . I
uarucutar tiueret.:
The State Chemist of Waahinotan. Prof.
O. A. Bethune,aaya: "Thete ia, therefore,
no question bat tha Royal ia the at-ongeat,
purtat and most wholesome baking power in
tha market."
The Seattle Beard of Health say: -Finding
io analysis that it ia made of the highest
grade of cream of tartar and bicarbonate of
soda, and ia entirely free from any adulter
tion, we heartily leccommeud the Hoy! Ba- j
amgiowaer ror it great strength, purity
and wholetomeneab
The Tcomt of Health says: "Io
our judgment, the Koyal ia the 'est aud
jstrnogest baking power before tha public,
We confidently recommend tt because of ita
parity and care of preparation
The Spokane Citv Board of Health reoott
"Tnere I -.rtaioly no baking known to us :
equal to'. . r Royal for atrengtb and uniform
quality, aud we reoommed it for it abtolntt :
puri.y and wholeaomene."
The Hoard of Health of the Citv ef San;
rrancisco, a:ter extended tesu, aaid of the i
Koyal, that "it isaheolatrly pore and heath- j
J tul, compoaed of the beat ingredient, of the '
L"?, u , T
"W0"' Hen8Ul 01 character; the Heal h
"Hfiuoov avteu.ll sur
Umeer of I.os Angeles reported that it
.TS.1"" 8t?t--" hll
bUx Chemut of California, Pmf. Rising,
louo "HS "P-rior in atrengtb and
"r" 10
1 . It 3 e. . . a ..I.
Tub Game Law. The lost session of 1 O" nattooal holiday for the .tele
h. - .-a... . . . bration tl the 400 1 h arm I ternary of the dta-'
the legislature enacted as follows rer of America by Chn.topher Colosn
reference to feathered game: "Every il! 7 '
Iters, m who sli.1l within tho f (Irs. 1 '
in l ,1.. it.i. A... . i l. l '
awa. vvon e. .o lilt. Iwtll "JO I Ol U HI Vli, BUU '
the 1st dav of SeDtember of each vear ;
use, kill, injure or destroy or have in '
tMsxesston, sell or offer for sale an v wild ;
swan, mallard duck, wood duck-, wid-
aeon, teal araoon.hill ww hlar-k .nri-
tail or canvas back duck, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor. Also every person
i, .L.n t. v ,1,1 j , ..
of the following vear. take. kill, ininre
or destroy, or have in possession, sell or
jm- . , , j
offer for aa e any grouse, pheasant.
Hnnanii.n i....... .....: .... .
The cose of Ute State of Oregon vs Law- j
rence Lewis, charged with disturbing '
"uuusunn t lent meetings, was
i t.... : I !-.!.-
tor vrTterdav The iad fir.1 fonnd fur,m"' 1r ' !
WbL. in.'S fl.rdcrer: grand cver-wr. WW Br.miu,
s . i i ; , i I
bnt after the case had been reviewed
beforehim he reversed his decision and
jev.oi.TO (w tKicuuaui uvi aunt auu
oiuciru uiai rciirwrwiu, uu suet gnrutrat
that the pioseca'ion charged one
thi no
; and nroverl another. Tha mat in the
coUUtv will be considerably over 30.
The county, though, has plenty ofi
mom v and will loot the bill. It was
. . . . . . . . Bs .
mistake to have ever arrested Lewis on
this charge. There seems to have been
nothing against him. Anyway, he would
have been gtn'tv of no crime had he torn
down the tent of the hvpuotizer and
i , , , , . . . ; .. ...
f trampled it under foot. Her exhibitions
are not recognized by the local ministry
or anyone else as being Christian work .
Her carryings on are nothing more nor
less than blasphemy- Statesman.
The Astoria R R Capt M G Morgan
i returned this morning on the steamer
Telephone from Astoris. Mr Morgan
fcameto Astoria from the front of the
Astoria & Coast railroad. He reports
I that the contractors and bosses are rush-
ing the work on the mad as fast as men
con work. At the tunnel there are 165
, men at work. The approaches are all
complete and by Saturday the men will
-i.rt the big bore through the mottntain.
The Crouch dvnamo is in operation. It
j seem queer that an electric light plant
1 should be located in a section where
j trees stand as thick as hairs on a dog's
back. The contractors there want all
' the men that Morgan con send them to
WOrk on the rcd Dispatch,
Another Wild Mas. A sheepherder
i brought In the report Monday from the
"... a
John Day that a veritable "wild man of
the woods" had been seen near siieep
1 camps In that section. Seve al people
have run across him. Ills said, but as is
i customary with wild men he hs always
' dispppea red at their approach. The re -
i ported prt sence of the creature has caused
much excitement up there, sr.d sn organ
ized aitemp may be make to capture him,
which should b: encouraged by the Rob
inson's circus management. The Dalles
T. M.
A Fatal Disease A young lady who
has been working at the late Robt Foster's
since the death of him and his wife, has j
a. m icyunui, .,,ui'. ... . . . .. .
of Mr Foster's family have had a hard
straggle. A'ith Mrs Fry,
villi Mrs fry, ana trscar
Bodine, a nephew, four have
already )
IN MAM.- FRANCE. On July 21st,
1802, at the office otDalrymple St New
port, Albany, by Justice N M Newport,
I W In man and Hannah A France
both of Albany.
SAMUELS. At Anacortes, Wash..
July 14th, to the wife of E O Samuels, a
daughter. Albany relatives and friends
extend congratdlations.
RALSTON. On Friday morning, July
22, IS92, in Albany, to Mr and Mrs Lon
nerO Ralston a 10 lb girl. All are
doing well.
mi it.
SMITH. On Saturday morning, July
23, 1892, atMacleay, in Marion county,
Mr Elijah Smith, atthe advanced age of
87 years. Mr Smith was a pioneer of
1862, coming to Oregon in that year from
Iowa. One of the party was Hon R A
Irvine, who alter wards became Mr
Smith's son-in-law. Besides one daugh
ter, Mrs Irvine, Mr John R Smith, of
thi s county, is a son. Mr Smith
was a man of great moral worth and
leaves a good name as the record of a
very long lite well spent. The remains
of the deceased will be buried in Salem
beside those of his wife.
FRY. On Saturday morning, July 23,
1892, of pneumonia, the effects of ery
sipelas, MrsOlney Fry, jr. The deceased
was a sister of the late Robert Foster,
from whom she undoubtedly took the
disease . She was a pioneer of '53, earn
ing to Albany then from Indiana. She
was married to Mr Fry, who survives
her in l8o4, and in the same year united
with the U P church, of which she has
since been a consistent member, leaving
a record for great purity of character, a
noble mother and wife. Foar children,
three sons and one daughter, survive
her bea Mr Fry.
Pay your city taxea. Thi may be done
at the recorders office, where, if the marohil
is not prraent, Mr K Earlow will receipt tor
A Man and a Revolveb. Yesterday
evening a man named Lighten sought a
revolver at the gun store, had it loaded
and immediately diew it on the gunsmith,
who threw the man down and took the
shooting arm away from Mm. Lighten
was arrested and fined $5 and costs. He
had been drinking:, which was the cause of
that and one or two other affairs. He Is
all right sober.
Dan Morris in Jail Again. Sheriff
Jackson arrived in Albany this forenoon
from Sweet Home, with Dan Morrl,
whom he arrested last nljrht. Morris will
be remembered as the man who escaped
from the county jail aeveral month ago.
and afterwards from a deputy sheriff.
Sheriff Jackson was accompanied by Mr
Green, of Sweet Home, who knew where
Morris was. Together they went to the
house where Morris was supposed to be.
Morri run up stairs, and on the sh-riff and
Green following, jumped from a window.
. . . " . . . . . r j
Un betm? ordered io flop ne reiuseu ant
the sheriff fired a couple ahots, principally
to frighten Morris; but he kept going.
Green and the sheriff close behind. After
a chase of half a mile, the former, a fast
runner, caught the fleeing man, who was
handcuffed and hit feet securely fastened.
He was brought a far as Sodaville last
evening and to Albany thi morning. Hi
remaining dav in the county jail wi
without any of the libertfee sometimes
given prisoners, having the con
' . - - . .
fidence o! the of&cials.
The Hubbar.1 Herald ia dead after only a
short life, hence a tbo. t illness.
Oregon Eclipse woo the aix
in Chicago yesterday in 1:14.
furlong race
Tho Pioneer printing establishment of E
M Waite, of Salem, hat been purchased by
Meaara Sttnson in WiUon.
The aUliioo Palo Alto, who hold the
stallion trottmg
Stanford's farm
record, died at Senator
yesterday afterueor. of
Salem papers have their hands fall keep
ing track of both Wilson and Afra Wood
worth, both of whom are being given more
notoriety than they deserve.
3325 pound of tobacco were raited in
Oregon in one year as shown by the 1890
cenaos. It was worth $666 Linn county
raised 120 poo ad. Josephine 3S3 pounds
and Morton only 9 pounds.
Tli President naa appointed Fri.iay,
Bias Coon was examined
before Justice
. AT -a
Sbnu ycrerday afiemojn for the
crime of
com, and was bound
,nmr " 7 ZTTuZ &
l?l,a thV", of 5)"T 9 "
Th ' the man arrested ly
-a a at o.o a
' HrtorirT lattkaon and Denntv Smith.
The 1
1 of 1890 shows Oregon to have
nan at tnat time 0120 atrsunus, wntsn i
a- increase of 100 per cent over 1SS0
1850 there were only 2374
residence in the
State. tZaZJ . I" I ', mu I . - IB 13W-
,";2,.t. i Z .
1 l . , . v I.,.- ,
1?,372 in 1870.
the dwelling was 5.07- In the same year
there were 63 791 families and an average of
4 92 persona to the family. Tne atx- of the
family bos decreased in teo v jar. trim 5.22
The! Lane Lumber League ha article
of incorporation in the effien of the Secretary
of State. Banutseao: Baying, btuldlng and
operaUog saw mills, aaah and door factories
and of selling the aame and prcdnctt thereof;
put chasm and sale of timber and, caw logs,
etc Principal office at SptrBgfaaid. Capttai
stock, 150,000; amount of eaca ahaxe, $100.
Ia-urpnratora, A W leeler, TC Wheeler and
O A tVbeelor.
The Grand La&zt AO 17 W elected the
following cSsers at Pc-tlaod jerterday:
r , . n i u .i. .1 i-
unaaiwww, a- a. aa y. -j, -
i esaiwsao: grstco reooruer. .ttaa ir.
j Hooa Ei. grand receiver. K L Durham,
,of Portland; grand trustee. Gwar, H Dnr-
; naim u! Portland: repreoet txtivet to taw
i vrsnd lodge , D Sohs Ch,
Thomas A Stspaoot.
J A Daley aad
n,.ti,Mn. Wili.mi. . .rn-i.i ,n .r
i aqaiea tomorrow mot to ft
Tne Steamer R C Yoesg
was be mod at
Select etrdv afternoon.
aiae f.-.OOC,
Iatured in the Irrnerial for $3,000
The man run . , -r at Oervaia yesterday
was a deaf aad dumb man named Lsjibor.
It ia very tranp that deaf and dumb aasam
will travel on ta l oad trac'ui.
Ia a i una way accident near Mourns tit
ysatsrday, Mrs Olive Sayder, the expert
sewing machine c per tor, had both leg
; broken. She waa taken to Salem.
Collett ia p'avmg ball with the Scsoa,dc
ing great work for them. Independence a ad
Seto will play at lode-pen ote er the 31st,
another game, for $100 a ti e and 60 per cent
of the gate receipts.
. i : t i
a. w ,
tha ledgr today hor a iarge majority la-
vor allowing P rtlaad ot Chlnose marbbsnts
establuh themselre hare, with only 1
enough Chinese laborers, b-wevor. to per-
form the necessary
aeasary wor, at the stores of
Only . few oppose the .advent
j msrchaau
ot i nines- merer ant.
A fatal sir. I t rtxurred near Band on
! hut Monday Afternoon, whereby Jlrs Louta
Turner lot her life. She and her
wer. driving across a bodge, and the
became frightened and backed through the
guardrail and off the bridge, fall ing about 15
fast, breaking Mrs Turner's neck and killing
her instantly, also killing one horse. Mr
Turner came out without any aeticua injury.
Will At Stark. . leweierr.
Buttertck nattr to Read a.
The best jsw H Wdl & Stark's,
Fruit and vea..-.-!eo at F E Allen &
Yob can save money bv baying of Read.
Try our new toasted coffee, at F E A Meat
ft Co.
Great clearance tale for the nxt ixty )
days at W F Read & Co a.
Large atoek of white goods and embroid
eries at W P Read ACt'a.
Ashby t Carte, Real Estate, 80 Wash
ington Street, Portland, Or.
Ao elegact line ot diamond rings, dia-
i oeived at Wdl ft Stark's. tSSi .took in
! the city.
I ocio. ai uie n reuien s eitctiou .una-
! il.v I fi Xl.v woo ni aloTul e.Klof on.
o a. . i a . .... or
gineer and Wm Brenntr assistant
Some ot the Albany people have (oand
it rather an unprofitable business to
import base ball teams, even it they do
win first money.
Despite the showers of last Friday
night and the gloomy, threatening clouds
of Saturday morning, the Knights of
: t ytniBS picnic was in a measure a suc
j cess. Vt 11 a m, the weather looking
j somewhat more favorable, the band,
i after playing one or two selections on
the streets, started for the picnic grounds
where perhaps 150 people assembled. It
was voted to have the basket dinner
first and the speaking afterward. At 1
p m, after a couple of selections by the
band, Knight Q W Wright, of Albany,
was introduced end gave an address that
was worthy of a larger audience. Press,
That Hunting Party. A man who
has just arrived in Albany from the
Alsea, brings important news about the
Deyoe, Froman, Allen party. After a
several days experience they had suc
ceeded in catching a few tish and killing
one deer. They mesas principally the
gentler sex in the company, the' men
not having killed any deer, though they
had tried desperately. While the men
were out hunting the hounds drove a
deer into camp, where Mrs Deyoe die
patehed the animal with a shot gun. We
look for more good reports Irom the tent
keepers in the party.
Impobtant . To know that the
ft Long Piano gives perfect satitfaclion.
stands In tune longest, and Is an endless
pleasure to all who buy them at B K IU -saan't,
First st, Albany, Or.
In order -o reduce our stoek we will sal
oar fine Un of groceries at cash price, for
trictly otah. Allen Bros.
8ss our bargain counter.
W F Rsab.
As a family medicine, ths Oregon Blood
Purifier has no equal. It hi.i j t
a certain and efficacious remedy for all dia
cauaea Dy an impure state of tne blood
Matthew Lon sherry to John
Poll I i 1 . a
U 8 to F ri Buchanan, 45M
14 w4
II H Quigley to Alex
Smith, 165
acres w2.
The Dundee M & T Co to John
Eaton, 183 74 acres, D L C
A 11 Eeterson.
Waterloo D Co to A E Ansoree,
lot 1 and 2, blk 43, Waterloo.
R Koehler, trustee to Kate Mc
Bride, lot 1, blk 77, M's 2nd
add, Albany
A 8 McDonald to F C Htanard,
lots, Brownsville
Postal News. Ti,e
offices were established in Oregon be
tween Dec I5tb, IS'Jl,and May 31st,1892: '
. .. . n . A . . .. ' :
Antier, iak?; eeaneia, ivlauiath ; Ulan-
wu, uiaui, iiauuJuri, VjOiUIJllMS ;
Champlain. Multnomah ; Chesher,Lnc ;
Delena,Columbia ; Derby, Jackson ; Dry- j
den, Josephine; Endersly.W-'asco Fair;
' ... ar - '
utuuiics, luanou ; r inner, uenion ; eos-
ter. Linn; Frniia. Wallowa; Garbaldi,
1 niaiii jijk. , uater, aiarion: naywaru,
Idol, Harney; Iacv, Clackamas; Lake,
Coos ; Leap, Wallowa ; Lost Valley, Gil
liam; Minto, Marion; Natron, Lane:
Olete, Klamath ; Orrville, Clackamas ;
Peris, Columbia ; Raleigh, Washington;
Red land, Clackamas; Ridgeway, Wasco:
Rosa, Linn ; Roberts, Yamhill : Silvies,
i nriiuy , .mu, j season ; t ncaer,
Wasco; Warrenton, Clatsop. Names
changed Cliesber, Tyane, to Varien :,
Dencer. Marion, to Rrovdal Tlorm.n
Umatilla, to Dale; Hillsborough, Wash
ington, to Hillsboro; Ivie, Morion, to
Elkhorn; Linkyilie, Klamath, to Klam
ath Falls ; Pittsburgh.Culumbia.ta Pitts
burg; Springer, Harney, to Narrows.
Name and site changed Rock Creek.
j Oates.Manon Co. Discontinued
Aioina, Jiuitnoman, mail to rortiana ;
Rlitzer, Harney, mail to Springer; Desert,
Crook, mail to Haystack ; East Portland,
Multnomah, mail to Portland ; Matney,
Gilliam, moil to Condon: Plevna. Klam
ath, mail to Keno; Seafortb, Carry, mail
10 fort uxrora. correction vvood
stock. Multnomah, instead of Wood -ttock,
LebaxoKs One car-load of machinery
arrived from Dayton, Ohio, Saturday, lor
Ih. Pliimnin. Mill r-. - n I -U.
' - ...... v.,ij,.u , V. UMMObl
One year ago last Wednesday night the j
great fire occured In Lebanon . The j
burned district has been rebuilt and i'
now occupied by substantial brick build
ings. Judge F M Miller, as a personal friend
of General Weaver, made and eulogistic,
non-partisan speech on Saturday when
the Weaver banner was raised.
Died, near Lebanon. July 19th, Aide
Kluts. aged 24 years. Deceased was a
i son of W H Klum and grandson of Dr Asa
reterson. Me was a model young man,
beloved by all who knew him.
A letter came to Lebanon this week ad
dressed to the sheriff of Lh.n county, fne
letter found its way into the box of A A j
Kees. Mr Kees looked at it longingly for 1
awhile and then concluded to forward it to ;
the other fellow.
Charles Hindman left T ueaday on a trip j
to Idaho by private conveyance Mr j
Hindman gives as a reason for his leav- 1
log, the lack of work and scarcity of!
money. If i coons, be true concerning the I
country to which he has gone, the induce-1
meets do no: warrant thi journey. Ad-1
Obegob Sttjests East. There were
five Oreooians at Washington and Lee
university, Lexington, Virginia, during
the session of 1891.92, Tic, Messrs S B j
Herman and Charles Hamilton, of Rose-
i burg ; M S Warren and A M Smith, ofj
: lllAri, aJi:VU.M.b of MAflnn.
- ' - - , ... ... . iwiuin... v, niWMMI
- ' .. : 1 1 - u a a tt t I
j vilke
yiiic : c nri luaui. . . uu is at earu
of Congressman Ilennanc, lttended the S
i atademic departments of the nniverritv,
; the other geltiemen were .Indents in
the law school . Mesrs Hamilton and ;
Warren were members of the junior law j
class, acd will return to the university j
to complete the course- Messrs Smith!
and Moddock received the
degree of;
bachelor of !tw at the btte commence
ment. Mr Moddock ulo won the Cran-'
sbaw law prise, which is awarded to the j
student attaining the highest prnthtiency ;
in tne senior law class. The prize con-,
I sists of the sum of $100, to :be expended
i by the recipient m the purchase of law
doobs. Among the astiington and Lee
alumni in Oregon are L Berkley Cox and ,
nr u vx: i t, .i s. l.i i.
aa ir ttuper, oi trunrauiu, , .ouu aa (
Smith, of Astoria ; Geo E Chamberlain.
of Albany, and John Ti Stater. s
To Mexbebs of F. & B. Cos. Mr
j W'HUarn Winning, of CorvaUis, was in
J the city today ma sing orraiHettteaita for
a reunion in Albany on Sept. 26th, of old
mem tiers ot . to-, ti. S. A., Cspt st-
ers, and also of B. Co.. Capt Palmer.
All such members are requested to cor-
rearnonil with Mr Wmnme. ot I mm llm
or Willi iviensiTTi hnx ann innn rarnom.
ln(AW rt-SA TV,V
i , - , .,, - -' " "'
1 "Seville
! Died. Arthur Spaulding died at Cor-
Wednesday, aged 24 rears. He
j WM a native of Oregon, and a bright
young man, fall of prom ise, but tor
, disease that could not be overcome.
All over the United States the papers
are crying out ior oeiter roaus vttve us t
good roads. Teams and bicycles alike
need them ; both now in nearly every
state in the anion being placed on a like
footing. It is an interesting fact though,
that the fight is being matte unselfishly
principally by the bicycle men- Who
ever takes the lead, the cause is a worthy
hiloh s i -vi. : :
wtat tOl
af ApptlS
ned f.w C ia it, o.i iu. L
Dtzzaes a vi a'.l aympto-tt ot
iPcieiltsd 7 :; ntr bvtAe
The heatjrcaat coflaa in the citv at Coot ad
sf eysr a
V. ''V-Yt J
ITothinp can is salts'
in favor of the best medicine Ih the
world that may not bo said of the
most worthless. In one ease, it's
trne; in the other, it isn't; but how
can you distinguish ?
Judge by what is done. There's
only one blood-purifier that's cuar
anUcd. It's Dr. Reroe's Golden
Medical Discovery and this is what
is done -with it ; if it doesn't benefit
or cure, in every case, you gat your
money back. Isn't it likely to be
the best?
All the year round, as well at one
time as another, it cleanses and pur
ities the system. All blood-poisons
must go. For Dyspepsia, Bilious
ness, Scrofula, Salt-rheum, Tetter,
Erysipelas, or any blood-taint or dis
order, it is an unequaled remedy.
It's the cheapest, too. With this,
you pay only for the good you got
And nothing else is just as good."
It may be better fox the dealer.
But he isn't- the one-that's to ba
Strayed front any premises, near Shel
buin on June oWtii, an Iron gray boras,
dark on ths hip, holds his bead high,
lump on left bin d toot, shod in rout,
seven years od, about 15H Bands high.
Will give reaao outbid reward for hi a re
Cntlcura Cares All Skin Eruptions,
Gives Clear Complexion Free
from Pimples.
Too ranch praise cannot be said of toe Ctmcr-m
RltntDiss a I hat used then for the last year
ad a hail or so, and find them to be the grt it. tf
am ear, mood partner,
and bomor remedies of the
age. I have used a good
many eo-ralted toilet soaps,
and I find Cuncoti Boar
la tV !at I bat-e ever saaaf,
I find it far superior to all
other toilet or medicinal
soaps. It rare all fikin
eruptions, and give a clear
complexion. At for anara
pootegl would nae no other,
and (or the face either, a it
i a cure for all ptaspkes,
blackhead, eczema
ia and ail
irriutionaaad roosteeas of
the face. For after nstar
the Ccncr-su Soar awhile, it make the la
smooth sad a, and doe not give that burning
sensation which o
'fro aha CcmrtraA
tton waun ao many otoer voiwi "
tha ConccoA Barjoanaa and yon will
reeretTi that y have ever done so.
it yon have ever none ac
U taw Aveone, Bridgrport, Coas.
Eczema IO Years Cured
need Cr-rirrna with the nsost
I was trembled with eczema in
i ue torm or aai
for ten years, and bad quite
Ccncrsta. with the heir
Ccnctrs Boar end Ctmcraa KroOLyxarr,
ry n.wosel ray uisasiasr, saw asrt
iv flesh aoond ana neaitny.
JAMES T. WJLBOH, Marrcfactorrng CTi I tBlat,
street, t xon,n. I.
Crticura Remedies
m .kia cure., blood porlner.
faomor emadlr of modern ttwaea. ziolde
where, rriee, Ccnci-Ba, 5oe.; Soar, 2ie.;
1 oor-VBS", ei. prepares by toe
Pottm Dane
ao Cuexjcax CoaroaaTioa, Boston,
AW" How to Cure Bleed Uktsssses,'
ni nv'f gun and two twnifted aad
tkllDI O by ranccu Soar. Abooiately pore.
Pain Floater relieve tin
atic. Up. kidney, meat, sans
psdoa and vk
x. naws,
i 2
If vou take pills it U
eaj vou have
never tried the
S. B. WaUAt Us Lifer Citc
It works so nicely, deaastug the Liver aad
Kidneys; acts as a mud phytic without caos
iag pain or tick news, and does not stop you
from eating aad woikiag.
To try it is to become convinced,
Star Bukerj
I ( erBraada! bin ataal First Stw
rralls, t rnunt-o 1 -
Orled Ft attw.
la tact e-e.-Tti-e that
ran.:;, aral i
j AT.f.
Scieatifo AsKrrt!"
Agesicy for
vww9 Oesjcm ptejt-
j " COPY arte HTg. e.
- ... Tttr '" -
Ml XX CO- 39 BatOAOWar, Xsw It
f i OVury patcse taieo oot tr -S i,
: taasssamtrranxanaKtea
oi aasaxeai -kc
cieiitific racrifit
lasraosrt Hi ralSMusi of osu isilsaSISs t-rpe- te a
sears. looanPr ptsatrateO. So ImilnsLaa
as saysaVj bo wtt-W. i- VeetrhOBjjS C
jwav. SLSS atx ascwaaa. AdereaotTA CS
Vtre- eaaj, 3a Br .v Vort. A
J w3
Red GrownMills
lm.LaNM'ISf. rItlP.,
mew raocsas sloc a scrttatoii pot rajs ha
i insists and Booksellers
Are.u for John B, At dsn's publications,
oaieh wasell a pobUakesr'a prisssss oritji
or uo.
. J 8 Bsaaat
rtco roasdont .
. 8 Mat
Real Estate Agents
.'arose and for sale.
Also city bro party in Albert,
and Ceryallis.
Attteelosaof bus-ness, JaW litb, 132.
Loan and discount. ....... Sj0z.nA).OT
Ov.rvlran,securil and unsecured S, SOS. XI
V. . Bonds to secure ctrvntstioa. . 20,000,80
saock. seeurite. tc 1.08603
Hue front approved issoty agents S,tfiS.aS
Due from outer National Bank s.7t9.
Due from State Banks ai d beaker... S.f33S
Bai'king house, fomitut. .and tltture 15.000.00
Current expeuass and tax paid . 13BSS
Premiums on V S boots S.xSx.50
Csksanil other caah It at . . 300.52
BUaot other Banks SSti.OO
Vraetioual paper eurreuct , rdcklo and cents 00.09
Specie ;r.6tX1.00
Legal tender note 500,00
Bnasaaption fund wtut U . S. Treasurer (9ve
per cent of drcubttiou.) 900.00
lAanlUtiee i
Capital stock paid la ........ S50.0O0.00
surpiua niuu aiw vo
I ndivided proflts. 15,081.0
National Bank note ouuuutdtog '17,300,08
Individual dopcoit subjot t to check 1SS.SSI.1S
Detuand eartiftcateaof deposit 7i,105,5
Due to other National Bai Jt
Due to State Bank and b inkers .........
Total .
Stavb or Oaaaos, Coorrr or Lisa, aa :
I K W Laxaoox. Cashier of the
ed hank do aolemnly war that the abov stslsssawit
is true to the best ot my koawledg aad bsf.
S V LANGDON, Csssaaw
Sa'oecrtbed sssfewora to bciore aae this Slatday of
ixdy, 1802. a HJnphry,
(b. a) Notary PtthHc.
Coiutacv-Attea :
L. E.
a i; Yotwa,
260 & $
1w SwBwBwBwBwBB