The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 29, 1892, Image 2

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    At the coming; democratic state conven
tion to be held in Wyoming- there will be
one woman delegate, the wife of a leading
uncompromising- republican.
Gen Weaver will make five speeches in
California in August, Los Angeles, Fresno,
Watsonvillo, San Francisco and Sacra
mento A "provisional" standing army, perma
nently employed to protect a protected iron
mill, will 1 a steady campaign speech on
the blessings of high protection.
The idea that excessive tariff duties im
prove wages is one which the workingman
has extreme difficulty in grasping just now.
The solid South is solidifying under the
menace of a Force bill, while the once solid
Northwest is breaking away from Republi
canism and fusing for victory over its card
inal doctrines.
Congressman Babbitt, of Wisconsin, has
bet Congressman Page of Rhode Island a
short homed bull against a carload of
Rhode Island clams that Cleveland will
carry Illinois and Wisconsin .
Win F Harrity, of Pennsylvania, vhom
the national democratic committee hss se
lected as its chairman, is a man of great
executive ability, and, suppported by such
met? as Gorman, Sheehan, Whitney and
Croker, will conduct the campaign to a
successful conclusion.
The for bill in operation might be en
forced in the North, but its purpose would
be served sufficiently by keeping the South
solidly republican. An emergency migh
arise, however, when it would be desirable
to put the screws on in some of the northern
states." With the bill in force its repeal
would of course be an impossibility until
there sheuld be a radical change in nation
al politics.
Representative Burrows, republican, of
Michigan, says the democrats will get only
hve of the fourteen electoral votes of
'Michigan, and he also says the republicans
will gain some congressmen from the south
and taat the next house will be close . Some
of the North Carolina democratic members
eel nervous about that state. Represent
tive W L Wilson, of West Virginia, says
ma state win go democratic.
The average price of tin in 1888, and for
five years previous, was $4.45 per box. The
average price under the McKinley law is
$5.68. To show that a removal of the
duty on an article of importation reduces
the cost to the consumer, it is only necessary
to remember that the tariff on sugar was
reduced by the law of i890, and as a resul'
the price went down. High tax orators
have been careful not to tell the people this
bitter fact.
Protection to American workingmen. as
interpreted by the Republican party, is ex
hibited in all its beauties at Homestead.
Harrison protects Carnegie, and Carnegie
protects Frick, and Frick hires Pinkerton
assassins to protect the works from which
the working people are locked out, and the
working people find protection in graves
and hospitals. Republican rule has created
such monsters as Carnegie and Frick, and
aa long aa the Republicans are allowed to
remain in power there will be a continna
spawn of the same brood.
The Democratic house defeated the free
silver bill, in violation of their pledges to the
people. This bill was endorsed by the
Republican senate, and it is pertinent to
inquire who are the true friends of the in
terests of the wage earners.
Now while the Mtmnlaintrr does not
endorse free silver, but has frequently urged
opposition, yet it would for partisan pur
poses leave the impression that it believes
that free silver is in the interesLof wige
earners. This is a very narrow basis upon
which to build a partisan advantage.
It is reported on good authority that the
Dominion government, in the event of
Presidcr.t Harrison's enforcing the act im
posing a tax on Canadian vessels psssing
through the 'Soo" canal, will pass an
order in council Imposing a tax on
vessels going through the Wellsnd
canal. This, it is claimed, will not
be any moje an evasion ol the treaty of
Washington than the threatened Ameri
can dec rees, as the United States govern
ment by the same treaty agreed 10 secure
for Csnadians on the same terms as Amer
icans the use of the "Soo" canal, as that
owned by the state of Michigan.
The formal acceptance by the United
States efthe offer of Chili to pay $75,000
in gold in settement of the claims for in
demnity to the victims of the assault upon
the sailors of the Baltimore in this city was
presented yesterday to '.he counsel of state.
A. bill making an appropriation for the
payment of the indemnity will be drawn
up by the counsel and sent to congress.
Secretary Foster has Instructed Minister
Egan to press the settlement of all out
standing claims against Chili. Some of
them have been pending since 1882. The
claims aggregate several million dollars
Secretary Fostei has proposed that the
matter be settled by arbitration.
An old Umatina county democrat fur
nishes the East Oregonian with the follow
ing definition of democracy: "Democracy
is the dream of the past, the voice of the
reformer, the majesty of the mind, and the
sunsb ine of the A merican continent. Dem
ocracy is not the offspring of plenty; it
always tome up where justice i deserted;
in obscurity, where no human hand writes
its ambition. Its cradle is below the
regard of society. The coarse hands of toil
steady its infant steps, the rough voices of
labor are it childhood's music; the hard
work of life its school. Wealth is not its
father, indu'gence not its mother. This
seed of lilierty ii the twin sister of human
progress. It is the mountain ramre of the
mind, the ocean of the feelingg, the broad
est and deepest of all thai is human, the
climax of all that is divine the richest
legacy men inherit.
There is nothing that so disturbs the
leaders of the republican party in this
campaign as the effect of the party's at
titude on ths matter of force bill legisla
tion. That the party will lose thousands
of votes cn account of it admits not of a
doubt . Harrison is strongly in favor of
the force bill. When the Lodge bill was
before thi house two years ago he used
his position as president to secure its
passage through that body. He succeeded
but when the bill came up in the senate,
notwithstanding he used threats against
some senses and promises to others, yet
the bill failed. If reelected he will use all
h's patronage and power to secure its pas
sage In order that he may have the power
of appointing the officers cf election in sll
the democratic states. Every one knows
what that means. It would be a repeti
tion of "fraud, firit triumphant In Ameri
can hislirv" that cheated the neonle out ol
the election of a president as in 1876. It
Is to secure another such opportunity s
lis that Warrlson has set his whole heart
ihts iae a'Afiffaurc ui lijct iiim r ni
- naaa. .-viC a U ... S LI I S
What a
Kaelne, Wis
to Have
, Physician
Dr Robeit Andrew Kitto of Racine, Wis.,
has what he considers a sovereign remedy for
drunkenness. After many months of experi
menting he produced a compound that he was
satisfied would prove successful in all cases
where it was properly administered, and for
the last twelve months he has been treating
patients to his entire satisfaction. Whatever
may be the merits of Dr Kitto's cure the cit
izens of Racine are almost a unit in ascribing
wonderful powers to it, while fully 150 per
sons have taken it with good results. One
hundred persons in Racine alone have taken
the cure and their statements go to prove the
benefits to be derived from it.
Dr Kltto promised early in his experiments
to give the cure to the world whenever he
should be convinced that it had gotten past
the experimental stage and had become an as
sured success. He is now convinced that the
time has come when he can publish his form
ula wih such simple directions as will en
able any druggist to mix the drugs properly
and permit men wishing a cure for their
drinking habits to secure it at a minimum cost
and without interference to their labors.
"The formula which I am now able to
make public," said Dr Kitto yesterday, "is a
certain cure if the person taking ii will fol
low my directions implicitly and will make an
honest effort to stop drinking when the de
sire has gone. My treatment will not change
a man's nature nor make his system invulner
able to whisky , In other words, he may be
gin drinking after the cure has'been effected .
It will cure the disease, however, and in my
opinion dipsomania is as much a disease as
typhoid-fever or scrofula. It is not a con
tagious disease, and the man wha has it max
be responsible for much of the rigor with
which it attacks him, but the seed, tne germ
of the disease must have been in hi? system
to serve as a starting point for its ravages.
' A Kesult of Many Experiment..
"This idea has been in my mind for severa
years and my experiments were carried on be
cause of a belief in the theory . My first
compounds were crude, bnt after long and
patient research I got the cure to a point
where I felt sure of my ground . Then I be
gan the treatment of patients and my efforts
met with success from the first. Certaia
minor changes had been made but always
with a view to simplifying it. There are too
remedies really; one I use here, which in
cludes the hypodermic injection and the in
tern d remedy; the other, which can be pre
pared by any druggist with a reasonable sup
ply of drugs. The last combines the proper
ties of the two mixtures used by me in the
treatment of patients at my office and it will
prove as efficacious. This formula is as fol
lows: R.
IchthyoU Ammon Sulpho. . .2 drichcr.
Hydrastis Sulphate 1 drachm.
Tr Xux Vomic 2 drachms.
Resordne 2 drachms.
Tr Columbo( non-alcoholic). 3 ox.
Liq. Ammon. Acetate, q. s.. 3 ox.
Two teaspoonfu'.s every three hours, for
three weeks.
Directions to Druggists How to Compound
the Medicine.
The Columbo must be a non-alcoholic
tincture. Evaporate ihe alcohol, then suPPlv
cture. Evaporate ihe alcohol, then supply
the volume left by evaporation of the akohol
by an equal volume of water, otherwise an
insoluble precipitate will be had .
"I can safely say that liiis treatment il fol
lowed carefully and with a desire on thj part
of the person taking it to be cured, will prove 1
effective in ninety-nine case out of 100. It
will not interfere with one's business and his
appetite will remiin reasonably good daring
the coarse of treatment. In case of failure.
which I do not c-iunt on, the treatment will
not produce any ill effects on the person tak
ing it. The entiie cost of the treatment lor
druggists' prescription should be from $6
to $10.
Morphise or Opium Forasala.
''The formula for opium or morphine
anil frr I rtK.rrn S. the cam Th. mthrtil I
to be followed in takine th- treatment
omers s.ignriy in eacn instance, no waver, j
and in giving directiens for the cure
v :
the morphice habit I must speak to some
extent in generals terms. This prescript
ion is to be compounded as follows:
Tincture taraxicum, 2 drachms; tinctuie
terri chlor., 4 drachms; ac phosphoric
dil., 4 drachms; ac. nitro mur. dil., 4
drachms; kydraslic sulfbaU, lA drachm;
tincture tttmbui, 2 drachms; tincture cinch.,
3 oz. Directions Two teaspoonfuls
everp two to six hours for three to six
"As I said b;fore, a cast-iron set of dir
ections to accompany the morphine or
opium cure is impossible. A person who
is addicted to the morph'.ne habit will find
it impossible to stop the u.e of the drug at
once. I advise the giadual reduction pro
gress. To Care the Tobacco Habit
"For the cure of the tobacco habit the
patient need only take the prescription and
follow bis own inclination regarding the
shortening of his oaily supoly of tobac co.'
Hon S F Floed, of Roseburg, one of the
delegates to the national democratic con
vention from this state, returned today,
aniving in Portland this morning. .Mr
Floed is very confident of ''Cleve and
Steve's" election. He spent some time in
Indiana. There the republicans have
nominated a man for. governor opposed
by the labor interests, while the demo
crats have named a farmer who is very
popular and has also had much experience
in legislation. The latter will be elected
and probably carry the national ticket
with him. In Illinois the Germans are
largely In favor of the democratic nation
al ticket. Stevenson is a very popular
man, and Judge Atgeld, the democratic
nominee for governor, is already as col i
as elected. A change of 20,000 votes in I
Illinois is easily accomplised. Chicago is
more democratic than four years ago, and
its vole alone may elect Cleveland.
Mr Floed says he thinks Harrity will
make a capable manager uf the campaign,
but Whitney, he thinks, will be the real
guiding genius. Whitney was the great
man of the convention, and Cleveland is
likely to make him secretary of site.
Possibly he may want the pri sidency him
self, and hopes to succeed from the state
department to that great honor 7Ve
Northern Mexico is again confronted
with a total crop failure. Summer rains
with which the late crops might be har
vested have not come. In spots there
have been goov) rainfalls.both in Durango,
Cohuila, Chihuahua and Nuevo, but they
have been Isolated and Insufficient. For
four years consecutive crop failures are
unprecedented even In the droutly Mexico,
and a large number of inhabitants aie
confronted by grave conditions In the
best parts of Verlr the We Inr-orcrs who
j depend upon agriculture for an existence
are left without employment. Laborers
are working on the low roads in Mexico
at 50 cents per day, equal to 34 cents of
American money. Corn, their principal
article of diet, costs 41 cents per peck.
Many have laree families and they are
considered fortunate to secure employment
at any price. The same conditions pre
vail in counties of 'lexas this side of the
Rio Grande.
The Iftrald says: "Do we want a direct
tax?" It is speaking of what would have
to be done in case the tariff U abrogated .
Wc'l, no party Is proposing to abrogate
the tariff that we know of. The people's
party certainly do not for they say noth
ing about the tariff in their platform.
The democrats have made no Ruch prop
osition, hence so far as the discussion of
the question is now concerned the direct
tax method does not call for i But the
Democrat, speaking for itself, has no
hesitation in saying that a direct tax and
an income tax, levied for the purpose of
raising a revenue to defray the expenses
of tiie government, would be better In all
respects than the present method of rais
ing revenue by a protective tariff. I'nder
a protective tariff system the tax is on
what one eats or wears. The poor man Is
almost compelled to eat and wear as much
as the rich man, hence the poor man pays
as much to run the government as the
rich man. This is very unequal and un
American, It is contrary to that great
underlying fundamental principle o
"equal and exact justice to all men and
special privileges to none" that constitutes
the basic principle of our government.
We want a system of raising revenue for
the general government by which the mil
lionaires of the country, such as the
Goulds, Vanderbllts, Huntingtons and
Carnegies may be made to contribute of
their vast wealth to protect that for which
the government was instituted. The Dem
ocrat believes our government was in
stituted for the benefit of the poor as well
as the rich. There Is no reason why the
poor man with a family should be made
to contribute as much taxes to support the
government as the rich man. That poor
man, who, sawing wood to secure
the money to pay for the bread his family
ate last week is the peer of his neighbor
who owns a million. Yet our govern
ment by its tariff tax laws exacts as much
taxes from the former as the latter. An
income tax would reach the rich and com
pel them to pay something to support the
government that uses its strong arm to
protect them in their property rights. Ln-
der a direct tax men would pay taxes ac-
cording to tne amount 01 property iney
have that needs ise strong arm of the gov-
ernment to protect it, Governments are
instituted among men ,0 protect them in
their property as well as their Bscs and
liberty. A government that fails to pro -
text men in their riehU of property Is a
poor one indeed. Men should pay o sup
port the general government as they do
the state government. Then there would
Kj ,-h.-. i ,.,rf .,,
w a, i
tion among men. The present tariff
scheme of taxation is called a robber
scheme, and justly, for it makes the poor
man to pay just as much taxes as the rich.
! It is no longer of any avail for the
! Users to howl "free trade,' for
-j farmers 'tis music to tneir ears." They are
nearly a political party stands for free
trade the more popular it is with them.
l , t " " " ,
11 t 11 . m a ,
I P'Seon no.ea an inc ou pl nf toe
democratic House lor me reduction ot op
presMve tariff Uxes.
Ibis is the contemptuous answer of the
agents of Triumphant Plutocracy to the
deman i of the oeoole for relief.
"You are fools-you doo't know what
you want change your minds!" this is
j the republican reply to the popular ma-
jority of 1,300,000 against the new tariff of
w 1 ,
The people will have another chance in
November to tell the faithless and impu
dent servants what they think of the!r
The issue is simplified to this:
the will of the people be obeyed?"
,-..,., . -.. - . . - .r
I nfortunately for Weaver ami his party,
enough of bin utterances in the past are on
Lrj ia m.v. i,i. ..m. i.f.m.m.
evtT in the loutri Uiev shall become Known
and it is the duty of the southern press to j
give them wide publicity. Here are some j
choice extr.ict from speecbea made by him i
in Iowa. He denounced the democracy as !
"utterly vile and wretched," and "lost to!
all shame and decency." He said: -We
, ... J . , 1
know that its acts comprise murder, treason.
theft, arson, fraud, perjury and all crimes;
possible for an organization to connive at
Again he said : "But then what could you
expect from the poor, blind, diseased, de
crepit, dismal, damned old democratic par
ty?" And ben is another choice extract:
"Xo republican can ever, t nder any cir
cumstances, have any part or lot with the
hungry, rebellious, man hating, woman
selling gang incorporated under the name
of democracy, a name so full of stench and
poison that it should be blotted from the
vocabulary of civilized man and handed
over to barbarism that it so fitly now and
I in all the past has represented."
Oregon stands fifty-fourth iothe num
erical order of state, according to the
number of prisoners In each charged
with homicide, says the bulletin on homi
cide recently issued by the United States
census office. Oregon and Arizona have
each the same number. The population
of this state is 313 .767:0! Arizona, 59,620.
Oregon has 440 prisoners charged with
the crime of homicide and they are dis
tributed as follows: Native white native
parents, 187; one parent foreign, 10;
parents foreign, 63; one or both parents
unknown, 33; foreign born, too; nstivity
unknown. 7. Colored Negroes, 10;
Chinese 25; Indians, 5. Of the 440 prisoner-.
438 re male. The executions in
the si-vcral counth-.sof the stale during
I 1890 are as foHows-J Coos, 1 ; Grant, 2;
i Multnomah, I ; tots' 5. Of 82, 329 prison
ers in the United Stales June 1, 1&90, the
number chan ed with homicide was 7,386
or 8 97 per cer.t Of that number, 6,958
were ir.en, and 393 were women. As to
color, 4425 were white, 2739 negroes, 94
Chinese, 1 Japanese and 92 Indians.
The Staytcn Times was taken to task
for mentioning the fact that Solen Yoe
man. a resident of that, place was a rela
tive of the fiend, Wilson.
larUsBAvaPs. Pensively pause; pro
found It premedito'e; patiently ponder; per
sistently publish: Parker Bios the pioneers in
placing plainly printed o'easina purchase
prices oti perfectly prepared- packages of
pure, powerful aud perpttoslly popular gro
ceries, baking powder, baked goods, etc, pro
viding peuple, perceiving propitious proi
pect, purchase promptly. Prudent persons
pay proprietor punctually, perpetuating
peace .
tmj and see that beautiful Exposition
ruby glass r- at J. Gradwbol'a bazaar.
Ne WoKitfEH.
First Cook ? !!? ?
Second Ditto X H 1 ! ! ! I
What was it ail shout. Why just overs
conk stove that wonld'nt took. poor stoves
are an abomination. It pays to get the best.
Then there wi!l be more iu lifo worth living
for. Matthews & Washburn, of this city,
are fortunate in having in stouk the very
best manufactured. They oonld give tnati
mouialK that would c mvioce any one Cll
scd no their stuek of stovss, tinware, bsrd
waie, itc.
Laoies Oxfobds. 1 now have a com
plete line ifinpirg in price frcm Si. 25 to
$4.50 a pair. Good value and svery pair
warranted. Samukl Young.
Order at onn sow
ava so lee.
.' New Crashed
S BrowneLl,
lt bas no' equal
Senator Dolph will arrive In Oregon in
September and will take an active part in
the fall campaign, so says an exchange.
Several sleek bilks are doing the valley,
a hair restorer, etc. Look out for them
for they ere here today and gone tomor
row. Salem papers are very proud of the
Marlon county horse Holmdcl, and with
reason. Ilelco, a Linn county horse is at
least pretty close 10 llolmdel's heels.
Speaking of the race an Anaconda paper
says : The third heat was another contest
of giants, with another grand stand finish.
The feature of this and the succeeding
heats was the trotting of Delco, ho, get
ting the worst of both starts, finished a
good third .
The Gaxette of Corvallis says: In giv
ing the list of improvements last week
the Leader neglected to make mention of
the building M L Dorrls Is fitting up for
rent on Fifth and Adams streets. Folding
doors have been placed between the rpac
lous pat lore and the walls of the rooms
and hallways have been handsomely
decorated, and the floors covered with
elegant carpets. When the improvements
are completed this will be one of the
neatest residences in the city.
A water velocipede has been invented j
by Will Raymonc, a Clatsap county boy. j
It Is made of zinc. It has double wheels 1
on each side with a seat between. It is
propelled wltn a crank like a hand velo-
clpede . Mr Raymond has his model and
ha. applied for a patent. E R Ha wen has
just completed one of the velocipedes for
just completed one of the velocipedes
, Mr Raymond, and It will be tested In
! Young's bay in few days. It is believed
! that a speed of 11 miles an hour can be
obtained. It can not be upret, and Its
j occupant is absolutely safe on the water.
A cleverly disguised lottery adv
ed, "The Lottery Obeys the Law,
pears in today's Oregon ian.
' P-
It is claimed that the new half dollars j
are very brittle and will break if hit a
bard rap. Will some one beside an
editor try it.
. ... .
An Alhativ man aava there ia on v one
j way to build' a fish ladder at Oregon 'd ty
i that will last, and that ia to make it
directly in Uie rocks. Anything else
; wi'.l wash out.
j Cleveland is the youngest of the presi-
1 denUal candidates. Me is ao years old.
j mmB and he ia the ?ouK iD8 4ndi!
1 date-
. . . . a. ' n. . ..
' R , Holman and
; across the bridge today to Benton county
a Russell A Co traction engine and 33
i inch separator, the first to cross the
u,: j TI,o,. ,
. g Sox.
Mars ia now in hie glory. About 9
i o'clock a bright red star will be seen at
. the horuizon in the south east. That is
Mars, now about the closest to the earth
11 ever gets, w.ww.uw mues approxi
j mately.
j T,ie Eagene pabIi,hihg u,,
names of violators of the came law. two
voung men being mentioned who had
been killing grouse and pheasants little
more man leavnerea out- me law is as
flagrantly violated here, and our gun
clob8 ataSlM see LbSU game is protected
i in tne Close season, or were won 1 oe
j nv 8oe 10 protect in a few years.
A hobo named Mct ull, who is Confined
! ,n the city jail, attempted
to create a
aan mm tiAn t a v VkV 1 1 n inn r Vla iia-iBr
J ing A doctor" was summoned, but was
j unable to find there was anything the
matter with him. He was given a drink
1 '.. but claimed to be una we to
lewmllowit. A dnnk of whisky, how-
ever, found its way down in good shape.
Marion Democrat.
' A peculiar case comes from Princeton,
, Kr- John Wilson and wife, prominent
' H1? OI coamy, nave pom
been lying very low with consumption.
I On Friday. July 22. Mrs Wdeon died.
i WBen the news was carried to Mr v 11-
i n bl ot oat of bed, shaved himself ,
ate a hearty dinner and said he felt
! better, but would die before noon the
next dy , He stopped the sexton (rotn
diawine his wifes srave. telli him that
. .T-iJ 7,a v. it ..
would be buried with bis wife. The !
next day he died at the hour predicted, j
ea UUUUIC KlaaVC MUUIU SVJ 4 etuevj asw lit '
"u WM m,u " ",c
"ln3 Tve'
?Dt..R w mpany nas , been
closed by attachments, the liabilities
reachin 9.000. The assets are light,
and the legitimate creditors will set hut
a small percentage of the claims. The
Ann never had innch enterprise ; adver
tised little or none, and therefore
couldn't expect to succeed. Portland,
A Nebraska man who was swindled by
"green roods men," bavins tried to bov
I counterfeit money, has been arrested
j and will be tried on the charge of "at
j tempting to procure unlawful counter-
feit money."
Win Raymond, who took up Tany
Point. Astoria, iu 1840, and afterwards
got a U S patent for it under the Oregon
donation law, saya the Indian name for
it was "Noeks to-C," meaning "The
The so-called state Chautauqua assem
bly convenes at Gearhart part August
1st. A good program ia provided. At
present it see res to be somewhat of a
Portland affair, a summer resort institu
tion, with not many Chautauqua read
ers in it; but it bas live men at the
head of it, and promises to develop into
a good thing. The Chautauqua move
ment stands at the head ol all such edu
cational extension efforts, and deserves
the support of all lovers of education.
One of Robinson's circus men, speak
ing of the poor houses which greet them
in eastern Oregon and Washington says:
"I can't understand it. Are the people
toeing interest in the entertainments?
Surely it is not on account of the money
market or the crops. Why crops! I
hear people howling about the shortage
of thair crops. Bless vou, if Ohio, Indi
ana and Illinois farmers could get such
crops as I have seen in eastern Washing
ton and Oregon this year they would
soon think of going into luxuriant re
tirement. The producers here must
have very extravagant ideas alwtit the
fecundity of the soil." Guard.
Whst Daly Kays.
Dallas, O', July 23. Hon J J Daly,
returned today from a t o month's visit
through the east. Judge Daly was a dele
gate to the rational democratic eonven
tion. He has talked with a great many
leading democrats In different parts of the
country, and believes that Cleveland Is sure
to be elected.!
Stick a Pis in It ?
Yes - - - - '
Or a knife; snd, perchance, even a ten
penny nail . Keep it in your mind at all
events, we inesn tha fset that the plsee to
(et the lest grocerie. sod the ireshest pro
'nce and fruit, is at Conn t Hendrioson's.
If you aro going to tha mountains or coast
they in supply you for a day or for a mouth.
They kep the best and slwsys have plenty
ou hsnd. By all mesne mske no mistake
by not calling on them before buying.
Money to Loan. I have money in
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
cottaties, at lowest current rates. Ne
delr.y in furnishing the money.
Beat estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
Your Attention is called to our line o
Pirisienne costumei,capes. jacket,blazcrs asd
reefeis, which is now complete.
They are tailor-made and guaranteed toiH.
The cloths are of the latest fabrics . f
Very truly,
Samuel E. Youmo,
1 rrrlulrally 11 ol
CoiCASO, July 26. Tho numUr of cas
ualties by heat in this city surpass by far
all previous records. Besides the death of
17 people from sunstroke, 8K have been
taken jto various hospitals or their homes,
prostrated by the intense heat. Of these
several will die. The air blowing in from
the prairie was like a blast from a furnance.
The mercury got up to 96 deg. by noon and
remained there until evening. Since dark
it has cooled off but slightly. To add to
the general discomfort, some portions of the
north and west sides were during the hot
test portions of tiie day without water, the
city mains being for a time unable to sup
ply the tremendous demand put on them.
A Tramp Printer.
WonoEUTKit, Mass., July 26. The Wor
cester Telegram says: "Bergman, the an
archist, who attempted to assassinate H ('
Frick, lived here from January until about
two weeks ago. He and the woman anar
chist, Kmma Golden, conducted a small
restaurant and when she left she said he had
worK 111 hut f nrlr rm i ,-,.n
DOS! tor. She left Saturday without wivin.,
it . .. . y . 1 m
tne rent ror uio restaurant. A young artist
named Aronstamm came here with them,
and he. too left suddenly, jumping his
board bill."
A farmer Killed .
alla Walla, Wash., July 26. A
man named Clodius, living near the Coppei
mountain!!, eame to the citv this afternoon
ami reported that Andrew Hendricks was!
l.:h,i j j
iTSl ' - ', 1 ' S i . "
""Sftf? lf
ZE2AgTi& load of, woxh
Hendricks left home early
for 'the
slUU 11 IH
. ...1 ;. S.
100 buildings, occupied as factories. tore
and fimrllim J, ; , ti r
blwS -n: .e.
.;,,. ,i. . . iH ;7; i-L
iMi'wi. Si&frS
ipath. and only stopped when Uiw' waji
nothing to feed on. the houses having be -
...n... . tn. i s 1 .
ToO0 ToorT luv" euauucH al
' ' "
Auoeiale Jadtre
. W ASHixuTos, July 26. The senate bas
1 continued the nomination of UeorgeShiras. j
- ij"-- ' Pennsylvania, associate justice of j
A eaamrVabtr aii.
N i: w x owe, July 26. -The counsel for
the Dueber Watch Case Company, of Can-
! '"V - IW ".wo uamages
i ion u iwiran ui
against the American watch trust, the suit
1 being entered in the supreme court of New
1 ork county and the I nited
States district
court. The Dueber people allege that when
the company refuse to enter the trust, a
systematic boycotting of their goods began.
ana tney assert taat a conspiracy, was en
tered into to ruin that company.
Two T.aai Baracd
Oakesdalf.. Wash, July 25. What at
noon was a beautiful, thriving city, one of
the most flourishing inthePaiouse countrv.
u at this hour. p m. a mass of of smouid- j
ering ruin. At 4.0 p m today the cry of
fire was raised, and huge coiunuK of smoke
were seen to issue from the roof of the new .
International hotel, a three-story frame
building In less than 10 minutes "the en- '
tire building tv a mass of flames, which :
soon spread and two churches, four hotel
and forty stores were burned, burninir
about half of the place, causing a loss of i
Bat Citt. Mich. July 25 The greatest
oontUirration which ever visited Bay Citr ,
I stated at 2 o'clock this aftenmon in the j
: lumber nianufacturuur establikhment of
I Turner k Miller, on the wet side of Water
1 street at the foot Twenty-ninth. A lrisk
Moulhweat wind fanned the names into a
roaring con fta (Ration, and th. v awept
across Water street into the settled' district. :
spreading until alit f 1 .000.000 worth of i
; projietty was burned.
j PrrrsBrttrt. July 35. The police author-1
j ,Ues are convinced tonight that the aasas-!
nation of Kri k was an anarchit plot
f that may be as great in scope aa that for
jwW itpiw bis companions were:
hange.1. Tbev have the names of a mini- i
of in york 1 Branch. :
u.tll .,.! tW ,,. .hAiWn,!
j impllaltl, and teWrams hare been
uattftWikM anaeJ a nnn,w t I
.n 'i.uJT .
i ucv
A Bast Mas
CoLvtLLK. Wash. July 25. John Con
don. John Miller and James Murphy vera
arrested on a charge of grand larceny, and
.ro.kl.1 1.,1. aorsvi ...i..-
.u j Z .-vv "
as the deputy sheriff was bnngin? the
- ur
'""rwrK; "ne w m-
snaaawFi aa . a - " IV)' n ,i't Oil - (
again on the wrist. The first blow ten
th-mi him insensible. The other guards
tJheTwrr1 MillCT snd inned him of
the l.atchet.
steal Waal Them j
Timvi V.k Irnht r. P.,II Sftntti
persons met in mass meeting this evening
for the purpose of their sentiments in
reference to the admission of Chinese uier- j
chants to do business here in connection '
with the recently established steamship
line to China. After speeches on both sides,
during which those who favored the mer
chant Chinese were shouted down by the
unruly element in the anti-Chinese "side,
resolutions were adopted opposing tho en
trance of Chinese, either merchants or la
borers. et Weather
CsTJCaoo, July 25. Six
1 i
deaths from
neat prostration is the record ror today in
this city, bringing the total number since
M . , I
Saturday ni jht up to 14. Up to this even- 1
ing at least :D prostrations were reported to
th,- police today, and there are undoubted!
many more after this sultry night. The !
day opened at H0 degrees shortly after sun-1
rise, and from that the mercury "went to 94 i
this afternoon
Frirb Skat.
Pittsburg, July 24. At two o'clock
Saturday afternoon" H C Frick, manager
of the 1 .-trngle Company, was shot by a
man, nsnitd Alexander Bergman, an an
archist. The msri cstne Into Frlck's office
and fired without warning. It is not
known now dangerously Frick is wounded :
he is conscious and able to talk. Th.
nan was arrested.
II C Frick slept well during the night
snd rested all day. A curious think was
that another cut was discovered today
which was missed in the examination yes-
da. It is In the left leg just below the
calf, and almost severe.! the tendrons. lie
complained of a pain In the leg, but the
attendants imsglned it wss of the other
wounds he spoke.
A Very Hot Wave.
Chicago, July 24. The hot wave still
prevails in this vicinity. Twenty-five
piostrations, with two desths, are the offi
cial record for today, and there is no ap
parent prospect of a cool spell very quick
ly. Dispatches to the Associated Press
from various points in the middle states
repert the hot wave general, and state that
there Is considerable suffering at Detrlot.
It was hotter there today than it has been
for the past five years. "At St Paul tlu-te
were two fatal prostrations. At Jefft-rson-vllle
there were a dozen prostrations with
two fatalities.
A Wisconsin town Bnrned.
Ashland, Wis, July 24. The entire
business district and many residences in
the r.ew town of Ironriver, on the North
ern Pacific line, have been destroyed by
fire, the loss being fully $100,000. Five
hundred people are sleeping In cars fur
nished by the railroad. Details cannot be
abtained, as telegraphic communications
Is Interrupted by the burning of the offices.
Imprisoned Laborera,
Hombstead, July 24. Four of the non
union men shut up In the mlil enclosure
made their escape today Into town, where
they were taken before the advisory com
mittee. According to their testimony, the
total number of men inside the mills Is on
ly 100. They assert they did not under
stand they were to be shut up from the
world, and that more will desert tonight
supoosed that in coming down the Coppei', m r'fwrn -ont nUe,i coo.
mountain, the brake broke and threw Urn &55?25S fef pTUi?i ; . - B,ghU
to the ground. The wheels passed over hi P'r e hsUs ,dur,clt ,the
body, crushing him in a frightful manner ,n,dd!? , of li'et day . U,e "P
8 ranged from 0 to SO degrees. There bas
A Deatraetlve Fire. , been more than the usual amount of
Bay Citt. Mich . Julv 26. The terrible Partly cloudy weather, and on the 21, 22
fire which started yesterday afternoon con- "V! 23 ' ocSt8ional 'boer? occurrtd-. ,
SerWeX00 iiT&ZSS ttr , Harvesting of w.nwt
In co-operation with U S weather
bureau, of the department of agriculture
office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather bul
letln, No t", season of 1892, for wcea end
ing Tuesday, July 27th.
Western Oregon Weather: The mean
temperature has been from three to
seven degrees be'ow the normal temner-
ature. which latter at this time of the
year averages 70 degrees. More than
the usual amount of cloudy weather has
prevailed. There were showers on the
21, 22 and 23 along the coast and in the
Willamette valley ; amounting to from a
trace to one-half an inch.
Crops The cool, partly cloudy weath
er and showers have been of great bene
fit to late grain, causing it to have more
growth, the heads to fill better and to
make the berry more plump. Harvest
ing of fall-sown wheat and oats is in full
progress and reports indicate that better
yields are obtained than were expected.
Threshing will begin inside of ten days
and accurate reports as to yields will
then be available.
Spring grain will hardly make more
than three-fourths of a crop, atd in a
few localities will not make that much.
The cool, murky weather has caused
the hop lice to "develope more rapidly
and greater fears than have heretofore
existed now exist relative to the prob
able security of a good crop.
The cool weather keeps the corn from
going into tassel, thus helping the ears
to form.
! w localities will not make
. T!H,p;tfto ro1? 7?ne:aiiy
to be light. Fruit will not be over one-
fourth a crop; peaches, pears and plums
! are r''e am are kc'n8 shipped to mar-
w vjs a b. . ..
3 ,Ql ' "0'"',
river vallev. Wheat is turning out from ;
TOto.SopeVcentof the average except'
I a lew localities where it is not over
! cent of the average. 'mftiiIJl! eMt4?rn
tbe i 1" rnioWand Walbiw. eonntiea
in l n i on ana wguowa counties
present appearance of the wheat crop
indicates SO per cent of an average crop, i
B S,
Observer, weather bureau and assistant
ntrector uregoi wcamcr aaieiu.
T , a r . I u. u.
wheo orchaatd
They kep jood
M W-hb7.
j grade, well made up.
TraraerV Euailaaltoa
Notice is hereby given that the regular
public examination of teachers, for Linn
oousty, will take place ia Albany, com
mencing on ivexineeaev. August l it a. at
1 o'clock, p m and eoniinae until Friday
noon. A usual ma All teachers must
poatuveiy be present at the Urns of eora
MD.mtDU as no one will be admitted
to examination who ia not so present.
Applications for Mute certifies tee and
State dtplomaa received at the above
named lime.
County School Snt.
See W F Head's lia of dreaa gocda
before boyicj a!w here
Vns vau com 10
Ooa fail to visit
The druggists They carry, a Urge and 1
L. I , j . . 11 r I
.uwi tiocK 01 oruga, parent mroirmt
etc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and prompt It attended to.
It will
Fsv you.
tl .' fla Ihe fcraaje
I hare this day made arrangements
with Knapp. Burrell & Company, of Al
bany, for their entire line of goods, in
cluding binders and twin for the sea ton
of 1892. notwithstanding all reports to
the contrary.
June 17th. 1592.
I. W. PEonrr.
Agent Linn Co. B. C
Hosier's Oi;on Mood Purifier is the
araat coawsaroe cf biliiooaixa. and liver
- - R.,- , - .
campUint l.elie: crtsa ir strerv
Sold at one dclhr a bottle fry it.
Look Ilcae a Moment. I have sons ;
of the choicest residence lots in Albany !
t . . . .-.
fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody
can ouy and own a nomeot ms own Oy
paving a small psyiue.rt down and small
paw tor. ror turther Inlormatron ca'l at
th 0.T,cr. comer and and BroadaSbiii sts
.apposite DxstcaT rfTice.
Kul K lores ,n hUck aud coa,
$1 tr pair. Sons better fcr the price
Every pxi"- warranted .
Albany Ore.
Tha Ladies Baxtar hiving sold their mil
linery department will in the (stare etlsrge
their other departments snd carry a com
plete neck of fancy gledt, and ladies atd
ehilorea'a iurnUbicgs.
Nearly sll 3nen have good hsir, though
many arc gray, sad few are bald. Ilab'a
Hair Keeewer restores the aatural olor.sad
thickens the growth of the hair.
1 Novell ies in parasols and
1 8lIBtI . vZZv
sun un-ibrellss
la Just 21 hours J. V. 8. relieves eousUpatton
and sick headaches, After It gets the system
under control an occasional doss prevents return.
We refer by permission to W. II. Martha!), U runs
wick Douse, a F.; Oee. A. Werner, Kl CstUomia
BL, 8. P.; Mrs. C. Mslvln. US Kearny St, S. P.,
aad many others whs have found relist from
constipation and sick bsadsehes. aw. Vlasent,
of 6 Terrenes Court, S. F. writes: "1 aa SS rears
ef age snd have been troublse with const! paUou
for SS years. 1 was lesantly Induesd to try Joy's
Vetetablo Sarsaraitna. I rseofsized iu It al
once an herb thst the Hsxlcsns used to giro us
ia the early eo's for bowel troubles. (I eame to
California in IBS?.) and I knew rt would help me
sod lt ha. For the arst ttmt In years I eaa sloep
wen ana my system Is regular and ia splendid
condition. The old Msxlean kerbs In this remedy
are a certain cure iu eenstlpstion and bowel
troubles" Ask for
For tha millions of consumers ol Q
It s;lves Ir. Tot t pluasure to an- A
niunow tlust he is now puttins; up a w
whtoti la ef exoeedinfly snaall slse, asa
yet retaining; all Uie vlrtassorthe V
larger ones. Onssantead purely
veuetabl. Hothalsaaof these pills A
are still Issued. The exact alse of w
Is shown Iu the bonier of tills "ad." v
J I XT LI-: K & BALI., Dentists),
Mske osancrosss, gold crowns, bridge work,
(or tssth wlthoui plates,; asd alt otasr sartauiiag te
deutuuv. OFFICE -In IVsadais iiksck.Alsaay.sV.
Will Chop all Kinds of Grain.
10 reasons why you fhould buy the Giant:
Ht. Because it is the best mill in existence.
2nd, Because it ia mads at borne.
'I? Bcus lt wH1 etiaC more grain than any other mill
4th. Because it does better work than any ether mill,
olb. Because it is no exnonae. tn won after wv... ,.,.. k.n.kt ..
Alt, Becanse it do.a not heat th
e s 0 'UUlll M IAUOI U1U1I I1U,
.saw ' i 1 S"6 ,0 msk mjre mony wi'h the Oregon Giant than with any i
1 i?k ,or,-wautofpaee;ve will (rive yon the other three reasons why you
j 4noBU' buy "n Giant if you will
3257 2nd A Ellsworth st, Albany, Or
Four - Blocks - in -
uosxi location. On the line
a mm .
prices and terms see Oregon
The Oregon Land Co.
Vim its
- -
In the Gray Block, comer Liberty and
MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Sal
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots rat $50 to f 60
acr small cash payment long tini on balant
ANTED. A place Mr rernaancnt
heme on farm, nv a steady young
A i-' aee where a" rermanem home
may be bad, one with sgea coapie pri
ter. ed, Inqaire at Democb i t otflcj.
ANTED. A com Data a;, arlrl ts do
eenersl housework. Add'v to
Mrs C J Stuart, near earner it Thir-i aid
FOR SALE One-half
good pavtr - hinluesa
interest in a
on 1st atraet
for sale at a bar. tin.
quire at this ofiW.
For par.ieuisra in-
ELT. ni'!GI3VU Ed DaviUon ia
prey red to do well diaaiBSx ia
lirat e:as iy'e. i:cmpt-y, and will soar
ante hi work.
AHany, Oregon,
toed real estat
Lost! trccey on eorx) real estate
1 mur :
1 r. snd adjeinica; ccuniies.
OR "ALE.-A set of
Kht donh'e
. j narnea. second. Ha; d.
Price f 12,5
iequire at this office.
Institute ad ter -
Xl Uses for three teacher.
F.ior ir'
I and two assistant. The Board
of "rus
t tmmm it m,.i -r,.4
at 2 p tn to hear
June Hth. Ie)9.
Secjv of Beard.
Cali -: akd -.- Have -:- Your
obuston's Patent Ee-Metcr a' F
RCKCII Slewely Store.
unOerMgtwt has been by order ot the count r
court uf Linn county, appointrd adminiatraior ot tas
waw ,w nans ativcaur. laie at Unu ooontr, Or
decauwd . All persons saving claims against said
cetato are awast reiUU7wl aud ooUftxx' 10 preeimt the
ains aim prvper vimcncrs :o Uic aJminuttrator ai
te his atssraej-a, Blackburn Jt Watson, at Albany,
OreKon, within sis month fraot the da'c tacit -i
Iiatad this 16th dav otJutv. 19S.
Itt-s, sstas a WarsoN'. Admiiasmter.
All jt for AJtuiniatiator .
Its sis 1 Ins 4t!a!ttlsar onanrnssai 1. -, . tunn
aatlaaslaa; tsf boxae of any other tram. .Vo
exctao by twcu. UETTHEUI X 1 1
Fuit ani viemBuma kor sai.k
consisting cf 40 acres, located one
mile north of Albany Land lays fine
inci is well Improved. For further in
fo mation inquire at the farm ef
Wat H Warns
Strayed from my premises, near Rbel
buin on June SOth, an iron eray horse,
dark on the hip. holds bis head high,
lump on left hind loot, shod In front,
seven years od, about I6ii hands high.
Will Rive reasonable reward for bis re
tain. You.iaK Smkltkr.
J.uet opened by the urdersigned. Wil
keep ou band different kinds of tish is
season. On First Street, opposite Ross
House. Free delivery to all parts or the
B1UTCLE FR BALE. bafety, full
ball beartnit, as good as new. Call
i aaaaassass?saasaasasss
SsaBaasV' 93ss Wm Ki?
: Sure Death toiWild
kiod'v call and examine hTmUl
' "o-
Townsend's - Addition.
of the New Motor line. For
Land Co., or S N Steele
If. Townsend.
home assce at
Slate street, branch offos fn Portlan.
a It Citcmi! Court of the State eOregm,
Wiliiaa Faber, Plaintiff,
Frank A
Bo rk hart
Berkhart, Clare-ace
and M F Bnania,
. N by y tr; se cf aa execstaoc and order of
taie daly issued Oct of the above named
esssSt in the above est tied actios to me di- ;
noted sad delivered, I will on
satsossajr, tke lath stay at asat. isvt. j
ty of Albany, Lanaeoaoty, Ores on, at the'
w ' . .u v. w , iiwitc 111 ut
boar of oo o'dook p m of said Jay sell at
pablic ancttoo for cash ia hand to Use hhs
Uddes- tha real property described ia said
execution aad order of Bale aa f oIWs towit:
B egaain t the corthweat corner of b!iek
o fifteen (15i in Haekiemaa's secosd a.ldi-
rioo to the city of Albany, in Una eoontv,
Oregca ; renntn,! thence easterly 00 the
DCrth boeadarv lute CI Said btOCS: SSSMaMSB
i&6) teet: thence soathet !v oaralX with tke
weal buoadary Hoe al said block oae hoL-
. u w sou KDtiivt ice--; ucsob wiaunj par-
sll wi'B the Berth t. undarv are cf
. block to the west boccdarv 'lice of t-A
Ibloc; there cortberiv oa the west boon
dary line of said block te Ike place cf bagin-
The proceed, ansme from the eels ot
said uronertv to be .wdied isW, Inih.n,r
meat of the cess, of sad poo Saul exeejXo.
and the original 00s U of so. t taxed t $32-50;
second, to the payment of ti: uj of $30
aa an attorney 'a fee: third, to th pajmeot
of plaintiff s claim acioaotift? to iae snrr. of
5.S3.6U, with accruing intetcat thereon st
the rate of ten per cent per ancatr ; fourth
and thereafter, if say money remsios the
wdl be paid icto said Ctrcatt Court.
Dated this 12th day f Joly, 1SSS.
Sheriff cf Linn eocnty, Oregon .
.jsrsntead saasiSa tor Btsteria. Kasiasas. Oae-
s.!iervoos Ssors'na.sadarts.sioa
Praasratioa earned by tat oae of alubei er Sobaeaa.
Waksfvlnaas, Mao Sal Diprsa vt. Ssfsaoiai el tba
anun nssauta in insaa:v 1 1st se kbib srr,
dscar so i death, Prmatu- !! Asa Bsrraonaaa.
Uaa of Powar ,n aisbarsax. ln Cuatarr Lisn aad
SpersaaiarThoaa caasad by oTar-axertion ef tba
brain, sail-abuse or assaHSBsl janca. Eaah bas
cantaios an siontas traaUaeut. tl.00 a bat, sr six
boxes tor IS. seat by asail prepaid so receipt ef ertee,
UK fat latAYa f SIX BwXKS
To euro any ease. With estb ardsr receirad br as
forsix Snxas, aonaespasJssl with ST, 09. are wtti ascd
the purchaser our written ruareatee Se refund tbe
rnouey If the treatment daea net affect a euro. Osar
anteee issued en It bv
J unaalas. (tsraxxUI stole Aeea'.
Alas ay. et ec e
m all mn of heavy
Speetal attention paid to repairix l
kinda of machinery. d
faUeras Kade on Short Roties
n500 Heward !
.ul pay tbe above sssswl fbsi anj ease of Li-rst
.t. pyapepaia. St-H Has. en. I ndiceekea. Caa
1 a Ceeaveaeas ws nsn,i euro wita teest
t e UverPtila, wfci: the reeMa a-asSriaUr
.i wttb. Tbey are peiely resesb:a,ane
IS s i 'a satlsf s.Uon. Suaar 1 'eassd Laiys asxsS,
Sl' ' ". K his Beware e.' eoaasarteus
id ia-- . .,, .as teeutae maaafeesared aaly by
a iotS tC wasT oiaPaay. crficseo. ilu
C H. DALRYMPLE, Manager,
ellesUees s asssfally raganUsss ef sue. or
soadsnts in U tba sallsj taarui. fn CE
L B suet's sea raster s asses
-K -TTT nnr-i !
mW.kW. mTm ajL I
WHsIl mmr SassnV .Ttr
' ""LsfiffTar'
Da a C Wast" Kssvs uts Basts TsssSMSSV.
If Imperial
the mark
Into its superior points. In stock both for
ladies and men, at Stewart & Sea's.
:- OP
Baby :-: Buggies
1 best'asse rtment ever brought to Albary
just received at
SeTivqit Sox's.
See tli' Bflggm and Get Price.
every morning this week at
C. E. Browxell's.
J. A. Comming
J r irs, Paintsi, Oils
GrlastsV Etc.,
Is now prepared to furnish!""" ffC
in quantities to suit at reason- lj JCi
able rates.
Order t oka will be found at stores of
Frank L Kenton, John Iscm and Fafker
Waeon w call for orders at
placea at Sam and 3pm daily, except
Sundays. Prompt service guaranteed.
LOST. A child's tan cctored, cordage
edge jacket .on the road leading from
j Mack l Bad's grove. The finder will
' tare the same at Vie reck' barber shop
) nd receive I beia reward.
cmrsr latjisj dr-st-
OpravsKef&t Coaries Hotel.
Bed coining and iaee certains
attended to
btareh or a specialty.
Braaeh office at Meats' barter shop.
Laindre eiescd sxerirgs at "-30 oVloek
Go to 0 W Cehh. ssmcssbsot to Psislev ft
Souh, Flics Block, for ynarj priatiBc
j mf j kiada
' txqr THE SPRINGiv Parties deerring
f tbe benentaorthe magsnassxtJaeahh
. rino uta anrlnra ",r-u,l nn H uMi
nf th Sinttmm river, shnataaaslla
j above 'heiaoch known as Dutch George's,
- ait mseoy uitscan o t-aoifi as use xuien
George ranch, where an abundance of
garden vegetables good limtthy hay asd
ane pasture may be had at very moder
ate prices No toll need be pan, as it is
1,04 aereaaary to pass threw the toll
Ke to ootain an ine sovaniaeaa 01 taw
i 1
j m,r..m a. r- a."-
1 SHtnlrr O CnLtl
a tie Circuit Cesrt of
fm Lima nes'r.
Im State Ore ,
Ruben Davis. P aintifT,
J A Archibald and esaie
Archibald, his wUe,Dsferdnts.
ly by virtue ot a writ of execution and
order of aale duly issued oat of the above
named court. its tbe above entitled action,
so ase airecxea ana eMavereo, 1 win on
Mlsrdii . tke 13th day ef Aaaast. ISS-!
at tbe front door of the Court House, in
tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oresrou,
at the hour of oue o'clock p m of sad dav,
sell at pablic auction for cash in hand to
tbe highest bidder the real property
described in said execution and order of
sale as follows towit; ail of block four ft)
in Wassom's addition to the town of
Lebanon, in Lian county, Oregon, as the
same is markec, numbered and described
on tne maps, p sis and surveys of said
town and additions now on file and of
record in the office ef the county recorder
cl said county. The proceeds arising
from sucn sate co be applied first to tbe
payment of the co-its aad disbursements
of this suit, taxed at 9S0. and the costs
of and upon st ch sale and the sum of
$100 attorney's fees; second, to the pay
ment ot plaintiff's claim amouuting to
the anm of ISoO with interea. thereon at
the rate of ten per cent per annnm from
tbe 12th day of November ,1S99, and third,
the overplus if any tl ere be paid oyer to
the said defendants, Bessie Archibald
an ! J A Archibald.
Dated this 12th day of July, 183.
Sheriff of TJnn county, Oregon.
J.l denagnod bas assa app
of the estate ef John Orishani,
basB appointed sjamistratfij
. aa jtt-ids
rs-i'4io to
has I ng ejauns ajratnss asm 1
BBS mem, wun tae
tn tae proper i-oaeaers. sad prop,
the mi ears-Bid BttBiiaissrstfix. at
SSS J Chaihea, in Atbanr. L Ita
rrly drifted, to las
the ottk-e of Jaiuas
county, Oregoa, within six months truss the data
Hated the i-tth Jar of June. 1894.
aas s J Cw.vat.Tos, Administratrix,
Attorney tor Adstr.
dersty ned ass bsea duly appointed by the couiut
eoart at Una ooaosy, Jfeayon, adasinistrator
et tae sstsw of S B fW, d.rosaadT late
of Linn coBBty, Orosoo. All pel son) Wis,
ttsima aeainst said eat tie are hereby noised to pnf
sent Um prooerly 1 ariasil to tee tiiasiasisiisil sjt
Linn county. Oraeon, ir to Weatherfonl & Cbaasasi
hin, attorneys, at Albi ny,Orson, within six months
bom Otis date.
JsweSBa, IS.
Next sesaion bHgbw on Monday, the
19th dsy of Septeir ber, 18951.
Tuition, free.
Font Courses: Classical, Scientific,
Literary and a short English Course, in
which there is no Latin. Greek. French
or German Th English ia pre-emin
eutly a Business C tune. Far catalogues
or other information,
Address, J W Johnson.
Unit k k