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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1892)
Advance of the Pipe Brigade. Retreat of the Cigar Cohorts. Yes the Pipe is coming to the front as never before. The high price of good cigars is helping drive ihem out of use. Millions of smokers use Biackwell's Durham Smoking Tobacco. ; I ic most popular Brand in the market. Smoked for overtwenty c ; ; n its Same is still growing Quality always the same. SI ACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM, N. C WE AT H EKrO RD A CHAHBEKLA1N, Attarnsys at tw. Will practice In all courts of the (tat. Special attention rtvan t matters in probata awl to collections. OFFlCK-!n the Flinn Block. yffV BILVKI, Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Chancery, Uellee tfeaa mads or. all petals. Leans nerrotlaied on rable terms. Albany, Orefon. E, W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law. and Ifotarv Will practice In all theoenrts of this stats Special attention riven to eoOnoSionaaod matters In prsaite Upstair Masen-Twedale Block Albaav. Ojo t. t n. ii stall r. ulCRBCRS ek WATSOST. all leral matters will recsire p romp attention. OSI ir. Old Fellow's Temple. Alba ny, O jJO JIT AM TK H&CKLKMAN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J J- WHITNEY, . Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. TAMES J. CHARLTON, AtterneT-at-Law. All Isfal bu liana attended to proaaptiT: FUNK'S Block, Alswny, On D"J I.. HILL. Ihydoian and Sareon. OFFICE Oernes Ferry etreeta, Albany, Oregon. D ai. n vs ro a d ivis. rVraiciane an Sarreoo t. OFFIOB -Tor.ier eeond sad B. .Malbtn streets Albanr, Or, Calls promptly Ml lied in city and country . c V. CHAMBBBLtlff . M. ., Bemoopatljist. OTSpecUist In diseases of the Eye. Twenty years' experience OiB je hours 7 Vn n mf I a t p m. and o u ( evening. Albans, Orejau. B ark or Stcio, CIO, ORKGOW. . J S alaaaai iwrr (trans O S Mar flea- LINK CO NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY. OStBSOSI. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. sadant L COWAX, e-rYessdent . . . J H RALSTON. at Cashier O & ARCHIBOLf) n aacroas, J L Cowan, J M anrtmn, W 8 i. add, W U .J ,!.ra. 1 A Cm word iS O A Arch fKAKB ACTS n coSMtml bnaklns; business . OKA W SXOB1 DRAFTS on Hew York, all ?rtls Oreiron. jOAH NOlTBT on approved security Bin. kite aepeatts ranieet sIMST NATIONAL I.AIfM, Or ALBANY, OBJSOOSs, jfa L FLIXN - 8, K.YOOHO K. W. LAKODOS rSAMACTS A GENERAL banking YrjanesB. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. BOUT KXCIIAXOK and U) Tnphie transfer, sold Near York, San Franciscw, Chicago and P-itlnnd "wLtonON? S1ADS on favorable Verms. si. E. Tomra E.W, La L. Fuss L R Bun EswaAB f . Sox. J W. CUIC:K efc CO..B AHKEBS Or ALBANY, OREGON, TRANSACT a (rental Bsakinr eastu L-RAW SIGHT I)RFT3 on New York, Ua Fran and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY oa approved security . BSCS' YE esooeita sub led to check. COLLECTIONS made on favorable ,1 ISTKKKdT paid on Urns daposiu. B ARB OF OBEGOR. ALBARY, OBBK!(. rmpitat, -I . H F MERRILL r. J L ANN ISO .. fiTWBLAIN a rene'Al banking; I bouffht and sold on all the ndndnal Sand German r. ' MSaBBnaiaaa mailt) at all aeeaasfble noints on faror- ble terms, 'uteres! allowed o.i time cepoeita. HEALTH IS WEA TH Da ICfnrt Nsavs kd Basil T.sanum, resai'iiiir in innuy I i-i t ln ; r misery, an' death, I'reaiitare Oid Afj Birreuness, 4 Powr n sithef etk, l-itunutv Losses and laUirih'ies uaused by overssrtUo of tbtf setf-abuw or oor in l i Etth box os one month's ireatmeii!. 1.0 ) a box. or six nr. tit AR 1VTKK MX HOsKS. oanvi .ii. With v:h order received by us viui, a n imiod with ,.. we will send .irc'i r ossr written sTuaraites to ref u id the mw tM tbm tri. .Lm.'iit. not nffrti t 11 i-nr.. lin ir. W iswi"is "sai wne scsi, Albany, strewn .JAPANESE) I III Mill sswll CURE i new and Com dete Trjatmsnt, conlstlij o .itorKi.Ointinc it in CtjMU'ovilio in It v til P a wWe0ure '. . nl.l r.s- i i i I I in, :h-olc, KKtito.- B r i litir Pi!, aardiieases a 1 1 (nt's wsskioisii; Ui reat iienitt t the srsn n oith. T.i i v of a iAl:jl curs ritir.i( ai o ti 's k ills a i Kosuiry hi 'j ;ft T lis n u jrbniii kniwi tifiil. Iloi'bic .- by mail. " ir s itir frsn . i s ti-r 's'e dm wntujn truiraotes is pui.iviiv .- 1 1 to rmfiimi 1 .1. ,n,,.i if . . 1 . . 1 . Bains, Ornxzisc, Mole A(ca(. Albany, WrCfOB 4CAOEMY OF- of P.irpiaa! Hs :;. to paraauls sun umlireJias BEAIiSMEBIT PILLS? NO!! If you take pills it is Because you have never tried the S. R. Headache and Liver Core It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver and Kidneys; acis as a mild physic without caus ing pain or sickness, and does not stop yon from eating and working. To try it is to become convinced, Trade sappltrd by FOSIll Y 1M 4SQN OR 8AND ELECTRIC BELT WITH ELECT80- ksACMETIC SUSPERSOBY. WmBsi is rsnlttni fram r taciMT.nsa. estoty. siess ut MeeAsr slslass. lease easavlaassasje, ssaulaa. siswal HlaasKa. n Ttli slslilsl IslsiTTntliM IfSsiMielniii sM eiasrs. and sir, snrrant tans is tnsssnsty fsHbysae wsarse er we sstf stt ,. and nan sat ailsf saeansTe siississ sr ae any. Taoasaads asrs area earS St Uls war selene InsnMssa slier aU eshar iwinii (alias. aaS as ties Sulnes el teeslwsalils In tals aa nary ssaes aleea aremsrfai laraosis) autTau arariasonT. ta. pUMkNimr rfM -sa KtiTJU wm 1U BELTS InlU sad stnarsee Mrsneta W ABUITaXB laaw una Days, t ill "ir ir 1 ill raaiillils. ssslllt. sseaii. baa. lUna No. ITS First St.. PORTLAND. ORE. EAST AND SOUTH, -VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily i rnoa jilt 1, 1S84, I North 7:00. d. I Lt 103 r n I Lv 8:10 A a j Ar Portland Ar ! 7:S5 AH Albany San Francisco Lv ( :S a Lv7Srn Abave trains stop only at killowins: stations north M Koeenurg. Bant toruanu, oresroo Citr, VI. ad ourn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Sbodd, Haiaey Har riabnrf , junction City, Lrrinr, Eocene. aosncas mail, batlt 830 a J Lt IKfirsfLv 5:ir I Ar Portland Albany AH 4-yj'i Lt I Roaebur; Lv i TiOOia LATEST MTE,ITS IssTROYEMENTL wmsnrs Wlshent llsdbsns dT ss seaaat heesllie, dralea. Ininisim Smm. Imanaar. OwailUw. kienes. Its ALaan-r local d&ilt axcarT Snui) &M r n I Lv Portland Ar i 19 SO a B ay I m Ar Albary Lv tM a a lbbasob aaxscu l)r a Lv Albany o.rl IO JIsb z l9raAr Lehanon Lv j Mia $:3CaLT Albany Art Wfi o iSaaiAr Lebanon Lt I 2:3) r a l-r Lv Albany Ar 1 !:'-r a 25 a a I Ar Lebanon Lt I 130 r 8.-00 a n Lv Albnay Ar 75 r a 8:K a a Ar Lebanon Lv 6:39 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, SECOND-CLASS SLEEP! MS C For a ccsrnnnnsslntlnw nf Paaaentwrs. hold lag aecaad'lasa llrkcl attarfcrd In Ex press Trains v Tel aide Bl vision. BtSTWBaV rwRTllstt AB lOBVULIH, Van, ! daii 7 (Except Suaoay, 7;S0 a a I Lv Portland Art 6:30 r a li:10 r a J Ar Corvsula La 1 12:66 rm axraaws tbais dailt (Excjpt Sunday. tllllrs I Lt Portland AH M A a 7:16 pi I Ar McMlnovUU Ly I 8.4S a a Throp;ii TiclietH all points EAST. AND SOUTH roi Id:, iuformatioi regarding rate, maps, e on Company A (rent at Ai'iany U. KOSSLSB E P.RCMiERS, tfanasmr Ass't O. T. and P. Asr Portlaad, Oregon. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Raitrodd, T. S slouc. Receiver. 0 OrB&.yn Devalopmant; Po'8 Steamers, Short IAn to C'aliCwrHla. Pirat-alaar tb rough paHsenKr and 'reit'ht Une xVein Portland and all points id ttie Willamette Valloy to rn1 frrsin San 'raDclaco. ObI. Roata makf oloae connectloo at Allian with trains of th Oregon Paclfl Kail roar! TIMEHCIIKimLR. except Sundays) sits Albany 12:21 r. m, . L -ivc YaUinav ir0i, '.rave Corvsllis I:n3 r, m . Leave Corvallia,ll:3f.A,a arrl Vaqulna, Iran r. a. (Arrive Albany, 11:18 a. M O. dt O. trainM connect at Albany and i'orvallia. Tbe abovn trains connect at Vaanina with the Oregon Development Vimpany'a Line of Hteainablpe between "'equina and San Fran'ico. raoa tahiisa. iiit.astti Valley, Di:gn'sr 13th, it id 31st rxon SAB FRANCISCO Vlllsmetta Yalley, Seoember 8th ; lgth ; 27th. The Conopan- rTea tbe rigbt . 'Mtnpe nailinft datea vthout notice. St, B. Paaaengor from Portland sad VHlamette Valley points can make clow lOTtnection with tbe train of the Vaqain 'cntwBt Albany or CoryallU, and '.f de nned to San Franciaoo should arrange to rrlve at Yaaaina tbe evening hlore date fcxttnr. XdT s-asKrnurr n a Kr'lgbt ralcaalwaja Ik Lnsrest jpt information apply to A II Chapman, Freight and JOket Aeon t, Albany, !. C. Htt . O. r. ar-d P CHOICE MEATS Or All Kotos fjmwxicl: - Ac - Ba,lce- Oppoalto g ah m ear's Livery Stable, next d or to Willamette Packing Co's store. MKCLRTELANn AS A CANDIDATE. It is univrrsally agreed that the defeat of Qusy, Piatt & Co. at Minneapolis, and of the Hill- Tammany conspiracy at Chicago, wis a great gain for decent politics. It resulted in presenting two candidates personally irre proachable. The difference in the nomina tions was this, that Mr Harrison was put for ward by a convention in which a Urge num ber of his own office-holders took part, and it was not a nomination, of enthusiasm. Its significance was the maintenance of a respect able status quo. Mr Cleveland' wis a nom ination of preference and enthusiasm. It is alleged, however, that lie is not so strong a candidate a before. But this seems to us a mistake. He is a stronger candidate than ever before. Certainly none of those who were mentioned as possible candidates could have impressed the country so favorably. The republicans would have much preferred ta see Hill, or Gorman or Boies, or Gray or rainier selected, because they would have been sure that none of them commands the same respect and confidence that attend Mr Cleveland. No man after his retirement fiom the presidency ever rose more steadily in public esteem and popularity. His coarse has been simple and dipnified. Without pre sumption, as a private citizen nectssarily con spicuous, his conduct has teen modest and quiet, and as a speaker upon public occasions, even when of a party character, his tone has been th it of a patriot rather than a partisan, and he has justly felt that although identified with a party, the propriety of his position de manded of him something more than mere partisanship. He has confirmed this good impression by his courageous fidelity to his own convictions, notwithstanding that he was constantly de clared by a large part of his party to be its candidate for the next nomination. Hia silver letter was thought by democratic politicians friendly to him to be a wanton blow at his chances, like h,s tariff message. Vet, not on ly do acts of such manly honesty and courage confirm the hold of a public man upon tbe affection of his party, but these two have been of t utmost service to hU party. The mes sage made it a tariff reform party not in the air and vagucl), but positively and definitely, giving it what it had not bad since tbe war, a distinctive policy in harmony with tbe party tradition and free front all complications growing out of the war. The democratic de nunciations of reconstruction as unconstitu tional, and a general protest spins' the re publican policy of the war period, was as futile as the democratic denand for reform in gen eral with the democratic p-trty as the reform agency. Mr Cleveland would no: have been elected in 1884 except for oersonal eUssatis faction witn Mr Blaine. But the advantage of the election for his party was incalculable. His administration removed the profound distrait of the party, it was quickened by a modern progressive spirit, and it gave the party a polii y in accord with the convictions of an immense multitude of most intelligent and patriotic citizen. This policy, nevertheless, it is said, de feated tbe j-arty, in iSSS. But we are con sidering Mr C'eveland'i personal hold. It b true that laitrt reform as presented by him was defeateu in 1888. Bat th: coo sequent passage of the Mctvioley bill, and the greater general familiarly with the character and re sults of the protective system, produced tbe astonishing reaction of 1890 if the results were leas apparent in 1891, there is no ques tion of the great advance of the tariff-reform sentiment since 188S; and there is ro doubt -that largely because of his klentiucatkm with it and his constat tiy growing popularity, Mr Cleveland was tbe instinctive and enthusiastic choice of hi party as the leader in this cam paign. At no point that we can see is he a weaker candidate, bat everywhere be it stronger than in 18H4 and 1S88. He has a certain rugged honesty and plainnets of char acter and speech which give him a popularity not shajeti by any other public man. The republican papers ridicule his friends as idolters. But the feeling at which they sceer is produced by a frank in' egrlty which justifies and invite entire confi dence. He seems to us to enter upon the campaign with greater personal popularity, and with a much wider public knowledge and approval of the issues that he repre sents, than ever before. Mr Clarkaon goes so far as to say that the icpublican struggle will be "desperate." It wi'l not be settled theoretically, but practically. The individual voter will ask whether the cost of living has risen, and whether wages have risen proportionally. Fig ure and statistics may be marshalled skillfully in a clever plea. But If, when the country was young and poor, a very moderate rate of protection sufficed, why, w'.ien it is overduwt.igly rich and prosper ous, is an enormous rate necessary it is to be a campaign of education, but the facts of which tn: poorest mams conscious will be his teachers. Harper's WrrHr. Pinkerton admits that the 300 butchers he sent to Ho-nestead were lesidents of New Yoik and Chicago. If their en trance into Pennsylvania on armored barge), in uniforms and Winchester rifles and tons of ammunition, without authori ty from any peace officer in Pennsylvania was not armed invasion of that stale, what waa ii? Why should ; nybody be pun ished for hooting them down like dogs? Why Joes not an action for Treason against the people of Pennsylvania be brought against them and their aider and abetter.? Over five thousand people left New York the other day for Europe. Why didn't Mr McKinlcy think to put a plank in the republican p'atform calling for a tax of $20 a head on every American visiting Europe? Oughtn't we to patronize our own American scenery, and not wander off to Europe merely to get a few cheap suit of clothes? The present outlook for democratic suc cess in the presidential contest is quite hopef 11 1, hut all should bear in mind that it is nearly four months before election and many changes in the political field may tnke place ere that time. If protection be intended, as is claimed, to secure "American wages to American workmen," why are Its champions so given as at Homestead to supplanting American with "foreign pauper labor," even at the rifle'i mouth? F J Moffit, editor of the Oakland, Cal. Times Is In Portand. He was a delegate to ths Chicago convention. He went an anti-Cleveland man, b'ut comes back an enthusiastic Cleveland man. He says Cleveland will be elected sure. Whitney has ahoul made up his mind to accept the chairmanship of the democratic nations: committee. Gladstone wag elected to parliament In his, the Midlothian restrict, by a greatly reduced majority. The republican have established a branch headquarters at Chicago. The free coinage bill has been defeated in the hense. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Ulndiont'a Majority LosdoN, July 15. With 621 of 670 mem bers of the new house elected, interested in the elections has to a large extent subsided. The liberals may win five or 10 more seats, and is practically certain Uladstone's ma jority will be somewhere near 50. The leading subject of gossip is whether Glad stone will venture to offer a seat in his cabinet to Sir Charles Dilke. It is not be leived, however, he will take the risk of offending the religious feeling of the country. ACea ral Uunrlniln.- Skattlk, Wash July 15. -All the prin cipal Sound cities, Seattle, Tacoma, Port Townsend, New Whatcom and Fairhaven, and British Columbia cities 3t Vancouver and New Westminster have established a quarantine against Victoria. No nussen iters are allowed to go or come 'from that city, and though the steamer North Pacific carries freight to Vi?toria, it brings none away. A FtAfcs Prwhrble v a hon Kit. luario, July its. it is re ported tonight that armed union miners are in the hills around the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines, where non union men were taken this afternoon, and soldiers have been sent to dislodge them. There may be a skirmish in the hills before the miners are subdued. A nfarslerer. Saleu, Or July i5 Wilson, monster that he is, seems determined to become notorious. Af psomisinur u confession of the Scott niun'.er. having already confessed killing Mamie Walsh, he today volunteered the information that he bad killed five per sons, one of whom he drowned. He says he KiiitM win ittwme. lie used to travel with a circus as contortionist. He made no iiitemrit at suicide toslav. A full con fession of all his -rimes is promised as soon as bis head is clear. Easily is ladled Walla Walla, July 14. A wealthy farmer named Cross, living near Dayton, was swindled out of 93000 by sharpers several days ago. Two young men appear ed at Cross' hum and presented a letter of introduction from an intimate friend in Portland. They bargained for the purchase of land from Cross, and claimed to lie short of money, but had considerable gold bullion in Walla Walla, which they would give as security for tbe loan of 92000. Cross came to Walla Walla with the men and was taken where the two bars of supposed bul lion was concealed. The bullion was taken to a man named Brown, who claimed to be the United States aasayer. Cross was satis fied the bullion was good, went to the First National bank and borrowed the money, this was paid over to the sharpers, who, in company with Brown, disappeared and have not been seen since. Ctoss took the bullion to the bank to get money on it and was informed it was nothing but cop,?-. es Use atelSB Spokane, July i4. A special to the Re view just received say the Coeur d'Alene country is now in the control of the Federal authorities. The Federal boons are in camp at nearly every important point. There was a general movement of troops this morning front Cataldo under tbe com mand of Colonel Carl in. At noon today several companies from Vancouver and Fort ; Sherman arrived in Wardner and i turned -I lately went into camp. Inspector General Lunis is in comniand, with laptain Uubh aa second officer. The town is now under martial law and a proclamation to that effect has been posted in all conspicuous places. The striker hare been orderly and I quiet since the arrival of the troops. Asms hex strike. Pittsbi ico, July 14. The employes in ('arneirie's upper and lower I'nion mills in this city struck at noon, and the gas waa tamed off in the furnace:. By 3 o'clock this afbrnoon the men in all departments wUl be out and the mills abut down. The men struck because the company refused to center again with the HorDewteaadmen. This evening both Union iron plants closed down and notices were posted by the company wami ngtrespsMaers to keep off the property About 300 men are affected bv tbe strike tn the two mill. KTcrybosiy Wasu St hilar 1 . New Yom, July H.-WUllam C WTiit ney has nearly, hot not qnite. made up bis mind to be chairman of the ileinocratic national committee. Mr Cleveland has 1 requested him to act. Democrats of con sequence in several states in the union are wring him to command the campaign, and Tammany ball wants him. The national committee would elect him should be de cide to accept. i m Blare I ataa SroitSK, Wash July 14. A ma orityof the mine owners who hare been fighting the union are here. All are determined to operate their properties, and wnile no definite plan has been formed for future action, all say they will not employ any of : iur union men involved m tne present an ! fkulty. Callfy Rosebcrc. Or July 14. In the case of the state versus Arthur Wright, who killed his schoolmate. Chester Pogue, at Riddles, tbe jury today brought in a verdict of man slaughter. The Silver ami tiaeckrel Oat. Washington, July 13. The free coin age bill was defeated in the house today. The bill was opened by Catching. Speaker Crisp's lieutenant, who requested from the committee on rules a resolution to make the silver bill the special order of the day. Ex Speaker Reed, as representative of the re publicans, was on his feet instantly, and at the conclusion of the reading of the motion by the clerk moved to lay the resolution on the table. The speaker declined to recotr- nize Reed, ruling Catchings to have the j floor. Catchings yielded the floor to Chair ! man Bland, of the coinage committee, who ; offered an amendment to the resolution. ( having for its object a pathway to the amendment of the Stewart bill, to meet the alleged defects in it, and to apply the closure rule to the bill. The stiver men were less than 10 votes stronger on the direct propo sition, and the resolution, reported by the committee on rules, was defeated by 138 yeas to 154 nay, a majority against the consideration of tbe Stewart silver bill of 1892, throwing it out of the house. A Flrrre Fight , Port Towksekd, Wash July 13. News was received today by the steamship City of Topeka of a fight between white men and Indians, which occurred at Chi I cat, Alaska, JulyS, resulting in three deaths. A bitter feefinir was engendered recently when sever al Indians were discharged from the can nery. June 30, 30 Indians fired from am bush, on the fishing steamer Lillian. Sever al loads of buckshot penetrated the pilot house without fatal effect. July 4, at an Indian dance, a drunken white fisherman kicked and assaulted a squaw. Many of the Indians were intoxicated and war waa declared. Joseph Myers, of Astoria, while endeavoring to oronse the fishermen from slumber, was shot through the heart. The whites sought shelter in the cannery and opened fire, killing two Indians and wound ing several oteers. Two white men, mimes unknown, we're also wounded, one prohably fatally. Tbe Baalish Fieri Inn London, July 4. The total returns up to 2 a in Thursday show that the conserva tives elected 233; liberal-unionists 35; liber als 2i7; anti-Parnellites 42; Parnellites 7; total of liberals, including labor and Irish nationalists of both factions' 806; total op Kments of Irish home rule 268. The result of today's elections were highly encouraging to the liberal cause. The agricultural voter continued to show the utmost indifference for the feelings of the nobility and gentry. The Coear D'Aleae Traahle Wardkkb, Idaho, July 13. The miner's union has won its tight in the Coeur d'Alenes. Four hundred scabs were driven out of the country today and the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mills have been vacated by the guards and turned over to the charge of three deputy sheriffs. The armed men are dispersed and everything is quiet. The non union people left on a special train. AaOMaTernad SiMiiNiiciKui, July 18. The most des tructive tornado which ever visited this section of the country struck the residence prrtionofthe city this morning at li o'clock and completely demoralised 80 resi dences and partially ruined over a hundred more. Two persons were possibly fatally injured. A conservative estimate place's the loss in property at between ii 50,000 and 1200,000. A B01.fl BOUJILKi Twoatand I a In Hurrrsstori fi"r Tatt.eiUi A very cool affair occurred last week near Tangent, one not often duplicated. Mr Joli.i Luper and family had been to a religious service In the town, Immediately afterwards starting for borne In two wa gon?, a ssn driving one and going ahead some distance, '"hen about half a mile from a man, with a mask, pre sented a revolver to the head of the young man.and demanded his money, which only happened to be about 50 cents which was handed over; but not satisfying the robber. Leveling his revolver at young Luper' head be examined his pockets htmself, getting nothing for his pains, and then ordered him to proceeJ on his journey. Mr Luper then came up and was "stood up" In like, the robber getting only about $300. After going home Mr Luper and son returned to Tangent and notified the citizens. The man was seen on the platform, his clothes and light hair easily dittinguishlng him. Not knowing; that he might be arrested bv any one and held for an officer a constable was hunted up, but by that time the bold robber had disappeared. He was a young man, blonde complexion, about 5 feet 7 Inches, and smooth faced. The case is a very Inter esting one, and it la to be regretted the man was not captured. OKDIMM F. K9 toll. An ordinance providing for the protec tion from Injury, and for the preservation of the Steel Wagon bridge over the Wil lamette river at the northern terminus of Calapooa street in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. The people of tbe city of Albary do ordain as follows: Section i. That It shall be unlawful for any person or persons lo In any man ner injure, deface, write or print upon, or post any written or printed matter of any kind, upon the steel wagon bridge over the Willamette river at the northern terminus of Calapooia street in the city of Albany, Linn countv, Oregon, or to will fully ride or drive over said bridge at a greater speed than a walk, or to drive at i any one time more than twenty head of 1 cattle, horses, r mules, or more than 100 head of sheep over said bridge, or to drive any animal over said bridge at a speed j greater than a walk, or to ride a bicycle, tricvele, or velocipede past anv ar.imat or . L. . . 1 1 ut - ' I icsin nncii piiic ui ci miu Lt: njgt wi w i climb or be upon any part of the .atritc- . i ture of said bridge above the floor thereof. Any person who shall violate any 01 the . T,e report published in the Telegram provisions of this section shall upon con-1 0f Portland, and copied by a few ex viction '.hereof before the Recorder Court changes, that ex-Mayor De Lash u utt. of of said city be fined not less than ten : Portland, waa in the hands of the strik dollar nor more than one hundred dollar, era at Cotr d" Alene, proves to have been or b; imprisoned in the city jail not less ' canard than five day nor more than fifty day. section a This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after Its ap-: proval by the Msyor. Passed the council July 11, Approved, July 14, 189J. 189- REAL ESTATE S1LE. Isa belle Oaklev to John T Ingrain, 160 acres. 11 w 4 9 D I Mavo to Richard Mavo, 10', arres, 9 E 3 Marian Sylvester toKnoch Sylves ter, 160x64 rods, 1 1 w 1 J R gtewarteon to M J Mc! rowan, 160 acres II w 3 Geo L Rees to i C Turner, 10 acres river lot, II w 4 M A Beach to Fred Blornhart, ferry property opposite Cor vallts M J Briars et ai to M A Beach un divided of ferry franchise, etc, opposite Corvalli M M Basher to Louis Barxee, 4 8 acirs, Sodavilie 300 WW 200 1300 1400 53 Tota! 912134 As O. P. Itr.s. "the Dcmocbat pub lishes all the O. P. items it can secure, because people are interested in the sub ject, though iti unable to get original news at thit writing to suit it- Hie Mill City Gazette says: There is a bare pos- aihiiitv that the O. P. earn nan r will commence work on their extension about the 10th of September, if not before. A : tittle activity tins lau win assure more extendexl service next year. Thev are getting about through with hair pulling. hence will evidenUy show more earnest a . -a pus . m the mture, aa.Uie sncceas oi the VUSH MITT IUIUIC, aw MIV mxw uir road depends aron their completing line ,i. r..i. wav vaannnnj Stv ui nitiiniiig Miiwau 1 aa7a as Oregon to the Union Pacific. 1' ', are anxiously waiting and wishing that the iron spikes be driven as early as possible, and the car whistle be sounded away over tbe summit early next season Here is another : A rumor was spread ' on our streets this wk to the effect that the Southern Pacific had mirchased die t-'refton Pacific road, and credulous ones half believe it. bnt it is doubtless a rumor only, with no foundation what ever. H.vRRtsBiRGThe people of Hart la burg will be pleased to learn that both 1 Prof Rutherford and Mist Rote Coleman ', have been re-engaged to teacb in our j school next year. The other two teachers will probably be elected next week. . It Is to be regetted t hat another unavold- able circumstance Intervenes to delay tbe 1 progress of our water-ditch. This time it Is tbe illness of the engineer that was en 1 gaged to do the surveying. However, it j It nothing serious and he thinks he will be ! on hand in a few days and have ma'ters In I a shape so that bidders to do the excaya j tton can estimate that work . B R Holt while moving hit hogs on : Wednesday of this week, had the mlstort j une of having hi horse fall with him, j throwing him upon the side of his head . and ir.Hicting ssrlous bruise to hi head and ear. r doctor was immediately caned I and found him vomiting; blood profusely i ano in suui a uaacu luiiuuiun siuss ik waa unable to relate the drcumstanc: of the accident. However, the phytclan, during tne nignt, auccecoea in stopping tne nem crage and la using every precaution to pre- vent Inflarnation until he can determime to what extent he l Injured. Courier A Scio Accidbkt. On Tuesday even log, John Coins was engaged in elevating lumber on the warehouse at the mill, now under course ol erection, when the way ana John at - d to do so stepped rhan a ithont wr. rone caught in some lamntpil tn f rmi it nnrl i..r.iK n.a inmka, .1... sa4tss. -fl,. n. iit,ai ii tiiv mini' i iiv ii nituuuf uniu ine the rmst ts hroken dronninw tha load a distance of nine or ten feet upon him. He was crushed to the ground by it bat was taken to the house as soon as j possible and Dr Hyde summoned. Aitei a thorough examination it was lonnd that no bones were broken. Press. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY, A positive euro for Catanb, Diphtheria and Canker Month. i" i 1 BIKD. McFKRON. At his home, in South Brownsville, July 10th, 1892, Mr Andrew McFeron. Andrew A,cFeron was born Jan. 4th, 1823, in Owen county, Ky., and died in Linn county, Oregon, July 10th, ti;u.i 1 XI It ..At -A si J death is a great loss to the church and community. He leaves a companion ith whom he has lived for over 60 years. Ten children were born to them, two of whom are in the better world. Three sons and five daughters are living, and are all earnest christians- The daughters are Mrs Drs Cathey, ofWoodburn; Mrs Plummer and Mrs Mulch, of Pomeroy, Wash ; Mrs Hartford, of (Jueen City.Mo, and Mrs Robne't, of Halsav. The sons are Jessie, the youngest, who resides on the homestead near Brownsville; James, of Albany, and John, of Washington. Biownsvllle Times. Brown. On Thursday evening, July 14, 1802, in Albany, Homer C, son of Mr and Mrs J E Brown, aged 3 years. FOSTER. -On Wednesday night, July '3, 1892, at 11 o'clock, of a complication of diseases, Mrs Robert Foster, aged about 50 yem. Thus the wife follows the hus band to that unknown bourn the next day. Mrs Foster wss s slsler of Isaac, Thomas and Strauder Froman, a woman well be loved by all who knew her. 8he came to Oregon ln 1853 Four children are left, one James lying dangerously ill at the hinne place a f sw miles from Albany, MISFIT. "A Polk cotinty town hai three name Rlckreall, Dixie and La Creole. At the last meeting of the state horti cultural society the wild grape was selected as the state flower. A strange freak, as it is not representative and most people never see on. The people should appeal to the supreme or some other court. Now Is the to cu. thistles. It would be a big thing If everybody would do it. The grind iury of Multnomah county has indicted H P McCutre for larceny of some water bv tapping a water main. The case is a peculiar one. Mr McGuIre was once indicted by the Linn county grand juiy. On complaint of Agent Adair a couple of hotel runners were arrested by tviarshal Eastland for becoming too fresh about the depot . They wert given a lecture by the recorder and released. Eugene Re gister. A traveling physician was arrested Monday for piactlclng without a state certificate. He was held to appear in $50 bonds, which he deposited and retaliated by filing a complaint against a resident physician, who had the state certificate all right, but had neglected to get it recorded. Grants Haas Courier. One whistle of the locomotive means "stop;" two means "clear iHe track, wer'e coming;" three means "back up;" and four call in tbe hind brakeman. Engines otten give lour petulant, impatient whist les, whick are almost human in augges tlvencsH, and most outsiders are at a lots to know what they are for. A curious incident happened in the vicinity of Pendleton during tne fierce rain-storm of lat week, say the East Oregonian. In the afternoon, finding it impossible to work, Clarence Bailey start ed to leave the field, and taking hold of the top wire of the barb-wire fence, re ceived a shock like that from a galvanic bat'ery. There had been no lightning, and it is strange how the wire became charged with electricity. The gold excitement is spreading, and men are doing that, which if done twenty years ago working the placers on tbe Santiam and mining quartz in the mountains would have advertised our mineral resources and given employ ment to a great rcany idle men. Ad vance. A free-for-all fight was indulged in last Thursday at Brownsville between the families of Mrs Rounds and Mrs Gibter. Mrs Gilder came out considerably worsted. She had Mrs Rounds and Dan arrested for assault and battery and brought before Squire Barger rriday. Mr fusing of this place appeared (or the defendant and Mr Watson of Albany for plaintiff. Hie jury found defendant r - l. .i tr. . SUMO Ut SSWUI, SHU WUKI , . . . c iieicf no. ret learned what the sentence was. j The end Is not ret--Advance. , , . , , I Ti.A 1 k." i . 1. . ... , 1 1 d:ii ' hit 1 - is inrtuK sMiueviei Ul Dill Pinkertoc. which is just about equal to the other bill, called force. I Binger Hermann dodged the silver bill. Ilia name fails to appear in the list of those voting on it. A voting man in New Yoik forged notes amounting to f!20 in order to at- j tend the National Christian Endeavor ' Convention There arepeopU, nrro enough to lay such an act to the whole C E movement. . . . sensauoo occtirrea at langent- "orinxo arriving in a imgsry proceeoea borfe;hlP drnwn standing on I 1 1 1 aS flslTlA'Hl InVianfitnllfBTI w"awtP M Isfatrl f ' rr. .... . "ll-s,...,.; ifT the rlatiorm. Investigation re r , . , , .. . . 'J itc th,t ,he ,waf h d,T tie.! " " mutate 01 a iiouss: ot 111 1a fame to I , lhl" C!t-V- ..Thc Grant county News tats tha. M,)or Magone placed his heels against coun house door it an early hour 01 llt morning ot July 4th and Immediate: h!l ,rc "d for Chicago, intending lo i ererv step of the war, over two thousand miles, at the Mte of twentv to thirty mile per day. He reached the warm spring, twentr-sls miles, the first s day. Major is past seventy year ol age, but is heartv and wiry yet,and will reach rn : .' v. .1 . ; - 1 1 1r-.-. vhmpi mi" uig walls iv'iik iWit the anniversary ol America', discovery. October 12th. A Mibrcription .. circu- lated to raise fund tor his IrgiUmate expcn.e. while 0.1 the road. Ml. pre.- ence at tbe world', fair will ad vert if the woolv west The Statesman speaking of Miss Mc- Nell s missicnarv talk av: At the t-aaWe,a.l. - i, - . 1 -. iff ff tmLm xtVais I... n.,..-ri (mm I Afrira. w hec the tnenf msnr veara AS a missionary, addressed a large" audience, Her talk a interesting and full ot en- i tcnainment for those who feel any con- j cern In the work sf the missionaries In foreign clime. Mts McNeil is a good talker and has a happv facultv of rlothing her story in such language as" to make it highly entertaining. She Is sccompanled j on her travel by a little ie A var old tri w J . . . 1 can girl who ha been taught to j gospel hvmns Quite nicelv This irtg 1'ttle i miss irom tne dark con.lnent is to receive a thorough education. Before taking her j from her African home the missionary i bad to make cash deposit of fSo as a I guarantee of her safe return, j What queer-combinations one sees on the streets. Todav a six-footer, dressed I in tbe rough grab of a rancher and evi 1 dently just from the country, was seen walking briskly down Seventh street. ! n n'8 ftou'tlcr ho bore a large, hot verv i pWj-Joo-ing coffin, while with one ' id he grasped the handle of a big ' ssawM he grasped big! j a - - . , ! demijohn. Which. from a c pea ranees, j was well "loaded." The man attracted as much attention as a small monkey show. "That a a combination hard to beat," said a droll wag to the crowd ; a coffin and a jug ot whisky. Talk about the eternal fitness of things, will yon?" Telegram. Mr R Koehler, of the S P has just made a trip with Dr Hill, J K Weather ford and Thos Kay, to Waterloo for the purpose of investigating a plan for ex tending the road to Sweet Home. It would be a great thing for that town and intervening places, and it ia to be hoped the extension takes place; but will iL F ! 5Jft" ! nounced to be one of the finest . in the state. This magnificent plant is -apab!e of furnishing lights for not only Spring field and Eugene, but for Cottage Crave, Junction, and even Harrisburg. We shall gladly welcome the day'when work begins on the power house. One of the sights three miles from Tolman. near Ashland, is an egg-shaped lake 14 by ;i.t of a mile that has no visible outlet There is a cliff on one side.though the other is open and 100 feet from the bank, is marshy. Many deer have been killed at their rendezvous on the lake No boat has ever been on the lake and its depth has never ben sounded, though it is believed to be very deep as it has no doubt been the crater of a vol cano similar to Crater Lake. Plunder's Oregon Stood Purifier is the great conqueror of billiontucaa and liver complaint. Ksllst certain in every Sold at one dollar a bottle. Try it. Tinware, lsatalongsr Mathswa & Washburn . grade, well mad up. when p u roll tied Theyjke.p good MOMK Alb AftKOa Is THCftHDAY. Mrs E Barton, a dressmaker at Junction, has been taken to tb asylum. A 72 foot whale rnnonthe beach at 11 waco Sinday, and was captoisd. Scio and Independence will play a game of baseball next Sunday near Independence. "Oregon Eclipse," the Corvallta race horse, ir now in Chiuago and doing good work on the race track. A few days ago lbs Roseburg bare l a I olnbdefeat'd the Grants Psssolub 10 to 7. Both are amateur elahs, and the set rr, a peaks for the good material employed. The inspection of F. Co. last night by Brig. Gen. Compson showed off tb company to good advantage. F. Co. has an efficient corps cf officers and is a credit to the city. C B Well sold his ranch on "Greasv last Friday to Henry Saunders for 97,500. Tbe laud brought en an average, $20 per acre, which may bi considered a very fair price, yet it is one of the best places 00 the creek . Corvalli Time. FRIDAY. Portland has one case of small pox. Montbly(meetiog of tbe Baildiog k Loan Association tonight. M A Bea b naa sold tbe Corvalli ferry to Fred Blumgart. Wilson tried to commit aaicida yesterday by banting his brains out. Tbs World's fair has beers ordered closed on Sunday ; but liquor will be sold n tbe grounds. Bea Barker has lest bia horse again . Any one rinding a horse will do well to re turn it to him. Remember tbe entertainntect at the Pres byterian chorea tonight- Miss Huffman's reading wilt be a treat. Admireioa only 25 east. Straney & Moore ar moving into tber new stable just west of the Democbat office, probably the finest livery in the valley. A Degree if Honor branch of the A O C W ha a been organized at Mc.MinnvUle Mrs O H Irvine was elected to tue second office CofH. A darkey woman waa this week fined 930 for merely attrackine another darkey wo man witb a rasor iu tbe live city of Pendle ton. Alfrrfl Talcm rlistal mt hii Aifnn in the Santistn Mining district several daya ago. , . r . .. .. tie was aiooeat tee time, tor otner miners having gone after supplies . Nearly all women have good hair, though many are gray, and few are bald. Hail's Hair iUoewer restore the natural colot.and tbiokena the growth cf the hair Rev C P Chapman, a ptosmer cf l&4S.died at haletn yesterday at the age of 81 years, 9 months and 11 day. He had bests a minis ter in the Christian church for 56 years. A picture of the tailor arretted here for stealing a team at Marys-nil, Calif ., was scat ' the sheriff at that cit v, and by a ais patch re caived yesterday pronounced not the mas, bat a Irleott of the bora thief. Me had a! - .nsnsi uisaangco. Two game of base ball are to oe played in Albany totnos row. Oast in the morula betwiea the Yoewg Eagle and Jeff irsoos, tbe o her in the afternoon betwtwn the Col- lews dob and the Electric, both oa the ( onri House groacdi . Th boildtng that serred aa the first cant tol of Oregon territory, the tun 11 tuty frame sticctar at the aontbscsnt corner of Sixth and Mans streets, is b -ing repaiied this weak by Ins owner, H 3 Stevens. Oregon City Kote. prist. eATrariAV. o . I r - 1 afTt" " " sodawiHe. Ssody Olds, th slayer of Emd Wtbber, laws been married. German Latheran r err ice na Sunday. July 17th, 10 o'clock a in, at the WCTl" Halt, by Rev JU Meyer. Fish CosjEmiasnosv-r McDonald eat tba upper Willamette will be stocked witb trout. Thanks; bat pleas don't gte na any pick erel. No other fish gets any show in th same water. Bntterick patterns at Read's. Yon can save money h baying; of Head. lirTsAkE.: " ! l , ww Ktwsw piewe w wy rar ipwenen m f a Brow oe U s j Aahbv 4Carsw, Real Etiate, 89, Waab- gngtoa strwet, Portland. Or. Go to W Cobb. succeorU Paialey & Smi!-, Flinn P.;-i, for y.rj 4, pHattaaj i m ts a - a " tUH1 Roy ladies and hddren's sii i; ot W F Will & Starr. taV jasrwlswa. Fraits and vegetable at F E Alien ft Cx Try tsar new roasted coffees, at F E Allen fcOs. Now is the time 'lo gt your cho.-cw in some 1 of tbcsw Albany Woolen sorts at F E AIen SB Co. The beet jewelry at Will & Stark ', Great eletraoce sale for the n-xt izty days at W F Read A Go's. B. & L. A. At the meeting of the i n -, . - - . . ,"'25lnd LnJ,foc'at!0" 2?t " J1000 V 1ned to Mri M K Farrell j J.1, 'h .Itre81 'n France, and f00.1 H B 55 m?Utht 5?S ! in "J?'. Vl e,hlh cloH '. suru me 11:11111 set-tea oraerea openeo August 1st. A. plica lions . at once. may be made Frank j . r ' A Bad Bbjcak Last evening I Pt ts9eNsBsn t Ha tsn renr . i'.I at, -in .-if ff. ' i tM rsttsnon. was on i ol the front porch of Mr Patterson's resi- i ne secona sun v dence catching cherries thrown by an- other Dor irotu a tree, when in reaching 00.1 lor a cnerry ne leu on tne porch to ' the ground, a distance of about twelve leet, striking his right arm on a stone, breaking the humerus bone in a very ! serious manner, so badly that the bone I protruded through the flesh .even into the ! i-iomiiub;. arrn -lasiun sou I toy is set tne I I . I - r 1 1 r j . 1 wint,siiu aire nine iciiuw isuoing as wen ; i as can be expected- Miss HormAX's E.vtkbt alnxxxt The entertainment at the Presbyterian church last evening waa a meritorious one. Miss Maud Hoffman, of St Helens Hall, was heard in six selections- Her recita turns display culture and talent. She possesses a voice with volume and force, has a charming presence and displays a grace of manner backed by good expres sion, that go to make up the superior elocutionist, Tbe piano solo by Miss Anna Houck waa well executed. "O Restless Sea," a quartet bv Messrs st f a an - mi a a rncnara. r on mi iter, Lee ana years was a melodious affair. Mrs Chamberlain sang "Beautiful Bird Sing On," in a de- tiwhtfnl msnasr. H I Mnnl.;.. I daughter violin and piano presented springs Awakening" in au artistic manner, and Misses Eva Cowan and Bertha Ellis aang "Guard Che Bianca Luna," with fine effect. It ask Ball. A closely contested game Ol bSM ball was played this forenoon be tween the Jefferson juveniles and the Young Eagles. Both clubs had mem bers of first nines. The score was as follows: JEFFERSON. K. O. F Thompson, I 1 U Miller, 1 4 WCurl, 0 4 W Hudteaon, l 4 B Thompson, 1 1 O VanBaren, I 4 Schumacher, t 2 B Miler, 2 1 Hopkins, 0 5 MJbAXT, r. o. 3 3 O Turner, F McDonald ,2 :? 0 1 4 o S 3 S ta Turner, V Wilson, McFarlaud, Willis, Hackleman, W Dorris, K Irvine, 0 27 1127 BT INN-NOS. J efferson 0 0 1 -0 3 10 22 Albany 2 01 6 O 11 10 11 Umpire, Fred Westbrook. The Albanies went to Scio this fore noon to play the Sctos an exhibition game for the benefit of a picnic there. Ceorge of Salem was to be in the box with Collett liehiud the bat. A game of base ball was to be played this afternoon been the Electrics and college club, beginning at 4 o'clock. HILOIPd VITALIZ8R U need for C lai'.iottt 1, Lm of Dissasst and alt sy mptoms of Prioiltoi 73 JaS pic o otle. what von Appstit Dy spepsia THAT HACKING COUGH quickly cared by Shibh's'Care antes it. cart be so We gnar. "HACKMETACK." lasting and fra grantjperfame. Price 25 and ceti's. CATARRH CUR KD, betlth and swee breath secured by Skiiah ' Catarrh Remedy Pries, 50 osets . Haaal Injector free. ALBANY TAX PAYEH- Today the Recorder turned over to tbe City Marshal the assessment roll of Al bany just completed. According to it the following pay Taxes on $3,000 and over. The figures given are the net value of the property, the indebtedness in the city being taken out, and indicates a well taken assessment. For instance, the gross assessment of tbe Woolen Mill Co. is $43,000, indebtedness -27 ,060. leav mg the net taxable property as given in the list. The total assessment is not yet made out, but will be more than last year, nearly 92,000,000. Albany CWT & L Co 933.000 Albany Woolen Mills 15,950 S A Allen 3,600 Albany Farmers Co rS00 N H Allen 8,160 Vlbany Building Association 3,000 A lbany Street R R Co 5,000 Herman Arnold 3,000 Albany Ice Co. 3,.,35 Ban k of Oregon 1 7,000 J R Baltimore 4,600 Mrs Nellie O Baker 4,800 PJ Baltimore 18,395 Mrs S E Becker 3.800 (oho Briggs 3,200 L E Blain Clothing Co 15,000 LE Blain 5,570 Fred W Blumberg 8,430 sari Henrietta Brown jjuii B Brenner 5,000 First National Bank 25,000 Mrs E R Cheadle 5,950 J L Cowan a,G60 G SCoe and DBMonteitb, trustee 0,800 J A Crawford 7,700 Harper L Cranor 15,080 Estate Wm Crawford 30,000 W W Crowder 3,300 B W Cundiff 4,735 JWCusick 16,745 Geo S Coe, trustee 27,400 P Cohen 3,700 Geo E Chamberlain 4,060 Beyoe & Froman Bros 3,200 Electric Light Co 12,000 Wm Faber 3,000 John Fox 720 Fortrailler & Irving 6,000 Foshay & Mason 13,000 David Froman - 10,300 L Flinn 11,775 WHGoltra 8,280 J Gradwohl 9,630 Mrs Sarah Helmick 3,CJ A Hackleman L-... 29,885 ! Mrs Pauline Hegele . I TAT aa u 5,050 20,900 3,500 5,000 3,000 4,400 3,630 6,400 3,000 3,200 64.000 7,450 8,400 4X50 i "m "inn Geo M Hocbstedier j K. jje fJ Hard man .... "V? ,lBom " U JUUCB -.- .... A Klein Knapp, Burrell k Co Delia vV Lawrence Linn Co National Bank ! E 3 Lanning. Mrs Margaret Mady Matthews & Washburn t a rt u-ti.: 13,750 j Mitchell, Lev, is & Staver Co 4,000 Estate John Monteith 3,500 , ln& H Monteith . . ! Amelia Miller C Meyer DACEB Co O F Hall Assn j Pacific Mattress Co 450 3,100 7350 15,645 10.000 3,000 Parker Bros -i,030 njm 1L703 3-75 10,000 4.S40 3,310 has Pfeiffer Ash by Pear re W A Peterson Pfeiffer k Ker-hoff. Wm Ralston J M Balaton W F Read Richards t Phillip Earl Race Mrs Mary Salttnarsb . Santiam Lumber Co. . - G W Simpson Geo F Simpson, trust' if EFSox P W Spinas Senders A Stern burg. . . Stewart & Sox .- RSStrahan - Sugar Pine D A L Co . . E L Thompson Trites A Miller WCTweedale W I, Vance R M Wade A Co TL Wallace A Go , Martha E Warren S.709 3,100 firOOO 7,650 380 4,000 5,no0 3,350 jm 7v500 9.00P 11,(90 11. 3 500 4,720 5,250 10,635 10,900 5.000 7,73(5 Jason W heeler 4,738 Willamette V A C R R Co Sjffi5 j Mrs Marv A Wood 5,700 ! i . f i;.lvw,,i. uvt: a inn I Isjk Yonpg .-...".."! mjm j VT ww n UUU a.awa. ....... -BraaWaw Mrs.N A Yoong. Geo W Young (country) 3,600 Cowan, Ralston A Co S.000 Psuker 8roa, gTocera. F. M. French tewpe railroad tiaww Ray yoar e-roeertas of Parker Bros Fue groostias atX'oon & Hettdrosoa'a. Latest sheet Basic at Will sT. Link's, .saw cream caenas jaat tecsnvwd at CnSaTSnt at eyers C W Cobb, job printer, FUaa Black, anas first cla. work. E W Acnssoa tCn snkwdliag raoanasuitt at Portland pttess. Stewart & Sox sell the very beat rataat shears and scianors. The finest line of pocket knives ta tha city at Stewart k Sox's. j Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 Jnlnsa Joseph's. Dr M H Elba, ofaystcsaa and Call to cit 'or Meve t J I nwantry Witb hi new latkary t-onrad ! aoie to oner oia ami eantm thing rirttciaaa ia baked ewwij. SLEKPLK-S NIGHT-! male mnssrabl by that terrible coaih. SSi'.oS's Care is the rented yf for yon Baby was skat, ww gave Bar t Whan waaCaial.wssrwl far CnsrrSB. Then she weeaaa BTJss. she clan; so CilTSStn. leoshhadCTiawctshetTt2CM, A ringing noit in the ears, headache, deafness, eye, weak; obstruction of nose, dis charge falling into throat, some times profuse, watery and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, bloody and putrid ; offensive breath ; srrtell and taste impaired, and general debility. Not all of these symptoms at once. Probably only a few of them. That's Catarrh. A medicine that by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing Iiroperties has curea the most hope ess cases. One that will cure yon, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing. A medicine that doesn't simply palliate for a time, but produces perfect and per manent cures. That's Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. A cash payment of 1400, Dot by you, as you might expect, but to you, if you can't be cured. It's aa offer that's made ia good faith, to prove their medicine, bv responsiWa men, the proprietors of Dr. Sage'e Remedy. That's tbe kind of medicine to try. Doesn't, it seen, so? REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY. . - OREGON 1 scuBJfl!1 r .IBS. 3HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OffENSIVE ECZEMA Terribly. Doctors and Medi cine Useless. Cured In Four Weeks by Cattetms. J have a bey, fifteen years old, born to TlahktU, portrait enclosed, who bad the eesnsna so offensive that I could uot star la the nxxa with Has. The poor Boy sunered lemoiy. Bis feet were terribly sore, be rou Id not wear any shoes, and bad therefore to stay at home from school. When fc put on a pair of dry sir a lacs fat the morning, they would in ewe boar be eats rated witb moisture and very offensive even In tbe coldest weather. The disease began to spread over Ma body, eap peetauy Ms Beads and fingers. Tan thumbs on both MB Banes be came stiff and aa assises aa two withered sticks of wood. It wotM benseleasformetotry tolenthosqfierhie; this boy endared. I took to two dierem doctors, both gave him tot of medletne, bat all to Be one. He Krew worse. I therefore desssitwi of 1 k m , ,l One dav I saw theareat i beoetSu promised to those who would 1 nnji Cro- ctnaA kmbuibs. 1 " "- ,.- store and bought them. I most eoeteea I had bnt little faith in turn. However I need tlra aeoori inw to direettsTw, and to-day I nwy trattfoDy tw aU the world, if you wish to tmbaaw it. that mv eon la entirely eared, thank God and thank jfediaecwerer ofCrmccBJ. Ribcoibs. They cored him In Sawr weess aa sound as a sold dollar. 3 JOB HACAiiK, MaiasJB VIBaae,3r.T. ' Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood sad Skin rurl&er, internally, end CcTSSt aa, tbs great Hkin Care, swf Ctnons goAr. an eiauante Skin BeawttBerr. exlcrnally, tn stantly renew and speedily can ,frrT jj" ""J homo? nf the sain, scalp, sad Jket. ssttfelM of hair, frtm infancy to age, from pimples to saswat Sold every w hem. Price, Ctrricrna, SOe. ; 601.,. Sie. ; KBaocvnarr, ST- Frepswad by tts Pomr Ubxo ajtd Csrsnisrai. Co Am nation, Bossnn. a-" How to Ob Bkta Disease,' ftt rjagnw, J8 lUostrntsssm.SB7dlMi1tnsfsli,BssBaidfree. PUDS, blackheads, red. roBgh, chapped, and ally skin cored try tmasi soar. MUSCULAR STRAINS and pnhas, back ache, weak kidneys, -- and cheat caaa renewed by the Cl Anti-Pain Plaster. Tne Brat only pain, all .it; BSBSSK r St&mm no BUBsriTrnt.. W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE cesaW isrhni. Xawy sf tasra. vTSsTsaisaSaig sna sajothawT wsnanagpisas havwfnasat thasosa Boys' &ssVwS wJ? ZSS1! SL'l Lasdies' tt 23 wBwBwwBtwVwBw TeBweV tKttf&WWl taa. ThsstlBsBhas n rrcawSBAStoSSJSL Las T. Bwe-areof SsaliisiilisMIBsalsi sWI SeaMthV; Aswwrnr i Afsney for Twaos SAAarkx DC sct fsrcT ' TartalttrmtiomMak. 1 -c TVswilh wit wrae-Sw .au ar uu-aa hbuusbat, rtb tosu snr. EL1S?& !? T" ta sssnan. wvi evaawsaesB, lea srew ea ensrs? - -ac 'rifBtific 3kwxks let btct searsBtiae rrc. 1. -m r nhiifi m mSSifsS taa vtrti wc W Saas r .-ar-. SUM eta sasssfl s AsMrec: - "' 4 easts. aw jesiiMii, v-w - mm COLLI BUTE IISfMTE ALBANY, OREGON ISQl, 1802. A fx. 1 corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SatCTinC, LITERARY eOUMBteJAl AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses all JrtVOWi ot ntntly ttrranced to oTntademta. stanr. nun s csjssmt patina or Custi frtaaea trvar Mt hk v hm t? sU sills sa-w -anvasSwtssi. Ttsej-are ri vctaii, am-. h tn stitw isanriniisa zarwi ata.'-n'- tt eaata. Iwnis of ewsaSafCwB aJ an, rn .a cvaaias asaeHiraesrsw oaly SS jubi c w aar cxra . caucaou. 1U- Albany IRONWORKS- Manufacturwrs EAM ENGINES G ilST AND SAW VIUMACSiNElY IRON HINTS' W ALL KIN 33 OF HEAVY UNO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Special attention paM to repvri : - a. kinds of machinerr. Patterns Mads on Short Notice TWO MEN AND ONE BOY POUND DEAD!. A'hile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEY0E& FROM UN BROS Store, where the aiwa hare on hand he largest Stock sewth of Portiand, of the latest Improved Sides and ao1 'ins; " immense stock of FUfciag "tscklt of every deserptlan; Tents, Han- oc ,Camp Chairs a id thousand ofeti. Ing too numerous to mention JEa ipair Shop Ut connect n with the Ste-e, and one of the best wo men ia the State to do any and ail kind, of wor Come one Come No rouble to how aocds. "Small oral t and quick na Oik. rim stkl v a-sra 1 swsimrf d nsa -mine (sr )osrsissr7. sun 1 l iii aaant than Aatcss, aa i siansaasya S??AE TJK BaST oHOfa taa nTBsu rBB IK SBBca. A gwnniaw aw sissl Sanaa, ttstwffl sst ran. Saw snf, nsnsnaass, swT-iwSh tnasda, ftrryaae, sons aeaa- sSTBSasanspsWn iSasstht isas i sa was I sai ssTisg sbwbsI Qaawt nwWUOrtwP nawaOsatl OCnaaalBtS vtoiws'Sl fsnsnSnfanwanist sist j irtso rceaawasapa aw law tar 1 Wro'&3l!i'ltllikl... Mmm. Sntd rem isVsesaf. $300 Reward ! "TSwfji ear tawabsvee reward far ana-case of Use. -plsan.Praansi i.SI r PsaerSa.lsaTsrisii in.Cssa sasas wa caac earn wsta Wes