The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 22, 1892, Image 2

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    She tmomt
It is thought congress will adjourn about
the 25th inst.
If Mckinley had fixed up a 100 per crnl
tariff instead of his 60 per cent deal, how
many Pinkertons would Pennsylvania
have needed ?
Stevenson has gone to Gray Gables to
visit Mr Cleveland and will return with
him to New York on Wednesday when
they will be notified of their nomination at
Madison Square.
The republican campaign fund expects
an enormous increase this year. Every
workman in the country whose wages
have been increased through the Mc Kin
ley bill is going to donate one dollar.
However it may be faring with other
members of the Alliance party.Mrs Lease
ts accumulating considerable property as a
result of her missionary work. She o us
real estate in various parts of Kansas, and
also hat a printing office. 1
There aie three R's that ought to be as
fatal to Mr Harrison as three R's once
were to Mr Blaine. Raum's Rotten
Record is what they stand for. Moreover
Mr Harrison is persistently responsible for
his, whereas Burchard's alliteration was
Mr Blaine's misfortune.
Mr Richard Croker permits the use of
his name in connection with the opinion
that Cleveland is stronger among the peo
ple than Hill would have been. And
Tammany is about to make the greatest
fight of its history. Hew York is solid.
The dotibtful states are now Pennsylvania
and Kansas the two which contended for
the republican bannei inoiSSS.
The answer made by the McKinley organs
to the undeniable fact that the tariff has bred
trusts by the hundred is that there are a few
trusts whose existence is not due to the tariff.
This statement is quite true, but what bear
ing has it on the main question the trust
breeding effect of the tariff? Poisonous toad
stools grow wild, but is that p reason why
they should be cultivated in cellars like edible
mushrooms? The Standard Oil Trust is the
favorite Instance offered of an unprotected
trust. It is a good one. There it no duty
on petroleum, but the Standard Company
has nevertheless secured the prac'ical owner
ship of the American product. By means of
combination with lailroad companies this im
mensely wealthy trust is enabled to surround
itself with conditions of monopoly which give
it the control of the market. But because
we have one disease does it follow that we
should seek to afflict ourselves with a myriad
of otberc? Does the existence of the unpro
tected Standard Oil Trust justily the republi
can party in Inventing and maintaining a pro
tective tariff which does for hundreds oft rusts
what the Standard Oil Company has been
able todo foi itself? If the removal uf duties
would break the oil monopoly would it not be
wise to remove th;tn?
For every trust that is created and kept
alive by the tariff the republican party isre
ponsible. That is a self-evident proposition,
and it is not disputed by the more intelligent
republican newspapers whose concern for the
thieving privileges of tarifl-protected capital 1
less than their solicitude for the interest of the
masses cf the people. A few such newspa
pers, which ate clearheaded enough to see
that the public will not long tolerate the tow
ering McKinley duties, advocate the removal
of the tariff which protects manufacturing
trusts that are able to undeisell the unpro
tected manufacturers of England in England
Itself. Garneld foresaw wnat the result
would be of the tendency to pile op custom
A dispatch from Huntington, Indiana
N W Young, president of the amalga
mated trades and labor unions, has be
come a democrat. He said today :
I have alwavs voted the republican
ticket and worked for republican success,
but since the labor trouble was commenced
In Pennsylvania, I believe Grover Cleve
land will be elected by the largest electoral
vote ever received by any candidate."
Already the prominent members of the
three-linked order are making grand prep
aration to entertain the Sovereign . Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows in Portland which
session convenes on the 17th of September
The general committee appointed te make
arrangements for the reception of t he guests,
having had set apart tiOOO for prizes for
the Patriarchs Militant, that sum has been
apportioned as follows.
Best drilled canton. $400.
Second best drilled canton, 1200.
Third best drilled canton, $100.
For canton outside of Portland, parading
largest number chevaliers. $100.
For canton over 21 chevaliers, coming
the longest distance, $100.
For captain bringing canton front the
longest distance, $50.
A large attendance of cantons and lodges
from abroad seems to be assured, and every
thing points to the meeting of the Sover
eign Grand Lodge being cne of the moat
successful ever held.
General orders No 5 issued by Brigadier
General E II Black, commanding the grand
department of the pacific, Patriarchs Mili-
ant dated San Francisco, July 9, are as
Strikes by work-people In the country
are attributable to our tariff Is the con
densed statement of a long preamble by a
congrestnan, the other dsy,who is opposed
to our protective sys.em. Upon the same
principle those who are In favor of pro
tection, can, with equal reason , attribute
the strikes In England and Scotland as the
result of free trade WM.
Bro Alley you are wrong. Those who
favor what you see fit to call "free trade"
do not attribute the strikes of work-people
to the tariff. They refer to them as proof
that the republican theory that a protect
ive tariff secures regular employment at
good wages for work-people Is a sham and
fraud. Democrats do not believe that a
tariff lias anything to do with wages.
'J. hey believe that wages are regulated by
supply and demand for labor. They also
deny that "free trade" has any thing to do
with the strikes, if any, In England and
Scotland. One thing is sure. American
manufacturers have more troubles from
sttlkes than do English manufacturers.
The sooner American manufacturers cease
tsachlng their employes that protection
secures good wages and regular employ
ment the sooner lhv wlH begin to be rid
of troublesome strikes. It Is rot true that
a high tariff makes high wages. The claim
"The following is published for the in- is false, and American labor people are
formation and guidance of the Patriarchs fast learning that It ts false
Militant of the croud department of the
The Idaho Mines.
OsBtms, Idaho, July 19. Although the
entire country has been congratulating it
self over the supposed arrest of Peter Breen,
the report that he had been caught in Mur
ray, and brought over here Sunday, proved
to be a mistake, as he was heard of in Butte
yesierday. Four more arrests were made
here last night, two of the men being after
ward released. A prominent mine owner
said today that all underground men will
receive $3,50 per day; that experienced
miners will receive that sum while engaged
in mining, and all the car men and shovel
ers will receive $8 as heretofore, whether
they are experienced miners or not. The
miners' union is new a thing of the past in
Shoshone county. It is thought all the
miners will be running in a month with a
full complement of non-union men.
A N no i xc km knt. Having severed my
connection with the Albany nurseries, I
take this opportunity of tendering my
sincere thanks to all former patrons and
friends of the above nurseries for their
liberal patronage. I am still engaged in
the nursery business, having ocated just
across the river, in Benton county, one
hilf mile west of the Albany high steel
bridge on the Rainwater donation claim,
where 1 am growing as fine a lot of tre
as can be seen In any nurserv In the Wil
lamette Valley. Trees for sale this fail at
the nursery, alio at my tree vard In Al
bany. Awaiting your further orders, I am
Yours trtsly,
J A it VM AN.
Proprietor of the We. Side Nurseries.
bouse taxes. He favored protective duties ' mand as possible
Pacific, which comprise the departments of
California. Oregon, Washington, Utah,
Arizona. New Mexico and Nevada:
"A cantonment of this grand departmen
will be held in Portland, Or, daring the
session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge,
which will convene on the third Monday of
September of this year.
"Colonels of regiments, majors of bat
talions and captains of cantons will at once
proceed to make arrangements to report to
the brigadier-general commanding, at that
j time and place, with as many of their com-
The true rule of action between laborer
and employer is that the employer haa the
undoubted right to offer such wages as he
may deem his business to justify and the
laborer has the undoubted right to accept
or reject such offer as his judgment may
dictate. If the laborer shall reject such of
f;r then the employer has the undoubted
right to employ any other laborer without
molestation or interference from those
who rejected the offer.
According to the report of Professor I
Pratt, ctly superintendent of schools,
which is now being prepared, the whole
number of school children registered dur
ing the year was 9630, of which 7000 were
regular attendants. The number of school
children, that Is, child-en who have
reached school age, in Portland is 14,310.
Of this number the girls have just 80 ma
jority. Tacoma's school population is 6969,
or over 7000 less than Portland. The
average daily attendance there was 2648,
and Tacoma claims a population of 40,000
Therefore, ratio places Portland's popula
ion at 106,000. Telegram.
for the benefit of our manufacturers-
"But not so high as to enable them to drive
out the foreign article, enjoy a monopoly of
the trade and regulate prices as thay please."
That is precisely what the McKinley duties
now enable the trusts to do.
The organs urge thst the proper wsy to at
tack the trusts is to procure legislation for
their suppression . How much is to be ex
pected from a republican administration in
bat direction has been exemplified in the
"Captains of cantons will make the best
terms possible with the railroad companies
tor the transportation of their members, as
it is expedient for such arrangements to be
made by those headquarters. For the in
formation of cantons near San Francisco or
Sacramento, I will say that cars will be
chartered on the following terms: Fare
round trip. $32: the exclusive use of a "24-
berth car for seven days, including the stay
'n Portland, $105; for each day thereafter.
A Bad Haa, Wash, July i9. Sheriff Bar
neet this evening arrested in the city, E I
Wilson, of Central ia, on a requisition from
the governor of Kansas. Wilson is charged
with obtaining money by false pretenses.
Letters to the sheriff from Iola. Kan, say
that Wilson has three wives living in that
state, and that further charges will be ready
when he arrives there. He has served three
years in the Nebraska penitentiary for for-
Sry, but disclaims being guilty of the
urges made. Wilson has been a teamster
and organ peddler during his residence here
of two years. He has lately acquired local
notoriety by his violent speeches iu people's
The tariff was Increased In 1890 all the Wernlaa ima
way from 10 to 50 per cent. Since then Hai. ,.., ,o c.-i.
the only wages that have been increased, . rT," 7 ' "V"' u'?'
' . .. .. . . . I from luuf a dozen stacks in the Carnegie
as Go- Campbell said In Ohio last year, j m)ju today, and tonight lights are gleam
are those of the Plnkerton men and since I ing in many furnaces. A gentleman who
the well-nigh universal condemnation of ; nas been through the mills says that about
their employment at Homestead their oc
cupation in future Is likely to be less!
Wages are relatively as much higher in
this country than In the Old World under
our low tariffs as they are undei the
prtsent high tariff.
Wage are relatively higher here in
non-protected than In protected industries,
compared with Old World wages.
Wages are higher in free-trade Eng
land than in any high-tariff country ia
Europe as much higher than wages In
protectionist Germany or Spain as Amer
lean wages are higher than Eogiicb.
Wages vary as much in different states
of our union, under the same tariff law, as j
they do on the average In Great Brit sin
and the United States.
Wages are regulated by the demand for
Will Chop all Kinds of Grain.
Sine Death toiWilOats,
work. I he chief
press 'null, where
140 mechanics are at
! focus of activity is the
armour plate is bent to fit the sides or battle
ships. A ponaon was made in the presence
of visitors but the strikers sav that this is
WoUes is hereby given that the regular
pub! 10 examination of leanness, for Linn
eounty, will take plaoe In Albany, com
mencing on Wednesday. August 10th. at
1 o'cluok, p 111 and on tin as unMl Friday
noon. August Uth. All leaobere must
positively be present at the Urns ef 00m
mn.wmnt, as no one will us ad mitt ad
to tbi semination who is not so present.
Applications fer State certificates snd
Stats diplomas rscslvsd at lbs above
named time.
Coanhy Ssheol 811 pi.
Momct to Loan. I have money in
sums of $1300 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, at lowest current rates. No
delay in furnishing the money.
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
Littlsr A Ball, dentists, make no
charges for extracting teeth wt e-e they
put H artific'ai plates. You can save
money by having them do your dental
work. Office In Tweedale block, Albany,
One dollar raved i cne dollar earned .
bay yoor groceries
essh trices.
10 reasons why you should buy the Giant:
1L Because it is the best mill in existence.
2nd, Because it is msds at home.
3rd, Because it will grind more grain
4th. Because it does hotter work than any ether mill.
fitb. Because it is no expense to yon after ysu have bought it
th. Because it does not heat the grain I j grinding as other mills do.
7th. Because y.u can msks m re money with the Oregon Oisnt than with any
o'ber roil . For want of apace we will give yon the other three reason's why you
nhould buy the Oregon Giant if yon will kiod'y est) snd exsmtne the mill.
257 SndA El 1h worth t, Albany, Or
Homestead, Pa, July 19. Mr Brennan
attorney of the Amalgamated Association,
has advised the association officers to com
municate with the state department with a
view to securing the arrest iu Scotland of
Andrew Carnegie on a charge of treason in
maintaining a force of unauthorized armed
men. A good case, it is amid, can be made
against the Carnegie company.
Buy ml AdJsBraatrst Set.
the mark-Examine
perior point. In stock both for
I.IIm an4 mn mm liv,rf
feeble Aad pitiful pretended efforts of Mr j a15. i, makethe expense per
Harrison and Mi Attorney-general to prose- 1 member about $36. Those desiring to join
cute the Whisky aud Bobbin trusts. Besides, either of these parties will inform me at once
what sense is there in deliberately growing go that berths may be secured.
Washington. July iS. The ways and '
means committee of the house this morning !
adopted a resolution providing for the final every morning tbid Week
adjournment of congress the 25th. Unless j
labor and fa supply, by the cost of living J ZJZETZTS This
pi by the skill, inference and pro- meeting about compfetea the work of the
ductirenets of the workmen. j committee for this session The improb-
C. K. Brownell's.
things that ought to be cat down? Preven
tion is not only better than cure, it is infinitely
easier in the case of the tariff-created trusts.
Close doan the McKenley irrigating ditch
and the trusts will perish of them; elves Then
It will be proper to try what aggressive legal
action can do toward the suppression of the
Standard Oil and the few other trusts like it,
for which the tariff is not to blame.
The trusts have no rights, as trusts, that
any patriotic American i. bound to respect .
The McKinley tariff has raited a crop of them
that covers the continent, and every good cit
izen's vote should be cast against the political
party which has imposed thst tariff, is now
willfully defending it in the lace of its evil
fruits, and which looks 10 every '.rust ia the
republic to contribute lavishly to its campaign
fond. Examiner.
The Seattle TeUfrapk says:
"The people's party joins with the dem
ocrats in denouncing McKinleyism. Now
let it join with the democrats in burying
McKinleyism out of sight, and then con
sider other reforms."
The Telegraph is wrong. In their plat
form adopted at Omaha the people's party
said not a word in denunciation of McKin
leyism or war tariff taxes. That a Urge
majority of the rank and file of the people's
party is opposed to si I forms of protection
admits n it of a doubt. But owing to the
presence of some "nigger in the wood pile"
the leaders of the party saw fit to leave out
all mention of the matter in the platform.
A people's party man who claims to know
says it was done by design.
The last in England of the monastic
tithe-barns, the edifices In which the
medieval abbots were accustomed to
gather the tribute of those who owed them
rent and service, is In process of demoll
ion. It is the survivor of the two thst
were built st Peterborough, snd dstes
bsck to 1307. Ills s long snd narrow
structure with low walls and a massive osk
frame supporting a singularly beautiful
roof of gray stone slates. There is not a
nail in the building, stout wooden pegs
being used throughout. The historic edi
fice was bought by a builder for $5,500,
and a vain endeavor was made by local
antiquarians to have it preserved. But as
Peterborough Cathedral had just expended
$45,000 for a new and very modern marble
floor, there was no money left for senti
ment of that sort, and commerce claims
one more conquest of antiquity.
Lacomb, July 14th, 1892.
Editors Democrat:
I hear a great many democrats say they
are in favor of fusing with the people's
party this fall on presidential electors,
giving two and taking two presidential
electors. Many of the rank and file of the
people's party are in favoi of this, but I
find that the leaders of the people's party
are opposed to it. Now, in the light of the
late election if there is no fusion Harrison
will carry the slate without a doubt. If
there should be a fusion the fusionists
would win, and thus the people's party
would secure two electoral votes in Ore
gon. Now, it would seem that our, (third
party.) leaders would rather see Harrison
; have all the electors in this stste than to
secure two for ourselves and two for the
democrats. Now I am a third party man
if things are to be carried on in the good
faith, but I will not follow leaders who pur.
The parade will take place on Monday
September the 19. and ceremonies to take
place will be determined by the committee
of arrangements at Portland. In case there
should be a competive drill the schedule to
be used will be the one contained in general
orders No 4, dated September 12, 1881. As
soon as that matter is decided notice will be
given at once.
"Officers desiring hones for the parade
will at once notify these headquarters in
time to enable the committee to secure
"Chevaliers: This is the first cantonment
of this grand department, and it may be
many years before it will again be called
Warts are protected bt I 'uvt, met bj
The Homestead trouble resulted simply
from the last of a long line of refusals by
favored monopolists to divide fairly with
their workingmen the bounties secured to
them by act of congress.
The Carnegie protection should be cut
In two.
nasty or any auciitionai tana bills emerjr
ing from the ways and means committee is
increased by the fact that the republican
member of the committee are not disposed
to assist the democrats on the committee to
secure a quorum
PrBfcaMr ansrrttr.
New York, July 18. It is practically
assured that Secretary William F Harrity.
of Pennsylvania, will Wednesday be unani-
j ' i ja
'NNARMl4GTOeb5 yo'
UTANTED. A. widow
f T obtain work.
in a
Call at thU office:
lady wants to
private family.
"Owing to hard times
tor advertises thst he
same price he has been charging for sev
eral years. Where's the point?
To sjsjasjBSBI affile; iocs of women jt si BMsSBSS
aches, IihUctsUosi Bast nervous trtrobk. tmty
arise Urjeij- from iv d j.. :0cm As Joy't
Vesetahta farsBpartJi U the caiy bowel resw ;
latin prepsreaoa. yon ran are civ :t U mart
eSssSXVB than :.t otcf hna'i In la
I will aiiimi J tka rlnirm,N.kin k. - - ,. fc. - t . . . i
... . - 1 committee eiect nun
win ensr. e me 1
mosssfy sleeted chairman of the democratic
national committee. In an interview he
said be has decided not to call upon Mr
.Cleveland before the appointment of a chair
man of the national committee is maoV. He
Kor sale by
Dealers la
Albany, Oregon.
We hart
Makufieu, Or July 18. .Km aociden
happened to Mrs Mctiee at her borne in
-n. ..11 il .11 1 w I Ten-Mile vesterdav. Her dawrhtn-. Mrs K
together. 1 hope each will make a special j Osllooola .ireet east aide. Thomas, was on the point of shootiniT at a i
I " l lar. t..-L l. 1
between 7th and 8h street. Well wager ; T . 3T ,TTS
Geo SCoe doesn't keep uj his New York m15t, f l
propertv In tna, style. ; iiiS: wt'toS
j today for medical tretment and it is feared
Wast, the crazy brute, now claims to j her limb wiI hare to be amputated,
have killed six people, giving the names! . 'Ommmtm th.h
01 mem, vyil ncini unium, inuuju,
he also claimed to have killed Garfield, so MKRIDE5, Conn. July
effort to make it a success by censing for a
short season from daily business and toil,
and avail himself jf probably the best op
portunity of meeting the Sovereign Grand
Lodge on our western soil.
Lieutenant- ieceral J C Underwood,
commander of the Patriarchs Militant, will
be in command of the troops. Let us show
him that we are not behind our eastern
comrides in our devotion to him. and to
the order, by turning out in goodly number.
The Philadelphia Timet ia speaking of
the rights of employers and employes says
that the members of the Amalgamated Asso
ciation employed in Mr Carnegie's Pitts
burg steel works, where the Association
scale of wages has been accepted, decided
on Saturday to strike at once if, on notice !
and demand from them. Mr Frick refuses
j It ts safe to put him down either as a j stopped a consolidated train a few miles
' lunatic, or playing the insane ooage 1 om 01 uus aiy ism ntgni oy standing 01
me msec ana tranucVJy waving
I r ! wl the'tmp ZM
uieion c j. are a peculiar mmure: i-ie L..,. ;! ,-,$ ii-i
city o, Pendleton someone for 1'
service unperiormea 1 ne c.w, are , tumbled the tramp down an embank-5
roaming tht streets; the Canada thistles 7 , thp (rain JLwi
action is tails, direct azd effective
ssnsesef letter iroc sratefal ctsav.
We refer to a few:
Nervous dvhttSly. Mrs. J. Bams. IC Tvh St., & F.
Xervoas, Mrs. Fred. Lor. ts EUsSi.,6 S.
Ceaerml Astaxttr, Mr. Beldea. ;a Mason SC. 8.F.
Xerjoos daUUty. Ma J. Laapaere. 7S3 Tmrk Sc.
ft. r .
Xerroos dsbOity. Miss E- EoseoBlsm. r CTh
St. 8. F.
sssssrh troubles. Mm K I. WbosSon. ttM Fast ,
8t.,& F.
BSes bMdMhes. Mrs M. a Pries. PiasBSIt
FtaccS. F.
Sick headache. Mr. M. Fowler. ZS BbaUUR .
I8.-A tramp f00- c
Star Bakerj
f CsrHrnndlbln mad Firs See
In the Circuit Court rf the State of Oregon,
for l.inn county.
Wi!!im Fsber, Plsintiff,
Frank A Barkhart Clarence
Bark hart and M Brsnnin,
by yirtud cf an ezeeutio: sad order of
tale duly iasoed oat of the above named
court in tbs above entitled acti n to me di
rected at d delivered, I will on
Aatarda. , Ike 13th day sf a MM,
be front door of tbs Ccurt Hmt in the
ty of Albany, Lien coooty, Oregon, at the
b our of oca o'clock pn of said day aell st
public suction for cash ia hand to the highest
bidder th real property described in said
xecotio s sad order of sale as foU-ws towit:
Begnninie at the north est orntr of block
Ho btteeu (13) m nakleman s lecocd addi
tion to. tbs city of Albany, in Liu couotv,
Oregon; rnoDimj thence easterly on tbs
north boundary line of said block sixty-gut
(66) feet; thence aontbei.'y parallel with tbs
west boundary line of said block owe hun
dred and tea (110) feet; thence westerly par
allel with tbs north boundary lice of said
block to the west boundary line of said
block ; thence northerly 00 tbs west boas
dary hoe of said block t the place of begin
ning . The proceeds ariting f rose the sale of
-d f'Twrty to be applied nrn, to the par
ro ut . the 1 oat of and npna said execution
and the original sosta nf aa.t taxed t f32.50;
second, to the payment of tbs mm of $50
as an orney's fee: third, to the psjmosrT
nf r. tiffs claim amounting to tbs asm of
$H3.UI. with accruing interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent per annom; fenrth
end tberssfter, if any monay remains the
will be paid isto said Circuit Coart.
Dated thia 12sh day f Jnlv. 1892.
Sheriff of Linn cuenty.OreasBB.
Is now nrepared to farnlahH
in quantities ts sun at
able rates.
Order broke will be found at stores of
Frank L Kenton, John Isom snd Parker
Wagon will call for orders at those
places at 8 a as and S p m dell, sxcept
Sunday. Prompt ssrvise gosrsntsed
Jm tie Circuit Court of Ike Slate of Oregon,
for Limn county.
Ruben Davis Plaintiff,
J A Archibald and Peaaie
Archibald, bis wife, Defendants.
Le by Tirtoe ot a writ of execution and
order of aaie duly iasoed ont of the above
named court. in t be above entitled action,
to see directed and delivered, 1 will on
the Utfedajras- Aasaat, tstm
st the front door of ibe Court fTnnss. in
toe ore of Albany, Lino county, Oregon,
' at the hour of olc o'clock p m of aid day,
aell st public auction for cash fa hand to
the bigbeat bidder toe real property
described in said execution snd order of
; sale ss follows towit; all of block four (f)
i ia H asaom'a sddi ion to the 'own of
Lebanco. in Lion county, Oregon, as Use
same i rnaraed,Bambered and rlssxiibsd
Coposile 8t CnsrUs Bote!.
Bad otniag and lace curtain
attended to
Ware, worat a apeeaalty.
Brat eh office at Moses' barber chop,
1st cctv sisstri an is (est T-SO o'clock
((Bid raits.
Mrs. C MS Kcsrcy St. S.F
C ava neat
rlel Fraita. Vegetstkles,
Tshsrcs, (Iksi
sssmatr, Kpicca.
CoOee, Tea.
Kir.. etc..
la Sacs arrrij.a? taa i kept ia
Tarictr and pacer? .v, llna
eurkst price paal far
Sarsaparilta aj.l kinds of produce
to reconsider bis proclaimed purpose njt
to employ asaociation labor at Homestead.
This is a radical measure but it is lawful.
It is the undoubted right of workmen to
sue such a foolish course as that pursued I d-lin. tn siinnlv thair lahoi fo anv m-
are growing tn 'he street and on vacant
lota unmolested Whc duty Is It to . T waive Aeesaal! t r
remedv these defects? Spokane, July 18. The search is still
rnSLT 3 .V 0 j going on in the vicinity of Mtanon for the '
TlJLTrTSS ISffi!.ais-M to have been
uuaca, aa -.. ---.. " . kiU, Trlar tl l,n .'nftk.
1 attacked have been accounted for. and
future investigations will show whether
1 Mr Walh ha prepared the following tnesc were murdered or have left the conn- j
recognition of the ofrker for publication. "7- Ail aangerous casracter in that
Moat modern, nraat eSrUre,
m yrle. b 09 or t (or CUM
tartva: tasaav
men," and boxes to bury them tn .
am for the Bull toes of cesisrert of
! and BORER.
To the detectives and officer, of Clacka- vicinity have been arrested.
by our leaders tn opposing tusion. " j p0yers, whether their reasons
looks tto me like we were being used to ! fug, ws9e or otherwise.
help Harrison rather than Weaver. I
want to aay here too that my suspicions
have been aroused more than once by the
course of the Advance published at Leb
anon, which Is understood to be the or
gan of the people's party in Linn county .
It has been noticed time and again that
that paper makes nearly all its bitter war
fare agsinst the democrats. It makes one
think that it cares but little how things
go so the democrats can be beaten. I am
not disposed to be led around by the nose
in that way .
The Oregonian says:
The idea is now broached, and appears
to have a good many advocates, that it is
the business of government to assure good
There is nothing new in this "idea."
The Oregonian would have its readers be
lieve that this "idea" is now suggested for
the first time. But this is not true. Ever
since the republican party went over in a
body to the protected plutocrats of the
country, it has been a favorite "idea" with
the leaders ef that party that it is the busi
ness of the government "to assure good
wages," not by compelling. Carnegie and
his protected friends to pay good wages
directly, but it is agreed between protected
manufacturers on the one hand, and the
government (as administered by protection .
ists) 00 the ether, that for and in consider
ation of the levying and maintaining of a
Editors Democrat:
GESTLKMrtN: In your Issue of the 8th
Inst, vou look opportunity to state that the
Hon Wtiilelaw Reid, candidate foi vise
president, was a stay-at-home and copper,
head during the war. The state of Ore
gon is safely republican so, consequently
jour efforts sre cf very little importance;
but, if this statement had been made by a
New York Journal that sheet would have
been roundly scored as an untruthful pa
per by the republican and democratic
press alike. Mr Reid was a war corres
pondent and commissioned by the U S
Army during the latter part of the war.
Is this not the truth? As to Mr Reid per
sonally, your attacks are very weak when
vour only complaint is that he is the son-in-law
of a rich man; he is a typical
A met lean having risen from the ranks to
a highly respected position In American
journalism, and he stands at the head of high protective ta.iff the manufacturers are
one of the greatest newspapers in the na
tlon The N Y Tribune. His diplomatic
success as minister to France and his per
soral popularity make him the strongest
candidate his narty could hav named.
Very Respectfully,
t j6 W 132nd st
N. Y. City.
In Ihe article leferred toby MrKoelsch
the Democrat was criticising the Eugene
Regit ter for denouncing; Mr Stevenson as a
copperhead because he did not go to the
war. Th following in what the Demo
cbat said :
You Jweller in Cimmerian darkness,
why can vou not open your eyes? Wa
not Blaine. Whitela Reid, Dolph,
Mitchell; Mike De Young and the flower
of the republican now constituted,
all stay-at-homes? Did that make them
rebels and copperheads? What evidence
do you have that Stevenion wa such?
None excep' the unsupported word cf the
campaign liar. Stevenson is not trying
to lie out of It but you are trying to He
him into it. Trv again.
So it will be seen that the Democrat
did 1101 say that Whitelaw Reid Is a
copperhead, anr", with much complacency
we can say that New York is safely dem
ocratic "so consequently" the efforts of
Mr K "are of very little Importance," but
if an Oregon correspondent should so
openly misrepresent what .in Oregon
to give constant employment at good wages.
This promise has been made from every
republican stump during the last ten years.
The republican party, by its promises made
to labor people (in order to secure their
votes) that good wages and constant em
ployment should be vouchsafed to them,
has made these labor people a kind of part
ner in the business of manufacturing and
hence, being partners, would have some
thing to say about the prices they should
receive for their labor. See? Of course this
is a very awkward attitude for any party to
occupy, but it is just what the republican
party nas brought upon itself and it will
have to "grin and bear it."
The truth is that with lightning like
speed labor people all over the country
are learning that the profuse promises
made to them by republicans during th ;
list two presidential campaigns as to good
wages at regular employment in case of
republican success are a sham and fraud
and thed Isciverv of ilm fjet by l'c masses !
is cauning untold alarm among the adder
rents of Harrison.
When the workmen of Mr Carnegie's
Pittsburg works strike or decline to supply
their labor, he possesses the undoubted
right to employ any other workmen he may
be able to obtain to fill the vacant places
without regard to their connection with the
Amalgamated Association.
When Mr Carnegie employs workmen to
take the place of strikeis. or of lockedout
men, the law guarantees him the whole
power of .the civil authorities to protect his
property and his labor.
If the civil authoritite shall fail to pro
tect Mr Carnegie' property and workmen,
the whole military power of the state must
be summoned to enforce obedience to law
and order, and to guarantee to every em
ployer and to every workman the absolute
ight to employ or to bo employed, as be
sha 1 decide for himself.
If the civil authority of the county and
the miitary power of the state should prove
inadequate to the duty of protecting prop
erty and workmen and maintaining order,
the military power of the national govern
ment must be summoned by the state to
assure to every man, high or low, rich or
poor, the absolute right to work or not to
work, and,to erarloy or not to employ, as
he shall determine.
We repeat The action of the Amalga
mated Association in Mr Carnegie's Pitts
burg works is heroic and radical, but it is
e'eariv. squarely within the law.
If by reason of their employers' contracts
for structural steel (that is now in great de
mand and the chief product of tbe Pitts
burg works), they can aid their- brethren
at Homestead by their strike, they have the
undisputed right to do it.
lf they shall therby lose their employment
and give their labor and wages to others
who are strangers to their association, they
must peaceably abide by the result of their
own action.
The proposed radical action would be
lawful; but in labor, as in religion,
politics and everyday life generally, all
things that ore lawful are not expedient.
mas snd Multnomah counties, and to the j TalaaBlr reelings.
citizens of Milwaukee the undersigned' n , . ,a M. ,. , i
desire, to cxpre. his sincere thank, for J ?"rn R- b 18 -is - Betan- .
their vigilance and kind assistance In I ger. whose 9100.000 breach of protuiw suit
ferreting out and obtaining the confession ' against Kobert H rassrell Was tried lat
for so re-i of the murderer of m. Tittle dsughter s week in the I'tiitcd SfcUes court, today re-!
Mamie , and especially do I thank Geo A ', covered f 10,000 damages. Tbe attorneys
Reed for his unttring'effort, for I think It for tbe defense did not give notice of
I due to hi vigilance fa l.untlng up the a motion for a new trial, but bare yet 10
evidence of guilt that compelled the con- days in which to do so.
f eaalon of the murderer Wilson . Signed, . A ,4 wtegtu
Matrie's Father Bakkksfikiji, Cal July 16 A frightfu
" I wreck occurred at 3 o'clock this morning.
Great care should be used to prevent i resulting in the death of two tramps who
the introduction of ama! pox into tbe
valley towns. Several cases are said to
exist in Portland.
Considerable va'uable Umber haa been
burned in tbe neighborhood of Green
Basin. Tbe worst feature of il is the
fact that it is mostly caused through
Mot many men in Oregon get their
name in the papers more than flank
Vauebn of Umatilla county. Here is
another: Hank Vaughn, a farmer of
Umatilla county, has purchased two
monkeys, and proposes to breed them
lor market.
instantly killed, and the fatal scalding
of Bnkeman Frank Donnelly. Freight
train No 2i wax fire hours late. and. when
craning into Bakersheld. within 100 yards
of tbe station, ran into four steers. The
result was one of the biggest wrecks ever
seen in this vicinity. Ehfrit eer Ed Cobi
was throwr from tbs engine, but escaped
with a few cuts about tbe head, unle in
ternally injured. Fireman Fred Crosby
crawled out ot the wrecked engine with a
: slight sprain. Brakeman Donnelly was
riding in tbe cab of the engine, and was
I caught and badly scalded. He was taken
1 to Sumner, but cannot live.
Tntt's Pills.
It gfm Dr. Tat plaaanr tm ma
nuuncv that Uo U now pultiuc "pa
wbicfi la of earwdirujtr amall atae, aa
in retaining all th rtrtn. . .rth
larger rmaii.. ti(iamt vurrlv
tagatablr. aVatB aliraof tbeae pi I la A
1st 11 Till BBS I Tl exact alav of
1. h;mn jo U. bonier of Mil "ad.-
Sample snd circuL-r free,
Paraffine Paint Co.,
J. A. Camming
Wall Paper,
f r tifcrs, Paiotss, Oil
(ilassss,' Etc.,
on tbe mans, plats sad surveys of
town sad additions now oa file and cf
reeor l in the office tf the county records
c! said eounty. Use proceed arising
from sacn sale to be applied first to the
payment of the cota and disbursements
of this suit, taxed st $9.30, and the east
of an 1 npoasceb stale and the sum of
Sis attorney's Cms; second, to the paw
stent ot pasintiiT claim amounting t
the sum of JS50. with inters, thereon at
the rate often per cent jer annum nm
taw lata day of November, 1890, and third.
Use overplus if aay Here be paid oyer to
tts said defend acts, Bessie Archibald
an - JA Archibald.
Dated this 12th day of Jniy, 1892.
Sheriff of Linn county. Oregon.
Ijl tie Circuit Cw1 fie United Sct;, fir
the district of Oregon.
Char es A Xeal,
James H Foster, John A
Crawford. Wiiham Craw,
ford.aabby Pearce, John
R Baltimore. J S Lite. E
VC ak en aid W H Goitr.
No. 1258.
Jjw in pursuance of Use doers of said
- OF -
Baby :-: Buggies
court, tnads and entered in tbe above en.
titled cause oa tbe 2ird daw of Msr. 1898.
1 1. G orge H Dcrbsm.Maatarrn fli irniij
of said roar, will procsod to sell at pu
lie auction tn the highs redder, for cash
in band, in oaner and form as upon an
execution istoed npoaa judaiuesst st taw.
; ss tbe rront door of the e -ant v court bouse
o, uj3 county, staie 01 urespn, at
ban-, in said counts, on the
rtment ever brought la ilbsgy
just received at
Stefcxt So's.
See tbe Biggies ui Get freer.
Ret! Estate Agents
.'rm sad Ranch for sale.
Also city Property in Albanr
aod Cor valla.
Tilt: Cr:i.EBRATEI ... m
vNwSi?ssSv USC.'T!
Jit, Pu-
W'Vptt The Vtik Si rone-
Mat e la lbs raags.
I have this day made arrangements
with Knapp, Burrell & Company, of Al
bany, for their entire line of goods, in
cluding binders and twin for the season
of 18112, notwithstanding all reports to
the contrary.
June 17th, 1692.
J. W. PaoPST.
Auent Linn Co. B. C
The Salem Democrat utters the fol
lowing savage stow : The county court
haa given a large order printing and
litghraphing, to a San Francisco paper
at a loss to tbe tax -payers of this county,
o over 33' per cent. ' The job printer
of Salem who pay taxes and are endeav
oring to earn a living here, were not
even permitted to bid for the work.
TheDtnocRAT referred to the very
poor aide walk adjoining the old J 1 1
Foster residence property, and did the
New York capitalist, Mr Coe, an injus
tice by referring to it as his. Mr Coe
owns six lota ia the block, but not the
Calapooia lots- They are owned by Mrs
Capt Powell of Sioux City. 1-ook at the
walk if you want to see a bad one, but
there are others also.
Talk about cranks. They have a sui
cide club at Dallas, Tex. A few days
ago at Tillers, Ind . Allen Collins, presi
dent of the club, committed suicide in
response to the customs of the club. His
body was burned. During the five hours
the body burned, impressive ceremonies
were enacted about the blazing pile.
When the consuming flames had done
their work, the ashes were gathered to
gether with reverential care and placed
in an urn, on which loving hands bad
traced in many hues pictures symbolic
of the principles which had once ani
mated turn. Collins leit a remaruaoie
letter, one extract from which explains
its character. It was written to a friend
named Honora Jackson. He asked, that
his body be saved from the dissecting
room, and concluded : "Please see that
my body ia turned over to the White
chapel Club, and that the organisation
incinerates it according to the custom of
the boys, who have always been my
friends and wel'. -wishers. It is growing
dark ; a minute more and all will be
light or sternal darkness. Good-bye,
old friend."
A Jaartlsa Mass.
J.fStTiojt City. Or Julv 1
i McKay committer suicide this evening at
8 o'clock by shooting himself twice through
the head with a 44 caliber double-action
revolver. Tbe deceased is a son-in-law of
John Blew, a blacksmith and an old resi
dent of Junction. A few minutes before
he took his life be fold his wife that he
', intended to shout himxelf and started for
' the barn. His wife ran ont screaming and
callii.jr to a man passing by. As soon as
Mctvay reached the burn be Sred the fatal
shots. As he was inside the barn no one
saw him do it, but people who were going
to church heard the two shots, and soon a
large crowd gathered. He was dead when
P The Ffnest Sunil An: F.r Hftnutotn
I n I fa --1 ca;i Sr.
T S a I ' w B -
nouert ...Jcw
bjbj. miim.ct.w
I for faH
Epr UinatactnraC. H
R.imark the Burlington Goeette: "The ok Hbrk a Moment. I have soma
repubiicsn press is howling that no polit L ot 'be choicest residence lots In Albany
cal capital should be made out of the
Homestead massacre . 1 tnjacs itself.
r.very tninatng marvva astintry sees
I fcr ssle, terms so reasonable that anybody
can ouy ana own a rio'nr ui nis own oy
payinv; a small down and small
tnont.ily payment thereafter until all Is
Id lor. ror lurtner intormation ca'l at
a 1
.ga---s B)
fa L0A0IN6 srul SAFETY.
heap iron imitation. I
or li:!r!ci C3!.iircae vi Pri V- 1
1 ' c " " I 1 b :
tTeed ovrj-whcr. 5t a v;tle;lxfortvS.
Big Arrents.
Spokane, July 17. A Sunday quiet
hangs over the Coeur d'Alenes today . The
arrest of miners continues and several
hundred are now huddled in the school-
I . V 1 At - . I ,
7W' wiirenoiit-wimiiuiesiocKauesj -.te to obtain all the sdrsntages of this
a uj saaw SVSVW7S..SJ atuiMuw t it'iin'i
7I0R THE KPRIltOS.-Prttes des'riuB
the benefits ol the inagniiWnt, health
giving soda springs, lttrsled on tbe north
side of the San t! an, river, about one mile
above ihe t anch known as Dutch George'a,
are hsiehy directed ; casv at the Dutch
Oeorgeianch. wbere aii sbundance ot
garden vegetables good timothy hay and
ne pasture may be had at very moder
at pricf No toll need be paUl, as It fat
not ne;essrv to pass lureugn ttte toll
Next ssasion bfglus on Mondar. the
19th dav of September. 1S93.
Tuition, free.
Foot Courses: Classical, Scientific,
Literary and a short Kngiisb Course, in
which theie is bo latin Greek. French
or Germsn The English la pro erein
ently a Business Course. Fer catalogues
or other infotmstion.
Address, J W Johnson,
Frei -
Kaat s-iock of 2od'Br goods ia lb
Tallsy, and the moat reasonsble prises
a svs on hand all kinds of
One door west of S E. Young 'a old sto
NOTICE -Jefferson Institute adver
tises for three teseher, a Priodps'
and two assistants. The Board of Trus
tees will met July ?nd at 2 p m to hear
Jefferson, Juno 14 b. 1893.
Sec'T of Beard.
Cau. and -;- Have -:- Yoi'R
BcAUTiruL Hombi. Bssutlfy you
koine and make It attractiv with Hybrid
Perpetual and othar choice roses, old and
new varieties of Japanet rote and shrubs.
Orders taken for tbs above snd sll kinds
of fruit and ornamental shads treea at J
A Hytaan', 115 1st St.. Albany Or.
4 Uige took of praniMg shears nd prun-
to escape. The troops have not captured
any of the rifles or ammunition of the
strikers, which are hidden in the surround
ing hills. A number of leading spirits in
ihe insurrection are still at large.
The rsrk lawyer s)at
New York, July 16. The executive
committee of the republican national com
mittee met here this afternoon. CamplieD'
resignation as chairman was accepted.
Thomas H Carter, of Montana, was chosen
both chairman of the national committee
and chairman of the executive committee of
the national committee.
Ab Kim I r- Island Destroyed
London, July 17 The steamer I'aetter
thun, which arrived at Sydney, NSW
reports that when she touched at Island
Timor there was a rumor current that
Is'and Sungis, in the Malay archipelago,
has been destroyed by a volcanic eruption
ami mat the wnoie population, comprising
iz.uuu. nod perished, the Laettertliun
steamed for hours through masses of vol
canic debris.
Oregon 4,'lljr Ahead
Okroon Cm, July i7. -The Oregon
City baseball club pioyvud tivo good games
today. The first was with the North Port
land club, the score standing 9 to 2 in favor
of Oregon City. The second was with the
Farmers Mechanics nine of Portland, the
score being 13 to 5 in favor of the home
famed mineral spring Sd thss unsur
passed camping an I fishRig privileges.
IVrsats. nd Trad Marks oltslned. ann alt P
at ri-nat0 for Moswat Fct.
Our one Is 0aat U. V Patent owe.
aa sto seour Mtsst In feu Urn than lr
raot from trurnfesloB.
nd modl, drsMif or pknto., rjrr
Bon. Wo advls. If rfitanurlo or net, fr t
Oar fes not frtin till utut n .ecer
How to ohnut rtti,
ran nf et ,1 dlaBtii Inyoirouil, SBir
iruiy, o
A PsmBlt
town, seal fre. M&rett,
0r3":t PRt Offlcs. vishlnctan. 0. x
CO., T. K, Hogg( Receiver,
Tickets now on tale at CurvaUla and Al
b&ny for thsse exotirsioas at the
vry low j
Round Trip Hate ofS.a5 nd $8.60, re.
Good for the golngjtrip on
of each week ans for return until Sep
-nwra Satan,
Oru gists and Bookseller
A cents for John B, Alden's publication,
anion we sell at nnbUaher's pries with
Xgt taaBaBa. aW
Kir I iK2t
coDslktlng of 40 seres, located one
mile north of Albany. Land lay fine
aud la well Improved. For further in
fot mstion inquire at the farm of
Wat H Waknb
Hswaaxing quallUaaam naurpaaed. n. tui
atlaatlna- two boaaa of axty otttar ttrar A.
seisd by baa. HTOCT THE CIK I U
Strayed from my premises, near Shel
bum on JuneSOth, n iron gray horse,
dark on the hip. holds his head high,
lump on lrt hind lost, shod in front,
seven years o,d, about 15 hsuds high.
Will give reasonable reward for his re
Red GrownMills
f m LANN'IN'ti A" V)TEL'
saw raooBss locs scrssios bob sANrus
at the boor of tan o'doekJn tbe torsi
al I the right, title aad interest whir.
defendant. James H Foster, had
data ot Use daed executed by
defer dant, Wtltiam Crasrford.
Fetnaary 4tb, 1884, of. in or to tbe ;
ertv Jaseribad tn sM asaed, towit:
Commeocing eight (8) Bast west of 1
southeast corner of lot four (4.) in
six 6,1 on Klrst straet, id tbe city of At
Dany . unn county, Oregon, at tbe
of tare wall between Use ootid! na
as the "roster Block" and thst
owned by Otto Fox snd occupied
Uradwool, tannine: usance wast 1
; with said asreet srveaty.KHi' (74) i
too centre of the partition wm:i
' said "Foster Bloc" and the
I fcrmerlT occupied by Mont th A
bacn. aod from tnancs aorth oos hanc
(100 feet to the alley; thence as A listntl
sisfiss along thssfler seven. t -four (741 i
Em to a point parallel with tbe place of 1
beelnning; and from Usance sootb par
Qel with the centre line first above
described to the place of besrianing,so as
mo icuuue uro unra atrv now occi
by Mason Foaba-. G E Biain, Wilt!
Brothers and Mr Rwara' jewelry store,
with tbe office cud halls above, with all
SM singular their rights an appnrten 1
aneea of vary- name, nature and" 5esoil
lion: said conveyance being recoided in
Book -Z" of Deads for Lann county, I
urecon. Page
Tbs proceeds of ssud sale will be at
nUcxT under said decree 'o the 1
fl.l of tbe iudgtueot ia favor ef tLe
tiff. Charles A Neal, for tbe sua.
l4.t4.72 snd th further sum of fJ.9
wax interest on onto said
March Sth, 1SS6. at eight per cesat I
ann im, aad to tns payment 01 un 1
Me coats and disDurse moots or
plaintiff and th expeosae of said 1
aad (a.) to tbe satisfaction of cert- in
itauments in 'd decree named, to
raid Dro rata amonz themaeivws if 1
be insufficient surplus to saUfy tbe 1
in foil, towit: EWalden. SStBXIA
Inter eat tnereoc at ten par cent pee anna a
front February 23,1886; J S Ukmim ol
wnn latarsat ibsraoa at ten par cant
annum from Karen 13. 18885 John ft .
timers, S1C02.92 wl.h interest thereon :
toe per cent per rnnnm from March It
ISM? and to the Baytnsnt of the taxat
cost and disbursements or said
end ant.
June 18th. 1893.
Master in Chancery of said Ccur
Johnston's Patent Eye-Meter at F M
FRENCH Slewelry Store.
FOR SALE. Oiwhalf interest In a
good paying business en 1st street
for sale at a bargain. For particulars in
quire at this office.
7 AN I RD.-QIrl to do gsnsrsl housi
work. Califat s'0 ( JM riisin.
pre p red to do well digging Is
first clsss My I, pit niptiy, at d will guar
ante hi work.
STEELE A CO.. Albany. Otirun.
Lean tconey on sood real aetata
surlt - Llun and adjoining st nntlss.
xroncK is hereby given that
J Jaraarsad aas
ot th o MUla af John
BaTUig cblBMsaaa
praatat taani. wim
aaaa appoinlad
Srosaaa, brums. AS
t sM rc m
pea iiwm, wim uk prwaramr.
arb wtsou, to ut niiKaraaaaa
m vaarrtsa, in Ainaajr.
witBUi ava asraHo rroa
T70URD. A plain biaek
stawl tn July 4ib. tn
et (. iiaries; Hotel
Just opened by the urdersignsd. Will
keep on fcaad diflbient kiuds of fish In
season. On First Street, opposite Rues
House. Free delivery to all parts of tbe
IjsOR saLS.-A sat of
harnees, secoad hand,
infuire at this office.
light doable
T (XT.-A child's tan colored, cordage
i edge Jsoks,on th road leading from
fiaos.Ie.oan' grovs. The finder wjU
tha office of J
euOBtr, OragXM,
Mied the tHth Jar ot Jobs, 1SS.
SBSS m aei-tos. a Jsi:ws:
Attoraay tor Adstr.
"vroncK ra hereby given that the of
a ilaraig-Decl ha beo dtthr j piSlt.ll a;
oun unn conuty, oiajroa,
at tha estau of S B Ftasg-n,
of Unn coubVt. Orerroa. AU
alaJm aaaJast said attn herebv uot-Bad
sot wem proi.wny vanned to at BB
Linn county. Orecun. or to Weat herfonl A
bin, Mora, t AJbany.OretUB.aritkiB m
from this ite.
Jttiw i8h, 1S8
Soda Wat
Tbe best mineral water in the I
Jolin Isom, Si
In quantities to aavlt.
It keeps th system la order, 1
a re cream ug , puaaant ilrlnB-
Everybody should keep it tag