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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1892)
IBLACKWELL'S EVERYWHERE Bull Durham BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and clean. The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. WEATHGKrOBD fc CIIAHllEKLitS, Attorneys at Law. Will p-actiee In all courts of tha state- Special attention g ven to matter in probata and to collections. OFFICE In tha Flinn block. XTT mi V f Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Uo'lee tions made on all po'.ut. Loans negotiated on rabl terms. Albany, Oregon. G se. nr. wrigot, Attorney at law, ax.d Notary PaMc. Will practice in all the courts of this state Special attention eiven to collections and matters in prabat r0ee: Upstairs Hason-Twedale Block Albany. Ofu D. k r. miiiir. B L&rEHlKN A WATSON. all legal matters will receive pr o mp attention. Office in Odd Fellow's Teniae, Albai my, v TJ WHITNEY . . Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. D R. J. L. HILL, Phrclcun and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. D KS. MASTOV t O VIS, Physicians an Surgeons. OFFICE Corner eeond and Bi jsdalbin streets, Albans, Or, Calls pro-np tly attended in city and ceontry: c V. CH4JIRERL1IS, H. D Hemeopatbist. aSsTSpecUist In diseases of the Eyo. Twenty ears' exporicoca OAce hours 7 to 9 a m; lislpm, and 6 u evening. Albant , Oregon. iAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, t; r BOSS, Receiver. -o- 0r8g.)n DeTelopment Po's Steamers, Short Lin to California First-class through passenger and freight line train Portland and all points Id tbe Willamette Valley to and from San f anc'seo, Cal. Boats make close, connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Pacifi Railroad TIME SCHEDULE, except Sunday. ) Leave Albany 11.-20 r. a, ; L Java Yaqoina, 7:00 a. Leave Corvaliis 1 :?3 r, m . Leave CorvaUis.10 :S5 a,a am.- taqiuna, n:ia r. u. Arrive Albany, 11:13 a. O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvaliis. The above trains connect at Yaonina with tha Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between aqu;na and Ha.ii Francisco, SAILING DATES . rsoa Taarrra. KaasK Valler, DjsmYsr ISth , Kai list raoa aaa raaaciaco Willamette Valley, December $:h ; 18th ; nth. The Corapar.-v t wives the ngnt to .'iianee sailing dates v.tnout notice. B. rv.Kser-.rers from Portland and rVUlamette Valley points can make close :nneeU.iu with the trains oftheYaquina vmte at Albany or Corral lis, and if des tined to San Francisco should arrange to rive at Yaaaina the evening before date f aauirp. aTPasseasrr am Freight rates a! w a; s the a. weal Xor inform stfoi apply to A R Chapman, Freight and d.Wet Agent, Albany, t C. . O. F. ard P HEALTH 1SELT BR AIM . Da EC Wrrr's Near airs Baau TsiaTMSrr, guaranteed soecido (of Hsteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions. FltSaNervous Keuralgia.Headache.Mefvoiis Prostration oausd by the use of Alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Drpression, Softening of the strain resulting In insanity and lasting to misery, decay an death, Premature Old A ;e barrenness, Lou of Power ,n either sec, .Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exerti w of the brain, self-abuse or over-indu'gence. Each boa contains on month's treatment. S1.0) a box, or six hoxe for 15. sent by mail prepaid on receipt f price. WE til'ABASTEE MX BOXU To care any etsi. With esch order receive! by us forsix SOBS. a IS BjMBl with 13.09. ws will send the porch war (tar written guarantes to refund the money If the treatment does not aflact a cure. Guar antnes ii'id enly by J B t ummlnt, Itrugakt Sole Ageat, Albany, Oreg JAPANESE piLE' CURE A at til !a !; ' piakrriai.iliii ni it i J.i.i a Positir (Jan v : i . Ing It ; i ; .'i m ;. I 1 1 1 ; manvoihtr Ilium ill a it p t -.i Is i ways a irrn'. bml; "H f i t .' iisc erv o( t n I : i i I h:t'tl f til l with Hi kl u 1 1 rim- n .'! i . T i i r haaneverbj k 1 1 1 1 fvl. t ii'oi: If,' seotbymttl. T ty eif ir !) a ' i tlf Vi dis when a writtn srjiri itl i ii iiii.'i'v i'iiii, uoxes,t- r! 1 1 1 tni m i wf il i ' c imI. till a. for free Sample. Ouirurtes issusd by J A l aossnlag, .Draggle. itele Ageat. Albany, Oregon Albany IRON WORKS - NfMiiiifHcturers stV tEAM ENGINES GRIST KHU SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON WONTS' m ALL Kim OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. SpecUl attention pi1 it riptiri:; ail kinds of machinery r'Aitms Kade on Short Notiet ALBANY OR. " mmm & hulbbrt bros. Real Estatr Agents .'arm? anil Ranches forixlu. Aleo oit brotierty in Albaw' and Coryallis. SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming ; In the place of business ; or at home, it always fills that niche cf ce fort a good smoke. Put up vt handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. TIC I KI t.BR VTIOM, A large crowd gathered in the city this morning for the races and base ball games . Headed by the Mechanics Band the procession inarched to the grounds at 10 o'clock. The tirst race was a three-eighth dash, which proved a pretty race. Five horses were entered but only four starte-j, Pad dy O'Rien, Bellinger, Joe D and Scamp. The latter named, a fine bay owned by Shultz Bros took the pole, but soon lost it, and Joe D., a Salem horse, gained the lead.coming in ahead by a small margin, Paddy O'Rien second and Scamp third. This afternoon the gentlemen's road ster race for $50 and the free for all trot wer? to come off beginning about 4 o'clock, both having filled. Owing to numerous "kicks" the first base ball game was not played in the morning, but was postponed until 1 o'clock, the two games being played in the afternoon. The first game of .base ball was called at 2 o'clock between Scio and Albany, John Simpson, of Scio, umpire. At press time five innings had been played as follows, Albany having an easy thing of it: Albany. 1 1 2 2 5. Scio 0 10 0 1. ALBANY , HCIO Bellinger p Hepner Collett c Wells Xowell 1st b W Hibner Baldwin r f Norton Kankin 2nd b Hayes Smith c f Jones Babb s s Cole Clarke 1 f H irons Sinnott 3. d b Hibler The game between Lebanon and Knox Butte was to be played immediately afterwards - The rrile bic cle race had three entries. Lucas and Creasy, ot Monmouth, and Tourley, of Albany. Lucas winning in 3:51 with ease. Cress y second, Tourlev third. T i r B f6m J SICK MEN Puffer ncEeeesaary. I er.': yon know that exhaustion, debility, failing manhood, and general weakness, brought on by early follies, dissipation and excesses, can be cured. Don't get diseour aced We have cured hundreds at their hosaes by mail treatment Yocr case will be diagnosed free. Write to-iT. Ko cost to learn your condition. mmm mmmi Barael, Stockton aid EJlii Sis., SAM FRANCISCO. CAL Jfeia&iak EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily aonth 7:0br. a. I i. 10:23 r Lv 8:15 a a 1 Ar : N.T-h Ar 7:SS a a Lv :S3 a Portland Albany San Francisco Lv I 7?J0 r a Abv trains stop only at f.-.l lowing nation north el Kosehurg. East Fortlaod, Oregon City, Wood ourn, Salem, Albany. Taagent, ShodJ, Hatsey Har risbarg. Junction City, Irving, Eugene. xosssrae mail, dailt 1:30 a I Lv Portland Ar 4 S0 a lKts r n Lv Albany Lv l!:3u a 5:i0rB Ar Bosebnrg Lv I 7Mi ALsajtv Locatf dailt kxcstt Sranar) i DO r a I Lv Portland Ar ; :o SO a 99rBAr Albacy L- CM a a LaaaaoB saasc lJOral Lv Albany Ar I :?l a a 2:39 T a I Ar Lebanon Lv I s a t:X a a I Lv Albany Ar I 8:45 r a :22 a a Ar Lebanon Lv :33 r a PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Far Aseasaanatdattoa at rasaeater. holilln: seeead-C'la tlrfceta.attaebest t Bx prea Trains feat Side IMvlclwa. BETWEEN PIIHTLIVU Al Bail .'saiaaaui (Except Snnuay, T:3U a M Lv Ar Portland Corvaliis Ar &:3U r v 12:15 ra 12:10 r a ass rsaia dailt (Eacspt Sunday . list fa I T:ra Portland BeHlnnville Ar Lv! a a 6.45 a M Ar TliroixfrTli TiclstetH o all point EAST AND SOUTH. A.if n, liifor'nitlo i rszardi'i? rates, map, a on Company A iter, t at Aianj 'I KOEBLEH K P. ROOEKS, Vanarer An't o, V . and V. As Portland, Oregon. B ARK Of JIO, SCIO, OREOOlf. resident vice- President shier J 8 Msaaia Jarr Mtkb 0 S Bar IS! CO K4TIONAI, BANK, J OP ALBAIsTs ORMOiT. CAPITAL TOCK tl 00,000. Idfliil ,!,' I, COWAN, e-Presidunt J M UAI.STON. sttlishier 0 A AKCUIIIOLU. P ascrroaa, -J L Cewan, J K RsJston, w g Ladd, W H iMIia, J A Orawird sl OA Arch hold. f RAN8ACTR a general nankin hulne. DRAW Slum DHAKTSou New York. San til P-tltr 1 Oreiron. I.OAN MOKE Y 'in approved security RECEIVE deposits subtect check. Star Bakerj orBrontlwllslit and Vlrnt Ht CONRAD MEYER, PHOPRIEfOR, ( ..,. ii l r. . In, (auueu rli t Olaait eriSTt-, liiiiousanr. . Dried rrutlH, VegelBltlea, Tulnttco, ClsvarN Nagar, Mpleea, Collect Tea, Et:,, Kle.,1 In fact every tl,. that la kupt in a iceoora variety and irsooery store, Hifftiest market price Mtid for AJ.t KfMDS OP PRODUCE Ibe ilemortat. HlUSOPPOKf UNITY. The grand opportunity of David 11 Hill's life lies before him now. If lie improves it, lie will silence calumny, annihilate prejudice, make the American people acquainted with him as he is or as "he ought to be, and must be if he expects future political preferment, and put himself in a position to be the great democratic leader that his talents and his ser vice eutitle him to be. It is alreaily hinted, though from republican sources, that Hill will go abroad at the adjournment ot congress and remain till the election is over. If he does this, he will cruelly disappoint the friends who have stood by him through evil and good report, and will justify the opinion that his enemies have expressed of him. Hill's great mistake duiing the past year has been in im agining that New York, because it it the greatest state, and because he had made him self mister there by his subeib talents and services, could dictate terms to the other 43 states and to the democracy of the nation. The result of the Chicago convention ought to show clearly to Mr Hill that the people are greater thin any party, greater than a party machine, and infinitely greater than any one man. Cleveland won the democratic nomi nalist! fairl) ai.d squarely. He did not beg or even ask for it ; he did not intrigue foi it, as Hill did; he did not buy any voles lor it; as it is charred was done at Minneapolis. He was nominated because the great body of democratic voters throughout the country de manded his nomination. Mr Hill's duty at a democrat anil as a patriot is to cheerfully sub mit lo the will of the majority, and do mighty and valiant wo k fvr the de-nocalic nominees. This he can do. Whatever abusive mug wumps or tertitied republicans may say about him, he has a host of powerful friends in New Yotk state with wl cm his word is law. With 1 that word honestly, openly, earnestly patri- ; otically spoken, Cleveland can carry New Y'oik with ease; without it, whether Cleve land wins or loc, Hill's Canst is ended, and he will go down as the modern Aaron Burr of , the democratic p iriy. The St Paul Globe, an ! intelligent, broad-gauge democratic ; a; er, gives Mr 1 1 all the s.troe advice, tn words: David K Hill has met his first defeat hot ! it leaves him an oproriuni.v hich not even ' 1 have given success in the convent on would have given him. It elves him the chance of a lifetime j to repel the aspersions which have been cast Higgins The cyclone came from a south -on his democracy and his political integiity. j westerly direction and its path was 300 it is more than the chance of a life-lime feet wide. there is no parallel for it in the history of , The PrahlMlleal. American poliiirs. Never before has a defeat- j ed candidate for the presidential nomination Cixcixsati. June 30. A ballot for can been so situated with regnrd to his successful i didate for president resulted in a choice on competitor. Let Senator Hi I giro up bis j the first effort. Hidwpll receiving 590 votes loins now and go forth to b in behalf of out of a total of 974, 1"T votes being his late adversary who i bis adversary no rtooessary for a choice. Detnorest rorvive.1 longc. but his captain and leader by virtue of i i39 and Stuart 1T9. Oregon and Wash- the demo:racv et'ict. Let him rtove as fact , ' was never proved before his sialwart fidelity I ! lo his famous motto: "lam a democrat. j ' Let him lead the state hoe democracy own j ' him as chief into the camp of the leader whom I the national democracy have elected to fol- uoyd 1 nomas, late secretary of the nation low. Let him forward to the utmost extent al committee, was presented with a purse of his great ability ihe fortunes of Grover of -00 in appreciation of his services. Cleveland and ihe democratic party, and by The Acrsrstttaral fotlece. so doing vindicate his own integrity and party loyalty. His duty is clear - the way lies Cobvalus. Or June 30. At a meeting o; r; let him follow it, and he will find it of the board of regents of tbe stale agri leads straight toaard those higher rewards j cultural colieg?. the following members which for tbe present are denied him. j were present: Messrs Pennoyer, McBride. This, Senator Hi.l, is t:ie advice of fiiendf. Apperson; Xash, Ladd. Shipley. Keady. lr i.i...jr;,-i-..,;,-. .k B4ue' McLIroy and eatherford. The It is tbe o men a bo admire you; aho t fty digWy i,t.a. jvmcu, ui .a. .vi uc itxawu ducetl sautnes. consequent upon the nece ! the talumnious clamor sgaiast you; it is i listed expenditure in building and equipp i the earrest honest advice of men who ing a dairy.. Mrs Thomas Callahan was I wou'd have followed your standard as ; cheerfully and enthusiastically as they j now do Cleveland's, If you had been the ( nominee; it is the advice of men who, like j you, are democrats and lovers ot their , country and friends of the people. It is the opportunity of a lifetime for ! Senator Hill, and a grander opportunity I than has yet come to him, though hit life has been full of opportunities that he has improved and successes that he has richly deserved. By standing faithfully and zealously by Clevelani now, Hill will make himself the great democratic leader of the future : by opposing or even sulking . or remaining silent, lie ends forever his upwatd political career. Evening Ttlr gram. The senate will vote today on Stewart's substitute to hi free and unlimited coin age of silver. The substitute provides for the free coinage of all silver, the pro- dact of all Unhed States mines. This bill ought to pass so thjt all the silver mined in the Cnitd States may be util ized. There can be no doubt tbat tbe government can coin and float at par with gold all the silver produced in this coun try. We believe the bid will pas both houses. Republican papeis are renewing their old campaign howl of "free trade.'' Well, keep it up gentlemen. That cry during the campaign of education which has been carried on during the last four years has lost all its terrors. Thousands of republi can farmers :ll over the country who four years ago were open protectionists are now open free tradera. They like to hear the cry of free trade and the more these pro tection bowlers can make these republican farmers belicye the democrats are frte traders the more votes the democrats will receive this fail. Keep it up, gentlemen, keep it up. the Roscburg f'aind'tiier proposes that the republicans of the next legislature should select Hon W R Ulahop as the speaker cf the house. The Democrat can heai ily endorse the recommendation made by the I'ltiindealtr, but we can say, once for all to Bro. Uenjamln, that Mr Bishop is a man not sufficiently Identified with the remnants of Ihe Portland ring to be selected for that office. That ring is fearfully wrecked but not sufficiently so to prcvtnt it controlling the conduct of the republican party of the state. Ti-e Salem Statriman is as sour as a ten days o.d bucket of buttermilk in harvest lime became .Stevenson, the democialic can didate, for vice president was not in the war. What an awful crimi! out I ets see. One Whitelaw KriJ is the of Ac- re; in candidate lor lite fame (ice. He also served not in the war. cording to the Statmnan's reasoning While law is a bitter, poisonous copperhead. But the Stalemnan is so I i n !e lly pailisnn that it never sees the beum in il own eye, A dispatch from New York says. A morning paper says news reaches it from high authority that Cleveland will se'ect the following chief officers to direct his campaign: Chairman of the national committee, W C Whitney; chairman of the executive committee, William F Harrity, of Pennsylvania: secretary, (ieorire G Par- ker, of New York. The tirs: womin'ii democratic campaign clu was organized in New York city Wed neilay. It is called tha "Frances Cleve land Influence Club." It ii sod to be '.he pstruots to Otgisis tliu elttlM ad ovjr the country. The man who in tbe light of the history of party politics for the lsst fifteen years , should rlsn up and call Cleveveland a plu torat has much more gall than regard f jr facts. Judge Gresham says he will not accept the nomination of the third pirty for president. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Wilson C'onreaard. Pom-land. July 2. In Multnomah county's jail lies one of the most despicable ytlhans that has ever been confined within its wal's. Ho is Charles Wilson, who mur dered little Mamie Walsh, near Milwaukie, on the 22nd of June a week ago last Wed nesday In a dark cell, trembliug and fear ing t hat each moment he will be taken from his dungeon by an avenging crowd. Wilson has confessed the crime, He un burdened himself to Sheriff Samson and his brother Frank Wilson, in the Oregon City iail yesterday morning. A he ivy pressure lad been brought to near upon him after he had been taKen from this city Thursday to Oregon City. Ureahau Will Bun- Vali-auaiso, Ind July L N 3 Bozearth of the people's party candidate for supreme judge, says he has received positive assur ance from the Indiana state central commit tee tliat Judge Walter g (iresham has promised to make the race for president as the nominee of the people's paity. The judges' son Otto said "1 know of no reason why father should not accept the honor were it tendered him, he believes in most of the doctrines of the new party: still 1 cannot say authoritively the nomination will be offered or accepted." Evidently Trlekerr.l Pom-land, July 1. The recount of the votes cast for E Holman and Joseph Hughes was completed yesterday. It gives Hughes 22 majority over Holman. The number of pencil ballots to lie referred to Judge Shat tuck stands as follows: Hughes 207, Hol man 19H. The principal error occurred in North Portland precinct l5, where Dolman was origiually given 126 and Hughes 75. The recount gives Holman 7;t 'and Hughes 107. Eaamasttu Crop of Wheat. Topkka, Kansas, July 1. The Kansas farmers are having great difficulty getting enough hands to honest the enormous crop of wheat now ready for cutting. It is be lieved the field will be the largest in the history of the state. level Krrord BreVrn. London. JuneoO. Arthur A Zimmer man, the American champion l.iiv!i-t, beat the half-mile cycling record today, making the distance in the unequaled time time of 1 4K. A Sew Jir.rj 1 jrlotir (iuhjcester, XJ June ;X. At t:20 this afternoon a wind storm of these character struck this city from the " suth i west, doing arreat damalre to nrouertv ai d killing two people, besides iniurim tliiw others. Those killed are Patrick Highlands ani1 Robert B Hamilton, and the injured H"1" Kobert S Hamilton, and the injured "f? "rs "um'ton. Mary Hamilton and Pat ing ton voted for Bidweli. while Idaho vot- ed for Detnorest. On motion of Ceorgia BtdweH' nomination wa made unanimous and another outbnrt followed, ending with cheers for Uidwell and Detnorest. John engaged as an assistant in tbe preparatory department. Arrangements were made to provide the cnapel with better seating facil- i tties. Wllawa Ihe Baa Oregon Citv June 30. Evidence has been obtained which places tbe guilt of murdering Mamie WaJaB on Wilson with out a lueation. There are strong indica tions of King Lynch deciding the case. It is probable that he may yet be prevailed upon to confess. a lie has shown evident signs of weakening. When told last night that be was likely to be aita :ked by a mob during tbe night . He a.ked to be buried in the same cemetary as Mamie Walsh, be cause she was innocent and be also is in siBnuisi A Baal Caaaly. Orecos Cm. June 'Wr Another crime has been anemptel in lackamas count v tv- 4- . w r - . . - - Kastemo Thompson, of Clackamas. He made an improper proposal, and then, when in fear she llosl to a room for safetv. he if an ax tried to breast the door ft tbe room brought here, where Ltvis thought lie is crazy. New Blacksmith. Mr Geo P Cramer ! recently of Plain viw. will open a black- i smith shop at the corner of Second and Ellsworth streets, on next Tuesday. Mr Cramer is an experienced workman and i will do work brought to htm in a satisfac tory manner. Hrse shoeing and general blacksmlthlng sttended to. A chare of he public patronage Is solicited. BeeMewly Creea Hills boro. lr June 29. Yesterday two imoothe looking men visited Rev William Jelly, one of V ashington county's earliest settlers, on his farm three miles north of Hil'sboro. and after ilirkerin? with him ; for tbo ,,ir..l, . . I I,.. l.,r. ,,...;,. ! - . auv, nil" . ,...- . another farm for him on which to spend I hu remain ins: days: Not lielng postesl on the ways of the world, be gave them 91000 tc buy the land, and for security they gave him a box purporting to contain $3000 in greenbacks. Then they departed, and this niorninpr, on opening the box, Mr Jolly found the money rone. Xothinjr has been heard of the swindlers. The rrahlMllaaUU. Cincinsati, June 29. Delegates to the E inhibition national convention put in a ard days work, ending late tonight after three sessions. Permanent organization has been effected with Eli Ritter. of Indi ana, as presiding officer, and Sam Small, the Georgia evangelist, as secretary, and tomorrow the convention will be ready to pass upon the platform and nominate can didates. In a general way tontght Bit well, i sf California, seems to have the lead for the presidential, while Demorest, of New York is Mcarceiy as prominent an yesterday, (tov St John was temporary chairman, and A F Wolfenbarger, of Nebraska, secretary. Bobbed By Maskeat Mea. Wallace, Idaho June 20. As Syden ham Mills was crossing the divide from Fancy Gulch to Marry at 4:30 thin after noon, he was suddenly confronted by two masked men with shotguns anil made to deliver up about $2000 worth of gold dust which, an hour before, he hail cleaned up in Fancy gulch. He was allowed to go on, and hastened to Murry, where he gave the alarm. An armed posse was sent out in different directions, but at this hour no clue to the highwaymen has been found. The People ' Tarty. St Lotrw, June 29. Chairman Tauben ack said tonight before leaving for Omaha that the platform adopted there would lie the same as that of the industrial conference at St Louis, together with a forcible declar ation for the Australian system of voting, a free vote and a fair count. There is a Weaver sentiment among tho leaders.. (ion Van Wyek said if (iresham positively re fuses to permit the use cf his name. .1 B Weaver will be the nominee. Hart ora Dael. Spokane, Wash June 29. Billy Fay and Jack Elmore quarreled early this morn ing, while playing faro, separating with angry words. They met again about 7 o'clock and opened fire on each other, and Delniore was mortally wounded, dying an hour later at the hospital. Fayclaims that I elmore opened fire on him, but by-stand-ers cay both began shooting about the same time. Lotan aad sbaw CaaOrated. Wabihnoton, June 29. The senate to day confirmed the nominations of James iotan, collector of customs for the Willam ette district of Oregon, and of A F Shaw, surveyor-general of Washington. Ciat'MT com?. TJ McClary, as assignee ofLTHen ness, vs Lon Conser ct ux; recovery of money. Continued. Richard Mavo vs Delila Mayo; divorce. Granted. Mary T Brannln. vs V A Burkhart; re covery of money; attachment. Continued. Assignment of Albertina KrleseJ. Con tinued. J W Gaines vs Wm V Deaklns and J E Cyrus; recovery of money; attachment. Continued. A P Blackburn adm'r vs J D Walton el al ; confirmation. Continued. 8tate vs Charles Baker and F H Phelps; lsrceny. Four Indictments. Verdict of guilty. Sentence tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Other cases continued. Sylvester E Booth vs Cora L Booth; divorce Granted. America E Henness vs The Rock Creek Flume & Lumbering Co. ; damages. Continued. Isabella Guess vs Moses B Guess; di vorce. Granted. Ruel Custer vs Mai y A Enos ; posses sion of real property. Judgment for pos session and for costs and execution to be stayed K) days. Lucinda Ouslerhoud'. vs E R Ous'er houdt; divorce. Granted. State vs M J Breslin. Plea of guilty of simple larceny. Fined $25 and stand com mt'ted until paid. In the case of the State against John Collett and Edgar Leist, arrested for giving a glass cf beer to some boys, the grand jury found a true bill against Col lett and not a true bill against Leist. The testimony showed that Leist drank only beer given M.u, while Collett paid for the keg of beer for young Savage, who was at the bot'om of the whole business. Following is the report of the grand jury : To the Hon. Judge of the Circuit Court of Linn county, Oregon : We, the Grand Jury for the June term of the Circuit Court of lSili, have as re-j quired by law risited the farm of Mr John l'avi?, where a part of the poor of the county are kept, and find them in very bad condition in regard to cleanliness of rooBt occupied by them, and find their . bedding scanty, ragged and dirty. They j complain of an insufficient amount of food, and appear to be scarce ot clothing and dirty in personal appearance. Onei patient we f.mnd suffering from an ugly cancer on the lip, who certainly should have better care and medical treatment We would recommend tbat tie county purchase a piece of land to be known as a poor farm on which to maintain and better cate for their poor. In our visit to tbe jail we find in onr judgment tbe building insufficient in sixe for the demands of the county and lumuic iwi in lewuHuu iMu viiitii 10"?.! endTat 5 1 County ToS meactionin regard to this matter We visited eacliof the county offices) aii'i iiiiu iiirui aiiuuui eaccuiion nrsi and in good order, it b officers courteous and obliging. There being no farther business before us we respectfully ask to be dismissed. H M I'ttaar, Foreman. W O Spebbt, James Ihnmi-, M Hyde, 1' J BALTtMokE, Tn - Lewis, H F Bopekib. Winnebago National Bank v Joseph Peari and Thomas Brandon ; recovery of monev. Continued. Daniel Houck et ux vs W J Vernon et Sal; partition. Continued. Vs m 1 Heller vs foaeph fearl et ux . re covery of money . Continued. Wm Herron vs Peai i it Brandon ; recov ery cf money . Continued . I) M Osboroc .V Co vt K M Robertson : recovary of money. Ccntinurd. Gatnes Stringer v Linn county: mandate. Continued. W T Hoffman v Green Basi 1 Lumber Co: recovery of mony : attachment . Con tinued. Wm T Heller vs Joseph Pearl et ux ; re covery of money. Continued. Gibson Myers vs T C Sloper; recovery of money : attachment. Dismissed at cost of plaintiff Eiixabeth Barker vs A E Barker divorce Granted; care of minor child a arded lo plff. Bank of Oregon vs J M Konkie; re covery of money. Jury disagreed. Con tinned. j iiewan x tx vs i i rmuirer : recovery ' T'J y. I Maul, judgmen.. ! R 1 sb,n TS AUen 1,ro-. recovery of ' money ; attachment. Settled- K S Irson vs Allen Bros., recovery of money : attachment. Settled. R L Sabin vs Allen Brot., recovery money : attachment. Settled. Richet. Roberta Bull vs Ailen Bros., recovery o'. money ; attachment Settled lane Cdmpton vs S W Com p ton ; di vorce. Ciranted. Joseph Getx vs Allen Bros.. recovery of money ; attachment. Fettled. Cbaa II Dodd & Co. v J L Hollida, re covery of money attachment Continued Portland Provision Co vs Allen Bros., recovery of money j attachment. Settled. C A Klson vs Abner H Edwards et ux ; recovery of money. Continued. William Faber vs F A Burkhart et ux foreclosure. Iecree granted ; ally's lees, $50. ftlmr Brsnrlrsn tb istansw I Melt iwpH Continued. lames W Tufts vs J A Cummins : re covery of money. Continued. Strau.ler Froman vs Wm M Baker and W E Kelly, recovery of money: attach ment. Continued. Mary Cougill vsThe F Jk M In Co; recovery of money. Continued. Ulen & Lewis vs Jas F Nixon, recov ery of monei. Judgment for want of answer. Wm F.ioervs J V Pipeetjal; foreclosure, Decree granted. . H I. Kelso vs J B Keieay; action for possession of (personal propeity. Con tinued. E W Langdom vs W J Hay ; foreclos ure chattel mortgage. Continued. Herman Heyneman vs Houcy Wo Tung; recovery of money; attachment. Continued- S E Young to J T Kooks ; recovery of money ; attachment. Settled. Assignment Allen Bros, Insolvent deb tors to J J Dubruilie. Dismissed. W C Myers vs E Milbredt. Continued. Emll Wllbredt vs 8 M W Hindman; mandamus. Defendant ordered to file transcript and pay cost of proceeding. T A and Elisabeth Gross vs Jas Continued. State of Oregon vs Dell Savage. Default. Bond forfeited and reduced to $150. Slate vs John Collett. Plead guilty and fined 5j- T J Kerns vs L Case et al. Continued. J B Boyer vs Smith & Senders; recovery of money ; attachment . Continued. J 11 Stetson vs Smith Se Senders; re covery of money ; attachment. Continued. Bridge ft Beach M'fg Co .s O W Smith and J W Ctisick; ;o annul assignment. Continued. Assignment of A J Acheson. Final account filed and confirmed. Assignee and assignor discharged. D M Osborn & Co v Henry Kay ct ux ; recoyery of money; attahment. Continued. Bridge & Beach Mfg Co vs Smith & Senders; recovery of money; attachment. Continued State upon the relation of J W Blain vs C G Bnrkhart; to obtain clerks office. Continued. C P Burkhart vs Nellie C Burkhart; divorce. Continued. E Adamson vs Sarah M Adamson ; divorce. Continued. Ada Anderson vs Wm Anderson ; di vorce. Continued. D M and J M Burnett va Mary Ken nedy and Walter Burnett; partition. Re port of referee filed and affirmed. Enoch Cyrus et al vs Warren Cyrus et al ; partition. Continued. State ol Oregon vs Dell Savage. Bonds forfeited and reduced to $150. Jim Luian, the meanest wire pulling, wiatd politician in Oregon, was appointed collector of customs at John V Foster, of Indiana, has been appointed secretary of state to succeed Blaine. He'll get lout in Blaine's shoes. It would be interesting If Governor Pennoycr were to run for president on the people's party ticket. Would Lotan and Simon support him is a funny question asked. When such men as Jim Lotan are given the boodle respectable men might as well keep out of politics. The Oregon delega tion have not served their constituents, regardless of politics, verv well, In ap pointing a man like Lotan for collector. Bab I Lionel R Webster's defeat for state attorney-general is a lesson to men who want to continue In political life and take snap judgment on newspaper men. The official majority againi.t Webster in his own county is 668 This is the largest majority eve." thrown against a candidate f ar public office in the history of Jackson county, and elves a fsir estimate of what , the people of h's own county think of the presided over their circuit court for a number of years. But that snowing un der by 668 majority fails to express thankfulness cf the people that he cease to hold that position after the of next month.--Astoria Examiner. the will Srst An editor is "uning for office in Wash ington, and an ex says it hopes be will be elected and get enough lioodle to pay the thirty dollars he has owed the editor of the paper for over ten years. This is a good illustration of what . tinning for office means in this world. What a difference it makes? When! Ried was a poor school boy he was plain Jake Reid ; when he married a California millionaires daughter he became Whitelaw Ried, now he is a republican candidate for the vice presidency, be is Whitelaw Ried, the plain "John" of his school boy days is gone entirely. White law does sound more aristocratic. Ex. After election it will simply be Halt River Ried The public pulse beats together for ,,m,nt mtire for the ,:.r.r t M.mi j Welsh near Oretron Citv". Everywhere it is considered with local interest In nearly every community there are vip- era like the villain who committed thia horrible crime, though they may not go as tar as lie UnJ. it there be a crusade against the ocial evils that lead up to i such a result. i T, f i ; : t , i s . . 1 oC.X" rning" tbeCool celrnlt LT j Ss Thf wen "into" e ; rountv with the expectation that work i vroo lit soon be reanmetl on the r, ,a,l arc leaving, and it rertainlv looks as though construction work would have been started by this time had the company intended doing any thing this year. Tbat the road will be built there is no doubt, but when, is altogether a different quea- Talk about going to war. or swimming over Niagara, they are nowhere com pared with being on a 4th of Jnly com mittee. Send the Man About Town to C'oego to fight the natives; but please never again send him against four kick ing base ball teams. ' brought to Albany in the evening m a b to the treasurer's office aad Mr Tbe city has been full of fine displays carnage, and Dr J P V allace eet the , Wallace will handle Uie funds backed by ail commendable. A unique one is that bone- the confidence of all Ha kJXSj a : . No.-- EvE.Thi, aftern while j Rectors Sxavtc-Tbe Evigelicl A men -an eagle's beak- Plow is an owl f'rca;,urt w",n ion.ludge Powel,. Sandav gchool wiil celebrate children's with glasses reading a Bible. ben , oWJl member of the bar rend in da T OD Sandlly morning md evening, shall we three meet again." appeais be- Ph ol rare beautv and good taste s hu trnnd to preach a eer low the pictures and all around are ? , n. 't 4 ' J. B M ,or children 1 1 a m and Mb stuffed animals and birds. bU 1.- ? H ! S Lucinda Farwell, the superintendent. a Jf- le a lhe, 5 "hi5 1 will be glad to have all parents attena. x.. .i h,e held by the bar of the dmtrtct The.with their chndren especallv in the Geo W lcke t tate yesteniay after-, Judge though very much surprised, re- ! eMlD ThI8 gandaT hool has had a ncn purchased Alex Mayer e one story sponded in filuing terms to the donors. , srowth m the ix moathB brick, jast north of Fnendlv s store for The occasion being one on which the , tTveU efficientivsuperintemd the sum of . 00t Then he purchased ; Judge appears, may be, for the last lime. U, Kbool All are 1Cvited to thia of T u Hendn 0 ks the adjoining brick j before the Albany bar as judge of the cir- Mnal. fegtjeal for tbe children occupied bv the Monogram cigar store j cult coui t it will'long be remembered by j ' , . for a like amount- Mr Pickett intends I all present. Congregational church. Services at 11 having the two buildings lengthened ? m and . :45 p m. Preaching by the out Unrtv feet and wilt add another story -Eugene Guard. One cf Mr Sullivan's porkers disputed the rattle and roar of the hand car hut Sunday to its final destruction. He was standing by the track s the car was coming down the road being propelled , bv some of the section hands, when all of a sudden he jumped in front to receive his smash tin. It took the auirl all out J of his tail and ended np his crun: in a f ' striking manner Five dollars is said to i have fttlly satisfied the owner of the four-legged porcupine Mill Citv Ga zette. reixTT i oi bt ra XEitt (O. Wni. R. ? BUckbarn. Jodr j & W Rumba ugh. OamlssSi nir Coo,rand Bond of C C lackson . ar i . sheriff elect, ap- ! pioved. also bond of W f'es- sor, N P Pavne. county clerk, K E Davis, ' ! recorder, E TT Fisher, surveyor. In the matter of warran's for the A I- I ! banv bridge, ordered that a warrant for ; i $10,000 be issued in favor of city, and a I warrant for $20,0tW without interest 1 whatever be draw n. Most of the bills presented were con- tinued for the new County Court, which will convene on Wednesday, July 6th. Bonds of Briee Wallace, treasurer elect were approved. The following bills were allowed : J L Hill, examining insane. $ W H Davis, examining insane N P Payne, arc't insane J W Ellison, elections P C Anderson, acct jail Crawford & Paxton, acct assessor. WE Gilbert, acct C H 5 00 5 00 4 00 5 40 3 00 50 00 1.1 35 Fortmiller Irving, acct C H 56 00 Fori miller A: Irving, acct poor. . . . 15 00 T L Dugger, printing 3 50 DR N Blackburn 100 00 B W Cooper 3 20 Wm Rnmbatiah IS 00 Albany Ice Co 0 Tbe korreet plaee to buy year groceries is a BrowneHs Aabhv iCsrsf, Rosl Estate, Bi Wash ington Street. Portland, Or. All I ind of choice eatiot; cooking applss at Allen Bros Gt to 3 W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Smile,. Flinn Block, for your j b printing if all kind MAKKIKl). MUNKERS. M'KNIGHT On Wed nesday, June jo, 1891, at the residence of Mrs R FAthbv.ln Albany, bv Rev J F S'.ewart, Mr S Munkersand Miss Maggie McKnlgh. TALK I NGTON. G W Y N N K At the Presbyterian church, In Salem, on Wed nesday. June 39, iSoj, Miss Carrie, dau ghter of Rev F M Gwvnne, to Prof II L Talklngton, of Pendleton. The ceremony which joined this couple in the holy bonds of wedlock a . per formed at 11 o'clock bv Dr Gwynne, as sisted by Revs E N Condit and E R Prlchard, of Albany. As the btldal party entered ihe church Mendelssohn's wedding march was tendered by Miss Llzie Mc Nsry. The groom was attended by Prof Draper, of Pendle'.on, and E J McCaust land, of this city. The bridesmaids were Misses Annie, Ltllie and Edith Guy tine, and the flower girls were Misses Alberta. Georgia and Olive G wynne. Tne attire of the bride wns white corded silk en tralne, trimmed with satin ribbon. She wore a wreath of orange blossoms and a veil, and slippers and gloves of white kid. She carried a boquet of white roses tied with white ribbon. She wore no jewelry except a diamond brooch, a gift of the groom. The bridesmaids wore dresses of lavender landadown, Persian trimming, and toques of pink chliTon with rose leave-., carrying boqtiets of pink and white. The mother of th? bride was at tired In block satin trimmed in jet Uce. Statesman. BOHR AMI ABBBAB THURSDAY. Cbronourauhk and stop watches at Frenches jewelry store. Horsemen, go to F M Frenches jewelry store and buy stop watch, Last Monday Harvey Davis, of Bhidd, lost a pocketbook containing a $10 bill. Did you find it. Remember F M French keep a full line of Pebble spectacles and eye glosses and fit tbem accurately. Mia Jane Failing an old resident of AU bany, aged about 80 yesra. - gesterday even ing, stepped on boaid in such a manner as to oe thrown to the grcand, breaking onof learms. Tin bridge will lie thoroughly teited to rr orro v before being accepted Today a la ge na ntier of teams arc pattirg tbe Ben tou . pprotch in condition and the l,ino ap proat.n it a'to being made to look respecta ble. gene Looney has purchased from the B S & L Ck, the Van Honlen ranch on the Bridge creeb. This is conceded to be one of the beat stock farms in Eastern Ore goo. The consideration was $10,000. Since baying in- reach Mr l.o mrp has purchased 10.000 had of stock sheep. Piineville News. fbidav. Vh-at has taken another tumble and is only q jotedt f4 cents. All bicyclist arc requested to meet to nigh' a. 7:30 o'clock ij uniform for drilling for the 4th . Some fine 4.h of July store decoration are seen along Firs', etreet, very creditable to the artist. The Oregon Blood Purifier is Nature's I own remedy, au : rhould be used to the ex- J elusion of all other medicine in all diseases ' of the stomach, liver and kidney. Tboa Kay bought for the Salem woolen mm. aoout uuu jnnasot wool in ue- nht the bridge was accepted and a srfk borg this week.-PlaindeaUr. j factory .ettletnent made witb tbe coutrac The Presbytery of the Willamette met f tors. Hundred of team have since been yesterday afternoon at th s Presbyterian ' Paaaini oye- this splendidly boilt structure. i 5"?- yne sad Key Marabjii, of Jt", .citiM, cuu the loca' clergy, were pwent . Tbe increasing demand for West's Cough Syrup is swUsstss) of iti g i it sittssB ! all throat and lani: diaeasr Three sizes. Large bottle, 25 and 50 .-. Sold by J A Cummin, draggut. J J tbe county jail for forgery, attempted 1 1 escape frcm tbe jail two weeks ago by making a bole ia tbe wallsd bad the bole nearly made ben discovered b the sheriff. He was pat in a (': cell and will be closely watched. ne louowing wui compose ti l,-o,.iosi D,W! ln" wm cro w" the a.i.any, ! Knox BolMl cIal 00 Jo,y nd 7" r.."l -- '-svojuo h Ls.veuue in tie Nx; Aldnch, a. ,; Wright, 1st b ; Marks, 2nd b. . Stowe, 3id b. ; Eikins, I f.; Wiiey, e.f.; Scott, r. f. Toe woolen mill ia receiving large am sent of spring clipped wool from different towns in Lisa coocty, and it also buying consid erable Eastern Oregon wool which is stored ia Portland owing to insnffi ont storing room here. Oregon City Conn.T. The Portland Telegram says: "Tbe name of Mr LoUn was esiieatly aenttn tbe senate seme days ago, and foi nt reason or other aa not given oat by either of tbe pre- aaaociaUoor. Today's dispatch confirm the stat men t made by tbe Teietgram over a week ao that Mr L-..tan had bi appoint roent at collector of co turns la bis pocket oet v. was to: maie pnoli; fortoereaccn it might have a bad effect no the election, tbeo : coming on." Till iiikiIiiIsswI of man like : Lotan la bad eaongh. Lveryhody abooid ashamed of hacb extra conduct ea it worse. Leg Beoeex. Yesterdav Mr A Wot- ng one ot tits tegs at ine anaie. ne was The 4th of lu'.y celebration will begin tomorrow. lWiow we give the program ! for the two days- i i resiueni me uay, v met lustier xv s ; Strahan. Vice president. W F Bead. Chief Marsbr.1. O B Smith. BATl'BDAV, MTU 2. AT THE PAIR Ggol SD. Three-eights mile dash, all aires, $75. lientleman's roadster race, $.V. Free for all trot, 1 100. Special match trottii z race. $400. Baseball tournament, two match games between A I bar. y, Knox Matte. Scio and I.-Km on teams, for a purse 200 at 10 and :l o'clock. Bicycle races, S mile, $20. BOMBAY, Jt'LY 4. Races cal'.ed at 1 -W sharp, line-half mile dash, all aires. $75 I TrottinE race. Linn count v horses onlv. 130, I Novelty racf, first mile walk, second i i si os- uiiiu iiio, -v- o m ,m: i . i. : l .M -.i i 2:30 trotting race, $200. Final ball game. Bicycle races, 1 mile, $30. XOHDAT'S ntOCRAB. National salute at sunrise. Procession will form at 9 :30 on Second j street between Ellsworth and Broad i albin street, in Uie following order : Color bearer. Police squad Marshal and aids Second Regiment Band. F Com oan v O. ST. G. Orator, reader and officers of the day in carriages. City and county officials. Fire departments. Albany Mechanics Band. Industrial and trades display. Civic societies. Other hands. Base ball teams. Albany Bicycle Club and visiting wheelmen. Citizens in carriages. Citizens on foot. The procession will move at 10 a m. ; sharp on Second street east to Baker, thence north to First, thence west to Washington street, thence south on Washington street to Fourth street, thence east on Fourth street to the court house square where Uie exercises will be held. EXERCISES AT THE Q.T'TBE. 1. Music by the band 2. Prayer by Rev S G Irvine, chap lain. 3. Song by the Apollo club and Choral society. 4 Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence by Miss Grace Scriber, of Salem. 5. Music by the band. ft. Oration by Prof J M Bloss 7 Song by the Apollo club and Choral society. 8. Music by the band. THE rOW JAYS AT lUOII NOON. The exercises will close at 11:45 and at high noon the ancient order of Pow Jays, led by the wild man of Barneo, will make their appearance on the square and render an unequalled program, last ing half an hour. Time for dinner will then be given until '- o'clock. THE AFTERNOON CONTESTS. The following contest and races will then be held. On tho square : 2 p m. Band concert. 2 ::t0. Ladies foot race for gold ring ; girls foot race (under 10) for silver cup; boys foot race (under 10) for silver set. 2:45. Wneelborrow race, 100 yards, $4 ; 3 legged race, 50 yards, $4 : sack race. 60 yards, $4 ; climbing greased pole, $3. 3 :30 Catching greased pig (the pig the prixe. Longest hop step and jump, $2 50. On First street. 4. Boy's bicycle race, Washington to Lyon street ana return, $7.50. 4:15. Foot race, 100 yards, $7.50. 4 :30. Steamer contest, $25. 4:45. Hose race, wet test, $100. 5. Hook and ladder contest, $20. 5.15. Tender race, $10. 6 : 30. Foot race 300 yards, $7.50. During the day a grand shooting tour- ! verton residing beyond P Sheriff Scott" who bu rred tbe peopb M l3' T f'eD eo faithfully will gire plate, to Mr Jack he fell backwards to the ground, breaE- ' t- L a-a nament will be held immediately south of the city nnder the auspices of the Mascot rod and nn club for purses amounting to $1000. THE BBfDOK Will be formally dedicated at 8 o'clock in the evening. Beautifully illamnated with electric lights. Short speeches by Mayor Cowan and city and county offi cials. Grand display of fire works from bridge. Grand ball after fireworks. SATURDAY. Nearly all the Sactiam miners are down celebrating tbe 4th. I E U Will gives yon his personal guarantiee ; fo- 5 years with his pianos and organs. If yon are at leisure ell ai Will's Music Store and see the Metropolitan stock of pi atio and organs. Visitor, in th c ty we are anxious to make yocr acquaintance. Call and see my pianos and organs. E U Will. Tbe fines', assortment of pianos and orgai s eyer ret-n in Albaay at Will's Music 8to e. Call and see them before yon retu'a home. &ee tbe latest cabinet' in sewing ma chines and the best in the matkeU at Will's Mnsic Store. Needles and oil for all ma chine kept here. The overland train will stoo at Terser ; both morning and evening on Sunday next, i rfuiy .ri, hit in' convenience ot all who ae j sire to attend tbe 'tamp meeting now in pro gress at tbat plane. Mii Maud Hoffman, insisted by lcal taient and a well known elocutionist of Port land, will gire a t nsical and literary enter tainment at the Congregational cnrch at Corvaliis on Friday evening, Jnly 8:h. Of coarse there will be no appeartnee of the DgeOCRAT Monday e renin? T.te glo rious 4'h is one of the two day of the ye r in which 'he DmocSAT takes a reat. i!ni rab for George Wsabinton. At a meeting of the Citv Council last s wvenir spoon, of the Albany bridge at , r M rrench Get a nonvenir apxn of the Albany bridge st KM French'. Itave year order mith Parkr Bros fo Kentish ..hi tries. Lime, plaster, cement and hi lr, r . eatt, at 1 A Morris &C Co'. The beet jewelry at Will ft Stark V, Battrrick patterns at Bead's. Great eletraoce sale for tbe nxt ixty days at W P Bead & Co'. Von can save money br baying of Bead. Large stock of white goodafand embroid eries at W P Bead ftCo'a. r.oy ladies and children 'af.boei of W F Bsad. Will At Stark, tit jeweler. Once tried, tbey will always be ased. Bemett'a Extracts. C E Browceil, sole agent for Eoraett's Extracts. Fike at Lebanon This forenoon at 7 :45 o'clock a fire waa discovered in the St Charles Hotel at Lebanon The fire company were promptly on hand, and extinguished tbe flames after hard work. A detective flue was the cause, and the j part burned was along and behind the j ceiling. Tbe damage was about $000. j covered by insurance, the special agent : j for the company being in the city at the I time. Tub Last Day. Today ia the last day of the old conntv officials. Tnesdav the near ores wiil take their tsati Ths TV. j clerk'e. recorder's and superintendent's l- mce trui continue to ne occupied by tne present popular ana emcient men d t in everrthinsr. MrCnr! w3I wv d . pastor snoject oi morning aiaconrse, SZ3SfSltS5S j Y p 8 C E at 6:4i Al fare welcome. At tbe United Preabyterian church tbe subject of tbe morning sermon wiK be "True Freedom ;" Sabbath school at 2 :30 p m: evening service at 7 :45 p m : i I'M ttti:pin. Ait seats tre. Rjv Mr Hume of fthe Cumberland Presbyterian church, and lately from the east will speak to the Y M C A tomor row at 4 p m in their rooms over the iMnt wm1 l;rKtfr,t nlaA nrt ot ! matter how warm Uie weather. The best ! male voices ia the city will furnish music. e mean business. Lome ana see for yourself. BE STATE WEATBEB iECTBtE, Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month, I Jane, IS92. ElevaUon above sea level, 317.7 feet. Mao temperature, 61 1. Departure from normal, 00 3 I Maximum temperature. 97; date, 27. Minimum temperature, 4!; date. 9. Mean of maximum temperature, 74. Mean of min mum temperature, 46.6. No. times a aximam tesperatare 90 or abive, 2. No. times a assust tetaperatarv 32 or b?w. 0. Total precipitation 0.76 inches. Departure trom normal, 0TS inches. Prevaili oa direction of the wind, N. No. ot cloudlet days, 9. No. of pa. tly cloudy days, g No. of cloudy days, 13. No oi days on which .01 of rain or anew ieU, 6. i ates oa wn;cn oaii seu,v Date on which saow fell, 0. Dates of thunder storms, 7th. lS.h. Dates of light frost, 0. Dates of killing or injurious frost, 0. Dates of solar haloa, 3rd. Dates of lnnar haloa, 3 ru. John Beigcs, Volunteer Observer. vJsvr. There's danger -mora than ever when is "bad." It nukes in a cough -vour blood things easy for Consumption. But there's a cure for it in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. A posi tive cure not only for "Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bron chitis, Asthma and all lingering Coughs, but for Consumption itself in all its earlier stages. It's rea sonable. All these diseases depend on tainted blood. Consumption is simply Lung - scrofula. And for every form of scrofula and blood Uint, the "Discovery" is a certain remedy. It's so certain, that its makers guarantee it to benefit or cure, in every case, or tha money js refunded. With a medicine that it certain, this can be ione. There's a cure for Catarrh, too, no matter what you're been led to believe. If there isn't in your case, .you'll get $500 cash. It's a bona fide offer that's made bv the pro .prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh 'Remedy. There's risk in it, to be tore, but they are willing to take the risk Tw oughato be sladi VEUE SjsU U J Li .5 .i. 'V THE BRIDGE OPEH. KTOrahndv Wsv frneo fin It. Friday at half past 2 o'clock pm in thia city. C H Stewart, F M 9 and R Wakefield had charee of tbe lb ib mi liuuuriaiiL triKj,:n in trie u of Albany, and we trust it will man v vear an a monnment to r. energy, pluck and enterprise of tbe citi zens of Cinn conntv and especially ol Albady- F L Bnch was the seedfid to cross from land to land in a carriaee and a Democrat man was behind the third? team. A Scaly, Itching, Skin Disease wftB KndJesa SuOertns; Cured by Catlcura, Remedies. If I bad known of the Ccturaa Bstrsnnis twenty-alsnt yean sen, it would have ansfws ana an immense amount of ssiBsrtsa. sty amniaiat oa sty Bean a a cent. It nrraad rsetdly sit over my body, sod set under my nail. The seals woaM drop off of BBS all th time, nil bij snffilm sas tsitlnrr and wtthoot ralief. One thou sand douses would not tempt m to Save this disss over again. I asa a poor man, hot feel lien to he raftered of what soase of the destine id wm leprosy, otn rtBfwcrm, po rtaata, etc. X caooet prase tha CtmctrBA Barasta vm Tbey hav made ray aktn a ir anil frtm from l nils a a babv' I need of tbem was S worth. If yon had bees hen and od yon wocld has eaxaw as fa -, yon would hare had the money. I looked Ska th ptetar (So. i. pas T) hi yew book, "How to i ar Boa maea," do bos a i any person ever was. Thronsh Arras Of Bans a tab my Beads over my ana sad leas to aLiataw t no In a wku, but to so parpoae. Imilwen. 1 at years, ana n av w jsw tome. I tici yoa t&o kind of UZXSZ3 DOWSiSO, Waxsthory, Vt. Cuttcura Hasofvent The new Blood and Skto Partfler, iateraaSy fas rlisast the blood of all tmportste ui padeoa r'-aaent) , and Crnccaa, th great gkin Cure, end '-menu Boar, ma ausdatt Bkm (io -1 InsiMil ' mSm s-w, cneedslv ( of ltehma. bwmrne seafr. erased, vtmftr. etwfahaa. sad hrd,.tarv meeasr and basaotsef ths au,alp,aaal Uood,wMh tosa of asar. naat hvXacy to se, from pimps to erofai- Scid tiriiywhu. Prlee, OciSCTnsa. So.; goar, Kasox.vXBT, (1. IHeparsd by tha Pottsb aaea an vrnmrntcu, uosrrnssiTiosr, aiiwi MW Bend for " How to Cass smBS 1 0 umatrsaoas, sd 100 1 PI HPS'?8' I by Ccnccma Boar. ACHIN8 8IDE8 AND BACK, B"F1AT,' MERIT 3 t " PIUS? NO!! If yon take pills it is because never tried the von have S. B. fatake aii Liver Care It works so nicely, cieasstag the Liver aad Kidney?; acts as a mild physic withoat cans rng pain or sickacxs, aad does not 'stop yoa from eating and working. To try it is to become eon vi need. Tnstr wsirsi sy rsiif, WHY IS THE W. U DOUCLAS S3 SHOE CEN LEME3 THE BEST SHOE HIDE 1883 RBeCST? BBa sssao. wtt m taras er wax taowad SBttgttBB tayfc Bsade eC ts be a eaB. trtssfc Is r as -r 1- ' '110??? niwBsT miiI BSE BStil ll3..i.sewJ ttmi . iua ? asm Beer oS . loe BiSij qai tiaacfc wBVtt coat frem SXto BcLaC B a OSt HasS-Ssnra IVrli sk. " tayasB. rotor. mile si rfarqJa. v ar case b, VlM hMl BB tE-1 1 III , I I. mrw . w wsw avis; irusa au to at. -a rtt la-roan. Thread jtea 1 Latterfarre s U -i ear Han: Sawoif woota taasie. fcv.iv tkrsc tvnca, euesv- Leo-.. ob tmr will r a rail 1 co tetws- netmr eSFneal a tad awtew: as trial H isis, rtowtraastorfenarrtce, a mmm as.w as rsttaaaea- site r ssroec sad dwnbea. TBose area Banal BV.BsS and Bl.f BWBimwiili.nriKj; taeya uh issbst souap,m usinuns Ml IdUW. I saH Sao VS-SM llaad-wswea aa. bet Mil ICO 1- - - - - Hi aiiaiiB rtsaia kopcrt sbors rveti&a-fr.Ma SVAl lr BSiSi Bii ar- the eess aae tayijoU. stjrhsamk! a-sraala, t kvtlj. Sec tut I . L. tmsat &ai va-l jaa9 ar? siaac-vj on ieewaaiias aaaa. rsrTiliK TSO rrBSTlTr, rin ii Tiists L. R. BT.AJ S Selcatilc Aenrs Aoeecy far TRADE OZSICSJ r COPtfBifir MtSTif 00? Bstiow?rrrta v oL. Oioeas bstraaa tor eecorto- ptoU m mrnTit. Every MteBt taken owthr a t twoajrat tw tbe pas: ie by a notice jrtveu tree vt char, c . i rifitfifir Smcmiui aa VZD T Larsyst .rrsilat..;r-. cf any srtnti piper rt u wikIa . ecdidhr Ithsstraied. No tmeClgiS raaa ahcufd be without If. Weeitr ;., -; :. v.ife i ALBANY COLLEBJAW IMgflTUfg ALBANY, OREQON lSOX, 1892. tral Teraa BpeaeU September Ml . A I 1 corps of instructora, CLAiSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course at study arranged so meet tl all grades of students. Sfriml luaucemmUt ojfered to stmitntt from abroad. BCT. BLBSBT.M CflMT Irel4. CHOICE MEATS or As Inns tamriclc - Baker, IOy.fs.ita 1 ieameer'B Uverv sJtSBa spot not terser than IJfVBjp, kidney, sad aterme pasaa asm IP'K weaaaeaeea rallerrad In oat miasm mavrir by tbe Ostowanm Astta-Padi Flaw I ST WmVy amtfamandonJfaaB MTkig iff k 5 Hp .1 WW