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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1892)
n ahc ijnuoctat. Mansfield-Ross Wedding. On Sat urday evening July 2, at the residence of the brides parents Mr. Claude H Mans field and Miss Hattie Rose. Just as the clock was striking 8, Alice, sister of the bride, and Mary, sister of the groom, both neatly dressed, marched into the room, just behind them being Mr Fred Rosa, and Miss Mamie Hyde, followed by the bride and groom, 'rho bride was dressed in a very Tiht silver gray, made with train, trimrjed in silk ot the same shade with white rose buds in breast and hair. Under an arch at tin bav w indow Rev G W Hill performed a nice marriage ceremony. Just as they were pronounced husband and wife, an R made of white roses dropped from the arch directly over their heads leaving an M hanging there. After congratulations supper was announced. On one of the tables where the older company were, was a large handsomely decorated cake with the words "A Happy Birthdav 50 Years" it being the 50th anniversary of the brides mother. On the other table were two elegant cakes one with the name Hattie and the other Claude. A fine repast was served. Teere were about 60 invited guests. The presents were: Pinner set, from Mr and MisStitesand daughter; set dinner plates. Mrs Elias Truax ; silver sugar shell, Mr Elias Tru ax ; glass fruit dish, Sada Truax glass cake stand, Mrs Annie Berwick ; glass fruit dish, Lila Berwick ; 1 pair pictures, Mr and Mrs Ream ; silver mounted pickle caster, Mr and Mrs D Turner and family ; silver mounted fruit stand, Mr and Mrs Mark Hulbert ; pair silver salt dishes Mrs H J Maple and daughter ; 1 set silver teaspoons, Mrs S W Ross ; 1 set silver knives and forks.Mr S W Ross, l set silver teaspoons, Mr and Mrs C Myer; silver butter knife and sugar shell Mr and Mrs F M Fiench ; Butter knife and sugar shell, Miss Celia Pennington and Miss Alice Richards; 6 linen nap kins, Grandma Truax ; two Linen towels, Mrs D D Conley ; two linen towels, Mrs Harlon Truax ; 1 stand and 1 bureau scarf . Mrs Ed Stone ; glass lemon squeezer Fred Thompson: clock and furnishing for one bed ; Mr and Mrs Rufus Thomp son ; table linen and napkins, Mrs l)r Hill: silver tablespoons, Emmily Hill; 1 silver napkin ring, Alice Ross; 1 bed spread, Mrs J E Ross. Former Albanians in Ir. The San Leandro Reporter, of Calif., gives the ollowing account of a big incorporation there at the head of which ate two former Albany men : For some time the unu sual prosperity of the agricultural works at this place, "owned and managed by Mr D Best, has attracted the attention of several prominent capitalists. Mr Best has decided to act on the advice of these wealthy men. and on Thursday the articles of incorporation of the "Daniel Best Agricultural Works" were drawn up and forwarded to the Secretary of State at Sacramento. The capital stock is 1300,000, divided into 3000 shares of the value of $100 each. The incorpora tors are : Daniel Best .the present owner, W S Peters, the secretary of the works, R H Warfield, the Hea'ldsburg banker, S J Conger, a nephew of United States Senator Conger. Mr Wilson, brother of j the late S M Wilson. None of the stock , is for sale, but the incorporators follow- j ing tho plan of some of the large Eastern j establishments, have decided to let their Mm employees become stockholders if ; they want to. It is the intention of the company to enlarge the works and in crease the output, all of which wili add to the prosperity of San Leant!: o. Crook County. Last Sunday Z M Brown arrived from Willamette valley with 100 yearling cattle. Jas Elkins.who has been in this county for several months, passed through town Sunday en route to his home in Albany Mr Elkins had been called to Portland as a witness in the W V & C M Co's case, and will return to this county as soon as he finishes giving in his testimony. J H Cox came across the mountains j from Albany last week, arriving here ' Sunday afternoon. He is here looking after his farm and stock on Upper Crook ed river. Deputy United States Marshal John son arrived here Sunday even ing, and re mained until Wednesday. He left on Wednesday's stage for Portland, accom panied by D W Aldridge, late editor of the Prineville New", who was indicted at the May setting of the U S grand jury for sending obscene publications through the mail. July 6th is the date fixed tor Aid ridge's trial. Ochoco Review. Probate Iustteks. In estate of S B Finnegan, inventory filed. Real proper ty, $660; peisonal. $1095 87. In estate of J F Backensto, personal property was ordered sold as circum stances dictate. In estate of C T Ingram, the time for filing referees report waB extended one month. In estate of Rebecca Vernon, final ac count continued until August. In estate of Daniel Houck, inventory filed. Real property, $10,400; personal property, $1069.55. Personal property was ordered sold. In estate of J F Hill, citation was ord ered reissued for August 6th, 10 a m. A Robkbubo Bcildino. The O F of Roseburg are having a serious time let ting the contract for a new building. The last Review says : The stock hold ers of the Odd Fellows Building Associa tion held a meeting in the county clerk's office last night. A majority of the shares were represented and it was voted to increase the capital stock from $12,000 to $14,000. W J Bennett, to whom the contract for the new building was let, failed to file the proper bonds and all bids were rejected. It is now the inten tion to let the contract privately and negotiatioDs are going on with several contractors and final arrangements will soon be made. That the proposed temple will be built there is not the slightest doubt. The plans as submitted by Mr Bennett will be adhered to, and work will be pushed when once begun so that the new theatre will be ready lor the winter season. A Good One. Albany people are proud of the big bridge. It suits them . The manner in which it spans the river shows it off to advantage. Naturally tnoueh they wish to keep it bfore them and as well to let their friends in the east see what Oregon enterprise and rustle can do. mong the ptetures taken of it. Is a fine one by Conn & Underwood, showing the bridge from Benton county, thus also giving a good view of Albany. It outlines the entire structure from end to end mak ing 4 suburb view of it. Those -.'.iihing bridge souvenirs should call and see this fine picture as well as smaller ones of the big steel bridge. A Query. Editors Democrat. Can vou state through the columns -of the Democrat whether there is an ordinance to prohibit the tying cows to the side walk, or in reach of the walk, as mere are per sona In Albany who take the privilege to tie cows to the walka with ropes at least 75 feet long, giving the cow ful" sweep of about 150 feet of the walk. The writer hat seen ladles with baby carriages turn and go two or three blocks around rather than risk crossing the rope and being tripped up. The Pound master or Street commissioner shonld inquire into this matter. G W Harris. There is such an ordinance. Expectations. Formerly the Prlne vllle papers looked to Albany for Ore gon Pacific news, and were generally kicking because they could not depend on it. Now, it seems as if Albany gets its O P news from prineville, and it is of a very encouraging nature; but how will it pan out. The Review says: "We have seen a private letter from an engineer In the employ of the Oregon Pacific, which says it is expected that the engineering crops of the company will be put in the field in a short time." A Close Call In not havine a , Albany was fortunate 4th of July fire alarm thouuh there was a close call tor onei Hhnnt n-in last rfitrht a fire rocket set fire to the roof of the Chinese building next to No. 2's Engine house.but It was discovered ar.d extinguished by B F Purdom before spreading much. We are going to put the prices down to each and sell for cash only , Allen bros. 6000 papers fresh garden aud flowen seeds waitingpurohasers at , C E Brownel. MISFITS. I The Salem Statesman gives Albany the I credit of the Marine cadets of Eugene. It suggests that we have a company of our own. Sheriff Kelly, of Multuomnh county occupies a very unenviable position in the eyes of the people. In allowing Wil son to escape he lost the confidence of the people of Oregon regardless of poll tics- The great need of the day is live, careful offieitls. Another Blue Bucket victim" is report ed by the Ochoco Review : L O Perry returned on Monday from a prnepeetinn tour. He was 0111 in search of tl e tabled "Blue Bucket" digging, but. faili (1 10 rind them. and is of the opinion that they ate a myth. It is not generally known, but it ir ;t fact nevertheless, that RoMburg has a citizen who was born over 100 veins ago. He is the father of Mrs Field, and was 100 years old the 2nd of last Mrch. lie is not as strong and hearty as he was a half century ago, but he is in a fair state of preservation just the same. Plain denier. Following is the description of the end Chas Wilson, who escaped from Sheriff Kelley: Age, 31 yeais ; height,5 feet 11 inches; weight, about 165 pounds; complexion, dark ; dark hair; mustache dark and thin ; daik eyes and sunken in ; high cheek bones'; very prominent fore head ; wears hat No 7?.. : had on a black Derby hat when last seen ; very large pug ! nose ana very reu on end ; when last seen had on a new suit of clothes, very dark or black ; coat, pant? and vest alike, sack coat ; negligee shirt, laced in front 'when last seen laees taken out ; had on a new pair of laced shoes, about NoS; largi soie on left wrist aud considerably swol len ; when in conversation with any one be throws his head back and bite- his upper lip, and also has a twitching in left eye and will then look down ; when walking stoops aud throws his head for ward. Salter la Water I onsumrrs. The use of hose cr allowing water to run for irrigation purposes will not be j allowed except between the hours of five i ana nine o clock a m and six and ten o'clock p m. This rule must be carefully observed. Violations of the same will be sufficient cause for shutting the water off from the premises without notice. nrever hose is used for any purpose it will be charged for extra except on j sidewalks in front of stores whre water , is paid for lor other purposes. Th use of hose to sprinkle streets will ; not be allowed nnder any circumstances. Mil leaky or defective gates, garden j valves, ston cocks, wntpr clnaots or fix tures of any kind must be put in eood re- pair and kppt so and all unnecessary I Qualy, parcels in JJrownsville waste of water prevented carefully. Fail- A C Hauseman etux 10 S Percifull tire t ; do this will be considered cause N a, blk 13. Hanseman's 2J for shutting water off. add to N Brownsville Use of waer for any purpose must be A C Hauseman etux ts G A Dyson confined strictly to the premise and S W, blk 13, Hauseman'a 2d uses for which it is paid for. add to H Brownsville Wallacb Baldwin. S Percifull etux to Alex Willard, Cashier. ! loU 2, 3, , blk 2, " Browns Stick a Pis is It ? Yes - - - - C Or a knife: and. uerohane. even a ter - penny uail. Keep it in your iidnd at all events, we ire 11 the fact that r.i place to ' j (ret the beat grocerie. and the freshest pre- j j dace and fmit, is at Conn k Haudricson'a. ' I If 3 on are going to the moan tains or coast 1 they can supply vou fee a day or for a month, i They keep the beat and al waj have plenty ! on hand. By all means make r.o m.-tala by net callioc en thrm befoie keying. A Runaway. Dining atl of July day a one horse vehicle occupied by Miss Bel'.e Bodine, Miss Fry, nd another lady from thecountry, was run into by another team. The horse became frightened and ran up Ferry street, throwing the c-u-pants out, smashing the but sv pretly well to pieces and causing gei.eral fright among the big crowd ot people along tne street. Fortunately no one wis injured. Business Change. Mr F E Allen has associated in business with J P Ga.braith, and the new firm F E Allen & Co. have moved one door west of the: old quarters into more commodious rooms, where be tide a first class lock of groceries tney will carry a fine line of ready made Albany Woolen Mill clothing. novenir rpoons r. the F M French'.. Llbany bridge at Get a oavemr p on of the Albmy bridge at F M Cnoch's. Iu order V) reduce onr atock we wiil si-V. oar fiae line of groceries at cash prise for ttrictly eaah. A ten fJro . LaitiES Kjrr Vests 1 have jast received a om uf ladies' ribbed m: timer vests, long and ihmt sleeves. Special yalnea. SaatFEL E YorHS. I Uiu jatt itemed seme extra choice s re. imce. C K Hkowxkli. A Card. this day Merchants I hereby certify that I have j received of the Farmer Insurance Company of : A Ikln, CUnn k.U. I. i , ... . . ' '7 1 r" "'"6 my barn, which was destroyed by fire June 25, 1892, being the full amount for which It was insured, and I would recom mend the Farmer Merchants Insur ance Company for prompt and liberal settlement (or all honest losses, June 30, 1892. F Prot-st. GO AND SEE F E A l.Llv & Co. Iu their now store, opposite Masonic TempU. Loo', a' 'h'isensw suits mada by the Albany W lata Mill . Durable goods, nice flitting fin !, cheap goods. Niagara Kid glover in Msck and coloia, fl per pair. None Letter for tl.e prite Every pa)- warrant d . Samiil E Youxa A biny Ore. Wlisn the sulp is atrophied, or sbio -'oald, o preparation will restore tfi hair; Is all ther cases, jH all b hair F.enewsr wt 1 start growth. It )oa would be w ss use Burnett's ExtratU. A new barrel of that choice Magnolia syrup jost received at K E Allen's. Bring yoar can and get soma Dress Trimmings. Tbe latest novelties dress trimmir.gscan always be found at Samuel E. V'ouks) See W F Bead's line of dress gocda before buying elsewhere. and F E Allen has received snrr.o nico decoratrd tciiet tets, which will pleat yon bi t n in quality and pric-. Ooe doliar saved la one dollai earned. Co to Allen Bros and Lav our groceries ut cub prices. THAT HACKING COUMIE can h qatsfcly cured by SnWWl'sCare e . uar antes it. "H ACKMETACK," lastiug a,.d grant' .ei fomo. I'rtce25aiid ceo s fra- CATAKK.ll CURED, he-.Uli and awes breath secure 1 by SLtleh's CsUrrh Remedy rrtce, bO ceuM . Nasal Injector frer. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miseraLla by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is ths remedy for you . Older atjooce some of o:tr) New Crushed ava eofiee. It bas no qual C E Brownell f Oood cooking butter, 25a per rol at C E BrownellV Plunder's Oiegon Blood Farifler is ths great conqueror of LUlionsuess and liver complaint. Relief certain ir every oase. Bold at one dollar a bottle. Try it. 80CIAK AM PERSONA! TIJKSDAY. License was Issued today for the mar riage of J H McCunc and Nettie Dodge. Mrs S S Train has returned from Needy, where she organized a new W R C, Mr D S Smith has accepted a position as deputy in the office of Sheriff Jackson. His competency is universally recognised. Mr Frank Pa ton, Jr.of Walishnrg, Is in the city, the guest of John A Crawford. This is Frank's Drat visit here since leaving Albang in 1S82. WEDNESDAY, Mr W T Hearst, of Portland, has bet n in tho city. F. B McKlroy and family have gone to Saratoga, N Y Ex-sheriff 3 K Charlton has been la the city today. II M Thornton left this noon for Yn quina Bay for a two week's outing. Hon R A Irvine and family left this morning for Minto, where they will pick blackberries for several days. Chaa Cusick is in Harrisburg acting at cashier for R A Rampy's bank during the illness of the regular cashier. DD Hackleman. JJ Dubruille, W II Cowan, W H Warner and others went to Salem today to see the Portland and Spokanes play iwill. Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of Fred Veal, of Albany, and Miss Ida Cole, daughter of Or Cole, of Scio, and William 11 Hobsoa and Amanda May Miller. Martin and Ximrotl Payne, John Alt house and Percy Young left this morn ing for Bellknap springs in l.ane county, to begone several weeks, seeking health and recreation. Mr E F Sox left this morning for Chi cago to attend a meeting of the commit tee on education of the National Pres bytery of the U P church, of which he is a member He will also visit tiis old home at Sterling, III., and other places. AT Powell and George L Sutherland, of Scio, Linn county, had their combined feed cooker, water heater, and steam generator, on exhibition in town yester day. They are selling county and pre cinct right's. Independence "Vest Side. Aloanv's blonde drummer gets the following live end off from the Valley Record of Ashland. A B Seal, the ubi- quitous drummer, dropped in Saturday and tried to impress us how good it felt to see his friend Chamberlain elected attorney-general. He declares that words fail to express it. KI'.AI KSTATK tl I . G W and Louis Splaure to Rich ard Malone, :!J0 acres in tp 14, S R4 W Lowell Ames to Richard Malone 8 385 acres in sec I. ID 14 o It 1 w 40 A C Hauseman etux to Sophia C in. J00 Frank D Wood to Mary Wood, one lot in blk 1 in Altwov 5000 S to Marvaret M Pweenev. 163.46 acres, sec ti, tp 15, S k I 448 j ! j 300 : 1 King II South to C H Stewart and E F Sox, 40 acre in sec 36, tp 11, S R 1 w George Peterson etux to Susie Fox part of lot 6, blk 23 H's '2d ad Geo W Cline etux to Adelia I 1250 2u0 ; Cams, 3 acres in D L C ol Geo Cline T f I It...iS.- alnr 1. A II k'riot, nsr. eel in tp 13, S R 2 W ... I H M Perry to H M Cooper, lot 12, blk 7, Hill's add to Sodaville. I Jas A Dickens etal to Henry Ratner, D L C of Jerimiah Dickens j J B Coney etux to J J Ellrson, 3 acres in D L C of C Richard- j son t . . . j Wm and Julia Clark to B E Ca wood, E '..sec 16, tp 15 S R 2 w ' T A Oarbade to Wm Clark, tame as above lma B Miller and husband to P W Morgan, 10 acres in Richmond Cheadles'DL C 1600 880 U S to Thos B Iwis, N E sec 24, tp 13, SR 1 E Patent O A C R It to John H Geddea, 40 acres in sec 5, tp 10 S R 3 E . 171 J E Tnrnidge to John Turnidge, 40 acres in sec 25, tp 11 S R 1 w J A Bilyeu etux to B A Pondexter, lot II. Goins' land plat i L A and I H Woodle to J C Wel kins, 2 pieces land 15 w 1 .... 1 1200 10 1 N B Standisli and wife by M Scott, sheriff, tot ooley Washburn II Bryant to W R Adams, Iota 7 and 8, blk V, B'e add, Albany John R Cartwright to P A Bum's. 990 ''' 225 acres, 13 w 4 . ToUl sales. DOE YOURO STOVE SUIT YOU Thi zv. !-. dm. Dii"; !i nil miserable all jour life with poor stoves. There is nothing 11 it. Life is too cbnrt. Get tho very best. Matthes A Washburn ondouttediy have them. Tbey keep the beat hardw a-eaod tinware also. Tbey like wise nave Moves, etc.. fcr sommer use, ju t the things ;n tsko to the n.oontains or sea cosat. SUPfOSEO YOU TRY US ONCE i Ke.i Your Eyes Open. Don't be are dear at any I deceived; poor things pnee. Nolhlng is truer than this state ment in reference to stoves. What is home without a good one. What Is home A-ith a poor one. If you want a good one, the very best manufactured, go to Mat thew. S Washburre's, where you have a tine stock to select lrom i. 1 hey also carry the best line of tinware . hardware, etc., to Le secured, and their plumbing wtrk is Always first-class. Youk Attention is called to our line o Paiitienne costumes,capes. jacket',bia2crs and "rftts, winch is now complete. They are tailor-made and guaranteed top!. The cloths are of the latest fabrics. Very truly, Samuel E. Young. Ladies Oxfords. 1 now have a com plete line tapping In price frctn $1.25 lo $4.50 a pair. Good value snd every pair warranted, Samuel Young. Allen Bkoh. having made satisfactory arrangements with their creditors opened their store this forenoon and are ready for nustness. inev d.J a rustitntr trade from he start. Lime, planter, cement and htlr, at cost, at 1 A Morris & Co'. Look Here a Moment. I have som of the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of hi own by paying a small down and small monthly payments thereafter until all is paid for. For further information ca'l at 'he office, corner 2nd and Broadalbin sts apposite Democrat office. Dr G VV Maston. I ISwnt dare fur Laads ar Money. But I want a man that will take lumber and ltavo an f univalent . n,y Not bicause I want it. But as at evidence that he wants the lumber. Yard on R R between 4th snd 5tii street A Wheeler. Allen Broa I ways kerp their customers supplisdwith frexh bu'ter and eggi. SHILOH'S CATARRH positive cure for Catarih, j Canker- Mouth. REMEDY, A Diphtheria and BORN, BRUCKMAN, In Albany on July 2, 1892, to Mr and Mrs Louts Bruckman a girl. THE CELEBRATION. The afternoon races Saturday proved intereitlng contests. Tne roadster race brought out some good trotters. Dick Linn, owned by DJ Junkln. won three heats and the rnce, John Gearin, by Fran Baker, second, Colejr, entered hv ei Stump, third; Pear! Wood and Bird were entered in- t, r Burkharl. Beat time 2:54. The 'ree for all race was an intcrei!ng' contest. Multnomah, b- Bariowa Bros , had his own way in this, winning 3 straight beats ohn Gearin. entered by Frank Baker, second; Dtch Linn bv J l .Junkiii, third; Pearl Wood by C M lJurkhart, and Sam Gotirley'a sralllon were also entered but were too blow for getting a prizv- fhe Albany. Scio game ended in favor of Albany by a t.eore of 17 to 6 Tl... T." .. r xnc lYiiux uuiie-ueoanon game was the nio'i exciting ever played In Albany. Lebanon scored j In the Brat Inning and 1 in third, Kn,x Butte .5 in the third, The game stood this way until he loth inning when a dispute erase over a man rui ning from second, being declared out by the umpire. Several players rushed into the diamond as we!! as' outsiders. In the confusion a man running on third base slioped home. Intense excitement pre vailed, and there is a dispute as to the facts. The umolre finally called the player back and ordered the'game to pro ceed, which Lebanon refused to sibmit to, and the game was tlven to Knox uatte 9 to o. K.VCX BUTTE. Greene, Wallace, Smith, Marshall, C Burns, Glover, D Burns, Collins, Miller, LEBANON. l.eveque, Wiley, Letst, Wright, Marks, Leitncrt, Booth, Williams Stoe. r cf 3d b 1st b ad b rf a c U AN IMMKNSK CROWD gathered hi Albany the ath of lull ing, coming (nun all directions. tnaui- ! from Benton county and other ecions ' across the big bridge, admired by a'l. 1 At promptly 10 o'clock the procession ! mafcl.ed. It was creditable in every respect. 1 ue color bearer, John Usher, headed the procession. The police tquad ! unaer cnarge ot Marsnal Hoffman Lime j ncxi, me Mechanic Band, furnishing i some excellent music ; F Co. , orator, etr, 1 city officials, a splendid display bv the! fire department; the Industrial display, an attractive feature, consisting of four out fits well gotten up by the Mitchell, Iwls A S'.avcr Co; a splendidly arranged dis play by Matthews i; Washburn, from which tin cups were thrown promiscuous ly into the crowd: Jos Klein'a boo: and shoe shop in active operation ; F. I" Will music stcre, Oeo L.anJe Jjarber shop hair cutter, an Immense ' exhibit of modern appliances In the busi ness; We.l's Farao with fhe ereat George o.imson at tne urns. ; a eii cotle- up photograph galierv by Crawford A Pax ton; Straincv A: 'Moore nd John .schmeer s llverv s'ables Aline court noi'sc the program was jopened with music by the Mechanic's! 200 1 baud, followed by piayer by Dr Irvine ; a ! finely rendered " National "song by fhe j Choral society and Apollo club; ihe" read M ! ine of fhe Decjaration of In-icpehdcnce bv Miss Grate Scr'ber ol Salem, an rlo- fcutlonary treat. Prof bios, president of ! the azricullural soci?tv. delivered the oration, an ab'.c end patriotic effort, full of sensible poi.-.i. The exercise closed with another song by the two societies. At the fi-inh the Pow Jays, lead br the Wild Man of Borneo (Tom Rilei ) appear ed and ciused much amusement tor nail an hour. It was well managed and srai a howling and discordant succes. A j grand salute by two stove pipe cannon was followed by an overture by the bnd; the Apoliions were heard In a screech of ' not, music, a lascnaiing lauy, 1 ti w inn, in j the latest style, read a witty dcclaia'.ion cf 1 ' independence ; the Philharmo ilc society j had to be heard in a song: then an oratioc, j an elaborate, elevating effulgence of eff er 8900 1 resccnt beautiful thoughts was pro j nounced by Governor Sylvester Penny I royal, disguised as Sickles erry, Dr J L GO j Hill Tne program closed with" a double j shuffle by Jeremiah Cornfoodcr. At 2 o'clock a band concert wa given 1600 in front of the Court House, and a series Court House, with entries from all parts of the vallev.resulline as follows: Ladieo foot rice, three entries, won by Car j Cohen ; foot race for girls under fen for j I IIycr cup presented by F M trench, five entries, won oy ataoci .iiesin; oay iwh j race for sliver set, thirteen ne nine s'artcrs won by Uee Uavi, , son of the j ' .UrH ,rte Prof: 1 wo wheeibarrov races each, wen by Rov Bcntiev, of Albany and Frank MortL, of Scio; three legged race, five double entrie. won easily by Roy Bentley and Fred Mc Daniel; sack rice, five er.trie. won bv Fred Senders; a ' oreaed ate wa loo fat and lazv. ard was 'easily caught by Bentley, McDanitl and IScanlan; ihe hop. step and jump, eight entries, wa won by Warren Cru. The crowd adjourned to First Sireet, when the following contest weie had: i 100 aid foot rsce. nine entrie. wa a live i contest, and wa won by Eugene Wot)d, Pink Morri. second ; a hose race, wet i test, between No i' and No 2's, practically made up trom a.i parts oi ine aamnj, ine local rircTien uijjij ) n.nv imi'. c ji.-i i. i : . . ' . ... It, wa won by No l s jnd the money 01- I Tided among the men, the boy bicycle rice was between Jo Merr.ourj ana ai - ter Irvine, and was won by Irving, Stern - burn fadinif twice owing to interference bv th-. crwd; L Hibner.Chas Berth waile, J' Ballard, Frank Monls -nd W Kay entered the 300 yard foot race, Ray win ning. Morris being second. Berth waite led easily for Joo yards A tender race between No i's and No J's hub and hub was won by No a'. AT THE FAIR (iROl'XD. A good sired crowd sttjr.ded the racd and ball game In the afternoon . Two ex citing races weie contested. A half mile dash had four entries. Joe D, bv Bobbins, of Salem ; Paddy O'Rien. by R Tartar, of Alrlie; Shultz Bros.not started; John Hall, bv Frank Wheeler Faddy !.. all UfU The roveltv race, con s U Kicn came in aneau, jut nu 1 'hMnt 0f one mile ol trotting, one mile walking and one mile running, nan lour entries. John Uom, jr; Nipner, bv W H Humphrey; Robuckin, by W K Kay, anu llay cnarnc.oy 11 squire ir led with kucheasc that Ihe Fas race ., u "ed the eemed his for certain ; Nipper proved a terrific runntt and passe wire slightly in the lesd. A bicycb race, Linn county riders, half mile, was won by C B Turlay, Jos Ste rn buig. second; Bert Magers, last. Turley and Magers fell at the ocginning, causing poor time, 24- The base ball game between Albany and Knox Butte.same p'aycrs as in Sn'urday's games.was uninteresting after the first few Innings . Score, Albany ,36 ; Knox Butte 9. HIBTRaP HllOOTISG tournament was an interesting affair for devotees of the wun. The shoot resulted as ioiios the prizes In all cases being divided, being shot oft: N01. Live bird shoot, 10 birds. Ga brielson, o; Mccks, 10; F A Turner, 8; Gien, 9; Leinenger; Llndgren, 10; Mon telt'i, 7. Joner, 6; G Froman, 6; Deyoe, 9; Wigant.8; PierRcn,6; Baker, 4; Bickneli. 7 1 Frazler, 8; Geo Froman, 9; Young, 7; Harriet, 9; Murphy ,8; Propst, 5; Farwell, 8; Shannon, 6; Lurr.b, 0. Prizes 1st, silk hat, donated by L E Blaln Clothing Co; dressing case by A Cumming; whip by O C Mcf arlanU. 2nd bridle, whip an l f urcinglc ! A L Hun ter & Co; fancv cane by Riclia'-d & Phil lips; razor and' btrop by Ste wait iS: Sox. 3rd case of claret by Royal saloon ; two boxes tea, bv F E Allen; Daily Dkmo I cr at. 4M1 box clgart by V H Mueller; bell by Mitchell, L.els & Staver lo. Stn keg of beer by Williams Bros. 6th box cigars by John Schmecr. No 2. 15 blue rocks S!reitel,8; Pierson, 13; Leinenger, 10; F A Turner 12; Har riet, 12; Gabrielson, 11; Monteltb, ij; Llndgren, 10; Morris, 8; Meeks 13; Wi- gant. 7; Baker, 12; Lilen, 12; Jones, to; Geo Froman, 12; Deyoe, 13; Farwell. 5; Davis, 7; Coon. 8; D Turner.i2; Propst.6; Blount, 11 ; G Froman, 10; Elliott, 7. Prizes 1st. hammerlcss gunjby Mascot Rod & Gun Club. 2nd 12 photographs by Crawford & Paxton; rocking chair by Fortiniller & Irving; baby cloak by Ladles Bazaar. 3rd pair pants by W R Graham ; slckel grinder bv Robson Bros. 4th 500 bricks by J -S Morgan; $50 Insurance poli cy by the Farmers & Merchants Ins Co. 5th 2 days board j at St Charles; Burns poems by Foshay & Maaon; 100 pounds chop bv Albany Farmers Co. 6th ladles hat trimmed by Misses Ball, 5 lbs tea bv CE Brownell. 7th box clgats by F L Kenton; 1000 cedar shingles by Sanilatn Lumbering Co. 8th Weekly Herald (or 1 year; box cigars by Kuss House. 9th bedstead by X Veal; diamond pin by H iCwert. N03. lo'fclngles, 3 pair doubles. (i leu, 12; Lelnenger, 8; Gamlelson, 13; Deyoe, (3; (loo Froman, 5! Jones, 9; Monteltb, le; F A furner, 12; Harriet, 7; Meets, to; Davis. 7; Llndgren, 9; G rroman, It; Kied Blount, 10. Prizes. -1st, dozen photographs by ContJ k Underwood, Life insurance policy by M Send jr; 2nd, box cigars by Peter Schlosscr. 1 doz botes Kenton's ooiish, sack Hour and Manhatton fojd by F l Blount; 3rd, ease orange and Iron, by Albany Sda vVorks; 4W1 fancy chimney top and base by Hiyne & Buck; doll by Knecbt & Meiserj .sth spring bed by Pacific Mattress Co; 6th, onice chair by Albany - Ferniture (V; 7th, ham by Ilaight Bros; j 8th, sack flour by R M Robertson No 4 15 singles Jones, it', Deyoe, j I3;tireen, 14; Geo Froman, 10; Adams. 9; Morris, S; Leinenger, 12; Monteltb, 11 ; Harri't, 12; Baker, 9; F A Turner, 15; Thayer, ,, I) Turner, to; Uat'.ta, 7; Oab rlelson, 10; Plerson, 10; Young, 9; Lind gren, 9; Streiiel, ;; Co .n, 6; Blount, 10; Propst, 8; Meek, llj G Froman, 11; Frazler, 1 1 Prizes. ist, Martin rifle by Deyoe ti Froman Uros, $i9 50; 2r.d, 5' lbs tea by Allen Bros; music stand bv Will ;3rd. Life Gen Grant by II J Jones, bureau of tea bvl'aiker Bros; 41k, pair shoes by A' rJ, Mcllwain; photograph album by Atken .V Son, $2 worth nhavlng and bath tickets bv L Vlerccb; 5th, box cigars by A J Kuinri ; 6th, box cigars by II Burlow ; 7th, ham by Shultz Bros. No 5 20 singles. --Glen, iS; Jones, 14; Gabrielson, 17; Llndgren, 13; I'razler, 16, ; Lelnenger, 15; Deyoe, 10; r A 1 urncr, ! 20; Harriet, 16; Coon, 1 1 ; Montcith, 15; j Meeks, 16; G Fro.nan, 16; Wtgant, 16; . Blount, 16; D Turner, iS, Prizes. ist, pair blankets by Albany Woolen Mills, barrel flour by loom, nlng & Co; and, smoking jacket by T L Wallace & Co, briar pipe by John Horn Sr; 3rd, silk umbrella by G W Simpson, eald oln bv Mead: a!h. box cigars bv J Toscrh. Sa wordi shavine tickets bv J Moses; 5th, ptir khres by Klein, box cigars by Boenicke; 6th, $2 worth horse shoeing by U P Dannals, $2.50 worth shaving and bath tlcke's bv the popular shop, 1 salmon bv M Hvde; 7lh,-io lbs iard bv p.merick & Baker, large can baking power oy G Merer; sth, him by H Bnxlers, can ot Oregon fruit by Oregon Land Co. No 6 is singles -Glen, 14; Leinenger, ii;Jones, 14; F Turner, 14; Montcith, 10; Gabrielson, 13; Harriet, 14; Baker, 6; Coon. It; Adams, 5; Lindjrren, 13; Meeks, 12 ; Deyoe, iJ; Blount, Itj J Turner, 10; G Froman, 12. Prizes. 1st. lad'e drewing case by Blackman & Hodges; $7 5 drets pattern by W F Read; 2nd, lawn nioner by Ma; thev s 2ic Washburnc ; toilet set bv fjop- kin Bros; 3rd, box cigars by Huffman Tavlor, Ddics jacket bv SE Young; ah, ro.l wi.-c fence by Albany Fence Works, box cigars by Ries & Co; 5th, j package tea by R G Watson A Co; $ hoise shoe ing by I Smith Co ; 6.h, pair golJ cuB buttoms by H Ewcrl ; 7th, box ctgar by M Bauoigart; &h, box cigara, O Salinger. Consolation all hi had not won lit, ;nd or 3d prizes in anv maich lo singles lUount, 19; Coon. iS; Leinenger, 13; Baker, 10. Prlic. 1st dinner set by f'onn a Hen- dricson ; and, Manzmilo cane bv S P O A L Co; 3rd, case beer by Albany Brewing Co. ham bv I B Beam ; ath, box cigar by Reception saloon , sack Corvaliit flour bv I A Moms; 5th, 100 street car ticket by Albany S R Co; 6th, whip b. W E Davii, $3 In "horse shoeing by Gu Wil-U; 7fh, bale hay bv Perrv kpink bird cage by L Got.icb ; Sth, pin and cuff buttons by r (ythen, black bear bide by Frank ; 9th. dot cans polish by H Kcn'.on. F A Turner received a gold headed cane presented bv Will & Star k, for the best uenerat average. Meek and Glen, a silver cup donated by F M French for secend jet. and L W leyoe, one dozen silver knives, donated by Julius Gradsrohl for ; third best. There wa only a difference ; of 4 noinis inhc score of the four. ON THE BltGE. j At 8 o'clock In the evening the new , bridge wa formally opened to the public ' j under charge of ihc cit officUU. Mayor . I'awin, to whom so much crvdi: is due for the structure, after making a few appro-. nriate remaiks. accordine to an ancient . cudum broke a bottle of wine furnUhed bv John A Trawford. aid scattered It on bridge I jdcc Blackburn as hcaid brietlv and tolhc point,hen Major Hand , burvfihe government entinevr, spoke for ; , ew niomtnts, pronouncl s iu tl.e v.. 8- -1 one 0j tr. ben of its class ,nd bating that he would be Jle to make good report to Ihe government on it. A j bridge Jispiavol lire wotas ioiioeimit bcautilul hSh fliers and WV P-, i were fcrnt u u. an ui a um an ' - course tnouirh it was not a cw ork or ere3 PjrtUne exhibition of fanc ri"'- any one of which would cost more than the whole exhibit. Bills a! ihc opera house and armo'r closed the dar . NOTES. Mr J V Anderson kept a ncord o peo ple and vehicle crossing the bi steel bridge Irotn Bcnlon counlv tr Alban i only, from mcrning until 6o'clock in Ihe evening and the reult was a ioiiow. i t l i .. h. i-1 .;....).. t , . ; uuuuic ciui, , inai- , viduals, 1450. 5 Natuic did an immense sight lor ihe i celebration by furnishing a magni.iccm j dav, one that could not be Improved. The tV C t L"'lce walrr barrei- proved a great blessing to the thirsty crowd. The number present ha been variously estimated. Estimates of course are al ways wild; but the universal verdict was that It was the biggest crowd ever In Al bany. Though there was a prclty good attend. at the fail ground. In the afternoon, no difference io the sue of tne crowd could be noticed. People who kicked be cause some of the celebration was out of the city were evidently hunting for a growl. Take Portland snd all Ihe cele bration is practically In the uburbs except the piradc and oration. Bridge Contractor Wakefield sent up rom Fortland $i$ to help tne celebration . An depart line of diamond riagi. dia mond pins and di -m w.i rriag, just re ceived a: Will tl Stark's. Finest took us lbs city. Wests Couch Syrup, a sure caie f-jr couehs, eo'.da, cronp and coosnmptija. 4 oa i b,,Ul' 23c Luxe bottles, 60c. Sold by j a i umtniiig, urui Bargains at Read. Try onr yinp. It is good. C E Browkei.l. A'.lsrge Hue ot eleaatt gold wstoHes nss'travsat Will & Stark's. Tuiware Jl mta longer Ma'ii & Washburn, grades, well made up. when pi: chased They .keep g. od The Seciret of Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Tho only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in the food. Hence there can bo no impurities whatever left in the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contains the white of eggs. I " "" - """Sssssjsamasssa A Simple Problem. Thr- value of a baking powder is in the leaven ing gas it contains. If one brand is stronger than another, it is worth more per pound, because it goes further in baking. Royal Baking Powder has been determined by the official chemical tests to be 27 per cent, greater in leavening strength than any other brand. Its actual value to the consumer is therefore 27 per cent, greater than the others. This is equal to 13 cents per pound. If, therefore, other powders are forced upon you, see that the charge for them is 13 c nts per pound less than the price of the RoyaL It HR 4VD IS OKI TUESDAY. 15 nucrs haya began running in the wheat fields The resident of Hrraec Hnlden wa de Mcyd bj fue at S nUV4$y. Several Albany young men went t Salem Uday to see the PortiacdSpo ao iimc. A CClNTEMTIIILE ACT. Last nigrit som one put giant powder into the wood sawing engine ef A Croup, touched off the fuse, part of which was found, blowing the engine Lp and ruining It. Mr Croup thinks it was done for spite, and ha a pretty good idea in reference fo the guilty parties. Or rts ation Ser vtca. The ordtnation to the ministry of William A Trow, the new pastor of "the Congregational church, will take place tonight. The ecclesiaa tlcil council met at 2 p m, and the public exercises will take place In the church in the eventng.beginning pronptlv at7HS The Rev T E C!pp.of Portland, will preach the sermon. Other parts will be taken by the Revs Cephas F Clpp, of Forest Grove, E Smiley, of Vancouver. Wash, H A Shorey, of Portland, and others. A cordial invitation is extended to a!!. WEDXESRAT. FruiU aid . e, e ab'.ei at F E A:ln Sc Ct. AvprieoU and ie;ch' at F K Al en & Co- Try ur new ro.eii cofTse, at F E Allen ft Co. X w it tin lime to et vnor choice in some of those Aluaay Wuoieo eoit at F E Allen St c. Alt person hiv:o- c'auns aa.cst the 4th of July c .mmiUe? are '.quoted to prevent them immediately to the uoe'-sry, C B Winn . An oil uamticg displaying a fine toach and exceVrnt talent, txetoted by M V,.' - Uichird. tev He ieen at Blackman A Hod.'? I csdikU of a basket of ovyertnmed. Ti e ' ocmproeot at Salem etosed last Vf. ius eilh aaham ltt'e. Sixteca mem ler 1 1 K Cumnany were pretaot. A.'to sum ' C Cu , of Kageoe, baaide the Marine l .!., of 'bat citv, a fins looking body of bojs in marine suit. One '.f lb finest i&ocnmeoU ever mann f act sired here wa recently turned oatby l be Kotetni g Marbls vorks. It wa ordered of E B Bane by Cyrn Smith for the grave of hi son Earnest W, who did last January. Kosebarg Review. In oMen times it kcim.1 to be thought tHat a me-du :re mast be nass Ung to be effective. Kow All this is changed, Ayer's Nsrtspartlla, one of the moat powerful sltei- atlrea.u agrteU.Se to most palates. the flavor btin j 00 means tnedscuial "Kxcnsa ois.fieiur, bat wbej I saw you a tear ago, yoor fae eras covered with pimple ; it seems la be all right do "Yee. tir; tbt' becaare I stack to Ayer' r.-.rart:;, ih-- greatest blood medicine in . the world. I was never so wall in my life ; as I am now. ' The Boval Bakin Powder maiotaioa iu . n . KaI.I am Ik. nnkli.. .,) , . !), OO th j pa bile. lid agTtve against the impure and tn- ... i.f ,a ik. W(,;e i ,bu tul. j, u performjoj , giod wofi for bonc.t and unaaolterm-.ed food preto'-U y Ahh j ,, wife of Lester Ho lit. , . ,. ,v. Z - , ri vears. 3 aiontht and IS days. The users'. tok place at .he I OOF ceueteiy this afternoon at ? JO o'clock. Mr Hilin wa m tr ied to brr husband ia 1853 in this eeeuaty. Foor children ot mature se er.oaro the in of their mother. Eageae Guard . Tne Ut jewelry at Will tt Stark V, Battenck patterns at Reavd'r. Greit elesraoce s-e for the a- x; Exty days at W F Bead & Co. Yoa can save n oaey I Y baying of Resd. Large slock of white (.oaJsfand embroid eries at W P R sd A IV . The k.irreet pisce to Lay yoar Rroceiic ts a Brow neli'a Ahhv Caw, Resl KsVate, SO, Waah ingoa Street. FoiUand, Or. AH i ind of choice eating jjd cooktag appiss at Allen Brue Go to C W Cobb, soccetsor to Paialey & S.-..1V. . Flinn Block, for yar job printing )f all kinds Huv ladies aud chilrtren'ajihoes ol W F Read. Will tt Murk. ' iwelir . Onc tried, they will always he aed Bsrnctt's Eitract. C K Brownell, sole spent for burttett' Kxirsct. E U Wilt giYes yon his persoeal guaranttce f j- 5 years with hie pianos and 1 r jut H vou are t leisure call at Will's Music Store snd see the Metropolitan stock of pi acos and organ?. Visitors in the city we are aoxioaa to make jour actiaaiolanco. Call aud see my pianos and organs. hU Will. The tines, assortment of pianos aod orcaua ever tot 11 ia Atuauy at Will a Music Btme Call and see them before you return home. bee the latvst can nets in sewing ma- chit es and the beat in the markets st Will's Mm ic Stote. Needles and oil for all ma chine kept hete. Fell From a Oisrky Trek. This morning Mis Mamie Cundiff was picking cherrits from a tree at her father place in this city, and was standing on a ladder about fifteen feet from the ground, when she fell with the ladder to the ground, knocking her Insensible for awhile. Dr Maston was called and found that though considerably brufeu no bones wete . broken. Fine Pastry. O tiki 11 1 i . G W Gray solo lU 320 acre the CurHn ltrothers latt week. I known. Mrs Nellie Hamil, of Nimpa, ldeho, is vlsi'ing her mother here, also Miss Ethel ! Rlddell, of the ame place, is here.visiting her uncle, lr Hamilton. Mr FerrU, of Vornn'o, Canada, arrived km lit week. He Is well pleased -sith Oakville and surrom. dings. Prof Morrison, of RUxlgcUhas returned to the land of siinsMsm. He will ipend Ml vacation with hi parent near here. Some of our pcip'e went 10 Albany on ; the Fourth. They are ail jys ly proud of the honor and prize our ton can led off. Mr Jui. kins' trotUi is hard to beat any i where. Mr II M Sio.i came home Saturday; from Mehama much improved in hesl'b'. 1 Mr Jajne, of Shedd, is vifitir.g her ' sister near here. Hay harvest is ab.ut over, and a far as we can hear It it a tt crop. Amicus. ! t ni..K 1'aik.T Brat, grocrr. F. 15. French s.t;p'- :f-jr-t . ftay yocr gsweriM oi Bsrkee Urm Fi i o' 1 ocriei tj.uti ac lf-o'incoa. latest l e t tusu al WQl 2c LsaAV, New cream skatas) jcat leoeived st CtsafsW Meyers. C W Cebb. job printer, Flinn U' ck, doea rirst clac aork. E W Aciiuon JeCo ue selliti n-oonnvtnte at i'oitl.Tit.i pnee. Stewart ic Sox sell tbe rerv test tatenj shears and ciMr. The fiat lite ol rveke: knives in tb city at ."Stewart 4 S- i' Strike the crtsbrale.) Hzrioa filled 5 cent cigar at J alias Joseph's. Dr M II E .is, thvtictan and sar.eon Albany, Oregon Ostls made la city or. wwntry . W'ith his new ... -v Dsswsul Meye t ifjls to offer old an i mi cusom:n ire r thing fiotciass in baked go"J i. nam Bairr a ska. ) , iv j Uer Ciiiora. Wbea sb vac a CtiH. si- tor (.aMerka. Vbea she bacam Has. s cimxg e raaCorav Then si hao CtEiren. ie ETe sfccm CSsaJorsa. WHEAT. G4 CENTS TTaalsVM Buttor, 20 casta per S. sbtatot, 55 fnti pr bub). Lsvrd. 11 Q 11 e-m p-r , fW1 "n --Hams. 12 er.:. . no jldrr. 9 c"ii:i, 11 rnt: Ber on foot. 2 2H ont per P-vrk. drwKaed. 6 sent pee 3 T.ZZZ. K Pr barrel. ) ts f I lift SICK Head Aches. Sick -ht-aJarhes art tbe onlwanl indications of derangementa of the stotnach and bowels. As Jor's Vegetable Sarapiriila fa the oaly bowel regulatlug preparation ef SanapariU. it la seta why It Is the only appropriate EareaparlUa ia tick-bcadacUea. It Is not only appropriate; it Is an absolute cure. After a coarse of tt an oeeav atonai dose a: Intervals will forever after prorata rstv.ra. Jno. if. Cox, of TSS Tart Street, San rrancisee. writes: " I have been tr ailed with attacks of sick-headache for the !: l!;rce rears from n to three times a week. Some time afo I bought two bottles of Joy's Vegetable arsapartUa and bavt only had ooe attack si ace and that was 011 ths second day alter I be$an uitag it-" Inil'c VeSta,o Jul u Sarsaparilla FOR SALE BY GF3 C STAVASD ALBANY A Revelation. Few peoptt knew Ik at tb brltu bluisa-srttn ttter of lUt ordinary teas tsttostil It M wtndews I. tbt ear ural ec'.or. Cuattaawst as tb fart ra? be. tl u BeverOieless tltttats: rrlnsral color! nx ; matter bslof d for to pti,-c4. Tat afreet ts rw fld. Ii net rnW makes ths tea a brij)v.t. shiny prtts. but also penatsi c as of " off sulor " sad worthies teaa, whlrb onei tjitSH ths ffrrsu cltak, art 1 ..!' y waited tt s a coed usaHty of tea. An tm'.uect aulkortVr writes en this sub lest! "Tta ine.r.!pulaticef yterhia. tlre rtiem a Caer np.-arancs, ts cerriwd en cTteo Ivelr. Cravn teas, being Iu tblt o-.natr; tsssstkaiby popuUr, are produced toaictltbr dcma-iJ by eatactag elica- cr blaek kis-d b; iaalne cr lac: r.! with t ni-ian Mae, t.i . srit sypsiun. n id I d s . wsiAeJ ins f.l tAaf rtrg iiiiU gtuat txKerUrt-! rr 11 ert fit a.V. It was tlie knsji .vfir tl ai ; Nat tcm le.' tUa v ticket d tbis .a.irieu e' I'd lh pic SSJ -. . :. I MK h is stasltislf ysn sad ui. ii vtt Mte l id yon sver f . ftsnalM uarqlSltd an tr? A-k r . a -eer to or a 1 e. keot Koe?h"e. it 1 HS n-a fc'od fttbalily fsr :ht vji7 H-r tieie, ti irili l fo'4i!d !a ce trt 1 t-e be iwii iiio ".r;fl.-il ccfiX '- thai v. aai 4 bt:i a 1 ! ' ia K !' kVack . HJ.a.a 1 i,nk.'nl caiisry -4. otid iitt frua;rn:d t a' iS nil bo a u . . - -i to tes d.-luk- . pS purity makes It aUo more ecoar.ia: l tltsti tho IstUrtil tk-r.j. for lew ol It U req .iirxd per cup. Soi" .-.ily In pcuud isrkaxei ben ring I!. I trsde-uia.v BEECM. TEA rM VU-; 'Pure As Mfdhood: It yomr crocer dries not bars St, bs win rat ttfsvjoa. ruoto ptr peawt for ALLEN BROS f lie linns' Thai YOU - ARE - If You Don't ExarninsQur Clothing Beta Elegant and ex Ire m e I y fine ready to wear tailor made siuts for men and boys that are u i ; i trade inducers and are actually worth yonreare j fnl inspection, $15.00 MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. T.L. WALLACE & CO "The Leading Clothier.1' FASHIONABLE CKOTlfING ia preferred of course when prices? are the same as for other styles- OUR NEW SPRING SUITS are the most attractive we have ever brought o and we ask your special attention to our line Sack and Cutaway Suits now on sale. We ha them in all of the new and nobby designs. Also a fine line oi straw el'ies in furnishing god.-. Our stock of boots and shoes tor spring and sum mer wear is largeand choice. Thr L. E. ii llellp I'e. THE LEA DING CLOTHIEKS, -:-F. CHOteE Desiler in TEAS, anil a general assorttiem of O O 3ES R X Subscrip tion agent fot sJI the Iraduig Mefrspsipers ami Magazine. Tt-rtus cas'i Nr the E. O . tlbBtatr, The Oregon Land Co. Witn us home office at SALEM - In the Grsy Block, comer Ltbertv and Statt street, branch office m PortlaiW; MAKES a specialty of Sunuysidefruit tracts near Salem. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 acre small cash payment long time on balance, RKLEADIBIC PHOTORAPHEK, rAlaav,ttwre.- Laid Is "Judicious Brying" every time. It alwaj p lays bargains not necessarily cheap goods, for the best bargains are always in the best goods, and we keep no othe i kind A - GOOSE $13.00 harg,and-thelate! liiV- Kenton, -:- COFFEES. SPICES - IOEEG-ON Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.' a doxen. t-nlaitme ntctvre , 16x20 crayons trarr.t- 00. vv 1 car rv a lar-e :U:v of 5x8 and steresccp'c viaws I Of ie Buying.