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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1892)
WHO 1aYS THE TARIFF TAX? It is the foreigner wlio pays the tariff tax' says Mr McKinley. Tho treasury figures tell a different story. Mr McKinley insists that tho foreigner deducts the American duty from his prico in order to procure the pleasure of selling in American markets. In other words, Mr McKinley asserts that the foreigner takes off of his regular price on pearl buttons 1 14 per cent, on shoe bub tons 82 per cent, on tannic acid 247 per cent, on sulphuric ether 320 per cent, just for the pleasure of selling in this "splendid market." The cotton goods makers, accord ing to this poet of mathematics, deduct 49 per cent, the makers of glass and glassware 56 per cent, of iron and steel 33 percent, of of readv- made woolen clothing 70 per cent. DMer these circumstances the foreigner must regard the "splendid" American market as more ornamental than profitable Of course Mr McKinley 's assertion is ab surd. Americans who buy in foreign markets know that they pay for the goods they purchase tho price which is charged to those who buy for domestic consumption, and who do not intend to "export to this country. As to the amount of the tax the treasury figures tell the truth. During the fiscal year i89i the custom h uiso collected on foreign goods entering this country for consumption the enormous tax of $2i.",790,G86. Tho total value of these goods was $466,465,173, so that the rate of tax was more then 46 per cent. There is no tin plate manufactured in this country. Notwithstanding Mr Mc Kinley 's assertion that "there are today twenty-eight tin plate industries in the United States," he knows that American tin plate is a myth, and that all the tin plate that goes to the making of the tin goods for domestic and trade uses is ini potted. On this article in 1891 the custom house collected a tax of $10,577,115, and the purchaser of dinner pails, kitchen pans, roofing material and canned goods paid t'.iis tax, with the added profits of importer, wholesaler and manufacturer. The tax was paid in this country to our own custom house by the American firms to which the goods were consigned. It was added to the original cost of the goods by tho importer, who reckoned his profit on the aggregate. Each subsequent purchaser added his profit to the total, and the last man to pay the original cost of the article, the duty, the duty the interest and the profits was the man who put the tin plate to practical use. A similar story could be told of glass, on which the government collected a tax of S4.:.o2,220 in 1891. The duty prohibited the importation of the largest sizes of plate glass, but the rate of tnx on the smaller size was 62 per cent, on another 185 V per cent, on common window glass from 48 to 1 10 per cent, on table glass 60 per rent Mr Mckinley would have us believe that the foreigner gave us the glass and paid a bonus of "l : and 10 per cent besides! The government collected on cotton wearing apparel a tax of $4,438,742, on woolen wearing apparel $2,825,719, and on woolen dress goods a tax of 8i6,616,302. All these taxes "were collected in this country. They were paid by American im porters, who brought them here to sell them to American consumers. If the foreign exporters paid a cent af the tax the custom house does not know it. the American im porter does not know it and Mr McKinley does not know it, while the consumer, if be will take the trouble to think, knows that he paid it all, with interest and profits added. Is Mr McKinley a solemn, ignorant hum bug or a disingenuous monopoly defender? New York World. "BOSS" UTAN. The appointment of Lotan should not be a surprise to anv one who has kept watch of the rr.Uliods of the republican bosses oi Oregon. The masses of the re publican voters in Oregon during the last decade have had no more to do in direct ing the party in this state than have the inhabitant, oi trie Fiji island. The "bosses" at Portland have had as complete control of party management as their hearts could wish. And however much the Oregonian may now protest its opposition to Lotan and. his methods, vet its course for years has contributed more than all other in fluences to the subjugation of the republi can party of thi state to the domination of Joe and Jim. Even so late as the late city election that paper shrieked out loudly in support of the ticket put up br Bosses Joe and Jim saving that a vote against the U;ket of the "bosses" was a vole against Harrison. Its protest now is a feeble one, not intended to restrain the bosses but to keep its own "record" straight. That bos-, rule is rapldtv approaching dis solution in Portland 's now gecerally con cedeJ but it mutt be done at the expense of a fearful crippling of the republican party in this state. Scores of repblicani in that city will vote the democratic and people's party ticket this fall for the pur pose of setting their seal of condemnation on the appointment of Jim Lotan. TH E SILVER BILU Tue fuil text of which is as follows: 'That i.he owier of silver bullion may de posit the same at any mint of the United States to be coined for hU benefit, and it hail be the duty of the proper officers, upon the terms and conditions wh'.ch are provided by law for the deposit of coinage of gold, to coin such bullion into standard dollars, authorized by the act of Feburary 22, 1878, entitled 'an act to authorize the coinage of a standard silver dollar and to restore its legal Under character, 'and such coins sha'l be a legal tender for all debtt and due, public and private. The act of July 14, 1890, entitled, 'the issue of treas ury notes thereon, and for other purposes,' Is hereby lepealed. It is provided that the secretary of the treasury shall proceed to have coined all silver bullion in the treasury purchased with silver or coin cir l ideates " At the late election in Portland llolman the republican candidate tor coroner, was returned elected by 82 votes. Hughes, t ie democratic citizens candidate, believ ing thavtaqjjsd been counted out,demar,d ed a re-canvass of the ballots which the court granted . A recount was made and shows Hughes to be ele:ted by 21 majority with 550 defective ballots to be passed upon by Judge Shattuck. It is said that most of these ba'.lots will be favorable to IIugheK. A very suspicious circumstance CuiinecteJ with the lecount is the unearth ing of the fact that every republican can didate in poll i North Portland, was credited with about 50 more votes than he received. This will have a tendency to confirm many in the belief entertained for yearsth it gross frauds have been practiced the ' in elections. A W Hilling, tbe Chicago Street Railway magnate, wants to bet M S Quay $lo,ono (hat Cleveland will he elected. Postmaster Vsn Cott is spoken of as the .publican candi late formiyor i 1 New York NATIONAL UKMOCRVflC TICKET, For President Grove Cleveland, of New York . For Vice President A. E. Steven son, of Illinois. For Presidential Electors G forge Nolan d, of Clatsop county, R. A. Miller, of Jackson county, W. P. Butcher, of Baker county, and W. L. CoLviG.of Jack son county. WHEREFORE LOTAN? Lotan is Collector of Cus'.orns of roulaml and why? No one seems 10 know . Tliose great republican Dailies, the Statesman and Ortfniaa, give forth no sound. We search their luminous columns for information on this burning ques'ion in vain! It was said the Portlaid election had forever settled "boss" rule in that particular ioculit), and that we should probably hear of it no more only a one of the curses of 'he past; when lo! and behold the "boss" of bosses "bobs up serenely" with the best appointment within the gift of the President in Oregon. And that is what parxlyzes us; and there are some others paralyzed likewise. What a formida ble array of supposed aspirants, and yet the big "boss" was preferred to all of them by the President. Does Benjamin Harrison really regard James Lot en as a more suitable man to bold his commission than Col, John McCracken or R J Hendricks or J W Watts or any one of the other thirty or forty appli cants? There is some mystery here that really ought to be explained. Tin Ortgo nian claims to publish a'l the latest news ' from Washington. We looked in vain for I ....,.., . , 1 any statement that the boss name had been sent to the senate by the P'esi.'.ent Why was not that fact telccraphed? Does ! ' . any one believt the omissioa was arciJental? , Far from i. It was designed that ; news should not ie known in uregon in: after the confirmation. The managers dread ed the burst indignation that was ture to fal low such nomination if it were known, an 1 the confirmation might be defeated. They ' therefore kept baca the information till it was ! too late to protest. And now it is expected ! ., . ,, ... . .. , r . that al. will acquiesce for the sake of the party and that the "boss" will be quietly ac- j cepted as the Presidsnl's choice. Well, per- haps he will. Oar republican friends are e ! long-suffering lot of brethren, but they 1,0 1 kick some times, and when the- do; tbe kick j are fearful. i The fine Italian hands of our senators as ., j a. , . ,. : wellas the miM-eyed Hermann appear in ; business. Those gentlemen seem to im- i agine that "bosses" must firs, take all they want atnd if there is anything lefr, tbe average republican may help himself; at least, "bosses" first, always! Will any man name anv other reason for Lotan's appointment? Dors not his bosship bring him com through tbe Pres ident's appointment and is not this, his re ward for being a "boss?"' The people utler ly repudiate and rpam "bosses;" tbe President rewards them because they are such. Let him look well to the eleclioi returns from Oregon if he would be instructed We can tell him naw he will not carrv the state by an increased plurality. , Tammany had her regular Fourth of July celebration. David B Hill wrote de- fining the power and pumose of the dem- ocratic party, and reviewed the political . . history of New lork. He closed thus: "In the outcome at present the democracy of New York in the coming struggle should present a solid front to the com- mon enemy. Loyalty to the cardinal democratic principles and the regularly nnminata.l i-ln&li!. u llu innr.m. Jt. of the hour." Hon J 11 Bryan, of Neb raska, was selected for the first talk. Be fore he had a chance to tay a word the crowd broke loose, and gave cheer after cheer for Cleveland, Hill, Cockran, and again for Cleveland. Cleveland wrote a letter taking: "No; man. woman, or child could forget or out- I grow the sentiment relating to the aa servanceofhe Fourth of July. Because there are influences and tendencies abroa d which tend to neglect this anniversry,the : valuable and patriotic effort of Tammany to rescue it from Indifference oupht to be o universally applauded. I am satisfied Tammany will not lose the opportunity to teach that the Declaration of Independence was a move on the part of the people to de- termine to govern themselves, that patrlo - ttm it inspires, and ioins unselfish love for ourcountry's welfare. Thi I political or ganization is only effective and successful when approved and trusted by an intelli gent and popular government " Anvlwvlr whnn, the rrr,.,l.lir,c ,,,.h have nominated at Minneapolis would have j G W Nfsspgr,216 Sene: tret, Roffa been stronger in New York than is presi- lo, write 'I wa a creat auffsrer for many dent Harrison. Tbe democratic opposition ! ;?r,,,ri1t1h ih aad faver. and tri.d rema l . r.i 1 , . . , . . . I diea of all Kinds, hat fcunn do relief until a to Mr Cleveland in that state is a trifle as ! to toe president, where one democrat ! will sulk ha'f a dozen republicans will do the same thing with Harrison and Cleve land as the candidates. And Mr Cleveland wi.l have the crowning advantage of the great body of independent voters, including a majority of the business, literary and pro fessional classes and practically the entire German vote. Mr Cleveland, we firmly believe, will carry New York over Harrison by 50,000. Indianapolis Sentltml. No legislation has ever been proposed '.n this country so dangerous to our form of government as tnat cf the force bill which the republican party In their plat form declare themselves to be in favor of. It is propDsed to take the management of congressional elections out of the hands cf the states and to put them Into the hands of federal appointees appointed from Wash ington. No wonder that republican pa pers all over the country are so chary about defending this scheme which even a republican senator said was "the most infamous bid that ever crossed the threshold of the senate." This alone ought to consign Harrison to political o'Hvlon . Tammany Hall has been prompt to blazon the Cleveland and Stevenson ticket upon its outer walls in a great transparency. Those estimable tepu&lican uewipapers thct have been counting upon a coolness in Tammany Hall have here their answei. Tammany is "ademujrat," and it doesn't keep i's politics on ice. Thomas Carter, commissioner of ' he gsner al land office, says lint Harrison will defeat Cleveland in Montana 5000 votes. atlee ta the t-raiiae I have this day made arrangements with Knapp, Burrell & Company, of Al bany, for their entire line of goods, in cluding binders and twin) for the season of 1892, notwithstanding all reporta to the contrary. June 17tb, 1892. J. W. Peopht. Agant Linn Co. B. 0 or Onio, City of Tolsdo, LUCAS UOl'KTV Fbase J. C-i:.j-". ixiaXcs OLtZ. JLiA ha fs tho senior partner of the hrmot F.J .Cubhsy SCo Aoiug business in the City of Tolsdo, County aad State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case or Catabbu thut : an not be ctirea by the use ot a all's Cataskk i'cbk. FUAKIC J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. US6. 1 A. V. CLEASON, K3tt I Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure totckon internally and acts directly ou tho blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. i'. J. CHENEY & eg., Teleoe, . tur Bold by Druggists , 76c. TELEGHAPHIO NEWS w,lson Keen' Portland, July 6. Ever since Wilson escaped from Sheriff Kelly. IS men, as a guard, haye been secret til in the brush at night around Frank Wilson's residence. It was thought possible that tho fugitive might make his way back there, not only to seek aid, but because an irresistible desire often overcomes a murderer of Wilson's temperament to look upon the spot whore he performed his terrible work. At alwut 9:il0 last night a young man named Wills and a companion saw a tout walking up the lane with 11 horso following, fliey recognized him immediately as Wilson. When near tho place in the lane where the murderer carried the dead body across into the woods, the man jumped over tho fence and wont iuiot'ie bttsbjM. rt ills immed iately went to Milwaukie and notified the people who were there issombled at ft meet ing, and immediately a crowd of at least 250 people went out to search, but he was not found. Til Liberal LoUo, London, July 5. The expectations of the liberals as to gains in the metropolitan boroughs were not realiaed today. The total number of members ejected i. iGO, of whom t! 10UMM vat yes hae elected !W, the liberal unionist - and the liberals 0.1, tn- eluding Ttiomas Power O'Connor. The tories have gainst 7 and the liberals 7 .eats 1 in the contest today, leaving the liberals a I net train .f S seats, including Aloniiay. There is deep disappointment among liber- als tonight over tue result in London. An Oregon Mas) Ueiueuibcred, Washington, Ju-y 5. The president has sent to the senate the nomination of William Kauus. of OresOn. a consul to dv-ew ouUi v a es; anct -r.;irm;si ; 1 inline, ot isconsin, huh auditor of the j tmy ajso K0H,rt Williams, assistant auMuuint-ceneral to be adiutaiit-cenenU to! be adiutant-ireneral. with the rank of brig- ! T . 1 n j 1 dl: t l .1 ! "genenu. unti iwrau nuiue. oi .- i ! ft, rui i t. tva .. ,"v , f miiilto Pii.r.i'V at IndoiHMukwe. t'.ll. HrrerCckrr Accident. St km. Or Ju y 5. This evening while ' limiting a firecnickor. Maud IXiwsou. agcil i ! 7. was sririsiv K.imwl She drnniml a ! match on the sidewalk and sat down on it, Her dress caught tire and burned off. The , &rl - fanning the flames into a bhute. 1 he skin and flesh came off the buck and. with thp cjothilHr. xhe gjrf will , piobably recover. roflia Sail Uld II 0 Ti.. c l- in r,.r i.i: ! go,, of Colonel J H McLaughlin, ex-cham- pion collar-and-ellww wrestler of the world. and himself an athlete, dropped dead at hris home, south of this city, this afternoon. He was a heavy cigarette smoker, consuni- ing owr 1W a day. The doctors say this causexl his death. rra ll8 BclB W j - Qt'KBEc, July 5. In this vicinity prayers are beinir offered for the cessation of rain. while in Rimoaski the crops are suffering from the drought and the supplication tsr rain. T llaa al large. Salem July 4. The search continues in i-irupson canyon and the surrounding country for Wilson, the escaped self con- t,. mnnlprpr. I In ivk i.h mi a lis mented from time to time all dav. and has scattered, taking in a wide scope of country The belief is that Wilson has got out of tii. i-A n m nnil is malrinv his Tar to tilt mountains. All dav reports of his capture i have been coming m. but all. upon diligent inauirv, prove lo be without foundation. i Krrly this morning a house near Lambert " ! Landing, south from Davlon. was burglar- ! f261: fPPf 9 A I"" j lunch, a revolver and nfl were rton. vt raver ana riria. Omaiia. July 4. The peopled party nominated Gen weaver f jt president, the I following Iteintr the l.:diot : Weaver .' 'Lv '-' ; Kyle CatterUh? ... 4 , Tff.Tri?' IT J-T uxataoa was niaue unaniniou At U:.- a ra a motion was made to adjourn until 8:30, but the chair ordered tbe roll-call for nominations for vice-president. J (J Field, of Virginia was nominated on tue fir?t ballot. Tbr Ubcral A brad. Losdox, July 4. If the contested ele l.m?J!t - ; overwljelmin(rly Wwrai aml ire.Un)1 ; have home rule. Ofeoazaa. todav's elec- tions are not decisive. It will take until Tue-daytotellthestorv with anv assur- JM l,Mh fim,r nf'fr-lav noi'nt to - I :.ii . u I uiai dM r a iT-i-iiiii Mid'i..i'iit' iiit.i nr pr'nmrship. nr. 1 establishing an lrih par , nament again m lullegei.reen. Mm Bad Hra. j BoUOS ClTT, Uaho, July 4. A gang of 1 hobos were aireste-i lnre yesterday and dur- ng tho t ! e-ked tlie inside of the city jail. 1 ne 01 them rays niiey are, part n a gang lately ilriven out of l'titte. Bad it is rapposed they know toincthing ajaaat the recent murder of a policeman ' there. ' laim.aoa IMttJiarta, friend ot mio told me t. buy a box of Rrac- Iaa a mi 1- - ' . 1 uid kru j wsa - at. - dreth's Pills and ta'.e them a directed . I aed two boxes and btlisve that I am cured. as X have not bj n troubled with them for the past year. I cheerfjliy lecommond them ta all who inffer." Look Heb. Thog Ilrink will repair! vour fnrniture neat and cheat) or ninka furniture to order and sell furniture on cotninisiion at the old staud. Spr i no Slmtincs. For sixty days V R Graham aril sell spring suitings a cost. A late and peculiar spring makes It desir able to close out the spring stock. Call and see his fine line of goods. Cr.BRAXCE Sr.a or Millinery. A lam about to give up the millneiy depart ment of the Ladies Bazaar all in that line will be so d without reserve Mas H J Sower. Sec o-ir bargain co jnter. tV F Head As a family medicine, the Oregon Bl.-Hd faririer has no equal. IthasproV t elf-f a ci rt ii i and effics'ioas remedy for all die eases esafkesl by an impar'e stale of tno blood Mosey to Loan. I have money in sun-a of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. No delay in furnishing the money. C J Bl'KKIIAKr, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. VV'a Dom't Cover tub Kahtii, But we do claim to covsr a small por tion thoroughly. We cover the field in Albany, and if you want the best grocer iee and baked goods, p'ain and fancy, baked in metropolitan style, call on us. We can supply you with what you want. Fresh lu rries, fmits and produce always on hand PaBJCKb Bros. Bictci.e for Sale. A Little (liant safety, son ly used a few months. At a bargain. Call on Jos Klein for particu- LettM- Lust . Pnllowirg 1 the list of loi ters remaining in the post otiioe at Albsny. L!nn c iunty, Oroxou, July 0, 1892. IVraous calling fif these letters must give th daa on which they wi-re advertiscrl. Acbsrtnsn, M Ailer, Mr John Bales, U C 2 Bolio, W M Caves, Kmma Coher, Mr J Kelley, Min Laura Allen, Miss U lJarrv. Mr W II 2 Hish jp, Mr W lirawt, Mrs Amend v Cooper, Miss I.ydia Hilliei. Mr A M-iore, Mrs Lauia McLaoe, Ed Wulder, Miss Maud 1'irlier, Thco l.ho.i'ipp, Misi llosa sparks, L M Tirkett, Mr Fia,k Wilson, Iee A Wood, A W T. MONTKITH, P. M. 1 1-.'.: 1 :t. Sparks, S J Wensa, Ms BUefl Woodward, Dorah IIt(.OS Mill V4 t Villi it SKBiHE In co-operation with U 8 weather bureau, of the department of agriculture office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather bul letln, No 14, season of 1S92, for wcea end ing Tuesday, July 5th. Western Oregon. Weather The hot period broke on Tuesday, Juno 28, since which time it has been "cooler, yet al most normal temperature, with rii average amount of snnshina; no rain has fallen during the past seven days. The winds have been northerly nr.d fresh in force. Crops Rain is badly needed, for all ' vegetation is in want 6f it ; the ground i is dry and is becoming more so, day by ! day, under the influence of the drv winds Fall wheat is beading, but it is not up to the average. Spring wheat would yet be greatly benefitted bv rains. The total wheat yield of 1891 in Western Oregon amounted to nearly !,OtH,000 bushels, while this year it will not amount to over $7,000,000 bushels, the unfavorable weather conditions le.sen- j At f i "'ft.,1'"5 'r u'-7y,ar' Th( oaua emn arni o fair ;im... i, ... 0f hwt vears crop bv about 20 ner cent. Haying is now in progress in all sections and good yields aie generally reported, though in a few localities it is not up to the average. The present weather conditions are ex-' tremely favorable to the bops, which are I growing finely ; the hop louse is to be i found, but not the damage fioui them of i last year is expected tins. There is a general failure of prone! land plums which was never known helore. I orn lias slow growth, due to 1 . . 1 . - . ine ausence 01 rain, tianiens r.cea rain bai'ly, as does also the potato cr p, the latter will be a short crop if it does not receive ino.e moisture soon. The peach anu watermelon crop ot Josephine ami Jackson counties promise fair returns In Eastern Oregoii from Jane 26 to 29 extremely warm weather prevailed. The maximum temperature ranged irom '.'." a M .1 . . . . . I. . t t iu. . , o... u.c -v.i n uas .rn , cooler The cooler weather during the past five days has been of great benettt to ; toe gram, om yei mere .s mucn grain ruined and past redemption. rumen sua past redemption, in ltsu Kastern Oregoa had a total wheat yield of nearly G.0(10,00t bushels, and It is estimated that not over .'l.OOO.tKXl will oe harvested this year. It S Paoub, Observer weather bureau and ais'.int director Oregon weather bureau, Decileaiy the largest and choicrnt variety of tea iu town ia at C E PrcwnellY Bata SSfa.,' ""M vVll"c you come to Albany Don't fail lo vilt liiackman & Hodge. The druggists They ca'ry a large and . .ho'ce dock ot drugs, patent medicines, , etc. Prescriptions are always carefully i and promptly attended to. It will Pay you. iMPoaravT. To know Hut the M err. me & Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction. I t!lns in lune longest, and is an endless '"Ju'c m a.. uu, ...c.n av mn s, Urst . Atbany, Ur. Do Yof Naco a Babv B-ggy Fon- at & Irvlnz have just received a fine assortment. Kubber tires, fcach sup ' Pd with a patent brake, a great thing. I. u aotaally ecaaumv to d.-ink Hmh'a I'm. Biag .-' it' v pare, il it msec stronger that ins artificial t?, abont on third less of it. or about twsaty grates, hm iagt trsd ps,- cap. As ti:. are 7,I6 grains to a poan 4. thr will b sa to h. ; bttvHO thrs and foar haalrei astpi to the ; ! pound. Ai it is bat CO cent per pound, j his i at th. rate of abiut aaa ti'thVf a cot : iar ran nf, t. IU u . . I in CaBsst.-Tomp Robinaon takes r ' tn: "neaoa to inform the public of llar- "aburg and vicinity that he baa just i , Pned ' cream parlors, where be will take pleasure in servinitall who may give him a call Will & Stark carry a spieadid ttock of gold and silver watcbrs, for inea and ladiet, an I an e irgact hue o( rilvar ware. Beal riri-'i. H'jm;s -B-iutily voa I . . "ome m"e " c .e w,ia . ju. Perpsrtuaila nd other cilice roaevold and new vaileUe of Japanese roes and hrubs. '. Order laken for the above and all k:rd " .... . , . . of fruit and ornamental ha..e tree at A llyman's, 115 ll St , Aibaoy Or. Lrm.tR & Ball, dentists, n-ake no charges for extracting teeth wt c-e they nut n artlfir'al ntair. You can tsve i moner l hav W them do vour dental work. Office In Tacedale-blcck, Albary, 'regoa. Pav L'p. All penonsindebtcd to Conn It llendricaon are requeateJ tJ ca'.l and pay'up at or account will be placed In'the hands of an attorney for collection. A Ulge Koz al prarmz shear od prun ing hooka, tbe baM hiadc, just rtceivcd at Slart tc ik.a'r. tUm . ihi- Iit.c. to n-a thsnt. The lt nvul v. li-yrra. . e 111 the city at l.'ooi.d Strawberrr, raaffla and chocolste. T icse who eojay a gocd dih f ic ciea-n go o C H Mueller. j T,npr0 1D(, dePci(,nt of the calo ctaK Dc, e, the,mi bld-.c. ! Kecape both by the ute of that reliable specific Hall's tiair Rtnewer. 75 di zen whip just from the factory at O Mc Far land's. HILOHS VITALIZKP. U what voi need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite Dizznes and all sy oiptoms of Dyspepsia Pricilaod 75 Cent per b 1 Novell ies in parascl and St Samuel E Vour.-'-. sun tin. 1. 10 Is: SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION DURE. The KiiecM of th'i Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel In the history of medicine. A .'. d.-iisgists are authorized toacll it on a pos itive jf iarantee, . test that no other cure can saoceaafarjy stand. Thtt It may become knoiva, the Proprietors , at an enormous cx peine, arc placlns; a Sample Bottlo Free Into every homo In the United States and Canada. If voy Basra a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use It. for It will cure yon. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use It proinptlr, r.nd relief Is sure. If you tlrcad that Insidious disease Consumption, use It. Aek your Druggist for SIULOH'S CURE, Price 10 at.. 50ctv and ST. 03. If your Lungs are sore or Bark Iamc.uso Hhlloh's Porouc Plaster. Price B) h. For salo hy all Drug i(ists and Dealers Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturer .' AM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW wILL MACHINERY IRON AUNTS' AMD ALL KIVD3 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN RON AND BRASS CASTINCS. Special attention paid to repilri,' ai kinda of machinery. PaUftrnB Made on Short Notice Star Baker) orf'r ni t.t.biii Htul FfrHtftfar CCMUD MEYtR, PROPRIElOR. i r. LKlt It - Cuom t aTrauf, d.iSHaM', irfI rratlfw, Tobitt co, Nt:gar, otter. (iureuNwart Vce4ntilei, 4 Iglll M Klileon, Tea, 1 t'., In fact nvrrtljiT kIt in a ri -iriity and coot ry ilore, HitthuMt market pHMptli for AJ.L KirTDS OF PRODUCE U:R. SANDEH'B ELECTRIC BELT LATEST PATENTS WITH ELECTRO BEST IMPROVEMENTS. MACNETiC SUSPENSORY. WIU ear Witfatj Kati tta ria!l evtrutaOiM of bria,acr?t frMi,umiM ir ta-iuf a;i. M attii bkati Uaa. Mill. iita a.aria Cteliltjr. (? laaaara !taf nor. rbMKAtU, ktiwy. Hf ftbd tuU4r (taV?lklCbt,iUlf t-B, ;cBbtr attinM, Ititrtl :S b4:l. tr Tkta Jctrt t-ta axwfJ Wa4fl taawaii nr ftli otar. aa4 glva aorrut tkai ta luuaiij fall fcr tta wfr r fcTUli i,tiWi, ajtd will iui aJl af dliruca or a. Tauija kar aas. turii ajr tbU tear t j iBVMUoa tftr fell exttr rMdita fati4. an 4 afia fctJs4r-Se of tattaaiala la aal en eiiaf tut Oar awmirrf ! limt.HD tt IplSlaUKT. tta pajajajpl ug, fVr car4 aJ ntc FftTV WITH ALJ BSI TS tta) a4 lfaroaas:ri sth fcl AftUTkC 0!a tat i'aya. Saad far UloalriJ fiitti, ml;a4, &ai4,r. Aiirm NO. 172 first 8t.t PORTLAND. ORE . . .., N' OTTCB On ami vfter Jtina 1st. the underinel wi.l ravelva stock no ' paMluracfl lo. I read, no b'trr tn the sUts. led top ':. yr and tint rthy. lbs ranch is well walfrd and well "fenced with plenty of hvJe for tha stoik. Hot . ss, 82 per month; cuti s, 84. Will take j ' good care of atock entrust d to uiy eara; ' but will n il ba rcp.t-onsibl for sceitUnt ' or losa p I. SUCH. h. Clovardal. May 1 GOOD NEWS fS For tho tniliions of consumers ot TuitfsPiXls, Ii piv.- lr. Tut t lrmnrt to ao-k aasnMa Uat h la now puuu; up TINY LIVER PILL which i. of xrtlDa;ly .mail aasa, a )rt rtainirc trtt2aof tbeP larc.r nan. .tiaar(l purvtr 4fc rgtrMc. tUXii ilmsf thew pill A " are Mill IsauJ. The exact aixe of TUTTS TIMY LIVER PILLS gk is ftlaovru Ir Ilia lKr!r ..f tlii. -a.;." 99 WOMEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!. Vhile trying to Crowd theii DEY0E C FROMAi. BROS Store, where they aiways have on hand he largest Stock south of Purtiand, of the latet improved Rifles and Shot ir.s; immense stock of Fishing Kklt. of every description; Tent,.' Man. oc .Cam? Chair and thousand of oti. ing loo numerous to mention ' JE ;imir Shou la connect n with tha Store, and one ol he best wo men In the State to do any aid ail kind, ol wor Cosne cr.e Come No rouble to how good "Smal !" I ea jtotio prcfil and quick 1 HEALTH RESTORER C4 every" hre. si a vii'.c , .. fj.-S-a WICKM AN & ANDERSON city; laundrt. frrKistfrtft Cusrlta Botef. Beil eiotnliig and lare"i ii ui!od to. :ci. worr: a tpeefeuty Prar ch office st.MoN' LaiBttTt cicitd ivetiitt- 1 I at l er fcop, l 7 30 o'clock I - DYE - TO - LIVE? I lb 8if He ir Bye Wcrks. O.J. loiitlqll,Pi'opiiotoi j Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Repaired. Ladles shawls and Ores Goods a specialty . Fade. I clothing res'ored to Its origin color, to look like new. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Mc a Call. Work called for and delivered. Opposite Parrlsl.'s IJrlck. For sale by STEWJlO? SOX Dealers In GENERAL HARDWARE Albanv, Oregon . ALBANY'.OR. WRITS 19 AN & HULBBRT BROS, Real Estata Agents ."'arms and Ranches for sale. Alco city broperty in Albanr and Ooryallis. Al'ADEMY -OF Lady of Porpatual H ei.o. CHOICE MEATS Or Ai,;, Kixds . JKimr-icl - & - Baker, OpptwIU Sohmeer" Livery Stable, usxt fair to Willamette feekin- Oo's store. mm lanai mil vie 1 DIAMOND iStiAY & MASON !ii4UibuaBd Booksellers A (reus for Jol in B. AlJon's publication -iiieb we sell at pnhiHHar', Kir REVERE HOUSE, iLBANY. OREGON J HAS. PFBIFPEH 1'IWPiilETOR FORTMILLER & IKVMG 1 -FUNERAL DlREfTORS.- ArteiUI Kint.almlnK done BdiAotifloall) Albanj-, Oresou. FRAZERsreaIi Tinsx IS THE XrOB.1,3. ttfmrlci- qpmUttmm uim'.rsitno, i.rtan tr - auitiau, ClBaTJI' Bl fiit T IGKETS JTWtVOJi SB OMAHA KANSAS C11Y, ST. PAUL CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, .'.Nn.M.l lutVT- East, North and South. 2 TRAINS DAILY. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CAR3, AND DINERS. ; Steamci Portland lo San Francitaa Ever 4 dayi. TICKETS TO ASO niou EUROPE For mtes ait ecnera! information call or address VP M ! 1 1" R I. B L" R T, A u'..Gcnl . Pas . A gt . . u Washington St., Portland, Oukcox. 2nd Storti I Ij-nt at-ick of Jt: I pW ooj In lbs Vallay. an l the moat reaortb! ptfaaa . Uava oo hsnlall ktodaof rj H1TU1E, STOVES, TINWAHE, TRUKKS. BOOXS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC.. ETC. Oca ttocr t'cf E.YcunT 'a eld s:o L. 00TLIE6. TUV i 11 LC tiR A TED . C i 1" LI P, tUPCCft'j VOLVERS Tas f.'f.t Sj.; a. j.; tut Usiataclam.8? Bact -.j -T. 'JT"ZZ. ' :- ir- , sa C " ' 1 ) -0 S U. . V -. 3 t - . . ' Vk M Ses N KV A DV Kit TIS KM KN1 ft- Q El P WANTBIi. Mi& Caaiiila 1 Avsy, ctb Band, Ind 1 j S 18 a fsk to la : r writ 1 l t name. Rap y with ttsmpti . I 'K,",R SALE One-half interest in a 1 JP cooxi iiaylnK business on let atraet for ajle at a bargain. For particulars in quire at !b:s cftJce. 1 OX BALK.- A rvwits'tn wood aaw I a 1 1 p r ran I e altaiibed.lf deviled I have a law flna Btatria Raitariea on hand if U i.lseM ail on esv tarma. D M JuSEa, Srd A Wtshirgton St, Albany. Or. SOCNO. On tba -se ground an ovenoal. Owner can fcava tame by ailing rt tbe Dkmc crat. VWTMU l)It5GIO -Ed Davidson in T T p ran red to do well digging la first c!s lyie. promptly, and wnl guar antee his work. guar LOwT. A child's taa colored, cordage rxljre jacget,ou tho road leading from : Hackle onu's grove. Tbe Under wtll leave the same at Viereek' barber shop nt receive 1 bera reward, FCR THE SPRINGS Parties des'ilng tbe i enefitaol the irsgnitWnt health givlcg soda aprtnga, i rated 011 tha north aide of the Santlani river, abautona mile above the lanch known as Dutch George's, are hereby diiected to camp at the Dutch George la'neh. where an abundance of garden vegrtablee good thntthy bay and ane 1 astute may be bad at very modr ate pricea No toll need be pa'd, aa It la not necessary to pane ihraugh the loll cate to obialn all ihe advautages ofthia famed miueral spring and tbeaa untur pssaed camping an 1 ffshlng privilege. HEW FISH MARKET. Just oj-t ur il by the urderslgned. WIU keep on ha ad dltforeiu. kluds of fish in seae r.. On First Street, opposite Rua House. GEO. SLAUGHTER. Caveats, and Trad Marks obtained. snasH Pi cm l-iislness condaeted for Moderci Toss, Our Office Is Oppetlt V S. Patanl Offic. and we can scmrs pat Ait in 19 tluietaaa tl' rentoi from Washington. 8a&il ttinHal Hnaln. rr nlii,'., a ' t it-.c,1 Hon. inn C Id t . . V. l'. ' ,. ; k- ' chsrire. Our foo not ou till tmtent i ecaiv.l .iv win.,, it iM-rn-.H'i1 'i 1..... iw , A Pamphlet, "Slow to Obtain J'stentf," wUh nainci! f soinM ellonts In joarbtutj, conn, v, o town, sent free. Addrm, CsA.8NOW&CC Q"-"i;t Patent Otllcs. tVsshlnetii- h e 3500 1 fliit, ;;.. ; . -1. . .1 . . ,.:.i(l na Cotivoi.wi v. f st,: . itlo i Iv.r ..;i,ik.i i'tt with. Thpy mtm w !; ? tlvo utUfactton. ' tSc, t hn . I A... ,Jt "T';tUIMt h JOHN (J, WWT tJvt-vv RedCrownMills saw enocsas flour arruaiOR ros raai'.ia AND SAKBRS 98R, EST STORAGE FACILITIES. . -fa MEN I WHY ARE YOU npTANDENS have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality which is system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many cf THE .V w, . . is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gr ves soothing, prolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improve ;. Electric Susrpeztsory, the freatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to e- "arge shrunken limbs, or parts, or loney Refunded. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cure the worst casc3 in two or three months. Address 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St.. PORTLAND, OREGON. lmrrtc n Als o Mower s. R a k 8 and arm F Implements Ui IrlitchelLewiH & CODIaIX vor and BORER. PROTECT- YOUR -iTREES. m PAPER, PAINT. ROOFING. Samples and circular free. Paraffine Paint Co,, Portland, 0tcoi; J. A. Cummins; o Wall I rugrs, laintK, Oil (ilass, Ktc. ALB4HY, OftECOf OKl'UOV lf IFIf BAII.RO AO O. , T. K. Hogg, riecttTar. aUafaiER BXClTBSIt SS iR isa. licketa now on ra'.e at OorvaMis ani AL ny ff-r th-ea ezrursJosa at tbe very low Round Trip Rata of 13 2.". and 3 50. re-spacilval-. Gttd f r tl.o : : i trip M WKDM.SDUH .. : SATl IlDlI of each wrak an4 for icturn until Sep temper Mih, !SBX C C HOGUK, O P A. S0DAY1LLE Soda Water, ; Tire ba: mil c-r: water in tha World, John Isom, Srs., in qnsntlllea to suit. It keeps tbe svatm In order, and is a refreshing, pleasant drink. lvtijbody should keep it in iheir home. NOTICE Jaffa ison Institute adver tises for thtee teachers, a iVinripal and two assistants. The Board cfTrus. tees will met July 2nd at 2 p m to hear sppiicalions. Jefferson, June 14:h, 1892. It N LONOSWORTH, Sec'v of Beard. A 1,15 4 N V (OI,l.HllV(,SY aaaaysaa C, H. DALRYMFLE, Manager, Cellettions a frr "!y itsaidltr f !. Can rilnt in aft laa Wr ieaa KFlC E Ot B tllalnli ter Feater Bletk , Photographer Wanted A desirable lscatiou for a good phota grapbar. Inquire at Una office. J AM I'M J. CHARLTON, AttrnT-t-Law. All I(1 bir.ts St leaded lo pstSBHSStf. FLINS'S Eluek, A'bany, On A BARGAIN. FRUIT AMI VEOKTABUt f A !. M FOR s.U K consisting of 40 acres, locatpd one mile north of Allanv Land lavs fine and la well IsnproTad. For furtner in fo maticu inquiie at the farm ef Wat II Warner Money to Loan On improved farm propertlea, by B Goldsmlih, agent German Savings Lean Society, f OBoz 403. Portland, Oos: jrlTTLER MALI., Dentieta, Make ocsn eroars, (oldcreans, hiidg work, (r terth wltlKiut pistes, ard ail other pertainint' 1 dentistry. OFFICE -In Tweedals Hlork.Albaiiy.Or. Paper, HECTRIC BELT AND SUSPENSORY FORT WHO ARE 5LEPLESSNE55ftbRMFH GErMERALi IllHeALTH the effects of abuses, excesses, in our marvelous invention, which mrairea but a trial to convince the most skeptical. -or by excesses, or exposure, yon may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity' and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove tbe cause, and health, low at once and in a natural war. This Is our plan and treatment, acd we guarantee a j Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by mail, sealed. Belt Is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor. failed. a ran he hnvn hv hnnrlratfa r,( racaa ttirnmrhnnt thia tata wlit vwttf rA-xAXxt wcom we nave strong letters bearing testimony to tneir recovery alter using oar Belt. DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT f Buggie?. H&eke, Carriage Staver Co., cor 3ndA MASTER'S SALE, i lie Circa it Co-utef tit L'mUtd Stotrs, fin lit (lull 1 or trtCH . CUarics A XesU, TS Jame tl Foster. John A Crawford. William Craw. ford.AsbtiT Pfana John Ko. 1238. ! R Baliirocra. J S Lilac. E I VCt:da and W H Goltra. Y'oncE a hereby gives ihit in purauance of tbe decree of said court, msdi and entered in tbe above en titled csuss on ths 24rd das- of May , 1S92, 1 . G orjre H !.urhana.Matr to Ch moery of ssid eoart, will proceed to sell at pub lie auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, in urana r and form as upon an exseoltcn i&oed a pon a judgment at !aw. at the front docrcf ihec?anty onrt bouse on boa count v, safe of Oregon, at i! bany, in said countr, on tbe tSh daj r Jul, saa. at tba hour of tan o' the for noon al i tbe right, title and interest which the defendant. James H Faster, had at the date of tba i-ri executed by bim t tbe Sf feiidanu Wiiliaoa Crawford, towit, on Fet-iuaiy 4iL 184, of, in or to the prcip erty described in sai-f ead, towit: Commencing elgbt (S) feet west cf the southeast corner of lot four 4,) ln b ock rix (,) on First street, ia lb? city of Al bsny. Linn county, Oregon, at the intra oi tLe wa i between "tie building known as the "Foster B;oea" and that now owned by Otto Pox. and occupied bv J Gradwobi, tunnies? thence srest parallel with said reet seventy.ioo? (74) feet to ton centre of the partition waul between said "Foster B;ocx" and tbe building foi meriy occupied by Monte lb A TitfTnai bacb. and from thence corth one hundred ( iaaj feet to the aliev; thence east at rijiht "ages along tha alley seven, v four t74) fet to a point parallel with the place of beginnings and from thence snath ir tl!el with the centre line first above described to tbe place of beginning, ao aa to icclode tbe brick store now occupied by Mason Jt Foshay, G E Blain, Wilt Broihare and Mr E warts' Jewelry at ore, with the offices end halls aucve, with ail ana singular the:- rights and appurten aecea of every name, nature and deecrrp iior; said convevacce being recoided in Book -Z" of Deeds for Linn county, Oregon, paste SSL Tbe proceeds of sale will ba an i p:ie,' under said decree o tbe satisfaction I ) of thejudgmeat in favor of tie plain tiff. Charles A Neat, for tbe son .f f 14.04,72 and the fanner sutaof iiasa 35, with inieraat on both aad from March Sib, 1SS6, at eight per cnt per acDim, and to tha payment ; tho Laxa ble costs and disburse men ts of said plaintiff and th eipenews of said sale; and (2.) to tie satisfaction of cert1 in other judgments in ssv-d decree named, to ba paid pro rata among themselves if there be insufficient surplus to satisfy the same in mil. towiu E VTaiden, ot.U, with interest thereon t ten per cent pe annum from February 2S, J 8 Ulea,$lf49 35, with inters s: i"hrriT -it t-n per cant per annum fron ' . : lNf6: J0L1 K Bat Uaattfa,aitx9j wtJa im rest thereon at ten rer cent per rncttm from March It, and to the payment of the taxable costs and disbursements of said da cedents. June l&h. 1892 GEORGE H DURHAM. Mr sier in Chancery of said Ccurt. la now pre pars J to furnish X dpi is In quactltlaa to suit st reason- I V' El able rates. Order N'-oks will be found at suves of Frank L Kenton, John Iscm and Farker 8ros. Wigon will call forordera at those places ti San and 3pm daily, axeapt Sundays. Prompt service guaranteed BY: OF: EUGENE. Neat aesaion bsgina on M outlay, tbe isiii oav 01 aiaptetcoer, injs. Tuition, free. Font t'iiiirss: P!aalral 4..;Mnr inr. I.Kerary anil a short Kngiish Course. In which there is no latin. Greek. Fren -h or Goriusu The English la pre etc In cut! y a Business Course. Far catalogues or other information. Address, J W JoHKae. Prealtleut. A BIG STOCF OF Baby :-: Buggies best'asst rtment ever brought to Albsr just received at SteAvqit Sox's. Set the Biggies and Get friees. c. I . ClimBERL UV, M. O,, Hameopstbist. tVDecLJist la diseases ef tha Ex. Twenty years' experience (Mo hours 7 t9aj 1 10 3 piu, aunts wsevauing, Aioaaf, Oregon. WEAK? EAKMEN DEBILITATED. AND SUFFERING from Nervous Debility" &minalWfak- f NESaLOSSE&PRAINS.lMPOTENCY ORi itt-Manhood.Ieutism. Lame AckKidneV Troubles. Nervousnfk worry and exposure. For such sufferers J V : i 1 i -aa of all kir.ds, Saw Mill and SI i ingle Mill Ma ch inT y. Call and ex amine slock Klliswortli st, Albany HOT CE OF APPOINTMENT. TaJOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE C5- Jl JatKUtt aaa aeea app at the estate M John Grhrtwm, bavioz cUma . present llnai wish tha 11 111 umt. aBdnrei eriy initail, So the uusisUaad silaniiiialnfais, at the sate af James J Caarfte, ia A'basj, Laa u i, Oregoa, within U aaaaShs from tbe data Datad tha 9tth 1st at one. 1592. FXIZAEETH B GRI2HAX. Juts J Ch j ilku, Attoraey tor Admr. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. OTICE IS HERZBY GIVEX THAT THE ITS- detasraad baa heea aawr avttasnkad hr thaeastsu' eotm at una axtarr, 011411, at eoau ot s B tmrgaa, of Una 1 1 ! 1 . Ottcoa. A3 wpre- I iS-C. l:,t A LICE FIX EG AS. ADMINISTRATORS MOTiCL l- :ii :tr sf Bat ssaaai I baaj aa A 1 rbsasa : OTtCK B HERESY GIVES THAT THE CS- ao-r at aaid (state br tbe aaid estate are estbst a ab 1 Or Thialithds.T of Usr, J A-.'; '. EXECUTRIX NOTICE la tbe rstw .it the estate of Jacob W Wigit, dacM. VfOTICE B HEREBY GIVES THAT THI CS- ra derssiaad ban beast dadvt of tbe (scat of Jacob W ww1e.da coTtef Lata Laaattj Oeafoa, and fteriwn aad proas S tba aism ai mi I atana- w flsaiii. Uan mean. ORaraa. sitaassx Uased at Albacr, tha Itth dar of lUr. 1883. DRCCILiA WKU. -, Wa: Imt. Eassaaafiz Arty for Eli 1 abuts ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE br order of th 1 coat of Uaaemmtr. (prsasSad imtasstiiiis of tba wsata at tHoiyi H Haghea, asaaef lisa natstlj. Or, daonaeat. All person baiiiia, cssiaaa iriil said case ia Albany. Oraeoa. -iia six tea aa'e ner n Dated this li-Ji day ot Ur ti. K WEATHER FORD NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE CS- daraarpexOTWU is aid estate, aad that the coaatr eoart of laaa coaaty. Oreroo. bsa svV.n6ed FriJsr. the Sth day efJuty.ISSS, UU'ekKt in the afttraaaa of abt day, sa the ciw toe bastiatj aad atattbag said ae- raoBt aad lb atttatsaeat of svad estate. Dated May SfUt, lssa. CHAS PATTISOS, aaaetrtor. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. o Tha LARGEST ASSORTMENT in Linn County. Call ako - Have -:- Yovr ohnston's Patent Eye-Meter at F M RENCH Slewelry Store. I,! F. f L.! DU WONT, -- THE -:- (ciclit - Ufqiloi, do Dyeing, Scouring, Clesning, Re. pairing ior tne most reasonable prices. Come and see me and I i l prove that I will save you money, ) F. L. DFM0NT, Albany, Oregon WANTED io mediately, a reliable man for each town to tack nn arl- vertiaement cards, S a day and azpaaaaa to right party. Knc.oae referaneea, stamped envelope sod tha advertisemaat to arivartialDic manager, Ben Low and. San FranaiaaC', N. STEF. LK CO;, Albany, Oregon. Loan t ruMC nn srwut naal aacurit 7 ?n I Ua and adjoiniug conodaa. ate are ttuaiiil to Uaamsilj. Orcoa,erta Vcathaforal aae tsia. sstoracs, at AJhanr,Oregw,iahiB si moth bata bsf . Jasa 1 vuum near nrtai,i res coast . asoaths faoa this date. JOHN cF RLASTX Aitariwistrator. isassiaaad nralra the mai that ail persons are herebjr ra- praaar