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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1892)
THE PRINCE OF WALES D U R H A m T H E B U L L SflOKINQ ts not like other kinds. It has reculiar fragrance and ro Its peculiar uniformity always gives peculiar comfort, s rt peculiarly popular, bold everywhere. Mice only iy BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham. WEATB EKFO Rl A GHANBEKLAM, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all courts of the state Special attention given to matters in probate and to collections. OFFIOE-ln tUe Flinn block. y 1? B1I.VKI . Attorney at Law vml Solicitor in Chancery, tions made on all points. Loans neotiatol rable terms. Albany, Oregon . Collcc on EO. W. WBIOHT, Attorney at law, ar.d Notary Public. Will practice in an the eaurts ot this stats Special attention riven to collections and matters in pre bite 0 Mr: Upstairs Mason-Twedale Block Albanv. Ojrn K K, ftLACKBVa. . B LA('kHret. A W iTSOW all leeal matters will receive pr o mn attention. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple, Alban y , O jOXTANY St AiHit'KLKMAS Attorneys at Law Albany, Oregon. J J- WHITNEY, a . Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. D K. J. I.. II IX I,. Phydcian and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. MASTOY A V!S. Physicians an Surreons. OFFICB Corner econd and Brotdalbin streets. Albaar, Or, Calls promptly attended in city and country. c V. ( HAHfSEBLAI.V, H. D IfiMlliist faTSpacLJist in diseases ot the Eye. Twewty years experience OSes hours 7 te 9 a m; 1 to S p to, and fl te 8 evening. Alban t , Oregon. FIRST SATIOSAI, BASK, OV ALBANY", OREGON, resident ... Ties President ... LFLIXJf . S, K.YOOG .E. W. LASGDOX PBARSACTS A GEXERALbanking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and te) -rapbic transfer, sold a ew York, san CTancisco, I'oJcago and Pitland reron CO .LECTIONS MADE on favorable term.-. HMB j. K. Yocata E, W, Lascvoa t B Burs, L. Fun Edward I . Sox. LINK CO NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. aidant ft'iTdr L COWAX, e-Pmsidunt j X RALSTON. st Ctohier O A ARCHIBOLD. I crscTOEs, -J L Cowan, J M E-lston, W 3 Ladd, W U GoUra, J A Crssrorl ail O A Arch bold. fBAXSACTS a eeaeral backing buslnnss . DRAW Sit) 111 i) WAFTS on New Vork. San at I Parti' t Oregon. LOAN MO."fEY on approved security RECEIVE deposits sub tect check. B ASK OF OBEGOB, ALBANY, OREGON. Capital. President Vice-President. ssbW M F MERRILL J LAXNING UTWBLA1N Transacts a general banking business: Exchange boo "tat and sold on all the principal eities in the United States) also on England, Ireland. Franee and Oessnsny. Collections made at all accessible points on favor ble terms, interest allowed oj time deposits. W I iU K A CO.,B4NKEBS OF ALBANY, OREGON, TRANSACT a general Banking basintss DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, San Fran sco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS nude en favorable terms. ISTEKK- ' paid on time deposits. B A Nil or !. SCIO, OREGON. rcsVJont vsi-p nsassVast . , t 8 Msskis ..Jsrr Mrs ....O S Mat Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, son oil P -eat business conducted for Moderate Fers. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, snd we enn scouro patent in less time than th"' remote from Washington. Head model, drawing or photo., sri "ticscr. Moo. We advise. If patentable or )wt free i chirpe. Oar fee not dnc till patont Is secured A Fnpblst, "How to Obtain Patents," will1 Dfune. ofactwi tilontu InyourStAts, coon:y. u town, sent fr"c. Address, 0- Vln F start fXIco. sTcsWasba. D. f a si 3 2 B K '. E S I THE CElil' It RATE I . . cmitu 9- uieconnt a fife a aw m w- mm n r 0 Floest Aril Jv3f Kt!cr.ufacturei1. H -i WCKaK.'-.tttr i-'.vr,'.'i;-cr; ii ! "r-v;.re ef chf ss irsr. imttationa. St r9rl.:aL-slc3 Cr.Utgao snd Price t'tt tof OMITH . WESSON, a fir a a Ft i;ld, ma ss ts a h a h THE PAR Ml GTOL,S STJVWAlT 6a SOX Dealers In GENERAL HAI 'ARE SakI r'WT Kor sale by TOB A. r liavor Al N. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE c?8iW Tffi BEST SHOE IN THE WCRLQ F3ri THE KOHrtr It Is a seamless shoo, wit I, no tacts . r wax thread to burt the feet; made or the best fine calf, s: lisa and cost, and becouM tre mnfce more sit- of th is grade tka any ether manufacturer, lc equals baud sewed shoes costing from t.W to $100. sfiS OOGeaaln Hand-sewed, ttv .:. : o.ilf P7e shoe evCT offered for tS.Hi; equals FraacSJ imported shoe which cost from $.' t tOaO. OO Iland-Srvrrd Welt Sbac. line calf. ij stvltsh. comfortable and durable, flse best -oe ever offered at this price : same (trade as cu v'le shoes costing from SiUD ;o $9,011. t "'O PeUce Shoe: Farmers. Kallmad Men ssvv -nd Letter farriers all wear them: Cueealf earn!. -uxwth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion eak. line pair will wsaat ayear. A 30 flap calf no better shoe ever offered as ssvaata this price; one trial will convince tboso who want a shoe for comfort and service. tA a5 and 9'j.0l Warklaaman'a shoes asvSMs are very ftron? and durable. Those who nave given tnem a trial wki wear no omer mare. uAVC' 9V.UU ana &l.7) scai sooes DUJO worn by the boys every where: they 1 sell on ineir merits, as ine increasing saies snow. ndlnc $3.00 Ilnnd-srvrrd shoe, best fcifll I B0 Lsntoia. very stylish: enaLsereDcn Imported shoes eostr.ii? from St. t to $&jjx I ndies' ' ai.ifli nun fnw wr arvthebsatflnebonsolA. stylish ami durable. Cwtli.. j. Sec tL-t W. L, Dowlas nat-o l'4 pete are stamped on the bcttum of each abo. tW-TAKE HO Sl B!TlTi:TE.rj Insist on local advi rtlsed dealer supplying roc XV. I4. HO l ;: l.A - Brccktaa, .Maa. try SOU BY L. E. BL.AJ $ GINSENG. THE POWER OF MAN. The Chinese priie, the Ginseoe, root, ranch more highly than Opium. They rail KKjinteng: meaning the Power c f Man. When scarce the Psest quality ha been sold for (400 per oucce. "ow, why do they pay such a price' Ilecausd they belieTe it give them the much desired nerve force. How many people suffer from weak ness' What a distressing allmentf Yon !acx vim. nerv force- energy, power. Yon feel all rone. Ton ara always praying for strength, yet get ting weaker and weaker, listen to the voice of reason. Place toot car tefore intelligent specialist capabla of helping, yes. caring yon. By th mere writing of a letter yon can hava your case diagnosed free, absolutely tree oi all charge. Write to-day. COSMOPOLITAN DISPENSARY, Stockton, Market and Ellis Streets, SAM FRANCISCO. - - CALIF. EAST AND-SOUf H. VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Dai'y Sooth I I North 7:00. a. I Lr PnrUand Ar 73S a 10-23 r u Lt Albany Lv 4:23 A a 8:15 A I Ar San Francisco Lv 7.-C0 r M trala stop only at fcllowinr stations north of KoMburg. K.-: Forv'and, Oresroa Citj, Wood oarn, Salem, Albany, Tangent. Shodtl, llalsey. Har risberr, Jaoction City, Irvinr, Kajrene. soasst-aa astL, dailt 830 a a I Lv r-'.rtlsBl Ar 1 SSOra 145 r m Lt Albany Lv 1UI H MOra Ar R.mbirg Lv I 7 :00a a ALBaxr m:J dailv Bxcerr Hthbit) 00 r a I Lv Portland Ar S3 A a B9raAr Albary Lv SO a a ftSBASOS BBASC liOralLv Ansiny Ar I Z-.i'J r a Ar Lebaooa Lv I 944 a 7:30 j Lv Albany Art 3:45 pa 8:24 A a I Ar Lebanon Lv 2:59 r a PULLMAN BIWFT SLEEPERS. SECOND-CLASS SlE?i.iC Far Sceasasnsxlatiasi of Passenzcrs, kaltilaa seeaatd'CIa tlekef,aitaelied to Ex press Train sTesi Mile KlrHlan. ETVSEt: POUTL4HM AXIS COKVALLIS. Mail -bsiX saiii (ExjeptSonasy, 7:SU A a U Portlknd Ar 5:30 r a IMP fa Ar Cor.tllis T-y 12jri asraunraaix sailt (Except Sunday. I:lllri I Lv Portland Ar I : A a TixSra jAr JttcMinnvill Lv 6.48 A a Throtxprll TiclietB o 1! points EAST AND SOUTH. soi fui, lufurmatiai rsrarding rates, mars, on Company Atrant at Albany KOKHLEB E P. ROGER, Waiuurar Ass't O. P. snd V. Ar PuTtland, Oregon. YAQUINA BAY ROUT. o Oregon Pacific Raiirodd, n ;;. Receiver. -:,- Orsgjn DeYolopmaa!; ro's Steamers, Mhort Cine to I'itliforuia. Firxtcelast I h rough paMeuger and relstht line i rm Portland and all points n tho Wille.rac.Ut Vulloy to nnd from San ' -anelaco, c'ai. Woa's fialte close connection at Alban fh trains of thepregon Paclfl Kail road TIME 8CHKDWJS. except Sunday.) r.eive Albany Vf.ii r. .ave Ciorvalli 1 :0S r, 4rrl re Yaqulna, S:3u r n,A -ivi; Yaqmtia, 7:0Oa,m a. heava Corvallis,lU:S5A,M M, Arnvo Albany, 11:18 A. u O. tt C. trains connect at Albany and Icrvsllls. Tbe above trains connect at Vaouina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Vaquina and Han Francisco, HAILINO DAT EM . raoa im'isa. lilsasM, Vsllsr, .-:n - Uwh , 31st moil HAS FKAlt CISCO WlllamsUo Valley, December Sib; 18th; 27th. The rv -"- .) 'hn ngnt to ihiiKu aisiiius; tialsva v i ..iiii notice. N', E. Fauaoiigor from Portland and 7Uiametle Valley joints can make olose sonnection with ibe Ualns of the Yaqulna route at Albany or CorvaUis, and if des tined to San Francisoo should arrange to rrive at Yaauina the evening before date f sailing sVPaasrnser and Frelslit rate alwa tbe Lowest X'ir litloraivtli'i pa!y to A R 0hpnau,-',S1"' jcIm'. Azsnt, Albany, fl. C. H ... u. w. r . a TUEiAPPBAKlNU TRUTH . The secretary of the treasury in his debt statement for May acknowledges that for eleven months of the fisical year which will close on the 30th of June the expenditures of the government exeptded its receipts by $6,-793.S5'- This appears on the face of the treasury bookkeeping. It does not tell all the story. As is now well nnderstood, appropriations have been held back by the secretuty for the purpose of enabling him to make a favorable showing. If t'.ie government had paid its bills the deficienay would be much Urger. For example, more than $1 1,000,000 has been saved on civil and miscellanrous expenses, notwithstandirg the fact that appropriations lor this year were larger than those for the year before. Interest on the public debt and the savings in premiums for bonds purchased for the sinking fund account for nearly 14, 000 000. Bat if the sinking fund were satis fied 3S,ooo,ooo would have to be added to the ostensible deficiency, and this cith the 7,000,000 cdditional requested by Kaum would nuke the total deficiency about $S, 000,000. Another month remains in the fiscal year The total expenditure' of last year were $339, 000,000. The appropriations for this year exceed those of iSi by $36,000,000. If ex penditures should meet the jus', demands of the governments' creditors, or if the secretary cf the treasury should frankly admit his ina bility to meet them, the account would show the government as paying and owing for the $425,000,000 an.l tn receipt of about $345, 000,000 In other words, the defclency promised at the end of the fiscal years by reason of the ex travagance of the Billion Dollar Congiess and the loss of revenue will be about $80,000,003. fTILLFItiHTIXi; GKOUNU. It has been demonstrved that a parly can no longer win ' hands down" fn (his county. Tne republican miprity of 2500 or 3000 has largely melted away. Men vote is they 1 choose, an J for tshai t'..ey believe 10 be the best ; The democrats and the indepeadents havej no complaint to make. H they did ay. win they hrve made a glotioos fight, aad have j crowded the republican bosses closer than they 1 were ever crowded before. A part of the ring ticket is elected, but it was close, hot work for them. The moral effect of the; j election is a defeat (or them. Such offices as ! they gain they will hold with fear and tremb ! ling, realizing that in another two years they j will in all probability be beaten. If the election bad been held last Thurs- day or Friday, nearly the whole citizens j tiwket would have been elected; tut during the last two days there was a great dea'. of! "whipping in'' done. Now that is all over, ws imagine there sre a good many republicans who are sorry that they were oaaxed 10 vole "straight." At all events, ii is evident that even Pott- j . , ' , c . ,. land and Mahnomah county are "Swg ground It is becoming m3re and more ro year by year, and it will oe more and more so in the fu'.ute. Teltfram, ri, . . v. ... .. ... Only in New ork and Iowa dtd the "favorite-so.i" canvass win delegate from ; Cleveland, and those in Ntw York were secured by a hast v actlin which could not j now be repeated. It is due to Gov Russell j and Senator Palmer to say that they dij : not encourage tne efforts of their friends jin their respective states, but de:lared . , . , . . ... themselves for Cleveland. We be.ieve tnai senator Carlisle il!-J likewise. A tnan 1 who thus trinmnh nciriv pv.rvh.r. I ,, I, u:- " . "IReed 1 V' ti iut4ii pt-nuuii sx 1 11 iivilie alllU 1IC nride must he etrenlinnsllv n.n..l.r adk r c j r-i the democratic party of tiie whole counti y That is the popular indorsement with which Grover Cleveland's name will be presented to the Chicago convenion. nd that Kciilc pannnl Hitrcaaril lr uliKciil . . - tu (lie yixi , . M F Harrington, of O'N'ei.l, prominent attorney and democratic politician of Northern Nebraska, ays: "The orders have gone forth from the democratic headquarters and are accepted by the poiti-iins of Nebraska, at least among those with whom I have talked, that Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas must be delivered over to the People's party. In Nebraska the democrats will nominate no electoral ticket this year. We wili take no chance on delivering the control of the state over to the third party, but will have our own state ticket. By voting for the alliance electoral ticket the 6S,ooo third party votes, with the 60,000 democratic, will certainly defeat thc 73, 000 republican. "The sarr.e will be done in the other ! states mentioned, and while the democrats will gain nothing the republicans trill lose in what has been heretofore their strong hold. The election will be thrown into the. House of Representatives.'' . . --.-i t i : . , j i, . . ' republican. The people have had too Die late Col Broadwater, of Helena,; Pom-laxd,, June 8. Probably owing to ; ro;ici, 0 Tongue's tongue wa a man of Intrepid bravery. In the j the confusion the counting of j mcUor, county elected the entire dc mo car ly day of his life in the mines a big and 1 l,a'lo,K "iler the new system of voting, the cralic til jnc'iudlng Nickels of the burly teamster, the terror of the neighbor hood, ore day seated himself on tbe tongue of his wagon and refused tn hitch up his ! team. Col Broadwater realized something i must be done, and without saying a word he piched up a short piece of plank, six inches wide, and with a swing struk the giant on the side of the head. The board spilt into 'hree pieces , but the man kept his seat. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm figh :ng," retorted the Colonel. "Who?" -''You," and Broadway made ready lor another blow. "Don't let me find it out," snorted the bully as he rose from his scat and prepared to hitch up. The Colonel had carried his point and thereafter wa looked upon with great re spect. It is not a pleasant omen to hear of in telligent democrats in Misscuri admitting that that old democratic- stronghold may elect a republican governor in November, but such a reverse is not impossible. The republicans 'nave nominated the strongest candida'e they could find. The democrats are handicapped by a long record of oligar chic office-holding carried on in supreme indifference to public sentiment and to the intercuts of the people. Tha spectacle o a renuhlican (coventor in Mixunuri find n iUi. neeaiae irfivminr in Inwn wmthl illnotcitn ' the truth of Lincoln's remark that you cant fool all the people all the time. Tne contest at Minneapolis is exclusive ly one of men. No question of piinciple or policy is involved . Not only do the two principal candidates represent substantial ly the same i leas, but so do all the dark horses. And in advocacy of each there Is nothing thought of but personal advantage, patronage and the disposition Of boss-ships. It is not politics on a very high plane that is playing tuere. Kyidently the president is mad, person ally and by proxy. His recent interview, in which he literally "roasted" the gentle men with disappointments, gave a pretty strong hint as to hi frame of mind, and now this is followed up by even more i caustic remarks from Secretary Foster. The "harmony" existing in the Cabinet is apparently of the most approved Kilkenny brand. Try oar syrup. It is good. THh NATION AL It MI'BLIC A CONVENTION. Harrison Nominated on I'lrst Ballot. Mihnkai'OLIs. June 10. Convention hall, weather cloudy and threatening, in tense feeling among the factionH, delegates gathering slowly. 11:30 a m. MeKinley has just callKl the convention to order. Kx Senator Warner Miller has arrived he is consulting with the New York delegates. 1 1:44. .The motion is put on the adoption of majority report of committee on i-rvden tials. lt is carried unanimously. M :T. Mr tjuay nnnounml on part of those opposed to majority report will make further apposition to the adoption of that report, mroiongiHt cheering). i2 ni. Miller of New York present a re quest from womens republican association. 12:04 p m. Blaine men in New York. Michigan and Ohio is reported will vote for MeKinley. 12:06. Mrs J Ellen Foster introduced and speaking, warmly received. 1 2:28. Woleott names Blaine, tremendous cheering, band playing. i2:36. Hiehartl fhomjison arises to nom inate Harrison. l3:47. A reference to MeKinley elicits cheers. 12:49. No possible doubt of Harrisons nomination now. 12:52. Mrs John Clarkson rises from gal lery waves her parasol shouts Blaine" and the shouting becomes the greatest oi the convention, (time). Mrs Clarkson dadim ;i saying '"I am not hoarse.' minutes for Blaine. glass of water Still cheering 7 Convention now shouting in unison yel ling "Blaine. Blaine, J;vs Blaine." Hand playing. i :14 p m. Mrs Chtrkson starts to the desk with floral star but is stopped and the crowd hisses vigorously. 1:57 pm. W amer Miller of Xw second nomination of Blaine, mad lent speech and cheers as he takes his Cheatham of North Carolina seconds York i extvl-; seat j DOmi - j nation of Harrison. 2:22 p m. J (r Boyd, of Tenn, colored, seconding nomination of Blaine and he is doing it well. Ht- arouses modi enthusi;itu and gets in hard one on Bepew. 3:R).Pltt sending men in all dinvti. ns starting a MeKinley boom. Question raised as to whether Alaska and Indian Territory vote. It it plain now that the Blaine forces will go to MeKinley. Alaska and Indian Territrv iu.i , votemakes total vote of convention 90C and 454 neeesar to nominate ' A-l n m. Ballot Imrim AUnuaaa. SMsnll HsB..Wr. i Harrison S. McKinlev 1 Hiirrison 15. McKin'ev 1. ' - rl:l vote rhflllentr,! I Wama Pt-Z . I 8. Deleware. McKinlev 1. Blairie Harri-1 son 4. Florida. Harrison 8. lieorgia, Harri- son 26. Illinois .s.nwt.v,! Hl .;.. I It ! ;M Indiana. Harrison vet , a s-i -, - '. , 'till' 1 1 Harri- M, Iowa, Blaine 5, Harrison 20. McKinlev 1. Kansas. Har- rison. 11, MeKinley V. Correction. Make Kentucky. Blaine 2. Harrison 22. XcKinlev 1. Now York cor rection. Blaine 35, Harrison 27. MeKinley 10. South Carolina. Blaine 2,. Harrison 18,. McKinlev 1. Xorth Dakota. Blaine 4. aSSTnuT' m T rtri!-- -V"4 ' 8:40 pm. Cheers for McKinlev. M Kin SSSSr ley challenges the vote. Foraker savs he cnt- roraker votes for McKinlev. At piaue " ' t ,N,e ,rkv B''nc 2, Harrison 22, Mc Kinley 1 LouUiana, Blaine S. Harrison S. Aiaryiano, liarrtaun 14, McKinlev 2 . Massachusetts, Biame 1. Harrison. lS. McKinlev II. Michigan, Blaine 2. larrl- son 7, McKinlev 19. Minnesota, Rlaine 0, ! Harrison S, McKinlev 1. Missouri, Blaine 4, Harrison sS, McKinle v 2. Mississippi, Blaine cj. Harrison 13'. Mont ana, Blaine t, Harrison 5. Nevada. ILalne 6. New Hampshire, Blaine 2, Harrison 4. Lincoln P an) V.Uh.L sa It t ss m I, KCCd I, Nebraska. Harrlon i:. Mc. : Kinley n. New Jersey, Blaine 2. Ha rrl- j ,8 Harrison evidently nominated, j New York, Blaine 35, Harrison 27, Mc - ! Kinlev 10. (Corrected vote.) I . SSSlJS. 4:02 p tn. Intense excitement as 1 Fenna ia being called. ' "f including Rhode Island, Harrison 403, BUme i44, McKiney 170. Harrionn Li..u Z. 1-1L. j . .ww.. .w uuuiiiii.u vjaa uicv uiiJt. Following waa the total vote: Harri- ??n, .; Mckinley, iS2; Blaine, iS2; ; i.incoin. i. lota . :Jt. nsrss SmPW In a clinic .11 ti...:., ' " """" a nvunu buw waa inaae unanimous, and on rnotioo of Depear the convention ad- on rneti until 8 o'clock. S reverse is R1 rw I lc Inn. O Tl,. ,'.. ' I 1 I V, I . I i .MA I. n.1 ... II-.. ... court reversed the decision in Ibe t if .1 . . e c c .. giS"gyW" " a Zl i CJTB against 1 "'WT.ll l'a.-r!i.vr fn-int Awnl i 1, . . " . -y. : Kogw. of the Pontic m Lina i county. anl wa. f or the cnf.mvraent of the T .u Z 'Vu " , , . . iecion recites that the last legislature, when it inssri U law iiR-rcaMng tbe jK.wrs of the ,,11 , , .. . , . ,. .. Mixxeapoi.18, June 9. -The day open 'right and heavy delegations from all fac I w. .1 , I . .ft , -cxeswsvaw uiiui ine wiy noun, en - thti-iasm shows no aliateuient. 1 1 :26am McKinlev raps f.,r order. 1 1 :29 a m Rev Dr fiishop of South Dakota offers prayer 1 1 :34 a m the chairman nvioe.l.s secretaxv to read list of telegrams and setter for dele - iratcc. If :4r a m. A vote for recess took place, 407 for. 260 airain-t Ailinitmnl until H o'clock tonight, when it is said an attempt : will be niade to get a brst vote on the re'at- j ive strength of Harrison and Blaine. Tne Eleetlaa. '."""".f" u coining m siowiy. an;l it is iiiijjwiuie to give correct niaiontien on fsaatreyriH-n. Kiipn'tii"' .hi. I..-.- ami sittorney general. With the exception of Yamhill. '-'ackamas and Washington ronnties, the returni are incomplete, and even in these the estimates are not entirely accurate, rartisl returns from 24 counties' give Her mann 340 plurality ami Kllis 1 . The? figures will doubtless be increased by tbe complete returns. Moore, for supreme judge has i670 plurality, which it is expected will lie increased slightly. The result of the vote for attorney-general ig still in doubt, and it will require complete returns to determine the result. The race is a close one and Webster still leads by 275 votes, but it is not improbable this slight advantage inav i be wijied out by later returns. The people's party vote has been much larirer than an-; ticipated, and will probably reach i.r.,000 in the state. As near as can Tie ascertained at this time thc legislature will stand as fol lows: senate, republicans 16, democrats M: house, republicans .'16, democrats 22. BtMtraeb Arqallted. Seatti.k, Wash June S. Ludwig Kos trach, one ofthoconsptrators in the bmoai Kiidloff ease, escaped conviction on the charge of arson on a defect in the law. Tho court held that under the law a man could not be convicted of arson who set fire to his own house, and if Uudlnff could not tie convicted of Unit crime, neither could his accomplice. The testimony for the defense was not heard. A Fire at LaUrandc La Grande, Or June 8. A fire this morning destroyed the two-story frame building known its the La Grande hotel, ami the one-story saloon building adjoining. The loss on the hotel building and con tents was about 8G000, and on the saloon and content 82000. Tho insurance was J20o. IMsnppeared PoinxANn, June 8. F W Forbes, a teacher of elocution and modern languages, who has lived in this city about a year, disappeared under rather mysterious cir cumstances on the 24th of lust month, and as nothing has been seen or heard of him sincethattimoitis believed that he has commuted suicide. Sidney Dllloa Dead New Yoiik, Juno 9. Sidney Dillon, the well known capitalist and politician died at his home at 25 West 57th street, nt 11 o clock today. They Mere Mad. Seattle, June i0. It waa an angry, sullen crowd that surrounded the bulletin boards this afternoon when the bulletin an nouncing Harrison's nomination came in. Held for Vice PreaMenti Mi.nnkai'olis, Jnne 11. The evening aisBion of the convention was called to order by Chairman MeKinley, who announced the order of business the piesentation of candidate for vice presinent of the United States. The secretary called the roll, and when Uie state of New York was reached Senator O'Connor presented the namo of Hon Whiteluw Hein- The chairman then asked that the nomination of Koid Iks made by acclamation. The motion was seconded. J S Settle, of Tennessee, in obedience to the request of the Tennessee delegation, named Taomns B Heed, ot Maine. Gen Littlelield said it was the opinion of the Maine delegation that Heed would decline the nomintrtion if it was tendered to him. Settle then formally withdrew Heed's name, and Whitelaw Held was nominated by ac elotuation. so ni ml Banumau Again. Hhi.lx.v. June 10. Louise Beaudet has brought suit against Daniel Hand man for a half interest in his extensive ran.-h and personal property. Bandman and Miss Beaudet formed a partnership theatrical business in San Francisco about ten years ago and made a tour of Australia, Ceylon, India and other countries, playing Br Jey kell and Mr Hyde." Qn their return they continued the performance through this country, after which Hiuidman liecame in- , ;, . . lMU"tnm " fatnated with the cattle business, and DOOsrht ami stocked a ranch near Missoula Mont. All this time he was playing "Dr I Jeykell and Mr Hyde," as successful off the ; stage as before the footlights, for one-half j the money, estimated at $50,000, extended j in fine cattle, a ranch and other rural fads, belonged to the soubrette as her share of tLc profits o the theatrical business. Banning Down a Negrs I'ottT (iinsoN, Miss June lO. A white, man named Carawary, of the famous Bran- ' dywine district of this county, became in- j voiveti in a iliiluultv with soma negroes- on 1 roaa iUil MgUt i,na WiUi sUot m uw ttfta htlyjun-le.l. Today a mob of probably lOOlfrandylSTlseafatenBar. Kour- iB "P (?"ntr5., ttml tiot11"K at every neg.-o m sight. Ihev captured and barn- oaueu a bridge a.w i r,e s mH. n. negro, who WM shot 111 the lwck of the l.i'. L' u him I iv.ims Imii. liua aiiir .... n. ,..,,.,, i. ., ,,,. j ' ' Electric Light to., lljitlts reached here. More violence is fead tonight. ; G y Russell, school tupt salary . Ibe slierifl left for the scene of trouble. Richards & Phillips, ballot boxes . . Brailllna Midlers Kanlrd. . Stewart & Sox, acct roads JZ Vk June ,0-Tl;e Heralds cor-ljZi; stationary respondent at Montevideo, I ruguav, tele- I)r D m Jones, attendance on ln gr.iphs that advices received from the re- ' cram bellious state of Matto l.reo, Brazil an- " deat of the government i oWieni nt to nueil the uprising. The government troop are rep-nrtetl to have left W0 men killed iipr.n the battle J-ld and the' : even a larger number wounded. Ail j chief officers of the government forces 1 uayaisi wu- entemi by the victors 'fh01 an1 assassinated all the ''rnnwnt "mcials. S1 ,v " SlESIOatiaH Hall of Albany Lodge, No 4, IOO F. : June Sih, 1892. Agaiii ha the shadow of death fallen ! athwart the threshold of our brotherhood's home. Again has the fiat of tne Supreme Ruler been issued, calling to Hi home ; ' above one of our beloved order, who was "Iways full ot zeal and devotion for the II"" " - I a " - - I tnwahtrt la helhcr In i? .lie cf nfiwwr t v 1 1 " .- - i r - j or adversity. That familiar face will ncicrigsin nc teennumn our wsus. i nat j familar voice to often heard in the suboi ! dinate lodtce, encampment and sovereign s grand lodge will be heard no more for- ever. No more It influence will never ceiie to be heard when the good of the order I In question Thc devotion and CvVind ThmTSSm at all Tod'ge meeting, by Bro J F Backer.sto will never re... I n;V. lm, . mind of all who ever heard him plead the cause of Odd Fellowship. Resolved. That in the death of Past Grand Rrpresentatire .1 1 tlackensto, the order has lost one cf it strongest sup ports and most earnest advocate. That Albany Lodge has ton one of It most ceaseless and untiring promoters of it growth ani welfare. Resolved. That a copy of thi preamble and resolution under the seal of the lodge be transmitted by the secretary to the family of the deceased brother. Resolved. That thc proper oiTicer be directed to keep the charter of thl lodge ' sss i appropriately draped in .nournine for the space of thirty djvs. Kesalted, Thai the secretary of this lodge be directed to furnish copies hereof to the daily paper of the city for puUica- 1 lion C. A 1'aKKER, TJ Stitkic S E Meminger. iiiiiiuv -unii- U Chamberlain elected' U asked on all - tidc. ! friend In this citv have felt ' i i s tnutn iniicn an uav as mc vote seems to jb. running cIok. 'News came that hi j majority wa. jo more than that ptbllshed in 0r.KOn),n too,r. At 3.,, o'clock a despatch wa. received' at the Democw.-.t , offic. irom thc East Oregonlan ofric- at i cihik-vii e,n,K tn-. uiukui iiiaiuritr in Umatilla is instead of 175 a published in the Oregonlan today. Thi Mr Chambetlain'k frienJ with confidence of hi election. ; Thc democrats elected in countv .. ,, , , . . C-'i Hklnson, repruaasdatUe; A H JL' 5"" Jud8c ; J h H i P J Mcrhcrson. acsrr. Thc repubil- I cn cIecl ,hc ba,anr-' of thc ,lckct .' . The election of J C Fullerton, circuit ludge; vv tonooa, prosecu'lng attorney. j and A C Woodcock, member slate board of equalization in thc 2nd district is con ceded. Senator Tongue 1 defeat ed for tate i senator by S B Huston, a democrat, in Washington county, a county that I Joo ; llmcs or state senator Plunder's Oregon Rlood Por'fier it tha great ennqoe-or cf hilliousuess and liver complaint. IMicf c train k every case. Sold at one dettr a bottle. Try it. You. Ati'SXTIOv is called to onr line of Parisienne ccstumescare. jacket'.blaier and rcefci. which is now complete. They aic lailor-made and guaranteed tofit. Tin c!oih are of the latest fabrics. Very truly, Sami-rl E. You sc. Sea MM bargain counter. W F Read. HHk an whips just from the factory at 0 C McFarland't. MACKIKIi. CLEMENDS IIARMES. At the residence of Mr T I. Dodson, in Lebanon, June 8, Mr E B Clemends, of Clackamas county, Or., and Miss M L Hirmes, of Lebanon. Or. C H Lamar officiating. SKAAR SEEIIALE. On Wednes day evening, June Sib, 1S93, at the resi dence of the bride's patents, near Jeffer son, Mr Andrew Skarr and Miss Delia Seehale, both of Albany. Mr ;.nd Mrs Sknar returned to Albany on thc evening train, and immediately began keeping house at the groom's home in Central Albany. They are popular young people, and have the best winhes of many friends. 1!()K. POWELL. On June 3, 189s, at vSioux City, Iowa, to Mai and Mrs Powell, formeily of Portland and Albany a boy. 1111. i. UODGKIN.-At the family residence on Court Salem, Or. , June 9, 189J, at 3:30 p m, Mrs Frances E Hodgkln, aged 40 yeais. DEYOE On Wednesday evening, June 8, 189, of whooping cough, the fifteen months old child of Mr and Mrs L V Dcyoc. They have the sympathy of many friends in their loss SANDERS. At McMlnnyllle, June 6, 1S92, Mrs Lora Sanders aged 37 years and 30 days. Mrs Sander was the daughter of Rev A J Hunsaker, formerly of this city. She was a woman of the -nest ex emplary christian character, and her loss will be mourned by her relative COI NTV 4 01 KT PROt'CEDINfiS. (D. R. N. Blackburp, Judire ; B. W Win Kumbaugh, Commissioners.) Coojver and Petition of R R Humphrey and others for county road was granted, and John Reed, 8 O Wallace and R C Miller were appointed viewers. Continued, bill of Geo Finley for $1.20. Disallowed, bill of Geo W Howes. IJIII.T L Uugger, teachers ex $3.50, continued. Petition of E Wills et al for countv road, granted and road ordered opened. Road petitioned for by C O Rice et al, ordered opened. Application of J A Bletsch et al for pub lic casement, dismissed. Petition of R L Smith et al for bridge, continued. A L Arnold allowed lumber applied for. A E Randall resigned as supervisor of dist 6, and Win Mesfe't was appointed. Application of mayor and council of Albany for appropriat'on of $5000 for im provement of bridge, continued. Application of W B Cooper et at for county road, disallowed. Matter of petition of John Geisendofer , et al drawing county road, continued j , . , ' T ' Fees of judges and clerks allowed, mil age and two days each. Mrs Henrietta Brc.wn allowed 13 re-1 bate of taxes. BlllChas Pfciffer, acct election $10, disallowed. Petition of Z I) Miller et al for county road granted, and John Conset, A Farlow and I D Miller appointed viewers. Application of A L Arnold for lumber, granted. r ranfc oiniui ct at tor a pProji lauon oi.,.iu .,i Kcid,. nl M $50 for county toad, allowed. Thc f8llowlne bills were allowed: 1 iohn Wallace .rebate tax.... 1 e 7? p l V allace, aid poor.... 25 00 j Matthews A: Washburn, acct roads. 4 00 ceo iJjrnard & Co. b!ank books a 00 j N (jom'.is, sawing wood .... 2 so j Robcrt Moee,t ,Cct roads . . . . ' . 2 4? . ... 7 5' SS 4 8 64 1 O b G W Howes, bounty G Russell, examining teacher. . C H Hart, same T J Stites same Office Specialty Mlg Co, stationary lS 00 IO 00 1 ib OO 3 JO 2 OO '17 OO IO OO ' Ceo llcnihiw, acct roads re ij C Morgan, acct roads. n,nIh Kranre aid ; I levoe A Ronton, acct roads . Havrte A" Stitrlc same Robson Bros, same C T Fisher, ureyor. . Blain Clothing Co' acct sheriff . . Geo D Barnard, stationary A H Martin, acct road j C VV Watts, stationary i Mrs J J Davis, acct poor ! O P Coshow, jr. aid Hail family. . . E C Cooiey, aid Mrs Clark I M Sawyer, aid Henderson : Aid Sccietv, aid orphan J M Flaug'her, aid j W Cox . . . , G F Crawford, aid Mrs Roberts . I Peter Powell, aid Cshorn familr. B WMie. aid poor Frank Burnett, aid junkcy Hiram Baker, aid Mrs Galloway. Iohn Csher, janitor ; Peter Kesling, account road - Jaa Clay pool, bounty.... Uiake, McFalt Ac Co o 00 to 00 10 00 S 00 10 00 30 OO 5 00 50 72 Viewer road, CO Rice et a I 2t 00 25 S$ 00 35 10 J and Ed ? .12". .PtlVF.. V"" ' ' ? ll?t, ' w 4 J H P W t'. Curl. salary W A Kimsev k Co, acct 'axe SS7 A," ' ,": '!: ; T..l t 111.1. t-l.... ..... i S rs John vTrikens , 1 on G W Howe, bounty . . Stewart Lewis, bounty M Scott D R N Blackburn N P Pa; ne, fee J K Wcathtriord, acct G Iff Willi, acct road Amanda Brown 0 W Cooper 3 50 ! I 00 .603 66 j . 100 00 roads . joo oo ! I . s : it- r 1 i " . 1 12 aa .tcournra until r ncay, ju.j 1. rsrtt iniaiu : Special lu Druotair Lsrasos, Or., Itinr- 11. John urisn - ani.wito resmes aoont a nines aat 01 una 1 jj,, Ajhanv mart c. j place.started to town this morcinif ahont 1 " , . -,. w ,a .v . I o'clock with some hog. for the market, j b JlLLi ,. 'His team became frightened and IT un,7?r,r? I away , throwing Grisham from the wagon. !" t)ne wheel passed over his neck, breaking j Ticksts for the juniar entertainment Moo it, and instant death was the result. Dr day evenmc. on de at Will's Mnuc store. ; Courtnev was called but found Mr Grish- Tha opera fcooe shoo-d be tilled. atu dead. Mr urisnam was auoui .tu ' years old, was a successful farmer, and j one of I.inn county a most honored citi- ! tens. The whole community will mourn ibis loss. Stole a M arch on Them. com diffi- j culty baa been experienced by the Al bany street railway company in making arrangements for crossing the 8 P track ; with their motor line, so during btat ' night sometime between sunset and sun a cf mn lav the track at Montgomery street, ballasted it and left It ready lor use, complete.y stealing a o ar or. u. inasuwr. a m m 1 13. p M Krencb hu Wn .ppote.! wtch in The track will now oe .aid to his point . torfortho Sjnthern Pjnc R B Co. at on both sides and be ready for the A1 AU .ngmeer. and condoctors are motor in a lew days. oSigod to carry a certificrta cf iospeotioa. . ... n s ' not over six months old. Lounty cKnoo: sopermieaaens neynoiaa ha been chostn principal of the Ial!a ..v.ii. l i - -.1 r em ..,.!, nd Mr, ,V A '..h ha. been reemployed in the primary depattment and her wage increased from STiO to f 60 per mouth. O her teach.r will soon be employed . -Ilaaioser. - Messrs Peter hums and U F Godfrey hare purchased the Doogla county bank of lesr WoUeaberg V Flint snd took charge visnw uusiuosa uu iiiwus; .uU.u.-;. " Mtinil tiaaactAt lostitolion. lloeeoorg Re- j view . Beautifc!. Homes. Beautify you home and make it attractive with Hybrid Perpetual and other choice roses, old and new vaiietiesof Japanese rose and shrubs. Orders taken for the above and all kinds of fruit and ornamental shade trees at J A Ily man's, 115 1st St.. Albany Or. Ci.rar.ance Sale or Millinery. As I am about to give up the mllin.ery depart ment of the Ladies Bazaar all in that line will be sold without reserve Mrs H J Sower. A laigc atooU of pruning shears -nd prun ing hocks tbe beat made, just received at Stewart & Sox's. Now ia the time to naa them. Order at'uncs some of ottr New Crushed ava o!le . Ithasnoicijual. C E Bkownkll. Littler & Ball, dentists, niake no charges for extracting teeth wl ce they 1 put in artific'al plates. You can sive money by having them do your dental worfe." Otlice In Tweedale block, Albany, Oregon. CATARRH CURED hetlth and awes breath secure 1 by Sfcilab'a Catarrh Remedy Piles, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sc O 0 M iFarUttd i Issessnd tk haruoss.'saddle.-y, etc., before u i.-o'i iin 1. For Salr Ciirai A second nand piano. For further particulars call at the drug store of Blackman & Hodgea' or at the residence of G L Blackman. Look Here a Moment. I have some of the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of his own by paying a small down and small montuly payments thereafter until all Is paid for. tor further information ca'i at the office, corner 2nd and Broadalbln sts., opposite Democrat office. Dr G W Maston. "HACKMETACK," 1 lasting' and fra grantlpetfume. Price 25 and cents . BOMB AND ABBOAD THURSDAY- Yds Baptists w ill build an 98000 church in Salem. New cream cheese and comb honey at F E Allen's. Mrs MaBride hat rented the Hearst prop erty at 4th and Washington streets, and will beep hoarders . Reserved scats for the juniors entertain ment at the ooera house Monday night now on sale at Will a lor Z9 cent. Several men represeuttog Po.tlaDd capi talists have been in the mines, and tt is DOt nuliktly several mills will be put in daring the season. A couple Albany men hid a $10 election bet. One claims he bet on comty judge, the other on sheriff. It will probably end with a duel. The entertainment to be given by the junior of the College, as published, promises to be one of t'.s finest ever given yet. The main features are very attractive. An ad mission fed of 25 cent will be charged. Roy Pruett, the five year old boy, injured In the railroad accident this tide of Ysquina, died last evcuimc, Th stories of his great bravery and heroic conduct under intense suffering are very interesting. It Is to be regretted inch a boy could not grow into manhood. Moviso Tne Y M C A has rented the front room in the second storv of the Oregon Bank building, and is raov ing into the same, hence the rooms will be closed until Monday. The new rooms are con - t , . . a . . ve.iiently located and are among the best n tne env A Clean-up. Yesterday II H Ames, of the Albany Mining &c Milling Co. came L.,ll ,r c Thl. .ici the free gold. The concentrate arc the principal product, and several car loads will be shipped io the smelter iu a few j days. It fc now thoroughly demonstrated ! that thc Bonanza is a paying mine, and members of the company ate feeling good 1 over the outlook . FKinAV. The linn County Council V of H meets to- ; .1,.- . San I!,.l.e - El - J 1 The members of th R R Com. went to the 00 Bay today to investija.e the rexni acci 6 1 dent. , , Elsewhere we give the ofiirial rote of Linn county. tne plara:it:es can ne ligared. ily A Chinaman committed micide in P tt land Wednasday by banging himself in the basement of a baiiaUsg. has been snbaeribed by Line county people, mostly of Eugene, for the 5 55 . SinsUw railroad. 9100,090 is wanted. 55 4 The funeral cf Daniel Hoack, who reeeat 074 00 ; !y t Tangent, was held tod-, the re 3$ 5o Qjain being buried n the Albany cemetry. 2 00 Several CorvaUis wagons are in the city ,j w ' for sale. They ream to be splendidly arndr, -; and vrill compare with the very best shipped 49 S5 j Teon 10 00 j Tke motor line has been baUsted to th 6 00 ! O P ticket office aad i ready for the motor io oo j sv, which, thenzb wiU not antra for a week ?o 00 j oe two. iooo, The body of Danie Hmtk, who was S 00 i boned today, was embalmed br Fo;t.-nt'rAc i Irving over a week ago remaining as aataral J I a life.completely preserved. , Oeorfe H Coahow. r4 Brownsville, is cJerUIci for hss btetker-ia-Uw, J al Howe, la :Lis city, daring the of Mr Bioe srtM is at rJodarillf , sick. Eocene Usurd. - A Last Day Joke. This morning the sun shone on a large banner on the very top of the college building, which had' been placed there during the night. On! it were the words : "The conflict ia I over, the world ia ours," with the nitiaU oi the senior class. Death or S H Fbtseoas. S H Finne gan, of Peoria, died at his home in that town Wednesday. Jnne 9, of pneu monia, tbe result of delirium tremens. He was a genial, generous man ; but strong drink was an enemy he could not meet, and he fell before ita tern Die mows. I an Insane Won is . Sheriff Scott re so turned from Halsey ibis neon with Mr x) Jo Drinkard, again: whom a complaint of insanity had been uicd . tier insanity consists of incoherent remarks, to wan- ! ! dering rL-nlesslv through h;r neighbor- i hood, etc She will be examined lomor-i row morning BATvamv . u.. m .. : . .-,.1 teeo-ve Atnir noa was t. c firs; ;r.-oo SS j bring ripe wild tlackberri. i acr a the new ; tel bridge. ! ms be iid y- ttertlsy . rtlsca- I berries promiss to be plent nlthis year. A gentleman who has jast arrired in the i itr from Crook coonty over tbe W X ft C M i W rad complains that the rovt is in a mi- able condiuon and think the prvpnetor ahoald proceed to j at it in travel me coadi- : tion. Mr Harlinin. an f xoert Inker, one of the : let ever in tbe city, recently from San ; Francisco, ha 1 e-r. engaged by Psrker Bros, and ia doing sonic tine work, preparing for ; ! Vh,jr cnsttTneis cmo very superior baaed i goeda, aa aa inspection will shew SheriiT Scott returned this noon from had taken Mrs Drinkarvi. cui Salem where ho ! who w" T""oe- : The latest letnrn. render it pretty safe to say that Mr Chamberlain Is elected attorney general by about 200 to 400 majority . The Knox il itte were defeated by the i .'effeKOo at JrtTersor: yeaterday, in a tire inoins game 3 to 8. j fvenoon the Vono- Aibj-i dfeit f ed the Bark h sr. ciub .C to II 2nd Store. Best stock of 2nd' goods in the Valley, and ths most reaonab!e prices, have on hand all kinda of, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS. BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC.. ETC. On door west cfS E.Ycun- 'a eld sto L. CtjTLIEB. I JPfunder'f mVt9tP USu IT! it is the ideal KcmcnyE. It rouses tlir- Liver and UUtn.'y -.n.l S'omncS, rose Iti.swuivj lvr-i . rrvrne. an Apps HlK, IurilK:stlicIin,iirc B.O.KI. und li?sai?i? .Tn? "A''ij,K ssttl Cied everywhere. 1 jt' vttloiUfjrti. ALBANY OR. mmm & hulbsrt bros, Real Estate Agents farm and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Albanv and Coryalli., REVERE HOUSE, IL8ANY, OREGON am- mm. The Hanttnm mines in it. are now strictly The dispatches from Minneapolis read about like this If f M Blaine ! ! ! T Harrison ! ! Hurrah. Scat President Bloss and Prof Letchtr, of the agricultural college, were in the city today on their way to New Era to attend a Farmers Institute. If your boy wanU a bicycle let him have it, for as he grows older it may keep him oat of bad company. No one ever saw a young man com'ng home drank on a bicycle. Now roll up your breeches, spit on your hands and see if yon can beat this, says a Polk county ex. Jim Mitchell and Eph Barnhart, in fifteen and a quar ter days recently, felled 387 trees averag ing 24 inches at the stamp, in a neigh boring logging camp. Eph says be and his partner ,fcould wear diamonds if they had them " It requires some extra figuring to get at the bottom of the recent election in Linn county. Notwithstanding over yOO votes were cast lor some ot the people e i party candidates, the average democratic ; plurality over the republican candidates J was 200 or more, which sirnplv goes to , 1 show that the people's party drew nrett v t m L.iL J . lively from both democrats and reoubli some Claimed they would. The Baker City Democrat t-ayg : A I miner from Auburn baa just arrived at the bank and displayed on the counter a collection of gold quartz specimens, the like of which is seldom seen. The speci mens are leaf gold, with pieces of quartz ' intermixed, and for beauty cannot be excelled- The collection is valned at ; between $250 and $260 and were par- j chased by the bank. Latest returns from the state indicate ! the election of George Chamberlain by j i about 3000 majority. Telegram. The . IEMocR-tT wishes the above were the figures; bat they are nt. They show! i poor figuring by the Telegram, which does more guessing than fitmrinz. Mr I Chamberlain's majority will be so small as to make his friends very nervous. The Dallas Transcript says: There was a bit of a breeze at the Hotel Hoi- man, the other day. Chief, the hereu- j lean beef-steak carpenter, got on the I rampage because he couldn't run the ' bouse in every department In the die- : cuosion that followed he slapped one of the proprietors, knocked down the clerk ' and kicked him for falling and other-' ' wise tossed bimsell around in a belliger : ent and unseemly manner. Chief was a . good cook ; he was also a hard bister ; ' and could hold bis own at the flowing bowl with the average. But be couldn't : run the whole of one particular hotel and was invited to take a trip, which he did with bis baggage cheeked for Port- ; land. A new cook from the East is I expected by the enterprising proprietors ' of the Hotel Hoi man. Douglas county elected the first demo- j cratic senator for twenty -two years. J Tack Butler was elected state senator in Polk county by about 70 majority. While New York people have been j suffering from hot weather we have been ! taking things cool. Prof R N Wright was defeated tor school superintendent of Clatsop county oa the democratic ticket by 2 majority. ' A Tacouia babv has been born with teeth. Its father's name is Ludwig T - t . i - X mcnen, ana ne is a guusuiiui sou uia- , ' chinist by trade. Thousands have visited tbe child. Richard IU was also born rith teeth, but it is to be hoped the boy u not a second Richard HT. One Rich- ard III is enough for one thousand years- It is said that the laying of new steel rails on tbe Oregon ian road to Co burg ' wili be completed in aboat three weeks, ' and then another train will be put on. ! There seems to be no doubt that the ; , company intends to make this a first 'class road, and extend it across the j mountains. Scio Free. oavea the life that Consumption. fighting against Only act promptly. Pat it off, and nothing can save you. But, if taken in time, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will rfrtainltr ma It most he done through the blood and the " Discovery " is the most potent blood - cleanser, strength -restorer, uad flesh -builder that's know:: to medical science. The scrofulous affection of the lung that's called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula and blood-taints, all yigfel to it. For Weak Lunirs. Smttinir of Blood. Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, j lingering toughs, its an unequal ed remedy. It's the only one that's ffuaremteed. If it doesn't benefit or core, in every case, you hare your money back. "We promise to cure your Ca tarrh, perfectly and permanently, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing or we'll par you $500." ThaVs what the proprietors of Dr. Sage Catarrh Kemedy say to every sutbrer from Catarrh. And they mean it, Albany IRON WORKS. Manufacturer It AM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW VII LL MACHINERY IRON WONTS 40 ALL KltfQS OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON ANO BRASS CASTINCS. Special attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. PaWns Hade on Short Notie S500 Kex: ard ! I 1 . -iit ryy llSjilmv . s -riml f r .-,- y to- Lff -ms, lyKtt?itu,v-..rlU..i: i- ,itrdtlt.Otss p. r t. v." r . (sir witb W. vv.uUlo tstvvr 1.:. v Ix-a i!.v- rv fc trfcly U. J -aith. Ttavjf arc v v " . '-(fcW. " arrive ttCasfrtxi, S-i,ur Uttlt wt-W - Ure)u. ;,., of cwunUrfwilsl t ta aio i;j;i4lfiit utuUiUri ttuij tS H)UN O WWW cVaiANY. CHH'AUO.lU POSHAY & MASON waoutAUi Aa aws.a Druggists and Booksellers AiOLUIhr John B. Aidcva's pa Uicn we mu as poisuaavar-a BAD ECZEMA ON 8ABI Head one Solid Sore, itching Artful. Had to Tie Ills Hands to Cradle. Cored by Cutlcura. Our little boy broke on t on his bead with a bad form of eezeroa. when be was four months old. We tried three doctors, bat they did not help Mm . We then used your three Ccnctnu lfi I is , and after using; them eleven weeks exsetly scaant lng to directions, he began to steadily improve, ad after the use of them for seven month his head entirely well. When we began Hiring it bis btul was a so id sore from the crown to bis eyebrow. It was also all over bis ears, most of bis lac. , . i ; small places on different parts of his bo!r. Ttee were sixteen weeks that we bad to keep has bucU tied to th-- cradle, and bold them when he was taken np;-and had to keep mittens tied on bis hands la keep his finger nails out of the sores, as be voa:u scratch If be could n any way ret his bands -wi We know your Ccnccaa icna-SIES cored liirr.. We feel safe In recommending them to others t KEl r them to others. GEO. B. k J AX ETTA IIARIIIfl, Webster, led. scrofula Cured I have a whole tc-dy sister than myself whose lib scrofula seres. from bead to foot. con id act be sown at night, and peace by day. A frfc-ud ad-CcncT-aA UcacDiE. .- '.-.:'J vised her to try so, asd they cured her. OOKA 11. EKVIXG. Ktubsylvasia, Ohio. Cutlcura Resolvent The new Blood and Bate Purifier, and greatest ct llliailll ai mwllssi.l hasssss Ibi Mi nil of a 1 ?m purities and poisonous ska mm iiu, and thus removes the cause, while Ctrt iccaa, the great skin cure, aad Crncrau Soar, an exqnlsste sua besnTlfier, dear the skaa and scalp, nad imaSons taw hair. Tans the Citi- crnta lauumza care every species of tteasng. 1 'T!'?!??1 leuy, pfnspiy, ana Dusary sns, scalp, diseases, front pimples to scrofula, from infancy t,,e when use beat psrystcaaas fan. Sold eveiinlasia. Price. Crncraa, ioc.: Soar. He ; Res jLTSarr, tl.On. Prepared by the I'omr Ba M 1Jorsaca, and 100 testimonial.. BABY'S Skin aad 8ca psotftrd and beawUsW by CxTJcuaa Soar. Abaolntciy pare. 9 PJUN8 ANO WEAKriEBSIl 3 M lr 'L--t Pain, laisssssili is aad V.". , . Cnttcwia stastt-it PSa - - BEAT, MERIT PILLS? NO!! If you take pills it is because you have never tried the S. I. Hfadaf.' and Mm Cm It work so aiceJr. cleansing the Liver and Kidneys; acts as a mild phytic without caus ing pain or sacksess. and does not stop 70a from eating aad working. To try it is to become convinced, Traate ssassaUesl y MMSlAw , EcieatiSe Asaisa t' Aseaey fjr CAVEATS. TS AOS S9ARXA. rOYnrCHTS. est; ? nv! j!iloa sml "res vXcosHic": vn" " u. .a--- a 1.0. ,. ..t... r. .rr ).. n for se.-s.-iar juSssiTt la iiaer. BS takes c te as Sa ntw - :a ktsavsselaofe bi . z. trty ef i-aar-.-s - -. ft. vrsearr. 3.e ; . i. sr rs LADIES tt tmr smr Ascsa asas FWSTF. this befo- 'ijyl'rig ftSfclTS WAliti Tha Rcoc Masjssi Sca Co.. C-'essx. lib JAPANESE PI LE 2 BBBBBBaSaSBS A acsraid Coca it Trsatsaal ovassii tt i ,Brss.Ora'.as3 ia Capsalesjalsa in 9 x ill Ft s FSBUv0reSac sxinal.Uur-UBlii v- S,ei im nla "lasatr Ssral ir MiTir- -j PiVai BwsJBWdisasai aftlfseasss amtaawn; Hi vvs s rrsal txsssCt to lite feasrsl aeslta Tbp nivri f a sasafical ear rsasasrios; aa sptrs,, ctta lit kiise iiaai i Mj aersafVer . Toss rasa. sswBsrrsrbeca sasssra to sail. SlMrbax. e fir V sc4bvaa. War aSsr from lks torrfss disaa postanal riven wjaa if ansaarad. Ssssd & ' boxesuo rsrsQ 1 to tartntSnati. G tJ i j a raaaias. rri. Mir Aceos. Albaar. re HEALTH ISsiLT Da ec Wart" Ksarm as Bbab Tb.iibmi, twMBinni ! tar Hssri, rani isi . C TnWaiia. FltsvNsrvoos Prtsstratioa sausssi r a saw at alwhol or tahaea, wsterolaca, Val Dsprsssswu. Saftotu: el th Braia i sialtiia ia tasaalsr sad sMSIaa to asbsrv. dsear sni dsaia. rnirustar OM Ag Bsir saa.s. U ot Posrrr .a eitaar aax. lavataatarr L nan aad 'iililBBSlsrih r- caused by pvr-wnioo of the arsis, if-Jee or gisrdaga'gaaBB. Kach box iiisla is iia' tritsssnt Sjl.SS a box. oratx boxsa for 5. s .tVj sasil prepaid aa rscsif of pries. wa hauvtw sax ssitts To can aay eas. With jh ordsr rassivsd by as for Shi oxas. imsaasassil wish Si OS. srvitll th saiiaaasr oar writ ten iruarsjsto to rsfnasl th maey ttah iroattsmt dosa oo saHrt a ewe. Oaar. antos vavaaS aalj ay j; taaswliz. Oratxiil Salr Agra I, atstaavj. rr ACADEMY OF I it Ltdiof ferpptial Etlp. ELECTRIC BELT nvsrvssssWiBstsi.lB.Bsin Issssikssssssssst BSSSI ail BBS. I.siai... laaaaw, rksasutiissi, sMasv, avsr sa M IHBHI.I., MSSS SWb lUSSacs, SSSUUS. SSSMTSi t TSIs .ttri. Wt sislssWsnsl lasii liskn,sa4it.s amstttsl Is rasnillj savtB sarsr m w SirttA ,, sad S rm sllsf tssatov SBSSSS TtoassaaS asv toss er4 Sj tkto Sttr- tamatSsa sltor sil rssssasSs ikUs, as atvs , st nsllasBa ta tklssarf vr islw aa. srrswfBi uraasa aaanatc srarexaaaT, sto trstu ton vsr .CSnd stu.raES WITH ill, BBLT h..w 8ssawlBBstrststBf-iii. ailli i ni i - - No. 17 First St.. sORTlANO. ORE. CHOICE MEATS Or Asa fciiOTri-li: -sV a. Baker, Oppoaito St It Borer's Livery BSahss, aaxt door to Wiilanstt Packinjt Col (tor. RedCrownMiUs rs0M.LANHlN8 i20PB' swraaioa ioa wa 3aJBBBBBW(75 JjjjjJ" Jft 'x jg '. '? -- SS V psaw.- -e -a Will C. SosxTs MACK l asrSMt t11ssVBw- ssst sbsji iiaasrsa, a ase icr. s SsbssbssHi. 1 Bl 1" nCus. Eawlly sVsbbSB, Cm. SIc.Ic. IwrB..PrsieSessI. Over 130.000 mM. seal ..TSlrtjDav.TrtsI, Ul. Mtitfa-I r -a.'Si-" BUI ill IS I LATEST PATtN TSfWlTH Lf CTR8- inpafjyEiitKTj. fifiS? suspittswr.