The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 17, 1892, Image 1

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The New Yo k 'World," :-
"The -:- Democrat
The Best Paper in the Valley,
" The -:- Democrat j
Both One Tear for Only $2.80.
Entered at tae Pos Offlct at Albany. Or , an serond-slass Mall Matter;
hTITK A mUMt Pubilaber sad Proprietor:
SO 47.
.Oak Creek Stock Farm,
The Home of Oneco and 4 Altago.
Oneeo will be at home on Saturdays and at Albany on Monday of each wo -k
Altago will be at home on Monday. Tuesday aud Wedoesdtv of each week, and
will serve mares at their usual prices. We have on hand a choice ot of Brood
mares, drivers and potts from tha above stallioa, for naln. We are now prepared
with a good track and stable, and all eqnipmen's ueasary f ir developing horses
arid will hand 'e a few at reason-hie price. The Iwata located one mile from
I-ehanon Junction, and 1 f asiiy reached by two tail road a We will not be rt
sponsible for any accident but will use the utmost preomtton. Busiu-tas will
be entirely suspended on unday. but will b pleased to entertain visitor.) aud
utendirg purchaser! any other day.
Mcknight bros.
Rupture, Asthma and Piles.
Sir's. Shimp & House r,
Specialists in the treatment of all forms of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous an
female Diseases.
Twenty (SO) Tears Experience in Medicine. Surjwry and Klooirietty
curable cases Ouaran eed. Office -T9 Commerol. Street, Salem, Oregon.
Is now complete, and comprises the following lines.
Staple Dry Goods,
Dress Goods,
Wash Fabrics,
Embroiderie i and Flouncings,
Silks and Satins,
Complete Stock of Shoes, Etc.
Fin NegJegee Shirts.
Wo ng Mens' Shirts,
Dnd wear,
Hats and Caps,
Boots. Shoes, Etc.
V e guarantee prices to be the lowest as compared with quality. Call anc
examine goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to save money
No trouble to show goods.
G, W. Simpson.
The Genuine IT AMI! URG TEA input up in YELLOW WRAPPERS
with Facsimile Signature of EUIL FRESE.
kSDINOTON & CO. Aoemts. 8am FrancisOO-
1'roiiatb Matters. Matter ot eUte
of Rebecca Vernon, continued.
Final account in es'.ate of Robert Elder,
approved and guardian, R H Wright, dis
Report of side of real property In estate
of Trios B Miller, an idiotic person, con
firmed. In estate of W 11 account
was approved.
In estate of Geo W Sylvestei, final ac
count allowed; executor discharged.
C E Johnson appointed guardian of es
tate of' Blanch, Beulati and Howard Foot,
minors. Bonds $100.
In estate C T Ingram, referee was or
derered to report by July term.
In estate of Daniel Houck, wtU
addmitted to probate. Mrs Houck was ap
pointed administratrix with the will an
nexed. Bonds to be $34,000.
In estate Jonathan Card, final account
allowed, Admr discharged.
In estate of T M Burnett, final account
ajbwed. Admr discharged.
Lebanon-. Lebanon precincts elected
a republican constable, Mr Kelsev, and a
democrat justice of the peace, Mr Elson.
The Lebanon amateurs w ho recetly ren
dered the drama, ''Border Land," at this
blace, will reproduce the drama at ScSo
this evening. Our baseball club also go
over today to piay a game witW the Scio
Charley Foster, of Upper Soda, was in
the city Lst Friday circulating a petition
asking fcr a postoiBce at that point.
A young man named Attridgc, one of
the employes alChamness 5: Sloper Bros
saw millnear Waterloo, had his hand
badlv sawid Wtdnesday morning. Or L
Folev was called and imputatrd the thumb
and forefinger
C C Hackleman has resigned his posi
tion as baseball manager. Mr motto is
Business before pleasure " I have taken
this step, not because I love spoit les, but
business more.
Contractor Price has recovered judge
ment In Nebraska court against a con
tractor by the name of Treap for th: sum
of $10,400 v ith three years intereit. He
returned to Lebanon this seek. Advance.
The ff wtiiwrnti KpiM' MHWI.
The entertainment by the Philharmonic
club last evening was a pleasrnt affair.
The program offered a variety I m isical
talent in nianv line. The Mechanics
band furnished the overtures, weli ren
dered; Messrs Mueller, Phillips, Leinen-
ger. Dabrnill" were heard in two orthree
instrumental selections, heartily en
cored A vocl solo by Piof Davis was
enthusiastically encored. An ovtrtureby
Mr and Mrs A B Seal and H J Hopkins
was good, the Apollo cioo quartet
rendered several songs in a happy man
ner. C H Mueller and Fred Schmeer
were heard in a piano duet. An oclarena
solo by Dr I.einenger was a pleasant
effort. A guitar duet bv lr keinenger
and Frank Powers was one of the beet
parts of the program.
AaExnoa KrN-DEnaABTESAT.- -MrsLu-
cretia Willanl Treat, one of the best
known kindergarten teachers in the
I'nited States, is in Salem, lecturing iu
the interest of this splendid department
of work, and arrangements are being
made to have her come to Albany on the
18th or 19th of June This would be a
rea, no doubt appreciated bv our citi
zens, and plans for a lecture should be
completed Mrs Treat is a relative of
r ranees h vtillard She 19 a graduate
of Miss Susan E Blow's St Louis Kinder
garten Training School, "878; Member
of Examining Board and Director oi
Kindergarten work in St Louis Public
Schools, 1878 83; was seven years with
Chicago Kindergarten college, an; is
now at the head of ttrand Ilapids Kinder
garten Association work.
J i sticks and Constables. The official
count shows the following Tustires and
Constables elected in Linn countv in the
districts named:
1. M Jewport,
t, L M Curl,
4. J W Ellison.
W J Stewart.
6. ATDrieco,
S P Barsrer.
8. C A Elson,
9. I S Ireland.
iO. S W Moore.
ii.JB McDowell,
2. John Curl,
3. J C Simpson,
14. II Lyons. K8TATK BALKS.
, (MAI
Samuel E. Young.
M01 ns.
F M Powell.
J B Kelsey.
J R Pond.
C O Rice.
Henrv Ray.
A P Hiranis.
J L Berry.
II Green to Wm Skelton, 7 acres
i3 1 ft
U S to John Moore. 278.37 acres n
w 4 Patent
L it Stockton to T H Del'ew, 16O
acres 9 K 4
Henry Grasier to Wni Ruiiihatigli,
1U0 acres is K 1
J C Lyons to Emma Lvons, 2o
acres 9 2
John R Cox to Mary E Cox. 44
acres io V 1
U S to John and Billy Burge, Cot
acres 18W 1 Patent
Will R Co to laa I Wheeler, a
lots, Halsey 100
Will R E Co to Edward Jewett, a
lots, llalsey 45
U S to John Mansfield, 48 acres 9
Ei Patent
U S to Samuel Nothiger, 3;o acres
'3 E 2 Patent
U S to Caleb Davis, 377 74 -acres i3
w 4 Patent
R A Kampy to Emma Alford, a
lots, Hiirrisburg m 375
BEHyuianto M Hyde, 50x160"
leet, Albany
A L Dickens to Y F lXakens 27S.5S
acres II W 1
R N Massey to Geo G Bingham, a
parcels land 9 E a. .'
A J 'lodges to Barbara Hovpert, 3
lots, Fairdale
WCHawktoJD Fuller, 150.20
acres. 10 W 3
J D Fuller to J F May, Si. 49 acres
ao W 3
Pauline tiecele to Mary D Sedg
wick, 2 lots, Sclimeer'sa.!, Albany
$ 7370
hi nr. s ." 1 ooKoma.
Anion obi. hUu. Krsallcil ia Ike 0 atrial
Vett-rmlaatLn or Ike Best tUVIan
The act of Congress authorizing the
examination of the baking powder, has
reeulted in a most unprecedented com
pliment to the Rots! Baking Powder.
The tests were made in the Government
Ijloratory at Washington, and the
official report shows that the Roval is
superior to all other in leavening
strength -being over thirtv rer cent
above the average. The report also
sliswsthe Duritv of the Roval Powder
and the whclesomeness of its ingredients.
this is probably the highest csmpli
ment oi an official character ever paid to
a proprietary article, thoush no more
than the great army of baktn powder
consumers would expct in behalf of
their old friend and favorite.
The reult of the official examination
as thus determined, will, of course, make
the "Royal the standard for Govern
ment purchases.
Hall of Orgeana EncampmenUNo 5.IOOF,
Alb ant. Or., June !0th,i.2.
With a feeling of sadness must patri
archs contemplate the fact that their
tented home has been again invaded bv
the grim monster The venerab e patrf
arch who for many years has devoted
much time and talent ti promote the
principle, of Friendship, I.ove and Truth
has paused withou. these walla and gone
hence, never to return. Patriarch, of
this encampment as well as the patriar
chal brotherhood in the jurisdiction will
feel the great loss sustained in the death
of Past Grand Chief Patriarch, J F Back
insto. Resolved, That a copy of this pream
ble and resolutions under the seal of this
encampment be furnished bv the Scribe
'othetamily of the deceased patriarch.
Resolved. That the Junior Warden be
directed to appropriately drape the
charter of this encampment for the period
of thirty days in memory of the death of
our deceased patriarchal brother, and
that copies of theae resolutions be furn
ished to the daily papers ot the city tor
T J Stitess
K A Pakker.
kociait Attn prkmonai.
J M Ralston and fimlly went to Port
land this noon.
Mr Will Pfeiffcr, the Dallas eorfection
er, is In the city.
II A Johnson, jr., the Salem real estaie
man, was in Albany yesterday.
Mis 1) V S Rcld and children are vis
iting at her parents in the country.
Mrs 1) W Wakefield, of Portland. Is In
the city visiting Albany relatives and
License has bten Issued for the marriage
of Edward B Clemen.'. . and Mary Eliza
belli Hartis
Mrs Mutt Scott and children returned
this morning frcm a vt it with relatives
In J&ckson county
Mr J W- McCa: tney, cf Harrlsburg, has
been in the city. He expects to move to
Portland In few weeks. While stand
ing in the Clerk's office yesterday Mr
McCartney was drawn ao a jurvman for
he coming Circuit Court.
the social given last evening by ths
ladies of the Presbyterian church at fie
handsome residence of Attorney General
Chamberlain war attended by a large
number and proved art agreeable affair.
Vocal duets by Misses Bertha Ellis and
Eva Cowan, and Mrs E W Langdon and
Mrs Chatnberlain.and achorus,were heard
with pleasure. A fine lunch was served.
PR 1 D v
W II, the insurance man,
in the city.
A big S S and band picnic was held at
Jefferson today.
Hon Porter Elmore elect, of Browns
ville, was In the city today.
J H Townsend, of Newbure, is in the
city looking after his Albany interests.
Mrs Chas lrkes, of Tacoma, is in the
city, the guest of her parents, Mr and
Mrs 11 Kwcrt.
Prof W T Van Seoy, formerly of Jeffer
son, has been engaged lor the Drain
normal school at a salary of $1200.
Mrs A J Hodges, of Aljany, has been
visiting hei sister, Mrs B F kirk, at this
placir, this week. Lebanon Express.
Hon S S Pearson, a prominent citizen
of Newark, B Y. has been in the city
the guest of his former fellow oitizen, Mr
W'iliiam Fortmiller. He is accompanied
by Mrs Pearson.
Percy A Young and Carlton Sox, who
have been attending the Monmouth, III,
college, left that city yesterday for Al
bany, where they will spend their vaca
tion. Lish App'rgsU seems to have quit poli
tic. The Grants Pa.s t ouricr, sat s:
"'Lish Appiegate lectured on historical
topics at ttae court house Sundiy after
noon last. His scathing ridicule and
dramatic delineation of the superstitions of
the earlv ages of man ar.d th opprcsion
of priestcraft in the Mi Ju Ages, bt'.i his
audience well during Lis entire lecture.
Rev S G Irvine and wife have returned
from a several days trip through the
counlrv south of Albanv. Ilr Irvine
preached the funeral sermon of S H Fin
nesran, a Peoria, yesterday. Happening
through the the evening before he
was requested to remain and conduct the
services, Mr Flnnegan had been a me.n
her of the Ctho!lc church.
Albany, Oregon.
K BEAD, President.
J L COWAN, Treasurer.
J O WRITSMA.N. Secretary
Geo F SIMPSON, Vies President.
JLCowan, Geo F Simpson, W V Bead, I) B Monteith.M Sternberg, J W Pnslck
J K Weathertord, R S Strahan. J O Wrltamau.
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Goipies
Robbery at Cobvallis. Tuesday
evening during the abrence of the family
of Dr Chas Let from their home at Cor-
vallis, some one entered the house and
stole a quantity of jeweliy valued at near
ly $500, consisting of a $1.5 gold watch,
a diamond ring, etc. Three, men Dan
Hastings, well known in Albany, Hank
Hardlstv, recently in jail at Corvallis and
Oscar Petersen, were suspected, and were
followed into Marion county, where thcy
were arrested by Sheriff Mackey and
Marshal ScrafTord and taken through Al
bany home today. Their sat:hels had
not been examined ; but a ring probably
stolen was fo-ind on them.
Lame's Crecurr Cocbt. The following
cases, in which Linn county people are
Interested, appear in the Lane county
circuit court docket, court convening
there on Monday :
Jeiry Hay vs Perry and Mary Smith ;
to recover irioaey.
T J Black vs J 8 Smith ; to recover
C G Burkhart vs J B-Thoinpson and J
N Bunch ; to recover money.
Marion's Circuit Court. Circuit
Ccurt convenes in Salem Monday. Linn
countv people are interested lr the follow
ing cases: t
Stewart & Sox vs. J Crabtree; action
for money.
John Holman vs John Gibson and James
Uoigan; replevin.
Henness Bros. vs. Allen & Smith and
Searlc & Deane, garnishee; action for
Contracts Let. The Linn County
Alliance and P of H have let their con
tracts lor binding twine to Stewart &
Sox, who will order four or five car loads
at once. The former have made arrange
ments to buy all of their agricultural
implements of them ; the latter have not
yet let their contracts except for twine
HIL.OT3 VPt A.UZ8E I. vo-o
need for Uonstipati9'j, Losi f Appqtit"
Dizznesi and a. 1 symptoms of li, sprp ii.
i-ricuuana .eea. per o tcie.
Not Dead. it was reported yesterday
j that Rov Pruett, the five-year-old vie
j tim of the O P accident, was dead ; bat
I the Democrat is glad to report, this is
I . . II - , . ; . . 1 , .
uw iruc- sic wnn int- tnu
and improving, though physically the
chances were against him. On account
of his wonderful grit and determination
there was a possibility of his living.
Mrs Manning was improving very slowly
and will probably recover.
Di-oiiarued. Dan Hastings, Hank
Hardisty and Oscar Peterson, arrested
for robbing the house of Dr lee. of Cor
vallis, were examined at that citv yes
terday afternoon and discharged, tbere
being no evidence against them and none
of the goods found in their possession,
air Hasting', who came to this city to
day savs he simply left Corvallis when
he did to look after some stock in
Marion county.
A Poor Rule. The Transcrlpt.of Dal
las says: "'the old saw "It's a poor rule
that won't work bo;h wavs," Is good
enough but It don't always work. For in
stance: it costs ft. to to travel on the
West Side train fiom Derrv to Corvallis,
but from CorvallU to Derrv the charge is
$1 .05. One fellow must be ahead a nickel
on each passenger between those points or
the other fellow ts out mat inucn, tne
scribe don't give a nickel which."
Chas Piper, the postal clerk, is in
Judge Piper, who was not re-elected,
was in the city today.
Judge Strahan and Attorney - Genera!
Chamberlain came up frcm Salem this
J E Noland was re-elected sheriff of
Lane countv by 519 majority ; a strong
evidence of Vis popularity.
Rev S E Meminger has been in Wood
burn during the week attending the
district conference of the M E church
MrWat Johnson, of Palouse Citv.
Wash-, accompanied by her son. Is visit
ing with her father M' H Farre!) in this
Sears, who was re-elected assessor of
Multnon ab county on an independent
ticket, ie a brother of C W Sean of this
Mrs John Conner and sister, Mrs
Avers, who have been visiting in Albany
several days, returned to Portland this
Hon J B Morelock. a former represen
tative of Linn county, passed through
Albany yesterday for Brownsville on a
viit with hi. former neighbors.
Prof Wvcoff, formerlv of the Allny
college, is now manager of a military
school on the Hudson. Mrs coft is
Misses Anna and BeUe Strasburg, re
cently of San Francisco, have located in
Albany. The former is an experienced
artist, the latter an expett dresnaker,and
they will follow these Hues.
Jas Godfrey, Moore, and Coffelt, three
Salem printers, were in the city this
forenoon on a visit wi'.h the ir
former fellow workman Caas Humphrey
A ball was given at the grange hall
across the river last night. Several
young people attended from Albany,
gamp and returning oy way of the big
steel bridge-
9AT1UMI. UF.WJOt KtTIt CtmtllH)
nit Jtto, Jim ti.
Only White Labor Employee1,
The Oregon Land Co
Witn its home office at
SALEM, - - - OEE&ON,
In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlano.n
"HTAKESa specialty of Surmyside fruit tracts near Salom
111 Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
acresmall cash payment long time on balance
I Oaat ( are tor Laads or Money.
Rntlwant a mau that will Ut.e my
lumber and leave u qui valeot.
Tint biuattse I want, it: Hut an in
evidenco that he want the lumber.
Yard on U R between 4th anil ith streets.
A Wheeler.
vViirn you come to
on't fail to visit
The druggists They carry a large and
.holce stock ot drugs, patent medicines,
etc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and promptly attended to.
It will
Pay you.
Money to Loan. I have money in
Rums of $600 to $20,000 to loan on iin
nrnved farm lands in Linn and Benton
comities, at lowest current rates. No
delay in furnishing the money.
C G Burkhart,
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
For the accomcixiatinn of those desiring to
visit Chicago on the sbove occasion the t nio.
Pacific ill sell tickets to Chicago and re'.uin
at one fare It the round trip. For dales of
sale and limit; of tickets or any additional
information apply to W H Hlrlbcrt,
A O 1 A Union Pacific Sysuncm,
Ton land. Or
Both the method ana results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For Gale
in 50c and $1 bottles by all
8AN fRANCISCO. CAL sewiohk.
It is actually economy to drink UsecVa
Tea. Being absolutely pure, it is mach
atroniar than tho artillcUl toa, about onfl
third leas of it. or about twenty grains, ho
tasaaa irsd nor cua. As tlie.-o are 7,680
ursins to a uouiid. there will bo aeon to be
between three anu tour Hnna oupj to ui
nonud As it is but 60 oents per pound,
this is at the rate of about ouo tilth of a cent
p r cup. For sale at Allen Bros.
Oood oookina butter, 25j per rol
at C K Urn iv lull's
Pint-olm dresitaskini dim a1, reason
bin rAtas.obildroa'a clothing a spscialcy, b
Miss (Jaorrfia Kisor, at tho roiidmas of Mr
Coll Van Cieve.oornar of 7th and.Bmdal bin
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable
bv that terriblo cough. ShilohVCuro is the
remedy for you.
nositive cure for Catanh, Diphtheria and
Canker- Mouth.
Deoidedlv the largest and choicest variety
of taa in town ia at O E Brcwnell'a. Sun
dried, basket fired, green, black, English
breakfast, &o
W 7. Q 35 K O a ii y. cc K - C "S S O V-' i
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-i-34.C. U -
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X. U
The Best
Blood Medicine
So say Leading Physician
and Druggist,, and their opin
ion, it indorsed bv thousands
cured by U of Scrofula, Ec
zema, Erysipelas, and other
diseases of the blood,
, "Ay4f 8afapami has won its repu
tation by years of valuable service to the
community, n u th, but." -ft. S. Lacg
IuigUt. 21 J Merrimack St.. Lowell, Maw
Dr. W. p. Wright. Paw p.w Port, Tenn..
T Practice. I InrarUWy pre
sdbe Ayer aarsapariUa tor enronlc dis
eases ot the blood."
pL!Vw Tffl1 "I Oxford sti ,
K: ladelphia. Pa., writes: "For two years
I hare pr.scrtbed AVer's Sarsaparilla to
numerous instances, and I and it hWhlr
I-,M- BblDjcm, Pharmacist, Sabina. o.
cortaie : -Ayer-. Sanapartila has alwav.
been a great seller. My customers tL:nk
Uiere Is no blood -purifier equal to It."
"For many rears T .ni.i
scrofulous running tores, whleh, at last be-
Arterial Embalming dons "c1eoticlly
Albany, Oregon.
10 cents per double roll. Send 3-ce n
stamp f'.r samples.
192 Third St., Portland, Or.
ram so bad the dortrir. ir. . ....
ot of my leg. to save my Ute. IlJ-af
taking Ayer s Baraaparilla and soon ul5
;:r.provement. After using about two dozen
.-..ties the sores were healed. I continue to
take a few bottle, of this medictoe
rear, for my blood, and am no looser Sou!
1lTi0lJ?re'- "iiliiilSlSiS
bloedrarlCers. but none doe. so mueb eiod
f 6arsaparilla."-D. A. SatteMu
eal, Sanaa.
Don't tail to get
AVer's Sarsaparilla
raaraaav sr
DR, i. G. AYER & CO., LoteS, Mass.
SoMbylrnUta. Wanbas.bottta.
jLSOI, 1S02.
r Ttrn OpeKrd srplmhrr tk .
A 1 corpe of bjwtn . . r
Coarnea or Huty rrarjrj t moot
all grade, mt tudents.
Sfvd tHOMCOKexd offered to s.'udenii
trcm abroad.
clcst caxastr
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g XiSXCC. 1Ii-llS WS S3. I. i.
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4. 4- ti li
-4 w wl
a c
W. F. READ & GO.
Special -:- Clearance -:- Sale.
We apologize at. th i outset for taking so much space,
but we are going to make an extra effort. We have a very
large stock and we aie anxious to reduce it before Fail.
e want your trade, and to get U we are going to make it
an object for you to trade with us. Everything ia the
house at reduced price for the next sixty days. Come and
see what CASH wil' do. We do not take nar? during the
day but are wide awake all the time for business. We have
a full stock of
Dress Good,
Fancy Goods
Furnishing Goods,
Laaies & Childrens'
Give us a call. We will save you at least 10 per cent
j iiaaMa.i:i:-3:x:'.i-K4a4?ssj:-.i -1 - .
T. li . i i i ii c- ii ii iixi aao - si x
--)t;!ii c s a : x - u ! s - ic a a a c ? - s
BW9SH ii ii -i i: ii o 4. x z. -
i. Si is is 15
on all the goods vou buy.
s i
C a at S 1; a i- - 1 s - -1 M a - ti i - 4 - i - j- iv. .
iia--is-i, ti'i;;;.i--.j5i:t'i
7? as-j-i; Xi:i:i;-y jr-c-t; - i;a
-z i c c c -1 a r. a r. a a g?ii;s;j:ei;ca-a
Pi:-.i7 i r. 4i-i r. - a 4 r:c i-i:i.c-t;iici;
i Si-Hi CK i.'SCSSisS' C ti i- - B"5
X 4 li
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June 1st, 1892.
.-VI ban.v
-ixici:-ii'asiii. ;-77(i4ji;ac-i---x-
ntarj T
X li ti -J ii 1 ti
a omh s ni ki m nt
In tbe matter of curatives what you want
is seme thing that will do its work while you
continue to do yours a remedy that wa ill give
you no inconvenience nor interfere with your
business. Much a remedy is Alloock's Portia
PUi-ters. These plaster, are not an experi
ment, they have been in use for ovi r thirty
years, and their vidua has been attested by
the highest medical authorities, at wall es by
volnnlaiy testimonials from thoso who have
used them.
Alloock's Porus Plasters ate purely veus-
tsble and abolu.ely harmless. They re
quire no change of diet and am not affeoted
by wet nr onln, 1 neir aotion does not inter
fere with labor or business; yrm can toil and
yet bo cured while hard at work. They are
so puro that the youngMt. tbe oldest, the
moat delicate person of cither sex csn us.
them with great benefit.
SB8$o8S3So2M&33&S33c?: ukoh; 2
IS rs Ci 4- x
Z. w-i C if s GX. -uauxii.t-ixcii:; -,D vtf a
Xw,4k C4. 7 li TC - ta li a a K iP S.. aanmir
ia J'i4iir;c 7i47-ii;.aaai ?ii;-ii; PPl '
To r roveut tho hardening -l the suboutaa
eons tissues of the scalp and the obliteration
of tin hair follicles, whivh cause bald s.
uso Hall'a Hair Knewer.
Do You Nbkd a Daby Ouguy? Fort
miller & Irving have just received a fine
assortment. Rubber tires. Each lup
plied with a patent brake, a great thing.
Pay Up. All personslndebted to Conn
& Hendrlcson are rcqueste.l t-a call and
pay up at once or accounts will be placed
in the hands of an attorney for col'ectlon.
When Baby was etc, we garo her Caaton
When she was a Child, she cried for Caatort.
When she became Miss, she clung to Pustorla.
r ben sho bad Ohlldnm. she gave them Castori
-lax- !S-eaix-ri-Ctasxx - w. i. x
1 u .-. r. 1 - - : -'V; ; 4 J 7 a - - u a 4 - .1 S .
-ias c-i' 40-isvxi.SaaS
4.a.MJ.isx3t?k""?iSES K40SCCM - -tja.
-iiiixi-i-ttiii-iiiiJJ. cati-clia
ai ts sc is ii
S4 1
- jiituiuoj!
for Infants and Children.
The returns of the election from the
state.wl.en all In, that, notwith
standing the fact that the republicans bave
car-led the state yet the party is merely a
minority partv. It i this fact, coupled
with the belief that the stiggetion to bring
bout a fusion between the people's party
and the democrats on presidential electors
will be made that causes an iceburg-llke
sensation to suddenly attfek the solna
column of more than one republican
The Buffalo (N. Y.J Enquirer, says:
The Chicago convention can have no
occasion to feel even the usual anxiety
about New York State this vear with ftlr
Cleveland as the nominee. The opposition
to his nomination Is now confined to a small
class, the professional politician, and benr
ficlarles of the machine, and they cannot
fail to see that It would be politica" suicide
tor inemscives and those whom thev obev
Harrison and Reed were nominated on
the first 1m Hot for president. There were a
very larsr minority of the delegates who
were strongly iiuprvssoil with the beliol that
it was a dangerous experiment to renomi
nnte Harrison. Nevertheless the Dkmo
crat believes that Mr lhuriwn is a stronger
man than Hlaine. There in nothing in the
nomination of Whitelaw Keed for vita
president to add strength to Mr Harrison
except tluit he is from Now York and editor
of the New York Tribune. Hut iu many
points he is vulnerable as will be seen by
t-anipnigii developiiionfc. Now for Chicago
and very soon Omaha alsti. KememU'r the
mutations in politics in the year of the
Lord 1 892 arc sudden and unexpected.
" 'Caste rta Uso ttpU aiasiod toehSdm: ttmt
EOtro So lit " IT. A. Acsca, Jt.
111 So. CtsTcoi it., BiwakljTi, X. T.
-Th- u tt 'Osstcri' 13 sonsirersal ana
tm mnts so v - il koowr teat it Mem. a work
i f s-jr"rtK;i.v-u uaeoA rse tt Few aretiw
I .ritigeni families who Oo not keep Csstorvs
v.Uiiu Wieh.'
Gisuas Haarnt, D.r..
Now Tork City.
te FasJar lUoooiie' lih lfortusl Ciiurch.
Cawtoria cs-.TS Col. Owtitstt'O,
utHmsh j, TiwrTiKws. truota.w.
K-' Worea, giTcs Aw, aod laismjlai dS-
r ' i04i-
For several years I hare rccnni-tfAM
vo-.r ' 'assor. ' ami srul! always eontiaa.r
do an as ufcjL lararuioty itrodand
Enux F. FsasB. X IX,
"lae Y.-iaOirvH ,'- list:-. Street and 7th Asw,
Sew York Cttj
Tmt Csarrica Ocsa-ssrv, TT H.-kxax Ptsesxt, Sr Yoac
Twenty-live Scandinavian girls arrived
In New York Sunday, on their way to the
Northwest. Tneyponie here to be mar-
to do otherwise than sunnnrt th muwIiim ! ried to men who want wives. This is an
of the Chicago convention. outrageous violation of the protective
!?r?!!!!9 . principle. Heie in Pennsylvania are 60,-
Mr Andrew Carnegie has been contrlbu-1 moTV WOmen men. In New
ting money to the campaign funds oftheiYork are 30,000 more surplus women.
wnrt n., ... .. . ... ,.,..., l .:,..,. . I .....1. - ...
working men in great Britain. How much
did Mr Carnegie ever give to he'.p elect a
workingman's candidate on this side of the
quiokly cured by Stid ih's Car.
antes it.
can Ixi 10
We guar
A a f smily tnadieina, the Oregon Blood
Parifl.r his to equal , Ishasproo- sif
a ocrtain and effioaoions ramedy for all dis
ms oavaed b an impunjttate of tno blood
Notliing is clearer than tiiat tho
cratic sentiment of the country by an over
wholming majority calls for the nomination
for president of Grover Cleveland. Left
idone that sentiment is sufficiently iowerful
to insure Mr Cleveland's nomination.
Ji ' i
The republican leaders of this state have
been scrutinizing the election returns, and
they shiver at tho contemplated suggestion
of a possible fusion of the democrats and
people's party; this fall on presidential
In the face of 'his, to say nothing about
the thousand, in other itues, foreign wo
men are premitted to come over heie and
-wed the available men. By the halldom
of the powers In authority, If women are
ever allowed to vote what a pretty ven
geance will be wreaked on the office
holders who allow such foreign competi
tion! Twenty-five women coming here to
marry, and hundreds of thousands of un
married women of out own !
The selection of J Sloat Fatsett as tem
porary chairman oi the Minneapolis con
vention would signify that the nominee of
the convention would be beaten in New
York by a plurality ofabout 50,000.
Julius GradwoM's Bazaar
The very latest news is that you oan buy at JULIUS
GB ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
A r buckle' s Coffee, Per Pound 25c.
16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
18 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
No. 1 Berosene, per single gallon 25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons. 1.00
5 Gallons Good Pickles 90
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
I will conduct a strict 0a.l1 store, and all goods wilt ba sold for net cash fm n ts
.0 15 par cent less than regular price. My stock of China ware, fanoy goods, ant
all the tlfsirable syles of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries, erooh
erv, lamps end fixture is complete. I make a specialty ot due ton, ooffaes and
hiking powder, and always please my customers,
Agent tor several responsible insurance oompanie. Julias Cirad wobl.
-:-F. L.
Kenton, -:-
Denier ia
and a general assortment of
Subscription agent for ail the leading Newspapers and Magwdnes. Tamna ftwti
Near (he P. o., aibaay,