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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1892)
f N")Gmociat , Oft A' A t'AfcC MMf 1 P f f "The -:- Democrat," CjNone Year for ObIv $2.80. i JO I 1 1 i 111 S II I I T 3 1 1 I I I ll III . Be8t in lhe YM- L VMlik r I . I TUTU X , DL. ' I Mil at l S i IW I M Bflk KB I BB I HB. I m I Hi Ell- I tW I MIL X I HI I HK. I IV 1 IM I in I Ban I M 1 IS I mm. mm I III M BPW M sa AM P III BaBW aOE l lc(L . - Jmf ttimi P mou' T Cut i' uu 1CI i OS of skin m a wane i mo L-ao, . J t new J NCl'i: U. 1 nor nlf - oods, i y Goods, loid 92. -:- S3 rKEBES Mffi'J i $5. iimorti s" L no 1 5 ITTINGS OIL CLOTHS, $4.c - It you da7. At H. It wor! j KMeeyi; . i ing pain ' from eati I4CH. HE All oa EC (utnnttea. ruliuns. Fi' lYottratlon be ru in d are Wakafulri. rain rtu dor i t Ip.?ttrrI rtin, ii ont tin ved ith U ite, ife, pg, !ay- l?at .aur 3 mm Sri Ietayiu j i 2"-r M CIGAR L.s-a.'ar t - - - - - - 1 i . . 'iiXVH. Entered., the Po, om,e ,t A,n.ny. 0r Bee.nd.CI.M Mull Matter; A T R A XT V .Dl I? I. fOXr l?DmA TTTTSJIT 1A 1 COO . - Mm ... ' Zi AX . , J MM mm HUM BIMIIHim , MIIWluJllJJlJLl I I I laBl ! MWlaW IIIIW MWjiSMIIWIIIIIIBSSB WmLwWMWWMMWMMBMBMWIwSSiW ' -- "...".'.,"-.-.- niiii READ & GO. -:- Clearance -.-Sale. ze at tha outset for takine so much mm. ; to make an extra effort. We have a very we aie anxious to reduce it before Fall rade, and to get it we are going to make it fjoU to trade with us. Everything ia the price lor tne next sixty iays. Come and riV do. We do not take naps during the all (he time for business. We have nishmg Goods, Norons, s & Childrens' Shoes, Ul. We will save you at least 10 per cent you buy. W. F. READ &C0. -8- -S- Oregon DEPARTMENT. toVlulTOCKED W.TH THE CHOICEST Dd Msy,i . CURTAINS! ORAPERIES, LINOLEUMS I SEASON'S NOVELTIES AND PALED IN THIS MARKET, femuel E. Young. y Asthma and Pilea. Shimp & Hquser, 2tp:. , , , , m, . , v- . ui ui no itirin o vnrnn, v',,4"i telrirn in Uodicine. Survi-rv tad K'pc.rei.v 1. (TOta tt domMi. ItwH. ailrtn. Oiwic. 1EFK bTOCK rARM, sof Oneco andii Altago. an S&tnnlavK ni at Alhanv 01 Monday of each week. prices, we bave on nana a cooice -oi oi oru-m tha abeve stallioa-" for mIo. We are now prepared Jeian-ial! tqnipmen'e neoesary f p developing horeea reason b'.e price. Ibe farm is located one miie irom ijy rearhed by two lailtooda. We will not D ro- ; will tho utmost precu;ion. uunnw wm ,y. bat will bpl9vd to entertain Tfultorjanl i! K N 10 tiT UBOH., and JPJSEAK!? inm f n una tea u put up n yellow umti h. rv v i j iii i i j i in,, i OTON A CO. Aoekts. Sam Framcisoo AXT. DKCiIfTtt AMP OIWCBlcw. HOM IH5TITUTI0HS. mm INSURANCE CU Alnf , OrgO.- J O WRITSMAN HecieUrr irer. Geo F SIMPSON. Vice PreshUnt DIRKOTOBa-1 i ,. i) r. t - - .f limrnlinrK. J W nnslfili fY ff nOflU. LI 11 oiouimm.-w - riord, RS gtrahan.J O Wrimaa. Vo ntsiHCTr Aaurw jaK-; - stern and Foreign Coipies Land Co. gon Wiin its home office (. 1 b9mtl Liberty and Stats street, branch office in Portlano.O tarsaUi-ty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem OT 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per A5l:"ayment long time on. bala n FACTORY Proprietor RETAIL te Labor Employed, LOOAL RCOKD. A Whisky Barrel Explodkd. TI.e Astoria Town Talk tells of the fallowing amusing accident: Across the river, nest ling under the green hills of Washington is a place known as Hungry Harbor, the scene of quite a fish packing industry . The North Shore cannery is located here, and beside the Chinamen a number of Finns are employed. The other day one of the latter class was trying to find a suit able place to enjay hi noonday smoke, when he espied an empty whisky barrel standing in a sheltered corner of the build ing, it looked innocent enough as he appr.ach!d and seated himeK t hereon, lhe fumes arising from the inside causing the drowsy Finn to think that be bad in deed struck a snap. He got out bis tver ready day, and strUing a match in the visual style puffed away until the pipe was well ltghted. The match was nearly burned out when he ipled the dark b'ack cung hole, and out of cunosty perhaps j , , , , , - , - . , L . KO"T? . lm .f , Vu n.,.,i,lm incui " was the Finn, an assortment of boards, barrel heads, staves and anything else that hap pened to be laving around loose in the neighborhood. " He came down safely, and except for the loss of his eyebrows and mus ache, which were burned off, he was unhurt. As soon as he could collect himself so that he knew where he was, he sneaked away and hasn't been heard of at the cannery since. A Fan Monument. One of the finest monuments we have seen for some time is that just finished by E W Achieon A Co, of this city, for the late Linns Bush nell of Looking Glass. It is of Italian marble and represents a broken tree. The workmanship is unsurpassed and the price, we are assured is 20 per cent less than Torttand prices for the same work. This firm is doing the leading business in this line in the state and their work is always first class Mr I) Looner is the firm agent for Rosebnrg and vicin ity and a- y one favoring him with an order can ronnt on get'ing just what thev ord r Kcseburg Plaindealer. Oreuon nil Best. A Pennsylvania man on an excursion to Portland said to an Oregonian reporter: ''We came through Southern California and a part of Mexico," said Mr Lysle to a reporter, "and whi'e we have enjoved our trip all along, we fouud no place like Oregon. In my opinion Oregon looks more like our own Keystone state than any we have visited. My wife says she likes Oregon and Portland better than any place she has seen since leaving home, and we have been through a large atretch of country The Rogue " river and Wil lamette valleys are writable gardens of Eden, and we caaH. blame Oregon ians for singing the praises of the Webfoot slat;. Oregon's Millionaires. --The New Yoafc Tribune in a recent Issue tlvci a list of American millionaires and the origir of their fortunes Of this number Astoria is credited with one George Fiavel and Salem with one A Bush. The remain der are la Portland. Those In Portland are: Estate of rienry D Green, L Fletsch ner, C M Lewis, W S Ladd, Henry Fail ing, H W Corbett. Frank Dukum, Jacob Kaimn W K Smith, Amos King Donald Macleay, H S Pittock, Richard Williams, Lewis Love, Van B de Lajbmu't and 1 P Thompson. Nu Clis Yrt. What Is the matter with our baseball club? Is Salem going to be without ball of any kind this sum mer? Nothing more is heard about the proposed valley league, although It is undei stood Albaay and Independence are ready to enter the league provided Mc Minnville and Salem wi'l secure clubs. Salem rtems to have lost the interest she has forme.'ly taken in battbtll, by failing to get Into the Northwest league. It i& not too late vit to secure a good team, al though if we tarry much leger the ball season will be gonend the national game unknown in this city this summer. Saie.n Democrat. Fritt Ci lti re. Articles incorporat ing the Test Orchard and Nursery Com pany have been filed srith the Secretary of State, with J R Cochran, E S Barrows and Jay vt Hlain as incorporators. Cap ital stock, tfrlOO. The nursery to start i with will insist of fourteen acres of land adioiniirg Albany. The move is a good one, and it is to be hoped many others like i: follow, t ruit culture r r ui- ises to he one of the great industries of this country, and Oregon is certain to be heard from in this field. I-t Albany be the center. Thk Mixes, The Mill City Gazette says: rock mules are now oeing used over the road to the n ines, under dim culty, but snow is melting so rapidly that it will not be long before the route will be good. Private individuals have commenced work at placer mining and seem to be gathennj: in tue gold dost in paving uuantmes. It is pretty hard to estimate the extent of the gold find, but should it prove as rich as some men anticipate, there will soon be a swarm of men working at tue edges. A Good Fkati re. An iriipcrtant feat ure of the 4th of July celebration here will be a pigeon shoot. ThW will b en tirely under the supervision of the Mas cot Gun Club, ar.d win be me biggest thing of the kind ever held here. Piizes in money anil rjercbandise ol the value of about $1000 wilt be offered, of which a large .amount has already been sub scribed. It will bring Nimrods here from all p' ti of the valley, Good Prospects. There is a general confidence in a big harvest A good evi; dence is the live business ol Stewart Sox, in threshers and engine;. Aheeiy thev hava sold five Massiflon threshers. sev in engines and a horse power. Among the engines is a big mill engine for John Leedy 8 saw mill, Mr ('s big bnsi- nees demanding a new engine. A Bicycle Rids. Two young men rode bicycles Jrfjin Portland to Salem In seven hours ana irom aaiem to Ajoany in three hour, a total running time of ten hours.whicli is fast riding on miscellaneous country roads, some up and some down. Thev returned 'n the name manner; but ; we have net learned of(-tvteir speech Farm Solp. W C Wetle has sold his farm this side of Lebanon, consisting of 120 acre to Dr Williams of Portland for $4,000. Dr Williams, who is In the city today will move to It In the fall after harvest. Mr Westlake Is now residing at San Jose. OXE RIVJOYfS Both the method and results wheij By rup of Figs is taken, ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers niid cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. AH FRANCISCO, tiKIiANON. J K lumber hauled for Lebanon. Married, in Lebanon, Mav t"., nv Rev TP Boyd, (J W Walton and' Miss Amelia MeClun. The following teRchera will have charge of the Lebanon public ichool the next school year: Prof K K UU hener, prin cipal, Mr8 Flora Funk, Mips Fannie Uriggs, Miss Elizabeth Carolhers. A E Williams, an old resident of this place and a life-long miner, brought uie Ativanco oniec a Kncimen -, f . i . ' ui uio ciay aionoay. itie deposit w within four miles of lebanon A gentleman and lady who arrived ii l-ebanoil last wepk. wtr Inrmnr'v rnui dents of Florida, having lived in the land oi uowers lor fifteen years. Thev pm nounce the Oregon clitnato superior to unit, ot r loriua A party of six from Albany passed through Lebanon on Monday in a phae tou drawn by four horses, bound for i - .....I., ''ii Mien i fodaville. On their return in the even i !"8 u,e vehicle broke down while cross- uu' m in, ,t,. ,. .,. ,, John Walker, who has been up the f'antiani prospecting for minerals, re ports the 'finding of a ledge the des cription of which answers to that of cin nabar. The quartz which is of a dark red color.discloses on beini? broken, small globules of what is supposed to he quick silver At the residence of the bride's father, Mr J N Crandall, on Wednesday, June I, at noon, in the presence of the immedi ate friends of the family, Mr Wni M Brown and Miss Flora L Crandall M united in the holv bonds of matrimony by Rev Thomas P Uovd of the M church. Advance. I RoBBEkV At BaOWXBTXLUI On last Friday night after all the citizens were soundly sleeping in the arms of Mor pheus, and all around was still (it might be added at a time when we should have bad a night watchman on dutv) some unknown person stealthily entered the residence of Wm Waters and stole a fine gold watch and chain, valued at 100. He entered by means of placing a chair un ler the bed room wiadow, which was partially open, and then raising it higher and propping it with a stick which in cut from a tree in the yard, thereby en aiding him to enter the room without difficulty. He took Uie golu watch from Mr Waters' vest and also removed a silver one from a nail on the wall, hut evidently decided that he did not want it, as he left it on the table Mr Waters heard him and awakened her husband just in time to see the burglar g out the window and make his escape through the window and make bit escape through the yard. Times. The I'rpEK Willamette. The pur ser of the little steamer Yourg, which was sunk in the Willamette about four miles below town on tne ud ult by striking a snsf, was in town Monday.' He sta'.es that they now have the boat out of the water, having raised it with jack screws, and are repairieg the bottom, which they nno damaged more than thy at firtt sup posed. Thev hate some difficulty in the work of repairing, at it is in an out-ol-the- way p.acc, but expect to have the boat ready to launch again in a few davs. The insurance adiustcr fixed the lots at and they ad it will cost fully that much to repair i:. They Ir.'end to make more trips to this city, and this gentleman states :hat he can, ith $$oo, cleat the river of snagt from Uarritburg to thit city. With $ he can Improve the bars and place the river in a condHlon so they can make regular trips nine months In lhe year. They found the river better above Harris burg than below. Eugene Register. St iii. Mr J Heahl, proprietor of the town of Healdsburg, Calif., and family are visiting relatives in this city and vicinitj. Died At the family . . r.ce in this city on May SO, at ) :0t a id. Martha M . w'.ie of W H Biljeu. age4 42 years, II months and 3 days. J C Johnson, of Satei , arrived in this city Sundav. We opine he is taking quite a lively interest in politics and comes hark to lields familiar to further the interests of his pet candidates Pr.i Polk Still Lkad. In the two mile bicycle rac at Portland, in the fciter- noon of Decoration day, yttsi j.ueas, of Monmouth, was --.l-l nrst prize, a ; .... gold medal. Frank Imghry, another Pclk county bov, took the second prite in the 100 yard foot race, tt being a handsome silver meaai. In these races Connecticut and California were represented as well as Oregon, and hence we think we have a right to say, hurrah 'or Pole. West Side. MoNMOfTM CollMENCKM EXT. Following is the program for commencement exer cises of the Oregon State Normal school at Monmouth : Saturday June lsth Art exhibit an.'l concert; Sunday. June I'.'th Baccalaureate sermon, by Rev Alfred kuminer, Portland ; Mondav, June 20 Class tree day exerxises in afternoon, students reunion in afternoon ; Tuesday, June -1st Atheletic tournament, begin ning of graduation ineveniug: Wednes day, June 22d Continuation of gradua tion exercises, alumni reunion. Loi'DsQ On-. Supt Fields, of the Southern Pacific, was in Alliany Wed nesday and Thursday. An exchange says that on account of a decrease in business he is laying oft employes where possible. At Eugene To'u Aw biey was relieved. Albany lias none too many employes now to do the work. Tit MtNES The Albany Mining A Milling company expect to make a com plete cleannp about lb 10'ih instant, r ,.. . , ' . . 1. .1 : . , . ...iii L.- WnCil a coapie ui sue uiiviiuit h in ue present to attend to the matter Reports Iroui the mines ara very encouraging. Now that egress to the mines is much easier than during the winter steady work will prohnbly Iks the rttwU. The Sanliain minefl vifl lie heard from. 8nor ix he Arm. Wm Klkin of this city was accident! v shot in the forearm last Monday, .fe and Phil Rltter were out huntimr with a target cun, when the weapon was accidentlv ch'scharged.the ball entering Ibe f,oreafm just above the wrist, passing arounil uic oancn auu louin); just under tne sum on me opposite suie oi mm mcmbe". Dr roley exlracted the hall and dressed the wound. -.Advance. Givnv l.?p.-0 E Creed, re:ently editor of the New Whatcom People's Party Journal, will comnience the publication of the People's Press in Albany, a weekly people's patty orgsn, Ex. No. He has given up the Idea, having gotten little en couragement in the matter? M.-m: 1 50 Loam. I have money in sums of 500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Kenton counties, at lowest current rates. No delay in furnishing the money. C G BuuiaiAHT, Heal estate agent, Albany, Oregon. CATARK.H CURED, hevlth and swee breath secured by SLilah's Catarrh Remedy Price, 50 cena . Nasal Injeetor free. . . - Sea Q O l iafU'id's i-i sroiit 1 stuk tarneasii'ssddlery: eto., bsf.ire j i oh id t. It is sctaaUy ccononiv to drink Ussoh's Tea. Being absolutely purs, in is mu:h stronger than the artiliolst teas, ab nt ono third less of it, or about twenty grains, bs ingi'i't itsd per cap. As there are 7.6S0 grains to a pound, there will bn ssea to ba between three and four hamlrod oupi to the nnnnd As 11 IS but 00 cents por pound, this is at the rats qf about one fifthof a osut per op. For sale at Alien tiros. J" ANTED. A single man wants place VV t0 work on farm by day or mosnth. Address I C Duedall, Albany, Or , or see himjat his home in Fairdsle, one mils eatt lof Albany. Charlton ia having j eikiax and kkhval VtMl tiik bkidck hmo. a dwelling in Kast ! THURSDAY I) G Clark left this noon for Portland" Hon Jeff Meyers was In the city tod .y . ILtrry W Price, of Portland, is In the city. W A Co went to Eugene this noon on business. Prof H S Strange, of Oregon City, was II county, has moved J'-nith, of Sclo. have In the city today. 1) LCurl.of Yam' toA'banyto reidde . O S May and P O !iein dnini. Alhanv Mrs Jos Webber, jr., ::i rived in Albany this noon on a visit with Albany friends. Hon M C Georg- parsed tSrottjth Al bany today for Lebanon, where lis will oia'.e tonight. H Is evidently needed there. Prof Rcld, of Eugene, is in the clcy. At the commencement exercises of the public schools of that city la.t Friday evening there were thirty-thiee graduates. Col FJJaer. of the Walla Walla Statesman, fci In the city today on fits way itorr.'; fio;n a Mt to hts Yaquina Bay sheep ranch. Dr John Geisendorfer, formerly of Al bany, is now located at Arlington, where he Ii doing a good business. As will be seen by tne dispatches he was yesterday called in n important case there. Rey H H Dobbins, who has hecn rais ing money tor the colDge for several months. Is in the cilv, accompanied bv Mrs Dobbins and a son, Rev II 1 Dob- btns.who recently graduated from Prince ton . Don't forget the Ladles Aid Society benefit FriJay evening, June 3rd. The ladles will have the halt beautifully decor ated anJ a piaating progrsm vd b rendered, one of the principal feature being the "Minuet Drill- by thirteen Admission, 25 cents Mr Tip Humphrey, of the Scio Press. is in the city. Mrs John Connci, of Portland, i in the city vis-ting A'bany frienjt. Mr (ius Zinible. th go-nl natured and expert boot black, is in Portland ou a short trip. Mr Wylfe B Moores, ol Salem, and her titter, Mrs W K Eills.of Grard Ronde.are in Albany. Rev Geo H Lee, of Seattle, brother, of Prof W II Lc. has been in the city, the guett of the Protestor. L M Ciirl and Percy R Keller were admitted to the bar at Salem tetterday in a large clast, pating creditable examina tions. Bob Johnson, the live and fearless editor oi the Times, owned and ruti hyi himself, and Tom bitehorn, of Cor vallis, were in the city today, on their way to the Capital- Several Chinamen have asked the Dem ocrat it anything had been pub:Uhrd . about tome Chinamen stealing eggs, I which indicates that there hat been tome! trouble in the Ceiettial camp. Mr McBride, an eld resident of Polk'wonl countv, is in the city, and the DcMoraaT is under obligations to him for a hand some rose, sent the Democrat by Kditor Bell, of the West Side. Geo W Wright, Etq , hai relumed from a trip 10 Brori'...e and Sweet Hon-.e. where be made tone live democratic speeches. Mr Wright it a fluent talker and presents facts that convince. W S M- y ar.d wife returned from Griazly, Crook county, tatt week, and are now stoppirg iih Mrs Marybeiry1-. par ents. Mr md Mrs I K Smith, near Splctr. The Iheimometer rrgVticrsd from 95 to 100 degrees tr. fcastefTt Uregon whcnlhey left. Mr W B Ilendricson returned lost evening from a trip to Farmirgton, Spo kane and other Washington cities. Spo kane seemed to be fail of life, the new rail r -ad reached there Fnnday, and Spokanites were jubilant. Monteith A Seitenboch have a big store w i;h at least a doien clerks, carry a 1125.000 stock of goods, and are doing a rushing business. SATURDAY , Chris Yondran went to Portland today on butf ne . Mr K-.ta Vataakt and Mt Stella Stites went 10 Eugene this noon to visit friendt. Llcent; was l? ued today for the mar riage H Chat A Silvernagel an J Mist Rosa A ltcnder. Mi Frank Dorrit, foreman of the Town Talk, of Astoria, it in the city He will retire, to-morrow. Mlstesi Black, Wtlght, Scdgw'k, 'an Gray, of the public schools, swan to Cor vallit this noon 10 spend Sabba.h S W Paisley arrived home Ut night from s teveraf months visit at his former home In t'ortb Carolina, and il con tinue in business here. The Epworth League ot the M K church will give a strawberry and ice cream social Tuesday evenin.June 14th. Watch for partHulars. The ladies of the 1st Presbyterian church will give an ice cream social at the residence of Hon George E Chamber lain Wednesday evening, June 8th. The public is cordially invittd. A short pro gram will be rendered and all are promis ed a pleasant evening. J R Wyatt, Esq , and a party of ladies and gentlemen from Albany, passed through Lebanon for Waterloo Monday in a stylish rig with four fine horses. A f tcr one or ' wo break-downs they reached Albany safe y in the old Lebanon starve. Express. A B Mv'tLWAis Makes the folloHing reductions in sutt or cash : 16 lbs ihy granulated fur Si. 00. iS IN ex'ra C white fur Si. 00. 30 Uu exiia C golden for 81 00. lty lhe loo lb sack be will stll svesr si fotiOAF: llry granulate 6 cenls per lb; txtraC, 5X cenls; Golden C, 4,'4 cenrs. He will alto .'.!' a uve gallon keg of ricMet for 80 ;entt. Look Unas a Momcny. t have some of the choicest residence lots hi Albany (cr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of his own by paying a small down and smail montnly payments thereafter until ail is paid for. For further information ca'l at the office, corner 2nd and Broadalbin sts., opposite Dp. moor at office. 1R U W M ASTON. Yot'K Attention is called to cur line of Psiificnne costumct.cancs. iackct,b!jers and rreftis, which is now complete. They are tailor-modc and guaranteed tobt. Th: cloths are of the latest fabrics. Very truly, Samuel E. Young. See W P Read's lino of dress gocds and silk before buying clecwhero. GOS. Pure bred 8 0 Brown Leu- horn eggs. 1 per 18. Addnsa, W rav. lord. Tall man, Oroaon. ' THAT IIACKINO OOUQB can bo so quickly cured by Shil ili's Ciire a guar antee it. CltOUP, WHOUPtMU COUOH and Bronchitis, immediately relieved by Shloh's n West's Cough Syrup. tho,mrst rehshie remsdyforsll hrost and lung'uiteaso. Fur safety keep it always in the hnuse. Large bottles. V!3 and fiOo. Sold by J A Curaming. druggist. With but little care and nu trouble, ti e beard and mustache can l a kept a uniform brown or black solor by using Buckingham's Dve for the whisker. Sugar. Julius Uradwohl hereafter will sell Magnolia sugar instead of Extra C. Magnolia is said to be a better grade .a . . . J t I t 1 . . than xtra c. uau anu try it. S, 1 i i .I iii,,, i , j . .. ... . - , i Friday afteruon Bi'.ly Tulley, Hie 'gardener, better known as Cucumber Billy, was in the city, and while hee be came decidedly intoxicated. About 12 j o'clock, or awhile after, he left for borne oy way ot the nw bridge. in ormge was decked to nearly the fourth pier. From there a single plank run over the lloor sills. Tills morning just under the bridge, on the hard ground, at the side, at the point to which the decking was laid, the body of Tulley was fouud lying, cold in death. lie had evidently walked oil" at the-edge of the bridge. A Coroner's jury was called by Justice LetpiT, of Fairmont precinct, Benton county. The evidence showed that Tulley was seen in Albany as late as If o'clock intoxicated. Dr Mas'on made an examination of lhe body and it was learned tlmt the skull was bally crushed, tao hones of the left arm broken, severai ribs broken and the In-art ruptured. His .vifiii si-i-iiifii inn ot liquor a:ii iouart-o, ins lungs oeing 1:1 a Had coiiuilion. 1 in- ' iiirv found 111 m-e inlum-f u iili theHe f.ic's A month or two ago Tuilev, while in- toxicated, fell oil" the O. P. bridge.nearly me same distance, forty or hly leet, and j was very nine injured, in mis case ne 1 evidently struck on his head. During ; yesterday an Alhanv man told him that l:c Had to fall off the Albany bridge now f to complete the job with, marked that he might as well lie dead anyway. Tulley his resided around Al-j hany.generally in the adjoining country, lor ten or 111 tec n years, had no lamiiv, 1 and was mty-seven years of sge. A CBlde lor lhe ABllri..l. Ibefilowiug ktxtr will show4ba way to heal.h to many a ituwii hear! id man aod woman. HSU Mather :i . . .i.-- Co.,x y, writes: "I have ln tlHi -led f.r some ynara itb iivtr complaint.'ac j mj-ajiici with dtspepaia and prcloaged crastipatlno. I was almost 1.1 de air wt. n I coiumenctd using Brat dtctb s Pills I tmt a coarai- r-f thtm lor a week rive or six pill every 1.1. I found mytc'f very much better, bat to make every thing all sal, roatiooed to lake oa piil a nijfh fur 01c- a month. I am m.w in a vary fair state (.f oealth. and I knuw I shall c- n Uooe seas loo as I take one Brandreth Piil a mbt.'' U : .- Yot R Eves Open. Don't deceive!: poor ihingt are dear at any j price Nothing i, tr, than this Hate- ; rutin in reference id troves. What it home w ithout . oe Wk.i EZJl with a poor one. If vou want a vn.wi one lhe very best manufactured, go Ij Mat . thew. A: Washburre's. where you have a 6ae stock to select from. They also carry the best line of tinware, hardware, ete, to lc secured, and ihrir plumbing wi rV is a!wat rirtt-claat. A Ct-SAK Recoxp There Is -..othing like a ciein record: It cour.ts in this Matthews A Washburne hare one for telling the beat cojking and heating ttcves in the market, stoves that give satisfaction, to tbtt the buyer alwayt-j o.ese tne teller, une mtght a well live in Egypt as to have a bouse full of poor stows Th'.t fsr-o mikes a specialty of stoves and when yov et one of there sou get a Jewel or casDething erse that will aiwax be a blcretcg to j our family. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Tits success Of this Great Cangfc Care is witooct s parallel in the bitiory of medicine. All ilra(trvt are auibcrired to sell Hon a pos itive a test that no other care cu snecesarclly stand. Thil it may become known, the Prarietdr. at an mormon ax pensc. sre ptaehac a Sample BoUle IV into every kome la the t nited Statea and Canada If have a Oat. Bore Throat . cr Br -chili. no it. for It will cars jrc-n. If roar rhiUI h 1 :hcfroii?. or WtooniBK Ccotrh. use it promt,:lv. an-1 rcliaf i. sore. If yon dread thai insldion dicaa ConsumpUon, nse it. Ask yvar Drnrrs". for SitlLOH'S CCRE. Price Wets.. sOct andSI.W. IfvrLaaa ire -re or Btck lac-.c, ne ScilcV aVroa' Pir. Prir i-irti. k r V d ensa. itt ul OREGON PA IFI1 BA1LROAO O., T. E, 11. Itereiver. t' A'.CINA ROUTE RIVER DIVISION. for tba saaa i IBM lS.h, 189S la tff.ct Annl KTCAWS WW no 1. Portland for Mondiysjsd i oys and Thursday at 6 A A " ttvsj Albany for m. L-avea Cfrva'lit for Salem, Tnttolays and Friilays at 11 am. Ltaves Sabtn fr Prtiaad, Wcdasidaya scd Sturdyt qa h. TICKETS KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and all roivrs East, North and Srattt. 2 TRAINS DAILY. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, DECLINING CHAIR CARS, AND DINERS. Stcameis Portland to San Kranclsco Ever 4 days. TICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE For 'ales an A eeneral tnforrustlau call or address W H llURLBLvRT,Asst.Ucn l. Pass. Agt. 54 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. 33 y JQIKTC3h! I, F. L. DUMONT, THE 1- ffei'ctifnt - I'qiloi', do Dyeing-, Scouring, Cleming, Repairing- lor the most reasonable prices. Come and see me and 1 will prove that I will save you money, F. L. DIJMOOT. Albany, Oregon. A dispstco frjm Kansas City, says: A iotnt meeting ot lhe democratic and people's party of Kansas met lodav, which may ultimately result hi not only" detest ing the republican again, hut a'o in transferring ilie mate to the column. The meeting was in secret session all day, and during it the whole matter of it. 11. n wan disciMKcd, ami a resolution wi'l be made pubi'c Satuiday. The preamble ar.d resolutions arranged the . c egales of lhe coalition as follows: Democrat to be given the candidate for chief ju:ice of the suprtme court and the congrestmen at large, the rest i the s'ate ticket to be given to the people' parry Candidates of the two parties will be nominated at a separate convention. Tin object it to avoid endorsement by ri-h-r panv of the other' principles. There is great excitement at Minneapolis at the deiegate to th republican conven- 1 1, )n continue t arrive. continne to arrive. Dudley. Quay. Piatt anil other of that faction are deter- "lined toenmh HnrJaffil Hard wopU are le.njr spoki-n on all sides. It is said Blaine w jj n()( wri,4. another letter. What the outcome will be it n difficult to te !. What a changn ha ntsUeahf come over tLe spirit of the dn-am i t!,.- republican leaders Only a few Wt w.-k . ': ' -,onin , . . 4. . a t,w;lami ,hut " " i-( rxmvsrntlOB would be a tame, eventless uf!;iir and thai t.i- Wuvt 1. i.-.i-niinn r-nl.l ! full f amtement and intent f.-,':t- f..r a. 1 the republican convention is concerned the prediction is entirely at tault. WThat it may prove t 1 at Chicago remains to be At Stio Mr M A Miller, in his speech. prrjceedd to show that the affair of Linn county have been managed more econom ically than Marion, the former having been for a qnarterof a century uc-'er democratic rule and the latter under rep-j'olican rule. Mr Richardnon took isue and declared in the most positive terms that the tax levy of Linn wa 19' mills while Mr Miller said it was 1. Mr Miller appealed to County j C erk Payne who was i.reent. Mr Pay na informed Mr Richardson that Mr Miller was right and cr ce more Mr Richardson had to sulfide. The sugar tru-t by the aid of the duty on refined sugar, is enabled to lax the people .1 - c . -, of the I nited State atut 1 . ir family annually This is not much as the trust argues with great earnestnese when it is proposed to repeal the duty. But a- there ore about twelve millioa families in the I'nited States it means a good deal to the trust. McKin!eylsm in America and Toryism in England are the tame thins; under dif -fcreni names. They both mean exclusive privileges for an exclusive class and heavy burden of taxation tribute for The Peo pie. Richard Croker. Tammany chieftain, says the Tammany delegation t J the national con ve at ion will work for Hill, hut that if Cleveland is nominated Tammany will give him loyal support. The mole wasp never stings, hut so long as he and his sister arc twins and tires alike I this hi! of knowledge availeth not. ILBAIY GQLLE8UTE ISStTTOTI ALBANY, OREiaON lSQl, 1802. tnt Versa pen Mpwtr sir . A f- I cor pa of instrueton, CIAJS1CAL. SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coaraea or lu,ly sr ran red 10 mi tb all grades of atodeffta. Sfitl lavaaorarexr oftrni to saoVsl rv. titit ir i i svsit Fre .Ideal . Albany IRONWORKS. Mani-fuctorera lEAH ENCiHIS CRIST AMD SAW MILL MACHINERY. IRON rfONTS ALL KIK03 OF KEA.Y AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Special sllesllon Laid to repa'ri" rli kinds of u acbim ry. Haunj-ns Made on Short Notict FORTMILLER & IRVING -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Attoilal I'mt-altninu i ttisnj . done SeleuViaoaiLT Ore sou. threats. nd Trslla Marks obtained, sua all cut business condscied for Modefs Ters. Our Ulrica Is Oasosfle 0. S. Pstcnt CBics. and wo can seonra pitrnt In less tluisthanlho remote from Wasblastoo. beud raudel, drswius or photo,, -'5t dscr tlon. We advise. If ftaftennSM or uot. fraa t charji!1. Onr foe not lt till unteut is seeeren A ramottlet, -now to OWatti latents," wUfc enraos ofaeiii-d clients InyuurSulu. cotuu?, tow u, aent fre- Address C.A.SNOW&CC 0vita Pslsnt OtKcs. Wsshlno'ss. n. f WALLPAPER, 19 cents per double roll, Send j-cen stamp for samples. SCHOFIELT) & MORGAN, 192 Third St., Portland, Or, CHOICE MEATS Or All Kuins . mriei - Sc - Baker, Oppotite Schmssr't Uvery SUhM, Pt doar to WUlaaMti fakuw Co' sMca. The Liver When ont of order, Involves every organ of ttw body. Remedies for some other uerangs meiit are frequently taken without th i.t effect, became it is the liver which is the real smu-CB of OH trouble, and until that Is set right there can be no health, strength, 01 'omfort in any part of the system. Mercury, In some form, is a common speelfle for tl slug gish liver; but a far safer and more effective medicine Is Ayer's Pills. For loss of appetite, billons troubles, consti pation, indigestion, and sick headache, these Fills are unsurpassed. -For a long time I was a sufferer from stomach, Hrer, and kidney troubles, expe riencing much difficulty hi digestion, wit severe palm In the lumbar region and other parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including warm baths, with only temporary relief, about three months ago I began the use of Ayer's Pills, and my health Is so much Improved that I gladly testify to the superior merits of tills medklue." Manoel Jorge ferelra, Porto, Portugal. -Fw the care of keadaette, Ayer's Cathar sis Pills are the most effective medicine I ever nsed-"-K. K. James. Dorchester, Mass "When I feel the need of a cathartic. I take Ayer's Pills, and find them to be more effec tive than auy other pill I ever took." Mrs B. C (inibb, Burwellvtne, Vs. ' I boss found in Ayer's IHls, an invalua ble resaevy for constipation, biliousness, and kiadnd ..isorders, peculiar to nssjtHi 1 .ii.ties. Taken in small sad frequent 01 these Pills Act Well on the liver, restoring its natural powers, and ling it in throwing 08 malarial poisons." - . F. Alston, Quitman. Texas. Whenever I am troubled with eonstiia tion. or suffer from loss of appetite. Ayer's Pills set me right again." A. J. Kiser, Jr. Pock House. Vs. " In 1838. by the advice of a friend, I began the use of Ayer's Pflls as a remedy for bU "ness. constipation, high fevers, and colds. They served me better dian acydiing I had previously tried, and I hare .rs-l th-m tnattaeks of that sort ever since.- n. flr. ! -in 311, tfuusuiua, ATR. Ayer's Pills, raaraaso srr DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Law Mast OOS by ail Iragi. aad Drmim in Mediuoa OUR STOCK FOR SPRING N I- now complete, and comprises the following; lines. LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Embroideries and Flonncings, Silks and Satins, Complete Stock of Shoes, Etc. MEN AND BOYS WEAR Clothing, Fine Neglegee Shirts, Working Mens' Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Boots. Shoes, Etc. He gttarantee prices to be the lowest as compared with quality. Call one examine goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to save nsocey No trouble to show goods. G, W. Simpson. for Infants and "CjwtorU is so w -r. ija ; to chadmo that . reoomiTH'nil Uaasupeiior to any prescription aum j ow.'' tl. A. Sacnn:, M. IX, 111 So. -ord St., Brooklyn, S. T. - The itss of CaiScci is so universal ana Ik- -.writs so veil known that it seems a work f rapertirojrarten to endorse it. Few areUsa : -ifiiicvEt faucilies who tio not keep Osstoria uiun easy leach " Carlos Maktts. P.IK. Mew Ytck CStr. ' jUo Pa-K leoatir-.' 1i.'o Beforuted Church. Tbsi Cmrraea Julius Gradwohi's Bazaar The very latest news is that you oan!buy at JULIUS QB ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods asfbllows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.0O No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.0O 5 Gallons Good Pickles SO 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 I will conduct a strict oash store, and all (roods will bo sold Tor net cash from ft) . 25 par cent leas than regular price. My stock of China ware, fanoy goods, ant all t be desirable syles of dishes, as wall as a general assortment of groceries . crocs. -a iy, tamp and flit urea Is complete. 1 make a apenivlly ot rtua to, ooftd and ' iking powder, and always plsas my customers, A gem tor several responsible Insurance eompanias. Jalias Orad woUI . L. Deader in CH0I8E TEAS, and a general assort mem of OOBRj Subscription agent fot all the leading Near (beP ., ssarssjei ymna zs4 ssssflTL? oeXasf rrjjs ai ii iq soa seoy saooxS xaoX j V3i 1;H3 iit-ayr'. -. :t,i Siiirsq .i ; . mo.: r.r .-.- -dn i I pwi .haj SlJO psestssf I : pi ftitas4 isss t ;it tt -in i t! 'jj .OS Wi - : rr, iz . ' ':-J jo 3.. sr. ar;5 1 . . - y- : 1. : - (tr t s naa .- aa ft pom. -si t. ; -CL.'.ai'anm rxatjRii:. : ; iiV-HW" '' 41 -.-.- : ot paanpr-id ajs ' J..'. 0 i-r. Df Jutaq sc nazaoo paujaa f vsua-n. i je---s. i ;j j smajiood JO SWtSnd pjgn' -tl qas siqi no tartut Xtpoirir.a maawt wi j o Xjosnb poci2 a : opasjest Xrips-M tn zsta oaoiS sqi aapca aa "TJ;q s srafsfltnai p . tcyxt-go m jo asa q npoiad oars taq saat3 Ja:rp -2pq saj stfj sasjssi xrno vrs. -pjej MM I VB m aKiznd tpn zot pass cit ja;rui rpo;ao nuaa) : yzrjyn t tl l ia i-sj la -! I"1 -fa J- w, aaopnia qt l paxtza stet Xrvnipjo s-ri t aotoa isaxSryrn;q iq:q Tl rrtfl jsoas tdoad mi ALLFN BROS LOST. A gold cha:n ac twa tors taars.j ictslhtr. wmewharo in AlboaT. R- turn to D w oast SHIER Children. Castorla c.-ircr CoBj, Coostipaos, SwstOwimli. "rrhoe Eraetaoon. ills Won, gtvaa swp, and proonotea S- rrssioa. wiaQat iafssasaasi Ttr several vwrs I ha ir ' Oasaoria. ' and shaD ahravs eoatwue tv soasithaa SSMhtF arodaoe! ban?fr teaatts. Kn tn -. Pakebs. H. Dl, The Wtnchrou,-" l 'Jh Street and 7th Asia, Sew York Cit Oostvairr, 77 cb.bax Snxcx, Stv To. Kenton, -:- COFFEES. SPICES. Newspapers ami Mt gaal-ea. Terms caah. aitsay.O- mm i i 1 it the H-'-S v v -------- mm