ST. lw em0ttat A JUDICIAL ASPIRANT PUNCTURED. Let Honest Men Read. There i no office rilled by the suffrages of the people so sacredly important as that of Judge of tlie Supreme Court. The candidate for inch office should be, like Caesar's wife bove suspicion. The republican candidate or the supreme bench. F A Moore, is not that kind of a man. If hia own sworn words are true, it would be a publi misfortune to e'ecr such a man to the supreme bench. From brief in a case entitled "Titus H Taylor rersus S A Miles," tried In the supreme court of this state in the fall of 1890, we learn these facte la 1882 Mr Moore, who then lived in St Helens, a little village in Col umbia county, was called in to write a will f 3r Mrs Elizabeth Taylor, a consumptive, who ived in the same village and who was then on her death bed. Mr Moore wrote the will conveying all Mrs Taylor's property to her husband.Titus H Taylor. There were three children in the family, three daughter with whom Mr Moo: e wis well acquainted and two of whom were in the house at the ' ime of the execution of the will. He wrote the will with out mentioning these heirs. He says he never thought of them when writing the wilt Mr Moore, after tbe dea'h of Mrs Taylor, drew np a petition and had the will probated in tbe roanty court. Some time after this. Mooie being the attorney of two of tbe daughters of Mrs Taylor, and being told by them that they were in depressed circum stances, Informed them that their mother's wil), as (o tbe three heirs, was invalid and that they could set it Aside it their necessities compelled. The tract of land in controversy ia the suit aboej mentioned consisted of 7'3 acres in East Portland . It had been conveyed by the will which Moore drew for Mrs Taybr to her husband . He, Moore, and his partner, then entered into a cent-act with the daughters to set tbe w.H aside and sell the 7'; acres in East Portland for $6000, and the daughters were to pay Stooo for this service, Moore then begin to look around to find a buyer and old one share to one Foster and the other tv tkares to him! and his partner. The cevideace as to tbe value of the land is con flicting but the preponderance of the evidence hows that at that time it -as worth about $11,000 to $15,000. A- W the circumstances of drawing the will, it is enough to let Mocre tell them in his own language. Being under oath as a wi'ness, he s'id: "I copied the de scription (of the land) Into the will writing as rapidly as I could in order that I might finish the will before Mra Taylor died. When I had finished writing the will, I read it over to Mrs Taylor and handel her the pen with which to sign her name. She could not hold Che pen nor make any move with her hand. Tbe door was then opened leading to the ad joining toom. Dr Stewart came in, placed - his hand utou her lorehe id, ftH of her pulse nod sat down at the stand by which I was silting, upon aay right band near the door leading ti the adjoining room. Mr Taylor cat at my left tund . My back being towards Mr Taylor. I then arose, opened the door to the adjoining room, and asked several ladies to step in tnd witness the execaJiOo of Mrs Taylor's wil!, and among them asked Mrs Adams. Mrs Adams was the last lady I asked . Tbe others all declined. Mrs Adams came into (he room. She had ber wraps on. Tbe door waa left open at the lime leading to the adjoining room. Dr SUwart at "nj.Jfft quest, wrote Mrs Taylor's name, in tbe pres ence of Mrs Adam;, and Mr Taylor and my self, .besides sevarol other ladies who were looking into the 100m." Being asked by counsel: "What did Mr Taylor say to you about how she wanted the will drawn," Mr Moore answered : "She gave as no direc'ion whatever and the. only information I had as to thi manner the -will should be draw was thai pivenme by Mr Tayljr and he told me to five it all to him. Mr Moore was then asked: "When you read the will over to Mr Taylor what didjhe say or do?" He answered: ''After Dr Stewart had signed her name, and assisted her in making the anark, I asked her if that was her will. stnaerstood her to say, yet. It was in a low, gasf '-nfr to j. Mr Moore was tben asked : "Why did you not sign the will as a wit ness?" He answered: ' can not now give amy definite reason except that I thought. at the time the woman was not conscious of what she was doing," When Mr Moore first went to Taylor' house he says Taylor asked him what he came down for and told Taylor IhatM'S Taylor had sent for him ai.d lhat he supposed Mrs Taylor wanted .ihn to draw her will. He says Taylor then said: "Draw the will and make out the property to me." In answer to the question : "You knew of the ex istent of these daughters, (Mrs Taylor's daughters names he had left out of the will), at the dmejy drew the will didyounol?" He replied: "Yes sir, and for a long time prior thereto, but in draw ing the wiil I never thought of them; my whole desire was to complete the will be fore Mrs Taylor died." Rep'ylng to an other question lie said: "My partner, Mr Cole, and 1 made a contract with the three daughters (Mrs Taylor's daughters) of the plaintiff whereby we agreed to try the 'question of the validity of the will and the title othe East Portland piopextyfn the contidtra- j lion of the payment to us, by them of a thous and dollars, should we. win the case." Again Mr Moore was asked: "You first sug getted, did you not, to Mr Taylor's daughters thai the wil! was void a to them and mlht be broken?" He answered, "Yes Kir." Here, then Is a lawyer who wrote a will, which, under a plain provision of the statute, was inval d Moore did, or did not have knowledge of thl statute. If he did, he must have had a dishonest purpose In view In d awing tne will In the defective manner he did. If he did no', he Iscntai.iiy not a fit person to wear the rtnlne of the highest judicial office l the state. In either view of the matter every houet nun in the stale will tee SI ore should be defeated , not because he is a republican fur that would be no reason, but because it would bring disgrace to tbe la'.r fame of the state to place such a man on the bench- Let every voter pause and reflect. Here is a man who drew a will and them accepted a fee of $1000 lo break it. lie drew a wi I for Mis Taylor without ever receiving a single word of direction from her at to tbe man ner in which it should be drawn. But hr wears himself that he followed the di rectioos sjiven by her husband who direct ed that the properly should lie left ifl him. -an be thought of the fitness of a nan for supreme judge who would draw a will and then refu-etotign it asa witness for no "definite reason, except that he thought t lire time the woman was not conscious of what she was doing " This I what he siin.self swears to. What must be thought of Mi- lawyer who wiil write a will tor a woman, who at the time Is unconscious, and at sit low a stage of cnnsainp'lon as to be only a''e toga pout her words, then canta anoiiier u.ost damaging' feature of H8 was tho firs. i teU th8 daughter (hut I their mother.8 wilt was invalid, and then bought the land (which, through his own tupidifcy or selfish design, the will failed to convey,) for one half its value. Enough has been said. No man who takes pride in the purity of the state judiciary can for a moment hesitate for a moment in defeating this man in his aspirations to occupy a place on the supreme bench. The attorneys n the above suit were, on the part of the plaintiff, the well-known firm of R a E B Williams and A L Frazer and Killin, btarr a Thomas for the defendants. U & h H Williams are well-known republicans who evidently know all about the above matter. Our only purpose in publishing this article is to warn the voters against the election of an unfit man to a place on the supreme bench. TUB NEW KLMNON LAW. The following are some of the main features of the new election law in which voter are Interested: The polls whl open at 8 o'clock a. m and close at 6 p. m. Judges may adjourn at one o'clock for one hour. All voter must vote In the pi ecinct in which they reside for county officers, and in any county in the state for. state officers, and in any county In a district for district officers. Judges of electioa are invested with the jurisdiction and authority of justice of the peace and may impose a fine lor offences against the election law. Section 47. The county clerk of tach county shall cause to he printed according to law all the ballots required under the provisions of this act, and shall furnish the same in the manner hereinafter provided for the use of all electors In the county . Ballots other than those furnished by the respective county clerks, according 10 the provisions of this act, shall not be used, or circulated, or cast or counted in any elec tion provided for In this act. Section 48. All ballots designed to be voted shall be printed in black ink upon a good quality of white paper, and shall be alike and of the same size tn the same county at the same election. Duplicate impressions of the same shall be printed upon cheaper colored paper so as to be readily distinguished from the whle bal lots. The; colored ballots shall be used solely as sample ballots for the information and convenience of voter, ant) shall not be voted, and if voted shall not be counted. Section 49. The ballots shall be styled "Official Ballots;'' shall state the number or name of the precinct and county they are intended for, and the date when the election Is to be held; shall contain the of all the candidates for offices to be filled at that election whose nominations have been duly made and accepted as here in provided, and who have not died or withdrawn, and shall contain no other names of ptraon. except that in the case of elector of president and vice- president of the United States, the nrroes of the candi dates for president and vice-president may be added to the party or political desigaa Uon; the name of "the el'v or town or couaty in which the candidate resides shall be added to the name cf each candidate ; each candidate ; the name of each person nominated shall be printec upon the ballot lo but cna place. but there shall be 4vieu opposite tnereto the part? or political deslgqarkm.expi eased in not more than three words for any one specified In each of the certificates of nomination nominating him for the office. The name of tbe candidate for each office shall be arranged under the designation of the nffice.ln alphabetical or der, according to sui names.except that the names of candidate for the offices of elect ors of ptesident and vice-president shall be arranged In groups, as presented in the several certificates of nomination. There shall be left at the end of the Hot of candi dates for each different office as many blank spaces a (here are persons to be elected to such office, in which the elector may write in the nam- of any person no printed on tne ballot, for whom he detrr 10 vote as candidate for such office. On 1 he left margin of the ballots the name of the uppermost candidate as pri-ted skatl be numbered 12, the next candidate 13, the next 14. and so on consecutlve'y to the end of the ballot. J He blank lines shall not be numbered- Whenever tbe approval of a constitutional amendment or other ques tion is submitted to the rote of the peop'e, such question shall be printed upon the ballot after the list of candidates, and each . II . , 1 Al 1 -1. answer shall be numbered on the left mar gin as in the care of the name of candi dates. The ballots shall be printed so as tu give each elector a clear opportunity to designate his choice of candidates at.d his answers to tbi questions submitted by cancelling or marking out the names of the candidates who are not his c'.riice or the answer he does not wish to make. And on the ballot may be printed such words as will sid the elector to do this, as "vote lor one," "vote for three," "yes," "no," "can cel, crOM or mark ont tbe names of candi date not voted for," and tne like. Each white ballot shall have at the top thereof two stubs or margin s.perforated along the lower edge thereof and adapted to be torn off after the ballot is folded, aid without exposing Its contents. The ballot shall be of a sufficient length and width to permit this to be properly done. Tbe white bal lots shall be arranged and printed sub stantially in the following form: Section 50. There shall be provided and furnished for each election precinct not less not than four white ballots for each vote cast in such election precinct at the general election next preceding, and a like number of the colored or sample ballots. The colored or sample ballots shall be duplicate impression of the while ballots but without perforated stubs These colored or samples ballots shall be furnished as soon ss printed, st any me before the election, by the respective county clerks. In reasonable quantities. 10 all elector applying for the same; and on the day of the election, under the direction and control of the judges at each poiling place, the sample ballots shall b given in reasonable tnd proper quantiites to all electors applying for them . Section 51. When any vacancy occurs by death or withdrawal aforesaid, and af ter the printing of the ballots any per.n or persons are nominated, as aforesaid, to fill such vacancy, the county clerk shal!, sufficient time before the election, cause to be prepared and printed, according lo law, upon cards of instrui ion, arranged in the manner herein required for the ba.lota, the names and information concern ing such candidates so nominated to fill such vacancies caused by death or with drawal: one ot such cards, certified by the county clerk, shall be posted and kep' posted in plain view In each compartment or place provided for preparing the ballo.s In each poling place, and the fume shall alto be potted in the county e'erk's office from the time the tame is prepared until after the election. Section 52. It shall be the duty 'of the county clerk of each county to cause the name of each nominee who has thuii with drawn or died to be cancelled upon the white ballots, and also the colored ballots, bef ore they are given out to the electors. If said ballots have been already forwarded to the several election precincts, the county clerk shall, if there is time, certify the mat ter to the judges of the several election pre cincts and then it shall be the duty of the judges of such election precincts, in accord ance with such certification, to see that the name of each candidate who has thus with drawn or died is canceled upon the white and colored ballots before they are give out to the electors, and also that such cards of instruction. or lists of the candidates nomina ted to fill such vacancy, are duly posted in each compartment or place provided for pre paring the ballots before the ballots are given out to the electors. Section 53. It shall be tbe duty of the county clerk of each county to provide for each election precinct within such county one large and one smaller ballot-box, the larger one of which shall be used for the re caption of all general ballots deposited, and tbe smaller one for all ballots cast only for state or district officers. Said larger boxes shall be marked "General." and the smaller "State and District," respectively. Each of sucli ball rt li xe-i s'.i ill no prividtjJ with a lid fastened with hinge, and a good lock and key. The lid shall form tbe top of the box and contain an ouening or slot five inches long and one-quarter of an inch wide for the reception of ballots. All ballots cast by electors entitled to vote for all the officers to us elected at the election shall be deposit ed in the box marked "General," all ballots cast by electors qualified only to vote for state, or state and district officers shall be deposited in tbe box marked "State and district. ' ' polls at &uy election iro Ided for i in thU act, the county clerk of each county in iwhwu me ejection is to ue neiu. sua.ii uciai w sheriff of the county for use at each polling place in the county. . , 1. rue proper number 01 oanois requires for such polling place, prepared and print ed as provided in this act. 2. The two ballot-boxes required by this act. ; 3. Two poll.books required by this act. 4. Ono oonv of thp elation laws of this state required by this act. 5. A sufficient number of tally sheets re -quired by this act. 6. A sufficient quantity of pens, ink, blotting pads, indelible copying pencils, needles and string for stringing ballots and stubs, sealing wax, and the like, necessary and convenient for carrying out the provis ions of this act. The white ballots so furnished shall be in a package by themselves, and the package, shall be marked on the outside "white bal lots," with the number contained in the package, and the package shall be address ed to the judges of the polling places for which it is intended, and the package shall be certified by the clerk and sealed under the seal of the countv court of the county. The colored or sample ballots shall likewise be in a separate package by themselves, and the package shall be marked on the outside "colored or sample ballotB," with the num ber contained in the package, certified, ad dressed and sealed. The poll-books, taiiy sheets, and copy of election laws shall likewise be done up in a package, address ed and sealed. The other articles shall likewise be addressed. -The county clerk shall keep a record of the addresses thereon, the contents of the packages, and the num ber thereof. Section 55. The county clerk shall pre pare a receipt in duplicate for each polling place, enumerating the packages, and stat ing the time and day and date when the same were delivered by him to the sheriff. The sheriff shall sign both of ai4 receipts. urxm receiDt 01 uockaces: oneottne receijw shall be retained by the clerk, and the other shall be delivered to the sheriff : tuut upon receipt of the packages, the judsre or judges j 01 election to wnoni tney are qeuvereo. smui countersign said receipt, and the same shall forthwith be returned by the sheriff and filed with said clerk. Section 56. The sheriff of each county, under the direction and control of the county court of the county, a sufficient time ana not less 'han one day before every election provided for in this act, shall secure the use of and take possession of the places desig nated by the county court as the pollinsr places in the several precincts in the county; he shall cause the same to be suitably pro vided with a guardrail, so constructed and iilaced that onlv such persons as are inside said rail can approach within six feet of the ballot -boxes or within ten feet of the com partmenU, shelves, or tables at which elec tors are to prepare their ballots for voting. He shall furnish tn the manner directed bv such county court, a sufficient number of such compartments, shelves, or tables In or at which electors 'nay convenlently p re pa re their ballots for voting, so that l.i the preparation thereof each elector may be screened from the onset vattnn of other persons. The arrangement shall be such lhat neither the ba lot buses, or the com partment, shelves or tables, or the electors while preparing their ballots, shall be hid den from view of thase just outside the aid guard rail, or from the judge; and ! ne "rae tft ! V e"oun J I . a .... a . a I and so arranged that the elector may con vementiy prepare his natiot tor Willi aoooiuic secrecy. incrc snail uc provided in each polling place not less than one such compartment, shelf, or table for every forty electors to vote at such polling place, and every polling place shall nave at least three of uch compart ments, shelve, or tables. Section 57 During the election and counting of the ba! ots, no person other than the judge and clerks of election, snd the electors, admitted as herein pro v Hied, for the purpose of preparing thrir ballot and voting, shall be admit -.e.i or permitted to be within said 1 ail. Section 58. Any person desiring to vote shall give hi name and residerce to the first i f the election clerks, which hail not be of the same political party the chairman, who snail thereupon a nounce the name and residence of elector ana the word ' btate, or "slate a district," if he ia qualified 10 vote for such officers, only, and also write the name anu residence ol the elector and, H proper, tne word "Stale," or "Stale ar.d ilstrkt,' with pen and ink upon the back of ane of the stubs upon one of the white ballots pro vided under this act; the e'erk shall then ith pen and ink write the r. umber of the ) elector upon the back of each of the two I ..... ...... stubs upon said ba.lot ; he shall shall number th: stubs upon pach ballot to cor respond with the number of the elector in the poll-book, beginning with No. 1 for the first elector applttng to vote. So. a for the second elector, and so on , and he shall then tear off the stub upon which h- wrote the ejector's name. The clerk shall then deliver the ballot, with the remaining stub till attached thereto, to the elector. The aid clerk shall give the etectoroaeof said white ballots, and one only. The clerk shall then, at once, and bef:re Ist-uing an other ballot, deiivr tne stub containing the name and number of the elector to the : judges, who thall pass it to 'he second clerk, who shall iminediatrlv enter the number In the post book, and the name ! and residence of the elector opposite the"e tn.and shall retain tbe stub in his posses- ! sion. Section 59. On receipt of his white bal lot, ss afoetald,the elector ball forth lth and without leaving the fcl r e spaco retire alone to one of the compartments or places provided, and shall there prepare hi ballot by cancelling, crossing,or mark ing out the names of the candidates he doe not wish to vote for, which ahall be done with an inde.ible 'copying'' pencil to be furnished for 0e purpose .or by xcratch ing with pen and ink lor each office tn be filled for which he is qualified to vote, and if necessary he may wri'e into the biank space provided therefor the name of the person of his choice for each or any such office ; a 1 id in case of a q ues: ion submit ted to the voie of the people, by cancelling, crossing, or scratching out the answer lie does not wish to make or give. Before leav'.ng the compartment or place provid ed, the e'ector shall fold hit ballot so that the face thereof will be con-ealed, without di p'aving the ballot or informing any person how he has prepared It; and he shall fold the ballot so that the initials of the first clerk may be seen on the back of the ballot, and so that the remaining stub may be readily torn off, without exposing the contents of the ballot or the marks or crosses 1 lereon. He shsll then deliver the ballot to the chairman and state bis nam: and residence S c!fn6o. Immtdiate'y upon receiv ing il;e bailot from the elector, the chair man shall repeat 1 lie name and residence distinctly , and shall remove the remaining half of the stub from the ballot without exposing the contents of the ballot or the marks or crosses thereon, and pass the stub to the secoud clerk, whoshall compare it with It counterpart and observe that tie name writ'en on the counterpart corres ponds with the name given by the person voting. If tin objection h made to the elecior.and the judges ate satisfied that the elector is legally qualified, according to the constitution and laws of the late, to vote for all office to be filled at that elect ion, and that the ballot presented is the identical white batlut received by the elector a aforesaid trim the first clerk, the chairman shall immediately nut the ballot in the box marked "general," with out any one 'nspecting or teeing the names wriitrn or printed on the crosses or mark upon the ba.lot, and wlthont folding the tame, and the second clerk shall enter op. posile the name and number of the elector In the poll book the word 'voted" or letter ''V" to indicate the same. Section 6t. If a majority of the judge are satisfied the elector! legally qualified to vole In mat precinct only for "State" officer, 11. e chairman shall Immediately wiiie with per, end Ink upon the back ol the ballot the word "State'and tlgn his (the chait triaii'j)lnitlal thereto; If the elector 1 qualified to vote for district officer al-o,lhe chairman sha 'I write as aforesaid the wonW'State and District ;" in ei'Der such case Hie ballot shall then be deposited in the box marked "State and District" and the clerks hill mill lo 'he nun of the r'ee'nr upon the po'l-bo'iks, the wor is "Stale" or ''State and District," as the case may be. The elrclor shall then immediately pats out by the .iy in dicated by the judges. S.-ction 6j. If any elector ly accident or mistake spi s his ballot to that be cannot convenient 1 1 vote the san.e, he may, on re turning sai l snuile'1 hllot, rrceive ano her in place thereof K t ie etcc or p-ii; three sue), !ullv, it ha'l he conclusive eviderce that rhe elector Is a 1 ili'e w prepue hi bal lot without assistance, and be shall icqussl t ic assistance of two of the judges to prepare lot and returns the same tb the first clerk, the ..I wtlte uPn the sul the word Spoiled," arid sign his Initials, and remove the stub from the ballot and immediately pass the stub to the judges, and he then shall im mediately destroy the spoiled ballot, without any one inspecting its contents, and issue an other to the elector as in the first instance, af fixing the same name and number to the stubs a the original ballot. Section 63. No parson shall take or re move any white ballot horn the polling place, nd immediately upon the closing of thr polls m. juuKes suaii cause all the white ballot re maining unused to be immediately destroyed by tearing them i- pieces or by burning them. Section 64. As fast as electors vote, as aforesaid, the second clerk shall string the mated stubs upon a snong thread and im mediately upon the closing of the po 'Is he shall securely knot together the ends of the thread and care'ully preserve them. Section 65. No more than one person at any one time shall be permitted to occupy any one compartment or place provided for vivKwi m prepare tneir ballots, and no person shall remain in or occupy such com partmont longer than may be reasonably necessary to prepare his ballot. Every elec tor who does not vote any ballot delivered to him shall, before leaving the polling place, return such ballot to tie first clerk, who shall write upon the stub thereon "Not voted," and sign his initials, and treat the stub and ballot in the same manner as in the case of a spoiled ballot, and both clerks shall note the fact upon the poll-books by drawing a line with pen and ink across the name of the person, and writing the words "Not Yoted. Section 66. Any elector who declares to the chairman that he cannot read or write, or that by blindness, or other physical dis ability, he is unable to prepare his ballot, shall, upon request, receive the assistance of two or the judges in the preparation thereof, and such nnWmi si mil nuvtrtum hi.. wishes and prepare his ballot in accordance therewith, and such officers shall thereafter five no information regarding the same, 'he chairman may, in his discretion, re- quire such declaration of disability to be oy the elector under oath. Whenever an elector receives assistance m this nmnnnr the second clerk shall write upon the noil i book, opposite the name of the elector, thg derstootl it ia being appreciated. In won! "Assisted." and if awuru, also '.Sworn,' 'New York city previous to election the In preparing his ballot, any elector shall be booths were run for a week just for p'ac at liberty to use or copy any colored or s'6- Chauncey Depw had to be sent sample ballot provided by this act which he kc" twice and Geo William Curtis once may eaoose to mar: or to have hud marked 1 in advance, to assist him m marking the official ballot. Section 67. Any elector who shall use or bring iato the polling place, or carry away mereiruiu, any omciai ballot or any paper or thing bearing any resemblance to the 1 fsU istosTVaaa. official white ballot, other than said colored Seattle, Wash April 26. The town is nple ballot, or anything which willjgtiil excited over the arrest of Tr Frank R smiw uuw ue nas prepare.1 tne suite ballot. or any elector who shall, except as herein otherwise provided, allow his white ballot o be seen by any person with an apparent intention of letting it he known bow be is about to vote, or mutilate his ballot, or place any distinguishing mark upon his ballot whereby the fame uiav be id . or who 11a inn- shall make a false statement as to his k;i;k. I,;, kii " ' 23r :Z:.T ,uv " wn. rT u ' , '., -WW, -iuj OnV VOter Whan IriWI.l.l aairl Anoint or when marking his ballot, or who shall endeavor to induce any voter to mark his ballot in a particular way, or before or after 'vosiso. w w Miruuu UUH UC ll Mil IB has marked his ballot, upon conviction sha I I I : -1 1 A . 1 .. w nj0re than 3l)0. uc jiuouroi ujf it uue ui n Ji less man wu Section 69. Any officer upon whom a I.. I t I al; a "k a. I Soi "T; f JT MU :-fcJ,T,rr ! u TT urn"5 any information bv which it can be urr - juoge or caerg 01 election, or other otticar fmXdavr..r doanv eonaenng oaTaWion dav with- ItL.telfJ' fU lirll v" 7 7C , V.r ,f woman appeared in court bad v bruit.! 1faebeiPre thecWnig of the poll, or any vith W eveTbtackened. and totf a straight pereon wholl Imowingly apply for or re-! f ofberbardsibuU eeive any white ballot in any polling place 1 w. other than that in which be is entitled to waaidat ne. vote, or any person who shall show his bal- lot after it is markM to anv norwin m iwh n wa v as to nvl th mJn,lT thJZ a.. ia , . , a" . . be ha marked hU balloToTv tier ' al. i i.; . . vwj unc-.icro 01 ine uutwets Boases uvor !hl Wh:! losing. The eleanng house ved five lo ahall receive from any voter the bailot pre- ft-, , . , ... , , - . . ailtWlKtsST. to show the same, or any elector who shall SB , marn knowingly receive any white ballot from j any other person than one of the election tiwaj imui.n clerks, or any person who shall print orcir- CnsvaNxa, W,o April 26 The leaders snlfk a tfat nnavinrfii' navain n 2 :;rVm7"v;C ; :i C of the official coJorwi ImIIoU. or anv nerson other than is ssustwssvu vs wnmu , vi . n iiiav sjft clerk of ejection who shall deliver aay white ballot to an elector, or any elector who shall deliver any ballot to the chairman to be vot ed except the one he received from the first election clerk, or any ei.ctor, or anyone who shall, contrary to the provisions ot this act, place any mark upon or do anything to his or any white ballot by which it may be afterward identified as the one voted by anv -fJi"! "f0, TnV1tU "T T"" and not nwttan 1500, OT by imprison- neat ia the county laii not lass taan three months nor more than one year, or both, m the discretion Of the Court. Section 71. Any person who shall, prior to or during an election, wilfully deface. tear down, remove or destroy any list of candidates, or other notioe posted in accord - ance with this act, or who, during an eleo uon. snail wnruiiy deiace, tear down, re move, or destroy any card of instruction, or specimen ballot posted under the provisions of this act for the instruction of voters, or who shall deface, tear down, remove, alter, or destroy any certificate of the result of the lection posted under the provisions of this act, or who shall, during an election, wil fully remove or destroy any of the official white or sample ballots., supplies or con veniences furnished to enable a voter to pre pare his ballot, or whoshall wilfullv break the seals or open any of the sealed pack ages containing any of the supplies for the polling places contrary to the previsions of this act upon conviction shall tie punished by a fine of not less than 50 nor more than 1500, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. msmi The weather flaz todav 1 as been an appropriate one. It may rain and it may not. The MarshfleM Pun is fighting the state militia. The contest will not be very bloody. There It small question anion g tl.ose who are In position to. know that Gen Geo E Chamberlain will be elected to tne :xsltlon he now holds by appointment. He is an able attorney and a popular man, two qualities his republican opponent, L R Webster, ofjackson county, does not possess were he Is well known.- Mercury. The Oregon Publishing Compsny was incorporated Saturday, with a capitaliza tion of $125,000. by L L McArthtr, J H laley, C aS lackson, N F Matlock, J C Flarder. L ft Cox, J II Slater. E D Bovd T G Reame. W W Thayer, T A E Starr A BushJ L Cowan and J K We&therford. The object of the company is to publish newspaper at various places In the state and to do a general printing and publish ing business. Portland will be the princi pal place of business. The oldest couple ever married In Ore gon wa Robert Scott, of Eugene, aged 74, and Mrs Smith, of the same place,aged 71 year. West. The above fiom our esteemed exchange I a mistake. Brown vllle has a couple who -ere married two years age at the age ot 79 and 78, HI name U William H'-'nter and hr name wa Martha Beamer. Brownsville Time. The arrlva' of fourteen rir loids of rolled oats In this city from Iowa is a sad of Oregon farmers. Oats to Oregoi. nciiiai v oil LUC LmdSST " ,u Vllini'MOS would be a good deal like carrying coal to NewcaLtle if our agriculturists In the state would get amove on themselves. -Wel- A r trssj A mriahes in proportion 1 1 the r ahness of thy toil, so tbe human body tti. ires in aoeordapoe with tne quality of ita blood. Hence th necessity of keeping tbe come;, ion't lay everything to the farm' er. Tl ere are plenty of oats for the manufacture rf rolled oats; but we have no factory, 1'ltch Into the capitalists. Here Is the craziest aegument yet pre sented; but It makes funny reading: A man who went from Arkansas to Color ado ten years ago, broken In health and poor, won $200 at "poker," invested the money in a mine, and U now worth sev eral million. This shows the value of a knowledge of poker over a college educa tion, A man who knew how to speak all the dead and living languages might have gone to Colorado, broken down In health and pocket, wltnout accumulating enough money in ten years to uay hisown funeral expenses. The editor of the Mill City Gazette gets poetical as fol'ows, in writing up a recent trip: Ten miles of fjoag dominion. From Green Basin to C"C, a distance of ten miles, there Is picturesque scenery, dotted here and there by frequent settler's cablt.s and skirted" by a heavy growth of fir and cedar timber The railroad runs In close proximity to the river and on either side half pitch mountain ranges carry their portal heads toward the sky, rising up a 1000 feet or more,wherc la the day time and twilight of evening, all the year around, can be heard the roar of cataracts and the ruh of the seathlng water, as It dashes down through the mountain gorges to find escape through the SantUm, to the great Willamette valley. Some day ago the Democrat said that the Linn county people would take great pleasure in putting crosses after, the names of Hons G E Chamberlain and W R Bilyeu. Now, we should have said that they would taae great pleasure in erasing, crossing, or marking out the names of their opponents. When a voter takes) up his ticket to vote he must erase, cross or mark out the name of all candidates for whutn lie due not want 10 vote, it takes an education to under stand tiris law, so as not to get things mixed, but in states where it is onee tin- oeiore voting correctly. TK'lfl KAFHIC NEW Ballard, of Fremont, unon the chart of conspiracy in tbe Rad off ease to swindle jne insurance companies, It is said taut the physician cannot be convicted without wk c.-rroporauve evidence of lUdJoa who is still at large. The police are making de- j is thought he is still near Seatt e. The i. ....... 1 .j n n 1 j t mxJmw luaj m run ana, signed oy ' Keh'-off ,w race, red by Kostrauch, one of me conspirators, is now 1 1 , tbouirbt to have been mai ed by an accomplice, who sought to throw tbe detective off the scent. Mrs Rad off was seen in the county jail today, and she admitted that she had received let- I Till II tw.tit luts i...U...l M . u XT iZZ rJCT ET .7 " said that . " " ' AUTAA, AKT W. a Brutal akeuisl. Wauj, Walla, Wash April 36. A sen- 1 sational case came up before Justice Tav or .corning, when John Wifans. of ; Wa'lu'a. wa examined for assault on his 1 n . n,s wifu Ten sick, and on rwturninir found it last ber ipberf, and. beat her., fearf r sasVu A I . . . s . . . , - a a WW . a. a. naa iZear rpW Mr, Wr'urnl witTinaXP The TacoatA, April 36. . a ttreau3ut sff nt 1. ! a , . . . . ... TP mm close places of bonnes tomor- row. 10 ano cvervbtklv lo lorn out tn tnei t Jf! V' '"S- s done., Portland ortberegul.tor.were i. coewl.atioe their Isrryers today. Arter ine svetvtew was over tbe captives were not in the best of spit its. They sll believe tbey will be stqnttted ofcl.trge of m order, treason and arson, which wiil be preferred aeatast them, bat I tbey are new ready lo admit their fiecdoto wu. not come in isro week as tbey bad boast ed. They talk a hoot an all- sommet' seige with iLe civil aulhori'ies . Twa Hew mnmue4. i Ma""-D. Or April a6.-Starce:y to nave elapsed a10Cc lbe ,Dree nKnben of tbe lifr-a,ng ere. were d.oned al ibe j movih of the C-nailie river, and ihe i now r0 report ibe dro.ning of L B Adsraa od 1 'A' petkias In the Coq tHk river tte e.etnag ; " April 23 near Patkersbarg, 9 miles from ! ' mouth of ibe river Tbey acre learning i ''Om Bin. ion la . skifT. .nd it is sail lhev 1 wtrc ihlnkirp when bst -een alivr- inking when last -een alive Tbe Chinese Bill. Wasbtxgtox. April, 1. In the senate this afternoon the Chinese exclusion bil sra taknn .! ,i . .. , wu tarcen up. and the presiding officer put tne question on tlie adoption of the sulisti tute rejiorte-I by the committee on foreign relations. Sherman gave the only affirma tive vote, and there being no vote in the negative, the presiding officer declare I the substitute adopted. The bill as passed, continues in force, all laws now in force prohibiting and regulating the coming into the country of Chinese persons for tea years. Any Chinese person, or person of Chine a?"' ""ken convicted under said laws, shall l removed from the United Sates to China, unless it is made to appear that said person is a subject or citizen of some other countn-. tn which case they shall be re moved to p.tch country, unless such country demands a tax. in which case the perscn shal! Iie'removed to China. Business Meant. Ciikvkxxe, Vyo April 25. Governor Barber ha written a letter to the prosecuting attorney of Johnson county regarding the prisoners delivered by the military officials In the letter he says it is due to the admin istratioii of the law that the attorney mak such investigations as he deems proper, with all diligence, and institute in the dis trict court appropriate criminal proceedings in order that those against whom tlu t i eiists no criminal accusation may be re leased and those ngainst whom criminal accusations shall be made, may be at once diligently prosecuted. ' Canited by rellllest Tacoma, Wash., April 26. Frank R. Davidson, n saloon-keeper, to-night stabbed Ben Everett, another saloon-keeper and a prominent republican politician. Davidson ha-1 been quarrelling with ex-Mayor George B. handle, whom he blames with the loss of his license, and Everett interrupted. Davidson turned on the latter and stabbed him repeatedly in the face and left arm. Betnraeel From the Mines. Salem. April 25. C. W. Pugh returned today from the Ouartaville mining district, where he jumped a galena mine, owned by Portland uarties. lie renorttt lionvv nnd deep enow on the summit. The Albany mill is running day and night. He says he jumped the mine because the owners had forfeited it by not working it. War Probable. Panama, April 25. War is imminent between the Cuna Indians in San Bias ter ritory and the Spanish negroes from Carthagena, wLo invaded the district, ap propriated rubber, ivory, nuts and other products, and settled at the village of An cadio, driving out the Indians. Cadcque, Sassardi,- J tiara A equina and three other prominent chiefs went lo Bogota to com plain of the outrage. They were well re ceived, and were sent on to Panama, where they were told they would be given a mili tary force to clear out the intruders. The military chief here, however, says that he cannot spare the troops necessary. They say it is very likely that on their return the San Bias tribes will take the matter in their own hands. Arrived at Cheyenne Cheyenne, Wyo April 24. The train bearing twenty-seventh infantry and the train wus preceded by a pilot engine and caboose, llis latter contained a section frang with tools to repair any break in the track. 1 wo men with fine glasses scanned the track from the lookout until Bordeaux, IW miles from Douglas, was reached, where danger was considered past and the pilot was conpled on to the train and helped haul it into Cheyenne. There was no demon stration along the route. Hundreds of peo ple met the tram at Fort Russel 1 . The Tex ans were the first to alight. They were a hard looking set and the stockmen seemed ashamed of them. The party was escorted to the fort and will In. , ,,,,(i,,;i ; house. Free Sliver Meat Washington, April 24. Senators Tel ler, Morgan, Daniel and Sanders are said to have taken an active part during the past week in the secret proceedings of the na tional silver committee, which has been in session m this city. Twenty states were represented, and it has been said that the meeting was of more than ordinary impart ance. It is stated by members of the com mittee that a last effort will be made by the free coinage advocates at their convention, which has been ordered to meet in Wash ington on May 26, to ask one of the great political parties to incorporate in their plat form a coinage plank. After s n Umat'lla, April 24. Mrs Mary Walsh, a respectable- looking old ladv, was here tojlay searching for her son Patrick, who left bee home near Omaha Vol. Mil vfi rv aju. fMie nas spent nearly a fortune and uucieu 111 any uiousanu miles. The last trace she found was in November. 1890. "iicii ue lerinennewicK, wash, having re- ivcu quite a sum or money from a man name.1 t'etross, for whom he had been working Hhe heard he came here, but no one remembers seeing him. A Catttble farmer santa cklz April 24. Henry Wenkle a rich farmer, has been swindled out of 1000 by card-sliarpers. On a pretense of u : 1 . 47-- y " - t V enkle to bet 11000 on three-card monte. j 9 enkle thought be had a Hire thing and p uRi?e money- The strangers also put j up SloOO. and the whole sum was placed in I a tin box which was locked. Wenkle won i the lief and the strangers handed him the box and left. When the farmer opened the ! box it contained some lead and wasto paper J 1 As e fanily me4icine, h Orogon Bl d ! Purifier ba no fqaal. I. baa proved itself j a certaia and efficacious remedy for all di- esses eaaed by aa impur state of tne Wool, i Duel i-rt may differ in oiaioo aa to the iaose of that feeling of I loitoor eud f '-: .0 prevalent in. U priog; bat all egred as to vhat la tli h At. imu U Ia "' - - Ayer'. SanapariiU; it makes tl.e weak jstrorg, sad etWoaliy rwnave. that tired i Ueli g. w AXTED, A single n:n wonts place Address I O Dacdsll. Albany Or , or tee him st bis horns in Fiirdle, one mile east of Albany. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, rOTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE LS 11 tk 1 siw4 ssBai ill ol Um Um wU sad ttamenl i4 a W j-h eer,dxatUtM died bar ftaal aeerniM la th nslui of lb eoaaly estrk al Lion eanivrafa, '-J thU the oxuatr eoon ot said Una eoosly, ba vJ WsibMada-, the h day ' Jatw. . t the hour of lOo'ehxk u tbt foresnoo 1 amM d,u the tiia, sod 10 aiurt mm oi sxid r anty ronrt u Um pise for bsarlaf okfawliioq If anjr tassid Biul ..- WOU 11J Ik SBtlUlllWit Of ft., I OWU'C. I sl4 April lath, IA!. M.RSAH SYLVESTER, iim w r. 1 imialiii A " j tor tUeeatrix. SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. The saeeeos et tbU Great Conch Car ia withoat a parallel ia the history of medietas. All drtttnrUU ore aatbortred to sell it on a poa itire s-aaraaiee. a test that no other care can necessfalty stood. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at so ecormoe ex pense, ore placing- a Sample BotUe Free lot every borne in the Coiled SUtc (nd Canada. If von have Conch. Sot Throat, or Broo chJiia. use It, for it still care you. U jour clifkl has theCrOTp, or WhoopiivpCoagh. ne it promptly, and relief is sore. If too dread thl tnsidtoat disease Consxtmptton. stag it. Ask yocr thramtist tot SHILOH S CT'RE. Price leets.. sects, and tl 0. ifyoorLaaga are sore or Back tojoe. oe 8h!loh'a Porous Platter. Price H eta. For sale by sH Drug. gssat and Dealers HEALTH 18 WEALTil arUlH" Dt IC WW Xntn fU-iix Tomrosr. '(asrsntent .-wic f .r HisMrio, Dirtinaas, Cor. rui,n FH.XrvoiH X'aris.Hsaseti.Netva(ta r . nlina mm I bv to of sle vhsl or mhAnv Wskrtultwm, atcatai D-prsatuB. Ssttaniar of Um Broia rwnl:ts in laualty oat KoHin to mis err, aseay nm' dsath, Frtativs OlJ An Barreaatn, bnos of p..rer ,n silharw. Iaraiaatorv Lasses sid tersatrtaMa esasal by oist-sis-ti vn tf tLs Wsin. mU-nihme or orer tsJa gsnes. Kaali bos conis.-w : aOamUVs tresims'it. H M asoat, m i base far t&. Mat by 0111 prjptid aa rsecipt at price. vr a ci aaasTEB sn stoas T ear any sasa, IWilb sci srlsr rsceirs 1 by as I Mr six (ores, OA-saisoMl wtih o.rjo. sr will snj um pww smueo rait u, rsta-4 th nisy n as trastaMnt as not oaass s see, uoor sotsss tssusd only by J A (raataatBK. Sranhl. .il Acral, Aleaay. reea. JAPANE9D CURB A nsri,i uaamant rrearmenr, rtms.siine m su p pslt,,ri-,t lintmeat in Oafsru'es.also io Box sod Pi! s Positive Cur fot Asternsi.lnterrsl.BliiKl or Bleed lag luhmy, Chronie, Rscenter iiereditsry Pilea.sml, sndrsavsl s.sshnsss It...!, snsyt a (rest bensftt to to general health. The am Jiaeovert of a medical curs rsmtsring sn apsratiao sntb th k life aoMesssmrs berrtr - This rsmsd) Kas i,aior lust' BrnStrvt taj fall ! TuP r K w A Bit - AlN.'T e;; .;,..;, vboo a written exitmiX is posiUreiy eivsn with ts,. refund ins oionsy if no eurol. Sead sums for free Ssm pis. Guarantee Issued by JA I aasmtag. l'rngHt, Hale Sieat. lbaay, Oregaa. $500 Reward ! WE win nsy UwsboTS rswmrd for sny ssss of LtreS sniiuunt. Dyspepsia, Sick Bssdsshe, ladbysstlon. Co rstion or Costlsaoss s-s essriol ear wjrii WsM" ,-ettbl Llrsr PI! Is. sr ben tb direct Ion. ? ttrlrlir .p td with. Tary sre purely Vea-srabla. sa . - So B-Ivs sstlstsetton. Slamri'.satsd Lore "sss. ' - '- SS CSOIS. Bewsrs of coanSt-Kslts .: iA... essaln insnnrsctnrsd oaly ey loim c w rar xaiAS r . chicaoo. ill. A BARGAIN. FSVir AD VMlSTABl.S VARM FOR SAtK oonsttlni ofiw acres, located one nulla North o? Albany Land lays fine anil tvall lmpreved. For furtner ln fo- me'ion Irqulre at tbe farm ef Wat II Wabvnkr -m sleiit.uOiMftn a,i 'ViTv fit A Lin mVe USE IT! VP TH T1IF, IPF.M. MEDirifJB. !l ron-ei lb f.tvrr -.t K!dn. v -nil Stomach, -me It tad 1 h. . Iv-i- oawa oa Appe tite, Pui-ilus Ibe lm.ure Blood, and ytn The WeaX Strong. Oeecl fsrwry where. 1 tt ,2"1l"3t THE iiAmoii FARMING TOOl-a Kor wile by STEW-flLIiT SOX Dealers In GENERAL HARDWARE 1'7T 3animmense stock of and X RV i T-r-71V7 r.r. x yyr rx x ALAMX Implements 57 Mitchell .Lewis & SHERIFF'S cAlfc, In the Circuit Court oftlte Stale o' Oregon for Linn County. C Meyers. Plaintiff, Tbos Brink, De'endant. NOTICE 13 UEKEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution and oruer 01 sale do!y iesaed out of tin above named court, 10 the above entitled action to me directed and do t vere 1. I will on Slray. ihc ih .u ,,r June. ISSn, at me uouniy i at trie county Court lonoedoor. in th th.b.rir of I o'clock p m of i silTy sell at public au-t.o 1 forctah In hand to' tb highest Idder all tbe right, title end interest ef tbe l J Tbomaa Brink in nd 10 the premise described follows uwit: Beglnninir nt the aontheeM renter of ,ot '"j b ock ' tu llk0T. Linn eoue JSS?0,', lbkr'M foriheriy on eat boundary line ol sraltl 'nek 25 feU weeier!- parallel wHh tbe south Una of said blrok to a line dividing lots 5 n'' ln th south boundary of J D,ock; thence esuuerly to tbe ?Smce. of. , nllnS' also the fallowing ssBaMa easja 1 w jft wjjw k , KeginniOB 1 tiot OB thA north ' n cf b.ock Sos to tbe ettv of Alosoy. Linn county, Oregon, IS4 fwi from the northwest oirnr ofa.ll block, running thence east to Aha northtaat corner of sa d blisk; thence south 112 fer; than- wt aOtH est ; thine- mnh 22 fe t; tb n-e east S fast ; thenee north 100 'et to the place of oagin-Mng, a I ih-t above liu rjanlnr upon and psr al lei with the b undary linen nf said b.ock &o 5,in 1 be rt y of Albany, Una conn v Oregon. Tne proceeds arising frim the sale of ;! premlasa l b applied. th payment of tn ents of end op a this writ, and th orijinsl cjs s tax i s $30.S5; second, to tbe psytnent of plaint tTs claim tj .uuting to the sum of 24 64 and aoeruiaz intereot tharson at tne rate of 10 p-r cent per annura,and t a further sum of tVi 1 attorney fesn, and thaover plu ;f any there b to :e paid the de fendant. Doted this -VUh Jay of Apel, liffli. u sc orr. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. By C esciit, itfutf. SHERIFF'S SMI. h the Cirnut Court far Linn Count y, StaU of Oregon: W C Myers, P.aintilT, v Emi Siiir redt, Defendant. NrOTlCEIS HEREBY GIT EN THAT bv v. rue cf an execution dalv is- stud out of the above named court in the above entitled action to me directed ana delivered, 1 did on the 16;h day of April, 1S92. dcly levy opoc and attach alt the right, title and interest of Email Mili-redt, tbe above named defendant. ist and to the re' 1 property nereinafier desoiibad, and will cn aaloirsUy. Ike 4th day of Jaar, lSSri, at the t'torthou.e door in the eisy cf il har.y, Linncoaary,, at the f.cor of 1 feVock p mz of sU day, sell at pnbiie ' auction for ciah ia haul to tbe hihrs. bid I tier all the truth: - -i i.,'erest of -ha id la ; fecdaat, Eji1 V. rsats, in and lo the f d ; !ointf i!ecrihel ..a! p.- pny, towit. lb j esat 100 acres t ;, , j ot se-tia 33, tp 12, S U 1 !,! Ibe aajol 100 sues of the ; N w f of if.-in.ri 4- tp 13 IB 1 West, ail in j the D L Crf J B Sltmarah. in Linn county. Oregon. Al.e lots I. 2, 3 and 4. ia block No 4, ud ! t I and 2, in block No 3, in Eaton s-ltlit.o , t ibe loan of Lebanon, Lien c.ority, 0CaT n. Th pocpris srisiatf f -m the sal of said reel property to betpplie , first, . -he pay ment of the ot of and opou said tbe oris,iaai costs lased at $379 00, (ivea the turn of $149.00. credited 00 said ccta hy older of A F St., we. p.smtitT . At torney;) the payment of flti.-.tirTa claim sok action to ine Sum of $191 33. Dated lbt 2SU day of Aprit, 1892. M SCXTT. Sheriff if I? o county, Orrgja. By Ch A Witr., d-patr. . SHOm'S SALE. j In the Circuit Court of the Sftf of Oregon or lAtnt C os-try . A a Hovey and H C Humph rey, partners doing business under th firm name of Hovey Humphrey A Co., Plalotiffo, vs. E R Luckey, Defendant. VrOTICBIS liF.KEJBY GIVEN TH AT 1 1 by virtu of an execution and order ! of e issue t out of tbe above named Court in the above entitled action, to iris ; oirtoted au l de.ivereJ. i Will on j Salarday. the 41k day 1 , . bt tb Court Ho.lSe dno r Jaae, m&t. . in tbs ettv of ' Albany. Linn couu; , Oregon at the hour Of I o clock p raw aid Gav, sell at pnbiic auction fol cash in band to the h fi best I . a s ... , ... . . ss iaaer lrm "gnt, title ant interest . 1 the 'OV named ilsfeadont in and to the esl prope'ty de-C'ioed aa follows, towit: : all that portion of the fo' lowing described real property beina an1 lying ia L i n countv, Oregon. I 'cm .iteming rt tte : nor th west corner of Donation Claim tO, Notincmiiou 3062; east 67.35 cosine. oma suou cnain-; weat r. cuauis: north 1 22 W chaino, east i.Ca chains to the pi 01 oeinntng in utwesaip it, s ks :sst, bisnulolng itiJ aeres. Tbo precesnls arising from tbe ale of said real property to be applied aa tnl lows: sirai, to tne payment tu ine cos's or ano upon said execution and the nrlgLial costs taxed at tti 45; the p .v ment of plalnlitf claim amounting so the sti n ot 13588 68, wilh. interest at the rate of 10 par cent per annum f-o-ntbeSth dav of Mareh, Wi. Dated this 26 th day of April. I89i. U sJCOTT, (sheriff of Linn ceuuty. Oregon. Ry O EScrr, deputy. SUMMONS. fm the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Linn County. ELIZABETH MARKER. P ff., A E BARKER, Defendant. To A E Barker : IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF Oregon you ue hereby required ro appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit by tbe first day of the term of said court following tbe expiration ot the time pre scribed in the order for publication of this sum mens towit, bv Monday, the 27th day or June, A 1 1892. and if you fall to appear and answer the complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree of di voice Oissiolytngthe inariiage contract and obligations now existing bat ween yourself and plaintiff, and at o plaintiff hav the care, custody and con irol of tbe minor ohi.d. May darker, nd to suth other relief as she is entitled to In equity. Ibis summons is published by orde of Hon R P Boise, Judge or said court which order was made at Chambers on tbe 18th dav or April. A D, 1882. J J WHIINEY, AU'y for Plaintiff I7IORSALE.-A new sttim wood saw I a chopper ran be attaoUs I.lf desired. I have a few flue Eteouio Batteries on hand yet. Will sail all on etay tor ma Buggies, Hacks, tT Carriages a w 1 iiMaaaaiwailliiMi iiiiiaiii'eaiaMsMSi a y I V V I y 17 l SL X Staver Co. , cor 2nd A SHERIFFS SALE. In the CimJf Cnurt nf ih Oj. r i for the County of Linn. ED. ZEYSS, Plaintlir. J WARREM MILLER, Defendant. NonCB IS HEREBY GIVEV TH AT by virtue of an executi 11 an I order oroale isin l out of tbe above, named Cur.. ia the above entitled action, I will on Betsirstay, the Zlst amy rt Wat. If. at the Court Honsa door, in the city of Albany. Lion county, Oregon, at the hour of 1 n'c'oek praoftalddit, sell at public auction, fore tab in band to tbe mgnM Old Jer, ths raal pro pert v de t scribed in Ui execution mad order ot i afe BS fjilowa. mwit RoArinninn it t I , . F ...AAJ5 I "iu ei toe a e c rnr 01 the donatir.n land ilalm nfa u tj...!. -. WA J A OUUIUSWII , an ! wile, being Not. Mo 1194 and claim Ni 57. in township II, HR2 West of the ; Willamette. Meridian in Linn eonity. Oregon and running thence east 32 chsJua to tbe AAt boundary of Moses Parker's donation land claim; there sooth 20s east to a point 11.55 chains sooth and S3 chain east of the place of beginning; tbenoo weot tn tbe west boundary of Mo en Parker 'a donation land cfaJtr; thence north II 55 chains to the plane of befianinir. mnttmirv A - - maa... I n w --p. n mtrMvm uivi, vi i lew. in Linn cou-ty, Oregon. ThA nrrwAAAAvdm srialno immtlAai.r jrUd real property to be applied as fol ' w cum euju aosoDrsementa of this suit tiTArl ni 7 OA f k. Ar w. . I A AAAW AUUJ VI f50 a a reasonable attorney's fee and tl.i cuarge- ana expenses or C- ins such ttalae (taivnul in is , n--m r the aim of $431.06 end in-r at ton per cent per anna oa unlit p: l be rein ad jodged In fvor of p sin iff, and that tb surplus if anv be paid to tbe tefenda-t- Dated 1 hu i9ih day of March. lsf2. M 8C1TT, Sheriff of Linn county. Or ByCEScriT deputy LOST. In Ibis city, ec Suad.y.Marc. -0th. a gold ring with a sat. Flnder teave at tbis oatee. MMINISTRtfarS N3TICL fa the County Court of the Stall of Oregon, for ouuty: In tbe trailer ef tbj estate of Sarah Keeney, deceased. XTOTTCE IS HEREBY GtVE THAT a. s that tbe nrideraigoed he, bavsn dal v appouited adaiinLstrMor of said evustt by tb'' County Coort of Linn county. Oregon, ana that ail persons having ctaina against said estate are hereby req aired to preoeat them together with tbe proper vou hers and proofs to the undsrsignsd t tbe lawoffles of J J Whitney, ia V bany, in said county, w-.thln six months from herrof. Dated ba albtnv. Oregon, this 14;b day of April A O 1891. JERRY B KEENEY, UWimitT. Administrator. AU'y for Adtnr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "VrtrnCE JS HEREBY GIVEN TsTAT THE CN- i 1 derssfaed asa aessi apssaseted uauuMamtsi ut the eatoss sf Hecrr Bsur, ilnmiil All pen aorie; cLuoss agaioat said estate are required to to tne aaaaesssjsea at ftoi-.j. Lion ecaxaty, Orecaa. sritaia oU ossssto trass Tbis the St Jay of Ann'. 1S WALTsUt ilciLKEE. n atnnnAroaa s ae aaatKLsia, Attoraess for Adair. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TVJOTtCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ss- .i '7:. t :. r . b.-tm ;rttsri ,--iiui'."f lrxl-'-r tbe estate ot Cbsilea irsiMtnstaaii il. AU pusuas aaviac caabaa srsiast said deceased sre raqturad w nresent tbetu prafwriy verified, to ibe tiajarsise I at Albany, Una eosasty, Orecoa. srtaia six ssssataa roq this date. Dotssl tbe Stli dsi of fVbrsMry. lSSSr d - arMBAtrcii. O P Cosaosr, AdAatefaarat or Atty for Adrar. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. OTICE IS BEKEBT GIVEN THAT THE BM BUuSATstor . tbe est-te.t 1 has tsed bis ShaI aeMat as ndlhat the e-art of Una bs uKioted Xotvda. . be 2nd dov ot itoy. 1S94, at 1 o'clock p ta in Ui stidwat of said amy, a tbe daw foe hearing and sruiing mid ac count sad tbe srsilsaisBi of ssid estate. Dated March 1(6 h, isrri. GEO H1MPHRET, Adasraistratnr. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF AO MINISTRATOP. ATtmCE I HEREBY GIVES THAT THE ..1 anderskysASd baa been by order of the countv mart ot Linn coaruy, Oregon, aa tbe Sth day at April. IkK, duly srspniBAad srtasiaariTii 11 at tb eslste at Jiixr. -s of Una coantr, Or, deceased. All peraaas aatrissr enuass srainst sud asbssl sft herebi required snd wtiSsx' to nresent the some with pronsTvaathwi So me at air residence in Ssreet HutacLtan county, Orej w, within six sariatas sroos use oar aotaat. Dated this Sth day ot April 1H. wit. Ktnuunui, atoataay & Ilaakleiaaa Administrator, Attorney NOTICE. rnilE OOPARTXKRimP HSRaTTO K fore ea'sting under the firm name of tiyman A Brownail is this day tltsacHved by mntual vonaent. Mr Hyman retirtnc from tbe firm. VViehiaa; to oSoas up our DUrtineaa bv May let all parties) knowing themaaleaa tnJeWed to the firm wiil please settle their aoeount tmasadtately. Either partner will algi. io liqnidatloa. Albany O., April 15th, 1801. J A HTM AN. ALBERT BROWS RIaL. a ' Hymen in tbe "Albany sturearlaa." I ahall couimu the baaioeea at the old lnoaiion, on aa onlortrad scale Thanktna our friend for their liberal patronage In 1 aa post, 1 aaaii eoaeavor ror tne future by fair and liberal deahrtg lo merit a sen tmuanas of your ntvor. Albany, Or,, April 1Mb, 1SB3 ALBERT s!ttV SEI.t.. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVES THAT the annua, meeting of the stoek holders of the Albany Woolen Mill Company will be held at the sffloe of aa id company In h elty of Albany, Linn eountv. Oragon. on TueaeaT. the 10th day of May. 1898. at the hoar of I o'clock p m or s. u aay, for tne purpose ot eleat UK tj ror. r uiraatssra to oaryo aala com pu v tor the term of one Tear, and f,,r the tranaaotion of anoh other business as may legally oome before tatd meatlng. trossa oy oruer or me Hoard or Directors. ATTSrST; J ar lOYRR J P a as Alt h President. Secretary. 2nd Store. Ilest stock of 2nd' ear arooda In th. Valley, and th moat Maaonable prleea . 1 osvs ou uaua an ainaa or FUnNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS. BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. One. door west of 8 S Toaag I'm old. sto and Farm Wagons d of all kir-ds, Saw Mill and Shingle iMill Ma fch i n fe r y. Call and ex amine stocks Ellsworth at, Albany TWO MEK AND QUE BOY A'hile trying to Crowd then WAY INTO- 0EY0E& FROM AN BROS store, where they always have 00 1 he Largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles rT Shot juris; an immense took of Flsksu? Tackle of every fleeeription ; Tents,: tta-n mocks. Cam? Chairs and tnousantta of ether things too numsroa to mention Repair Shop n connection with the Stare, and one ot le beat workmen la the State to do any oic all kinds ot wor Come one Come how goods "Small alssj" is eat jmUo. No re-able to profit Sfd quick FOSHAY & MASON i.rDgihtsdOil Booksellers' Ajaas.U for John B. A Idea's pn nilralsm. rui' pioiuitar -neiaa witi - wrwt.iA 4 LB AST. Albany IRONWORKS UsnufAscturers) . HAU ENGINES CRIST AND SAft veiLLMACHiKEgY IRON QMTS ANO ALL Br03 OF HEAVY AID LICIT WOK, IV IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. atpocial attention paid to repairing mil sjm. s ot macamery. PaUcrDi Made on Short Ratio Star Baker? f erSromsJalbia sttjel First mm. CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIEfOg. stu.d Fraita, sssib.s Jts- Ulssrt. Deef.s..A, Orfwel Fraita. Vt(e'ablrs, Ttbatea, CI car a 'sfssT, Spies?. .. Taav, aMa,, SI.,! lataetsssaryta. that la kept In s tssssaa ssriery oast reosssy ateea, TTsaasss ssarkst pries psdd sr Al.ta KINDS OF PRODUCB J. A. Cnmmmg. 1 Wall Papei I r atrs, JPaiatas, .ilA? Cx !&, Etc., ALBANY, -: OftECOU WICKMAN&MDERSON -ITT XsjaAXT3STIIi"Sr- Opposite St Caariea HoUl. Bed elothing snd laea emitaios atteuded to Ktareh work a -peuia! ty Bra eh affiee at Moea' birbor shopj Laandtv e ossxi avanUtge at TW o'oloak A BIG STOOF -:- OF Baby :-: Buiggi Vest ass -r: ment ever brought ta A Iba just receteetlat Steqit t Soxs. Sm ike Biggies and Set Priees. I ID YE - TO - LIVE. litany Stem Dya Worla. O.J. lsAqU, 0 Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Reoalred. i saaiaa iniwii ana uress tjoorJs 1 specialty. a n . . . " . qq Fatted cloUties restored to ita oruasa c olor, to look like sew. Satisfaction Guarsateed. QW Me a CsH, sdsBssa. ... isUR !5wton 54, A sufficient time, and not bias. When the eltor nl pure with ayerd a.ras- mvauing stock.