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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1892)
8lic 3mRit LOCAL 1J2COHI). V Tub Ilintuir Liar. -A lack to the Ia Moure nma writing Chronicle, of Visxard cursed PakotA, to wli'i li state Oreironian send relief frequent! r, essR KcnJe as follows; evidently intending to le funnr, and completely knocking out the Faleni liar; "it ia ruining like thunder and lias Iwra all day. The mud in RlHiiit thiiteen feet on the average. It i s a common thing to i"'e a l.rge minion i way Inland ti.i.Ui. It rain to h tatted turd that they can't tell when they ar out of tlu-ir element, mvl they swim ttirt.ngli the ruin till llu-y light on tome tall ll.'e tree, unit e from tlm mil wn'er. Fih are often found Imngtng sn the litnhe of tree, dried hy the nun of uuuner, smoked by the liirvst fires of autumn and with very lill'e trouble, are made ready for the table As for game, It can be very easily ruptured in the winter. The partridge and the inline l co me webfooted from wading through mud in the search of food aud when they undertake to tty three webs act as an impediment to their flight. leor, elk and antelope become sorvfooted front mmi gathering attout their fetlocks are unable to run. Hear, fox. wolves and our fur bearing auimals are subjected to so much dampness that their claws Rrow very soft and they are therefore rendered quite harmless. Ni you nee that every animal is subdued by nature to a docile pet, and man becomes supremo ruler over all beasts. All this is brought about by the beautiful rains we have. Even agricultural pursuits are benefitted by these rains. They never dig potatoes here They are ripe an. I the stalks tall to the around and the first heavy rain that comes washes the dirt away from them and leaves them on top ot the ground, already cleaned. All the farmer has to do is to go around and gather them up." - Bsttkr Roads. The OregtnUn In a long edltoelal has reviewed the action of the l.lnn county rovi supervisor, pun lished In the Democrat recently, taking exception to mol of their resolution, and coming to this conclusion: What Is wanted la a road superintendent for the entire county, with authority to select competent asaistanta, to direct their work and to see that they do it succiisfutly. Such an officer would be directly respon stole to the applnthig power, the county court, which could select one with the necessary qualifications. This cannot be done at a popular election. A tystein of road building, uniform throughout the country, under the direction of a matt of common sense and expert knowledge in the construction of roads and possessln executive ability, is the only one that ensure good thoroughfare and prevent te waste ot money that is now going n ' all over the state. " Yet. een this system will not give the state gooc road, because the poll tax does not create a fund large enough for the purpose. Were the road once made, the poll tax, under the admin istration of a competent supervisor, would be ample to keep them tn excellent condl tlon, and favoring proper state legislation for getting them in condition. Base Bail. Con Struotlierr, the wel! known base ball player, who umpired the first of last season ia the Northwest league, and Mr Croddy.are in the city, having come up from Salem this noon. They are here for the purpose of com pletinj arrangements for a valley lea gue to consist of Palera, Albany, Inde pendence and McMir.nville. Salem has already agreed to enter. Albany is warm for it, and the other two towns will undoubtedly come to the front The intention is to run semi professional clulie, all on an equality as near aa pos sible. A meeting ot parties interested was held at Al lloenicke'e at 3 o'clock this a,fttrooon to make arrangements for the league so far as Albany is concerned. Already enouKh is aubseritw? to insure its success. A meeting will be held in Salem Thursday to complete i's organ isation. Will Ridism IIiMsti.r. Governor ferry slned the pardon of Thomas litags. The pardon teached this city N today and this morning Sksgs was re jested frro the county jail. Saaggs was serving a term of six months and twelve days of the sentence. The pardon was '.due to the effort of Irlcniis of Skaggt In 'this city. The released man wa found enjoying the bright sunlight and sweet liberty on Cherry street thi forenoon, and was asked what he Intended to do. ul will go to Eugene firat and visit my mother," he ald. "and then I will return to Seattle and ft will be my future home, Here I made the silsstep and here It Is that wlU redeem myself. I will live this matter down In beanie. Seattle Press-Times. Int rill Two Itat sKY Casus. Last Sunday was a ljve day In llalsry, two arrests being made, both according to the reports given the Democrat, bo unnecessary as to be somewhat ridliulous.henee causing the more interest on the part of the pub lie. Mo. 1. In the forenoon boy named Hammond and two other boys, utter playing quoits sat on a fence close to gether. Hammond playully took the middle boy by the shoulder and shoved him backward, while the farther boy tipped up his feet. Young Hammond then jumped off the fence and caught the 1h before he had fallen. It wan all a good natnrctl occurrence. The City Marahnl, Sherman Pearl, evidently wanting some bmtinees trrttv Imdlv. a'epped up and arrestid joung Ham mond. No. 2. In he afternoon JeMer oung man, was'alking with a friend, when Vint Crhp and the Marshal came along Young It Iglu changed the Cowitlon of his feet, and MrCrixp stum led over one of them, W igl claimed entirely accldeullv, not a very serious matter anyway. Crisp s'arted' for hint, when Wigle ran. Then the Marshal In terfered and arrested Wlgl, The re suits: loth cases were tried before Jus tire Stewart and Juries Monday afternoon, J V Hibelan appearing in each case for the defendant and the Marshal for the prosecution. In each case thedeferdant was promptly acquitted. As reported tt wie democrat no comment is necessary A iter Many Yiak. In the sunreru eourt of the U8 case decided yesterday was mat oi iveai rs jottu a and wuiiam Crawford, involving the good faith and validity of deed for six aitlerent pieces of real estate, including mill property, lots and blocks in Albany, Or. These w ere cross appeals from the circuit court ot the United States for the district of Oregon, Neal appealing from the decree of the court below s attaining the fleeda from James II Foster to John Crawford for five ot the six t.nots. This decree was affirmed, and William Crawford ap pealed from the decree of the court be low, setting aside the deed to him for the one tract. This decree was also affirmed. Mr Mitchell represented the Craw fords and n.r C E S wood, of Port land, Mr Neal. This decision is in favor of John A Crawford, so far as property deeded to him is concerned, but is against the transfer ot the Foster block to W illiatu Crawford, now deceased. That block, worth at least $30,000 will go to the creditors of III Foster & Co., and be sold for their benefit. They are W II Uoltra and many others, Neal being a California man to whom the claims were transferred in order to get he case in the U S courts. Mors Rsilroau Talk. The Spring field Meserger says; J C Boyd csme down from Portland Tuesday and stepped In town a low hours. He returned to Portland Wednesday. While here he staled that C P Huntington would be in Springfield between the tSlh lust, and May ttt and that grading arid begin on the road east from Springfield over the mountain by June I. Recent develop, menu Indicate this statement to be true and we confidently expect to see tralnload after ualnload otconstt uc'.lon and material soon roiling Into Spitngtield and the work of building the machine shop and round houses on the fifty acres donated lo the company for that purpote by the city In rapid progre. Teen lhre wi:i be a lively sklrmUh after Springfield real estate and manufacturer grp every op portunity to utilize o-ir magnificent wtter power. Badi.y Treated- Joseph Iumirej, the leader of the Spanish TrouUadors, who left Portland some months ago with Carl King, the mind reader under the manage ment of William Darnell, has returned to the city, Tne tour was a disastrous one. Mr Ramtres speaks in Utter terms of the treatment he received si the hands of Darnell who he savs, left him sick with pneumonia and owing him $6oo. He was delirlou. for several day and no one expected him to live. He was pennilesi In a strange town and had a wife and family dependent on him for support. As te was a Knight of Pvhla, however, he a not iett to die. 'This order paid hi hotel bill and doctoi 1illa and gave him transportation back to Portland. Mr Ramirez thinks that Darnell and King went to Chicago. Uregonlart. WHERg Slow. The steel floor beams have been placed in position on the fourth and last span of the bridge. The track will be laid and. the derrick erect ed readv for the tort work by possibly (Saturday night, wLen work will be rushed Albanv ward. Mrfctoi. is con Rdent he will have the bridge ready for teams to cross bv Jane 1st. thoagh it will not le com Dieted until awhile after wards, tjonsiderftbie pew inquiry being made as to the lenetb of the spans, we give the figures, already published sev eral months ago. cut them out. ai bany approach 414 teet; then the spans 300.7 feet. 4O0.2 feet. SOIH feet. 293 feet, The Benton approach will he 230 feet long-, h - f ' - : " 't ' tn'TluMPlT. TJie Miliary Qa- sette says: Edward Wolfe i rot supposed to be a claim jumper, "a reported tp the Dally Herald,' of Albany, and the Mil' CUy Gszette He has. a legal right to the mentioned the prior squ,-i r had keen off the land for tight mouthy and havlt.z previously exhausted all his culm filing rights, was trying to illegally hold the claim. The Wolfe shanty i not blown un. only the logs rolled down M W. is now auletly settled upon the claim with his family and intends to remain. It Is thetefore plain te be seen that the first jtory was exaggerated, and that Mr Wolfe kndt affhHm jumper,- tretpasrig upon the rights of others, os reported. . j ,;i,,,t, '' ' ' ' ' A Man tsr Pangea. We re informed th,ls. wee by the parties In danger, that certain young men, living not far away, tried to pursuade boys of another family to go with them and help drug and rob the informants, who are tupf o?d to have money in their possession. The latter I ef used, and that is why the story leaked out. The old gentleman wlshes'to have it understood that he ts prepared for them if they come and that he keeps his money all the time in the bank, but keeps a louble barrel iq gauge tluCt cun and. a- Smltb-of -"Weston, ''.ready, for use " when fleeaed, Mill CUy Gazette. V ' Nbbd a Bail&oad. The'Ochoco Re view says : : A t Allen reiurnf d on Mon day from Portland, where he" bad been delivering beef catti0. He was two weeks going fom his ranch on Upper Crooked river to Portland, and was at an expense of about 10 per head on the cattle to de liver them, though he got his beef down in excellent condition, his cattle making the neat average of 1263 pounds to the head. But SO per capita is a heavy ex pense for marketing cattle, and greatly lessens the prof.ts of the buripess. A, railroad throngh. the county .woula en able Ihe producer to put his cattle ino Portland for about $1.25 per head. 1 ..!.;.- ' ' AtosT 6on. Superintendent 'Wood eon, 61 the St Joseph, Mo., asylum writes ilarBhal uonman, requeuing mai m look out for a son of his, who had run nway, and probably came to this city. He u 18 years of age, 6 feet tall, weighs lins eciir on face, and one arm eorne- Tub EvAxoBLiar i One faction of the Evangelical conference inst closed at Portland, made the following appoint ments tor the coming conference year: wmamette district -CU 1'oling, 1" K ; Lafayette, (i J Coleman; Dayton, II L Pratt: Newberg. E Currin: Kat Port land, C D Slagle; Alhina. St Johns and olumbia, J M Dick t Independence and Corvalli-. i) V Poling, t L Weaver; liuena Vista. I J Ilallantyne; Louisville sna King's Valley, X A Yost; Sweet Home, C N Plowman; 11 rooks, O K Haines: Hillsboro. I M Beaucamo. F L Locke, member of East Portland quar tet ly conference- Columbia district J Cjwersox, NE Salem,; J Il)weron Mil waukee; AorUt Puget Sound, A K John son ; Kockforu, 1'eter DesKranacs- E S Zollinger and F J Slrayer, members of b'alem quarterly conference. Larceny or a Tobacco Kkibb. Several days ao on complaint of F E Allen, N A Ulodcetl wa arrested and examined before Jutlce Humphrey on the charge of larceny of a tobacco knife, and neid to await the action ot the grand jury under bonds which were furnUhed. Mr Allen bought out Mr Blodgett several mon'hs ago. Recently on sattiing up a tore account he wanted pay f m the to bacco knife, claiming it wa not In the ale, which Mr Allen denied, when Mr BlodVett picked it up and walked off with It. The 1 uttice took Mr Allen's view of the case, Tut Cobvallis P. 0- The Times says: The best evidence that Corvallis is mak ing steady advancement is a report of the business transacted at our pos'otfici during the past year. These reports are maue out quarterly ana snow steady increase in business that furnish unmis takable proof of our troDentv. The total receipts at the office for the quarter ending June 30th, lS'Jl, was ll.OC8.15; lor the quarter ending beptSOlli.flO'jr.34; lor uec aut, iiu w; ana ror Aiarcn 31st. 1392. 11385.0. This shows an in crease in the last quarter over the first of 37 per cent, and -is an index that our city is proportionately increasing. Stock Lccbbased. At a meeting of the Build ins & Loan Association last evening the directors were authorized to Increase the capital etocg from s200,0U0 to t300,POO. the number of shares from 1000 to isoo. Thi was made necessary by the new series constantly being add ed. The association is proving a fine thing for Albany, and deserves a liber support, iSt Awp lb-jp.A Portland man writes ss fol'ows; "ft being Important to know whsl the difference wa in the extreme height of the river st your point during the flood of December, iti'ii, and In Feb ruary, 1890, you will do me a great favor by advUing me a early a possible, The ereatest hdeht of the Willamette at At bany In February, iSo, was 33feet7J4 inches. i,n ittot it war ever a tour higher, anDrnnimatel V .e feet. ' A Grat KjMitoq. AH old Csh stories elephant hunts. grlzz?y contests, cougar debts, etc.. will have to take a back seat. A copy of the Sporting (Joods Gasette has iutt been placed on our table contain ng the followln. Itemi "L, W Deyoe.the Oregon sun man, on a recent trip Yaqulna Osy, killed twenty-one deer an landed over lourteen thousand trour, an i two week s time. -- iiHiti Ann fmnexkt MOSPAT. Prof GedJes, tandldate for school sup erintendent, Is In the city. Mr Robert Huston, of Corvallk was in the city today on his way to Portland. Mr Perry Raymond, ot Portland, Al bany's old "P M,paaed through Albany today on a trip up the road. William Pfelffer, of Dallas Is tj eliv running the Revere house, while his father Is attending the tat democratic convention, Mr Hopkins, paymaster t the Oregon Pucllle. w In therltv day liquidating with employe for November. A good as far a It goes. Mis 1) II McCuIhgh went ts Portland today s a deleuuleto a meeilng of 'he North Pacific Missionary lioard f the Pteobytertan church. MUsSlllesof A lbs ny, has been iend ing several day In Newport, a gusst at Mine Host Crcssy's. She spent the entire sesvin here last year. Newport Times. Rev Father Vermeersch of St Louis, hlte ot Salem, and Metayer of Albany, were guests of Rev Fatherllrosseau a few days ago; and last Monday made a visit to Portland. Hubbard Herald. Miss Elisabeth Lockrldge.who has been visiting her cousin. Mayor Cowan, and who has made many warm Mends in Al bany, left today for her home in St Lout. A divorce ha fust been granted by the Circuit Court ot Benton county dissolving the marriage of Prof E U Lorlliard and wife. The cause gl-en In the complaint was cruel and It.hur. an treatment. The latter will assume her maiden name.Sarah Owenby, and the former will teturn to hi old noma In Baltimore, Md. ' A Democrat man canr.e near being serenaded Saturday night. Ills next door neighbor wa the lavrred one. Mr Ilert Vtal having concluded to attend the Holmes' Business College, of Portland, the Juvenile band, of which he Is a mem ber, gave him a serenade and a well spent the evening In a farewell psrty. A pleasant time wa had. The Democrat mentioned the fact a few day ago of the pretence here of a man from California looking for the fam ily of Mr Stafford, a blacksmith here years ago. Fron Mr Wm Ralston we learn that Mr and Mrs Stafford moved from Albany to Chehalls, where Mr Stafford died. Mrs Stafford returned to Linn county, and Is now residing at en ad vanced age near the Sanderson bridge. TUESDAY. Judge Ftinn went to Portland tht noon on business. Geo Flnlev and I II Armstrong, of Crawfordsvllie, are In the city. Mr Davis, of Michigan. an uncle of Linn county'a popular Recorder, is In the city. the guest of the latter. Funeral services wt'.l be held to-morrow afternoon at a o'clock at the residence of the deceased at the corner of 4th and Walnut street. Be social and yourselves. Next Friday evening the ladies of the Congre gational church will give a social at the testdenceof Mr Wm V ance, to which all are Invited. A program will be renJcred and a lunch served. Mr McOee. of Salem, formerly Princi pal of the lirow nsville public schools, was in tht city today. He reported that he had leased his calculating machine to a St Joe, Mo. firm, and would receive a royalty on it. Hon M Wllklns, ot Coburg, one of Or egon a world, tali commissioner, re- urnej home direct from Chicago, yester day afternoon. He I quite ill. but not er ou. He reports severe weather In the east. Eugene Guard. wEnrAr, Hon J K Weatherford ia a merndrr of the democratic central committee from L.nn county. Mrs JosTrWr and daughter were in the ci'y today, and went to Halaey this noon to visit Ir lends. Judge Pipes, the democratic nominees for Judge of the second judicial district, was in the city today. Mrs A R Rigs, president of the state W C T U, arrived in Albany this noon, and will' speak tonight at the W C T U kalL Mr Read, who recently came to llhany from the East, has taken charge of W y Head store at uates. Mr Head is a brother of ex-councilman, W C Head. MrCBIiose, of Vinton. Iowa, is la the city looking over our country, lie seems pleased with this part of the state; but thinks we need more people. We certainly have plenty of room for more. Red Wells, of Corvallis. was In the city toJay. lie reports the wheat In that coun ty 1. early all sold, the farmer having learned that It pays to sell on the first high market A contrast to Linn county, where many simply hold for a dollar. StCAL ESTATE SALES. 100 70Bcres,secS4,tpl5 8R4 W. 612 U 8 to Geo W Harris, BW ,BVf H. sec 14. to 10 8 It 1 Talent T JCherington etux to Luk Mc- Linioea. 120 acrea In aee IB. tn 98R2E 1200 r I ii! 1 . . . fx . . " J "iCKins vo j w Armstrong. bond lot deed. 10 acres, to 10 SB4 W 2300 Oliver Hyde to Perry llvde. parcel in narnsuurg .... wju Sueun Zeigler to H T Fisher, '.ots 1 and 2, b'k 10, Peoria, 5"0 Total..,,.,.,,....,,....;.., 6412 Maioot 1 1 mis arroKTioattcftT. Following is the March Apportionment. Total amount, 2i,080.60, being 2.73 per capital xo. so, o. NO, htisT. ririiMu am't, tutcr. vupii.m. am't. I 80 $ 13250 2 T2 $ 10.1.00 3 Hi 281.00 4 M 1115.75 5 1071 2W5.B5 0 63 1U573 7 37 151.73 0 40 170.50 10 62 1113.00 11 72 2IH.00 12 40 17(150 13 112 3.W.0O 14 4 143.60 15 'M 13H.00 10 as7 1114.25 17 HO 270.00 18 7H tttM.60 10 f0 1H7.60 20 8: 278.25 21 20 02.80 22 ii 2!it fVI 23 34 113 50 2t G7 234 25 25 W) 230.75 2l 121 IW2 75 27 40 17.W 28 HO 231.50 20 !W 154 60 80 IS 00.50 HI 40 I7U.C0 Wi 62 llKt.W .13 4H 1S-M0 34 47 170.25 35 60 lh7.60 30 Oil 231.60 37 04 T.UH.fl.l 8S 3S 134.80 "3tl 02 220.60 40 20 120.75 41 150 402.60 42 - S03 773.25 43 S3 140.75 44 -5 1IH.75 45 47 170.25 40 2l 120 75 47 SO 120.7 44 41 " 102.75 40 60 187.60 6(1 41 102.75 61 84 113.60 63 250 737.60 63 44 171.00 64 8 164.60 65 87 2H0.26 fl 63 105.73 67 00 , 231.50 65 2 120.75 50 61 102.73 00 61 100.25 01 !t2 138.00 03 30 110(H) 03 44 171 00 t 87 151.73 3 33 140.75 03 7 242.60 (57 40 170 60 08 33 140.73 00 44 171.00 70 4(1 170 60 7 t 60 2:10.73 72 8 120.75 73 101 327.75 74 173 623.73 73 24 110.00 70 38 154.50 77 23 118.73 78 44 171.00 70 20 105 00 80 43 173 73 81 73 250.73 83 (M) 215.00 83 30 132.50 84 23 11.1.25 b5 21 113.25 80 27 124.25 87 20 121.60 88 23 118.75 80 . 40 100.00 B0 24 115.00 01 32 138.00 92 33 140 75 03 22 110.50 H4 33 140.73 3 170 6:14.00 Wl 45 173 73 07 23 118.75 08 40 100.00 00 04 220.25 100 40 132.60 101 37 124 25 12 07 234.25 103 22 110.50 104 18 00.60 103 18 00.50 108 24 llH.OO 107 13 04(H) 108 28 121.50 100 22 110.50 110 3U 140 00 117 ft 10.H5 120 10 03.60 121 21 83 35 Total No. of pupils, "400 to The Corvallis Gazette tells the follow ins: Did vou ever, dear reader, snecn late on how small an opening a dorse could pass through! Perhaps not, but w ram tens the following, and vouches for the truth of it: One night recently ne locneu his bam up as usual with his horse, a well-grown animal, Ins'de. In the morning, when the barn was again nniockea. me norse was no where in sight; the lock on the door had not been tampered with, yet the ho'se was gone. In the rear of the barn was a small hole cut iff the wall about two feet square. On examipipg the edges of this opening a few hairs were found sticking to the boards. On looking through the hole the horse was seen to be in a neigh boring lot. presumably he had wearied of his quarters and decided to make a break for liberty, which be did with the above result, and without any injury to himself further than the loss of a few h urs. an mesons! riai: Wednesday about 1 :3i) o'clock tit fire bell gave the first night alarm in several months, giving the horses their first opportunity to run In patent fire harness. No. I's did good work ; but No. 2's became frightened at a hose cart and refused to draw the engine. 7 lie are was In the shed of C K Wolverton's house in the adjoining block to No 2's engine house, occupied by Mrs K C Hainwaier as a boarding house, tjume of the board ers discovered It when first set. Prompt work wlih buckets bv three or four young men extinguished the ter about $23 damage had been done, fully covered by insurance in the Fanners A merchants Insurance Company, ihe fire was incendiary. A lamp had been taken out of Mrs Rainwater's room and w as found in the woodshed broken. A can ot coal oil, containing throe gallons, was found emptied, undoubtedly in the place where the fire was. Mrs Rainwater's version was that some time ago Mik Presiin. a riveter on the bridge, who had boarded with her had been required to leave on account ot being susi.ected of having stolen a ring, and that be proba bly did the burning. Intact that an other attempt had been made previously, she thought by him. Marshal Hourina loom! the man, ana tiacel ittin in lati. On bis person was found the missing ring-, lost by Mies Purgest. a boarder. The initials J. It. 8., that ot a brother, were on the iuide,and will probably oon- j vict him ot larceny. When arrested Presiin was in a saloon, and drew a big 44 butt dog revolver on a man. He was taken before Recorder Henton and fined 20 for carrying concealed weapons, and will be prosecuted on the other charges. After leaving Mrs Rainwater's Presiin had boarded at the Pioneer, from which he was shipped And went to the Ex change. mm 1 ate neat; I'arksr Bros, groos-rs. T. M. French ksoparaitruwa tlm. Buy your grooeri of Parker tiros A pie psrsrs f r sale at Stewart A 5 1 ,s Fls 'groceries at Cono & llsodn'csnn's. Latest sheet tnus'e st Will & Uck's. Xw crssin ohr lost louslvoJ at Cetra4 Usysr. C W Cobb. Ib priaUr, Fliaa Chrak. sloes first class work. E W Aomson 3tCo are salting atoaameots at Pot tin nd prices. s,wrt & Sox sll ths very lt (stent shsa is stlo.- . Ths finest line of pocket knives In the eity at UUwart k 8ox'a. Smoke tks aaibrat4 Havsa filled 5 ott eigar at Julias Joseph's. Go to 3 W Cobb, saecsssar to Paisley & Smile. Flloa Bieek, fur y. er j b rrintipg all kinds Dr M II iTUs, vbvslciso sad iarj.oa, Albsoy, Orsgoo. Call made lo citj r soootry. With his csw Imksry Conrad Msysr ia tbl to offer eld and new costomsr svery tbing Histfllsss in Uksd goods. West's 0cah Syrup tickling lo ths throat, stops that baekicg cough, and ftivis perfect relief, it is oerUmly worth a trial. 23 and 10 ct. Sold by J A Camming, diogji't. Bscoming NBCBSSABY-The merchants of Corvallis 6rganized a "Business Men's Protective and, fiuslrte Assoclatlo,n" last Friday evening. The object of the asso ciation Is to protect themselves against bad customers and enhance the busi.iee inter ests of our city, The officers elected are S L Kline, president 1 A r uersnner, vice president 1 P M Zleroff.treasurer and Chas lode, secretary. It will meet on the 3rd Friday of every month. Times. Lets Havk Him. John Fiske, the eminent American historian, will deliver the oration at the Columbia celebration at Astoria, and will also lecture in Port land;. .It would Deagooa tning 11 tne rnl WA omonxi othev local insti- tnte would sscure him for a lecture liefe. It wout4 be a rare literary treat. r.iit spring and summer, the best in for the valley, lust received by W n Graham, as can easily be learned by an inspec tion of thera. They include late and handsome designs, and will be made up in the latest style oy Mr Graham. Get the best and latest, and this you can do at Graham's. MWiMM'S May be san tne finest stock - of pnlrlnnd. silver watches, diamond and'otlier rings, jew 3lry. silverware, &c,; tit the city. ' IIsv jut roosived rp tra cbeice sil voi pruDSs. 4 ' 'CKBbowvm. surlm UlUtotTT. WlIOSB --. h If your tove is poor one and your wife growls and looks weary, or the cook comolalns an looks dairEer generally No matter. Learn a lesson. Next time do not buy a cooking stove until you have examined the Jewel and several olh-r first class- makes, kept by Matthews & Washburne.,, You will get one that give satisfaction. , . . 4i t t ' I ,. , ' - A It ib '-big-Atriyiieg9 to be able L to get what you want when L you go to a grocery store. Allen K IJrotiiers keep such a variety Nv that they can always accom- B modate their customers. Ihis R eaves running around. ' If it is O fruit season they have the goods. T In produce their stands are full II of the latest and best. Their E stock of tandard groceries is .T-v-f.. r' '- I- 1 'o I have my full stock of spring millinery 4 all the latest styles and cordially invite customer and friends. Ida M Brush, Blumberg Block, Albany fc Or. cnoup, whoopiTo coua ft sj BroncblW', immsdlstsly rslisvsd by Ihloh's Oon. . - . 73 & n whip i tut from ths faotory at!0 C McFsrl.udV. o Pnr the manufacture of thin nreu ments the Kalem Journal is on top. The l'ortland Telegram says: aiuly en deavoring to ex plain why Marion county ia taxed so much higher than Linn, the 1 , TA...hJil i.a tn no,t I ' 1 inn county bai tbir'y jioBtoHlccs : Marion has forty-three postotUces, one of them doing as much or more uusiness man an oi tne r.lnn county offices put together, we helleve there are other legitimate causes to explain higher taxes In Marion." The statement that one of Marion's post- offices does "aa rnucn or more business than alt of Linn countjr offices put to- ? ether," is certainly incorrect. Batem s the largest city in the valley, but the aggregate of all' Llnn'Atpwps must vary much exceeq it n population any uubi- nfs. Bat. even ii tins is true, we can not perceive why tho alleged fact stated is a ''legitimate cause" of higher taxes One or more surgoona of National Surelcal Institute, No 319 Bush street. 8 F. intend to visit in Eevere House, Albany, April 27lh, and in Occi dental Hotel, Corvallis, April 28th. One day onnlv. Write for circular- This in y . . ii- j , . i . . . i . a stttute is especially oevoicu vo vo treat ment of curvature of the spine, diseases ol the bip and knee joint, crooked limbs, iclub feet and ' all bodily deformities. Their success in treating these troubles as well as all chronic diseases has made (or the institute a. national reputation. All perBojis who are suturing from any ot theso complaints should not fall to take advantage of thi i opportunity for relief. Reference may be had to the fol lowing: Rev E N Condit, Albany, Or, W E Morgan. Shedd, Or., Judge T L Davidson. Salem. Or , Governor E P Terry, Olympia, Wash.. E G Young & Co., Oakland, Or., J S Morris, Bcio, Or, nous ad abroad KONOAV. Mrs J II Rliuft,wife of ths d or seed editor, it running a boiUuiK bou w iu liidopetidcno. Illuhop Stamford, of I he Kvsiignliosl church, will tin-tub at the M K thiruli to ofiilit. Tlio Latlie Aid H oioty will me t with MiS Pike tomorrow afteriim-n. A full at tnuhiHie is rcu'.tofUtl. A fins hits rf liuwsr niul hnnlwars st Matthews n WsshhumV. V-u esn ifpnid uu low i vs and t e bet g-wiils, lt Ilia gme of ! bi H .iturday fetter lfi.ui lii txcii tlm Hn.n.ii.l ami fblid ward oul, ills lit'i'r on i l . l.'Y i (flfironf 14 to 7. Aino g tlm F."r srvit jestirJuy ths eut Iveit In ths KnUlits Tinilars lit tlmir Ii II i vi i.ii (j. I riirti us f a very intrf. rti..K nature, Th.) li mil drvorUiiius wcie uis' ruslly sttrajlive. ' Tfiti !e Cumfrntrry No 3 hsuc'ejtid th fitllum iitR efflatr f i' th nufn yert L t) Mai shall,' K ( W f nrr, Oen'ej 0 E Wulvfr, Csp' Ot-nt l P MsKic, rrvlnie; Krsiik Fsirt.fl, Re Wl ' K Hawkins, Jon W J " ,Tr K W L'lij.lm iteodri J I''(1ImsM, Sid II; It II Cu.tuk. Hwd i4) AHMstihfWs, Wr. j IX) 8oht.ll, lit Of I'll V.I..B. SmlOi Fit Alee, 8dC DT Wytnsa, Hsi-tini!. " Ths emt'sot fin th-ftoustreo'lon of the A O U SV i'M at H cm. t and Tslor trets, IVrilsril, ws awr.bil Halardsy to ths l'orll .tid ll-nig.isnd Building Viiaisny ftr tfi!),773. The nt-st tuwest bid was that of J K Il. i nrt, $70,000. The onntrsct ia oluJes kiilwlks ami lot of Xtr work dot luolu'lnl in the eriginal l lns Ths htill.l lngwillb stories in height, with a bssfinent. A Paralytic SraoKBSsturJiy even ing '-Uncle" George Hughes wa fUlilng on the bank of the river near the old saw mill, when he ws taken wdh a paralytic itroke, tailing over on the bank, his feet hanging In the water. He was discovered and taken home, and I)r Wallace sent for, 11 1 gained consciousness, but has remain ed In a critical condition, and It Is thought that he can only live a ' hours longer. Mr Hughes ts nesrty Sj year of age. He was a pioneer of 1&47. and since 184$ ha lived near Albany until a couple years ago when he moved into Ihe city. TIIKSOAr. Th Msrine county dtl itqae it Ux rsll ia only f I3.C47.24. fifteen oint Is sWat ht hup (it this yr wi't t worth. The Aneasl gt Convention of the Con gregatiooal church met la Eugrn tolsy. 'ihs fsmces Washington Marine tiand gsve an euUrtaioment in l ortlsnd last night. Th dialog rcom of th Aryot hotol U be ing psjwirt-rt and rteoorsto.1 by E Ltrlmor in aa arttstk msbutr, making it a neat and baodsoine pi see. Tee Wm M Itnsg wilt hsrssfisr msks to trip a waek, ruchtng Albsuy Man4y and TliursJ tirls, and rstarniag as far as SJsin the nst ly. (jsrmsn Lothsrsa chureh will l laid ee 8a ucl. y, April 2t h, at tl PrssbvteiiMi horch at 2 o'clrwk p w by Hev Father Basebe, uf Corvsl is. Yesterday, by order of MsyorJUM CIuok, the luick door, wli ss tbe fo.ot ditort, ef ail (alarms io Kuasne ware eiosaj tifiht, aud many r the nv-urnsra tbrrast. Eutti (iustd. There ts sl"ul ss hiboH rs I tat ntw ia AlUar-y's City sevareraaut a thare is lo roooii g railr wrli but rosily it rn naeetaary ia onlor to make thing hold wur. A spsoud mralltiy of tha Boil.! in g snd fxaao Aasocistiaa wtd I j'l twaiytit at tha Oraguo B.k lor tha furuaa rl iaorss'ni lbs espitat tk. Tbsia should l a atlrii.Unrw. aa it riirt a rprntatioa ef uu-halt the stock , Prii(iaily as a n-siH f tha Mills m eat ings thara wrr aniui.s with tha Hslsm ebureb'a Bundsy a fuliows. tngieg tioosi.67; M S. ii.t..t, 2:i KpisrfipJ, 2t Unity, 19;l'knatiJi, II. A large aum bar tm raoill jmatbaaaaed other churoba thera bvtt Mslratb. Tha PreibvUrUas evuat oa a! ut tX tw mimWi. ltiMiI. Landwr Uchnp. Had 'VbtI.'s ad ysrtlssroeut. The is'dIat m mthly marling of the Phil baru'Oeio society this .io at 8.30 sharp. IU I'biliip, see. An oil pointing of ss Msvnr David Fin man, may ba tn st lieo C Ktauard's, ft la a gfio4 rcj.ranttiou ot oua ut Albany'a oldmt and bast kaowa pionaars. The ladir society of the 1st Frsbytari4 eharch tt!l meet with Mrs E N frdlt. ThBn4y afterioi.n, April 21 t. Se. Th -tard of the Albany cn'laotiog g.oy tppoars alaawnar. Mr I'slrympl mak thi a ipacUlty, and will path account regardless of sis. Ths St Chsriss bnt thi naun 11 it off th beaten track of Ninth sit set vi.l ,'suok ta the mod naarly t tha hub, esasing eonstl stsble trnnbls in patting it out. Govaiaor Paowyer, W H l-JJ. Cap Appittton sod S"trstry MaBlils, pss4 ! thrash Albany for Cvrvahi today ia at- 1 tend a meeting of the agricultural tosrd. Ths lt.bksU Dsgrss IOU7 will give an antartaiomsnt and ocir at lb Opera Hons rriday svatiiap, April 23. fcllorU are belag made Ut tasks tha cvsbiua one to be greatly iijoyad. While sttttt)tiDii to liebt his pipe at ao alrcttio aa ba was told to do in a 1 k by a fellow wtricmsn.a ilun.srtsn at Johns towo, Pa,, was insunlly killsd, acancntcf 3000 volt passing through hi body . Chief of Police Hoffman i entillaj to eredit for tha mannsr ia which be seaared fresHa. supaa;ed oi nvjsiog Ltst eikht's lira. Evan U not nooviotod of arson, tbare is avidsntly a good ease of larceny. Tnsrs ar Bsrsantrillss and Saras ptrillas: bat if you are not esrefc! in your purchsaa. the dUssse joa Uh to ear will only be intensified, B sure you est Avar's Ssrss psrilia and no other. It is compounded fiom th liotuiurasroot and other highly eonceotrtted aiteiatlvs. After sofforiaa horribly for years from scrofula in it wwt form, a young too of Mr K LKing, 70$ Franklin st., li.ihmml, j V., wa rcrntly cared, by the as of Aynr's flarsi,ari!!a, Ke other uiediciae esn sp proaoii t ds preparation ss a cleanser of U.e oiooa. : Mr Jchn Isom cpreed his new ic crrain parlors isat evening. They are fitted up in slessnt style snd ra a ortdit to Albany. A Democrat man bad the p;esore of psr tsking of some cf Mr Isom s ioe oresm sod van prnnoanee it a tioe ssaoy ever mad in th city, lit brans. Wood ts rasaager 01 tha parlors, and will ran them in a U rat olau style in every rsspsct.. 66 our -uraoes. 99 The envy uhown by other baking powder man ufacturers of the great prestige of the Royal Baking Powder is not at all surprising. For thirty years the Royal has been the stan " dard for purity and strength in baking powders, and has been placed at the head by every board of official examiners- whether State or National. The Royal Caking Powder Company controls hs own cream of tartar factory and the processes for making the only absolutely pure cream of tartar; it sends its product to millions of homes all over the world, supplies the Army and Navy, the great transatlantic steamers, the finest hotels and res taurants, and Is recommended by the best chef and authorities on cuisine in every land. Its sale is larger than that of all other cream of tartar bak ing powders combined ; it has more friends among housekeepers than any other similar article. These facts are bitterness to the makers of the inferior baking powders; hence their advertise ments, filled with malice, envy and falsehood, against the 'Royal. Consumers recognize a case of " sour grapes." rotstit rittrccEDMO. Bsttrday evening, ApHl 16th. . Present 'ecotder, Maishal, Stieet Superintendent, and all Counollmen. In Ihe absence of the Mayor, Council man Stewart wa clcciad Mayor pro tem. A ballot was had for 600 feet of bote, snd on the sixth ballot the contract was ordered let for the White Anchor hoe, Long V Scott, of Portland,agents, at ft. to a foot. This I the make of how that ha already served the city we'd, some pur chased In 1876 being In use now. Ordinance 247 providing for connection with the Ferry street sewer was read tl ree times and passed ; also ordinance 24 Sr au thorising the Mayor and Recwrdcr to make contract for hose. A batch of resolutions In reference to sidewalks and other Improvements, In eluding the condemning of the right of way for all lattera's connecting lih the Madison and Maple street sewers, were passed. The eJitor of the Mill City Casctte and the editor of the Sclo Press are having a wordy war. It has gotten down 'o a point here the former call the latter a cock toach devoid of common decency. Nest. days clear that and tntviLte. It is to be hoped that the fotlow this one will be as bright. Mr Cheshler has morel into his board ing bouse. Mr Peeler, the barber, left Sodavllie last week, but another moved io yestei day, so you see business will not stop for long. fk-vcrai of the men of this place, took their guns and hound and started for Ves Miller's 00 fox chase. "Catch him if you can." Mr flue Peery was visiting relatives near Albany the latter part of last week. Mr Ilarger has Improved the appear ences of bis dwelling by a near coat of Solan Falkner Is away visiting re latives this week. Mr Hue Peery is improving bis place by new picket fences. Mr Shepard has a very sick child. BorsKr. f BKttOX STATE WCATMB SRSTIC In co-operation with U tf weather bureau, of the department of agriculture office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather bul letln, No 3, lesson of iSi, for week end ing Saturday, April 16th; In Western Oregon the temperature continues to oe or low tn normal. There has been a slight rue In the day tempera lure but the night temperature has been slightly cooler during ihe past week. which latter condition allowed of general frosts especially on the nth and nth when ihln Ice was lormtd. Rain have been general, there having fallen from one half an inch In Jackson and Josephine counties to one Inch In Douglas county, the Willamette vslley and along the coast The rainfall since January 1st Is deficient from len lo twenty-five per cm turn throughout this section, while for the month of April only. It I slightly in cscrssof the ootmsl amount. The weather condition have been un favorable to all crop. Fail wheat Is generally in good condition, though In wet Place It la obtaining a bad colsr, II h little growth, but I reported to have tooled well and as being wei' rooted Tbe spring seeding has been delayed and In many sections it is not over haif done yet ; reports Indicate a general tendency towards a much larger aciesse than usual. Tbe frost have undoubtedly done damage 10 the iruit nuus, though the enact damage cannot no be ascertained. A freezing temperature existed on the mornings of the nth and nth In many locaHle and It was then that the supposed damage was done, It is however surmised that not more than the necessary pruning of fruit was done by the frost The boo men are busy In their yards and prrprratlon are being made to preverft, It possible, the ravage of the hop louse. Iu Eastern Oregon cooler night and wajiner days have prevailed than during the preceding wek, though the tempera ture condi'ltin conilnu below the nornval. General showers of rain with snow on the higher regions lave prevailed, the preci pitation amounting to from one-sixth to one-half an inch. Crop The soil Is In first class condi tion being unusually moist. Spring seed ing I nesrly completed. The acreage of spring grain Is the largest on record. D S Pagvb, Observer weather bureau and assistant director Oregon weather bureau. lit' AC IX BICAB. A Hrltwala 00 ra Baas Btollsns Pvte He rnske the following redactions in segsr fur cash t 17 IN diy granulsted for fi.oo, so His extra C white for 1 1.00. aa lbs 1ra C guldea for f 1.00. lie will also sell a'five gallon keg of pickle for 90 cents. PtoAB. Julius Gradwohl hereafter will sell Magnolia sugar instead of Extra C. Magnolia is said to be a better grade thanEitraC. Call and try it, CiKN & Hiauaicsois La ad. They have the groceries, the produce and the good treatment. They lead in prices and qua'.sty. If yon want standard groceries, call on them; it you want tne freshest produce do not pass by their store; their teas and coffees are the best. A good way to save money is by dealing with them. It will count in a month's trad g. Try it. THEaa'sXorHixa tn th e stories about extrsvagant plumber's charges when you deal with Matthews & Wahbvrne. They have first-class workmen, prompt and careful, and their price are sure to be reasonable. m 11 911 mm; 1 ; 1 t Tho court's fluty is to da-; ':- - I eide a caseon its merits. Th public is tho judo and w p prove to the court's pati-. faction that we undergo anyone else in the city WE LL LET YOU BE THE JUDGE IH LTHIS CAS? Oar New, Fbeeh akd Clean icck of ceasonaij. Goods, bought close, ttkcttd with gcccT judgment aat duality and in cood tasto as recards stvle nd antcaranc you will find it the Attractive, Popular, Satiefactor; ar. Low-Priced Stock ot the Season. j Boys, here's the placo to buy your suits. A liasebai and Bat with every suit. Tho Monkey will bo given away April 30th. Wil every boy's suit you get a ticket. T. L. WALLACE & CO. "Tha Leading Clothiers,'' I See our Windows. Cn cor, 1st and B Str AN EASTER Youa Attbntio! is called taour Use of Parbienn cost uei,cs pes, iacket,blasers Bad rtefiis, which ts now complete. They ate tiloT-md and guaranteed to fit. The c-Qtbs ate of tbe latest fabric. Very truly, Samuel E. Young. A. B. MclLWAW hss .just rsccived direct from the manufactories, new designs in car pets, oil ctaihs.liooleums sod window shades, wbicb will be sold ai reduced prices. I am also receiving a line of men's shoes, many styles," at 25 to 75 cents per pair less than regular prices. Ladies Oxfords. 1 now have a com plete line hi cine tn price frcm Zi.1 to 84.50 a pair. Good value and every pair .warranted, Samuel Young, Arrangement' are being'made lor pitting the 'Court Oouse Vgnare" ia condition for ball playing. Several loos) clubs will be orgauiz 4. Those cigars a number of the customers oi Conn t llendriotoa have been waiting for have arrived. 1 m ,0f The Coryallis Times calls one of its co temporartis, tha "moshpnt." Dress Ts.imming3. The" latest noveltie in dress trimmlcfr can always be found st It's NecEsisARY. -The necessity for advertising is very apparent to any reflec ttve mind. If an owner wishes to sell his property he tnust let someone know his wish If he kept his Intention to himself he srould also keen his - property to him self. To advertise means "to apprise, in form, make known, announce.promulgate, publUh the fact that Parker lire carry a first-class stock of groceries, produce and haVeA roods.wh!ch can always be depend ed on to be fresh and in season. The fact 1 one worth advertising. HUGHES, On Tuesday morning. Aoril 18. 1802. of Taralvsls. Mr George Hughes, azed about 76 years. Mr Ilutihea was one of the best known of pioneers of this yicinity, his face and solidly built fgure being familiar to residents of Albany and vicinity since 1848. He came to Oretron from Kentucky in 1847, taking np 640 acres across the Oaiaoooia the next vear. where ne re sided until a counle vears aco. when he took advantage oi tne boom ana soia out lor a handsome sum. moving to Atoany He was nnassumlnz. aud of a social friendly character a good husband and father, lie leaves a wife and five chil dren, lion John Hugnes, 01 Albtna, who was at his bedside when be died, George and Bud Hughes, Mrs Enoch Sloan and Mrs William Farley. More than as many more had died' years ago, diDhtheria scouree at one time takin on several. All who knew him will have a kind remembrance for Uncle George Hughes. SIC!) Eetrari $100. Tha rsS'Jen of this penar will ba tileased ta urs that there la st lasrt ona dreaded dines. thatsui'jace has boca abtti to cure ta !1 Ua atarrs, and tlu.t la Ontarrb. Hall's Catarrbj core 1 mo om ihisiiit curs nuw i tn niea kal fraUirnity . Catcrrli rictf a cvastitulionat Uonal AstVILLE, It Uowed and it poured down, but lor all that the Wader of the prohibition party mus ered up his little flock and, amid the storm, they started for Albany to see what could be done with that great evil. I do not know whether it was get ting wet or sometLing else, they all have a old. and are awful sore because they could not muster out one hundred. Tbey trved to muster some young voters in to secure their number, bnt failed, just as they wilt when June comes. It is amus ing to hear thera talk what a rotten plat form the democrats and republicans have. Too bad, isn't it, that a whole lot of old broken down politicians can't get in. ws re thankful we have 00 alliance men here. We have soma here that can't vote a straight ticket. Tnat is all right. I will say this in conclusion that bo'.h democrats and republicans have enough good men on their tickets that we can nave our count v otnees tilled witn the best of men. Vote for the man, not politics, for. county office's, but vote as you please for the state ticket. I hope every man in different precincts will look well to the interests of the county and fill our offices with the best of men. For County Commissioner we have two good uicu. iui "unci a m uio-.hee " honest and a gentleman, oce that will fill the office with honor. Bo is Mr ruth a eood man.- We will have a good County Commissioner let either one get there. habit iack, IDEA "WE'LL BATfLE FOR THE Id 1 liia llotig ' ! TLey keep the bst boys clothing to be found, their pric arc low,-and every boy gets a fine baseball and bat with hi: suit.' ' r" An - Elegant - Line -i - Hetei - Just - Optn: st RB0Vf.81ILLE. trostment. Hair v-si irru ?ura w tssea internally, acting flirecVlj; MwJ tria blood and mucous surfaces ot tU sjowm, t'icrhy (tuatrovlng tha foundation of thaitiseoau, sndgtvlnirthe patient trenstl by biiiuilnif op tli co:.titi:Hon and assisting nature tn dolus lis ware. The proprietor hv ao niiu U folth In IM curative power, that thev otter One Hunttrfd Hollars for any caaa that Is tail to cure. Bead for ltst of teaMmonlala. . Address, T. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold tj Druggists, 75c. Albany Itarkela. WHEAT. 67 CEflT. Butter, 85 cents per lb. Egg, l&eanta per doa, Potatoes, iS eents per bushel 1 Lard, 11 Q 1 ee-nt par lb, Baom-sliaaia, li cants; side-, tl cants ahojldera, B eenta. Baefon foot. 2 O 2WI cent per lb P-uk, ajreaaed, 6 eonta imtli Apple. 60 caiita. Ai p;eadrled,bleaebed5(a7et sun dsie-X' April 18th, 1S92. Dr 0 B Keese ts suffering from rheu matiauA o! the ankle. Ji Y Rusaell Is reported to be on the ick list. Henry McFarlan is still quile poorly. Tomorrow is the day set for some good work to be done in the way of putting out a ticket to win our Oregon back to where she once was in the democratic column.and if we will all put out sbould- iera to the wheel khe will surety come. We in Brownsville feel confident we will poll a good yo In June, and if all will work old Linn la cafe to the hated democrats. There are a few A'liance men, ia this place we find. It I should talk like an Alliance man, and as they all do, I would say I was a democrat and with the democrats vote, and let the third party go as it will soon do. . At Mead's, the jowelers, is a good p'see to buy a tilled watch. COMBINATION SALI -Of Money to Loan. I have money i sums of t500 to $20,000 to loan on 1m- nrovedfarni lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. Ne delay in furnishing the money. C t BUKKUAjtS, Keal estate agent, Albany, Oregon. HAUE1ED. THE NATIQNAI BOARD OF HEALTH WASHINGTON, D. C. In Bulletin Supplement No. 6, page 33, places Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder HIGHEST OF ALL IN LEAVENING STRENGTH. Trotting bred colts and filli At Poitlard, Oregon, May 7th, 1 892, at 11 1 M tlAVin l"!. REAVIS. CP nillCO. Butte county, C will consign to this sale fobe sold without reserve : 16 head by BLACKBIRD, 2:22. nOriPOE ClilEFa 2:18 1-2 SIGHAL 17ELUES, KOOHDAY. All high forraed individuals, of great size and substa The stock wil bo exhibited at the White House track, on Monday, May oth, and speeded tnrcj tha stretch. Terms, oue-half cash at tho fall of the h mer; and one-half in sixty days, on negotiable note, j ton per cont pei annum interest. Tiios. B. filcrry A naw barrsl cf thst choice -Msgooli syrup Jastrsesiyed at K B AHqu's; Briug your can and get eotna. COM papars fresh gar lea'aod flower seeds avsaiting purchasertfat . . ' C E EkownellV. VOLLST ADT LION. At the resl dence of QB Skinner, in this city, on i Saturday evening, at 8:30 o'clock, by Rev L K Fisher, Mr Henry Vollstadt and Miss Thekla Lion. . . , -.r'f .' : V Mr Vollstadt is a resident cf Albany ,and Ihe bride is. a late ai rival .from San Fran cisco, Calif. At home, corner Main and Water streets, Albany. Prof. R. C. Kedzie, of the MLcaipn, State Agricultural College, who personally superintended the examinaUon, says: "With the exception of DR. PRICE'S CrSam Wkin-O TowdkR", -which is a cleanly, pure, whole some compound conforming with natures own formulas of human diet, ye found every sample more or less tainted." Host Perfect Made. Ko' Ammonia. Ko Alaav Ancllon I WANI : , f 1 And m sail for the next 80 dsys lumber at my yard in Albany at these j Common Rough ....... ........ ? 9 Common Rough, aizsd ...... J (i Clear fioerlng, rustic, furnihli j. 1st quality - IS 2nd quality " 15 Laths, firm- LOTS TOCUIT. Come early -while the assortment In good. 2 I Aplil 13U , 1892, A. Wheeler, F.allroad Slitet, letwcsn iih