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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1892)
ar MW WAYS Of GIVING. Tlic art of a rich Now York man a few day ago u worthy of notice ami Imitation. He (rave a very large tun of money to found an inntitiit ion whore boys could lie trained to work. Thoy are to be taught many sorts of not mil man mil labor, common and skilled and fitted to do better work in the evera occupations in which they may engage than they otherwise could do. Thin, if the idea ii curried out aa the donor, Mr I'ierropont Morgnn, intends, meant a grout deal. It not only meant better wat and an easier life for thousands of boyt who are pupils at this practical school, but it meant also that they will in turn become practical teacher, by their example; that others to compete wiUi them will have to becotne'Wtttr work er; that there will be after awhile a greitor degree of excellence in many sorts of labor, beneficial alike to both employer and em ployes, and to society as a whole. Another thonghlful person ha made the UtMtion that a rich but good man can do no better when he thufTel off this mortal coil than leavo hi money to build good roads. What better monument could a man rai.- or hare Mined for himself tha ten mile of perfect highway; with tome where along it course a stone bearing the inscrip tion: "Hat road waa built and is to be kept in onto forever by a bequest left by Hon John Smith." Every wayfarer would blest the dead, and the tree growing up to arch the roadway would keep hi memory green. This it also an excellent way for men with more money than they ought to leave to their children for the children's own good to spend tome of itt Not only would a lastinir and beneficial "monument" be -thus created, but while it was in building - many men would be given employment. Heretofore the benefaction of neb men have chiefly run in the direction of colleges and public libraries. Of the former there ar already enough, or if not they will tprin up at lat at the need or the increasing population demand them. Free libraries are very well, but since books of all sorts have become to cheap that foodor the body is dearer than food for the mind, there is no great need for them. What the million' aires of the present, who see the tuisU of the dork river arising before their benumb ed vision and know that they have not much longer to live, and who feel like doing the world some good before they depart, should do, it something in the line suggested above, something that will primarily benefit lalor and common people in more varied and practical way than heretofore. Ex. NOT BCITORTING Bl'KXKlT. The Salem Stattsman st yt: "It rrsy be tated with perfect confidence Ihst not on 1 the friends of Judge Boise, but also, Judge Bol.e himself, are supporting Mr Burnett cheerfully and heartily." M Statesman: Thts "cktrfully and hrt ily" t putting It too strong. If Judge Boise trie to pursued bis friend to sup port Mr Burnett, he is. Indeed, a peculiar man, incapable of resentments and cspa ble of loving his enemies. A virtue (or which he ha no particular reputation. Judge Boise know that el year ago Mr Burnett's voted against hint at the polls, by the hundred In Salem. That at Independence Mr Burnett's friends, headed by J S Cooper, a particular friend of Burnett, voted against Buise and ran him far behind his ticket, and would have beaten him, had he not received a very large vote among the farmer and country people, who have always been his friends. Judge Boise ought to know that Mr Burnett Is a protege of the State Insurance Co. and under the Influence of Cottle, and that the monopolies wanted Burnett nominated, and oppoted hlin, and that Joe Simon was actively opposing him at the convention In Portland lie also, ought to know, that Burnef. signed Simon recommendation forjudge of the V S Circuit Court. The friend of Mr Bur.iett at the convention In Portland were constantly asserting that Boise would not be elected if nominated, and that t'.ey would work against htm and spend money to beat him at the polls ss they did six years ago. If knowing these facts Judge Boise cheerful! and heartily supports Mr Bur nett, hi friends will be much surprised and have a great deal let confidence In Mm than they now have. THE TICK rr. Hie matting of the democratic state con vention w:a an harmonious one. The ticket nominated is a strong one. The readers of the Dkvh rat will hereafter be made fa miliar with the men who compose it. L B Cox, of Portland, was made chairman of the convention and diaries Nickel, who lias so many time filled the position, secretary. Following Ls the ticket: Supreme judge. A S Bennett, of The TWIcs. ( Attorney-general, Geo K Chamberlain, of Albany. Congressmen, R M V'ejitch first district, and J II Slater second dLitrict. Preiilntial electors, W F Butcher, of Baker; It A Miller, of, Jacksonville; Geo Noland, ofGataop, and WL Colvig, of Jackson. Delegate to the national convention, J J Daly, of "polk; A Bub, of Marion; J h Cowan, of Linn; II C Grady, of Umatilla; 8 F Floed, of Douglas; T G Keame. of Jack son; F V Holraan, of Multnomah, and II Black man, of Morrow, Circuit judge, third dutrkt, J J Shaw, of Salem. ProwecutLng attorney, third dintraL W E Bilyeu, of Albany. State board of equalization, W C.Cauley. The olhei district nominations are; Eir.t Judicial District Circuit judge, r P Prim, II K Ha nnaf prosecuting at tornt-v, S U Mitchell; state board of equal xatiuii, V A Dunlpp. SeconJ DUcrlct Judge,M L Pipes; at torney, G A Dorrls; board of equalization, L UU;eu, Fourth District -Mdge, E O Shattuck; attorney, Newton WcQoy board of equa' fll.n,'c N Wait. . Flfili DiUrlct fudge., not XiUed; protfi eating stlwruey, A A CleveUndj board f equsll2tl.liK, n.-t Cited. Sixth Disti let Juge, M D C'iffordi attorney, C F ill de; board of equalization' W G Munter. Sevenlli DUrlcl- Judge, W L B.adsoav; attorney, I" A Moore; board of equa iza tion, illiain Hughes. Joint Senators Coos. Curry and Joseyhine, C K. Cliansel or; UmatiiU and Union, J H Rsley, .Shennan nrnl Wasco, J A Smith; Lake, Klamaih and Croik. 0 AGoifsweli; Til't moot, Waltinytxi and Clu.nbisf G W Ferctide. Joint Ri'pt'eeolatIve Tillamook and Vamhlli. G F Vv llliams; Harney and WH AtSKNATOB, Vtf SAV9. ! Senator George G Vest of Missouri wai at the Hoffman House New York. He came from Washington, he sal J, on pri vate business, tnd would remain In New York Only for a day. Appearances, the Senator sold, now Indicated that Mr Cleve land would be the candidate of the demo cratic .party. The loglj of the situation, which wa being to rapidly followed by the state conventions, pointed In this dl- tectlon. "In my own state of Missouri," remarked Senator Vest, "the democrat are for Cleveland, and will send a delega tion to the Chicago convention favorable to htm, although I do rot know that In st rue lions will be given by the state con vention. It Is not the usual thing In that state to Instruct; still there I no question that the party I tor him. "The date I for the tree coinage of !.- ver, and I believe lightly so, but that tssut should not and a III not, I believe, be made the prominent one In the campaign. The tariff, on which circumstance of the last eight years have made Mr Cleveland the leading man In the party, I the main question, and Cleveland I naturally the candidate for the presidency on that btsue, uit a MUl wa naturally the candidate tor the speakership In the House of Rep- resenUtatlvcs. I was tor Mills for that position on the seme principle that I fa vored Carlisle against Randall for the speakership year ago, and on the same principle I am for Mr Cleveland." 'D you think Mr Cleveland can be nominated f" Senator v est wa asked. From the sentiment of the country a I learn It at Washington, he can,' leptled Mr Vest. 'The serious problem which will confront the Chicago convention Is the situation In New York. I cannot say what weight the convention would give to th fact that New York had a del egation at Chicago solidly for Hill and opposed to Mr Cleveland. I have seen It stated that enough vote would be given to Mr Cleveland before New York I reached on the roll-call to secure him the nomination. 1 have not the figure on that question, but assuming, a seem probable, that the state on the list ahead of New York will cast their votes for the ex-pre-Ident, it h a question If hi nomination would not be considered Inevitable with out the vote of New York, even It the hcceary ndn.bcr wa not reached when New York broke for another candidate. rti ALL-IMrVTAXT QUESTION. "Can Cleveland carry New York Stater' I the kret question which will have to be met. We must have this tate to elect the president. Some proles to be Ileve that Cleveland can cany It. Some say he cannot. I have not the accurate knowledge of the men aud the politic of the state to make a prediction valuable, but the candidate must carry It In orier to be elected, and In the hUtory of the party t wa never more Important to elect a democratic president than now. Any es sential change from the Iniquitous tariff law which It now on the books cannot be secured without it, and, wl'h a republican president and the possibility of a republi can house, the force bill would be revived. If the legislative bodies aed chief execu tive are republican, that measure is sure' to come up, and lis passage would be- the most d'sas'rous piece of legislation which the country has known for year. "The free colnsge of silver, I believe. Is a desirable thing, but that alone wilt not bifngthe millenlum. With the existing laws on other economic questions, larger volume of currency than we now have would tend to go In the same channel as at present. The free-coinage question should not be given such prominence a to endan ger the chances of succcs on more Im portant questions. Many thing may oc cur to change the situation between now and the hour when the convention meet , Just as the situation be. changed very es sentially within jbe last thirty days. A month ago Hill's chance seemed to be good lor a heavy support In the national convention, white Cleveland did not seem to have the strength his friend had pre dicted and desired for him. Now the con ditions are revcrs-d- BUI reeus to be out of It, white Cleveland has been coming rapidly Into the consideration." Senator Vest' attention wa called to published statement respecting the strength of other candidate in some stale , notably that of Mr Gray in Indiana, fie aid he believe 1 Indiana wa a ttrongly for Cleveland a Missouri, and It wss the general Impression that all the slates In the list which will be reaehed on roll call be fore New York, with the possible except ion of Georgia, which was said to hare a divided delegation, would be for the ex president. SOMETViXO ABOUT 8ILVEU. "Will any further action on the silver aneation be!taken by thi congress?" Sen ator Vest was anked. "I think bo voting will be done. There may be a good deal of gpeeclimaking on the subject. I have made no eaavsis myself, but some of the senators who have inter viewed about all senator on the question have told me that there are not enough votes in the senate to pas a free coinage measure, or secure comideration of one. They ay that thirteen democrat and thirty one republican will vote against consider ation of. a free.eoinaga measure, and that would prevent a vote on th iaave, for there it never a full senate, and the forty-four who are scheduled against it are half ot the entire body. Senator Morgans resolution ill draw out spcechec, but that i all 1 hink." "What lmpresoon. has Senator Hill made in the senate?" - . ' Practically none, because ha ha been there so little. He came to Washington with a deal of eclat, having a record of great strength in this state, but I thiuk he ha not held hi own. He ha been awny very much, and i hardly on record on any question. He ha not fulfilled the expecta tions and the predictions that were made for him." "Will aoy of the tariff measures reported from Mr priax's committee pass the ten ate?' "I don't believe they will. Tho republi cans of the cnate will not allow it. They are all stalwart when a tariff measure cose in sight, whatever may be their view on the question of free coinage." Senator Vest said he4hought the present session of congress would be a abort one. There would be little important legislation except the passage of the appropriation bill. Senator Vest laid further that he did not approve of the May convention idea for thi state, and that if a divided delegation went to Chicago Jt would present the " gravest question to faU .convention , that the ' body would be called on tefyTigMef, Y , Gov Campbell' challenge to tlje republ eins to firtducs a single workman whone wag- ha-! lc?n inr.ieasol c t'n result pf the McKinley bill meets witjb no response from Reading, where the announcement is made of a reduction in the wage of pud dlcr and of the indefinite closing down o two rolling mills. The Scio Press bays that it will not en WASiUNtiTtM. (rrum our rssuiar oorrtnmtont. Wasihnotom, April n, 1801. Republican are bo longer do rg niach talk . Ine about th 'do nothing Hots." Fmi two tariff til's f.-e wool and itt colton lit ler. and bagging In on wtck Is I sglsUlIng lirely too fast to suit the republltsn, and thi tUs subject of thi legislation U ot a pleasant on for hm to comtemplalr It recall mem ories of the cyclone of '88, whlct nuk thir ell. knees shake at th prospect for it dupilc- tbn next November. It hti leaked Out that prominent republican mcmbe- of th Senile Flnsnc Omimltte wish to dodg the tariff Utuc by mothting ir,i the bills In committee, that It not reporting L - thtm back to the senate at allthey do not wish to hear, nor to allow th country to hear the tariff speech which Senator Cart.) has ...i . ,k. ,t c...ia Mil a. a, tilth was .JamJi u .k. .... H-..u.. th - .. nt,,..l It ,o hi. maiden snetch In th. tsnt'e Another reason for tslshlng to imolhet these bills t that there are several republican sena tors who re considered by l b republican lesJers as shaky on the tariff question. Dem ocrat i st no tors hsv served notice en the rr K..1.1L ... ii,., iV.. umiM ika smother I 7'.:r.-T' v . J .ng f.roc., . , ; : "-tof7"U;"; her the enat stands, and that mtv result i- .i i. m. ik. m..k . , , . . I .h.llnii n( tk. mitnlrv finm hi OWB , . , , . sioe buresu, txcsui a man wte had been em ployed by RiprccntailvtCoDer, of Indiana, had used Cat cenllcniaD't tier slur tn obtain Information from the Tansioa Office, which be tirrd told for hi oa beicfit to pn'rO sttoinvys, wss a flat failure; Ibat Mr Cooper knew nailing tlout h tisnsictioni ass ful ly shown by Utters in Ksum possefsion The ess v-iih ahich a real estate pool ha been shuffling off depreciated i.rounj upon th government at a fabulous p. ice is creating much Ulk. List yw all Wsshio.ton aon- deted whys bill was smoothly psssed locating he rostoQk an th south tlv of Pennsylva nia Avenue, la the most disreputable part ol th city. At least llire prkei were psl 1 by congress to the ground; and now the tngi neers sre trying to bnd a foundation on in tit in a twtup and ttner water. A pi bss been deviled to line the smite cellar, eov rinif a sous re. wua rortiand cmnt, use a el.,. and. uumoieir tnaralat will b- used i kMn li Hrv. Th rellar m ill U Disced aa AO I foolniles. r - - 1 k . hill ..nre.d la !. -r. 'el la baild anew Tsteat .IT.c. ia lUe am to- of a1!l aiak. I rtm am KL TmifKlAl Llal alt al l, tAO T0du.nd th siteslioa. IK. ...A.. .t W. Ihat lb.. elMV of Teen- sylvsei. Avsaae b. dep.rted. The kw, ..h..hM Walitv. subiect .o overflow, ha. .t i. i l .:,... ik.e. UVN lUVwUrVVU evw 'I V . hWV. rtk. o. F aJO st-eets. wkete are aow al fu best store sad most of the gov- Tk. a.,.. .OMrtv Avceu pioperty glHUICUt VHKWWk,! . s a 1 lnl.1i l Unload tbll j,i.i- ...i unn ti,. eovaraaieat. Th . at.d bv tb. l.rst r!r bare. - ' ' - - K.. . 0.. rm ike Avn.ue. b a svndi- r ' ' .. cat of resl esta'.e ageots, whe gel a goodly slice in eosamisions. sad it b surmised llisi there r member nd eotor wboe ttn Is a-e net ilea. This U mm ih.a a toca scandal. Every paper la th country stooUl tak elitoill cognusBce of it, and every reader srould cut thi ankle 'it and send it to hi tntaiber of congress. There are loo nsy nxeibei ol corgiess wlo vot gregar iously, sod benre Ignorsotly Ttere sboatd be ao excuse for ignorance. bea ibis bill come to a vote. Assistant Secrelsiy Nettlcloa Is lb guilty man. It h be who wa retientible for the spending, without kgal suiboilty, of a large am of money l jElli Ittaed, toooey that wa certainly extravagsatly Uvishea upon (.vored cootrscioit.snd wliich later dcv!openU may show to hire been dishonestly expended. Immigration affjir hsv been takes out of Nettletoo's hand, but tSt it nor e nought every member of the Ilou anJ senate committees on Immigration, which are conducting thi Investigation, believe Ihst he should be compelled to resign . Su perintendent Owen had notlJng to do with pending the snoney, but the Investigation ha made hi genet al Incomp rnce to plain that It may be regarded at ctrtain that he will have to retire. Representative McCreary Introduced in the House a bill prepared by Representa tive Springer, providing for the holding of an international monetary congress, to endeavor to reach an International agree ment a U the relation which should be maintained between go d and silver and the uniformity In weight and fineness of cole. The bill I a long one, and wa prepared by Mi Springer previous to hi late illnes. Only three democrat iJng.Uh of New Jersey, Cobuin ot Wisconsin and O'Neill of Missouri voted against the bill to put cotlon tie on the free list. Congrewrmaa DulzcU. of Pennsylvania, in the course of a tariff debate on tlie floor of the house the other day, aid: "Mr Chair man, I understand that the McKinley tity doe raise the price of 'the poor man' din ner pail' about 5-12 of a cent, and my sug gestion to him is that, if he ha to pay it. he pay it out of the S3 a year he aves on republican free sugar, and he will (till be I.99 7-12 ahead. Ortgomnn All of which show that free' trade in sugar i much better for the consumer than taxed tiff, and a the consuming class con stitute the greal majority of the people, and good policy require that such laws should be passed as will produce the greatest good for thn greatest number, then it woujd be much butter to have free trade in tin a well a in sugar. And thus does another pro tection prop fall to the ground. In their platform adopted yesterday the Maasachusett democrats "heartily indorse' the tariff reform measure of the present house and pledge tbemse'yps to V welcome, whenever it can be enacted, a coraprehen tive bill making a general reduction inthe duties imposed by the tariff bill of 1883 and by the yet more opprewive tariff legis lation of 1890." And in connection with thi they endorsed Mr Cleveland for the democratic nominataoo. Whether tlie nom inee is Mr Cleveland or- a western democrat the campaign of education will go on do Massachusetts until the state is redeemed from republicoHkm Mid ignorance. Judge Boise, who so long and faithfully performed tb duties of circuit judge of thi judicial district, is out of the fight this campaign. Geo H Burnett, of Salem, will be the republican candidate for circuit judge Should either Judge Bonham of Salem, or Judge Ramsey, of McMinnville be nomi nated by the democrat, they will have an eay "walk over" Mr Burnett, a there ig or should be no politic connected with tha o(Ece. Dayton (rep) Herald. ... (. curious -fcalure of the diEcusrion of the tariff eoy going on ;in congress i tho al most total lencg of ,the republicans. Tbey have dope .little pr nothing more than move to adjourn or to demand roll-j;al!ti. Jt ,is not because they are in a minority, for it was much the same in the Rijed congress They did not, defend the McKinley bill then they passed it with as little diHcumdon as eags&?i iiiieaii. urn 'mi ""''"J'if!1!r OkMOriUYlC i Ol JITt TICKET. KraTATivrs A. nievln. M. A Miller, W. I Elmore. UouNTVJutxjy.Oeo. Humphrey. CoUNtY Commission xa. T. K. the Mil- Covntv Oi.xhk N. P. Payne. County Rxotmoaa E. E, Davis, fUttairy.c, C. Jackson. County TaKAsuatR. llrlr WalUee. County Asror. J, E. Michael. -School SuftaiNTRNtmNT. 5. F. Ku- County Sl'Kvbyor. E. J. O'Connor. t OUNIY (JOKONKK. Klllnk Farrell, fumes or thk PxACKuf Albany, Cen- Albany and hrlco precincts. L. kit uri. L' JJ TK&NBt'UTK, Mr Shlvely, of Indiana, reported from committee on wsys and means the bill to reduce the duty on tin-plate, and It wa referred to the committee of the whole. The committee states that the bill pro vldvs that on and after Oct i, i8ya, the duty on tin plate, terne plates and tagger tin shall be one cent per pour.d (Instead of a.a cents), and that on and after Oct i, i84i th. - y.hall be admitted tree of duty It further provide, that block, bar and pig tin shallbe retained on the free list. ' .... . Tlie report criticise theMcKlnley act and 1,e rf Prl "incises iitcMcKlnkjr act and contend that the increase of duty on tin contends that the Increase of duty on tin la nlate wa not for th mimosa o! raUlmr neceary revenue nor of fostering an tx Isllng tin plate Industry, The revenue wa not needed and the Industry had confess edly no existence. The only purpose of the Increase of the duty, the report says, must have keen to compel th usn of sheet Iron for roofing purpose In preference to tin or to tax II v Ing, self-supporting Industrie, to bring In to existence an Industry which the mil lion of dollar exacted from American consumer since t&ss had not quickened Into tlfe. ii tne lormer wa me purpose. It I ar at..-. . gued, It Involved a wanton sacrifice not only ol the tin-roofilng Industry but also of tne Interest of those who use tin-plate lor other than roofing purpose. If the latter wa the purpose, It Involved a new and distinct perversion of the federal tax ing power by making present, Unglbtti and profltabte Industrie the sport and prey nf I - . i a .s proapwuv conjectuiai any tpccu'.auv adventure, .l, mi teport says. " '"'I'-tlons ol tin plate, tcrne Ptal nd ' ' h Kal year I J- 3o. .V. rount.d to 6SO, yS pounds. 1 he Import.tlon for the fic1 Vr wer '3674 Fan J. marked Increase Is attributed largely h nrt to anticipate the effect ol the Mckinley law on the price, though tlie i III I "" " rT-ing rapiu.y every year i. ass . . . srsr " " r- r-- I a fair estimate oltSe present I rinuald-r, " "'r n preaem Iatl itu. '"vrtiiir, rewnuv, ins prcv enl condition of the public revenue tug lor " vclentlon of a p.rt I . - J.. fa . f I w UUV esseniiai raw ma- I ,.,l.l 1.... I . I A 7 a- -k tic Industrie Justice and good toller te quire the entire removal ot the July al an early day. "Tho McKinley an granted privileges the proposed act restore right. Noth ing U althheld from a.iy American Indus try whlc In reason belong to It, while that relief I granted to many American Industrie to which by every consideration of Juttlct and sound policy they are un questionably entitled.'' The shifting of the political kaleidoscope from day to day shows bow worse than foolish it u to try to tvlcct in February or even in April the best man to nominate for president in June. tt 1 L. . , Hisini. The wood born luuependent eayi Sheriff Cioiaeq baa cleared Slft.COd as sheriff In two years. A good income, If the figure are right, equal to runoins, a newspaper. ' Mr Geo Stlumn. the expressman, lias jul, purchased Fraler't potted trotter, 4curiog a rare bnrgaln in horee fifth, lie I recelying the congratulation of bis friendi generally. The State Democratic Convention meets In Portland tomorrow. The Linn delegate. Including tho tall man of the DaMocaATvre all there ready for business, 0 K Wilkinson, en of the democratic nominees fur representative of Lane coun ty, I not yet twenty. one, but will bo of ge before be I elected, Wilkinson beat th record. A Walla Walla man about a year ago started a man out wltn a bnd of sheep on Ihs range. A few day ago he received the following fiom him: 'If you want me to remain here an v'il have logct another band of heep; them' all gone." The A'elcome sy: Foghorn WUa, recently appointed regUier of the Lake view land office, does no, appear to be weighed lo-ti with the burden of official duties, He did no', like other holding slmllsr position In the state, attend the republican convention nut he Is putting In hi limeextolling the vlrtuesof McKinley Ism, high tariff sod the grind old party to the resident of Lake count; , The peo ple of that section of the stale wicrlt the condolence of the regaining portion over affliction put upon them by te Oregon delegation The Democratic state convrntlon - was in session today, butlitt'e of importance had been done at pre time, the p at- form being the main Udflg .during the ft f t A n f ei 4 !v wtrw sfssviB Two boys were in Albany today plying their trade of playing on an aucordeon and taking up a collection, who certainly were in a crippled condition. One walked on his knees ami the other bad a badly broken back. They were a curious part nership. On Thursday of thi week on complaint of Alfred W H6ugh, Alfred Hough, an uncle of coir.plainunt. wa arretted on a charge of breaking open a trunk and pur loining therefrom a bill of sale of certain horses and also an article of co-partnership. The accused was brought before Justice Bell for preliminary examination, but the evidence was so gauzy that the case wts dlsmlsjed.r Prlnevllle .News. Linn county people wiil take great pleasure in putting crosses after the name of two of her uiost popular sons, Hon Geo Chamberlain for attorney general and Hon W It Bilyeu for proaer cutlog attorney of the third district. They are live, able men In their pro!es bions. Mr Chamberlain has already shown hie fitness in a marked wanner for the offiee of attorney general, and Mr Bilyeu at a criminal lawyer probably ha no superior In Oregon. The third district will undoubtedly elect bim. The following items appear in the Salem Journal : Nearly thirty persons united with Dr Brown's church Sunday, a number bold cards from the Mills meeting. Sunday was a red letter day at Dr Corwin's church . Sixty-nine were taken into tbe church In the morning. Rev Corwin expects to receive nearly as roanymore ' flier church-will be one of the fnrgest gainers by the - Mills meet ings. ' -l" V ; - Tiii.F.aitAPmo News Was it Test. WAHittKfiToK, April Ifl.-Tho net Ion of liouso in embodying extraneous matter in thn Contrreiwionttl Itecnrd wa brought to the attention of the tsennto today in thd shape of a resolution offered by rtandort, inntruet.inir the judiciary commilw'fl to in quire if tho publication in thn llecord of copyngiitflu wok without tno consent or Uio pronrintor was an iiifrinin'iiient of Iho proprietor right, ami whrtiiir it mitgwrs any person who toll thn ltorord liability to iliutiuifcx. This win fiillownd by a direct . i . . . . .... . i ml of the strmtifth of tho silvrr num. when the n nest ion fume tin on KyUVa motion to strike out of the Ariwmnfimndinif bill thn clituwd rriiiriit payment of intcrcd. In frold anil lnwrnnir nm wuriiN. "in mwiui money of tho t'nitoil ftUt." Iho motion irovuil ed.iMtoiM. He Missed the Adp!. PiTTM i'im, April 10. During tho per fonnanre of Wild' llicatitr toitiht at Me Kewmrt, Frank Knrgfitnt hot nnd prohnb tv falullv iiiiiirml hi fWMNtiuit. Frank lir- guson, in an ntuiimvnr to snoot an appie from the latUr's hcaA. Kevt-ntl women fautttHl and a panic narrowly avoidml Aa Carlbqeakrt Vacavii.i.b. Ctd April 18. The town uroii to have lwwt the ntrr of a grrmt rnirtttiuake sheck tin morning. Ilia main trnft prpiwnu a picture unit tggar uis cripUon, the thoroughfiiro being blockinl with brh k. lumber, tuortur and Un( MT ft SV fif Si" the nouth tide ol the trt that wa ami tangieu on Ht , myn le,4 wriKkl and ome of thra am total los. The thot-k struck the town at l"t H minute to turee o clock ana iiwuhi I i..n.. .1 j , iuiit uirrv tliliuu-rn ui is milium. ( lark Cewlag. PoHTt.AX, April 19. Dr FrancU E Oark. nonularly known a "Fatlunr En dcavor Lhirk, ami winxm name a uio founder of tlie Christian Endiavor move- incut is now almost a houwdiold word In every part of the world, will visit thi city on next I rniav. hi now almost two ywtr int lr Llark vuutinl Portlund. ami whim tli-lpgat, reprcNwuting twwity-two nocimiH throughout Orccm auimblil to bear bim, since tlun the Christian Knihavo aocietie have multipliml in thi state nntil now they number over iw. Al Winter. Wixtkiw, Cat April 19. An eartb'itiaka tlimk visited thi station at 2:i5 this morn ing, causing general dWrurtion to property A large uru;a nou-i, tne irnna ouuning, ltartholet s two storv stono building, and in fact every building in town i ilanmgixl. The Iimm will reach at leat "'O.OUO. N o one wa hurt lb eklsbsas Bash. KistorisiiEB, 0 T April 19. The open' ng, as witnrxxed from here, wa compara tively tame. The weno aljout tlie land otlii-e where trouble wa expectou, w;u spectailv quiet, lite race from the txipi'-r wa rx "tlngand - atUmdM byal. Uiejn.nU territory. Charle H rierce, a boomer fran NeUrtuka, roi-e-l a llork Island train for tlte towrwite of Okarciie and Uat tlie train, hav ing only two mile to go to the train throe. iVn locaitxl the whole toDito a a homentead. The paawmger and railwoy otlii litis were greatly chnifrinel, but located 1 t I at lrrrMtIA Ail tuiflttti I'lMrfawal tI claim, and u wU, imlt, ttkM0 m, Tfce Msslsra Tlveatfl lsae4 Wasaixotox, An agrceinrot bet wt cn the UnitI !tata and Great Ilritain for a mnl us virendi in relation to tlie fur teal Sshrice in Ilehring sea fur the prrxent upasiin, wa rignad thi morning by Sir Julian l'auv futa, Uio Britv-h nuni-tr rrprewnting the govomnuint of luir nieity, and by Jamr tl liUine, tevretarr of staU. rriirrspntirig Uie govemmant of tbe L'niuid Situio. Ttn imiMirtant agrneiiwnt wa sigtuwl at 11 o'lltx k this ntorning at the reeithtuw of anrrvtary lilaine, who. owimr to the invkmt ent wealiwr. did not go to the lUportment. He at once tk it over to U? executive nan sinn, and laid it before the praathmt, who thi afternoon tranmittl it to the senate fur it sundiim. Tbe modus i in the form of a upp!eimntal convention to the treaty of arbitration iwwitly negotiated and rat itil. It slate that both govwrnmimt will tirohibit duruiif Ut senlinir seoMm tha kill ing of teal iu that imrt of tlui lk'hring fVa lying eastward of the Una of dmiuukation. dtwribed in article No 1 of tlie treaty of 11$ U tweMi the l'nitel State and Huuua. and each govemment will enjoin it cituu-n and veswls to an oWnranne of tln Bgne ntent. Tlw Unitinl rJtate. ii 1 understood. i allowed to kill for tlie tnibsiotenc of tie native on their liuvt of Ft i'aul and Ht Ueorire Iff), tbe tame restriction as wa made last year, and the I'njted State bind itscit to observe this prohibition. 7 late riTTanrjia, V April 17. Tbe reidt of Ilaxlewood. a city ruburb in the twenty third ward, art rowidentbly c.wrc imod over the annouruvnipiit of tlie approaching nup tial of J A Ken her. agid TO, a wealthy n- tireu haruware tmrthant, and M us MUb Iaulding. agwl 22, a bwchpr in the twenty. third ward public arliool. Mr Kerdier ha A ffCiB'ji up family, who are vigorous! op- puuig uie tsmm& 01 me 01a gem. I aisark roitriaKD, April 17. A alight earth rtwk shock wa felt yesterday at 2:57 p m By many, it was nnobaerved. i'eoi'le si lawe noiicea it plainly, uy soma K wa thought to be a ingW vibration from y ett to eat. Uttier reiiort three shock in con- nected suVcecsson, one from west to east. one from north to south, and anothtr from west to east. Ilhp rattW and door creaked. On rortiand Height it wa plainly felt. pimples. Tk aid Idea of ye aw wa thai futal rssUfu were s te a "bleed bar,M fa which Usy u. poUja. - Tbs all Hi olj tars ariUs oulala oSaab, a postolsstlstisbls as dniU atiaaral, Ust raslsU f drsUi, etaally srssMs tsre erspasss. Tea ksv as Km4 ibta W.ta tsaiaf oiks arsaiarilla tfcati Jey'a t U I svr av kasva ks Ik itsa ack, tk 01,. I raHag wr, I U ml f 4 vlUadnx er laa ynieaa A siosssA iCi by lulfsstia at ssaMlpsUsa, vtKats sk blooa. result plssyls. i slsas ssosaash a4 kMlthful d.ssUau paets a an ibsy laar. Tbu Jo's Vtgetalj! arsrlIUUesipiiad4 aiur Ui auJsra ids to rsalas tk bowsU aa4 Uiaalal lb dlcssuua. Tb sfSolit lmmcdlats and most satisfactory, a sbsrt tastlmoolal t eontrsst ib sctlou pf lb potash aanararllla aad loy't saodara vsgstabl arsyaraUon. Mrs. C. 0. Ctuart, f 400 Usys iu. I. F., wrlts: "J asv for yars liaJ IndlfsalloD, I trld a opalar rsvkrllll)mHt atua)ly eaased mar plrs.l- k break out a ss fac.' llejtrttt that Jey's fm alalsr preparation n cuJ dlfsretitly, I IrlM It Slid lb pimples miat.V.ts! d-psrail." Vegotnblo Oarsaparilia Lamest boltls, most sCsrttv, saras prlo, FOR SAL BT CEO C STANARD ALBANY CURB A nswsrd Cumolets Tnstmsnt, consi.tlnf of 8up pMitnrtes.Uiutment in Cn.uls,alw In Box and PilJs s PotitireOur for stsrualjntnrpal blind or Blssd Ing-Ituhlnir, Chronic, Rscont or Hereditary l'llra.and many olhcr dlaests Stld tamala wetknemcs; It . t JMiy s grsfct beti.flt to the (eneral hcsllh. first SUHio.vr of amejioil oiirs rnddrln an f.uiailnn with tlia k ile unn(re.ry hrs(ur. Tbla rtmxly hunevwbiMo koosru to fall. ifnertj, ..r6; MI by msii. Why suOor frsra this turrlht wi.omi whan a written ruarntu it positively given iit) t refund las money if nor cured, ttimd Uuii for frie Ksnipla, Gusnntes itsusd by J, A ramming, Prsggisi, aie Ater. Albnu, Orcitou. ARE -YOU-GOING -TO -RIDE -A Joy's Ike bcmeftsi, FottTtASD, April 18, ConirresKhicn! It M ea;h, of Itne county! L h Mr-Arthur, of Portland. Hirprcmfl jud; A H Bennett, of Dalle City. Prwiilimtittl nlectors? W F llubhrsr.of lluknr City, HA Miller, of Jacksanvillrt! (loo Nolan, of Astoria. an looked like tho ticket the dcmo'THtic idnte convention would notninata todnv. The Kant urn Orngon l(pif!ibw piuifiiui vo.nrlnv and drKidnd that the vrmim!mtirt should 5omn from 1'nrtlanil, and Jml-m McArthur t tncir lavorttfi. Kastflrn (iroifon amn do culeil uhiii Mr lliifi'licf for elector ... jllcnry iiiiMknian unit Jl U (inwly Uif -ilolnwitwi U t.Mi naiinnai convent inn. Their rhitioni! sure. ; Miiler. of Jiickwui. ml Nolan, r-f Ast4irm. will urolialilv tx ntuMH lAtH'tnt with thn fourth nmn to Ihi w-lecteil. J J Hlmw will ltrohohly be nominated fTt ircuit jiulgti, and W It liilycti or Ceo Wriht for jwow cuung aiHirney or tno Ikt UiMtiict. - rriew. Salkm, Or Ajril lg. he mimnm eomi met at 2 o'clock till afternoon, but heard no argument in the attorney-generaMiip matter, owinjr to the alwmre of some of tho attorney. 1 he tnatU-r wa set for a hear, ing at 9 o Jock tomorrow tnoniing. The proropilingii were a follow: Mara A Uawson, appellant, v Cluirle f5tuart, rwrpondent: appeal from Iinn county ! Judgmnnl of the lower court aflinn d ; opinion by Chiet Justice Ktrahan. Meekly Married Kewahk, N J April 17. James Abbott alia Janie Hlevennon alius n,arUm Kioven- ton, pleaded guilty to a chare of bigamy, and wa remanded fur r,r,,n..r tniirried seven wives. wi twi.w pnnwiMn,l tit bigiuny and wnlenctid to four and five year t'iv MTt'ijr, iw ring nmg prison. Mrs Abtiott, the legal wile, is living in Brooklyn Blie aitura to hnv.ufnr.ntii,... .11 a Im ha taken him back after each offense though she testified aguinst him at each trial. Bsgarilat Defeat Barren t VlitoistA. Ill, April 17. Captain Bogar du, the world' champion winir hot. fen ted Cnerire Borrest. hot, here yesterday afternoon, by thn cor of 4 to 41. Tlie match wo at lifty tin birtls, for 100 side and the gate reipU. ii.:- . .i ... . . i i wu nm jinru ami unit mati n. A BIG STOOF :- OF Baby :-: Buscis kestjsisrrlrrent cvrrtrccgM to All:rj yusi recciveu at StcVt A Sox's. See the Peggies and Cel tntti. WALL PAPER. 10 cent per diuble roll. Send s cenl stamp vr samples. SCJIOKIEL1) A MORGAN, IW Third St, Portland, Or OOOOOOOOOO OGOODNEWSO 0 For the null ion t of cwtt&mert of Q oTuttfsPillse o f It flvra tr. Tt ftmwnr ta-rt w aoM ItuU be i now putllus np ' TIKY LIVER PILL O Owlitrt, a nrasewMUnfty smalt s!h 4 ft rtolnlnc all Uta vivliwanTsho J larewr oiim. UtmMUiWtl yarrty vravialtU.. IW4ltsiMrihMlll. ImhmkI. Th Mu of OTUTT3 TIKY LIYCR PILLS ft is slut w la Uu border ofti.te sA." OOOOOQOOQO FOfiTMILLEB & IRVING - A . . . - S 0 V 4 ft -FUNEIiAL DIRFaTOHS.- Arterial Eirbaliulng daue f'ule'itlfioslly Altiany, Oregsa. REVERE HOUSE, lLB4tty. r ? obegch ;iIAS. PFE1FFCII WPniETOR, F'Ud up I rat I as tyl. Tabli ftpplied wk tb beat ii the market Nic lMplca aaartmepu. Mample more r eoinmertiTal traveior. HEALTH IS WEALTH kftMr Da K C W.xt's Nssvt .is Bmi Tstrvt, ruarsntoed BfweiSs for iljsuiria, lllulnwn, Con vtiUion. flU.Nsnmus Nsurljrik.lIodMh,Neivous PmrUfUi eauaad by the um at slsohal or tobacco, PakafulnM, MenhU prMlon, t.rfuuinj ol ths kraia rtsulilns In Inuniiy atd ImJio to iwlgrr. daeaysn! death, 'ild Airs UtrrrifntM. liss of rower a silktrsss, uoluntnr Lomos and (rmatanlioss eauMd by ovar-atarli n at ihs brain, salf-abuas or arer-lndu'eaniM. Bh bh suntain ana month's trtatmauJ. II. al a box, nr ais baxas f x Si. sent by n all or up tld au raoaipt at priua. WI CFAHASTKK AIX BOXES T'iou any su). With swh anlar raoalral be us forsix snxe., aono.naniad with V00. ws will aand tlie piireh ivr oar wrltum guarantee to refund ths m aiay If ths traatmanl dji not arfaot a eura. Uuar antass lawad only by 4 A CanniluR. Uraialst, Bale Agent, ..... Albaay, ureiton, FOSWAY & MASON -vvuium asu aarn, Druggists and Booksellers Ach u for John B. Alden'a publloattona, tslch we aell at puhUsker' prteee witb tagearMsv' ILBASIT, UttKUOjt ALB.45I V COLLTlN A'GS'Y - I , C, H. DALRYMPLE, Manager, Oollsctlons a srsoisllf ragardlen el slia. Carras pondants In all tha valley mess. 'CrriCE Ovar L B aia's slors, FosUr's Bios. AKLE GOEASS THE WI.I. - It woarinir flualltlaaar onsurpaasad, ai-tu-U!' etlaatins t wo toses of mivofliur tintn L No SiSaottd by baat. UTfi F-'a' f i t fci Cii-iv t J S, FOB RA1B BY PBATJB3 GKNERAtLY ? pr EGOS. Pure bred 8 0 Brown Iesr I hornessfi SI per 13. Addrecn, W W Crawford, Tallmn, Oregin. - t - .-'! .'.iVJS h linn il'l R'Mt". . r. u- ..fen j.. 1. eTN, V. V.' rV: A . . iw -i.. VTBtATMHWr--' -I BEST 1ST st()ck off Impknci MitchoIljTBwJM & SHILOH'S GOtSSUPTIOH DURE. Th tte! of this (trt Ceuck Core I wIllMiut a parallel la thn h fiUiry of medicine. AlldAii;Kl(rnt!iii-l J to will It on B pus llive (ruafiinU". a twt tnt no other enr caa snewfil!y sianil. 'I Kut It uy blooms IttKnn,, IU Vrtmriainti, ntn enurrmrae vw mu. are fjis ln H icni Ikrt'lo fre Into evory boif.'j in itrs C'u.k-J feutM and ('nsla. If t4 lijivu a 'n.7?t, t-nr lliroal. or Bron cljllH. ui t, f.if 1 if you. If ycof tlilld hit th? '.-"nr. or V.'li'MdC!o"Xh . ' It timwi', f'i" r.-lt.jf !- ii. If oo Crs-t A y.'Htr l-',f-i.t Ur r'flblTH n.KB, iniutn Hi"l huts, KM'oVs I't.rona ruwr. Jrt c!. J m Kls by iJ Umy- r' ts''.'- NOTICHISUBRKSY OIVE!lIlAT the annua, tuerrtlng ,t the etnek b IJer of the Albany V!eu Mill Company will be hsIJ at tbe siBj of sl comcacy lo thi otty of Albany, Unn eountr, Orettn. 00 Tusattr. tbn I0t day of May. mi. al tk bo'ir of 1 n'e'onk p inof 'U day, f ,r tb purpose t l ing (t) four dlreele- to a rye asM em' rwny t lb trra of on year, and fr lb tr.naaflUin ef suoti Mb bosines a may loyally eotn bttfur td tns.lne. Done by order or tbe tvM rr pireetor. A TT 3 M MOYEK, JI' UsLniaiin I'realdtnt. Strrslary. NOTICE. rp"K PAKTNERSinP HKRETO. I fore exUilna; undnr lb Oris nam of llfmts A Browne)! I ibis day dissolved by muinst consent. Mr Hyman retiring from lb firm Wlablog to n'o ap onr bantn by May 1st all psrtls knowioe tbemoel tnivbted to tbe firm wlil pteseeti:e iblr owunts imnssd-aiely. tithr partner will lfr la ilqnldatluti. Atbany, Or, April 1Mb. Ikwl. A IIYMaN, ALBEKT UROTHEI.L. avloa pureb) tb Inurwrt of J A Hymtn in tb MAlbny Korer'.e,w I aliaU rontinii lb botlnMl U tb old Incailon, on aa olarad w ai 1 banking onr friend for Ikstr llbaral ptrona In t bo past. 1 stall endeavor forlb lutur by lair and libsirai dealing to merit a eeii tinuanee f your favor. Albtnr. r., April 15th. 103 A LB UST BUG) vVNEL.1.. Rano:. t Out County Court oj Linn County, Ortgu. In tbe tnttr of the application of Morn Walttrak.iohen, f r oone cf itamo XTOnCEf HERSBY OIVEN THAT 1 an order w dniy cnierei r rcorl la tb above entitled c' tbe ngatar April term lbrf. lh'.'2, whartlo and whereby It wa dciwl tbat ibe n oe of ike ail Morltr aUersklrr-ben be chansad to Mortis Waiter. All proo imerauiii sra rereoy nctiad lust a er tlflcaie un.lor tii U of tbl court a I'l be granted if th anie the ad petitioner la to bear, at tne regular U ay 'crm of tbu court, li t ! unlttss re sns ar abown wfcy imIJ efrtirieiio should not lso. I'ubilsfced fo ihreo week bv order of t'ie Hon DUN Ii:ekburn JaJge ol aald conn, ostea ann nm. ibui WitnNM niv band and tbeeeal of sid court April I lib, HSi NPPAYSK, Coutily Citrk of I.inn county, or. . SUMMOKS. tk Ct nii Court of tirSlntrtf Ore- fn,Jr Linn County. t EUZABSTIJ nARKKR, P P.. A E DAliKEl'. Defrudnnt. To A. IS rr.rkr 1 THB NAME OP THIS STATE OF Cregon jo u sre hereby reqeired to appear and anawcr the cnmpialut filed tainat you in tb above entitled suit by tb first day tf the term of aaid court following tl.e expiration ot the time pre aeilbrd In tbe order for publication of thi summon towlt, by Monday, the imb. day of Jun. A P, 1823. and if yea tall t appear and anawer the complaint tbe piaimifT will acplylo th court for a decree of sti voice rtlwolvtog the mart! Age contract and oblUatlona new estatinf blwean youraolf and p aintiff, and at o plaintiff havA th ea', custody and eon troi of tha minor ebtld. May Barker, nd to sui h other relief as abe Ii edit ed to lo avjuity. Tbl summon I ob!lhd by orda of lion K P Bilse, Judsp of sld court which ordrr waa del v made at Chamber on tbe 18th day or April, A D, IS93. i - . JJ WHIINBY. V, Att'y for J'laintiflf ... f ;f rilO REST A barn tisar th bnalne JL part or tii elty. will hold iwihor a, ba. gy, no litqaire at thi OI3Q8. IOST,-Ia tht eity, en Said .v.Marok i aotli, a gold ring wttu a et. aailar please leave at thi oSJoe ' IOR 8VLE Sesond haul Paokard orcn In A 1 ooodttion Por 'urthr oartlcn'ara call at rsilsnc- of W L Moore. vta'hlnRton etreet, between Srd aud 4.h. SH. STEELE & CO., Albany, Oregn a-Xosn money on Rood real est ourlt-'fi Una and Adjoining oountl BJKJJS TOR SA. E. klrs Wm Meyer baa Mime tin osoary birds, gsnuin Sootoh whisker, lor sals. CH 00 her at hnrbomen Water .tract, btw sea Hill and aisiue strpcu. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. The LARGEST ASSORTMENT In Linn - " County.?.-;: i 1 Call-: and Have Your tested by Johnston's Patent Ee-Mctcr at F. M fREN CH S Jewelry Store. E. J. 0CONOSC. limrnono I ..up "mi sm mwMumii irk. Uuggic?, Hacks, Carriages Mtavor Co., cor Sntl& lSlljwortH t,Albany SHERIFFS SALE. futheCirenU Court of ilit Slate 0 Orgca or ih wmij aj i.uvn. ED. ZYS1. Plaintiff, v. i WA It REN MILLER, Defendant. ' XTOTC 13 HEREBY GIVE THAT by virtue f an eznenti n and order i.f sale fui out of the ty named Coor., will on tbe above entlued adlim, I (alxrdar, Ike lt day ef May, f, at th Con rt House door, In tbe city of Alliany. Ilnn anty, Org'n, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of a!J day. Mil at l-ubile suctl'm. f.rcli In band to the buh"t tiiil 1r, tbvrt propnrte de nrltMKl Ii mi l execution and order ot .ale aa f illow. towlt. Begtnnfnr 13.45 chain fcoutti efth NKornsr of tbe donation land claim of S M Pannlnsrtnn n wit, twing Not.tioll4 and claim I f' 01. iHwsnsnip ii, nnt ntnoiin vaiiiavmoue Meridian In 1-Idh coaity. Orft'on and running tbenceea 2 cbafi. mtiMieaat boundary of Moaea Farkar' donation land claim; there nth 20 eaat to a point 11.65 chains aoutb and 36 chain eet of tbe place of beginning; thence wet to tb west boundary ol Moea P.rker'a donation land clalK; thence north 1165 chain to the plae of Iseglnnlog. containing 40 acres more or le. in lUnn eou-ty, Oregon. " The proceed risins from tl e sale of aid real property to bo applied aa fol low: To tbe eofct and dUbarsemenU fibls suit used e-tfU7 89. tbe am of f 50 as a reaaonabl attorney' fee and tbe roots and charge and spenwas of aik ing such !; Hcood. lo tno p.yrasnt of tba sum of $431X6 and Interest at tn per cent per annum ontli riid hereto aa Judk'fd in fvor of p atmt.7. and tbat th aurplos If anv be paid to tbe rfefandaLt listed Ibli wia day or March. 1WZ. m sourr. 5brinof Linn county. Or. By C E 8c rlT tiepufy Torr.-A Date tor fSV) 1nl by J P i Wblting; and C U Whluog. btarins; aaw Maylltb. 1W1, made pavh one yr afirdi, t Aueusts arntr. at Albany. Or, ai 8 per east p ir a 1 1 1 a. The flndw will plea rann te wfr Wjuar, at tht cite. Tbe public I here by warned agata. t parebastag; tb malt num. f"P Will X. a..f. HAC1C W krMM.ltii tr aa aaiiSraa'a .ariaia ltMi-4laa aa rma aact b Saar, a StaartMiy, auaaa. Vmmtty I mra... I'fcMi. siiaaal. 1araiai.ltpe.lfcU ssvar l-0 0 am. kral aaiTIlrtv DaytTrlal. lllaMiiuna'lutiK' Bass UhnarauS cu aa.a4 Utrtm a aaf aau.n AraM aaal FKEE iS'WW.AfiE-TSWAITEB T.-.o tcsl MJalo iVcaia Co.. Ch'jaao. uu ADMIHISTRATOrS H3TIDE. VOTICE IS HERCBT GIVES THAT TI1E s XI daialtftied. has bx appolotrd sdtelaiatnUaUir um aataia 01 tuwH luadam.dai naaml. AU rwrw. havtaf clatma Aa trial aaid dwaasad ara ranulrad so prracul ut ptooatiy vanad, to U nmiararit at Albany. U" ounuty, frrsoD, aiihio sis aibpths irtm iria uate. latad Iba i;Ui day of FaVeair. mt ' V W RbUBACCII. O P Coskov, Admifiiatrator Auy for Admx. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, VrOTICIE 18 nEREBT 0!?E3f THAT THS 0 XI dandirned adtouuatnUir of tba aatata t1 If aria trswso, deceased, has filed bia trial sawount as said. sdminutmux'. and loss the county court of Una Mint;, Oretua, has stipulated Moodav, lbs tod day of May. I ""A at I o'clock p a. in tha auiraooa of aaiJ ay. as tba tioje for aaarinr a4 aetUiti aaid a wuiifr anu in. miaaiOTl o. eaif CStat. AMtra a)ua loin, M. CKO HUMPH RET. AdmioiatraUjr . KOTISE OF APP31HTHLNT OF AO - MIN'.STRATO?. N'OTICE 13 HEREBY OITEX THAT THS natleratint! has bean by order at the oountv o.urt of Unn eoantr, Ongom, on the 8th Ky of ApuU 1x33, duly appointed edmtnietrator of the ra'ale of Jam8 McKocbal.late of Una eountv. Or aWotacxl. All Misuns kavtiir etaima aa-ainet aald WK.IO are harrby required sad aotittri" te nreeant the eune with profmt vow-Ler I ow st tnv rxeidcueeia iwreet nciane.una county, Orgoa, within sis months from lite da'e neraf. IJ " - - Dated this 8th day of AoHl l9t. 1 WM, ECUS .CGlf. Muetanye A Haehlcmaa, ' A juiaistrator. Alterasja. i ,.j; ADM.NISTRVfQR'S HOTIUL In tht County Court of tit Sot$ cj Vrgqn, jot euery. In the waiter of the Keeney, deceased.. estat cf Sarab vroTicE i n r.aaiiY qiye that -.. v mat tba auderaia-ned ns been delv appointed aimlnUteator of a t eetat br U19 County 0 urt of Hon eouaty.trejfon, ana that all person having aiatm gainst aaid ttear hereby reqolrad to prtaont tbsm together wltn the pioper vou ibere aod uiviore to tb undertigned attbo lwoflli of J J W hll-y. la A. bsny, In eakl oouotr. within all months from the data hereof. : Dated at Albsnv. Oregon, thla 14th day of April A Oil8ti . ., .-.;. JESRY B KEESET. J J itrTwaT. ' ' ' sj Adrainiatrator, Att'y for Adtar, STCCSHOLDEa'S MEETING :' TIJOT1CE 13 HEREBY G1VBN THAT lj tb annual nieeting of tbe ioca bolder of tbe Alan Alining A Milling C. will be held on Monday, April 3&;b, 1882. at the hnor of 4.30 p ra of as Id day, at taa creoe ortn aeereiary in Aioaty, Or., for the porpos of elaotina seven director, lo aerv forth terotofone yar nrxt anauitig from aald meetinfr.and until their successor are e eatsa aud qualified, and to tranaait such othar unalnes as mar com before th com pany;v Pone' by order of -tba 4iopany llif 2tfi flay of MajcK IS'Si ' " - I y Pm s, s, resident. . tecretatf. " V',-.1-.- STOCKKOIDFR'S MEETIN3, KOTICK i brby given tbat there will be a meeting of tbe toelitioldrs of the Albany Building and Loan Association of Albany, Oregon, bld a. their afBoe In t be office of tb Bank of Oregon.on Tue day, the 19th day of April, U92, at 7 o'clock p ra cf aald day, fur tbe purpos of InoreaafOg tho eapital aieok of aald aa oolailon from' (200.000 to 300,00,aod to lncrsasa tbe nnmber of ahar' from 1000 toisoo; ... , t 7 ' , . Dated at Albany, Oregon, March 18,1891 - .. -. f "C it StE-WARTi'? JW$iui" J?ridnt. ' ',-v Seoretary. : ; TREASURER'S MOTIVE. TLrpricE IS HEREBY aivfa THAT IS tbe undersigned. Oouoty Treasurer, Ft money in bia hands for th payment of all outstanding con my warrant bear ing lnlereat.and tnit Interest on the am eeaaM with this rtat ,': March" SOth, 189 . VJT.E. CTJRL. Coanty Treasurer. WANTED. Haloameo.loca I and trav elltig, to represent our well known lnuse. You need no capita! to repreesnt a firui that warrants nursery took firat olassand true to name. Work all the year, fiod per month to tbe right man, A-PP'y quiok, atatiny and Farm Wagonrf of all kir.dsrf Saw Mill and .vliintrl0 Mill Ma ch i n r r y. Call and ex amine stock T?;0 MEN AND RK BOY POUND DEAD!. Vhile trying to Crowd theii WAT WTO DEY0E Sl FR0F.1AH BROS itore, where they alwy have on hand be largest Stock south of Portland, of . tke latest improved Rle aira Shot June; an Imnunw stock of fishing lackle of every description; Ttntt, Hammock, Camp Chair and thousand fit ether thing too numerous to mention' , .Repair Shop mi connection with the Stere, and oneS be best workmen la the Slate to do a ine ail kind of wor 4 Com on Com - No rouble r bow good. "Small praBr and quick !" I ui .siotto. Albany IRON WORKS ManufiaetoreT V im imm crisf m saw (LLtlASHIHEfiY 3R0H fMIS AKO ALL Kim CF HEA.Y JM LIGHT VCSK, !H IP.GH m BRASS CASTIKCS. i Special attention naid ta rsnailrl S ait i kind of machinery. ' ' P&Wn Made on Short S?cycj Star Bakerj CrEreI)lbln ) Plr(8f COKRAD MEYER, PROFRiErQfT, ( aau.d rra(, C!IaraTet . Orled rrnlf. Tabstee), -Oat' Co Bee, "- El,, - Cataaexl Si Qienawaire Spjeea, Ten, Id fact everyOu tha as kept Im a fte variety and ganoan saore, Hi,jhos wfcet prios paid for ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE J. 4f Ccniming. WICRHAK&AHDERS01 Of poali Bt Charjes Bos). -.-.-.' ., Bed eloalilnr and lao eartalaa w!l taee work a pIally Braack Se at Uosts' barber M Laundry e'osd vclBg at T80 o'clock.. A V Best stock of Ead'aar rtwie In l!i'.... Valley, and the roost reasonable prloes . -FUSKUUSE, STOYESi TIN WARE, JTRTO, ICOXS. PIUTORES, aa AMUM sasiAaiBaataaiB ".: ETC.. ETC. One door west of S S Yoan'r.'a old to L. COTL.SO. Paper, 2nd Store IrDYE-.- TO-LITE. 1 i llbanj Stsaia Dyi Wcrks. : '. ' ' ' o' " ' ; ' .is' . Clothing Clnd, "Colored and Rpalrd. ! ' Ladle' bwlv and bress Goods s pectaltvr.,J' . " --; ''..' . .i," fated clpthlhg restored to it orVii ( color, -to look like new. ' V Sat factlon Guaranteed. Give Me a Work called for and delivered. 1 , Opposite ParrisiV Brick. &