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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1892)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Vf rciTHEuroetn lUAMDEKLAtjY, Attornitvt at Lew. Will practice In II eoarta ol th ui HiteHai altanll t tfrmn to mattra In pmbete ami la to lections. OFrlCK In th fline eloak. 1. 1. 1, iui- i, . All lrl mt'lm will rwcet pram at Uentian. m.- In Odd Koil..w' Tml, Albany, Or yy n. niLYEir, Altnmr el ' vn.l Aolicltnr In Chaniteiy. GeMee. MiH ma.le on nil 'ntn. I.en Bgtietd orebi tonne. Albany, Oragoa. QEO. MT. UniGHT, attamry et tw. Will preMle la all lb ennrt -tibia aula. Special attention given In lleeilai ett, mailt ra In probate. Dire I -Upstairs ttaeua TeuaJe liork, Albany, Ogn. TOSTAatTE fc HAtH LEW AM, Attorneys at Law, , Albany, Oregon. J J- WHITNEY, - a - Attorney at Law, Albany, Or, JjB. J. L. HILL, FtiTcMan end Sargeaa. OFMCI-CafMr trrrj (areata, Albaay, Oragwa. Tll. MAATOV A DAVI, 1 tbreteiane m Saraee. rPTOS aqaur aatet aau gmMMmw, Albany,; vatkt p ate tkanded la it aad a an by Q r. ClIinSERLAlX, If. DM NMMnuklM. ItHwUM la ataa at th ly Tweaay leare Himm OSes keaae ? U ll 1 1 t p at, u4 tul eTeeaag. Alasa , trejsa. IMKST NATIOXA1, BiXK, . -r ALAT, KAON, Ml'll., We PreeMeBt ... JWhlaa , fKASSArTS A OK.NKRALeejik'Ine, Voai Atvot NTS KKPT wbltthel. KHiHT EK'HaSO 4M -r4k erarr, teU Newiora, tea fruclM. fhtunfo aa4 FakeSal regon tOO.E.7TI0N aADKoa fe.eeeMe t E Torn E, ar, Ltaeaoa K, L. FUafl Coatae I. to. IKK CO NATIONAL BAM IK, J vr A(BHTOBBON. CAFITAL STUCK tM,9. Prl.l.n.... ....m. ......I a. COW AW. TirnMM if BLunvf. I tenter 0 A ARCuToOLO. P arra J L Cna. J at Rakaven, W L4 1, W a ilxin, 1 A Orawerd and O A Area id. fajtrtSACTS eew-rraJ kanktn eoataea. IiHAW aiuUl KKArrSaa lit Tart, tea til m.r I Oreeoe. lOAHMOrfCTua en-oaed saeortay KU Kivsdeaneile easiest B ASK OF OREGON. ilsast, oataoa. CaaltaU rr-at4-.... Tt-r-aia-aim.. a-hW finiatta a iiw'il aaaalacbaa'ni-i: K-han( bwi(tal ant auid aa all Ska tflaainl aluw ta U t'aibKi aiaMai alaoaa Kaf laaA, fraWa. -miM mn4 Urn lunn-. tvitacuaaa auila at all Ill paiala aa ta-ar. kla tanna. ai-ra alWa4 aa Mm aVpoafta. XV. ri'IK K at- CO..RANUEBS r alwaut, oanos, TliVH rr. -.aral Buikia; aadaaia. lavV Jt.UI DBtrr aw Ywk. Fran am not Portiant, Or-ta. LM 4 )Uri apnruTal aa-arlly. Uld' 4.-nt4 -ubjact la kk. uoL.L.nx.riu.1 naoa aa ntroraaia ANK Or eUIO, scio, oBKOoar. . J k?-aar Jir ktrama .... a BUT VW hwilul . Nnrria. . H Bnraat BOaiaa, rOtauta Albany -:- Nurseries. Ws'ara oeMrtaa: to plantar tka tana let el trait ma, a all d-a-rsMa Tartauaa, la tna slaw. ii nil . I ail V'.'i.iinl t a t this sas ana's trat'. ISSprTIOM INTrTED, nATISKACTIOS CTJABANTKED. . car ItceateHraa or sail a aa a tha ad an m wvitl, .i-i; Jl n U amthwaatal Aibaar. mum & ono.VHELL. 4LB1HT COLLESIAK IHSTITUTE ALBANY, OnEGON" 1891, 18Q2. trat Tana aac4 ptaaaar ,t -At U eorp of inatructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY Cfl?,!!,1BC!At ASD N8HMAL CLASSES. Coaraam of atudv imniiwl tw maotth all grado of atn'lenta, Sj"ial t ua uceiacul t offirtd la ttudi lrm abroad. t Lr THE IlAItlOiM U a a . . . Kor sale by STinVJlT SOX Dealcrajfn GZ.EIfAL HARDVV4RI: Albani-j Oregon. Red CrownMills tu K..-a ri.miM i:'KKiua rua rawt.i axo aaasita , h a- t)a.te. a r rnrnmL tali a .. Ut Vmrnia I . f 1 'T LI UN COUNTY. linn ii prollily the bel governed county in Oregon. It is the third county in the ttutein -sreallh tuul population. Ita tax rate ia Uie lowiwt, or next to the lowcxt, of ny Oregon cotnty. It it entirely out of iobt. It lini ftlwaya bwn doinocratio, and on a itmight imw it ao yot. In (net, it la entitled to it claim of being the "banner" democratic county, thouirh on oocaaiont UmntilUhM even beatan Linn in domocrat io vofaa, and Crook ia at rarely and aoliuty demorratio u Linn, tut, of courao, doe not have Linn atrength and influence. Linn h&a alao been fortunate io generally having tome able representative in the leginltiture men of breadth and ttrength and high character. Such ia Senator J K Weatlier ford, who la now aerving hia third term. and who may be called upon to run for oongreaa thia year. Thit year no itate ten ator ia to be elected in Linn, WeaUterford and hia popular young colleague, Mycra, holding over. But there are three member to be elected to the house, and the domocraU have done wiaely in putting up an excep tionally atrong and popular ticket. The one who will be depended upon chiefly to make the canvaaa la M A Miller, ta able debater and a thorough daraocrat in the broadcat aenae of that term. But, notwithstanding the exceptionally good record of the Lion county democracy, there are some men up there who are dis satisfied, who want aomething new, who have gooe off into the third party movement A good many of them are, or have bee a, democrats. They have a perfect right to do thia, but the question la, Ia it wise? Ia 1 necessary? Would it not be better to keep the good, eafo, economical government they have to long enjoyed rather than take chance with the republicans? Thia ia what a democrat vote for a third party man thia year mean. He might just aa well go and rote the republican ticket atraight. It ia especially important to the Oregon democ racy thia year that old Linn keeps up its good record. The eye of all the atate are on her. It ought to elect a full democratic egislative ticket, at least. To speak idain ' It, it it the emphatic duty of every demo rat in Linn county to rote the atraight . w . .'.f t... Ii it m . uemocrauc ucaet. u is wonny oi tnpport rut Miller and hi colleague on the ticket in the house along with Weatherford and Myers in the senate, and keep the local af fairs in the hands of the democrat, and Linn will remain, a it has been, the bright est Oregon county. Turn it over to the re publicans; and what will be gained ? Noth ing: and there will be a great chance of Ion and damage. Linn should maintain its record, and the democrats all over Oregon expect every Linn county democrat to do hit duty thia year. Evening Tejraas. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacifls Route SHASTA LINE. tiaras Tralas laara fanltwl Pally. awrr I Mortk Arlr t ( t a rf. a is at a i ZJCi rVSoanaT- a I L AlHaa LIS a a Ar laa rraa'riaaa L T?as AkaWa kmlaa avw nil at follaartna' aatlna ath af aanaMtr. Baa ForVnixl, Oravna fT. Wcwat aara, SWata, Albaa. Trs koM. Halany Bar. bkurt, Jaaaatua Cily, Otiog, Eufama. I; a a j t rortlaod Ar 4-onr a ir r a La Aibaar L It-.OO fc9a Ar KnaaTmrf La I S a a AJLSaST OCAt( BAJLV BIOafT aWSWtV) M SI trr taaaaoa aaaae j" Li Aikany I t a IS" tT Ahaae L SMaa f-r Ar a Mr a Af Lakaaaa t t.aOr a PULLUAli BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping: Oars, far Aaaaaaiwaalataaa af aian4-naaa rasa si a-a. aaiaakaa la UaaraaaTralaa ( M MTi.iaa. BCTVIKKf -wairLAt Ak ctaittui, AASAUitCaaapttaaaay, 7.SU a m I U iWtlS li:IOraA CaraaUta Ar I :U r a L 1 114 ra ass raais saaw (Eaaajit taaaUr. Portia kUkllaaalll Ar I : s a U I ! a I.t Ar Throncb. Tioketfl T V(1 snat EAST, AND SOUTH. tmtmu lalaraiatra rafaHIng antas, aaa, a wm vuuiaai7 araai at Ajuiy , OEtlLEB E P. BOOIRt Manacar tast 0. t. aa t. Af YAQUINA BAY ROUTB. 0 Oregon Pacific Bailrodd, T. tr Mwcc. aucalrcr. Orag.ja DBTBlopment ro'i Stsansrj, UM (a C'ttllroralA. j-irtavciaas th rough paawanger and TWtOi line rrera fort land and all polnto anai wiusmsu v aaay to nil from Has .-anoisao, t.ju. Boata make -Jaa eonnacUon at 4.1 ban arltti train of tlMOravcoa Faolfl Hall road T1MBtciHtbl,-m7 aaoayt Rowiafa.) tar Altene U:tt r. a,.L raaawua, T0 . aaacraraallis I :" r. a . I,a iWraiU,IU:S,a ."ia.iia, mM w. a jam aiaaaf, 11:1 a. O. A O. tralaa oonne. t at Albany and ins aoov train ooatMotat t asusna witn tD Uregon UeveiopmaDt iVampany' Lin of Rleamshlp hatwaen Yaina ami HMk Franriaoo. , AII.IM IMTEtj I Hum TAfli iaa. WlHauwtu raliar, kvarar' Hit atat rsaa saa rauo WHIamaU Vallay. DasamW 7Ti fiorDp'-' xrya m ngot ' lw "n niaiaa) mout notice. J'mriwf,r9 from Portland and fllamatte VafltT aninu ean mgka cloa -nartl mi with tha trains of the Taqalna jatss AJtwov r Corvallla. and ifde ad to Kn tTjinci-ito ahoald arrange to 'r,T at Yaa'jlv tg evening bafore date ' aillrn a9-raaeaKrr aa Pr'arfct rata Always th Laweal ' Por lar.araj itW-i ai..rto A K ltpnin,Pralktaiid .nanw.aim;, a-. ajata.l l;, O. P.aniiP Aran . Corrallis. WALL PAPER, 19 cenit per double roll. Send J-ceiii eUonp tVr sample. - tfCHOKIELD & MORGAN, m Third StPort'and, Or. GIIOIGE MEATS Lm-irick - Sc.- iiakrt-, ONjalu Stitoars Lirara gul.ia, V in W'"im.t V,knf c; .1 nat .lora. fiEVERE HOUSE, lLBA?iy, j JilAS. I'JTEiyFKli a- OREGOU iioi'iyiiTOR. pitied no , ararlnaa at-yle. Tat, Us ipl,lid wh t tha Ctxt in tbe uiarVvA turn als-spifin tarlnueut. Baiuple room IVtn 7uT.i to! TU PREVAU.iNU ETJSSNT, T Csrsey, t commercial traveUr from Hhvi!le, Ten., was seen at a downtown hotel toosy by a reporter and tiked about tht political situation in tht district throufh fhlch ht travel. lit ald ht quid wtll acquainted in the cent isl and southern tats, and that during tht pait iwo or Hire month political question wert coming uplJly to tht front "It Kentucky," he id, "iht rvor!tt-on, boom ha bten tuplodtd (mutually earl till ftar. Of oui, no body douhl that Ken tucky I viy fond and proud of Carlide, at well it my be, aad, in certain coatinnclti, would delluht iolvle him to tht pretlden- cyi but tht great mm of Ktntucky ptoplt at attached t Cleveland, and firmly bclievt that hi nomination I tuen'U to tht ataursJ auc- ces of tht democracy. "Illinoi hat It proper admiration for Sen ator Palmer, and wou'd doubilca bt dUpostd to be complimentary to hht. but tht first and inters choice of tht Illinois democracy and of Palmer himttlf it Cltvclaad. Senator rainier rccocnUes this and point out tbt btrrainent of hltjown canJicacy In that It would takt a democrat out of tbt United Stateaienatt. "Aa lor Missouit, It may bt Ctevtland or nothing. It com aa near that at any attta In the union. Tht Cleveland nttmat is overwhelming. It come out at tvtry democratic (nesting, and in tvery democratic newspaper in tht atate. I dont think Palmar, Boiet or Hill will bt mtntioned In any of thott italei, and tht fat ling of tht ihrct can be taken a A criterion a to tht way l surrounding ttttt will go It U quilt a wLil ahead yet to look, and to offer aa opinion a to tht political tetlisg la lh Uic- ly atopping only In (ht large clue of such and getting information fiOra a few of tht butinaa wen ia a matter which should not receive too aiach credence. At present however, that I tht wsy thingv.louk, from all that csa be laaroed." TW.fraav. county ruuriui. Marion county farmers have a riHt to ei peel a raduciion ta county tasea, Thar ar good leaaoas for ihit. Most of th county itxct are paid by farmer and moot farms have to bt tupported by th hrJ work, ta- tarnrise and cool oiaoagtment of lb farmer and his family. The' farm too ohca owaa th fajmer. inslasd of his owning: th farm, It too often wwat tht farmer whole family aad taxea tie iqusr out into bis art profits bt bat any. There is a well-founded belief that two manv bill acaioet th country ar allowed which should be cut torn. At thclatt term of court out of about thit honHitd bill foai or fivt were cut ia tiilllng turns and tht rt went through tor their fsce. Ia Polk county tt tht same terv nearly twenty- five per cent of the bills were cut la anus 'are tain, tt ie til her ia be assumed ihai Marlon county f o- pl ar mui hooeat than Polk county paorl. or that th county court over I liars scrutinu tb bill mors closely. Iht fact thai our coaaty and city Ua r toe hkh cannot be denied by anyone. That uch Uses ar not higher than ia soma other towns sad cities i not a good argunien'. why a fight shall not bt mad for reduciag tasea. Certainly, if tb fiht (a not mad Use a ill not com down. Not only in th county conrt. but ia all th cousty office thert at room for leform aaJ economy and ia tatay coaatic of th Mat there ia proposed a rut of aa high aa Ihrisy par cent ia feea and saisiiss. - Sstetn Jornut. Soma days sgo ths 3eurmal in:imiiad that coaaty baaiaett I Line wj not properly done. Thuet'U for a abowing which w will lake lha troabta to make ia a few days. 'ji'.ne BPKI5U nrr.MMi. The Salem Journal ta a newspaper, even If it la republican and an opponent of Her mann foi congre,and being such It pub tlshea th following )ilon, which It Is unnecessary to say are answered only by an awful void of shence. That is the on ly way torn question are ever answered. Why ia It that China and Jspar., after te- mslnlng for thuusands of years In a state ' , .... Oder COnUlt'Oni little aliort of barbarism, u of perfect "protection,' enjoying a perfect protection's Ideal of a "ho ma marktt," be gan at once to thrive and advance aa soon aa freer traJt and exchange wa had with foreign nation ? How It the American farmer or "atage earners" benefited by a protective Urlflf Who pa a the tariff tax? What cause the reductkm In price of quinine, sugar aid matches t Was the 'manufacturing occupation' of making quinine "destroyed, la the United Sutes, when qulidne was put o th free list? What Is the percentage coat for labor, In England, for manufactured good of wool. Iron, etc? What k It in the United States? Why are wages In wrprL;cled Induitrles higher in Chicago than In tw York? Ttlfgram. Ex-Gov George W Gikk. U Atchison, Ean, tayt that the democratic and peopU't date central committees have arrived at an understanding by which the democrat will certainly get three congressman from thi state. "The democrat," he aay. "will upport the people' electoral ticket, and in exchange the people' party will given tha eongreasmen-at-large and two place on the ttate ticket." A great improvement in machine bear ing I made from connfurrsed wood pulp combined with graph!';, fco lubrication la neceaaiy, and the amount of friction I greatly dlmlnUhed." . By a wlae provision of nature the gratte of region in the Artie circle retain their seeds all the winter, and furnfah nourish ment for he birds which arrive upon the melijngof thetnow. Gov Uiisaetl, f bfnwu:baw.t, haa ap prove! an act inereing the friary d the, governor, but it hud to U provi ied that the increase should not take efftait tilt aftet th close of hi present term of office before the governor would sign it. G.m W la Haraptoa, of South Carolina npon whom fortune haa smiled but charily ajuce.tbe war, has recently acrjuiredan in W4 in I '?i.c?i1 pilvor mine that pruuii ee rkh dva3optjiti. sy.ipnnm.JJ 1 ' Joel Ware, who M ra'pvbycari held the. oBice of county cWk fiir etxwl l?.epty yeara In Lane county, now offer Mm)' as an Independent candidate for that office, f 9wa'(, butter probuct for the year i:nd- Ing Oct 1 ljit,l' esilmsttd, from railroad shipments to be f J, 59,1,000 pounds. .. A Boise city Klririo yegrsold and six left two inches in height, It raid 10 be the taUeat woman in Idaho. Turotigh tfifoe entire world 35 000,000 pjoi.e die every yt. " Half tetupoonful of ugar will nuatiy always revive dslng fire, and, unlike ine few A'rops of coat oil hlch servant sre to ond of ustog, iflch have caused to many tad accidents, It pertetUf ;a(e. laca.b4 a Hat fa l. PoaTLAKo, Apr" 7, llty?, ? A Moors, of ht Helens, was nominated far supreme jude by ihe republican state convention ihia afternoon, ALDAN YjO 71. Praia & mim im BvJ. Agents . arnit aud Kauutn-s fitrsala. Also city brofferty ' in Albs and Coryallis, TKt.F.OltAPIIIO NI3W& After Kaaiera. Huttb, Mont April 8, Monat now hot renched here to the effect Oiat the catllomnn "d rjuij-rtiMtltni have hud an encounter, in which the attacking party was mpulpd, ana Uie thieve kijIHl pight men and wound ed several othora. It is also statad that the roi'tic-r lout heuvily. Owii(r the ioliitd chnr.wbr of the country tlclinite new cin- not 1Mb Olilttlnwl for sevnrtil duvs. SlinrirT Roao, or Dillon, bringsi thi news, which lie ncuru at mnia, inano, a ltw uayi ago. lie porta pf an engngmuent Imvs boon daily en- pecteu, aa men are marching in on the rustler from all section. This encounter it ttippoeod to have occurred on Green rivor. v mo ouuaws nave wtnur qiittrura. A tekeal Raw : ' OLTMPja, April 8. The distarracmcnU which have prevailed for tome time be tween tome of the profoasora and A numlwr of the atudnnta of tha Oiympsa Colieiriate lnsUtute. ln thit city, resulted I xlny in a tight, which ia variously reporto! to have occurred between rrealdent Covington and I'nrvor Jone, and Iwtween the former and a'stiKlent named King. 'Hie Immediate cause of the dillictilty was u,9 playing of prii-iuoi hick iiy jour or tne male stu dents in the girls' dormitory. It is under stood that Ihwident Covington will prefer charge to the Iniard of trustoe BgalnsU'ro- luaaor rfunea. What Dn Mm WAaniHOTOK, April 8. The atoriet which have been aaaiduoualy clrrulaW the past weak with rvforenoa to Mr Blaine' stipposod willingnea to accept the nomina- iion n't ma preaitieney nave creauM a uoui oi comment in Washington, and liave been a tourc. of annoyamni to Mr limine a mend, senator Hale said bxuy to a cor- respondent uuu uiere wa absolutoly no (oumlation for them. "1 do not ieok for Mr Aiiun, he auid. "because I hive no authority to do so; but I know be stand to day as he did when hv wrote hi letter of withdrawal. Tht klaa Wall II HcmteM, April 8 Tht ladepeudunce Ueltre eomnMmtinir on the anti-ChlneiM law paaai.d in Ute United Btate houso, espreaa e grief at such a transfer of tbe Chinese wall to the highly modern and democratic America. Italsoexpreaseaafear lest Ku ropeans and all other alien and immigrant may ultimately be served the tame way. Tbe conclusion of the Independence) lhdge it that when a country, such a China, be comes a victim of tb intolerance and egot ism of such a civilised country as the United State that the world i certainly turned topsy-turvy. Tha Pra-a Waal Kill. Wamiukutox, April 7. In tbe bouse to day Mr Cobb, of Alabama, from tbe com mittee on elections, submitted the minority report on the Noyev-liockwell contested ftwe. Tbe rv-jiort wa ordereil printed. Mr Wilson, of Went Virginia, then took the floor to close the dittt on the free wool bill He snid it wa not hi purpose to review in detail tin already much-tMaited provision 01 thi bill, neither wa it bis purpose to make a comparison of the confiicting sys tem of taxation, which were now sti-utrifl-intr for m artery in the land. At the con clusion of Mr Wilson' remark he wa warmly applauded, and received tin warm congratulation of hit colleague. The vote wa Utea taken cm the bill, aad ttu bill wa poased. yeej 194, nay. 00. 1 tte atha4a lalaatl Kteetlaa. ruovtOKXCK, R I. April 7. Complete return of the stabs election irive Brown, re puhlican. 1S6 maiority over Wardwell. dero flcrat. Melville liull, rejmblican, i elected limtiTiunt (rovernor by 11 dl majority. Ueorire U L'ttor haa Zu majority and u re-eUa-ted ecretry of state. There wa no election fur Knrrai tmuwir-r, Btunoel Clark, tho rpuUirn lackinir 147 of a ma jority. Ilotirrt W" lUirtauik. republican, Wk C07 of a mujiirity fw atUim'v-'a-rmral. The totid vote cat waa M.7;JrJ. Th Itigis lature ha a reptiblunn majority of 14 on joint ballot, not counting tb litranatit governor, who vote in the senate. A tatlaaa w J Jfitw York. April 7. William E Csr penU, iisi'ifd with i-teoling V2,I00 in auh and llViCO in bond from Lis I"hyfe, banker, by erhom be haa been em ployed fw U-n year, wa fcrmally ari-aintred In the JefTenon Market polio mwP today, and held in fiO.OUO bail. Car-rt.f Vt farmed the Pliee where tbe property wa i baddim, ana it wa racovered. ISo mention !wa tnada) in the court of Oscar Creamer. i,. Lv.LLm.m w1,a Jatrliavl ami wa principal in th acheme of robbing the firm. The hit Ut label ievaa! ,to be on hi w; to Kuroraj. A f ice.te rttaw I'o"iTi.AB, April 7- The large plant of the I'ortlaml PbrUIWry and CVtle Feeding Company at Troiitdate wa aWroyml by fire laH night. r'laiea brcka out io lite main building of the diatilhtry about 8:40, and by midnight tbe entire structure wa in a he. The lire wat mot diarvr4 until It wit too late to save the building, and it origin ia hroudod in lnyttery. ArrratlBf Aaareblata., April 7. In accord with in seniufeuw rora the ministry the Ilerlin po lice toditv liMak- a descent on various house suppoted to shelter' aHf rhist. l"bey ar rested several oJU-ed Mr(iUI., but frond no evidence of a conspiracy, ""A jurgfl quantity of newapupcr and phamplet tend tag to juitutbj Were scixed. ' ' ' . tweat Im Itrraa-ar verrbrrs. CmcAflO, April 1. fitting Morn Co today enured mil to recover t:W,Q)Q from various railroad npani for alleged over charge on dressed IW . raid to have been paid uiuliT protect for fmirtana UUHiUt aU'r the enacting of the interstate law. Th Aslaaa. , Salkti, Aaril 8 1892. The monthly re port of Snperintendent Rowland, of tbe insane ayfum. shows that February i9 there were 75d patient in the asylum. During March twenty-six were received. Tber nre ninety-two officer and employe and the pimense per capita for March wa $11. oV TsUie-it .have been removed to , Th Bfel Maaa qarjlan - I rwrnwHCK, April 1,-At 12 4-hi morning the retuma from all ow tha atate are not in, owinir to tbe tedtoua aonrtting necessary nnder the Anstralian syntero. Hie retnrn at hand are sufficient, however, to indicate that there is no election for tate officer, with aprolxibility of a republican plurality. There is a state law which re quires a majority vote to elect. There are a autficicnt number of republican returned up to ibis hour to secure tbe elaction of editor Aldricli to thf,United State senate, and the pboi of the' re phbtieat candidate for aito ofikww.' ' '.- aaJIJ ate-. ' ' 5 8eattlk, AprirtJ, A apocbd from fiw Whatcom announce th dath of Kug&neT Canlluld, the millionaire land and mine owner and railroad builder, lie wm a niemlier of the national republican conven tion that nominated Lincoln, and wa for many years a member of tbe Illinois state senate. Ho wa also general attorney of th.Chieego, Ilurlington Quincy railroad. Ta j'iiart igo He cftiue here and started the building of ify 1i,A tehrrn liny British 1 Columbia twilKW g fW'tf the Groat Northern. . "" ! A Texas C'yeloae, Lknison, Tex April 6, The report has im reached herefrom Owennville, a tmall town in Pickens county. Chlckanaw nation. .hhf, & wag wiped out by a cyclone Sunday 'wbiv f wo rterson were auieu ouirignt and cvirri MlnfiA'.' "Kvery house in the village wat tovoled,' l-liii Abrlf of I'icken county wa probably fatally lnjiu-d;'f,f.ii u-itiu mm vorcie were cuulmi in ins cy clone and hurled through the air. There la tf Ta')'1 r m'r cognectioa with Tb Yacsfa Klectlsa. . 1 ' 1 A If. . lAioMA, April o. ine aiirwx;fUJ are arranging to contest the result of yenterdaya city election on the ground that the ballot vw fr,o lcprai form and that ballots il-Icj-aily juiHJ Vd irpre counted ip 'eomij i,n tanct'j and in otiu.'x ' ihrTj) out. v The ma joritie officifdly abnouncjed axst Ua$or, HilW)n (r,cn) 15.5: treasurer, iioir',-8. rem. 20 fclaohtar, dpm),lb, - : ' A Kw f ark 'ycu-t, 0t.EAif, N Y April 6.A terrijio cyclop struck thia city lat night, wrecking tan house and a church. Una woman wa killed ai a number of poopla seriously in jured. There were sixteon people in . the church when it was (struck, and it wa cii.rrir?d b.u foetaway. Nat Heeded Anywhere New Yohk, April 3. The Ilorald't cor- retpondeut in Valpaniio cubhw hi paper that Uniteii Ktutc Consul MeOreory told him totlay MinixUir I'utrick Egun hud bj'on offered by Secretary HlndneUin appointment otminutcreither to lars or renin. iir, fcgnn, ao McOmiry any, afwr thuiking the I matter over declined both offer, lie did not want to go to i'uri on tim ground it wua too expeimiv. Hit objection to l'ckin wtws the distance. Rtvar Measarra Madkio. April 8. The Biiniti!r of jus tice haa stated to the provincial iuUioritiee i kllfomienteT of disturbiuicea and all rVawmtailvocAting anti-aocial princlplo in any manner, must te treated wnn ine greatest aeverity. The posacatort of bomb or other explosives, rmvicted of sn inlen tion to use them will lie punishml with penal servitude for life, ihe authorities are ordered to break up all gathering of ociulist. , Nisriia. lorn nd Jerry would be a good ticket to def eatTom Reed and eny Rutk, Oregon wlil have no exhibit at ti e World' lair. Ton bad. Title eeU'ea ihe cat. Th Man About Town will not go. Col Ingertoll ttyt the Ideal home I In th country, where "every field I a pic ture, and landscape; every landscape a poem ; every flower a tender thought, and every forest a fairy land." Albany people who Invented their money In town lot In other N W title are coming to the conclusion that It would have been much better to have staked tl.elr fortune In Albany. The train from the south are bringing acoret of tramps Into the valley and they drop off at ev ery atailwn. The hot weather and haying aeason ar approaching in Catliorul and they ar trying to get as far away a possible. They had batter aklp Albany. Our police oflkert mean hualaaaa and will maka them thlna thev ar mora than harvesting In California ft they stop oS here. A dr or two ago w published some- thlna from th Woodburn Independent about th Ka'em Journal man. llcr la oinelhlna-Ihe other way . It t too bad the mythical fool killer doe not really exUt. Of course, hi existence. If he were a faithful servant, would b death of a majority of the people. Woodburn Inde pendent. If he could exist even for a halt secend and get In hie work on the Woodburn editor, th whole Willamette valley would breathe a algh of relief, The recetpta from stamp sale, etc, and box rent at the Salem potioRke tor the year ending March 3tt last were more than twice Uaae as those for the Al bany oflic darliir the same lime. Ikxh Offices show good Incrette In business over tha precedlna year. 1 Ii Increase at the Salem oflke i.t per cent. iitsietmsn With the Immense patrons-e of tbe stale Institution It ought to be nearly twice at much with the same population, ai. bany' population I 4618; Salem' nearly twice a much. : . A dispatch from Bolte City ttyt that the detectives who went to a ranch near Salmon fat Is, In search of the ata women utpectedof being stage robber, have placed the womn under arrest, and re port there I no doubt af their guilt. The women, who claim to b slaters, are tsld to have committed many highway rob eerie In that section of the country. They were dressed men while engsged In the crl-ite. Tbe women declare their father compelled them to become bandit. Th arrest of the old man Is expected. The nam of the family I ilarvey. T he glrla sav thev hated the weak and are glad u is over. Even Itoaelmrsr will bars' ft base lyll ground enclosed with an eMit LkA fence. What' tbe matter of Alitor. Nearly every tollable houae In Albany la occupied. Our peopl have quit watt ing for the Oregon Pacific, and will push aUttd ftoywty. A New York mtiliooaiVe hat iust wor ried himself to death, ttome ti the nioat wretched men in Albany and Linn county have nior money than they ktpw what to do with. Take warning. The repttbHcfna tar put np for the kind tupreme judge, ut of a man for voter to keep oil the liejioii ' It aeeota to be tbe province of politic to leave out tnen ijk uJge Blackburn, for men like Moore, It ! reported that frank Jame. brother of the noted Jen Jame, passed through tbi city on Baturdy evening'! train. He is accompanied by bi ttile and ia traveling through the wett on account of ill healtli. Uallat Observer D II Jame of Albany, it now In that eity on a viaitand will probably be taken for Jetee himself. The ytneyari LaJwer of the Bantltt church have elected the foUoivIng ofneert for the ensuing six month fVed iMar-, eon, president w ti Thompeon; vl-i preaident ; Anna Foahay, recording tec reUry; A Casely, cor secretary ; Beie porri; iresaure; Q H Hart, chorieter; J$ BolVm, organst. Editor Bell, of tli We' Side, tuml have a grievance agatnat If Miller and other Southern Oregon boy. 11 My: Bon Binyer Hermann wa nominated for (wn-frcs last Wedneadav' by accla mation. Tlioae fejbat in Southern Oregon it teemt are mere pigmies along tide of Bin ger. They ought to tbut up now, and 1:0 off and die. - TheForctt Grove Timet lot a iivhrrrllier last week, bill and ouit'jQS )0rrrably. merit i-iiu-e have nu'L" Iben ayt: We he paid hit iii com- .wee-Jrot have enabled nt to secure a g"od histoVv of the n'e pnt, which we have filed away fir future reference. Tle- ruan who expect to extinguish a pewtpsper ahould remember that a buxz tav hat teeth. Judge Scott received a telegram from the Southern Pacific lt.iilroitd Company, yesterday, offering to eoniproiniee tb Lane county railroad taxes, offering the urn of $3000 in full pa) nient 01 the tame. gmething over I2,000 ia due. aiic county court make no compromise, but to tight the case to the end, taking f-ht ground that it was not just to l t a rich corporation off with small portion of their just taxes, when the average taxpayer pompelled to pay in iuh Nugent yugra- Four Keeley graduates took their da parture this week for homes that will be maae glad uv their rescue from a Ufa of disease and degradation. Three of them are young mn, gifted with fine- abilities and edrt'-HVion, besides excentlonal on- jJUfmuiiifJa' wj-Wier-nn aqorn positions of oaefdlncks and reBpefctbfifty; It aat a source of much pleasure to witness their ioy, ponraga and cheerfulness a they found tliPiiigive 0l)e Rjoro free from a blighting cure. forest Grove iiinea - , . Ja Ashland Record is very poetic, tts follows: The spider and the Flv troupe were on Tuesday's nofth trtiin. Some of.. uio uanet gins were quite cnio, arid the cutest one was greatly taken with Con ductor Ansfay's style of beauty. As the train was feeing along' In Its majeftio wbjrl through the grand' and beautiful scenery 'of the giskiyouii that fairly sets the oul fathoms deep in Jove with all of nature's ueaufkudes; al' rfasterigey over heard the little fairy with the large. luxurlent eyes wbiarie- to the gallant cpndiptpr "How sweetjt is looking love into eyes that giye if, pck with cora- souna inierBt.r ine scene was etching and merely leflectinsf 'on it oVr the littitJ (airy fJaircipg 6K irt dancee in the passenizeria hat. But. alaalwa not ail Jack Anttaya, ..) Msthen & Call cu bardwaie. Wahboiufor your COtSTV COI MT rMtlKEPinC. (t. It. K. Mwfcliiifn, Jo.lira ; B. W. Coo.ri)d Wm Humbaugh, Uumotlaaiunani.) Petition of Arnold Bummer ct al for ! county road allowed, and N U McDonald, Ilarvey eueitoti and a J llilyeti appoint ed viewer to meet on April 25. Tel It Ion of Lot H Harrla et al for County road, granted, and N (i Melton- am, naryey Mieiton and A J Bilyea Bp pointed viewer. ' The ckrk wat directed to furnish rond ittpervloors with receipt book. The time of the Albany ttreet railway company for rlttht of way on portion of cnunty r-wtd, wat extended to iprtt 8, 1804. The therlfl wn given nntll the May term to turn over the delinquent tax roil for 18U1. A P McDonald re ilirneJ at supervisor of Dlst 7, and A L Arnold appointed. Eugene Titus restirncd tt tunervUor ol Dlsl 4, and Jeff Montgomery wa ap pointed. Petition of II M Btone and otbera for road machine continued, and clerk wat directed to tee where he could do bt'tt. (fame diapoaitlon of other application. Bill. Peter Keiler 1.10. acc't road. contlnue. Matter of rebate of taxea of W Coch rant, continued. Alao rate of O P Coahow, and petition of KL bmlth etal for a bridge. Asses-men t of Alfred Wheeler, referred 10 tierltT. a. The following claim were allowed: Ijtdie Aid Rocletr. aid Lontr. ' Crane. Fdward and llauatey.t 20 00 Btate agt A Fellow 27 75 I H Templeton, acc't road. 21 CO n w Bin aw, consuble feet. 11 W HUteaitt A it Kile Htat eat Fred HpaiKtit Chat Vleltler, board jury in 19 25 In- gram case 40 "5 Matt Scott, kberir feet 14 63 SUU agt Baker and I'belpa, 61 30 rtaie st r.ioii Miiurmt... 3 20 Fee drawing precinct jury. . 7 00 r oahay x Maton. aU'lonary . . ... I CH 4H (J W Maton, aervice,.. ... ..... 23 00 1 26 lrry Hay, aco't road llarrisburg Lum Co. acu't road. W K Carroll, road upervlor. ... Toh n Manstleld. road tuperyleor. N 1 Pavne, tcc't clerk.,... ...... John Leber, janitor , ... w A H'.ll, acc't insane. Black man A Hodge, acc't poor.. HayneABuck, acc'lCII.. 1)11 N Blackburn, taUry B W Cooper, aa commissioner. . Win Kunibaugh-ta commiaioner W E Curl, salary Hall k O'Uonahl, sta'lonary,,,,. Albany Electric Light Co Canal & Water Co G F Rustelt I)r W 11 Pavis, wittiest state case. Dr Ellis, acc't Inrar.e Ir I P Wallace, acc't Insane W A McClaln, a-c't sheriff....... N P Payne, acc't Insane, 8 W Ghbert, juror Gslnr Si stringer, sundries C Brown, aid Golda Mlddleton. Tl OK 12 00 44! 00 ft H 10 00 2 00 ft ta 18 75 1U0 00 11 m 1$ 00 83 35 I 7 37 s IS 00 IJ9 o 6 io 5 00 5 00 4 00 .9 75 80 7 00 PacsAia Matt aa. tst account In et ui Mary E Conner ct al filed. In esfate Sarah Keener, artprtlteinent pled. Real property Si7.7rOS personal property. In estate Patsy Keener, a minor, cita Jon Issued requiring guardian to show cause why he should not sleflntl tccount A to ordered that guardian b discharged on Rung vouchers. In estate of John Shaw, Inventory filed Real estate 5101 personal property In ctat M J Ca'dwrll Anal account filed. Hearing My 6. In cstat Geo Cleveland, final reount and hearing set for My 9. In estate Rebecca Vernon, report of sate of perao.isl property filed . ' In matter of Morlt Walterrcherchca name changed to Walter. Bond filed In e atate of C moJ-re and Grover White. Ineauteofji MiKrchlne, U'an Ru . baugh wa appointed adm'r. Bondt6oo. Bond approved. In estal of Lenora, Walter and Fred Ftrnr. guardian wa appointed. Bond fiSjo. I tat Nftiian Ruttc'l. finst account allewed and admtnlttalof dltchtrged. In ett Q W Wtrototh final account ttowad and adm'r discharged. In estttt U W Wtrmoth. jr. I N Wr moth appointed tim'r sio bonu non. Bonds 3,ooo. In estate Elisabeth Sherfr, Er.o ftherfy appointed adm'r. Real estate ,$5$0 per tons property, f J90. Lso Bail. - Th Mill Cty fyette say Uwlea drunken fell aw have four tlmea of late broken glaaa out of side light window to photograph gallery In thia town, tod 00 Wednesday-evening of this week, yJt Jl Hoara 'd In presence of witnesses not only jntVft '. iyhoje win. dow, but burst In the dooytolh bytlding, brsaklng the lock In ao doing. II ws rrrated and bpught before Justice Bud long for the crlpse, n ppn trial con fessed his guilt, justice required pal tn the sum of 500, for hippearnce to circuit aou-t, pnt TshHe pper were betng made out, he took tag ts)l, ei'y racap Ing the officer In charge. If pAYM-'Tiie independence Wett 6ide taya : "The motor linn carried 2444 passengers last week, tbe largeat num ber in the ame length of time In its hlstor, Sipce the tflth of last August to thw present, 60C0 mora passenger have been carried1 than during tjia aame time last year. Lat yetr' thtr -were nearly .00,000 paatenger carried, and tbe ficptj. 'y far thia year, ahoWa that this line will ctrrr alioat 1 100,000 passengers hiaytar,''' ' ' . at AsrLAitB. Prof Riddle, the phre-: nologist, iiaa Irfpn lecturing. V photo grapher war haa been ut r-rpgreas, picture being taken (or almost nothing. The indictment against lawyer L L Bur- Unshaw a dismissed, the case having been settled by the refunding of so-ne of the money to hie client, on whose com plaint he was arrested. RonnxD. Starl Hoy', who worked for J II Weahburn, In thia place and who left for hit home In Michigan aome time a no". wrote bck to a friend and atated.lhat he. vyaf roDOcu 01 170, 00 wxiue on me rona. It eems that he ''fell In'? wili a cnuth and while he waa asleep said chnm rifled hit pockelt leaving htm a few dollart poorer and -er)ips omwhat wer. Browns tllleTl'Pf, fore tow RheaaialUm. O O Trtnt, f Wt I Grtevdlj, Ms,, wriui-f Aibjouk'a Pnri ut P,ncrs "For rheumatism, . ui u.alkin, 11 In lb r'd or back, ci'iiyn-v culiU, lu ji.i? aad sny local weak in p, tny duly V'"-ti won.lorful our-hlve jiiiheiit'" 1 hv- reeommaaded them lp my 1 eihbor with the nsppiett re i tub, many tf y.homhl f..r AJlcsck' Piaftl tert wo;4 j q a crippled eonditiuu a- awns, in vey iutau Ititier tney have been faithfully and pr.tpetly appHud the result j). l.yiiii i( iiiffarriflly sa'.isf lotory." 75 it rii wl(lp last from (h fnntt f y at 0 V Mot ariaia ,i ' t t ; .... -; . ' - ' Wny )ODr , tf frker Dro.- You eainepeud on guou gnoil sud lirat-oltsi sresai-?jii. : , 1 ""-rr a; l- . V.. L tre SkaBrtment nt uria- style rtbbuus rtutitr, sho Jast reieived at tb ladia vhiffm in th Ut sha.le. Ma . l. DAtmtEU, lIAIt.nOJi- -BRYAN. On Thurfldav. April 7, JS'03 at 8 p m at the residence of me onus's -f)arenta..4nTnipnt.i hw, T?o D C McFarland, Kev 0 J Uarmon of aiuiiiiyj anuMies L,zze Hryani ; Mayor and Mrs Cowan. II M Thornton n' -jeverai oraera were present from Albany, and report at very pleasrrnj time. 'The ceremony was an iu'tereBtisg one; a fine repast whs eervtid, and th(f display1' of presents lor the happy couple' was 'a large and valuable One. Mr and Mrs Harmon have the beet wishes of a h RICHARDS 3AK.ER.- On April 6, tR9. at the residence of the bride' par. ents In Stlvcrton, JJr Win Richards of Albany and Miss Angle Baker, of Silver- ton, crat extentis best v,:!it it flOg ARB AttKOAl I TimitnoAy. Albiahsa free delivery system now. I,rue crowd wstob operation on th bridge. Th rslufall at Walla Wt In fly months andirg March 3Ut w 0.77 larhes. Bathsr light : . Vha new U P chmeh will be completed thit wailt a'l hut th w sting of it. The fn- ttiri'tr la hsiidtcm and convenient. Tha Prinevill Kswt yt Billy Martin, th Califnriila aline p buyer, I again in nur mldt, HesxjMt to parens ssd driv oil ef this teunty ahout 15 000 head of brp this sptira. Mr Msrtiu buy for Urtr Av 4iig, at r.anth Hn rrsaeitoo. Calif Quit a rnUoi.f tha Ut fir wa fotand yastetday in t ruin of ths CngrxtionJ hareli, wbar th foiadstiaa fr tb new n ia beiug Uid. Thit wa a bihl which bad patted tbrosgh tha Itatea.and slthooKh completely bamed, tb printing eoald b. distinctly rsa on tne omiui posed psaas, It appealed as tlmonh the paaas ware iutaot. bat very litti hsnd;tn( would hayesoi hem to brasa luto very smtll tjlaous. lb Dalle T. M. At tb rapabliean cnoronthm lliism was Domlostad for Cunufes from Western Ora- Kon, and Ktii from Katrn OreRoo, Tba Preaideetial alautor are I V Uapla. It II Miller, O M Irwin and W D liar. Del. sates to Natiotal oenvantioo, C W Fallon. C M Dimaldstn, It It Hay. Alurusles, V. LHmirh, HKKlacaid. I N Handera and McKieley Mitehell. Usorgs II I'.ornstt trat nomiuatad for Circuit Jodu In thi diattior. and da MuCala for District At torney. ' A Kockv Cask, A few daa ago n alferctlon occurred t Sodaviile between W W Parr ah and Mr Chcthfr, resulting In the latter throwing a rock t Mr I'ar rlah. tiittlnir him. Oi. complaint of Mr Parriah. MrCheshlr wa arretted, and wit to be tiled at Lebanon yetterday ; but the case wat postponed until today. Joiikky isthc Ditch This morning Johnn Meyers was delivering thcExam- Iner to a U.lrd wara tuoscrtoer, worn ne met with in experience not down or. hi program In approaching the foot bridge over the ditch on Second ttreet he struck something, throwing him and bis bicycle Into the middle of the rsglng ssnsl. obnny striking on hi back, and not even I hat escaping a wetting. He crawled hut and his bicycle was scored with a ong hand'ed rake, v. flUIIAT. Etatara Htareharm at PM French'. Tb tat all propa.ty of MuMioa villa I 1319.102. $rctic! and sysglatiai for ev. rJot. at Fraoch'a jewelry store. - Tb Uavernor pardoned ae van a ta yet terday. una ti L. ? tt who had basa ia prisoned is I8S2, for lit. Tb Basbe Bsrbour Cj. who piy4 in Albany aeyerat nights a few moolh ago, war at Baaer City last plgbt. Tbr will Ut a gam of ball Saturday af- teroaow batwaaa t! Alnra inia lha ran on th CVHeg grottnda at 3 JO o'clock . Lydell Baker did not get enough vott far onmiostiou I'-r Att.Wfiy Unrl tecterday aUrnnon. Lionel WeUter, -A Jscksoa aooaty, waa tbt ouf jrtunt nua. Tbi vesiag the mealing tt tb dAt for lha organis'tlloa of a Choral Society will b held. It it desired that tber t a a big attecdsoc. Th oalebraied.D-Mg. Uami'tou ha been la th eity making arrangement for on or a irte oi faet-a oa torn of tb iiv tnpio of lb day, The sW-wti ia G jidsndala, Wh , Mn day, rreatted la a victory fur th prohibi- 1100 i.i, tber only being one oouotnlmaa ad Li ma- ah si lcted ia favor ef lioensa. While la Porttaed Warner St Cianor partially .omt leted arraagaaBts (or baviDg lb f m.cas Kw Vork Otr Coapaay bora Iwoniuht week after next; about tba levh sod 19 b, when if they coma Albany people will ra th 'Spider sod Y'j"1 nd another prodau! j e. . ATtaiAT. 8pakiog sUrwt thaSnider ai d tba fly.'be Time, of Brownsville, invUes it laadrfsto sail aad re torn type lid-. An Item la th Lve oonaty coort 1 r - eae-dieg is' L L Me Arthur, lagaiopielro on county grosnos, f .ou - . , Attft By Jld! mna'inc ia Salem far3T bav sfgi.'i-d et'dt sinifyi.ig thsir Inte-'ittoa of tesdiQ'i chrittia 1 lif ber nfler, Wnt P 'Cnh 3v .np t'ckling ia tb throat. slo ts that hv it, g niagb- nd give perfect re .let, it l orm a tyiai. ?1 and 80 at, tfu'd ht 4 A Cuoiuiiog, diggtat Ligb lltraa'.t, with hi DKaHaritlet, it probably th'ed on lbs (.! rs. 00 roes of tb N irtbaett of ay mis en th eoaat, beep hi artule publiahl elaew her a to loi)irtat uuo. t u woitb dieting. A couple smsl! boys, ahd pla4 ball 00 tb de walic on firtt str tha fore noon, brok a pan ef g1a it Wf R--ad' tre. First street i a very poor ball grc.Bad.' ' ,. -: . . j Tb eitiain oooimltti -f ZQ met in Portland last uijtt and decided to put up a ; eounty ticket In that eooaty aod alau a can- didte for fiu.reme adgr. Tkey are nearly ! all re nWio j.s aud fctgvtuA with tb apuhUcao mMihine niethi-da ia thrt eouptv. pghtic m that county will be an jottixsiiug aabjectrhi yttf ' The prohiUticjo party Af Unfjon county bav placed th fnl'.owiug tiultat in tha Held: For rcprseet.tetivae, A OJingr, Hanry Porter, M U M'thpws, Wm Adair, PJ Strsyerj eonotv jadg, Uooditi school toper nteod en t,Wm Kioiptoo; eounty com miasiooer, J O K her hard; county clerk, W 8 Hnrat- Ke'iT,'M J Scott 1 treasarer, Ash lev Wkto-i Waser, 9 M Bros; sqrrejw. T W Davraporf arioator,' J U iBdbarisoni reeorder, EiinerHulIj et.6nty ctislrman.EC MLitoo.' Will Stark, te jwolers. Qianget fjr Jij 1 al 0 filro re-ili' Th best mast o.ft.e in h city at'pootsd eCoyera A4ihv Crae. fld E-UU, 80 Waab ington Street, PurUaud, fjr. Wak np and buy joar alarm docka at Fitnoh". The Corner Jewelry Store. AH iindsnf chis eating .ul cot.klng pplts at Alien Bros Irga and coinpleto Su-ok of tpcUcl-a and eja-glaiea at Kreaoh's. ' Matheas & Washburn lead in tha atove and tinware buines in thi part of tbe valley. , Ha fa ytable Siuillan haa restored gray hiir to its and prevented Imldnans fa cafes. : will dn aa to yn, Hair roueaer original enlor thouaain 11 ( a of Srto. Linn Paly and Al Moore were arrested last Saturday by Marshal Cof fey, charged with firing their revolvers on the streets the night before. The hoys plead not guilty and the city failed to establish the eharge at the trial Sat urday night before Recorder Urown's court, consequently they were dis- WJi'Bilyeu wat arrested last Monday by Marshal Coflkv tea aui.r. ... iZ: " "rr"' vftrHf nou ieig tiosei- v.- r V e . w "is saioon row on 'est Saturday. The , trial wa5 spt tue cnarge was Uipmiased, when a new warrant was served on Mr Bilyeu .ii.u wiui eimpie assault on Maasey. Recorder Brown assessed a fine (.ninat Bilyan of and poat. An ppeal toa higher tiourt will most likely be taken.-"-l'ieBs. ' Tag "Apron F;svAl.,, to be civen bv the ladle of the 1st. Presbyterian church at the opera house, April 15ih, promises obs a successful ailair. Aprons from -no umerent s.!eaare not seen very fre-1 uucuwy groupea togemer and for sale. An attrac ive program is being prepared, bupper from 6 :30 to 8 o'clock ; price, 20 cent. Ic cream and cake to ba ob'aia ed I any time during the evening for lScttr. Admission, 10 cis; children-under' 12 years of age accompanied by their paren-a admisieairep. .. 1 ? ' ' f- . FOSHAY t. WASON -SM(.4S aSV aaVAlb- Assuror John R. Aldoa'a punilcatioss. riaieh v? aeti at pulUs.r' 1 tjteafS.1? a tvn on s o ? tub a t ITU ntfta. tela Harnett la ike f pr!asn14Heeteser. Let ut see what ia the real condition of our local mine, the full operation of which, we bold, is to bring the change from sloth to vigor, from poverty lo wealth, we all so loudly ask for. We will take the mining districts sereatim, beginning with Sautlam, to which the place of honor belongs from having nut up the first mill, with all the modern re rjulsHc for success, at a cost ot $8,000 01 .tn fuui 'I' I . . I u . f 1 i,uw. J ne umwiL t umnn tiaiii, is iriu- utary to Albany, and to her citizen be long the credit of commencing in earnest, the modern era of prosperity. Dp to a Unit three yesrMgo.this district. a a mining center, lik the others, wa literally dead and almost deserted. At that time the true character ai,d great poasibilitie of the mine, appeared in the daily Oregoniar. from the pen of a well known writer. Then activity in development awiumed a new life and never again stopped nntu tne Aioany Mining company erected a ten t'amp mill on their property last fall, ihia imjwrtant tep, however,was not hastily taken or without being justified by re sult. Tbe first action of the company wa to develop the extent and character of their ledge. These condition being eatiafactorily ettled.they put np a small prospecting mill, which, ao far a tbe writer knows, never save half the gold But fortunately, the result wa different in till case, so mncu gold being taken out, that In the opinion of the company, they wou'd be justified in pntting np their present big mill. It is the grand result of thia mill that have given new life to. and confidence in, the ledges of tbe entire system from Bantiam to Bohe mia. ICV the law ol continuity, which prevailslh all mineral systems through out tbe world, we know tbe vein at Hantiarn are tbe tame aa at Blue Iiiver and Bohemia, and therefore, naturally, if eood at one point, they must be good at tbe other. That ia tbe experience of the world and cannot be questioned Now what are the result of the ten stamp mill which made it initial run o about two month ago? Even with tbe con slant toppage that mutt occur with every new mill, the result in about four day wa 2,0O0 In gold and a Urge Quan tity of concentrates, which, in thi dis trict, are proved to assay aa high at t wo a Ion on the average. On tbi basia a month' continued and unbroken run of the mill would certainly reach f 30,000, perbao a little more, or in theaggregat well on to 4O0,000 "a year. The figure we have here are tha highex business result, tba ny ll test, and they make big mine in any country. Bo thia result prove the grand character of the Santi itn ledge. Recently the Albany Co'f .mill ha bad a aecocd abort run, with the aame excellent result In about 1 month it will com me nre ' ecaton'a con tinued run and then the bjoin.on a busi- nes basis, at Kantian commence for good. Tim Albany Co. have recently opened a magnificent body of ore which some experienced men contend will yield (1,000 a day. If it will only yield 200 or even $100, a big reduction, it will estab lish tbe reputation of the Cascade mine io future beyond all criticism. There are many mines In the neighborhood ot the Albany Co'i raiil, being thoroughly opened and which promise eauallv well. 80, now thi section, alter a quarter of a century of provoking and unnecessary delay, chiefly tbe result of Ignorance and inexperience ic mining, at last rant out on a career of prosperity to have nc end, and the tame Usue to benefit tbe whole aatftltg, Tbe Y P 8 C E gave a free luach eoci able fit the (7 P church on the evening of the f ih. The tnoetinz waa noened with a ong. Tbe script a re rvadir.g waa con- oncieu ty a 1 sruitti. r rarer bv w h Craw ford. The address of welcome wa delivered bv Mr Jame Cochran, the re sponse by V II Crsvfo.-d Tte program consitel of two declamation, one by .v Willjamson, the other by Almeda tonlap, and three eongs by the society. AfUir the prograut a tree loncb va served by the mem tert of the Y P fi C and thi W M s, which waa followed by a sociable. Rev A M Acheson went to Spokane the gret of the week. Monran. tonkin A Co. of Weat Oak. riile, are doing somft good work on Bute strectj m lillinjj and leveling pp the The oldest siirn in West flakvilln haa been moved to (State street, fcunith & Co have reoelved tome more) good thi weca, and are doing a good buaineas. But who ia Mr Co? A D Morrison went to Benton county to teayl? school the first of tne week. ;1 ' Alfiopa. aii J Rrri'iurcD all RiGHT. Three email boy named Parrel!. Button and Palmer, ftavelQstref&rfiedfrotfiatwo or three Vtafe'a trtn rlAtrn' Ih. tS'tllk At B .a. -! j vu"ii a ' f'laiuciD. ' oh Uie west side and retrnSng ion the east aide. They were out its see the kvorU. and their parents were consider ably anxious aboii. tffeir' Ijeabouta, when they put in'an appestanco. Nfj Usa pr y.-oTle Palejs gtgtesmap eaya Judge Websfer will be elected At-torney-ljeperal and will be aea'ed. We'll wager our paa'e bucket he will not be seated before the end of 1894. if elected. The democrat will probably not. and !-honld not, put up any candidate for the ii"8ce. a tha presenr pecupant grjdgp.bJ- Hdiy hoidrur aa'ii l ? " " BABY ONE SOUD SORE Tri4d I-r-f-tliJnswTtiiont Celled. Ko Ite Night pr Day." Cured by ' " puUcoxa teeatediee ' f-r hutj. l two month old, had hrvaAlne oat will) what Uie doctor raQed eeseisa. ' Her hcaj. arm, feet, and feaoti ware ad so KMi sore. v I triad sreryililo;, bat aatther tba doctor aor aoF, tmageueaid twrsoysuoa, Wt eooU eel do rest Oa or nlht wltli bar. Ia my extremity I tried the Cu ticpra Kiansias, bat I confess 1 bad no faith tn them, for I bad never seen them tried. To my great Warpriao, in ioo . week' Sm sfler begtntring to as ia Oirricetu. Riumii, the eorea were well, bat I eonttnueil to oaa tbe Ka Solvist for a little while, and now she ta as fat a babv as von would like to soo, and ss sound aa dollar, i believe my htbj wonld have died If I bad Dot tried Octicuba Ksa BU1M. I write this that every mother with a baby like mln ean feel eoa&ient that there la a medicine, thatjtrl II euro the woat eexarAa, aud that medicine ia the vfticdka Ksaanras. Alas. USXTUt BiKESXB, Lockhart, Texas. Cuticura Remedies CTreVwry hlOO" ' tkln and scalp of Infancy . ...i ...ti iiitnoa. WBBUwr wniinuRi uiiuxunu., iw li - tmrtiineN soaiy, a, v""": lUl ' , ' ,"T -"tn! ly. or blotchy, itv ot the blood, lirC'I oflgu..0r fcefssTltarr. nbeaUal enimrea years of mental and MlfiSL,!"1?:. K" Cure, mads ii llJJnfl ttKno r th greateet skin eorea, Plood pari l!ra. and hmnn Z!S?,'..??t iwlly oure, sad may b uaed on the , --.. auaii wiui we mot graurytog auooeaa. Sold ererywhore. I-rlae. Currctnu, 8O0.; Roai. , - 1 ... . ivfici, J 1 1 urifia lHr jrn Chicai, Cohpobatioh, Boeton. Send for i Uow to Cora Skla Dlaeaaos." 6t P, W tllnatrallous, sod 100 taaUinonlalaT PIIIPLES, .black-heads, hppd snd oily ekjo rihl eared by Cuticcua Kkhhca-cku Boat. W FREE FnCM E:iEU"ATiSf.l J . " Ia m mlanta tha Cntlrura I fy"J ll "1HIX; lttr relieve rheu. aat-mmatio, soialie, hip, kidney, cheat, and firet wiaiid only iuatautaaeout paia-kiiiiig niastcV. ;. pveafs an1Tr-'ny- , o.t'DC( ' c 'u tot tnr Spoo -rat Fees. - - Our 0...C it C no -, (J. 9. l-atent OUica. end we aim wmro iwvut mifBS time than tlios rwnotefrom WaBliiusioii. bud siodet drawing or photo., wUTs descrli Won. W e ayt ie, !f patent able or not, free c cliarpe. Our fu not tine ti it patent iB seenrei A FamiNl.. I, -i,i.-w to fnln talents " v 1 1, name i.f arfii'J cih'Kis in vgm j; f.a, eJJnv , vl town, ecEt s'."t'j. Ati.t.-e-x" "' fjn-i! :L. lfv 1 Jj n . 9 oyru " We am six fa fam A Farmer at ily. Wa lira in a at -rV Afl 1 tma-t P J- fAt..a i'--- "AA- TS tav Edom,Tex.9, Jubject to jt Sayoi Cldi and Lucg Trouble. I hare used German Syraa for tlx year euceessfully for Sor throat, Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Pains ia tho Chest and Lungs, and spittinjr-np of BI xkI. I have tried many differ ent kinds of cough Syrups in my time, but let me say to anyone want ing such a medicine German Syrup is the best. That nas Been my ex perience. If you use it once, you .... 1 1 rvr I r r . T M.tlMfi. anaf naaA t .T trivra tnt-il e1iof atit I I w -a.. ,'' ay a quick cure. My advice to every one auffering with Lung Troubles is Try it. You will soon be con vince -t. In all the families w here- your German Syrup is U-scu we nave no trouble with, the Lung at all. It is John Franklin Jones. the medicine lor tht country. $ C. G. GREEX, Sole ManTr.WocdburT.NJ. 13 THE V7. L. DOUGLAS cjo oijrirr eci WHY WS W W San CSKTLr-rfllEfJ ilia. Tn BiiST SHOE ill IKE KLHiJ ni Hit a: ;i.ri Itlaaaan)laabux arlttt aolarHaer txi liiraad r tit I to hart U (ru nvli 4 Ilia twal flaa aalf. aiv.'i.a a4 ey. ao bciy-r va v-nir. man tiuy.t 0 thit prui (Via oV other mannfarturer. It efJUIi fiar.'a- PHJ . 1' r CMMll S I ' "H a M W W 1 strlnn. fTT.f'i.l.f. ili vr &Jci at lu. ri,;e ; ii wte tti'j:i-ij frunt l. X 1 Inn. mfnit.a aeCtatunafa. IstVatfc. atD f va fu;e ; jjin- gruua a 'l i taei rirmitt rricnail wa I lannm, l'-a.lrM area e-v au .urri arritnall axw i"in-.; buccal it, bor tar a.4ea, eitta . au . u y)r wn A 1 Sua .ia i r. t tMp. Oupalr will vir.jurf, O 9 u ( ir u J if vni!r!-rr-t a artio anmi a aa rr rr.rrsrort a. arvj.,. awe n Ihia m.l u Iriii am 'ecoriiua Uiuaa S2. 4 ?4 ei.OI Weriil9nna, ! 1 ara .-re atrcne an iiw a.i baa f aa tb-m a uiai rai irfr.r ut ..tb .s auke. tlftVC w-- ei-7. arrrart iwa are UUJ worn Iiy ih lj.,r.Tcr, h'f9: tuejeuj Otl tocl- merits, " ll.- ittmtwWi mim w. I If1l?J tS't'O" ilaa)-e9,1 y, tet e3tltw aa l..i.vffta. oi. aiyt.i.' on-m... -.. aliUWVaiKr-lt'-B!c.n4 ii.i f fr-iO fcaJiea tAjSO. trJ.O: fiNt il.y.J ahoe fny tf tasa t. r-r A. I;4 fi F-. LnjXt a;i.v klilljil,- W UJ . , l t"i.j.liia BU- tbi srto ai iip4 fa It UitiMta t aw ua, r-eeiKi r ttt' rwtitltl t tVi- iOti-Ac, itrciaUaaaMa Ml T f Li, l FJ. BTiAl S ADMIXISTEATOB'S KOTICE CF AP PCIHrMEHT. SJOTIC-B 19 HEREBY GrVFJ Tf AT THE It anteralg-Bed haa beea dale pfoinltd by th enirey eoart lor I ion eonatf, Oregon, aomiolnrstor af the analaof Wm A Uan. dectaaad, tale a linu wnrtf, Ortyoa. Ai M.-atip taking ir;tW aid eaiaue are hereby ont'fkd to pnawol ihem iiroil fly veri4ed to Uie anoerutned at hie rtelene at Korth Halem, atarioe euuntf, Oragoe, antbio aiz BMBtba Ires thi date. Aad all pen a Indebted to aid estate ar hereby notified to par tna asme Va the rnde-aWned immediaielr, D4 KtMry S0Ui, ImA " ' itrnri.Dita TUMCX FOKB. Ailminiatrai( ij .. At Kauaa, - AUrator AJniobtrator. ' sick mzn aufJbr -anneeesscry. Dont you ' LjbO fuow thai: eximUUon, dobllity, fau.-a mpaam, aaa feam Weakness, brought on Tby early foUles, dikmtpatioa and ocuct, d be atuad. Don't get filsooct ssd We ttare enrad fcaadredf at ihelr beiees by mail treatment, Toaj- caia wiU be diagooaed freat VTrlta to-day. K cost to leant ye ar condition, j tBa.-T-J arks. lsekta aad EKis tea, ' SAX FRANCISCO, CAt. -aataaaa-aaBvlavT aSJraaatal A aewsrd Comalal -frratioeiit, rontl.ijnol u m wtaneAunanwat ia OataM aa.awo in Boa aid Pili, FoaiUae Core for AxteraalJatcrral Rliiul mr ni a ia Itching. Chronic, Racentor UanMitarv Pil,nd aateyoahardlaeaiai aad tamal wexkneasca; liuiaj. 2" oawana ao ine geqrrai Dealth. The firat Mmtstt af a medical ci-ra raoilaring n c peril .... tta ta title. uitiRcaaaar) htrealier. .'ttis noittis naa tiacar a a knnaia taili fit k.. a . st by mail. . wtijr eutar trow thi tanrible AuhW whoa a writAea guaranwe ie peailiTely airan waa bemea,to re fond tna aaoaey U not eared, gead stama farireaSaaipla. Guarantee tamed bj ; -i .- , 4tA r-ssasalac. trtctlu. ' aata Imii. ' ' : r-. ijfemsy, raai. HEALTH IS WEALTH mH?i- Da ECHasT'a isaea ua Pkah Taeanwa,? gnsrssteed apeeioa br Bjitari. IViaunas", CVn vulaioa. l'it,Nrmui Nuralgia,Headuh.NrTeui rrannuiM ateM or tne oea 01 aieobei or toDacao: naaenunefca, sieaiM 1 Depression, SttfteuiDg of the Braia reanians a In inaaaitr and leadina' to miserr. assay an ceaih. Premature Old Aire- Btrrennasa. Von ot Foawis either est, lurolnawrr iLeaasa ant) Spermatenaiwa eaueed br- oer-axarti-ef tJha train. Mtfabuao or oiar mdtl genua. JCaah' bif aulalna an tuooth'a trsatuieMt. tl.po f x ft i:( sex for ti.saGl hr nA)l niuai4 ail teeatptel artaa. . VTE CCAKAIVTEK tlX BOXEa To sure any ease. With eaoh order reeelred byf a torsix boxes, seaempanied with ti.00. wewilleend he purohaaer oar written guarantee ts refund the aviuej U tho treatment does aot aflaet a eure. Uuar antea loaned ool j bj J A laaa'Mlag.J OragglKt, Hole Ajreat, Aibaar, vreuoa. kJjM Scientiao American , 77 A.ency for," CAVEATS. a CTArisr UActve nttlCM BIT! aiT at COPVftiGHTS, etc. "mtjnmaI 'f? nandboolr write to ETerTctiS "J0; seem n,r patent, in America, aue uuue DJ a UOUOa viaiui or oli.m.- in neiififiratiiictiu ait Ptiaaiaa aMroS-f puzi. CO. . - aaM -'-' .Via ti t.iji cezmbhated . . ' fi fj '' 1 vSi VES50r4 gtlEVOLUERSS , : .. . ...t.. nr.ns ter Manufactured. " I I llnritflfifiagr--., j, . .Haiitftll, 1 1 Ct l'-rr : oi ..llfin , I - II I .rii E , It iieware o. cv" : I WW vf-y 3,1 t4. ,, A, 1 W-aawtaa. I-. i aa iTS ATM E NT -" -. .s . t n " I Y f r 1 . ..M,M,lfct ., t -r aL 4tt wtrf rSS'SVR; ll'mr entire papw lo tha ute. a; i -1 -' t WMiRir, ?-tS,()U ak I d. y V n inifa, (if t r f I I ; rr 4 t X 'taW'la?