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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1892)
Site pcwaaat. IOOAL, llCOltl). ILltuLMAMr AitKaTKD. The follow Ing from th Eugene Guard telle about the arrest of a former rvsi.lent of Ilenton county, arrot the Willamette from thlt rity, until two or three year iro. IL llolman waa arretted near The HnlW Saturday afternoon by leputy Sheriff t.mner on a complaint filed In the office of J n t ire. Henderon bv pco Handera, chart Inn him with the crime of larveny bv laiUe, and waa brovmht here Sunday afternoon. It appear! that latt ovem her 8herl(T Noland attached llntman'a team for a debt owed to J M Williama, by his order. Mr llolman being a poor nan the sheriff let him retain the. team taking hid receipt therefor. llolman about the first of the year told the team to I'atco Sanders and went to Eastern Oregon. A few daya ago Sheriff NUiul went to look after the team and found them In poatemlon of 'Mr Sandera and, of course, took charge o them and that gentleman naturally Sled a warrant against llolinan charging him with the above crime. It teems that llolman de manded the team from Williams' attor ney, on advice of a friend, as the law exempts a man's team from execution. Inatead of this, hethould have demand ed them from the the aherift and not old the Property un'.il it had been re leased, legally he is probably guilty; but morally, he had no criminal inten tion. The case waa postponed until Wednesday to allow llolman to procure the means to settle w ith Sanders. In the meantime he Is out on his own re cognizance. Walkixoto Ciucaoo. The party of variety people who for fun's take, and In cidentally to secure $1500 which will be given them If they reach that el'y by Au gust 30, fetched Pendleton Frl.Ur 'after noon, and all Ot course they attracted considerable attention when they marched down Main an 1 up Court treett. The men lookeJ lik tramp, be ing unshaven and ragged. MUt Howard, who It a small woman, wat In dresses, and wore a man'e coat and derby hat. She carrrled the it art and stripes, which waved over the procession at it advanced, the men manipulated the barrow. Tne party left Seattle March 10, and have made from sixteen to seventeen mllet a day. The 331 mllet from Portland to Pendleton have been traveled since Thurs day of week before latt. They are In good health spirits and report having developed enormout appetltet. The ex pedition membcrt are John Howard, MUt Lou Howard, J F Cheatham and W Catton. The lady usually weait a tult r-f boy't clothing, but donned a drcta before entering Pendleton out of respect to the city marshal, whom they heard wat very ttrtct at to preserving the proprieties. E. O. A S.xtA Tmsr . lltlnev hata humor out writer. E M Jewett, who tellt the following In the Newt: On lait Thursday a tneak thief, the hobo tribe, enteied the school house at Muddy, and stole tome lunch from a bucket tn the hall; at he was leaving Mr Shlrlev raised the cry stop the thief. Justice Wlgle and I give chase and after a hot run we cornered him up under Davis' warehouse, we made him rome out and then took him over to the school haute, he resisted some and denied ties I Ing an thing, llettldhewit no hotra, and that he bad fttendt coming hack the road who would help him out. He hac a pew pair of shoes on hit aim. We ask aim If he stole them, and he tald he bought them at Salem, but no doubt he stole them. After hiving; a. I the tun out of him that we could. Mr John lgte gave him some good advice which he received very meekly and a tandallch which he liked better and let him go on hit way rejoicing, saying he would ,ln 00 more ; no doubt he meant t , A Scrxctgs Coibt DcciBh). The case Bl 0haa II Dod4 A Co. vs Wm St John and Cynthia St John involving the legal question of whether or not a buggy, a family vehicle, purchased by the bus band, is a family expense for which the wife's separate estate would be liable, waa decided by the Supreme Court yesterday In the affirmative. The court deciding that a buggy nnder the allegation! of the complaint as pleaded, it true, constitute family expense. Mr O W Wright, of this city, as attorney for Mr Dodd. there by scores another legal victory in the Supreme Court. ' j ?tzxt Jtaawar ExriiiaiM.'-The titreet railway company are making ar rangements to begin active work on the extension of the road to the Viereck addition. Bids will be opened in a few days for about 85,000 feet of lambtr, and the company will probably do the work itself. It is also likely that a line will be ran down First street in the Third ward- Whether a line is run to the fair ground will depend on whether the people out that way want it or not. No suburban locality needs a line" more. A B sicca Co. Mim. A gold brick of about 300 ounces of the value of nearly 5,ooo was brought in fiom the Balsl?y Likhorn mine yesterday by Mr W Kel $n, ipsnager and superintendent of the ip'lne, and deposited at tne First National Bank. When the large 60 ton mill plant now In course of erection on the Baialey Elkhorn it completed and in operation the monthly bullion output will be something to tet the mining world thinking. That time it not far off. Democrat. Hot Hirs. The Oregonlan Is the highest priced dally in the world. Ore gon City has the most hoodlums for its size of any city In Oregon. The Portland World tayt the Salem Statesman's editor hat not bralna enough to write an, adver tisement for the bushiest of the paper. It steait "the Great Mahomet" from Prlnteit Ink. If that editor gets outside the cor poration the cowt will eat him " The remark wat brought out by the Statetman hitting papers that use piste matter, which the World does. Twenty-five new real estate officet In Astoria, which it a warning to keep your eyes open. Escaped th Cyclcxi The Eugene Register telle of one man who reached Oregen just. In time: Mr J A Burlin gtme, who resides In University addition, Informs us that he received a letter a few dayt tlnce tlatlng tnat hit house in Rice county, Ksntas.had been destroyed by the cyclone which visited that regloo recently. Hit tenant and family were in the house but teeing the storm coming ran into a pit dug for that purpose and ecaped,whlle the bouse wat completely demolished. The house was insured for $1100 N cyclone insurance company." Crook's Tickets, The democi alt of Crook county hare nominated the fol'ow ine ticket: Representative, A M Robert; Arthur 1 lodge, clerk ; W A Booth, sheriff ; Ed N While, trcatur-r; J w Howard, commissioner; Lee Wig'. ttsetsor; school euperlntendent, Lee N Liggett; Knox Huston, surveyor: L W Woods, coroner. The republicans nominated the following ticket: Kepretentatlve, lion B FFIchols: theiltf. I N Williamson: clerk, E G Bol ter; commissioner, J P Combs; assessor, J II tiray : surveyor, U IS Stewart ; treasurer, S I Belknap; school superintendent, Dr II P Belknap; coroner, lr V Uesner. Some Shot n um. A lew days ago Gees McClung was in the bushes near bis father's home in Benton county, when a couple Albany JNim rods, among our most careful banters, happened to shoot at a bird in his direction, three or our of the shot striking the boy in one of his legs. A hired man of Mr McClung was leaning over, when a full discharge of shot passed directly over and close to bm body, ma tie Dcen standing lie would probably have gotten the benefit of the full discharge. Toledo Post Items. Chinamen have taken the place of white men on the O P, at tec'lon men, at'this place. They 1 domociled In a box car, on the twitch. Our "coon baroer mtoe nit escape Monday morning, taking a tie past t-r vallUward. He, in company with othert of our burg, had quite a time Sunday, toolllne whiskey, and when He, tna dig realized w hat he had to near broke his heart, or rather hit pockrtbook, han sooner than face hitcredltort he lefi,1 Os the O. P The new Oregon Pa cific time table just Issued, showt the fol lowing: The passenger train leavet the city station for the Bay at 12:2a arriving there at 4:3;. The freight leaver at 7:40 a m. The passenger p )l n :j eait It-avet Al':;;i!'v t rn . Arrive Ht llalstead at .iJU .... 1 UJ... I..lll.ll"g.-ILi..lll!l" Look Lir Besom. The Talk tsvs: The contract for building the Portland & Astoria railroad has been signed. The contract calls (or the grtdlnn of $5 mllet of toad, and hat been awarded to Coiey Bros Co. who are wl.lely known throughout Montana, Colorado tnd I'tah, and are men of considerable wraith and prominence In railroad circlet. Their last work hat been on tne Great Northern, In Montana, and where all their utensils are at present being shipped from. Mr Watlls, et the above firm, was In tervlewcd this morning at the Occident, lie tald "our tools are now on the road and we art bringing to this countty "lth the outfits thout 1,000 men, ax It It tm possible lo hl'e nil the ltborert here that we mav need Thlt morning I tent out a lot (f workmen on the Mayflower to the vicinity otOlnev, ai.d wish to stake that I sm hiring all sppllctntt and every availa ble man to be found hereabouts, ' Men do nat have lo wait for we are sending tl em to the front cvey morning." Nothing positive It known ss to the ! general route of thlt line, further than that the road will run on the west tide of the peninsula of Astoria and no up either Yotng't river or the Lewis and Clarke. It will then e built to the Nehalem, fol lowing htt ttream snd proceeding by eaay grades to the city of Portland, giving As toria direct connections with all the transcontinental llnet thioughout the country. Mr E E Cooper.asslstant-chlet-engtneei, wat teen tn hi office thlt mornln bv a Talk repoiter. He stated that he had been on the line of survey, and that the body of men running the line were mating ail possible haste In locating for the graders. Liht or Patents granted to Inventors in the Paciflo Stales this week. Report ed by 0 A Snow Co.solicitors of A mer ican and Foreign patents, opposite U S Patent office, Washington, 1 C: CA Warren, San Francisco, excavator; JB Valiums, Oakland, Ca.1, electric conduc tor; L It StertVy, San Diego, Cal, bed head section; U LThunen, Oroville.Cal, taa burner safety attachment; 1 C Turner, Rose burg, Or, plow; A Uren, Seattle, Wash, snatch block ; A II Van I'olt, Oaktand.Cal, house door lettar box: G R Richardson, Latrobe, Cal, bevel square; A K Miller. Sprague, Wash, tri cycle; V B Morris, Sea'tfe.Wsth.stump puller; r. K Park. Han Francisco, dental disk holder; M A Penny, Perris, Cal, brake shoe: W B FKnn. 8 F. car brake: B Freeman, Low Angeles, Cat , mach or separating gold, silver, etc ; J Gallag- ner, uatianu, uai, electric ugn; crane; G L Goodman, San Francisco, prescrip tion Ale; I Burlingame, Fremont, Wash, saw mill carriage indicator; O II Burn ham, Oakland, and J I Meyers, San Iranclsco, refrigerator ; J A Christy and I Baldwin, San Francisco, telephone receiver; M ACIeunam. San Frauc'eco, connecting rod joint and bearing. Tux Apron Festival. The ladies ot the First Presbyterian church will give an Apron Festival, Friday evening, April 15th at the optra house. Aprons have ieen received from all parts of the United States, also from Germany, Ire land, Africa, Canada and Alaska. These aprons will be on exhibition and for sale. Supper will be served from 6:30 until 8 o'clock, to be followed by a social at which ice cream and cake will be served. A short program will be rendered at 8:30 o'clock, of which a norel and. interesting feature will be the "Looking backward" march, to be given by eight yonng ladies. Price of supper 20 cents, ice cream IS cents, admission 10 cents. Checks wpl be furnished those paying admission to the supper admitting to the social. Children nnder twelve ac companied by parents, admitted free of charge. The program for the evening is as follows : Vocal selection, Apollo club. "Looking Backward" march, vice vena girls. Instrumental selection, Apollo band. A Cats la repmted to the Demccrat whfch It to contiary to our American tnd christian style of doing thing that we mention ll. On April 8th the wile of f J Anderson, better known as To ramie Anderson, die J at her home a tew mile from Albany, alter an Mnesa In which a Doctor was only called at the last moment. The neighbors state that they were re fused admittance to the hoase after her death, and that no one but Mr Anderson and a hired man taw her after death; that the wat hituled on a tied Into a field and buried without ceremony. An effort wat made to buy a rough uoard coffin 1 bufctthe undertaker' yerv jjpejlv refuaed sell one. The cheapest coQn was secured. The above la not all the story ; but suffi cient,' Mr Anderson had teen things done that way In his country, and no doubt thought it was proper here ; but such a course causes indignation among ail classes ti eur people. A Good Joke, Pan J Fry la one of tbe wbeel horses of tne Marion county democracy, lie was getting in bis fine work at the democratic primaries on last Katnraar. 1 young uerman ne was acquainted with, and whom besthonght knew who he (Fry) was, came along and wanted him to vote. Dan took hita aside and explained to him the ticket he ought to vote. "But, be added, "there lo the nam of one fellow on there who if. a scalawag, and yon want to scratch mm. ins name la fry. me voons German trusted Dan too implicitly, and he followed h'.s instructions to the letter. ecatchinor off the name of Frv. The conversation waa in German, and tbe ioke wonld not have gotten ont but for the fact that another son of the Father land was standing near, and listened to the conversation and witneeted the whole proceeding. Statesman. ut Axa r:Rai. MONDAY, J U Howard returned thlt noon from a trip to Koteburg. J II Lame, of Ilalaer, hat moved to oseburg to reside. Mr Chat Crowder and family have moved to Alblna to reside. . Mrs J II Upham aent to Portland j es terday on a visit with her sou. Mr Pels Wllaow wat In the city today on hia way to from a vllt In Lebanon, Frank B Mcllroy, a Portland flremer's upply man, I in the city, with an eye on Albany's needt. Genrpe N Alford and Dam 0.1 Smith, two of HarrUbnig't leading cltlaena. are In the city today. Mr Viereck, brother of L Viereck, left thlt noon for Chicago, III., where he has a position offered him, J G Ketley, the well knov n tewer man, went toCoi vallis todsy to confer with the city authorities of thst plant about new sewers, Mrs JG Gray sccompanled FJ Miller to his home at Albany thlt morrdng.where the will visit a few dayt with her daught er. Eugene Guard. W P Ketdy. formerly a representative from Benton county, has been nominated on tne republican ticket of Mu'.tnomah county for the same place. Geo II Burnett, candidate on the repub lican ticket tor circuit Judge, being the man who snowed Judge Boise under In the convention, wat In the city today. C G Rawllng. recently of the Union Pacific oilica at Victoria, tt In the city, that office having been doted. He will probably travel for the company. Attorneys Bllyeu and Watson went to Corvalllt thlt noon to attend circuit court. White Attorney C E Wolverton, Attorney General Chamberlain and Chief Ju.tke Strahan went to Salem. 11 Foreman, who went back east last fall, returned to "the world," (Haltey) last Monday. He left hit family In Spo kane, who will arrive In a fw dayt. If 0 reportt many cases ot black tongue there, which Wan almott Incurable disease. Haltey Newt, TUESDAY. Miss Electra Stiles wect to Portland today to visit friends. Dr Ball and Will Lyon went to Saleto today to attend one of the Mill's meet ings Id that city, which close tonight J The Dispatch tars: Hon B F Bonham, ot Salem, if he will accept, can beat Hon Geo II Burnett lor judge In the third dls trlct. tie It a power In that district. Attorneys Geo A Dor ris, A C Wood cock and E R fekipworth went to Salm this morning to argue the case of the Water Co vs the city of Eugene, on ap peal before the supreme court. Eugene Guard. Miss Mairste Whitney returned from Jasper yesterday and left this morning to teach school near Astoria. Her sister Mise Nettie, went to Jasper to take tier place as teacher of that school. Eugene Guard. . Rev , richard, Rev Condit and wife. I) II MrCnllaugh and wife. MrsCW Sears. DGCIa. k and wife and others left ti ls noon for Independence, to attend a meet ing of the presbytery of the Presbyter- tan church, which convenes there tonight. Mr Harry Walden arrived home this noon from Lit trio to Jacksonville. F'a.. where be went to attend a meeting of railway agents. lie reports a glorious time. Everything waa at its best in Fiorlda, oranges now ruling the market there. He was a'.so at the former home of his parents in Indiana. Like all who go east, he of course rejoices at being a resident o! tbe wuiamelte Valley. WXDSESDAt. J M Mover U vice president of the Bank of Wood burn. Mrs Etta B Yssvtllo ent to Oak'snd. Oregoo this noon to yWlt relatives. Mrs C P Rader. of Portland, ts in the city, the guest of her daughter, Mrs Wn A Humphrey. Mrs Peter Sc blotter weak to CorvaUls this noon on a visit with her daughter. Mrs Geo Fukv. Mr and Mrs Burr Sloan went to Mon mouth this morning on tbe Wm M Hoag, where tbey will reside. Miss Velle Irving went to Independ ence this noon to attend the meeting of tbe Presbytery in session there. MrMell Young ha resigned his poai- lion as Oregon Pacifle agent at Salem. and will return to Albany tonight. W II Raymond, the insurance man. is in the city, having just come down from the Spokane country. The ladies ot the M E church South will give a sociable this eveninx at the residence of A B Mafhewi. Everybody is invueo. Lieut Fred Schvatka. of Arctic fame. was in the city the first of the week reg- (-tftt'lL rKCI.KBIX. Tuesday evening, April 12, 18ii2. Present Recorder, marshal, street lupertntendent, treasurer, and Council man French, rfvlfler, Burkhart, Haw kins, Wheeler and Stewart. In absence of mayor Councilman Stewart was elected mayor pro tern. The following bills were ordered paid: A MeFeron, I2.7S; John Schtneer, 20! W B Barr. ,15; J W Keen, 100 1 II U Hyde, flit John Dick, tl.00; J W Given dt Co, (f IK) j R A Murphy, 4002; P W Sr.lnks, 10.30; N J llentoti, 24.10; Train A Whitney, $2.10; cost bill, fS,85. BlUa ot city councilman, and Cifllcers, (llllln Bros Lumber Co , ftirUH); Electric Light Co. 2H4; Mrs Purdom, 12.C0; J Uradwohl, 12.60 Numerous strcut Improvements of a minor nature were ordered. Farther time was granted In matter of Qvertlow of canal. . , Tim report ot the impel hitendent of the bridge, FJ Miller, showed all the material for the bridge received, which with work Is of the value ot over 1(13,000, of which M3.O00 has been paid. Re ferred. Quarterly reports of the treattire and recorder shows Urn fallowing: Receints Ral in treasury Jan 4, '0: Reo from' fines iaxes..,. t ICR 77 15 (H m tw If KM 00 an 23 2230 00 Bio Incomes. Following are the fig urea showing the expense of running Union county, as brought out by County luoye banders: " r rem January 1, 1880, to July 1, 18S9, eighteen months, A Neil, county clerk, drew at legal feet from the county $8048 59 and from Indi viduals $2020.26; olal, $10,068.85. A N Hamilton, for the latt eighteen months of hit term drew from the county, a sheriff I4914.95 I'om Mdtvtduait and state $3001.13; total, $791608. Turner Oliver, for the hist eighteen rr.onths of hit term at clerk, hat drawn from the county $10,624.17 and from IndMdualt $3462 58; total, 1 4,003 75. 1 i Bollet, trerlfl. for the first eighteen months of hit term, hat drawn from the county $10.591. I nd from the alate and Individuals $(372.78 UMal, $1(364.29. The above figure will prove an Interesting ttudy for the tax payert." Lkcok couMfr Arrangementa being perfected to have some inleretting racet run over the frtnevine course, beginnln about the 20m 01 Alar, furies amount nK to $300 will be hung, and the li-teii tion It to have three running racet and one trotting contest. Wells Bell hss secured the Gird creek school, but will not begin teaching for tome weeks yet. 1 (e tavt the snow on the mountain Clotting It from 11 Inchet to 18 Inchet deep. Attorney M E Brink It still at work fencing In hit recently purchased proper ty we mean hit real estate. We shall next expect a cozy nest for the ultd that may fly Into hit cage. Net. License, saloon License, general. Sewe fund To'al.. ,..$ 4852 V0 Disbursements Am?, city warrants paid I 4503 ,1ft Interest paid.. M,!I4 Amt In treasury March St, '1)2. 23H 00 Total......,,,,.. 4852 TO ButtHia ri'Kn. Receints-- Bal In treasury Jan 4, U2. . . . . .$32317 S2 inouretnetii City warrants paid ........... .$32317 32 Amount warrants outstanding on bridge bweb ri si). Receipts Bal Id treasury, Jan 4, '02. Sewer assessment .. Total Disbursements City warrants raid Inton warrants paid , I'aid general fund in treasury March 31, '02. Total.. .$ 31U3 C8 .$12412 71 . 31 60 $12444 21 .$ W01 M 351 17 22.W 00 441 48 $12444 crrr wAaiAirr Account. General fund- Outstanding warrant Jan 4...$ Outstanding warrauts.March 31 OKXEftAL SXrEMDITUBSa. 4724 JO 13534 37 City officers As follows Mayor and council N ightwatch men Marshal Recorder .' Attorney Street comnilasloncr Treasurer Fire department Street lighting Printing and stationary Streets, material, labor Interest on bonds Sundries Total... Bridge Sewers .$ 2139 20 . 103 00 . 4 W 00 . 719 15 . 23'J M . fiUO 00 . 227 60 50 00 . 610 13 . tea 00 . 124 M . 434 35 . 230 00 C3 23 ..$ (1303 54 ..$03477 00 , . 4044 4H 4 Q. r ct, m fr I I fiCJVA . ROYAL BAKING POWDER Strongest, Purest, Most Economical. Ccrta!n baking powder makers arc publishing falsified extracts from the Government reports, with pretended analyses and certificates, wherein an attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal," or making bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpose being to counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising from 'their impurity, low strength, and lack of keeping qualities as shown by the Government chemists and others. to whether any of these baking powders arc to the "Royal," the official tests clearly dctcr Whcn camples of various baking powders were purchased from the grocers, and analyzed by the United States Government Chcmist.i and the Chemists of Statu and City Hoards of Health, the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal" contained from 2 S per cent to 60 per cent, more leavening strength than any other cream of tartar baking powder, and also that it was more perfectly made, of purer ingredients, arid altogether wholesome. ... As.: these powders are sold to consumers at the same price, by the use of the Royal Baking Powder there is an average saving of over one third, besides the advantage of assured purity and wholcsocencss of food, and of bread, biscuit, and cake made perfectly light, sweet, and palatable advan tages not to be had in the use of the low-grade, cheaply made baking pow ders that contain lime, alum, and other impurities. CfU mine. life r 1' - 1 i ur. 1 r. nawg txD anaeiD ' Moxnav. Work on the IWutoa side of the b'UIgs has beeu b-un, Una oouty ndt. hv log been eouipWUd, rxeept a sttsll a 9 oant ot work. Mr Snail, a farmer living south of this West's 0 mgh flyritp tickling In tha throat, tor that baokiag ooogh. sod givts perfect rslin', it U crUitily worth a trial. 2) tod 60 ota. So'd by J A Cuwming. druggist. The first fortiltslng goods brought n Al baoy mty no be found at lUUruou's feed stir. Hcijrjliwpbttit, mtwts'e ot tx.U-h, uitl.U r-f toda, tort Iwoe ml and Uud p'aittr. AIo that w bit rose Hoar front oity aboat thrae ml tt, it mnla ( hit wbeat j rlk eounty wr-ont, wbieb aUolettly jsat tto dowa bretass it is too r.nV, not having J iatl ia lb AlUuy market, ptuil it soy. , . The rmtins of Mi Mo I Wsrmoth.wbo diatl in Kugeae last Tliurwliy, were broouhl down to this city Saturday, sod taken to Brownsville for f.orltl. Islwy News. At the armory tord.iy bight Jemme William won tha gild mtdsl fr the third tim. kaig the mils ia 4:22j ClyU Hill, tbs only other eH,lUuS nuttiiig it ia 4;32J. T:i w.ek N') it A Urn told fiCOO hd .f ttiniioa sktoij to Martin sol Wuon to t t ivned after trrlrg. We onderstsad tbe nice rrceiv averaged attrty thrts ditlUr, Ucboet itvview. Mr Vsn Wilton, actat forth Kw Mali lli Vvl.s, rtttivrd foor bCVtlr tbt nt. TatKIT. taawasa Tanosht, April If,' l8;j. Rev T Thomt will sddrett the cltUent of Tsngent, on Tuesday evening at the public school bouse. -SuLjcct, Prohibi ten. Tbe lecture wi:i be free. We had tbe tleaure ot visiting tbe (iiirtik ttbotd Fi lilav. It i under tbe au!e mantgement rl I'rof K M Mlichell. tie hat a good tciMtol Rev II II Elwonhy, pastor of the M E rl.uuli, coulJ m fiil'l.! appointment here muh!) i.i.t.i, itnirg received a letter fi.i ,'s wife al bhcddt, atatlng that one titerlng at the kit Charles. He stated that be wonld be here again in a few weeas. The Union Y P 8 C E socletv ot this city will hold a sunrise Kaster service next Sabbath mornlng.beginnins services at o o clock, at the Presbyterian church B Fay Mills goes from Salem toTacoma. thence to Los Angeles, Oakland. Ban Francisco, Salt Lake. Denver and 8t Lonta- He makes big lamps ; bat could talk at all tbe cities if he wonld, to great is tne uemana lor him. A disnatcti irom Air N II Allen re ceived by Mrs Allen, announces hit safe arrival in untcago. As there were fears that be might ruu into some of the bie cyciones prevauing,oia news will be received with general rejoicing by bis many friends. The following divorce cases are on the dxket ot the circuit conrt in esion at Corvallis : h E Lewis va H 8 Lewis ; M A Kelly vs T F Kelly; R P Kollini vs A M Kollins: Wm W Btovall v IJzzle Ktovall ; Mary A R Byrd vs II A Bvrd ; wary l, uoone vs wm u uoone: Mar garet M Armetrong vs Wm J Armstrong Itanna Hogevoll vs Severn Hosevoll Lacy E 8tockstill vs Zebedee Stockstill ' ArrsK a UAiuioAB. A mass meeting waa held at Eugene Monday night to take action in reference to the 8i inlaw Railroad. It was voted to raise the $100,000 if possible, and another grand mass meeting will be held Saturday -to complete arrangements for securing the money. One of the speakers was Dr I U Oriver, who mast have bad his eves on Albany according to the following from tne Guard: "He prophesied that the largest city in the world wonld be located within 300 miles ot the mouth of the Columbia river inside of 300 years, and that Eugene bad a location and natural resources that were bound to come to the front, if its citizens used the proper amount of zeal and energy." Grand total , HW55 03 Remonstrance of M rs E R Cheadie ami othert was against a sidewalk on Second street. Maine to Geary street. Referred. Councilman Hawkins and Marshal Hoffman were excused. Ordinance 240 amending ordinance in reference to grade of Maine and other streets waa read. Notice was alven by the Green IUtin Lumber Co. that they bad assigned their contract with the city for lumber, to tbe hantlain uimber v- The recorder was Instructed to enter Into contract with the latter Co. Resolution o Iff, providing Dr a sewer through block 113, Mackleman'e 2nd addition, and resolution .No 20, pro viding lor a tewer through. blocks 17, su. 24, 26, 27 and 20. 1 i s 2nd add, were read and adopted. Resolution ozi, provid ing for improving alleys in blocks 25 and 45, between Vine and Calapooia streets. by building sswers, were read and adopted. Resolution 52 providing for north side of 6th and other streets, was read and adopted. The recorder w as instructed to adver tise for bids for latteral sewers across Ferry, south of Ferry, and connecting with Railroad streets between 1st and Water streets. Tbe following bids for hose were read : Frank B Mcllroy. Wi cents icr foot, de liver! in Albany, guaranteed lor bve years, co pounds perauieei: Arneu tx Rivera, $1.05 per foot, warranted for 4 years, tame aa bought by Co in 1870 and now in use here ; Water's Engine Co.. 11.10 ner foot, warranted 4 or a years : . T Wright, 95 cents per foot, warranted 4 years; Bow en Kubuer Co., per loot, auaranteed for SO months. 400 pounds per inch, r.ionuent ana live speecnes were made by representative of Arnett & Rivers, by Mr Mcllroy, and by Mr Adams, representing tne i;owen Jttuouer Co. for J V Irvirg. R,Uy .ll,un. Al r.. j ' U U,UJ,ca " J td tlx lilt It. b of Dr J P Wsbto. The New Mail qot'e p jtiUr in Albttn. A lirtlotiir g gsoi .f ba ball balurday oo a very rl trtuod mulled ia a victory fur ,Th Fia"otr th Albanits bv a sums of 8 to 4. Th b't-.rirs wri Atbals, lrtn.trt acd McKtrland Ks, AmUrsoa and lftrtii. Umpire, W It Wtatr. TLRftiay. Ivua ACiistUo Fndty TitiBTEEX Max left Albany Monday for the Santlam mines, with all tbe needed supplies they could carry, enough with what la there aireaay 10 msi a moniii or more, until the snow ts. In all probami ity gone. Now, there i little or none at the mines, but a good deal at the sum mit. In a few days the mill will be set to going day and night, and that will be tbe order when traveling between the railroad and mines becomes good. Splendid Workmakship. Oneof the Inett plecet of work ever done in Albany is the new arch just placed In position over the front of the alter In the Masonic hall. It It artistic and tklllfully made; nothing in the ball even the two gilded columns, being tuperioi to It. It einpha- cites the fact that we have local talent and workmen capable of taking care ol Al bany's wantt In any thing of thlt kind. It alto tuggesu inai our ci'iccn tnouiu at- wayt give home talent tne preference. Tn ATToaNa-y Generalship, In the case of the tenure of office of the at tornev ceneral Judge Boise ordered County Clerk Pjyne to place the office In hit election nonce, ins grounut were that the governor could not mate an an oointrr.ent extending beyond a general election. The case w ill be appealed to the tunreme court. Too argument wat made before Juuge isoue. IIopaxdChuno Discharged.-Lung Hop and Lung Chung, the China. nen rretted ' by LVtcctlve brlmn at Albany several dayt ago for decamping with Siooo belonging to 1u Shuey, the Chinese theatrical manager, were discharged In the police court yesterday upon tne payment of the costs, amoun'ing to fits. These Chinamen are actort, and h.d received $500 each from Ju Shuey on year t con tract. At they fixed the m. icr up tome way with Ju Shuey, the Uucr agreed not to prosecute. Oregor.un. Another Brick at Junction. W L-ee has made arrangement to build a brick business house which will join hit pretent building on the north. It wl'l be 3xQ3, ten feet deeper than hi drug &ure Mr Whitcomb is drawing the pUnt and hat the contract .for furnishing the brick and doingthe mason work. When com pleted it will be occupied by Sternberg & Senders. limes. Local Artists. Albany hat several local artists of considerable talent. In the window at Black man & Hodges betide tome painting by Ml Martin may be seen tome well executed oil paintings oy Mi Velle Irving, Mrt Chamberlain, Mr DuBrullIe, Mrt Littler and Mist llattle Ross. A cultivated artistic taste speaks well for a city, Ladies OxronDS. I now have a com plete line ranging la price from $1.25 to A Fine Truck. P C Anderson bat just finished building a fine truck for the Albany Brewing company, which epeakt wen tor nit tkiu ana at a workman. It it the first of the kind ever built In the city. Partiee wanting work in hit line should call on him at ' he corner of snd and Baker ttrcett. An Albany man wa telling about tome lot be had at Attoria,ltuated about a mile from the Columbia, which wou!d,of course. be very desirable property. On looking Kip the location on a map the lots were found to be jutt eight mllet from the river, Buying tot -Jout of tight and unteen" poor butlnets. It A Metropolitan stocK ot suitings for the spring and summer, the best in the valley, just received by W R Graham. a can easily ve learneu uy an ir.spec 'ion of them. They include late and handsome designs, and will bi made up In the latest style by Mr Graham. Get the best ana latent, and ting you can do ai uranams. A. B. MCILWAIN lial jutt received direct from tlit manufactories, new designs in pets oil clotbt,liaoleumt and wtatlowsh which will be told at reduced prices. lso receiving a fine line of men' shoes tyles, at 25 ta 73 cents per pair le epular prices, - : t Will & Starrs May b soai tn eoki and nil rT.pp, diamond ana t.ler rings, in DuiMiug aveaiog. Crawford rx"o htv Jutt tairea tHitn Gee viewa tl th Aibtey brM'g. Mr P M rWilfte'it it having crovt'd a acmcnt walk ia front of .t block on Kirtt ttrret. To first t!m1 of ike irin ronoi'i ColumVa riyr Chin'k,ar.ivsd ia A'btny loilty. Tb contrttt furlhebaUdloe uf tb Jao- ti-iu City btca ra Ua let to P T Whil- eonib, of Kugct, for $i,3t. Mill City ta a iroftiooI croicr. sc- ooriiag the follealag ia tb GtMt.e: i L IScrry, r rtctioal -rtnuwr, turrtyor nd toeatar of pa bite Itndt, Urven Bttin, Ur. C0rretpoBdne toll tiled. laanir at hot!. Allen Urot rt or with tb time ia th matter cl tbow window dipUt,aad preaeot a hn and chtukttr with plenty of dirt to scrttab. When it eon.e to bio, though, Allen aro tre nt tprsng chicktui. Tbry do a live Lnsieets. ThoStUsmto ttt: Tlain talk, without hifalatm, omtats in rtvivjj at 10 every tbtog else. Tbi it on of tb crU of ueoMt . t th erott vto2elit. JIills. now among n. Hs tUo knows how to adver tize. Tbit gt the Moot thnr. od when they rs ibere plain ulk hold tbeir U taut urn. Th bv Dr tod Mr Ptrker.the India MUoi. nii, at the M church lat trnic, wer listen t to by a larce aadi eoe. 1 htr tcenrn' of mittionvry work Id India are intcttinj a&d Well tol.l. A thirt)-thrt year tterirne thtr has mtd thrm familisr with lb papl among wnom may htv dnoe a great work, Scddem DkATU. Mr. P.J. Laporle.lhe well known boot and shoe maker, died suddenly at 12:30 o'clock this morning, at he residence of Mr Jake Btritel in the southern suburb of the citT. Since re turning from California a few weeks azs. while waiting to eeta hmna rf bis own. Mr. Iiporte ad family had been living witn air btritel. Mr Laporte waa down street last evening in apparently as good health as ever. At the time stated Mrs Laporte was awakened bv . Mr Laporte's struggling and gasping for breath Mr einieiwas a-aweoed by Hie noise and hastened to the room, raisins the unfor tunate man in his arms, when be imme diately breathed his last. Mr Laporte waa a native oi Michigan, moving from that slate to California.where he resided about a year nnd a half, w hen he came to Albany, where lie resided a couple years, excepting a short time sient In California recently. He was a man of gooa cnaracter, steady Habits and was wellJued by all. who knew him. Mr Lapt.rte was a member of Kt Johns Lodtfe. A F & A M, and had Ida life insured in a Masonic insurance organisation for 25(K). He leaves a wife and three children to mourn hit death. Ttnuent literary club met Saturdaveve. Tbe Tancent band gave tome excellent music, alter which the etcrclstt com menced. Following at the program. Mediations by May Holt, Leila Scott, Annie Smith. De'clamaiiona by llarrv Iteard, Koy lltdale, Rev Mr Mark, aftc'r which the debate wat had: Resolved that Iron It more useful than wood. leaders, artit mat! ve, Homer Mill. Harry Iteard, Willis Otln; negative, Arty Holt, Wade Oleviot, Alva Holt. Tne "iudeet decided in favor ot the negative. Music by the be nd. Reading ot the Ttngent 1 tetnerian Newt, which wat edited by Ml Ada Kalghten and Minnie McGhee. Solo by 1'loi Wilton, our Tamrcnt barber. An other debate, retrlved that the liquor tramc It more dettructlve than war. Benj Mill. Nathan Ilarher, C E I lilt. afTirma. live; negaUve, O W Kuthe, K M Mitchell, jcnkt. Judges dec tded In favor of the negative. Subject for new wcek.-'Re- tolved that tbe Chinese t hoy Id be esclud ed from the United Mate. Affirmative, AlfHIatt. Geo Kuthe. P M Mlichsll: negative, C Scott, A J Olln, J A McGhee. Our section foreman has rather hard times In getting Chinamen to work on this section on account of some ot the hoodlums here rocking their house. Vouso America. OBK4.) RTATC vrgaTMEB SEBflCS In co-operation with U S weather bureau, of the department of agriculture office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather but letln, No 3, season of 1892, for week end- ng Saturday, April 9th. In Western Ore con Clou-'v weather. rain , halt, tnow on the mountain, frosts and la-k of sunshine have been the weath er conitlUor.t for the pttt week. From one and one quarter to to Inches of rain nave fallen tiuilng the week, making; the ton even more moist than It already bad oeen. The weather condition have been un favorable lo tbe advancement cl vegeta tlon anj the protrcutlon ft farm work, Spring seeding wat almott entirely tutprnded. The toll it vtry moist and on low land It almost entlrtly covered with water. Full and winter wheat are tooling we'I and have a good stand. The co-l weather and lack of sunshine retarding the development of fruit budi and making them hardier wl.lch will enable the fruit to withstand polh!e later frottt. The frosts ot the week did no terlou damace, though In tectlont an occasional tree wa slightly damaged. Cod! In moth were obtvrved la Polk county on the 7th. The prent condi tion! are very similar to the conditions which prevailed during the corresponding wecktti$9, which were folio axid by more favorable condition In the two suc ceeding week. in eastern Uregon there wat during the week a tHght lUe In lempetature. Cloudy weather, rains, trow and frost pre- ailed during the week. I lie snow in the counties touth of the Blue mountaint hat remained on the ground. Tbe weather wst similar to thtt In Western Uregon. But little farm work wa done during the week. The toll it more thoroughly moistened than it hat been for teveral yeart. B S Pagvr, Observer weather bureau and attUtant director Uregon weather bureau. stea4, Tfclafc ana! Art . All civtlued cooks net only wsnt, but ars entitled to the latest sad best tj-pluncet to be secured for their ate. Tttea w get none 100 goon luoi! lor nil very dyspeptic sge. - READ . ' . . . Ibis Over several time. It It ta Important fact, and It digested will I better than a dozee bot.ln of patent medicine. ' THINK . about it until your thoughft tre rnfcautted. andour brainpower u wcry. Sleep ovtr utnu itren ACT. Go to Mattbewt & Wathbutne, the leadine dealer in ttove. tinware and btrdwtre. and select liorn their Urge and has assortment of ttovet one that will mtet til the requirement of a Srtt-c'tst cook. Tbey have Oic, at well at the l est I eating ttovet and the lest made tiowtre. llava jutt isetivedlMin extra choice til vet prattM. C K Ebowxkll. Call on Laporte. Mr P J Lsporte hat reopened hi boot and thoe thon 00- pemiie the Kutt House, and It prepared to attend lo th wantt U the- public, desiring nriiciata wor a oone promnllv and reasonable prices. Give Mm a call. 60T( cancrt frth eardea tnd flawav mmm awaiting purchasers at C E Ehowmbix Iprlag Nlltlaery. I have my full ttock of spring millinery all the latest ttyiet and cordltllv Invite cuttomert ana inenat. ida m brush. Blumberg Block, Albary, Or, n mm I - ; Tbe court's fluty is' to de cido a cafe on its merits. The V public is the judge and we prove to the court's satis faction that we undersell anyone else in the city. WE'LL LET YOU BE THE JUDGE IU THIS CAS?. Oar New, Fresh and Cleax Stock of 3easonable Goods, bought lose, selected with good judgment as to quality and in good taste as regards style and appearance, you will find it the Attractive, Popular, Satisfactory and IiGw-1'riced Stock bl the SeasoD. Boys, here's the place to buy your suits. A Baseball and Bat with every suit. The Monkey, will bo given away every boy'e suit you get a tiket. April SOth. With T. L; WALLACE & CO., .VTIb. leading tMllm.1 See our Windows. Tn cor, 1st and B, Sts, mm mrm mm rw3 wEiStiilJuJLISlyii im THB tttlHUl Bt .B4KT. April 11, 1802. Mr Herman has boozht the land owned by Messrs Martin and Schneider, and alto that owned by Willard Lackey, which will make him a good farm. Mr lierman recently came nere irom tne east. Messrs Martin and Schneider ex pects to go to California this ialu . MrBramwell and family of Peoria, were visiting relatives in this neighbor hood several days last week. Mr B P Allen and family went to Halsey Saturday to spend several day Mr and Mrs Hee have- moved to Co- borg. Mrs McXary Sr., returned to her home at Haleai last week after a several weeks vifit with her son Angelo. Two ear loads of hay was shipped from from tne station una week. J McClaonahan, of Eugene, was in this vicinity on burliness last weeic. Mr'Amoa Wilkin expects to go to rvA,iMM,i 1 1 nr.. Wilkin. 1VIVISUU IVUIMIIwn IUKO , a .. Il.lllw. who is at tbe Good Samaritan hospital for treatment- Mr Thiloott took a trip to Cresswell and vicinity lant week, looking after cattle to buy. Yocr Attention it c!Ud to cur line af Parisienne costumet,capct. jicketr,blazert and rtetcit, which it now complete. They are laitor-mtde and guaranteed to 61. Th c'oiht are of the lttett labnct. . Very truly, ' Samiel E. You no at JIAUKIEIX. of saying Jthat' we aro displaying the largest and most elegant line of Spring Clothing ever opened in this'city.g n L lliin iloino' I, LEADING CLOTHIEliS. - Xi. Kenton, -:- - Dealer in CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, HUNT GREENWOOD. On Wed nctday forenoon, April 13, tSoa, at the home of the biidc't brother, Mr Blrtch, in Rev S E Memlnger, Mr Albert Hunt and Mrt Huldah Greenwood both of Albany. Mr Hunt It the nlghtwatch man at the round house, one of Albanyt mott resectable citizen, and the bride it a woman of estimable character. They have tbe best wUhet of many for liapl nets and prosperity. , sTTTatTRS. ' tr I" II E1S- mm mlim afaa W atli.n.aa 'aa. 0 aaa at and a censral assort en v. of Rnirintinn aMntroiaJlthaleadlnK Newsparera ami Macavlnea. Terms eaeh. It is a bin privilege to be able to tet what vqu want when von bo to a grocery store. Allen Brothers keep such a variety that they can always - accom modate their customers. This eaves running around. II it is fruit season they have the goods. In nroduce their stands are full of the latet and best. Their stock of standard groceries is alwavs larxd. of the best to he secured in the market. It's Necessary. Tbe necessity for tdverilslne it very apparent to any reflcc tlvc mind. It an owner witnet to ten nit property he mutt let tome one know hit wish if he kept hit Intention to himself he would alto keep hit property to him self. To adrertlse meant'to apprise, in form, make known, announce, promulgate, publUh the fact that Parker Brot carry a firtt-clatt ttock cf groceries, produce and baked goods.which can alwavs be depend ed on to be frcth and in teaton. The fact It one worth advertising. Conn & Hendricson Lead, They have the groceries, the produce and the good treatment. They lead in prices and mialitv. If you want standard eroceries. call on them; if you want the freshest produce do not pass by their store ; their Ayai's P1I1 teas anu couees are mo licet, jx goou way to save money is by dealing with them. It will count in a month's trad n g. Try it. ' . wkdmshoat. Vht Oiejzoo Pscitlo it team behind five or or six montnt with its hands, sod there are rumors of more unpleottntnett. A cams of baseball wiKle pla4 en Friday afternoon between tbe Albauiit tbd rtnt on th College grounut. , The Wm M lloaa earn down the rlvrr tbit roomiuK, ptteioK aboat mtdwsy uodtr tne river tpan 01 tb Driagrr, leaviog about twenty leee room aoove tut smoke stack. An iuterettins feature of the Council pro ceeding! Ittt evening weitth speech of tha nvnl dote dailert. l wm warm lor a few moments Lovers ot a fin toned piano or a work of art thoold tee the style 20 "Millei" piano on exhibition at Wills Uusio Store. .CU to day or to-morrow forenoon. Many who pride themselves ou their blue blood would be fr happier with fu blood; bat, while we cannot choose om tnceator, fortocately, by the use of Ayer't Ssrsipi rilla, w eta ctu transmit puie bloid to our posterity. Chat Pogh, of Slem, yesterday had Foiicfcmau Uibaon, of that oity, arrented for Mttultin, him with a dangerous weapoD. Gibson saya he ttrock tiitn with hit list be cants bd rokiatect . h.m. Th os will b tried tomorrow. . Many rise io tha morning with a head ache acd 110 inolination for breakfast. This ia due to torpidity of the liver and a de rugBd condition of the aUmteh. To re store hlthy action to ' these organ, iiotlibg i to fffioacious at'an oosikiooal do nf Ammonia and Alum Officially Condemned. INDIANAPOLIS IN THE WAKE OF OTHER CITIES. Dkkss Trimmings. The lattst novelties A meetiDijcf the Cilipooia tnd PlaeEivtr MinioR and Miliiyr Company was held in ttrownaviii Ufct wpk. A new beard of di rectors wpb elected and an aawasnient of i emit per iiro ordtrtd levied on tha capital atocli of the coinpaoy. The direit r -l.ct- aa were u louowi: U H Kltwick, KB Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is Pure. IT CONTAINS NO DELETERIOUS INGREDIENTS. . pe Report of Indianapolis Board of Health, on Baking Powder November t, 1801.) Near the P. O., albany, O H LEADlJtQ PIIOTOOKAPIIEKS, albaay, re. Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.n per dozen. Enlaiging pictures t specialty. 16x20 crayons framed for f 10.00. We carry a large Hue of 5x8 and tteretcoptc'vtewt of Ore gon. Studio in Froman't Block next to Masonic Temple.Flrst Strce SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. The largest ASSORTMENT In L'na County.' CAti -:- and -.- Havc - Your TWO MEN AND ONE EOW FOUND DEATH. AMMONIA AND ALUM NOT FITTED FOR FOOD. - .Dr. Latz chemist to' the Board of Health, who mado the investigation of the Baking Powders on tho market, at the request of the Board says: "Physiologists of high stand ing consider , Ammonia and Alum deleterious substances unfitted for use in food." These are the brands condemned by the Board of Health : JRoyal, Climax, Atlantic and Pacific ' Kenton, Crcnvn, Sea Foam, JSon Bon, Early Rising, Queen, Regal, Ruckelhaus, Forest City, Calumet, x Dr- Latz, City Chemist also says: - "Dr. Price's Baking Powder, contains only such ingredients as a Pure Baking Powder ought to be composed of and I recommend the same to every housekeeper as pure, wholesome and effective." tested by Johnston's I'atent Eye-Meter at F. M KRENCH,S Jewelry Store. . ARE - YOU - GOING - TO - RIDE - A mm 1 p-i t-' 3 yd if' ! 'I on Vn lViNr,-i W V-t.4WjJ' Vhile trying to Crowd then WAY INTO DEV0E a FP.0r.1Afl 0EQ3 jtora, where they attract have on hand ho larj est Stock touth of Portland, of the li test improved Rifles atTd Shot 3unt; nn immense ttock of Fishing . Tackle of arery description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thoutande of ether things too numerous to mention J Repair Bliop t connection with tha Store, and one of He best workmen la the State .to do any nd all kinds of wor - Come on! Come No rouble to how gii&ds "Small profit tnd quick it su. jiotta.