The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 15, 1892, Image 2

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    ok Qcuwnat.
Republican hav a bar Sooo plurality in
Rhode Island with (ht support Of the entlr
national republican commutes and th ad
ministrate. Th list It emphatically in
the doubtful Hot.
1 I
Congressional Nominee Ellis h !
resdy developed as an apologist ot no
mean erder, .Jereary.
Yea, verily, to make good run on the
republican ticked he must estenslvely
cultivate the apolofiUilc hump.
IL UK . """"""""r
The folbing ia the ticket nominated by
the democrat of Polk county, Saturday:
Senator, N L Butlerj representatives, J O
Stssts and O V Myer; county judge, S T
Burchj shetiti", Wta Douglssj clerk, Hugh
lU'iiUrj commissioner, liyetl)- school su
perintemtent, Charlea Sitnontonj assessor,
John McDowell; treasurer, A Caint surveyoi.
T L Butlerj coroner, I)r Croaleyi county
cbsiirasn, LC Parker.
Pension Cotnroissionor IUum is very aure
that politics has had nothing to do with the
granting of pensions under his adnnnislra-
trlon. The commissioner also tiwtific that
the reason there are so many pensioner in
Indiana is because it is a vory close state
politically. Somehow Commissioner IUum's
statement fail to consist.
It is said that Governor PuUisou. of Penn
sylvania, is laboring to secure an unin
tnictod delegation from the state to the
national democratic convention, with Uie
hope that he might ultimately use it to
euro his own nomination. Hut be is dot
fined to dUuppoinbueut. The Ilamsburg
convention will instruct for Cleveland.
The Portland Ttlrgram says, -there Is a
standing premium" offered to any man
whose condition. In any way, has been
bettered bv the McKlnley law. liana
ovei your premium, llr Telegram, to the
editor of this journal. I le has wired f 5 on
hi family augar since the McKlnley law
went into cited. tne miles 1 eroaaM.
This Is a lother atrong endorsement of
free trade by a aealoua protectionist.
The folio wing DorainKwma were made by
th democrats at Eugenc,Saturdayi
Sentor, E P Coleman representatives, D
R Harris, of Cotage Glove, I N Uembrc,Oi
Richardson and C K Wukmsoa, Ol Lugene;
Judge. John Fisk, ol Eugene; commissioner,
Thomas Miltiom, of Jancloa; clerk, Tbos
Craig, of Eugene; snerut, J E Nolan, of Eu
gene; treasurer, lien") Mulket; school super
intendent, C K Hale; assessor, P I MrTner
soo, of Eugene; surveyor, Jos Koch, of Ea
gene; coroner, G C Oar-ons, of Eugene.
The Brooklyn -tjU now suppoits
Cleveland for president, and It la under
stood lit New York that Tammany Hall
will also wheel Into line within the next
few weeks. Tne Cmrir haa steadily
maintained that at the critical moment the
vote of New York will be cast solidly for
Cleveland. The EajU's change of front
is significant because It Is the organ of
McLaughlin and tndlcatea that the Brook
lyn delegates are already outspoken lot
Cleveland. Evansvllle (Ind ) Courier.
Despite all the efforts of the politicians to
prevent M Cleveland's rtaminattoa his star
is now in the ascendan'. Tbe barometer of
pubUc opinion Is flactnitu-g and responds
quickly to any change In conditions. But at
bo time within the past six Booths has there
been S Jch a complete and radical change
of aeatiment throughout the count ty as has
been goicg on during tlie psst few weeks.
Hill's stock Is rapidly lolling, and aa it goes
down Cleveland's rises.
Frank A Moore, republican candidate
for justice of the supreme court,has a good
record In the courts of the state and the
United States, has popular standing and
the reared of Ids fellow members of the
bar. Ills reputation as a man la assurance
that he will be an Industrious, painstaking,
fair and honest judge. Otegonia.
When the ''record- of which our co
temporary speaks is brought lo the light
of day before the public, that paper will
modify its views very much.
Tbe main ssnie of democratic defeat la
Rhode Itland was that tbey were simply
crushed stitb the ne of money. From East
ern pspers we leara ibat Dudley.tb "Blocks-of-Five"
man, wss, a few days before tb
election, i t (or and take to that state where
money in unlimited qualities wss pi teed in
his hands, and be seems to bsv ated it ef
fectively. Ttere s a bard fight going oa ia Indiana
Let wet n the friend of Cleveland snd Grsy fo
Ibe deirgstioa fiom ibat slate to Chicago.
They bad a fiefc fight at Indianapolis Satur
day in the coun'y convention, but the Cleve
land men cairicd th dsy electing So Cleve
land delegates to the stste convention. It
bow seems there b no doaM that Cleveland
will secure the sla'e delegation.
At prrent the lower house is democratic,
and Onjun should dccresM this mijwrity by
the clrc'ion of lion V R Ellis. Of course,
Mr Hermann will undoubtedly succeed him
self, but E intern Oregon must protect ber
wool interests by giving Mr E:IUs Urge vote.
Cteat is Diana! Two years sgo y;u railed
the same cry ant. elected Hermann to pro
tect tne wool in tt rest of Eastern Oregon. He
went io to Washington in bis "Cod b!cs
you" way snJ contributed bis liltl might to
psss the McfCiatey bill, and ever since It
pstt-ge ilie woul grower of Easier Oregon
sal utile country si Urge bss been selling
woo', si a less price than befure. Yuur pro
tection t th woil giower is lis the pto
tectiun offered by wolves to lambs esting atd
devouring tliem. Yon protect the wbest
grower in the ssm way. Such protection is
k gieatent Lumbogof the dsy.
G.iv Csmpbell's sharp challenge lo the
republicans to cite one Instance In which
wages have been rained in a protected In
dus'ry ulnce the psaasge of the McKlnley
law lias at lat extorted a reply from the
author of that set.
No tnstsnce of Incrcaaed wages are
given, because they do notjexUt or are too
rare to have significance. But instead of
this Gov McKlnley ssid at Pawtucket, as
epoiud in the Triluiu:
Ht eiirr cl'f'mtit t'liU fretfCl'Vi larljjl
wtrtt inttMiUtt to lucrnue waiti. What tlie
tariff docs do Is U main tain the American
tanutd of wage, which U the highest
on the face of Vj jXt esrtli.
The worklrigmen of Rhode Inland must
be aatonished at tht firat assertion. It
certainly was urged l:i congress and upon
the republican stutnp that higher duties
wrrc needed to cnalk American msnu
fiilurers to pay higher wages. That an
, increase of 33 per cent. In duiU-s wss
n. eded to maintain the old rale of wages
wis never argued nor bclive'5.
ftut conceding this to be the object, how
compk-U-ly it his fa'led! Theie have been
fifty cuts In wages l l the protected In
dustries l- one incrcaae. It tin si he plain
now lo the wage-earners why tie .vie Kin
leyite in congress voted down a demo
cratic ino'.U'ii 10 rrq lire the manufacture!
to increase exUtlng wages In every esse
by th;- full amount of the Increased duty.
Tlirj autli r of the Uw admits ttiat ' pro
tective tailff '". not Intu.ided to Inertate
It t t r it-
They liiten.l.d to enrich
kiiJ it se!l ri-r ii)!iou n
, 1. 'I - It Vow
Astounding Array
Figures !
On several occasion recently, the Salem
irttrwt ha hinted that county affaire in
Linn county under continued demccraticcon.
trol have not rwmlUnl In the promotion of
the IntenwU of the people and tax payer of
the county, and that this haa mulled in the
formation of a third tarty. Hie Dkmotrat
believe that nothing should be concealed
from the tax payer of the county that ni
feet their substantial interests, bonce "we
have taken up the tedioutok of making a
comparison ot the manner ana way in wtucn
county matter have been carried on in
linn and Morion count ie during the last
twenty years the former under democratic,
and the latter under republican rule, mainly.
During the first ten year ot this period the
population of the two counties was nearly
equal. During the latter ten yean, popu-
lution ha increased more rapidly in Marion
than in Liun, on account of the fiwt that
the capital of Uie state is in that county
The following tabular statement show th(
amount of taxes levied in each county '
amntj fnxfoHt oly for each year for the
period mentioned. It also shows tlie ruts
of levy for each year. State and school tux
e hare been omitted for the reason that
they are the same in all counties in the state.
There is no reason why taxation should be
higher in Marion than in Linn. Crime
should be no more prevalent in the one than
in the other county. The geographical
area of Linn county is three and a fourth
time a many square mile a Marion
This would imply more money for roads and
bridge than in Marion. From tiicm fig
are it will be Men that the average i7 of
levy ir Marion county for the twenty year
is 10s id ill and tlie average rate in Linn
for the same period is 5.9 mills. The
whole amount collected in Morion r co
tjr aroseJ sVy during the twenty year wu
rJ20.991.43 and the whole amount collected
in Linn during the same time, Jot oty
furpoxi ntf, was $o&t,857.03, showing
that during that ptriod the tax
payer of Marion were taxed 8337,164.40
more than those of Linn. The average
yearly amount levied in Marion wa $46,
049.57 and in Linn it wa 129.191.35. This
astouoding array of figure leads inevitably
to but one conclusion. That the republican
of Marion county have been grossly derelict
in their duty to the taxpayers of that county
and that the democrat of Lino have been
faithful to the pledge which they have
from time to time made to the tax payer of
Linn. It leads to this further truth: that
there is no occasion for complaint among
the tax payer ot Linn and that tbey should
continue the democratic party in power,
and that it ia worthy of much emphaai of
statement that there is ample reason not
only for complaint among the taxpayers of
Marion, but that the monstrous evil of ex
travagance that prevail in the) manage
ment ot county affair in that county calls
loudly for a change. There is heard a niur-
mer now and then from some taxpayer in
our own county that our taxe arevhigh. W
earnestly call the attention of fitch to the
above statement and would inquire how be
would like to change the burden . of linn
county taxation for that of Marion. We
have made this showing primarily to de
fend tbe good name of Linn againid the
hint heretofore thrown out by the Jomrma
ol sulem. but ve must conies that we
think that if these figure could be placed
before the taxpayendjin Marion it would dis
close to them a condition ot things never
before Uearol of by many of them. Dat
read and study carefully the figure in tbe
Comparative statement of taxes levied
for county purpose alone In Linn and
Marion counties for the years 1870 to 18S9
Ami taxes
Am.t taxesl
in Marlon
In Linn fori
for rounlj
1 iX
$26 466.48
39 7 99
6a 775.66
31.73 94!
33 106.68,
30,816 74
46,5'! IS
43.144 83
9 795.59
4 ".87
36.006 87
36 a3S 7
30,975 34
39-5'9 Jo
Total 1920091.431
EirCU!l.-iO KRAS6N
A Prlnevllle paper calls attention to past
promise of th republican psrty In the
folia wing terse way:
We arc a wootgrowlng pesple. Four
years we were promised 3$ cents a
pound for our wool If we would vote the
republican ticket. We voted liairison and
McKlnley 'n, and today wool Is li'A cents
per pound, and suar about the same. An
enormous duty Is on every piece ol tin we
buy, wheltwr It u-rounds estrbles, or
come In the chap? i-f coifee pots or milk
psns, and woolen goods are no cheaper.
These things, and a legion of others, the
people have atudied, understand, and will
vote for the party that propose to relieve
them of 'the unnecessary and grievous
burdens. Crover Cleveland lit the lamp
and placed h ao high upon the pedestal of
patriotism t'-at hia enemies ran H resch
It, thrtt Is a bescon lo guide tkr American
people Out of tne bondage of taxation and
class legislation.
County Cleik N P Psvne hs refused, ia
making up his no.ici of the coming June
election, lo plac the oflice of attorney gen
eral in the notice as on to b filUd si such
elsction, A mandamus salt was filed todsy
against him 'o compel bim 10 so plac th of
rice it Hi election notice. Tbe ess will
p olish y ie hesrd shout Wednesday st
cliambcrs tfo'e Judge Silem, where
sn appeal will l as once taken to tl su
preme court. Tlie purpose is to test the ques
lion as te hetdcr Mr Cosmberlsin, the ap
pointee of Governor lennoyer.boldi over un
til the election of 1S94 or whether his term ti
pir at the coming election.
' as usKir CAXOfDAfg.
It Is reports! ihat the record of the su
preme court of Oregon how F A Moore,
tha republican nominate for supreme
judge, never had a case before that tribu
nal. If that Is the case, and we have it
from good authority, lit Moore sh-iuld be
left at hnm. Eiirn Citt-rt
Science comes to the front in the manu
fadtwj of gTiadhknies. The beat now made
are composed of a mixture of pulverized
qtuirta, pu!veri7.cJ flint, powdored emery
and ruuier. lliRy outwear by nitiny yeirs
any ntdiiral utono.
I't every one who reads thin item turn
to tlif) articloi'ntilled '"Linn Vpcuib Marion"
ritKsuiui8 THtcrm.
Editor Democrat i
The series ot tariff questions In your Is
su ot 1st Inst, by T Wlllson tre samples
of "tariff reform" theories. Let us re-
lew the following, (from his efforts:)
The protective tariff In ten year hss
doubled our exports ot protected mill
goods and reduced our exports ot unpro
tected farm products. The protected mill
owner sells cheaper to the foreigner than
to the A merlcan, offering him "special
discounts tor export only"' and the farmer
Is compelled to sett cheaper to the Ameri
can than to the foreigner becau-e he can
not afford to pay the custom-house tax on
the foreigner's (psy men t when It Is Im
ported .
Some manufacturer do ssll cheaper
abroad than at a very limited ex-
ent, especially In the case tt articles like
sewing machines which are covered by
patents; or perhaps a manufacturer ha a
stock of old antiquated articles on hand
which the Ameilcan people will notbuv at
any price, (a he not wise or will you blame
htm. If he turn them off on to foreigners
at lower prices than first das goodi cost
In our markets
Some American mill make two c'asse
ot goods, and art Ida for sale abroad, In
ferlor, yet good enough to compete with
the wretched products of foreign mills i
nd another better article fur sate to
Americana, who are used to the best,
Do r.ot these lllustratlona make It clear
that lower r rices to foretuner may at
time be advantageous all around 1 I
would advise Mr Wlllson, to carefully
study the statistic ot tne nth census In
relation to some ot his theories and as
correspondent ot the Amrlmm Ptatectiv
TarifLtap New York City, I would
adv'.ae Mm to correspond stlth this ao-
ctatton for further tacts In reply to Ms free
trade theories. Respectively,
156 Wet tjind St,
New York City.
JErncuaox, Ontfou, April 11, 181)2.
BJitori Drmocmt:
It it said here that Geo II Humott. th
republ.ican candidate for circuit judge of
tlit) district, any he would haro been com
pelled to move from the district hud JuJjre
Boise continued on the bench ot tbe circuit
court for tlie reason that he lost nearly all
his case through the ail verse ruHnjrs and
prejudice of Judire lioise ag-unst him.
This i (imply an outrage and an intuit to
the scores of men, and especially farmer,
who for many years have, by their vote.
aasiuted in retainutg' JuJjre TUu on th
bench because ot their implicit faith in hi
integrity and freedom from prejudice. 1
suppose this stubiment of Burnett' is being
used to aecure him votes, but in this scheme
he will meet much disappointment, becatu
Boise' friends, especially among: farmer
will quietly resent this insult by putting it
a ballot against a man who would trck to
build np himself by touring down tlie irre
proachable reputation ot so venorable 1
judge a Judge Boise' People who redec
upon this grave attack upon the integrity cf
Judire Boise will readily conclude that Bur
mat's want of sucvea is due to hi lack of
brain rather than the prejudice of Jodtfe
Boise. By many he is understood to be a
narrow lawyer, full of hjir-splittiiig
technkalitiM; ona who can see more dis
tinction without a dilfisnmce than any
lawyer in Oregon. It it pot uncoumoa
when a luwye loose a case to lay ihj Um
upon the judge or jury in order to exeiusj
himself to hi disappointed client. But
hi attempt to smirch the reputation of
Judge Boise will find a response from many
a republican voter on the day of election.
Mark these word.
A Tamaqna correspondent (C B D) re
peat the inquiry about the siiccemsfid man
facture of American tin.
We are now making ome American tin
out of imported steel shetU, imported tin
pig that is admitted freehand, gtramlly,
by imported workmen, and for this Ameri
can tin, made clikfly out of imported ma
ferial and by imported workmen, th peo
ple of the United State pay a tax pp tin of
about tl.00OJ)a;i!r.
It is postiible that we may soon V able to
manufacture the best steal sheet for tin,and
it in possible that we may m produc a
good quality of tin; bat the fact thai for
eign tin is admitted free of duty by tha
McKlnley bill, u a coureaaion that we are
deficient in our home supply either a to
quantity or quality or both.
But aaxuming that we could produce tin
equal to the beet foreign product, would we
be warranted in taxing the whole people
from fifteen to twentr million annually to
protect the labor that ia employed? in point
of fuet, the whole tax on .tin is simply for
the benefit of a Very small class of manufac
turers, while tbe sco res'of. thousand of tin
worker in the country are oppressively tax
ed on their raw material, and every dinner
pail and kitchen utensil of the working man
levied upon to pay tribute tp monopoly.
Beside, thetax'on tin 1 imposed upon the
masses, and not upon rich corporations,
such as oil exporter. They can import their
tin and have their high tarij? taxe refund
ed when the tame tin, manufactured into
cases, is exported with oil to foreign
The whole tin industry is a sham and a
fraud, and the Ux on tin is tbe most inex
cusable of all the many taxe imposed upon
the mosses for the benefit of favored classes.
Cj-jib Ur XaRVous. The Salem
Dem crat sy: "Shan" Coneer, who
wa In the Labish wreck. Is once more
on the road a conductor. Though a
trifle lame in hi walk, Mr Coneer si-ems
as lively ever. He I aid to get a trifle
nervoti when the train approaches the
bridge where his train took it terrible
leap down to the mod of the old lake
bed. Coming up on the train the other
night a passenger noticed Coneer' ner
vousness, as he opened wide the coach
door a 'lie train came to the bridge, os
tensibly to ventilate the car, but in reali
ty to have an opening for the passenger
in case of accident, lie will soon get
over his nervous fueling, but despite his
coo) demeanor, his old friends (an read
his thoughts when he arrives upon the
scene of the greatest railroad acctdunt
Oregon ever bud.
S1AKPL1CSS Mo'im mad inissrshl
by that ternl ls e.mi(h. ShlloYs Cur i th
remedy fnr yi'O.
At Mwd', th jewelers, is a good place to
bay tliUd a'ch.
,'hR Vtr, GKC H THAYEtt of Boorbon,
1 iliV'i "K'rth mvt'lf snd wif-nira
-.n iv vo sHiunn coNWviraoN
rbnn Bftbf wm stnK. wo TV" rir Caatorus
Whon she a a OiiiiJ, lw eriwl for Caatonav
WUon shs Uecams Mies, she clung to raatorla.
tUon she au Children. s!ie gavo them Castona.
A lnru !'
1, 'tin a t
'til W.'isflMI ill
A N HAI. IJUK )TOit wish
butt'i! nl ti n! jll's lUtarrh 11 !-e,!r. Prion,
While Albany bonds so'd at a nramlum
Seattle bonds have been selling at several
per cent below par.
Mr Egan, who has been minister In
tar away ( hill, says he won't go to China
because 11 is so tar awav, Ul, Kgtn.
Whit L BoUe Is chairman ot tha State
central committee. The Mercury ssvt
the chair will he Ailed full fat least In his
own estimation.)
Ilar.k Vaughn I under arrest at Pen
dleton on a charge of Illegal voting st th
receni city election mere, llsnH get into
more trouote titan most any man In the
' s
InsersolUn his funeral oration at Wilt.
man's grave.closed with these words t "I
loved him living, and I love him still."
Then, Bob, he Is not dead nor yet lrep.
mgr lie is noi anniaitattti, loryou could
not love noncntltv. Guess vou have
changed your rr.lnd lately, .Welcome.
In order to make Oregon prominent,
which stRi will not have an exhibit at
the World' fair, the Portland Telerm
want governor rennoyer nsn pre
sentea 10 tne neuonai democratic conven
tton for president. Governor Pennoyer
is atreaoy prominent wiinout such bun
The Durand note will be fought by
the unfortunate in and around Portland
on the ground that being obtained bv
fraud they r not collectible That's
the question. The men who went Into
the business were gambling on th fact
that tn five years without paying a cent
they wouiu nave tneir stock paid up.
They go. left and ai squealing.
The 8ck Press publishes the three
ticket In the field, .In the democratic
ticket It ha the nam of 0 B Hawkins
down for cc-oner. Councilman Hawkins,
a republican by 'he way, I evidently try
ing to steal a march on hla partner, Mr
Frank rarreii, tne real nominee, In the
forks, or else It le a typographical trror all
pitper sometimes make.
A court In Atlanta. Georgia haa lust
decided that tut contract for advertising
in a nunuay paper is illegal, ana a bid
for uch advertising could not be col
lectrd, a suit being decided in favor of
the defendant
A weekly exchange save "He fell
from th ecaSTold and seriously broke hi
nenk, dying liistanly." Till remind
0 ol another Item lo an esteem. d ex
change : " hea the doctor arri red the
man was ueau, and be left, after pro-
nounnng mi wounus latai."
Falem haa a peculiar ease on hand. A
Mis Young, a peddler, lias twen arrest
ed for selling inucillage. etc on the
streets without a license, and refutes to
pay tne one. win tbey put her In jailT
At Junction City the wa in Jail for an
hour, when a Knight of tabor man paid
ner one. cue is evidently a ones.
The Journal say: The democratic
primaries Saturday reultd in a defeat
of the Rowlcy-D'Arcv faetioo of Balem.
Thi( I a hard blow to the apirtlon ot
the mayor for tbe circuit judgeship and
virtually eliminate him aa a candidate
leaving tbe choice from thl county be
tween j j ftiiaw ana vm iioiiues.
Tlie Ochoco Beview says : '-It Is stat
ed the News, under tbe editorial manage
ment of Knox Huston, will conduct a
clean and liberal campaign for the
democrats of thl county. We hop the
Statement i correct" On the strength
of Uii the (Cogene Uoard says: "Knox
Huston, formerly of this eoqnty, is now
editor of the Prinevllle News- We wel
come him to th editorial tripod." We
think there waa a little sarcasim In
tended lo the Review item.
The marrying record ha been beaten
at Winona, Minn. Tbe following, dated
April 8, reads like romance : Austin
Wheeler, the groom, is 79 years old. He
has been married four times, he has JO
children. 23 grandchildren and 0 great
grandchildren, tie Is t horse trainer
and tamer and ha had great snoots iu
his day. The bride le Mis Helen Jer.
back, aged 22 year. The girl I crip
ple for life, with deformities which she
claims she received by tha harshness
and unkindne of her parents. ha baa
been supjiorUml for sutne time by char
ity. !.- has ft large fortune which some
day will come lo her from Germany.
She left the place wh-ire he had been
faying suddenly Saturday night and
went to Wjineni farm. Here Wheeler
met her yeierdr. W told him her
frightful story of suerlig gpi jroe and
privation, and be was moved to' com
passion. He came to tha city today,
procured the neoetaary papers, and they
were ma-ried just 24 hours after they
had seen each other for the first time.
Wheeler further evidenced his love and
affection for her by purchasing a horse
and carriage for ht r at 11 cost of 200.
Tl.e total taxable property of Pendle
ton Is I,3S4,3OT, less than that of 18V1.
Tlie heaviest individual taxpayer there
ia Levy Ankeny, who pays on f 42,000.
The Journal ): Miss Ella Young
wa arrested at noon for selling good
without license and fined 117.60. She
will serve nine days in the city jail on
lass released. This is the young woman
who has defied the city authorities in
not taking out ft license. The ordinance
requires that to peddle anything for
single dsy one must take out ft three
months license at $15 The city officials
have only done their duty.
The Statesman conclud" the case as
follows: Bhe stayed in Jail all day, do
spite the pleadings of sympathetic
acquaintance, but as night ca rue on and
darkness crept through the barred win-
aows she gave In and ttiougtit it would
be much better to be free. A number of
people who had taken pi'y upon her
contributed enough for her bail and she
was released.
TheChcmawa correspondent of a Sa
lem paper tell. about ft young Iman who
need a medal for "thrashing;" the kind
of ft young man who is a nuisance In anv
community: A "smart alleck" young
man near lie re amused nimeeii lately
talking about two or or three vonng la
dies in the neiidborhood and bragging
hat he had done and could do with
them, etc., and when one of the young
ladies "best fellow" heard of St be made
the traduccr eat his words and ft few of
his front teetb, blacked his eyes.and gave
the yonng scamp two hours to get out of
the county.
Nones. One or more surgeons of
National Surgical Institute, No 319Bub1i
street, 8 F, intend to visit In Revere
House, Albany. Anril 27lh. and in Occi
dental Hotel. Corvallis. April 23th- One
dayonnly. Write forcircular. Thlsin-
stitute is especially devoted to the treat
ment of curvature of the spine, diseases
of the hip and knee joint, croolred limbs,
elub feet and all bodily deformities.
Iheir success in treating these troubles
lis well as all chronic diseases has made
for the institute a national reputation.
All persons who are suffering from any
ol these complaints should not fail to
taxe advantage of thl opportunity lor
relief. Iieference may be had to the fol
lowing: Rev E N Condit, Albany, Or.,
W E Morgan, Shedd, Or., Judge T L
Davidson. Balem. Or . Governor E P
Terry, Olympla, Wash , E G. Young &
uo., uakiana, Or., J H Morris, cio, ur.
iil-t.iin Atv r, jrinti vitin sod ;th
iaeetf igts if vrup f Fu, wh'-n in ned
of 1 Usative, and if r hi Uthr or mother le
cwxt I ke or biti-,a, tlie most gratifying r
Hut' fttlluw ita n!. so that it is tho best
famiiy remady known and t very f40iily
hit,M have a bottle.
P11 N
of Albi.iy
nyr i can'tb- bB
C E Browjjklj,,
Try It.
A lufjd scook of prili'Hirf stiaars al pran
I iny hooks the Iwet msie, j ift rccoiiraf! at
I Kixmart Ar S'ix. vr ' " "
Eli At MTATK S)I.r.
LeamW Brown and wife to Dnvld
Mangse, 20 acre, ico 10, tpO,
RIllw I 400
WJ WSndoin to KF Mcl'llewti.
tract in Albanr 400
A II Uogir et uxtoJO Baker.N
lot 17, is, vv, trim farm. , , . , ioro
A Summer to Otto Kerftlng, 120
4cre PLC of R II Pollard.,. 20
B M Jolmaon et ux to M W Stover,
,l( Int in 3'J ocre, co 4,tp 10.S
H I w.... ' S50
Jo Btiht to C L KIon, lot , tl 4,
at 4 It a, JiCli-inon vm
W 0 Cimaell et nx lo Ada Holwon,
lot 7, tl V. Jl'i zml A,Aitnny.. low
K Klrkendall tMl M Wei(ll,pnr-
ccl In Lebanon.. 2.10
S W King to J N Ihincan, power of AU'y
N J Paxton to rlhlck, 80 acre in I)
u tiray'i vuv iw
U 8 to Barbara Itanpert, 104 acre
eo 80, tp 12, K I w Patent
W It Myer. by sheriff, to Perry
I Iydo,7l).40 acre qeo 34,tp 1 1,8
114 w 230
Barbara Haupert to A J 1 lodge,
161 acre stc 30,tp 12.H It 1 w.. . 400
T B Hopkins et ux to O W Young
et al, fiHT)t 10,8 It 1 w 2130
i W Kldtteway et ux toW A Blh-
op, 334 acre ti 12, 8 It 2 w. . . 8100
P L Bilyeii et ux to Llllle J Black,
20 acre, tee 23, tp 11,8 H 2 w. 1000
J M Boutli et ux to J M Bilyeu,147
arre In tp 11,8 It 1 E 8000
Jd U and llarvev Hhelton to P O
Bniith et al, 10 acre near Bclo 1C00
T II Rhode etox to A barilla &.(
iter, narcel In llackleman'a M
add. Albany 200
Peter Bilyeii to O W Andiraon, lot
1, liifc SO, Wheeler' add, Hclo 1AC0
Jacob 8 Nye elux to Lydia Uoger.
parcel In eaitern add, Albany. 45
florin Uwl to Julia Uwi. H itit
in I it 1 and 2, Bchntecr' cen
auu to Albany...
Total sales.
Haw awl Hag.
Takokkt, Or., April llth, 1S02
rV hat shall we say of the rum seller of
that man, who to acquire wealth will
sell poison. Were he to administer
poisoned water to an invading army, it
would be stlgmaticed as barbarous, but
lulitht be excused upon the grounds of
mistaken patriotism. But (here is no
such excuse lor the rum seller. Not to
the enemies of hi country, not even lo
personal foes, but to friends, neighbors
ami relatives uoe lie dispense the un
Bering draught Iaw cannot justify, re
ligion cannot sanctify, and reason cannot
endorse a trame so Iniuriou to the best
interest 01 ft nation, ilie great profit 01
be busine attracts people. IW.OOO.OOO
are paid for license, and t&e annual sale
ot in'oxlcatlnii llqnnrs rearhe theaa
tonndiug figure of 75O,OU0,OO0. The mm
seller i ft publi? enemy with whom
rant terms should be made. Think you
that the lip ot mother have been dumb
whose sons are for 150,000,000 given over
for a prey. Thick you that the ears of
lioa nave not oeen assailed tiy tne iren
sled beseeching of mar y victim. Now
if one goe to war, there is ft great conso
lation to the friends of the one that goes.
1' son goes to war and gives up ail his
pleasure and friend, and his horse, bis
parents will know that he la witling and
not afield to fight and die for hi coun
try. and they wilt he proud of that eon
If he is slain they will know that he died
a a hero. But if ft son should start out
to drinking and throw himself away for
liquor, he and hi parents would be in
misery and they would he aahauied of
him, and when he died ft drunkard it
would be a disgrace. Hear what an
eminent writer has said of tin liquor
traffic It ha spread ft tide ot moral
resilience o'er all the earth.neath whose
corrupting slrram prophet and prleat
and saint have sunk oVrts helmed, and
with unnumbered millions found alas,
perditions deepest, darkest.dircst hell.
Oh, temperate drinker, beware!
He that is dead, we know,
Once felt as safe, sod spoke as loud
'Gainst in'emperaoce as you :
And yet. died mad with drink.
Ob. who may hia doom foretell
(4od give us poer to banish mm.
And save l! from the drunkards'
SKK nasit
Pstksr Rro, grooer.
Tf M. Frenoh kmp railroad lite,
Buy yosr j-ooeri ' of Parker Bros
Apple psrer f t Stfwsit A Sox
i'Utjgtoosrie at Conn &IIodrieca's.
Uim sheet rr.uslo at Will ft Link'.
New orsam shiw jntt iotsd at feor ad
C W Cubh. jib printer, Plinn Block, does
first class work.
E W Act-taoD &Ce as selling mnseBist t
at Portland priosa.
wart Si a all vb very bust stent
the- sud scissor.
Th fioaat lirts of povka knives in th
oily at tiUwsrt ps'a.
Snit tha oalsHraisd Hy sn SllvH f ent
larat Jollas JuMph's.
C lo 3 W CeM, snoasssorto Paisley A
kmi, Fllnn Block, for yirl b pflniin
tl all kinda
Br M II E'lls, ihysloian and sergson,
Albany, OrsrfOB. Call mad ia city or
toon try,
Ss-nple f Dilrt iinl il.l and
brace st Mi "eterseB over Fench's
jwslry store. Mr Tail sola svent for Una
With his dsw bakery Onorad Mrr is
sbl to offsr old and sw oostomer t r y
thlog flrslolaas lo baked goods.
Teachers' Ksamlaalle-a.
Notloe Iv hereby given that tha regular
public eXnlnciion of tiMeher. for llna
county, will taxe p'atw 10 -fbany, com-
menotng on Wednesday, May ntn, at
1 o'oloek. n m an I c mtla j until Friday
noon. May 13 b All teenr .must
poeltively 'f present at the ti n of eotn
nneniMiineiit. as 110 one wl.l bt admitted i
to the examination wUi la uot present.
AppHnatio'-s tr mil eeiuuoau en
Stai dipt oias raoolveg at tbe above
aaimd Hum.
. Co-intr Beheol kjnpl,
: o ADVAnic it aruAtt.
A BMrliwala Hirers ftosMe BIU rilces.
Hs mokes tl e following reductions in sugar
for cssti 1
17 lbs diy grsnulsted foi f I 00.
so Ihsex'rs C white for $1 00.
22 lbs extra C gulden for ft. 00.
lie will also sell a five gallon keg of picklei
for 90 ;ents.
RS YOU MADE miserable by Ii diges
tion, Censtipslinn, Diszlnss, Lnss of Appe-t
ti Ms 8 H-iilnVs Vit;s-h
Sdltive cure Fersslh t"whs k .Vlsj
Allun Bn.s slways kpthir eosiorners
sil 'ilidwith freah hotter and tg.
1 WBYW.VTOO eough when Shiloh 's
Cure will yita tmmsdis'e rel'ef. Prioa 10
s, 50 0t and $ j
positiv onr forCstarih, Dtphthaiia and
Canker-Mouth. .
"HACKMETACK." la-ting d f-s
grantlce-fome. Prioc 23 and 50 cen
First u!s rlrtsamskinff don at rsts.isa
hl rates,ohild-Fo's clothing a specialty, by
Miss Georgia K'sor, t th reaidrnse of Mr
Coll Van Clave. oorner of 7th snd Broadaliiin.
quickly cured by Shil th's Care
ans it
ean ba so
We juar.
Oata.SO . " "
Butter, 1" fit per ft,
rear". 13 nt per do,
Potato, 55 aonts fx?r btishsl,
lx&, XI r) 12 ns pr tb,
Baesn .liame, 12 oenis; clilti-,
ahojldArs, t tits,
R9f on foot, 2 CS li Miila per
V-ir't, flrsssad, ti :iU par to
T". . . IS par harrsl.
A y ! . i ) r nH.
11 sot: Is;
A Immens strike,
Lokpok, April 12. Th effort to settle
the dispute butwerm nninlnvrw nml mill
owners in the Ijttieiuihire cotton diulrirt
nv failtnl, and on Hnttirdnv. lnn lm
notiws expire, miftion spindle
will he iii, A iittintn'r of linn have ob
tained ixnnission from tha
on condition of pnyimfHiirgn fines, to com-
im importiuit cotirriwts now under way,
Hit afUir thoHniire fintMhnd tin mn utnrb i.
to Im done until the dispute is llmtDy set
tlivl, by the enforced giving in of one or Urn
othor contesting partM,',
A gew Vrk rarlkqnsk.
Ai.daky, April 12.-Two distinct eatth-
quake shock were felt throughout Mont
gomery, Warren and Otsego counties this
morning. The first occurred at 11:1M. and
lasted Uurty soconds. lue terond wa two
niimibj lutr. In Johnstown and Olovcrs
villo people rushed wildly from the house
thoroughly frightimml. Tbe rattling of
dishos, falling of plaster, rumbling of build
ing and vibrating of lump apu-ar to 1
tlie only rtrtult. .
A Big fall, -
rottTiKB, April 12. Modest Maryansti
who claims to be a Gentian residing in the
state of California, ha coniaiewd ft suit
n llllH IllUxl Mule circuit cimrt aiming
it a ii.l ..! . 1. . .. "
, X , T' Y 1 "l 10 rwover tlie um
of f l,.i0,0U0 daningo, which be claim to
nave SltaliUKHl Uimutrh a lmu-hnf ra-,ln.f
The suit i brought for breach of a mining
contriiet in connection with certain niini-rul
land in the Ituby ditrk-t, Wwh.
t a Uraad aia4s We I
La Gae, Or April 12. Ih'prmnta
live of seven different firm were present at
.1.. ........1 ... . M At... -...-' .
uw HMwiflK 01 ui council last evening,
when the bids wereotmnml for tbe purchase
of this K),000 water bond issued by Uiecity
no wra arc w war o per cent interest.
1 no ijih m uiiur m o, 01 iew lork. was
tne rtitrhest, they offering a premium of
before the contriK-t wa awarded tm.
Wire rvlllaa fr narrtseal
Cm if aoo, April 11. A conferenoe of re-
publlean leadnrs wa held at tlie Grand
racitic Dotci today, and all miimsition to
Ilan'iMin a nmiunation waa rtrm-tieullv kill
eu. 11 1 sm uwt eratrr Allison reitre
seiihid his boom. Ktmator Hawyer. of w i-
.1 1. ! ; , .1 . . . '
conidn. stood fur tbo prtsndent, and Judge
siiiHiget-i, 01 uie lenenu appellate court, and
Jtssw Hpattldincr. renreanntwl K...n,tf,r 1'ul.
loin, i lie situation was canvaMed, and it
I id that in consideration of a cabinet
position, Penator Allison agreed to irive Uie
Iowa deleiration to President llarrin. It
is further stated that Senator Cul Iota's rsrent
letter or withdrawal wa given under a sim
ilar agreement to the one made with Allison
.t,3,l Uurkmm means tlie support
Ike Man Wba Male ti
I'tiiio-iA, Cal April II. The mystery of
tbe robbery of Georire K Ilr.ld.... nt in
caah, aecuritie and iewelery, on the Kanta
reoTenann tram, uetwwn AliMirquerjue
and I'omoiWs. lust Kovemher. haa Iwn U.ii.
ed tip. it sewn Oliver Curtis 1'erry. who is
wmliried ia jail at Lyon. N Y, for bold rob-
uwy or tne American expim car mstr Hym
run, rsv i, u iiw ruinnr. 1 ttivi 1 cm in
i .mowing uie now implicating- I'erry in
the exprm rnbhery and burghirie. fdtind
atnoni- hit effrs-f in Albany the bonds be-long-ing
to liolden, beside some jewelry
bearing- his engmved name. Tiffany (Jo.
or-vewlork, then pave the addrr of
Holiten, who sent a full dosrription (4 his
They Are Mad.
wasiiixotos, April 11. The ftlinir
newKpntner men in VYuahinirton toniirht an
outnigwl over the news thai the star cham-
ijttr executive sennte sewion hat dUtiiiutx
Jam It Yonnjr. without trkl or ii)vtrtira
tion, from the noaition of etlv rL-w
on tlie charge that he furnibed to his news
paper tbe SMwion prorerdingii of tlie srvret
awn-Mi. procncdingti were (riven out
ny uie aenator Uieum-ivo on all oec-aMoiut.
Quny and Canierrn, of iVnnifylvania, want-
ei um pinpc int a sinscr, and that was
Haukh, Or April il.-Tbe board of roil
road OfrtnmUslcmer toduy started north fmm
Die ("iilifrirnU line on Uie wmii-annuaJ titir
or inflection of railway Jute of the state.
Ine limtrd, hiUt an invettifration. found
thtit Wiiiiam Thurman. killed by the car
at Irving, Lane county, met hi deatn from
ni ow a careifwnes in getting off the car
before tney bad rtofiped. There! finding
was agnint the eouijany for not stopping
i nip siituon, a u nan paws-ngm 1, ti.:
A live ftberta.
Paxkr Citt. Or April II. Sheriff Fell
u'iiwuiuj m mains in tne cell wun ttie
rlsorier and avers that the cowboy will
have to wuik over bis dud body Ufni they
fc-et the ttmrderer. It is reportod tlut tha
cuwuuy swear uuit tne prisoner will never
leave fbiit county alive. Tbt militia will
eccrt the mnnlerer to thi city, it bound
over, and tlwy will be confirm! in the county
jail lurtil the September term of court.
Btftesl Sasgel en Beeard.
km ApyiJ 1. A. )Ki pound
fuifjnt was found in Phuirruu placers, in
sonora, Mtsxico. 1'his is anid to be the
lnrgBut nug-pwt of gold on record. The
rijtrventajpjof pure jrcld wa e7 fine. Pliui
di placvr are worked aiiasnjcdicully by
Mexican and Indians, owinir to Uie scar
city of wator tbe groitur part of the year,
Fears et Lracfclag
roTUts, April 10. Advice from
Malheur county reKardingr the murder of
Williuro Huiubertby the Bailey brother
Friday are indefinite. An associated i'reiw
telepiim from linker City say that consid
erable whuky wo consumed at the demo
cratic primuries, and bad blood soon began
to crop out. It appear from the Associated
Prows telegram thai the m tinier of Humbert
was the result of a commirarv. Affw ii.a
qtiaml between John Uniley and HumWrt
at tlie polls, and Bailey hiidckimed to have
been cut by Humbert, it is allrrod that a
conference of the Btiileys and their friends
was hold, and one of the gnng tigjrcsted
that they follow Humbert to hi home and
kill him. Five of the (rang mounted their
home at once with the result. Fear of
lynching- were so strong that Governor
Fennoyer finally ordered the militia out.
A reallsk Writer
JGbiiiwkija, April 10. The Independence
Beige will publish tomorrow and Tnesdav
two striking- letters entitled, ' The United
States, Latin America and Europe." The
author is Maxiroilliiino Hones, tlie popular
Chilian writer and fPfyjuent contributor to
the Reuve do Deux Monde and the Novclle
Itevu. In the first article, the charge is
mode that the United State i deliberately
planning to destroy all national indepen
dence in the South American states, and is
preparinf- to effect a compulsory system of
commercial onion, wholly rebounding to tlie
advantage of the great republic of the north.
Tke rekla KevalatUn
SmoAAOitE, April 10. The European
iadie sent from Pekin on account ot the
nutive uprising, arriveii here safely by
steamer. The insurgents are still threaten
ing to attack Pekin. The cruiser Hyacinthe
and tbe gunboat Battler have proceeded to
Pekin with a number of Sikh police, A
dispatch to the Times from Singapore says
the Pekin rebellion haa a serious aspect,
and the British warship sent to the scuie
will land 100 marines.
L ' The Salmon aeasosi
Abtokia, Or April 9,The eight can
neries within the citv limits have been pre
paring actively for the opening of the
salmon season, which takes place at mid
night. Boat after boat ha taken out ita
supply of nets and provisions and proceeded
hence up the river, where it is known from
experience salmon are most plentiful at the
opening ot tne season.
TUat Knry Yard
Sidney, "Wash April 9. Advices from
Washington, D 0, bring woTdthat Uie con
tract tor building the dry dock at tbe Puget
Souml navy station, is to be let .iuiy oui,
and the work proeecuted with the utmost
rapidity; also that the present congress will
make a further appropriation to meet me
requirementa of tne enlarged plans.
Caoilns ie Portland
Washington. April 9. Assistant Secre-
tiirr iHrrmnso. of the treasury department
I will Leave here early nest wees Tor ban
! Vrmdo and Portland, Or, on business
! ,. ... . - ' r- -.. ,. l.n.l -
stock of
MitcheIlLAviM &
They are fleMlng.
0 H.LKTTK, iWyo April 12. Tim fight be-
ween the nistlir and tonV min (a wa-in
dospfrnU'lv, Ilie runtlm have a lare
nuinlxir of ctittlimipn cimiltiMl at the T A
ranch, ten mile from uufulo. Four rtock
men were woundml in the fight and tnknn
to HufTalo, A nioiintfld inttsiMmtfpr arrived
at the rustlrar's camp in irreat hiwt Monday
wan imtiortnl new. The stum from Gi -
Mrtte to IJiiffttlo wm stoppfd by armH run
tlrs, end a wan supposed to lie a friend of
Krl Hesse, tlie Uiuht of tlie stockmen, w
laken prisoner, 'ilie soldiers at Fort Me
Kinney have Iwn ordured out to irrotct the
Wittlera. Fighting wa tfr.injr on all day
yewrmiy wiwwn tneruiiir and stockmen
who haveUken rrfiige st the TA ranch.
The ntwh is surrounded by an armed fome
01 tuny dw men, and lirmir hiw continwd
susuiuy since yextcnJuy inrrriunir. Bherifl
Angus went ont irora iiunalo tins morning,
IVrpartas fr a Ly nrklag.
IJoisK, Ididio April 12. There will be a
lynching bee nt Do'atnar, in the Owyhe
mountains tonight. In a' ditute over a
small pic of land, Ppter Miildm, a miner,
shot and killed W A rjt-l. a earmmter.
Ikrth were tnarrtel num. Hteel diel at 9
p. tn.. and at 10 a crowd was gathered to
biUllf Meddin. 'flie otlitw who has him in
charjre bmittht telejihoned that he would
titke Misldin to Hiiver City in the morning
ix nouung; niippeneu.
Ia J net U hour J. T. s. rl.a mHlpum
mi ir Mulav Ar U sss Us system
wa4r clral aa ! seal r-rsTaans mura.
tWw r smba W. a. atamhan. Bru
wtat , & W.i . A.Wsmf, an CaslfonOa
BSv, . V.; Use. C. atsivla, m Seamy ., S. Jr.,
o saay whe bare fetuxl nUsf hoes
MrtytkraaaUkkaMba. a.W.riaesat,
SfltWlWMCsit,ay.rlM: -lasstoyaaaa
efac a4 kars keen troahM with asutic
IsrItyMr. I was seG UaaI u Uj laf
Tsctnakle assssyaeOa. 1 realsa4 la Ii a
m M kask Skat Ike lfsftlsaiis tw4 ss ive m
aa tke sir Im kowel sBtitU.. (I seas ss
alUaeula k UJ a4 1 knew ll wuU kai
a-aatslk Iw tb tas rtSM la 7ars I saa si
WeSl sssi ssy ay sues Is sacwlae and ta syswU
eaadlUea, Tliaasd kfaalMOi liwU In Uils ntauij
ase a Mrtal emr la svmsUpatis ao4 towel
tyewUM." Ask lor
The suecwji f oreat Cash cre H
w'tunnl b -;r& 'a the hi.tory f rmedicfud.
A! !rinki,i wsavtUr.rUsrt tosi.S lion a jx
iliva e-nrncu:.!. n tint lhat no olhcrcure can
saeccaafaily suni. Tiiat it ;iay becouia
Vnov o. U.e rro cr, m an eunrmstu c
rw, sjm j iiB a bm;.; Paitle Vr lmi
eery h- ,v;e ir .,, rast-g i,tw at4 CaWa.
If h s rcisjfh, Sn;rt thtial, cV Mroa
ehit's, v It. for Ii will ,ar yew. It juuy
csli4ha (ti!Vp. vr Vt uKt.lrioiih, s
Hao-!ir!r. tM rriirr I wrc. Uva i!rt.4
nt !n;.-;tc dlMiu; Ct -iwrnMlon, r Jt,
Ail y ;r Umgiftrt fur iUU' CURS,
Price lleia.. Met, and Jl.oo. If your Lcae lick U-jjo, 00 HUtlo'i'a lorous
Plnr. l-.lce totl. y. t ta!a by all htur.
;Uis sail !c.-.!jfj
ttuii, iwn, uu i-iiiiBt. frm mti u aw
ri'Li'0? ' ) Thirty !' TrlatU
ulM wS Mti
-Mtarc-t -.-t swat R E,
The Row! Kucu Scat Co.CMc-teo. iu
V-w.ll Ml wstii t-r t,;y n f ti
m'r'oiiit l'r.vroi. f - i:i'mo.i uiii-. ti,
ji;i"B irl'it.KiMiniiiui oairf w.tii e
Iu.iii i.vrii ifc.iM.j ,;,(, S wtt.,.- -st.ia!.
with. Th. fftre 1 u-rly Vr(au:e. tn-
s,glr,-oU l.a.i.- oim.
" "" ,!ll- Hwr m v,....,!. r.:ni.n rnnuf. tim-d bj
vjouhc wrTx.heAiiv.uitcAu).iu.
aninlac DrnczUt Albaay.Or
q For the millions of consumers of q
It ivma Ur. Tut I ptsnr to aa- Q
nouitt UiaA be la now putilug; upa '
wlilt li la of exoevdlngtjr sinall-alao.
jrt rxtalnliia alt tha virtue f the J
lurBT one. UnavanSuoiI fiurrly
vrKvtHblt. lloth isixpsofthene pills Q
ara atill laauml. 'l l.e exauS alzo of
la flhun a In Uie border of this "a.1.
isccikLsafi limns
CntlAQtlnt? two 1cto of Rtiy other r-rnr-i. Nis
Sm&w1 by bbt. tJTHEX A il i. Cii: C t .
Q . N. -tsTt I LK CO., Albany, Oregon
y on
KJ s' AtOstt ircr.ey on aood real esta
cur t " l:intu adjoining ccuntle
WANTED. Salesreenjocal and trav
eling, to represent, nur well known
htuse. You need no capital to represent
a fl. m that warrants nursery stock firit
cUssam true to naip.e. vork all the
year. flDO per aionth to t'ie right maa.
Apply quick, statin age.
1- liMUftCO.,
8tPaul, Minn.
Nurserymen, Flor sts ad fcieedsmen.
' (rhiahoufo is responsible.)
Bfl stock of 2nd" goods In the
Valley, ari l the most reaionable prices .
1 have on hnl all kinds of
One ilonr'wnit of -S r3'-'.i clil sv
III ti il n r . f -Ms. . ... .-
2nd Store;
Buggies, Hacks, Carriages
Httwer Co., cor SndAEllajwortlt tAlbany
tn Me dreuli Court 0 ll State 01 Orr.S
for tit Count 1 0 Un.
El). ZfCYSH, Plaintiff, ,
J IVAKHiSjir, rfandant.
ty virtue mt an xaootl -n an I rrder
ofaale taanwi out of tbe h.ya named
Cur Ii tb above entliie.1 s-llnn. I
will on s .
Kalardar. tke fib Slay mt Kay. It,
atlhe Court lion a door. In tbe idly of
Albany, Linn ounty, Orng.n, at the
hour of 1 o'clcok p tn of salJ day. Mil at urtlon. foreiab In band to the
hlghst tlller, thjraal proearty de
scribed in as 14 execution and order ol
ale aa follows, towit. Beginning 1S.&S
cbaU south eftbe H Eeirnr of tbe
donatlnn Isnd claim of 9 M Pennington
and wile, hatog Not, No 1194 and claim
W57. inlownahlpll, H R2 West of tbe
tAlllatoatte MerMlan In LJnn eonity.
Oregon and running tbenoeeaet 2 chaiu
tntbetaat boundary of Mossss Parker'
donation land claim; theee seutb 20
ml to a tn Jot 11.65 cbaln syolb sad 36
chain esat of tbe place of lieglnning;
hence wt to tbe west boundary ot
Mr Parker' donation land clalmi
thence north 11 55 chain to the plae ol 40acraa mnr.r.r
!. in Linn eou-ty, uregon.
Ti e proceed ariaing Irom lie al of
-.Id ral property to oe applied as fol .
lows: To tbe Cost and dlabnraamanta
of thl ub, taxed at 80. tbeanmof
50 as a reaaonablsi attorney's fee and tl.e
coma and charges and expeoaea of mak
ing such aa!- Meioond. to tha psyrnsnl of
aum m ana inter at ua per
""i I'vr bdouisi aaiii pai 1 oe rem so
jud,ad In f.vor of p ali-IT, and that th
aurplu If anv be paid U, tbe rfsf ndaut
I'aiati mu 2n oiy ot Uarort. ixa.
rbsriJT of Linn ooanty. Or.
By O EScrfi deputy.
i tb annual mretlnr f ike nck
holders of the All any tl lcg4 M.iilng
0. will b I aid tn Mnrday j-rli 26 b,
i2, at t,e b -rr of 4.80 p in of a id day,
at tbe oflice of lb secretary tn Aiuaay,
Or., for ibe porposa of elactins; seven
director, to serve fcr tbe teroica'oa
year m-xl araoli:K from said meatlrgnd
until tbelr auooeasota are e'eeted and
qualifitHl, and ta t-nsast aocb other
1. naineaa a may eoine br fore tbe eorn
pany. Doce ty order of the company
thl Jsth day t.f Marab,
4 is COWAN.
i V Firrs, President,
SOTlCfc. I hereby iclrao that there will
te a tneetlcs: of tbe Block bolder af the
Albany liuiluins; and In Asaoclariop
or Altvny, Ores on, held - their effic in
ibe tftlca of tbe Back ofUireTn.on lues
day, the !it:h day Of- April, 112. at T
o'clock pi f laid dsy, f. r tLe purpose
of lccrealog lb esplial trk ofala a
social len from fStW.liooto tSiO.OtO.and lo
Incressutte ntqiter pf share from l(rtg
to 1 60 1. '
C Dated at Albary, Oregon, March 18.1891
JWBuw. PrtsuieDt.
Secretary. r
haa o.i
the uofteralgned. Coqnty Treasurer.
j.oney In bia bauds for tbe Mtmset
01 an oiwisnaing rounty warranta bear
Ins; interest and lu-1 Interest on th asms
eeaaea with ill la np
Msrob Bttb, ltgl
Coanty Treasurer.
iJ pursuant to an order of tbe Hon
County Cot rt ol Llna county. Oregon, I
will aelj at public auction to ti p highest
bidder toi cab In hand i 1,1 Cbprt
House $nos. In U)i city of Albany, Llna
county .Oregon, at tbe h nr -. 1 o'clock
In ibe afte noon of tbe IStbday ol April.
1S92, roperty be'oncing to the
astute of Henr Ur tr. deoaa.sed.and de
scribed aa follow. o wit: Tbe aoutbwetit
ii of section 2, in towu'r-,p H south of
range 1 East of tbe Wulamstte Meridlaa
In Lian county. Oregon.
Admr. estate of Ilonry Qraaer, dee'd.
daraiirncd. baa bm ainmlnted adminlswatntor
the estata ot Ctiailes Radtlata,deaasaii. AH persoM
having claims against said deceased an raquuad to
lrsul them properly vartSad, to Um ondr.ftd at
Albanr, Unit county, Orajroa, viUiia alx mouths
Irom Ih Is Usts.
lald Ui Jilh dsy ot Fsbroarv, IKt
0 P Coanow, AdmlnUirator
Attj tor Admr. .
it dcratirncd administrator nt the aaUtaot llaria
Crawaa, deveaaad, haa- filed his final aecount as taid
sdmlnistnslor, and that th cn oourt ol Linn
eounty, Oregon, haa appulntad Vtondav. ths tnd day
at My, ' at 1 o'citv'k a m tn tha anraaon ot aud
day, as the lima tor hearing and settling said ao-
gun snu uie semetnent ix aaia essate.
lMte.1 Starch 10th, lSut.
' Adnunistrator ,
l- th County Court of Linn Couniy, Ono.
In th wMtr of the application of
Moms VValterakirohen, far onantie of
name.. "'. .- ':
an order wa duly entered of rcrl
iu tbe above entitled the regular
aprii term tnsreoi, lsx, wnrin and
whereby it was 3ored that the na ne of
tbe Bill Moriu vvauerskimben be
changed to Mortis Walter. All persons
Interested are bereby notified that a oar"
tiflcate under th aeal of this court wl'l
be granted of tbe Bams too said petitioner
1 to bear, at the regular May term f
this court, l$92.anlea reaoaa are shown
why aaid eortitioate should net isue. .
Pubiiabed for three week bv order of
fie Hon DKN Blaokburn.Jedge ol aald
court, dated April Vth. 18SI
V itness my band and the seal of said
oourt April llth, 1892.
County Clerk of L'nn county, Or,
QQS. J?uro bred 8 Q Brown Leg
horn eggs. $1 par 13. Addreea, W
W t
Crawford, Tallman, Oregon.
iV un;lnrsiirnej has been by ortierol thsoouuty
oourt of titau county, Oreiron, oa tha 8th dsy ot
April, lS'li, duly apnoinled admlnirator ot th
estate ot Junta S McSechaia.Iate ot Litin oounty, Or.,
deceaaed. All persons bavinir claims ssraiDat ssid
estate are hereby required and uotinBt to present th
same with proper Touchers ta me at m residence in
Sweet Uoas,L,inn county, Oregon, within six mouths
irora win a-e neren.
Dated this 8th day o! April, im,
liatttAiire H-wVkmsa, , Adiuinutratur.
Attni a. .. i
IKD3 FOR SAiE. Mrs Wm Mayor
hss soma t::.s canary bird, gsnulpe
tsh whith?". for sa'i. CU on hrst
Farm Wagons
of all kir.da,
Saw Mill
and Shinglo
Mill Ma
ch i ti r y.
Call and ex
amine stock
-:- OV -
Baby Bugsios
best assr rtment ever brought to Albtri
just received at
Stetfqt Sox's.
Sec tbe Uo-rgics and Cct Triecr
ako ail mn of keaw
serial altaaUon
as of machine
atrtna sl
fa.Vst.rDS Kade on Short NotJet
- "
J. A. Ci'inraijig,
fall P
I Irntrai, llott-e Ilf
lnsw, Etc.,
ALBANY, -:- 0REC03
Cwr;Srslsiitslu tu4 rint 8t
mm rmER.p.'.oPRiErcR.
('(. i wtmif,
Orlec) frwia.
I'sass He t
sLaiW)iS,4 UaS kept In a a,
varrsvf and nosery , HIH
-Bartat prUm pa4 fur
Oppiisl-.e It C J trie BoUl.
Bed olothinr and Im aartalua wa!l
attauded to. .
titareh work a pecUHy.
Bras a k crBaa at Moasa barber sho.
Laundry e'oed evealag at 78) o'oloek'.
arterlul Epibalming doue SoloatlAoAlly
Albany, , Oregon.
- DYE - TO - LIVE.
: lltasy St62iu Bp Works.
Clothirg Cleaned, Colored and Repaired.
La Jles shawl and Dress Good a
Faded clothing restored to Its origin.
coior, toiooK line new.
Satlsf.:Uon Guaranteed. Give Me a Call.
Work called for and delivered.
Opposite Parrish's Brick.
LOT -A nets for $300 ltiel by J F-r-w. '
Whiting and C M Whiting, bearing
aas Hay llth, 1831, mad pvabl oa -
year alter date, t Augusta Warner, at
Albarrr, Or, at 8 per cant per aauuort. '
The finder wilt please return t kfrs .
frnsr, at this citr. Tn publio I here- j
by wai nd agalatt pureliaaiag tb said
note. . .- i
1IO UEXT A barb near th buainesi
. ptrt of tha Hy. Will hold tws hor
sos, bt ggy, ew loqulr at thi.i offloe,
LOS r. In tbia eity, on Saadsy.Marek
SOih, gold ring with a aat. Fladac
pies ieav at ttlm o9.
T70B SALE Seonl haa! Packard
Jt; otrwis A 1 For furttir
r-ftrtkt l&rs e&il at re.ddeccNt
W Xj
a; Y'sjhiri3-.oa usr-xtj, in'.
. f