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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1892)
1 1 - The' New York "World," :- : c -:- democrat," j, Bcti O25 Year fir Only $2.80. I ; . -! An. Ao' j"Tlic -:- Democrat," 1 pMiay BIG . REIMS. ar VOL XXVII. KaUr4 al lb ! He at Albany. r. at Beesad-flsss Mall Mslleri ALBANY. O CON, FRIDAY, A Pill L 15, 189-3. ftTlTr NITT1, rabtlshers freprleUrs A 7 r- L r o HELPLECO.-' ' ? I wsts bottles of ST. JACODG OIL cured me. No return in 3 years. FRANCIS MAURER. O "ALL tilOHTI ST. JACQ52 tn ma it O W f"fV" N OUR A Is now complete, and comprises h following lines. LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods. Dres3 Goods, Wash Fabrics, Embroiderios and Flouncing, Silks and Satin?, Oompleto Stock of Shoos, Etc. MEN AND Clothing, Fino Neglegee Shirts, "Working Mens Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, HaU and Caps, Boots 8hoes, Eto. A e guarantee prices to be the lowest compared with quality. Call and emamfne good and get price before purchasing elsewhere if yau wUh to save money. No trouble to ho w goods. G-. W. Simpson. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The very latest news Is that yos can tmy at JULIUS GBADWOQZi'S BAZAAR, for net cash, foods as follows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound. ids. Granulated Sugar lbs Extra C Surar White No. 1 Kerosene, per single Cans refilled, o gallons 1 . ... & Gallons Good Pickles . 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap Wholesale price of eugar-100 I ha extra I will condoot a strict eah More, an 1 all tt per cent lea ttian n-o ar prl.. Ky W'fov di4ratlylif c-ibws, ee well aa sn-rl artraot or gnoot !(,; W prj, ltui)od inareaW complete 1 mk iirtciUy l t is a.u al likiog powder, and alvaja pi"e injroujonrier, Agent fir terl repna!tile Inaaranof ALLEN WHOLESALE 3 RETAIL GROCFRS CIOARS TODACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE OR IN THEIR 71inn Block The .Oregon Witn ite home office at BAXJBIM:, - - In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and I . , ' ; t IT, ' . AKE8 a specialty ottiunnygicle fruit tracts nar Sal.m will soil?, 1 or 2 acre -em all cash payment partjcvilar ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSKtMI. WHOLESALE AtlD RETAIL Only White Labor Empioyect, - ' BLAGECrJIAN 'd HODGES, w LEADINGDRUGGISTS OHUGS. MEDiCI.lES-.STA! I0HARY FURNITURE.-AT los. Brink's 'Old Staiid. ji3;muE mm CALL Chicago, UL confined to bed ; coulj not ',; vralk from lame back; suffered 3, "' months; doctors did not help; a I a. 1 STOCK FOR Ul-JLJliJliii BOYS' WEAR. Ma. $1.00 . . . i 1.00 .25 100 .90 .80 gallon .... . C, liJSj 100 .ba giaouUted 13.75. -ood will ha ao'd for net osli fr n Id atooB of Ulilnawarw, rney bww, ant earopaa'tJ. Ol'Mwbl. BRQTURS, CHOICE FRUITS OF A LI SMALL QUANTITIES CEASON, ALBANY, OREqO. " Land Go, - OEEGOIT, State itreet, branch bdice in Portland, acre lots at?DOto $ uq per long time on, balance. c;id Proprietor, -Xt" )MsV sssst :," j ' i ipra is J ami LOCAL ltZGOllD. Cavbht by the Hm. Joe Wlihmin narrowly escaped drowning the day he toet hU hore. He wai thrown Into the creek, which wai high and iwlft, and wae unabU to aave h'mtelf. lilt brother John and hie ilnle boy ran down the creek about four hundred yarda and got a canoe ana rowed up the eircam at laraa polble. When Joe got within thirty atepa o! them he became exhausted and wen' under lor the latl time. The water waa muddy and John could not ree him but guennlng where ha waa reachud the water at litr at poaalble and cauttht him by the hair. He rullud hltn up and the boy then niJ.lliMt iK Miuu tn Hi thore. toe ela 'hen takrn cut knd rubbed and rolled and wranned tn warm blanaet. He wai n contcloua when takes out and aoon alter gaining r0ntclune tainted and thewe who were working OTer him thought he waa dyln but by vigorous rubbing and the uieot brandy he waa brought about ao that he wat able to walk Inalde o( three heure. The ace'dent happened Hear John'a hou. Eugene RegUter. 'ot Iiio Kkouoii. Tlie M E church at Salem doe not begin to be Urge enough to hold the people who flock to hear B Fay Milla. Even the neampapere are excited over it. Midi knowa what a Christian in, according to the Journal "Our looka ought to tell that we are Chriatiana. If a man 1 saved he will know It. lie will have happineaa. There is no such thing as a elooiny Christian. It is impossible. Christians cannot ride two horses going In opposite directions wiui any degree ol comfort. e sitouui have Christ in our homes- There are some homes the moment vou anter you realiie that Christ i there imu the won derful degree of peace and patience that pervaJes the atmosphere, mere is one way Uod gives us to know that we can be saved, becstse we have love for an other. This is the test of the judgment day. "Hereby we know that we have passed rrom ilcaui unto life because we love the brethren." You can always tell a Christian in the dark. There may be times in prosperity when be looks like other people, but you csn always tell him in adversity." Tub Cab Too Bio. Several weeks ago Fortmiller 4 Irving ordered a car load of furniture from the F.ast and in order to get special rates had it shipped in a car made specially for extra aised orders of over vu.wU pounds oi rurmture, neing much la rue r than even tbe big furniture ears we have been in the habit of seeing. The goods failed to arrive In Albany on me. and rortmlller x Irving have lust learned the reason. On reaching the snow sheds It was found the ear would not go through, (a fact) and it had to be taken back and shipped by another route. The furniture includes an ele gant assortment. Including about seventy five bedroom sets, and owing to the big saving tn freight cotomers will get speciar bargains- Keep your eyes on the biggest furniture car ever brought into: Oregon. E R Ltc;t Hbabd Fbom. Nathan Wolff, a commercial traveler for the firm of 8 U Kinke sptet&Co., was in town yesterday. TU informed! Joseph Luckey that he met E U Lackey at Sacrateqto, between Feb Plh, and, Gth, nl rode south with tin qqUe a distance. He snyi that be knows Eugene welt and could not possibly be mistaken ; that be talked lo bis usual intcl igent way, and noticed nothing wrong about him. When e last saw him he waa pursuing his tournev eonthward. From this it would seem that Mr Locker is alive aa4 well. t uuarti. Otbket B. R. Errssretos. A big Im provement In Albany ani suburbs this year will be the extension of the street railway to the urphans Home, and the introduction of motor power. The mat ter, the Dkkocbat Is Informed, Is In a position to Insure the movement. U would be a big thing if tbe road could also iro to the fair ground, almost a neces sity if a county fair is held, l'ut a ball ground behind the big seren foot fence na it would add wonqwymr wipe business, . i Abkob Iav was celebrated by tbe publ'c school In an antertalnlng manner) Kxerciees were ield in the different rooms, too msny to keep track of. After ward the children marched in neat ap parel and with flying flags and flowers on the campus, ending with the plsnting of the tree, which was named John O w Mttier. tones and other exereitt were had- Prof W$ delivered ad fn- f feslioi address on the occasIoQ. Tbe tsjryaflce Is a nice one, and leaves a strong Impression on those participating lp it. 1 Qgro's f aasAis. The superintend ent of ceniua has Issued the following tatlstlcs of cereal production In Oregon lor the census rear ending may ji. logo: Wheat 63.170 acres, o,oti,sj4 bushels s oats jiS,736 acrea, 1.048,594 buheli bsrler Vto acres, STO.coa Dusneis. in addition to the foregolr.g were com, rye and buckwheat, aggregating 19,196 acrea in Oregon. In Oregon total area In ccrtils has inoilasetT since from tfU.071 acre to tioot acrea, oounciud fng at least 37,000 acres, tain!y In Wasco and Gilliam counties, on which the crop were either destroyed br cjruUt of cl A Bbazsn F-majd, An agent, repre sentlng a Los Angeles house is canvassing lower down me yaiiey Kr craj on portraits without cot, cbarging 14 for the name and f raising. Ul courte, the picture will tea daub, while the frame I almost worthless. Let the traveling fakers alone If rou wish to save jour money. They Invariably bilk the customers who are verdant enough lo think they can get any th'ngot value for almost notning, ex tio matter now mum advertised mere will be plenty In Linn WnmVjr Id patronise suth'fcllks. 1 . . . . 1. t k . KiKbLY. RsHEHHtfRaa. Newspaper n. n are remembered from all quarters. today one of the employes st the depot found a snake with hts head in a bottle, at the Lebanon junction, with the following Instruction HPlease deliver to the local idln.r of the Democrat " As the Man About Town never has the d-iilrlum tremens the little reptile Is not needed. The joker no doubt has msny occas'ont to see snakes, snd may retain him, Grand Locob Rkprxsehtativbs At he regular ni-e'lng of Albany Lodge No 1, 1 O O F hejd tVcdnesday evening, the following representatives 10 the ..prand Lodge were elected :,VG F Russell, C W Sears and T J Silte. Ihe Orard Lodge rceeti a,t Astoria i,n in t;-month. ,. i. . . . IIIUMIIII Ml W I I II II' I ! " HXBsV I ) A3, ffk.-J OPTO jT$joir& ;i Both tho metliod nndreFBlty Tlan tad ro&csaing to tue taste, anciacxa. f wt!y yet promptly, on tlie Kidneys,' ef 8nl Bowels, cleanses t!o ey tern ilectual'y, disptila colcUV ht&& aches anri fevers midcurea habltuBl constipation permanently. For sala ia 6O0 raa U bottfea by all drugrrists. ' ' CALiFOTitlLi FI3 SYfiL-P CO, k Urakkman Biiot. Tlie dispatches tell of a serious affair for a brakctuan on tbe PotiUiernracine.nt Mrysvtne,Calif :, "It 1J Carley, brakemnn 011 Hie up Ore gon express, was dangerously wounded jreslerday morhlng at 1 o'clock hr a shot from t revolver by a tramp. When th north-bound train pnlled in, the trsrv was aeen descending from the roof of the last car. After be bad reached tho ground the brakeman started to run blm off. Xho tramp ran around a water lank, and, turning, drew a revolver and flr d. The tall struck the young man in the abdomen and passed through his body, emerglngnear the back hip pocket, lie Is dangerously, if not fatallv. wounded. Carley has a wile and child at Sacra mento, where be was taken on the arrlvsl of the south-bound trslti Inter. Officers are in pursuit, of the tramp." A Good Coukty The Telegram says: Linn Is probably tho best governed euanty In Oregon. It is the third county in the state in wealth and Dopu'ation. Its tax rate Is the lowest, or neat to Hi lowest, of any Oregon county. It is en tirely out of debt. Linn has also been fortunate in generally having some aoie representatives in the legtslatu men of breadth and strength and hiith character. This year no state senator is to bo elected In Linn, Weatherlor.! and nis popular young colleague, Myers, holding over. Hut there are three mem bers to be elected to the houae. ami tha democrats have done wisely In putting H exrepiionaiiy strong atid opular ticket. The one who will lo depended upon chiefly to make the canvass 'a M A Miller, an able debater and a thnmnul democrat In the broadest sense of that term. Mws. rs Ob. IIcmob. The Florence West tells the following: An amusing inrident occurred In the circuit court at Westl'oint. Miss. A neirra ttov aim was being tried for stealing two naire of trousers, and having no lawver the judge kk! Uim if he denired to sneak. He replied In tbe affirmative and arw.k 1 he Hoy Stood on the Hurnina Deck" w ma juugn ami jury, iue above re minds us of a little scene at a fn some few months ago at a place not a long war outside the borders of Omnn. The minister who was to preach the funeral sermon being a conscientious, God-loving man. and tbe deceased a dis reputable individual, be preferred not to linger upon the virtues of bis subject. I Ha apennllnnlw I gation for a few remarks, and aftr v- eral solicitations a gentleman In the rrl of tbe church arose and said If the audi-1 ence bad no objections he wonld like to I give tnem an hall hoar Ulk on the Frtei vviikv win. Mi'BOKB Witt Oft. A dispatch from Honolulu In Mondav'a Iillr KaatOreiro. nian eonUinel the cenfiwsion of a sailor, jonn iv vin.uin, wno claims that he was one of the three men implicated in the celebrated robbery of a train near I'ixley, California, February 22, Isk9. The pas senger killed in this affair was Ed 8 Eenller.a nephew of J M ISentley of this city. He wee much beloved by ail who knew him, and a big reward wa offered for the discovery of his murderers, who are now brought to light by Griffith's confession, it true. One Is now a pros perous insurance agent of Fresno. The l..t yi.lAl.l a a . . j, young tuan killed paid a visit to Pendle ton while bis uncle was sheriff, and waa qmite well known here. E. O. Obiuok's Futsr GovcBKOft. The first governor of Oregon, when It waa a part of California--KodmAn M Price is still iving in New Jersey, his native state. The connection between Governor Price and Oregon was not so clear and direct as it might have been, however. In HU5 be waa purser in tbe United Statea navy and with an expedition that rap tured Monterey, and la some manner be got to exercise Judicial functions then in isvt be was made navy agent for the Pacific coast end as such he was the virtual governor of the country. This wss when be was governor of Oregon. But he did not long remain on this eoaat. He returned to New Jersey and was elected to congress in 1S&1 and eov- ernorol that state ia tie was a delegate to lb.e peace In ISOI. ue was always a 'jemocrat. it is said that he expended ,300.000 of bis private funds for the government while in Cali fornia and has never been reimbursed. This is extremely doubtful. At any rate the old governor is still living at the age of 71 years Enterprise. Hasn't BtTunxcD. Since Salem nct defeat In being admitted as prowe J) to membership n the Pad 3c Northwest baseball league but little Interest ha been manifested here In baseball. The failure wss disheartening, especially sine vpap' Lytle wssent El with fx of the Salem association1 money and tip to the hour of going to pre has neither returned to Halein nor remitted the amount entrusted into bU kef ping for use in signing player ana tending mem nere ia 10m me icarn. It la possible Mr Lytle may 1 stbie fttruytis may return tne monev. but ft 1 certain he ha not done to a yet and until thl matter la atialghU ened 'out satisfactorily there I but little prospect of accompluhlnr anything In tbe matter ot tprmiag em nere 10 enter an amateur semi-professional league with Independence, Aioany ana uewnnvtue, Statesman, APsorosso lava A gentleman In founs the IXimocbat that he has seen tne prouie 01 a piopoacu mover iiuo iiis wiU be built In case the Albfy street car company d.oiJ not begin an extension of their line at an earl; date. It wiil . 1 , . . .. 1 1 . 1 1 . . . beam at tbe corner oi fcecond and ach- ington streets, run soath to (sixth, west to klm. south to the fair ground, east through Elklns snd Townsond's addi tions to the Orphan's Home, north past the round house, along Maine to Second street: thence to Washington. The route looks pretty well on paper, and, would be an immense lb inn tdf "AlUny, tbot it lproba,blcl te treef car company wll mauera. Fbom Tits Misks. bight m,en came into Gates yesterday from the mines, being obliged to get out on account of failure of supplies. Owing to deep snow it ha been Impossible to get any in. They passed tlrrough eight feet ot the softest asnd 01 snow, so ngnt itiai snow shoes could not be used, one man break ing the war for a short distance and then another, until the trip was made, A large body of first class ore is out ready for duo; but nothing can be done until lUDDlies can be gotten in for the men. ' - . - That Sodaviixe Affair W W Tar risli and T'P ChensberY worthy citizoria of odavillei, got in a war of word fit tha place some timo 'ngo wincn nas been orolific oi laty Buita. It seems that es.ti d thije geriUernen was arreted by the Mouaviiie nmrunai biu hs ittiiur, was fined ' He was rearrested nnder the state law tor assault, ty me com- Maintol Mr Parrel), and, waa tried m bie Justice Hindman. Extueaa. The defendant was dtsewtsod because ho had a,lretdy pid a "Pe tor the owenae. Broke V?TH Sciicwt. - A lew days ago A 1 Nicnoiis C'osea a tmging scnooi at Wylie chonl house, a few mile from sweet Home, rnrce young men uiougni they would add to the occtblon and went there for the puipoe 01 paiming ineanmr red, which they did in a very unbecoming manner, breaking up the entertainment. A warrant Uuid out of Justice Hum., phrey's court, and they were, brought to .Albany.thl morning, plead guilty v and were fined f 10 apiece. They were bcartw II v ashamed of Use attalr. 'Thy Wre "Ed I Uarris,,Ftner JVfalpnt nbheif ypurig f .Vn'abrVut the eaifne age. ' ' ' I fi i . . ; w 1 .1 A Rich Strike A gtnt.eman who came Iri from te Myrtle Oreek roitie thl L.' i. 1 . IU IV..,. Th.. wcacpviis -jr haye ttruck an Qld channel that Is ex tremely rich In the yellow mental. - He ay he saw $30 taken out of three pans, and one pan yielded $10, one piece being valued at $9. This is looked upon by the men a the richest strike In that region, but there Is acre after acre of good pa ing dirt, Wshinjr Is going on right along SO 11 k riKHOilAL Cept J A bi,4den,of Jt'crtlnd,hs hm in wie en,1, . Hon C P flurkhart, wlto has been II) for some inne, Is on the streets again, Mu O 11 Irvine, of McMlnnvllle, is in the city vMting relative fend friends. " Mr G L nUckmsti snd dsughier left this noon lor rortlsd , tlwlr future home. Rev E R Prlchard went to Salem Hit noon to l.esr U Fay Mills, the evsnge'lst, tcn!g"t, - , Mr A.hert Cole,, .f $clo. it futmer siUnlc miglsty on the Drmgchat, was in tne city tcday, snd called. F L Huch arrived In tho effy thl morn Ing, snd will probsbly remain during the summer, Improving hUfloverdale pro perty. Ladle having sprtms to donate to the MAprun Fratival, will please leave them st the residence i-f J L Cowan Saturday, April ytn Several Albany p-op!a went to Tangent this noon to attend the wedding of Rev C u lurmon and Ml I4i Hrtsn, which lakes place at 8.0 clock tonight. Lltts Cdlth Elder, niece of Mr Virgil Parker, arrived lit Albany tdjr alone, from a mon'.h'ssr.Iourn at Coo Iir. ahe came by way of Portland, coir Ing up on tne ocean with sn uncle. Ex Counctlmsn Tabler and family lii lesve tonight on the overland for Hsn Jose, where or Ssnta Crus, he wilt make hi future home, lie lmcrul to pav Albany a vlit when the ne bridge I dedicated. Last evening the member of the Ep- wonn JLexgue and lliclr irirnua spent a social evening at the residence of Mr Grlggt. A hort program wat rendered, coesUtirtg of song, reritstlons, etc, and the evening ws tucd In diflerent kind 01 amusement. Sir Kdwsrd Watkin.lhe Hrl'.rosd klnc.- was man led yesierdsy In I-omlon to Mrs Ingram.ttldow of the founder of the Illus trated London New. Watkln Is 7 and Mr Ingram Hi yiart vld. Sir Edwsrd Is one of the m(l powerful railway magnate tn oreat uritain.and hlsbrtde 1 immense ly wealthy. Kir Edward ha a son who Is married to a daughter of hi bride. Now what relation are they. . ratBAV . "r James Crabliee, otSclo, "as doing 'ooy today. Mr Geo McKnlght returned today from a trip to Indeendence. O C McFarlaod returned tbts noon from it trip to Pwrtland. It II James went to Dallas this ttnoa to visit an undo residing there. Mies Ltd Itutnbtingh hat been In wee'. Home vielting her parents. Hon lolm P.urnctt and Mr Waller Wiles, of Cortallis, are In the city. Rev vt ilson is also In Stwdune attend- ng the Presbytery of the U Pchurch. L J Bommervllte, one of UmatiHa county's wealthy citisens, Is in AlUny, tne guest oi lis sisier, Mrs N A lilodgett. Mrs L II Montanye, Mrs Ttarnes and Mrs Tj Stiles went toCorvallis this noon to visit the Kebekah U-gree loJae in that town and to assist in initlatorr work. LFlinnof Albanr is in the citr at tending to some legal business before udgK Pipes in the case of It J IVnsra va A L Wheeler. Fugene Guard. Ir II O Fellows was In the nelehhor- hood last week, and was a artiest at Rose Ranch. The Hector has staunch friend here, verifying the otd adage that "Tree worth la sooner !or later appreciated.' Cor. Fix press. Mrs ferry Drlgg. of Beattle. ia In the city the guest t,f her brother, Mr Waller Miciiuin. Pirsitnggs ws a pioneer of Linn country of I W. residing here for many years. he had not been In Al bany for over ten years. H II Prior.tho veteran member of tha Satein fire department, who ha been for twenty-six years driver of the fire team of that city, Is here enjoying vacation ana a visit to fits daughter, Mrs Newton Hales of Athena. Pendleton K O. It C Clement and family naaaed through Albanr this noon on their wsy to Taroma. from a vUit with Mr Cleai- ent's parents, at tshedd. Clement Is be coming outte a jiohltcian and recently delivered B "free silver'.' speech that was puMianeu in ine Mktger. lie reports the recent election the hottest in the experience of Taeoma and took a part la eiccupg Kuson.wiucb is not the part the 1uibat would have taken. J R Smith and N VV liiulth went to Portland this week to attend the eiad- Tltting exercises of the medical depart ment 01 the State University. Irvine Hmith graduated with high honors from that Institution this week. Dr Smith Immediately left for Moro, Uterman county, where he will Lou and practice nis proieaeipa- jtyme hss the Dest wlsJiei of many friends in Linn. Ad vance. " D.Andrews is setting nn tho clears to the boys. Goods sold on credit until after the election. Too late, old boy; you must remember that Kim Payne is in it to stay, and no bees tn bis bonnet; ue i no a uiance man 11 ne is not on tne itcnet. He Is an honest man snd also tharuugh business man, ani when the democrats nominated him they nomin ated a man who has been the poor man's menu, ami ne win get two votes to one in Sweet Home. How Is that? Swtet Home cor. Advance, . SATcaniT ' - W R Gsrrett, of Portland, k U the tl.y Mrs'R nkltraarkkL ol Portland, returned Uome tula, ioon from a yUlt wUh A'bany inena. Rev W n Hamnhrey. formerly of Al bany, is now kaled at llopkinsville tvetuuexy, ins lornier state. Mr John Chamberlain, formerly of Al bany, was elected Councilman of the 1st Ward of Dallas at the election Monday Mrs T IlopUi.u and Mrs lohn Irving, of Albany, re visiting in the city, the guests of Mrs Damon Smith. HarrUburg Courier. Mr John Glblin, a former hotel man of Albany, was in .Dallas Wednesday, looking for a location for that business. Dallas Observer.' ' " Burr Sloftn, ot A'bany, was in tow,n yesterday on his Way to Inep.eadirice, where he wUI.engajte in' the carpenter ing Dcainess- vervains uaiseite. Corvaills has also had s Whittling Vee. M,r John Fulton and Ml" Minnie Wag goner took pr1! as whlttlers and J H HartI and Mr G W Shaw won the booby prize. ' Mr Ptanchell, the a-eayer and mill man of the Albany Mining Co., is down ram the mines. He says there is no question about the future success of the mines, ; - Ex-Senator J K Weatherford of Albany came out Sunday to be present at the circuit court in the case of the state vs. L L Burtendhaw which Ig to be tried this week. Asnland Kecard, . Look Hbrb a Moment. I have some of the choicest reiddence lots In Albanr fcr sale, term no reasonable that anybody can buy ana on- a nome ot m own b paying a mall payineiit'down',ahd' rpai mont.ily paymerrts' thefetiwef u,nftl all . pa!(frrr. For'furtlier lo.foi'matittn ca' the office, c6r;ner and and Mr;adalbiu i Qpposte, jisatiocAT otlice. Dr GWMastok. Fob 8alb CitxAr A second nand piano. For further pirticumrs call at the drag store of Blackman Si Hodges' or at tne residence muii uiacKrnsn. Mosey to Loak. I have money in sums of 500 to $20,00'! to loan on im proved farm lands in Lini and Denton counties, at lowest' current "talea. No dtlay in fumkLiBg't!- nwner. TAMIN0T0?f. (I'rum esr rsxttiar orriantft. Washimotow, April 4. 1 Sot. The black itig of ihe foul bird scan dal are nappTig ominously over this ad ministration, which has been lauded by republicans for its puilly and honesty ever since St came Into power. No wonder that Mr Harrison, who, to "render under Caesar that which I Caesar's" Is a man of great personal purity and sterling honesty, is shocked at some of the most recent ex posure,; Any hotuit msn would be. And what make tho matter worse, Is that prominent members oi Mr IIsirioi" own psrty have thtwn up some of the worst thing. Fur Instsnce, it wss a repub lean senator Mandetson of Nrbraska w'o on the floor of the sera's pruclalned, and pro duced the do utnents to prove that ths sulhorltle of the Indian Uureau have for several month been trying to compel ths the arm tffker. who 1 scthig Indian Aj;ent at Pine Ridge Agencr, to accept atd distribute 1 ound f bacon which had been sent to ih agency by a Chicago contrac'oi and refused by the army officer, because cf Its being unfit to cat, j How Mr Harrlon must enjoy reading the1 tellers frjiti the saintly Indian Commi loiter (who slgnal'sisd hi entrance Into cilice, sevetal jcara ago, by creating a aiidkl, la coniivCtlon with saddling his wife's irsvellng expenses on the govern ment, beside getting her a salary by ap pointing her hi pi Irate secret ar) to the honest army officer In bvhalf cf the dis honest contractor. It was also a tritbllitn Senator- Chandler of New Hampshire who, a chairman tf the senate committee on Im migration, first directed public attention to the fact that official of tbe treasury de partment had authvtlsed the expenditure of $150,000 more then there wassny legs! authority for spending, on the bullJ'.ng, etc., at the Government I-nmlgratlon Station on EIIU New York Har bor, an etpcndiiure which the '.louse and Senate committee cn IrgmlgntlkMi are now jointly engaged In lnetigsi!n, for the purpose of placing the responsibility therctx upon some one official, If possible. It cannot be charged that politic had any thing to do with exposing either of these charming specimens of official crooked ness. The Pension office scandal Mr IsrrUon has had him so long that he has probably an,o t become accustomed to It; but some of Raum' admUtkms, to say nothing vf the tetlincmy to the House commhies now engaged in Investigating that office, must have made very Interest ing leading for Mr Harrison. The first step toward the tariff reform which the democratic party will ask the voters of the country to endorse next Nov emdrt, will have been taken when the House pssscs the Springer free wool bill. this week, and others will In due season. If the tepiiblican senate see fit 10 refuse to pa these bills, so much the worse for the republican party. Sliver rumors are thick just now, prob ably because ot the sgluiion In the senate caused by the debate brought on by Sena tor Morgan's resolution and challenge to the senators to define their positions. In spite of alt that Is said It I very doubtful whether the senate will go to. the extent of voting on Senator Stewart's free coinage b;ih It certainty will not, II tbe Influence ot tl administration Is strong enough to prevent It. The moat Interesting rumor Is one that says more than eighty members of the House have entertained an agreement to filibuster continuously on everything, except tariff bill, unless the coiurulttee on rules wilt report another rule setting a date for tha conlderttkn of tbe B.and ffcs cotnags bill. Further than that such a rcmust has been made of tbe committee, the rumor csnnot be firmed. Superintendent of Immigration Owtn, the Indiana ex-Congressman whom Ai tlttanl Secretary Ntttleton has accused of being tin flit for his place and careless U not dishonest, In the handling oi vouchers for Uncle Sam's hord. cash, ba endeavored to answer, U ehsrgea br throwing the blame lor every tnlng that has gone wrong in hi office pn bis clerk, and by charging that General Nettleton t trying, tn the Interests of parties who oppose tne crea tlon of the office of Superintendent of Im migration, and ha been from the time he (Owen took charge of that throw obttaolc In the pa'.h of Its work and bring discredit upon It. It Is ease enough to believe that both of them are telling the truth, republican official are such a queer lot. Mr Harrison Is willing, It !s said, to sacrifice Owen, who Is his personal friend. and also Nettleton, If that would, tctMe the scandal; but he hss. brxn, told by mtrabcrs of both the; Itoue Brd Senate Immlgri (tlon cor wlttce that they Intended to probe the wheda matter to the bottom whoever It might hurt, so that he will probably wait anwue neiore making any removal or asking any resignation. nor CANfMl) The Albany Democrat has signified its willingness to en gtigo ia a mud slinging campaign, providing it becomes, necessary. We may t Here tore expect on intellectual re pant (V) of campaign literature that 'will, suit tbe muddiest; ' 'of "" mud ill infers before the 6th of Jnne. Tho Press will not indulfjro in' that kjnd of cawpai g insr, let other tourrlaJs' dp what. wiUv- Scib Ptess;- 4 - lt is cfwy to, hfittvm arvi candid, but in the brcflfits ci some people there seems to be strong prorating sentiment uncandid aid unfair. The above reference to what the Democrat said is uncandid and unfair. If the Prss wanted its readers to know what the Dkmochat said, it should have given off we said. ITere is what we said and every one can tell whether we meant that we wanted to engage in mud slinging:. On the contrary we expressly refused to do so. .Read both and then judge of the luck of candor on the part of the Prttt s Tha Drmocbay is receipt of a commun ication makintr a bitter personal attack no on a candidate for a county office. It might be well to ay, once tor an, tnat tne DKM' ocitATwill not be tne nrst to open up e nmrl slincinir camuaif'n.' If. it' Can be avoided we shall dp so." If the', niatteia a which' our cotresponaentj refers were matter !of official, phllfi;' rejwX wa.should not hesi- ;tate to cvvo them nuwicuy, tor it would inat'ly he legitimate, bnt journalistic duty to da o, am it it become necessary we will return mud tor mud. The republicans had 51 majority in the last Rhode Island legislature, on joint bal lot. .This year it will be about 40. T , "Nothing Succesds Like Success."- Why sre we the moit succcssfuj f-n in tha. drv noods trade? Bccausa we have the largest nnd bst se lected stock to rbbose froin. Ve ore now receiving new and seasonable 'good bargains in winter grui5, j: Claik at less tfeaa com. I V.'a sra ,.!) . nt f r r ' Kansas will 1 solid for Cleveland. J... I. II .1,11.1,,! !l I J 1,1, An espresslr-n of the dsy in the mining camp of Crecde lj "Don't jostle that fel low he may be a millionaire to- morrow and resent the Insult. " MHwubiis'tbi will elct 80 dektgnfus to dity to tho national democratic convention all pledged to Cleveland. S".11! - i hey say the chiuwes for Til man Ford to bo electa! to the L-ginJature from Marion county is slim. Tho same is said about Sherman for Clerk. Charles ! Drake, la'e Chief Justice f the Court of Claims, will hs hn.g but not graielully rcmsmbererf In Missouri as the principal author of the Drake Constitution which repreenled ion many of the hatred of the war Tbe rcpublimii eltxtal tlie jfoverww and le(riluiitn! in Rhode Llund., Itio following i Ue vote on (foveriMirj Drown, mmbii- can. 27.4W Wnrdwoll, democrat, 25,416. lite total vote was &4.7-W, an im nraiv of 11,000 over tbe hitflent vote ever cat before. The statement Is made that Sejretarf Blaine Intend rculgrdng from the C-Mriet and residing In 1I.1 south, probably Mis sissippi or Louisiana. TU, of course mean permanent retirement frompolillcs. Cut the statement require confirmation, and a great deal of It Mr Alger tays he cannot withdraw from the content t r the presidential nomination whhojt "shirking hb duty." Well, the withdrawing wilt be dine a painlessly st possible hi ths ouvinihn. Blair, too, meat. to hold on to hi lightning-rod till the storm I over. Gov McKlnley ha auttio liel the an nouncement definitely that he Is not a can didate for the republican nomination for presidency thl year, lie say that Pres ident HarrUon lis given the country strong and patriotic administration, and wilt, he thicks, be nominated. it ia difficult to estimate Uie nunilxtr of republicans in Linn county who are more than disappointed at tlie defeat of judce IJoise for re-nomination for judge. Many democrats are likewise dinantiointed. It was rejectiugaUmg trUl faithful jude for a young, inexpttrienced man whoe tnes mu4 be acquired by experience. The Springer wool tariff bill pasted tbe lower house yesterday by a vote of 194 to 90, It will now go to the senate when It will pass if senators vote for their senti ment. But the republican senator from the northwest will not likely represent the sentiments of the people of the northwest Lr fesr of putting Uarrrlson In sn awk ward attitude. Linn county republicans In lite state convention never are In it. Time after time have they gone up to the state con vention asking recognition on the ticket ut they have uniformly been cast aside. They are not In it. We should say the party could not expect them to d much when the election comes off. Every ledy knows wool I lo and a drug on the markets, jet for the month of Fe binary 1S91 there were imported from forilgn countries i3.Sy1.536 pound while for the month of February 1891 there were Imported only ti,jSj,oio pound. More wool Is Imported under the McKlnley law than under the old law although the former Increased the rate of duty. The wool grower wilt look In vain for his benefits under the new law. In nominating Burnett for JuJge of the 3rd Judicial District the republican con vention In selecting a candidate for that important office seem to have commenced at the tail of tne profession and selected a snail lawyer who after 15 years of prac tice had, In Marlon county, at the last time of the court, hut eight small cases on a docket of over one hundred cases. In selecting candidates for judges of courts ot general jurisdiction It should be the rule to select candidates from the head rather than the tall of the profession. Ex-Senator John James Ingatts in a re cent Interview st Atchison, Kan., said Cleveland was the only man ihe demo crats could hope to (Wet president this fall and he believed they would nominate him. He hoped, however, that they wculd nominate Hill or Bolea, either of bom, he said, could be easily defeated by the re publican party.? "This man Hill," con tlnued IngalU, "who Is hlppodroT.lng about the country in sesrch of support would cany fewer vote than any other democrat who hat presidential ampliations Cleveland Is a wooden man, but he Is bet ter than Hill." Next Wednesday Pennsylvania will, hold her democratic state contention ajvd will elect 6a delegate to the oaUon,al dem ocratlc convention. The conteM to far a convention then held, wlU aland s - Cleveland .Hilt nIinn.csoVt.v... Matsachusett. .. 18 8 6a T18 Rhode Island.,., Pennsylvania..., New York. 7 7 Total.. "I am just the !est bitr larmed overth e unanimity of s-ntiment among the demo crats of the northwest for Cleveland, and 1 should like to see a split some where," said Gov Merriam, ot Minnesota, the other day. "'The republican candidate, I be- Uve will be Uartlnon. Mlnnco'a Is practically solid for Harrison, and I have heard of little cmosltion to him. The state delegalioi. may not be inbtructed foi him, but ll wIM fall lp line whet) the vot$. 1 taken." Speak'ne ottbe l!iaoce move msnt, the governor sUl he looked for a colktoV between the alliance people and ih rimocrats of Minnesota, "In which event," he said with a smile, "tbe combl nation would make it very warm for u. The alliance movement will not last long, however. Like the Greenback craze and the prohibition sgltation, It will flpui&a for a while and then tie out, an a utmem ber will be absorhedj by one of the two great partial. There can never be more than tv,Q gseat parlies in tut country, in Lmy opinion.'' A MBTKOrOLITAN StOCK off suitin 1 1 the spring and summer, the beat in the valley, just received by W R Graham, aa can easily bo learned by an inspec tion of them. Tley iiHMi.h Ij'o and bandsoo' t' - ' i"1 1 n.,1 ! iade np . . . ? ' t h 11. -''!: WIrLTHRV!)ltA. The republicans have nominated a can dldite fr attorney general. The office will not be v nt until 1804. but some re publicans h,tve rained s question of doubt shout when Mr Chamberlnin's term ex plrc, and some young sprigs of lawyer deniilngan opportunity to eihlbil tht m selves before the public ssked the repub ilcsn s'a'e convention to nominate a can didate for the office and to gratify them it did so. We trul the demociais w!!t not be misled by this Into msklr.g a nomina tion also. Mr Chamberlain ha a secure tenure and the courts no doubt w ill no de cide when Ihe matter U submitted lotbem. 1 0 ftrilXKTHTiVTY PUT The ways and means committee last Mon day decided to report favorably to tlie house tlie Bunting bill mincing tbe duty on tin plate from '1 2-10 to 1 cent per pound. Mr Bhively will make the report. The bill kino provide for tbe payment of a re bate equal to U10 diffen;noa between the present and proposed duty on unbroken packages of plate held by importers or con sumers Octolter 1 next, when the act would go into effect, A further provHon make tin plate duty free after October 1, 1854. A cormpondentof the New York llmald at Wellington says XI ill is convinced that be cannot get Die nomination and that he is so angered at the attack of the Cleveland men that be has concluded to throw his strength to Palmer. He want Flower nom inated for rifae-predident. The O tgmiam eoatinnes it stereotyped lying about the democrats providing for high protection for the eastern manufactur ers. The republicans in the McKinley bill gave the woolen manufacturers of the east 91 per cent and the democrats propose to give them 30 per cent. Canada I not in good spirits now. Ti e decrease of revenue from this touice lait year was over $i,oov,ooo. W F - Call and see what a stock ol - Fancy Goods, r Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, hosiery, . We have to select from. Our Out the cheapest ever We want your trade and we ycru money. for Infants 'Casterlatiasovea adapted to cMldren that ! rooommeDd it aa superior to any prescription vwrahua.w II. Jl. Aechcb, M. D., lit So. Oxford Et., Brooklyn, N. T. ' Tbi tine of Cwtoria ia ao unlTerwd ana lid merits so well knuwn that it setiins a work of mporeropntion to redone it. Few aretbo intelligent families vho do not keep CaMoria withlo aay rouoh " Carlo Kartyk, d.O., New York City. f.iSe Pastor Bloomicrlato Befunueii Church. Tbb Cbmtacb frl t :5v Vi . -1 I t' n g......,-.,,.... v. ..-.V.'. . . ....... mwmm,. ianfci,n!im i." ri 1 i (. t nmwn. r;. 1 Inrin! tie BLO03, Cores COKSTIPAriGN, INDIGESTION, BILIOI'SXESS, LITER C0MPLAISTS,SICK HEADACHE, COLDS, PISPLE3, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DIS EASES AKISXJiU ftom a DIS0SBED STOMACH. , - !Tfe Genttine 1IAMB URQ TEA is put vp in YELLOW WKAITJCZ.'; wilh Facsimile Si(fnalur of EMIL FRESh. REDINQTON A OO. AasNTa, San Ffanoisco. !,? ItY AUi PKIT3IST AS1 OROOPRS. PATnOK!IE HO!.! INSTITUTIONS. IE' FARMERS k MUliTS IHSURANCE CO. Albaay, P REAIX President. J h COWAN, Treasurer. J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Read, D B Montsiih.M Sternbe?;1 J K Weatherford, B S fctrahan, J O Wiitsinan, -ALSO DISTRICT AGENTS Tt R- ml RnliS PIlBftFElt Du 171 AH DC I Thai only bont and rsllabts ra1ic1ss should bs tla4 npoa the cart. It ea not, tbrftira, fee stated too carHaeitalis or rpsw4 toe cfSat, that all who ar U ssa of a smsalne lUoed-irwrtfew thonk Nsarsaaiaskfor Ayer'B araepernia. Tour 111, or tralef cnees! ea act to too. may ots4 on the ess el tbis wvlUspprovsd rstnsdr fa ynut-! enee to aay other prpfaii static nm. It 1 eooipousdsd ol Xon4srss s sapanlUt (tb vnty mot rieti hi eoraltm prnpertlM), tiUlag!a, mas4rake, ftUam dock, and fit Iodide. Tbs croeet tt ae uiacturs it ortytaal, ikl'Jijl, mitaraiy etssa, and sueb as to seur Mis vary best msdleloal quaiftia of sastt tacrseteet. TKk - tnsdletae 1 sot bollad aor Eat4, and K tbref ore, not a d ; but ft is a sotnV poand eitrset, obtatBatf by Bttbo4 e eiusivaly our own, 0 tbe best an3 i&rst powerful alterative. vorIm, sod atartts known to pharmacy. Mot tbe last tort? yrt,Ayrs SalrsapariUa ka bees ths standard d1oo4 ssrliw tke world 00 ether appreashtDfl n to Bopulae nnfldeoes or universal 4emeC lit term via I aeproTSd by the leaolag fcr(staa sad draftN. Sstag tars Mafitghly sotv eentrated. II I the most esosossiea. ef say poosfble blood stsdtalae. unity of Bersaparflla sBoold lusW at turrrsMt this prspantton aad sse BWt easft be&e bears fts weU-kaewB bbsbs cf T. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, ICmb. In every f Barter of tbe glebe Area's sapttrfUa la Bfvd to Be fAe test rssaswy tne afldsef tbeblsve. lrwwafiess Baits tn tsstCriBg t tt sprir SMkitMi ef sbls nedtfUs aad It trese sejiaansr la lbs eta f its iswaiiSMtBre. Ayer'isSarisapsrIIIa DH J. CL AYES ft C0 Ui Um. BM STBf lal'ta. rksSaf. Wars JSaiMSI. REjA D, stock is not only the largest shown in Albaj. . feel confident we can save W. F. READ. -x- Orearon i. 1 and Children. Cawtorln cores Colic, Constipation, tour SiocuiK'ii, DiarrrTa. Kructation, JoUa Vi'trrm, give sleep, and pruoiotea d- restlm, 'WUbout injurious medkatiou. " For wrrral yers I hare roeonm,ntfd your ' Ca tori. ' and shall aivrajrf cocUiiim t? do ao as iu bus invanabif produced beiutUio results." . Edwin F. Pahobb, K. IX, "Tha Wriiitbrop,"l:Scn. Straatand Tth Av, NewYorkCitfc Coio-iirr, 77 Kobrat BTBasr, Kev Tobs. Oregon.- J O WRITS MAN. Secretary 1 J 5 Geo F SIM WON, Vice I'reMotit. DIRECTORS ' , 3 W CiWf