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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
r.J .PROFESSIONAL CARDS j KATnRRrowin . tLaaA,Ta2tE.aiaAAiBt AUaraara at Laa Will nraetlca 111 til aoarla of the atata. aital attentt n f(rn to mattara In pmbai wIMulwugM, urr'ICK I th rtkae. blook. B. I. . BUCtBV, B. S. WAV iLlCKni'KJI A WATIOS, Alt Ukl miUtit tll Niitlft arewtt UaalUn. 0!Bot la OoJ fallows' Tampta, Albaa. Or W. R. BILYKtT, al l- uid B,illoline In CkMWf. CtlMh yu mxl oa all r-Vnta. Loaaa taj-anaa-d M erakla term. Albany, Oraaoa. flEw. If. WRIGHT, aoaenay at Ua.aad Hotter FuMI. Will moM a a mnatl Uiuiok u4 ia the lajaa.1 iW-a) tororsirm. l-rrnt MeaM W Orayoa, A.bany, Oa. POSTASTE II 02ITA2ITB II ACltJLESt A Sf , Attorneys at Uv, Albany, lr2n. J J WII1T5THT, Altorr.ey at Law, Albany, Or. D in. a. i hill. MhTalataa aad Saraae. OrtK -Garner Fan Parry swans, Albaa, Ortajaa. lit. MASTOV .Vl, rtJ4aBt aa Iwimm, 'n"f-airu aaaad J Braartalki aaraaaa. Ataaav, if Ca-J araca) swaaded ta atvr aa4 eeaatn! c . ruinnEnL&iY, m. , HamaapaaaUa. AATapaaUtat la dltaaBBt at tt lv. Taa aart ti'anaaaa hear T ta t a ta I H I a, aaJ IMI tveaiaf, Asaaat, era-. inST NATI93TAL BISK, or a mba a r, oaataoa, a 1 ..BJf ia TWa rraaklant I. B.T I Baakiar ST. LA. ! iCTS A OtilKtALaanklwaanalaata AiVOCNTS KEPT eubjaot ta ettaa. ..OUT BXCRASOB and tat apoia araaafar, at Saw Torh, Baa Fraaotaaa, Cniatfa aa raajtaaf TJ"xiCTIOIIt SADBoa taaeraBl. tene. A 1 Toe E, W. laaaaca i. ruin Rbbaw I . aaa. IN CO HATIOALBAXR I Or AUAHT.OINOV. CAFpTAL IWt ftM.Mt. rJ ... J L COWAJ hPraatdaal. . ...J M lkMT ..0 A AfcCMilOLD. n aarroa. -I ft Cavaa. t M Batetaa. W U t. W A aitra, i A Craar4 aa4 ) A Ara rAVSACTf a naaraJ nasMnf MHa. tttAW slUUl Urtarrsaa fori, aaa aaa ' Orai. UtCllTEOaoaaiM tub la lANK OF ORCUOST. 1UUIT, OIMOI. lt-aaaiala aiaaa tl aaaalay bnataaaf factinri baoaha ana aJ aa ail Mm adajrifaj aaa ta aha Vaiud aaaaaai alaaaa 8alaa4, Tataaatf. aiaaa franaa aad Oanaaaf, Oallaaalaaa aataa al all kla paaaU aa arar- kla a. aaraat aUaa4 aa tfaM iayialaw W. Cl IK K a C.,aAliBAS r albabt, oimoi, TlllUf fMl aaakiaf aaajaaai UliriiailliltM eafav far. Baa aa aaa ana fartiaod, Uraana. LOA HOt ar aa aproraa aaaarlty.' tBCBiaartlM tub)aalaaaak. OLLAVtlofta auaa aa lavtraaia Uraa. 1 ahk or acio. aofo. tuwi, I Vaaaja J aap afYaaa 4LEAII COLLieilU IISflTUTl ALBANY, OREGON 1801, 1802- trat Taraa aaaaa aaia aitar t A f H aarjM of InsiroaVHrav CLAiSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND K3SUAL .CIALi! CLASSI III. taaraaa of atnily arrangad M inaart rl !l RTadaa of atadaot. from abroad . rr. i.ttr t aatvir f Albany Norseries. Wafara offarlne to plaatarj tha flnaai I at at lral aaa, a all daVrabla TartaMaa, la ilia atala a ' 1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 V i!S I t attar Hal 1 aoo'atnu'av INRPfXTIOJt IKTITTI), SATI8FAcirjUX GUAKAVTII CJ sn 1 lirn'i-.(H vH i i t'i aid n n 1 'i . I 1 ; . ( 1 .1 imi. 1 i a a r. ' .je ; a :b "a ': b. st. Q':: o."W:; H a B THE CKLKUBAXED . . . . c"ITH & WE3SOM BEVSLVERS Th.i Fine f mail Ar 4; Ear Manxfacturot. . . for. . r-aJMr1 LW.Dllftis. 1 f AFC I i Uc fir of (.;;:-. ion Imilrtfona Sv-il f.ri"'i,l'a t ! Cafi.iege axil Piit? t il to .v ry j. y. , a; i iv y. -r vr -tj 1 V ,-a"" THE IHAFalOIi ' ARMl SO TO JL.3 r.TiiwT ox, CCTJ AlaSHATlDVARI A I Hah'' Oraott. 11 1J Caalial. - - ,. Praataant t Mf t r,-rrlm - 9 LA I aabHV -,,r lilIaHJl raaia. ,., n. " . . . Caabiar- A Maf araaatoaa: Maaria, I Oaiaa, Jaa aaaaa Baraat t Baa A a (4 . 1 !t uhV Is THt 17. L. DOUGLAQ Cn OHOU cisKataN . Til EtST 0Ot IH TH inu) f0 till aYf a u a MitlM .Mfc iifkm w; ttaraait ok irt ue fu ma.le af Bi ! flat calf, atrliati a Ar.t MM aaa r- ti.l eatr. ana .a n """7 'V T 1 , ltl 0ar a 4aa!i, iha "nt cair ah.-aa a bj at ia roa. Uafi raia w J rr i a 1 aiuuia rtauva Hhaa, (lua eair, Jaa air - a. aimifurv.aa anU ui Uiliakla, llnw abna aaar i,l al U4 caoa 1 aaiaa ral ban .raalaajiataaUui Irfaj fcu W If A f O a TaU'a "r.a f W..ara. IJwa and l.aiaari arrtaraaul rraarthatm ma uia aa nua mad JTaa OuariaJ aoiu) aiaNi ln;'k liajrr tljraa aulaa, aatatl r ( ni uatr m Wtll na ram nil aua I a tt rfTaa1 3aat ( At will oourUwa J ho want a a tjr sH'ru and aarvivi an 1 lit fl.Ot Verale Ott vl arbliieraan'a rt"a 4aa ara 1ff ) and di . and duiatila, 1 ii.h tatvaathfiiatriai u nr aambflr ni ni a trial u waitr I iOVS .raVaMataaarvliart U.raafl aad VI. 79 oa taafr arlta, iba tui ranain aatra atiow. rnrfUa i.l.OO lUail-ar-d wi aaa I.V3 aaioa ara aiara vaj aa t av trTAK NO rCnTH,tTT-.jrj BEAT. 22EBIT' PILLS? HO Z! It you take pllli Hi bcaae you netrer tried the hav S. E. Eeaiiclu and Livir Ccrr Ik worki to nkelr, delating lh Liver an Kidneyt; act at mild phytic without cam ingpataoraKbaer., and doea not atop yon from eating aad voiking. To try it Is to become friend to it Traal tapBll-al ft leiBtT at HUH a 1 a a 4 . Sciemti Co Amerlcts r a m m OAVKAT. a . nBainaa piTinri rtl" COPTHICHTB, ato. For rnrnraiatlna trd raa Ilwulhook wrtta In MI NN A CO l BNoaua-AY. KW Voac rHlea baraaa fnr aaranna aatanta ta ArMrtna. ICvbtt Batata takfla uui brna la bmncbt bclta aaa BBbua b a auiiaa glvaa I rae o ctiam la Uba 'cifttlific mcmau Larraat eimlallna of anr arlmtlM aanar ra tha wurhl. BplaauiKllr lllualraMd. Kn mlllrut aaaa ahoald ba lthmi It. Waakir. a aari I1.W mi momua. Addraaa MtrMjf A CU. I'uaUMiaiia.AU UiuaUwa. Aw Yuta. . EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA Southern Pacifla Route SHASTA LINE. atapreaa Train leava purtiand Daily. a hTia rTft A. ItkiralLa Albany Lv :1tS a B all A a I Ar aaa rraatlaca Lv 7 ,i4 9 a Abiva aaioa aaao aala at WU(n aaa tf aua rwrth cf aaaaborf. KaM rort'anO, Orar.M, CUT. Woad ara. lalira, Albanr. Taajraaa, ahodd, liaJaar Uai Wbarf, JaoaHoa cur. irrtnf, aua-ea. aaaa acta aaa, baut l Jka ara a brt Bn.lKWi. 1 1 rll.n au.l ! raW. aita. aa iiiai . wu wa iba botuna uf am aiwa, I AOIICY I0 left a ft rrtiaaaf if arflOr-B llHri L Albanr lv It CW B fcatra (Ar ItnaaWf Lv I JO A a ; auasv bMAiX taitT atoarr iraoaT) Mra I - I t a Lv W laBABoa aaaaa I Mf B Xv Allwnr ar tl 4 B I ta r a Ar Labaaea Lv :) a a f0a Lv Albanr Ar 4:Mra I t A a Ar Labaooa Lv l:0 w a FULLUAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleepincr Cars, far Aaeaaaataalal'aaal Aecaad-a'laat faaaea Kara, altaataaatta KxaraaaTralaa Vaa4 l WIvlalaB. rrwa rwaTLAi ab cwhtallib. btaih raaiBtaui (Czaapt Bnaaay. fwnr lliora IT Ar ort'ahd Lv'l I Kjr a 1J ra alltf axraaafviAia Att.r (Kaaapttndar. ftiira I Lv faaral Ar ''jrTTaiid MianAll Ar I : A a Lv 1 1.41 A B rrhronifl Ticketa.' "". " Ta all potut EAST. AfiO SOUTil. at fai. tafuriaauv 1 rag-ardlii rstaa, up, ra 0'irApaoy A rait I at AlSaur OattfLBO B f. BOOEH Manaaaa taa't O. r . and P. At VAQUINA BAY R0UTB. alia, Bacelvrr Gra&in Develapaisnt 'o'8 Steamers, Short J.lao to Call fur I at Flrat-qlaaa tb rough paen;ni rod Jr!ht line freni Fortlana and all point p to Wlllamatt Valley to and from Nan 'ftocieao. Cal.' Roat make oloa (toiinwctloo at fth rain of th Oregon Paclfl I'.ailroad TlMgacUlfnfK. ancapt tundara.) vaa AIH- lb,r r. a,,Lr Taquina, 7:0a,N 'nra (Jor-railia l:'4r, a. Lear CorrIIU,tn:Sa a,a Arrl Vauli,a, !: r. Amra Albany, 11:1 a. a O. C. traiaa nonnoor at Altianv and )nrv)Ha Tha above train cnansrsiat Taainioa vritTJ the ()rKrn Ixvalnptrjont Crfewtny' Line of flteatnabip between and an Pranciioo, ' rata takia. Wii! Tallar, tatatr ll.a , tl-id lltt Itaa tax rtaaoaco Wiltaaaatla Tlltr, Vaaaaakar f.k ; tllh ; tTlh, Tb Owtpnaa i-awrvaa the rignt to fMit atiiug data rVout nolle. V. K. aaiaarjar from Flanj and rf tlatt aolnta ean maJre clot-a wnaJen with is tralna of the Yariohia ApttMnt Albany or Corvallla, and trdaa Wdton Franciteo ahould arrartf f ar'Tt at lrtlra tho nlnr ''r-'riro rrrraar aa rrgt rata atwaya Hi Lawatl Far ialanaatlaa anilf ta A R t"iaKoaii,fral;hl and latoa. Aiaat, Aibaay, C f. IKHIl, O. F. ard V Aran Car, all. ALDAN Y Oft. WBITS5.AH & imm Pea! EsUt Agsnis im, arujt and Ratiche for talc Altocitj Property in Alhan' and Curyaiiia, Oieeon Pacific " T a WrSUVKANULtARN, Tt ncinplitn of tducailun" on the UtilT queiitoo. it 11 ill Rrlnj on ana adJiitoni to lh comition itock of are mJ tvary day. Two notablo conlilbuiiom haa betn Bid within (aw lUyi dut mg (lit debit on the wool UtilT bill In congieu. Tha paodlng bill aboliibei the dunn 00 wooti and largela reJucai the dutiei o ill daacrlptkmi of woo'ett manufaclttrari, tha haavicit loducUoni balng on the ktnJi or gooJi uwd by tha miuaii. On of the dem- ncrttte member of lh win nd muni commiHe ii Mi Mo T Stvnt of North Andovir, Mm., tha haaJ of lb Urgtit woolen nunufaduiing Mtabliibment In th country, Mr S'tvin iiitld In drawing mt bill and in lur t otting It In the houie nid It wai in lh Intercit of producar, nttnufaeutfer and coniutner. "Ai a nuouficturer, M laid, "I m not afraid to leek lh relief 01 nt people by reJacing dutiei on my ptoJuct, nd I believe that the majority of American ntin- aficturtm who hav itudted ihiiqueilion mot oarefully ate rapidly coming over to my opin ion." II toU th houie that "the Ametlcin woolen indueiry, under the arttlkial itlmului ofhighdu'im hat lot Ju.iified thcecpecta- tioni of thoie who have advocated thu tortof medicine" nd any proeperity it may enjoy U became of lb ntrpiii of American manu factured and iatelllgenc of American work man rather than became of tit artificial barrier which have bsen erected by data leg' ilatioa." M. Siteveni, apwkti from 1 hfcUmg ipiicnce al woolen minufacturer, aaid that free raw material meant to th ran- ufacturtr ftetdom from trammel ia all ol rection. II will be able to ii'ect better wool fir the dithlng whlcH h mskei for lh Ameticaa peoplej he wjil nit b unaer the neceul'T of cutting down lh wage of hit woikmrn to mk up foe th hundredi of thouundi of dotbri paid into tb treaturyj be wi: l able 10 buy more Amcticin ool at ffOcd niicr ta mil with th rialht kind of foreign wool. Everybody will be benefitted T vat wt a dftnucratin woolen minufact urcr of Mtachuett pleading for free raw mateiiali and a reduction of the protection en th product of hit mill. Tuetdty another MauacbuHMe manufacturer, republican, lurpritedtle houte with noiel Inlormatteo. Mr Walker 1 a leather dealer and (Hoe man- afactorer aad therefore kaowi let about lh ciTecUofihoelobtlt thin Mr Surtni- it wai Apcltet who remirked that ti e iho maker ahould not go beyond hit la at in ptu ing ju Igment bat tn th profiiabtantii of mioufacuring in general be i entitle J to n hearing. Mr Walker aataited Tueeday that it it not of lh liit'i1 kt intcrrat to minufact urer whether we hav free trad or pro'ect ion; in, fact that manufacturer would be or. jro'pe'oui under fte tral than nndar protection. Dut, he claimed, congmi in patting high lartll btiu waa not legtaiating for tb mauulictureta, but tor the farmer tod th wag worker. Tbi U a aurptiae. Th aaiverul impieta- ioo baa been that th rmnufacturre bad nearly averytbirg to ny about framing the pait let iff bil!i and tl.e bill wer renity fumed la their iotetett. To Irara now Ibat tlvrr wer to aeT-t'Cilucirg al to irtaiat ca heavy dutiei being placed oa competing goodi when they would ! trior proipcrooi uoJer aarcaiik"e-l competition with fareign good i aefct iruttcJ. Irulr thle it a campaign of education .Cleveland PlaiJaUrt The president tma etuej hit thrclened proclamation itr.poalng dulleaon tugirt, hide, tea and coflce coming from Colum bia, llaytl ard Vencxuela. The moving cauac I the fatiurs of tlitae U a to enter Into reclprocl trade rcUtlott w'.th ui which broaden our "aiea of protection In ether worda, wiilch would extend the market of our protected manufacturer. Mi Uirrlaon, to revenge thcto manufict ureri, doc what be ran to rtlte the price of lugirt, bidet and coffee. i icem to have forgotten that coniutner vote In ihla country, and that they have come to like cheap codee and cheap, while th boot and iboe trade of New England hai long been accustomed to untaxed bide. Moreover the proclamation fa oppoaed to the treaty right of every one of the countries, at waa ahown by thr World by extracta from the treaties, In which the United State fgrerj not to Impoae upon article coming rom them any higher rate of duty than I collected on tlmllar anklet coming; from other counlrlea. New York WarU. A dUpa'ch from lilrmlngton, Alabama ay: The Hill hurrah here today waa far lei entnuitaitic than hia own aupporteri ex pected. While there were quite a number of vltltort from adjoining town to tee and hear the New York Senator there wai no unuiual crowd in I he atrre'r. The 1 1 111 party came here on Invitation of a local Hill club, a few number of wnlclt orcanfza- ion.heidrd by Mayor Lane, met the vUU tori at inn depot and etcorted them to the hotel, at noon, when Hill left the Cald well hotel, and took a carriage for the opera noue, where he wai to apeak. . ' T,hc Daily News, the only afternoon pa per nere, had tne following neadiii.ei on It account of HI.,' vlilt. "Welcome all; the people of Ulrmlngham greet senator mil, while 90 per cent of Alabama demo crat favor titover Cleveland' noT.lna- tlon, rnd they are very glad to meet the great democrat." Thl i regarded a n expretilott of public aentimer.t. It wai ex tenalveiv atvertUr-d that many Hill club woutu be Here today from adjoining tone to greet Hill. But three ihowed up, and twnnl 1 horn contained a membenhip of Irth ih.m two dozen. - Mr Hill aroused no enthuaiaim and didn't win a tingle auppoit- cr ao tar a liat been heard of. rrom all outward ppsarancci he made a very poor impretaion. In Ceylon and jrva there 1 a plant In poaseitlon of a amal! bag attached to the bate of In leavci The Jbag It covered with a lid, and ha a hinge. When dewi riie or raina detcends thit lid cpent; when the bag Ii taturatcd the lid closea,io tight ly that no evaporation takei place. The moUture ihu Imbibed cherivet the teed, aui laabiorbed Into the plant. ! : j The democrat of New York have In troduced a congrejklonal apportionment bill which give the democrats teventeon dlitrlcti, the republican fourteen and three are doubtfu'. Thl U a perfectly fair bill, free from all taint of gerrymander. What a pity the republican ot Ohio could not be juit ai fair a thl. aaaaaMaawaaaaana - When ScfHtor David U Hill made till speech Ul teck before tho M!tUilppl icgiilature there were evcnty memberi af that body preient. A poll for presi dential prefcrencei resulted aa followi: For president Cleveland, 31; Hill 8; a western man, S; Gorman", 3 ; Voorheei, 1; the man who can win it$ J Z George, I,' The exorekl ti ngrt!n't an Inatrttctfd del egation to Chlcajjo ii unanimous, Th; new senator from Kansai see mi to be fully qualirTed for political preferment. Ix- Gov St John sumi up his fitnc with the remark that during twenty-three vrara' Ncqualntance btwoen hlmnelf and i'erklni the hfer hii been only thirty d) out of fiffice. . ; A NHAl7lNJK"T0R fraa with each Lett's of Shiltb'a Catarrh K -raedy, trior, 50 .-ecu.' TKLEGllAl'HIG NEWS A BIr npaenlatlta. CtttOAtio, Miinh 25. I'lunin E'l iVrt rulgro luut dfartml up a cool 11,200,000 on bii mxnt aiwulittions on tlielwartl of lrnl! ami. it i attiil on jfotHl nulhority, ha will t'ntctioHlly wtUitlraw from the Ixmrtl, plttco hia itinmy In rwil enluto nml tnkelif witr. rttrtriilitr) annovmrasa that he bna 11,000,000 in earth U) pity for rtnl entutn in tarKw or ma!l fjtmntttlt'i. The tuinouweintMit li intwdt inir in that it ninrkn the cloninjr of a ixvuhttjve ritiiiiMiitm whit h in by far the moat rt'imu-kiiliin thn Clurtvtfo floard of Tnulo hna vor non. The taniiHiin lxKtn in Aiiguat butt year, jtit after th tiwhtrn on chtutKO had lttitin hint, ft tlmy aiip P"hI, to a tandnt ill, and had nimio nwtty with KWO.OOO of hi wonoy. Tit ntlvf r Bill Vale WAtttitNdTOrt, Mun:h25. It Cakhlnir reUmx to Wtthinrtnn in time a aitwial rtnlur may bn brmitfht into the hotiwi on Moniiivy fur the tmmttltiiUj eonaiduration of Ute Wand Uvtr hill and tha wtntiitiK amemimrmt. ltltutd, tlnrinif tha ailornotm nsiuon of tha houtw, diac inand hia plan by the introduction of a rwwlution iixinfr Mon day, March 5W, aa tjio date on wltit-h tho bill iliuil lie titkt'n tin and ttut uixin ita Tuumiun!. in viow of the exttvnte cloammai of Uio voto aa diacUmtl laat niirht, an nnatvni of the ae vomi on Uta ut stotion of Ilurrow to lay tint J Hand billon thctublo in inU'rtwtintr. tH Uie H voltw in favor of the motion, eiifhty-two wore eant by dtmtocruU, ami tlMv-aiX liv n'ttulihciina. Tim nernilivn vnlrt ahow elitvrtn npuliiiwin ami Ute othwr 1:17 were eunor tioinocruU or aluani men. A aarwrla Teralrt Losoojc, March 25 llio auit of Mim Daixy Itottkina airainnt the Rev Mr Wall it. propriftor of Trinity Hall, t'umbridirn, fr .V0U0damajrw fir (nine imiirittonintntt, in eonrmtion v?ith hr arrmt on the char ire of ( liinn Ilia Ml..l. .itU .... I ..uu;i . - waa com tuili'd today with a verdict atruinat Mi llopktna. The verdict waa a (frent aurprias to hirfrioitla, who alwayi U'hevwl her life to be hlamehia. lite raae will be ppealHil. Wbai Crlaa Dial. Waiukotox, Math 24. 8KkerCrip did an extraordinary thinf tothty, and the ine muiatre nitm nave tvnmm to tie proud of him, but the twoplo who atand by honoat moiwy muat look iKn liiin with a (Trout dual of diatrunt. Aft?r both roll calla had bocn had in the houie, and afUr Bprwktv Crip bad aavtuirW that th vota on Mr Harrow' motion t lay upon the tabla the ailver till hadrarried by a vote of 14)4 to 1 47, and Utat ailver hulution, no far m thi rxinirratta waa ennwrwd. wai a thinjf of tire paat, he dirrx-trxl the clork to call hia name nd ha votd w the natrahve, tlttu nukinur a tie vote and loaing Ute motion to lay upon the table. Xafcaa Blrfcara4. roHTiJtJiD. atanh 24. John McMahan, tnrcowixy, who with nu country couitn. Alitor McMaltan, of tha Woodbura lnd twmkmt, creatral ao much excitenu nt in a fuailade on Aldir tmt about a wmk ago, ia once more a free man. The irrand jury igntoml the charge of aeniult witit atUmtpt to kill, preft-rW aguinat him by OUarr 1) 8 Mutchina and rvturnod a "not true bill." There waa nolhinir Uw-n for Uitri Attr nry Htabpn to do but to tuk for hi i dia clmrjfa. Aa aoon aa McMaltan waa r'iuad from ciintody be went to tha citv jail and imiuir- ad ft tlw trttlWHthe doctor luul cut out of hia hel. Ha aaid be wanted it for a aonvrnir Leranae ho hivl inch a narrow ea rap from death. A the bullet could m4 l foumi he wont away diacoaarjlate. A Mar tk Staraaaaarat Wahusotux, Mn:h24. Haoem atn irular with a crave emorirrny confronting it and tho affair of tromblintr in the twi anne. that th t'nititl Ktato aenate ahouhl loan aifht of the real iaauea of Lh rmitm-nt and turn to an irtntj the newtaiierk' for rint inir now in which the wople nave a C'ifiti mate intomt. Yet turn ia a fact, and a luriro part f the) time during which the Mnati baa t-n in oxw-utire rvaaioo the paat few day, auppoaod to be dovotintr ttwjf to a dweharu"" of tta hiirh funrtinn aa an ail' viaorv ldy to the iniiW-nL it really haa been dcvoUnl to nuerulon complainU of nowvtor cnU-rjrsMj. Mar tlaWrlra, Wahmimotox. March 24. I be ctmaua ofCi txluy ijonjwl almlMin on tha fiahoriea of the Tacifie atatea. The induutry gave emphment U)13,H.'jO poraon in varimi oapacitioa, 0u invewtod capital wa fl.4t. t,xi - 1 1 . t . t . i . 1 aut - 'M i'I - ruin un aaiiKr n u jinaiwa, p4,wi ,gw Of the capital invoatod. ri.6M.210 rotrro- onted California inkTt. the value of product of that Ute boing HAM.WJ. (trotmn rank noxt in importance, having 9-l.ttH.eai inveated. aad a product of tl.- 0C1.M7. The amount of mpi tn! inveainl in Waihinirton ia civun al 31Q.:iV7 and pro- durUIHyj.KOCi. Caatlaae ta Havav Htrttyosa. Va March 24. That portion of thia city known a Africa waa in a whirl tonitrbt over the marriatre of the Itov John Jaror. of Uii city, the author of "The Hun DoMore" tlioory, and Widow Curry, of hi flix-k. btie ta hi fmttth wife. Jaaiwr u bO year old, aiul hi brute .VJ. Tbaataaaa Wla Ml aH 1'okTi.Asn, March 24, Tie uit of D V Thompson vi the Nw York Life Insurance Vxm pany f or 1 1 1 .900 premium on a 1 1 00, 000 irmurance polity went to thn ury yea torday, ami a vordn-t fnr $1 1.1SJ 60 waa re turned in lea than half an hour. Caaalag reellag. Wahhijiotos, March 23. The Dehring Sea cornwpondimce wa laid before the aen ate executive srotion at noon. The reading of Saliitlrury' note refuning to consent to a renewal of the motltu vivendi and making a counter propowuon w;ia rceiveu wim in upprecd irritation by Ute onate. The note i evasive and equivocating. The president' rejoiniler broadly hint that Sal ishury haa not met tlie overture in a straightforward manner. He tnswt on a ronewal of the modui vivendi, without rof eroncoto insignificant or irrelevant condi tion. He closes with tha stirring aaaertion that if Great Britain decline to ambit in protecting Ute ami during the arbitration, Im will proceed to enforce the law and ex clude poacher from Ifehring Sea if the mil itary force of the United State ia required to accomplish it. , A Wase Caaaty Manler Tuk Dalles. MartOi 23. The Bake Oven stage driver brought in word Irmt night of a ihooting scrape at Antelope, Wasco county, which occurred last Sunday. The particu lars are meager. It i only known that W V Kelnny ihot VA (1 Oilnan through the body, it i believed fatally. Glisan i the man who shot and killed an Antelope saloon keeper named Pratt eorne four or five year ago, Gilsan wa tried for the crime and acquitted. Kelnay i a man who alway bore a good reputation, while GiUmn is re puted to have been quarreleome, eptcially when in liquor, , " tl arpls New York, March 23. Iteport i busy in Wall itreet with Standard Oil affair lince the diiwolution of tho trust. There have been rumors of a big undivided sur plus, and it was learned yeatnrday that it is reported to be a large as $113,000,000 over and above the capital of !1&,000,000 in out standing certificate, i'uxtoftbis surplus, it wa sauL, would go a additional capital to the minor companies into which the trust wa broken, and the remainder would go a a cash return to the certificate holders. . , aeattla Fulltlre Seattlk, March 23. The newly-elected mayor today suspended Chief of Police Rogers until tho next regular ' mooting of the policn commissioners, April 15, and ap-. pointed II G Thornton, the former chief, to take temporary charge. Considerable feel ing was displayed between the present mayor and the chief prior to the election, ana some such step wa anticipated when the election resulted in Ronald victory. , Ttte Arla Baad. Portland, Or March 23.--Chief Engi neer George Goes, of tho Astoria Portland arrived from Astoria yesterday. He says threa parties o engineers are now at work surveying the route. Two are near Astoria and the other is about twenty miles beyond. Mr Goss does not know when the survt.'y will be completed. The country is hilly and covered with rocks and heavy timber, and the surveyors cannot work as fat as in an open eonntry. llllls Ee-clreled. Acbtix, Tex 'March 23. At -the joint BesKion of the legislature today, the vote for relator resulted: jiilis, 123; Bailey, 4; Chilton, 'J: Uibb, Cuiber-on, 1 ; jonos I: 1. (Veal Be Neetlea WABinsaTOff, M.-mh 25. Navy depart- nitmt RuUinritim ru'wrridy know how far to (ro in the lints of extraordinary prppiiratlmii until theintomationnl cormajximbtnco with rutenoe to the ik'hrintr Htia dinputA ljtMir a more conclunive aiiH;t. M;anwhi!ti, al thmi(h navy official t-onmle that our ra latum with Umtt ilrituin are dtx'hUtdly a tral run, fnw of thmn in rtnUity expot't av tttal tioKiiiitii' to arirm. it u aio poinut out bv naval fitx'rt Unit ii wtll bar diy I tho tKilifv or tha di'iiarttiiPiit to wintnuitrate a htavy forw of vwafln in Id'hrina; Hoa, fur even if hoHtilitif ihnttld lie pvrftiiiat"l by an exihanirn of ihota in uiona water Uta war wouid not lie fought thorn, but nnartr homo, Jl TV aader St Lout, Mo March 115. Tlioro dietl hint niiht at tho citv hoinllal. John W Uurrmn, known in lnuwimii m Jame Kim m?ly. On the 21tint. he wan tvimittod, auffoiintr from sptxtriti. KmHtira cnuxod tlte ejtwtton cf nearly half a pint or tiu kt, nail it rewa, etc. Thin failing to rt'linve him, an oimration waa iwrfonntxl and ruault ed in the romovai of a much more hard ware, but to no avail. Tha follow died in I abort ttniB, At a jwrainorwim examina'ioii 01 tha itomach, ttia wain and nnmsr wore fntind nnrttial. but litcnillv (llli'd with nail tcrewa, tack and broktm trtaitai which the man had iwalluwod in lit act at tne rnu eum. UKt riT eiT. DavI Ilro igt Win Power ; to recover money. Verdict for pllTf 78.07. UeobFtchmldtaatRR Hnmt!irey et al : foreclocure. Pefau't agalnit ltllca, H K Humphrey etux and decree on plead ing. O C McKarlind et Alice McFir'amlt dU- vercc, Crntid State ant M II Whit ton; Indicted for check. wVerdiet of guilty, nenteneeil to two yean ia penitentiary. Stat act 1 1) Ukri larceny. Sentenced to five year In penitentiary. State viFiank Wllaon; larceny. Sen tented to Ive year In penitentiary. Alignment E Becker. Pl"al report approved and dlatrlbutlon ordered T I McClarv. ataun v Loo Oonaer, et at i recovery of money, imtinucu. Jacob Norcroa agt the Sculhern Pacific Cotdamagei. Continued. J 0 Goodalc set Sr.ita M Hansard et al; fotecloaure !l:n. Continued, CIIHoberggtGWEellet al; for cloture mechanic lien. Continued. A 3 Carev aut Harold Broat to recover money attachment. Verdict forplfffor f 70. L W Wallace irt Serepea M Hautard et aliforecloaure lien. Continued. Rulo Dtvi tut 1 A and Bct.le Archi balds foreclosure. Continued. Sarah M Shield act P C II at per A Co mot Urn for leav to ban execulkta. Contia tte-1. II A Franc agt Otvill Prncej divorce, Continued , Daniel and L I Ilouck agt W J Ternon et alj uartttioa. ConUnuwI. M Alcaander gt A O Smi.U et ui for- cloture. Settled, CaoIIRibbeck act Ala L Kibbeckt di- vorce. braated. , PEL Touracau agt Hoticri La Toutaciu dtvotce. Orante'l. Geo W Wrfehl et Eirni Warner el al foreclosure. C'jntinatd. William It err on agt Jo Pearl aad Tho Braaitoat to recover monty. Con' ioued. Johu W Gain agt Wm T Deakla et all to recover money ittachmtnt . Judgment oa demurrer to answer. IlumiMcd a to C)a andl'itchfuid. Ald.y rearce agt IUa Cat et aU fore- cloaurer Httraiaacd a to Keara . Answer to be 6Ued ia la diva. Mary A'uol agt Frank ?OtH ktrlour Referred lo tlackbura 10 take evidence. Continued. G Abraham va Eeifot Eggertt ennfirraa- tion. Sale confirmed. A P Blackburn a?m'r Owea Ktc agt C I) VYalioat forrcUvr. llectf of fottclotur ia acfotdanc with mented complaint. M S'r r.burg gt K and Margiret Ca'letj farecloaur. Decree of fucloiut granted . Clia Kei'ef sr K and M Cutter; foieclc ur. Decree of foreoloaa-e granted D M Otborne A Co agt It M Robert aon: recovery of money, Anawerto be filed in CO day. II C Edward va Tho Brink. Judg ment for plT and attached property or dered eold. Jno A Crawford va F K at. gale conflrmed. The boys. Baker and Wl'ton received ihelr sentence of Ave year tn tbe peniten tiary with greet equanimity, young WU on displaying a amlte that ha hardly left hi countenance ttoce hta arrest, and the laa aeen of him he had that tame smite. Baker la evidently tha worse of the two; but young Wilton haa been easily lead. The smile will not last when surrounded by atrlped clothe. The beginning la cer tainly an uncxampiary one The man Whltten, hj pasted the forged check on Mra Cheadle wa found guilty, but the Jury at krd lor the mercy of tire court for the prisoner, and he wa senten ced to two year 111 the penitentiary. The ior did not know tl ta alia Whltten. He i no doubt one of tte wont and shrewdest criminals ever In the county jail. Mar shal Hoffman haa paper Indicating beyond a doubt that he Is Edward 1 Week, wanted by Plnkerton' agency In New York. Once he wa a ptofetalonal detective In Providence t then became a professional forger. The description I exactly the same, ai well aa hi practice In Uregor. Cox vallis .Last Tueidsy Geo E FUh old one halt Interest In hi itov and tin tore to C A Murphy, The firm In the fu ture will tie know s 1-tth and Murrhy Mr Murphy la a Salem boy and a compe tent piumoer oy trade. , Last Monday the Oregon Pacific Rait road Co's agency at thl city wa trans ferred from Mr J D Brown to Mr W R Harrison. Mr Harrison 'sen old employe of this company, atid hall from Yaqtttna, wnero ne held tne potitior.i ol operator and ireianr clerk for the past four yeari. Captain J J Wlnant, the ve'eran captain of the ba . was In the city Tuetjav and Wednesday of this week linking hand wun oio timer, lie ipeaka wittt regret of the schooner Mischief, which he says Is now rrpi itilng sea's under the Btlllih fiig. - Gaxetie. Look Haa a Moarxar I hav torn aflhe choicest residence lots'ln A'biav fcr sate, term to reasonable that anybody ean buy and own a home of hit own by paying a imall down and ma mont.tly payment thereafter until alt paid for. For further Information ca' the office, corner snd and Brradalb'n J eppotlte DaMoca at office. . Da GWMaito. Bora Mat bs Had (and sometimes girl) for-(l) ordinary service at wages; (2) upon indenture, (to work, attend school, and be brought up somewhat as your own;) and (9) children may be had for legal adoption. Address, ' E T. DOOLEY, Supt.Oregon Boys' and Girls Aid Society, Portland, Oregon. Sua W f Read' hn of drest gocd an! lilts befur buy ipjBlwbsrs. SLiEPLEA -NIGHTS md tniM-nhle by that terrihU eoa.h. Shiloh'i fur is tha rmtdy for yon . At Ma-id's, tha jswilan, ti good p'tes'to boy a fillad wateh. Allan Brr alwiys kerp tl.eir cattcn tn aaj pliedwith fresh Intter snd eggs. DIED. MAYURW. In Ilarrlsburg on Thurs day, March 24, 1892, Mrs George May hew, of consumption. Deceaded had lived in Harrisburg for several years and bad wot) theconQdence and esteen of alt who were acquainted with him. A husband and two children are left to mourn her logs. Courier. BLAKE LY. At her home at Fair haven, Wash, March 15f!iV 1892, Mrs Flora A Blakely, wife of J A Elakely. Mra Blakely waa born in Linn county, Oregon, Pec 23th, 1859. October ltlth, niaraia. Taitci differ. Some neonla can are btfauty even In a looking bims, others annot. Rockefeller trave a million dollars to a Baptist Instl'uiTon and wa restored lo health Jay Gould save onlv t,to .ooo to a church and stilt ha to live on boiled milk. 1 he warning I, a terrible one, which llllocral Albany men should heed. Mr PomtM'Ul-I am iolna- to tha thea tre and will probably not be home until verv late. New Servant AU right, mums if I am not up when vex crimes home. what' lh matter with lelllni me tn the maming allaxhout tie play f Texas Slfu tog. The worse fault with v mni Louden wa that he talked too much. On oettlntr home he told that he would sue L!nn for $75,000 and had already re tained Weatherford and Bllyeu for the pttrpoic, but he had not. He waa almply talking. He would be very fool) h to ! that. l"f will probabl not trouble Linn county any more, Tom Craig la laid to he a candidate for nomination for eountv c erk on the demo v . . cratlc ticket and Tom Mllllron.ofluncilon, ia mentioned an he probable candidate for lh omce of county commissioner. Thoae wno are in a sood oatlilon to know sav that L Bllyeu iteeeklng the nomlnatten ior protecuting attorney in thl judicial uiaiin 1, cuirrnj Kettitier. - . 0 W Waiaon. of Ba 01. the newlv n- potuted superintendent at C'homawa In dian training trhool, went out to the ehool today. He 1 accompanied by hi wife. Journal. Poor man. In at-out three weeka If he conclude to run the school hfmtolf Instead of allowlntr the Stalatman to run It he wilt have that naner after htm reu nui, ior u seem to make a ipecuity ot Indian chool luperlnrendenU for hreak- a.... f . rasi. No one llatldt h'arher In a community than tha live advrrtla.r EvervhoJ I Interested In him, and the paperi take de light in adding a puff to every little notice ahcul him. The wife ef one of the boat advertisers in Aatorla iuat meaentcd her L..A..J ..Li . . ' ' . nuauanu wun a ooy atjy, and a local pa.ier take oceailon to add, juat because the father 1 a Be advertiser, that the boy already ha the vrn and energy of the tamer. lt bvfclneaa men too atenv to write an ad take warning. , Already the beat rillroad center. Al bany prom I to be heard of regardiei of extension or new roads, which will come In due time. '1 here are plenty of other thing o push th city forward. Thl will be a tear of Drotrrrta . Arrodd build leg record I ahead, betide the big teel bridge. Two or three mile of motcr line l a probability. The Sntlam mine will m up Into prominence and the arrival here of gold slug will be a common oc currence. There will be other feature of the forward movement to keen the puhllo eye open. , 1 he Attorian hat a long vUloo. It X eaterday wa a great day for Astoria It commenced bul:dlng a railroad :o New York.- Stock In the White gwnn mine of Baker county ta way up, in fact can hardly be bought, at leat not for lea than flOor $12 a ahare, ao the Dkhocbat ia tniormea by a former Baker county man. wu till Bunanxa atock I that way. why not. A Kanaaa man on the atreele th tuoming notleed tha immense crowd of half-frantic delegate and candidate hob nohblng oo Baah'e corner, when his curiosity leal him to ask what wa the excitement. On being informed that it wa county convention day, ha replied xm that an 7 lauppoaed there wa riot or a run on the bank."- Journal- The name of the poatoffke at Llnkville having lately been iiiangoa to Klamath Fall, that of Klamath City has been changed toPokegama. Thi probably I Intended to indicate that it i a great place for poker game, bat the ' depart ment ia lu a mall buaineaa in thu adver tklng that fact. Nobody will add res letter to Pokegama uutcs absolutely obliged to. Kx. The Roaelinrg Review aayt: The Salem Slateatuaa ia probably the uioat radical party organ Id the atate. For week or more it haa lx-en urging one Bridges lor school clerk because he is republican, and on eUctton day the tame fellow polled 81 vote out ot J200. . lite Statesman can now figure up the full extent of its influence in politics. The editor of the Tillamook Headlight is a genius, but we'll wager he will not be appreciated by candidates for office. He publishes the following advertising rates: Candidates wishing to annonnce themselves lor t lie coming election or convention through the columns of this pa pet, will be charged the following ratca, strictly in advance, and no devia tion In prices: County clrk, $10; sheriff, $3 ; all others 3 each. Thia pays for running the announcement until the convention, and through the campaign, if desired, by those who are lucky, (or unlucky) enough to receive nomination. One teacher cannot very well take care ot more than forty or fifty pupil. The following from the Dallas Itemlxer Is an exception: "The primary grade of the Dallas public school ha tnl week had 73 cholera In actual attendance Aa there are leu than alxty teat ft may be won dered what th teacher doea with them all. Part of them are kept at the black board and part working around a long table In front of the room. There are frequent change of position o that no child I kept standing more than fifteen or twenty minute,'' One of the moat remarkable featu res of Lord Allington's marriage to the 19 year old Mis Eva Leigh, was the fact that two of the brides-maids at the wedding were Die granddaughters of no less a personage than tbe noble bridegroom himself. Jos Simon, better known as Boss Simon, will go to Europe on a year's trip in a about a month. This is significant, simon has been completely knocked out and a change of climate is needed to quiet his perturbed spirit. 1 . The Wood'iurn Independent gets off the following : 'N K Gaylord, formerly o( Salem, but now at resident of Eugene, has been nominated for the legislature by the prohibitionists of Lano county. The great trouble of all reforms is that they are like a kettle of boiling water all the trash comes to the top first. lion S BJIuston, a prominent attorney of tii'.lsboro,' writes to the people oi Salem recommending Bro Fiagg as a newspaper nian. In concluding lie saya : If the democrats of Marion county will do their part, I am confident that they will have aa good a paper as the Albany Democrat, or the Roseburg Review. The new democratic paper of Salem put iti foot in it in the following item when it characterised 0 S May, a former republican candidate for county clerk as a democrat: "O 8 May", cashier of the Scio bank, and P O Smith, a leading merchant, both prominent democrats of Scio, were in the city Thursday. Mr Smith is an owner of considerable Salem dirt, and has faith in the capital city. Johu Wannamaker,' the Philadelphia merchant, says that during the ten days previous to Christmas his sales covered tlOO.00'0 a day, so that the grand total for ten days was only a few dollars under a million. He adds: "I spend JBOOO a week in advettising and I pay a man (a former editor and a good one) $000 a month to do it for pie. I make money by it. Advertiaing ia the leverage with which this store has been raised no. I tin ntt rrfl hnvo nrtv stmrPHpfnl Vrnuinnoa cao bedone without liberal advertising." Firitt. J draaamakins dene at ration, b?a rat,chi!d o's olothirg a epe aily, liy Mir OiO-jjt JCitc, at the rai;d;nii of Mr Coll Vac Cievroiirttor of 7h and fcro tdalbio. A Itr-e I'm of - lvnt ko!4 w.tohesjto HOHBJ AMD A HBO All TtR!tHAV. Morris & liUunt, .f the feed ivore, have issolvod partnorthip, Mr Motrl rntiring. A Chinsninn working in lh laundry near 111 Ravel IlnusM dird this moininaof can- Cur f the ttoi!it:h. ' Mr W VV P,vi hat sold ih nltnotiioo rasUurant to Mrs Harth Hutton, who lit tkn chargs of th arn. T la.lon'hr'rn Paoifio wid hrulialilv hrro- fier pay their men hy tt-rirliiiu them cheek. thus doing away with pay oara. IVr.oti I orehaat.ra arrivi d from lurtlatid this rjiien, and will play at the anoltl danoa at tha opera houid tonight. S vcral pretty birds, andonbtadlv amnna tlieOaimauionustera tent not from Ponlsnd, bar Won o around Albany, Ailotberevldencx that Albany it erowintr may lia aaan In Oa, tha hnot-blaok hw tiid. It i decidedly melrltKilittn. I'rnf Ad -Him. nt Htawton. and Pn.f Psndls. f J irt ana, wtil ktio.1 n lin,r cttididates fcr itipriitftiidotit cf a. Ipi.oN r f Marion vouiity on tha rrpablioiu lickat. Tli at igerie Ueaistor 4Vi Judnn V.k;'- burn, t.f Albany, iiw hon it town thi walk. He tie eaortidatafor tha nllioa of supreme jadx and ia looking af Mir hi unoe in ttm matter. il atauds a uorxl iliow ,f ohtalulng th noininatinn aod ia wall qatlilied for the t.oitiio. Hirry Kuiht. th vonair man who ak ttnnitad to kitlhiinietf at t'ortiand. Wsut cf noma ftnsim tlivht on th part of his sweathcart, Mica Mary Smith, will recover. Tb bullet whkih Ktruck him fractarad hi kull. Hi riidvt aid Is narsltxsd. but Dr Kenton an) btwtll full throoun. Mia Smith ia euraittf! tb young man. Nat Gird wa arraigned for tanlenca hafrire Judge Steam j eaterday morning. Otrd had baen conviuted fur aaaaa It erowine out of a nurrl(ivr a airl. lid declined to make any ttatmnt a to hta Kentonoa, and wa acourdlnly given x mouth tn tb pent tea Uary. II waa ta (u op to Salem by Dopoty Shentf Miatner lt vnirig. There are .tow four mm tn the county jail, Bakerand Phetp for horse ttc-allng, who will probably certain ball ; Hays, who la to be tried for stealing whiskey, and Dan Moirit, who ta serving a $50 sentence. Six men have been sentenced to the nenlten llary and one to the reform at boot, hence Linn eountv ha more than done Iter duty toward Cliing the "pen." Foca MtJ without employment, three of whom had been bctrglng on the streets. were arretted latt night and calajoced, two being captured in a box car. One claimed to be a professional halt olaver. and waa here to secure a job with the pro posed Albany club. Jftrce were eenteeced to two day a and oae was uitcharged. ratDAr. Work haa beau bscun oa Iba hosier fac tory at Waterloo, tb excavation fur the am id being ia p(4re. Waterloo will b heard from I'r John I-om, Jr. baa mtived hi 1lC'un work into tha old Star Hrewert baildtae. Tb confectionary atr will remain in vt preaaot location. Parti wantina butiu, tarda in tb new 1 city directory should send in th rpy he- fore the etui ! next wik, aa the material will all go into tr.a hand of t'.i printer Mai. Thi mutating F 11 I'rtreb, tbjtlr. raOBivt d by eaprct tb gold ttudai fry th champion n.lla, skater; It la a haodsom tl wnrk,iuorib4 -y tntla chm ptoo. Given by tb Tahaccpa." Ic th mattor of divorcee the Circuit Court hat dona it doty. They have haco groasd out at a tarride rat. Bv the way. t'rojou's divorce law area l.l.jtvi-o tb itatute of tha atate. Republican f-rimttua ar in progress in Lino euaoty tbta afteruoau for the tUcttoa of deiaataa to tne oByebtioD oo Lett Tuaaday. L'eliae Mrbm amiB'y no atrtf it batog mad ia th teiitll of any puiiegta etndldato. A tr.tir.g waa liM Waduaaday at Biowntt il'.a to form a ernpsaJnd pur.haae the plant of tha old tail. try and riilsrite the building 8 uck to ih amount of $2500 aaa tubcr;ld,f r.d it aa xpaottd tfcat enoetjh mora wc-atd bar talon to tire tt cotepvay a (and atsrt. TU near dvmoeiat.e editor at Salem i tri.nt!y a tuaticr. Tha Juoroat : Tlior tall aliKht o-tntrovtray at tha opera hua.a tbtt furanwo, Wetaeao thn llomoerat put.ltalin and Ih Saltm t il!(mtar, w Lo dis puted the rgi.t clt'o uh!t-Iiiito (las thair t-it oa ll chair t.f llgea. Et L Hanflay ama lo l-e a tUtbarLit aa wtll ar a twj : pr bUk. lc tuiw aiver front U'.tnerU matla ty tha Oiegosi) that be livit l u- h-t i-a tbe ttiamond b claimed to hate Int t la !ge robbery, sod mtdeth yarn U et a lutte tiipaw notoriety. Ex CuiXMB Ft'x&aAT.. Hooey, the China man who died Yesterday, was buried title afternoon. Funeral services were conducted in American style, under charge of Rev Hill, at tl a Chinese mis sion rooms. Hooey, having been a Christian and member of the Sabbath School, though not yet baptued. Nine or ten carriages were used, and the af fair was in every way conducted in a civilised manner. A grave was dug in the Celestial part of the cemetery; but Hooey's friends refused to have him buried with the heathen, and another grave waa dug in a diherent location, among the remains of white people. SATUtXiAY. ' Everybody should go to the Appolo con cert. Ai poto concert Tuesday evening Maroh 20ih- Ticket 5j and S3 ttiU. Lnyar of xeod looal tthrat ainulrg ihoold attend lh Appolo club coucert March SDvh. A atock eompany hta bien formed at Haltey fnr th purpoaa af boilding a hall. Th capital atock, f 1,200, hat all beta rab latlbad. ' . - During th past tnonta th enrollment In Ih public schools wa 472. There wet oyr SO in ach of ftv rooms, 67 being th most- Trof Lnrillard tor'ay tecetvad threogh Overman & Hunter a safety Victor btcycl with pneamatio tit, that j a very fin machine. Albany is a great bicycle city. Th Jury In th ctta of the stale agt E lit a, of llaltay, brotigh! in a vard.ct last even'ng of not -euily. The circuit eourt adjouruad tin morning. Juat received at the Ladiea 13a.-. a fits liaerf chtldrooa apring jaefce't nd reet'era, Tbta goorll ar vary atyli.h and (jmothlng new. Call and iurpect them. YttflriUy alternoon while playirg ball onthsCidlega campus Arthur Letmert left hi olothu lu the gymnasium revm ot th College, Some ut.e eiittred tr.d eola a pore 3onUt-lag a until amount of money tnd nme keyi, one boing tha day tn th front door to the I.iun ftotuty Bank, which should be returned. Lyon leidg No 80, A O U V. wa or ganised on the 17th, with the following o'iioert: Amos Btriiok, M W't Henry Lyon, P M; 1) M Haotoo, foreman; James Barry, over-a-r; D J Wyatt, reaordr; P Inanity, tiastioitr; Jtmes Lyons, receiver; Mr Ltaytou, guide; li Sbiltor, I Wj M Ti'ns.OW. Trutt'o: W E Bolter, 3 yar, II W Parker, 2 yesir, Mr Summon, 1 year. Another Ingram Item. An Albany man who was at the penitentiary yester day state that there were fears among the officials that Frank Ingram wat going In. aane. He had been too weak to be put to work, and had been walking the yard con tinually acting In a itrange manner, ges ticulating, etc. 27 to 11. The game of base ball yes terday between tho Albanies and a picked nino was interesting, though occasionally tiresome on account of ita one-sidednees, the Albanies winning easily by 27 to 11, most of the latter being made on the last inning. E8terbrook. mentioned as the tramp b bps ball player, formerly played with the La Grandes and Walla Wallas,' and is a professional except in the bos, where ho was batted easily. Anderson Cannon, who is a second Wadsworth in style.struck out four men in succession . in one inning; but lacks the endurance at present. Tho Albanies are in a position to play a strong amateur game." Where ia Lebanon and Corvallia? WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh' Cure will gtv 1 nmediate relief. I'rio 10 ta, fit ots and $1. SHILOrTS CATARRH REMEDY 4 prvsitiv enss for Catarihv Diphtheria and Cauktr Mouth. "H ACKMETAOK," lasting .,d fra grant perfuma. lJii' o 5j t:i,l 80 ccn's. FOR DYSPEPSIA, and Liver Cotr.plsiiut yea hive primed ,;s.3rsnfeo on every bottle THAT BALL OAlfC. Albast, Or., March 2otb, ISM, Editor Democrat: In this morning's HeralJ I ace an account of a "Liatleas game of Bali'and I desire to correct an erroneous impres ion, which it will undoubtedly convey, and sot the."Albanies" io a right light. The Albany Base Ball Club is composed of young men In this city, every one of whom are hardworking young men, and who are playing ball for the so'e porpoae of creating anil maintaining an interest In the 'National Game." It sema pool onconrairoment. (especially coming ;rom the Herald, one of whole staff at least has been endeavoring to organize a leazue which will IncludeAlbanylto have their efforts thus llirhtlv noticed. Is it any fault of the Albanies if tbe other side can't put up a good game? If the Al ban lea had thrown off In the game, then this same Herald would undoubtedly have scored a burning rehnke to Uiem. Then again he doe not give the correct core, if he did thi,(anl that to in the manner it ehould have been reported,) he would then have given the correct linnreasion. 1 .. that the "Albanies" played ball and a good game too.and that In the face of a crowd of "bleachers" who did all Jn their power to throw the Albany club down. By looking at the appended score, it wilt be seen that tbe College or picked nine were held down to four runs until the last inning when, on account of Lariinore tiring out.having thrown three a-ames without any relief and getting no support in the field, the picked nine sco-ea seven runs, nyou want to hold an interest in base- ball.Mr, Herald, give "honor to whom honor is due," encourage the home team by words better suited to cheer them up and you will have gained an euai. Aluaxt. BKAL MTATK f A Ll.a. Dvas Shetton to Louis Hawkins. 1 acre in sec B. p 13 S tt 1 E...$ 150 J L Cowan to J 8 Courtney, Agree ment Medder Vanderpoot to Kffie A Vanderpool, 79 acres, sec 6, tp ' 138B1 200 Mattie E Bo! in to A Boxarth, 200 acre,tpl4, 8 It Sand 3 W... 500 Alfred Piatt to Jeff Myers, 7.5 acres in sec 35, tp 9 8 R 2 W-. 800 Oliver Baakin etux to Wm Patrick, KX) acres in sec 32, tp 10, 8 B 3 K ; 00 John Baakin to Wm Patrick. BS0 acres in sec 32, tp 10 S R 3 E. 1000 O&CRRCoto W...W luartin, 120 acres, see 35, tp 9 S tt 3 K. 270 U 8 to John Turner and wife. 320 actes, tp I46R3 W pUnt Total sales. .9 SOW The writer of the fire-oating letter recently published in the London Times over the sivnatnre "Captain Frank Hcott, Thirty-eighth Penneylvania Rifles," has been discovered. He is Walter Hcott, the l&-voar old s-randaon of I T Williams of Dunkirk, N Y. Tbe letter threatened the British empire and was so filled with menaces that, cabled to this country, it was generally reoublisbed with varying comments by American newspapers. It seems that the boy, indignant at the at titude of the Times on international questions, particularly with reference to the Chilean trouble, resolved to send to that paper an expression of hia ire, and realizing that little attention would be given to a boy's letter on such a subject, he signed a fictitious name to it, and without saying anj thing about it at borne, "wrote to the Times" a any solid Kngliithman might do- He was surprised that tiie Times printed his fire-eating letter and that prominence was given it In American papers which have ridicul ed the Times for ascribing so much con sequence to such a letter from ao un known correspondent rasaB aftbe SJaaete Carei. Joba I Wool, ot Stratford, Oo..wa e-irej r f cramp in lh laa by waarins Allege k't Fwroaa Piaster. Mr Wood car. Sme thra raooth ato wa taken very sick with tever pain in th small of sny back over th kidney. Tb pata waa excruciat ing. I apiliad ao Alioock's Boron a PI attar ever th sQactxi region and had relief 1 atoet witbia an hoar. At th mm Umt, la coojunotloo with thi troubla, I had vary xraat aarvoa dtaturbanee. tffeatiog my legs w Ivh crtrnp to 1 eoold aearoaty sleep. M et lug with lueb so wet with soy bask I applied a piaster under tb kue oa each lag, and la thr da) I waa oomplettly torad, aad have nver tco trrublad in either way line." "Kothih IteecBDS Libs lucceti." Why ai w tb meet istttttdil liat ia th Jry gno4 trd t Etaaut wa bv lh brgat aad beat ta Itcted tok to tboote am. W st bow rsetivlng n4 Maaoaabl good bargain ia wiater gwoae, C'Oaks at lets taaa eoat. ' fV are )! ent far Batrik pattaraa. A full lia af ltd lea ta ilhr,o thoet. Civ a call. W. W. Kja. A large a took of pruning abear and prn o loe hooka the" beat mde. it received at o ... a. u...t. ar t. .. . ... .- a. aaaii aa. 911, a. 4vw aa aaa a.'a.w them. to at Daoiiadiy th large! and ebniotwt variety f teata town it at C E BrraroeUa. Ran dried, baakat find, g-aen. bk, Bntliah breakfast, & Rwtct cider iFE Allen's. W Davia t -.n m barge of aionloo rattaaitnf, Alt alt 23 nr. eystar freah. Evrj thing th DI attra Ilia aotually economy to drloklBaack'a Taa. Being absolutely Dura, it it vtaob troagar that th artiUolal taa, about en third la of tt, or about twenty grain, b a iagequirad per oop. At that- ar 7,8 grain to a pojtol, thtra will b ea to b bctwaao thr and four haatrl,eup ta t h pound At it la but 60 oeott par pnoa d thia ia at th rat of ab-iqt on ftH1 of a e a par oup- For eala at Allen beat. - Us Brida of Alliaoy soap aod you will ba bappy. C,E Broaoeil, eola agent. For Salb. -1 will offer at private sale for a few days all our household furniture, consisting of pari jr and bedroom sets, chairs, lounge, carpets, mirror, oil paint ings, hanging lamp, stove, center, din ning room and kitchen tablet, etc. B FTablkr. cor, th and Ferry. THE REV GEO FI THAYER ot Bourbop, Iud., atytt "Both' mvttlf aad wifaow one livaa to SUILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." ARE YOU MADE mieiablby It dig tioa, Constipation, Dlzainasa, Lost of Ippe liie, Yellow Skin T Sbiloh's Vitalixer i a potitlv car. For ttla by Fothay A Maeoa. A Metroiolitak stock of suitings for the spring and summer, the best in the valley, just received by W R Graham, as can easily be learned by an inspec tion of them. They include late and handsome designs, and will be made up in the latest style by Mr Graham. Get the best and latest, and this you can do at Graham's. STnait Tlaby waa alca, we sav bar Caatorav When ih wa a Child, eh rid for Oaatorl. When th baeam Mitt, tit eluag t rinstorta. V -ban th bad Clitldrea, she gave them Caatorta. Th Dlrt oortet and Dettarte watatt fnrnlth th baaia of drs reform tending toward artisiio and hygintodraaiog. Tky atcura oamfort, development aod grso. Ladiee, who wish toaxamiD Dalaarte goods, should addraaa tha agent who will oail with samples, take pain ia mU'iog and guaranta perfatit lit No troabl to show vu though no ordaria takan. Ad dtaaa Mrs A M Talt, box ,60, . Albany, Oregon, Agents wanted. SHILOn'S V1TALIIXI is what va oae.1 for Conet'.pfttion, Lots of Apfxiite, I:.-4fr,a and all symptoms of Pypjst, (l A is n nirsQ trrir MMP OS Li kk.aa. Waal Vawfakrkaa? Flower" Perhaps you do not beliere these statetnents concerning Green's Au gust Flower. Well, we can't make you. We can't force conviction in to your head or med Doubtlng icine into your throat. We don't Thomas. want to. The money is yours, and the f misery is yours; and until you are wiUinsf to believe, and spend the one f for the relief of the other, they will stay so. John 11. Foster, 11 ai' Brown Street, Philadelphia, says: ii " My wife is a little Scotch woman, thirty years of age and of a naturally delicate disposition. For five or six years past she has been suffering from Dyspepsia. She Vomit became so bad at last 4 that she could not sit . Every Meal, down to a meal but she had tovomttit J as rvoca as she had eaten it Two 7 bottle j of your August Flower have cured her, after many doctors failed. j She can now eat anything, and enjoy it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not kcow that she ever had it" KOTICE H the County Court oj Linn County, Oregon la the rntir of thsar,pj t;..a jf Morilz VrHlteraklrcbett o rl aoge cfnamr OTICK I HEREBY dlVESTa th above na4 Mori s Wairaxl bm fBeJ his petition tn th Cstiit of Lion ojunty, Cregi.t, prayln rdor changing bit na na to Mont ft. anl by orier ot a tile, art T3 daf the 5tb day of April. 1111 at th boar of 1 o'clock pn uf ai J day, ba booa fixed a the tttn f r thu bann( o objections, If any inure b,wbv tht tppll eatian of a ail pdti'J inx limit a H bs aaaoted. l'obluthel byordir hikIa bvtbeno DUN tlackburn, Julg' of r!di Coart, thl 27th day of Febrtwry, 18JJ. lawitneaas br -of, 1 bare hereunto et my baorf aid a)33xd the aeajofaaH Coart.tbi 27th t'ot braary, K O.lfctfV . If P PASTfE. Coua y Clerk of Lion oounty, .9 H M Fay 1 e. Deputy HEALTH IS WEALTH i DalC Warr't Baava aaa Baaxs TaaavMaav. (aarentaait tpaeil foe B ) avena, Iiastaaat, Can roMoaa. ritavKarvoo Kauraijia.B aaaara. at eus Broatratiaa aanaa by Uia aaa f aiaoftal ar tobaaaa, Waaeiuineaa, Mania Uapraaaion, SatMnin- ot H Braia raralUne in inaaotiv aid laaAior to mttarr. dawa anddaaaa, framawr Oi A-a Barraaaat. Loaa of rowar uiatibaraa. lurolaatarr I raw as aad Speraiatanhoaa aauaad by ovar-axartiaa af taa araia, atUbaat or ear-ituta'canaa. Kaak bos aaataiB ana aaaola't traatnaant. II. CO a ba.a, ar tit ai aa lar A.aau, bf aoatl pravaad aa raaatpt ol aria. . HI iiCAKAITU BIX BO LBS T aura any aaaa. Wit eaaa aofar ratal red br-na tor tlx aoaat. attain pamaa wiia aw. wawiu aaaa tba purahaaar ear wrlawi amanaataa ta raisa -.he taubar tt aba traalmaat daat aal tBaat a vara. Caar. an, aaa tatual aal tr J A C'aaaaalatt. Ba-ta. Bala AaeaC Alawaj, raaa. tTArVNE B23 J I aut ja-sa- .-twri- GURB 4 aawaad Coata'ala Tiaalwaal, antiiaaf af tnf saatartea.taatanaal In Capni'atAlaa ia Bat aad PlKs; a e aitiraOoraro, Aaiaraal.tnttrpai.BluHl ar Biatd Kr ttahiof, Cliroaia, Baaeaa a If araa.tarf Viiaa.aad mmt.f oUuediaaaaaa aal taamaia waaXnaatoa; U la al aaaraa STsat baaaSt ta aha ganaiai baaiakj. Taa Sraa at a ua-liaal aura raoxtarla an aparaaiaa wlati Ua kiltt utBtaaatary ateaalta,. Tbta renedf feaaaaaarbaaa knaa totai L t ear b, firA ; Wi hf aaaij. Wsy auSar tram thia teriMe dtaaaaa vaa a wriaaaa ruaeaoaaa ia pnaiaral ciaaa wtOa aaaa,ta ratnad taa atoaar U aa aarad. SaA at. taa lor araa Saatpla. Sraattnta laaiaad r S A raaaaaiBf, DrajKta. Bala ixatl. Atvaar, . Beat stock of 2nd t0T geo.1 In tba Valley anrt tba moat reacnab! prleM. I have on hand all klnda or - FUSMtTUXE, STOVES, Tlk'WASS, TKUNXS. EOOXS, P1UTUHES. CLCCtCS. CROCKERY, it ETC. ETC. On dear went cf IE Youns'a eld sto L. Ci3TTLESS FQ3HAY & MASON WW9ULAMI aaa aavazk Druggists and Booksellers i getiU for Joka B. Alden'a publfoaUooi, we. oil we ell at pcbllaaar's prieoo w5ti t iaaewtfld' 1 ALU A M T. OS F.0 1 I -iDYE - TO - LIVE. itaT StBiEi By. Wprif, O.aJ . leilcUlJ,OpiriJy. a 1 " Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Repaired. Ladle shawl and Dret Good a pectalty. Faded clothing restored to It origin color, to look like new. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give M a Call. Work called for and delivered. Opposite Parrish'e Brick, REVERE HOUSE, " IL31NT. OREGON SOT fSaK ,r . . -.vacsa--, ; Uam-aaaia "..imJ J-TO t Ta, r BTV S I 1 aii in in ir- awl ' 1 2nd UT Store. JH1S. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR' ( Fittsd up Irai-claaa tyla. Tables sop piled Wit a tha beet lu the market no almoin apartmanta. BAmple mora reom&trtjial trttvolers. BredCrownMills w aajooaas rLocra spbeiob eon bam -,' Aim BAx:sjts esg. - ?.EST STORAGE FlClLlTlES. . CHOICE nEATS. I OrJ AiLjKrsta lilDniriolx -.a&J- Baker, "OjiivMlta f olimear't LlTeT Stakla, t r ta WMauaattt VMf e't atara.p V 3 a! L. iVwaS I ' n fi r ra aa f rm -!' V. . a, A L - . . . t -"rr;T rs t z-z vasts. vwafneii q'ni Maa t,aetrr'.ai..t I a. a. .1 a- f i tf r, (' ft