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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
LOCAL KZOOllD. A. Comsnm Paiht Cnnrnr. The fol lowing la banded tha IKM(raAts what a idoneer tellt about the Willamette Vel W for dairying. Col T R Corneliut, of ,W athlngton county, read a paper the other day at the farmeri' Institute at Forest drove, of which we quote the following interesting notes: Feeding nd ralmnjr dairy catlle. 1. Tbe dairy undoubtedly often more promise and encouragement to the farmer than any other branch of farm ing. 2. Some time, in the near future, the Willamette Valley will tw one of the greatest dairy countries in the United hUtea. 3. I have said that I could raise feed enough on one acre to keep a tow one year. Many think thatan exaggeration, hut I am quite aure that it ran lie easily done. 4623 tiib Fitu am. Mr"tt'Uliaiu Oben muer completed his directory census of Albany yesterday, and the flgnree are 23 more than estimated by the Dkmocbat, being 4628. This is really a tine show ing, and speaks for a big increase in population since the 1W0 census, which theenumerators.O W Watts, D FTabler and K K Conn, insist was correct, the increase being 134U. This gives Albany a population of 1 100 more than Eugene, according to a recent census there, a fact we mention on account of numerous little squibs in the local papers of that city. Fakb News U the heading the Salem Statesman gives to the following: The Telegram has curious Ideas of ut con stitute "are." Ever since the assault upen Rev Mr Metayer, In young Catholic priest at Albany, the Telegram has spoken of him as being a very "old' and Infirm man, with one foot In the grave, and scarcely able to hobble around. On Fri day, in dlnhlng up the sentence of the two assaulting youths, the Telegram editor, In true "reportorlal" style, com miseratlngly styles the young priest as "g'-d and revered," and further on agiln patronUlngly refers to him as the "old man.' This must be Intensely amusing to thoM acquainted with Mr Metayer, who Is not more than thirty yearn of age and In the full enjoyment of health. EaoTumo M rrcitux. The Wood bum Independent gets off the true situation as follows : Senator J II Mitchell has been considered a man of common sense, but now it appears he has lost it all. Every newspaper in the state has re ceived a letter, containing about four columns of clippings from different pa pert about the marriage of Mist Mattie Mitchell to ihe Duke de La Rochefou cauld. Out of pity for a fool and hie folly few papers have commented upon such an uncalled for act of family ego tism, but as If to niaka the thing more absurd every newspaper la now in receipt of a wedding card, announcing that, 'M r and Mrs John II M itched Lave the honor of announcing the marriage of their daughter, Mattie Elisabeth, to the Puke de La Rochefoucauld !n Paris, Friday Ilth, 1S92." A Tucudbb Dolt. The following from the Cottage Grove Leader sounds like Eastern style: Mr J It Rouse reports that during the recent thunder storm, the lightning came in contact with a tree near Mrs 8 tiaroutte'e home and. completely destroyed It. Mr and Mrs liaroutte were silting at their dining table when the shock of lightning struck them. They were Insensible tor tome time. Mrs (laroutte recovered first and fonnd bins with hie head lying on the table ; she spoke to him, then he aroused and asked, w hat had, happened' How Ha Qot It. in the early days somebody owed Judge Vsrquam $Soo. He was honest and had lots of (and around Portland. H offered the Judge a block In settlement. The latter got Into his buggy and drove out to ce It. One of the lot had been sold out of It for s wishing bill. Then he looked at another, and a lot had gone out of this one for a week's butcher bill. Finally he took the one he has now with the nnest building on the coast or as fine aa any in the coun. Irj upon It worth, well, worth a trillion or more. They don't pay ahtng and meat bdla with lots now anywhere within fifty miles of the city not much. Wel come, Aw yjtyt! FcnAk.- The At. bany Pocat has a 'good word to say about our shoe factory and thinks the samples exhibited by Cat 1 Karrln that city were well made and offered at prices that will permit hln to compete with the best eastern trade. Thanks. Mr D mock at. and as one good turn deserves another. It mlgKt be In order to remark that Albany Is lo It in the brewing of beer and nearly every keg that comes to this city now U labeled "Albany Brewing Co." So yon ice we can be of mutual benefit. It Is well to go dry (hod) but not too dry. CoryallU TlmjSj ' Vvunt this War. The Hubbard Her aid says : "A Gypsie outfit was camped here last meek. Tbey were borse traders and fortune tellers. We have often beard of queer people, bat these beat them all with their cunning ays. They succeeded in making several trade here, and left here Mondar morn in a. Thev are traveling south and will probably top at every town they come to, and try to swindle the people, if they can." Road Scfkbtiboes. Pursuant to a call published eight or ten road supervisors met in the Court House today and dir cneeed roads and the duties of super 7 wri generally ; but took no action, aa none could be taken more than the gen eral expression of opinion. The prevail log" sentiment waa that if the road tax . was paid in money twice aa much good could be done with it. As IxDrAN Relic Warm Spring Johnny left in this office today a stone chisel, which he found recently while dlzslnz In his earden on the island. It had evidently lain there fr ages. It l of granite, and was used In rnalpg log csnoet. The wood was burned some and (hen the ehlsel was brought into use. The Implement Is a crest curiosity, and ! worth preserving; An Iksane Boy. Frank Snoderass, a I xteen vear old dot. was bronght from Harrlsbure today by his stepfather, II B Maxwell, and examined by Drs Wa'lace - and Ellis as to his Insanity and committed to the asylum. He peems to have been subject to fits, which h'.s father al-o had The boy loses hU mind and everything is oiana, iib Fibks. The fiak; Jubilee Singers eang last night to a very pleased audi-, e nee. Yoa Ket genuine music from te ginning to end. All the parte from the Tut. AVou.fl Coxctnt.A Urge and enthusiastic audience attended the Apotlo concert last evening. Ten encores Were evidence of the enthusiasm. The concert proved one of rare merit for local talent, and places the Apollo club In the front rank among the state must cal organisations, lite program was opened with the soldiers, chorus by the Apollo, tow it: 1st Tenor Geo a Achl- son, W 8 Thompson, Chas II Hart, A B Prlcham. 2nd Tenor Wra Fortmlller, Fred Fortmlller, John K Miller, 0 K Hawkins, O O McFarland. 1st Base- Li) Miller, Frank MOStUtf. at I Wltli S V Vt'Vtl ! llil BJ ' RB 1IV( Conelin, 8 N Week J O Littler.E K Goff. 2nd Itaxe D H !cOullgh,Ctiat A Boars, C W rars. W II Lee. Like all their selections it was finely sung, with Trot Lee In front as musical director. Messrs Mueller, 1'hilhps and Dubrullle, of the I'hilharmouio clan, were heard in the Schottleche. "She's the Prettiest " and heartily encored. A vocal duet, "I Teeca- tori,' by Mrand Mrs 1 rot Davis.waatung with talent.recelvlng a live er.core. Mias Moaee was heard in the recl'ation of "King Robert of Sicily," with piano accompaniment, it waa elaborate and was rendered with artistio effect. "Blow Gentle Galea," by the Apollo club. Mire Bertha Ellis sang "A lay Dream" in manner to give her a position among our leading sopranos, and responded to an enthusiastio encore with a delightfully rendered selection. "The Firemen's norue. in costnme.oy me apoiio ciuo, followed. The I'hilharmouio olubwere again heard in an instrumental selection and encored. The Apollo club sang, "Rocked in the Cradle of the Peep!' which was warnilv encored. Prof Davis presented "Out on the Deep," and the audience called him back and received a good response." The"Bavarlaa Vodle," by the Apollo Club, with 0 II Hart, at soloist, waa their best vocal effort, and received an encore. Mrs Langdon, to hear whom Is always a treat, aang "Dost Know," and received a deserved encore The livest affairs of the evening were the two selections by the Apollo vocophone band, with a complete set of seventeen Instruments. M r Heart sang"Ons Hun dred Fathomt Deep" with excellent effect, and wat encored. The entertain ment dosed with "Good Mght" bythe Apollo club. Rio TAM.County Clerk Paine hat received from the secretary of state a "Register of Nominations," a red tape affair. The law to be followed in this regard it aa follows: Immediately after each certificate of nomination it filed, the county clerk shall enter in a book marked "Register of Nominations," the date when the certificate was filed with him, the name of each candidate, the office for which he It nominated, and the name of the party, or convention, or assembly making the nomination, to gether with the names of the chairman and secretary certifying the tame; and in case the certificate of nomination it made by individual electors, the names of the two signers who make oath there to, and the total number of signatures thereto. At toon aa the acceptance or withdrawal of the candidate ie fled, it shall also be entered upon such register. Halsst. Another fire called the "Bucket Brigade" to the rescue of the building occupied by Mrs Hathaway last Tuesday morning, h also started from a flue. The building would Save soon been pt control had It not been lor the quick action of the company, who used the water buckets at If they were old hsndi at the business. Tha stockholder, of the elly hall met last Friday night, the iSth. After elect ing a temporary chairman and secretary, It was decided to go ahea J with the good work, which has been so long needtd here. A convmlttee wts appointed to se cure incorporation, t,nd o report at I he neit meeting which was held last night Tet. shares had been subscribed, and only one "backed out." The building ts lo cot ft aoo, the other ioo to be raUeJ by ma scrlptloa-Jiiewa, Took Hi-mill. Lane county Is liable to have a very Interesting taw suit, accord ing to the following from 'he Guardi Aa It la now pretty well eatabiUhed that a county cannot be aued for damages, there will probably be nothing It It, more than the Interest In pecallar case: Lane county Is liable lo have a large sised dam age suit on ha.KJ from use oi the Jail. Thoe Russell who U conQued therein un der a sis months sentence has been treated somewhat as a trvsty by tiheritf Koland and allowed the privilege oi the aherlfTs office occasionally. Oi late he refue to leave the pill and lite depuliea hav sus picions tha hU mind la weakening. It has been asserted on good authority thst when his teens of Imprisonment expires be will begin a damage suit again tt the county. He will claim that the grand uries have otten condemned the jail a an unit place In which to detain prison era, and ask damages fur Injury to his health. They Wcas is Evgexe. Recently an Albany priest was called to his door snd knocked down by a couple of young H-ca who attempted to roo Mm. I he boys captured by the police and placed In From the names they gave and the descriptions given of them. Marshal East land Is of the opinion that they are a couple of fettows who were here a few days before the affair at Albany and he had them In the calaboose. Thev said that their home la in Portland and that they had been out to Roseburg. !eg! ter. It Is also reported that a murdrr was committed In California recently and that these boys answer the description. Lamb Refcblicahs. Saturday the. rt publicans of Lane county nominated the r 1 1 i . ' I . r . . . , i ioiiowiug t-PM AMI' senator, miwki B F Alley, of Florence! lepresentatives, M J Biliegas, of Csmp Creek, jasper Wll- kins, ot uoourg, ana u V, tuugnmin, ot Cottage Grovej eountv treasurer, Frat k Reltnert clerk, W R Walker; sheriff, E K Henderson; county judge, Rodney S Scott; commissioner, Ell Perkins; school superintendent, I G Stevenson; surveyor. C M Collier; corner, J W Harris; assessor, J E Bond. The Junction IIsrEV?-IL j Flaneers, of Los Angeles. California, has leased the new hotel tor a term ot nve years with the privilege of a longer time If he wishes tt. He will furnish the building through out and It will be thrown open to the public about May ist. We learn Mr and Mrs Flanders have had several veers ex' perience In the hotel business and know how to conduct a first-class hostelry, limes. netprnn sonrano. who belonaed to the . ... . . i . . C T!-1 new vasa- muii, clean, enlivening entertainment oi jny uusiness. rue Then he wrote trennir '.'djqn't kqovy. Send, a original troup to the melodious voices, in tongs gave one an merit. An Accommodating World. Mr John Bright would like to pull the noeee of a few Michigan officials, lie wrote to a recorder to learn the amonnt of toms taxes there. Thontrh the treasurer was oDDOsite bim. be wrote back "none of mv business. Write the treasurer rer, who answered description." Linn Second. a baicm paper ssys Marion county was the second to pay part of its strte taxes. County Treasurer Curl Inform us Linn county was the second, he remitting ti6,soo on March n, Un or .more days ahead of Mailon county. A Stallion Show was held at 8alem Citurdiv. From this county A Nlcholi exhibited Obeli, a French Coaih F t Mcknight the well-known OnecO; C E liarrows, Dslmont, and Barrows Bros, Multnomah. Only twenty-thrre horses . were In the parade. TitoE Boys who have lately beep In the habit of breaking Into s number of unoccupied buildings In the city, are notified that the owners snd cit authori ties will prosecute them If tey do not desist. word tp the wie Is sufficient. May be seen the finest stock oi gold and eilvet watchos, diamond and oiber rings, je 2' Ac, in the city. E'OC ,;xr f .'' frla and flawer eeedi Take Motive. Some Of tne city au thorltles have tailed the attention of the Pemocbat to tbe fact that quite a number Ot little boys, not yet tn tneir teens, ar? In the babit of smoking cigarettes on h streets. We have been requested In call the attention of dealers to the fact that there Is a law regulating the sale of cigar ettea to minors. Millinery Opening. On Thursdsy snd Friday of this week the Ladles Baxaar will nave their grand opening oi spring and summer millinery. Our stock this season Is Isrger than ever and embrace all the latest styles snd novelties. The ladles of Albany and vicinity are cordially In vited to attend. Mat 11 J sower Your Attention Is called to. our lineaf ParWienne costume, which is bow complete, tapes. jacKct. outers ana resicts. l ney are tsiior-maos ana xvaranlca 19 Tha c'olhs are of the latest fabrics. Very truly. Samuex. E. Young. Albany I It The prospect! now seem favorable for Aatoria to get two railroads one no through l he Nehalem country to Hillsboro, and the other throuah the Tillamook countrrVv-Kx. To Albany. Why pot complete It. Ladies OxroRDS. I now bavs a com plete line ranging la price Irom si.ts to l4 SJ,a pair. Good value snd every pair Mell Younc Omton Pacific agent Salem, spent Sunday In Albsny, Reasun McConaelt and wife are spend. In a few weeks at their Toledo ranch. MUs 1! attic Hsckleman, ot Dallas, It In the city, thi guest of Mr TL Wallace O P Cothow, of Brownsville, wss In the city today. Mk Ida Settlemlre, of Corvallls, who hss been In the city the guest ot &! Minnie McFartand, returned home Satur day. Tha D (Mora at acknowledges the re cetnt ot the weddlna card ot Its old friends the Baron de Rouchetoucald and Mattie Elisabeth Mitchell. A olinatch fiom Victoria savsi It Is understood the Union Pacific Is about to close Its oflice here and O O Kawllngs, the 'ocal agent, will be made a traveling passenger agent. Ex-Counctlman Gradwohland wile left latinlvht on .Mi trip to San Francisco, wher they HI be the guests ct Mr Sutro. He will lav In an eatenslve stock ot goodf. Mr EC Pentland, secretary for tbe Ore gon Press Association, has been tendered temntina Inducements to conduct a boom psper at Frankfert, a littte place In Wash- ingion, just norm oi nsiona, ine owurau terminus of some future raiiroan. welcome. Col N B Allet, a resident of Albany for seversi months, a lew years ago, now edltoi oi the Florence West, has been nominated by the republicans for the office oi stste senator oi Line county, ioi Alley Is a brother-in-law ot F J Miller, secretary of the railroad commission, Mr lbs Martin, a auceeasful business man of Tscoma, and MUs Flora Lewis, of Ellenaburg, were married at the residence of the bride's parents In the latter city yesterday. After vtsttlng different Sound cities the happy couple will goto Tscoma, where a reception will be given mem neat Sunday, and they will begin their resi dence together In that city. MUs Lewis Is a sister of Mrs Ignata Fob, of. this city, and formerly resided here snd at Shedd. Mr and Mrs martin nave tne nest wisnes of many here. T0MOAT. Mrt Carlile Laushaad and Mrt Harry visiting Mrt W A Moores, their sister statesman. Mrt Moody took four Linn county boys up to the new Albany home today. They have been brought op at the f-alem orpnanr noma ana were svjvery nice lot of boys. Journal. Mr Pete Anderson went to Portland this noon to meet his brother. Robert, who will arrive there today from Denmark. and will make Albany home. Mr An derson thinks his mother will also locate here. E C Pentland. sec re tar v of the State Presa Association, hae moved bit family to Frank ford, where be proposci to pub lish a paper for a town yet to tome, to oe located opposite lo Astoria. Thit leavet Oregon's Preta Association without a secretary. Mr Nil Allen will leave tha first of next week on a trio to Chicago. A new dyaamo and other machinery will be purchased. Tbe demand for incandes cent lighta for residences hat been to great that more power it needed. Mr Allen wat reported to be among the ooa- sible representatives on tha republican. ticket; but doean't know anything about s nimseu. WEDNESDAY II E Uayee. master of the Oregon State grange, wui locate in aiem. Mr Robert Huston, the popular Cor. valiU hardware man. was la the city to- Deputy 8nerlil Chae Smith returned from a trip to Salem this noon, where he had taken Frank Snodgrast the Insane ooy. T P Hackfetnan. I M Archibald. Mr W II St John and W E Keliey went to the state prohibition convention in Portland cday.J E Knox will go In the morning. County Clerk, D C Sherman, ol Mart county, was in the city today on hie way nome Irom a (rip up the Santlam, Mr Sherman ie at least a pleasant gentlraeo to meet, Hon S r Chad wick yeHerday received a telegram from Dayton, Yamhill county. announcing the fact that Col Chris Taylor waa oying. Mr Taylor l an old resident of Oregon and a nvwt Intimate friend of tne cx-govemor. He Is tied about lo years, air maaatcR win go to pat ton mis morning. statesman. A Psaiots Accident. Wm Thurman wat the victim of a serious accident at Irving Sunday evening, that may cost bim bit life, tayt the Uuard. Mr Thnr pap vent to Irving on tha freight train fcunuey evening, expecting to stop at ineiinace. wnen tne train arrival at the station It did not stop and Mr Thur man Jumped off on to the platform, and waa hurled with considerable force against a post, striking it with bit head. sua anockiDg mm senseless, lie wat carried to a residence, blood tunning irom nit mourn ana earn, a be man it till nncontciont and in a very critical eonamon, hit skull being fractured,. 5 Died At the resjdenoe of his tin near cio. ona j vauiree, aged about 9a Ira Necessary. The necesdtr for advertising Is very apparent to any reflec tive mind. If an owner wishes to sell his property he must let some one know his wish 11 he kept his intention to himself he would also keep his property to him self, to aareruse meana -to apprise. In form, make known, announce,promu!iate, puDiMn tne tact mat rarxer aros carry a first-class stock of groceries, nroduce and pasea, goaqs,wnion can always be depend ed an to he fresh and tn season. The fact tt one worth advertising, in cad, IklBfe aa4 Ad All civilised cooks not only wsnt, but ait entitled to the Utest snd best spplUacss to dc secareu I or ineir ate. lbea ws get bobs too gooa iooa 10 tnvs yiy uyspepiic sge, tIAD this over reversl times. It Is sn ivportast fact, and If digested will be better tfcao a dozta bot.lri of patent medicine, THINK lout it until your thoughts are and your brain power ! wtary It sad then ;: ro cmea roam. : ; , lUow iy the kindness 0! Mr 0 II Pchtnitlt, y, ho was present, we are able io give in detail the proceedings of the meeting of the road supervisors, which will show that they finally, blore ad journment after we had gone to presa, una suuie uusinoss pi importance: Atiusy, Or., March 291b, 1B02. tTlte following roml tupervlHort met tn the Court House and adopted tome Im portant resolutions: Those present were U B Peters, Albany; It L Devintt, Bcloj UL Smith, Tangent', K A Ktl'unson, Itrowntvllle; ST Crookt, Millers; 11 Harris, Sweet Home; Ixult Zueldorp, Albany, and McMahon, llalnoy. Super visor John Iturnett.or Bweet llome,eould not lie presnt, 6n account of bad roadu, he stated, but tent a letter tinting his vlewt. .... -. - After fonslilurablo discussion In which a number of important polntt wore brought out, itas agrt-d upon by alt present that the present road system It ditrimontal to our couniy't need and that the Interext of the people demands that - more elllclent and systematic methods be employed. It waa clearly tet forth by the gentlemen present that nothing la ot greater importance to the development of our county than butter roaat. ihe present tytlein hat never given good tatitfaitlon anywhere and all around na there It being doiit lomethlng more than heretofore to advance the peoplet' Interest. The following resolu tions were adopted 1 1st, That the road tax heroafier be paid In money Instead of work and the tax thai! be collected and together with other taxes. 2nd, That the road supervisor be elect ed by the vote ot the people in each re spective district. 3rd, That tha county furnish a road machine, road grader, to each district. Mr Potert u using one of the connty't road machlnea and report tplendid work. 11 will b pleated to have peo ple come and tea what ha la doing. The county papert are requested to copy thit and Interest the people in the Improvement ot the roads. ROYAL Best TTv Tl is xnc 1D 11 KrtaucAB rtKTf ravaTiN. SBSWM The Linn county republican conven tion met at tha court house thit morning and wat called to order by W M Ketchum. chairman at the county cen tral committee. If II Hewitt waa electtid temnorarv chairman. J A Wilson, secretary, and P U Marshall, ateistant tocietary. The following committee on credentials wat appointed : W F Head. I H Wvatt and W Parrlsh. Committee reportM lilt of delegate! heretofoia publish On motion the following commitu order of bntlneee waa appolotet J h Wyatt.UNThompeon.lJ ft McKoIght. committee on order of bus nest re ported, which wat amended and adopted. The following delegates to the state convention were duly elected : John K rmito. n a iawion, ti s May, W K Kirk, W W Parriah, It Jt Springer, U A Rampy, II II Hewitt, J W Miller, Sam Mcllree. The following nominations wm then made: Kettreeentatlvea to tha lovUUtnrAl II Wfgle. W W KichartWon and M-Ache- ton. County itdga-J N Duncan. Comuiissioner J W Pugh. of Shedd. SheritT A A Keee.of Lebanon. Clerk David Andrews, Sweet Home. Recordcr-W i Wright, Khedd. Treasurer J M Watera, Urownsvillc. County SumTor E T T Fisher. school superintemlent J II Jewett. Assesaor W F Dcaklne. Coroner Wm Fortmlller. The Official Government Reports: The United States Government, after th'sorttt: tests, reports the Royal Bakino Powder t be of grcstrr lw ening strength than any other. (Bulletin tsA. Dep., p. 599.; The Canadian Official Tests, recertify mlehovr the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in fcarcrg strength. (Bulletin xo, p. 16, Inland Rev. Dzp) In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking I?wii goes further, makes purer and more perfect fcJcl any other. , mm? KJ i 1 n i! KJ Ls 1 in i U li L i i Government Chemists Certify: St "The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure x4wkjKt some ingredients. It docs not contain either akitn or pbtpfVrtta, err other injurious substances. Edward Oi Love, EicO. "The Royal Baking Powder is undoubwtily. the pur imitwut reliable baking powder offered to the public, "Himry A, Mott, M.Dr, tzSC The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality a " strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. ' Wm. McMwris, ! M0MDAT. start BiiciB b)Clcuatib Pantiaro A Savage, U M Keli&n. Sweet Home John Ponar-e. A Hamil ton, J add Mealy, Ikntoa Harria. Wstcrhw Chat vVHUami. llndle- son, Jaa Bellinger. Orleans Robert McCune. Rarauel Me- Ilree, 11 M Btone. Crawfordsville-W B Glast and E N McCaw. Center 1 B McKnlght.IVan Wheeler. Franklin Butte Dr K 0 Hide and AL mciiaroson. Central Alhany P I Baltimore. W E GilleU J A Wilton. 1 0 Marshall. weat Albany w Keaa. joiin iwt eon, I) C Hcbell. C 3 Hinart. Kaat Albany B F Tbaver.W C Davit. R.N Morris, CI. Hhaw. Albany it II Hewitt, J KWliltney.j R Wyatt, 3 J Graham. Tangent J II Scott, J L Cae and Mr Uuntor. Solo O 8 May and J W Cole. W l'roptt and W II Tbompeon. llalsey T Y Praith. J R Pearl, Frank Fritbv. John Miller. B A tUfToid. Berry Comminge, W 11 bheppard, C U ray. North Lebanon Dr W II Booth, I G aton, J K Hmltii, U W iiaramao. Booth Lebanon w II KluinJ Q Bead. J A Kobertt, w u i'eterton. North IlartUburgE F WyatLDajuon BmitU. Booth HanlibnrK M Cnnnlnsham. C U Morrla, LMseyi " erigga. 8hedd-R II Wriebt. II B SorinKer. D 8 Uibaon, and J B Davit. North Browntville R N Thompson. W K Kirn, tt urover ana fc cvant. Bonth Browntville w A Temrieton. A J Kirk, N B KUnditb and Jacob Wigle. Podavllle Win Parrisb, Wm Ingram, A I Btory. ftyiacuse Wm Buchncr, W E FUher. WMtTILtK. The 8Um w!a ml!U t hvs a lreob store at If sissy. Tb nass ball teaaoa in VorUsed will open May 1. 2Iteost t&UAl to ksrptbs (sopMS of Ids chanty daring one n.ohlh. One BMaint In Us A O U W order for tlis month of April. Mall frow Albaey reaohas Swss Home osi the day ta which is ta tostd, if ptaeod ia the tltloe in the morning. The regtitsr meetiaf of tke W C T U will be ta'd ta thtir ball tomotrvw aftMitnoa t theesesl hoar. . Tbe tnar I.isueoitalv bovs whol-sy been ia the Hlem orchant home wre brtBebt to Albany today rd tsaea i : to tbe tJom. A aaat dUplav eaa be sva ia K D Pool's show window. It is a hnodrod pound block of irm la tbe eeeter of which la a freb ba qnas. It wm (rnuo by tbe Kagae lee Moiaa-fjaard. C S Smith bila on hi way boms from the eity with a far borse Um loaded with boss, tn., wsa thrown frtmthe wsgua and qsite badly dart far tbe time, but was soon able to to oo borne Sbadd eor. Ilattey Nswr. , Tbe Bay Viw boase will sooa be owosd to tbe tisvalloB tiobhe. Help is bma m- ted eow wit b that aril t "vUw. Tbe Times is p'easvdattbla move ss travelers bars ei miilaload at Dotal tooomtaotUtiees alt wlnUr, At tha skatU rink Saturday alsbl Je rome Wflltsms won tha right to the T)e teope mnll the araoad time, mtktps lh mils in 4 Ml; Frank aimpsoa making it ta 40: Clrda Hill aud Artliar Portrraaea ia 4:350. From prtseot appearances two of the pteaeot eoeaty iflioi!s sre almost eertaln of nomination by tbe drnoeratio eonveattoa which meta a week from tonay. Tbey are hfn! Booth atd Oonty Clerk I lodges. Neiibor tf tbem, we Misve, ili have any apposition.-Uoboco RvUw. The rsnart that IUv F Botobe lf hnldioa oriraa x-rrloo inatssd of Bsv G Meyer ia not Iran, sa aontif the naonla ef Allwnv ana vicwtty bsve been tola. Key U K Mjer still balds m rvioes every fir t and thud Senday ia the month at 10 a m ia tbe WCTU ball. eahsusted. Sleep ovsr ,' ACT. Go to Mstthews & Wsshburne. the tcadine dealers in stovss, tinware and bardwsre. and select irom their isrge and fine sicoitmsnt of stoves one that will meet all the requirements oi a nrn-ciats cook, i ney bsve them, ss well at tbe best retting stoves and tbe best ma'is tinware. Will ic aura, lis M9 A0V4B(K If BltUB. A Mellwala tTers l ai Battaaa rrtees. He makes the following redactions in sugsr (or csib i 17 lbs diy granulated for tl.oo. 30 lbs extra C whits for $1.00. aa lbs extra C gulden for i. 00, Us will alto sell a five gsllon'kee of sickles for 90 sents. warranted. Samuel E. Young. ous Tbe It X tlain olotbiog Of mpiny bva tat t roiv4 o nnoommnoly Isrgs stock of as of all the latest styles snd ersde. scd re prepared to fit and suit tbe mott faatidi- March 20, 1892. Born To the wife of W T Cochran on Patnrdav laat a ton. alto to the Vila of C Pyatt on Tnetday, a ton. All doing well. On Friday nieht of last week at about 0 o'clock aoma nartiet called the China- rnan, who ront a watn nonee in tun filaee, to me aoor ana tnrew tome pepper r. hit eves, and began to choke hiid, bat did not shut bit wind off enough, and theChSntmangaveayell that brought assistance in time to save him from drtnbtlesa btlnn robbed, at no one would be to little aa to do inch lor lun, aa tne boyt call It. The case of the city of North Browns ville vt A 8 Rowland, wat diimiwwl. It wa not a sood cane, and tne saloon can mn at all hours of the nieht in defiance of all law, to it now looks. We mutt tell yoa Uncle Sam't vision Uncle Sam wat approached a few day airo as to hit backwardness in coming out to our republican club, when the (nllnwlnv dialoirue ensued : Tlncle Bam come to night and join th nniliian clnb. No tab, can't do it, I'm'gwlne wid de democrats die time. Why Uncle Sam, what it the matter? Oh, I had a vision. w nil what of that, tell nt about it. Well tah, St Peter come for me toder night and showed me all around in heaven, and asked me bow I liked it. Oh iah dat wai nice place. Uncle Sam, eald de good taint, come nere 4 want to thow you eorae more : clime on dat fence and look down, and I did eah, and what do you think I taw. Three big pens wid a Are in aem, on to not. in de first wat de prohibitionist, and dey wat burning op, wet at dey we. Ia de tiBxt wm de democt all and dat wat a hot place, bat dey Btooa ae nre wen, hrv man for himself. In the next wat de republicant and dat was de hotest rina vet. ana eurv one 01 uoui khuiui ha.! a nietrer holdm him up in front ol him. No B&h, I'm gwine w.14 de demo cratt. FOB A slf AasvfMTIwl. The dairy Industry of today it the greatest of all home induttriea la the United States, both directly by its bouo tifut retorne of sold and aolden food and Indirectly by lie uanifold benefitt to all classes. The income from Oregon cowa at present taken aa a wbol U negative, tor tne tame reason at would be the income from a factory that rnn only three month in the year and mil kept ana paid tbe tiandt tbe w hole year. It used to be tbe same way in the Met- ern stales years ago but the time hat past, in a remarkably abort time, many millions of dollars, formerly waate-1 and burned up, have been converted Into valuable ttock food and the enormous saying in freight and hauling can hardly be ra.issa. We can and we mutt double the in come from the farrot, but in order to do it we most know the nqoiremente 01 the time we ehould learn tba why and wbereforeaa far at possible. It it like Hailding a railroad the roadbed most be aurveyed, careful plana ntnat ba laid, and advantage mutt be taken of what experience baa taught ut of building and operating railroads moat successfully. Training it a great factor In eucceaslul railroading it becomee of great impor tance to tecure skilled men, in fact a necessity. So it la with dairying. Dairy schools, dairy literature, farmer' Ineti- tateaand dairy easociatlona mast be planted and planted firmly. Thota in stitution! have quickly, turely, cheaply and permanently re-bniit prosperooe dairy hornet out of tbe forsaken run down wheat fieldt from ocean to ocean. and we mutt look to them alto aa our guard againat the fraudulent t re pas tor, oleomargarine. Let an Oregon state Association be the first step. Everybody in'er.jsted in the organira lion ol a dairy association it cordially invited to address me at Albany and to make suggestions with a view to promot ing tlii greatly needed initiation, and I wilt use my best endeavor to get ail interested to co-operate. U H SCBJttOT, Box 219, Albany, Or. ararata um u mtiL dBre ago, A woman at Antelona a faw iiavioa bar lite made miMrsbia by eoo- tioooos sprees of ber butbaotLdatsr insd to abolith tba asnte, and eedertook aa ndivid- oti erasade asaiatt tha aalooa on Per own account. She tiemolithed the flxtoitt s round tbe bar with a ciub. and then made for tba oI oil lamps, wbsn the barkeeper pas cor oat. iuvmw. Police Coiar. In Recorder Uenton't court. Henry Simpson was fined Sc and costs for being drunk and disorderly and sentenced to two daya In jail. George Homer "as sentenced to three daya for vagsncy. -; "Gentle Sprint" lores many of its terrors wbea the system is fortified by the bsb ef Ayrs Barsaparilla. Witk maititades, tbis woBderftti toote-aiterattv baa ton a sapor. tedsd a'l ether apting medicines, kaicg ey try where recommend ad by pbysioiaes. A fares line of elegant sold watobss la nw trava si wui stark a. UltO. Dress Trimmings. Tbe latest novelties in drett trimmlr.p can always be found at SAMVU, E. Yb,vmo'. Pride fry it. ot Albany syrnp W bn beat C Baowaiix. Conn A HsHpsicsanLBAD. They bavs tbe groceries, the produce and the good treatment. They lead in pricet and quality. If yon want standard groceries, all on tbem ; if you want the freshest produce do not past by their tQre j their sem and eoffuea tire the beat. A good way ta etve money is by dealing with tUeja. It will count in a month's trad ir?g. Try it. "'' - 0 a 1 pis forl-a at CJS Broiroci;'. Nw Attractions. Tbe thow window at Muailer't Candy and Refreshment Parlors wat tody fixed npm a beauti ful manner, a grand display c,f fine glaced frflitt, fruit dipt. Don boniers. ribbon, Boston, chipt, candies, placed on a pyramid of many colore. Don't fail to go and take a peep at it. Elum berg Block. , ' For floe tSe go 10 Muller', (Wars and lanch. tt I a bitr privilege to be able t what vou want when you go to a grocery store, Allen Brothers keep such a variety hut thev can alwaye aecora raodate their customers. Thia naves running a,rnd. t Jt js fruit tesjon tiiey have the goods. In produce their stands are full of the latest and beet. Their stock of standard groceries is always large, of the beet to be secured in tbe market. T0I8PAV. Tbe Apolloa tonight. The prohibition ktate ooovsotioa moots in rortlsnd Thnrtdsy. Some Voy will own a monkey on April 3o MTL Wallaoe X Cut show window. A bssyy mow storm prevailed on tbe Oregon 1'aciiis at the front last nigbs. At ureitentmin six or sevon tnonas it wat re ported, bad fallen. Tne stallion show at Drownsvllla .last Friday ts reported a sajcass. A large number of fine stalli-ies ere in the parade, wun a gooa att"odAnce of none men, Tbs republican eonoty oonveotioa meets In this oity tomorrow. DiQeieot msn ars mentioned for ditfsraot plaota; bat there is a big unoertainty abent it, at theie is little strifs for mott of the plaois. A monkey io one ot T L Wsllsre A Cu' show windows baa attracted gKnertl alien tion tnu afternoon, Home boy who hurt suit of olothes will ' b presented w(,.h the mcnuey in Blew weeks. A movement is on foot at Monmon'b acd at Independi nee to oon-1, net a 100 foot boulevard between the two places, on tbe attention of Main street, Monmouth. Trees will be planted on either fcida the wbo!e dis tar co ol two miles. An Atloris paper Mterts that the eyes of railroad builders are on the Alhany and Astoria u K and that when tha road tomes this way it will be to Albany. There It something in this worth confident)? and it ealls tor watchfulness. WET)NX8I)AY. Albany people ap reoiato local talrnt. jRaliiot, a uorvattts man, a few days ago struck tin nioiber-tn-iaw, Airs turoeat, a 1 cowardly blow, breaking ber falne teeth and 1 bruiting her face. He was arrested aud lined $50. Good, 10 fur as it west. On April 2nd bids will be received for building alight board fanoe around tha fair ground. Thia looks like bsaines, and as if tners might he something dors hers with the grounds, tbs track on which Is ons of the best on the coant Let ns havea county fair, it is reported rrom lireuunbuth thst a man named bliss jamped the claim of Ed ward. Wolfe while the iatUr was ill, and the settlers put a stop to it by blowing up his cabin. That country will be a danger ous place for claim rs, which is busi ness. WARNER. At his home at Rock Creek, Linn county, Oregon, March 27, 18U2. Itobert warner, aged C2 yeart. Mr Warner hat been ailing for eix months and died ot cancer ot the stomach. He lived at Salem for eleven years, removing to Rock Creek about year ago. White here he worked at the Holman agricultural works and it brother of Jat Warner of tint city. lie leavet a wife and tlx children, all crown one daughter at Batem, Mrt D 0 Sher man, and a ton n illiam. a painter. Journal. MARK! EIX. MAYER SCAN LAND. On March 3. too j, at the residence of the pride another in Lebanon, by Rev T P Boyd, Mr John Mayer and Mls iiecca bcanland both of lebanon. BOKS. FESSLER. On March 20, 1802, to Tuesday evening Mr and Mrt F Fessler, in Albany twin boyt. All do. ing wen. WILL. To the wife of J Wm vll', in Corvallls, March ablh, a daughter. KYLE. In Oklahoma, a lew days sen, to Mr and Mrs R L Kyle, formerly of Alany twins. All doing well. GILBERT. On March 27, 1802, Albany, to Mr and Mrs WE Gilbert a boy. Albakv, Or , March T), 1852. Editor 1 jMmocnu; Permit me space in which so reply to their article, and try (0 imooth the in dred feetiitgi of two membere of the College Base Ball association. They eeein very much hart and de graded ia the eves of the public, on account of baring unwittingly associated tuemeeivet im a tramp tMii player in recent irane of ball with the "Alban- ie." Tbey itate they ired no tramp. Who did then T Hureiy the Albaniee did not. for they do not Bead the aaaistance of outaidera to defeat the eo-ealied College nine ; tbis hae been demonstrated in the three garnet already played- I understand thai they made their boasts at so bow badly the "AlbawiM" were to be defeated in last Friday 'e name on account ot their having eecured the services of a sell styled tramp profession al pitcher. And iww because their boatta instead of the Albaniet tuft ered defeat they raise tbie gtcat cry, and phiy Uie martyr act. uppoa they had eve ceeded in defeating the Albaniet; turely the College nine would have claimed the credit, bat at tbay did Dot beat at, they try by subtle ivmerfuge to auiilea4 Uie public, at everybody knowt the train p't lege nine, and that he played with tbem. Anticipating Chat Uiay will aay in reply, i e that Ike parsunt who bailed tint fellow out, are not members of the "ACBBA,iet meatk.wby then did tbey permit tbese persons to arrange the game under Hie lifajd of Uie College tne 7 Again, if they are above associat ing with traoeps. w hy did they play at all In the game? Any did tbey not flatly refuse at the outset? Simply be cause they fully expected to beat tbe Ai names, and cutim Hie credit. Again, all the fdayert on the opposing tide we Bieiatwrs ol the Collage nine. with perns ps Mia exeeptioa 01 But Rennie and the tramp. It thit it not to, why again, did thet persons permit tlieir team stmt to be asedT Bit there it wo wie to multiply words, aa every reaona?e person tat; readily tee that the iteoit rt&rved to are the fruits of minds, aickenvd by three suc cessive defeats, when they sasguinaly expected vctovy . err truly, Jl Met ABLASO, Opt Albany BB Club ir I of saving that wo far disulftying.tlio largest and most ligant line of pring Olouhing ever opened in this city. L I BS) ill mw k TUB LEADING CLOTIIIElf . BOYS? Free -:- BOYS ? BOYS? Free Free. 8EBTKE MONKEY IN CORNER CLOTHINQ WINDOW With ererjr uit of elothes you get a Baseball and Bat. With rery tu it purchased vou get a ticket. &ce win dew for particulars. TB3 MONEY IS YALOED AT $50.00. ; READ THIS : That Monkey may help us some to make things go, but if our priees were not right and oar Clothing correct, ALL Till MOSKEYl OK EART1T WO'ULD KOT HELP TJS. We Sell ou our ow and our clothiag's merits, and eo long as the boys show their apprecia ion of cur efibrts,by wearing our UUthing, we in turn wish to show our appreciation by giY ing "The Boys" a little amusement. The Largust Assortment oi Hew Spring Mare aU. In referring ta ganaea recently played on the College eapayut, vuur correspond ent speaks of thevs at being played between the "Uoliag e" or bjcoti nine ana tne " ai-bany.'- In juMc la the Ceilege club I dealre to slate twat they bad nothing to do with the tenant genes tM are not in tne habit of hiring trarxpa to play with them. The College baa have a B. H. association which - waa me ie purpose oi playing 4ne aaaaasnant and make no pt f vv " 'tf but do not y " Imoressloa V i their social t - f .4 e play for titer. fcsrei Vi" m, x. v .... - !HXT 'IIX3:jQJ"!ZV.: - - T L WALLACE & CO.. "Tha Utikg CIttlii8rs.,m Oor 1st and Eroadbin Sis, - - Alcuuy. Oregon, tayaatpea fwuwa. :- F. L. Slenton, -: CHOIOE TEAO, Daaiar in COFFEES, SPICES, w Tl.c -UI'V am tUnnikol tiullat nai JatW St W A S V VI III srsi rM W v w w Mprwmmm a mr- i the Linn 'yfiy Prefiihttieai Csttywieion 1 to be held i Sb Ceuea ajetise ia Albany on ThuraJ.y, April 14th, 1!, at 10 b'clockam. All prokgntionittt are in vited and urged to attsnd. The ohjtjct ot the meeting will be to nominate a county ticket and to attend to any other busineet tans may be properly brought before the convention. In order to nom inate a ticket under the new ballot law at au "esistably of electors." it will be necessary to have ia attendance at the meetiog lOO elecbort of the county, who have not joined in nominating any can didates tor the entuing elwation for thit eounfy. Let every friand of the came attend. No prohibitionist should fait to attend 1 Make a note of the date and be sure to cctase. T P UacrccKAN, J E Knox, Caairm Secretary. ad a ganaral aaacrtueu of C3 ZHb O 0 H3 IC 3H3 94tajetlliasint fas ail tae leadtsg Xewspspera and Magaxlnea. Terms cash. Albany, The Ideal Baking Powder is Prico's Cream Baldng Pondera V."? joar groceries of Piir'ser Bcrs, CM depend on good gooda aid first-. You el ms 'Bnaiitv'' my be "only ikin deep;" bat tho secret of a beautiful tkin is pure blood, Those corse, rongli, piir!y oumjilexioni may, in meat am, be i oud( rei! eoft, imooth and fir by tha pt havering aud tyttensatie oso of Aytt'f Sirdipartlla, Foa Bai.b Ciieai'A second hand piano. For further particulars call at the drug store of likckman & Ilodgoa' or at tho resMancc of ( L KliicltsnsiC ri For more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and H carbonate of Soda have been used for laAvearag purposes -with sufficient flour added to preserve; the strength; of the powder unimpaired, and .this with, the addition of whites of eggs comprises this"; pure and wholesome leavening agent, that lias been the standard for 40 years. In its txso pure, wholesome and delicious food is always assured. Makes cake and biscuit that retain taeir moisture, and while they are flaky and extremely light they aro f ne grained, act coar: ; -.1 full of holes as made wi& aravoia bating pewderr, 1' r Cries up quickly. Alum jtwders leave bit ter tast: : -. f : or cs.e. ' - tub lsadixo ruofoGtiApnKns, Alkaajr, t)rtga- Ctblnst photo from $1.50 to ?4." per doisn. Enlaiglog pictures t spsejslty. lijao cryons ffawa? Br I looo. We cafj a large Rja Of xo arl steresccpk views of 1$. gob. aiudio In Froman's fkifck . neat to Mssonic Temple.f irst Sir" FURNITURE AT COOT At Thog. Brink's Old Stand. CALL m EEClttE 1T3IIB THUS 13 k CH1XCE IPECTACLU AMlYE CLA!!ES. The LaRGEST JlSSORTKIlJr in Linn County. Call -: avd-:- Havb ft "tJliKiBraaaiStav j?mi" j .. w Vqua trkfed by Johnston's raieat iwe. eter at i M tra'-.CH SJovrc'ry Stare. A BIG STOCK -:- of -:- Baby :-: BuaniGs, be&t assrrtment ever brought to Albtrj .i... . just received at Sees; lie Icfgics-nEd! et FrifCK. li: E3A0IS I - ao "V -: - J"''