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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
1 1 sni3 & KUTTI23. KdUart aed rraartrter. 1!IM.$TUES(T1I AVhliia t. ii day after tho Altxuiy eon wutu'i), in signal defiance of the end tlttit vHvition wn intended to compass, Rhode I. l.ui.l uiumiiuoufly and positively instruct ed for Cleveland And jj-ave an early keynote thut the other forty-three stato of this union would act independently. And if th dem ocrat should carry that state on April 6th it will givatly r-ncourago Mr Cleveland'! friends and etuilJo them to point with con fidonc nnd truth to this contrast: Jrot in th AVw fori ri jj kVh'iial NNr Mt HUVt tanJiJ,timr mnd UuulmUff X'ktorv in A'ieJt l.'JiH'l ami . a rinfimf Crtviwt flatMm ami a dttufnlitm -tiivljr h.MttKlrttfor Ckvtkmdl Ti fist vie Mr i frtsithmtial fear sine ifjtj VII. In the sixty-eight county conven tion so fur hold in FennHylvatua nutyii have doited Cleveland delegate. The Hill mentimegt ha prevailed in but two. Penn sylvania, the seooud state in the union, will cither instruct her sixty-four delegate for Mr Cleveland or give him nearly a solid voU without instruction. The new from Ohio makes it cloarJthatGoT Campbell and tho majority of the delegate of that ttato aro against Mr f Hill, though the latter, through the powerful influence of Mr John K Mo I jean, will have some of the delegati It is now settled that lH'moU, the Utird state in tho union, will give her forty-eight del egate to Palmer unless Mr Cleveland ha a ehnnce. Mimouri, the fourth state in the mion, will favor, according to present in mentions, pime raimcr or Uoie, or pos sibly Cleveland, hut certainly not Hill, who seems to be without strength in that state- anil Missouri has thirty-four vote. ' Kansas. Nebraska, Iowa. Wisconsin, Min nrU and Michigan seem to be almost solid against Mr II III and inclined to take western candidate, though not decided whether to drop Cleveland and take up Boies or 1 aimer nnd these state have 132 rote Mawut luixett and the other New England states near New York have sent no Hill echoes, and seem unxhaken in their hearty devotion to Mr Cleveland. In short, while Mr Hill' strength sine the A 11 any convention seems to have devel oped somewhat in tho south, he ha made little or no gain in the north, the northwest or New England; and it is significant that. in spite of th power of example, be is not receiving mvitationf from any state north of Mason and Lhxon line. So much for the result to this date of Mr Hill's active personal and somewhat remark able campaign. Jt ba revived Mr Cleveland as a senti mental possibility in the face of Mr Hill's unanimous state committee, unanimous del egation; the apparent unanimity of nearly all democratic politicians and office-holders in New.. York, and the seeming impossibil ity that Mr Cleveland can carry the state under such extraordinary circumstance. Senator Hill is a remarkably daring, dex terous, able politician, but this is a very bur country to be run by any one man, 1 he next president must b a democrat even if he doc not live in New York. New York n'mU. Ihe Sslem Journal say th democrat bowed down to the golden calf of Wall street on the vote on the silver bill which practically defeated It. Poor deluded soul! We pity the Josraal. It does not mention the hard, well known truth that luowo party has been bowing submissive ly at the shrine ol Wall street for twenty five years. Look at the vote. Among the democrats 146 members wer either paired In favor or voted In favor of the frej silver bill, while 83 democrat were paireJ against or voted against the bill. Among the republicans ti members voted for free silver (their bein no pair in fa vor) and 74 members either voted agsinst or were paired against the bill. In other words, sixty-four per cent of the democrats voting or paired favored the free silver coinage bill and thirty-six per cent of the democrats opposed It; while only thirteen per crnt of the republicans voting or paired, favored the bill, and eiijhty-ecveis per cert opposed It. The alliance vote, which cuts a small figure In congestions' proceedings, Is counted with the democrats In the press reports of the vote on the bill. The election to come off next Wednes day in Rhode Itlrnd Is watched with In Intereat. Since the organization of the republican parly it bss slwsys voted againat the democrats for president. The tariff question for the lsst five yesrs has strengthened the democrats and were It not lit local quarrel they would carry It next week . Titer may any way. g-LJ 1 Hon J N Dolph ha made a speech in the senate on "The Present Need and Con dition of our Agricultural Interests." We know of nothing that our agriculturalists need so much a a sw;ator who would truly reprfetit tlieir interest instead of the in terwts of corporations at d monopolies as the senator hm almost exclusively.-, !'-" -i-.S 'J 11 P3i Seaker Crixp told a congressman this morning ho would refuse to bring in the cloture rule on th silver bill aniens a ma jority of the democratic memlr agreed to uplort the committee on rule on it. Thirty fire frco-coinage democrats are required to s'nm th reiueiit for cloture, and the anti silvrr men freely claim the bill is dead. The republican leaders in Rhode Island started out to carry the election in that staU by hiring all the hall in the cities until afb;r tha election. 80 much indignation was aroused among the people generally fiat they had to cancel their engagement adn give tho democrat a chance to be he:ird. A gentleman from Salem says there i much diwalitfaction over the nomination of Sherman for clerk by the republican con vention and that many a republican voter bus already been heard to say that he will be defenbfd, . Tho Ht Louis ft'fM'c (deni). is taking presidential poll of the democrat of tha Ar kan.fa legislature. The first returns show Orovur Cleveland to be the choice of 28 members, Doies of 6, Carlisle 8, Palmer 3, Flower 2, Gorman 1, Hill 1. Tha Oir gonian is now fairly roasting ITi.Tnumti (in your eye) for voting for free nilver. The bitter warfare it is making on Icdli Hermann ami Mitchell (in your eye) i awfully awful. The poll of the democrats of South Caro lina, now being made by the Charleston A'stcj (de,m) stands, at LM account, as fol lows Cleveland. 3,154; Hill, 52; other preferences. 577 Mrll inlny's friends put biru orward t U tho chairman of tho republican xtabs 'con vtmt ion of Ohio. The Foraker men put up one of Llieir men and knocked the lit tin Na poVonout. unify, lleonfiit, ;-if -rnillf-r x democratic n-i Wot. t.-iS ! )u:fi ha .-I po iii. i ii h 1 1 a n et rucTici iomw, Our exports of agricultural products kr 1891 wer $641,751,344, or 73 per csntj fori tS8r they wrr $730,394,943, or 83 per cent, Th tariff Uoesnt seem to hav fcstped the farmer any. Our report of manufactured good mounted In 1891 to $163,917,315, or 19 per cent: for i83t thev wer SSa.iio.jSo.or o per cent. Under a beneficent tariff they doubled, and th 10 per cent of our foreign trad which the fsrmer lost th protected manufacturer gained. That Is what pro tection 1 for. It th tariff has driven down our exports of agricultural products fiom $73o.394r 943 In iSSi to 641,761,344 In 1891 tor th bncflt of th farmer, -why would not a tariff w tilth would prevent our manufact urcrs from setting abroad be a good thing lor them? Sauc for the farm goose should be sauce for th mill gander. The tariff la ten yr has doubled our export of protected mill goods and reduced our export of unprotected farm products. Th protected mill-owner sells cheaper to the foreigner than t th American, offering him "special discounts foi export only," and the farmer Is com plled to Mil cheaper to th American than to th foreigner because he cannot afford to pay th cuitom-hous tax on th foreigner's payment when It Is Imported We Imported In 1891 a part payment for our agricultural export foreign gucde valued at $466455,171, on which a fine ws levied at th custom house ol $I5, 10, 86 to protect 'he Arusrlcan manu facturer from the competition of our sur plus farm labor and drive It fsora th land I this lair play r When an American eater a protected milt, to mak her the am thing th for eign pauper make, la he not entering Into competition with th foreign pauper f Are any American competing with foreign Da u oers except th maohlne-tender In our protected mills? How can any mac raising a eurplat for xport and exchange, before realising on th product of his labor, be benefited by Ux on hi exchange f When a farmer ex changes 10.000 bushels of wheaLfor which there Is no market In this country, for 10, 000 ysrds of French silk, for which there market, where Uoc the bens At to him of the 50 per cent tax on th silk come Inf Its benefit to the Peterson weaver Is ap parent, but wh should th farmer want the tax Imposed? When did any American ever come In to possession of any product of foreign labor unless be stole it, or It was given to him, or the foreigner paid It to him as the reward of American labor f 1 It (wicked for the 3,000,000 surplus farmer to work for foreigner? If It I not, why should th foreign payment for their labor la 189 be taxed $115,790,686? Th farmer ha to pay thl tax. . - T. E WiLLaox. BOUMrii-taitiTaUuY. Tke soalhsra sugar ptsntm hav discover ed that the boaaty syslens, assdatiaislsied by republics Jaiinitrt'.on, is not ll it to cracked up to be. When there wss a duty on sogsr they got their protection si they went sloeg without, Iviher or de lay, bv simply adding lb tax to lb pric when they sold their crops. Now bey hsv I get the sacney -ut of lis tiessury, and that is harder just sow than rsulng cane. Under entirely normal csadutoas th grow-1 er would be subjected l taadry dslsys, for bis with the Collector would occupy him st lesst a week, after which the aacouoti would have to be seat to Washingtoa and soaked for another week la the Bareaa of Internal Revenue, followed by a third week in the machine of tbe Fifih Auditor, a fourth ia the First Controller' effice, ad fifth in the oftsc of lb secrctsry of the treasury. But the coodiiioaa are especially unfavorable Ibis ysar, Not only is tb system new, end sub ject to th difficulties which beset all experi mental enterprises, bat tb treasury bss been practically bankrupted by tie draft made on it andcrtbe appropriation of th btllioa dol lar congress. However sxpeHitloosly a claim msy slide throogb the hands of the collector, the Internal Revenue Buresu, the Fifth Au ditor and lb First Controller, it bangs op a lsst against the Secretary' p Icy of holding back ail payments to the last pnstlble moment sad tbsre itstkk. Th treasury is ia distress, and In sugar grower ha lo sutler for it. Wbea congress men visit lb ser-etaiy and raises a row bout sny partico sr claim, money enough is craped together 10 pay it, but a ibia brings down 00 th bead of the energetic represent live dosta oil er claimant, all clamoring for their dues, h ia not aa sg' stable process, either for him or for tb treasury officials It is estimated (hat planter who has good lack wiib'bis crop tan clfsr half cent a pound after receiving bia two-cent bounty. Without the bounty h is out of pocket cent nd bslf. and ss this Is generstly borrowed money lb del) ia the psymeni of tit subsidy cause widespre hardship. The xcus of fered at the treaiury for the delay it paying the planter is that all other cltim arc held up in lbs same way. BEWAK Of raLAI TEACKBUS. A Linn county third party man wants to know why has not the democrstlc psny given the country some god 1 gislsilon when In power, If they rt lo harmony with the masses of th people. He sks why did not they do something when Cleveland was president. Our friend hss Itstensd to parties who have evidently eouiht lo decive Mm. A party to secure legislation by the general government, muat have posseoslon and control of the presidency, and both branchea of con gress. These three constitute the law making poer of the land. The demo crats have not had control of the law making power of thU country for the last thirty years. In 1884 they had the presi dent and the lower house ct cong'ess. but th republicans had the senate. As an II lustration of how a party may be tram meled in legislation reference Is made to the fact that when Cleveland was picsi dent the .democrats who had ccntroi of the lower house psst.ed a ttrlff hill making large reductions In tariff duties putting grain sicks and many other articles so necessary 10 the farmer on the free list but this wholesome measure was defeated by the monopolistic and plutocratic influ ence in the senate. Our friend la advised to resd up the hiktory of his country and nt he mUlrd by Met iui. vie-vululiuti ot d-ilnirig men. The Missouri Uitlature before adjourning ytie'4y pauJ a resolution indorsing "the tun of destiny," Groyer C!celn l, for the f . from D iujjUs counljr to I tie f-s- in s'-S'e convention aie fur li Hai 11. irii j WHAT A SlASmriTKKlt SAY. Representative Stevens, of Massachu setts, a large manufacturer ol woolen goods, said In his speech on the wool bill: Th dvnlaae of free ixw materials to th manufacturer d.ies not stop with the amount of the reduction of duty. It frees the manufacturer from trammels In alt directions. Custom decision on rates ol duty no longer keep him In suspenae for years at to tha cost of Ids materials 1 high duties no longer tirlv him to sckct the poorest wools, wutcn come at lower rstes, for the clott.tng which h make for the American people, and th high cost of hi materials nn longer compels htm 10 scan with eagle eye every other hem of ex pense In the cost of production, Inaludlng the wage of hie workmen, to maV up for Ihe hundred of thousand of dollar which he pav Into the tteasury. Detter machinery, larger Investments, higher wage to American workmen, ana lower prices and better goods to American con sumere, ail these rwnstti are wiiinn nts grasp with freedom to purch In every market and to max the best use or hi foresight and judgment and the, skill of his men. Th abolition of the duty on wool doe not mean necessarily a tmatler demand or lower price for American wool. It mean that both American wool and foiclgn can be used to the best advantage for the purpose to which each Is beat adapted, and thitt they can m mixed In froper proportion In all sorts of fabric, t mean that more wool, would be used than la today, becsus foreign wool, let the duty, would tk the place of shoddy and other imitations, ana more genuine woolen goods would be sold to American buyer. And It may mean In the future perhaps atao tne opening 01 new maracia to American mannfactuter. Reductd tixe and lower price always msan Increased consumption. That has been the cxtrlence ot Europe, and must be more emphatically the experience 01 America, where the measure ot the grow ing taste and education of the clilxen Is the measure of hi want. Our republi can Mends have already found that Hit Ing the taxes from coffee and sugar has given coffee and more sugsr to ever? American consumer. " I stand her an American manufact urer, but chartred also with the bltfh com mission which was given the majority of thla house bv the American people In the lection of 1890, by a Clearer mandate than any they ever delivered before, to re lieve the people ol useless tariff tsistlon. Thl bill. In my opinion, doe just that with the ankles wlih which It deal. You cannot atrik down every brd of pro tection for one ttnl.hed Amar'cao product while vou leave It on other such products Youcsnnot strike down every bsirler be tween the wage of Europe and the wages of America so long as every otner inous try tacit the unhealthy stimulus and th feverish fluctuation In price du to our present tariff svsiem. If the laborer In the woolen mills grace to purchase supplies for himself or his family, he paya the ar llfictal prices which the higher tariff sys tem enables them toe ha ge. worse man this, he get evea now no such com pen sating difference In wages aa ihe difference In the price of certain articles under healthy conditions of competition and the artificial eondiuona which prevail tadav. You cannot strike at the wage of the woolen operative by making duties too low while you aurround him In evety other induttry with all tne luxuriant moroiu growth of an unhealthy system. The schedule of duties proposed by your committee Is a thoroughly systematical eystcm. Strike at one pert and you Im ps Ir the symmetry of the whole. The duty on yarn hs been made less than that on fsbrics.and the duty on goods with a cotton warp la lea than that on good all wool; the duty on frabric la lesa lhn that on mad up articles, we nav put tne duty on the cheaper blanket at S per ceot so that any striking increase in tne price by the American manufacturer above that will cover the difference be tween European and American will onen the wav to foreian blanketsjind force the American manufacturer to do lusilc 10 the American buyer. We have made rale lower than thoue of the Mill bill upon banket, upon fabric with a col- ton warp, and upon ail kinds 01 carpeti-tg, The bill of the committee represents, in my opinion, wle a distribution of duHe could be made. Lower rate than these might cripple American manufact urer, deprive American workmen of their place, anddefeat many of the obtcct 01 piogressive tariff reform which Is the aim of the msjority of this house. This bill a It stanJ represent Infinite possibilities of good to all American peo ple, if it stimulates manufacturer oy enabling the poor man to buy mor clothes than formerly, ihe poor woman to buy an all-wool dres where she now buys one of part shoddy or part cotton, the child of poverty 10 be protected by a double blanket where he la now covered by but single one. the house of tepresentatlvea of the Fifty-second congress 111 live In the hearts of the American peoptr wtih keen er love and higher honor than any house which ha ever sal in this Capitol. Ap plause oa the democratic side. notsi rcoHABLY DsriUTti). A leading republican of Salem Inform the Pxmocxat that In the Third Ju dicial republican convention there will be 41 delegate. He sss Burnett wilt have 4 from Tillamook, 6 from Yamhill, 5 from Polk and 10 from Marlon. Thla will b enough to nominate him over Boise ven If he does not get any vote In the Linn delegation. B.ILHMJ . u The result of the republican convention may be satisfactory to Messrs Knight, SSerman, McNary, Ford and Wright, ot Salem, and probably to the balance of the candidate w ho were fortunate enough to secure p'sce on the ticket, a slso to Mr Burnett, who, It I claimed, will receive the nomination for circuit judge; but we have an Idea that the rural district will be heard from when they understand how the wool ha been drawn over their eye br Salem' slick politicians. Salem Dm- otral. A dispatch from Ker York say! Admiral Selwv n. of the Briilsn navy, ia at e Evert' t bouse today. He was aaked bout the Dehring sts controversy. He ar ived Sn the Majestic, and is on Ms wsy to vitit M xiro. For Fhy-eight yesrs he hs fci In strvic. He was with Sir Ed- war.! lUlthet'e espcili'itn to Ssn Frsncisco n 1837. His prompt snswer m There wilt le no wsr Set ween England snd the Uni'ed Siates, no matter what the prerent outlook portends. I look upon the eontro veisy as DolUics nerely, for I kno thut Eng Isnd do not desire the seals cxtermimted, whs ever the try msy be fors ma I us vivemll. The question of msie clsusem, or tes limit, It Ihe one thst should be settled rlefin lely. Now, the mare clautem for the United Ststas islhar portion ef the ici within sixteen miles frm lb slier because long- range guns csn shoot that far. Formerly it wrt "only three miles out, but as bigger guns have been made the limit has bsen extended. ' "Then you think war is not to be thought of? . "Wsr on the ocean wilt soon hs a thing of thep-at. This liehring sea matter will be settleJ aioicsbly, I believe, but politics will. D played Utile ia the meantime " VT notice on ominous silence lately on the part of the Spokane Heviitv, Albany Herald, Baker City JJImU and other repub lican papers that tip till a short time since have been sJvocstlng free coinsge of sli ver. Do they not dare to bark any more because Sir Oracle, is about to ope his mouth? Evening Tthfram. Sixty-eight county conventions have been held in Pernsylvanla already by the democrats and sixty-six have elected Cleveland delegate The 6f delegates to the Chicoga convention will be for C'eve laud. . j The reistuiion of Tacoms shoes a vo c of 9005 nstnrs, an inctease of s63 over lS9 . Delegat'S e'ccte.l yesterday were fa vorebly far f Jon Thomns Carroll .for maror, yst it is cUirae I hat Mr PrUer will leceira tte nomination. MiMtla. "The Power ot tha, Press" Is the name ot a new theatrical performance. It ought to take. We are away out here In Oregon t but we aay down with the Salisbury ministry, Bury It deep. It wilt aot b a surprls to troy to learn that bang were started at a gjrie reform school. Two mother In Portland claim the sam baby. This ts a case where a Solo mon is needed as a judge. o.ooj name were registered Friday ntuht tor the Tacom election. It twill take evcrl mor to equal It rival up the Saund. An occasional advertisement and an oc casional meal are llk In that neither doe much good. Continuous regularity Is th rule lor both W H Keller. It there I anything hi a name, Ell Per kins who hi been nominated by the republican of Lane county for commis sion should bo defeated. There wlti be no serious trouble over the liehilng tea fisheries. Ihe same at In the rase of Chill then will be a lilt! bluster for political purposes) hut the people are on to Harrison, and ar getting pretty welt disgusted with hi jlngorlsm. SI Sltlt, who left hi wife hem to go back East and adjust matter with a wile he had left there, haa returned to Eugene, and Thursday evening was man led to hi uregon wile, Eva u the residence ot her mother la th northwest pert 'of town. Matter are probably all atraigl.t now and they win live together peaceably cugene rcegister. The factional difference that for some time ha sxUted In the Cisiman Evangeli cal Congregational society, whose church I at h corner ot Noble and Huron streets, Chicago, culminated recently In a yvitci row, a t v vnv f renins uur banc between the Ether and Dub fac tion, one of which gained control of the church building and lacked the other crowd out, became so boisterous that the police wer forced to take a hand. A result, twenty of the two factltn alt mor or lesa cut and ' bruised by sticks. stone nd coal, were locked up at the station and th church building looked after the picnic aa though a cyclone naa struc it. An IndUnapolte dUpatch read: Th Indianapolis entin!, which heretofore supported Gevernor Gray, will tomorrow morning demand that he withdraw from the presidential race la lavor of Cleveland Among other Ihlnga th editorial will say t The Sentinel haa taken special pslns to ascertain Ihe drift of democratic opinion In Indiana on the presidential question, and has discovered it is over whelmingly fur Cleveland. Taking the atate thraughout " rl exceedingly modest estimate, say 7J per cent In favor of C.eveUnd. Ninety per cent are for him agstnsl anybody, barring Gray. Some lime even newtpapcr disagree ven about themselves, ihsr M constd erable good sense In the following from tne I'enaietoa E. U.: The country newt- paper I the most and Issst rota pensaud of alt the agncl which stamp '.he Impress of pro ress upon yltlsge and inland cities, sat the Eugene uuerd. We differ with thla opinion. The country paper is slwsys a well compensated for Its labor a the majority ot the peop'e la the community In which It I published re for their If Ihe country paper x rclsM both capacity and orty the no pie are quick to reward It In proportion to tnsir ability lo do so. Toe people are atwave certain to ottronlae a Dor which I wall wortn th money aaked for It. If the country paper fall to give value for value It mut not cry out against th peo ple for lacking appreciation ol lUMrvic. It I natural that they bouid refuse to oe swindled. Minneapolis I to have $1,600,000 gambling liooaa of tha highest gambling order. Kverything point toward Albany a the leading city of the Willamette valley outh of Portland Tl fact U wort keeping track oL Binger Herman will have a walk over for nomination for Congress. What will the Balem Journal and a few other re publican journal do then. A California big tree" has been tec ted in Tulare county to be thown at the Exposition. A committee of the board of trade, after an extended tour of inspection, picked out a tree meaeoring 67 feet 9 incfiea In circumference at the base, 86 feet above the ground and 65 feet at a height of nixteen f-tfit. The following from a Salem paper will make the Oregon Ian feel very blue; bu it euggeeta that the Dkmocbat aleo would like to have all the people take thla fper Instead of Uie Oregooian ; Tha ournal bas no reply to make to the Oregon ion except to aay that it positively prefer not to be emoted by that paper In any manner. If people wish o know what The Journal aays on any snbject.of course we would prefer that they take ihe journal. The public school cbmed thlf noon un til next Monday, in order to give the teachers an opporton'ty to attend tha district convention at Monmouth. The Telegram says: Albany has just reason to feel proud not only of her gen eral prosperity, but of her steady and rapid increase lo population. An accur ate census has just been completed by an expert directory compiler, who fa preparing to issue a work for Albany. According to this census the population of the city ia shown to be 4628. People will never learn by experience. The kugene Guard says: In the Daily Guard of March 11th we published an article from the tlbany Drmocrat re garding a botch business card scheme which had been sprung on Albany busi ness men. Since that time, regardless of the warning, the same thing ha been done here and presumably by the same parties. We refer to the 'thing" recent ly hung in the depot waiting room. It would disgrace a barn. 11.W W 1 ' CIIILDKEX EX JOT Ti e plt4se'it 11 iv r,gintls ao'.i m snd stoth ma effuol of dvruu f Fus, wbeniuie-d of a Hxvive, mild if thtatbr or mother be (x-stits or biU-io, the noS grfylng rs salts fuilotv it as., so thst it is the test family rsma-iy koown ant ivsry family should h tve bouls. Bow This! yj offer On Hundred Dollar Beward foe any case of Catarrh tha cannot be cured by IUU's Catarrh Cure, V J.cnENEYACO.,Prope.,ToIedo,Q. 'Wo th undersigned, have known F. J. Che? Bey for the'lastU years, and believ him per fectly honorable la '-1 bfialDea trsnsact-ton snd financUlly able to (rry fiu( any obliga tion mode by their Arm. VunraTnuAX, Wbolexnle Pniprntnts, ToIo, ff. fiAX.DlMO, KIMHAN& MSBVfN, Wliwiasol ltuat tints. Toledo. O. Hall'sCiUorrh OmelstftltonfnfemaHy.scHne directly nirftn the bkrU and ratieoiiH mi rfw of the nyt!-in I'l ii-n. 7,'xi. net bottls. bol4 by U DrucxisU, Vui)i.!monittl friw, Firit cIih drssrmskinir duns at reason bis rsts,cliilditu's olothing a Saily, by Miif Osnrgis K"or, at th rssi(trne of Mr Coll Van Clevs.crner of 7'h snd Broadslbis, Atvsn Karksts. WRIAT. Ti CENTS. 0 Id " " y,r.r, ft aanss pr B, ff '18 nt er da, i-iik, it en psr busUl, lrtl. il O 1J s-n psr lb, r'.n-vliani. 12 nti td , II efliit) hrirtem, ewnss, Tftf cm ir(A, 1 Ct i'4 CUts pr lb' i'ork. (i5ii,3, fl !UB pr ft . s f- r . ' 4-1 , ' "TIIETlNil'bAllLIAftAllUOAU" Tli run thousand ton of tin nhiba aro be ing hiped from Kwanse on th ab-amer jutuuuu'uuseit for tha tmteu Mates, it is to Ims hoped this evidenefl of continued vi tality in thecelebrntiHl Welsh industry will prove soothing to the democratic timid. AtUrliiit, Tha jnaloritv riroporlion of "sootlio' poken of in tha altove i removed by tha tact that this is tho only consignment of any lixatnadn sinoe tho McK Inlay bill took effect. That iust knocks Urn soothe all out of that article. Newport ?'. What are tlus fact about importation of tin plate and tin. For tha twelve month ending Dc 31t, 1801 thorn were Imported Into this country tin or forne plulot 734,425.267 pound and tin inbhx'ki or bom 2,000,274 pound. W dial Ion go dispute of these figure a Uiny are taken from Uie record. Vorily the tin pinto tar i trying to "get In hi work." M0Si ArtAlNMT BALLOT "We have got the vote in Ithod Island,' itvid Representative Page, to the National iHmotm, "but the republican bare got the money. We export to carry the April elec tions; we ought to do it, and will doit if re. publican money uoet not corrupt tha poll That is our one great danger. We realise fully the importance of th coming election. and so do tha republican. Khoda Island' four vote may determine the Presidential eloction. Suppose we carry the aoutb, New York. Indiana and New Jersey, and lose Connecticut' six vote. The moral effect of democratic tU-tnry in April would be Invaluable, Tho ttato i democratic with Out a doubt. In tha last election we only lacked 4.1) of a majority over all republi cans, prohibitionbUand labor ouididab. This year' registration how over 7,000 additional vote. Two third of that In crease I democratic. We have a good state ticket, Uie platform i aatiatacbiry and ound, and under toe new ballot law every man is free to vote as ne pieaae. 1 ct we are apprehensive. The republican have got Ihe money. Here i a "tariff picture" that ha not, and will not appear in the New York Prut the leading protection organ of the country Cornell, lli.rrr. la. Feb 8. 1892. Marshall Field Co. . Okst Inclosed sample of Colbert cur tain muslin I pun-baaed or you a year and half ago at ntnty rent per yard. If have more ol it send me hn yard. you lie- specumiy. Mr m r M serosa rxt jo. mi second avenue, Caicaoo. III. Feb 12. Mr 8 P MacConnell. Council Uluffa. la. Ukam Maoam Referrinflr to your favor of iwrwut date in regard to laoe curtain. deair to say w have a new lot of Colbert muslin iurt like your sampUt, but tha prie is now 1.25, owing to the new tariff. We will await your further instruction before ending it, Your ltesiiectiully. M AHHAt.t I IKI.n a CO (Per Witxieben) TECKGHAPIIIO NEVVH HavriMB's JlnaaUas. I0tO!f, March 29. The result of ti e Ik'hring sra nogxtiation was known here to be a triumth for Knulich ditlmnacy. The changa of pout ton of the Unitd Htauw is entirely due to political consideration rr- newea witn aautHi ariru merits. Ihe ht Jatucs's GaxcUe voice tiiese rritkism tbi this aftrmoon. saying IVesident Harrison think he haa done enotiirh for election pur- po-, and having riddn his high hone, re wiu now uwna witn dignity and affauii- uy. ita-Ms: There ia aomethingunspeakaldy irritating in tne i anxne blarney aixmt ino prwudent being gratified with Uie tnvwnt attitude of the British government. The attitude of the Itriuh government. Th attitude of Urat liritaia wa only mail difficult by untenable dmiuuiils. aa the course of event would have been mu h more summary on oar rwirt if it had not been. A wrlou qnarrel between Omit llritain and tha CniUsl "jtatrw wa be yond Contemplation on such a subject. Aa Ia4laa Tragedy Pkxolktox, Or March 23. Two t'nta una Indian. L uiapina and JJcstine, are under arrmt at the airency near hi-rp on sus picion that tliey niunlcrl Lacitet-lll-t'tlp a young Indian fonnd dcml on tha fevea Sunday morntnff last It haa boen bmraivd that tim Uirea Indiana were togptber on th kivea drunk and with a bottle of liquor. The two arrested aay that they came away and went hon leaving the other man time. Beyond this ratlwr unsatbdactory statement they hav said nothing. The Indian polio woo are more bkiiiiui in uie detective oust nes mm people imagine, are working up uieaaeuiiiciiuniio nase cviucnce u:u cient to make thing warm for the suspect. Ta Wresaa recite. Pohtlaxo, March 28. In the United Stab circuit court yesterday the case Lindley Hmith et al vs T Enirerton Uaca al came np for hiring on a motion for leave to introduce additional afTulaviU. The ac tion wa brought by Hmith et al to procure an oroer to r&unun sheriff wai-xay, of lien ton minty, from delivering tho certificate of sale of the Oregon Pacific railroad, and to prevent any alignment of smb. oatiQ cate if ithad Wn delivered. At the time the paper in the suit were filed DiaiuLiffs did not have all the affidavit they desired to present, so yasbirday they asked leave to introduce other. After bearing the argu ment in the case the court ordered that bave be granted to introduce the atuduvit. The court also modified the restraining crtUr grant!, so a to allow Sheriff Mackay to uouvcr uieceruncaie or sale, mil El u sme time retraining Z Job, T Engirtoi Hogg or any one elite from receiving it, so this action will not in sny way affect Uie prospect ot tne plaintiffs, a the certim-ate cannot be assigned or disposed of. The ease wa to have come up for hearing Wednesday but wo postponed, -and will probably come up fur a hearing on jt merit early in . , Arsrrsl Mla. Washikotox, March 28. It is said on good authority that the president and lib cabinet are well pleased with the concilia tory tone of Lord Salisbury note of the 28 inst, especially aa it is held to concede th point that has been the principal cause of contention, viz: renewal of tho modus Vi vendi of Iut year for the protection of the seal fitsheric. This alleged concession is believed to be implied in his proposition, to agree to a modus vivpndi in case the treaty of arbitration in ratified,' under tho con ditien that each governmunt shall rniuran tee the other for damages incurred through the suspension of sealing operation. After a president! Salem, March 28. The sbito board of education, consisting of Governor Peonoyer, Secretary of 8tnte Mcllrido, Superintendent McKlroy, A It Shipley and Secretary Nash met at the state house yesterday to examine the applications of twenty-five college presi dents and profjossor from all over the United Ststtcs, who want to get the presi dency of tha state agricultural college at Corvaliis. Tha applications were consider ed by the board and on the 20th of April the committee will make a report to the board of regent of the agricultural college, who wilt pass upon it and elect the president, A Merrlble Elertreeetle Sino Sino, March 28. Jeremiah Cotto wa electrocuted at 10:45 a. m. in the elec tric chair. Four shocks were given. After tho first three there were apparent sijrn of life. Each shoeV was pf twelve ewonds duration. The scene of the execution is described aa most horrible. Among the witnesses wore reporters of the New York paper and press associations; Dr Johnson, os Brooklyn ;Dr J H Wilson, of .Pough kuepsie: Dr Irvipg of Sing Sing, and ln. spoctor Wild, of New York, It Killed film Beumn, March 28. The miner, knfos, who excited the wonder of Gorman roodioal inn by sloeping four months in th. hospital pt MynlowiU Intit fall and winter, has dkd of physical oxhdtistion resnltipg from in? siiiiicL'tit ncurisUnifinfc timing bis uncorn scioumor. 'Wbllman Doad. Camdkk, N J March 27. Wait Whit- n died Saturday. The funeral will take .y. At an aut ict v.-i rr- f"nn,l psy today tne orsraao f-f tl ilia-; so tii4 in a stiito of ' of nmdi-l afffr Ihe (flttollnls Ki,i.KXsni;tui, March 20. Stive tho Chi nese outragi'S of a fow ditys ngo public sen luiiorit has lxn gn;atly aroiiHud. An im- nu'tiso nsiUM! mwi.rig wn called Inst nisrht Ut take steps to chtx k the growing strength and rwitiw ilia numis'r ot Lhinamen htiro. No Inamdiary stso-tu'S were made: no threats of violonce made or cntorbiinnd, but ulan of boycotting, calmly adopted, which it ia believed will accomplish the desired end is now tieing cirt:uhiu among business men. It is tfxmght signers mot:gh will m secured to make it initomiblii Unit so many Chiitaimm can earn a living here m in the past. A Opitksaa Trady . FroKAirc, Wash March 28. A wouwi shot through the head and gastly in dwith, and a man erased with mm and making an attempt to Commit suicidn by drowning, but rosctiw inl linked behind the prison bars under trong stisph ions of murder, is a iragi'au sequel 10 a p.mious qunrnu and 10 the unhappy life of Mr M t'rodoricks, known in snokane a Mr Trixey Leighton, tii wife of Allen 0 Leigh tun, formitrly of pun rancimo. A Heavy iaawralf DunsxriH, Cal March 29. After several ay raining a hoavy snow tormcmnin(me- d last night and continued till Into this ariernoen. uvor ft foot or snow ha ruilun in town and several fet a little higher on tho mountains, 1'tiujh and some other fruit trees are in bloom, but no fears of damage are entortoined. Slew II Wilt lla Nxw Yobk, Marchp -A Washington snecialaav! from a canvass ef the senate Teller claim a majority of two in favor of the free coinage lull. Anti-silver men, however, claim a U vote with the power to decide in Morvm ham is. lie would vote against tba bill. WeetClevebMMi St Vxvh, Minn March 27. IU'port hav loa rocolved from 75 of the fiQ counties of MinnrwoU a to the deU-gate chosen to tiie demomtio , stato omtyention ira Tuestlsy to choose eighteen dtdivabwto Uie Chicago convention. Of the 411) delegate o far choaen, 4V are in structed for Cleveland. There are no dele gate rhoaen for Hill, although the twenty wiecfiyl front the counue or lirown and Washington are said to lean toward him D4 fa KelisUas rraak Bkhux, March 27, From Konigsburg, In east Prussia, come the story of Uie self- crrciHxion of a religious maniac named Puschke. residing at Kulaik. The man bound hi leg together, drove nail through hi fei!t into the ground, and then, lying on hi back, nailed his left baud to the ground after which he stabbed himself repeatedly in Uie cheat with hi right hand. His wife found him nneonscimi. In spite of the severity of hi injuries, ha may possibly recover. A Street Car AcrMeat, Sax Dieoo. Cal March 17. The body of a woman, hembly mangled, was found ly ing between the rati oa the National ave nue trM-car line, near Twenty-fifth street, at 10 :20 last night. The sight revealed by tne aim light ot a lantern wa norriuw. There lying between tit rails, wa a head lo body of a neatly drced woman, lue right arm wa ground off a little below the shoulder and the bloody stump was still ly ing on Uie rail. Te left arm wa thrown up and back above the shoulder and wa broken. The body wa on it back, and the limb streubed and both numbly hrekr-n. 1 It was found today that the woman wa Mrs Ann Ualversoo. She bad been drink ing and g"t off Uie car. Tba night wa dark and she felt, lying in a stupor, and the next car ran over her. , a aig sst m Phii.apeij!!! A, March 27. The Clau Ppretkel sugar refinery wa formally turn ed over, yrwterday, to the sugar trust in consideration ot 17,000,000 in trust enrtifi cates. lite tranactiun wa conducied - tweenTrfiirrNarl, of the trust, and Clau Ppreckels, personally. Some time durinir the rominir week Mr Hnrei kets will leave 1 uiladelpiiia for fan r raiK-isco. vbere be will rental a. A Kirk Mine PiioEscix, Arts March 27. Tlie retiort reached "here lawt niirht that the ri h liar- quahala gtdd mine, eighty mile north wet of thi city, had been aoid by llublsird a Mower to a New York syndicate for t7.60o.- QuQouth. Ilii i tiie mine whh h turned out the WI .000 ingot !at month. Uie larsest ever km iroiu mo west. . M. ll BKAL MTATK lilts. Sand A Hamilton to Sarah A Moss, I ' acres, Hweet Home ZZ0 A N Templelon to L H and (J li Tyer,1070acresl4 W 2 1000 Lewi Long to J F llendrix, 30 acres, U W 100 I W McKinneytoAI.ce McKiney. li of 320 cre II W I 600 C II htewart et at to I D Parsons. ItJOacrea 11 W 3 7000 G O Cooley et ux to Mary A Mela- tyre, 1 lot, Mrownsville 50 K EMcKloney stux to Alice Mc Kiney, H of 3 Acres II W I. 400 A n Powell to C II Stewart and U F Merrill, UV) acres II W 3. . . 4000 J V Parsons to C II Btewart and II F Merrill, piece land in suburbs of Albany 2500 C O Woodard to A IKxige. lot 7. blk 4, K'a 3d add, Lebanon. . . . SO John Dodge to A Douge, lot 3, bik 4, K's 3rd add. Lebanon 300 Q B llaight to J K llaight. I lot Ilouck'a add. Albany 125 Ldward Loot to Lusella Hutchia- eon, 1 lot, 8odaville 359 Peter Powell to M A Fitzgerald, small piece land 13 U 1 ... 200 M B Uaylord to C N Uaylord, 140 acres 13 Kl jOOO U S to Martin Oaylord, 150 acres, 13 El... Pajent U 8 toUoy Oavlord.lSO acre 13 E 1 Patent U e to MA Fltrgeraid, 129 acter, 13 El Patent US to J II Friendly, 160 acres, 14 w 4 Patent US to J FDowning,160 acres 11 E 1 Patent frank Friable, referee, to J II Baliburnee!w acres, McKtn- TipF pstata. 2300 f2Q,Spo aaa uaac Parker Bro, grocars, F, M. Frnob kps railrosd limt. Buy yoor growri of Parkr Bro Appla psrcif f r ssl al Stewart A Sixs Fias grcoaris st Conn &ilsdrioson'. Lstsst sheet musio st Will & Libk's. Kw orssoo obees Just ioeived at Coarad Meyer. Off CutiU, jut) printer, Tiaa Clock, doe first olas work, E W AotiMon &Co ar selling monuments at Portland prices. , Stswsrt Se Sox ssll th very liett rstant shvars and .tiasors. Th flueatlina of pock os kuives in the city at BUwsrt & Sox's. Smok the oelobretod Havana fillsd 5 Oeot olgsr st Julius Joseph's. Ga to D W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Smile, Flinn Block, for your j b'printiog of all kind Dr U R Ellis, thysioisn aud surgeon, Albany, Oregon, Calls md In cit) or ouotry. Sample if Dilrte tout viirts and braoes at Mrs VMemon's over Frsnoh's jewelry store, Mr Talt sols stmt for Lion With hi nw bakery Conrad Meyer ia able to offer old and nsw customer ever y tbing firstalass in baked gondj. . The best roast notfsa in the oity at Com ad rtluysr a flsva yi.i tn 1 1 if !5 ill 1 1' t in, f 1 why it Cail on Ms thews & Washburn for your hardware. All tinda of nhoio eating and 13 t' apples at Alien Brna. Athhv ACsne, Reel Etats, 80, Well ington Street, Portland, Or. Have you tried that ideal 1 oat oogW at V E Al en's, If not, why pot. ' Msy I hav some of your giocsry trade this month. If not, why not, F Allen. Msthewr & Waahburn lesd ia th stov sa-1 tinwsre l u ;:) ia thi part of the valley. A Urg snrt:ntttt r-f if s'jls ribbons jjst rtm.iivf .1 Et ti J .- Uk raar,- also THE vwicornufi lww .j KC::iri and Proai Wheel Drills. 1 i I I'-i 1 ' ' ..' ?" , 1 r r : 1 v 1 . r. " 3 1 x w i . -ir.. a .,, m ",?, ,i - , , - ..-jut a a a? JVtlIlTCIIISJL.T, r1C.Wt0 U SrAVER CO, Xlbjtrty 5 KMO BtATif 41 kit Tfl KLT. KsratssNT.Trvri. A. Blcvlns, M. A. Wilier, W. P. Elmore. Coumtv juixis. Cieo. Ilumphrey. Covmty CostMissioKea. T. V. Mil ler. Cocntv Clkrk N, P. Peyne. CputtTY KanoatiRa E. E. Dvl. 8Htairr.C. C. Jackson. County Tssasurkk.-Urlce Wallace. County Atsxasoa. J. E. Michael. School SurKRiaTCkucMr.U. F, Ku- ell. Couxty Siavavoa E. J. O'Connor. I'OUNlY COXOMX.- .-Frank Farreil. Tusticx or Tint Pkacb of Albany, Cen tral Albany and Price precincts. L. ti. Curl. Out i to Chioaoo. The At'lstic Guide to Chicago and th World's Colum tsn Exposition,"! the title of a new book just out. It gives a concise history of the great city by th lakes fiom I settlement in toil lo tne present date, tt is embel lished with dosensof beautiful half tone Illustration mad from photogrspas, a bird' eye- view at the city and a grand bird' eve view of the World's f -Ir ground and budding. Every fmi!y ou1d hse ne. Mi A H T!t, agent. Spring lltlaery, I hav my full stock of spring millinery a all the latest style and cordially Invite customers and friends. Ida M Brush, - Dlumberg Block, Albany, Or. SHILOII S VITALIZSE-k wh.t voa asd for C-iBstipauoo, Lm of Appstiu, DismimCi and all symptoms of I; scepsis, Prt HO sod li ol p ir botli. 7fl d. ssn whip jal from fie factory at O O McKarUiid's. So O 0 MoFaiUod's iocreaaed Uk of barow, saddlery, etc., befur parehsiaf. Old PeopI in 11 ass i 1 J. T. B. 1 ttie only KarsaiMrTlta that 1 IJ et ftobW ;0lrtiouUl UXr, as t'.m rlw ftl rtxh wblehlstuevrryotbrrBaruiis 1U t' ' .ktMW t. Is atitlor ertia eooUiitans tuowu Ui be ssaclatlng. 3. V. B. ea tbe cout-miy u '.iity segatable and stimulate Ci?tU.n a-i.; mt:mt sew tloou, tli vvvy ihinj Hr o!d, iltLn o " brafceo duvu pcot-U-. U t;fltU tavtn U. t froloH(4 tbsir lls. A eae in 4il: Mrs, B U-'a iut etlmatlsi a;l e'-l-rlr lwty of :t;iuU Hi.. S. ? : , . tUt Uc lt.lnao afiiUjr antaearlirtwljr atorw . Ia-Tiil.. II w Saba tiat ena wa CuaU ti-.t t. '.l'j fllluf etH. Bho wflM; " WU 1 1 t: diuevrow eewAiltu I tw mi U th t.t moiuala eu aralaa'-V.&auHkWtloratmttta Tbal uaakctl lb turaia luX i rvswlued tu lust Ceb aa4 strwast a4 hot felt ta well tu years.' That was le ysars sa uuA Urs. BeWeu U well Mil bssuiy to day, e n siUI Ukiag V. 8. If y ace old or tUe aiul waul ta m built np. Aak for Vegetable Sarcaparilla Host ta'.cra, mutt efT-tlvs, larfast bettlat hni pelc. fl.oe, six for tiO. -roa BALI CT CEOCSTAKAP.P rUBAHY SHILOH'S GOMSUMPTIOH CURE. Th tneeea ef this Oromt Cngh Car I without parallel In the biitory ot medicine. All diutffUu ar authorised to sell It oa a pos lltv sunr,nte, a last that 00 other cur cm a succeeatully aUnd. That It may beoome kt.own, tbe Proprietors, at an enormoaa ex Poc, are pl-j'-lng a Kample Bottle Free Into very home In th t'nltcd StaUa and Canada. If i have Couph, Bore Throat, or Broo ehltte, um It, for it. vtH cure you. It your child lit IneCroap, or WhooplotrOcagh, one It pmnwtly, and relief U aore. It yoa dread thutlnaiillona dldoiuo Constimptlon, as it. Aik your Uroiririst for flHILOU'S CURE, Price 19 ota.. AO ct. anrtfl.00. If your Lucas aro tore or b.clc lams, nes ShtloU'e Poroua Platter. Price ZS eta. I'or sale by aU Dreg rinUi nt Pi'w LADIES 'Will C. Rond'a Mime IW) A I.R t prMi Lwiim- T.tlw St wbleS M ufc kit ,.nr awn .A mi .la . h.m.. .. UMsdine i.S u'SvnloUuai. tram acok am, t atpw.'Mi;, Mitut muuiw. Kanllf Awrnea. S'bcap. Mlnil, ltarwbl,trnettKl, Over IKI.OOO aula. Srnl oaTSIrtr U-uj- Trial. 1 liki or "MMbliM," M.naoik lllaitnlej ,lr mivmS kitdrM e.r kai ajtm hu FREE. PWiV.A8EIITSWAIITE0 Tha i.oot rVaglo Seal a Co.. eto. III. OOOOOOOOOO OGOODNBWOO 0 For ths millions at esMUiiKS af Q oTntto Pills o 0: Italvslr,f'I'watesw. uuuntw that be at aiw wteiag ipV o TINY LIVEH PILL wltleh la af trwall air. -v J ft rataiabng a viri v ar a iSill Ismail, fcnta aiiiwui atea ar OTUTT I TIKY UVM PIU8 f ia ahowa tn SIm Vwvaaw M ShIB OOOOOOOOOO WANTKD-A . house wer k. & Ijoadrioson. girl b do gsnaral Call at store o.' Conn BIRDS FOR SA.E. -Mr. irm Meyer ha som So canary Wrds, gsnuiaa Sootoh whistlers, for sals, tall on her at her bom en Watr street, between Hill snd Main trt, v WANTED.Salesmen.loeal and trav el I ig, to represent oar well known hiuse. You neeii no capital to reprssent a firm that warraat nursery stock Crst olassand true to name. Work all the year, fvm pet month to tbe right man. Apply quloK, suuii ego. L LM W &CO.. StPanl. Minn. Nurseryman, trior st sad Seedsman, (tnlbou is responsible ) J. OICORXOB. .s3k.nd. Qurrejor, ALCAflY. - - - OH Joys K. STKLK at CO;, Albany, Ore g: on l.oan noc.r oa od real itt no-ltivo forca fd vti.'i v. w.4 m e - a -(- T5r r 1 . t . a 1 s J5r" J t T SHERIFFS SALE. a fi Clretdt Court of ths Stats 0 (Maim for tit Vountg 0 Linn. ED. ZETS1, rialntlff, J WAPItE, Defendant. OTICtt IS HEREBY GIVE' THAT virtu afan exeootlon anil order ofaal laaual out of tb abvv aamed O'ur., ta tba above entitled actlaa, I will on Salarday, th T(a aay f May, lt. at th Conrt IIous door, la tba ally of Albany, IJnn uounty. Oraa-n. at in hour of 1 o'clock p ra of aa.!d day. Mil at pubilo auotlfin. for esab In band to tha highest bidder, th rl property d. orlbed la as 1.1 caseation and order ot al aa f jllowa, tow it. &faanni cbataa aoutb ! tb K K orrir of tb donattr n Und claim of S at l ennlntfton nd wita, tlnit Mot. tio life and claim No 67. In township 11, 8 Kl Weatof th VS UlstneUa Meridian la Linn eouity, Or(on.and ruoulnfrtbnceat 12 chalas In tb ( ast boundary of Mo Farker' donation land claim; there seulb 2b ast to a p"int 11. &5 ebaina aontb sod 39 chain at at of tba piaes of beglnnlnfr; thence wst to tb west boundary of Moe Parker' donation land claim; ihtiee Bottb 11.85 chain to tb plaa of bsglnnlBir. eootalnlt.9 40acr mor or lew. In Una cou-tr. Oreron. Tl prooeada ariatnx from tie sal of aid real property to b spplUd aa foi Iowa: lo tb cast and dibaramots of tbi salt txJ at 27 SO. tba snm of 50 aa a reaaonablw auorney'a fea and 11. root and ebarae and zpne of atak tog feueb aale; rteeond. to tba payment of the a am or ana mieraev et two per cwnt per annum antil paid nrata ad ludvad In fkvor of n aioilfT. and that tb orpin If any ba paid t. lb defendaut. laid uii -anti or or aiarcn, imo. M acoTT. Sheriff of Linn oouoly. Or. By 0 E So jit deputy. , ST0CXK3LSEKS' UEETIKO. NOHCK IS BZ&SBT GITEM THAT tba aooasl Bieatiog of tb stockholders of 'The Willamatt Saal rlt Cwrauspy, of Albkoy, Orasoa. wfll b bi.ll -o tbava osv. March uih. 1B9Z. as tb Luor 01 a o'clock to tb aisamoea af aaid day. at tb alio i t Cm W vTrtgbS la Alrcy.Ursoo, for th parpa of ajaetsnc tffieeaa sod di raokora of kaJd aonpaer forth taras ef oa year next Dsatag frora aaid stln. and to iraaaact aaob other tui a nay ptoparJy om bafor said saUBf . Dated rabtaary fStb.lSOS. A. HACftLXMAV, Cao VT Waioar Praaidpnt. 8eretary. STCCKKCLCFR'S MIETIHu. XOTICB I brby glva that Char will ba a BMatlna ef tb sukholdrs of lb albany hnlldlng and Loan Aaaocla'Ion or A I hany , Ore on, Uald a. tbatr offie la tha efficaoftba Bank ortusxon.oa Taaa. day, thl9tb day of Atrfl, U3, at T oVstnek p ra ct said day, f.-r tb purpoa of ineawkiua lb erttal reek ot aald as sociation from tX).000 to 3t0.00,aod to inerautna petneer or snares rrotn 1000 to J . . C Dated at Albasy.Oraapa, March 1&.1MZ O H STtWART, JWClais. rsaaidaoa. Secretary. STCSXKOLCER'I MEETIN8. iiTOTia rs hsxibt gitbx tsat tb iMiaaaj catle of tb aUek- bolder aflb Alsway alialcg A Ulllli O. wiQ be kid aw alnaday. a aril 88'. U. a St k-r of 4,8 p an f aald day. at ta ease aflb aaorelary la Albaty, Or., far th pare of lshai aevap Alractor. to Karvo rot tb ssraj oT one ysar aait wnasAlat fro aald anttsg ,ad antll thai snossMsri ar a'awted and qnailCeO, aad ta tsaasatt aneh other oaslaaas a may eema kwfere tha eom pway. Poa by ordr f th ewotpany thl lath day of March, 191. i U COW AsT. J V Ptra, rrldat. Saea- La a-. ADMINSSTRATOS'S NOTICE OF AP POIHIMEHT. XTOTICB IS HERZBT GIVEir THAT TBI IX aiKlarelrnad baa bean duly appointed by tbe euntv court lor IJnn eonntv. Oreeon. admiaietrator at tha eautaot Wo A Davia. daceaeed, lata of Lisa otuitT, Orecan. All petsoo bavinff claims aaainat kid auate are beraby aotiad to prawnl tbem prop arty variAed to tha nodanivtiad at bia realdenea at k-.nh bklkto, Mariaa county, Qraeoa, wtUiln els Bionth bora tbe ilkt. A i t kit earauae (iidebud ta aaid eetaia ar ha-b na.tMad to pay tba same t the uarfaraltrncd iuuuedUtaly. Iatd Fobruarj tth, Itui. CF GEORGE, TtLVfl Foas, Admitiietntor of aaid aetata. W It Kab, Attra tor Admlniatralor. ADMINISTRATOR'S SUE. OTIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT nnrauant to an order or tho Hon Conn ;untv Cot not Linn county. ' Oreeon. I win aeli at paouo auction to tne bigheat bidder fot cash In hand, at tha Court House door, in th. etty of Alban y. Lion eonnlT. Oregon, at tba h-ir of 1 o'clock. In tba afte noon of tb tsth day ol April, l9i ropartT bo onfinf' to the aetata of Henry "I H r, deeeaied.and de eripea a loliawr, jfr 1 ne souinwefct H of swtien 2, In town'ip l, sooth of racga I ICahI or the vrulametta aferidian, In Lain ojunty, Oree 01. O PCOSHOW, Admr. sstsle of Henry Graser, de'd. AD l! !H1 STBATOE'S K0f jCE, NOTICE 18 HF.RKBT OIVEH THAT THS VS dminl administrator of th eatat ot Maria Crw, dcueaaed, bas filed his Anal account m a&id. adrainiktrmtor, and that the oounty eourt ot Unn ounty, Oragon, haa appointed Monday, tb Snd day at May, at 1 o'olock p Bt in th afternoon ol eakl aay, aa tn tim for htwrinf and wtuing aaid ae eaunt and th wttlament ol said aetata. latl SUreb Will, IMi. GEO HCMPHRBT, Admiaisualor , ADMIKISTRAT0H'SH3T!C. NOTICE 13 HEREBT GIVEN THAT THE UN dantiraad ulinintatrator of tb aalat of O W Warmoth.deneaesd.ha filed bta final aoeount tor set tlement ol all and singular of ths matte Of nid utata, and tiiat the County Court ol tns tibia ot Oiwnn for Linn county bS fixed April Mb, 1892, the lourof Wo'elouk am ol aaid day, to' barinir objection if any to eaid aocooct and for settling of mud e.itftU) of aald dcRSaaed. Tliis tbe 2nd day ol March, 1802. IN WAIt MOTH, J K Wbatmbufoss, Adinintatrator, Atty for Admin, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES TIIAT THE on ll dnrsinod, bas bacn appointed adminlsuatrator Bi estate of Cha les IUtau.deeiuied. Ail noraone havln? claim aainat eaid Reoeaaed are required to preaeitt them pmperly verined, to tb usdoreijfnsl at Albany, Linn oouuly, Uregon, witbio atx months from this dat. Dated th S3th day of Febraary, 1S09- u Vkumbauqh. 0 P Cosnow, AdniinUtrator Atty for Admr. rGQS.Pnr brd 0 Brown Leff 1.4 hor "TI tl Pr 18. AdSraaa, f v Crawford '1 all rin, Oregon.' P LAIN S5WIK. -.Ths nndsrsisned wiil ksk la tslaia sswiu wkioh will b don la f rt-el order and oa raaaevtabi tarms. Iaer orJtr at rijQa of Tr.os Josaa, a 7th street, b-w- Eroal'--n iMWiMMMtcmrjiiHsmmii Drill 1 and !ira. U, TWO MEN AND ONE BO; FOUND DEAD!, 3?A sVhilo tryirrfto Crowd theii DEYosaFeojiiAfionos itore, where thy aiway bav on hand ht largest Stock south of Portland, of th latest iin proved Rises jd Shot Jops; an Immense stock of l&4x T rt a! r uWtBila f 1 n t it llammoclts, Camp Chair aqd tbousasds of other thing too namroa to mention Shop ta) connection wlt)h Store, agd on ol 4a best Worfoten ta tha Stat to do any nd ail kind of wor Corn on Cost Ne rouble to how fcood. "Sntall pralt and quick a W" la oui jxotk). Albany IRONWORKS Uanaaturar V- fEAIUKCIKIS GRIST AUD SAW mLLUACHIKESY ISDN stOHTS AMD ALL Kim OF KEAtY AKO LIGHT Y08X. IN IHOH AMD tJRA,S CASTIKCS. aatal ottUon . Baf wabha' sdt o pairing fVtrpi Kad on Short KoUct FORUIILLER & IRViriC i-vw- .-rHf -FDNEHAL UI RECTORS- . artfilal Etnbalmlng dou Boleottfioalty Al&vany. Vrtia. Star Bakerj ftrtraaititlala rirstau CCXRAD MEYER, PS3?E!EfC3, f'ataiaieel rraiita, Gltvsatrar) Drfed rraiita. Tabaeeo, I 1 COre, KM,. " iti. n Qaenartr. VBslbIeB, Aslea, Ts. . aTIw - la tact everrtk. that w kept in a rr Variety aad faaaafy Hlcbeat a. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCS J. A. Cumrnis. all i Iruga, 1'a.icitM, Oil OlQ-atis, Et9,p ALBAfiY, -: 0HUM AR 5 - TQU - QOIUQ - TO - RIO X - A ' biotolu ; this tuiasssr If so, eall on Van TTrlsoa, at Stewart Jt Joe's, aad se a New Mat), which always give satUtaaktwn. WICKUAN&AHDERSON -IWTt a.-aVTTKr3VaTk- Pppoait St Caarle Heatl. Bed elathlae and laoe aartala wa I attended ta. atsrei work a saaaialty Br.ik afSs at Mwitt' harbor .fcsj ,J mM ADyjCRTISElIENIg. TEEASsllEE'S K0T1CE, a- ' JT- 0 1 W Paper, NOtlCB IS HKREBY GiyN THAT tbe ndrJ?ne5. Coanty Treasurer, f haa mt nay In his bands tot the navBannt of all cutawindk 3 eoqnty warranty bsr Ipjt lnt 9rft,soc tht t Ipterast ot th a m 9 ceaaea Tt,h ibis dit , Mnh sptb, 1891 . - " T . & CURI. Oonqty Treaaarar, r OS' T.I-ast wk as tb Raok eseisi 4 at tii opar lausa er ea tb sir set -.see yk boi wita ant a a aiiver. i 'ti ( w V 1 4 "4. J M ( i ;1. :' 4 (;