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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
to 1 ,1 The New York "World," l? " The -:- Democrat," I Jtfefefor Only $2.80. j o : An Advertisement in ; "The -:- JDemocrat," ; VOL XXVII. r.atftM at th Poa ffle at Albaaj-. r , a eaMIs Mall Xillfri ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1893. 8TITEM at SITTIJ, rabtlsher avast rrrlelrst i C 7 J ii I l y It J I I 11 I So o r ii few 5 WITHOUT AN EQUAI TI I (FT OF! 5: fTTT t-O 1 MAWC I T St ADS imp flf" . r Sprains, Grulsos, U PROMPTLY AND PCRMAMtMTLY. 000(50000000000000 Ua w juris K3URALCIA, SCIATICA. s A II M ok oooo CLEARANCE SALE ! LI HUE NUMBKU OF HEMNANTS hare UeM left ovor in our various Dopartmenta, and -wo will loss) tha game out at considerable lets than coat. U9j cor.aist of Dress Goadj, Woolen Hoaiery, in Infanta, Miaaaa and Indies, Embroideries, Valveta, Pluhei, Satin, Silks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwear, Eta. Theta Goods are arrangad on our Bargain Countari.and aa lamination of tho earn will b of intarast to buyers wka hare an eye to a gaod bargain. In additian to the above we will hare a genfcrat clear ance sale of all other lines in stock, and wo wul give lOpnc ent discount on all cash Bales, on our entire stook of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladies ana Children Shoes, Hosiery ,Woolen Underwear, ete. ON THE SECOND FLOOft wo cany a complete Hie of Men's, Boy's and Children clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ete., on which we have made tin fo'lowing reductions: MEN'S SUITS Worth, : $ 6.50 for $ 4.501 7.50 0.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 20.00 5.50 0 50 8.00 0.50 11.00 15.00.' YOUTH'S SUITS Worth, : $ 5.00 for $ S.2S 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 4.09 509 7.0 9.09 10.00 A SPECIAL OFFER Boy's Wagon, Worth $2, To be given away with each and every Boy's Suit, wltk short pants, TAKE NOliCE that these offers are good only ftra FEW DAYS. G. W. Simpson. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The very latest news ia that you can buy at JUIsCVf OBADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuokla'a Cofife, Par Pound . lbs. Or&nulated Sugar 91.00 lbs Ejttra O Sugar Whlt 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 15 Cans refilled, 6 gallons 1.00 ft Gallons Good Plokles 00 SO lbs. Mo. Savon Soap GO sTbolaesvl arte of augsr-IfJ Iheeartv C, 4-T8 100 .1 teouIat4, .Ti til f ood win b aod for nat md atom I Ur ot Ct'er,fVpr toaa, I will ocpduat a slrUtaesIl at ore, o IS vat eeni 1MB) shaft rrt AT rtl. U tb daalMbTa af la. vf Sitlm, aa wall M cnraj af14qU Mfjmifm, ' fry. UUfiMa4 SOuWa la Kxapiai. I tn4a fml.f f)j U, atOkaa Ml tclaf pwdar, atxl al w i)'aa tmj auttomar, jfi for atvaral raapociltia Inaaraaoa ooaapanlaa. 4Ila ei r 4 w.ktl. PATRONIZE KCM IHSTITUTIONS. HE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CD. Albaf , Ort W IT BEAD, Prw)(fa.i J L COWAN, Tvaaaurar. J O WRITSM1W HMMtrr 0ao r 8IMVS05, Vlo Praaldao'. DiMcrroM L Cowan, Oao r Hlwpaqo, W F Raad, D B Mont.l'b.W Btamtar. J Tf f 1 jit tiartord, B8 8treban.J O WilUnun. -also Diumtm Awwn ra- laOOAlV HZOOHD. A Valuablk Finu. Th luckiest man tit Oregon,' wm til a mn to ,reiortcr yete:dav. In ipc.klng of W Druner.the vounir Orrnon City attorncj , w ho hit hten In tha city trvvral rta y on butlneki at the tte land oil're. While in the Ore- von ('Ity Und otHoe Mr lrprr learned that R. ck Idand," the gigantic tnai ol rock in the middle of the Willamette at Orrgon City, belonged to the government ind the itite, and that by paylnjr the uaual pr'ce (or tuch landa he could necura the key it the valuable water power at Ureaon Cliy. l.t 8eptembrr he Tiled an application "in the alate land office (or part of Se Inland, the atate't claim on It could net be proven and the matter waa dropped until thl week when Mr Draper came Ji S.lem with abundant proof that the atate ttlll owned 7.63 acre, being the upper end of the Uland. The matter waa inveitlgated by the le land board art) It waa learned that what waa uppod to be a portion of a donation land clatm wat In re allt y aehool land. Mr Uraper'a application being the first one made, wat accepted ard be got a deed to the upper end tf the Uland for about $10 The remainder of the Uland, and the moat valuable part of it, wat found to be gov rnment land, and at audi Mr Draper tiled on it In the proper manner,and br paying $ 1 . a 5 per acre for the remaining 13.9 acre he will have secured the whale of Rock and will virtually have control of the valuable water rlghtt at the Oregon City talla, which are animated to be worth between $00,000 and $100,000. Stataman. PaoniT Mattcr. In the matter of the ctlate of Maria Cre ate, final account filed and Monday May and. jS'ii at to o'clock, a 111 wat ttl at the time for hear ing the aamn. In matter of the ettate of John Shaw deceaifd. bond of adinlnittiator fiUd and approved. In the mattcr of the eMate of Daltlr Keeny, a minor, citation Utued. Bond filed. In the matter of the ettate of Cora Ann Cox, Inventory filed. Real ettate $300. Pet tonal property $360. In the matter of th ettate of Chrit Hardman deceated. Exempt oroperty tet atlde to wld.iw. Order made to tell pertonal prorty. Provikbs rett AxtvaaTitaaa. Spate the advertltemente and apoll the butlneta. lie U a wUe man who take, a large pace and puta little matter In It. A good advertisement It like the mer- chanft thlpt; Itbringeth abundance from aiar. Every wite man adve;tleth, but a foil tpecsitateth on the Stock Exchange. A big advenUer leaveth an Inheritance to hit crdldren'a children's children. It It hard to get a 40 page cata'osue Into an Inch In column. An advertisement It not luaury but neceuary ,Fame. Marios IUtbucas. Tie Marlon county republican! bave (elected the following ticket, and it will be notircu that (or wire polling ptirpoat they b van at the tail end: For coroner, I 8 Keott.of (iervaiaearreyor.Bjrron BIIr rkjk. of Maclvay : achooi auoeriotendent. J B Graham, of Woodbarn; commie- aioner. ADderaon, of Howell: treasurer. K I) Itrowo.el Sublimity : recorder, John If llV.. ..I C.I..... . . . . 11 Cofley, of Mill City. Rr preienutlves: Tilmon Ford, Salew : T T Ueer.Macleav : Palem: aiamuel I-aynsan. Voodburn. County judge, W 0 liubUrd. Fairfield : aheritf. John Knight, galem; clerk, DC bt.erman, the present clerk. MoaQANKTKHN Ahrimtkd. The follow Ing front the Roitvburg llovlow la abnut ft man recently in this city, who I mil the nan 1 borrowing proclivity - when liore : A J Murgnnatrm, formerly cote nictedwith the itradttroit Mt'r-itiitlli! Agency at Portland, is in trotihlo n&d the county jail, ilecanie to Honuburg Sunday, engaged a good rtHttu of Land lord Wilkina and atated that hia wife and mother in-law would be along iu a few days, and that he expected to get wora during the session as court report er. He atnyed here until yesterday when h went to Oakland on the freight train, having eft li a board bill unsuttlfd fo and naaawl off a check on JAilJ A Tlltoo, i ortlami. for 110. It was toon aacer. lained that Moruanateru had no deuosit at tnae nana, ani Mieriir Miller tele raphed to Constable Howard to arrest I m at Portland, which he d d niul brought htm over last night. Tho follow borrowed small attma from aeveral nar tie. during hie stay in town and thev rt out of pocket to Oat talent. Qnu Kino oir ItoitMaav. The Oregon City Courier soys : For 1.125, paid lu ad vance, v w Dunbar hired a freight car from the Chlcaito k Northwestern in Janesville, Wis., In which he stowed his household ntenttla, some new wagona andcrnshers, and a team of horses- He loaded the wagona and crushers into the car with tho consent of the railroad olll cials, and left Janeevllle on the 8U1 On fill arrival here last week Friday, the Houtliern Pacific oblhted him to pay the additional sum of fu7 &0, on acuouat of tha wagona and crushera. Thouuu the ofllclale of the Northern 1 jtciflc intju'cled Mr Dunlvir'acar iu bt Paul, they made no objection to that part of hie load. oere, when hsia ready to unload, the railroad company demanda of him (100. Mr Dunbar aaya that by t) inch wagons w holesale at Janesville for ."0. A railroad official explains that Dunbar had no bisluess to ship new wagons, which pay a higher rata than fS, of which the N 1 takes sm ALBAKT'a PorctATtox. Mr William Obenauer baa Just completed his first rounds of the streets of Albany far his city directory. lie ia an expert at the business ana has done the work thor oughly and correctly. He now baa IU7 oaca cana to wake, that la 01 residences where the occupants were abacnt from their homes on hia first trio. The first canvas ahowa residents. The Ii7 back calls will add at least (WW to the1 fig urea, probably more, aay 012, making Albany'e bone tide popultttlon 4tHX), which ie probably correct. The census returns of 18U0 gave the city 3079. This shows an increase of over 15U0 popula tion In two years, or else that the census was not correctly taken, probably the former, aa Albany baa undoubtedly had aotiAL ai ricaaonAL Titt'aauAV C. Is In the titv on a visit - with hit old Albany Ex Councilman Gradwohl and wife are making arrangements to uo to Man Fran cLco in a few day on buttnett, and alto on a wlih Mrs Ortdaohl't brother, Mr Butto, rf tho fami ut tiutio Heights CCJtfkKjn, the popular nominee of thedrmoctats for tin lft, la in tha city Hit Jackson Is an . nrrgetlc, self-made youfg nun, one who kow the count' thoroiighly, having briti born here, and I rt unijiictikinad ente ilty at well as ebtl ity. i'o it a man people will take pleas ure in voung tor, ' ' tRtDAV lKputy fheriir D8 ttmltli wenttofia Km ihia4toa with NYhilkn, the forger. Geo llotqHOtt and wife arrived in Al bany from Cathlnmet this noon on their way to Junction City. Major Casscll is In Astoria, where he owns aoiiie propot ty, and in which city no nas an abundance 01 laitn. W P of fi.rvullit. author of lha fumous Kcaily liquor law.of several years ago, la on a visit to the city. Mr heady la now devoting hia attention to mining and real estate.-Iiaker CJty Democrat. JudgeON Denny was In the city last week looking up hia property invest ments in this connty. lie la the man who Introduced the beautiful Chinese imeasants in Oregon. McMinnvllle r.-u. - . aart hoav Mr C I. lirunh, of Portland, lain the chy. Mrs 1'r IavIs has returned from a trip to liarrishttrg. Mr Chctter Skerlt returned today from a week's vlll with Satem friends. Marriage llcenta was iuuvd today to George 8 blmpium and Anna M Wood. Francis Murphy, the temperance orator, is In Eugene holding meetings Mrs M D Mallard and daughter, Jessie. arrived In Albany this noon, and are the guests of Mr F F Sox. L W liulsi, formerly of AUany, has been nominated on the city ticket of Woodbarn for councilman. Mr Johnson White, of University Park, Portland, waa In the city today, on his way home from a trip to Oakyllte. Mr II F Merrill left this morning for Brooklyn, N. Y , in response to a dis patch, announcing the dangerous itluese of hia father at bia home in that city. A 8 McDonald, formerly of the Browne- -'... 'W ; ''7 1 vine 1 imea, has parcnaaea me Miverton a -ery healthful growth. At the prea- Appeal. McDonald I an aggreaeive, live ent time nearly everything is full and the amount of building lu the last few yeare has been large, though there has been very little bluster about iu Scio- Milton Ilyd ol Albany, a pent voung man w ho will be able to greatly improve the Appeal. Mr David Link ha accepted a petition with Jot I. it boot and tho store and will begin butlnet on the itt of April, last Sunday visiting hit brother Pr K O I He will rrtain an Interett, though, la the Hyde in this city. I More 01 win jg John Curl went to Portland Tutaday. I The Eugene Gnard says: Yesterday where he baa been engaged to build a I Father Deck started for Albany to e-e house. I the assaulted priest, lie Metayer. He Mr Thoa T. Miiw. wUn lice. nt.Art U recovcrina lit ditty all the time from distance east of Fcloon Tbomaa creek. WuW on the. temple. Theborglart (Cruia oar rtsuiar eorrionecit.t Wanhinoton, March, si, 1891, Senator Hill returned from his southern trip jetterdsy, and whatever effect It may have hid upon his pretldentlal prwtpectt, one cannot doubt after hearing his enthti- slattlc dctclptlon of the hotpltable re reception he met with everywhere he went that It was one of .the most enloya- 0 trips he ever made. The senator taj 1 that the te.itatlonat'ttories a'xiut his hav Ing alttmplcd to dictate to the democrai: members ol the floute Committee on elections how they should vo'e In the New Yotk contested election esse of Novet vt Rockwell, which hat ben reported In (aver of Nov a, the republican coitctiant, are abttiri. Perti.iitily he woold like to ee Mr Rockell keep llieit, but he ha no doubt tha the commltf- acted on the evidence produced Wave It in deciding agatntt Mm, and he has no criticism to make. This knocks a big hol In one of the mutt scntail mai Morlrt of the settion. The free wol'blll will ba la d aside In the Houte until after the free ccinsge bill Is disposed of, which will be this week, ac cording to the original retotuilon. There was considerable talk several data ago of an sateiitUn by agreement of the silver dtbate, but nothing came of It, besaute a majority seemed to think such an eafu- slon entirely unneerstarv, aj it Is not probable that snj amount ol debate would result in the change of one single vote. There Is another stath between Secre tary Noble and Cominlalonerof Pensions Raum, aid a report It current that Mr Noble lufoimtd Mr Harrlaonthat he mutt choose between hit resignation and the re movat of Itaum, and that Mr HariUon told the secretary that he wou'.d have atkid for Raumt'a resignation long ago were It not for the congrettl.inal Inveatl gation now being made of the pen .Ion of fice, and requested him to be patient. The Immediate caute for the secretary's anger was a recommendation tnade by Raum, wh'ch ha found on his desk when he re turned from Washington last week, for the appointment of his daughter to be hia private secretary. Mr Noble sometimes uses "cus rdt," and It la aatd that be aald of Raum when he read that recom mendation almost identically what the late V illiam M Vanderbtll aald upon certain occa.lon of one of his sons in-law, Col Elliott F Shepard. CommUtioners Raum ha 3 a very humiliating time before the Investigating coo.tnlttee. Saturday, He war compelled to acknowledge that Scc- Waa came Into me for candles In the U'h century and wax candles were es teemed a luxury In 1300, being. but little A hotel In tltmburc hat been used en tirely of comprettcd wood, whlfb, by tne pietttire to which It It tubjertcd U render ed ss hard iron and Is taid to be fireproof. -Li'ii ijiji'as In the straw vote In Connecticut, eight democrats in every tut are w Cleveland Out here five In every ten are for Cleve land or a western man, and the other fire are for a wentcrn man or Cleveland, John Knight, tli republican nominne for sheriff is a good man and if ducted will make a good sheriff. John, we congratulate you, but le twful cr tne dmnocraU may slip in ft "fool a nntfo" on you. , Wtddi-g-rlngt were used by the a.icl -nts and put upon the wciMhig linger, from a supposed connection whh a vein there with the heart. According to Pti'-y, they were made of iron, and to the lime of Tertullian of golj. Maryland, na-ned after Queen Henrietta Maria, was one of the original stales of the United States v. a granted In 163a to Lord Btltlmoie, and settled by a company ol Engllth Romauitts In 164. h continued fn the utlon when the other slave slates seceded in 1&60 ana iHdi. Plants In hlgii latitudes proJuce much larger and heavier sredt than If. warm re gions near the equator. ; Th U effect a attrtfeutrd to tle pro"ongeJ. Influence of sunlight. Many fiowets white In southern climates become violet In the north. baa been nominated for the office of county commissioner by the county domocratic central committee, vice T J Munkere, declined. Mr Miller le one of vat beet citiaens and ia erpecially well fitted for the office for which be has been nominated. Henry Mvera met with peculiar and serious accident last Friday. He waa monkeying around F.v Mania' confec tionery store, when In some manner hia foot ilpped and in trying to keen him self from falling he threw bia right hand Pasco. A couple yeara ago "keep finet a giant door, shattering the glass eenmtkri- were sen'enetxl by J uae K P Bole to the penitentiary for five yeara. Rev Heck returned by the overland train. Another Oregon boy ha been heard from. Will Dawson, of Monmouth, a nephew of Hon H A Dawson, of thla county, In aelaae of 00 at Ann Arbor, has been elects iiiatonan lor the einas. an honor worth striving for. He ie in the aenor data and will graduate with honor in June. Another evidence that Oregon boys have braina and rustle. There at least ia no mot a on the rising your eye on Pasco" waa familiar to all Now it ia a chestnut, and people gener- any iinu inert ia noiuing ii-n mere. But there la at Wast a newspaper, aa the following gaapa from tne Headlight trill prove: Pasco ia all right; it's you're livr that's out of joint. If a man could subsist on climate alone Paeco would be the paradise of the nniverte. What are yon doing for Paeco T (let a move on yon and don't sit around like a bump oa a log. It yon want to retain a live paper in thla city get in with your pursea and support it or there will be a funeral knd cutting hia wrist in a horrible man uer. Dr Hrdedreesed the Iniury. tak ing eight etilchee to sew up the gaah rreaa. ipport it or there will be a funeral. A j uuiejoiia, m lacooia, was in tne city , eaetarn college. Ho ace J, theeUest the front end of the week, and predicted , o( Vt u R Ultv M a o ufcyetle .uvu.o w. tiv recently aeenred first nrite in a erfelua- wlitcli naa no optic. Una claaa of 800 ia bl LouU Metiical A Mah or Ntavx.-E L Eaton, whilo college. Hia anccesa not only reflect .Mi,inlin.wlml.mnM Ttu v.n creuti upon ii-mseii not upon tiio state r,i r..,t.. tZ.t .k ne nana irom as win, ana uregon can ... . . ' . m. I I oil 1 wev-kia.l v 1l k en the too ol h a eft fool abont throe inches I ! - " - r Tha Fate social and entertainment at the U. P. church, last evening, given by the union C r.. society, waa attended by a packed house, and waa an enter- . ' l L . . .... -I Oaaoosr B.ive.-The Dxhocbat makes SJ"'"" T, " T JL : ZZ.i TZZr specialty of noticing the achievement 1 1 MiM 01.1 ift.iit of Oregon boya in the east ; and it ia a heard In a recitation, in w hich she die- lact that aimoet universally they are at pUyed good talent. A song by a male the ton. There ia evidently something In.i.rt! m about our climate that produces brain ueh and Frt Kortntiller waa a line power. This time it ia a Yamhill boy. I mntl svfTdi't. aVlfiv1 I W if rial r&il an and the McMinnvllle Telephone-Uegle- gnide on "Flab." creating amusement; '"'V, An"lUr. .rf.g,on &7 dialogue between I-ady Teatel.Mias distinguished himself for his ability in Alice Moaes. andTeatel. Elliot Irvine. A few of the editorial tin plate liars are eiary Noble had turned do wn hit attempt "till plying their vocation, regardless of the to make his daughter his private secretary, I fact that their UlseAoods at to the price of I as well aa that hia son, the young man I tin p!at now aa compared with two years who made such a gorgeous failure as an I ago have bora very thoroughly and concilia-1 office-eroker, had been refused permUUon ively expoaed. The same organs that tell to practice before the Interior department, I their reader Uiat tin plate ia cheaper will notwithstanding pw tonal appeal la I tell them that wool is higher. The puMinh- bla behalf to Mr Harrison. I ed statement of such nu-n aa Uie leading Treasury ortkU.t- minor o,e.-for the "ZVZ? rti time acanowiedge mat tne aepart- blind aaaertions of all the editor in the went finds It diflku.t to meet current par I country. Tin plate is higher, and the Mo ment, and others aay that It doe not Kmley law made it so. Evening TUftam. naayaawt iKaan-a Ksat ttAaf rviM aa iHak fmna ils I . 1" " 1 4 j:...i.,l r 1....1 i: .... Ia t. h. ..r. I. It. m. " """ ' ' J J I m.: j -.,i v..- m . . . 1 UUI 'acJtM iHtlfli.avua VUUUUni IMIQ aecreiary, rosver reiurna 10 n uep-n- deleaatea to the democratic ment jutt In time to find a nice little ttate convention at St Paul next week. The family rear on between Assistant Secre-1 state 1 much more nnammously for Cleve- m Is i a . -A..1 . 1 tare Nettleton and the Immigration Com- uian.w" expeneu. une county aen.u . . . I delegate tor a wwtm man ami one sends mis-ioner, over the question of allowing I uijinttructiwl dclfgutinn. Hill has not pauper I mmlgraot to land upon tht Tet secured a dtfleifat. Even at the wnbr Kuaraatee of some society or association I of the auppoil revolt in hii favor, Minns- Ion 2 and nearly throoirh the toot. He rode horseback to hia home, five mile away, and then sewed op the wound himsell with a commcn needle and cot ton thread, and then continued to care for it nntil swelling prompted him to come to a doctor. To do this he rode eighteen miles horseback, and Dr Payton dressed the wound. Lm-kily no corda were severed so that no lasting harm ia likely to result. Eugene Guard. I.KBANOf Stone It belmrdenotlted on the ground for the foundation of the Leb- -M gentleman bad Ut a valuable hound be provided for. The affair was a decided success. Several Solid Eastern anil Foreign Coipies anon flouring mill, Married, In Lebinon, March iX, John Maycra and Becca Scanlan.Kev T V Boyd officiating. C C Hackieman hat tet the contract to II Wilton for tha building of a nice resi dence on his property wett of the railroad. West Lebanon seemt to be the favorite locality for building this season. Ad vance. Waterloo' pros pec ta are very bright. The new knitting mill there promises to be a big thing. About twenty car loads of machinery are expected soon. When completed the mill will employ about 200 hands, and in view of the prospects a large number of lots will be sold. Be sides this mill negotiations are now pending (or a linen mill. An important thing is the extension ol the railroad ihfre, and there are assurances that it will be done this year. Ai'BKADT the jack-knife cranks have was very meriioroos: Mias lWtha Ellis, in a rich soprano, sang a solo, and was heartily applauded. The fata social followed, a new feature here. In a elaae room, neatly arranged, the three fates. Misses Ava Baltimore. Annie mnnanu Annie ) antla aat in robea 01 whlte.whiie two wallinc maids presented their A Mxah Joei .-The Lebanon Advance visitors with prophetic cards, some of a t i . . - 1 semi Humnraui ntiurt . til WIIIIIU Vl.u S kt rf l Z. S committee. The Democrat man, for lost dog that didn t work: Many people BM .w--trt ihnnh X ZZ7Vt ti Zi.r., irw pole and set the world afire with bis lfn u-? ft.t.1..1 hi .n .Xr" "ploita. 130 of the were .nJi1cJt K.siliy. bf ".dv:f,r: soon exhausted and a nomber failed to VirrvsAj va nuait aai a'vsai w ai tui pajters. The advertisement purpoted to be by a man who was on ins way to Alaska and who was anxious to purchase hound with which to hunt in the north- I . An exchange says: Pant are made tor west territory. The truth of the matter men and not men for pant. Woman was made lorman, not Ivr pant. When man pants for a woman and a woman pant for a man thev are a pair of pant Such pant do not last. Pant are like molasses, they are thinner In hot weather snd thicker In cold. The man in the moon change his pant during an eclipse, uon't go to the pantry tor pant you may be mistaken. Met. ae often mistaken in nantt. Such mlttakes. make breech of promUe. There ha been much dltcu tion at to whethei panta I singular or Plural. Hem to ui when men wear panta they are plural and when they don't wear any it singular. Men get on a tear in their pant and it all right, but when the pant get on a tear It all wrong, ALBANY CIGAR J. JOSKPII. WHOLESALE FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL Only White Jjabor Employee', and resorted to this ruse in tho hope of recovenhg hia property. o blame should attach to the newspaper, as we were paid for the work, supposing it to be a bona nae advertisement OrAL in the Rough. A number of large and handsome opal apcclment taken from the field discovered by Perry Watson on the middle for, ot the John Day, are displayed In th window of W D Metcher s jewelry ettabitthment. I hey are the "pure tuff. and evidence the value of the dlacrverv. A mong the col lection are two milky opalt, one fire and two aqua marine. Mr Fletcher wlil for ward them to Mew York, to nave them cut In different design, and will menuftc. tore ettinK for the stone himself at hit shop In Pendleton. h, O. Barron Rkpuslicak. The county ia full of candidate according to the local papers. B W Wilson, of course, is after the Clerkship; but he loses part ol the ofnee. The first Hecorder will be elected. begun whittling the railing to the ap- J A Henkle is one of many candidates, J nrntrh nf th t.ridira Th.ra U a airift B Win ant. Capt liODerUOn. W A JOllV nrrtinnnf-A scrainsk atlph mill illation want to be Sheriff bad. las Tomlinaon, of public property, and any one witness- ol wla, a graduate of the Albany Col- B . 'a.....- aa .SI o ing anything 01 tne kind should report H". it to the marshal, aa it is nroooaed to ien begin early and enforce the ordinance. Mover to LeAir. I have meney hi . . rtf tnnn ton ruvx 4 U.ti .n tm. proved farm lands in Linn and Benton couatics. at lowest current rates, tie delay in furnishing the money. . V l XuBauABr, Eeal estate agent. Albany, Oregos, There I a certain boarding house In Astoria that i much patronized by young butines men. but where, a'.at. the seduc tive Ametican hath it terved wnn awiui About a month airo one of the boardura, a young man, got In the habit of savins to ihe landlady, "Pieate give me some iieorews 13 n. Jie aep thu up s) long that the mittret 01 tne honte finally got inquisitive ana asaea hltn what he meant. She could ce na I rrainii whv hr haith should ha cailed . is a candidate lor fecbool Bupertn- . ' , 8 , renlv to her oue..ion 'lent. Also w u lustier, of Kings k":: Ji....".! 1- mm- i.. y. ForClrcuit Judge, lodge Kelsav, ....1 . n-hi Icockand Hutford are willing. Una ff'" B " r"T1 7.r'"Z 1 anaiaovuiuso auu mere iuuhu ' The Oregon Land Co, With It home office at OBEGOIT, th Gray Block, eorner Liberty and State treet, branch office In Portlanc, 'AKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruittraets near Salem. Wileell5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 0 SCO per acre sal all cash payment- lone time on balance. Send or particulars. In MM. tsn a m tr f,jifvtkfm?fm . LEADINGDRUGG'ISl ft 1 rr 1 1 n n IED1GKIE0 GTATIOnARY-GG OIVIS ENJOYS Both the method ancTresults when 8yrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acta fently yet promptly en the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the rya tern effectually, liapel(i colds, he'ad pebea and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale ia 60c and $1 bottles by all drujieta. SYRUP CO, CAUFCmm FSG 8 AH MA.'JCIVCO, CH, Valle Woo and Dong'j.ulhave several candidates also. A Runawax Boy, -Roy Miller, aged IS years, the son ol a farmer living near Aumsvllle, has suddenly disappeared. Saturday hi father told him' to burn come brush. , The boy took a gun with h'm and went to work. He wa next seen at Aumsvllle, where he told tome one he was going to visit hi brother in-law at Turner, Since then nothing ha been heard of him FiWerton Appeal, Ineian Waa -Vktkrans. The last legislature passed a law authorizing the ecretar of date to make a record of the names of all person who terved in the Indian war from 1847 to 1857 In this ttate. Secretary McBrlde ha employed Judge T C Shaw to do the wcrk and the jutlge i now busily engged in preparing the record, which will be published in book form, and will constitute a valuable book of reference. Junction (jitt hall. uid were op ened at Junction, Monday night for a city hall 10 De erected ai inei place, iney were a follow: K Belshaw, of Harris- burg, $1,505; Tame Crawford. Junction, $1,540; L N Koney.Eugene, $1,560; J H Day, Junction, $1,787; W D Mulkey, Junction, $1,996.50, The contract was awarded to Belshaw, Ko. i Now. Jacob Keea, who has for a good many vears been tha heaviest in dividual tax-payer, liquidated with the county today for $1249 ID ; but he is no longer in the lead: Mr S E Young has trial GiBuneuou. u iveee, in met, eeeras to be losing ground, his taxes this year, though the levy is the eame, being . $128. lesa than last year, a fact we chronicle with considerable Borrow. dUdy 1 Christ, the amc forever. ' Ex. The P.rltUh Museum ha received a a bequest the Tsplli.g collection of stamp containing about 300,000 specimen, ex clusive of nisnv caid and envelope, and valued at between $150,000 and $300,000. Mr Tapling wa more than ao year fn making it. It is pronounced the finest collec'tbn cf stamp existing. ' Li-.. . ...- ',JU The student ot St Mary's College, St Mary's Kas, assembled tlte other day and cast their totes for favorite candidate to place in the field in the coming president ial campaign. Many ot the studenta will be voter in the next election. Out of 150 tcholart,reprcentlng nearly every state In the union, only 4 votes were cast for Hills i6j were given for Cleveland, 46 for Holes, 26 for Palmer, 4 for Fower, 8 for Blaine and none for I isrrlson. J. , . ' - HCKINl.tTHaV The retention of admitting wool free 0 (l it is summed tip to mean the irnraediatn annual trancfi'r of over one hundred million of dollar a sear of our money to foreiuti cheap I11W on manufactured wool produ;U and wool rained by cheap labor on cheap laruid in rsouui America ana Australia, tax tnira like amount awav from our entororis ing maQufucturers, well-paid labor, and not to proHperou farmer. Altrnny nr$un. Hut ot course when McKinley increased tho duty on woo! the protnine waa that the transfor of one hundred millions should be the other way, No more wool should be imporbtd and better prices were promise: by McKinley and his coadjutors But what ha Wn the remit. Simply thias For the year ending Docniber 81, 189o, (the year k-fore McKinU's tariff went into effoct the auiount of wool imported into thin country was Io8,6So,C72 pound. For the year endioar DecemW 81, 1891; (the first year afU-r the McKinley law went into effect,) the amount imported jnto the United State waa 139,317,571 pounds, an increase of So, &16,8'!7 ponnd under the McKinley law, From this it will be seen that the wool grow er has but little to bone forrom McKinley- urn. The a;ore figure are those furnished by the treasury department official at Washington all republican. Attention of republican paper La been frequently calle I U tbi indisputable fact but they are always careful never to place then before their reaoVr. But it will be of no avail to dodj llietn The eople are opening their eyi. A ttOWMTUCDDtS RACK Itporter (from northern republiean newr paper.) Now. you say the democratic com mittee stopped you from voting- at the. Iat election? Mr Rac1t!r.--T)ed they did, bos. When Is voted de fust time dey didn't sav er word, but a'ter dat dey stopped me from votin at fo teen diff rent ' place, and den put me in jsil. I'll war to dem fack bom. Putt. The use of Af er' Rarsaparllla. One Wt1-f mar not cure "tight oSV eomplalnt , year; persist until a cure I effected, a general rule, improvement follow ahwtlyi nr beginning the use of tin medicim- $ With many people, the effet ts iminndlatr 1 notieeabiet but some constitution are le'J nsceptiw to medicinal influence thar otlier, and the etiratlve proems may, titer lore, in iich case, be ks prompt. Pew--verance In using till remedy U sure of iu reward at htt, Hmner or later, tfce mot' stubborn Wood disease yield to Sarsaparilla Tat several year. In the spring month I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tin -i feeling, and a dull paia tn tl.e small of n.v Jalc, ta bad, at tiinps, a to in vent my being able to walk, Ute least urti n moti-m eaiwing tne severe ditres. rreonent'y -54.,ri,eI would 1,reak nt o body, liy the advice of fru-MH and my family physician, I tan tlie us , t Ayer Hareaparllla and eontlnued It till the JJV"0 tboroughi, eradk-a-t2'"-1:-2uKHb, Monfgwnery City, Mo. ,JS!J??Z.m uM " ru" ,0!S "iy skin rooah and of yellowish hue. I tried various remedie,and while some of them ear- me temporary relief, none-of tliem did any r . mt M last I began ta tak Ayert Barsapanila, continuing it exclusive ly tor a .considerable time, and ara pleased w say that it completely Cured Mo. oraer, and tlie blood Impure in eonvwru-n. w ' 1 e?'U,t Uj hhiT MGl ill xTiIlt 10 one 1 as I Mn-A- Kmitb, Glover, Vt ..jy?" 1 from aerofula ati!i .nTif'' ,TU Precr!,.tiif .t!Ti f "fO blood-pnrifler. being StUV V " advli4 tft fZi lT P"" I did so, and bow AyeKs Sarsaparilla pRerBEi rr ml i nm& ca, LciiU, Sold by Dmggwi. tJ. Vnl tiiloula. W. F READ, stW (mi I Pi III Sh Ij UjiPs Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Bi'ess Goods, tfosiery,' for Cleveland. The only large towns yet to I We haVS 10 Select from. elect delegate are fct i'aul, N inona and Unlutb. Another point of interest 1 the fact that ithontv half a dozen exception, the coun ties have declared agninst free coinage. At Austin, in the t lrst congressional dutnet, in opno- a resoiu- that thev shall not become a public charge. Assistant Secretary Nettleton. while act ing secretary, wrote the New York Super. Intendent of Immigration a veiy harp leltar asking why he had followed such a practice, to which that official replied by quoting fiom a letter frwm the Commie-1 strong resolution were adopted stonrr of Immigration buthorlzln him to 1 sition to nniimited coin aire, and M 1 , ? i. ti... m. v-..!. .nnit, I uon was jorwaroeo to tnCTewiroan Harris. . . I who represent the district and who voted r, .,.. w........-... ... in favor ol me coinage last week, prannsr ceedtd hi authorTty, and that no one I him to reconsider and oppose the Bland bill could grant such authority, except the when it comes up in the house, IS Xnw VAV wtirt f a,ra IHIHtVWT Vt A.M1I11K. RtlVn kit. If 9 I ' I . , gi , ,.- ..I I lililn. kli.lifti.H Ii 1 L I.Ia.1 m riomnirtM ... Ih. iigine himself an Independent official In- 0f Memam v T, Siflis Publiah- steadof the subordinate of the treasury de-J ing Company in th United State circuit oartmenL He ha been In hot water ever court In this case the defendant has ad- ' I . : a i ij - . , a i . I wnuwj snu whu aa sv iin-inram mr suo- . .......... I 4i.-iiio w tiv nxiT I'wi'vi m ar.iniu .'i The river and harbor bill, which was re- the849 ediUon of "Webster a dictionary" ported to the House today, containa a Ion which the copyright had expired and number- of new and Important proiecta. wnico wen out ot print lor nearly - ui-w . .i.. t... i i i I thirty years. Th-e -defendant had advertised ita book in provement, the ship channel connecting mch a way aa to indu.w the public to think the great lake, the Improvement ot Mo- j that it was a copy oa the plaintiff's later bile harbor and of the Savaanah river. It . l revwea euiuona 01 tne, unaunagei atc- ,. . ...., i, . . . . . I tionsry on which, copyright had not ex- j . mml m Our Btock is not only the largest but tlie cheapest ever shown in Albar.j. Vj, Wo want your trade and we feel confideu4 you money. wo an save E. READ. A.lbcin.v -x- -t- Oreg-on natjaiiu millions. QGen Nelson A Miles,, at present here. ha added hi quota to the usual war scare which i always produced when the a; proprlailon for the Army and Navy are being considered by congress, by a news paper Intervlsw, In which he enlarges up- The ludce trranta an injunction "atnunst I the circulation or use of advertisement or I circular which tnd to misrepresent the character of tlie Ogilvie (defendant) edition ot Webster s dictionary or lead .the public I into the belief that it is a reproduction of a modern euuon ot that work, and require that hereafter "each book delivered by it or A .-" ll Vis 4i V : m "aue di.fiis!lrfsa pnnilltinn" anH the I aireiiw itun.ii wuuuu a uuuw vj uuu I slips attached to the title pai?e that it is a I w.r. renrint of tha exlition or 1847 of Webster's Mr Harrison i reported to have attempt I dictienary, with a list of the additiona that ei to read the riot act to the five republican I have been made thereto and which, the book wnaton who were absent without beincr I conuuns. paired when his protege, Judge Wood of ve newspaper in Oregon have been Indiana, iust si nned through bv amaioritv aoin ule tuln luul mlnl we" of one. Senator Stewart' who was one of J to look a "leedleout." the absentee, is said to have remarked dry-1 r??!!?5 ly: "Had we been present and voted thei senator w v wasi.tjurn (rep) of Min-i majority wouut nave been the other way. Inesotatays: lueu iur i waa sorry e sh.u u.jr- i,W( ... . - curloul. no,!.!-- -t,h the republican party. It Is also a very fcr Infants and Children. C aat aria ts so wea adapted to ctdUren that I recommend It ss ar.perior to anj prescription noa So wo." II. A. Aacaxs, 1L IU So. Oxlord Et, Erookija, K. T. thing. " Tb dm of 'Csstoria' is so tratvensa! anfl iw merits so well knuwn that it seema a work of siipmrsroirattoii to endorse it Few are the MrlliRent tamiliea who do sot keep Caatoria, withiu easy reach." Carlos atsamr, D.D.. Kew York City. TAt Factor BloomlcTlble Kstormed Church. Caatorlat cures Colic, Coo? ttpaiion, E-ur Stomach, DuuTbcna. Eru-taum, mils Worma, givea simp, and proiuotes di- reetioa, itEout tcjariaus medlnation. For aeveral years I have recommended your ' Csstona, and shall always continue tc an en as it baa invariably produced beneflcis K suits. Edvis F. Pardk. M. Dn "The Wlnttrop," lath Street and 7th Are - Kew Tork Citi yes'.erday, today a A Ft ot R see. According to previous arrangements, Eili Cameron, of Corvallis, and Wn Morris, ol Crs wfordsviile, met at this place last Saturday to determine as to the merit of each one's speed. The race tooW place In Sauth Brownsvll'e, It wat for a purse ot $00 a side; dis.ance 75 yards and was won by Cameron, who ..... . . .... came out is merits aneaa. time. Cam eron could probably glve'Morri lit feet and beat him. HAD FAITH 1 uangerou posiuon. 1 net e ta an attempt ' I to s:et eeneral acciuiescence to the nrooost it seems that Uie friends ot Judge House tlon that President Harrison 1 sure to be were nmtaken in concluding that they had renominated and republicans are atked on carried the primaries for him in Marion that account to make h!s renominailon bv county Tjhen thoy "downed" the Mintoring acclamation. There la no enthusiasm anv- I .I 1 1 1 .3 A a 1 I 1 waica wiuf opfjittv uiuu&rou lu Bunnori, cmie i hrH a iiarr lh k , I w a, a t - .a iwtta au v ttiv vuu a aai j gates favorable to Uurnett. It wnow said I there is a generaily prevailing impression that tiiu-uett naa all the delegates from I and opinion thet hi nomination meant S&lom to the state convention and some defeat provided the democrats take ad- irom me country amo. veiny appearances vantage of their opportunity and noml are deceitful when the ring has ita "mailed 1 nate a strong man. It has a serious result hand at work. It is said that Burnett is the candidate of the State Insurance Com pany and of the corporations generally, Republicans in Salem say he knew who his friend were when he recommended Joe Simon for U S circuit judge. They say he Taa CsCTaua CcavAirr, 77 MraaAf Street, Kew York, Ml Guina to Chicago. ''The Aitistic Guide to Chicago and the World's Colum bian Exposition, Is tne title of a new book just cut. It Rives a concise history of th great city by the lakes fiom Its settlement in 1031 to uie present cats, it is emoei Iished with dozen of beautltu'. half-tone Illustrations made from photographs, a bird' eye view ef the city and a grand aird' eye view of tne World' f Jr grounds snd building. Every family- ould have ne. li A M Talt, gnt. A. B. McIlwain has just received direct from tli manufactories, new design in car- pst, oil cloths.linoleums and window shades. nkich will be sold at reduced prices. He is also receiving a fine line of nun's shoes, in late tyle, st 2$ t 75 cents per pair less tha tlar price. .. To retail tn abundant head of hair f a ostur.! co'or to goad old oae. ths hygiene of Uiesca'p must bf obiserved. Apply Hall' 1 Hair liftiewer. on the effect of aiy campaign to go into it with such a feeling permeating the party 1 organization. The republicans oucht to approach the Minneapolis convention un biased and unlnstructed, to look carefully over eround and select as a candidate on "(V at 1 r 1 1 7 mm SJ-1sWpaB5paiT:- fyr '--' LJs3)'sVBV'!SaJSS!r nluk iul ring. stand in body and soul with the Joe Simon I the date of the convention the statesman who appears to have the greatest element of strength before the people. If New York State had a candidate who could give the party promise of carrying that' state I think he could be nominated without any question. There are some western men talked about who would make the 1 ace successfully If a' New Turk man Is put on the ticket for vice president. There Is one thing that cannot be ovet looked, and that I is that the people have decided !n many election that they want a new president every four years, that their mandate has all the power of a constitutional provision, I and that a failure to recognize it i likely to bring the people's judgment at election time in a way to tnforce their decision. The praceedlngs of the Indiana conven tion demonstrate very clearly that Indiana has Internal republican dissensions which will be deepened by the president's rcnom. During the week just closed a larare sum ber of leading democrats from all parts of the county have been in the city and from them we learn that the prospects of a dem ocratic victory at the coming June elections in this county are good and growing bright er every day. Energetic work of thorough, efficient organization is going on in nearly every port of the county. Let every demo crat take hold and push tlie work. If all do 80 success is beyond question, v The Capital Journal gays tlie democrat are divided en the silver question and that the republicans are united on" Harrison Lei's see. The Journal favors free silver, tlie Statetman opposes it. The Mounlalmur t opposes and the IeralJ of this city favors. MitcbellTand Hermann favors while Doiph and Harrison oppose. Weil, well, well, v'..:l tannony. i'nrtfies th BLOOD, Cares CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, SICE HEADACHE, COLDS, PIMPLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS and DISEASES ARISING from a DISORDERED STOMACH. , The Genuine II AMD URG TEA i pvi vp in YELLOW WKAPPIirM wish Facsimile Signature of EMIL FRESH. KEDirtQTON t CO. AoEma. San FnANCiaoo. eOtT fi ALL BRTCGIS'M AX1 ;ROfF,FS. AX;Is!L17 !3iiil0iHQsR' WHOLESALE-5 RETAIL GR OCFRS ClCAna TOSACCO, AND CHOICE FHUiTSi OF &LI n: Flinii ALBAI1Y, ORXT