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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1892)
r - 1 ,. 1 0"''i,",,:""": o : -i Tho New York ''World," :- j ; 44 iTlic Dcmocra t,M ! : MJUSL Only $21. j : : An Advertisement in I "The -:- Bcmocrat1 i Reaches the Most 0 ....T-.-pwoir . fttoMm. VOL XXVII. Ealrrtst al Ike ! at Albany. tr., a aeMiass Mull Matter ALBANY. OREGON, F It I DAY, MA RC II 15r , 189-3. ' STiTM a KITTIXtl, ratslisber ..4 fr.r1et.m NO. 34' f" 11 I1 " if i j'1 Ma ill t v.1 a ii i 1 1 i f l JIG .BEEWS. Ml! i j m y , M f' r 1 Si f h i V. Yf t .in-. ess " .-imtmajfc i a a a LOOK T arc apocht to v' 1 a Vinyta Cut. sprains, cs-i;: . o:,-rr. ETirFNESS, CV. .. sciatica. ,JO T 0 1 CLEARANCE SALE ! L.AKUh KUMliKK a V w arm . fr fV left over in nnr vnrirtiw ' jg. ---- . v.. f U loso tho same out at imj consist or Dress Goi1j, Woolen Hosiorj, in Infanta, Misses and Ladies, Kmbroideries, Velvets, Plushes, Satins, bilks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwtar, Et. Thes Good are arranged on our Bargain CounUrs.and examination of tho same will hi of interest to buyers wise have an eye to a god bargain. In addition to the above wo will havo a general clar ance eale of all other lines in stock, and wo will give lOper eent discount on all cash sales, on our entire stock of I)ry Goods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladies and Children chocs, Hosiery VYoolon Underwear, ete. . ON THE SECOND FLOOtt we cany a complete li.e of Men s, Uoy'a andChildrenbclothinp, Furnihing Goods, 13oots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ete., on which wo have made the fo lowing reductions: MEN'S SUITS Uorth, : ? 6.50 for $ 4.50 Worth, : $ 5.00 for $ 35 7.50 5.50 " 6.00 4.00, 9.00 6 50 7.50 5.00 10.00 8.00 " 10.00 7.11 12.50 .50 " 12.50 0.00 15.00 11.00 " 15.00 10.00 20.00 15.00 A SPECIAL OFFER. or a Boy's Wagon, Worth .$2, To bo gitn away with ach and avery Boy'a Suit, wiU short pants, TAKE NOliCE that theso ofiers art rood only f.ra FEW DAYS. Gh W. Simpson. Julius Wwohl's Bazaar The very latest news Is that you can buy at JULIUS GRADWOIIL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, foods as follows: Arbuckle'e Coffce, Per Pound 15e. lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No.' I K.roiene; per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, & gallons 100 0 Gallons Qood Pickles 00 20 lbs. No. Saron Soap '. SO Wbo!Ml prk of ogir-100 IU aitn C, K75 100 .U gi.nol.Ud, 4.rt. I will oooduti trlettXMh tor. n1 ail (oa! will li. M for nt xui fro o 10 o t6 pr nl Im. ib.n tvq:.r pim. Uj stock of Cbln.w.r.. Moj gohjtj, 11 lb. ( of rt)bi, m w.ll K.n.r.1 .rtrnnt of irroMrl., orodt 7, lmp.1 flx'anM U aVMniM.. 1 mk. . .pl.ity of A i. tflhM HM Dtklag powd.r, .od alw.j. plM tny euatom.r, Ag.DiforMV.rsU rponaitl oojr.o!.. Jlla SrAdfr.hl. ALLEN Wholesale 5 Retail QIQARQ TOOACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinu Block ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE ADO RETAIL Only "White Labor Employe?, BLACKS AW LEADINGDRUGGISTJ AT."nATTy - CDTllBOrOXT DRUGS. filEDICIHES STATICflARY SO FURNITURE AT COST At Tlios. Brink's Old Stand. cm us mm umiJij hcile these is a chisci 7 J o OUT! tu:tvMiiUnr, mid to Ir jiwtos. 'cMfcOS, soreness, AO'tACXE, t'CURALClA. s;r!N!ASTNT CURE. OF KEMNANTS'haYB La en nanriminii ,:n (.uiinivinfi, auu ru trill consuWahln 1 ua than YOUTH'S SUITS G CHOICE FRUITS OF Alt CM ALL QUANTITIES CEA8QN, albant. oauao Proprietor, 8l HODGES, BEOTHEHS, ROGERS LOOAL USCOItl). Committki MscriNa 'f lte ilcmocratlc county fMitralcoimnlllco heM antetln t the otHce of ( V Wriht tmJuy n ti l orttnniaeil by the clctlou of leorn K Clni))vrUin i rtmirmnn mid T J HtltM a aerrrUry, The Attendance wu quite (ull, and atwutancea Iroiu all precinct were made of very itcueral nitiarnction with the ticket nomlnatfil last week. Much routine and preliminary hugincas waa transacted, and the plan of cam paitfii adopted. A most vltcoroua fight will be made not to elect the ticket tor that U a foregone conclu.lon but to make tlie majority aa larse ai Doaaible, Ho far aa the democrat are concerned the fuht will be conducted en a fair and open Held, fully aieured of an abundant victory. 1id at AaroeiA. The following from the Aatnrlan K'vc an account of the death of a former rt.idvnt of near Al bany : Mra Harriet J Zutuwalt, who bad for acvtral month, been tillcrinK from dropay, hot whom gtneral health had been (tetter of late, wat taken auddenly aim oununj niormnK and aitni a lew 11 rt It ttm mtttkW 1 A'nfjutlr ilia adma r na.' J V V I a V Ujll Vl Theauddcnand unexpected decease of the good mother and w ife waa a terrible hock to the family. Harriet J Kumwalt waa born Decem'oer 17, 183'J, rroeaod the plahia to Urevrnn In IS Id, waa married to John BLlnvllie Sept 1W4, who died a few month after the marring". 'n December 14, 1837, ehe waa married to Linville Itowera, who alao ditnl 8he married W tl Zuiuwalt, her laat huiband June 6, 1872. A Liva Fa mm in- There ia an incrcar ing and commendable ambition among l.itin county farmer to keep the beat blood od atock to le aecured. Among the moat tuccensful and thrifty farmer of the county, one who run a farm in a bueinea way to aa to get the moat out of It, avtling an example that deaerve to be followed. I Mr Moera I'arker. He make tho bmine pay. Now be ia turning hi attention to blooded tock and will make that count. A few day go be purchaaed two full blooded C'lydeadale mare of Sdiowaltrr A lanton, who have been in I he city veveral mnnthf, and w III make thi utock a tec ialty. Hi confidence in thi itoct U wellexpreeaed by the price of the two mare, I800. A SKttfoi-a Fall. Ijtut night Villiam Tully, better known aa Dilly the gardner, waa going acroea toe rtvrr iv war of the Oregon I'aciflc bridge, to hi home at air tied Main, tor wbora he workt hen he took a fall that, for a wonder. did not reault fatally. At the north end of the bridge be fell through the treitle to the around below, a distance ol nearly fifty feeUrtrikina on hi hou1d- er and face, bruising hi face and itram ing hit body, bul breaking no bone. He remained there all uiuht. and waa dia- covered thia morning by a con pie men crowning, and taken to Mr Ptahl , where Dr Davi attended blm. AtiWCTU MttTiNO. At the reg ular meeting of the W C T U. March nth. retoiatton waa adopted directing the Sec. pro tern to write a letter to Mr S A McAliUier eiprelng the deep rrgret felt by tUe L'tdon at her removal.and the good Ikhta which accompany her and her family, from ua all. Mr. Mc MlUter wat Kcc. Secretary and buperlntendant of b S work. Exvtf Lbbanox. li la tatd that the new paper milt at Lebanon la making a profit for it owner of $joo a day. This la probably a little colored, but it I with out doubt a profitable butinct.. It manu facture, only ttraw paper. And here ! Salem, the best point in America open to the ctablUnment of a big paper mill to manufacture both atraw and wcod pulp paper. Bask Ball. X meeting of local bac- ball player wu held taut night at McFar- land a harnet hop. W it Warner wat elected manager, O M McFarland captain nd Van l!on secretary and trea.urer. he Albany bate (Mil club will be the name of It. They will plar a tecond game with the college ulna Saturday fternoon at 3 o clock. Ktbamkr AaaivKD The atcamahlp Willamette Valley arrived thi mornine: Ith the following patteneera: Maior 1 B Anher, E Sklliman, A' l.ambcrtrorn, A TStewar',ECarlott,T J Uneelbach, 11 Stichland, A Brleger, Annlu Brlr, R Briber, H Harding, I Harvey. Fred Doug la and wife, W'.llle Horn, Orville (twain, J II Mct ane, C A Benaon. Popi'LATiom or Euoas. AMetaor McPhenon ba completed thecenautof Eueene. He nnd In Eugene and audi tlon 1S2S male reident and 1680 fe male; total, 3,5o8,excluWe of Chinamen. whom he eatimatea at co. He find 757 re.ldencee in Eugem proper, 34 in Fair mount, 8 in College Hill. AUo 100 butl- ncte houie. Guard. A Ftwa Albl'm. Laurel IxhJc, No. 7 K of P of tbla city have iuat received prob ably the fineat album In the city. It I laige, elegantly bound and Inacrlbec1, and ha. place, for no picture. The lodc now number an even 100 member, a 1 of whoae photograph! will be placed in it aa lt a .ecured. "A Daisy." On Wedncday F W Blumberg, agent for the Columbia bicycle wred to San r rancltco for an ity afety for Jo Klein. The bicycle wa re:elved thi morning, and la exciting lhj admira tion of bicycle rider, generally, a It I. un doubtrdly the finest ever brought to the elty. A Barm Biix.vkbr. J F Cook, who had recently been elected from the Byar ranch, near Mehama, w yesterday tried lor breaking into me barn and taking ou ome tool. He wat bound over under $ioo bond, and will probably await the plea ure ot 1 he erami jury in our county tall. Journal, Coi'KTY Commmmohex. The demo cratic county central committee at it meeting yesterday selected MrT F Miller a a candidate for county cornmmslone in place of T J Manker. who declined Mr Miller Uvea about lour mile from Scioahd comes well recommended for the position. A FaoBABiLrrr, according to good au thority, ia an lectric motor line runnin from the Bt Charles Into Goltra Park addition within sixty day, a line loca tion for a base ball ground, by the way, iet er num, , IK I5NJOY0 Both the method end results when 8 jrnp of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tha taste, and acta fently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, iver and Bowela, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels coldsr head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For eala in 50c and 1 bottles by &U druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN rilANCfJCO. C4L 1 Tub Hook Ektxrtainmknt at the opera houBO lait night given by the Ladle Auxiliary of the Y. M. 0. A. was one of peculiar interest and much merit, He aide securing for tho society between two hundred and three hundred tntoks, most of a hih order, it gave our citizen an evening of enjoyment. The program wae opened with a well render! piano solo by Mi Kva Cowan A tableaux, displaying Justice, Faith, Peace, J lory and Ny dia w at a beautiful affair. A long by a nulntet composed of Prof Ie, Mr and Mra Thompson, Mr Langdon and Mr Chatuberlnitt wa parllcularly an artistic vocal effort. Mia More recited "Tho Hat" with soml efftTt, though much disturbed b a volley ot cough re suiting from the tireck ligh of the tableaux. , 'Shakspere's vlsloii of beautiful women," wa one of the beat thing of its class ever pretwi.ted here. rroi Le represented HtaWper and re- cited an appropriate verse a Mi Tina Montelth appeared a Ophelia; Kcrtha Kl!ii,n Juliet ; Ava Ualtlmoie,a Portia ; Vesta Mason, a lteatrice; Ida Htuart, a ifesdeutona; ftlamie uumiur. a tue Shrew; Kra Cowan, a Cordelia; Lena Marthall, a Queen Catherine; all in good tuakotip. A male choru wa heartily encored. A tableaux, "Iovo' Disguise," in two scene, wa humnrou and cut; Instrumental music by Messrs Mueller, 1 Minn anil imonitiie, of the Philuarmonlo club, Ueanrved a hearty encore. A tableaux, ''ltoman liirl at the Shrine of Ht Agnes," w one of the oeat of the evening. "Addio N.dilltK'r recited "The Dull." A kitchen ecene wa amusing. "Courtship" wa the name of a. tableaux, representing the old tyle, new style, and h-ap year style. A mixed octett wa heard with pleasure. A shadow pantomine closed the entertain ment. Turn Auun Cou-lot. Itev Hugh It Dabbins, the financial agent of Atbauy ('ollfglate Institute, preached la the f irst I reshyterlan church on fcuuday last, and ha visited our city seeking aid for the aliove named inst'tution. lie i a cultured, wide-awake agent and ba been remarkably success! u I so far In this county, having raised over ten thousand dollar for the Improvement! the buna- ing and for erecting a tiorrmory. (he attention and lnterrst of our people lias been grratly attracted, towards this Inati- tutiou by the visit of Itv Itobbin. tahauon baa several student in thi institution, all of whom we aie informed are highly pleased- Linn county should iei a common rride la this institution of learning that has, and ts, Accomplish ing a grand and good work Jn our midst, and those of our people who fel able to help, will find in this college a worthy ojoci imitation express. C .. r. I n fHOWWO ill 1'r.MtH. B at re- oice in the prosperity of the nelahlmr Ing town, and is alwava triad to irlvs credit where deserved, aa it i to punc ture merely windbag. The following from the McMinnviHe Telephone liegls ter is a good end offfor C'orvallis: Mr F M Johnson and Mr A J Kay, of C'or vallis, were in the city yotentay. lo speaking of affair at Corvalli Mr ohntoti said : Uurtown U very prosper ous, w Lave Just started a carriage and wagon factory, ol which I am secre tary The company was organised last uiy with a capital of floo.OOo. There as been fas.ouo paid in. and all ol it by Corvalli people. W have put ot a fouMtory building, 00x250 feet, wills a capacity of 200 men. The factory was started a few day ago with twenty-five men, ana wlil urobahly employ forty during the .nmuncr. The skilled laboi i a. I from the esst. and Kaoerintendeni Slicker come from the Portland carriage worse ami from ine tiraniiora work. LtnAxoN. A brother of Tho Price, the ditch contractor, wa kicked on the bead by a mule last Friday, inflicting an giy wound. M A Miller sold hi residence property to 8 II Meyer thi week. Mr Myers lias bought several thousand dollar's worth of property in Lebanon since hi arrival lew month ago. A burglar effected an entrance into N W Hmith'tding tore. onenlirtst recently by turning the key in the back door, but took nothing but some change which had Uen left in the till. The Lebanon Fire Company held their annual election Monday evening of thi week. Following are the office re-elect: President, J A llobcrts; vice-president, A Jtobert: secretary, lohn llotte: foreman, VC Peterson; first assistant. oim Mayer: second assistant. Joe Mayer. " The detxocrat could not have nomi nated a better exponent of democracy than our friend and fellow-townsman, M A Miller. It U a healthful symptom of reform when each party nominate only 11a oesi men tor otnee, aa the people s party and the democratic party have done. As Editor SxNrsNtst). Ucr W Dunbar, one of th proprietor of the Attoria Town Talk, has Leen sentenced to Imprisonment In the Clatsop county ialt st Astoria, lor the term of one year, nav ing seen convicted and found guilts ol libel on 8amu Elmore, of Astoria The offensive article charged Mr Elmore with being a thief, swindler. The Judge in pssaing sentence referred to the power of a newnpapcr to defame character, and what a dangerous engine it m'ghl become In the hands of the unscrupulous and malicious. The prUoncr had not com mltted the offense Ignorant) v for he had been connected with newspaper v ork for vears. . BouxMiA Mwiss. From J II Wilkin who returned last evening from the Bo hemia mine, where he had been engaged alt winter on development work on the Annie mine, we learn that the new fun nel ha been finished. It i Hi; feet below thefirst one, strike the lead 153 feet below the mouth of the tunnel, and at depth of 150 feet. The lead i eight feet wide. All the men came out, and work has been suspended.- It will be resumed Aoril otli. when the mill will he run to its full capacity. The superintendent of the Annie estimate that there $500,000 of paying ore in sight Guard Ox a'Ibchsicality. In Yetterdsy'i Daily Guard news was given of the defeat In the circuit court, of the city, In the case of "J E Roach et al vs the City of Eu eene," This means that the cost of the improvement of Madison street wilt hsv to be borne by the city, instead of th property owners along said street, on ac count of an error in the notice asking for bids. The notice stated that "bids would be received" etc., when the word ihould have been added, "and contract let." The usual form of notice was used by the city recorder as formulated and prepared by former city attorney. The amount of the Improvement, which will thus be saddled on the city is 007.09. Besides thi amount, about $650 on other streets have been paid under protest, which will prob sbly have to be refunded. Ouard. Fos-T Beter Road. Notice I hereby given that all supervisors of road districts, in Linn County, Uregon, are urgently re quested to meet at the Court House m Al bany on Tuesday, the 29th day ol March 1802, 041 the hour of one o'clock p m, of raid day, fo:' the purpose of discussing and agreeing upon the best practicable manner ot working and making good the road in said county and compelling those who are subject to rood tax to work out their as-' sessments. By order several supervisors CixaKlin UURKU, heaJthZaurt swse breath cure i by Ikiloh's Catarrh Usinsdy t rier, SO couiA. PiaI lojflulor ires. WrtERBTO GstThbm. Whenw&minB n organ er piano call on Blackman k Ho!ge Aher you can select from a first class steck. THAT HACKING COUGH tuickly cured by ShiloV Cars anteo it. - can be so We tuar- SHILOII'S COlU'i snd Commmptioa Cure is sold b ua on a guarantee. It cares fvran!JH)ti;n. 1 Ktt avi ri;iisiAi, l TrtURSPAV , - , 5 ' ( 'I F Merrill returned lt n'ght f iora a trip to Portland, . - I Mr Ch F.lkln. i Prlnevlile, arrived In the city this noon. r , Dr McAllister sud fambv leave for their new home In Ogilm tonight, and will lake the bct wtl? of ttuny Albany friend with them, Mis Msrgle Duthsm, tlsKghler of tx Suprrlntenutnt Durlism, of Coe, I In the clly for a few weeks, t ro lou to going to Portlar d to study inedscine, Mr O P Coshow ncelved a dlipatch this forenoon sniioonelt g the Illness of his dsigliier llasel, l.i sitm, where he went this noto and from I crs will go to McMliHivllle. , i Mis i'arker, of rortiand,! In the city. the guest of Hon J K YVea'herlord. Ltcene wss Imued yetteruay for the marrluje of W II Hrnnlng and Peril K Msckey. On Friday evening of next week th local Christian Kndeavor Union will give a fate social and entertainment at the V P church, which promises to be a nice affair. V ; Ir O YV Maston will leave tomorrow moruingfor Chicago and New Yoik to Ue a txxtt graduate evoxc- in one or hoth of the post graduate Medical col I lege of those ciiir. 1 Mr K B Barrow and ftinilv have gone to Hanta Barbara, Calif , for th benefit of the health of Misa Jessie. Mr Barrow alllretorn in two or three week, but Mr Barrow and daughter will remain several months. Mr Jos Dsv, from nesr Albany, hat rented one of Mr Guy's building (the one formerly occupied bv Peterson & Garland) wlwre he ha opened a feed store. A feed store l something we need here and we hope It will be a succe. Expre, satDAV The docket of the Circuit Court to con vene In McMlnnvflle March 33 shows O II Irvine, formerly of this cltv. lo be In terested la nine or ten esses. A good start after a residence f onlv a few months there. IUmey & Fenton seam to have a maiotlty of the caaea now. I E Matter, a brother of Bert Msgers, of this city, also nat a long 1UI of cse. C W Aters. wife and children arrived from Portlani .Sunday. Mr Avers went on over to the Scot vslley mines Tuetdsy. Mrs Aycrs and children will remain In Ah!and for several week, but will nrob. U go to Scott v!!cy for the summer. Asnunu ili'iot. SAfTKOAV Key A M B ark U D. come ur from I Salem tday t atlenu the communion service at the U P church tomorrow, Mrs Msckey. of fan Francisco, arrived ere this mornine. and will he etnnloved a trimmer at the Ladiea liexaar. . Marshal Hodman went to Salem ves terdsy Ith young Sraght, whom he left st the reform school. Albany now ha three members of the school. A whittling bee social snd entertainment i: he given at the V OT U hall. v that society on nest Tuetdsy evening. It promtaes to be ore of the livett and most enjoyable affair ot th season. Mr II M Stone, of Oakvllle. who waa bi he ci'v todav. report tht th bode of Imc Stone, drowned on Tuesday hail not been found, though a diligent search had been kept up. Mr D Rankin, of the lild.boro Electric lignt nd water works, ts In the city lot the purpose of moving bis family to that city, lie reports IHIUboro people iubllsnt over the proposed Astoria road.and build Ing la booming. Jaon Wheeler came In from Stavton this morning bringing Mrs Wheeler who has been seriously tick for tome time at her daughters, Mrs Kitchen's. Mis Wheeler's msny ftlends wilt b glad to learn that the Is Improving rapidly. Sheriff Scott went to Salem this noon. taking Kestoner, the clothes thief, to th pen for a vear, Dempster, theeun burglar for two rears, and Qrln Besm. for attempt ing to burn a barn to the reform school for six months. E L Thompson and tamllr are In the city, the guests of Hon It A Irvine, on heir wy to Portland ftom their San rancUco trip. Ir Templcton hai re turned from the Sandwich Inland and gone tn Portland by way of the Pacific. tit(i rowtsEB . la tb Jfsw T.rk Lrglslalsir. The following, taken from 'The OH, i'aint and Drug Reporter, refer to a new bill just introduced in the itgUlature of New York state: - v The latest development In the baking powder war, Is the introduction of a bill In the legislature ot this ttste. requiring ail packagea of baking powder which con tain ammonia, to be branded with a elate- ment of that fact In large type on the label. Now while the ammonia contention I on, why cannot the law give trie public the benefit of the doubt? Wholly unpre- mdlcedaoeople are certainly not willing to be dosed with the substance acknowledged as a poison, simply because aclenttsta, some of whom are not even physiologists, dlssgree as to lis potency. A similar bill was introduced I am April but it is shrewdly surmised that the lnflu ence ot interested parties prevented its passage. The provUiona of the present bill are so lust that it probably will soon bercme a Uw, This will be welcome news to the manu facturers of pure Cream ot Tartar baking powders, the most prominent of whom Is the Price Baking Powder Co of Chlcsgo, and St l-ool, makers of l)r 1'rice s Cream Making Powder, who have always made a alrli-tlv nura Cretan of Tartar powder. notwithstanding- the temptation ot adul t - - v. ------ - . v teration suggested by the enormous profits realized by a large New York concern which uses ammonia, and advertises us powder as ttrlctly pure, by mean of gar bled official reports and certificates signed by Its own empiove. dubbed professor, doctor or government chemist, as fancy mavdlctate. A bill compelling alum powders to be conspicuously labelled as such, already exlstt in Minnesota ana it is 10 00 nopea In the interest of the consumer that simi lar laws will soon be enacted In other states, for ammonia at well as alum. The following powders known to con tain either ammonia or alum or both, will be affected by the proposed legislation Rovat, Pearl, Calumet, Chisago Yeast, Foiest City, One Spom (Taylor's). Bon Bon. Kenton, Echo, Snow Puff, Unrivall ed, Yarnall's. One Spoon, Shephard's Economical, Crown, Clymax, Hercules, Monarch, New Era, biiow Ball. A latge atoolc of pruning shears nd prao ina hooks, tbslhest made, just reosived at 8tewart & Sox's. Now Is th tin to tliem.j " Dsoi iadly the largsst snd ehoiorat variety f tea in town Is t C E BrcwnaU's. San drid, bsskst fired. 'j-sen, black, English bretkfstt, &s Rireet eider itl'E Allen's. It is actually economy to driak'UetctT Tea. lkiiic abolutely pure, it i much stronger than th artitiuUi teaa, about on third lets of ic, or about twenty grains, ha intfoquiri'l par oup. As theve are 7.68 grains to a pound, ttwre will bs seen to b between three sad four haadrad cups to th pound. A it is hut 60 cents per pnun A this is at tho rate of about ona fifth of a o n per cnp. For sale at Alien Bras. See W F Head's line of dress gocds silks before buyinpjelsewhere, . snd SLEEPLESS" NIGETS mad mi.rbls by that terrible coogh. Shitoh's Cass is ths remedy for yo At ileml', tho jewelers, ts a good plsee to boy a filled watoh. Aliin Bros always keop their customer applied with fresh butter and . tiau t iT coi bt. State ' agt Frank S Ingram; murder. Verdict ot murder In second degree. Will be sentenced Monday at 1 o'ctocs. State agt Oiln Beam 1 arsoi , Pie of guilty. Sentenced to rrlorm school six months, Aaklgnment Kwong Wookee C. Final account approved. Uis'rlbut ion ordered Assignee discharged. W S Thompson sgt J F Powell & Co( to recover money, Continued. The Vvlnuebarger National Bank agt Jo Pearl rt ux j to recover money, Con tinued. A Schilling Jtbi t J F Powell & To to recover money. Continued. . Cooler AtVasi burn igt W T nd Martha Ph rire; to rcover monev. Dis missed wltliftttt prejudice, Coo ley A; Washburn gt J J snd Leabo; to recover money, DimlfJ without pr. Judlce. F II Vsuht agt Mitt fcit ; d nses. DLmUned, L V Davis agt Nettle It DavU) divorce. Granted, Mrs li B DavU rft H II Dsvts; divorce. Urantcd. . . Jewish Fullerton at Tho 1) Ellis; to recover money, C't'hiucd. A C UUt gt IWhlge Hl.i; Granted. r ' vorce Sender S'ernburg sgt L Ilousiost to recover money, C'iinued, W C Cstscll sgt Naay Csssell; to set 1 deei. Coqdnned. AMMgntntC) iui ft Pitrliford. Continued. B A Lsifiert apt T L lleim; tmitioa to vacate. lJistilfd, U Abrshsm agt Egbert Egsrfl mu Ion to set sid jitdgiiicttt . Not lloed. Dssini wed, KLbabin ct JF Nixosj ifovery of money. u 'gmrnt In want of answer. Alvsn Tsumst sgt Minerva Tb-nnas; di vot c Crsn'tJ. Msiy J Tery sgt Hbam W Pecryj divorce. GrsnUd. Wm F Heller sgt Jo I'sail et us j to u cover mjney. Cuetinsed. Tuba Croft sgt Henry Mills: writ of review. Judgment tsvmied and judgment for co.s for tit n. ", Ceo Johnson agt Stopei ftVaegtin; tore eover money 1 attachment, judgment of aon (nit, I.sura WabM agt JssC Walton: divorc. Grsoifd. W F Ktd sgt R Cutiart coef.uiofl ju.'g msa. Not properly oa tb docket. Kisie agt Wat D Dcmt-ser. Plea of guiliy, ssaieaced to peniteatiary twoyeat. Stats sgt RTReasoeer, l'.ssd guilty of Unceey, sen'enced to peaiientiary on year. Slat agt J D Baker; iodictrcnt tarceay. Slat agt F'as Wtlsoas indictneatlarceey. S at gt Cbas L-udto, Not a true bill. A BO IB tMttl.ltstl'. Ijitt night about t o'clock two boys, aged about 1? and 13, tramping through th valley, rapped at Key Loui Metay er's door in the rear of the Catbolic church and asked him to open the door at once. Think ing it waa a matter need ing baste he opened the door while yet in hi nightgown. The boys stepped in, and that wa the last Itev Metayer knew for a coup! boors He thinks be wa chloroformed, but he was probably knocked on the bead with a Huffed billet. He at leant became insensible from tome cause, lelween 11 ana 13 o clock lte awakens and atarted to at le, when the bore, who bad not left, shoved the mus cle of a shot gun belonging to lint Metay er in bis face, knocking biui back, lie finally Bueceeued In getting to his feet and out of the door and ran to the depot aa last as tie con id go, giving the alarm. Immediately afterwards the two boy were seen sneaking on to a natcar loaded with machinery ,on the midnight freight, where they were fnuna and arretted ty Nightwatctt McClain. On their person was found a watch identified by Rev Metayer as bis, several blank book,ster- eoacopie views, ete. About $13 in money taen from itev Metayer was not found. evidently having been bidden among the Pieces of reach inery on the car. i be boys had torn on thing generally at the chorch, having gone through the entire building. The gun wa found bent at one part where it had been hit Btcalnst lometning. Kev metayer besides being frightened, was exhausted and chilled completely through, having bad nothing on but bis night shirt, and is now lying in bed seriously til. The k-rand Jury took tin the cane the first thing this morning and found true bills airaioRt the boys, evidently very depraved yonths, who gave their names at frank Wilson and J C Baker. To the Hormrable judge of the Orcult Court of Llr.n county, Oregon. - We the grand jury for the March term of the circuit ccurt of iSoa, have as re quired by law. exandned the different county building and the office therein, Including the tail and outbuildings, and we find that eacn ot the county oliicers without exception, btve their office and book In good condition and clean, and the officer themselves courteous and obliging , We would especially commend the business manner fn whlcl. - aherltl Scott has got up hi tax receipt. There being no further business before us, w ispedfuMy sk to be dUmlsed. SiaAi'nea Froman, foreman. Faaak Gucason, - Isaac Saltmarsii, A E Bloom, -Two Brandon, IIU Mokav, G W Arnoui. , MISFITS. Astoria has iuat paid an accountant IS44.S3 to straighten up her books. Ex travagant even in bunting up extrava gance. That's the way of.the world. The barn belonging to u Btlyeu was burned to ihe ground Friday morning about 1 :30 o'clock. Loss, about f 100 ; no ingurance. It was evidently the work of a tramp, as a person was seen leaving tho barn shortly alter it took lire. Jt-U' gene Guard. JCCawood brines the Journal a sack ful of specimens taken from the hind end of his orchard, which he believes in dicates the presence of diamonds. Salem Journal, As Oregon has nearly every other kind of mineral on the face of the earth it is about time diamond were discovered, and the matter should be investigated. Key F W jvfaya of the Pomeroy Inde pendent wields a vigorous pencil. Here is the heading of the leading editorial in his issue of March 10. "ThebuEzards ol damnation are packing and the carrion crows of hell are spewing out their filth in order to once more deceive the peo ple." Then he writes a column article in which ne an ui powers 01 earth and heaven to arise in their ma iesty and might and hurl the boodlers into the bottomless pit. Brother- Mays is a poer and no mistake, when he has literally torn them into pieces, iiiey will appreciate the Jact. Then Baby was sic, w gars her Castor. When she was a Child, aba cried for Caatorta. Wlien she became Miaa, sbs dun t Castorls. (Then she had Children, she gave tbem Castorta. A lare line of elegant K ' 1 -n ftt X gold wat oh os ia 1 IIB PHKSIDgNT'MjtTlTK. The offioe holder machine in Indiana ha givfln Pwwdimt lfrtrrifion the delegatm from hi own sbibt, but it cannot give him the elector, Indiana! a democratic slide. The plu rality at the IhhI election was nearly 20,000 The eongTenxionul delegation stand eleven democrat to two republican, with an ag gregat detnocrtilic plurality of 21,000 The legislature isdomorratic on joint ballot ly 63 majority, Since tie adoption of the secret ballot put a chm k on the Dorsoy-Dud-ley method of carrying the stale by organ issod briliery, it scarcely n. ed the bitter re publican dUsension reveiibtd in Thursday convention to assure the stale to the demo crats, with a popular cflndiduteand a sound I'latfonii. The republican resolutions are Bourbonish on the tariff, defiant in defense of the bill ion dollar congress, evasive on silver and ironclad tiw dif.txmer of iKils, Ibmia- min Harrison. The silver plank is nolewortby, as repre senting tlie republicanism of the president' own stabt. ItdecUtres thiit . j Wear in fnvor of bonet money, of a dollar that, whetlier it ls gold or silver or pe,ir, sliall of like value in thejwyment f debts. Is not the 70-cent silver dollar, or it pajiSjr tvpresenlAtiv, rf "like value" with tiui gold dollar in the paynumt of debts? A government But, adopted by a republican congress and sinml by President llarriwrn, tnuke it a legal tender anl receivable for public due. Would not Ute proposed Bland silver dollar lie "of like value in the payment of delU." if hi bill should pa? Thi is the objection of honest, sound money men to the free coinage Of these dollar. But they would, und?r Ihi resolution, lie acceptable to the Indiana republican. A republican Hoosicr i a very uncerbun quanlily. New York U'mlJ. pgriM THE THIBD PABTT Chief Justice Peter Turney of Tennessee, in announcing, in answer to popular de mand, hi candidacy for the democratic nomination for governor in that state, s is sue thi defuuioe to the "third party:' When we Gnd democrat in danger of foiling unwarily into the snare and trap of designing men, who are organising e cret and oath-bound sotitie fjr elfish pur pose, and laboring to foit their heretic upon the democratic party, kt every true democrat fuel it to be hi duty to reason with him sought to be entrapped and point out lite nwiemocratic teachings of the false leader, Democrat has no secret. . Oath are not newoary to it existence. It is bold, open and candid; not afraid of litrht and publicity. Its principle are embodied in the constitution and bill of right. It dam and that every member of it family shall publicly subscribe to iU faith, and not be ashamed to confess it. It can and will nuike no concesmons to unconstitntion a) tenet. . It i the party of Ute people the people friend. hx. ei-St Boies, of Iowa, wa a presidential possi bility a month ago. Today he is more near ly a probability than any talked of candi date. Even in the Empire state, where Cleveland men and Hill men can unite on nothing else, they can and do agree on the proposition that Boies is the man frr the democratic party totelect if the choice is to go outside of New York state. More great newspaper are supporting Bole than any oilier man. More good feel ing exists toward Boie in oil camp than toward any other man, Leg can be urged against Boie than any other man. There i greater cerUinity tLat Boie can carry Iowa than any other candidate can carry any doubtful slate. Boie is more like Cleveland in political principle nnd more like Hill in personal popularity than any other candidate. He is stronger in New York than Hill or Cleveland, and just a itronsr in Illinois a Palmer. The whole party can unite on h'jn and have confidence in him. lie belongs to the west, is accept able in the east and he is unobjectionable ia the south. In all state he is as strong a bis party and in some he is stronger. Though new in politics, he is neither iner perienced nor youthful. Boie i the man of the hour the man bora for the occasion. "Cleveland men will relinquish their favorite with regret So does the SYsrV. J let aid, but the mantle of Cleveland could not certainly fall upon better successor than the reform governor of Iowa. Omaha ItralJ, A dispatch'from lndiunapoli says: The executive committee of the Indiana Republican Editorial Association held a secret meetinsr here last night and cited I Johnson, secretary of the association and editor of the Richmond Ittm, to answer a charge that he had published free trade ed itorial. . D Johnson broutrht with hira the files of hi paper for a couple of months, and he asked bis censors to point out tbe objectionable editorials. This was done by the commit tee and Johnson wa taken severely to task. The committeemen said that while they recognized that they did not have the right to attempt to control tho editorial express ion of the republican papers of the state they did think they had the right to take exception to the expression of a paper ed ited by an ofheer of the association. They advised Johnson to resign. Johnson replied that he was writing and Drintinor bis scntitnor ts. and that so far as he could learn, his view were indorsed by hi constituents. He would, therefore, not asrree to modify bis course. Johnson furth' er said to the committee that it did not elect him secretary of the association and, therefore, could not depose hun. The committee was forced to admit that Johnson's position was correct, and voted to defer action until uie miusummer meeting of the association. Mr Johnson returned home determined to resume his attacks upon the Mckinley bill A Salem paper, encouraging the alliance ticket in Linn county, says that the third party movement makes the political situa tion doubtful, with the chances in favor of the republicans. This it says, "is a flatter ing state of affairs, which, though a little hard on the machine democrats at the county seat, will tend to improve county trovernment not a little." Inasmuch : as Linn county haa for years been out of deb arid its tax levy is about tho lowest in the state, it is not clear why it would be bene ficial to turn the county government, over to republicans, Jt is generally a safe rule to let well enough alone. Perhaps it would be better advico to suggest to the voters Marion county that its "machine" republl cans be turned out. Liun county been governed better than Marion. SHIUOH3 VllALilKt: Is whst voo nwd for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizs nes ano an syenpeoms 01 l)ypepna Prieil0 and 7o cents par Dottle. . j Ten Acs ss j bargain for a ( of choice f arden land at ew t'a only at coiixg sTsrx roKVg.vriesfl The following are the date of (fate ventions, so far a fixed; pRWOf'ttATK.', con Iowa, Co:intil Bluffs, May 11 ; Wisconsin, Jefferson City, May 11; Pennsylvania, liar rishurg, April 13: South Carolina, May 16; Alabama, Montgomery, June 8; West Vir' ginta (in diidriitu). June 1; Oklahoma, Kingfislier, May 7; Floriila, Tampa, Jane 1 ; Minnesota, St Paul, March 21; North I'a koU, Orand Forks, March 21; Illinoi Springfield, April 27, Wyoming, Cheyenne, April 13; South Dakota, Yankton, May 25 V iaconsiD, Milwaukee, May 4; Indiana, Indtanapolus April 21; New York, anU- Hill, ryracflse. May SI ; . Michigan, Musk egon, May 4;Oregos, April 19. Rxr-t'BUCAV. Georgia, Atlanta, April 14; Massaehu setts, Springfield, May 4; low, Dee Moine March 17; Kentucky, March 30; Maine, Bangor, April 27; North Carolina, ltaie-gh, April 14.; Oregon, Portland, April 6; Penn sylvania, llarrisburg, April 20; Washing. ton, beattle, April 14; Sooth Carolina, Co lumhia, April 19; South Dakota, Chamber ain, March 23; Idaho, Pocatello,; Miehi- fraw. Detroit, April 14; Nebraska, Kearney, April 27; New York, Allany May 4; Tenn essee, Nashville, May 4; Texas, Austin, March 8; Vermont, Montpelier, April 13, for delegate to the convention, Burlington, June for tt ticket. West Virginia, for dtilegate to convention, Martinsburg, May 5; for sbtte ticket, Huntington, August 3; Illinois, Springfield, May 4; New York, Albany, April 28; Kansas May S, for dele gates, and June 39, for state officer. ciwo.. TH)j?ixn couan a.a Broohitisiii altttlr rlis jshloh'. Car. Mower to L. I have neney , in sums of 500 to $20,000 to loon on im proTd farm lands in Linn and Benton couaties, at lowest current rates. K delay in famishing the money. ' . - U BUSKHABT, Seal eUU asent. Albany, Oregon. W. F, Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, hosiery, We have to select from. Our but the cheapest ever shown in Albanj. We want- your trade and you money. Albany , -x- ia! v '-' -1 iN1Si ai ' for Infants "Caatorla Is so we3 adapSed tochMren Oust 1 iHXramenil lt.aa saiperior to any proacriptioa .Vjiowntome.' IL A. Aacsaa, H. l, Ul So. OsToni Et, Brooklyn, S. T. "Th uiw of "Csgtoria Is o nnhreraal ano lu merits ao well known that it aeemaa work of autwawoatiivi to endorse It Few are the inrelhfreot families who uo oot keep Caatoria within easy reuob " Caaxos IIastiw, New York City. iMte Fastoe Bsnomlpflaia Betomtetl Church. svTV-rres'WPijy.y. ms ,' usii its Tux CcNTaca -PATR0NIZE ROM II1STITUTIQNS. M FARMERS k WEUm INSURANCE CO.. AlecsBy, T BEAD, Preatdeat. J la COWAN, Treasurer. JL Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W T Bead, T Monteltb.M Sternbers, 3 W Cnalak J K eathertord, R -A1SO DIBTKICV AO 1ST KB- Several Solid Eastern f Ul of 1'arl.les tho VLZTJ, C3TC3 COXSa'IPATIOX, LXDIGlSTIti, EILiyUSA'ESS, LlEli C0SFLA.IJiTS,!iICS HEADACHE, COLBS, l'iSl'LES, all SKIN lFFCCTI0S,nd DISEASLS AEISINO froa A DIOHDESEI ST03LA.CI2 , ; 2?t f?enttne UAMB VRG TEA ia put otn YELLOW WRAPrznS with Facsimile &'(iwr of F.MII, FRESh, I " . JTt- k OO. AOUTNTS. (MM rRAWVe'-O. j--.;-T . - IT' H , . 7i, BRONCHITIS Is an Inflammation of the bronchial tubes I . 1 1 ...... . 1 icauillg IHIO HIS limp. - Few other complaints are so prevalent, or call for more prompt and energetic action. An neglect or delay may result seriously, eflectlve remedies aUould always to et hand. Apply at once a mustard poultice to the upper part of the chest, and, for iuternal treatment, take frequent doses ol Cherry Pectoral CO. Lepper. Drusftfst, Fort Wayne, Infl write! " ily little mter, four years of yc, wa so in from brosvhltis that we bad almost given up hope of hrr recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large sxperw nee, pronounced It useless to give her any more medicine, saying he had done all it wa possible to o, and w must prepare for the worst. As a last resort, we dntennirMd to try Ajf r's Cherry l'ectoral, and i can truly y, with most lappy results. After takiiiij few doses tbe seemed to breathe tasi-r, and, within a week, wa oat of danger, We continued gllng tbe Pectoral until satisfied h wa ulfreiy welt TU lndipntaW evidence of tbe jtreat merit of Ayrs cterry Pectoral has given me nnbounded confi dence in the preparation, and I recommend ft to my customers, knowing It cannot disap point them." "A yen Cherry Pectoral cored me of a bad eonRb and my partner of bronchitis. Iknow of numerous eases In which this preparation , ba proved very beneficial In families o Young ChUdren, , so that the medicine Is known among them as 'the eonsoter of the anneied." Jaime Bum Vidal, 8aa Crlstoljel, Ban Oomlnro. "A thort time ago, I wa Uken with a ever attack of bronchitis. The remedies ordinarily used In such eases failed to piso me relief. Almost In despair of ever Undine anything to cure me, I bought a bottie of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, and wa helped from the first dose. I had not finished one bottle before the disease left me. and my throat and longs were as sound as ever." Ceo. B. Hunter, Altoona, Pa. Ayer's Gharry Peoiora!, rtvsus bt . 0HJ. C AYER & C3.f Lcwsll, to. 80M lj aS DmefSst. rrie 1 1 ; aiz Vouiea, $i, RE A D, stock is not onlv the larcest we feel confident we can ear W. E. READ. Orejzon 4 anrj Children. Caistorlat cures Colic, Constipation, fsm r Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, KiLa Vi'onas, gives sleep, and promotes df- 'WltK'inJuriouB medication. " For several years I hare roeommenrled your ' Castoria, and ahall always continue tr 00 o as it has invariably produced belielicij results." - : Eowne F. Fsrdb. M. D., "Tta 'Wlnthrop," 125th Street asSTTth Ave Kew Yoik Citi Coavainr, Tl Udsbat Strect, Kkw York. Ore J O WRITS MAN. Secretary. . eeoF SIMPSON, Vica Presldant, PIlUCOTOnii '11 1 . ... S Stratum, J O Writaman. and- Foreign Companie J!. -WW UEwl ,,f fi j