The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 18, 1892, Image 3

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Afrit CniNAMKN.The Ochoco Re
view hs the following sentlnl Hem:
Last Saturday morning Ah I Hum, proprie
tor of the f'rlnevllle Hotel, took rsssg
on the sisge lor The Dal'ea, mi J when
the ie about four miles from town
ami was going up a short hill north of
McKay crrek.nlx marked men rose up In
the Mail, ordered (He diiver. John Miller,
to halt ami drawn i Uiotrs made sol off ihe 'ae. A a-ge man,
felto tli.l ntl Hie talking. MMiek Mm. he
think wlih a i'1-ilol, mnU"Tt a vera cul
on liii in ni'h I'n.'ii ih h-Hi'Mi ht
lmi.l ih Mini hl hark and il M-n everal
tulle, ai I lhre-ileoed ' h iii.( lit i unle
ho won Id prom In to l..iv- 'It.- i:intrv
anil liike all Ihe Otil i i- 'iov Hji'i Ithii
One id tin- pari cul off, liU nn ami tt- r
ais.iln irlist lo make nlin proud.- to Like
all Ihe Chinamen mil of Hie tnunlry, put
I Im mi ihe 'Sj.e and in tiered Ihe dlvr
to Coon, The)' iuhJ no aiiempl in roV
1dm or "Ve any moite or papna fiiin
lu.n. The aame nltfhi Ah T e. munnvrr
ot Qnong lll.i ,t t'' at ore, aaya either
st iw seven men name to lilt aiore and
tried to git him out, hut he retimed to
open hl dora and thev went away. He
thinks they wanted to "get Mm out and
kill him orcut of! hist ne.
Goon NatttHaoas.- Lane U a great
county for peculiar aulta. Mere la an
other that telle about two neighbor:
Some time alnee the t -v boys belonging
retpertlyely to E McCltnahan aid L R
Llvertnore got Into, a row, and Mr Liver
mote an arretted and fined for taking
pait In the trouble. Since lhat lime ll
tcemt that ihe two families have been at
enmity. The remit ol the aame hat no m
appeared In a new cate. Thurtdav.llulda
McClanahan, wat granted an Injunction
agslnst L K Llvermore, In the circuit
court. The complaint alleges iSat there
la a substantia! fence between the prem
iaea of plaintiff and defendant; the defend
ant, with intention to vex and annoy ihe
pla'ntlfl't family, threatens to and la
maliciously building a solid plank fence,
ten feet high, between the premises of
olalnliff and defendant, that will hut off
the light and view of the street; that the
fvnee U to be 100 feet l.i length ; that if
not ret. rained he will complete the struct
ure, and thereby do great and Irreparable
damage, and create grst annoyance to
f lalntirt. Judge Pipes granted a temporary
n junction and r ill hear a motion to make
t perpetual In a few dys.
Daivaa'a Lkctvr. Uct Prlrer de
livered his lecture last night, at the M E
church, on "What Made the Yankee,"
to a very appreciative audience. It van
full o' cream. displaying research and
originality of thought. Few men possess
a greater store of general information.
The speaker showed hnw our constitution
vat modeled after that of the Israelites,
mentioning several striking likenesses.
There were thirteen tribes of the Israel
ites and thirteen states of the U.S. No
foreigner could rale over either. A for
eigner con Id be n&turalixed, etc. lie
made the Yankee, (any native citiien of
the U. 8.,) the greatest of all men, first
in war, first in government and first in
inventive genius. He. is made npofall
nationalities going before him. hence his
wonderful versatility and leadership in
the present progress of the world. Ha
is the consummation of all other people.
He said it took 201)0 years to make the
Jew, 4000 to make the Dutchman and
6000 to make the Yankee.
T Yocaa Iuhablco. The river
steamer, R G Young, finds a "hard road
to travel" in the upper Willamette. The
river is qoite low at present and in many
places between here and Kuiene the
water is shallow and very swift. Hut
she has made a few successful trips be
tween here and Harris burg and the pro
prietors are by no means discouraged bv
their little mishap on Sunday. he was
near I'eoria, on her way down with a 65
ton cargo when the swift current swnng
the little craft around with such force as
to strike the stump of a tree on the river
bank and break every paddle on her
wheel. She waa tied np for repairs,
which can be made without much diffi
culty, when she will continue to do good
service on the tipper river. Timet.
E.TTCBCD THE CoLl'MUtA Tha follow
ing extract taken from the report of a
selec rm rait tee to congress, dated May
IS, 1821, Mt Boyless, chairman, is very
interesting now, on the eve of the cen
tennial celebration of the dicoverv of
the Colombia. "To this period (1790)
the long range of coast, stre'ehing from
14 deg. 33 min. to 47 deg. 6 min. was
wholly unknown ; it had not even been
described. On the 11th day of May,
171)2, the Oregon, or Great Rivei of the
West, was diacovered by Captain Robert
Gray, then on his second voyage, and
commanding the ship Columbia ; be en
tered the river and gave it the name of
his ship."
SnTTOH'e Electioh The city election
occurred at that city on last Monday,
and was a very exciting' contest, nearly
every vote in the city being polled. The
license ticket won by a vols ranging
from 14 majority for the mayor down to
5. The total vote waa 10U. Following
was the successful ticket: Uriah Whit
ney, mayor; VV H Hobaon, Y Bichard
sbri, J V Ilavy and O C Vv'imei, council
inen; Jerpme Grayer, recorder; Taylor
emith, marshal; J V Thomas, treasurer.
A Laar Yea Da.vci. A correspond
ent writing from Cloverdale gives the
following; "Across the river from Allan?
in the granga ha:l Friday night, a merry
company of nearly twenty-five couple en
joyed themselves dancing. The ladies
paid the bills, and furnished a fine supper,
and the affair was pronounced by the
gentlemen present "the nice: dance we
have ever had In the hall." We expect to
have another one when the bridge la
A Freak or Nature. On last Wed
nesday our butcher, Jamea Taylor, killed
a hag which was a curiosity In its way.
The animal was entirely wanting In the
usual auricular appendages; that is :o say,
it had no ears. The places where those
useful organs should have been j wss per
fectly smooth, not even the slightest
break In the skjn being vllble. The nog
(n life was, of course totally deaf.
Tub Book Social. The Y M C A book
social takes place Friday evening, March
8th, at the opera bouse. A delightful
program is being prepared by the beet
talent in the city for the occasion. A
small admission of ten cents will be
charged at the door to defray expenses.
Onr library donated by generous people
will be on exhibition. Every body come
and see it.
A Freak or Natibb. Mr John Gilll
lahd, who has been in the city attending
conrt, tells the Democrat about a pig
which is certainly a curiosity. In a
litter of pigs this one formed a striking
feature. It has ona head, neck and
breast, and then divides into two pigs;
there are eight legs to it, and four ears,
out only two eves and one snout. It is
hairless. Mr Gilliland has preserved it
in alcohol, and any one collecting curi
osities can secure it of him.
Abtiktic Work. One of the be,t
decorated rooms in Albany may be seen
over W F Read's. It consists of elevant
papering and hand work and was done
by Mr Gene Larimore. It shows him to
be an artist in his line of merit. Mr
Fred liluroberg and family will occupy
the suite ol rooms In a lew days.
Died. District Attorney Geo O Bing
ham received a dispatch this morning from
Judge W M Ramsey, of McMlunvll'e,
containing the sd Intelligence of the
defcth of Mrs Altada Ramsey, wife pf
Judge Ramsey. t
What Day ? An aged gentleman
wrltrs to the Dkmacrat to say that he
was beni December utb, 1813, and wants
to know on what day of the week he was
born Our aged friend was born on Sat
urday, ,
CaiI-RD.- The Congregational church
rf thla citv has extended a call to tev
Trow, ol Northampton. Mt . to tak
charge of the pastorate of the church. I
s enpected h v1' accept.
Character Is thecreatest wealth it man
p.rfeettie. and the greatest tljlft 1 ii! wno
roUhlm of It, or seeks to. Of course,
though, he must pos$ It before r e can
tc ro':l:ed.
fciii)ot lliia'Tio. The tlociida yes
terday was one of the most closely roti
tested ever held in District 8, .resulting
in Sv5 persons voting, a largo muuter
for school election. Following was. the
reeu't 1
roa Diascro.
A K nioom - 222
L II Montanyo . ..H15
P.loom's majority..,
roa ci.krk.
Jay W r.laln
C t Unrkhart
.. 67
Wain's majority 3
A a there were only !W5 names of voters
and .ID" ballois rast, there weie two too
ninny hilloti, wM.Ji 111 iy hi ac
counted for In different "'ays, all of
Clause peciihuion. Mr llurkhart an
nounced that he would contest ihu elec
IIakk IUi l An Inteiesting game f
hte hall wt p'hiid S mdav afternoon
lu'lween Ih Alhatdes and tht. 1'oIi-k
nine, I? W Walts acted at umpire and V
II Va-nei, tcorvr. Follow lig waa Ihe
At H-la
Mi Far
I ai tmorr,
Taj lor.
coi UKoa,
a c Kennte, 1
I p I 'an non, 1
3 tat h Irvh.e, o
4 id b Washburn, o
5 3d j Itarr, a
t s s Porter. 1
o r i Walilng, 1
a Cf Elklna, t
4 1 1 Scott, o
a Total S
A mecMng of all Intt: etted In bate ball
Is called for tomorrow .tight at 7:30 'clock
a. the store of Stewart Sox, for the
ruotganUatlon of the Albany bate ball
club. Let there be a good attendance,
A Sir rak or Goou i-ortunb Some
time ago we chronicled the fact that V B
Vogle had been presented by Ida esti
mable wife wlih a fine daughter. But It
appeara tilt good fortune did not atop
heie. Recently he received a letter from
New York In w hich he waa Informed that
the estate of his father, who died fiv
year ago, had been settled and the o'd
hnmeittead In Erie county, near the cly
of Buffalo, divided among the four heirs,
there being three sisters. Our friend
received as hit share thirteen acres of
land, for which his father paid $100 per
acre S years ago, so that at this time the
property muit be quite valuable. We
heartily join with all Mr Vogte'a Mends
In congratulating htm upon this windfall
and trust lhat dame Fortune may continue
to smile upon hi. rt. Mr Vogle says that
he shall remain in Corvatlls and continue
n hi business as In the past Caxette.
Prcbatr Matters. In estate Henry
Bear, administrator appointed. Bond ap
proved. Appraisers, B Zlgler, bam Mc
Ilree, G W Cllngman.
In estate Cora Ann Cox. bond was ap
pnved, and W R Kirk, G C Coo'ey and R
A Grover appointed appraisers.
In estate of Owen Bear, citation ordered
ittued to heli a.
7 W Richardson, Haivev Shclton and
Time Munkert were appointed commis
sioners to admeasure dower of Mrs Cyrus
In estate of V m Cyrus.
In estate i4 E lxabeth S Shcrfv. Knot
Sherfy wts appointed administrator. Bond
approved. Apprale-, I'hllip Baltimore, ,
Janicl Leedy and Jos Reeae.
In estate ol Henry Crater, real property
ordered sole. "
In estate tt A L Tabler, May 2nd set lor
final h taring.
Four in Oaiooiv Tr.ere are two cliy
associations of the Y M C A in Oregon
outtlde of Portland thai are older than the
Salem association recentlv organized,
which fart Is not get.era'ly inown. The
Albany association was organised In I SMS,
and now owns a valuable corner tot. The
A ttorla association Is oldei than that of
Albany. None of the atarxlsilona, how
ever, started out wl.h suN bright pros
pects as the one In this city, and if the
Interest can be kept up it will no doubt
before long own Its building and gymna
slum. Statesman.
Horses Stole. Horse thieves are
again glring'Lane count v a vltit. Last
night the barn of E P Redford, who lives
one mile south of Walker's station, about
iS miles from Eugene, was entered, and
two horses, two saddles and two bridles
stolen therefrom. One of the horses was
a blood bay filly ard the other a light bay
horse. One was three years old and the
other four. It Is supposed that two young
man went the guilty parties. Deputy
sheriffs are out searching for the men. $50
reward is offered. Guard.
A Gi-N Accident. While going out to
meet the steamer El wood in a small boat
near Independence John Murphrf Mon
mouth, waa accldeiiilv shot in the left arm
Sundiy morning. He and a companion
were in the boat and there was aUo a shot
gnn lying in the bottom of the boat. As
they neared the seCamer the skiff began
to rock, and, while Murphy was p'acing
the gun in a better petition, the hammer
caught on the seat arid discharged the gun.
Murphy was taken to Independence where
the arm was d' etted, though Ills not like
ly It can be saved. Statesman.
Left rr Oct. The Pripeville papers
jf last week have both arrived, but failed
to narrate one of the most interesting
items of the week, that of a fight be
tween D W A Mr (due. editor of the News.
and J A Don gt hit, editor of the Ochoco
11 ; t 1 n
iveview. ii is sam 10 nave Deen uerce
bnt short, friends interfering and stop
ping the contest. Bad blood exists be
tween them. Better shake hands, 4xya,
and quit this animosity. There is noth
ing in it
Landed jxthx Calaboosk. Yesterday
several miners came down from the
mines, and were paid off. One of them,
Mr James, with about $152 in his pocket
speculated in corn juice until be finally
landed in the calaboose with only $27
left, bis speculations, as usual in such
cases, having been one sided. This
morning (5 fine and costs liquidated the
matter with the city.
A Splsmdid Nomination. Mr L M
Curl has received the nomination for
Justice of the Peace on the democratic
ticket for Albany, Central Aloany and
Price precincts. Mr Curl's popularity and
well known abilHy will insure his election'
by a big majority. The selection Is pecul
iary a fit one.
At Sand Ridge. A Shadow sociable
will be given at Sand Ridge Grange Hail
on the evening of March 25th, under the
auspices of the above ntmed grange. A n
Interesting projaam will be ren-Vnd.
after which tots of fun Is anticipated. All
arc cordially invited to attend. By order
of committee.
Astoria evldenl'y has it bad. The fol
io lag Is from the Town Talk. Keep
cool; don't think of commencing to raise
rents. You will scare people out of town.
A gentleman who owns an old shanty in
he edge of the town today said he would
lease It for $35 per month. It Isn't worth
over $10 at the outside. The best way to
help the town Is 10 keep rents at a reatou-
able figure, '
The Pendleton R U tells the following
deer story: A band of sixteen deer cross
ed the river above the boom of the Grande
Konde mlil a few days sgo. Some of the
anlmsls became tangled up in the saw
log and a., exciting time ensued The
mill hands rbshed out and succeeded In
capturing two does.
Aknual Meeting. t 'he, annual
meeting of the stockholder iyf the Odd
Fellows Bulking Association last night the
toi;owirg directors were elected: I Grad
wnol, wm C Tweedale, J Joseph, S fc,
Young,E A Psrkci,CMejir,Chas Kltfer
Look Hkbe a. Moment. I have some
of the choicest residence lots In Albanj
fcr sale, terms so reoonable that anybody
can buy and own a homeot his own b
paying a smalt down and sm
mont.ily payments thereafter until all
paid for. for further information ca'
the otfice. corner 2nd and Br;adalbiii i
opposite Democrat office.
Da G W Mastok
oeed for Constipation, Loss of Appstite,
Dim nest and all symptoms f f Dyspepsia.
Trie 1 10 aod 75 eeota per bott!.
Ten Acres of choice garden land at a
bargain for a few t-'ays only at
Orkcon Land Co.
Mr John Webber, of Portland, Is In the
(.'apt Wlnant, of Yaquina B; f aiti,wat
In Ihe ttty today.
Mr Beit Chamberlain 'returned to Al
bany Saturday night after an absence of
several months.
Dr E A McAllister has decided to lot a e
at Ogd.m, I'tah. Mrs McAllister left this
noon and the Dr will go op Wednesday,
J II Rohb and family left for Watrrvtlle
Wednesday, which will be their futtir
home. Halter loses a good citUent but
her lis Is Watenllle s gm. Ha'sey
Prof t W Jarvl., formerly of this
county, has hien renominated hv the dem
octal of Umatilla county for school
stipeilntrndctit.tndicallng Unit h!s services
In 1 tint olUce have been appreciated du"lng
Ihe pat year.
The Sshtaih school at Cretk, of
which Mrs K Thompson It superintend
ent, give an entertainment Saturday night
which was a decided success. An Inter
etiln.4 protir.m was presented and $36
reallaril for the benefit of the school ,
Mr James J Charl'on will arrive In Al
bany stvut the isl of April for the pnrpme
of locating In Oregon. probably In Albany,
a laet that will he pleating news 10 his
n.anv Mends 'n Linn county. Mr Charl
ton fs a young man of far more than
ordinary ability, and will no doubt. If he
locates nere, eventually eecure one of the
best practices In the vatttv.
Mr George Waggoner, Jr. was In the
city oday on his way to Portland.
Emperor Norton, the veteran news
paper man, was in the city today.
K N Condit, of Albany, is visiting Prof
D V 8 Uold, of this city. Eugene Guard.
Geo W Cable the reader and author,
who was In Albany several years ago,
will be in Portland in a short time.
Peth McAllister, of Albany, was in the
city yesterday visiting his brother, Prof
E II McAllister. tuor at the University.
Eugene Guard.
lion F C Hansard returned this noon
from a trip to his old home in Tennessee,
which he visited after an absence of twenty
years. He reports a pleasant experience,
but of cpuw, rejoices at being In Oregon
Mr O P Tomnkioa. of Portland, is
visiting W V Cotinawry and family this
week. Mr Tompkins is In quite poor
health, we are norry to say, but trust
itn this beautiful weather ho may iut
prove. Independence West Side.
A Missionary tea alven Pahmlav even-
ins by the ladies of the U P church, at
the residence of Mrs Walter Monleith,
was one of the most pleasant affairs in
the history of the society. A large num
ber were present. A short uroirram was
rendered and a delicious lunch served.
L Senders has been in Eusene buvimt
J N Hoffman isa candidate for assesses
of Bonton county.
Rev Mr Wallace, of Marion. Ohio, is
in the cilv, the guest of bis former neigh
bor, Mr U ll McCuilagh.
O F Paxtou. one of Portland's promin
ent attorneys, is in the city the guest of
ins tamer, air a is 1 ax ion.
The A polio club will aing at the teach
er's institute at Corvallis Friday evenlntr.
They are becoming in demand all
through the valley. The club is one
Albany may well be proud of.
The Woodburn Independent speaks of
a man recently sent to the asvlum from
Albany as follows: H A Hons, well
known at Si'verton, where he used to
keen a drtti store, has been corn milled
to the asylum. Two weeks ago h bad
lagrippe and it cansed symptoms of brain
fever. Thinking be was well, be went
to Alhauy and there became a little erra
tic. He is now nim-u improved and will
be out in a short time, probably next
Tke Schasl taw.
By request we publish the law relat
ing to women voting at school elections :
An act to define the qualifications of
voters at school elections in districts
with a population of one thousand and
upward. Be it enacted by the legisla
tive assembly of the state of Oregon:
Section 1. In all school districts in
this state with a population of one thou
sand and npwards, any citizen of this
state shall be entitled to vote at a school
meeting who is twenty-one (21) years of
age, and has resided in the district thirty
(30) days immediately preceding the
meeting, and who has property in the
district upon which he or she pays a tax.
Section 2. Inasmuch as there la an
emergency on account of immediate
necessity for the removal of doubt con
cerning school elections, this act shall
take effect from and after its approval
wy me governor.
Filed in the office of the secretary of
state, February 20, 1$V1.
ConaisTERcr, thou art a Jewel. Mat
thews & Washburn keep the Jewel and
other Drst-ciass stoves, actl there Is no
better way to be consistent than by in
vesting in one of them. Matthewe A
Washburn's motto is to keep the best,
ana their prices are always reasonable,
Large sales speak for the manner in
which these facte are appreciated
tnrougii l,inn county.
A Metropolitan stock of suitings for
the spring and so miner, the best in the
valley, just received by W R Graham.
as can easily be learned by an inspec
tion 01 them. 1 hey include late and
handsome designs, and will b made np
in the latest style by Mr Graham. Get
the best and latest, and this yon can d
The KrxDEROARTKif. Mrs Talham's
kindergarten will reopen on April 1st at
the same plaee on Seventh stieet, be
tween Ferrr and Rroadalbin. The old
rooms have been refarpished and made
cheerful, but only a lew more "kint-
lings1' can be received beside the old
pupils. Mrs Tatbam should be notified
early. " School hours 9 a tn to 12 m.
The member of th Lsdiss Aid soo'ety
sod all other ladies who are interested in
tb Orphans Home and ar willing ti htlp,
ar requd to meet at tb WC'fU hall.
Y id ay afVitnooo, March Utb' at 1 p m to
prrptre some raatre for the child'"
beds. Coins prepared to work.
alas V V KiLi.y, free.
A B. McIlwain has just rcivcd direct
from th manufactories, new dasigo in car
pets, oil clotht.linoleums and wi-icow shsdes,
aftich wlil be soul si reduced ptic. He is
!so receiving a fin line of men's shoes, in 1st
lyUs, st 25 to JS tents per pair Iss ibsn
ti'Ultr prices.
Lor. Ai opprtua:ly t get lbs best
groceries a the lo est price, by failing to
call at Conn A HenoVicaon's. No on ever
fails to receive their money' worth who
trsdes with them, fini, a grocery store,
where cn always receives giod goals, full
weight, the lowest prict aod th best trest
ment to be hsd Conn & Htndricton's.
Large sales, small profits, prompt attention
all go lo make their store a popti ar ons for
the mattes. Make it a tut sever tn buy
groceries, produce, fruit, etc, without first
calling st the store nf Conn A IIe'DRICSon.
It is a big priviiege to be able
to get what you want when
you go to a grocery store. Allen
Brothers keep such a variety
that they can always accom
modate their customers. This
. saves running amund. If it is
fruit season they have the goods.
In produce their stands are full
of the latest and best. Their
stock of standard groceries is
always large, of the best to be
secured in tbe market.
Guirta to Chicago. ''The Ai'lstie
Guide to Chicago and the World's Colum
bian Exposition,"! the title ot anew nook
iust cut. It gives a concise history of the
great city by the lakes (torn its settlement
in 1831 to the present date. It is embel
lished with doiens of beautiful half-tone
illustrations made from photographs, a
bird's eye view of the city and a grand
bird's eye view of tne World's fairgrounds
tnd building. Every family should have
one. Mis A M Talt, agent.
Willi '.; I
" itt mutt riTi
Hall of Tanzt'tit Grange,
. March 15, 1HU2 f -At
nn curly lioltr a Urge concourse of
patrons were 'seen winding thetr . way
towards Tangent in order to btf in time
for tin opening of Linn County Business
Council, v '
In due time the worthy president, J
II Hcott, called the house to order. The
roll on being called, a quordin w hs found
The secretary read the minutes of the
last regular session, and stood approved.
The agent made a verbal report in re
gard to propositions for the granger
trade, mid some of the jui"tHloni
were referred to the proper eotntnlttes
which made tbtir report in due I line.
The special committee on M'curlng a
place to hold the iiieeling of the state
grange, reported that thev had secured
the hull ol the Knlghlsol Pythias for the
Uro. Irvine lntrouitrtd a resolution,
adding Sisters Strauder Froman, Marl
Paynu and M J Train to the committee
011 arrangements for the state granuw
a resolution w as introtitictHi by tiro 1
Froman In regard to convict labor,' by
employing the convicts at the peniten
tiary In makiiiu bit us for the use of farm
ers, -in l others using bag. Said resolu
tion was referred to the committee nt;
legislation to report st the next council.
At this junction tinnier was announced
when all adlourned to the ball In the
lower part of the house, and partook of a
most delicious repast, which the sisters
of Tangent grange know how to prepare.
After dinner the house was called to.
order by the worthy president, att being
vouched f;r. proceeded to business- The
committee on good of the order, mails
their report which waa accepted uy me
The committee on trade card made
their rtnort. and was argued pro and
con by several members of the council.
The committee reported that the card
be the same as last year, only me color
be pink.
On motion a vote of thanks was ten
dered Tangent grange for the use of their
hall, and to the sisters for the repast
The next meeting of the council will
be held with llarrisbiirg grange the 1st
Saturday In April. 18i.
Considerable talk was bad on ralaing
money to defray the expense of the state
grange, and was participated in by both
brothers and sisters, and was left to the
subordinate granges to solicit said funds.
Pro Frank Lee from Portland made
some remarks on good of the order in
regard to a grange paper for the benefit
of the P of II.
lira French of Corvallis grange, made
appropriate remarks for the good of the
order in his part of the council jurisdic
tion, also in regard to members of ti
state grange in visiting the state agricul
tural c-Iege at Corvallis.
During the council proceedings, the
Tangent choir furnished very appropri
ate music, lor which the council tender
ed a vote of thanks.
Several questions of impjrUnce were
discussed by dilll-rent lueutU rs during
the day, both by sistcra and brothers,
and think that more of the members
should prepare to talk on all questions
that come up before our council meet
ings. Taking it all together, I presume that
every one present was benefited more or
less, ana 1 would urge an patrons to at
tend the council when it ! convenient.
Adjourned. Scribe.
RtUL istatk a lira.
A'srnertoG A Hauuilml, 60
acres 1 1 w 4 . t
Mrs C J MeCormlek to K W Moore,
1 lot, sweet Home
J U Wisdom to I II Patterson,
23 40 acres 12 w I
Joe Peart to John K
Pearl, 404
acres 13 w 4
C B Soverns to Mary J
acres 13 w 4
J T I'avis by M Hcott. sheiiff, to J
W McKechlne, ii'. acres 13
K 1 ...
M A Ignitus by M Hcott, sberltT, to
F. K Pavjs. z pie'es land. .....
J M Ralston to 11 Tivey, 4 lots, It's
4iiadi, 1cbanon
I J Wyatt to J 8 and C J 1-Uts, l,t3'
acres, 9K2
Olnry J O and R W Fry,
1.W3 acres II w a
GCCooleyto Wm C Cooley, 4
lots. ICowosyill
Jas V Haswell fo K T T Fisher, 1
lot,tiik47. H'sSmtaaa
OA C Kit Co to A R MclHnald,
160 acres 10 w 1
M 8 Latham et ux to Wm Baker,
1,. 1 a .0 no . 1
J II lame to M J Anderson, 1 blk,
Alice Day to f L Bexton, )i acres,
U S to J L Davenport, 1G0 acres 11
Kl - Patent
John W Gaines to J L Davenport,
80 acres 11 K 1
E Davis to Ma Davisyn, piece
land near Harrisburg
DRI'.useytoW J McMee-tn, A
acres, llarriaoorg
DSUuscytoI L Yallentine,
acres, Harrisburg... ... ....
t 20779
Arijaarard Nr-f ln(.
There will be an adjourned tnoeting of
tbe Linn County Prohibition Convention
to be held at tbe Court House in Albany
on Thursday, April 14th, 1M2, at 10
o'clock a m. All prohibition lats are in-
viten ana urgeu 10 atiena. ine oujec
of the meeting will le to nominate
county ticket and to attend to any other
business that may bo properly brought
before tbe convention. In order to nom
inate a ticket under the new ballot law
as an "assembly of electors," it will be
necessary to have in attendance at the
meeting 100 electors of tbe county, who
have not joined hi romina'.ing any can
didates lor the ensuing election for this
county. Let every Irtendof the. cause
attend. No prohibitionist should fail to
attend 1 Make a noU of the date and be
Vsnre tocotne. T P Hacklkmax,
JKK.voi. Chairman
TArrr- The following from the Seattle
Telegram is some taffy by the Carnegie
oarty for that city : "i nereis out one
other city in the world like it that
Kdinburgh," said Andrew Carnegie aa
he stood on Queen Anne hill yesterday
and saw the other heights of the citv
risim above the rooming mist which
swathed their bases. "This is the finest
city we have yet visited," was the com
ment of Mr Carnegie's partner it 1
Frick. after tie bad been shown a po
tion only of the beauties and advantages
of the Queen City, and his opinion was
cordially seconded by all the members of
the party. It was w lien the summit
Queen Anne bill was reached lhat
gave expression to the highest praise
"braw Scot" could Elve to any citron
earth when he compared it with "Auld
; Reekie,"' beloved Edinb jrg.
It the census inquiry be reliable, the
mortBftainir of farms is as grave a prob
lem as any oue has asserted. The figures
of two districts are given, one snowing a
group of ten neighboring counties in
Kansas, trie otner a simirar group in
Ohio. Tercentage of hired farms in
Ohio. 37 : in Kansas, 33. Percentage ol
owned farms subject to incumbrances
Ohio, 20; Kannas, C4. Percentage of
hired: Ohio. 70 ; Kansas, 48. Percent
age of owned homes subjoct to mortgage :
Ohio, 22 ; Kansas, 41. The two d'stricts
are believed to be fairly representative
of the two states. The Kansas district
lies a little west of lopeka. me Ohio
district includes Cincinnati and the
manufacturing centers of the Miami
valley. The figures do not look encour
aging. Something's wrong somewhere.
The Yaquina Times man gets poetical
as follows : A prettier sigL t ia seldom
seen than that of tbe Willamette Valley
steamir.iz out over the bar Wednesday,
Not a ripple marred the serenity of the
ocean or bar and this ship sailed out
without meeting a eirsglo breaker.
' A ?db Item. 8 K Young bss just rs
ceived a large stock of shoes, for men,
women and children, including partina
larly a fine line of school shoes. The
best makes in the market can be found
in his shos department.
ilvtiK i0 ABBvitl
A nw K of 1 bulge at Junction list thirty
eltart-r members.
ThS republican p.linaii will bs held on
Friday, Msroli 85th, aril lb ooaveiitinii 00
An Interetting missionary rnestiua was
held at Die freslivteiiau ohuroli taut ntgh
in which the men rimk part,
Mr Mu ty Vaughn will opmi bit bout and
shos simp tolitorrtiw morning fur butine.
HsUsBi.iduttiinaiymtug man detsrving a
gmid hiHinras.
Ths tlmi'p heli'iiaiiig to the wtaW tif Aln
antler Fiidt)ion, dot earn d, wurs s iltl by ths
t st ciiti" of thssrtats Ust Thitrtday tn James
S uai-t for f .1 03 a hittd. Ochoou lr'evivr,
LtSl Wrdiiet'la tlvath ralievtd Sydney
J Myuatttf hit lung and isvsra suUnrtm,
Miii f) J Mj'nttt was ln-rn in Ounglsa eouo
ty. On"!", aid 29 )esi,0 m.iotha and
S'i dt)s of eg when h died, II oama le
CrcH-k eotiolv four yest ago. Ochoco fl.
A uaiilisiiitn who s-1 .(.otosth for f."(H
wtirthtil lot in an ! "addition' two
y on it ,i tails a rsiM t-r that he would
alsdly ke l-'KK) fur tit- propsrty now. This
is w lir tli prnllt onin- m iu";nvettms4ts"
out in l euuutri. WliMime.
Th . jury 111 ths e nf Martha J Thornton
vs the uity of CotWge Orova.sltsr being out
all night, l.r. Ufcht in a vsrdiul allowing tb
ptttiot ill 122V Hit susd t.i rseovsr over
$7000. ThU is ths ots arising from ths
lady stepping iu a hols tn the stdawslk in
that town ona night last fall and spraining
bar ankle, Iteguter.
Tli board eftrtdsof Ju notion City ha
taken iu bsnd ths raUlag of a bonus t.f $25,
00J or mots to induce th Moatera Psoitis
Company to lud the Weat Sid road from
Corvallis to Junction via Monroe. Sub
sortpunQ paiers r now ont and tli WU
lanietts Ual ICatata Co lt l'ortltud has
ha!d ths hat wltb 5UU0.
At Mi) skating rink Stitrdsy nUht thr
wrn (l font-nisnts in th mils rc,VN 11 'is
Dotrit, Cljd 1 1 ill Frsnk Hinipson, t-ry
Crawfmd and J t ruin Willitmt. Mr Wil
liams made ths fasten! time, 4 43, ssoorhig
th Teleseopa niadal ontil the Dust con
test. In a ladies contest Mia Loa Ilitur
srvoivsd tbe pria for being tb most grace
'rd skater. Thr will bs anntbtr guiitle
inau's contest Thor.d y night.
Tb Oregon in baa InttitaUd sail agtlatt
Aborn to reovr t,IC0 due for aJvertisiug
In thst taevt Th proprietors ought to hiss
It for trusting an itinerant for so large an
smeait. The city it Oiled with pertptutios
who do not detv credit for a dollar.
WvliseniD. Gof! for thsOregooias. A good
many 'coartry'' shewa UutH Abora jast
bteaoa tit Orrgotiiaa runs bis ad, .thinking
that I ig ptrr weald not tisst a bail man,
and If it gets loll all light.
At ths antiotl schmd metiii in I' in
vl In, Mr 8 3 Nsatom waa ehetrd 'tt,tm
for a psrioii tA three ytais and Mr M K
Pfink e'cik for oii ear.
.Tbnss interested in bats ba.t matters
shield rrmemUr th nneiieg at titsrt A
tix's st 7-3J o'e'otk touiglst.t. ths iwgaa
ia.ttiMii.f lb Attaui.
Th Arfl.c club eouoott bss been post
poned until th i'H.h cf this month, t'his
cnnotitl will bsono thai lwcsr of hi.
eanaot sfford to mits.
Jaek lluoJley ami Mr R'weoo has f
a prlti.ihip ths delivery baiiis sed
will roil out sptciil and 0" sira.l illivty
ttfoe, itto'i asioi thsir outlit with thtli
TiinowH btsilat tb Uiirtl.l
ehurth tonight forth l-eoeOt of ths S S. A
piogrtw bss to pr-psee.t sfur which e
vtrnnoKta till Le r.l. r.ry'tv uor
tally UiVtlf.1.
Ittkt r and Pb tu. tb two n.en ainikd
for bort tt ahoff, wv ettmiaed b-fW
Htties HuMphrvy lat eyttiirg sad he'd
mUr S6uQ Im-o-U to the 10 j e of tb
grand jury. Un piiwxieiS !
Mr Van V iloa has sold sis safety Nw
til bieyele la tb pact few week. Tb
New Mtil mt to b Ukiog th brad.
Tb nunthly matting of tb ftuiUing aod
Is AsttH'i.tioa will be bcld ca Fiilay
vcMtig. Umrml r to pay year Hurt.
Pn-f It M K wk. th well kttowa alllajcs
oeirsniar, will laotar ooS.turdty rUig,
at 7 tt th Syracas prcioet school
hODta. Th pab.ia Is invited to b pttmut.
Tb Isdic of tK ChrittLsa .cnurcb will
gv a St I'atriek Day sapper st th Vf U
TUhtll, t.inivrow iainK from 5 to 10
elock. i"iio i f aupter S3 ent.
Tb routing cl'4 for th organisation of
tb tat ball club bt aighl was dtora4
oetil it" , wba it will be b!d
at McFtrland's btrttrst shep. Let all ic
tereated ia base ball ba prMeot.
The Fitk JubtU Singer, a tins troap,
a oar ctiuea lrsdy kto, will I at the
Opera 11 out no tH 2$tb lost, and "Around
the Word in bU U -. wltb a big or.aipaay
of 42 people ths tint wsk ia April .
Mr I'dll th
peep' Irhlay. His trltl earn oil last nig ht
or asraolt with lutent to H.l, and tht
mornms tb jmy brocght ia a vrdiot of
Wl!a Wall fns"ar talk ins f a Utgo
composed of th town of Walla Walls, Col-
fa 1, Ward r amt Moscow. Uranas tbr
want baseball and ar earnestly endeavoring
to get it. K. U.
Tbe anonal Qr jitot' eloatioa ws held
sst Clatarday afternoon. Thee was only
ob tickt in tha field and but very tittl in
terest was taken in th voting ia font, w
doobt if ovar ball th firemen knw an
l.otit.o was being held. B K Job wa
Uotid chirf ngio-er and J M Parter as
tittant.--Coryallit Times,
The idea prevails with a aamW of iteeple
of Mamhf old, that tha railroad work has
entirely shot down.whirh is entirely wrong;
I no pay roil or th railroad company, at
present, whea tby ar supposed to b di itig
nothing U irom a I BOO to permnntn
Tbe oompsny is waiting for good westher.
Mtrtnneia id.
Ktv. DaiVKB last evening delivered his
lecture on "Women," in which he gives
her an exalted position in the world,
showing bis appreciation of her talents.
When she takes a position she meant
business. and in her way rules the world-
She is a force that ia being more and
more appreciated. Women can be de
pended on ; tt is the men who nave oe-
trayeu their masters.
This case was called this morning
before hit Honor Judge BoIbo. The
bailiffs went to the jail, when the pris
oner at first declined to come into to
court on account of being sick. Hut he
wat prevailed upon to do to, when his
counsel. Mr Weatherford apked to have
the case put oft nntil one o'clock on ac
count of such illness. The court ruled
that the case should proceed nntil 12
o'clock, when the accused should be ex
amined by a physician to ascertain if his
health would permit proceeding with
the trial. The accused was attended by
his brother John, and hi sister Mrs
Guess. The gravity of the case, so far
as the defendant was concerned, was
fully depicted In the countenance of the
The following jurors were accepted up
to three o'clock in the afternoon when
the retrnlamancl and soecial venire were
exhausted and the clerk was directed to
issue another special venire for 8 lury men :
George Mcllargue, Frank Crabtree, J
) Wood, Henry hhank, William Baker,
Daniel Hart. O F. Harold. O T Leever.
Samuel Mclilmurry, ana ran XJcamns
ThoLE Blaia clothing enmpsny htve
jast rsoeiveu an uncommonly Urga atook of
bats ot all the latest style ana graaet, ana
are prepared to tit and suit tlia most fastidi
ous. ,
McALLISTER. In Eugene, Friday,
March nth. ifaoJ, to Mr ana Mrs t ll
McAllister, daughter.
RALSTON, In i!s city, on Sunday
rr.ornlner. March 13th,, 1802, to Mr and
Mrs J M Ralston, an eight pound boy.
BR ANNIN. In this city, Sunday
afternoon, March 1 1th, 1893, to Mr and
Mrs I J Brannln, a ten pound girl.
March J 189J, at the M E South parson
age, by Eev C G Harmon. Mr W 0 Far
ley, and Mies Nettle Hughes, daughter of
Mr George Hughes, of this city
They have the best wishes of friends for
happiness and prosperity,
Iligiic: of all In Leavening Power.
Mia 111 a.
About the moat aggrcMaive prt per that
comes to the 1kmo:kat office Is the
Woodburn Independent. It is always
hitting something in a very live .and
fearless manner, and certainly has a big
field In Marion county. , -
Astoria papers are already claiming
that they 'wlll have a city nf 60,000 In
habitant ana be the terminus of three
transcontinental railroads within five
years." Let's see. That wili be about
the size of Albany, v blch then will only
be the term 'nut of about two roads, and
au Important station on a third.
"It is alven out that a certain June
tion lady whose husband had fallen into
the habit of coining home tipsy at night,
decldml to try fright on bio. for a cure.
She dressed up In a aatanio masquerade
and met him in ths mooalight. ''Come
to trie, I am tbe devil," said she in
sepulchral tones. "That so?" he replied,
"Hhake, old boy, I'm yer brother in-law.
I married yer sister!". Guard.
Elijah Davidson, of Monmouth, Potk
county, w ho came to Oregon in 1850,
was the faliicrof twive children, s.x
boys and six girls. The first child born
to Mr and Mrs Davidson had red hair,
the next one black hair, thi next one
red hair again, and so on alternating red
and black throughout the whole twelve.
no two la succession having hair of the
same color. There are few, if any, tacit
coincidences on record.
Yesterday we teferred to a local scan
dal In Corvallis. In the Times appears
the following very humiliating confes
sion by W J Armstrong, which explains
Its If j but does not go behind the scenes:
To whom it may concern : L W J Arm
strong, of Corvallis, having had a talk
with uiy trust land liavtng had matters
explained tome, now believe my wife
innocent 01 any crime ,anu 1 acknowledge
I was wrong and too hasty. 1 will in no
way harm her and I ask all good cUiens
to Itetp her make an honest living and to
pardon me for tny grave mistake. 1 ac
knowledge I have done her and my
children an irreparable wrong, but this
Is the ony I reparation l can make.
It is reported that Cor?a!Hs has a
local sensation in which a nriminent
county oflk'ial figures, and which it life
talk of the towp.
Haby Ruih Cleveland has won another
victory over Pa by Mckee. A valuable
piece "I real ea'ate near hanla t ror.i. at..
was off red in the most popular baby at
the Cat hoi ic Ladles Aldrnjciety in Kan
Frattciaeo. M isa it 11 lh now ownalhe lot.
having received 12 tl voles to Baby Me-
Kee s 7tM.
Oeorga Nuland, of Astoria, gave I'iOOO
towards the railroad to that city. Noland
will be remembered at the young man
who won the 30 yard foot rce in tbe
firemen s tournament in Albany several
years ago, and be bat evidently been
winning right along in a financial way.
A J Ross shows his faith In Spokane
by making a wager that at the close of
ItiOO Hpokane wiil have a population of
73.0U0. Tbe following is the form of the
wager : We will find a party desiring to
borrow I'.tKX) lor that lengtu 01 time ana
who can give good sccutity therefor. I
will put up tl'OO and the taker shall put
up $1000. We will each receive our an
nual interest therefor until tbe expira
tion of the specified time, at which time
the winner shall re reive the entire 12000.
The wager, of course, it open to all for
the term of 30 days, but it more particu
larly intended for Laalern croak rt who
have repeatedly and willfully misrepre
sented oer city financially and other
The Seattle Telecratu ears: The
Kaiem, Or., Journal recently commented
on tbe condition of ths Sound country
(n an unfriendly spirit. It represents
Seattle, Taroma and other cities and
towns to be suuerlng Irom "busted
booms." as beioir In a very bad condi
tion, and makes thi wild'y absurd state
ment tint "it will take twenty-years ior
the country to crow un to the level ot
the cities at they now stand." The
writer says that this awful' state of af
fairs results from the failure to tax mort
gages, and polnti to the Oregon burga at
evidences of tbe good result ot the oppo
site policy. Surely, no more unconvinc
ing argument could be oflered. Anyone
who should look at Salem and Seattle,
and be rerauaded that mortgage taxa
tion worked tne amerence, wouia never
want to tax another mortgage. The
hound country is all right. It is pro
gressing steadi.y.
Here is something about Kansas, that
wonderful state the Salem man wrote
about: "There are twenty well-built
towns in this state without tt eingle in
habitant to water the echoes of their
deserted streets. Saratoga has a $30,000
opera house, a large brick hotel, a f '10,000
school house and a number ot nne uusi-
nest houses, et there it nobody even to
claim a place to sleep. Her baukt re
main, but they are silent. Some of her
dwellings stand there, monuments ot
the credulity of man. Atrargo a .s.
000 school house standi on the tide ot
the bill, a monument of the bond-voting
crane, most 01 the bniidtncs nave wen
removed or are torn down. The hotel
keeps gloomv watch over the remaining
houses aided by the 'bank.' A hearder
and hit fauiilr constitute the sole popu
lation ot what wat once an incorporated
The McKlnley bill I doing first rate
work for the democratic party in Portland
A shjrt lime since the rYlllamette steam
Mill Lumbering and Manufacturing Co
reduced the wages nf common laboret
from i jo .to $2.JJ P day. Now they
have been reduced from to sa, an
an employe said to a reporter 'I h,ave
been a republican an my me, put 1 an
through with the party now,- It e are
not setting down to 'pauper labor then I
do not understand myself. 1 know
ereat tailoring establishment here that
makes a nretense 01 loyally im umonum
yet all the garments purchased from It
are made by Chinamen. And we white
laborers are last uemg reaucea 10 tne
level of Chtnurnen. If these are the bene
fits promised us by the McKlnley bill
then for one, I have had enough of th
parly that fathers It." Welcome.
Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is
Superior to all others.
No. great efforts are raada by other manufacturers
to procure and use puro materials.
It is true that one other company has the facilities,
but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use
ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price
Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure
. baking powder.
No other article of human food receives greater care
in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr.
Price's Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. Free from
every taint of impurity. No other article used in the
wives of America.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Mr Herl Van Cleve wilte up his own
marriage In Ihe Post st follow: If you
have tears to shed, shed them how;
MarriedAt ("crvallls, Oregon, Msrch 5,
iHyl, Judge lloffotd at the wlitrt. pert P
VanClcveand MUs Ida E Klser, i! Philo
math, were "lied" and that's what's the
matter, snd we ne glad of It. Ahem! We
extend tbe ut-ml congratulations, and
sincerely wl-h that none of the subscrib
ers of the Post. In ihelr joy, will forget lo
send In thasuppllj necessary to Ml up
our deficit-J 'arder and exchequer.
Pulpit sensationalism ha been carried
10 such an extent In Boston as lo have
called for the merited rebuke of the secu
lar press. "AI',jtlnlof Coal" wss re
cently exhibited in one of the pulpits of
our modern Athens, to Impress a fashion
able eongrigsilon with the enormity -f
the fraud practiced by ''dealers in dusky
diamonds" upon the poor, "Pretty Wo
men" was the theme of another aspirant
for popu'arliy. Mill another, having pre
sumably exhausted the' bible, gave an
analysis of the "Chsrscter ot Hamlet."
The same pa pel thst contained abstracts
of these ditcoiirses had report of alleged
sermons en "A War wltn Chill," "The
Champion fiiass-ceter," "The Woman
who had a Fool for bet Husband" and
"Uarnum't fchow l'oomeranga and Mon
keys." The whole concludes, as It wss
proper thst It should, with a criticism on
the rendering cf selections from com la
opera ht tne prima donna of one of the
more liberal establishments that are eu
phemistically called churches.
The following "Pst gonls" b. the .Den
ver Sun very lucidly describes the begin
nlng and end of a ward politician:
Weight, ten pounds
Baby boy.
Mtinma's d it Mrg,
Papa's little man,
Hilly the Kid
Yourg Mi Jones, .
Wlilla.n lone.
Mr W Jones
Clerk of Election Jones.
Committeeman Jones.
Alderman Jones,
The Hon WlHlam Jones.
Ex-Alderman Jones.
William Martin Jones.
Bill Jones.
Billy Jones.
Mteenlh Ward Billy.
Billy he Bum,
Whltkry ISiil,
O'd Soak.
Ce 1 90.
Coroner's office 'Uidentlfied.,
DaowjixniN tm Mvntiv Last Toes-
day Mr Isaac Stone went out oft the
Muddy In a boat. He did not re: urn,
when search was made and tbe boat
fonnd upturned. lie was undoubtedly
drowned, but just Low was not known.
The body bsd no', betn found; but un
doubtedly v.1 1 be. I
e'AOASl1r. SlGAB.
B Mrllwala Offer t Sam IWUaa Trie
if mates the following reduction la sags
for cash t
17 lbs 4iy grnu!tJ for tl 00.
ao lbs cxira C wbils for $1.00.
aa lbs sxtia C gulden tit I1.00.
Hei srs mm wboltsa1 pike:
loo)bsxtraC$ a. cts. ,
loo IN sx:rs C whits (it 4W ct.
100 lbs diy gtsou'.tied tt iU cts.
II will also stll a Cvs cslloo keg of pickles
(or 90 iatitt.
A Pamomt. -Oeca upon a Moeday d-tary
she was working wtk aod wstry, down
apoa her marrow monpiog, moppiaf cp tbe
kitchen floor. Wbi'e tb mop went Hip
ping, flsppiotfoddeoly ah beard a tapping.
tapping at the kitchaa door, "'liss- m
vitttor, sh muttered, "tapping at the
kite has door; grsciea Peter, what a bore.
Up she jaoiped sad nearly swearing hastily
begin preparing to appear as woman wltb
to whea tbsir cabers look thtx o'sr yanked
ber a 11 roa off and a'nug it, grabbed a dolman
ap and bang it o'er th grassy gown sbs
wor. Then th opened wid the door
and found a mo, Wis rmark4 that Mat-
hew A athbaro s w lb pi tee to bay
lb best stoves and 1 10 war.
SOCf papers fresbttardtn and flower seeds
a wan ing purchasers at
Cg raowattxa.
Ilsva jast received soms extra choic il-
39 oranges for 25j at C E Brown!!'.
Use Prid of Albany soap aod you will be
bappy. U E DrowDcll, sol agent.
Pride of Albany syrup can't b beat.
Try is..' CE Brow ell.
Our 50 cent srop Ii good. ' .
TJE Browheli..
Kcttabla aaat always tke San .
Braudrath'e t't'ia ara th oldest.aafaat aod
bait blood paritisr and pnrgatte known.
They ara psrely veucabl, tbcrtfor barn-
lass. Thy are alw.ys th aara and always
pro J no tbs sam stf.-ci. Other pnrgatiya
eqmr ioeraaa ansa ana nuaiiycass
el Ing altogethar. A euniae of ona or two
i Bandrta's rills tskeu each night is a
ositiv ear for eanstipstlao, hadaot aod
11 bilion ditordar. ' If yon ean'S tak
akethem plaio, gat tbsra segar eostsd.
'I have oed Aver' Hair Vigor for a
number of years, aod it baa always given
tne sat infection. It is au esculent dressing.
prevents th hair from turnincersy, lasers
if; vigorous groatb and keeps tha soalp
wbite and clean. Mary A Jackson, Salem,
Eaub season h its own peculiar malady ;
but witb the blood maintained ia a state of
uniform vigor and purity by tb vie of
Avar's Straa pari lis little danger nsed be
feared from Dietenrvlogical icilutuoea. No
otber blood meilioio is so sita and effectiv.
Albaay Markets.
Oas,80 .
Butter, 3j ssnts per lb,
Kitff. 15 ssnla per ds.
Potatoes, IS oetits per buabsl,
Lard, 1 1 15 sent pr lb,
Uaon-iliawi, Vi cents; aider, 11 eents;
aboalders, oenta,
BaronTioi. i 4$ V cents per IV
P.trlc. dreasad, 6 eents per lb
Jts'iT. S par barrel,
"Appi. 60 cnts.
Ai ples dried, bleaoled 07 snn dila.,
4?ftio. , ""
Pinut, dtiea, (JSo par Jb.
Chickens, young ft.Gj$4.00.
Mutton. 3 and i 50 pr heal.
Granulated sugar, 6 waits- extra C;
4 esuta,
Hi w
sj,u 1, '? uu. on
Hew - Spring -
An Attractive Combination
for Men and Boys.
Quality Thk 1Iioiiet.
ClttBing Ust HU well.
tfoiniog 11121 is mace mil.
Cloihics Vd2t looks irell.
A good Baseball and Bat
Ju t.
"IU leadliis Clotlii3rs.p
Cor, 1st and BroadaJbin Sis, - - AlDay .
The - HEAVIEST - Stock
In this'citj ia in our stor. It ioeludes CLOTHING of
very grade, style and pattern,that is deiirabl."
Elegant Dress Suits,
Nobty Business Suits,
and Fatigue Suits,
Ia light, mdium and heavy weights, and in all of the
atthy shades of the seaion. "VTe also keep a full line of
?unisrir5Gs and notions that pertain to the CLOTHING
business, embracing only standard and reliable brands.
Un L I lin Oife to,
The Oregon Land Co.
With its home office at
In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office in Portland,
MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem.
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to 60 per
acre small cash payment long ; time on balance. Send
for particulars.
sad a gensral
R.hriDUonant foi all tha leading
-Albaay, oraa-
Baby :-: Buggies
est assr rtment ever brought to Albany
just receiyd at
Stoqi't Sox's.
r:"!:s crJ Ctt inccs.
1 f 1 f! f 1 rt ( -V
ajafnrtSat Aswag cL,
We ar Wind lo "j.loaso" as
much so aa.tho indivkluali
We do it hy the greatest lar-
gaint?'tvr tflered in llie city
rurnlsrlef8 &i tides. 2nd
y tli liigh quality aiid s rl
ing worth of cur goods.
of New Spiing Overcoata
Assortment The Lakoit.
Obi priei to'all people.
ill mh Barke. in plain figure i.
AfbiMcan tsj as ekesp a iren.
given away with every I oy's
C regen.
- of - SPRiHG - Clolhing
Dealer in
aasortmsnt of
Kewspapars n.t MaKainoa.
Tt rme cash.
Albaay, t - -
Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.eo
per dgien. Inlaiglng pictures a
specialty. i6sao crayons framed
ft r 1 10 00. We carry a large line
of 5S and steresccplc ylews of Ore
gon. Studio In Froman's Bloelt .
next to Masonic Temple,Fir$tSlree
FGnvf...iLER a snvir.a
Arterial Embalming
- Allsany,
clous SoleuiiScally
O r .!'B,