The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 18, 1892, Image 2

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fctlltar b4 rrHUh.
The Daily Jofunal of Milwaukee hu
published a letter from Grover Cleveland,
which remove ll doubt about liU candl
'lacy before the Chicago convention. Mr
Cleveland write In response to a letter
from General Edward Bragg, of WUeon
In, the author ot the famou phrase: "We
love hhn for the enemies he hat mule."
following I the full text of the corres
pondence; Bragg frt writing to Cleve
land under date of Fond du Lac, Wis.,
March $ :
But a few month ago the promise of j
democratic tucce In the coming national
elections, with the resulting deliverance
from excessive taxation and the more In
iquitous tribute to favored classe which
our tariff law Inflict on the people, was
bright and cheering. In ever quarter
you were looked to a the one w ycur
former official conduct, your abilities
-Wacter and courage, stood foremost
the embodiment ot the popular cause and
the popular hope, and upon you an almost
universal expectation was fixed a the
proper representative and leader ot the
cause and the party. But recently dis
traction hat dispersed our councils and cast
a cloud over the prospect. In tome part
ot the country, tributary to this, have been
reiterated report that you would not stand
for the presidential nomination, because a
want ot the concert and organisation re
requlrec to give form to the popular pur
pose. Friend ot your candidacy have
found themtelvn on different aide ot
minor question, where their co-operation
hould have been expected with benefit.
I need rot suggest to you that the pol
lilcal action ot a great people can only be
wisely directed by meat. of Intelligent and
trust wort v leadership, organisation, con
centration and continuity ot effort, with
distinct end In view not let than clear
principle. Your reserve ha been In
worthy keeping with your high station la
public regard, your distinguished public
aervlce and your personal dignity. But
the danger to the public Interest, which
failure of the democratic party would in
volve, seem to me now to require the
open avowal of your wllltngne to submit
' to any service to which your party and the
people may assign to you. Many enter
tain fear that vou mar decline further
public duty, which none but you can effect
ually remove, and your voice wilt be
everywhere heard with benefit and effect.
I believe your usefulness to the nation
may be greater now than In the past, to
carry to victory the cause of tariff reform
and to restore the bleating ot good gov
eminent to our people, and, a a fellow
democrat and fellow citizen. I ask you to
ay to your party and the people that your
name may be presented to the national
democratic convention a a candidate tor
Ita nomination to the presidency, and that
you will accept the nomination if the con
vention shall mhke It, and again ur.der
take the duties of president If the people
hall,as I believe they will, choose you for
that office.
I have thought until now that I might
remain silent on the subject which, under
the h'gh sanction of your position as my
"fellow democrat and fellow cltUen,"nd In
your relation as'a true and trusted friend,
you present to me. If, In answering your
questions, I might only consider ray per
sonal desires and my Individual case and
comfort, my response would be promptly
made, and without the least reservation
difficulty, but if you are right in auppo
tig that the aubject it related to a duty I
e to the country and my party ,a condl
n exit which make such private and
personal consideration entirely irrelevant.
I cannot, however, refrain frost declaring
to you that my experience in the great
office of president of the United State h
so impressed me with the solemnity of Uie
trust and awful responsibilities that I can
not bring n.yself tu regard a candidacy for
the place a something to be won by per
sonal and sctive self assertion.
I have aJdo an idea thai 'he presidency
pre-eminently the people's jflics, ai d I bar
been sincere in my constant advocacy of the
effective participation in political affair on
the part of all oar citizens. Consequently
I believe the people should be heard in the
choice of their party candidate, and that
they should make nominations as directly
as is consistent with open, fair and full
party organization and methods. I speak
of thee things solely for the purpose of ad'
ining you that my conception of the nature
of the presidential office, and my conyiction
that tlie voters of our party should be free
in the selection of their candidates, preclude
' the possibility of my leading and pushing a
self -seckingcanvass for the presidential nom
ination, even if I had a desire to be again a
candidate. Believing that' the complete
supremacy of democratic principles means
increased national prosperity and the in
creased happiness of our people, I am
earnestly anxious for the success of my party.
I am coifulent success is still within our
reach, but 1 believe this is a time for dem
ocratic thotisrhtfiilncss and deliberation no
only as to t-umlidutes, but concerning party
ntnon npon questions 01 linnienw inieregi
to the patriotic and intelligent voters of the
land, who wat:h for an atumrance of safety
as the price of their confidence and support
Democrat who say it must bo Cleveland
or nobody, and democrats who say it must
l Hill or nolxxly, are unwittingly but
necessarily oMructioniats. Their teachings
eialt the man alive the party by assuming
that its sraccens depends on the individual
and not on the strength and force of the
parly's princ!p!ei."If this Wt?re tru3, princi
ples would mean only ao empty form and
creeds would be summed np in one phrase
John I$yd Tharher of AIliny New York
once an ardent Cleveland man, but who was
irvently converted to Hill and elected a del
gat to th national convention was de
feated the other day for the presidency of
tho Young .Wen' Democratic Club, the
leading political organization in tho city,
by Congressman Charles Tracy, a Cleveland
democrat, by a vote of 78 to 9. It is report
ed that tho next move will be to oust Mr
Thacher from the presidency of the State
League of Clulj.
This dispatch from Maine:
The preliminary skirmish in fiie political
batLle between the republicans and democrat
who aspired to control the affairs of this
state !took pla-e to-day. Kle itions were
held in many cities and wherever changes
have been made all bare been in favor of
the democratic party. Portland has elected
a democratic mayor for tlia firat time in
twenty years and democrats eoutrol the city
government. Keo has a democratic city
ifovcrnmeiitaiid mayor for the first time in
twcnly-Sve years and Ijewixton has also
gone tho same way.
JS'ever before in the history of the state
has the duino-atic party been so well or
jrauizM and the elections noted are ta'en
as forethudowing further victories.
I'lihlio s mi! intent seenn to say: "Cleve-
'.uid or the wes t. If to tho west, then all
rve center on Governor lioiea.
For torn tlsrs republican paper have been
saying that tin plat it telling cheaper now
that before thepaissg of tti McKinley law.
Th followng tetter from a busiaets house In
Portlsnrl bring the Otegonimn up with a Hid
den jerk t
Portland, Msrcn 8. To The Editor,
The t sterner, t has Appeared In the Or fo
lia from time to time, copied generally from
other journal that tin plat it told at low or
lower thaa it wat pieviout to the ptttig of
the McMnlcy bill, tad in your lu ot th
Stk lint, yoa give the weight of editorial in
dorseuttat to this statement i the following
Th. effort (to build no ih tin plate Indus
try) present encouraging aspect. First It
hst not hurt our contutnert line it ht not
increased tfc pric of plat.
I reply to this ststcment, leg to sul-
mit ft following figures showing pric turned
by importers on order placed daring the
spring tnd summer of 1890 (previous to the
passsg of the McKinley bill) tnd on Orders
placed during Feburary, 18911
Fourteen by twenty B V plate, for cannenv
use, 1890, ft 90 per box 189a, $6 $, or an
advaic of ft 3$ P boxt 14x10 I C Melyn
bright plate, iSoo, 6 05 per boxj 189,
f y so, or aa advance of i 15 per box) aoxaS
Dean roofing plate 1890, (9 70 per box; 1891,
tit 85, or an advance ofi IJ per box.
The tubttattial accuracy of thesi figures
can be atctrtaiatd by catling upon tit local
importing houses, Me wit Btlfour, Guthrie
& Co. and Metsr Meyei, Wilson & Co.
Kindly give this matter the benefit of a thor
ough Investigation, and if the facts' are sub
stantially at herein Mated we trust you will
give 'he jobbing trade the benefit of an edi
it ial correction, and oSlige,
Fostek & Robertson.
Her are basinet m n right in Tortlsnd
who knot wuch more about the price of tin
to far at buttnett I concerned than the Or
fawtts doe anJ the men confirm fully what
democratic papers have been saying about the
price of tin. The chilly truth 1. that the
figure given by these men art business figure,
while thos whl-.h the Ortfcnian ha been
giving are political figuiet. The Orrgomia
finding itself caught in open misrepresentations
altempU to get out of the awkward dilemma
by saying that it hat followed the information
supplied by eastern journals It sa: "The
New York Tim$ of March 51b ttyt that in
the New York tnaiksjt the price Of inch tin
plate at It nsed by packer and cannert is
about f 5 35 per box." But the Tmtrs doe
not say that this p-ks it a cheap as prevailed
before the patg of th McKinley law. The
Orromian'i refertnr to the Timet proves
nothing. It also quote the Chicsgo Tribune,
but that paper's statements art not a whit
more reliable on this point ban th OrrjroWtfa
has pitted to be. The Orrgmloa declare
the Tribune la a low tariff paper. In former
years it ha been lo Is riff when ibert wat no
election pending, and high tariff when there
was, (the OrrgosiMfa Las hat ao experience in
that course,) but It never supports sny bit
high tariff candidates and during tbe last
yeai It has come ou. openly for a high
tariff. That paper persist that these bus
iness men oi Portland do not know what
they talk about, notwithstanding they give
the business figure a they take them
from their busineta. The Orrgoatait trier
to evade the effect of wholesale. misrepre
sentations, but it ha nothing left to do
but acknowledge that It figure were
campaign figure. Verity the campaign
education It doing it work.
The OrrgmiMa in a mad Gt declares that
a ttatement made ly the Democrat some
dayi ago to the effect that that paper labor
ed hard to show that the foreigner pays the
duty on goods imported into this country,
is "a piece of stupid inveracity." It fol
lows np tbe blackguardism with the state
ment that the foreign manufacturer putt
such a price on hit tin product that it may
be sold to the American consumer at about
the same price as prevailed before the pas
sage of the McKinley law. Now just two
stay before it made this statement it col
umns contained a letter from a well-known
business house in Portland (dealer in tin
plate) who showed beyond question that tin
it sold at from 81.15 to 82.15 per box high,
er than before the passage of tbe McKinley
law. Shall we call this stupid inveracity?
For if we were called upon to 'ZuVifully
characterize this statement of the Orgoj
we would be compelled to call it willful,
open falsehood, but as we are not in such
tedious, elaborate business at properly char
acterizing the misrepresentations of that
paper we leave it to the general public to
do so.
Differing a we may as to candidates
from now until the convention meets, let
us differ in charity as to the proper nomi
nees for the party to present to the country.
Let us express our preferences with candor
and dignity, but let not our intemperate
advocacy of any man go the extent of in
juring the nominee of our party. No dem
ocrat should barb his utterances against a
candidate with poisoned darts that can be
used to his injury after he becomes the nom
inee of hu party. Let us not commit the
senseless folly of shooting down our leaders
Let us reserve all our strength for the over
throw and defeat of the republican party.
United, determined, agirreswive, the dem
ocracy can elect the next president.
The Mount Hope Iron Company, manu
facturers of cut nails at Somerset, announce
to their employees that owing to low price
now prevailing, a reduction in wages must
be accepted by the men on April 1 or ' the
mill will, on May 1, shut down for an imlef.
inite period.
Republican business men In Portland
have brought the OreonUin up with a very
short turn'concerning Ita statement that
tin pla'e is cheaper now than before th?
McKinley law was pasted. The men
who buy and sell tin Cally tell that paper
that It Is much higher and show the
figures for It. Tliry sre not mtkUben,
The OtrunUm i guilty of misrepresents
Hon Some say if Cleveland U not considered
available for the democratic nomination,
give us a western man who represents the
Cleveland idea. But that's illogical. No
man represents the Cleveland idea so well as
Grover Cleveland. And no man in the
country is so strong with the people. Only
give them a chance and they wilt surely
make him the next president. Ithaca, (N.
T.) Democrat.
The frozen truth ia.thatthe political fight
in this county is between the republicans
and democrats. One or the other will win.
Every democrat who vote the third party
ticket luunt understand, once, for all, that hit
vote is practically cat to put the republi
cans in power.
The Newport Time call the AUotan a
democratic paper The next time we hear
from the Tmts we may expect to, see that
It is the devil a chrV.lan.
Germany has a high protective tariff.
Germany has tern lie bread riots. Therefore
b. high protective tariff produces bread riots.
This is republican logic.
I i.
Froih thoughtful democrats all over the
country comes up '.he admonition to dem
ocratlc leaders and democratic moulders
of public opinion to ttccr th party In close
touch to the people. The great over
shadowing purpose of every democrat
should be the maintenance and perpetua
tion of constitutional and personal liberty.
Thv hope of the country It In the Integrity
of the people. Let democrat! every where
ttand by the tnauet of the pejple. This
signifies that our Is a government of the
people, by the people, and for the people.
The people r the government. Hence
the tafety ot the government, the perpet
uation ot American civilisation, and the
maintenance Intact of the right of the
people depend upon the question whether
the power ot administration shall be re
tained In the hand of the people. Tiling
are r.ot at they ought to be. Socially or
politically a Chtuncey Dcpcw, Jay Gould,
or Huntington It the equal of a thousand
labjr people. Why I thlt to? Simply,
because, since the republican party cam
Into power the legislation of the country
hat been moulded largely In the Interettt
ot these monopolistic plutocrat!. These
money klngt have, far. and In const Jera
tlon ot the beneficial legislation vouchsafed
to them by the republican lcadcrt.conti ib-
uted the large tumt ot money by the use
ot which thai party has been enabled to
retain Itself In poacr. The DcMOCHAf is
no alarmist nor 'calamity howler," but It
Is not out of plac now to y In the most
terlout way a a warning to these republi
can leader and monopoly plutocrats, that
however tiue it may be that In politics
Gou!dor Depcw may cither be equal to a
thousand labor people, yet It is equally
true that when It come to organising an
army ot revolutionist! for the purpose of
reilstlng the encroachment of thete plu
tocatt upon the most cacred right of
American cltlaenshlp, that one labejring
man I more than the equal of Jay Gould
or any ot hi plutocratic confrere. The
nrMnt vlla tn IfwtatatUm tftnw mil nf th
, . ... ....-
fact that such legislation It enacted In ihej
Interest of a hence that class '
become rich, lmmensely,and all at the tx-
pense ot the masses ot the people. Class
leg'slallon Is at the very root of the whole
trouble. The power ot the government
ha been brought to bear to make the
business ot these plutocrat a success,
rhl class legislation must be abated, must
be eliminated root and branch from our
ay stem of legists1 Ion tt we are to hope for
the perpetuity of the republic Tneevll
can not be remedied by extending this
system of class legislation. One wrong
can not be righted by another wrong. In
a governmental sense we have gone as
tray and the only course to pursue now Is
to retrace our step and get back to the
true course ot legislation and administra
tion designed by the tramer of the con lit.
utlon ot the United States, It woutJ be of
no aval', aye It would make matter much
worse, lo attempt to even up things by re
sorting to such wild scheme of class leg
islation as the subtreasury and land loan
proposition now urged by tome peop'e.
Equal and exact justice to all men and
special privileges to none, no class legis
lation of any tort. These are the only true
policies to pursue. Let democratic leader
every where labor to align the party with
the welfare of the rr.astc of the people.
Keep the power of the government In the
hand of the people. Insist earnestly and
unceasingly tha. cotigres shall so amend
the constitution ot the United State that
United State senator and president shall
be electt d by direct vote of the people. This
will take out of the ha-tda ot motley beg
the Immense power esercUed in the elect
ion ot senators. And thus will the peo
ple have the right and power of the choke
of senators as distinguished by the present
method by which in many case capital
doe the electing !' a tw Jri.
NEW YUSK'st CKNdl'tf.
New York's new census is completed,
showing 1,800,891 population. It shows
that the federal census was cither wilfully
or Ignorant! mismanaged, and that New
New York has been d. prlvcd of bet
rightful representation in congress there
by. The state censuii doc another thing
that will be learntd with saiUfactton br
democrats throughout the country. It
make tha legislature o;' New York
safe for all time to come. The present ap
portionment I a parody. Fur instance,
the city cf New York Is entitled at the
present lime to twenty-four assemblymen.
These assemblymen are elected by dis
tricts, the population of which present a
grotesque contrast. Thus the Twenty
third Assembly district, with 183.534 In
babhants, contains nearly five time a
many peop'e a the first district with 3
969 people. In other words, about 3 5 out
ot every 5 ot th population ff the twenty
third district have been practlcrlly dis
franchised for year on account ot the re
publican refusal to comply with the man -date
of the constitution and -reapportion
the state.
Under tbe census of 1875 -the last taken
the city was gi anted one representative
In the assembly for every 41,500 Inhabi
tants, the population being 1,041,886. It
is understood that the Tammany leaders
would like lo have the legislature, which
it ft. generally understood will meet In ex
tra session and pass a reapportionment
bill, give this city one representative in
the lower house for each 50,000 Inhabi
tant. This would mean an increase in
the Lumber of assemblymen from this
city 10 be thirty-six as sgainst twenty-four
under the present apportionment of 1 875.
Under such an apportionment Kings
county and Brtoktyn would have about
eighteen assemblymen and the other large
cities, including Queens county, thirteen,
estimsted. The centre of population, In
o'.her word, would elect sixty seven of
the 12S a.scrnbh men permitted by1 the
constitution. Each county with one ex
ception, is entitled under the constitution
to at Irast one representative, and there
are fitly-seven counties exclusive of New
York, Kings and Queens. Some of them
are rdiably democratic, while the delega
tions from New York and Brooklyn ould
be a 1 11101 solidly democrat!) and large'y
democratic from Interior cities like Al
bany, Rochester and Buffalo, It will be
Mien, therefore, that by no h(wk or crook
will the repub. leans be able to carry the
legislature In toe future.
It It a soi. ce of satisfaction to the dcrn
o;rat, tor', to know that they can do all
the thing they have mapped out to do
without invoking the aid f a gerryman
der. Enough democratic districts cao be
made frcm contiguous territory to meet
tin. emergency.
The democratic county central committee
is taking the neccwary steps to place the
party in a thoroughly organized condition.
Precinct committeemen should be placing
their precincts in battle array. The com
mittee is determined to push the fighting
from start to finixh and end up with an old
time victory.
The democrats will hefar more certain of
success by nominating a candidate for pres
ident who has a hand on the hearts of the
people than one who has his hand on the
political juachii ...
Ki.ivl' Cb.'K 1") l.K i :
Cllttt lf intKT.
Tl'.ti following grand jur wit empan
nelcd at the opening ot court:
Frank Uteason, Isaac Sallmarsh, II C
Morn ti, Sirsmir-r Kioman, T tirandon, A
E I) loom, U W Arnold, S Froman was
appointed foreman.
Casrt wera disposed as follows:
8ltt ngt Jat Il.tnnon burglary. Con
tinued, 8'ate agt E V Rogers, No at tllsrlm
(nation In freight rates, Continued.
P 3 Porter sgt J C Kider et al; portion
Continued, '
Thos Jefferson au.t (I 8 Montgomery j lo
recover money. Continued,
T Dlttcndorfer agt Perry ttnillh to re
cover money. Continued.
Topills & Cc agt Mary Couglllj to
re'eovtr money. Continued.
Geo J limner agt Mary CouglH; to re
covet money. Continued.,
"Moonev, Valentine & Co apt Mary
Couglllj to recover money. Continued.
T P Baldwin & Co sgt Goldsml.h &
Runklej lo recover money. Continued.
The Albany Farmers Co gv S S Mc
Fadden; to recover money. Dismissed
without prejudice. ;
Capitol National Bank RgtW F.Crosbyi
to recover money. Continued,
Assignment T L Hennest. Continued.
ELHryRn agt Southern Pacific Co.
Nonsuit on mo'lon of plff.
Day Is Bros tgt Peter R Ucart to recover
money. Continued.
Jat Hawkins agt Peter R Bear; to re
cover money. Continued.
Brownsville W M Co agt J II Burkhart
ec at j to recover money. Settled.
Flclschnrr, Meyer A Co agt Water 4
Morelcck ; to recover money. Settled.
Almlra Miller agt J P aid Martha
Schooling 1 equity. Settled.
Edward Stover et al agt Mr W A
Stover ctal; partition, Settled,
Geo W Staven agt Martha A Slavent)
divorce. Continued. ,
Wilson & Walton agt U B Whllcotn;
to lecover money. Judgn.ent taken before
the clerk.
G 0 Cooley & Co, vt Wtn and M Bolln;
recovery 01 money. - judgment in vaca
lion. -
Bank of Sclo agt Oregon Metallc Cc; on
n,ltacrment. :etiiea.
M Coffelt: to recover
ent. Judgment for want
A d Mrilwaln agt C D Turner j to recov
er money; attachment . Cot llnued.
Assignment AJ Achlson. "Continued,
Ibanon Santlcm Canal Co agt O J
Laird ct at; Injunction. Settled.
W R Kirk vs Maltle E Uolln; recovery
of money. Judgment In vacation.
Hugh Fields sgt Maltle Bolln; to re
cover money. Judgment in vacation.
D M IHborne Co agt Henry Kay et al ;
toiecover money ; attachment. Contl iucd
I) M Osborne Co agt F Acherman 1 to
recover money. Dismissed.
Hester. MsvCoszt W F Ayera; to
recover money; attachment. Judgment
lor want of answer. -
8 R Nothing" et si sgt T A Mont et
al; damages. Cootiousd.
Wadham & Elliott vt J W Hector; re
covcry of money. Settled.
Stewart .fc So aitt J II CampScil; to
recover money ; attachment. Itcfault and
U II Ru'herford agt Fred Brannlng; to
recover money 1 attachment. Judgment for
warn 01 answer. J A and Ida Ben
icl'.; foreclosure. Settled,
G L Blackmsn vs I N and L A Woodle
recovery of money. Settled.
A Wheeler sgt Peter Black; recovery of
money. Dismissed.
Isaac Garrlnger vs I N and L A
Wo3dle; foreclosure. Settled.
Moaicitb & Seitenbsch t"C W lloustoo;
to recover money. Jadgreent for ptff for wsat
of aoer.
Btumsnr A F ank agt W J and B E Dav
enpiri; fexfciusnr. Decree of foreclosure
T G Price sgt M Sco't; to recover personal
property. St t: led.
Moniriib ft Seitenbsch agt R E Houston;
to recover money. Judgement for wast of
Cha Kolm A Co vs W R Bllyeu; re
coyery of money, Dismissed.
J M Brown sgt A F Gooch ; foreclosure
chattel mortgage. Continued.
R II Burnett v J M Nichols, et al;
foreclosure. Settled.
MttihewtA Washbum vt Thompson A
Rlnchart; recoeery o money. Bellied.
A R Read agt C J Fletcher. Continued
State vi Win DPetnpser; Indictment;
A B Mcllwtia g Rael Caster; lo lecover
money; attachment, judgment for want cf
answer and order to tell attached property,
Portm liter & Irving agt I and M Me
HargtMi ; judgment. Not properly on tbe
docket 1
Jen sings iirr gt Tho B-ink; conleisien
jiiigmeat. Not properly on its docket.
Effs Kleinhammer sgt Fred K'einhammer;
divorce, Con'laaed.
DilteahoiTer, H-s ft Co agt Water Bros;
to recover money; ai'schmtnt. Default,
DlttenhotTer, lla& Co sgt W II Reed;
to recover snoaey. Defouif, judgment.
Matthew Si WssU wn agt M F Bnmin;
lo recover mane) ; attachment. Default and
judgment. O.dertd that attached proper. y
besold. .
L E illslo tgt M Tsn 1 Elisabeth Llndtey;
to recover money; sllsc'unvnt. Sslttei.
J K Carter agt F A Burkhart; confir
mation. Not properly on docket.
Frsnk Froman sgt Lewis B'sn et ax; to
.ccover money Continued ss to Lewis Blsn
sod jadgment by default as to other defend
Am Mig Co, Ltn't, agt E Wilcox et al J
confirmation, tale confirmed,
J E Henkle & Co. vs A S Rowland; re
covery of money. Settled,
B A Lioders sgt L T Heaness ct al; mo
tion to vacate judgment, Sale confirmed,
Knapp, Bunell & Co. va James Wal
lace j recovery of momey. Settled,
' C Meyer sgt Thos Brink; to recover money;
attachment. Judgment for wsot of sntwer
snd studied property ordered sold.
Isom, Lannlng &. Co. vt James Wal
lace ; recovery of money. Settled
Isom, Laurlng A Co, vs James Wallace
etal; recovery of monev Settled.
J W Gainet agt W and D.T Pi'chford ;
recovery of money. Set' led.
Jol.n W Gs1ne sgt J E Cjrui et ux; to
recover money. Settled.
R L Sibin sgt J T Dixon; to recover
money. Dif.ult snd jitdprneai.
J Cochran agt U 8 Smith recovery of
money. Settled
Martens Sovems sjt C B S vernj divorce.
Granierl. .
S'ate vt R T Reasonrr, pie id guilty of
larceny from a dwelling Pleads Friday,
State v. I M Hill; torgerv. Not a true
Peterson & Garland agt Jas C Cawood;
to recoyer monev, Conilaued.
Mary F Brannlriag. F A Burkhart) to
recover money ; attachment. Continued.
Assignment Albert ita K'iisel, Continued,
8 F. Voung sgt I N Smith, jr; reeoveiy of
money. Settled.
State sgt John Wha'.to; lurceny of a hone.
Not a true bill.
State ss;t R M Whi'ten. Indicte l fcr u'
tering forged check .
State agt W R McKI inon . assault with
dangerous weapon. Ven'ict of not guilty.
IJOW'R This!
Vf offer One Hundred Dollars Seward ft
any case of Catarrh that cannot be eared by
Hall's Ctttarrh Pnre.
V .J. dir.?'?? P.Q. , Props, , Toledo, O,
TVs the oni'ioi'siguei, tigy (sown F. ). Che?
n tr tho lu:it IS years, and bojjeye Jiijn cor?
t.:, : 'y hor.orul.le ia ail business transaction;
: .1 uiiMcla'iiy ab:o to carry out any obllga
tfrt-j matab7 tholr firm, '
Wr.p r & Tkoa x, Wholesale Drafsrists, Toledo, O.
W a ' i .v 1 1 , K i m a .n A M a a vi , w bolesala Drug-
is. 'i'olflrto, O.
Kail s Catarrh t'nreistnten Internally, actlna:
diru.-'lv auuri tha blood and mucous snrfavttsoc
tha ,ti-.n. Prieo. Wo. tr botUe. Bold by ail
I).-ni;.Ul 1'uliajci.'.tt,.a tree. .
Krerlantingly in it.
F K Alien.
If cot, why not.
A rrrallarailestUM. 1
Wahiiikutow, Man h 15. The stulemnnt
is made that one rettsoii why thn Wiwhing
ton somitort npnowd tho hill cutting off a
portion of tho 1 ugit Hound colliH'tioit dis
trict wiw that they expect a town to build
opposite Astoria, tit tlm jnouth of tho river
in Washington, mid the WiishitigUm stutes
men claim the Oregon senators aro afraid
tho town will fur wlipso Ashiriu mid Imtvimn
the nal town at the niniilh of the rivor. Tim
Washington smmtora chum to be a much
inti!nhnl In tho imnrovflitumt of tlm C,a-
Itnnhiit river as the t rgon men. ami they
did not tnkn kindly to tiin atU'timt ntivlo hv
the sHipln of Astoriit to shut off furthor im-
iirovtiiumt for ttis'penitig the chantml of
ne utiumiiiH.
A Terrible A irair,
Nicw Vohk, March 15. For nearly forty
purs Punch hits boon regiihtrly taken at tlj
'russhin rovul wiliu-ws at llerhn and Pot"
diim. KmiHTor Williiini hits JunI .IhsuihI
Iirivute onlers that Punch tie stricken off
he lint of tlm journnls which 11 in supplied
to him, and Prince Hs'tiry of Pruxsia und
all the mombers of tho royal f ; mily, who
are in tlie huhit of rending the Knglitdi
joumuls, hnvelMen dosircd by their aut'M'mt
reltition to discontinue the obnoxious peri
odical. It is understood in llerhn tliitt the
emjieror's wrath has been excitml by some
jotnihur allusions to hi oratorical fndiiiero
tions which have recently appeared in Puuch.
win right.
Ntcw Yong, March' l'2..Ianu 0 Cor-
bctt and managur W A Brady, visited the
World office this afternoon and covnml
John L Hiillivuu's deosit of IJ.VK) iwulg by
"Jim" Wakeley ut week. They were
tuut ly Wakoluy, as Sullivan's rvprownita
U ve, and articles were signtxl for Hullivtin
and CorbcU to fight for 10,(XV) a side and
a nurse of f Ja.OW before tlie Olympic Club.
of New 0rkan. KepUmther 7. A nmiibor
of starting men were presimt and the sixirt-
tng ouiuir 01 11 is v orin was ciuwn as tem
porary shikeholdor. Tlm final stakeholder
naa no yet bmt ngreed ujoit.
Vasjalaa May Isapravemrala.
roitri.AMt, March 14. (Captain Symons,
Unitml States engnurs, has returned from
yWt of inxpet tim to (he govern men t
works at Yajuina Bay. The force employ
ed there under the tiptrinUtidnr of 3i!r
hugene KicKseckor ha tsvn wigtigrnl dur
ing Uie winUT in fixing ur tlw south jetty,
It being impracticable to work on the north
jetty in tonuy wculhxr. Now Uut Uie
weather is botxitning settled, tho force will
toon be anuovml to the north jetty, and will
proceed with it construc tion during the
siimuicr. With men employed in Uie quar
ries and on the jetth, tho force numliert
about tixty men.
A Crasy Art.
I'OBT TowxsKJto, Marcli 15. Frank J
Myers, editor of the June Mining Reeorxl,
and C 11 kw haopf, editor of the Sitka Alas
kan, have been arrte4 for criminal libel
on conij'iuiut of Covernor Lyman Knapp.
of Aluxka. who alleirm that both reiirinhxl
in the columns of their respective jriurmUs a
clipping from the Port Townsend lWh to
tlie effott that William Knapp, the gover-
mr s son, wms run menially very nniiwiiu
The governor's action is univenuillv con-
demnwl and is believed to be simply an at
tempt w inuxxie uie prws,
Tke aalosH Ktecllas.
Salkm, Or March IL At the city school
ehvtion today, thirteen women attempted
to vote, tut were rcfuiswl by the chiiion
judgo. llicy wiw very kntd in their de
nunciation of the judge, the law tnd every-
uung com. a period ujinmr etuooa iur a
time. It is not known whether or nt Utry
will con bid Uie election. Wylie A Moorws,
indniernleot retmbliran. was elerUxi tlcrk
by a majority of 24 vote over H Shouinaker
Oemorrnt. and 4'J votcw oir J II Ilndgns,
reiuoiican. w u tvatie was electetl Ui
rector. A tiital vote of 1147 was -. t.
A U rtsusMeUI SrkrsN
Luirauo, Manh 14. It I unterstoud
anotlirr coloml Smua-ial scheme has been
organlnd utult the name of the Transat-
UuiUe MortgtttfB and Security Tmnt. limit
ed. The capital is said to be S,iJ0O,UM.
It istlie first syndicate ever formetl with
partly an American board, which will Grvt
inus upon all American investment and
control operation of Uie cocrn in this
country, 'lite Martini of Tw.vdJe is at
Ums bead ot Ue syndicate.
la Era sx It a.
MkbkLia, State of Mwhoican, Mexico,
March 14. The Fuego volcano t again in
an active state of cmpUon, and sereral
thousand jope living in the valley ad
joining the mountain are in a state of ter
ror. l"hr homes rw being Uirratened
with devaittation. At Copemkra. lWJmilee
from the volcano, heavy shower of ashes
have been falling at iutervals for several
nap past.
fUg Elertlasi at La Ciraasle.
La Graspk. Or March 14. A light vote
was polled at the city election today, tbwe
Iwtng nothing to induce 11 full turnout. 8 K
Beeves was elctcd muycr, defeating J W
Whann by iTJV voU out of a total of (505.
Ivtd Uav was Hectd councilman for Uie
first ward, 8 U Ilowarth for U10 second, and
J ti McKennon for tins third.
Am I4 ! at
New Havkv, Conn March 13. C M
Chappell, a colored waiter. 1ms brought suit
agninst G PicbeU a well known caterer of
this city, the enormous sum of tlO.OuO.OOO.
Chappcll made a contract with Ijiebel Feb,
15 to work for him at his rraUurant for tlie
sura of 1 cent per day, doubling daily such
amount for Uie time employed. Cbappelt
now claims millions, says lie will press his
suit to the end. .Mr affirms that his
signature to tho contract is a forgery, hut
persons who are fcuniliar with his hand
writing sny the signature is very like that
of Mr Uichfl s.
A ratal ibt ,'
PottTLASo, March 13. A futal prixefighl
was fought in a small patch of timber on
Mrs West's html, near Uie section line road,
sowUt of ISroukdulo, in East Portland, about
30 yei.terd.iy afternoon. Tho principals
were 1'wirl jlendcrson, a young tookbiniler,
and Charlie Hull, a boy who storks at Nau't
drug store, at the Portland hotul. Hender
son won the tight in the twenty-third round
on a foul, but his body is now lying on a
marble slab at the morgue, for he died at
Uie ringside about half an hour oftr the
fight was over Young Hell gave himself
op to tho police authorities about 11 o'clock
hist night.
Poutlasd, March 1:. Andrew Carnegie
the Pennsylvania iron king, arrived yester
day in the spocLU cur lolunthe. which was
attached to the southern Pacific ovcrhind
train from California. There were ten in
the party, among them Professor Alonro D
White, (Hiarles 0 Smith and II C Fricke, of
Fricke, Carnegie Co, manager of the great
coke works. Tha car is luxuriously fitted
for traveling. Carnegie and party made a
very hriuf stay in Portland. They arrivod
at 7 :.'15 and left at 9:15 for the north. Mr
Carnegie ha important business In tha east,
hence his hurry. .
listerias allsltssry
Los don, March 13. The Dehring Sea
trouble is canning great anxiety to the gov
ernment. A question in parliament wat
put down on the subject by . a lending tory
for Monday, but pressure was brought to
bear on hiin privately by Halfour, to with
draw it, which ho did. Tbe truth is that
Ird Salisbury finds no popular sympathy
for any policy calculated to estrange the
United States. Talk in parliament nud po
litical clubs indicates general amazement
that he nhould ever run the riakhe has done
of promoting bad fpelipg. It is due to
nothing more than Salisbury's consUtuf ion
al taste for bullying. 'J'hemoment lie realizes
that America will not stand it, he be safely
counted on to knuckle down.
Tlie Box Bobbed
Tacoma, March 13, Wells, Fargo Co's
treasure box was robbed cf f 2500 in coin
!at Tuesday. Monday afternoon last the
Columbia National Bnnk sent by messenger
ft package consigned to the bank of Everett.
It was received by Cashier W D ' Stewart,
who on that fin took charge of the office,
relieving Agent J IX Jlejntyrn, who has
been in charge for three years. Stewart
says he placed tho money package and
another small package in the treasure box,
locked it and Tuesday morning turned it
over to the driver, William Strong, who in
turn put the box aboard the steamer Bailey
UatKTt, bound for Seattle. At Seattle Cash
ier McLeod received the treasure box and
reported it broken open find empty.
f'ltveUud a laaaiJntrt
Mit.wAfKKK, March 14, Tin jhiily
Journal today published a letter from drov
er Cleveland, which removes all doubtalmtit
his ctMididiicy beforu tlw Chicago convnn
tion. Mr Cleveland writes in response to
a letter from (lenertil Kdwnrd Itragg, of
Wisconsin, the author of the famous phrnse
"Wo love him for the enemies he ha made."
Kaany Italy Assla.
Nkw Your, March 1.1.A Wushiiighm
siecial to the Herald suys; A !iiinitcr
from the kingdom of Hilly wit! present his
credentials U President Harrison in a short
tinm, if tho information received at the
statn deportment is norrect, A hint of this
was given at the cabinet JiiiH'ting today,
and general satisfaction was felt that oiir
splendid diplomatic relation with tins Ital
ian government are to 1 resitmed, s
nr OMatrrfcuer, fSt?
Hutss; Citv, March 15. thptity United
Htahs Miimlnd lrydon has grmo north fully
determined to cIimiii out a gang of cmintar
feit4ra who have long 1sen opcriding in
Nrrthern Idaho, lie thinks he will bo able
to make important itrnwt within a week.
1 luring the present niont li ho bus nrresUtil
three members of the giuig.
The Baeui Juutual is highly pleased thut
the third party has placed a ticket in the
field in Linn county, not that there is any
hot whatever that a single man on that
ticket can be elected, but because it makes
the "political situation doubtful with the
chanwHi in favor of the republicans" ami
that if republican should sueomul, it "will
tend to improve county government not a
iUle." Ye gods and men! Improve county
govetnuietit. lit-t the blind walot of Uie
Journal rufluct for a montmit that not a
county in tbe state Uiat for tlie last twenty
five years has been so. well and frugally man
aged as Linn county, Unit her tax rate
has at no time in all that period been w
high as that of Marion, whose tax rate on
the contrary has ranged from four to twelve
mills higher titan Uie rate in Linn. That
in a period of twenty yuan Morion county
has raised for county purpose alone more
than 1 100,000 more than Linn. Tine Joar t-
I should assist now to call out a third party
in Marion county for tho pun10) of "hu
proving county government not a little," for
goodnos knoa-s, tlicre is abundant room for
it. The bust Uiing for tiie JuttrmU to do it
to ksep iU lips scsled when talking' about
county government in Marion. A mI U de
What a grcut pleasure it would le to every
true blue (inuuM-rat to have Uie privilege of
voting for so able, tkn and incomipUble
a dwunxTat for irustdetit at liovernor Uoies
or lowa.
A British steamer is loading at Swansea
ith 3,000 tons of Un plate for America.
Tho output of our fin mines dues not appear
to be as tremendous as it waa during the
Ohio campaign.
Wstwlaaliaa ItMllaost.
To the Chairman of tbe Democratic
County Central Committee;
l)a 8ik Aa uiv name wai used be
fore lht) democratic connty convention
without my assent, and not desiring the
posilion.tbougli thanking the democratic
party of Linn rounly very cordially for
their confidence in me, 1 hereby tender
my declination for the fffice of connty
commissioner. Itc ectfuily,
Stio,- -Prof Vincent, of Troutdalc, bs
been delivering a coarse of lectures at
the city ball this week on phrenology.
Miss. Cad and Helen Warner, of Al
bany, acre visiting the family of their
brother Cbarlct, la this city the first of
the week.
Thou Large baa added srvoral arret to
bis bop yard this spring. It is big in
tention to enlarge tbe yard to 44 acres
which will probably be the largest then
of any yard in the county. Press.
fisreet ehler at if E Allen'.
It is actually sCoooray to drink lieeeb's
Tea. Being aWotately pore, it ia maeb
trongsr tbaa the srtitidsl teas, about on
third ! of it, or slout twenty grain. K
lagqair4 per cup. At thou arj 7,Ci
graiu to a paad, there will b aea to b
betweaa thrswaal four bandrrl 00 p to tt
poo D.I. A it is 'Qt QO eenU pr pound
this t at tb rate of atwat on fitibjof a eeu ,
per cap. For tale at Allen Bres.
Tbe DaUarte eort and DeWrt
famish tb basis of drw reform tending
towaid artieti and byjienio ilroeeing. They
ssewre oemfort, develoftnent a ad grsce.
Ladles, nth 3 eltt to esamlne tVileitrte goods,
abcald addraea tht agent who s il! es'J with
twmpl. take pats lu man leg sud
gaaraote peifcvt fit N- trenhte to tkote
3ood eveo though no order 1 U.. Ad
aes Mr A M Tslt, boa ;G3, Albaoy,
OregM. Aut wsn'J.
8e W f Read's llno dees g-xd. and
Is bafor buying(etewbMW. ..
Mitirs tmmt
Tb .lant fliVur.getitle sctii n to d sooth
ing stftela of totop rf Fin, whin iu ned
of a laiativr, and if tbetather or mother be
oet(e or Lllioae, th srnwt grs'ifytrg re
salt follow It it ik, so that it is the best
tsmily remedy known and svery family
ehoald have a bottl.
On of tbe beet pieces f p'.erabiag wmk
eyer doe ia Albany may li a at Wil
liam Ilros, It was done by Hopkins Bros
aad show (heir ability for doing the best
work io this lias to be spoored.
K sps kkrn'TATIvss A. Bicvlnr, M. A.
Miller, W. P. Elmore.
Countt Ji'DGr, Geo. Humphrey.
County Commissions.. T. J. Mun
kers. ' ' "
Countv CLaag N, P. Payne,
Count lia-oaoKR E. E. Davis,
Siisairr. C. C. Jackson.
County Trkasukbr. Drice Wallace.
County A tca.soK.-J . E. Michael.
School SuraatNTaNomT, G. F. Kut
scll. , ; n--
County Si'RvkvoR E, T. O'Connor.
fouNiY Coroner.
t h rank Far
fusTtcaoF TMR Pa Ac R of Albany, Cen
tral Albany and Price precincts. L. M.
0 For tht million of coniumers of q
Q It Rives lr. Vn plnr toan-fJ
v nouitoe that ho is mo w putting op v
O which I of isoellngt- small stsa, a
yet retaining all US virtues of the J
lursmr ones. suamntd purely
vtiKtitablo, Botb vliwsafSlMW pill
are still Issued. The exact six of
Is shown tn the border of Mils "ad."
tVlll . Ttood'a UAC1C
M1 A It ptrfut Udlm' TM.r-
lV.tamAf InillM
hy wblek yntt aa ul Kit your owe nud elitl4ru'i Jtsrmcati.
luaiuding kdq KBdAfeioutlof , rrom anlc im floor, k
fit p-rnoily, without mOuinj. KmIIt LMtrnnl.
('hasp. Ntmpln, lnrab!i.TraaUral. Over
1SO.OOO .,,1,1. fient uaThirtvASnysTrlal.
It In hot cliarfc or "Ufcolilu." liamraotk llltiatntod clr.
suiMnil Mitntt or oar nowvot Aiwat nut FREE.
ft?: Kfow;i : asests wanted
"ooa WO810 ooam Co.. rMnHgo. m.
Cavysti and Trsds-ld srks ohtafriiL and all Fat,
at husitjMS oti4aMf4 for Motterate Fess,
Our fifiss Is Ofooaite U.S. Patent OKc.
sno weosc ssrnrs p"- la less time tiian thos'
rejeete tom wh-T--n.' .
laud modai, .s. rxr ph"to., with doscrlj
ne. W 3b, t piteswbls or not, fc
rnrge. Car fts nnt Une tjll pstcnt Is seenr? J
A PeBhit,.'fow to OMitln Hlsjiw," vriih
O'wias of bi-jI cMonls in foUt BtH'.s, CoiiEtv, or
luita, Dt lie. Addce-s, .
0,-posltJt fattnt CZce. " '. 'on. 0. C.
r,R iti:ar.
Patksr 5ro grocers.
F, M. French kes railroj time.
Buy your gruuvri is of I'arkor flrot
Afple pslrr f r tsls st Slt wait A Sox s
Kiaa grourrivs st ( vr & I Irndricsnu's.
1t(hiihtt n.iiMt-st Will Si Link's.
Usw aresm nh ),n rttdcivnd at Coioat
Q W Cbh, j.b printer, f linn lllook, dos
first. cl work,
K. W Airliimiri SA'n are suiting fiioin, men's
t I'rctlnK.-l pri,t;,
Ktnwtt At sill tic v. ry I ., j ;,t-nt
sli"" srid i-iM'is.
Tht! Iinel liutt of xk nc tlitvr jtt tl e
oily at MrWftt & S '.
bi"k ! flttirstd llitf Hlledfi out
0iu'' Jrl'm I'MCph's,
O i '.") W 1M1I., Sttecssrt PaisVy At
Sniil'i, Kline Elcfl , b r ,irj t, jhhimo,,
f kit V, !..( ,
Ti" H HI ii, ihtsietsn ami snrvOii.
Alisi!) , Orrrfirii, CIU iiiadi In ntj or
Oiini'rv .
t Mt niiii i'ldi ias-, lists V PiHtsHI
M niltart Mfr liwnrttcr - tt ici.-r f lh
hir, 11 cludiK I' i row t'. Iie-rt, yeaihtnl
color sinl b siity, H wi t pl jtia.
ftsmp'stif t) I " ir'.s t.M wit li 1
brsees r.t M'S vir ' ovtir Frfiich's
jownlry Uire, Mrs TtH ml silent fur Mnn
E W Achisoo A Co hssdls lo oMnlrd
Portland csmunt walls for -,m.Ury lots,
flies walls can be furnished at half the oost
of any other ed sr farsupert'r.
With bis nsw babsrv Otaiad Mever is
able to offer nld and w onstt nirt ser y-
tntng iirstciass in takd gnfdj.
Will A( XUrk, tU jswelars,
Th bsst mast noffa in th city at Out ad
rfjyrr a. f
Bay you tried F K Allen's teas, if no t
why not.
Call on Matbew tt, Wabato I'or yoor
AH t bids of choice rating Jsnd coukl n
appls at Allen lroa.
AsM.v C'sr., rUUF..(ale, Wast
ing'oo Btreet, Portland, Or,
tfav y tried thst hlssl ioat enfTM at
E Al so', It not, why not.
Conn & ilendiicsoe's prices are lower
than ever, Uiv tbstn a ell.
K(ra fin Califntcis ittaitiid honey at
Uona X lleailriosoi) s.
Cono it Hendrirwots is th plK to g
your garden seas sou oud t,ts.
Msy I hav s.rnie of your groosry tri-de
tht montb. J I not, a by no, e E Aba.
Mathews & Washbara lead iu tt stota
and tinware loioees ia this part o' It
A ''srgs assortment f rew 'style rtbbti
ast received at the I,adie Kexssr, also
Ihifuo in the late shade.
W W Ilavis is now m hsrsof th Det
mmdeo rvtunrsn. Meals 23 cent. Estera
oyster frsh. Krtr) thing o
If you want a rlial,is S that aiil nolor
ao seen brown or black, and will pleaea and
satisfy you evaey time, as Backiauham'
Dye fuf tb ohi.ker.
Afflicts half tb Amerlcaa people yet tlier is
aly eoe prsrrsUou of Barss;rUta Lhat acts as
tfcs bowels and reaches this Important trouble,
sad tbat is Joy's Vefetabl araaperiila. It ra
Ueve It la 21 bouia, sad a oretuloosl doee
prercnw return. Wtrs.'or by attniilssloB toC.K.
riklastoo, 1.3 toecMt Avan, s rraoclacot
i. li. Browa, retaloma; H. 8. Wins. Geary Coart,
aa rrancus-, and aaadrexts at therswbobsvs
ttsed it la eoDstlpatiesu Onelotter Isasasspleof
hundreds. Eikinjrton, i'.ie: UI bar been lor
year subject to billons oesylachr and rttstlpa
tloo. liar been so bad fur a year I a-, bar
bad lo tak a brlc every miitrt ulsht or els I
would bare a bcadaciML After taking one botUs)
of i. V. B., Z am la spleitUid s.iaiv. It has duos
wonderful ttiine tor m. I'wtae similarly
troubled should try 11 ami bo rottvtnwd."
Joy's s
Most modern, ii' t cw Urgn LoUlO
suae irfiic, IUU', ux iur tifcJ.
Init fsALK BT
I.IGOA ruro brad 8 0 Browrt Lpr.
li bom esa II per 13. Addrros, W
VV Ctaaford, lallrasn, t regon.
I.OIt P.KNT -Wew - dwelling, Ave
room, hard finish, nteru part of
tna city, lo qulra o f Kd KM Crir.
SN. STEELE st CO., Albany, Oregon
lon ironey on srwid mat eut
aocur tj In an t aJ doing oountirs
and oue-.'ourth Jertey onw lor sal
Also imprrud Ear j Snn iso poUtoea
rnce, 7a (you pr ousiist. vail ro ma
2 mi.' east nf AUisny. K C Mowha.
Of.EY TO IXAN -Uoma wplUl to
Imn, tn toons to ult.on Albany and
un eount v real eetstia or Kood reonal
ssKtarttT. w E MoPbarnon. First Ntrtwt
opp M.m la Hall. A!anj,Or.
PLAIN SKWINS Th. ao.iersigned
i:l tak In plain sewing which will be
done la f rt-cls order and on reasonable
ttm. Leave order at residenoe of Tho
Joeea, a "tb street, between Froadalbio
and tarry street. Miss Tritbeiad.
BIRDS FOR 8A. K. Mrs. Vrn Meyor
baa some tin canary b'rda, genuine
Sootob biat'ere, tor sale. Call rn her at
her borne od Water atree, hetsrte t Hill sod
Main street. " : -
I yOU. RALS Hnusa and crrnei
H'a 33 add. $730. Apply to I V?
rner lot In
Tb inocet ot tht Grant Conga Car 1
without a parallel tn the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorised to aell it on a poe
Hive guarantee, a test that no other car oa
successfully stand. That It may become
known, the Proprietor, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every home la the United Btates and Canada.
If yoa have a Coach, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use it, tor It will our yon. If your
child has th Croup, or Whooping Cough, n
it promptly, and relief Is sure, it you dre d
that insidious disease Consumption, ns It,
Ask your DniftgUt for SHILOH'S CURB,
Priee 10 ets. , SO cts . and tl .00. It roar Lung
are sore or Bsck-latne, use Shiloh'e Porous
Piaster. Prioe as cts. For sal by all Drag,
(lata snd Dealers.
iMM ii BvOl::B:'B.iBIB::i.B 'B B
Tha FifieJt Smalt Ar n Ever Manutacturetf.
UliP.AiilLIT. VUrf.-r1e
CONVtNT'lfB i It.
L0A!)i,J'j antl SAFETY .
Beware of ehcsn iron imitatiirs k I
Stud fwlliustialcd fita:.-!) find P'i.i 1 t tn
cr.iiT'i 4 v n ,
srm vi rsi JA). ji.m.v.v
i re .. . Tf.-rr sr.-. ta-
-v.-., t-W 1 1, t
.. 11,1..1 V ti J!. "
tr ' ; "'
hi ; 1 l..r -x-.
at uf fit ujUt fpft
tnd itL, Me ..:-"iutin itianiif-v,.jrTd oat t
;'. JoiiS C. WEST A,ji-A8 V. i!Utt,AOO,lUk
old by J, A, rnuiettta frn-(iiit Atbasy.Or
1 M I I i
i .
A Trycyclo will save your weary bo les, SoM only by
Mitchell, LowIn& Btfivor Co., Albany, Or.
the aanusl n.titgof tlie sit sbtlilsrs
of "The Willamette Jll Ef.aU Cui.pany,"
of All'si.y, Oreuon will be bt 14 on Thar
flay, ilrob 3().h, 1892, at tbe boor 0I4
o'olook in the slisrume of ssid dy, at th
(iffioa f Geo W Wriubt, in Alrwny.Qreeoa,
ft 1 th purpose t4 electing: t Ulcere enj di-
rtolors 1 f said eompsoy for tb term of on
tar or it ntnicg from said meetin and to
transact socb otaer boaifie aa msy properly
come before said r-etiog.
Dsted Kelrtosry 2H;b, 1892.
Go W WaiuBT President.
swiy eunomt Un tb aadsniirasd ba htse
arpuintatl etluiiniatntnr, with see ill Snnesal, o
Ut etHste M Hubert iottn, tMoasssd. Ail pvrwx
having- t-isioM Sjraittst asid esiste are required
prewiut iheta duly Tortflwl so tb tindsntlirtwl with
t. aviaOt Irnss sliisdate at A'bsny, UasetMta
This the 1WH Jsr -J Jannsry. UH.
i tt H KArilKRFORD,
with the will annexed ot R -lobes, dee'tl.
XtyricE ui Rr.nmr gives that th rx
d ntg nod edtntiattt l lb atat- ul a W
W wi't'awid.lMe SlMt his Anal sc-kkiM lor st
SlMnent of all aad amruiar vl Ute Btat'cr W esld
Mata. and that tuc tintv Court ul tha rtat ol
Orvcti Ui l.iitn eourUt bae Ssed April Ath, Is?,
iIm hintrirf toet'k am of said eav, W earlt
ttijM-(Hi-a il any to awd aaeowtt aad fur saUtiug
ol atid .latj ssid dmtSMd.
lut the tml day el Msreb, ISUt
J K Wssniaeuse, AdsrlsUsrator,
Auy lur Atloiia.
ajorKrn m iiekeby cit.s that thb -
doratiroed. aaa luca apnld sdmuiautratur
Ua aWaU d twl HaddaU.daotiawd. AH btnoee
haviof daime axaiata aaid deceased are required to
pn-aeti Uwu pruforlr er)Bd, so tbe nadcn.sve I at
ADatif, lntt auatitv, OrcKoa, Itbia ets wmnlhs
rutt tPwaata.
fstnl the Sith osr vt rshnary, t
1 W KLMUtCtiit.
O P Cotuiosr, Adtaituatrator
Alt; lor Ailmr.
PC! H ft' ENT.
1 aadentsncd has b-a duly appointed hy sew
runty roqrt nr I las euttury, Una, admiDtvumlor
mt tbe estate al W t A iJatrla, dertsssd, fatte ol t4oa
etttly, Orrtoe. Ail ee euit having dsims stratost
eaid eelata are aeretiy aot'Oed to present then prop
erly rariAed lo the anderstsns st his resittenoe ai
K.alh haJcni. Marina eouaty. Clresoa, ait kin eis
tarathelrom thtdta. Aa4 all vrm,m Indebted ts
Said eeiat are berrbr am id lo pay the saute le
die t4fMrvtiftd iiotnedsttrty.
Dated rtbrusrr SUth, Isul -CPGEORGB,
Ttums Pose, Adminletrstor i4 satd aetata.
W M ats.
Attts Iur Ailniiuixtratur.
derogned baa lhs oay been appuiated adatin.
ttuatorcd the axate of Peter Welt, rteces d, by the
jnttnty enttrt d L'en extooty.Oretrua, and that I bate
led me bond as required by law aad saa sw duly
juallned lo set asea.-h sdwinietrattsr. All ptnam
Mvies; rtiihis ssabtst said estate are hereby r
afiired and notlOnl to prsnot tbeasme to- so at the
ethra (4 W K lltlyea, tn Albany, Unueonntv, Orafjo,
mfc the proper vottchcs, villus six snoothe Iroee
the date bere-4.
IsMd st Alhany, thai tSth day of JatMrer ISSi.
A 4 WE
W II tlllveo,
Auj fur Admlttbraior
i J. Ld is Cjrna irift'P Fltcbford.
f ait re.r- tftirg limit's In Mo, Lion
coonty, Cir pcn.urder ti e f im ram mod
trie rf Cyitt et I'll ch ford, tare duly
mad an ij r merit t-f all tbo pioperty,
real and pemral. to tbe undereigLed for
the t or fit of their creditors, .All peranca
liavlns e'alma against the satd firm era
haraby notified and rtquiitd lo present
th sal ita under oslb to it-e Untie raltsnedi
at thsolHc cf JK Weatl eifo J. n tba
oily of Albany, 1 Jnn tt.n iy, OrRon,
wlthl n lf re niomLefrom tbe cat hereof.
Hated it it erdilefS. ' r
NOTICE Is li-reby given thai th
annual DtfoHne rf the stock bolCer of
I bo Altny ! i niuy Association en 11 b
bold at tbe offloe cf W C Tvrecdale, on
Party u)t. in Albany, on Monday.
March Slst, 18BI, at 7:85 n m.for tbe eleo
tloti of dLieoiors, and aaou other business
a may come before the nreettn.?.
Dated rebiatb.lEfll
W C TVS EEPAIB, boiry,
11 pursuant loan order of tbe lion
County Cotrt ot Linn county, Ortgoii, I
will aeii at publ lo auction teihe btgbest
bidder fot csu in hand, at the Court
IIoiism dixi.-, in th Pity 0 Albany. Linn
oouihv. Oreuon, at tbe hnur of 1 o'clock,
to m afternoon of the 18th day ol April,
lf)Z, th real property be'on-ing to the
state of Henry Graser, deeeatad.and de
acribod as fallwa. to wit: lhe southwest
X of se tlen 2, in town-hip 14, south of
range 1 E tst of the rTtilamaits Usrldian,
in Liin ojunty. OretOTi.
OPC'SHOffj -Aditir.
esst3 of Ilnry Qraser, dee'd.
dersiirned stimluisinttor nf the estate ul Maria
Crews, dtweased, hss filed his final account ss eiid
sdmintstratur, and thst the ctmnty court ot Linu
oount;;, Uravon, has Splnted alonday, tha Snd dsy
at May, lsili, at 1 o'clock p ra In the artxruoou of ssid
dsy, ss tha time lor keoring; snd settling said ae
eottat snd tha settlement ot ld estate .
iJated March lS'.b, lHKi.
A nsw snd Comelote Trsstmmt, conltlnjr of Sup
s,itories,t)inlnMtit in Csrsu's,sia in Bx aad Pills;
s Pusitlve Cure lor A nomal, Internal, Blinil or Blued
log ltehinr, Chronio, H-.aont or Hereditary PUee,and
many othar diseases snd tamils weskneascs; it teal'
s-avs s ersat benefit to th general health. The first
disoorerv of s modioli cure rendering an eperatien
wivh the anile unntossaary bsreafter. This remedy
hu never been knows to ia' I. tl per box. 6 tar 5 ;
ent by nuil. Why suflir Iretn this terrible tas
when s written i tr'it is poaiUvely ttiren wutt a refund Ins msaey it na eqred. Sesd SUtfip
for tree Sjunpla, Outran tee issued by ', '
J Af'ainiulns, Orusstst, Kitle Aeent.
Albasty, Wregea.
May b seen the
finest stock of
cold and silver
watches, diamond and other rings, jew
elry, silverware, &c, in the city, -
f OST.-nnday, MaroWlSth. ither on
(uo ttreuts or tae city, or o the way
to tiis cttv oeaastery, a Udlaa gold watch
obain. 1'lndsr will picas return to tbia
o.'Uco, j. . .. ,
Cali amo llAva Yotm
As- J.-s-.
A'hile trying to Crowd then
way i aro
jtor, where I hey si wat have on hand
h largest Stock south of Portland, of
the htteat Improved Rifles and Shot
jutu; an Immense stock of Fishing
Tackto of every description; Tents,
Mammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands
of other thing too numerous to mention
Ijtepnir Shop
a connection with the Store, and ope ot
he best workmen In the State to do any
tnd all kinds' oi wor
Cosne one Come No rouble to .
how g-jcd "Small prcCt snd nulck
W I ou. .not to.
fecial altantaon jalt o psttrlng ill
da of mshlners
fatter ns Made on Short Rollct
Star ijilkerj
rorrranUstiUiu and F.raiSt
Cast mid Frstila, Caaaesl n:
GIaasvav, Qattamart
Dried Prail. ge1abla,
Tbaro, 'Cigara
Ragar, ptes,
Cofte-, Test, -
, Et El
In fact eerytuf thst is keit io reae
Verity and i
i noeery store, iihSss
rset priee paid lor
J. A. Commisg.
Wall Paper,
I rTrs, l3o,int, llls
CJlnss, Et.,
ALBAIiY, -:-
Opp.isito St Caarles Hotel
Bed olothinr and tana nirlilno wall
attauded t
fctarrh work a speeialtj
Braehcffle at Moees' barber jhoj,
this tummur ? If so, call on Vart Wilson,
at Stewart & Sox's, and sec a New Mail,
which alwajt glvit satisfaction.
.ntl Surveyor,
. f
- -.crctE.
;,i . ' -. A
iSs& J
tested hy
fohnston's I'nlent Ie-Meter at P. tt. L-
YKZSCW3 Jewelry Store.