41M8jnkMaMM 0 ' ' " ' 1 ' ' " ' " 1 1 1 1 i i ; i i ti. 1 1;. t 1 t1 ; -i The New York "World," :- : i"Tlic -:- Democrat;"! i : An Advertisement in ;"Tlic -:- Democrat,'' . Reaches th Most HTM ' UTTPTTDTCI MM Jllfor M? W. ! : 6 o VOL XXVII. Entered at III r fflce at Athaar. t)r , as HeeeaeM las Mali MaKeri ALBANY. OliKGON, Fill DAY, MARCH -18. t8.)-. STITM A XITTUti, Publishers aad Proprietors; vo. 3. 4 Pi -tKfaft n ir r !3T Vim m crpoio-j to sudden o!usngs oi trn-fx alar, muA to Injuria. 6 n VIM1 iu a, n Vooc KTlfFKI-.ri, tw:u.i; . li-OiJ . v' Li.1 la-is wounds, sqremsss. -';:i.c-'.c, keuralcia, 'AN cuac. IJV-7 X 1 1 CLEARANC E SALE ! Anotiiir Fake. Two young men are In the city Working the "new method ult company,1 a ort of a lottery scheme which should be et down on. We do not know i but auscct the men mentioned in tne following from the Ureuonlan are the tame, an Immaterial fact though., 1 1 U ilmeoiirclilsenskepta mule on hand lor new and uncertain schemes that prey on me puuuc: -un the tront ni a building on Wahln(ilon street, near Front, there Ulhlttln: "New Method Suit Company a 33 suit lor si. 1 he company wa composed o( Isadora Harnett, and a young man named Palmer. A month ago I'al mer went East ostensibly to select a new stock ol good, but no word has come (rom him . Harnett has not been seen since Saturday, artd the supposition I that nenasgoneto join l'adner, lloth are supposed to have gone to (Jreede, Colo. The tilan of tho cum nan v was to oriranUo suit clubs o( thirty-eight members, each o! whom paid $i a week, Nina clubs were organised in the city. When a nember drew a suit he dropped out, that much ahca.!, but the others kepi on con tributing. No member has received a suit for a month. Thirty suits were due last 1 ueday, and clu'i members hive hern calllnu for them ever dav. onlv to find the doors locked on them. 1( Itarnett and Palmer have left lawn they are not over $500 ahead of the different clubs." Ak Ea ok Atvti. TIi Uamcy Tlmea 1ms an artlut who cottiDletelv knocka out all other Orruon NaaU. even the Uregnn HUteaman anil Northwest A LARGE NUMBER OF REMNANTS have Wn A laf . . . . .,, in uregon btateaman ami Northwest jA f er in our various Departments, anl wo will Agriculturalist win have to ukt a back- & eioso 1119 same out at considerable loss than cost, 'lhny consist of Dress Goodj, Woolen Hosierj, in InfanU, Misses and Ladies, Embroideries, Velvets, Plushes, Satins, Silks, Corsets, and Indies and Children Umlerwtar, Etc Theso Goods aro arrangotl on our Rargain Counter i.and ao examination of tho same will of intsrest to buyers who have an eyo to a good bargaiu. ance In addition to the above we will havo a general clear sale of all other lines in stock, and we Avill give 10 per cent d;scounton all cash sales until March Ist.onour entire siock otlryuoods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladies and Children chocs, Hosiery Woolen Underwear, etc ON THE SECOND FLOOR we cany a corauleto line .fir..i. t.. 11 -it i . ... " . - iin laqaina vity J Ol iueu 8, J)OJ 8 anUnUUrenbClOUUng, burnishing UOOUS, OreitonCilynaperiulllahavadiecoverea fO lOWing reductions: ih. mountains and u. it i( the anai. j-.vn iu aeriou pictures are funny, and it triea to be funny at Uaat with its aheara. Here la one of tlitiu: The man who went Into the newspaper ortlce to do up the editor of an Oregon aatreuriiMli paper, tor nubliahlnx an ac count of his Iteating hii wifo over the heaxl with a aix-aliouter aud kickimr his children out of doors In a snow storm. has concluded to nostrums licklne? the editor till some future date, lie has bought a gallon of arnica, and hired two doctors to pick out the bullets. Tut IUakox cr Ir. It was left (or the Newport Times to discover the real rea son of E P Roirer'a recent trio over the Oregon l'aclflc. Here It is: Mr E 1 lagers, general freight and passenger agent for the Southern Vacirk, arrived in 1 aquina City Moulay. It seems the MEN'S SUITS Worth, r-YOUTH'S SUITS $ 0.50 for $ 7.50 0.00 10.00 . 2.50 15.00 20.00 4.50iWorth, 5.50 C50 8.001 " Q.50 11.00! M 5.00 for 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 1500 3.23 4.00 500 7.50 9.00 10.00 roads can maka them low enoiuch rate ol transportation to their mill and Mr Kogers tooa a spin to the U r front to secure the proer tajr ol Iho land. The teen It of thu vtail we hav not ascer tained. A SPECIAL OFFER 3f A- Vaar raoaaKasiv. There are soma pretty small men in some city courjriU. Ashland evidently has a iew. The Urants Tata Courier aayi. Ashland is setting very progressive. The council has just passed ordinances prohibiting boys from telling apples at the trains and forbidding hotel runners from en croaching on th sacred precinct of the depot in search of pairous. It loiks as tiioutcb tl.e ratiroau had considerable to say iu running that town. The tew applet told by the children in the course Boy's Wagon, Woith $2, sSt utoli a iioa.it. boute time ago 11 jk Myers took a boy from the orphan's home to raise on hit ranch at Slay ton. He ran away as soon a he sot Ills bear ing and some time ago returned. . lie I it. nrtl Mrinilii ntutit with tha liitl March 1st, as We positively Withdraw tPIS proposition ftt horae, sad.e and bridle iu Myene ttable 4t,t and is believed to hae taken a revolver and tome money. No trace of the boy has yet been Lonnd. lie Is aoout tlx teen years old, his name is Uco. I'rilrhes, and he hat started Qlt well equipped. Journal- Albany (Jbowisjo. The fiscal postal year closet oh March Slit. It still be a gratifying fact to learn that the postal receipts of the Albany poet ontce nave increased so rapidly the past year at to raise Albany from a tiitra to a second I class oitice. the receipts f-r the year ftl ready being touicient to Justify tins. Jl.r business of a poet office always epeakt for the growth of a city. Resides thia indication the directory census now toe ing taken will enow Iroa present mat cations, that the city hat grown at least EU0 since the census of 1S0M. No Waxuaa.-iA t6 vear o.d son of The vtry latest news Is that you can buy at JUWUS jmes Roberts neariv had his hand blown To be given away with each and every Rov's Suit, with short pants,which we sell belore March 1st. TAKE NOliCE that these offers art good only until March 1st, as we p that dato, G, W. Simpson. - Julius GradwoM's Bazaar op APWOIJL'3 BAZAAR, fbr net cash, goods as fellows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Pr Pound 25c. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 20 lbl Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per- .single gallon' h.j"' jj .23 tJaWrsflllsi, 5 gallons . , i 00 ft Oalloria Good Pickles a. . , .Q0 20 lbs. No. Saron 8op 80 !ThoIle prtceof sugr-lM lbs atrsC, 14.75; 100 .( gianolsUd t.T. I will enn4aot a strict easb afore, anl a'l foods wl! be aoM fir nat eh ftn a in a! ore, anl a'l i ' priM. Uy i o 15 pr eenl ln than rvn ar rlM. Uy ssoek of C'blnaware Knf foods, w( SltM, aompi hiking powder, and always piae uiy auswraers, all Ibe dalratl svlea (l)sltM. as well as neral rinfH of grar. eroei S'T. lainossad Sarinre in aomuidla. 1 mS a epe!lr of ft is Vh; Si?ls ; Ageiii (r several responsible Intaranno ooipan!: - Jnllas t)rad!rhl. ALLEN Wholesale BROTHERS, RETAIL G ROGER S CIQARS TOBACCO. AND CHOICE FRUITS Of Aul IM UARQT OR SMALT. nUANTITIES "in vmw BEATON. off this momlnz hy firing a dynamite cap, which he was playing wuh.sayethe Salem Journal, lie held th can in his left hand and tried to see if he could explode it br touching the fulminate with a re-JI hot Iron. The ie;ult wm thkt r.e had the ends of hU n-.ldJIe finger ana thumb blowr. off and both hand and face cut and Injured. Qrs Carwrlght and Jsup re- paircu nj wuuiun Road Extensiom. The Junction City Board of Trade Is agitating the question of the extension of the west side road from CorvalMsto that city. The Willamette Real Estate company promises gift fooo toward this end, ana -we nave no doubt that the Mouthern I'aclrk will but hi the road this yearlf offered sufficient In d'Jcements. Ex. ' Tut Builmxo SiAdo.i Mr E F oi .as let the contract for building the new brick livery stable on Second street to I F Conn. V.'ork was begun on the same this morning. The building will be 5oxjoo, two stories high with a handsome tront and wtil be completed, as soon a possible, having iteen remcq or sirjney a i,o for a term of years, The state and county ta of Ladd Si Bush and A Bush, as appears on the Marlon county tax rull for loot, Is f 4,131 89: This firm this year pays about one- fortieth of the county tax. it also pays taxes fn several other counties tn Oregon and In Washington and Idaho, it P ,ne-twelfth of the Calei.i cit y tsx.artd One hlrtcenih ' of Stateman. Lkbakon. Mr l'eet lms roncluded to build a flouring mill in Lebanon, of KM) barrels capacity. At the annual school mucting Monday, F M Miller was elected tlirt'ir, and lr L Foley wag re-ducted clerk. That interesting drama, "Comrades," and the laUKhablo farce, "The Mttlo KelK-l," wero reproduced Wednesday evening. In Justice llindnun'a rourt tudxy, there la a trial in prourese, between Mr lKidsoimnd Mr Fellows, hoth of the I.eUnon photograph gallery. Mr Inkt aon cha.ges Mr Fellows with flourishing a pistol in a threatening manner. Mr tollows was discharged. In company with l)r D M Jones, of Al bany, we vlalicd the new 0 I' church editlee in Albany, Monday. The build ing Is nearlng completion and when fin ished r ill bo onn of the handaomeNt stmelures of the kind In theeounty seat, W J Dennett, the arc), Itecr, has shown marked taste and skHI in designing this structure. Advance. An Imsani MK.Mr Alexander Ross was examined this forenoon by a commU. skin comiUtlnif of Urs Maton and Irvine, and committed to the Intane asvlum, to whit h place he was taken by J N I'loffman this noon. Ross is at old druggUt.and has been traveling tors Portland house. Years ago he was In butnss tor hhnselt and was burned out, receiving Injuries which have since affected him some lie was seen wandering around Tangent jumping fences In a stiange manner. 11a seemed to think some ono wb after him, but his mind run mostly on an elevated inllroad he was to bul.'d" between htlverton, his home, and a ranch owned by htm at Sil ver Crerk Falls, lie Is a business tanking man. The case Is an unfortunate one. Cai'sks oy The Astoria Ta'k has Intelligence of absolute authenticity that Captain tieorue Flavel has sold lii ntous Tanxy l'oint farm. The tmrchaxers arKLIwyer, l'Jlturkrt. mil other railroad functionaries. The price paid i 300,(X)0. The tale is fully consum mated, and it is one to be hailed with ' unbounded eratincatlon bv the rcitulents of the lower Columbia. Its import Is onmistakable, as the atiit'iry of a tnoxl auspicious day of prosterity now almut to dawrt.after the lng and gloomy night inai na teuuuniy iioveml over the peninsula and the country round about. Asturiaua inav well lo entiiuaittstic. as tlxy ate. over the announcement The good news is almoMt of electrical force, and full of the gladdest of inspiration, Qrowlimo. The Oregon Oracle is growling at the Southern Iulfk, parti cularly at Mr Kachler. Here is one ol liieiu, tntereatirui fn itself, and also be cause it shows tltat AU.any's position as the heart of the valley is appreciated : His Kast Side road runs from a citvof !W,00O people through a valley of loo.Oiu peop'e, ana yet you cannot at t f row that city to the valley Mween &:30 a iu and p ru fvii uay. Neither can yoti get frutn the head of that valley (Kugene) aner tu o'clock am; the heart u the valley (Albany) after YiM u'dxk n tn : the capital of thertate (Nstlent) after 1 :40 ptn; to the uictroDolis of the state (i'ortlauJ) tie same day. That is rail- roaumg itti a hot rah. iiooo t ine to ArrA -,n ih cae f Llndlcy Smith ard others, siralii.t T tgenton ilgg. Zrpt.ln job and William Maiksy, Judge Ucsdy, In the Vidtcd Mates circuit court, yesterday made an order requiring defendants to appear on Maren ac, and show cause why thrv houtd not be en ioliied from !jr.lrir the nenr. s ceniucates oj sate 01 the Ureuon Paclllc railroad, and ato lcucd a restrsin. Ing order prohibiting ttrfirt from doing so In the meantime, tonds were reuulrrd of ptalntlfls In the sum of $ 50,000 , hU h were furnUhed by W S and Wilhtm M Ladd. Oreitonun, CoiKa to Salkm. The following from the Journal Is about A'oanv s well known horseman, the hoiset mentioned now being In training at the old fair ground. Charles E Barrows wl! arrive In Kalcm about the 14th of Msrcb, wltb his tbfe ol troueri. jte ha tooui twelve horses in his care and tbey are all looking as fine as any stable of trotters that has si yet ever ertived tn Salem, which comes ta show that C E Harrows. tl. rridkal horseqign, (a oee tht undrrstands J.l business. Among them will be the two AlUrri'Jnt stallions, Multnomah and ()rj- onc. StirniMC Cot'tT Dot k kt Follow Ir. g U the I J nn county docket for the supreme court now In session In Salem: Iva Templcton, appellant, vs Linn count, respondent. fciate of Oregon, reeponc5,t t v v social, ami t'i;S!soi Tlll'BHOAV , Cnshter Archibald, of the I.lnn Count Itank, hIhi recently met wlth'an tcctden is at his post of duty, w-iih hi head In several sling, prccnllng a very warlike appeauiice. ratnAV Mr Thot Kay, of Hahin, was in the city this afternooni (ienrgt Moreliouwo vtit up to his Cnt cado ranch thji afternoon. Charley MrlVmald Is dellverlnn h-o- ture entitled, 'Twenty Years a Locomo tive Fngineer." 1 II Marshull, wtretary and tujcrin fendentof the Albany Farmers Company, is at the Kmi ond urcgonlun, Mr K I. Qulnn, the pUimbtr.who went to Han Francixco a few months ego to take a complete course in the science of his IhihIik-xs, returned fo Albany this noon and expect to make this city bis home. Mr Alfred Morganstcrn, reporter for .he Hradstreeta Mercantile eg'yiey, It In the city taking the standing t our busi ness men. Mr Morganstern iaalawver and Is so well plunsed with Albany that I e contemplates mnking this city his homo during the year. Mr J Siuilh.bettcr known In thia com munity as "Jimmy, thecotjk," returned to this place Saturday after an absence of about nine mouths. He departed on tho (Jen'l Wright when she had com pleted the survey for the vovertiuienl last June and came from Coos bav when be returned. Newport Times. This Is the same Jimmy recently in Albany on bis return to 'ho liny. He was let-ling so tfemd he paid a darkey bootblack Co cents to black bis boots without n shine, a r inKIYKt.l. 1-iUTT. Int Tues'litf evtninu.at the residence of Mr W K Thompson, the Vineyard Ij- t-irers, ol the liaptist clmn li, temlernl their prenident, Mr ti 1 Coshow, and his family ,a farewell parly, previous to their departrre for their new home In Mo Miunville, where Mrst'osliow and child ren will go this week and MrCoshow next we'k. An evening full of good w ill and enjoyment was paused in a variety of feature, making U a plenaaut ailalr. A cotile hitndom pictures wete tend ered Mr t oshow at teatlmonlal of the at'precialion of the tociety for his work. Mr t osiiow wt;i go into uusinett in MeMlnnvillo with U 11 Irvine, formerly. of thia city, lie Is a voting man of marked ability and lotvrity. and with his family tsket the koI will of onr etthsens wits 'hem. A big leaalhusi-, nesa is undoubtedly in ttoro for Irvine & Coehow. ArfoAT , m Mr J L I'age, of Eugene, Is In the city, Mr Harry like, id Forttand, Is in the c.ty. MnStsnard and son have returned from a vblt to Eugene. Jud FHnn and C E WoSvertosi bnve hvm In llugene attending court. Mr and Mrt Walke r, of the Warm Soring ajjeney, are in the city the gneal of Mr Jaaon heeler. Mrs Wm Tower, of Salem, returned home today acroitifanird by Mrs C L lower a in I son ot urownsvlilc. Mrs O P Coshow and children went to Sine 10 mday to Ult with her parent pre vious to going t McMhtnvl.la to reside. E O Phelps, an old newspaper man. has rented a house and moved Ms family to thli place. We Lladly welcome litem In our tnldst. Lebanon Kxpres. It U teportcd thst Netson Clf k, form erly a minister of the MethodUt church and weil known throughout the Willam ette vatlev, is Interested In mining pro prieties In Washington that are likely to make him a mti-lonsire. Eugene Guard, Tho Kay, manager ol Eatem's woolen milt, was a'tou'h-bound passenger j ester. dy, going 10 Albany fey the i o'clock, thence to .San 'tiu tHJ by the California e;p,rs. lie will remain In the mctropo poii for a couple of weeks loukin; after business connected wish the factory, iacman. People out from the Willamette report that UrJ MTattor, forme' ly the dentl.t here. ' been oifered $o.ooo for his tn- tetest m the quar'a mine In Lane county with which ho hat been connected tor a couple year. The owners of the mine think, they have a regular ttonanxs, and Dot s frU-nds here are expecting to see him it the rode of a high roller cd the highest sort If the luck doesn't turn hack ot, him.-AfHiand Hcor4. , TlilCTAHtFr 1IKIJATK. Tho tlolmio on tho tariff wwioiH'tHKl tip in eongrcs Wmlnwduy by McMiltin of Twin- eMtee on tlio tlmiiocrniic siile and Pitigley of Miimi for the republicans. Tlio following is from McMUHn's speech:' This congress was antit httre to correct Iwllt ovils by imposing loa taxes and by ilMHtding less money. The tariff law hi now brnu in ojxtralion for a ymir and five month. Wbreare tho benficil effect thut were to follow from it? Whore are tho increased wugps the lalioring man was to ri!('ive? Whttre are the magnificent lrhm the fitrmer and wwjhrrower wero to realiae from it? The farmer rttaliat from 2 to 3 cents lens oa a pound from UU wool than ho did before, and I challenno any repre sentative liwto point to a niit;rl lino of maiHifttetiirns in which the Lttairers wages have Utsn increased by law, lie bill was panned umler a pretvnueof a doire to btiio fit tlio luhttriiiir man, but wlutt U-nefit has it been to fiimr ' , llva whole matUT may ihi auniiwsl tip in tho fact that aftur two yeare cxjerittn ut of high rates of duly on wool the iwult has been a redtM-Uon of one lmlf in tho inimW of sluvp in sbtU; eart of the MtaKisippi and Mwsouri rtvers and a retiuction of nbottt ono half in the prions of wool. Nor have the results been eneottrajring to wool mtmtifac lumrs. They have been restricted m to tho quality of wool they could afford to buy in greaso by reaaott of the tariff- They hae been riwtrii led in inarkeU subsfetntiidly to their own country. They h;tvt l-:ai.'reel to ue sliodily as a &ititji(e',s-al "isiuiu tne siieepitiivtianwndcfiMjjBo, sulwtantial benelit. ,- , I t'll I'NIIICi) ACTSOX, In Instructing their delegates tothe dem ocratic nalloiial convention, democrats should keep In vie y thentrong probsblil y that In order to Insuie success; to rrvlre the great movement of 1800 and to csrry New Vork, ft may be absolutely necessary to put Valcy democrat at the head of the ticket. What Is now to be avoided above every, thing else is antagonism between western democtats who are available as potable nominees, soil it Is dear that Ironclad In structions for favorite sons would be cal culated to cretU Jueli antagonisms and to mrke It much harder for the vsllcy vote to unite In convention. It Is by li means undesirable that the different state convcnlfors should express their prefcrnf e. They can 1 early al ways do so with propt Icty, but ther sliould do It Iu such away as to make It clear that their detrg: ore frre to act for them In an emergen be t'oliul what fec.r.s best ca'culalcd to reach the end In via the elecilo. 1 of a winning candidate Lorn the valley in the event Jw York persistently refuse to present ih only dldate it b , If this l done, and U each slstc delega tion Is strongly and explicitly Instructed In the principle It Is required te represent In Uie convention, It will be possible for the Vest and smith to co oieratc in a way that will certainly se'.urcthe defeat of Harri son and his policy t,f plutocratic radical ism. If Indiana lunuicts for Gray, or Illinois lor l'almer or Morrison, or Iowa for Bole it sh.mld be with th undctt-tand- Acllug Secretary Spaulding hit sent to toe house, In answer to a resolution of that hctlv, a letter containing Information on th-! sol j'tt of -he Issue and redemption of gold a-.d v i-ertlrkat-s, viz The letter show the go d certificate Issued fr.nr. July, 1877, to Janury 1, 1801, nnnouncrd to $509,039805, and the amount redeemed to $4i5 98,563. The Usue of -liver cer llflcste from May 0, 1878, to January, 189, aggregaied (63 ,7o8,o-o, and the amount redeemed, $356,31 li8j. The pa per money outstanding July I, 18S6, wat 9?M3I94, r,(! the amount January 1, 1891. fir097,8i,si J Generally speaking, the acting secrettry says the gold certifi cate were redeemed prh.cipally In gold coin or bullion, while the silver certifi cates, being usually presented hi a mull ated condition, were redeemed by issue of new silver certificate. The authors of the McKintey hill hike l"K that the in tt nctlons do not so bind the intuit criwlit to Uiemwlve for huvliiL- t.lae- stale ftlrtf hits that tney will be unebls to 1 ... - - rw a - . , - ea sugiir on Uie tree iit, llu-y did, it is act In concert when the crisis come. 11 true, plwfjaomoa.idiiuwtgnuh' of aujfitr I we ate to keep the dtmocratlc party ad- on the free list, but the finer aradea are I vend 'H, w e must net Jet state line keep sl tll ttued heavily for the benefit of the man- ufai turcr, and J.e is Ht with no more irro- Rvtton t.y that bill Utan by the rates im- poed in the Milis bill. It is true fifty odd million of dollars were taken off the sugar las , but this was not a free will offering. or the atttue measure provided for the pay- Hie following ticket has been pliutd in nomination by the prsoplu'e party in Uma tilla county: ItejUHscnlutive!, Koliert Idling 0 11 Itoberts, and J Tllenkiejconnty judgn A II fitank y; counly commission', J ii Kintf abotiff, Ixaiis Hfitb; clerk, A A win! ing csr-l Walker; trensunT, William Sullivan; schoo sujennteniU';it, Mow Huttie ..Woodruff; surveyor, A I. Adams; coronar, Sol Worn-ley. A dispatch from Wr.i-elinjr, Wes; Vir gin!, says: Over one hundred Inttrvicw with irad ln ilemccrst of eastern Ohio on the prcIJntlat question will be printed h-re 'ixeoriow, JUore than three-fourths f the expression are enthusiastically fcr Cieve and, with ex Gov Camndrll us second choice. Ool v live are for Hit'.. Goiman and l'almer gtt a few vtr. A Urge pro Krilon say ttiey would not support lltll II nominated on account of hi In difference and lefusal to help Campbell last rear. us apart or Interfere la our w.rk for the common wilfsre, Wncn have In thewest eader any one of whom can eal!y be nominated and elrticd cn the Issue Mr Cleveland ha helped to make so power ful In this coontiy. If Mr Cleveland I not to represent this l.uc, let us do every- The movement oi irold to America from Europe a few months seo was due. so the organ to d us, to the McKlntey bill. I tr.e movement ot eottl to 1 11 rone from America due tothe same cause? ijon't ai answer at once.please Seattle ttlfgrafk. Republican of Indiana in ite conven tion instructed for Harrison. VC1L MTATR lltrt, II V linm to A P Iferons.lOacre. WW 1. , 250 U 8 to Ietia V Itamutcr, 100 acres, 14 . 3 t aunt Wm F lloren to J h Turnidge, 152.IW acres, IP K 8. ........ Oregon to Atldta Ilnvenport, S'JO acrtsCll 4 t U IWvenport To Will S Cress, 640 1 ' acres UK 4 John M Cress f)T II IX-Cew, SCO acret0K4 T. J J How land t san, lhirger, 24 ar.ret v w o. tnent of 112,000.000 to tho iiroducert tfhlng possible to sec that it Is proper! tugrs as bountie. Atnun, while the Gfiv repreentcJ. tsld million dollars tax was taken off sugar Utiles the valley states are divided by an increoM of dulic. amounting to aljout Intrigue or by blundering, o that the M.QOO.WQ, was put on other things, and cannot set together when united action Is generally on the isetwrie of life. They I requtred, the nominee ot the democratic removed the sugar tax which yielded djfht-convention will be ihc next president ninths of iu ln-neCt tn the trawury and bui I Louis AVf: oiie-t.ttitli to the sugar tiumufarturer, oi;!y to ploee many niiUioii more tlian tlw augar 'x en otlwr things where but one-fourth of e Uw s exaction went into the treasury aitd three fourth went into tl private coffers of favored manufactun-rs. It will be stunt that this but is utill abtirden of OXI.OfJO indirectly to lite op)e, and instead otthetr obUining $G0.G0Q.Mj0 relief by thi luuige of Use, tlwy hartUv obtained 110.- W),m net benefit. Tlie whole bill i cluiraeterixcd by eotiscienceless favoritism for the few and imix il.-a oprekm for Ue any, R the cotwidendion of the bill the manufacturer alone i favored, but the con sumer i never considered. The etii-oncv weeding the campoigit had rerpiirvl a east amount of money to carry 00 the elec ht with ft devoU( two. It wo rttwl hi rowing the npiw ..,..t , . 1 - , , , aaeai! iu av hw iew j-Mti lsWtllr.ritl i,f ti.ma Mtnl mviihL n m UH(?i 1. Ubrf. lite iiTomisea of that camoaisr were put into a statutory form, and ever cloa mc4 tho who eeI it most have been benefitwi by the various Uw panted by our opponents on the- subject of taxation sinee lf85. If no other rood resulted frpra the Mi-Kin ley bill, tt has taught the American people that the tariff is a tat and a law upon, tit pee, pia wno orurom? uiearticle njvrn, W4u h it is levied. Willi tlia'tax removed from sugar the ric is down in all American Vtkeis to an amount aliout eqwd to the Juty rtwuovod. On the other hand, when an additional tax of 1.2 :enUa pound was mpoafei on ttn Fllnn Block ai.bant, oaEao. FACTORY proprietor, AI DA tf .ir. sjosui'ii, WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employee1, Mr Loul Viereck has purchased the iuusc on iiip op; ft1 ovv,,y which a livery stable It to be built, and 1 moving it to ids corner a block south Bill Nye tells of a case where an editor had to leave town for omitting to mention such an Item, hence our promptness In the matter. Ruet'eer ii Conn are doing the moving, . Bicvcta Stoi.ek. A bicycle bclr.nslng to Geo Washburn was stolen frotri his fa thers yard a few evenings since. No clue n Decn aDtaineu to irie inici. RETAIL S3 LACK MAN & HODGES, LEADINGDRUGGISTS DfiUCS. F.1EDICH1ES STAT I0I1ARY &u RE A AT GOsST TIios. Brink's 01(1 Stand cm in mm SKMiKjicniE nm n a cmk the'ech'ool district tax Roicers, appellant Maria A Kawtou, appellant, vs t!h J SluA:t, respondent. I'na II iJooVe t.o, srnci'nis. w m St John and Cynthia 1st julm, (rspond- cnisj ovtcnuatH. The Bethlehem Iron Company, of South Bethlehem, Fa, wl.l make an extensive exhibit st the world's fair. Including- steel rail, a batt.e-shlp shafting i: tt'ct In length, guns, pro'ectlles, an aT.uor-plate iugot weighing .100. tons,' and various naval appliance. Th: company wld also erect a full-size mouti ct Its famou u? ton steam hammer, said to the lr-cst in the world, it will be to :t Lopearatice a perfect dttpllcatc In every respect. It will span the main avenue f Mach'nery llalL and wlK rise to a hckht of ninety feet. At the last Paris exhlbi'lon ereat attention was attracted by a slroilay model shown y the uceunot workt, btit repr? icnting only a too tn hstnmer. The dinatchs av that lantet Wakely deposited with the World 2500 in behalf ot aullivan to ftaht anv man In the world (colored men bat redjfor the championship, Jonas Davia to II L Iladd, I) acres,' tne largest purse otlcrcd by any cltto, ex - I 13 w 4 , cept the California, and an ourslde bet of I Geo F Hurkhart tQ J C,lter,lott $10,000 a side. Whoever first cover the I TLp.n..n-. V. .'. '. .......... : . , deposit will be given the preference. Cor- G, F Hurkhart to, L C Slater, 3 ht, btt ha ? 1 000 up now, and cay bewil.i put up it aduttlnnal' kKoo Tuesday, Peof le ard'cet'lng tired of J L Sull'van; but l there is to W any (lyhtlng let buhl van and Slavin pound each other and S't tie the barbarous business Tl.c Man A, bout Town would bet on ii. Wi. In the proceedings of the Third Ha Sucked Egos. The Ashland Ke- party meeting in Lebanon is the follojv- eor(t teiia - Jnterestinz story about how ng: "ineasaeseor was requeued u . Iftrm,,r t ten cents to coinolete the amount necetssary to pay hit taxes. Hie -- FV t II t SH Sa 4 ".i.y m oisris jjn joy Eptli the method, tjutttesuHa Syrup jf Figs is taken It ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the eya tern effectually, dwpels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitufl conslipatlotf permanently, For Ealai is) uo and . H botticB by td drappriBtH. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. SAN fRANGlSCO, CU j W M tavidon o J J Rowland acres 15 w 3 0 &;C U It toj Inmriiiihielacret V. it Oregon to J L Turnidge,8') acres, 9 K 3 T W Hwearlnger to 1 1' Ca vender, B.4 lucres 1 w a Arthur Ilavit to 11 F Brown, 100 aoret 13 b US to Arthur Davia, 1(30 acres,!? 5 Lebanon. Paniel I-eedy to Ktta M Iluatun, lot 1, bl as.H't mt A A llncklctuan ta J L Hill, lot 7, bl tt, ll'tStd A... MO 400 2SS0 6200 V0 83 120 810 230 1100 45 450 4.-r0 700 160 VK-s, IT ItoSH. Tho world owe wore to the day hdiorer tlutn it does to the parasite who aeooire wealth bv takinir advantage of bit id low. Ihslle Timet Mmtlamret Wly, tiien, do you defend lite things whkh give to'parasitea what in ejuity be long to othen? Yon advocate things which give to the strong at tie expense of Ui weak. You profeMt to believe that men can receive "beneCbT' witliout roljbinsr others. You think;Uiat estretue aellishnesa is prac tical, and that eelf jimervatioa wean the acrifhx" of the lu-tny for the benefit of Use few. You ivere old institutiona, regard isst of nuirit. and dpnd tipim custom and otion - which w only ami the fellow w ho ia "stuck" oa himself end the things which are bis' Yoa l:long to the republicaa party, which is the reason that you c&Mnot come out boldly at uh Utue for the right e dont Uame you, lor reallv, we are aware, yoa do- whstf. )d deeta to t bet for your ow n m;M intrrM, nwler the circum sbtnetst. Uread and halter depend upon it. and theee aoldm fail to convince the most au'.f-wille l and delermiucd. Eai-t Otrgon sua. Ayerfs Sarsaparilta The Best Blood Medicine ,BB, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSd Bo tay Lead hi 'j lVtysiciavm and Druyfiitti, and their opin ion U indorsed by thousand cured by it of Scrofula, lie tenia, Erysipelas, and other dlscaiea of the blood. "AVer's SarsapariiJa ha won its repu tation t y year of valiwhie serviee to the cotnmut lty. u u th btt."-u. . jn", Iii(!ttlt. m Merrlmark St., Lowell. !. lr. W, V. Wrlglit, J-aw faw ford. Toon , aaysj Jn my practiee. 1 myarlaUy pre aeril Ayer garsapariila lor eiirfii dis eases j! the blood." JZtt- r,",e' Tlilrdand Oxford t,i . ri)lladlpliJa, 1'a., write t "I'or two year I have preserlbed ayer BamapariUa lit numeroi; lustanees, and 1 liiwl it IiIkIiIv efficacious In the treatment of ail disoraei of the blood." h. M. BoMnsoa, PliarmaeLst, Salrfna, O , certifies : "Ayer tfarsaparllia ha alwajs been a great seller. My customer tuiuk there i tie blood-purifier equal to a," "For many year I was afflir-te w!V -'' serofulotis ruiinlng jrcs, whicli, at last be came so bad the doctors aSvlcd smpuuittn!' one of tiy lejr to aave my life. heraa takliig A yr SarsBparWa and soon saw'an Improvement. After using about two dozen bottle the sores were healed. I continue to take a fw bottle of till medlciue eaeii year, for my blood, and am o longer troa b cd with sore. I have tried other reputed Hood-pot lllers, but none does so much cood a Ayer 8arsaparU!a."-D. A. licbUmoi!, toot (alt to fet Ayer'sSarsaparilla raaraaEo bt til J. C AYER & CO., MM2S3. Bold by IrMf.u. ai, x jj. Wctit r-, buUitm W: R READ, 10fl 1 . - A', the conclusion of a week's session in Kansas City, Kans., the Methodist Gen eral Conference of ihje state adopted a resolution denouncing ai farcical and plate, tin plate went up I ruijCU!ous. tie attetnpta made by Governor in price an over m country. tx on pearl I Uanphrey and hi subordinate to put buttons, upon which the duty waa vwdly f down lhe wicjt jquor traffic and serving ir creased; so on linen good,v Whatever nolice porr the repubJWoa party that uo mny have been the tisuaiiou before, the 1 1... the next ktata olattorm contained a Americnix irjio.ltave eotna to know that I rabid proldbltloo plank It could not eapect W tariff i a toxand have dealt with those lth iupport of the Methodist church. The wao increareu me tax in U-.e last fcgre conference repret..-nted Sao.000 Kansas aecoramgiy by altuinutong to the authors communlcaal. The situation as regard ot the hif h ratoa w,e, now have to pay, the I the liquor traffic w as stated by the speak gretc rebuke that was ever administered I ers to be anpalltna. disgraceful to republl- W.any party in Wits country, turning tbejcanUm and utterly offensive to molality. repuhiican ruajoritjr r,tot a, VMnocratic mt jwitycl ft.ui.nt three fotirtlw. Thcsro is I One Hate hs selected delegate to the another ivoviHion of Uo rcceottt Juw which uaildnat democratic convention. Vtwty ahould bo amended, the one allowing thowthrce other tate are to be heard from. wao are opul'jnt enough and have, leasure David B Hill is the chojoe or the machine Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, . tfoisiery,- Wo have to select from. Our stock is not only the lurgsst but tho cheapest ever shown in Albany. We want your trade and wo feel confident we an taye you money. . W. F. READ. SAl bany , -:- Oresron sarausasSBauw. aaas lj go aljroad to bring in free of duty quan tities of clothes as wearing apparel. In New York Qrover Cleveland ta the choice cJ tour-fifths o the dtmocrattln the country. The convention that named I Hill delegates In New York was elected by 3 per cent of the democratic vote of the ; state. The total vote at the primaries In New York City wa only about sooo. The (13.2U0 the County Alliance to assess the city of Albany in person and not by proxy and to require evciy taxpayer to swear to hu tax list." Now, why should Albany be assestied in person any more than any other part of the county." In the past thereoorat win snow viiat it lias paid its. proportion of the county tax like a little man. Wat Efc Leo Growing -A correspond ent the Ai'vance ay city lot are. go ing, and, hose fishing choice bt should come early. Klnc were sold the past week- Mr Ancorge purchased two and will at once erect large building to be used for store, etc. Mr Bulley has three good lots and will build as soon a the road will admit. T M Devlne procured about one half block; says, .he wai.l all that adjoin him. Abran:h of the Fratcrt.ty iiulkllng and Loan Association lias been organized in this fUy with. -eighty share, Eugene Guard. Reiler organise one of your own, these ptUside It Si t, A are very uncer- tain affair, generally run In the interest of the managers, ana it is the exception where they are on the quare. Tub Tiano Came Mr W Ijloore,"' o gtrfttTEy dp Moor6', has received lhe piano which he drew front the Kan Francisco Kxamlner'a premium list recently. It is a Mason fc llamlin, a fine instrument. and may be geen at Will & Links, wbere it ia On exhibition, . (irrnw Tuutos Mixed. -Iieccntly fialem 'paper eent Albany's recorder to the penitentiary, ana now the Uresron ian correspondent from that city sends Albany's clear headed chief of police to the asylum: "J K Hoffman, a draggled of Lian county, waa brought to the asvlum today, lie ia 45 years old and i has Lean insane only a few days." tax collector hog been here taking in the "SheeWtds" to help keep up the expenses of our county, -end, 'alber 4 laughable oc curence took place in Inlow & Ashpole's store, i,ue of U.e citizens lacked ten cents of having money enough to pay his taxes ia full so he brought one dozen egaa to the etore, whereupon the following dia ipiitte ensuedi Merchant--"Well B, what do you want to do with those ecus?" Ii "I want to sell them for ten centa cash, to raise money enough to pay my taxev" Merchant "Well, we are not In the habit of paying cash for egg so I can't do it," John Nichols was aittinii on the counter, and he re marked : "B, if you vill sack the dozen psras I w ill clve vou the ten cents. Whereunon B cot down 0ft his Knees and becran silc'kln'a ihe'etrua and in a few momenta had swallowed tlie run tents of the dozen euun andJobn N was out his ten ceptSi and B had the full benefit of the c-l'us, took hie ten cents, paid his taxes and went on iub way rejoicing. Interstate Commissioner WIU'riv R. Morrison, of Illinois, speaking of the dem ocratlc convention t,n Cook county, em bracing r.s city of, Chicago, which last week Indorsed Palmer for presided, he rrotegt agAin,t the snap' convention was declared h could net ice that It was con- J tgned by more t'emocrats than voted at oucteaany tncreniiy irom tne Hill con- those pi I marie. The chance are that Venlon in New York. He was opposed not nothcr one of the forty-three sute. to Palmer' candidacy and regarded It an Wjj 8ln,ct jls delegate for David unwise movement, bald Mr Morrison: I B Hln The New York machine will not "lie If altogether too old to become a can- name lhelr democratic candidate tor pre. dldate. We shall have many fiiend 1n h4ientthI.year.-AUantaJra ine state convention ana iney win do op posed to Talmer candlcacy, I want to say I J vtCf)i were..oeded to show the in right here, however, that I never bolted itenm m j Rna earnestness of the democrats nominee in my life, and never VI- f0f Linn county to do their whole duty in the - ' -: I eoniinir eamnaiim in this county it ia sup- I,t bM beu practically deel led by the , f . ymt thpje were i0l dele- leading democrat of Kansas not to put a ,.0 i,,.t , 4i, tnt mnvmition and 100 Katun uitvwju r wiv presidential electoral ticket in the Held, and to sypport the people's party electoral kt'S - ft V f 1 gasMsk.sA.'WX aV. - j ssh -v. iv r L r 1 1 rj-- : r 7 . ? i.w a V. 1 S?WjSsSS.K fcr Infants nnrj Children. "C oat or ! a ta so lreU adapted to chnreo thot 1 reoinnxstd it superior 10 any prascripUoa -uown to me." II. A, Aacacx, II. D., IU So, Oxford Et, Erootlj-n, H. T. Look Here a MoMjtvx. I have some of the choicest' residence lots In Albany icr aic, terms so reasonauiu mm snjuuujr can buy and own a home of his own by paying; a small paytueat down and mal mont.ily payment thereafter until a'l paid for. For further formation ca' the oftce. cofner ind and Br;adalb!), ! opposite Democrat office. ; ' ; . Dr G W Mastow. ticket, A fusion will u'so be effected on state officer and congressmen at large The democrat and alliance leaders claim that this will wipe out the republican party In Kansas. The same tactics are to be used In Nebraska and the Dakotas. To offset this the republican Itaders of theee ctates urge that the republja.n In ylr gates were present. Except in two or three pre- cincta the primaries were very fully attend ed. From information that conies to uo from various parts of tlie county we learn that the feeling at the outcome of the con vention ia one of very g;n?jai aatlafaction. All around the tru Wuo ueinocrata are ann- i,ng fpr tho tray and a more gallant, cour ageous tight will be made than ever uetore, Leaders in all porta of the county have ginlas, lemtes-e, eorgla and. the taro- nmd9 tlw5r ininda ylia year to have one lna$ epter Into a f uUon with the ne w of tWir old UlE0 victories, and they are not Part- : ' i to be disappointed A cispatcn irom inaianapo.t say: rtopublican etiwt in Oregon are attempt l tie thirteen districts In the stale held . , . machnfc o tie fact that democrats KpUUilLdll t.UI.CIUIVII VVKJsS W vts,wl VCt ,. -t egate to tne .Minneapolis convention . aie not united in their views on the silver Harrison apparently cabled eyeryihlng. question. But we woihl askwhat.wiU the The A.H?n county delegation in the con- republican papers and leadors in Oregon vertttan at Auburn bolted because Harri- . . ,m., ,1,, ,t, u,a.-r,mA f-. ik.i. a Art & a i.u.ui.i who favor ft'90 silver do when tuey come to that thi rnuntt. which Is usual v demu. I Slinwri Hiirrisou on Hi iuiu-uj buvvv cratic by 4,000, will give the democratic platform? What 'will John II Mitehell, Ten Acres of choice garden had at a bargain for a fsw c'ays only at Or book Lakd Co. Spb W F Ili-ail's line of dress gocda iik before boyiuj.-5;olsewhera. aud candidate a maj-rlty p,f oooo. if Harrison is numiniptw .. Judge Blackburn of this city is quite fay orably spoken of by republican paper throughout tlie state, as a, candidate for su- premo. rwga, mo juage is a man or in tegrity, ftbiuty, and rare amiability and would adorn the bench. Hermann, the Salem JoHruetl. the Uf.rald IHssrmiHtitor and most ati the republican papers of the- statu do in that case? The JJiKMOORAT is not aware mat tne silver question is a purely partisan one, but if so we ask acorn what will they do in such a case. - .' ' : The ship canal from Pari to Rouen Is to be about 114 mile in length and 23 feet In depih, anu the estimated cost is $30,. 000,010. In Japan there are apple trees growing four Inches !n height, which1-bear frui,t freely about the size of currents. A.n ounce of turnip seeds contains be tween 14,000 and i 5,000 single seeds. "Tho nam of 'OnstoriaMs so universal and iu nwrlts to wll known thut it seems a work of mtwrBPfsraiion to endorse it. Few are the IntelhKoat tiuiulios who do not keep Caturim wtthui eoy reueh. " Carlo Sturrnr. H.D., New York aty. Vl Pastor Blooiulcr 1alo Iifttornied Church. CastoHs, enres Colic, Oon&trpatlon. Sour itonuu.-h, Piurrbota. Erucuiuon, Kills Wonui, Kives alwp, and promotes & eost'n, Without lujuri : wa mpdicatioo. For aetrl yesrs 1 haro recotnmenflisi your ' Caatona, ' and aluUI always cont ir-.ne tc do ao as it has invariably roduued bnclcta results." EDWIM P. PiEBSS. M. " The tVinthpoji," 13th Strwt and 7th Ave, KewYorScCiti Taa CsNTi.ua Coxvaxr, T7 SIvibrat Steket, Ksw Yens. pr ?sa ' j-yig-a.' g ys;e a." rv'sS-y . ' " . ..tfsw.- -ysiys, i 'ag.! n'sss, rwssnsjsni jjiwir l.li-i ff.i V 1- -'? r y.ror. L . 'i sua 1 . 1 ' -1 r?, - r . i fl t rVVS J T J sf T i, J 1S . I ti r . i - .isWa3luls Ti. .' . 5 " I 1 m 1 ijils irs.TiririTif' ?3rle9 tho BLOO, Cnrc9 COXSTIP4TIDX, INI?r.-Tit:", V.itfDfJSA'ESSs LIVEB COMPLAINTS, SICK UEADACIIL', myLVLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AKISiNv. fu-u DISORDERED STOMACH. The Genuine IIAXL'UIiO TEA in putvp in YELLOW WTcAPPlllzZ with Facsimile Signature of EillL FRESH. HEOirtQTON & OO. Aqekts. San Fran 3ISOO. fSM.T JtV A CI. IRrfilST ASI 3OC?KS. ' WJL.jj:.'..'...i u 'i .. . ..jjig r?-:T?T?r.-.... . 1 ISSTITUriDHS. PAMOMiZE ROM W FARMERS i MURK WMM CO., -Albstajr, Oreson.- J O WniTSMAN. Secretary, Geo P &IMr"tiON,Vice Fresiddnt. . W P READ, President, J h COWAN, Treasurer. , DIB,5,.0XOB-"- J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W V Kead, D B Monttith,M Sternberg, J Vf Co., irk J K Weatbertord, It S Strahan, J O Writsman. - at SO DISTRICT a OEKT3 job