PROFESSIONAL CARDS W fEATIIEUFOHO (ntniKHLAin, Attanwva at L. Will nreetlnt In ll an art a ( th etoM. HixalaJ attention to mattor In probata ami v laMiuat. vrrtOK-U tht rilim block. . ft. p. summit. a. a. eaveo ,I.IC Kuril A WATSON, Alt Innl mUUra will raaalv pram at KlNliw. (MBiM la O04 r Kiowa' Teutpla, Alhaey, ur y n. iulyeu. Attornoy a La uil S.iHaftnr In Chanoery. 0!4a Man nikll M all pa'nt. l.oanS eafjUt4 arable tsrma Albany, Unfa. nr. wnicnT, Notary .uhltWlllrrailes a HKillMiiM m4 In the l'al tod eoakat lfllN(l, Mmii -tYMl IWM tlv It Ovefita, A.bany.tfa. JOSTANYK llACCtLF-MAM, Attorneys at Law, Albaay, tregB. I) U. J. L. hill. aa Sufis. orNOl-CHM l m i en.ta, Albaey, Oraaa. D Uf. MilTtT ft I Tit, uMm ta Pi'tMH. fi0 eayw 1 SVeanalM e-Me. AJaojrf, M CU PM) ttesdaw In at? aed aaaaay". c V. CM EMUI, B. TiamaepeUI. TtHJU In ttenw ef She . Twaaiy ;rt atpeHoeaa SSo nv44 as a an 1 I p n. aad M imu Hlt.1, F IKST ATIftSAt. BARK, r iuiii, i law, tv rrwidwi 7T. a.f I rwAWSACTS A OUIUluklBMMMi AO 'Of NTS k I IT subject kastienl. iUUTCXCtLANaa u4M ! traaatar, eat Mm far. Saa rnimw, Caaa u4 ataai ree 00 JJkTTIOKf SADBae asvereele a. Tons B,W. laveoa i Butia, L. ru( Beets I. Sex. LIS SCO ICATIOVALDAaTK or alba err, o Bestow. CAFITAA STOCK fl,MS. frI.Unt.... 1 I COWaf, fWrraaident ...J at A4L9T0I. as Cat bur- ..O 4 ARC tii BOLD. I aeroa. -t I Cewaa, I If Balytea, W a l4t, W a tm, J A CrsearA ui Oi ArsS w a Bald. fUAHRAfTt ntvMnl nnnUrf knlBai. DOAWSIObI DKArTSM M.v Tor, tea f.MiM I, 0refoa. U'A MOMBYub aranov' taaarltf BlU.SlVBdapaeliarabteat ebeilu AMU or RECKT. ABaVABT, OIMOI, m eavtawt Tiaft-Pnaidant, MhHV tawk ini imi kuMu bonlMaK )U la th Coll! IikM nia Btl4, ai A. Ikm. na4 0mf , OoliMtlMA BMla at all aaaaalhl paaiM I kraa, IktaraM al4 M aapanlla. w. crttf-K ca-jiHBBi, O ALBABT. 0MBOa. TBAlArVtMKl Banklaj kialaaM DBAWSkwai Drr o !. Baa im1 hful, Orf. !A H If appro! awurlty BK4JB 4mu MbJaMlaaftM. aU-m) ala a lararaa ucm I? abk or CIO, MO, OBMOM. tmI4 Tto fraaidaa . J a MamaM J f aTrvaa B BUT (iiaaroaa: B Mm, Mawla. H Baaal WANTED. -2 brM Albtny Build tug and Loan Aaa'-olaHoo Mock first nri4. loqair of Jy W B!ln tecr'r. 1LB1HI CQLLEuUTK ISmiUTI ALBANY, OREGON ISOl, 18Q2- rirt TirM ipiul Mtaaakr tlfcv A ( li eorp of lDatrxkora, CUSSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY CGVMERCIALAKO NSSMAL CLASSES. CiiiiriM nr tolT arrang-ad a UMI fcW 'I rradM n.'Btadenta. Shrill luauctmtutt - ttndtnil rem mhromd. rr. atBtr aiT. Albany -:- Nurseries. W art offering to pl.ntor. tha flnaat k. sf fralt - trw, a l detinlila Tarlailea, la tha Matt. Oif fl". limtii t thlt'iM IM3PEt,ri0.t INVITED, ai.I SATiBKACTION CUAEAKTEID. Vtani (urstUi(iai oretJI n a ( th 'i niHil, u;! a n'.f ,r. it Aibanr. mimi & 0R0?iFiLL. sdfry THE For aala bjr 3TKr5.IT OX, Dealertjn ' GNr HAL HARDWARE Albany, Oregon. Bed CrownMills f r n ruiea ar."kKioB roa rian a baa-ens en. W ymu;v HVALWl&s. -. I " V " i 17. L.' B6uhLA0 t (..ill FtflMl K .a autat aaWal 'ItVja' 1 , f Loot ' lfe"j. !' kaa 4 '-ab a I. f a.M a4 InatniMiiMaiMimaf o auua ia aitiPPE. Br uslns S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, and S, B. 'Couirh Cure as dl rooted for colds, They were STToomsstirTjiiirs- used two years ago during the La Grippe epidemic, and very flattering testimonials of their power oyer that disease are at hai.d. Price 75 and SO eta per bottlo, For t Ie byJJFo- shy & ratson. Sclcntifio Ameriaa A.cncy for , -a OAVf ATB. M oeoN ATiari TWA OK MABfS, W tnfnrmatloa ard tma nanJboo wrlta ta MINN A CO-VI BwiAUWAT. M(W VoMC. Oidaat baraaa f-w arwinc patMit tn A morula. tiKT patant laftn out brnk brmurbt tmjnro Uh pabuo tif a outiea (tvao traa ot cbun la Uta Scientific mcncan Ianroot cwalatlna of my prlmtido papar tn tha Vu.14. Pplmlidlr l'.ln.tnul. JfO Inlolllronk Ma ahouid ba tbuat. It. Waskir. 3.0 a uari US x aMttiibt. Adtna MUSS A CO ytauM.6t UruaUaar. Xwk, EAST AND-SOUTH, 8outhara PacIAc Routo SHASTA LINE. xprass Train Ian ractlaad Dally. yT( trfTTlf It) r a I U sUttlir fjTJrta rortland Albany taa rramlaea Ar iTTl ii a . (a t a Aav oiiastap naif at AJlaatn aUtlana north a! aaaabatt. KaOT rursiand, Ornru) CUy, Woad aara. aalam. Albany. Taa aiwdd. Halasr liar toaarf, lanaaVm Cily, trt wf , Ka-. BatltCM BAJL, tAltf - 'iT7 iraj i' Lv Ptlaiwl Albany Bnaohnrf Art 4 00 r L 11:00 a , Ll 30aa tat" : Ar alsait taeL( aav smart braoiT) on GHon mbAiTi-HOMu n mi wax viratj oba.i .t B e ir, twiui . a i I . y a-J ix'a aa -4 4 bA f i m aa an v.wuia m r. w it aianiv oS " 5 IHfflS Mill atral tv taaaaoaaaaae IMrL Albany ar I Sttaa lUnltr Lahaana L I : a a f-Ma 1 Lv Ainnay Art 4:26 r M I t a Ar Labaaoa L : W r a PULLMAX BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, fae leasaaa4alt) mt Aeeaad-Clast Pataei ra, attach) la KipreaaTralas aroat BI4a BVIelalaa. BWTvraae reeri.Aa a :tt allib. Muh raaiaaaui (EssaptBoaaay. T 40 a a i Portland Ar ( t.tu r a 11:10 fa Ar Cortaill Lv 1 li!Ma tirtaMtun DAU.T (Bxosptguiiday. :m r a Ira ! f I Ar Portland Melflnnniia tl to a a 4t a a TliroairbL 'JTIcUet T all point ' EA8T. AHD SOUTH. fat lai. iufurtntls i retarding ratal, aiai-a, on Compan y. Azenl at AlSany . ORULB8 K P. ROOERS aJaoag.r AsstO. t, and P. A YAQUINA bay kodth. Oregon Pacific Riiliodd t a BVtiC, BeeeUar. O- 0r3i Deyelopiaan!; Po's Stsamors, Btiwrt l.lutt to Callforutti. Flrt-cla through taaaeiiger and rett llnefrein Portland and all point p the WUlametU Valley to and fronHan hnolsio, Cat. toata rnak elo. connection at Alban "1th train of tbe Oregon Facia Railroad TIVIE gQtlEDtJLS. axcapt gundas.) VHT Albany l.r r. ,LaT yaalna, 7:iK)A, i;or.miu i: r, a. Laara OrTaJIU,l0;8S,a Arnra Albany, 11:1 A. a Arlr Taalna, r. a O (J. rraia oonneot at Albany and Jervallla. Tha aboTo trains oo arrest at taejerlna wlrti tbe Oregon Development C".ny' Lin of Steamablp between tanina and Kan Francisco, &AII.IXG DAT EM . ' rso TAqmaa. Wlltaawwa Talltf, OiM-n.r U-.b , 11 ii . tl.t ran rsAMorsuo WllhsaMlt Tsllsy, srakir l-h; ltth; Wlh. The Cotnrwiy ewtvjye the ngnt to ge ealling date w-ihout notice. . B. Paajojgara from PonUnif and oTrUAntttt variey point 3 nitji; oloae jrocn with toe trina of the Yaqulna "Tltant Alhnoir nr 0-nrat1a. and iMea iU''''r. ni-).-ri h i'Ui) arraiifotO "It at Vioaina tha aTnnlrijr hbfora itte fBatling tVTtnfrr mm Pr'chl rata alwar tbe f. a weal Far taforaMtW ai itf l.a A R Ohoinn, Fr.l jhl an' f ah! Aa, Allraaf , C. C. Nlllil i., U. r. P Aaron Corrallla ACADKMY F Mj ef Ferpptcal Bslp. cuwttat f 8 The DemocraU of Fiorenca In Lane county linva organta-cil club And called It the Cleveland Club. The great m of dcmocrata in OiTgun'are (or Cleveland,' Tht democrat Ute convention o( Rhode Iilknd In convention jretterday Inttructed the eight dclegie to the na'.lonul con vention to iutiport Cleveland tor the pret Identlal nomination. Dlatne ha made one ot hl' character l ttc mUtaket In writing hi letter about the Nvln Dlalno divorce, Clrcuinitance tend strong Ijr to ihow that thia divorce trouble wat the main reason why Blaine declined to be a candidate (or president. How pleatani, mild mannered and ex trtmclv aollcltou at to one' health, I the candidate. II half our time wn devoted to tettllng up ptlmary ekctlon and half the voter were canUIJate, what a happy sympathetic community we would be any way. Denorrati have n t oat of tulli leadeia either U ml.ora mould tnukt iplemlid candl- datt. J.ttaidta Cleveland and Hill we have Caillale, PaWr, PattLon, UoUa, Flower, Gray. Ruticll, Vilas Whitney, Campbell and other. Among the republican they have HarrUon and in a tort of peifuaciury wav they lake bim to get rid oi him. Tha democrat paity ol LouUlana ome time ago p!lt Into two porlbnt on the lot- tery queatlon, ai.d each nomluated a tate ticket to be voted lor at the stale election. The lottery company hat decided to with draw lt application for an eatentloit ol their ch.rter and the leader ol the two democratic portion have decided to sub mit ihelr two ticket to the primary meet ing and the defeated one to withdraw. Primaries held March 31. The McKlnlcy bill give woolon man ufactories 91 ptr cent protection and the wool grower 41 per cent. The Timrt UomnlaXmtt say thla difference ta In arr of the farm and producer. Now In the name ot common aenae, tell u how tlil can be? Will the Motmtmntit explain? It I a matter rl regie, that newspaper otherw ise so sensible, should content to (upport any cause that call for so much juggling with reason and fact. Democrats thou'J bear ia mind ibti trie monopolies of tht country will !, at they were in iSSS. the cl m allies of the republi. can la :he coming nstlonal coatett. For tbe favorable le.bUiion they have received, an J hope to receive, from th't psr'y, they could well afford to pat 5 mil!Ua dollars into the rsmaign. Maoufactuiert who make Urge profit off tht consumer of their goods, rill, as they hsv dane before, put thousands, ad million if accessary, into the hand of such piaus hypocrites Wanamiket to cany the republican candidate tlnoagh. Demo crat have no mosey, hence their only appesl Is to ihe manhood of American citizenship. The alliance everywhere ha made "erpul privilege to all jv-nou and special privi lege to nono" and unflinching opposition to all form ofchta lt'ifUlution a leading tenet of their faith, llii i the ttrongcet kind of d.nuocrntic doctrine. How any one who i thoroughly indoctfin&texi in tbit faith can for a moment eupport the sub treflaury and loon scheme is hard to under stand. A more pronounced kind of chwe legislation could hardly be conjured up. Any man inspired by the broad American doctrine of fair dealing who will fully in vestigate thene scheme wit not fur m mo ment promulgate so aelSsh and at tbe same time, o dangerous a acheine of legUlation. . The republican party of Idaho I mak ing ttienuou effort to retain iheMormon vote. The republican league a few day ago refused to admit representative from a Mormon club, whereat the party leader were much alarmed and a mettles of Ihe (tale committee wa hurrediy called and the very accommodating pre vouchsafe the following statement: To-day the re publican central committee adopted a res olution favorable to the Mormon Sat urday the republican league took a diamet rically opposite course. Cnane A Shaler, secretary of the league, .aid lo-i-lght the understanding wa that only Mormon who have abandoned polygamy were to be recognlaed by the republican farty. The cllon ol the league bad not been clear, hence the action of the committee. What wa ''favorable" wa not mentioned In the dispatch. It I highly probable that It consisted In the pasnage of a resolution, after a very lengthy "where.," declaring that during the pendency oi an election Mormon were to be esteemed by Hie re publican party ol Idaho a "loyal," "intel ligent," MhlKiy respectable", and moral tike people, just a alt republican are. But It wat evidently accompanied by a mental reservation that must be read between the lines to the effect that a a matter of fact Mormona are an unsavory people fit on'y to associate with the dregs ol soclet except on the day when republican vol aie needed. BDI'UAIIOX. Tbe term educalio- is too often miscOn struced anl its whale value it too often nn-d'-valued, nd not nnfrequently overdose; of the first we will undertake lo say that the once prevalent idea that book contained tbe turn and substance of education it no longer recognized by prominent educators. Practical dfmoottrstion h become a leading feature of tht we'! regulated tchooli in ill the ad vanced and highly cultured 'part of th woiid, including til the arts tort science known to the age; pramical thought ft sug gestive of demonstration, hence in many in tanset we find the student patting bit text book and reaching far in advtnce of the et tablished rulet nd regulations mtpped out by educitor of a few year ago, consequently we sty that education must be practically ob tained lo be ef value,' And agan, the re quirement and acquirements, cannot be limi ted to syttemt and methodt which curtail and hamper the active young mind of today at all comprehensive and n-wimphshed eHucatort will readily agree. The value of education should never be mt jred by it .-oit in dolltrt tnd centl.hut always by in inen'al snd physical culture and attainments; nor rhould it rest t-ere as an individual acquirement, but as a nstional influence nJ blessing, for heiein lie the power and wealth, to to speak, of all tin civilized a iun of the world. The ruii'vr of over-education, or in other ord, wrong education, present to ut a tuhjji.: requiring deep anl serious meditation. We believe all person of ordinary intelli gence are inceptib;e of lug i attainments in ome piricutai line of advancement, tnd jutt her it where the perceptiveneti of parent snd leather i mo nee'led, nn t heremet lh more responsible; uj greater iuiiake csn be mule in training the young mind than to crowd it wnh line of 1 1 ought that it not iu j harmony with in in'rieient nature, then in conclusion, we say, analyzt ihe young mind and then develop the fredorninating capaliiit lies. FortkiV'$l Prcgrtri The;a Uuildin untl Loan Asso ciation at Ihcir Uki mcftliitf let W C Rev nolc1 have (500, with olxty-two mtrntht Interest In advance. A new teriet will soon bs opened, the old one having been' jn operation nearly two years, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Allttf1f,l.t,. A. : . 8 At, km March 4. Sulera thin evening orttaniawl a Young Men' ChrlHtiiui Awoei tttioti, with ninnty-thrve clmrW niftmbcr. aliitntiirh the lit will not he clomtl until after the flmt Sumky mot'litifr. which will ie hrlil 1 ext Sunday afternoon. A Inmrd of dim-tor will bfl olix-ted, who will ti'e pure bylaw and filearticlt1 of iiioorpomlion The (uwooiittion toiiijrht adoptod a onrmlitu tion iiixl tlxe i tho limit of memticriihip and a ftv of f 'J wr annum. The director mout Saturtluy night for tha flection of oillwr etc. . DaHtsaedTharal. Lathhop, CiJ March 4. U H Corbin, of Sliuiglilor, Waah, on routo to New Mex ico, wa aitting in front of tho Khnnnon liouan jntirluy when hn wa myUriotitly allot in the thiirh. The wound Is not weriotia, and ho ororcetli'd on hi iourneh. Aliout an hour nfterwiird it waa learned Umt (ioorirn Samuels lml nhot at a rat in a tree bImuI 'JUO yitrda uff with a ptxtol, with the aliove reMiilt, A many other pawtenireni wera alKiut, it Is fortonute none were killed A aalher tirraaaa Bread fatal. . March 4. -A nCnulor of unem ttloved wnrkinirnien at Danfaie. mirnkoti on wcount of Ix-inif unubto to find cinploynietit looted aoveriU btikera today, crying they would sltml before they would etiirve. They atwxisl aeveml butcher' cart and dbtribiittHl Uieir content. The Mlicedi penntl U10 mob. Tfce Braeblteae Taellea, : Ntcw Yohk, March 4.A Wiwhington special auyt: Friondt of tho administration will use every available mount to prevent tho free coinairo bill reaching; the pnwident on the irround tout what would tm giuiiotl in tho etui by a veto would be off act by a heavy loan tn the west. la Beeef Italy. IIomk, March 4. Violent tnowstorini are raging in Venice and Trieste. In -the alter City the snow m nearly two feet deep, and the are blocked in otnHejueiir. In the moiiutiun Uie ground is covered to a depth of four feet. Dabala fceale4. YVAauisoroK, March 3. In tho senate the conaideration of the Itluho elw-tion tw eonUwt wa resumed, tiniy swUlreaied the Ukly in support of I'lutrott, the conttwtant. lltgirin arguetl vn fuvor of the nmjnrity report and Stewiirt siMike in behaif of Clar gvtt. Mitchell cltMp.1 the deltatM with a speech iu favor of Ihiboia and the voting lieinin. The rjueation on Uie minority rec lution. in favor of ClHgetf rijfht to a aet aeat wit derided in the nej.'ative, yea. 7; nny. U!t. The vea were: (ioorse. tlornian, llarri. Kyle, Slorirnn, 1'itjwo and Stewart. 'Hie majority resolution, aftinuing Uie right of IHibou to a aeat, waa then adopted; yea, &o; iuty, 5. A fcarrfc BUwn la. Vai.excia, March 3. (SmU excitement wa otvaaioned today by the partial aucceaa f ul attempt to wreck a pi ace of worship with dvnamite. People r.idinir in thevi einity of the church of St Nicholaa, one of the prominent churche of the city, were inucli alarmed by a terrible exi'hwion which caumh! buiUiinpt to vibrntn and window to rattle, ami in mine intaiK-w to tall to ptocejt. Investi ration showed that a bomb hail ex ploded within the odiace and wrought much dewtrtH-tion. A lonre breac h wo made in one of the wall of the church and the altar of Uie V'irvin wrecked, ConUy ornament were lying in a heap of ruin. AV ( aal Vasalae Feaeeal Lommix March 3. The action of the miner in announcing Uiat they would go on a strike on the 12th int. and the rapid rise tn tlie Price of eool following that an nouncement, i bitdinir to a latnie. Tlie old wmather. whu h iuu htl trt the eon umttion of a wnrer quontjtyof cool than usual, continue to prevail, ana vn f-u t haenud tlie alarm to become eraihirthan would otherwiae have been the case. No one know where tlie sulvont inir Price will stop, end consequently everybody i anxious lo lay in enough eool now to carry thera over a two wsck atriae. A ata4 Biaa Lynehaal. Caiho, 111 March 3, Ivt night 200 men from Maldtm and BloomScltl, Mo, descend ed on the Soil here. They took Amoa Mil ler from tlie jail and honired him to a con venient tree. The body hunir until aliout 9 o'clfK'k. Miller wa the uivperado who aasttrted in killinir Mayor Cootmr and Mar shal sprinkle at 1 Vxtr hut Huturdar. He wa arreateil at Molihn Tnelay nnd wo taken back to Dextur. Miller wa very bad man. A Wtliaaaelle laaarav,aral. WAimTox, March 3. f5trnotor Dolph reported favorably today, from the com mittee on conirnerce Senator Mitchell' bill nmkinif an approitriation for tlie ewtahlixh- nwtit and maintenance ol range Ol liirht and buiry on the Willamette river between tlie cities of Stdem and I'ortland.. tr, and submit ted ft written report (bowing how important it wa for navigation that this bill should paM and thene light be put in, ere Trweele f ear). New Yoaa, March 3. The Herald' Montevideo special any: "In all tlie ciliea of the Rio Grande great otrpotition to the Brazilian government is reported. Three thousand men are said to he in arm ready lor action. A DUtarbe! f aaalry. Saw Frascwo, March 2. Advioe from Guatemala via thinner City of l'unnma. which rac.hd thia port yesterday morning are to the effect that liarillaa, tlie defeated cannidote for Uie presidency; i a fugitive and i trying to esrape from tne country wiUiout aixfrorging Uie money ainoKned by ntmuunntf inn incutnoency in otine. Men fietda who wa elnctel to auccead . H.irilla had not yet been inntalll in ollice when the ranatna sailed, ana, it the report are re liable, it i doubtful ii he will be. One of the candidate aiminst him wo younur Har- roU, whaj fatlier wba once absolute dictator over the land. Harrioe 1 rry popular. It l now understood that the lub-ly defeated Uanlltu will join fon.ct with him to pre vent me 01 L,ienneta. ' A Test Assesstaeat Case uniox, i;r, Marcn z. An action wo commenced here in 'the circuit court today by W T Wright, A E Eaton, J W Kennedy and II O Morham RgainMt Uie state board ot equalization, the plainun claim that in adding a certain per cent to some cIukw of property, and deducting certain rate from other claanc, the board exercised it function erronooutily and exceeded it inris- diction to the injury of the plaintiff. There it general dinttatnfuction amonar heavy tax payer here with the work of tlie state lxtvrd and this action la brought an a test case, riilll Barprlaed V "tr r 1 mi . ... iHEw 10UK, juarcn z. me iisraia Valparaio correpondont ay; There i much amnHitnent in Chili over tlie largenesa 01 Uie claim tiled with the United States government by the Baltimore men, and anxiety is felt to learn if the United State intend to ask olniciully for tho amount named in the correHpondenee. Chili wih be gratified if the United State would re move the present official repreHentative and substitute a commiHHion of disinterested perrons to investigate the Baltimore affair and other question. tlliiWeaklaKew Talk New Youk, March 2. The Post ay editorially s It has been the eole claim for Hills candidacy, which hi support its in thia itate have put forward, that he could carry the state of New York. That claim tannot be made any longer, for in view of the elections of the pant few week it it made no plain an to be undeniable, that he ia the one candidate who certainly could not carry New York. " Tbe Old t)Ie ' Olympia, March 2, George Collins, who tiled in this city February 20, hod 821,000 in gold in his porwegaion a short time be fore his doatb. He secreted the money and died without discloiiing the place of hiding. His heirs are now anxiously searching the homestead prrmises for the miBaicg wealth. 1 ' Even Jerry Bask Mralleaed! Wamiinqton, March 2. Jerry Rusk for president is the latest thing in the politica' line in Washington. Uncle Jerry do3s not kmw it, and has not been even consulted, but a number of republican senators, eager tp defeat Harrison's renomination, have H.TTi-.l to take up the arm statesman from Viwmin at the proper time and nominate him if they can awing enough vote to do it. j mania. Satem wit left out of the raclflc roost Now t leRKue, Spokane getting the place, a valley league Is suggested. Tho tVoodnurn Independent In an Item state that the bones ol a man were found under an old house torn down at Mt Anaet. probably those of an Indian. The Kalem Statesman on Investigation teamed thnt they were simply those ot a cat, ThU show how great minds differ tame- lime very materially. , The Astorlan strike It at followt. Home of our Kantat exchange refer unkindly to Oregon, Meanwhile the people leave Kansas and come here, l no piper oi the two state well Illustrate the difference of condition In the two common-wealth. The Kansas paper are full ol sheriffs' tale and foreclosure of mortgage the Oregon paper have notice of settlers proving up on their claim, ot genial weather the year round, ot fruitful aoll and never-falling crop. An Important "rle ol Article on ''The Great Capital of the World" will be be tun In the next number of Harper' Weekly, pubd.hed Mirth ad. The first Instalment will be a paper on Paris, by Francois Copoee, tJeserlblnir the home life ot the Parisian, the sight and sound and tusiiesilve Icaturcs ol the rrencii capital, familiar enough to It Inhabitants, but full of romantic Intetest to ttranger. The paper will be profusely Illustrated from drawlnai by famout French artist. Our contemporary sv the committee have been unable to tcrure a hall In Al bany for the meeting of the state grange heje In May. The opera house I certain ly a suitable and sullklcntly large place lor such a meeting and there I no doubt It can he obtained lor the pur none If tome one will very properly pay lor It. Alter behiB! appointed lor Albany the meeting should not b ahowed to go elsewhere. It would bring a large body ol represent tlve farmer to this city. and our bu.lnes men tnouia come 10 the ironi ll mat I an .em ..... that I necsary, and It will be teen else where that Uiey are very willing to. The Lebanon K press tiu We the fol low knit, candid adoi!ion: "A newt paper cannot live on wind. Thia U oMciei. l'ay op." The flah law la now In 01 ration and all persona who display for sale any aal mon between the 1st day cf March and tho 10th day of April are violator of the law and are liable to a line 01 fou to U. Thl law does not affoct the sale or can ned salmon, which may be caught at any time on payment of the usual fee. A literary note say that ''in Mr Humphrey Ward' new novel there are three death by accident, two by suicide two eases of cancer, one of consumption, one of paralysis and one of diphtheria. And yet it is Bald to bo a story ot live Interest, although the grip appears to have been overlooked completely. The real estate agent at Tacomtt are going in with a vim platting addition to the city nearly twenty miles away. In Portland It i just a bad, and several Walla Walla people have be stock in purchasing town lots miles and miles away from the city. Statesman. "Hereafter,' ay the Halem States man, ."card of thank" will not be In serted except at advertising rates." This Is a good resolution, and ought to be adopted by tuber i.ewspapcr. The "cards of thanks" are an unnecessary csmbrance in all local newspaper offices and ought to be disbarred. Tbe following quadruple beading in a Spokane paper dorsn't make it look very much a if that city was quite dead: "People rush into Spokane. All hotels I are tt'led to overflowing and so are p.1- vale houses. Nearly all come to locate. An excellent class of people coming to the city to locate permanently." William Pointer, county treasurer ot Washington county, has forwarder) $3,000 to the state treasurer a a part ol Washington county's state taxes for cu rent expenses. The treasurer informs (jute Treasurer Metschan that tbe county court has Ignored the action of the state board ol equalization ana will make the levy as equalised by the county board. Ceo Scott, formerly a resident of Lar.e county, wrle from hi present home nesr 1 .loenlx, Ariaona, where he I engaged In the thecp business, that the pau winter ha been very hard on stock, and thst many sne, men would be broken up financially, iso rin led there since it spring untllabout Feb 1st. He had lost several hundred sheep, ad was raving $6 per day for a forty acre field of alfalfa for mt sheep to leed on a snort lime until grass come. Mr Kcott says that with alt hi bad luck he will be fortunate enough 10 come out aneaa ouard. The prohibition county convention meets at the W t:T U hall in this city next Tuesday at 1 o'clock, and will nom inate a county ticket and elect delegates to a state convention. The Astoria Herald came out as an evening journal last night, about 24 hours late, according to the date. It is a seven-column folio. C J Curtis is gen eraiiHHimo. it promisee to do many things, in politics and business, but the general impression la that it will be need as political derrick to pnil the Boodlers out of the soup. Town Talk. There are several dally papers In Ore gon. Astoria has three, Portland two, Halem two, The Imlles two, Albany two, Baker City two, Eugene me. There are about lut1 altogether. Ot these but three the Atorian, the Oregonian and the Salem (statesman have morning press report. Astorian. in the event ot Uie construction of a railroad from Astoria, which now eeema assured. Batera must keep her eyes open She ia entitled to this road, but she will probably be called upon to do something to get it. Statesman. Our lioneat injun opinion is that the first road v. i I come up the Columbia : but if it should come croat lots look out for Albany at this end. , The following from the Corvallts Gaz ette anugests its own comment : It is learned that the committee appointed by the grangers to secure a lull for the annual meeting of the state grange in Jbay next have been unable to procure a suitable hall at Albany and arrange ments will probably be made to remove th meenting to Corvallia. The people of Corvallia would certainly welcome such a gathering and open the door of hospitality to their granger friends. A letter from Chauncey M Lockwood states that bis messenger system in 6a 'em is doing better than ho expected. The poles, wires and boxes will cost about $1,000, and it is already a paving investment when only about one lialf of the wires and boxes are up. The mes senger boys work, on commission for one-hall of the receipts, so there is hard ly any expense after the system is com pleted. Kngene Journal. What's the matter of a messenger system for Albany. A man went Into the post office of a neighboring town recently and fold the postmaster that be desired thirteen two cent stamps for a cent and a quarter. ihe postmaster refused to give them to him, stating that the cost would be twenty-six cuts. The man persisted in getting his order, claiming that he could get them at any office for that amount, and even threatened the government official if he continued to refuse him. Finally the postmaster ordered him out but the man, noue daunted, took a cent and a twenty-five cent piece from hia pocket, and, laying them down on the counter, fie received his aiarnps for a cent and a quarter, ihe postmaster was a little discomfited for a while, but now enjoys the juke as well r.n any c re, BlILDISM ANB) tOA Aa0:l4TIKM Local Building & Loan Associations are great Institutions for tbe upbuilding of cities ; but the Nationals are terrors, The following editorial from .the Han Frandseo Examiner will be of local in terest: The report of the Bank Comintsiloner on the National Building and Loan As sociations 01 the slate makes a bod show ing lor those associations. Coming, as it doe, on tbe heels ol the failure of one of the largest ol the national building and loan BNsoclailons of Minneapolis it will tie apt to destroy the public- confidence In that lorm ol enterprise. The building and loan associat on baa proved a wonderful aid to home building. Through the Influence of the Associations Philadelphia, In which they have long existed, has become a cltv of homes. The larger put ot the residents own the houses in which thy live, Chicago is being built tip In the same way,and Fun Francisco baa followed the other cities of the country in reaping Its benefit. The profitable nature of these associa tions Interested capitalists a few years ago ana scaemes were formed Imving something ot the same features snd bear ing the same name, capita! being furn ished at the start and the shareholder having practically no voice in the man agement. Salaried ofliccrs conduct them, loans are issued on somewhat dillcrcnt principles, agents are kept in the Held and the corporation becomes a mixture of savin- bank snd building and loan association, with the methods of a bU llf Insurance comnanv. Tlie result 11 a not been as iavorable to shareholder as In the small associations, where the business is under the eye ol all concerned in it and every one knows tils associates. The expenses oladmln istration, which are insignificant In the local organisations, iwcome large in the corporation, one ol the California cor poratlons states Hiatus expenses lost year were 10,CCL51 on a buainess of '2s4,(XrO, but there Is between $20,000 and 128,000 unaccounted for in the report. Another ahowed pros earnings ol 13,3'H and expenses ol r.,Gl'J.wi, leaving aue flclencv or l.l.znn.on. Another company paid tlfi.747.C7 for expenses In sis months. Others show a similar state of affaire. Tbe Bsnk Commissioners do not mince their language in giving their conclu sions. "Htrictly speaking." they say "the national building and loan associa tions 01 uaiiiorni are apparency organ ised and conducted for the benefit 01 the managers. whose promises to their patrons are very vague and whoee methods are misleading." TOUT BSI BttlSS. lid 'Uori Dtmocritt: Iu yesterday morning's Herald ap peared an article entitled "The Orange Bnubbed," In which the statement was made that the grange committee haul been unable to procure a soluble ball in which to hold their annnat meeting in May in this city, ami that the grange would likely go to Corvallia. . The tacts appear to be that the grange committee boil applied to the Masonic, Odd rel lows and Knight of Pythias to secure a ball. At tie time the Herald wrote its article the (Kid Fellows and Knights of Pythias had not pasaed upon tho appli cation at alt. The trustee of the Odd Fellows decided yesterday afternoon to tender their ball to tha grange, and at the tneeUng ol the K of 1 last night they decided to do the same thing, so it will be seen that the Herald wa rush ing ia with much undue Itatte. Why did it not wait until after these two lodges bad decided the matter todore rushing in to say that Albany had not enough enterprise and courtesy to enter tain the state grange. It looks very much as if the article was written for the purpose of creating a spirit of un friendliness between the grange people and Albany. There is no sncli feeling, and none will be created for Albany will tender the state grange entire free-lorn of the city and make the members of the organisation feel at home among us. CmxfcM. BKAt- BT ATE BALES. M C Gi'.l to Georgia A Dogger, tots 23 and Z. ispio $ 82T Q T Cotton toC Y Tripp, 11 lots, C'eadd. Lebanon 300 WC Miller to M W Miller, 129 acre. 10 I 200 J R Bone to Tbos Morgan, 1 lot, - llaitey.... .400 UE to Wair and Busan Long, 819.65 acre 12 W t PaU nt U 8 to Wm McIIree. $70 acres, 12 W 4, dated Dec 4, 1W Patent Isaac Raitmarvh to Amel slilbredt, 200 acre. 12 W 1 4800 eVIliamette K F. Co to C A Cam ming. 4 lots, blk 20, riilwr.. 200 Brownsville B & L A to J JO Ven- num. blkoti'tadd 5? J H Templeton to H K Ternnleton, 04.20 acres 14 W2 1 II E Stover to A W Htover Yi of 130 acres 10 W 1 350 L C Stover to A W Stover of 120 acres, 10 W 1. 350 Tolal t "520 Third PaHy Tlrbrl. LaaAKON, Or., March 5th The follow ing ticket was placed In nomination this afternoon by the Third party: legisla ture. Alt fchekon, (J I) Bieen, II W Park er; Judge, 11 I'.ryant, 01 Albany; Com miseioner, R Miller,- of Scio; Hheriff, G W Hanaaker, of Kcio; Clerk, James Pavia.of Syracuse ; Itecorder.E Stringer; Treasurer,ude Pearl; Assessor, J Clem; Superintendent, rrol uedtles. A Saeeosufal Mretlag, Kvor.SE, Or March 4. The exercise of the state conventention of the Kpworth Ieague were attended today by a large number of citiaens. besides the largo at tendance of delegates frem all parts of the valley. The seimion Ium been most satis factory in every respect, and much good will prrbobly be Uie remit of tbe convention l lie closing exercises were held this evening. ' Meaealy I IheteslTall Thl is a paunt mediein adverti.eme,it bat your attention the moment may tav yoo nmoh suffering a wtll a money . W em that coaiih W'e ear that tickling. We cur that hacking. Wv cur that thrust , Weur Croup. We cur Brooohiti. W iirt La Grippe Cough. ' VVe hslp yoo to sing and tpeak, V tra utt the S. B. Losonge. W are a pleasant Cough Syrnp, W are put in 60 and 75eent boll I s. W are the 8 B. Couiili Cur. Ooa-atileed by Fokhay & Mason, Bailable aad Always lb Baa . Braodretb'a Pills are the oldest. naiutt and best blood paritisr aad pargatiy known. They ar purely vegetable, therefore harm less. They are always the same and always produae the same stfeot Other purgative require Inereaaed dosea and finally oesi oting altogether. A Ouaise of one or two oi Brandretn ' Pill taken cb night i a poaitivs ours for constipation, haadaoiie and all bilious disorders. If yon oan'l take tak them plain, get thara sugar coated. Conn k Hendrloaou hav ljit sivsd a Haaie lot ot ur aurtd hatts. MAURI ED. SERFLlNG-JOfJNS. In Portland, on Jsunday, Feb. 28th, 1893, . Mr Otto Serfling. of Sclo. and Mrs L A. lohns.of Po-tland, Rev G W Gue officiating. . DIED. MILLHOLLENi In Linn county, Feb. J9, 1S93, Mr Vllilam Millhollen, aged about 60 year. Mr Mlllholien wat one of Oregon's old est and nokle pioneers. He was born In Stanford, Kv., and after a brief tojourn in Indiana and Illinois, he crossed the plafns snd tettlee In Lion county, opposite Cor vallis. There he ipent hit days. His life wat oiie of honest integrity arid Cnrlbtaln example. A widow and three child ren are left three children are left to inourn tha loss of a kind and Int'ulgent husband and faithful liihcr.GtittU. H91H ABB ABROAD THSHHIUr. The IJuci do Register i making airanizv tnsnts to start srml-weekly edition. Mrs O P Kilint. ef Crawfonlsvillc. did at the Insaii asylurn Tuesday. The Karens cannery will aal tie with ared Itor at SO eetits on tha dollar. , Frooh orisp brUno and radtshe hsv teen in tne mtikvt. That is Oregon Ul. The L hsnnii paper iii!s, it Is ssli', hav orders besd enonuh tn k?e tli mi l rnn- blngavesr, which csrttlnly spcwksfir its suihm-ss. , T e much talked -of lfi'zirnmona-Mhr match Is ever and "Filx" is winner, the Itlshrntn hsviiia nlven P the Mil. a badly pumshbd man. ft-r twelve round. It w the event in New Orleans this century. The Ru!ttr that P J McPharsoo hs etnp'fd a eensnt of Eugene for tohnol purposes and tlix's triors ar 1,1. to children between tha g offiittrand twenty v-srs in the dUtriui, Of this numbr, 657 ra n talcs kt!l 69S are females, Tha tinorW aUeadiitir the public snhuo. is "i'; allend- ing the University, 73; attailmg the eon- vi ut, 12, o her suh'fl., lit'; nuriilwr not at tending any school, 300 Claim a MibKiKiiTANiiNO, Chief of Police lleffman returned from Salem this noon with a requisition for tlie arrest of It L Kile and will leave tonight for Ascramcnio alter iitm. According to dispatch in tlu Oregonian Kile claimed on being arrested Out there was a misun derstanding between hlin and Will Sc Link over commissions due Mm on the tale of t-ielr goods. III txatnfnallon on arrival will probably more fuilv explain matter. A It is the case look rather bad for Mr Kile. The article in thl morning' Herald headed ''The Cringe Snubbe J" hat created consldei able adverse criticism, a it I generally considered to be an unjust re flection mi the enterprhc and generosity of our business men, who are alwavt to the front cm entertaining ttate convention! 01 all kind. The I) a mock at it Informed that the only cause for any such stria tum wa the fact that one or two of the lodges, very naturally did not wish to have their hatla used for uch a large gathering. The opera house, a ha been done in other place, could welt be used lor the purpoae, even the secret work The following, only circulated among 1 few, show how ready our bttslnes men are to entertain the state grange at their annual meeting, intejJ--of vtUhing to snubtnem: At-BAsr, Or, March 3, 1891, We the underlined citizent of Albany, (leslrou ol having the state grange prop erly entertained during their ttate meet In it, do hereby lender to the committee the use ot the opera hou'e for their meet leg, and would be pleated to meet the committee to make arrangement for carriage drive about the city, and any other arrangement the committee may desire: Lit. nCo National Bank. I) C Shell, First National Bank. David P Mason, Matthew ic ahburn, L C Mrha'l, Hank of Oregon. Ja F Steweft, N H Allen, O B Winn. .SET oung. Ceo Humphrey, 1 V Ga'.bralth. Fred W Blurnberg, K W lJifd'n, KU-in Urtj. IJ F Simion, 11 A Love. E J l.snni ig, T L Wallace fta, fu.lus Grid oh 1, W F Read. Geo Dicklnso-, O W Maston, Y K AHen. Geo I Warner. C K llrawoell, C Mever, W O Tweedale, paiDAV- II Lark Mi! yu delivered a 4 Ulr bofura lti oew H moo ratio e!ob of Sol em. A raoa at the skating link last tiht for prixe of $S waa was by Arthur !'orter,oord prx by Frank Craw. At Labsooo next Sabbath evebitg Mi D II MoCullttih will ddr a n.iwiuosry aateung ia the church . The matte ef etab!ibisg a Y M CAit Salem hs. erWd noit newspaper dirot ti'Ht. B which the V MCA prop! am '-- eidedly ft top. Tha eoh.r.d gtatt f-r th U P church ai- rlved ytatrrJsy and wi.t he ptcd in tbe wiuduweat one, it win praoiuiy nm a late a June, tboaah, bt fore the chares is dedicated. l)t T W Ilarrif, of F.a.tae. b sold ha IItaibltnnisnMmbrino mare to Hon Kiirhard Willi ,- t PMrtli.t, I JM0 She wdl be put i training at ooo-i, hivio bees shi; i;el to tHd trc ceir t urtiaod Attorney G nil Chamlrlia,Pridnt of tb Dan-w-ra Stt Clot-, has Uased aa vidrea U' th imporUnce of thor- sagh and nmirin orgauu-atioa thronghont the tst. l4i.tch.. . Two mar er bd rf material for the bridge arrived lt Miiht; hat not ail the material j !? rrivfn. lb very ttslig needed re not yet here, botteb shipptd be fore vera! cars that hm arrived. X mtn tuboctib.'d for daily exehtngt a year ia advance utder th arremet t that be should have the pi-ivthge of tellb g the lit.r at aov time bow to run thpir. Tb D hoc a at is willieg to do the ca-na thiig, just so ba only tell. Tb xmiar rf the.reeeot teacher ex amination for f,ne couuty have Hntahed the cxaminati.iD of tha th papers of tb appli cant with tbe f illnainu reanltt: 10 re ceived first sraie oertitieatee; 12 aeoond tmde; 28 third grade; 14 failed to pass. Total number of applicant, 64. Ia ia reported that C1 Hogg while ia 8n Franctseo raenntly purchaaed 450 tons of rails, which with tha 350 ton on hand, will be nsed to complete the eight mile of road already graded. A there ha been no O P new fur erveral dsya we give this to keep up goai rI interest. Death or a Pioxkek. Mr A Fickle, grandfather of Mr A J Hodges.the drug gist, died yesterday at Buena Vista at the advanced age ol HO years Mr tickle was a pioueer residing in' Polk .ounty for many year.", and leaves many to mourn bin death. Mr Hodgee went to Buena Vista today to attend the funeral Got a Hall.- -At a meeting of the Knights of Pythias last night their ball was tendered to the elate grange in which to hold their meetings in May, which satisfactorily settles the matter. At a meeting of the trustees of the I O O F at 4 o'clock yesf erday afternoon their hall was also tendered the grange for their meetings. The grange will meet here and will be, as the delegates will deserye, generouely entertaiiied. Isext Monday evening the annual school meeting will be held at the court house, and there should be a full at tendance ot voters. The matter of a kindergarten department for the public schools will be brought up. U is an Im portant one. The school law reads: 'That the directors of any school district in the state, which shall contain 600 in habitants or more, may, when author ized thereto by the qualified electors of such district, provide for the establish tnent and maintenance therein, as part ot the common school system thereof, schools eomtnonly known as kindergar tens." iue kindergarten undoubtedly better prepares the little student for the studies -that come after. In Boston eighty-six primary teachers reported in favor of the kindergarten. One teacher said : "I hate taught beginners 8 years, and have received from six to twelve pupils each year from the kindergarten 1 nave louna tnat sucn ciuidren are trained to see accurately, work carefully and correctly, and have their imagina tion and language developed. The ef fects of this training stay by them, and show In all their future work. They learn to read more easily and much faster than othera. Their power of lan guage is a great help, and the general culture shows itself noticeably. Most kindergarten children have a kindly. polite, unselfish way with their play mates, which is a great comfort." It 13 believed by tho friends of the system that the move is in the line of economy of both time and money in the end. The extra expense necessary for the kinder garten is more than compensated for by the saving of the time of the pudiI in the after course. Tho children who have had good kindergarten training stand on vantage ground all through their school work, for they have a better knowledge of language, of form and number than other children, and they have learned to use their hands, eyes and ears in ways to gain information aud stimulate thought. Hence the subject is of vita', importance to all parenU, teachers and school ofiicera who are working for the happiness and success of the children the future citisseng of the state. SATt'SDAY. A di. natch from Stay ton reports Mrs sunn Wheeler ootisfdsrably improved. Wolfnnbargrr and Hack ids, two able speaker an 1 io8r, will be at the W C T U 1 1 ail ixt TaetdavaodWed'day evenings. The reform school at Salem now contains forty boys, the quint orderly city of New burg even furnishing oue. A small crowd, including th two Alhinv band, witnessed the greatest shew oa eaita at tb ope; a house lasteyrniog. At lest a fow prououaoed it N G. The L B efotbing company bte 1st rncnivrd o uncommonly Ure etoa'j i f bat of all the latest at vie aod cradoa. at A are prepared to lit and suit tbe most fastidi ous. Mr II M Grant, the secret. r t t t a Northwest Insurance Co, wat rerentlv slee ted president c f the Pacillo Board of Under writers. Mr Want i mi of tb best insortnve men 00 the uoast. C'lnsidorab'e excitement I twin ureatad in skating rink circle in Airway, lonir t arsco between Frank Bimpsoa aod l et louder id to t e the attraction, aud a big mile rca f r a I .rga parte is being talk mI of. Rurveyor A' II Dunn and erew bay bten at work this we k surveying th line of tb projxreea ,ugne-pringtiid Motor IUtlway. i nev completed iee preliminary aervey this morning, oiid thl afternoon st.rte l work rnn&ing, levels, to Kaet, Unard. - Tb Kdzene Guard give Jade Fine the following tend offs Judge Fine i making aa xeeotiooal reoord as a o'reutt luce. Out of nineteen appeals from hi dreiaion lothi (lis-not, but three Btveeo reversed. and on of those was on a qoastion of a record that wa not introduced iu th lower eoirt. To Nioiif. About twenty-five students of the Monmouth Normal school, arrived In Albany by the Oregon Pacific this noon, accompanied by their band, and win give an entertainment at the opera bouse tonight, which we perceive by a few posers stuck tap around, their only mode and a very coiin'rifled style. of advertising, will consist of athletic and other performance. They are a nice body of young people, and the Djcmocbat hopes to see them have a good bouse, as they undoubtedly deserve. A Live Notice. Wolfenbarger and Ilucklnsaretobeatthe-WCT U ball next Tuesday and Wed'day evenings The following live notice of their meet ing at Ashland from tbe lively Record is interesting as a news item and will make many want to near them: "Prof a B Wolfenbarger. tbe talker and Prof A B Huckins. the singer held forth Tuesday evening to a crowded house at Granite ball, in behalf 01 tne national prohibi tion party. Their work made a fine sub scription In money and a long list of names who pledged tiieuiseivcs to vote tbe prohibition ticket provided that this list gete the name of 1,000,000 voters by next August. Wolfenbarger ia frotfl Nebraska aud goes after tbe liquor issue like a big burly blacksmith handle sledge hammer. He mauls everything insight, lie said the democrats mode no bones about being a whisky party. This received applause from tbe crowd, but when be said Harrison and Wana maker were touring around the country drinking wine to tlie health ot college boys; scored Wgnamaker lorrnat itW. iksj campaign ooonie; tore up ievi x Morton, onr vice president, for running a saloon at tbe nation's capital and said he wa elected an honorary member of a liquor league, tbe crowd did not applaud lt utterances. Wolfenbarger and Huckins are an able team in their work. Huckins does some little talking too, being the funnyman. rVolfenbarger dies some singing. Together they talk prohibition Into tbe audience, sing it into them, hammer it into them, work it into them and drive it into them, any w ay to get it into them. The Tidings says: Tbe two gentle men from Nebraska are "rustlers" in their business- They can "whoop op" a prohibition audience in good style, and they raised between 90 aud (70 in tbe audience to help along tbe cause. Rcuutocs ScaviCaA. There will be no services in the M church South to morrow. Y PS C Eat Congregational church Sunday evening at 0:30. Subject,"Pun Ishraent for Sin. its Certainty." JerSO. 110; Iao 0, 1 1 ; Heb 10, 20-29. Leader, Pearl V ance. All young people cordially invited. At tbe United Presbyterian church all the regular services w ill be held tomor row. The subject of the morning ser mon will be ''The Inspiration of the Scriptures." Christian Endeavor at 8 :30 pin, evening sermon at 7:30pm. All seats free. Services at tl.o Presbyterian church tt 11 1 m and 7 :30 p m. Sabbath school at 12:15 pm, YPSOE meeting at 6 :43 f 111. Subject of morning sermon, "The 'resent its Importance as Related to Life." Evening, "Tbe Persistence of Ancestral Sins." All will le made wet come to these set vices. At the Ut Christain cbnrch, corner 6th and Jtlckson street, the services will be ss follows : 10 am, Sunday school, 11a m, sermon by pastor. Subject, "What must I do to'be saved " 4 p to, O W B M, li :30 p ni, Y PS C E, 7 130 p m, sermon by pastor. Subject, "Another man's wife." All are welcome. SIULOH'S GOUSUMPTIOIi CURE. The aneeea of thl Great Conga Car I without a pcr&llel in the history of mediein. All drngglsl are authorised to ellltou a pos itive guarantee, a teat that BO other cura cat aueoeesfully stand. That it may become known, th Proprietor, at aa esormose ex ponas, ore placing a Sample Bottle Free Into every home ia the United State and Canada. If you hare a Ooagh, Bore Throat, or Bron chitis, nae it, for it will ear yon. It your child ha the Croup, or Whooping Cough, as It promptly, and relief is nr. U jroa dread that Inaldlon disease Consumption, as it. Ask your Drngirist for BHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 eta. , 50 cts. and tl.00. If yoor Lang are sore or Back lame, Qe Bhiloh Porou Plaster. Price S3 CU. For sal by all Prug gista aad Oeolar. SUMMONS. fm He Circuit Court ef the Stat of 0re fjor .wa .onnty, W C DAVIS and GE' W DA. . VI.4., partner doing, busljesa under tbe firm name itnt style of Davis Bros., Pla.ntir, V. PETER R BEAR, Defendant. To Peter R Btr, fendant: lbs above nam el de IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oiogon. you are hereby required to appear and aaswer tbe eomplaiat of tbe plaintiff tiled In the above entitled oourt, wtia tne oierg oi ma oourt. Dy tbe first day ot the next reaularterm of the above entitled court, towits on the I4.h day ef ... i an j -: ' .' a mou,i34i ana jrou are oereDy nouoed that if you fail to appear and anawer tbe said complaint tbe plaintiff will take lodgment against you for the sum of $340 66 with interest thereon at the rate of ten (1") per cent per annum from the 2nd day of September, 1891, aud for tbe ooste and disbursements of this aotlon to be taxed: and also take an order and deoree of said oourt, to sail the following de seribed laud towit: a'l your defendant's rteht, title and interest in the donation land claim of Owen Bear, being notifica tion No 2240,and claim No 41,iu townrhlp 13, eeuth Baags 4 Waot.and claim No 48, ia township 11, South Range 4 West: in Linn oocnty, Oregon, containing Hi. 10 acres, less lkn 41 ac res heretofore ooid te v triona parlies, leaving 603 50 acres; which said laid wat duly levied upon by writ o; attachment duly issued out of the above named court, in tb above entitled action on the 8iu day of weptenaoer, 1391 fer the purpose or aeouring any Judg merit that tbe plaintiff might re-jover in the above entitled can an. 1 hia sumruoti ia sei-ved by publication ia the Statu Riohts Da moo hat by order ot the Honorable K P Boise, J artge of tbe sbove entitlad Court, rcaete at Chambsrs on the ltiib. day of January, 189'A J a. WEAIUERI'ORP, Attorney rot PlolaUff. CIIOIGE L1EATS Or Au, Es -... S'aSi, aeit liermai Syrup" ; Those who have not used Boschee's Ger man Syrup for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Lungs can hard A Throat and Lung Specialty. ly aptreciate what a truly wonder ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear ing, strength-gathering and recover ing are unknown joys, ror uer man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This i i as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee $ German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr--hage, voice failure, weakness, slip- ( ping down hill, where doctors and. medio ue and advice have been swal lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening con vie Lion that all is over and the end it inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if you take it 9 NOTICE: In lite County Court oj Linn County, Orrgon lath rattler ot the applic ttlonf MorlU Wilienkircbso, for claoge or name: NOTICEH HKftEBY QIVK'J Tfl AT tht ) .v na.oo't Mirl z Wltrkir eea ba fi el hi petition in tht Canity Couit of Linn e runty, Oreg)i. praying for an order chinking bi at'n to Mont waitera, am by orier ot esitejurt. Tuesday tn 5;b dty of April. lH!'.th bour f I o cIock p m uiaaiJday, bat bo flxd tbe tiui f tt tht b-in o objictlons, If any tture bt,wge ih eppll oaiijn r.f iii pHiU mr til M n be granted. rooiunei nyortHr mi oy iue tun r K N lackbort, JnJg '.tt Conn. tbU 27ih day of February, W)l . in wimoas wber-oT. l bay hereunto t my bao-1 al attic i the et of ai t Conrt,tlil 27;b dv of brury. . O.lSlr. N P PANYK, i County Clerk of Lion nouoty. 1 By B M Pay te. Deputy. - In tkr. Circuit Court of the SloU o Oregtmfor Lion County. A. CHILL. Plaintiff, ) BOOEDGE'rJILL.DerendanL j To B de.lg Hill, tbs ab va otmal de fendant: IN THE NAME. OF TUB STATB OP Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer tbe eon, plaint filad again yoo In tbe atxrye amiUed suit oa or befora the ft rot day of the )ve en- tt'led court tiex'. following the expiration as" tbe rabiieation of tbii3tmon towit: the 14tbdy of Mroj, Andlfyoa rail to anawer, br waul tntreor i be ( lata Uff will appt to theooart fjftbe relie prty ed lor in ber oom pi am t. vi : .or tne die an'.olion of tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between the pi at nil fT and defend antjuid the cuato.iy of the three yoaog or mi not children, and tor au;h other aod lartber reiief may be equitable. Thi aeryies i made by pubticatiou by rwder of Hon R P B)Ue, Jade ot eald Court, duly mvii at Chauibvtr ia e-tlsm, Oricoa, Deo. 14th 1891. L. H, MON TAN YE, fit-IS) Ait'y for PieaattiT SUMSnOHS. """"""" fm tlx Circuit Court of the 8UU offlrtgon for the Ctmnty of Lin t ALVANTHOMA PUittiff, MIMERVA C THOM A3, Defendant. Ta Minerva C Thomas, the aboye named Defendant : IN XHK NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, ca ate hereby reqai.-ed to ap pear and anawer tbe complaint ef tbe above pLablitT, ia tbe above entitled con rt. now oa file witb the clerk of ld coart, by the first day of tbe next reguar term of sal J court, which aid term begin on Mooday,the lt'.h Say vl alarcb, IS'JX at the acurt boura j Albany, Ltna eoaoty, Oregoe; and yoq are t hereby further nouried that if you foil to awpear and answer said complaint a hereby J required the plaintiQ will apply to the eoort for tbe relief prayed for in aaid com- V Srlaint, towit. For a decree diafolving tbe - bond of matrimony now niating betweaa yea aad plaintiff, and for the cost and die- . Dime men t of tht snit to be taxed. Tbt- sammons ia pob'ithed by order Ifoo S. p Boise, Judge of aaid eoort.niade Ifeamhera :a the ctty of 3aletn, Oregoe, the 25rh dry of Jauoary, 1S92. Published Jauoary 20th, 1892. W RB1LYEU, Att'y for Plaintiff At On Circuit Court for Lin County,Staie of Oregon: SAFE ANCE. Plalnrl fT, TB, RYILLE FRANCE, tVfendant. To Orvill Fran-se, fendat t : I atve na-as-1 de- INTIUfi NAMEoF T1IS STATE OF Oretjon, you are hereby r-qtired to appeau nd anawer tu oo npivot flie-i agoiost you in the avv anrit ad auit on r before the first day of the next regular term ef the above eat uie I eourt oast following tbe expiration of the pabllon Hon of tbls summons toirit: the 14th day ef March, 1532 and tf you fail to answer a herein required, the plaintiff will take Judgment atfaintt you for the relief de Baanded in her oimptaint, towit: A de eree ol tbe above entitled c urt dissolving the bond ofmarrimoiy now existing Between plaiutlff aud defendant aoove earned and awarding t plaiitiiT the sostody f Aeii Warner Franoe.the -aluor rhild of plaintiff and defendant. Thia aervic of summons is tnvie by Bub'.loauon by order of Hoa KPB Mtt, judge of sold O Jurt. mde at Cnsubers, hi tbe oily orSaleut, on the llthdayof Jaausry, 1892. BLACKBURN dt WATSON, Attorney i for plaintiff. CITATiOH. ia At County Cout of tie Stats cf Qrtfqu, - fat Linn county: " - Ia the matter of the estate Heqsy Qraaer, doceated. To all the heir known and aokoowa ia tbe above entitled estate. Greeting; IN THE NAME OF THE STATS OF Oregon, yoa are hereoy eited aod re faired to appear in the county conrt of the state of Oreaon, for the oonnty of Linn, at th coart room thereof, at Albany, Id the eoaoty of Linn, oa Saturday, the 12th day ef March, 1392, at 10 o clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show oansc, if any there be, why an order should qot bae out of the tbove entitled oourt aathoriviug tnddiiectiag O P Coahew, the duly ap pointed, qualified and aatinz administrator of aaidessate, to aell the real property be- longina to said estate, described aa fnllowa tn wit: Taeeontnweat one-fourth of see tioo 2, in township 14, aouth Range I East Willamette Linn eonnt V.Oregon. Don bv order of the Hon n r"w ri.i barn, Judged the County Court of the ttate of Oregon, for the county of Linn, with the seal of said court affixed, thia ltt day of February, AD, 1892. ATTEST. If P PAYKlS, ASSIGNEE'S SALE: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT th undersigned assiiraee of the estate of Oyrus 4 Pitch ford. Insolvent debtors, -will sail at Dublin aitt1r.n on Saterday, March 19ih, 1892. ai 10 o'olock am. at Crua dt Pitahford'a sawmill. situated about 10 miles eoutheaat of Scl, Or., all the personal property belonging to tha above named estate in mv earn. oonalstiug of one fint-oloss team saw mill andUxtares, 40 horie power engine, mill all complete and neorly good a new. ia a Btod location, one Burr ohnnaar 1R nrVl feet of lumhsr of varion kiadt,ever.l thou sand leet ot logs m pond, oue iilaoing ma chine, one Eunium water whesl,30 inch, good as new, boat40 feet rf sbafting, one cara gr, tworair flaaues, four yoke ffwork oxen, yoke chaing,eto. Term of nale.ona htif cash in land, batonse on fO ,l.,v. tirno J a ptluY. r i. i w ( r Ax If 11 -I . v