The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 11, 1892, Image 2

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    STITE3 &
Editor aa
Twenty years ao John Maley of West
Virginia wns sent to prison for life for mur
dering his young wife. It now come to
light that ho wiui not guilty. What a tad
calamity to Mall two young lives.
Chairman V C Jonei, o( th Kansas dt
o:rtic committees Ex-Got, Qlick tad other
Kansas leaders havt tieU (ecret conference
nil, it i understood, decided to hold tbe del
eai convention early anil have tlx delegates
to CblcufM Instructed to vote a unit lor
Cleveland as an offset to tht II ill convention
la New York.
Drlce Wallace ot Price pteclnct, the
candidate tor county treasurer, Is a care
ful painstaking farmer who Is held In high
esteem bv all who know him. lit Is
honest, he is competent, lie fills up to
the full the Jefleminlan test ot fitness tor
a public office. The funds ot Linn could
not be deposited In safer hands. Keep
your rye on '.he big vote he will receive,
' , 1 "i
At a meeting and banquet ot the demo
crat club in New York City a few syren-
Ing since Mr Forgahar a Tammany mem.
ber ot the legislature drew forth much
applause when he said that although
iamntany Hall might oe in uvor ot sen
ator Ultra nomination lor President, still
the old orgrniaatlon would give a hearty
and loyal support to Crorcr Cleveland
should he secure the prise.
A Paris statistician has count! the num
ber of word employed by some of the most
celebrated writers. He reports that the
works of Coroeillo do not coutiiin more than
7000 different word, and those of Moliere
8000. Shakespeare, the moot fertile and
varied of English authors, wrote all hi
rngedic and comedies with 15,000 words and Goethe employ 20,000. Pra
due Lout contains only 8000, and the Old
Testament says all that it has to say with
5642 words.
A missionary on the middle Zambesi, who
has travelled over all that region, says the
bofct maps of the country are very inaccurate
that rivers are hud down where they do not
exist, ana that numerous vULoget appear
where there is not a trace of a human habi
tation, lie says the map are simply an ag
gravation to travelers, who are often put to
inconvenience by relying on information
which they find later to be inaccurate.
Weaving appears to have been practiced
in China more than a thousand years before
it was known in Europe or Asia. The
Egyptians ascribed the art to Isia, the Greeks
to Minerva and Peruvians to the wife of
Vanco Capac. Oar Saviour's vest or coat
had not any seam, being woven from the
top throughout in one whole piece. The
print of a frame for weaving such a vest
mar be seen in Calraet s "Dictionary, un-
der the word vestment.
I tie democratic convention that met yes
terday was a model one, and did just what
the people elected it for, nominated a
ticket which, upon the whole, is an ezcell
ent one. Its work was the revult of open,
lair candid deliberation, and may be re
garded as the combined best . judg ment of
the representatives ot tbe party. Uood men
went in before the convention as candidates
and when the open ballot showed they were
not the choice of the convention, they grace
fully retired. The people at the polls in
Jane will ratify the nominations made with
a good round majority.
A dispatch from Covington, Georgia
President L F Livingston, of the State
Alliance of Georgia, addressed a mass-
meeting of five thousand alliance men here
today, the following resolution was un
animously passed:
"That we. the democratic and alliance
citizens of Newton county, most heartily
indorse Col. Livingston's position opposed
to the foimation of a third party at this
In hU speech Col. Livingston declared
that before hi election Speaker Crisp was
pledged to libers! financial legislation.
Recently, in the yard of a public schoo
in Philadelphia, a drain from the outbnild
ings was found to ba choked, and rn ex
amination a little root of a maple tree had
been found to penetrate i very small pore
in the terra-cotta pipe; yet so rapidly did
these roots increase, after they found there
was plenty of food in command in the drain
that, although the pipe was eight inches in
diameter, several bucketf ula of small fibrou
roots were taken out, which had completely
choked all circulation through the drain,
It was a wonderful example of the increase
of root under circumHbincea favorable
through the abundance of food.
The liouo comiiiitfoe on election of presi
dent anil vice president haa author zed Rep.
rcKenlative Craig to prepare for submi.sxion
to the bonnen joint resolution propping tiie
substitution of the 31 st day of December
for the fourth of March a the commence
ment and termination of official terms of
memlrs as the house of representatives and
United Stab senators, and providing that
congrewi shall hold its annual meeting the
srxnd Monday in January, and substitut
ing tbe 30th of April for the 4th of March
ax the data for the commencement and limi
tation of the term of president and vice
The census returns for New York City
are all in, with the exception of two
elee'lon districts. The total population
of twenty-four assembly dlttrlcu, accord
ing to the enumeration, is 1,705,295. This
Is about 300,000 more than that shown by
the defective Porter census. The total
population of Brooklyn, according to the
census returns so far handed In, whh the
exception of one district, Is 953 338. The
mlint; district will probably bring It up
to 955,000, The fedcrul census for 1890
wss 806,342, and the po'Ice census, four
months la'er, 853 MS.
Senator CarlUle whose fidelity to the
principles cl the democratic party Is with
out question and wlio.c Intlght Into things
political is surpacsed by no democrat In
the country, says:
"In my opinion the continued agitation
of Use s'lver qiicction in this congress is
not only uwIcsj, but very uuwUe. Every
body appears to admit that no free-coinage
bill can become a law, b-cause If passed by
both hotn-e It would be ve'oed by the
president nn.l there the matter would end.
Practically, therefore, there is nothing
whatever to be accomplished by the agl
ta'lon, except to engender divinio and
dUsTiMons amt'ii th(e who are subnta.i
tU'lv uhl'ed upon a'1 other economic and
political questions.
"Oiir true policy, it seems to me, U l
secure as far as poMtlble economy
I t pub!!.: expenditure, make a clev and
emphatic record in favor of ihe reduction
of taxation upon nil the neceMtri of life,
urjje the rn e .1 of nil subsidies and bounties
to fnvorvd interim and adjourn at t'.te
tafii'' poil day.
"I'pou nil the questions which rea'ly
divide the democratic 0'J republican
. . .1 .1 1
Kupp rt 11
and if e confine the ap-. to iniw: uueMions aone
. - .1 I
ry i rr.i iy v on,"
The (net U the vlve voce system of vot
ing In conventions U a daisy ,and the dem
ocrat of Linn county art wedded to It.
There ait always unpleasant things
connected with conventions, and that Is,
tht defeat, quite frequently, of as good
men us those who receive nominations.
J 1 .L1.. .11
Tht bearing ot C C Uackttman
yesterday, when defeated for the nomina
tion tor county clerk was observed by all,
and called forth many cxprtsslont ot fa
vorable comment.
The Australian city of Melbourne.whtch
was founded less than 50 years ago, has
alieady a population ot nearly halt mil
lion, and stands fifth among the cities of
the Brl'.Uh Empire. It Is now a treat
hipping port.and Its slum quarter Is small.
EIU Conner a sallied surveyor was
nominated for the office ot surveyor, Mr
O'Conner Is fully competent to meet every
requirement ot that office, lie will He
G F Russell our efficient county school
superintendent was renominated for that
office which shows that his administration
ot school affairs meets the approval ot the
people. George hat scores ot friends and
will get a big vote.
The remarkably beautiful green color of
some preserved beans and other vegetables
is said to be obtained by boiling the vege
tables in a copper vessel while an elec
tric current is passed through it
First quality second growth white ash for
carriages is to scarce that the probability is
that in a few years oak will be used for
coach polos and other purposes for which
ash ia now used.
V P Elmore of Brownsville, one ot the
candidates tor in legislature comes rec
ommended by tht best cltliens ot that part
ot tht county as a man ot sound judgment,
high personal Integrity and good ability,
and one In whose hand, our Interests In
legislation may be safely trusted.
The serin ans ot the German Emperor,
which he delivered on his yatchlng voy
ages, were not written by him, but by Dr
Rlchter, the chaplain-general of the army.
They were w ritten by command, in order
that by reading them William might lllus- ...uuv v. I'- I
T J MuuWsthe candidate for countyJ'
Antnmiiaii.inor lirod at Rrio. Hit coiuns rneom- .
mended by his neighbors as a man pe
culiarly fit for that office. A man who con
ducts his own buainata upon careful buta
ne principles, be may be depended upon
to do likewiso with the affairs of the county.
X P Payne was nominated for county
clerk. In view of tbe fact that he had to
meet face to face three very strong, worthy
men in the convention, and the further fact
that this is the first time since 1SG0 that the
democrats have renominated a man for the
clerkship, it is plain that Mr Payne ia a
strongman. Ho will carry a large vote.
C C Jackson ia the nominee of the con
vention for sheriff, lie is a farmer and
Uvea in llalsey precinct. He too is a native
Oregonian, a self made man, an energetic,
honest competent citizen. He hat hosts of
friends all over th? county, and the repub-
ican norainee.whoever ho may be, will have
a hard row to boe running arr.iinst "Lum"
Jackson. -
A Blevins ot Tangent was also nominated
for tbe legulature. Mr Blevins is a farmer
of sound sense and mature judgment He
will truly represent the people of Linn
county in the legislature, lie served one
term in the legislature some yean ago, and
tbe experience then acquired will be valuable
to him when he shall go to Salem next
Geonre Humphrey the candidate for
county judge ia probably the most extensive
ly known man in the county. . He hat CI led
the offices of Justice of tbe Peace, deputy
sheriff and sheriff, the duties in all of which
were faithfully performed. He is fully
competent for the office of county judge.
E E Davis, though opposed by one of the
most competent jounj; democrats In the
eounty. Prof W A McGhee, of the Leban
on public chools.was renominated tor the
office of Recorder, this being the third time
be ha been so hooored. Practically he
will have a walk over, and It will be al
most Inhuman on the part of the republi
cans to put up some respectable man to be
slaughtered by Ed.
M A Miller, of Lebanon, who Is one of
the democratic candidates for the legisla
ture Is a native son of Oregon, a young
man of good ability, unquestioned Integ
rity and sobriety, and will make an excel
lent legislator. Nearly every body In the
county knows '-Mill" and ihe vote at the
polls will show the high esteem In which
he Is held by those who know him.
The, follewing, a boy's essay on a goat,
reminds us of the attack of Hill on Cleve
One time there was a young gole that
felt butty, and there wai a old ram which
lay' in the rode half asleep cbuno his cud
The (rote he had been shet up in a pantcr
all his life, aud had never saw a ram, and
he said to lis sister, the - gote did. "you
jest stand still an see me wipe that freek of
the face of tbe earth." 80 the gote he went
up before the ram and stompt bis feat and
shuke his head real friteful, but the ram he
didn't get np, but only jest kep or. a chune
his cud and watchin out between his i lash
es. Dime by tho gote he backed off an took
a run, and then rose up in the air and cum
down with bis bed on the ram't hed whack!
The goles hed was basted, but tho old ram
he never wunk his i. Then tbe old ram he
smiled with his mowth, and scd to the
buttegotes sister, "Pears to me mbsr, that
kangaroo of yourn is mity careless where he
itcs; be cum gum dasted near mukin me
woller my cud."
Hill is the "young gote," and he is ex
ceedingly "butty," but all Cleveland has to
do it to lie still and keep on "chune his cud
and the people will do the rest. Portland
A dUpatch from New York under dite
of March 5th says:
The old contest between the first mort
gage bondholders of ih? Oregon Pacific,
and It former presldenT Egenlon Hogg,
now receiver of the company, hae been
renewel. The bondholders met !od
and received a report from the reorgani
zation committee. After a prolonged dis
cussion it was resolved the con.mittee
should prepare a new plan piovtding for
e piirch ' f r"-r-,",.rf l-i . fit of
the tissiiin tioiiuli'ikt.-rr., and should
have full power to take all action neces
sary for their protection. The Farmers'
Loan and Trust Company, trustee of the
mortgage, is l:o insti ucted to lake pro
ceeding in the Orcjjon couits 10 set aside
all the recent sale. The reorganization
committee consists of LindWv Smyth,
'-ervh Warto.t and George Dcbkeim, of
' Philadelphia; Alexander Brown, of Balti.
more; Roland Hazzard, of Peacedale. R
It J, .
1-. boo n.
I J I Jt ,. , .. . . . I V- I ' 1.
of this city.
v.-; 1; "v.-m;. J
A protection contemporary call upon
the DKMocRAr "and other free traJo pa
pers" (note the humor In this) to make a
note of the fact that the McKlnlcy law
gives us free sugar, and that tht people
contained 67.46 per head last year against
54. 56 In the year 1890, This extremely
kind and accommodating contemporary
further adds, that this Is a present of thir
teen pounds of sugar to every man, wo
man and child In this happy land ot ours
and all at the result ot the McKlnlcy law.
Now, this Is the very thing that the Dim
oca. at editor has been noting for several
months with the liveliest satisfaction, and
we have taken some paint to Impress up
on the mtnds nt our "tret trade" readers
the (repressiveness of this fact. With ex
trenie satisfaction we note the lct that
these self-same free trade readers have
fallen Into a train ol reasoning like this
l taking the tarlil oil sugar has so
letsentd Its price that each of us can now
buy thirteen pounds more fur the same sum
ot money, will not taking the tariff
of! wool enable us to buy more clothing,
blankets and other necestary woolen
goods, and taking the tariff off lumber
enable us to build or rent better houses for
the same money I And will not removing,
or reducing, the lailii on tin-plate, or cut
lery, or glass are and crockery, enable us
to enjoy more of these comforts and nec
essaries without additional cost?
Sugar Is all very well as far as It goes,
but we cannot I've on sugar a'one, even
when moistened with something else. We
need clothlr 3 and shelter and furniture and
tableware and numerous other things 'o
make us comfortable , and decent, all ot
which are now so hravllv taxed bv the
tariff that our supply of them I less than
we need or should otherwise have.
Moreover, '.he free trade reformer Is not
Ing another thing. If taking the tariff off
an aillcle cheapens Itt cost, and cheapen
ing Its cost stlm ulate and greatly Increases
the consumption ot It, more labor must be
employed in Its production. The Increased
consumption of sugar In 1S01 over the
previous year, due to tht fall In Its price,
was 363,000 tons, all ot which wat rcQned
In this otintry, and thus called tor a large
additional number ot American workmen
at the rate ot wages previously prevailing
Hence we have mare sugar and more em
ployment for labor by removing a duty.
whereas If the McKlnlcy bill had added
-.! ,rt,K ... I.Hff lh.r..,.t.l
bc" ! uK,r nJ lcM wp'omeot
'or lanor.
And lastly the tree trsde rcforrn.-r Is
wonJorlngln Ihe light of tnclr facts what be
comes of tht. argument constantly made by
the tame or-an and's gcncrsl'y
that the tariff Is not a tax paid by the con
sumers, but a llcen e exacted from the
(Orelitnrr for permitting him to sell his
goods (sugar) in our markets?
If the foreigner piid It. how does Its re
moval thus Inure Immediately to the ben
efit of our cons umers i
It will not do now to say that the sugar
tatlff was an exception to the rule, for It
was In connection with this very tariff that
Senator Edmund, certainly nut the least
acute and able cf the protectionist speak
ers In the senate, was to carried away by
what he conceived to be the conclusive
ness of his argument, that the tariff was a
tax on the foreign producer and not on the
home consumer, tnat he challenged the
other M to produce "a single Instance In
pt(oni er human experience" where the
increase of a duty by a country has In
creased the price of the article to the con
mer, or where the diminution ot a duty
by a country has diminished Its price to
the consumer, or where putting the article
entirely upon the tree list has worked any
essential or appreclable.or even observable
benefit to the people of the United States
or any other people that consumed the
commodity so brought In." -
Senator Edmund correctly and ably
stated the logic of protection .
The removal of tbe suar tariff has
I ren us the Inexoible lo;lc of facts.
J E Michael it another one of Uie native
sons of Oregon. He lives in Waterloo pre
cinct. It mtit be regarded at quite a corn
pliment to him that the convention should
have selected him from among tho many
good names before tho convention for assess
or. Mr Michael isa tuber tteady citizen of
good judgment and will make a- good as
The 1natd thinks there was not much
enthusiasm at yesterday ' convention. The
convention was not in tbe enthusiasm busi
ness. The enthusiasm will come later on.
Tbe convention yesterday simply meant bus
iness, and we never taw a convention that
teemed to mean to much btminetw.
There is very general good feeling among
democrats, all expreering themselves a sat
isfied with the ticket. Of course there were
disappointments, but these always attend
upon conventions. All expressed their de
termination to go home and help ele:t the
ticket. '
Toe Japanese, It I said, dislike the Rus
sians and the Chinese, but like the Amer
ican and the English. They are fearful
of the aggressions of the Russians in
Corea-and ot the Chinese J n the Islands
that lie south ot Japan; but they do net
00k for any act of aggression by the Uni
ted States or by Cng'and.
The U -.;est siphon, probably, is on the
levee betwten McKlnnry Lake and Ihe
Mississippi river. The main pipe Is two
feet In diameter and 616 feet In length, and
It has a discharging capacity cf 16,000,000
gallons a dsv.
Frank Fan ell was renominated for cor
oner, lie is. qualified to meet fully all
the duties devolving upon him In that
Important office, lie will have much work
to do in June, and it Is sife to say he will
do It well.
Deatb f James I Pau l
, Bakeii City, March 6. -James P Faull,
one of Oregon' prominent citizens, died
this morning at bis home in this city, after
an illness of two days of peritonitis. The
diseased figured in state olitics for year
and at the time of his death was a member
of the state republican central committee,
and was a member of Oregon 'a second rail
road coramuwion.
XV offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of C Harris that caauot ba cured by
Eall't Cotar i Cure..
F J.CU2NEY&CO.,I'ropa.,Toledo, O,
We the pndcrsinned, have known F. J. Che
Bey for the lsul IS years, and believe him per
tcetVr tionoratle ia all bncinsss transactions
and financially cb'.a to carry out any obliga
tlonn maile by their Arm.
WuTTBeAX, VVboU-saleDTUfplftts, Toledo, O.
V alo 1 no , K 1 s s aw & Mac visr, W hoiujals Drug
(Tints, Toledo, O.
Uall's C&tarrb Cure Is taken int'nr.allr.actiniT
Ui'ofrtTy upon hkind ait-l riitio-is ?'t-":.fes or
the system. Wi-. V ner hottiOs hold by all
BrugglsUj. TmsIIbioi... 'rzr. ,
CojtHisTEKCT, thou art a Jewel. Mat
thews & Washburn keep the Jewel and
other firet-clana stove, aud there ia no
better way to be consistent than by in
vcrifins in one of them. Matthews &
atiliburn's motto is to ker p the best,
and their prices ate always negotiable.
Large tales ppeak lor the manner in
which' theso facts are sppree.ialed
through Linn county.
('IBU IT t'tttRT.
Following Is the docket Lr
the court I
convening next Mondays
State agtjas Gannon (burglary,
Ktate agt E P Rogers, No it dtscrlm.
nation In freight rates.
P J Porter agt J C at partion.
Thos Jefferson agt O S Montgomery to
recover money.
T Dlltendorler agt Perry 8mlth( to re
cover money.
Topllls St Co act Mary Covterdt to
recovsr money.
Geo J Braner agt Mary Cougill to re-
covet money.
Moonty, Valentine St Co art Msry
tjougnij to rerover money,
The Albany Farmers Co agt S S Mc
r auuen; to reuovr money.
to recover money
' - - " "
y MAR,, - 1
T P Baldwin U Co agt Goldsml.h St
Runklej to recover money,
Bridge Si Beach Mfir Co agt Smith Si
Senders; to recover monjy.
J C Boyer agt Sml'h St Senders t to
recover money.
Alignment E Becker.
I B Stetson agt Smith St Bonders; to
recover money.
Assignment T L llcnnets.
Assignment G W Smith.
E L I'.ryan agt Southern Pacific Co.
T J MiCiarv. asalenee T L llenness ant
L.on wonncr et at 1 to recover money.
Assignment Kwong M ookee Cj.
Davis Bros agt Wm Powers; to recover
I K Dawson agt Wm Rclrea and M
Scott Injunction.
W S Thompson agt 1 F Powell St Co;
to recover money .
Bride e St Beach Mfir Co lit G W
Smith and WCutck;ta annual assign
The Wln.iebarger National Bank act
Jos Pearl et ux; to recover money
L G Thompson agt Nellie Thompson;
A Schilling St Co at I F Powell & Co;
10 recover money.
F II Vaughn tgt Slnper St Vaughn; to
recover money
Cooler St Washburn a at W T and
Martha Pierce; to recover mour,
Richard Mayo agt Deli'o Mayo;
Coolcy Si Washburn agt J J and Nancy
-eoo; to recover money.
F II Vaught agt Matt Scott t da nages.
uayis tsrc agt reter tv Bear; to recover
MC Bingham agt Elisabeth Bingham;
Jas Hawkins agt Peter It Bear: to ra
cover monev.
Brownsville W M Coast I it Burkhart
ei ai ; ia recover money.
J T Kearns sat L Case et al : on note
Peterson Si Garland agt Jat C Caood;
torecoyer monev
L V DavU ajt Nellie R Davis; divorce.
FlelKhnrr, Mevcr Co set Waters
Morelcck; to recover money.
Edward Stover et al airt Mr A W
Stover etal; partition.
Jacob Korrross act the Southern Pacific
Almtra Milter tgl J P ai d Msrtha
a'boo:lng; equity.
Mrs t U DavU tgt li 11 DavU; divorce,
Geo W Slavens gl Martha A Slavcns;
3 C Goodale agt Bervsta M Hansard et
al ; foreclosure Urn.
State agt Ortn IIram;aro.
State agt W R McKI mon. aault with
dangerous weapon.
Slate H Frank S Ingrain ; murder.
Cooley Jt Washburn tgt Jas, L Put man;
to recover money.
. -waw
J M Brown agt A F Gooch ; for cc'osurc
Chattel mortgsge.
Bank of Sclo tgt Orrcon Mcts'lc Co; on
rvwimcnmeni. .
II Lons it J M Cofftll; to recover
money; anachmeiit.
D B Montrlth ant city ot Albany t la-
Sinn si psuiiieiin vt. s.iiy vi atiwrji m
ff si ,i.s. ... .1 iil
Margsrette A Montelth agt city of Al-
oany; injunction.
C II lfoberg sgt G W Ecll el al ; 4rt-
eiosure mechanic lien.
A a Mcllwaln tgt CD Turner; to recov
er money ; attachment.
Assignment A J Acblson.
AS Knox agt city ot Albsry ; Injunction.
Ibanon Ssntltm Canal Co agt O J
Jbaird et al ; Injunction,
D M Osborne A Co tgt Henry Ky et al ;
to ecover money ; attachment.
D M Osborne Co agt F Acherrnan ; to
recover money
Hester, Mav Cotgt W F Ayers; to
recover money; attachment,
A J Carey agt Harold Bros; to recover
money; attachment.
Joslah Fullerton agt Tho 1) Ellis; to
recover money.
AC I till agt Uodidje mil; to recover
SRKothlngcrctaltgtT A Mori It et
al; damages.
II H Rutherford sgt Fred Orannlng; to
recover money ; attachment.
Stewart Ac Sex agt J II Campbell; to
recover money ; attachment.
L W Wallace tgt Serepea U lUutard
et ai; foreclosure lien
Senders Sternburg agt L Houston; to
recover money.
Mary F Bramln sgt F A Burkhart; to
recover money; attachment.
Reuben DtvU Sgt J A and Bessie Archi
bald; foreclosure.
Sarah M Shields sgt P 0 Htiper & Co;
moti jo for leave to iiue execution.
ilonteilh St Scitenbach agt C W Housloe;
to recover money, ,
Blumaur & F ank sgt W J and B E Dsv
enpon; forecloturt.
R L Stbin rgt A J Adcon; to 1 ecover
II A Frsnct agt Oivillt France; divorce.
T G Prict sgt M .Scott; to ttcover personal
property. '
WC Csssett sgt Nancy Csssell; to set
asirie deed.
Oregon Fu-niturt Co t,jt Thos Brink; to
recover money; attachment. .
Montelth & Seitenbach agt R E Houston;
to recover money.
Assignment Cyrus & Pitrhford.
Daniel and L I Houck agt W J Ternon et
al; partition.
M Alexander sgt A O Smith et ux; fore
Chas W. Weaver gt Fritt Huffman dam
B A Lmrlers net L T Heonets et si: mo
tion to vacate judgment,
G Abrshsm sgt Eggert Eigsn; mo' ion to
set aside judgment.
R L Stbin sgt J-T Dixon; to rrcover
money. 'V
Alvan Tnomas sgt Minerva T-mai; di
vot ce.
Geo H Rib eck sgt Ala L Ribbeck; di
vorce. .
DEL Tourneau st Robert L Tourneau;
. Mary J Pecry agt Illram W Peery; divorce,
Auigiinent Albert ins Krissel.
DittenlmffVsr, Ila Sc Co agt Waters Bros;
to recover money; attschnttn',
DlttenhoiTer, Has & Co rgt W H Reed;
to recover money.
' L E Biain t M TanJ Elizabeth Lindiey;
to recover money; sttachment,
John Croft agt Henry Mills; writ of review.
R C rind ley agt II B Derrick.; to recover
money; attachment,
Frank Frotuan agt- Lewis B!su et ux; to
icover money
Wm F Heller agt J01 Pearl et ux; to re
cover nuney.
Guo Johnson sgt Slopet &Vsughn; to re
cover money; attachment.
R L Satjin agt W II Illat'j to recover
Tiilie J ifattralian agt Luban Caie and
Asiifoy l'earc; lorcclosuie.
Gzo W Wright sgt Enna Varner et slj
Laura Wtllon agt Jst C Wsltonj divorce.
William llerron act lot Pearl and Thos
IlrsnHoni to recover rnottty.
John W Gaines agt J E Cyrus t uxt to
recover money,
Joint W Gaines set Wm T freskins et alt
to recover money 1 attachment.
Aoliby Pes ret set LsUan Cast et alt fors-
ctosurt. '
CMeysrsgt Thos Hi Ink 1 to recover money)
Mariena Sovom sgt C B Sjvemrj divorce.
Mary Vool sgt Frank Wolj fortclosurt.
Matthews & Washburn act M F B'snin;
lu ttcover uianeyi attachment.
D F West act A L Cannons to recover
W F Rssd act R Cusisr; conf.ion Judg
A P Blackburn adm'r Owen Keti set C I)
Waltoni forrcloture,
T.ukL.H ft .t T L. s tltflntt S MAS LilltttVlM
ElTa Klelnlttmmer set Fretl K'clnhamtnerj
M Sttriiburt set R and Mareiret Custer;
Chat Kcifer agt K tot) M Cuittt; foredo-
Flkt Aoktrman set M T Lindsay; motion
for Itavt lo litius tsscutlou.
A B Mcllwsln sgt Rust Caster; to recover
money; tltschment.
Washinotos March 8. Oneof the tie-
vtiUipmmiU during the past week is the po
cullur manner in which tho letter of Beer
tarr lllainn upon tho divorce case of his son
is taken, lite general liiiprctwion is that tl
l one or the most unwtae acts ot the a rre-
tarv. and is conclusive irroof he is eitlinr
bmiking tinwn mentally or m ha ileter-
minrxl tlmt for all time he wilt 1m out of
politics. It is beltev, d he wat indutwd to
write the letter or statement at the request
of Mm Kluine, who no doubt smarted under
the imputations and assertions of thn I Had-
wood rritirt; but at the same time it is i
lieved it was a very unwise move, even tf
ho did not intend to retire permanently
from public lift.
aealtle Bemaeratle.
Skattlk, March 8. The tuuukipui elec
tion today was a landaliile. The n-publi-
cant have held iKMsewton of every branch
of the city jrovernment, but the democrat
now make a clean sweep, eleetinir ever man
on tlie tieket by majorities from alMmt 'MX)
for KoiialU over Leary, tlown. Owwtf to
tlte lurire number of nomination the num-
lx-r of charter amendment to be votd on,
the counting of the ballot it tf ing on very
slowly. Of the Ki4 vote nt not more
than KK) wore counted at midnight.
I walllla Criaaeral.
ri.Ml.KTo!, Marth 8. IImj democratic
county convention met here today and noin
i tutted the follnwini ticket : JU'im-Benta-
tm, MicbmU Toner, J M Une and 11 J
1 BVlor: county itaiog. tj iweerlvt mm
nuwioner, A i tiordon; shsriu, W J
runushj cierk, W M lierre: tmumrur. V
il June; tummar, W W iirannin: ehofl
sutavinbmdent, I) W Jarvi; coroner, Ihr
1 union. 1 tie prnmrtunjf 01 me convention
a 11 nt . - s ,1 a
went OS tmootidv and tnhtnuaaticaiiy
1 tiert was no contention, no diuercnce.
ruun.AstJ, Man h 8. The gold medal
widt h the chamber of commerce will pre
terit to Mrt Edward White, of Copalis,
V ah. for bravt-ry ia ounnettion with tbe
wreck of the ship Ferndale. has been fiuUh
ed and will be furwardetl t hr in a few
days. It is a beauty. About tbe tar is a
miniature stinlmrst. On Uie bar u tlte in
scription, which was UKavOd by K l Mc
Kce, who was intrumntd in inaurinz tht
chamber to reward Mr White: "Heoriam
live in tlie hearts of heroic iop!e."
cbrtaa Trvaly
WAitisr,Tos, March 8. The M-naie in
executive sewion, this afternoon, conxidered
tbe arbitration treaty in regard to tlie Ibdir
in rVa. Tliere wa much omxwition to it
I The xly of theenabmi bitt.-rly rnwntintf
1 u uuvi or any imny arni noioing uienu'lil
1 of the United .SUtbw to the water aoiinrwl
rrom liursia wa oeyomi question, I bey
f.-T1 2 w.7f ! .r'rw? ""T"" S"
I riu4itM tAnnrorr:nn fi,wisimt t-4 f,
r . ...
l liifrufjYn
DUanlerly Oladrsiu
Paui. March 8. Seventy ttudenta
mc agricultural eouegn at Uuigon, near
Veraaillet, armed with cudfU, yextenlay
made a raid upon the village. In the
course of their dnsccration they even invad
ed the cottage, beating Uie occupant and
aiaauing windows.
Losnox, March 7, The torie profetui to I
be patriotically stiirett op over the Atneri- j
ri-fln AmilttMnlA Aft 1 til. t irirtro . I
Tly are o terribly in the dumji over their
defeat in the eounty council election and
the thunv) tliat italfmtr i making in tlie
bouse of common that they gladly turn to
any foreign inane that nmy divert public
notice from their home weord of humilia
tion. The public generally rare very little
forth ifc'hring Sea iwuie. Hie opinion of
the lower and most of the middle-chiM i
with the Americans, or at least favorable
to a calm and reportable settlement cf list
liebringbca question. The tone, how
ever, are to desperate that a collision be
tween uie American and r.ngiwn navies
woum not t unwelcome, and there 1 a
current rumor that the British squadron m
the Pacific is instructed not to go out of itt
way to avoid uie American,
Asstrta Blastertaa.
Astoria' March 7. Tbe Astoria people,
by "Minut C Crosby, mayor," have mulud
to every member of the house another cir
cular, reiterating their former statement
about the Columbia nver. While paying
"all due deftTOnce" to the sounding of the
Unitod State engineer, they limply dont
believe the report of the Anuria pilot as
more aeeurate. Itis believed here that the
effort of Attoria to "shut off" naviguiion
on the Columbia will probably induce Del
aware tUtpafthhing bamlet on tli lay at
the mouth of the Duluware River, to prc
tet againnt any furtlier appropriation for
that river.
Euoexk, Or March 7. Sheriff Noland
and Corwtable Kissinger arrived from Fall
Creek last evening with Charles, Clarence
and Jesn Mellne and John Parker, who
were engaged in the fight at Fall Creek
bridgo Saturday night. Ed Griffin and
Jamea Holce were aeverly injured, the
farmer receiving eleven knife wounds, and
they are in the justice' ofliee at Fall Creek ,
which will serve a a hospital until they
can be moved. While their wound are
serious, yet they are not neeetwarily fatal.
The four prisoners waved examination, and
will appear before tlie grand jury. The
trouble a rone between bd Griffin and
their enee Mclleo, who wore fighting with
Kmve and pintoi, when the other
pitched in and made a general fight.
Democrat Triumph.
I'oktxand, Maine March 7. The eloc
tion here was a great triumph for the dem
ocrats, they grined control of the city gov
ernment by electing a majority of tho city
council and a mayor. The following are
the return of the majority content: Ingram
(detn) .'MW; True (rep) 8125; Peering (pro)
103, The common council is now composed
of nine republican and nine democrats,
with no choice on throe cotmcilmen. Thi
gives the democrats 15 out of 28 votes and
practically turn out all tho city officers. The
city it turned upside down tonight.
A Hnrrleaae la Fortagnl.
Lisbon, March 7.- A hnrricane which
passed over Portugal sea district did much
damage to property and harbor works here.
Six persons were struck by thing debris
and killed, and a number of other- more or
leas injured. The river Tagus hat already
overflowed ita banks, continues to rise rapid
ly and threatens considerable damage.
Htarvlns la Wasolntn
Seattle, Marsh 6. George Beala, a
rancher who lives twelve miles north of
Snohomkh, was brought to Providence hos
pital tonight ia an exhaiwted condition for
want of food, caused by his being prostrated
in his cabin by an attack of rheumatism
which rendered him helpless, Tliat he was
found in time to gave his life, was mere
chance. Beala lives alone in a cabin !i50
feet from the track of tho Seattle, Lake
Shore & Eastern railway.
T!t Hullt
PoiiTtAXtJ, March 0, It is currently re
ported that the Astoria people have conclud
ed a contract with Mr Sr-holleld to Imild
them a rtulroim np through thn ebnletu
valley to contuK'tioii with 'some overhind
road. No 011H nppnsrs to know who Mr
rlchoS'Md represents, but it is hiiibtd he is
not contieeted with any of the present over
land roiwls, l no tchntnn to orpan w a iomt
sis'k eomtiany to lake the land offered by
citizen of Astoria as a subsitly, and tmv
thn Ixtntis of KMMM demanded bv Mr
Scholiuld, hat, it is retMirtetl, lxwm mum-
M II I .... tl ! . t .. I 11 ... .1 -
luuy enrrutu uuv. ifc 1 injiii'veii nun, me
roan Is ajisureil on the present layout, and
altlimifrh the pnHtrs are not signed, seiilil
ami tlclivereil tut yet. it is cotiinernd lis
certain that they will be. Ho the citizen
may lie congratulated on their proMM-ts
for securing a ruilroad, or two, probulilv,
fur it hiuj always been mid m mm a one
road wa built then some one would build
A fulling Affray.
Ei cinsE, Or March 6, A cutting alTray
in which three or four ieron were more or
li-ss injured, took place last evtming on Fall
Creek, almut twenty mile etwt of Kugeiie,
Two brothers mimed Jrillin have been liv
ing on a ttlaim owned by Walker Young.
They hud Ixmn clearing tin tlto place, arxl
litwl etignged one of tho Mclkfl Ixrys to do
someshuihing. Mellon was to work by the
month. After working three days Mclbw
gaveup Uie job ami claimed pay fur the
same. ThU was refused Wy the Uriflin boys,
they holding that he should work tho month
out, or receive no pay whatever. ThU anger
ed MeUee and with two of his brother he
met the Untlin brothers lust evening. Home
lively word passed betweim them, and tli7
finally came to the use of knives, all. five
being erigtiuvnl. Bquire Kane wo called
and skirted for the sheriff ami a docbrr. Hi
statement vat tliat at lent tbreo were
woundel, one probnbly fatally.
A Vmm Aeeldeal
Tins UAMjca, Or March 6. A Groat,
head milter In Uie Diamond flouring mills
of tbi city, and who ha a brother with
William Grout, of Purttiind, met with a
painful aeeiuout uxuiy, while hunting near
Hiiipe's Lake. In elttubing tbe rock, he
ned bis gun to aid his proire, and in so
doing caught the liauuuer in such a fashum
a to discharire the gttn. 'Hie entiro lftul
ltawung througti hi right immi. ie wat
driven to The iHUlo and bad hit band am
putated a few inches almve the writd. At
iat account be was resting easily.
C0tHTV i'MIKr rU0tt.Ktit.
iD. R. W. BlwtbtuTt. JimIm : B, W. and
wm, umuU(n, vuiusnsw.
A P Blackburn wat reappointed euper-
vlaor of dlttr'ct 27,
W M J-ane realitned at supervisor of
district so, ana Marion Hixer a ap
it A eoramervllle rcsticnea at uner
visor o! district 4.1, and ingelo M hary
wat appointed.
u u bwan at aptMitnUM road tuner
Vlaor at Crawiordsviiie.
John Miller wot appointed supervisor
Of district 1.
W A Fruit, bounty .........I 01
1 K Com tit, tawing wood tW
I R N Blackbnrn ... .107 00
O PCoshow Sr. aid Hall family.. 10 00
U Cbooley, aid Mrt Clark 0 00
Maek lawyer, aid Henderson 10 W
Ladiea aid eoclety, aid Long cbll- ,
dren 20 00
J M Flaugher, aid W Cox 10 00
P U Wallace, aid Mr Kill 10 00
(i F Craw ford, aid M ra Robert. . . S 00
Veter Powell, aid Ombome family. 10 00
B While, aid Matilda kenworthy
eto ,
Frank Harnett, aid G F Junky...
Hiram P. kef, aid Mr Galloway..
G W himpson, ld poor
A P P.tackbarn, top ditt 21
Tho Levis, bounty
TJ Stile, ex teacher ..
Cha li Hart, ex teschcr........
GKBnsM-ll,ex teacher...
C W Cibb, printing, ttatlonary..
10 00
11 00
3 00
4 40
24 00
1 00
1K 00
2" CO
30 CU
27 00
ij t Masituii, ex insane...,.
6 00
1 P W allaee, ex insane.
S 00
ft W
r l ajne, rx insane. ...........
Frank (iear, vnugar bounty
Albany K L Co
Frank Duncan, wild cat bounty. .
Ktitett fc Nutting, advertising.....
ohn Ubtr, Janitor feet..........
WJohnoon, bounty
6 W
27 00
1 to
31 00
10 00
7 00
Bad Blood.
Impure or vlt'ated btovl Is nin
tins ott ot tu cui 1 .&,
farm ef tonstUun or larSlfet
tton t' il.rt up Ht sysura,
w'.sn tbs LW1 istais'Jy t9
est lu rrivtfil lth iheef
fvurtawr. Its? nli:5'sfrilli
itcn,t t- !.! th', rud;tlua
tr tiUcitsut tbs lttxl v.f h- ts
dnsss wlarrsl otaS." Tbs Ht.TJt tl-,r :rj I
old at, 1 n'-ij.t' J:;' 'l-Tai; 4-;!: It
M'HKto. H fts t.i I rr s-t 1 f !' tr. uA it
anwj. t'i Iier, k ' -4 tU ta tasiaiUt
ful ai'i;ii, .4 lu ti. r ii-!-- f.. ut
tit tr4it-i.l s m n-.i li'ir tarrivd
tis its u.'a! rUai-ls
Try It d4 uuU t-jt (Srabtfa!
H't.oit. lias. si irsi)ij'ji
Tatra .ei Uaritst m-t-, v,
amies, s us-k rt lYr ih.i .J
tiUs4 sad wa leotiiint cr :
. r. urh
tit bet n easni' ; its i
lis, fnr t (iil I: i;i-if us
IntaeUatit. Itittv si.'.. i-t::t
tl and travd ut? ,irv;H r:t;
snt os-eryttilos Is lu-w wo-s i !g full r.a,l t lyillaf.
JIj'q Vegetable
Ul u Sareaparilla
q For tht mlllltnt f tinsumtri tf Q
It kt Hr, TOSS lsnsf isst.
nounca that k ft bw fassinj sip a, v
Owlitoh lsf tUmifli salt ste r
yet rataistlsttl u !Varsra W
jisraftr svsw. siisibbss purtr
A astal!. sstlscifassM mill
1 (Mil miUMk
! Mll Imam, asms sna e( -
U sha 1st tKr4-r Kiss '.
5? OGS. Pure bred 8 O
Prown Leg
Addrres. W
Vj born egga tl per 13.
VV Ci a ford, Tallmn, Oregon.
RENT. Vew fwalllnf. five
rooint. bard flitah. eastern nart of
the elty. Inquire of Ed R M Carter. .
8K. 8TEKLK CO., Albany, Ortgon
iiOau teener on mod real eslat
security In -1.1 an and atljaiuiag eountloa
tnt out-fturth Jersey 00 wa lor aata
Alo Itnperted Kar y Hun.ise potatoet
Prios, 75vnta pv bushel, CaJi c n me
3 mlim taet of Albany, F C How maw.
il? ANTED. A girl to do aeneral
T T ' Itousework In a ttnalt family. ln
quirt at tti'a office.
PLAIN SEWING. The unasrslgusd
wiil take in plain sewing whluh will Ihi
don la f rt-o!as order and on reasonabl
Wms. Lsava order at residenoe of Thos
Jo aes, n 7th street, bstwesn Broadslbln
and lerry ttitet. -. Wist WarrtBlAD,
?OR SAL t House and eorner lot la
. U'" Sd add. 750, Apply to I VV Davis
WT ANTED, 20 ahtrea"' Albany Build
T v mg and i.tan Ast elation atnrk
first aerie
Inquire of Jay W Ilia hi
.A.n 1 JJurvoyor,
Aur.:iYm- - - - -or
Ctlobratad BOOMER and
Vre Wheel J)rilla.
AtMlTOIIELT I13VV1B fc BTAVJGJH CO., Albany, Oregon.
tU Cireuil Court of lut titaU oj Orrcon
for tk County 0 Linn.
K CARTER, Plaintiff"
F A RUItKlf aKT. Defendant.
by virtue of an elocution insuwl out
ol tha above named court. In tue above
tntltlmt otlon, to u. dlrrv-twd ami dtllv.
end, 1 did on ll S'J.b dy of January, tl.e milt or th ttwve nmn i plain
tiff, levy on and att li all the rlht, tit
and interest ci thn above ntmtxj in
ant In ami lolbor-l iir;Mirty rereln
afttr daaCilUed. an 1 will on
Ratarstaf, the lI day mt Harrk, lM.
at the Court House d -r, in toe elty of
Ailranv. Linn eounty .Oraon,t the nour
o' 1 o'oloelc p tu ot tald day,Mli at puOlie
turaionior eM 10 nann wins i.ihm(
hitldor, aald rcl property descritwi
fit low, tow If 11-tlnrnnir at Hie NW
ornr of block iri.llarikleuiao'aZud addb
Mon to Mbny,llnn county .Oregon;! bee e
esnUtrly and paraUwl with tbe south
boundary line ot al I block 6 fM;
tbniiet aoolbarly and paraHr.1 with the
t boundary lint of aald block ll 'will
1 h once westerly parallel with ihe north
boundary liner f ld bloe.k to fret, tn nee
nnrtharty on the wt bouoriary ll-eof
al'l block to the place of glnnlng.
Also the N 14 of tht lootijo In I Calm
of C P Rurknart and wife, Notification
0!5, In p 11, H R S W, vt tht V. lliamotte
Meridian, in I.lo.l eountv. Ortsron.
'lut 1 rocked arlaicg from the sale .f
said real property to be ptM, flnst, to
tbs payment jf the cot ofanlupoa tbl
writ, and tl ordinal &im amouutlng to
ih itim of $2K second,to tbe paytuont
of nlaltittlPa ctatm amounting to tht um
ot 111 s.1'1, and third, that the overplua, if
an r thtrt b remaining a'ter tbe payment
of the turns above, to bt p'd into the
aUivt entll ed e nri to abide tbe further
order ol eid court.
Duted tbl 3rd day of Jnury , 1802.
Shet iff of Linn eounty, Oregon-
St Jt 5 i kS'A i lss-Tss
S, fcsk f o sil .ss .arw' rru.
lMl4ts 1 iss S 41I.,SI. SM S tar, SS
nifmily. sussss tsSults. I4sr'4
4hsr. mmsi. trsji trt. r
lOO.OiHS sui.l, twos ,nT hlrtv WujsTrlot,
Hssssswssr'Hssts.' UsssawU. HxnintM i
tm t-4 nt t r mi r-l f. T R E E
Oor.'t fail to i.snign ICCtJ C ViaTF.
turn r!jcr tiuriita, aPCJ 1 0 irKai wsl
the P.ooa M3ia Scat Co.. r -tiiso. 111.
BEMT n mm wostt.
JjrrsHrrollUrsjiMTOrtisl. I'VctM?
iiiUiu!jr two ff ri's; . ro
i(K.ot t,y bsot mt titl ' r II u . ta t Jt E.
Ton BAttt FTHgal-KTW flfrttUT, yfy
W tl e Z'. Z C ES1S.:S'E'3
k rite cjci.i.r.tiATCD . . . .
ccvimi St.
Tit "
S't P.T?1
nt)ct!jtf!. ;
fS ftfr. rs',
If ri"
U S-'-Xl h'i
B3 2'
t i. v. :sro::. i.j.:.; x t.-
HasI ttoek f 2nd sood in Ih
V!ly. ari.t th most ranablt priee
I hv- on baud alt kind of
T0.. ETC."
(tr.a e r eit tf S B YotnV eld atort.
Eea! Estata Agonts
arm and Ranches for salt.
Also oily brosnrty in Alhan
and CortsllU.
, tw,aiAi a asvAiti-
Droggistaand Booksellers
Autti i tut John B. Abif u'a publloatlontk
UlrbwetMItt pntisbiw't j!s wlti
UBaNY, . . - . OREGCS
Tltted on araiiaan etyle. Tablet
supplied wi the beet lu tht market
Nlet aloipi na atirtotenu, Pimrla nom
. oomnifirutal travelers.
this summer ? If to, call on Van Wilson,
at Stewart & Sox's, and see a New Mall,
which slways gives satisfaction.
. Albany Slein Dyi Work!. U
Clothjttg CkaneJ, Colored and Repaired.
Ladles shawls and Dress Goods a
specialty. -
Faded clothing restored to its orlgina
color, to look like new.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Me a Call.
Work called for and delivered.
Oppositt Parrish's Ililck.
rs i l
l , sj-vi sjsx
it 1 an. t!
tu .iVU -.
In .
fe,M tj J, A,
rtun-it 01: ly
SITERIOS. positivo force feel
A ;r
, ... li ;-'v"-
' :,iif-.. V,:.i
i , - v i..;: y .r
-' ' 7 VTA '
iu.l $
: 'i.i h -
At the Cirruit Court of tie State aj Ortgon for
Linn County,
JOH HAvVKIN-l. Plaintirr,
PETKK H BEAR, Defendant,
To Piter II 15r, the above narcff l de
Or-gon yon are hrty rr-qairtn) to
ait)r and answer tbe complaint f tbe
.iiititr file-1 in ti a'oove enttt'.nd einrt,
with (lift u eric of ,il l omrt, by tht firt
day "f tho neat rrrgular tor s or the above
entitled court. frwIU utt the Hill ddVOf
Mateti, and you are hereby notlfid
'hat if you foil to appear and answer staid
complaint, tlte plaintiff wid take judg
ment attaint you frr theauni cl tl.tO,
with IntareM thereon at the raw of ten (10)
rr cent pet nnum, from the Via day or
April. ihi. and for tbe run ber amor
110 wl.b Intereatt hereon at the rate of ten
(l) rroerK r annum f rom Sfcpu It.
IKtti, and for tbe eontt and dUburaementa
of tbl action to be taxed; and also take
an order and d-ere of aald court, to atll
tbe following aecribeu tanl towns ail
yonr, dafendant'a ria-bt, title and InUrest
n tlte donation land claim of uwen liear.
Hing noiifieation No 2240 and claim No
41. in townnhlp 12, Month Kns 4 Weal
ndclairu No 48. In town whip 12, Souih
Kange 4 Vet. in Linn eounty, Oregon,
couusinlng 044 & terea, let 41 acre
brret(.rur aoin to various panic leaving
003.50 cri. Wbkb aald land was duty
icvlttd U'xrn l v writ of attacb rnnt dul v
tokuwl out of tbe abve n- rued eourt. In
ihe above entitle! aetionon tbe U;h of
ptuitMT, 1H91. fjriba purpoMt of a
curlng any Judirtnent that plaintiff tnlgbt
revver in itie ooveenut.ea eau.
This mm ;non ia nerved by publication
In tht tik Rkjht DKMrcaai b- ordr
of the llorrrbl It P BottSftJudgM (fine
above ei.tltld Conn, made at Chamber
ti the 10tb dy of Ji naary, 1S91
Attoroe) for Piisitlff.
I najr ounewn shsA ikm rs4ftiist Iss ta)
sjipolMss miminmntttr, srita voc wui anrwaw, e
Urn ssSaU ilulssn Jubria, dnrssssil. AU psmua
hsvlrtf slslms srsinst si4 sststs ar rcqruivd t
trrssscl then rtulr rtftd so ths tuxtenrlfftUMl slih
si. rwnoUts Irooi this del at A'banjr, looa sou a
Tbi lb VJ 1st uf Jsjnssrr. imn.
srlta lbs will aoaslf It Johns, dse'd.
11 rlsrstirnod wlminsssr.tnr rt lbs cstaM tr G w
s rsHt Oorrsd.hs tlsd bis Anal teounnt fur -
Ucunit al si I and stnruiar vt lit suatiar al asid
suil thsA ttw CuntT rvrt A lbs lts ol
Orrcon U Una county lu tsrxt AprU ftsh, tti,
1 lie hour at Mo ctui-lc an vt asidrUy, tir h.rtrHt
tjrUau If snjr So smid senmst ud IbT svUilnf
4 ssidasiManf satd rrsveasnl.
This lb tail day of sUrcfe, 1M
J K WtATttssraa, Adwiaisussur.
Alt; fur Asmln.
il dersiirned, ba bwn appointed admjnisttaualor
tl MtsU ot Chv Is iuldats.deowsrL. AU persri
hiring rlstms acsltut sl dsvrssssxl ar rvquirsrt to
prrswit then pro)rlr vertAcd. to lb nndersliru I at
Albuir, Linn count r, Orn-oo, viiiiio si mxtitbs
rrtir litis osm.
Lll lb 22th dT ol rsbrnstr, lyt
O p ?, AdmtnUl.rstnr
AHy tor A.tnir.
J Ln Cjua ai d W P Pltcbford. tUlrg luslt-tss In froSo, 1 itrn
ccccty, OrfSGi,,uudertbtUtn naoit ana
style of Cjiiia A Puebford, Lave duly
made an assist nurt i f all tbe tuoperty,
r al aoi pern nal. to tht cndersigutrd fur
tht benefit of their er-dltora. All paranct
havlnt; o'alir.t sgslnt tbe tatd firm are
fctrtby doiind and rt quired to present
(bt a m under oath to tbe undersigned,
at tht office cf J K Weatharford. n tht
eity of Albany, Linn n r.uty. Oregon,
wltbl d tn rtt nionibt from LLc s.i.t hereof.
Dated tt srd. 1KV2.
j.n rsusRT,
. Atsnratt
SOTICE la hereby arlven that tht
tnnual matttnv of tbt stockholder of
tht Albany BuUdln Asool alien will bt
bald at tbt office or W O Twttdale, on
Fts-ry Slrosv , tn Albany, on Monday,
March Slat, l S3., at ,; p m.for tbetlto
tloii of dlri.i, and auon otbar bu sluts
at may coma before tHt rctttinj.
Dated rb 13ih, 18t3.
1? O TVTEEDALI, Stortsary.
there will be a meeting of the -stockholder
r tht Odd Fellowt Hall Bnli-liug
Association beldst thelrofSot in Albany.
Ortcrn n Monday, tht 14th day of
M a.-ch, 1S02. at tbe hour ot T o'clock p ra
of said day, fr-slit purport of elect) eg
seven director to rerva for tbe ensuing
year and for thy trtutaotloa of any other
business that may 00 me before aald
litis tht !6th day of January, 1192.
B A PaaKan. : Preaiisnt.
secretary '
underalgoed sss been duly appolntsd by ths
unty court for I inn eounty, Oregon, administrator
f tbs etuvtof Wra A Dasls, decrased, Ists of Una
ounty, Urrgon. All psisont hairing claims aftsiost
tatd oetato art Hereby not'flsd to presont them prop
rly verified to tho uadsrained at bis mideno st
Murth Ssleut, Marion seaatjr, Oregon, within stl
Btonliis from this date. ' And all psrsons indsbted ts
ssid slate are hereby notified to pay ths same I
tliei'mterairttrd Unmdtate!y,
Dated Kebrusrv ith, ItsH.
Tilmo Ford, Admlnistntor of said eetnte.
W at Kaisbm,
Attve for Admiiiistrstor.
JM( deratfmed hsa thts day been apjiointed admin
irator of iheeeutleof leter Welt, deceased, by ths
jeunty court of L no county, Oregon, and that I bar
led inv bond ss required by law and sin now duly
lusliried to aot as auh administrator. All Dersons
ssvms; elsims siust said estate ar hereby ro-
S5ureu sun iiiuuieu m fresoos uie same to ste at the
Vfice ot W K Bityeu, in Altiany Linuooonty, Oregm,
rrith tbs projw vouobers, within six mouths from
ine ante nereor.
Dated at Albany, this 49th day ot January, 1903.
WRBllyeu, Adrainitrtor.
, Atty ror A.iinmiraar
1 the annual mentiog of th stockholders
of '"Tho Wiliamotta Heal Estate Company,"
el Altituy, Ursgon. will be held on Thurs
day, March 50th, 1882; at th boor of 4
o'clock lo th aftarrjooa of said day, at tha
otnoe cl tjeo W TV right, itt Albany, Ureoo.
for the purpose of electing tfficors and di
rectors c tairt oompanv for tbe term of one
year net enauin from said metia, and to
Iraue&ct suuh other busmese as may properly
oome Infiirs sai.l meting.
Duted pliiur,ry 2;;-,h, 1802.
a. iiacrli:max.
Drills and Soaclars, iU
H - :Vy -
rental attention !'
da of tnaAol new
o mlrlna ttt
fawns Slide on Short 3otlot
FGimiiLLEO a fRViflQ
"J If j.k- . A . t
Arterial Kmbaluiing done cslenllflcaily
Albaoy, Oreftrra.
7 s-k.
Vhile trying to Crowd tbeii
store, where ty tlwitt have on hand
h Urcest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest Improved RI3s and Sii'.-t
3una; an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; "tents,
Mamrnoclts, Camp Chair and thousands
f ether things tto numerous to mention
Repair" Sliop
i connection with tht Store, and one ol
tie Best workman In tht Stat to
nd alt kinds of wor
Come one Coma Ko roubl
new goods. "Small print and
W is ou. jiotto.
J. A. Cammipg,
irvtsraiy Ir'nintts, Oils
Gla is ii, Etc.,
Ccpoalt St Cutrlea Hotel.
Ped clothing and lact cartalca well
atttudod to
f latch work a tpeeiaUy.
Prat eh effitt at Moses,' barber shop,
I CrBre-ndltln and FlratStf
Cttaned rraita,
Dried Fi-niit,
Caitns iiftt
- In feet esrytb,g that ts kept tn a tn-r
variesy and tsoeery store, l!jfuel
Dwiet priee paid for
Da E C Wssr's Ktasa ss Basnr Triitiismt,
fusra tteed specillc for Hsteris, Dizxiuess, Con
sulsio . Fits.NsrTous Neuralgia.Headache.N'eisous .
lrost! ation caused by the use of alcohol or tobseoa, :
Wks ulness, Meats Depression, Softening ot the
Brs'3 resulting in insanity and lesdtnf to misery,
dt&ay an 1 death. Premature Old Aire Burennesa,
Loss t f Power in either x, Iuolatry Loeses and
Spermatorrhoea oft used by over-exertios of the
brwn, tslf abuse or over-indu'g-enc. Eaeh bo .
contains one mentbs treatmeut. Si. 00 a box, or six
boxes for 5, sent by mail prepaid en receipt of pnoe.
To einsany esse. With eseh order recelred h us
for ait Inxea, accempsoied with Si 00, wewilleend
th p irehaser our written itu&raatoe to refund the
moiiej If the treatment does not sffl set a cure. Guar-"
anteer Issued only by
J A naitutug. tJrassb.t, Role Agf nt,
Altiauf, ttregoa.
loan, in eumsto si.ilt.ou A!
rap::al t
I & r au
laiiti Kiunv r-f i e" or c
r v
do--" 1
j . "j Al
. .1 A-' " IS V
f i ri i-"-.C' r
li :