n o :, -: The New York "World," ; An Advertisement in - ' !"TJie -:- ficmocvat," ;"The -V. Democrat,": at- B ftr Ml $2.80. :0 o.... o VOL XXVII. Eatrred at ik r rare at albaar. Or., SeeaaitM'lasa Hall Matter' ALBANY, ORLC.ON, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 181)2. STITCH at XlTTIKti, rabllsber aa4 froprletsrsi o 3' 7 fill ' 7 & 'fDll A ft fir ' ' omnopn rvif( pntiitoTf iS)pt,pwja r. 'AUil Wj aO &3SV3SIQ Irani t int i r" ni-.ai . lUJUPao, m uj Aky o-J-;., .... j3;lhl T VStaXiy-t . ,m ! Vtt Vu t'JOrnatl Ilia n e;a j si': twnis tjai ttuwM a), tuomnni.j 'iw!'i' ial:i -j,- 15' ml sasvssia aixxv o c v a-sr h ao j "XEO -1 v CLEARANCE SALE LA.11GK NUMBER OF REMNANTS havo bten left over in our various Departments, and wo will loso the 6amo out at coniiderablo loa than onRt. lhfjj consist of Dress Goedj, "Woolen Hosierj, in Infanti, M11103 and Ladies, Embroideries, Velvets, Plushes, Satins, Silks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwear, Et. These Goods are arranged on our Bargain Countermand an examination of the same will b of interest to buyers wfce hare an eye to a geod bargain. In additien to the above wo will havo a general clear ance sale of all other lines in stock, and we will give 10 per ent dicount on all canh sales until March lst,on our entire stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladies and Children choes, Hosiery Woolen Underwear, ete. ON THE SECOND FLOOR we cany a complete line of Men's, Boy's and Childrcnn clothing, Furnishing Good, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ete., on which wo have made the fo'lowing reductions: MEN'S SUITS Worth, : $ C.50 for $ 4.50 7.50 5.50 8.00 6 50 . 10.00 8.00 12.50 9.50 15.00 11.00 20.00 15.00- Worth, it YOUTH'S SUITS $ 5.00 for $ 3.15 COO 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 4.00 5.00 7.50 9.00 10.00 A SPECIAL OFFER 3 A- Boy's Wagon, Worth $2, To be given away with each and every Boy's Suit, with short pants,whish we sell before March 1st. TAKE NOTICE that theso offers are good only until March let, as we positively withdraw this proposition at that date. Gh W. Simpson. Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JUIjZUI OB ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbucklo'a Coffee, Per Pound 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs Extra O Sugar White , No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon Cans refilled, S gallons i Gallons Good Pickles 20 lbs. No. Baron Soap 25e. .$1.00 . 1.00 . .25 . 1.00 . .00 .. .00 Wbolaaala prtcaof aogr-10Q Ibaaitra C, 14.76; 100 ! g;nu!al4, tS.7 I will eooduat alrlotaaah atora, ua l all g'Kfcla wilt ) '1 ttr nat trvn Id o 7 par aaiil laaa ITiaa rag a-ar print. K Mk or LUmtairt, (yocy goo; 11 Itk datlrabla tylaa of d)abaa, aa wail ganaral artrnnt of graaaiTM, fry, lauiptaai irnnt i eomplala. I mka a apllly or n i Vn, bking powuar, aoo aiwaja ia mj euatomer, Igaoi far ral raapctnalbla Inaaraona oopan?a. da, pi. oroai- PATR0HIZE KCM iHSTITUTICNS. THE FARMERS & MWNTS fNSURANCE CO., Albasy, Oregon F READ, Prealdant J L COWAN, Treasurer. J O WRITHMAN. fteotaUry. Geo F 8IMP8ON, Vloa PranKlnot. - DI RECTO -AtftO CIHIP.ItT AOBNT FOE -- SeYeral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companie LOCAL. REOOltn. LkBAWN'- Dorn. to the wlfa of J F Stubbleficld, February 3J, a on. Joieph Stewart, hollvc tliort tance irom Lebanon, hat a prune orchard which will wlthla a few veart nat him an annu.l Income of Irom foo to $4000. We understand that Mr Pett hai all but deckled lo build hit flouring mill In Lebanon. A mill of the capacity which he contemplate building would be of In calculable benlnt t Lebanon and the sur rounding country. E E Sanders, who wat brouuht before Juitlce lllndman U' Saturday on a charge of aauh and battery committed on V J lurnttiiie. plead guilty and nnea and COttt. The truttee of Stantlam Academy held a meeting Saturday evening. It was do elded to lit up three roomt and employ three teacher the neat academical j ear. A A llttlj on of J C Arnet wat the vie tlmof a ad mUhan lt Saturday at the laughter houne. The I J wat twinging on a oeam aireciiy over ttie head 01 the butcher, who wat chopping meat with a cleaver, and accident ly thrutt hit foot Into the wav ot the falling Instrument, which tevered three toe from the foot and cut the other two almott oit.AJwrt, LiKtsTitB Notoriety EJ Huntley, the wdlknown clothing houte drummer, wno tome wet lit ago wa rubbed of hit dlamondt and gold watch, hat lecovered nit valuable property and again It happy at a lord. Everyone know Diamond Ed," at he It known, and when It wat learned that he had been held up by hlgh way men and robbed ol nit Jewel, he met itn general tympathy Iom a hoit of rlendt. Recently while In Portland, he wat approached by a gentleman, who toon made hit butlnca known and the reult wat that Hunlly gave up Slooo In tolld coin and In retorn received hit highly prlaed diamond and watch. Once mure he It able to ttrut about the atreeta with I 1 1 3,ooo In diamond dUplayed upon hit thlrt botom while the "go between," tafe froot arrex and proaecution. hat ttowed away the S1000 pld for the recovery of the tame Ex. Thlt aoundt rather loud. but may be true. Drummera hi know Huntley doubt If the diamond were worth $18,000 WottDERPt'L FKU'msa. The Oreaon City Conrier gete very philosophical oc caaionallv. Here la aome tlnurea that ititggers one : Common labor at the weet aide paper mill (12 houra on the night thift) command tl.7S per diem, or 143 per month. The board and waahlna of aaingleman iaatle&at $18 per month, which loavee him monthly a groaa anr plat of 127. At Amor. China. accordina to a conaular report, the wagee of an average Chinese workman it 15 per oionth. lloameoeta him 0 centa a day. orflJW a month. II hat 13.14 left. which will aupport him in idleneaa for fifty two and one-third daye at 4 centa r dtiv. The white laborer'a 27.nnleaa ie ha a ''baching outfit" and doea hi own cooking.will aupport him in idleneia luai aix weeae. 'itie Chineae coolie at Amoy ia therefore receiving better wagea at 5 a month than the American laborer at Oregon City at $45 a month. Think it Exckive. Some weekt ago Mi Grace Uaac, of Walla Walla, a granddaughter of Col Fullon.of Sherman county, ecumt a verdict of $11 aoo agalntt the Sout.rn Pacific Railway company for Iniurte auttalned at the lime of the lake LabUh d!ater. Mtt Ic waa to eeverelv Injured that for a time her life wa despaired of, and now, al though the accident o:curred over a year ago, the la atill a great aufferer and her entire recovery I not anticipated. ' The company I now teeking to secure a new trial on the ground tht the amount awarded the young lady waa escewlve. 1 ne trial took place beijre judge Ueady who now hat the motion for a new trial undet advisement. T M. PaoBATE Mamae. Matter of applka. tor of Morlta Wattrklrchen for change of name, April 5 et for hearing. Inventory filed In ettate of Chaa Raddata real property $3405 personal, S3 1 3. Prop erty ordered told. In evta'e of Geo Cleveland, tale of per- onal coufcrred. Arrll a aet for final hearing. In etteof Geo W Warmoth, Anal ac count filed and April 9 aet fur hearing. In e.at of Owen Rear, citation re lumed by thetlff. First temUannuat ac count file I. TriDonatiok EntkrT ainmknt. A large audience wai present last evening at the donation entertainment given ly heLfldtci' Aid Society for the benefit of the Orphan' Home and city hopM.il, There wa a liberal donation ot arilclet, provUi.nn, etc. from a po ato masher to mattretse, bed cpteadt, etc, all of which will come Into use at once, a Mr h!o.n hat already taken charge of thu home. The program wa opened by a well ren dered piano duct by MUtet Id Stuatt and Marguerite Hopkins. Mr Or Kel ey readathort addrrt showing what had been done toward building the home. About $4000 hat ietn raited and $0i more espended than fund In the tieat urer. The four children In the cia.em home will be brought here and placed in the Albany home, A vocal tolo lh guitar accompaniment wat rendered by Mr Cha Hart in a manner to delight the udlenca and he waa heartily encored. The Apollo club't vocal Mlectlon wat alto appreciated, resulting In an encore. A recitation by Arlene Train wat welt ten dered anddltrlared remarkable memory lorone to young. Air L.angion as heard In a vocal tolo. her rich, perfect voice aiwayt giving renewed pleasure to an Albany audience. A nearly encore resulted. Mr li J llopUn and daughter rendered a norn alto and piano duel, when Ion I K, Wcatherford delivered a ten minute address on the orphan's home movement. A tang by the Apollo club, fifteen voice, cluted the program, when well gotten up lunch followed and an hour of aoclaUll.ty waa engaged in. Extbavaoaht. Here if ano'her terri ble warning against ra'.ronining outaide inatitutlona when you can do much bet ter at home. The Oregon City Courier eaye: An ei pert mechanic of Oreiton City who haa examined the 3d ait of aVeel" voting booths ordered by the county court from. Harnard & Co., H Louia, and the 3U aet of "ateel" ballet boxa ordered by County Clerk Johneon from the tame tlrm, lava that the Ixtoth compoaml of the thinnest of aheet ron, and that he would be clad to make them at $0 for the double booth and f 4 forth tingle booth, and aa to the ballot boxes, they are nothing but tin, which he would like to duplicate at 15-75 per pair. The county turn for the booths (together tJMl. or tXn more than they could have been made for by our owe mechanic. The county pava for each aet of boxes 7 S, or 11.75 or a total of $03 more than they could have been made lor here. ToUl overpaid by county officials for booths and boxes HUG. Ore gon City mechanics were given no op portunity to bid for the work. The county court advertised for avalc.l bids for the making of wooden booths, but hen the bid were opened and IUn rwin, Barnard & Co. 'a man, came along rith his bogus steel contraption, he not the job. . Scto. Mr James E Durham, a abort and reoorter. intend to Institute a Ktenoa-raphie school in this city for the beneut of those whovdth to learn the art. G C Wilson last week moved from this city to Bheihurn, where he own some property. We understand he will teach their school this summer. Riley Rilyen is opening a barber shop on the south side in the building adjoin ing the Farmer Hotel, lie expects to b ready for business tomorrow. On Monday M C Gill and wife execu ted a deed of conveyance to Mrs (1 A I'ugger 01 their retuienco property on Main street. Mr Oil! has owned and lived upon this property for the past 25 years Press. 1 L Cowan, Geo F Blmpnon, W V Kend. D B Montelf h.M SUrpt.erg, J Vf Hual-fe JKVYeatJjBrtord, liS8trlisn,J O WrUaaian. , ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOStvl'U. Proprietor, WHOLESALE MID RETAIL Only White Labor Employ at?. R. R. Ik kbs. This morning President T R Sheridan, of the Coos Bay.Roseborg A Eastern Railroad Company, received the first installment ol bonds for his sig nature, may are 01 now denomina tions, and there are 123 of them.covenng the first five mile of the road. Mr Sheridan will sign and immediately snd them East for the signature of the President of th Loan and Trust compa ny. Bond for another five tnilea will be Issued at once. Review. Accioext at Bbowmsvillk. As Mr and Mrs A W Stanard were returning home from cnurcti Wednesday evenlnc In a cart th horse they were driving stumbled and I"', breaking both snstts and throw ing the occupant out. Mr Standard re' ccived tome severe bruise about the head and face would have received more hl it not been for hi still hat which protect ed him cme. Mr Stanard received 1 severe gash In the forehead but nothing of a serious nature, and under the circum stance they escaped very lucky. Time uase wall uad rne capital City take it defeat for a place in the N. W. league very much to hert, and Indeed It wa a shabby trick. A local paper though philosophical ayi: No, &iem will not have league ball tnls season. But I possible to organize a ttrong valley am- ature tesatie. -mhrirlnff Klm AtHanv. East Portland and Albina. There it al ready tome talk of thlt, and If the other cltlet organize good teams, Salem may be depended upon to do her part. BtvxHAL Suits. Among new suits brought in the Circuit Court are four against R Custer and wife, two being foreclosures of mortgages by M Stern - barg for $600, interest and costs; Chas Kiefi'r for $1000, ititereat and coats; an attachment by A 1J Mcllwain for about $1700 and costs, and a confession of judg ment to vv iteeu tor z ana costs. New Fibm. Hon J K Weatherford and Attorney General Geo K Chamberlain have formed a partnership for the prac tice of law. This will make one of the strongest firms in Oregon. Both gentle men re so well known for their ability j 1 . ; . .1... : . , 1: r uu juurgmy inns no loirouucuon necessary. FURNITURE AT COST At Thos. Brink's Old Stand. C11L AM) KECIEE lUm Wlill.E 1EEEE IS A CHtSCE f) TPsVn ' ' A II 1 't::s f . 4M I I 1 1 ! 1 IswZaal LZaal sLJ LtJ ss-hmiIIJ vet r.ioee and uoo Hi3 -3 cr; POUER 1 FPfl 1" : w ,1 vr m . 1 r Write fur our Kuw Jlluntrtitect Calnj -ruy lor laiil. 1 rrrrt tiTr i"!'rn . rvr ii t tr ?AT0D Both the method andresulta vbea 8jrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, diBpels colds, head' aches and fevers ondcnrci kbitual constipation permanently, Foreale in 0j and fl bottles by all drufrfclBta. : CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' SAN FRAHfilSnti tut 4ii rr.aaosAL Tlll'ttNDA Y the J II Wateis, of Browns)! le, wat In city today, ..,. Hon Jeff Mevet went to S1I9 thlt noon from bsiem. Hon J K Wcalherford Jtft this noon on a business trip to Attorla. Mr II .1 Hopkins went lo Salem today to put a sky light on a building there, Mr Race, father of Mr Earl Race, of (he St Charles, left .l.ls noon for hit former home In WUcunln. . Mr Geo PeVaney, one of Sclo.t prom inent merchant's, wat In the city yester. dty. Mr and Mrs Buall, who have been In th chy visiting theh ton, left for Portland thi noon and after visiting different part of the N. W will probably go east. They may locate somewhere In Oregon, Mr Hamilton, a young man who had charge of frank Si Meyci't boot and shoe department hi I'orlltnd lor several year, hat accepted a position In H E Young's store ami win nave charge ot the boot and thoe department. The district convention of the F.pwotth ia aiue convened in Kugenc th! alter noon. The following are In attendance from Albany; Rev S E Memhttfer. Mr J McChesney, Mlsset Maggie Ucite ndorf- er, Emma Couglll, Arta Huston, Maggie mamtirrt ana uiue Kiueouv Mr Jason Wheeler and ton Frank, re turned thlt morning from Htayton The foi mer returning thlt afternoon to that place, accompanied hy Dr J I Wallace, who will consult with Or Kitchen over Mrs Wheeler's case. It wat thouuht the could not llye more than a shoit time. esterdav a brother and sister of MUi Mtttle Anderson, who works at Mr L E Hlaln't, arrived in Albany from Denmark after a twenty-five day'a steady Journev. This make four of ti e family now (n Albany. Seven children and their father and mother remain In Denmark, but e rea their Intention also to come to the ami or ficedum, never filling: crop and good climate the iVIdamette Valley. Sprlngtr, chairman of the committee on ways snd means it dangerously III with erysipelas. It began In the jaw and fears tre tnteitafned by his phj tltlen that It I at gone to the brain, in which case death I nearly certain to entue. ' tf Iff 1, . . . .it ' j n. wfiftuierioru. ti aiuanv. win tirotj- ably I the nominee of the dumocratie tarty of this dittriti fsr wngroas that is if Mr weuuiorfwd will accitt it. McMinville It is probable that Mr Woollier-ford would aormit if the noimmttion were'tendored with substantial unanimity, DumocraU from all ports of the county talk in fuviir of the vive voce system o v(t in? ia making aotuiimtiotis in 'Lo ify conventiop. Tixre aovfna o to br. 01 e Opinion on the subjix;t. ThftVi right. I's have an ojm, fcur, a-pu t9, iwiwt conlet, and then all Uie party workers throughout the coanty will girt in and elect the ticket with the old time vim and !. S?f-! Jerry 8iiupaon, (he of sotkh-M fume) i a jolly, good fellow. We like him. He it much "tmarh'r" than msny men who have projfniwcd so fsur in tlio niix'Uxmth century a to wear socks. Breaking of tho prospocta of preVnUmtud candidahis as' botwoon the enst and west he says : If Columbus had diaoovrrml Ihn wnst first the east would iwver havo 4wcn cuivthinir to iqw k of. The m-t is not in it ail. Some say the east will be only a hunting and iilcoaure grwuml for wotti'rn peopl. AJlLfliril 10 MMOi-RATS. raiDAV is in mar- T M Mr Watt Monteith. of I'ortUnd. the city. License haa been Instirsl fur the rlage of J O M tinkers, a eon of Munkera, and Mary K (i rimes. Bherilf Scott lias returned from hi tax gathering trip around the county, com ing in yesterday with over $"is)0 collect ed in three days. About t'Jo.OOO haa been collected in alt. He went to fries till- tt(t..nnAH - ,t m . 1 . 1 euit on next Tueaday at this city. At firownsvuie tne sherttr had an overcoat stolen from his room in the hotel, the only serious affair on hie rounds. SArVKbAr Lt evenlnc the Vineyard La bo re ra of the I'aptlst church gave a social at the residence of Mrs Montgomery. hlch was very entertaining auair. Mrs llaltle Winters departed Monday fur Albany where she will remain a month ard then j Ma Mr Abbey's folk at Newport. Yaioina bay. Ashland Kfcora. An enloyable rectptioa was tendered the newly fleeted department ofneera of the U. A. K. at their hall last evening, I (several hours were passed lo a prod table 1 anu pteasant manner. Miss Rhoda Hail returned this noon Irom a few weeks soiourn in I'ortland. where she haa been receiving treatment tor iter eyes,wiiku are greatly improved, Capt I'arker, of Tacoma, cousins of May or Cowan, arrived in Albany last night quite a visit at the county seat, Harris burg courier. W A Camming. Oregon J'aciflc agent I rrubably no attempt at machine politics bus called forth such a large amount of edi tonal ability in opposition tc it as Uie midwinbar convention in New York. This is clearly the machine of David U Hill, and while one of the greattwt democratic hdirr the democratic people and the democratic newspapers of this country think more of the man win claims to represent them. We do not know of a democratic paper, great or small, that ha endorsed Uie late movement of Hill. 7VroM IU tlir. The Dalle CtromcJ publishes the state ment that the amount of wool imported ia- to the United States in im wa 1H.7W, 402 pounds and in 1J0 it wa 13,43.926 pound. Other paper have published the same. Die tact is that in round numljcr tivm were imported in lf9l 139.000,000 anJ in 1800 106,000,000 pouml. It's a Vad t bowing, however, for the promises made to the wool ffrower were that hohould be protected by keeping fotwign wool out, and thtis ecruritiga Mtir price for his wool The revetae has been true. There has been a lurge i nor ease in importations ami a much lower pri, The acting secretary of the treasury has sent to the bouae in reply to a resolution, a statement of all drawbacks paid by the gov ernment on tin plain, and salt used for curing &ah and salt Imported and used by eiporttfrsof meats. The" atatemeut shows that f 1,711,001 lu drawbacks were allowed on tin cans, etc, manufactured from imported tin plate ex ported from October 1, 1890, to December Riot Gold Mwts. Mr Teter Hume MUs Lockhard, of Missouri, and Mrs 31, WJl. The statement shows that Uie took a trip to the Myrtle Creek mines Capt I'arker, ol Tama, cousins of May- amount of drawback allowed on imported this week and comes back very much lor Cowan, arrived in Albany last night ..i, i . ,j.i pleased with what he saw there. "I on a visit, Mayor Cowan meeting them . , " TT ' , ,.7, (.ad no idea that there was any such gold in Portland. Octolr 1, 1890, to Deccmlwr St. 1891. was bearing ground In Oregon," said Mr Miss Anna Dumund, m ho has been 2.201- Tlia value of aalt withdrawn from Hume to a reporter of Tho Review, visiting Miss Uraca lslmm, left for ber warehouse for tl purpose of curing fish fir.SeTfSk&W xT iaMhn ! Katorday. Mlas which Uie duty was remitted is given as fully three-fourths of which It will pay lal.am accompanies her and will make tifioti'j! i ...Vitnn to work, and much of it ia phenomenally nit a vl.itat th nuim, t nrri and aggregated HS.UUj.WW rich. Mr Hume, Dr Browne, president burg Courier. I pounds, wt i hi tsu uiuni anu W A Commliw. Oreon Pacific aent I lliu means that when an exporter uses ST. Ta J rr; C?m.d Hut, CWiU.. can. in which to export article, which : jr.. i.i . ' : , i. racine ticket agent at Albany, will leave 1 tA nj n t,,;,. m,.rvi. 0,0 rs yieiueuimiy ti.po in goiu which tonhrht for Jai-knvill. Fli.. In tt.l . . . .. . . " SLUTSr' ,0 Pw"WMlon-- a .National Convention ol riilToad TagenU. b? ft ot V9 l They will be gone about five weeks. Mr Cert YanCleve.editor of the Toledo IW, and Mias Matilda Kiser, of l'bilo matb, daughter of a lienton county pioneer, came over on tht train to Cor vallis this forenoon, and were to be mar ried in that city this afternoon. Mr J A Gross and wife retnrned this morning from a several months soiourn In Southern California. Mr Gross, whose health was poor, comes back a different roan, having gained twenty pounds In weight, necessitating an en largement 01 an ot ins clothes, Tfcty are I'rrd t Organise fur tss Coat ing Campaign. ; Attorney -General George E Chamber lain, president of the state association of democratic club, hat Issued an addres to the democtary of Oregon, at fol owe 'The executive co mm It te ol the date association, recognizing the fact lht the coming campaign, state and na'lonal, will be one of the most Important In the history of the dernotf ilc party, and bc'lle vlrg that democratic success lil Insure the great e t number of our citizen, take thlt op portunity to uige on member of the party and all cltUcn who favor good govern inert, the sdvhaMilty of early perfect organization Into clubs throughout the entire Hate, a u believe that It It only thorough club organoMiton, supplemented by a jiidiclout dltlrlbutlon of lllera'ure embody Ing democratic pi Inclplet, together fth public speaking by men well posted on public affair, that we ctn obtain the victory anJ vindication by the people of our principle. 'For these r?aons thrf executive com- mlllee of ihe stale association urge on all demociau the ircltv of organization, and append hereto a for-n of constitution for clubs, Indorsed and recomepded by the national assoclatio-, but th' V only a uggettlon, and local club need n5t adopt 't unless It it tuHable fur their need, and It may be curtailed or enlarged to ult thtlr tecbtlty and wlthct. "Every democrat fn every precinct In this tttte should consider hlmse.f a com mil tee of one to form or help form dem ( ocratlc club. Let t.othlng interfere in thi workt It must be done to bring uc cess. It Is not necessary that the club membership be large st Its beginning; half a dozen of men are sufiiclenl for or-1 ganlzatlon, "Thlt association of democratic clubs, following the policy, of similar organiza tions, In other states, hat an entirely sep arate field from the state central commltte, Its chief object I to bring out the full democratic vote and create an army of worker to accomplish that purpose. We also recommend that upon the formation of a local club the secretary1 thereof a toon at practicable forward to the secretary of the state association the date of organization, the name of the club, the district embraced by It, the name of the officers and number of members en rotted, together with a request for any literature or information they desire, and they may be assured that their request will be complied with to the exact extent of the ability of the executive committee The executive committee feci that they have the right and privtlege of calling on person who ate democrats in principle, or who sre la favor of good government. to std snd atsltt them In the organisation of clubs and the enlistment of voters, and wHh your aid snd assistance, for without It we are hetplett, we promise you that after the returns for the next pretldcntla elections are received we can furnish ycu with such a record of triumph and success ss will meet with your fullest approbation PI B IX CSHtlKM. a Asilosi wfclea ha Beswlteal la th OSJeUI Ix termlaatle ef the Best Bahlag r an dee. The act of Congress authorizing the examination of tho baking powders ha resulted in a moat unprecedented com pliment to I lie lioyai r.aking rowder, The tests were made In the liovernment Laboratory at Washington, and the offl cial report 'shows that the Uoyal is so perlor to all others in leavening strength being over thirty per cent above the average. The report also shows the purity of the Koysl I'owdir and the wholeomenB of its ingredients. This is protably the blithest comnli ment of an official character ever paid to a proprietary article, though no more than the great army of baking powder consumer would expect to behalf ol their old friend and favorite. - The result of the official examination, as tl us determined, will, of coarse, make the "Royal ' the standard for Govern ment purchases. A d intra, Mi from Terra Haute lndsnvt: i The democratic primaries met tonight to eiocz ariew'.at 10 ttie slam convention ami wens in all ae the most exciting ever held in Terre Haute. The nuertion waa Cleve land or Gray, and it was a battle from start to finish. All ten ward of the city were contested by boUi aidna. and separate tickets were run. Four of Uie delegate elected are lor Cleveland and sn for Gray, but aeveral of the hitter will vote for Cleveland for newt rnoice. ot one ot tne delegate 1 for tl.il, and in the rourth ward primary Hill ' name mist witu such a ihownr of hi that it seemed unanimous. The fight in the First ward was. the center of aHnuition, where Editor W C Ball of the (,,tre was the Cleveland and 8amuel It Haroill the anti-Cleveland delegate. No othwr ime was injected, anil it wanasqnare up-and-down fight, Bail winning by nearly five to one. DuBois has been confirmed In hi clsim at United State senator from Idaho III eat wat claimed by Clagett' See W F Eaad'a line of dress 20c d ilka bafore bayieg elsswbera. a&f For bargains ta eannaniaoto, haaHatnost U.,sn to E W Aohisonft.Co.Alliuiy.Oregnsi The Voice wU lurd-li !lghlat Ini latin ths ShasSt or laryox at tmsa afftstjef i! - toss, Itilligitr, ot pwr. All Bom t tlsg sr tptak Is psCLa, uucltr tuaa atiu . lit, batomanal ouif htJulil but dae ut. and Should be ttt.ejt avotdsd eota vary rs41f-ni Js ris-l To eats a tpaaty euts Q atUst ai-llr, is auai Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Tb bMtof snodvi), tlilt prsparatlon rnp Wly sooth IrrlMityn, ltpgnt th Ul. nts organ of spssflj. Sfl rstinrs th vo'.oa to II tone and pow, Tfa Uiger or pub!! iAr Uoul(i.b witfiouflt. Lydia T bomp. "!). Ms tamoUs afrs, ssniflssi qrrr rtorJ ha ban of vary greet sar vise tn m. it throve aiifl ttrscptJiw Mi Vol, and Is aivayt allaetlv tut K eursf otds aud ooughj.'' "Cppa v(j otaaafcxi I bav snffja m f.d. Mtjiru nranaastt and tir lot of f,M. la Af profsMion of an ana. ""sser & aSatV,o if itia vote or throat. I a saftoo Brtasf., tot at tiuti attata. I by Baaa rtsrsd Jby a fsw doast of Ayr O'tnr rofx til rmdy, wttu orat mry mut, ka Wsrasa itieti a IVIaglcal Effect that I have suffer very lass. I bat ale tt4 If Ie twiisat resets, la soegts, eotCs. ." w. tL Quart. JCaiSton. auttraUa. fa B eortal l. rortaraouth, Ta I vae srottret rtm vr attaak ct tf 4i nuiBonia m pbytleiaos ihutd rensadle. and trt on year I waa not abi H evae artteniata a word. Sy tba aa rum of Ir. Iti I tri4 Ayar Cbarry r tatcA, aad te my tnrerUa and grat yj, la la Man on raonRj I sotild onvrt easily, fa a natural tons of vole. I eotutanad trefTora and hava baaoni tinea a wsil man. I bay oflao rsmmnnnjM th Faetoral. and kt aaver known it f fall." George SL Latn-snss, Valparaiso, lad. Ayer's Gfieny Pectoral, yaeraaxo t , Dill. C. AYES CO., liiil, Mass. Sola y an VngrUm. Tri 1 ; sts bottlas, ft. little tnconvtn- D tny family, with TUB Wl.tMMU laSUB. Itoseburg Iteview. BrrrsaTAKS It It Is rumored that $150,000 hs been offered by a syndicate I for the T O Co' tarda, and refused. At to the truth of the rumor we can not vouch, but we are satisfied, fioni actual esamlna- sn, that there are thousand upon thou. and of ton of the very best coal on the coast In the large tract of land owned by the company. There Is millions In it nd the cosl can be extrscted Irom Its "native heath" and placed upon the mar ket at small etpente. fost. Got Lost. The Sunday Welcome tayt: William Nelson, an unsophisticated gen tleman who wat Introduced to buy a lot In a west tide 'addition' went out to look it up on Monday afternoon. He got lost In the wood and did not nnd his way out until after midnight " There' a large amount of that kind of property In different part of Oregon and Wath'ngton. Hall Gams A ftVe innlngt game wa plaved on the college campu b:twecn the Ballot aln? and the Kushncll nine, which resulted In the victory ol the Da ! lota. Score 9 to J. RAAshb), catcher, R Weatherford, pitcher, of Ballot nine. J Steinberg, catcher, S Stewa.t, pitcher, of Bushneli nine. Ttfosa TAssiLt. At the request ot a number of reader we have learned that the tassel on the mortar board hat of the Albany College mean the following: mixed, faculty: black, seniors 1 orangr, iuniort I'reds lophomoretl purple, fresh- men. It i actually economy to drink Bech'a Tea. Being bo!uto'y pure, it is mocb troogor than tha artilloial teat, about one third leaa ot It. or er-oat twenty grsios. rs iutraautrsd per oao. Aa tliera are 7.0HO irraio to a oound. tner will b seen to b betweto thres and four hundred cup to the sound. At it it tint 60 cents por pound. tblt 1 at tne rata ot aooat on urtn 01 a cent per cup. For aale at Allan Br. W W Davia ia now in hart! ot th Dl- monleogreitaarent. Meal 25!centa. Ettern oysters fresh. Ever thing of the duty which waa paid on the tin when it was first imported. The Standard Ot Company uses ton and tons of tin cans in which to export oii to foreign countries and they got all the rebate. Now who doe the lair favor? Whv the Standard Oil sompasy and oilier rich exporters while the great mass of the common people who use tin without exporting it get no rebate. The McKintey bill was made for the rich at the expense of the poor. BILDKCS E4V The plasaaot flavor,gntla action Itid sooth log affect ot -SvroD of Kte. wh'o ia naad of a laxative, and if tb lathar or mother be ome or tlliotis, th most gratiiylog ra p's Its follow ltaa, bo that it is tha beat lamily remedy known and cvtry family anoBia nay a ootti. Look !!xaa a Moment. I have soms of the choicest residenco lot In Albany fcr sale, term so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of hla own by paying a email payme.it down and small montaly payment thereafter until alt ta nald for. ror further Information ca'l at the offlce. corner. nd and urcadalb'n ats.. opposite Dxmocbat oihce. DiGw Masto. iUaMEas, Saddles, Etc. Our ordei are plsced with eastern factories, and we purpose putting in the most complete stock o' goods ever shown In our line, In the upper valley. We buy direct from Irtt handt for cath;ao guarantee to com pete with I'ortland prices, ihe display horte standi In our door opposite the Klrtt National bank. O C McFarlakd. A 61101 IrxM. S K Young has lust re rtdi t? a1 s 1 rt ana avstlr t as t tiAm fss tiian vviim sa aui v givuaa wa rmuv o) ivt siivi a women and cuiiuren, including partica larly a fine line of school shoes Ths beet makes in the market can be found in his shoe department. - At M aad', tba jewaler, t a good pises to buy a tilled watca. STbea Baby wm ttca, w gave bar Caatoria. vVben aba wa a Child, aha aried f or Caatorta, When ah became Kiss, aha elung ta Caatorta. f Tien she bad Children, the gar thaw Caatorta. Moitbtto Lsa. I have meney ia sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and lien to a counties, at lowest current rates. N delay in furnishing the money. C t BtJBKBART, ' Bsal sstats agtnt, Albany, Oregon. Wrbkbto Git Them. When wanting an organ er piano call on Blackman at 1 1 lodge her you can select from a firt clan stock. The report of the ways and means com mtttoe to accompany the Springer wool bit have been prepared and will be presented to the houte tomorrow. The majority report waa prepared by Springer, and the minority by Burrows, of Michigao. The majority report says the McKinley bill pamed with enormous rate of duties. Many of them are prohibitory and all are unnecpssarily high. "1 here was no good reason, says the report, "for maintaining such high taxes upon articles so necessary to the health and comfort of the people. Twenty-five per cent was all the protection the wool manufacturers in ISO 7 askeu, but it socmg in the ca of woolen goods, as well as all others, the amount of protection required increatea from year to year, As the indus tries grow older and are better established more protection is demanded. The wool growers of l57 believed the imposition of high tariffs on wool would secure them con txol of the home market. The result proves how greatly they were mistaken, and how ineffectual the law haa been v ' produce a condition they desired. As 'fis effects J it has given shoddy on prices wool una sieauiiy-;uneu iroiu I8C7,when it was worth 62 cent per pound The Mckinley act increased the duty on wool an average of 1 cent per pound. The result has been a fall in prices of 2 to 3 cents per pound, irutead of a rbe. The result of twenty-five years of experiment has been a reduction of one-half in the number of sheep in the states east of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and a reduction of one half in the price of wool. Nor have the manufacturers of woolen goods been bene, fiiied by the imposition of high duties on wool and woolen goods. ' Notwithstanding the high protection accorded the manufac turers of woolen goods, the quality of such goods has deteriorated from year to year W. F. READ, Just reouived new and opine I for rl.ai! O'B Brawnell tb tollowmg Chow Chow, Goobtog Moluses, Pickles in vinegar, ' Salt Herring, -Salt white Ash, . Halt salmon. W Aohiton & Oo handle tba eelubratad Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. Thete walla can be furnithad at half the oott of any other and ara iaraap trior. THAT HACKING COUGH can b so quickly cured by Shilih' Car. We guar antee it. A luge stock of pruning shear and pruo inz hook, thefioeet niada, just reeaived at 8U art & Sex . Now It tha time to as them. With his iu hakarv Onnrad Mosar i ble to offer old and naw oustomars avery- tmng nntataat in Dakea good. May I bava tome of your groosry trade this month. If not, why oof. F E All'o. Tbs DoUtrts eorseta and Detsarta wait famish the basis of dreta reform tsndiog towards artistic and hygieoio drotting. They itcura oemfort, devaiopmeDt sod trace. Ladies, who wish to examine Delsarta goods, should addres ths aasnt who wili call with samples, Uke pim in measuring ted guarantee peifot fit. No trouble to show goods even though 00 order is tkn. Ad dsest Mrt A M. Tslt, box Albany, Or"?dn. Ajjent wanta j. SHILOH'8 COU43 and Conmmutioa Car is told by n on a gnartntae. It curs ontntnptton. CROUP, WHOOPING COUOn ad Brooohiiiclmnisdiataly ralitval by Bhloh'a Cur. . ... .. SHILOd'3 VITALIffS h. what voa nssd for C-ostinatioo, Los of A p pa tits, Diaziaea and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Priee 10 and T5 escs psr boit!. WILL TOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia aod Liver complisiat? ShiiohV italii-r is guarnnt'Kd to core you. Difference of opinion ealsts In both the Democratic and Republican parties upon the quettlon of the free coinage of tllver; but In the matter of tariff reform the dem ocrat party It In unit. That there ealtU a harmless lack of unanimity at to the best means of attacking the McKinley law In the present eongrett It Indicative ot the in tense concentration of the mind of the party upon the tubject. Some democratic leaders prefer to make the Ittue at Wash Ington br the meant of a complete tariff reform bill; others believe In assaulting the high protection act In detail; but all are tn unit In the determination t make the tariff reform the commanding ittue of the coming presidential campaign It would be fatal to the democratic pat ty to accept any other Ittue. The Billion Dollar Congress I an Ittue, a great ittue, and so Is opposition to all further attempt to fasten a force bill upon a tree people, ut above them all l the chief and wln- ngitsueof tariff reform. The party It pledged to It ; the people are waiting for It, It I the rallying cry among the far mere ot the West and Northwest; It I the tlogan of the laboring man In the Eatt and tn the South. In Iowa It hat already brought victory ; in Massachusetts it teem certain to bring It; In Kantat It cauaee trembling among the htgh-tarlff repub- Ican. Here tn the Industilal centre of the Eatt the wage-earners tee in it their only hope of relief. They have found and a till find the McKinley tariff a delusion and a burden. It promise them . more, work ; manufactories have been closed. It prom Ises better wages; wage have been re, duced. It promised to decrease the price ot necessaries of life; the prlcet have gone up Instead of down. It promised Amer lean tin from American ml net; none It made. It promises better woolen goodt; It promlied to raise the price of Ohio wool; It hat lowered It. It promised to end atriket; they have not decreased. It promised to "make better timet;" It hat made them worse. It prom ised to be a blessing; It hat become a bur den. And it Is the duty and aim and purpose of the democrat party to remove thlt In- Iqu'tous, cruel and unwarranted McKinley tyttem ot tantt taxation. "' t-i - it "The New York Sun" the Cincinnati r We want your trade and we feel confident we you money. W. F. READ. SAIban.y -- -x- Oregon Call and see what a stock of - Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, hosiery, We have to select from. Our stock is not onlv the largest p but the cheapest ever shown in Albany. can aare Enauirer. and the Atlanta Constitution are warm advocates of Senator David B Hill's nomination for the presidency. And it may be added that it is the un faltering support of such journals as these that cause acual democrats to distrust Hill as a tiresHtentiai candidate. Liar Ksbursr since the discovery of machinery for convert- (w va) Jvetvs. ing woolen rags into substitutes for wool. I It is true that the politicians of the dem The hiah protective tariff on wool has the I ocratic party of New York are largely for direct effect of limiting the demand for American wools, for the reason that under such tariffs neither domestic wools, nor manufactures of wool, can be exported and sold at a profit. Only that amount of do mestic wool will be purchased and consum ed which is required to mix with foreign wool to. produce the required quality of oods to supply the home market." IK COKCI1U8ION 'Itisnot unreasonable to assume the lower duties upon these articles would cause tome increase of importance, for a reduction of the duties would cheapen the price to consumers, thus largely increasing consump tion. An increased consumption would call for an increased home manufacture, as well as enlarged importations. 13y substi tuting economy for taxation we shall run no risk of causing a deficit ia the govern ment revenues, whiio lifting a grievous load of taxation from gome of the plain Hill. But the masses of the people there as elsewhere are in close touch with Cleveland, No public man intlie country fills so large a place in the hearts of the toiling masses at Cleveland' They like him for his can did, unflinching hontsty and personal and official integrity. 1- 11 4 a w ti "J.i for Infants and Children. Caatorta la so well adapted to children that I rtworamead It a superior to any prescription Vnown to me." IL A.. AacBza, II, p.. 111 So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. T. " Th use of 'Cantoria' is to nnlversal ami tut niorits so well known that it aroma a work o( supereromtion to endorse it. Few aea the iutelliRont tarailiea wlw do not keep Caatoria within easy reach." CxBLoa JLlItTTH, D.D.. New York CltT. Vita Pastor Bloominr late Rafartned Church. Caatorlm enrea Cotie, Const tjvitlon, SourSt Huoch, DiaiThcnt. Eructation, Kills orma, givos sleep, and M-yuiotc3 dl- postion, TVithuui injurious medication. For several yenrs I Imre recommended Tour Oetoria, and shall always continue te 00 ao as it has invariably produced beaeucia results." i Edwix F. Pabuxb, M. "Tbe Wlnthrop," tth Street and Tth Are., KewYorkCiti Tes CciTAna Comvutj, 7T Mukoat Etbset, Xkw Yobs. Dealer tn '. COFFEES, SPICES, aad a genera! ataortmsnt of Bubaariptlonagant foi all tha leading Nstvspsper j an.l Mag'Jne.v Term? cash. fUsur tti(r. ., Albany, 9 CHOICE TEAC. ' A number of republican papers are still talking about Hills "stealing". New York state. He aid nothing ot tne sort, He simply used his legitimate -jKiwors a provernor, which in that state - are greah than in any other in the union, to put the will of the people into effect The "Steal ing" has been on tho republican side, and has been carried on for twenty years past. Hill merely did his duty. Telegram. That's so, Senato? Hill declared just after Uie election last fall in New Tork that the democrats ekcted a majority of both branches of the legislature. The republi cans denied." Kill submitted his case to the courts. . The court-? PutuiruHl him. I "v ill iPi j '' in u i t ia VU fl:- v ti. .i ia a v u jl sar - ' t l'rn!Ios the FLGCP, Cores CONSTIPATION, IXDICI S TU T.IU lit !SS, LIVER C05IPLAOTS,SKK IHHLACRE, CGLte, I'Kit'LI, EllSKIN AFFECTIONS, &ni DISEASES AlillslNU from Mar:i:rnK stoaiACii. v . 2" ' C, nulne JIAMB VRG TEA is fui tip ft . YELLOW WL AI'PJ:i:.- v i: 1 .'; .' k'-7Hthi of EMJL FliESL. . ' f rrwrtOTOt & CO. Agemts, 8.m Fbancsi-o.