The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 04, 1892, Image 3

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fsjuors but llL'MORot'H. The Eugene
Guard gets ft lite following funny, but
true Incidents: ISaturdav evening,
shortly before dark, Levi "Levers left
Kujtene for hia home on the river road
thrve in lien below Eugene. After reach
inn the road at the Ulair ptaoo he took
the path on the inside of the fence a here
the talking was hotter. 1-evere had
pone but a abort distance after kavlng
the railroad when a man with a maak
atepped out-from the brush and present
inn a ahot Run told him to throw up hi
liandn, aa he wanted hie money, Levere
had fib on bin person, hut did not lose
ma presence ol mind, and replied that
lie could not get anv money from i
"noor old t. amo." ll !lin m
quested to yield his rhewinft tobacco,
which lie quickly did. then waa told to
go on. The same evening a Fre Metho
dist inin Inter was made to throw up hie
banda at the same place, and hi money
waa demanded. lie informed ttie la
breaker that be waa a minister and bad
none. The robber, from hia ncMons, an
amateur, did not doubt the won! of the
clergiral gentleman and replied: "Go
on. If you are a preacher you haven't
got any money."
Aso-riua Vaawox. YeeterJay we pub
lished an Item in reference to the suit
between W V lteck and J II Wa'cra at
Seattle sayina it wa partially in favor of
iwev ivmpairicK, wno just ranie
from Seattle, savs it waa In favor o the
Mill company lor about 12.100, and the
loiiowing is irom i lie Seattle Telegram,
which aa the Mill company are nearly all
Brownsville people, will lie of interest
here: The case of W W lWck against
the Ravenna milling cotnpany.eonlinued
from Wednesday, occupied nearly the
entire day in Judge Humes' court yester
day, it being late in the afternoon when
it went to the jury, who after a short re
tirement returned a verdict in favor of
the mill company. The action was to
recover money claimed against the mill
company on the allegation thai the capa
city of the mill erected did not come up
to stipulations on which subsidy was
promised. The cae baa been dragging
along for two year.
A Ucoo Thing. The Eugene Guard
aye: Mr Joseph Koch,the draughtsman,
ha commenced work on a new county
map, that will keep him busy (or the next
four orflva months. The map will be
about Jl feet long and iS feet wide. On
the map will be shown all the present
county and government surreys up to
late, ail the" streams wbh their tributaries,
the railroads and alt the county roads; all
the plttted towns and their additions b
streets and blocks. Also sll the different
trscts of land from to acres up, giving
names of owners snd acreage of their con
tents. This map, when fii.Uhed, will be
Mr Koch's own property, a-d the only
complete county map 'since 186J Mr
Koch will have the map photo lit! graph,
ed and then reduced to a site
for general use.
A SaaTTKBKo Young Ma. Mr Frank
Oaten, of Alsea, passed through Albany
today for the ci y hospital at Portland,
for care and treatment. About three
weeks ago be waa hunting, when, in
crossing over a log his gun was discharg
ed, a shot going in one eye another in a
cheek, but most of the load passing into
bis right bind shattering it frightfully.
Vr Rich of Yaquina, waa sent lor aad
started, but receive! word that voung
Uaten waa dead, and retnrned home,
and the young man has a Yaquina Ray
paper in bis possession with the an
nouncement of hie death, lie was not
dead, and after local attention Ir Rich
was secured and amputated the arm
above the wrist. The young man is
standing the ordeal bravely and will
probably come out all right, though be
look very pale and haggard now.
Bkijtkd Oct. Last Monday night R
L Kile, who has been selling organs and
sewing machines for Will & Link for a
couple years, purchased second-class
tickets for himself and wife and boarded
the overland for a famous
country. Will A Link yesterday learned
of the fact, and also that Kile had col
lected considerable money belonging to
them, foi which he bad not accourted
They immediately placed the matter in
the hands of Chief of Police Hoffman,
who telegraphed to Sacramento to the
Chief of 1'olice to intercept Kile on his
arrival there at 10 o'clock this morning,
which the Chief did, and immediately
notified Mr Hoffman, who will leave to
morrow night for Sacramento with a
warrant and requisition for Kile's arrest.
Look Out. Elsewhere we publish
extracts from an article In the Ban Fran
cisco Examiner on the National B & L A's
of that sute showing them to be run en
tirely in the interest of the managers, a
trap for Investors. As this is on the
ai'thorlty ot the bank commissioners it
may be relied on Albany men who have
put their money into any of these aiwrcia
tlons should inTestigate them at once.
Local Building & Ioan Associations are a
fine thing because the members get the
benefit of the profits, but in case of the
nationals the money seems to sll go to
the managers. The best wsy always is to
support home Institutions . You c"n gen
erally depend on being taken in with out
side institutions of this character.
Another DisAFPSAnAifca. This
seems to be an era ef disappearing men.
The E. O. of Pendleton says: A young
man named Charlie Bolin has very mys
teriously disappeared. He had lately
been employed for H C Vaughn on (He
reservation arid Monday evening, Feb
ruary 15th, came to Pendleton. He put
up hi team at Kopittke's feed yard, took
supper and breakfast at Mc Far land's, and
left without sealing for the meals, stating
that he had to go to Athena and would
pay when he returned. Since then noth
ing h been seen or heard of him. He
left everything he owned behtnddncluding
hi blankets and trunk, which are at the
feed yard. No cause can be assigned for
his disappearance. He was a young msn
of good habit, bore a 1 eputatlon for so
briety and honehty,and wa a hard worker.
tie had no debts except one secured br
bis team, and financial difficulty could not
nave been the cause of hi leaving.
A Big Fai'ir OacjiAan. An Important
thing in the future growth of this country
will be our fruit orchards. The following
from the Oaxette Is the kind ol manner In
hich It must be pushed: "M Schmidt,
proprietor of the Occidental hotel, was
over at Nashville this week where he hss
large interest. He inform u thst a syn
dicate of ten people, of which he U a
member have sixteen men engaged in set
ting out an orchard to contain 100 acres,
seventy acres of which will be planted In
Italian prune, ten In barttet pear, ten In
peaches and ten In apple. Mr Schmidt
ha also had a town site laid off at Nash
ville and already disposed of several lot.
That section of the country 1 becoming
noted for Its fine fruit raising.
A Tailor's Sen. Hugo Home, of
Seattle, has sued the Tost-Intelligencer
for $10,000. Hume is a merchant tailor
in that city, and about a year ago the
paper published an article headed:
'"Who Robbed Home? Tailor Graham
Says Hume Himself is the Thief. Done
to Defraud Creditors." This hints very
strongly ai a iranauient disposal ot
goods on the partoillnme which had been
mortgaged to one R J Graham, and that
, a story ol robbery was concocted U cover
the disposal. Va this the plaintiir prays
judgment in me large amount men
tioned. Mr Graham is a son of W R
Graham, of this city, and former'y re'
sided here,
HAT New Pafi a The Salem State
- m say the democratic weekly will be
called the "Msrlon County Democrat."
It wil he an elght-paee paper and will be
publl '"d Monday morning, containing
the latett new up to the time of going to
press including, probably , the dispatches,
it .til also be the hist to give an ac-
,,. of the league baseball games thi
.,iuln and will, on the day Ills published
.t, tv.e Place of a daily psper. It Is not
a rmn.l.,n caper, but a pcrnament insll
inn nelna published Monday, when
no other newspaper is published In the
cltv It will be a valnable medium for our
mei chants tj dvertlBe In.
Tis Acitts of choice garden iand at
bargain for a few i'sy only at
ic k '..(..( Land Co.
Crook County. The young men of
this town met last Tuesday evening and
organised a base ball team, to be known aa
he PrlnevUle. The ollicers are. fohn
Cembs, captains M E Brink, presidents
a 1 itciknap, secretary and l atehel,
Frank and Ore Potndexter and Leslie
Vanderpool went to DcsCbuttce river
Tuesday to stay several day s. Frank will
build some fence on his ranch and make
other Improvements preparatory to wel
coming the advent of the O P railroad
Last Tuesday evening John Gage and
T M Tracv arrived In PHnevllle, having In
custody J W McCormlck, who on the
morning of the ij'h Inst, shot and mor
tally wounded Randall Smith In a ball
room at Mitchell. The affair occurred nerr
the entrance to the hall while the two wen
were eniiaired In a scuttle. The ball from
McCormlck' pistol entered Smith's rig lit
side, nesr the renter of the body and just
oeneatn the rttis, and ranging slightly
downward, kxltfad In the back. The
wounded man lived about twenty-six hours,
uytngon aunuay morning, the 15th Inst
Kantian Smith was aged about 11 years,
no, it is icarneo came to uroox. count
from Eugene. He was a nephew of J F
Ai'ls.the well knewn attorney of Mitchell.
Fraixu Sttx roa Ladies. Our lady
friend who wish to be properly and
lashtonably dressed would do well to
glance over the monthly Fashion Letter
in "La Mode de Paris," "Album dee
Modes" or " I Mode." the favorite
fashion journals. This letter is one of
the best on the subject with which it
deal, explaining particularly the styles
prevailing or coming In fashion. Ladies
would do well to patronise these Jour
nals, which are not only reliable, but are
now considered the Standards of Fashion
wherever they are known. "Le Mode"
is a good family journal, price 1.50 a
year. "La MiuIm iltt lVr!' an.t Allium
ties Modes" are intended for more general
use, me subscription lor each being
3.50 a year. To every subscriber for
Miner 01 inese journals who pari a
yar'a subscription in advance will be
given a premium book on "Dressmaking
Simplified," valued at 5. Failing to ob
tain these journals front your newsagent
snd for them direct to A McDowell &
Co , 4 West Hth Street, New York.
CuAa.tcrsRibTic. Tom Read, well-
known in Albauy, baa written the fol
lowing letter to me Uregonian: I have
read the Oregonian and paid for it since
Tom Dryer started it. Now I am worn
onl with weight of years and toiling for
me children 01 earth, lor many travel
worn emigrants have 1 set on an even
keel, so tliat they could help themselves.
If I should live nntil the 28th of March.
1802,1 shall be 80 years old : and I would
aay to friends and toes that on that day
uiysdlfand partner will be at home at
my residence on the old donation claim.
uunieu six nines norm 01 vorvailie.
ltenton county, where we have lived
more than forty seven years."
Eldkrki Is Ir. The following from
the Spectator, of New York, will be of
interest to Albany people: Two con
cern which, to say the least, should be
carefully investigated before they are
patronised, are the West Virginia Fire
ami Marine Insurance Co. ot Wheeling,
West Va., (capital stock, IOO0.) and the
World's Cooperative Fire Insurance Co.
of Kings and New York countiea. N.
The former has just been incorporated
by J K Elderkin, ot Toledo and others.
Oil is Obboom. Dr August G Kinney,
of Astoria, who has just returned from
the coal and oil districts ot Pennsylvania,
thinks that there are splendid evidences
of oil in Oregon. He does not claim to
be an expert, but from what waa told
bim as to the signs of oil and the knowl
edge he has of the geological condition
ot this state be thinks that there are
evidences ot oil both on Coot bay and in
the Nehalem country, aa well aa in other
portions of the ttite.- Teleg'am.
Am Albany Man on it. Yesterdays
Oregonian published an account taken
from the New York World under the
heading "A Search for Gold," of an ocean
trip In 1863 resulting in an engagement
between the famous Alabama and the
liatteras. In which the latter went down.
Among those on board the Hatteraa wBs
Mr II F Merrill, president of the Bank oi
Oregon, then a smsll boy. Mr Mtrrlll nas
at hi home In this city a piece of the
wrecked Hstterav
Good for Dolph. Senater Dolph ha
asked Mr C P Huntington to run hi road
by way of Lebanon south east to a con
nection with the Union Pacific. This I a
granJ Idea and Waterloo and other people
along the suggested line would be very
hilarious over such a road, and there Is
little doubt that eventually one wilt be
built. Keep at him, Mr Dolph. Albany
would'nt mind being the terminus or even
a way station on such a road.
Bkck vs. Watxss Si oas.-ln his suit
with Wsters snd others W W Beck, of
Seattle, received a verdict partially in his
favor. He received the bonus money he
hsd psld for the mill because it was not
built as sgreed; but failed to get $10,000
damages In addition.
Giva 'Em Fitb. Who? people who
jump in the dark and people who buy their
groceries, produce, fruits and 'baked
k-txxis, without calling at Parker Brothers.
Keep a far away from danger a possible.
This can be done by dealing with men
who have no trap; but ell reliable good
a cheap a they ran be obtained. Patker
Brother ma always be relied on to do
this. Their line of bsked goods as well
as groceries, I proving a big. thing for
housekeepers, who pronounce them the
beet to be obtained.
Lovr. A opportan;ty to act the best
groceries a Ir e lo est pike, by failing to
call at Conn & Hcndiic ton's. No one ever
fall to receive their money' worth who
trade with them. Found, a grocery (tore,
where on always receives good goo js, full
weight, Ibe lowest price aad the best treat
ment to be had Conn. & Ilendricton's.
Large sales, small profits, prompt attention
all go to make tbeir store a popu'ar one for
the masse. Make it a rule sever to bay
groceries, produce, fruit, etc, without first
calling at the (tor of Conn k If ekdkicson.
Uoesks Wasted. MrFBrandenstein,
from San Francisco, will be at Albany
buying horses on Saturday, March 10,
1802. Wanted Bays and blacks, aged 5
to 8, from 15'4 to 16 bands high, weight,
1060 fo 1175 pounds. Must be well broke
to work, ana also gentle to ride under
saddle- Long lrgged, loose jointed and
narrow chested horses not wanted. Also
heavy draft horses wanted, weighing
irnm iino A iiin ,!.. ...-.i n ,n u
p,1flfy build. Headanarters at L Sena-
era' sale and feed stables.
Comsistciicy, thou art a Jewel. Mat
thews A Washburn keep the Jewel and
other first-class stoves, and there is no
better way to be consistent than by in
vesting in one of them. Matthews &
Washburn's motto is to keep the best,
and their prices are always reasonable.
Large sales speak for the manner in
which . these tacts are appreciated
through Linn county.
Waivbd Examimatiok. William West-
fall, the green cloth knight who shot
Philip Craig, appeared in Justice
Bishop's ceurt this forenoon and waived
examination. He was held in the sum
of 750 to appear peiore me grand jury
and answer to the charge ot assault with
a dangerous weapon. Bail was furnished
by Thoa Mjiarkey and trarsK O'Harra.
Craig is steadily improving and will
soon recover. Pendleton li O.
Harmess, Saddles, Etc. Our order
are placed with eastern factories, and we
purpose putting in the most complete
stock o goods ever shewn in our line, in
the upper valley. We buy direct from
first hands for cash; so guarantee to com
pete with Portland price. The display
horse stand In our door opposite the First
National bank. O C McFarland.
A It. is a bic privilege to be able
L to get what you want when
L you go to a "grocery store. Allen
K Brothers keep such a variety
H that . mey can . always accom-
B uiodate their customers. Tbi
R saves running around. If it is
O fruit season they have the goods.
T in produce their sthnds are full
II of the latect and best. Their
E stock of standard groceries is
R always large, of the beet to be
S secured in the market.
Mr AJ Day, ot Portland, Is In the city.
Mr Ed C Nile, of Portland, was In the
city yesterday visiting friend,
Mr Geo W Smith, ex chy councilman,
wa in the city this forenoon.
Manager Wrltsmancf the Farmer and
Merchant's Insurance Company, went to
Portland this noon.
County Assessor II S William returned
last night from the convention ot
sor In Portland, and went to hi home
thl noon ,
Sheriff Scott wa In the city yesterday,
on hi trip around the tax gathering cir
cuit, durlntr the week he collected
$7oov,'. Payment are rather low.
The total collected I SlT.fyo.J- Today
he left for Harrlsburg.
Conductor Kennedy of the O'-egon
Pacific, went to Portland thl noon. He
report wot k begun on the new steamer,
and gave the Interesting Information that
that timber themselves had such Inher
ent speed that In being towed down the
bay they shoved the tug nearly all the
Rev W T Chapman of Idaho conference,
formerly ot Oregon, and who la well
known In thl itste, has been elected fin
ancial and endowment agent tor the
unlvetslty. Mr Chspmatt comes wel'
recommended and has done geoJ work
along financial lines heretofore Journal
Rev Chapman was formerly rf Canby,
where he undertook to establish, as It
president a Chautauqua Assembly! but
tor lack ot outside support the project
MrCha Cuslck returnee home thl
noon from his Cascade ranch. He re
ported everything serene around the
Medtll claim. Ixiuls Dyer, who ha been
accused i f jumping Medill's claim, by
Invitation of a large number had retired
and taken up another claim near by not
yet settled on. Dyer claimed that lie had
been located by Mr Brown and had no
Intentions of jumping any one's claim. A
new enterprise there will be a ferry nesr
Mr Cuslck's clslm, tor which the old
ferry rable used at this city, will lie used,
MrJohnGlblln went north this noon.
Hon C J Shedd, of Shed J, was In the
city today.
Jndge Flinn was In Kugena yesterday
on business.
License has been Issued for the mar
marriage ol Mr Walter East and Laurette
Engineer Duff and Mr Wakefield, son
ot the bridge superintendent, w ere lu the
city and returned to Portland thl noon.
Mr L Gotllcb I moving hi second hand
tock ot good In the old Young store. Mr
Redficld will greatly Improve hi property
vacated by Mr Gotllcb.
Mr W R Blaln Us leased Mr W T
Hearsts residence at the corner of Wash
ington and Fourth street and will keep
boardrrs.most of Mr Hearst boarders le
malning with htm.
Misa Sadie Beckner. who has been
studying shorthand and typewriting in
this city tor the paat few mouths, left
this morning for Albany, where she will
I : : . 1. t : . t . . 1
iysi mi jier sister. r.ugeur viuaru.
Last evening the old boarders ot Mr
and Mrs W T Hearst tendered them a
farewell party at the residence) of Mrs
vYaiter Mohteith. several hours were
pasaed in a delightful manner in games,
a nice lunch and a short program. Mr
and Mrs Hearst tak to their Homes In
Portland the beat wishes ot a host of
friend. The program consisted of a
poembyLrE Storra Barrows, which
expresses the situation so well we give
it in fall:
There lived a good woman,
Who got very tired
Of keeping of boarders
With one girl that the hired.
With cooking and stewing and
Washing op dishes.
Getting ham and chipped beef,
And semetises a few fishes.
Baked potatoes, beans and niilktoaat,
W hich al.e said
Was her favorite because It need
Up the old bread.
And fruits ot the finest.
More than 400 qosrta.
She used in one season ot all
Kinds and all aorta.
But grandest of all, she was
Proud of her cake,
The boarderi would taste St,
And jump up and cry "shake."
It would melt la their mouth, '
And bring tears to their eyes,
If the piece that they got
. Was not one of good size.
Down the throats of these boarders
All this disappeared.
With milk, coffee and tea until
Some of oi feared
The good woman would rise,
' And swear by the skies.
She would keep no more boarders,
And make no more pies.
T'was a good class of boarders
She bad from thr first.
They stood by her all round.
And said, dear Mrs Hearst
Don't leave ns as orphans
To go out in the cold.
But stay with oe, and call ns
The lambs of your fold.
Her tears fell apace,
While they hung on her neck,
And abe thought of tier bank book,
And many a check
The dear boys had paid her.
To settle their score
Before she allowed them
To go out of her door.
She was all in a tremble,
Bnt she spoke np and said,
I feel so broke np
I most wish I waa dead.
Tbey lurried tbeir heads In her
Lap as tbey cried,
We feel just as you do,
And moat wisn we had died
When we were young and
Knew little of trouble, -
Now we are old
And some ot ns doable.
With a lump in her throat,
And her bands on our head,
She at las'i found her voice
And kindly aha said,
Don't cry for me now,
Don't cry for me never,
I'm going to Port land
To do nothing for ever.
Then all of us spake
With loud ringing voice,
Mrs Hearst we release you,
And the man of your choice.
We give yon our greeting,
And say our farewell,
May blessings go with yon
That tongue cannot tell.
Wherever you go
You shall have our best wishes,
Whether doing kind acts,
Or washing up di. lies.
And at lost where loud anthems
thall always be ringing,
May we meet you again,
And join in the singing.
Mr A B Mcllwaln went to Portland
thi noon on business.
D B Monteith. is lu Astoria looking
after his pioperty interests there.
Hiss Helen O.born, of fealem. is in the
city, the guest of her cousin, Mr Jay
B'ain. .
Mr J M Flaugher, one of the promin
ent merchants of Lacomb, was in the
city today. .
D Wakefield, the bridge man, returned
to Portland this noon from a trip here.
His son is here and will act as time
keeper hereafter.
Mr 8 J Wickham has purchased the
laundry of Mr K G Simpson, opposite
the St Charles, which he will hereafter
run. He is a reliable young man. de
serving a liberal patronage.
. Mr Alec Hennie, book-keep for the
Albany Iron Ck for the . past year
left this noon for Poiv.nd to reside. He
has been succeeded by Mr C B Turlay,
Biep-prouier oi tne Alien uiotners.
Mr Peet, who is considering propoei
tiong from .Lebanon and Waterloo to
start a flouring mill, was in the city
today. It is quite probable he will locate
at Waterloo. Dr Foley, of Lebanon,
w8 emo m tno city.
Mrs Jason Wheeler, of this city is ly
ing dangerously mat lue reimicnceoi her
daughter, Mrs Kitchen, at Stayton. Mr
W heeler was called there Monday by
telegram, Mrs Morgan went yesterday
and rank went today.
The many friends of Mose Nctigass,
will be phased to learn that he has re
gained his health and has engaged in
business in San Francisco. He is now a
member ol the firm of Annua McLeod &
Co., wine growers and wholesale spirit
merchant. Corvaills J Hues.
BIT Taura rem miTas.
This I the big heading hi the San
Francisco Examiner to an arraignment of
National Building and Loan Associations.
The Bank Commissioner submitted the
report to Covet tor Markhain on the Na
tional Building and Loan Associations ot
the state, lu accordance with the request
made by the league ot local building and
loan association last ear, hence the fig
ures given may be depended 011. At
there are quite a number ot Albany men
who have Invested In these trap, particu
larly oneot them, we give part of the
long report, wnlch (he Examl.ier y
struck like a bombshell, and may possibly
hit some pceple In different pails of Ore
gon the tame way.
the tommtssieners snow tr.sttrverai
of these sssoclation are a delusion and a
nare and have been run solely In the in
terest of the olficer.
Figure quoted from financial tate
rr.ents would make It appear that some of
them exist only upon the money paid by
the new victim constantly joining.
ina I'acini statee saving, un ina
Building Company of San Francisco, the
report says, I apparently In a flourishing
condition. Its liabilities are $36i,2&6.3.
and it assets $360,036.30. These figure,
hewever, may be misleading, for the rea
son that the have been taken fioni two
sets ot book and represent only the cssh
trantac'.lon, while It I claimed that there
I much ot the business that is not cssh.
If, hawsver, they era the exh'blt of the
company's business, it Is, to say the least,
most unsatisfactory.
it i claimed that the net pro 111 01 tne
concern above e pease for the yetr was
f 1,031.81, while the amount of business
was $184,000. The expense a shown lu
the statement were $19,661 and It the
expense fund received 8,000, there re
mains about wl.lch ha been ab
sorbed, but how or where I not shown by
any ot the statement tubmltted.
In the statement of the asset and lla
btlltle there Is no reserve fund, although
in the advertisement the reserve fund I
stated at $ 1 5.041. 7i.
Ths conductor. srrwed at are thai thl
company I a bonanxa to the manager,
and whether It will piove a source ot fro
nt 10 tne shareholders depend entirely
upon how good the loan are and how
long the Hoard of Directors remain a It
l. the report on ihrContlnental II AC L
A, the Republic H U Ai L A. The Renter
co-operailve Investment O.a'1 show them
to be run almost exclusively In '.he inter
est of the mafTager. nearly all the prod's,
a In the case of the Pacific, which oper
ated considerably In Oregon, going Into
tne manager s pocket.
It U evident that the public I being de
celved, and yet all the moneys are Vclng
handled in perfect accord with the by law.
The shareholder cannot complain, as vir
tually they are doing their own business,
and their only defence I their Ignorance
of the national aystem.
while so-called "local- building aid
loan association offer to their patron the
advantage of co operation, the so called
nation!, although Identical In purpose.
seem to deprive their patron of the very
object for which building and loan asso
ciation are organised.
Stnctlv (peaking, the national building
and loan associations of California are ap
parently organise snd conducted for the
benefit of Umi manager, whose promise
to their patron are very vague and whose
method are Illegitimate.
ine time I not fsr distant when many
who are member will realiae that their
fund Instead of accumulating sod increas
ing are being largely absorbed b) the
managers of the National JJulldlng
lxan Associations.
ll B Derrick to Iouise Derrick. 67
an rods. 14 W 1 t 240
P V Crawford to II B Derrick. 67
sqrods.MW 1.. .25
T P Patton to Win Batsett, 1 blk,
naisey '. 7o
David Junkin to Ralph Junkln. 70
acres 12 W 4 2500
Minnie Knapp to Samuel Simon,
160 acres 10 V 2
Oregon to W C Davis. 80 acres. 12
w z ISO
Samuel Simon to II Bryant. 100
acres 10 W 2 1
W P Elliot to Rutbv Crabtree.200
aereslO W 1 2100
Wm Robe to Robert Robe. 100
acres 14 Wl 800
Robt Robe to Wm Robe. 100 acres
13 w z WW
U 8 to Wm Robe. 1W aires 14 W 1 Patent
John Jones to Donald McGreggor. .
lot I. blk 1. I's add. Albany. . ZOO
Wm Bilveu to J A Bilven. 12 acres
Sclo 1000
8 J Shore to M V Bilveu. 1 blk.
Sclo..... 600
N C Meyers to lames Morgan. 20
acres 10W 1 000
Columbia Janea to Lewia Scott.
170 65 acres 12 W 3 3600
& J Bhelton to W R Ray etux,
of an acre 10 E 1
Orea-on to A P Blackburn. 110
acrea 13 M 2 137
a W Davis to Jennie Maple. of
lot 1, blk 17, H'S 3rd add, Al
bany 750
Total . .
..... 113801
Summary, Station, Albany, Or. Month,
Fsloary, 1802.
Elevation above sea leyel, 217.7 fet.
Mean temperature, 42.
Depar are from bormal, 1 1.40.
Maximum temperature, 62; date, 24.'
Miaiuiom temperature, 24; date, 2id.
Mean of maximum temperature, 37-3.
Mean of min'mutn temperature, "30 3
No, time araximom temperature 90
above, 0.
No, time miniuiom temperature 32 or
below, 11.
Total precipitation, 101 inche.
Departure trom normal. - 3 88 iaohss.
Prevailing direotion of the wind, S snd N.
No. ot cloofilei dsyi, 10.
No. of pa.tly eloody day, 4
No. of cloady dsys, 15.
No of day on which .01 of r'n or anow
fell, 9.
Dates on whieb kail full, 0.
Date on which eow fell, 0,
Data of thunder storms, 0.
Dates of light fKt,7tb,8ch,13tfcl7th&8th.
DatMof killing or injurious frost, 1 to 0, 14
to 16 st 23.
Date of solar halo, 21, 14tb, 23rd.
Data of lunar balos, 2d. .
Jobs Brum.
Volunteer Obssrr.
Paica PaEcjNCT.Feb. nth, 189s.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County Treaiurer of Linn
county.suoiect to tne w.u ot tne delegate
In the democratic Cour.ty Convention
hereaiter t oe ataemnieu.
Baica Waliace,
May be seen the
finest stock oi
gold and silver
watches, diamond and other rings, jew
slry, silverware, &c, in the city.
Buster, 35 eents per lb.
Bfg. 17 enta per doe,
potato, 15 Mita per bntbel,
laird. 11 II eent per ft,
Batn-tiam, 13 eenta; sltior.ri eenl; I
anoainer, w owns.
Beef on toot. 3 M cent per lb4
Park, dressed, 0 eents per kV ,
flrsc. fS per barrel,
Aapiea. 60onts.
Apples dried, bleehed37ea sari trl,
riunse, dried, 5o per lk.
Chicken, young S.X)fl4.oa.
Mutton. and 3 50 per head.
Granulated sugar, 6J uants
44 eeubi. '
extra 0,
MOWN 4 110 1KR049
Ieui is here.
Thar ar thrso'asws jiut lu tb iOU
W forth month of Mstoh. Qua 1 mail to
meat rlief oall.
Two mor car binds of brltls matris
arrived trday, brinthiil among other
thing tit tnuoh nuediKl pier esus. 1 ,
Wtllism Mank anc Burr 8lnn sr Moving
today Irom ! l nlMirg on K rSiux's lot, 00
Soond S.rtit, sdJitlniiiK thsnpsra house, In
ordnrtofrtt Mr Hot an nitort uultjr to begin
thit sreutiun ol tlx brick livsry stable bar,
tofure mentioned. The old building will be
moved to ths Third ward.
A lsra sudbnee wl' nested Shu" at the
opera hmiss Saturday nit ht. ll wa well
prentd by the Hb liarlxiur oompany.
The aoetiery wu slso gond TMswtsth
rlrst i;rtftitHin of I lis famous "bb" lu
Albavv. those who asw it wr gonsrslly
more thao pleated with it,
Cjinmeoaltiii today it will be Impoaalble
to toy salmon and other Minis of lUh on til
h lvKtiof A pill. The now law t xod-
ingly atrliigftit, and nuke the detlars snd
vau th t'sasportatitin oi Dipsuis hauls to
flu for having thtm in ih poation, vo
if I roujdit from outside poLit ,
A sys ago Mr W W Crawfotd and
Mi A W Mark wir turning home from
Shtilil, In a dog osrt whim tbsir hot ran 1
away tipping thorn out, and braising soh
Inly kvui, hut uut seriously. They war
bssring Mrs Crawford's heme, to wlilob
plc th horse ran, leaving thtm only a
short distauee to walk.
Horn rro lit tsmarkabl ttod la old eiines
In Colorado ptnvs that the miners make a
great miatab in often Ignoring and ulot
init th fmatl io and UaJs commonly
olled "feeder," "lip" or pur,' thst U,
In hot cross cutting enough These' leads,
not mor than a mar am oftsn upon op
tb richest orl of mineral - la well defined
vein, aid freutt!y show up valuable
pocket. It t a hint worth tmmbring la
Run away Inpian Bov.This fote
noor Marshal Hoffman captured an
Indjh bay. who had escaped from the
chiKil at Chemawa. He wbt beheld for
an attendant ol the school, who will ar
rive on tonight' train.
Jail Brkak Two prisoner escaped
from tin Jsll at Roseburg yesterday. One
of them wa capturvd thl forenoon at
Yoncalla or the hrakebeam et the Port
land bound express. The other had not
been secured
Sl'i"oKN.t. Deputy bhcrlff Scott
todsv served subpoena on Del Savage
and Harry Squire to appear at Astoria
tomorrow a witnesses In Ibe case of the
state agt Geo Smith, the darkej, who
eloped from Corvatll with Lillian Young
several month ago. Young Savage leu
on the noon tiafn for the city at the
mouth ot the Columbia.
A )ar t today there w a sis Inches i f
sow on the ground, prso iol!y th only
snow of the season,
Mathews & Washburn lead in tke stove
and tinware I a.luoa in thui part of the
valley, .
Work wa twa-ttn on th Himh t Lebaaoa
but week; but tb rain ptvetct tb ojo
tioastioa of th same t ssxnt.
A correspond 'tia th Oregooiau atya the
dsntmsrata could do worss than smlsot Moa
Jeff Meyers as an oppoosut Ut Hit gr lUr
The Portland Ibi-ly ii fttt ldin Co hv
iid h eoot a for tmiliio th t-mi
t th 8aU Ctpitat at rU're. IV ee,
Tb case i-i W L Voo et al appe'l
Kt Prank Wood. lesuoa'Unt. a;tl.d
from BeatDS eceaty, wa dteid4 by the
aprasn court yssUrdsy'ia favr i the de
fendant. Thi wa th ee over the poe
snssiua of tboat 20 aura of laud aires the
Brain It Co stor at Dta w robbed
of 400 faturday night.
e Di 11 Convention of th Fpworth
League mt at Kagsn tomorrow.
Th Mschsnls's Bod will play for th
LmIm Aid 8ocil's U rUiomotit at tb
Opera boa tui ight.
A !rg assortment of new style fibbona
jast reeivd at ft Lediea' fWasar, also
ChiUuB lo to late sb .!.
Tb plana for tb d' tn of th oapitsl at Sa
lem wi drawn by l Duff,of ibe i'onWod
Brida Company, who baa charge oils
engineering pa it of tb Albaoy brtdg.
Mr Pota Schlotasr is lowering tb floor to
Ik brick on Keeoad trt, and thi tnoralog
en aid of th boildiog came near being
lowered with it, patting th baiMiog is' of a precarious condition.
Richards k Phillip areaaaaafactariag for
Mr C J Stewart a most aort newspaper
rack oat of wood f 10m tb mwltcm chest of
the wrecked Yaquina lUy. It will be a
handsome affair, aWleviog the skill of thst
firm as woodworker.
Tb AOUW order of Portland are soon
to begin ths eretioa of a temp! io that
oily at th corner ot Heoood aad Taylor
tirccta, It I to be of a iaissooe deiga,
ix stories high, with a frontage on Taylor
strest ot 100 feet and a depth of 73 feet.
Th jtrsoo will also be en Tsy lor street.
Tb biilding will represent an xpens of
903,000 when completed, aad aa tb land
cost $.15,000 wbso bought, it wilt bav coat
th W 01k men nearly $100,000.
Will H Stark, M Jeweler.
Tb beet roast eotfe la th city at Ooniad
af yr a.
Bay ton UUd V E Allen's !, tf not
why aok.
Call on Mtbw Jt Washburn fervour
AH Hod of chotoe eating and cooking
appls at Allan Bros.
Ashbv A Cars. Real Bstat. 601 Wash
ington Street, I'oitlsod. Or.
Have you tried that idol toast ooffje at
FEAIien'. If not, why not. .
Own & flandriesoB' prio ar lower
than eyer. Oive them a call.
Deoi ddl tb larasst snd ehoioest variety
of tea in town is at C E Brr wocll'. Sun
iriad, bkt fired, g-een, blask, English
Draakfast, e
Extra fine California strained bonsy at
Coon k tlndrioon'a. .
on St llendriosoo's is th place to get
yo garden seed and ou'oa U.
A th nam indicate. Hall's Vegetabl
Sicilian Hair Rewer i a ienwr of th
hair, Inaluding its growth, beslth, yoathful
color and Uautr. It will pleas you.
Guma to Chicaoo.-"The AiMstic
Guide to Chicago and tha World's Colum
bian bxpotii!on,"is tne title oi anew oooa
just out. It elves a concise history of the
f;reat city by the lakes fiom Its settlement
n 1831 to the present date. It is embel
lished with dozen ol beauuiu: nan-tone
Illustration made from photographs.
bird's eye view ef the city and a grand
bird s eye view nt tne worm s wir ground.
and building. Every family should have
A as ar rsrs I . a
one. mis A Al air, agent.
Utter List.
Following I th list of letter reruiioioa
in the post Bio at Albany. Linn county.
Oregon.Maroh 2, 1892. Persons calling for
theae letter moat give th date on wbicb
they were advertised.
Backus, Albert
Coffin, K R
Carey, Clyde
Chanoe. Kurt
Fouff, Chas .
Gillen, Arthur
Hoot, TV 1 .
Dies, ED
Lawtan. Dnnis 3
Kuckon, Louis .
T. MoitTErru, P M
Carnea, Geo
Copper, M J
Dowsan, II
Fisher A Co
Hsrringteu, Wm
Krorgar, Fred
IiOwsan, J II
Mere, Leon
Bobinsoa, Geo
Woods, Julia 2
WILL YOU 6UFFF.R with DrsctTsia
I sua Liver complaint 7 fchilohr Vitaliser
I giiarntedJto cure yon, ,
8TRANEY. On Feb. .1802. to the
wife of A Straney a eon.
MA Kill ED.
EAST BURREs. On Tuesday even
ing, March I, 1893, at the residence of and
by Go, Humphrey. Eq , Mr alter
East.of Albany and Mis Lauretta Burres,
of near Jefferson, ia Linn county.
Mr and Mr East have the best wishe
of many friends for happinet and pros
perity. -
Highest of all In Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
rV ' "
THR atTMKg HOI'NVtllir.
February 27th, 1892.
K F Wvatt and family have moved to
. .
J B 1 lav worth baa been lnvrstlns In
neep recently.
Miss Esfa Bosseruian is visiting her
sister, Mrs Catuuiings, at Lake Creek.
A tramp baa been making hia head
ouarter in a vacant bouse belonging to
air untnea lor about a week.
Hon Jasper Wllkins Is still feedlns
a1x)ut thirty bead of cattle. He finds
that dulioiiliig Is a great advantage.
Mr Will See started to his old home In
Michigan the first of last week to visit
hi father, who Is dangerously ill.
Mr fames Pearl, of llalaey, was in this
locality last Saturday. His wants were
too numerous to mention.
A gentleman from Spencer Butte wa
here last Friday looking for a farm to
Two men were locating railroad land
on. the mountain Saturday.
Miss Jessie Withers, of Coon Ranae.
baa been engaged to teach the spring
term oi school at the Harger school house.
' tiraage Items. -
Editor i Dn&rat:
A a few Item from Tangent Grange
would be of Interest to some ot yonr
readers, will aay that w held onr regular
monthly meeting on February 27th. The
day was stormy, but wa bad a very fair
attendance. The newiy elected officers
filled their place In a firet-clsa manner.
Three applicant were balloted for and
elected to membership; also six applica
tion were received. We had a very in
teresting meeting and a large amount of
bnsiaes waa transacted.
Our grange Is in a flourishing condition
and increasing it membership light
along. W have excellent music at in.
tervais during the day, which makes the
time pass more pleasantly.
A called meeting will be held on Satur
day, March Bin, at 10 o clock, snd we ex
pect to confer the 1st and 2nd degree
upon those who are entitled to receive
Th Linn County Council will meet at
our ball on Thursday, March lOih, In
place f Ilia 1st Saturday. We expect a
large delegation and an interesting meet
Ine;. There will bo buaines of Impor
tance to the patron brought np for con
sideration. The election ol six delegates
to attend th next meeting of the State
grange will take place. Wa expect a
line social time in connection with our
Among other thing I will say th
prospect for good crop In this part of the
county Is flattering. The fall sown grain
I looking well, and promise a good
yield There ha been qnlla a number
of acre) of land plowed during the good
rather. I ml there wa but little sowed.
Th ram haa commenced again and will
likely last for some time, and farmer
will be late getting in tbeir aprlng crop
The time I drawing near for the farm
er to be looking after their interest. The
primaries will be held very soon, and
delegate will be elected to J at in nom
(nation a roontr ticket, ana they aitouia
attend and see that tit right kind ot men
are sent to th county convention. row
ia the tint to work, do not wait until it
i too late, and than brain to grumble
because we bav no representation. The
political trickster 1 at work,and will do
hi best to gala hia points, and will ba
successful if w do not be np and doing.
It the farmer do not look after tbeir own
interests, th chance ar tbey will lie
sadly neglected. bcatai.
AfttaStZ fttCAB.
A etlwala rs aaa Belle Trie
He makes tb (allowing redactions ia sugar
for eash t . ,
17 lb diy grsnnlsteJ for ti.eo,
ao lb extra C white for It .00.
lbs extra C golden for f 1 .00 .
Hers are sneae wholesale pi ices:
100 lls extra C 4X cts.
loo lb extra C whit & 4!' ct.
loo Ibe dry granulated & 1 ct.
II will also sell a Cv gallon keg of pickles
lor 90 ;tnts.
An Old Sanyo Is, "spend not all you
have, believe not ail you hear: tell not all
you know t and do not ail you can." Do
not look for blood In a turnip or stove In
confectionary store i but go to Matthews
: Washburn a tove.ttoaare ana hard
ware atore and examine their etock of
good, If thla ia the Una you want, ifyou
buy you will not apend all you have; yoo
will believe what you hear because you
can also ee; you will know too much to
tell it an and you win not ao an you can
because the atove you get will do the work
and save many a savage expression and
extra step.
"NoTWJia Succixdi List Success."
Why are w the most successful firm in Ibe
dry Coods trsds ?
liecans w have th largest and best
wcteo stock to choose trom.
We sre now receivine new and seasonable
good bargains in winter goods,
Cloaks st le inaa cost.
We are sole agent for Butterick patterns.
A full line of ladies and children's shoes.
Give us s call. W. F. Rkad.
A. B. McIlwain has just rsceived direct
from the manufactories, new designs in car
pets, oil cloths. linoleums aad wladow shsdes.
anicb will be sold at reduced puces, lie Is
also receiving a fin line of men's shoes, In late
tries, at 5 to 75 cents per pair less than
vular prices,
Tb Oregon 8tam Dye Work, Oscar
Kendall, proprietor, 1 doing suoh good work
that it fame issprtiadino throughout tb
valley,- so much so that Mr Kendall ba had
to ea tablien a branch at AIDan v . it will be
creditable addition toth basin tirmtof
that lively city. Oregonian,
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made mlserabl
by that tarribl cough, gbttob'a Cur is ths
remedy for you.
Allen Bros always keep their custormr
applied with freah batter and egg.
Hot Griddle Cakes.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking1 Powder possesses a peculiar
merit not approached by that of any other baking powder. .
It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot
biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of these tasteful
things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of
the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak
ixtg Powder leavens without firmentation or decomposition.
In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so
'da, etc. is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always ,
guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby giving the natu
ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour
that may be used, the natural flavor so much desired and ap
predated by all. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell
the story, thatlhey can never get the same results from any
other leavening agent, that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc.
are never ca light aad never taste so sweet or so good as
when raised with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder.
x-N 0 n f a, 3
Recently we published a letter written
by a man In Albany to a Kansas paper,
full of lies. Sow a former Kansas man,
of tierval, get even with the man and
Kanea by telling some troths about that
state in a letter to the Salem Statesman.
lis say;
Ia readins the Statesman today I see
there has been a fool writing about Ore
gon and the glorious Willamette valley,
the only paradise I have found under
the canopy of heaven. He sign bis
name "Sucker." It is a good name, for
all the substance he eyer got there In
Kansas was lu sucking grasshoppers. 1
am a Kansas man myself lived and died
therefor five long years. I had at one
time twelve dozen chickens, for It is a
good p'ace to raise them, as they live on
hoppers. I wo also fortunate enotigh
to raise some little straw on twenty
acres of land. I threshed 'he straw-
hot the wheal for the re waa none there.
and put it lit a abed and roped it down
and tied large rocks to the ropes to bold
it, so tne wind would not lake It.
Uut It was of no aval . Iaotuoone
morning and the straw was alt gone.
Also one day my chicken were all miss
ing. Tin was hi Russell ionnty. In
about two week 1 saw an article printed
in a Lincoln, Nebraska, paper, stating
there had bten a shower of white Ieg.
born chickens, some vet alive, and billed
from Kansas. I had one cow, and she
wa found one mile away on a telegraph
wire dangling in the air.
All the farmer boild heavy cellar walls
snd put rods down with iron plates on
the bottom of the wall lo stay them.
This I know, a I did it myself. No man
larms the same land there two year In
ucceeion, for real estate travel at the
rate of ninety mile an hour. I would
not aiv Marion county, if I owned it.for
the whole state of Kansas, or even one
township of Marion county. Thi man
most have lived in Kansas in buffalo
times, and skinned these now extinct
animals for a living.
A far aa the people of Oregon are
concerned, the beads of families came
here In an early day from the East. Tbey
were brave men. not cowards like bim.
to wait until railroad were built, ao he
could occupy the brake beam out of
sight of the Indians. Kakras Scrrtaxa.
br arras v ill.
February 29th, 1802.
Brownsville Is not booming. but is alive
to her own interest. A joint stock com
pany ia Wing organized lor the purpose
ot manufacturing leather, and the old
tan yard will be moved out of the heart
of town to a more desirable place, thus
anting two birds at one move.
We are looking to the completion of
arrangement whereby we will secure a
snoeiactoty In our loan. A Mr Kerr
baa been ben for this express purpose.
and if be mean business tne shoe factory
win go.
BillTycer and a Kentuckian. a late ar
rival here, bad an a la lohn L.' by the
South Brownsville role .a ml hi Hon Joe
Sawyer adjudged a 5 and $7.60 fin and
cost would make all satisfactory once
The name of C E Stanard.of tbia place.
will be presented to the democratic con
vention, soon to meet in your city, a a
nt ana proper person to be clerk ot junn
Sheriff Scott, wear told, was a littl
lurprised to see the Brownsvillians come
down with so many $20 piece after our
former correspondence".' but we were
doubt let mistaken in our former obser
ve! ions.
How does this please you for a legisla
tive ticket: M A Miller.OP Coshowjr.,
w r r.imore.
Alios aia?Kie white is sa d to pe on
tb improve of late, while little Willi
Round i not expected to live.
Let every delegate to the county con
vention neat week bear la mind, that no
other thing contributed ao much to the
great democratic victcry In this count two
years ago as the vive voce voting In nom
inating candidate. Let every delegate
make up hia mind to support that system
of voting nexi Tuesday.
rniLOKt Ktjv
Th plsasant flvor,Eeatl action and sooth
ing tllsoti it svrnp ol rie. wbeo io need
ot a laxative, and if tb father or mother t
oetit or bilfNtr, th most gratifying r
salt lollaw tu us, so that it u tb beat
family remedy known and evsry family
enoaid nave a notti.
Peopl with delieate atomsch find Avar's
Strtaparitt agreeable to tb taate, and,
therefor, prefer it 1 a blood puriGer to aay
other. Thia ia ooe reaaen for ita great pop-
a amy aa a spring ana istnuy mediaine.
Bale, eertain, and paiaUble. -
It is qoile prohahlstbat yon may need Ih
servtoe 01 s pbysiciao aoiu day; but yea
can postpone th tint indefinitely by keep
ing yr blood pare snd year system invig
orated through the ns of Ayar bip
rilia. Prevention i better than cnra
' EverhMtiat a it.
If , why st.
i'arker Bros, grocer.
F. M. Frenoh keeps railroad time.
Buy yoar grootri of Parker Bros
Appl psrers f.r sale at Stewart A Sox
Fia groosri at Conn & llendricaon'a
Latest sheet music st Will St Link's.
Kew cream cheese just tsoetved at Conrad
G W Cobb, job printer. Fliun Block, doe
nrst class work.
E W Achison 4 Co ar lling monnment
at ror nana prices.
Stewart St Sox aril th very bejt ratent
bear ana tissor.
Th fioest lis of pocket knive in tha
oity at (Stewart & Sox a.
Smoks tb celebrated Havana filled S oent
olgar at Johns Joseph s.
Gi to 0 W Cobb, successor to Paisley &
Smilet. Flinn Blrek, fir yotriob orintine
Of an atoa
Dr M II EIHi, physictsn and urg(0x
Albany, urtgon. Ustis n aie in oity or
.1 kIll-Ieliiu vH
Set) the pricas.howthey'go,
To thrifty popf thar. below ;
Don't lt your chanuof gain go by,
Cntch our prof !t at they fly ;
Freely down toyou they're tosted,
Without the least regard to cost.
Whether its the tariff, th weather, the phase of the
mooTJ, or vhat not, cur trade ,7as never better. Large
trade enables us tH decrease profite,and eloger profits make
lower pricaa. ,
Here's soma specialties:
Kew Spring Soils iron $10 UJ20.
Sew Sprinz (hrereoaU frim $10 ti $20.
Mii'ilMe SUsd&rd Shirt, A 1 Quality . $1. -WorW
Bating Slits for boji, onlj a few left, $1.
Sea Our Corner Mil WMot. ' 1111 Goifc You.
; "TLB Leading Clotl:lerH.,, -
On the Corner, - - - Albany, rregen,
Give Ear to Our Remarts.
We have already receive! a large and fine line of
clothing for men, youths and
season, which we wish you
landsome suits made specially to crder from Albany
Woolen Mill goods, already
We aro elosinz out Winter
for new goods, which will continually arrive.
1 L i lain mm Co.
At TIios. Brink's Old Stand.
. . aaO .,' sjCiiifaj
Dealer la
aad a general, aaaortsneni or
' CS-X2'0.a IE! 21 33S: T
Subaerlptlon agent foi all tha leading Bewapapora and Magazine. Termecaah.
ICear thafr. . Albany, O
Albany, eraa.
J. A. Csmmisg,
- -
all Paper,
J rvier. Paints Oil
Glass, , JEt. B
TvaLabAMS asa aavaa-
Drc'tistscsd Booksellers
Ajrw-ta for Jobq S. Alden'a pncl!ea&na,
bUa we kU at pxibUaher's prieca w1U
. aLBANT. WKEGOR ' ' :
TOR SALE House and corner lotta
H'a 8d add. m-. Apply tol W DaTfa,
boys, latest styles and in
to tee. Tins includes some
attracting attention. .
geods at cost to make room
Kenton. -:-
Cabinet phoos from $1.50 to fa.e
per dozen. Enlaigfng picture a
specialty. i6xjo crayona framed
for tiooo. We carry a large line
ci 5x8 and sterescop'c" views of Ore
gon. Studio in Froman's Block
liext to Masonic Temple, First Stre
Beat stock of 2nd a" gaoda in th
Tai)y, and the moat reaaocable priees.
I have on hand all kinds of
Ftjsxrnm, stoves, tihwasf,
Oh d oor west of S BToans'a eld store.
Wiivm & HULBIM sios,
Real Estata Agents.
Farms and Ranches for sale.
Also city broperty in Albany
and Corvallia,
SN. 8TEEL1E CO;, Albany, Oregon
, L u tponey on (rood real ut
aecurltf In Uan and adjoining eonotiea
Wmmm . . r .-.- MTU D SIT G
sni on-farih Jeney cows lor sale
Also liopcrted tary tsunnse potatoes.
Pries, 75cts pr bushel.-. Ca;l cn roe
2 mii es.-t of A ii ar.y, F C FIorrM an.
2nd C7 Stare.