one yemutmt. BOTES & KUTTINO. Bill tar ! reeprleters. Ttie house rule committee hat decided to report rule fixing March ai, 13 and 4 a a special ordT tor the consideration ot BUnJ's free cotnrge bill. Advice received at Minneapolis are to the effect that binding twine lor the com ing year Drill be advanced from 3 to 4 cent. IXmn with the tariff, down with the tru-.t. Jerry Simpson I very enthulatlc over the St I .out convention. He ay there will surely be a third party presidential ticket In the field. He would not be u re prised if the next election wii thrown In the house. Two year ago the republican of Ore gon were foolith enough to put a free liver plank In their platform. They should do not ning of the kind thla year. The re publican party In national convention will declare against free ail ver coinage. The logic of It position will force It to do thla, and It U right and necessary besides. The free Mirer man will be a much out of place In the republican party from thla time a a pro-alavery man would have been out of place In ft from 1855, to 1865. or at a dlsunionUt would have been out of pUce In It durli.g the rebellion. Or gonian. Respectively referred to Senator Mltch- ell, Dinger Hermann and the Salem Jour- "The American 1'roUvtive Tariff Lenpio' had eotae aort of a public circular to send the iirfuNte the other day. Ua the a&aie day it had a confidential corarnuruauUon to make to one of ita 'corrcxpomlenta in New Hanilshirv, No doubt it mixed those let ter ud, for the BrfuNk ha the confident ial communication, whi.h. is entirely at the Protective Tariff League's service if it want it Hftre ia nothing in it to interest the Jtrfmhlic't renders, but if this aort of thing happen often the Protective Tariff League may find itself embaraased before tbe cam paign closes. JteuWc. William Florence, of Irving Park, wrote recently to Senator Palmer, saying that tbe democrat of that statu were enthusias tically in favor ot hit nomination to the pnsndi'ncy. Senator Falmer ha replied ; o I am sure Cleveland would arouse the en thuxiaxm of the masse of the people. The contingrncy of my nomination for preni dtsnt in m remote that it ia hardly worth considering at all. I would not, under an; circnmstiuicew, accept the vice-presidency. could onlv be induced to accent the brat place by the assurance of tbe convention that it wa necessary that I should do so a con tingency that ia very unlikely. 1.1- - : " Reed, of Maine,! the largest man In the House; Wheeler, of Albama,.! the tma'.'.ett, and Curtis, of New York, It the tallest. Mills, of Texas, or Turner, ot Georgia, t the ablest, and Allen, of all Ulppl, Is the wiulest.Curamlngs, of New York, or Caruth, ot Kentucky.oi Hender son, of Iowa, la the mot popular; Hooker, of Mississippi, I the best orator; Hoi man, of Indiana, I the oldest, and Bailey, of Texas, I the youngest. Bou'.clle, of Maine, I the handsomest ; Bingham, of Pennsylvania, is the best dressed, and Jolly, ot South Dakota, It the homllest. Springer, of Illinois,! the most gariulous; Wilson.of West Vlrglnla.the most learned, and Culbertson, of Texas, the best lawyer. By nr. in, of Indiana, is the most aggressive. Burrow, of Michigan, the best parllamen tarin,and Simpson.of Kanas,ihe readiest McMl.lin, of Tennessee, la the debater. Rife, of Pennsylvania, the fattest, and Tucker, of Virginia, the thinnest, tfin Cmpbcll, t New York, I the beat oaturcd, and En'.ce, of Tennessee.the most m petit ous. Moody U the moat taciturn; that is a quality Uncle Sam doe not keep on tap in his house of congress. The congressional apportionment pro posed by the republican of Ohio is writ ten proof of fraud and unfairness. The exact ratio of population to a district la 174,872. The largest district in population la the democratic Fifth district, with J07-, 317. The smallest la the overwhelmingly republican Twtlf'h, with 149479. The democratic district is 33,445 above the full ratio, and the republican district 29,393 be low the full ratio. Tbe average popula tion of the democratic district I 12,500 above the ratio, and of the republican d! rlct 3,500 below. In the proposed district It require 71-, 6k democratic vole to elect a congress man and only 24,171 republican vote, making one republican vote In represent ee .ower very nearly the equivalent of three democratic vote. Prerident fIc.rrl.on and Governor Mc- Klnley shnulj not lose a day In preaching another official sermon on the evil of gerrymandering. Their own party furl-he the text. Woolen poods manufactured in this country are cheaper than they were when the McKinley bill wa paased. More of ' those goods are consumed and more do mestic wool has been consumed in their manufacture. Stalnman. 1 am, whore in tne name or common .sentie does the protection for the woolen manufiicturer come in at? But, after all, woolen (foods should be a great deal cheaper than before the pasHae of the McKinley law , for the poor, deluded wool grower has hail to mil bis wool cheaper than be did before tlie passage of the law and hence the manufacturer should sell cheaper, as he buys his raw material cheaper. It is probably not true that more "domestic wool" has been conmimed, for, for one year since the pannage of tbe McKinley bill the amount of foreign wool imported waa more than thirty million pounds more than the year immed iately proceeding its pannage. The Statet man should bear in mind that there ia more shoddy goods in the "Inarket by far than ever before, hence their cheapness. AI' wool good are by no means easy to obtain and .the price is as high as for the last de ca'le. The McKinley act makes no "difference in favor of the manufitf turor." It distri butee the protection fairly between the man ufartnrer and the wool-grower; while the Springer bill. a this democratic paper ad mits, "makes a difference in favor of 'the manufacturer of iJ5 per cent." Orrgoidan The McKinley bill gives the woolen man ufacturer 01, per cent and tho wool grower 41 per cent. Does the Oreonlai pretend that this U a fair dixtribution of protection between tbe manufacturer and wool grower? Why should the manufacturer have .00 per cent more protection than the wool grower? That paper bsis never explained this partial ity. It cannot complain of Springer wh makes the difference 35 per ... whm it boldly endorses the McKimey law which gives the manufacturer 50 per cent. TLe campaign of education is cloning in tightly around the pampered organs of the protec tion scheme, and they sea that in the near future they will have nothing left to stand upon. Farmers, mechanics, laborers, and professional men are quietly inquiring in to that schema which the Qugouian in its befler fin 1 palmier days called the "robto fiiri.T" and light is breaking in upon their liilii mid in the near future protection as COCNTINU.OCf. . The touthern newspaper might better have described the crse bv lng that It I not likely that the republican will per mit their canv'ldale to be Counted out If they are elected. Under no cli cumsiancei, however strong their msjorltr.wllt repub lic n aupervlsor follow the example of Hill and hi fellow conspirator In count ing In men who are not elided. -New r ork Prtst, If that he o, then republican leader have changed their tactic very much late ly. People' memories are tco acute to have forgotten that republican leader like Sherman, Edmund, Garfield and other entered Into a conspiracy to count out Samuel J Tlklen who had been duly and lawfully elected ot tha United State by a clear majority ot 19 In the electoral college and 150,000 majority In the popular role ot the people, and thua thla Infamy wa consummated and fraud became first triumphant In American his lory. Then, again, only a, tew year ago the republican leader In Montana, with deliberation and premeditated plan, counted the democrat out of two United State senators and no defense worthy ot the name ha ever been made to this charge. Then, rgsln.when'the repulblcan congress under Dictator Reed met to or ganise two year ago they found they had but three or four majority. Thl was too email a one to carry out their prearranged plana, hence a Systematic scheme of con test of democratic teat waa Inaugurated whereby thl majority ot three wa In created In a few week to twenty teven Some ot the democrat whom they de prlved of teat were elected by a high a 13,000 majority, A democrat wa elected governor of Nebraska iS month ago. He ha just ttcured hit Wat which ha been occupied all these eighteen month by a republican who wa not even a candidate lor the office. The tame thing occurred In Connecticut and the democrat ha not got hi teat yet. But why multiply r amSTIOX, DCX0CKAT3. Democrat .of Linn county ahould bear In lnd that next Saturday I the day for holding primary meeting, and next Tun- day la the day fixed for holding the county convention. Since 1966, with a few par tlal break, the democrat have held the management of Linn county In their hand. They have been faithful to their trust and hence they have been retained In power. Of course a tew mistake have teen made, but these are at-noat unavoid able. Next Tuesday they have an Import ant dutv to perform. Upon the work of that day depend the tuccet of the party In June. There must be an open, fair, honest convention and capable, honest men must be selected a candidates. Thl course followed and the democratic party of the county wlil march on to vlctorv In June. The democratic party I the parly of the people, but thla must be thown in work aa .well at in profession. Hence can dldatea In whom the masse have confl -dence must be selected. The Da mock at baa no candidate to urge upon the con vention. It seeks to urge the convention toVtake no mistake but to keep faith with the masses In the nomination ot a good ticket. We have ro tear that the con vention will make a mistake on thl point, but the duty devolved upon the Dimo crat aa a democratic paper, constrains us to warn democrat of the Importance cf doing their work well. There la much confusion In local politics, and democrat should purrne uch a course a wlil show It to be the true, steadfast friend of the people and thus entitled to their support. A I EllOCaUTICKErOK. Senator Palmer represents a reform which is perhaps as vital to the future of this country aa any other now being agitated in the political arena. He is the representative of the democratic party in urging- it It was that party which, in tbe Illinois cam paign of 1800, took the initiative in the work of breaking away from old traditions and exemplifying a new method of choosing United State senators which should come nearer to the people as the source of all po litical power. The colossal fortunes which have succeed ed the civil war period, and which have de bauched senatorial elections in many states, have made such a change a vital necessity. In control of a senate chosen by caucus the money power could, by the corruption of legislators and the skillful manipulation of votes in a few doubtful district in doubtful states, perpetuate ita power, no matter how frequently or emphatically tbe people in the election of the president ahd members of the bouse of representatives might ex pre their condemnation of it and their desire to overthrow it. An illustration of this may perhaps be afforde 1 ere long, by the defeat in the republican senate of all tariff reform fnestaiiiipa nr cnnnt'i ntv In llui Iia fiuiiu I Itpform in thm L4i r.u iL . necessary part of tbe general plan of reform indorsed by the democratic party. A dispatch from Atlanta Ga. says: The majcHlty of t-e Georgia alliance men will not desert the democratic for the people's part This wss demonstrated at an alliance meeting held today. The speakers were Congressman L F Living, ston, president ofthe Georgia alliance, N A Wilson, vice-president of the alliance, both of whom have just returned from the St Louis conference, and ex-State Senator Z T Zachery. a prominent alliance man. All the speaker declared It would be folly for the farmers, who compose he majoiity of the democratic party, to leave for Die new partyr whose main strength lies with the republican In the west and northwest. Tne campaign committee of fif teen.head ed by Senator Colquitt and ex-Senator Brown, appointed to push the canvass of Senator Hi. I lot t!?e presidency, ha Issued sn addresa to the pople, settln 4 forth Mr Hill's many good qualities, and ayingtht he haa been recommended to the democ 1 acy at large by tne Ne 0 York can vent Inn as the man who can most turely carry New York state. Various towns In Georgia have already organized Hill clubs, and the movement for the New York sen ator wlll.'t I etated.stsume great strength. The following are candidate for the of ficers named, subject to the action of tbe democratic county convention: For county clerk, C E Stanard, Brownsville: CC Hack- man, Lebanon; N P Payne and J P Gal raith, Albany. . For Sheriff, C C Jackson, Halsey, and M Scott the present incumbent. For county judge Geo Ilumphery and J J Whitney of Albany. For county treasurer: II Farwell, Brico Wallace, Alex Montgom ery and W B Smith. For assessor J E Michael, Santiara; W J Itibelin, of Halsey, and II 8 Williams, of Jordan. School superintendent: O F Russell; V M Mitchell and L M Curl For surveyor : E J O'Connor. lor commissioner: J M Hassler and Wash Philip. For the legislature these names are mentioned: W R Bilyeu, A Blevins, C J Shedd, M A Miller, A W Stanard, 0 P Cofliow jr and W P Elmore. For recorder E E Davis and Walter Mefihee. ! The democratic county central committee of Yamhill county met at McMinnville Sat urday. By request, they took a vote on the preference for candidate , for president. Judge Galloway, the chairman, led off with an emphatic vote for Cleveland. The vote stood: Cleveland C; Peunoyer 0; Boies 2; Palmer 1; Carlisle 1. There was an em phatic opposition tJ Hill. Armng t'w re priblieans Senator Dolph is mentioned for (From our regular eurrjxmieiil,( Washington, Feb. as, t?o. Speaker Crisp U at Fori re 1 Monroe, and units he diiolirT the positive orders ot till physician he will not return tbi week, al though he tfttil when he led that he would rsturn In tlm to preside over the House on Wednesday, unlet he was too un well to do so. In hi) meeting of the committee on rule can be held to act up on the request of those aha signed the peti tion asking that a date be set for the consid eration of the free coinage bill, and, in view ot the announcement that the war and mean committee would on the first of March call up on of the tariff bills fot consideration, the situation It a Utile embarrassing, tnd call for same very fin party management. It ia estimated that nut leu than six weeks will be required for the debate on the three tariff hills, and a tevcral tt the appropria tion bills will Meanwhile be reported and dis posed of, it teemt safe to tay that it will be May Defer the final vote It taken on the last one of the tariff bills. Mr island, speaking for the silver democrats, tay. they will no. object to the tsrifl bill having precedence, If the ecmmi'.te on mles will tel a day for the consideration of the free coinage hill, but that they will give way to nothing un'.es tucli day i te. He will not hear of the compromise preposition which hat been suggested, that an early dy In the next tesstun of congress he set for the taking up of the free coinage bill Some tort of a compromise, such at can be approved by all conservative democrat, will have to be reached before the House can pro ceed much farther. It 1 an absolute political necessity. The guvernnunt printing nffice deficiency fur tbe current Ccal year it 1385,000. Not wi'hsttoding t'.ie io.mcos approf ilationt made by tie billion dollar congttss.lhei will be a dtficienry in nearly every one of the de' ptrimeatt of the government. Mi D C Mills.whols at the bred ef tb syn dlrat whiih l.otdsihe Bchring Sea sealing privilege, wa the fellow guest ot Mr Huriaoo and Secretary Blaine at a dinner given by bis old business associate, Secretary Elklnt, an evening or two g sad gossip says hi com ing here at this timt It closely connected with tha business before the Bebring's Sea com mission. With two such fiknd s Secre ts r its Blaine and Eikins in the cabinet, Mr Mil's baa a right to feel confident that hi in terest will properly protected by the admin 1st rat Ion. Representative 11 titer, of Ohio, wbu oj (ositloa to tbe free coinage of silver hat given htm consider jble prominence Of late, hat htnde! Mr Ho'msn, chairman of the demo cratic eauce. a request signed by foity odd democrats for the calling of act us on the silver quest!?, aad Mr Holman aav hi will issue the call this week. Tt call way be issued and the caucus held, but unless it i much more largely attendtd than tbe last Cau cus held for the tame purpose, it it not proV ab'e that it will settle tbe policy to be pur sued by the House. The committee to Investigste the Pension bureaa will bold It second meeting Thursday, when a day will tie tel o begin taking evi dence, which promise to be voluminous. Rcpicsentative Cooper and Enloe will repre stnt the prosecution, so to speak, and ex-Kep rnntative Pyon, cf Illinois, and Grtca B Raum, jr., are counsel for the Commissioner of Pensions. It mty bt thit tbe beginning of the investigation may be postponed a lew day to accomodate Representative Cooper, who is tbe leading counsel in a murder trial to take place ia Indiana. Coogro i ia Chicago today, and the Cap itol reminds oae of the middle of the long re ccs, so q alet is everyibieg. The adjournment wa only until tomorrow, but a there it aot a quorum of either House or Senate here noth ing can be done until Wednesday, wbtn the excursionists will be back. It seems strange that a man wtu was set down Dpja by tbe voters of li e country as hsrd as was ex-Cir Ree!,hoolJ still cherish politi cal ambition, but he doe,md be is working to secure the support of the Maine dclegat tbe Minneapolis convention to bis presidential pretentiona. Mrljerrison has also called apon Mr Blaine to cbecklhate the movement, and he ts promised to do so, but tbe naa in the White Home is afraid tf the ex-speaker all the same, as be know that be bears h'tn neither love nor goor, It begins to look a though the joint resotu lion providing for a constitutional ararndmeal uthorizing the elect ion of senators by tbe peo ple would get through congress this session Considerable crow ing may bo expected from the protectionist editors over the fact that under the beneficent provisions of the McKinley act the American lien has incrva- ea ner product to such an extent as to en. tire! j exclude the pauper product of the Canadian hen from this market. The price of eggs may now be considered as very near tbe cotit of production, and protection can point to one infant industry in which tbe tax is not paid by tbe consumer. I The convention of the assessors at Port. 1 land adopted the tallowing resolutions: Whkra, Under the practical working of ilitaesment law of this state there is wide-spread andgrowing dltsstlsfaclion. W11 tut as. It is believed that the cause of many of the evil complained of Is In herent in the assessment laws. Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention of the county assessors of tbe state now assembled for the purpose of considering all questions relating to assess inent, that the assessment law should be amended to a to reach result a follow: First Tht all assessment upon which it is proposed to levy and collect taxes should br made at a uniform time, to-wit: tlo'cloc noon of lh firit Monday of March etchyear, Second That the listing ot property Should be completed within ninety daya from that date. Third That there should be no deduc tion on account of indebtednesa and there fore no assessments of credits; that exist ing property atone should be assessed, and of the place of Its actual location. Fourth Thai there should be provision for the enforcement of a lien on tne prop erty assessed, dating and attaching on and after said 11 o'clock noon of March 1, for all taxes levied for the current year under said assessment, but that said lien shall not be confined to the specific property assessed. Fifth That the fixed rates of taxation of 5 mills for school purposes and also univeislty tax be repealed and the rate of tax levy be made b) ne atale authorities necessary to meet the estimated expense of !he government of the state In the same manner as I donu by the county court for county , , . 1 The democratic party has J majority of the popular vote in the United States; of that there is no doubt. It also has a ma jority of tbe totes in states that cast a majority of the electoral votes. The only thing that ca 1 defeat the democratic party next fall is a bad blunder or a serious divis ion in ifrj own ranks. If these occur, the men who are responsible for it will not be easily forgiven by tha democrats of the Country. Ttlexam. The democratic and republican county com mittoes of Umatilla Co. havemado arrange ments to give a course of instruction to the udges and clerks of election under the new law regulating the condncting of elections. The election officers are all to meet at Iler- pnerand hold a mock election where all may learn the practice! way of conducting elec tions. This ought to be done in Linn county alwo. . Uimy rumor isays the third p irtv has se- ler.'ed Judge W Q Giwiam as its presi . I Miami. 15 II Flausr. formerly of y of ot Helens, where he edited the Mist, and later of lilllsboro, where he was connected wlilt the Independent, has decided to start a democratic newspaper In Salem, and lias rented a building tor that purpose, it will lake unflgt(lng perseverence by Flagg to make a democratic paper count in Saleln. A Sale rt paper says Out when "Sandy" Old (hot Emit Webber he wa a republi can, but that he ene'grs from the peni tentiary a tull-nedged democrat. 11 it thus apparent thai the Oregon penitentiary la a great reformatory Inttltull in. "wet come. Baletn ha organlaed a kindergarten effort wa arsoclatlon Kecentl y an dtafi ttarted here to eitablUrt a free klndergar- ten. This effort should be continued. I he kindergarten I the future starting point for the education of the masses, and give the little one Idea for future usefulness obtained In no other way. Let the kind ergarlen nio jgmenl be pushed torward The Portland Mercury aaya the wife of n Albany professional man has been In that city with a detective, and did not be have iut rluht. Must be a mistake, as n Mhlng can be learned here ot anything 01 the kind. A tug of war l now going on between Seattle and Tacoma in the matter of reulstrallon ot voters. Seatll elalma to have 011 the list, and Tacoma Is determined to surpass this; but cannot do It, we predict. The editor of the Seattle Post-Intelll eencer characterises Krsncls Wlllard as either "a demaBoirua" or "an ass," which I In keeping with the P 1'a style of journalism. Ml Wlllard, regardlest ot politics, t one 01 me nooieti a wen a ablest and purest women of the present generation. SaUm does thing In the Salem way It the undertook to build a railroad to the moon It would ao. Journal. Ye? What about the Fall Cli" R B. the Ml- verton motor line, besides the Astoria and Salem R R Incorporated tweor three year ago. Marlon county has fallen Into line. The Statesman says: The Marlon county farmers alliance met at Orange hail yea terdav and held Quite an Interesting meet Inr. there being present tepresentatlve from many ot tbe subordinate alliance throughout the county, The ball was set to rolling nicely In the matter ot p'sclng a third ticket In the field this spring It seems the cent ral verdict that a third ticket was necsssarv and the alliance will now work alon; that line. It Is likely there will b state, congressional and county ticket. It I al thai Senator Hilt wilt soon lead to the marrlaf altar one ot Albany's rich wlilowa. , Telegrams have Wen received from Ogden, from which It would appear that K It Lutkey had oot been In that city. It waa a caw of mistaken Identity. Walla Walla failed to come to time as a member ot ths base bait league, not raising tbe necessary I10.00C capital, and now AlUny Is suggested as a substi tute. Could Albany raise 10,000 in stock? swasssaw Koms time ago. ft London paper offered a 2-yuinea prise for the beat definition of a kins. Among Un; 7.G-.0 answers re ceived were tbe lolloping : "A report at head-quarters." Contraction ot the mouth due to enlargi utent ot the I eart." "An article that is always accepted and (im)printed, but not itlways published." A Portland Welcome reporter waa told that Portland capitalists will soon begin the erec'lon of a 1150.00 smelter In the Okanogan mining district. In the state of Washington. Portland has for years bten furnlshlnf a large share of the capital necessary to Inaugurate all the great min ing enterprises of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Ths Dkmocrat Is tinder obligation to soma one In Washington for a large nam- berof cli pplnga about tbe marriage o(. Mat tie Mitchell and ths Baron De Fouehon- caald, or whatever yon call him. There is nothing to be proud of when an Amer ican girl makes a fool ot bet self by marrying a titled foreigner, bence w refrain from Dubiiabing them : besides it would take several issues to cover lb field. A man who is running an agricultural naner over atAnacortea. wi! 11 water on one sid and woods on the other, is solic iting subscribers In ths Willamette val ley. Now It ia in order for some one to start a mining Journal op in Marion or Polk, or a lumberman's paper op at Pasco, vv estern Oreeon. and particular- It the Willamette valley, ought to sup port a good acrlcuWural paper,and prob ably would, if one should ever mate us appearance. Ex. Florence, the actor, once gave totni advice to a friend in these words : "One gallon of whisky costs about $3, and con tains about C5 ii cent drinks. Now, If yon must drink, buy a gallon and make your wife tbe baraeeper. When you are dry give her IK cVnts for a drink, and when the w hisky it gone, she will have, after paying for it, ftl.75 left, and every gallon thereafter will yield the same profit. This money she should put away, so that when you have become an inebriate, unable to support yourself, and shunned by every respectable man, your wife mar have money enough to keep yon until your lime comes to fill a drunkard's grave." Mr Henry BIskely, of Brownsville, writes that he is not a candidate for sheriff or any other office as reported in a correspondence in the Dxmocsat. A Chicago editor suggested that if the atmosphere grows much worse In that city it will have to be taken up in cap sules. Detroit Free Press. Today the fog was so Mtick at this city that it was proposed to do away with the false-work at the bridge and build on top of the fog. A I) Bhepard, assistant general freight agent, ot Ban Franclrco, and K P Rog ers, assistant O F & P agent, of Port land, returned last evening from a trip on tbe O P to the front. It ia to be hoped officials of the two roads exchange courtesies enough to finally make pro per freight rates for each other and also a union depot at this city. Gen LIsli Applegate is a candidate for circuit judge on the republican ticket. The Record, of Ashlaud, a democratic paper, saya he would make a much bet ter judge than one would suppose from looking at his overcoat, his old straw hat and bis Jacksonian home-made collar. The Record says : There ia only one danger about having Lish on the bench That would ba to the poor prisoners whom the district attorney would man age to send to tne penitentiary. In passing sentence on these dumb brutes the general would never get through with his sentence, tie would take them back to the Roman Empire, the fall of Babylon, the mistakta of our first par ents, and if the prisoner's term was not g6ne by this time he would bring him up to the time of Henry the Eighth. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props., Toledo, O. Wa tha undersigned, have known F. 3, Che ney (or the last IS years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all hastiness transaction and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. WKHTaTKUAX, WholtwaloDrnprlstii, Toledo, O. W aldi so, K in van & Masviw , w holes ala Drug iristB, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tnK.n Internally, actlna directly vpoa the blood and imutous fmrfarenof the gyBUjra. iirugfc'ials. Price, tho. ner bottlu. Eold bv oil "ioatmiouuiisi tae. . ifANTCD. 20 shares Albany Build insr, and Joan Association Kt'wlr Tlii.EOIlAPlIIO NI3VV6 That W blky Trt. Boston, Mareh 1. -A story published this evening says- "More surprises are in store for the people most interested in the whisky trust. Before anothnr twenty-four hours elapse it is fflt improbable Unit ar rests will be made which wiil create a pro found sensation. The indictment resulted from tho prosecution of the whisky trust of ficials nnd Ute charge contained is tatntr- ing wnn tunmuer ot tlm granrt jury, 1 lie ttial ter has been kept excwvltngly quiet, llistrict Attorney Allen says he can give no information." Jaehsaavitle Eleelle. Jacknonvillk, Or March 1. Tho an- nnal city election took place today. This is the first election held under the Australian ballot system. It worked perfectly and gave eutire satisfaction, the following ollioors wore elected; Trustee. D Cronemillor, Dr J W Robin son, Max MulUir. J Nun?n and Charles Nicknll; recorder, H J Dnvt treasurer, J Cronomtllfir; marshal. H W Grimws: street eoiiimiasioner, Henry Wendt. I ararlata Business, , Port Townskkd, March 1. Throe Chinese, charged with being unlawfully in the United States, were arrested today by customs ollieers. It i reported in the Chin ese quarter that an unknown sloop manned ry two wiute men, while coming across from v Ictoria Monday night with a cargo ot contrahoittl Chinese lost four jtassengors overlsxird. who were drowned. Tho re mainder cams to Port Townsend and four have been arrested. ; Tbe Greatest la lbs WU. Pkkvkh, March I. The Mollis Gibson mute will distribute In dividends t328,000 among stockholders of record for March. It ia estimated (hat the April dividends will awonnt to 400,000. This is the irreatest divhtend ever paid in one month by any stiver nnna in me worm, uesnies thoae immense dividends, the company ha a re- serve fund of .jQ,000. That Jail Break. KofliBL iio, Or Feb 29. Yesterday, at alwtit 11a. m., two of Uto Wingnta Hart Minstrel Company, in jail on a charge ' of burglary made their escape. They had beam ai lowed in the corridor, and, having secured sumo roil and poll from their iron bedsteads, wrsppnl the ends with cloth to deaden the scund. and jammed a hols through the wall of the north end of the jail. One man and a boy escaped. Whim Judge Pitxhugh discovered the bole in the wall from hi modem he at once went to tlm scene. Both were captured at Cut U ire drove this morning, having rtdilen on the blind baggage from Oakland. a MlllMta Mrs Will V Aar4, LnxDos, Feb 29. It ia now estimated that 410,000 luinera will cease work in fortnight in their efforts to prevent a reduc tion in wagna, Minuld tiie tnten tions of the mtntT U carried out and 1 strike ituuijrumted. bruin h industries will be adversely al!ertsd and it is estimated l.UUO.OotJmen will fl the effects of tho struggle. 1 lie pruts Of coal u rapidly ris ing in London. Figures today shown an advance of a shilling a ton alxwe Saturday 'a rates. The increase wilt fall heavily on the floorer classes. Baeaast tm Death. Skatti.r, Feb 29. A terrible fatality oc curred in this city this morning, by which three children, two girls and one boy, , be- tween the aires ot four and eleven years, wer biirued to death and tbe father severely injured in his efforts to rescue bis children from the flame, which devoured his home ami all his poeMinti. 'Hsey wvre John II himpson. a liliu kmriilh. lived with bia wife and four rhiidim. Urpha. aired 11 vetrs Julia, 9: Ray, 4, and Rime. 2. residing near tne aiadison street cable railway power- noose. Aa Oreiea tartars ha. Thk Dau.ks. Or Feb 29. Three distinct shocks ef earthquake were felt here at 2 JS this morning. The vibrations were north and south, and lasted about four seconds, A nuiiiU-r of citiuw were awakened by the shock, and ruhed into the street in their night-clothe. In some residenre the plaster was cracked ami crockery rattted upon the shelves. o serious damage is reported Whlshey Neat Arretted. Cnicaoo, F.b 29. It ia definikly known (he federal grand jury at Bostoo February 11. tad ided all the 0 Si cits an directors of the Cattle Feeding and Distill ing Company, tbe "whisky trust" for the violation of the Sherman anti-trust law Today United Slahw Marshal Hitchcock deputie were engaged in svrving warrants for the arrest of tbe indicted men. Lk S)4 VeeThesav Amacohtes, Wa Feb 29,Labdy a well dressed stranger represented himself here aa a world's fair commissioner and cvltivated the acmia.ntan of such persona as be thought could do htm the most good. AfW his disappearance Saturday a Wa! bank uixeovemi, at a cost ot a.aj, that his pre tenses ami loiter or croon were bogus. Walt"Ua Jaio, yvasiiixutox, tco !: there is some dissatisfaction in the Washington delega tion in congrr with the present sdtnini tration. Nothing is said aloud nor for pub lication, but it 1 evil lent that the members of the delegation, without specifying; any particular man, are nrt very well eahatied with tbe treatment which has been accord' ea Washington ty U10 administration in raont matters. The appointment of the circuit judge probably did more to stir up this feeling than anything else tlat has happened lately, because the members of the dolctfution expected and honed they would at-exire the judgsbip, especially aa the state of Oregon had all along been mors highly favored in appointments than Wash ington. It is set forth that Oregon haa a minister to Turkey, a judge in Alaska and a collector of internal revenue for the dis trict of Ore.ron though Washington has a largnr population and a larger republican vote than Oregon. , . Am Ate rieelprweltf. New YokA, Feb 2. -The World's cor respondent at Washington sends the follow ing: China will strenuously protest to this srovernnjent against the enactment of such Chimwe exclusion laws as are proposed in the Geary and Stump bills, now before the house, if such laws are enacted China will retaliate, She will expel all American mis sionaries, toachera ana their families, and all Americans engaged in any busings within the Chinese Ktnptre: and aha wiil sever diplomatic relatif n with this govern ment. A GsmmI Sbawlaf . , Tacoma, Feb 28. The city assessment roll for 1892 wai completed today. It was made on a basis of the full cash value, and shows Real estate ,.... ....... . .$34,475,f92 Improvements ................. 5,479,600 Personal property ....., . 4,845,162 Total .................. .$44,900,455 The total assessed value in 1890, made at 50 per cent of the cash value, when proper ty was valued more highly than at preset t, was $12,500,000. : . . : A Feeallar llatesaesitt . Saw Fbancisco, Feb 28. "The first choice of the New York delegation to Chi cago for the presidential nomination will probably be William C Whitney, ex-secretary of the navy." This was the sentiment expressed by Norman E Mack, editor and proprietor of the Buffalo Times., He was elected a delegate to the Chicago convention without bis knowledge. Shershaa Will Batlre New Yobk, A Washington special te the World says: "Senator John Sherman, it is said, does not expect to serve out the term to which he was elected by the Ohio legislature last January. From an inside official source it is learned he has made up his mind io retire to private life. The date of his retirement has not been fixed defi nitely." , : LyarhlHg Coort. Tekkb Haute, Ind Feb 28. Friday Itoxa Slaughter, aged 12 yea's, while on a sick bed, was criminally assaulted . by Ed Chessenisjrry and Frank Orry, both aged 16 Today nhe died from tho effects of tho as sault, The pojmlitt'e is greatly exciteil, imd liaarh Him Out. Br Ps vt.. March 1. John L Hullivun Hindu his Initial eparnnce as an actor here lust night, and wound tip his periormrnce y falling Hat on tlm stage in the Inst ai t. le could scarcely walk or talk thronirhoot the perforoianro, ami when bo forgot his lines made disconnected smeches to tha spectator about his ability as a fighter. A Mars tha Atlaalle 1'east, Nkw Yoiik, March 1. A terrible storm of wind, ruin and snow ragtsl all night and today here and along the Atlantic count. 1 he wind was sixty miles an hour. At Iinng Branch, Anbury Park ami Atlantic City much damage was rettorted. The sea s making heavy cnormu imiprits on land. aviliions have been blown down, ete, TIIHEAtS.lf.OEKH. If the threat is corrlod out by the friend of Mr Cleveland of cramming him down the 'throat of bis opiKmotit. there is likely to be considerable "throat cutting" in No enibor, Portland Ui'fatck. Threat, lndisdl Pray toll us who of Cleveland's friends ever nttvlo a threat to cram 1dm down the throats of "his oppon ents." Haa Cleveland's fnond shown thl 'cramming" disposition by seizing upon party machinery and rushing in in a very unseemly way into a midwinter convention to secure delegates? We trust tlie ' will be explicit. Tell ua who made the threat to "cram." Toll rj whim and where the threat waa made. Buppose one of Cleveland's "opponents" sliould conto up to the national convention with tlm 72 deity gates from New York and a postiiblo 200 besides, and Cleveland should come up with enough from the other stales to secure )i nomination; would that be considered cram ming Cleveland down the throats of his 'opponents?" No, there haa been no throats. Does the DifaUh seek to prejudice its readers against Cleveland by giving pub licity to such unfounded chargi? We trust not, and yet it looks very much like it A dispatch from Huntington, W. Va., eayt Gov Fleming. Congressman Canchsrt and other prominent democrat from all part ot the state attcnuco a meeting ncre today la form a league ot club for the Fourth Congressional district. A resolu tion declaring allegiance to Senator Hill was almost unanimously defeated, wutie Cleveland's name was greeted with rous ing cheers. Waterson of the Louisville Courier- Journal, ssys: lbs way thine have been shaped In New York It would be sulclJsl tor the democracy to nominate cither Cleveland or Hill for the presidency. Senator Hill as a presidential candidate will encounter difficulties which never presented them selves during hi prevtuus candidacies. tilll cannot carry a single northern state. unlets It be New York, at all. Kentucky will instruct her delegates to vote lor John U Carlisle. Next to Grover Cleveland he I the most piomlnent exponent of tarilt reform. Mr McKinley eay: You can't make wool free on the sheep's back and tax it on our backs." Then the tariff on cloth ing Is a tax? Thank for the admission. Pimples. Ths el4 14m ef S ysaes ao waa that fasaal sraptloaa wer 4m to a "bloi hnmor," lor walck tbsy save pviua. Tb a all tt eld aaraa perliUs auolals aaaash. a aseat obJwlianaU and irsiss satastal, ttal lwu4 at ftrrturff. tvstjsally trstas mmtUmt. Taabaveac ste4 this waaa Saalsa cshs aaraaHrlUaa kbaa It la ba ' so kaowa aha she ssesa aea, tb klo4 avsaMec pawar, I Ik (4 sil vtllaUDf or slsaaslas psswateoa, i ifsd b? laAlfeasiea ee aaaMipasWa. vti tha Wood. 1 wall slsaUa. a elsaa stcsstab mm& haaltbtul 4'eMoa yaslSss H an ihar Siaasssar. Tha lof'9 V sfssskla Sar ss rt'Ja ts eos swaa4a4 aftar lb ns&dava i&m a talat U bowsis aa4 MlmaUt tha !f sssiaa. Tb sltVrl Is Iramsdlat and asset satUfaclorr- A abort teaUstonlal le sentnsst Ue sxrSoa ef Iba poiaaa BaraaparUiaa aad Jor's sjuaera vtaable fmparsllon. Ura. G, D. Slaart, at MO Mara SL. S, f.. wrilas: " I have for yaar bad ladbjastloo, I ttsd a popular araapariUa bat II aeisaily as4 mora rlmtl t break oat on asy faee. fttariaf tbat Joyawaa a later pratiaratioa a4 aetad dlfkrant:;-, 1 1 ltd It aad tba plmta lsdiai!y d(ar Roared Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla rot SALI BT tid C ITAIAIO ALBANY SHILOH'S D0I1SUMPTI0II CURE. " The saeeas ef thl Ore! Couth Care la without a parallel la the history or medicine. All drasctsv srs authorised to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a tact that no other cure eaa moesasfuily stand. That it may become known, tha Proprietor, at an enormoos e pan, ar plaelng Sample Bottle Krea Into Tory borne la the United States and Canada. If yon bare a Cough, Bora Throat, or Bron chitis, dm It, for It wilt ears yoo. If your child baa thaCronp, or Whooping Oongh, one It promptly, and relief la sore. If you dread that Insidious disease Consnmntion, naa II. Aa!t your Druggist for SHILOH'S CVRB, Prica 10 et.. Mots, and It. 00. II yoor Long are sort or Back tame, use Stilloh'a Poroua Plaster. Pries iscte. For sale by all Drug gist and Daalar. AXLE GREASE BEST 1ST TIIE WOUXD. SlsrWMkrlDeqaalllteaarsairattrtiaaavtt, aetuaTI fuUMtlnar two boxos of anyothor brand. No ttaoud by baa, iriit. Tt i 11 ai V i. 3i V 3 K. FOB SAtlt BTPFAI J!RB QgNgRAU.Y. ftfV A Hovclation. Tew people know that ths bright bluUh-green color of I tba ordinary teas exooaed In j tb windows frl ft rhe oat. oral color, tkitvi wxatn as tha (art may be. it t nevertheless artificial', mineral coloring matter being used for this purpose. Tb eQect la two fold. It not only makes th lea a bright, shiny green, bat also permits tha asa of " off color " and worthless teas, which, one andar tbe green cloak, are readily worked off as a good qnallty of tea. An eminent authority writes on this sub Joot: "Tb manipulation of poor teas, tneire them a finer appearance, is carried on exten sively. Greea teas, being in this o untry onjioeinlly (.opular, are produced to meet tha di-maad by coloring chea: er black kinds by i'asiitgorioolng with Prussian blue, tumeric, f rpsuni, and liidig.t. TMtmrlhed it SO C" tral thiU veiy little gmuiiu untolort4 fre- r. U ofcrtd tale." It was tho knowledge i t this cottditt. n r affaln t! a: i rompted theplae rig of 1 eccli's Tea before the public It is atwolutt 1 )n a and wl hmit color. Did yoa over si aiy genulue nucolorod Japan teat A k your fr.ieertoppenavarkafof Ileech's, and' u will see P, snd probably for tha very line. II will be found lu color to bo t be tween the irtlllrial green tea that you have been accuntomed to and the black tea. It draws a delightful canary eilor, and Is so fragrant tl at it wlil bo a rovclattou to tea drinkers. Ita purity make it also mora economical than the ar.lfitial teas, for lei of It Is required per cup. Bold only to pound I ackRje bearing this trads-mark: uto As tiiiildhoodr If your grocer does net have it, he will gel It for y ms. jv,c5 s pas poua 1 For mia a m SHERIFFS SALE. In tin Cirenit Court 0 tt for tho County of lAnn. Slat 0 Ortym S K CARTER, Plaint Iff ' FA TiUKK II AKT. Defendant, NOTICKIS HKMKItY UlVFXTlItT by vlrtt of an aaecutltm lssuwt out o ths above named otitirt, in ttie above entitled aollon, to in direetnd and iliiv ered, 1 did on the 2inh day of Jsnnsry, I'd.!, at ti e suit nf the above nsmnd plain tilf, levy on and altar It all the rtubt, tit e and Intetest cf the above narnul 1I1 f. nl ant in aim to tbe real property t eroln afier Imc ibsd, and will on Kalarday, Ih tlh slay mt Marrh, last, at the Court If ous door, in tbe city of Albany, t.lnn county ,Orgon,t tbe hour o' 1 o'oliwk p rn of said day,sxill at piitjllo t notion fir orh In hand to tho I.UIient btddur, aalrl rust prnperty dwtcribed as f) lows, tow If UHslnninfr at the NW oornnr of block r,IIw!klu!tV2iiI addi tion Mi a litany, Linn nount v, reon;Uietici easterly and parallel wild tho south nountiary line 01 sal titocK tm rt: thence aoiithsrly and psrallM with the west boundary line or said biocir lis feoii thanoe weaterly prl'nt with lbs north bourn! wry tmecf aald liloek Co fcot, t'n noe northerly on the wiwt bounoary lire of aaiu oioea U tlm piaon or Migttinlfig. Also tbe N M of the I.aul Calm of O P Jlurkbatt and wife, Notification Oi).i, In 'p II, M it 3 W. of ths '.Vliismalto Meridian, In i.ln ootintv, dretron. The irted4 arUiing from tho sale of said real propnrty t bo "'polid, firnt , lo the-payment or the noeia of an-l ujion thla writ, anil ti e original mmm amouutlna to I ha sum of 'AI Hft; srjrnd,to the payment or piairititrs c;aiui aipouutinK to the sum ot tllt.HH, and third, that tbe overplus, If any there be remaining a'ter the payment or tue aumsaiKive, to im pain into tne above emitted otirt to abldo the further order ol a sld court. Dated Ibis 3rd dr.y of January, 1892. M. SCOTT, bherlffof Linn county, Oreos. LADIES M( KykU-M srs ffi'-wttm fwaasa-wf. pf rkssfii ; ssa t si rr sm .,i4rarfi a fr, aWtuMtas U4js7a) 4 trHIHt fcs tUU tm &umt, I j f, iiia ffaiufc aKulir Mmmn4 'kt. Mlmtl. VirtM,lrUawU Ovr lAl,HMk isawM. s.(ii sjawTttlrty lfM?Trtt. It h sn fktn af "MsfklM," ! l,.tral4 fsHiasvr A4 st4fsjs f s.f vmj ifi M FPFE Dor.'t fall to irtlaaa i PCVTPWIIlTtn 111. rxrlor b w l I tIIMS I toe Aood Hto tKai Co.. Ch'cttKO. III. OOOOOOO OOO O GOOD HEWS O 0 for lbs Bklillsra s ssntssisn ti Q oTutVgPiIls.0 Oil giTM lr. s ass- MnMlattsaaerfsMsSsaw O TIHY LIVER FILL vtilrh Is or llataa, a O y- rvsaasOaaf sal sftsssJ Ibrg am OWBtiSaSisa, svra still sa 'aMar sasvss fS svra still ssawMh asaaw ! w I TUTT TIHY UVf riLLt laahvwatas tha bear rti,teMt.' OOOOOOOOOO NOTICE OF FINAL ETTIEMEHT. Notice is iiKUKtir otrrn tiut the fx drbHl nacusi af l he bat vli i sad Wntanusnt 14 W K ttubii, Jwl, ban AM bis S-nl aeoonnl la tlx urflsa oi Uiacrtsnlr t-ierfc nf Linn eounlj .Orcni, and Usl U n.anif curt 4 aaid Uon, baa apaiIMt U mda r, tbs Jih Uf nl, IWi, SUM Inxtr m lo d'rlu. k m Ins ..rnnua or ul d-r.u in UOM, and Hm tourt roota uf astd roaai,y wrt u Un pltum tut twsiine a)ijack' II any to aal final so auonl snd ib sdUcnKni M ssul estal. Uslad Jauiury IWH. aMPKEW 4NOHLR. oko w a rtiriiir, Kiwutor. U' lur aunra'or. CITATION, I the Conitfy CW 0 tie Stall fj Orrgtm, Jn Lmn fount y: Ia tha matter nf the not ata ,f llimy U.-ar, daccasnd. To all tba heir krj'iwn and ankaown ia the a box e enlltli d tU, (ircnticgt THC NAME OF THE STAT 2 OF a-itntd tn tuar in tba errant v court of the aiate of Orntjon, forth coaiily of Linn, at the toart room 0ert, at i. ibinv, ia the county ot Una, on ftordty, th 1 2 .h day of March, IS' 10 o'clock ia the lureaooa of tbut day, thee and there to show cause, if acy there be, by ao order should art isrne out of tbe above nntitlrd court aatboriiiug and directing O P C'-haw, tba duly ap pointed, qaalttied and acting administrator of said eaaate, tOM!l t' real bropertv b loniriog to ai.l aataV, dascribnd aa follows b wit: The snn-.nwrst one-fourth of oeo tirtti 2. in toaushif H. south Haae I East Villanlta men.tia'Kiri iJtiq coantv.Uregoo Dons bv nrder d the Hon II H N Black burn, Jndewltbe Couhtt Court of the state of Oregon, fr die coootv of l.ton.ailb tba aaal of sail court ai&xdt thia 1st day cf rebroary, A U, 1S92. . Attest. N P IMYXft, . -.Clerk. AOM2KISTRAT3.VS NOTICE. TtroTICE IS HKItKHV OlVEJf THAT THK an i. dsraient"!. hsa h.m apfKrinlAl s4ainttraUalar UM Matt ol Cha. Im IUdiislx.lccuci. All lwrwms having claims axainat sut dtHvawxl are require! I nroaral taatnproMrtly -prflcj, (i Ihe untler.xl at Albuir. lAun moult, urwus. wtlbin sts Mutitiis trm t.i4u. Paled Uts 2Jlh df uf rsirusry. ISM- O W KL'aiUtXiH. O P Chanaw, AdmitiKmtor Ally for A.lmr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE VS dsri(nd atmtmartraLor ot tha MM ot Alios Kovl. daoMMHl, hsa BlaJ iih tha County UjOrk. fur I.( ti n anunty, Urnea, his final account in asid aaiata and u eaurt has Oxad tna ila nay or aUrrh, mt, a- lha hour of lo e'ciui-fc a m, and tha 00 art room of said ouuaty eourt aa tha plans, for tb awing- nt jbjofUeaa lb or to. If auy, and for ths astUatusnt ot said (Mala. Patad January ttnh, 1S8I. 8 A SlCKF-RSOS. OEOWWRIOIIT, Admiuislrator. Ally tor Adtn'r. ' ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE Is hereby given thai lbs etookboidera of annual meeting; of tba tbe Albany Buiidlner Association will be held at the ofuce of W V I weed ale. on Ferry Strea', lu Albany, 00 Monrlay, March 21st, 1S81, at 7:30 p m.for the aleo tioa of direotora, anil euob other buaioeaa aa maj com before the n-eelin,-. Paled Feb 12ih, IS82. J.JOSEPH. V C TT EKDALE, Swretary, President. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there will ba a rneeUnsr of the atock holders xf the OdJ Psllowa 1111 Building Association held rt thelrorboe in Albany. Oregon nn Monday, tbe 14th day of March, 1802. at the hour ol 7 o'clock n m of said day, fi'-ihe purpose of electing aevan director tn serve ror the ensuing year and tor th trausaotioa of any other business that may come before said moetlng. I hls the 25th dsy of January, 1892. W OTVtKKOALE, t A rasarR, Presi dent. teoniry ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE legal votur of School Distriot, Mo 6, Linn county, Oregon, that the annaal school meeting for said district will be held at the Court House, in said dtstrtot, to begin at tho hour of 7 o'olook p m, on the first Mon day, beicg lha 7th day ot March, 1S92, for the purpose of hearing the report of Direc tors ana Clerk of said distriot. and to levy a tax for tha support of the school for the ensuing year and for tbe transaction of any other business that may legally corr.e before the meeting. Dated this 23rd day of February, 1892. COBURKHART, LHMobtamts, District Clerk. Char Board of Direotora, NOTICE TO 30H f NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT John E Cyrus and W P Pitchford. partner., doing business in Scio. linn county, -Oregon.under tho firm nma and style of Cyrus fc Pitchford, bava duly made an aasignmtnt of all tho property, real and personal, to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors. All persons having cairns auint the said firm are hereby ootififd aad required to present the sam under oatb to f.heondersiuned, at the otflea of J K Weatberford, n the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, w libin three months from the u.tie hereof. Dated Feb. 8rd,18-W. J. II FESRY, Siliil'i'ONSi fa the Cirr.u'd Court of the. HttxUaJ Oregon for Linn County.. JTOS IIAWKINS. Pfalotlff, PKTKK K lift Alt, Defendant, To VnUr n IlflJir, the above named de- lenuttni, , N THE NiMK Of TUB STATE OF OrPKon, you are hereby reo aired to I sppnsrantl answer the eomplaiot of the piaintiiT.nied in the aoove entitled ontirt. with theo'erlc of said oonrt, by the first day if the nest regular ter o or the above entlllml rwnirt, tiwiu on the Mi b dav nf Maroi, loli'Jj ana yoo ars hereby notifirKi bat tr you uil to appear and answer aula eornplalnt, the plslntlff will takejadg- ment against you for the sum ti witb Interest thereon at the rale of le 1 (10) twr rent per t nnum, from the Vtn dar of April. IHki. and for the fort bar ismof IH) whb intarest thereon at tbe rate of ten (10) rcett. per annum from Sept, 1st. iKHl, and for the costa and dinbnraemen' of thla action to be taxed: and also take en order and decree of said court, to m.11 tbo following describou land towlt; all yonr. dfend ant's riybt, title end Interest In tbe donsttin land claim of Owen Bear, twins; notifloai ion No 2240 and claim No 41. lit tAWDshlp 12. Month Kangft 4 West and clal o Ho iH, in township 12, sjootb KaiiK 4 'est, in 11 nn county, Oregon, contalnlnK seres, leas 41 acres heretofore aold to various parties leaving fH)3 50 acre. Wbich said land was duly lcvtod U'm by writ of attachment dulv laauMl ont of tbe above n-med court, la the above eitU'd action on tbe 8tb ol fptmber, ll. f.irtbe p'jriKKMS ofaa curins; any Judgment that plalrrtlfT might nxtovur in the above eotlt.ed eauae. Thla sum.nons 1 aerved by publication In the "?T4iis Bkjwts Davccaai b order Of tbe Honorable It P Bolss.Judrft, . f tha above ei tltl.rl Clourt, made at rhanibi-ia on the lfltb day of Ji nuarf, IMfli. , t L WEA rOErtFwHD. ' Attoruey for Pi I J tiff. ' s' a NOTICE: It the County Court oj Linn County, Oregon. In the mailer ol tbe application af Morils YV- JlerktrcheD, for cbaogs of nanxs XTOTICE U HEKEBY GIVES THAT 11 tbe above named Morlti Walter-klr-o -en baa fiJ hi patition In the Cou.ty Couit cf Linn oounty, Cragon, praying foran ordor ebni(ina; bia name to Morns Walter, and by orJer ol sai l C'art, Tuesdav. tbe 5'.h day of April, WL at tb hour cf 1 o'clock pm ulaaitday, baa Imh)0 fixed aa tba time f.r tba banng of objsctions, tr any there t,wbv tbsappit cailon of said peii'isnsr should nt be granted. fubtlaheJ by order msde bytbelln DUN Mlackburn, Judg- ot said Court. Ibis 27th dav of Kebraare, 1892. In witnaa wber-f. 1 bare bernoto snt, lny aanrl a"l am zed the sea) of aal i Court, tb is 27tb da- ofrebrnary.A n.1892. N Y PA NYE. County Clark of Lin county. By U M Fayie, Deputy ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THS VS drrnl bas sbs day been Sititl adruln 4Htr uf Uiauauf VnUtt Wlt, dsoBased, by lb saunty vmn at L no eannXf,Ormgtm, and that I bava tad nr bond as raqnir4 by law and aas now Suit tuUAoi lo aam-Jh admlnkrtntue. AH persona saving cistm sirattMt seut sslaia ar barehy rs mrd sn4 ntinl to pressnt uwasm to m at tbe ufWa W R Mtlyna, in Altiany.Unnsnvnlv. Onra, rub iba nrrnr vooclwrs, within ata SBontha fxaan Pawd at Albany, lb SRh day of iannarr. I2. A i WKLT. W R Hilven, Adrolnuualor. AUy fnr Aeralnisratar ADMIKISTRATOR'S KOTICE. VrOTM E IS HER EBT CITES TO ALL WHS at IT may roncam tnaS laa tiD4r-i7Td bns aioti4nid admlnlsuisuir, sritb IM will annas 4, at lb aaiaia nf Hubert Ji4uml Jiasai. All naranas bavl'-f daims araimS si4 swals ar raqolrsd to iirwrtit thrm duly rtA4 to tba nndrstsml vithia I. sanatba (ram thla date a Attn, Lisa county. This (ha lif.b lay of Jannanr. lWt 4 a suiurartHU, Administrator with lbs ari! aanesad of a J alius, dae'd. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HE8KBT OIVE! THAT THE V3 nutnmi adminiau-atnr ( uia naata of alalia O Tattaitt, dacnasad. baa Sled his Snal aemunt aa mid administrator, and that tha county aourt ol Linn coonc, Oraioo, has anonlntad Monday, thaTth dy t Ma cn. itet,atlO o'elorh ta tha lornaaa of asid day. aa tha dans Inr hearins; and salt! ing said as anas snd tha ssttiacnant of a5d aataia. Pattd January :ia(, lu. W K PtLTEC. GEO W WRtO fJT, Adouala-Ator . Aisoraay. ASSIGNEE'S SALE: TfcJOTlCEI9 nEREBY GIVES THAT 11 tn unierinea aaaianew or tie ea'ara of Cyrna A Pilch ford, lnaolrent debtor,-win anil at puoitc aootlon on Hatarday. March IBtb, 1892. ai 10 o'clock a rrt. at C rus A fitahfbrd's aawmiil, attuled about 10 miles soutbesat of Mci", Or., all tha peraonal property belonging to tba above named aetata in ray ear. conalating of one first -claa leam saw mill aodlitture. 40 bores power engine, mill all w mplet and nearly as good a saw, ia a good location, oca Bcirr cbopnr,lS,000 teat of lusiler of various kiods,everal tboa- aand feet of toe ia pond, ona piaoioa; ns china on Barnaul araterwbeelOiocb, good a oaw, almut 40 feet cf ebaftine, one ear gnar, taopair flaoges, four yoke of work oxen, yokea, chiiis,tc Term of aJe,ooe half caah ia hand, balaoc 00 60 daea time. J II FEEKY, Postoffioe, Scio, Or. Asaigne. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stock boldora of tbe Albany Street and Railway Compai.y will be bold on Wednesday, March 9th. 1892. mt lha hour cf 7pm of said day, at tbe efflce of tbe secretary of eald company, the nana being at the real eataH r.ffloe of CO Burkbart 00 First Street, In Air-any i gun. for tbe purpose of electing sevou serve for tbe term of ona year next enuDg from naid meeting, and until Ibeir aucceasora are elected and quaiified.and to transact anch other business as may oome before said meeting;. Tated February 23rd, 1892. OGBUKKHART, Hejretaiy. ADMINISTRATGSSN3TICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY O.IVEH THAT THK deraiirned tor of tha aslata of O W Vi armotb.deoeased.baa fllsd his. Altai soooant for set- Uenwnt of all and aintrular of tha omltar of asid Mtkla, and that ths County Court of tha a lata of Oregon for Una county haa Ssad April 8th, IS&i, tha hour of 10 o'olook am of said day, lo haarinv objoctiona it any to said aacount and for astttiag of said estatoof said diwaassd. This tb 2nd day at March, ISO. I KWARMOTH. J K WATHSmm, Advintstrator, Atty far Admla. , NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. NOTICE ia hereby given that 1, or ray Deputy, wiil m ha tax-pajeia of Lion oounty , Oi.g c, o'clack a m and roroaia uulil 4 o'o'cok p in, at tbir respsctiv plaoaa of voting in the several tha fol lowina tlmaa aud plaoaa for tha purpose of collecting the laxea fur tha year of 1S91: R-ck Oretk, Monday, February 15. 119 Fo Valley, Tueday, F.b 10. 1888. Jordsa, VVednasday, Feb 17, 1S02. Scto, Tburaday, Fab IS, 1892. Frauklis Butte, Friday, Feb 19. 1392. Sh.lburn. Saturday, Feb 30, 1892. North Labanon, Monday. Fab 22, 1892. Santiaro, Monday, Fab 22. 189t. Soulh Lebanoa, Tussdsy, Feb 23. 1892. Waterloo, Tuesday, Feb 23. 192 Sodavt'le, Walneaday, Feb 24. 1882 Bwaet Home, Thursday, Feb 25, 1S82. Crawfordsvil'e, Friday, Feb 26, 1882. N frow avll.e, Saturday Feb 27, 1892. 8 jrownyiile, Saturday, Eb27, 1892. Center, Saturday, Feb 27, 1892. N Harriaburg, Monday. Feb 29. 1892 Halsey, Tuesday. March 1, 1892. Shdd, Wednesday, March 2, 1892. Tangent, Thursday, March 3, 1892. Orleans, Thursday, Maron S, 1892. Price, Friday. March 4, 1892. Syrtuse, Saturday, Maroh 6, 1892. West Albany, Saturday, March 5, 1892. Albany, Monday. March 7, 1892. Center Albany. Monday, Mareh 7. 1892. East Albany, Tuesday, March 8. 1892. Prompt pay mint wilt ba required. Pay your taxeeaud eaveoost. .- ' M. SCOTT. Sheriff snd Tsa Collector . D.ited January Stat, 1S92. v CHOICE L1EAT0 Or lu, Kmr - ; turner iolt - 2d - X3n.iart Need a Watch? I have all kinds, at all prices and every watch fita th price. But price is not everything in watch-buyinc; , GUAHANTEED QUAUTY i the I faarantc waches accord ing to their quality; and quality nnake 3 the price. All kinds all qualities all prices. F. M. FRENCH, The Corner Jevvelry3 , :', TWO JIEU AND ONfc BOY FOUND ' DEAD!. w - rs - A'hile trying to Crowd theii WAT IWTO DEY0E& FftQriA?i BROS jtore, where they a!wat have on hand hu largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Juns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle cf every description; .Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and tbousanda of other tbinga too numerous to mention Xlepnir Shop a connection with the Store, and one of ie best workmen In the State to do any nd ail kind of wor Come one Coras " No rouble to how goods. "Small prcfit snd ' ouick s W is ou; moXo. Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers ' - lEAMEIiCINES CSISTANO SAW KILL MACHINERY IRON 4GNTS AHO ALL 033 OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IEGN AKO BRASS CASTINGS. pooMi attonUtiu da ot inacblneis isirt a patrlns .11 f&UrrDf Kade on Short Notiot A BIG STOCK" :- of -:- Baby :-: Buggios; kfst assert ment ever brought to Albany, just received at Stetfqt 3: Sox's. See the Cizdes and Get Friccs. FonTtmLER a irvifjg. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS- arterial Embalming dona Scientifically . Albasy, Oresi Star Bakerj rrBrolsitBl ad First Ktr CONRAD fiHEYER, PROPRIETOR, C -assies ta - (sstsieal rraila, Glaaa stare), Dried Fralla. Tea-e, Sgrt ('flee. Kta rsiard M at i neQB wssrv, Vrg4sisil. Clsjara S !, Test, la fsa .rrTth,w tbat la kapt ha vamay ana gsossry sMsra, ji(hasS market price paid lor AT.L KIHD3 OP PRODUCES h o :n .. ei : b: a : n a: h a a B'4a g . . . . THE CEZMRSATED . . m if SMITH & WESSON VOLV The Finest Small Arns Ever Manufactured B B llnriinliiilti liniii 1 1 i.i - 1 t it 1 iw . t ta rriioa."v ti 0UHBIUTY. H EXCELlUCE el y WORKMANSHIP and H CONVEkiENfE In im LOAOIN&and SAFETY. ff Bawara of cheap Iron imitations Q Send forllljstrated Cataictrs and Price ! tafl is SMITH A. WESSON. ' ITH A. WESSON. IS WASTHD A girl lo do general housework in a smalt family. In quire at tb 'a office. ..- IRDS 1X)R SAlK. Mra Vra Meyer baa (ime tine canary bird, genuine Sootoh whii tiers, tor sale. Call on her at her home oa Water street, between Hill and Maine streets. PLAIN 8EWINS. Tha sndaraigned will taka in plain sewing which will be done la Grat-claa order and on reasonable tarma. lav order at residence, of Tho Jo aea, on 7th street, between Broadalbia and Ferry street. Miss Whitehiad. ONET TO LOAN Home capital to loan, In sum to alt.on Albanr aud L,inu 1 aoucty real ests'a or srood personal security. rV R MoFhesson. First Strwt opp. Masot lo Hall. Albany, Or. ARE -YOU - GOING -TO - RIDE - A BIOTOLE this summer ? If so, catl on Van Wilson, at Stewart A Sox's, and see a New Mail, t 1 t t ... ' wiucn aiwiys gives sausiacuon. ADINISITJATCTS K3TtC CF AP : tsntiTirPT ,: rwuiifattrtg. : - VTOTICB li HEREBY GIVEK THAT Tt! J.S undereigi ed Baa been duly appointed hy th eumy court lie linn comity, Oregon, atlminisu-stor ol tbe 8UWo( Was A Daria, dtxeaKMl, inte ot tma oounty, Oreitt B. All pe'sous banng claim ajraioat asid entate ars hereby notittinj to prosent tnm prop, erly verified to tho utulerned at li:s rwiasnca at North Saiero, alarioa eounty. Oruijon, withm six mouths from this date. Aud all ..-si.i, indebtaa ta said estate ans hereby Beiirl.a to pa the same to ti!SP!er't'a id trumxlutoir. Dated Teiis urv (s.h. I OTCEr-Itn, TM.MO Tost, ' Adoiiab)t-r.ttor of said astat. IRE