:.. .. .. .. r. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. U. UEtTllKUrOKl), AUaraay Will nraotUw H snarl t th wit (woial ettanU-m mattar In prnhal HKltnm latttona. Of KICK- la th fline hluak. B B. a. akArstr, a. a. mhoi W4.TSON. IV LlCKltl'ltM All lt msttare will ranal pram at omo in oaa ratio' Tempi, Albany, or attaatlan, Att.ny at U vji.I MWM Chanoarr. i CUe Umi a.le m all t'nt. Lnen -)lll-J ,ea mll Wrnx. AlbaJif , Otafoe. Uf AUon. . I wJh if , . W II l r iv , 4nt " .11 ! I - tl qe. w. wnionr, aiaeraay at U,aad 'tary fabll. Wtl I praMjae eaitrtaal thKfOW i4 la Mm felted Statai tartr(m. tMMI-nwl Utfm, A: buy, (fa. m ONTANYK e UidtLEMAS, Attorneys at Law, AlUny, Omrcd. JJtt. J. I MILL, IAltM and Srf. WWIaiH ftrrf HnrM, Alt, Ora;ea, JRS. HASTOIP a OITIS. IT raMan aa IttiMH, BtWIijaj-Barear eeaa at J BnoUItii HMt ilWt, Bit CaA araarS if iHtaM m nvt mm eaary: c. e. CnAWBEULAIX. M. . Ilaaaamlhlat. A - Jlat ta dlM at the B TVm ,aaiY eaparlaass Mf MltBI llalra.HiltHl iwif. AS , 7IRVT BATlaBSAl. BAMI numiArn a omuikuMui AOtXM'MT KPT nbM M at. SldHT BXCHAHQB aaal M papilla kraaafar.eaU HewTok.Saa rraaelaoe, CkUaM sad rwOeed "Sj"jJtCTtOKf BADlea krtermkl tana. L B Totnta B,W. Umm L. rual KtffiU I . SeS. 1MXCO XATIOX ALRAXII, I OI ALBABT, OBBBOM. CAMTAB BTOCS reeldaat .... ....... -. Ylaa-Praaidaea. I,. .J L COW A. I U lAlJTdy. 4 latuar O 4 ABClflBOU) It nmu J It Cewaa. I at Bala 14.1. W H dalsr. 4 A 0rawr4 tal OA Ana m V Am a twral baaklnc koataaja . DaAWalbBl URAfTSaa York. f ..! f Onaxia. UAlt HncY a aHOaa awMiiia RKC U I dapaalla aob mm B AMAVT, OIHTOS, CafllaJ. -a IM.MI. Vnaldmi VM-Pralda ahW......'... . Itf ALaii Irani all a iaial kaaaiaa tmlna1 Eirhanta baufht and awd aa aU aba (nlaataal auaa la IU laliJ llalaai mi mm Bafiaaa, uataaa Fraaaa and Cwuilf. CollastiaaaaMdaatall aaaaaWbla palata aa lata. ) tucaia. lalaraM tJUwad aa Maa dapaatta. . CL'tU K a CBAIIIM or ilikt, oitaoi, TKAWa.cTatnnaml B4kla baaiaaaa. Daiar SIGHT lturTa aa a Tark, Baa Faa aao and Frrt)andf Orafna. L A N KOMtr aa appraaad aaaarit. F..'ICiv. datMlta aubiaetta aback. lXH.LSCTlu.ia aiada aa Urarakla I! ARK or CIO, CCO, OBEOOkT. raaldaat laa- rfaatiiana . . J kfaaaja Ja kt' bur Mnrrta. H baaat BOalaa, Jaka MMll Albany -:- Nurseries. Wa aranffrrlnc to plantar tba dnaat M mi froJt Ina, sail daairabla rarlatlaa, la tiia auta. Om hi -llral ill Jtth Mini I far tbl ata aoattrai'a. iNBprxTio; isvnro, and- SATISFACTIOK QUA RAITTEED. 98and' .r oitIn or call ra aa at tba aid aa brajavsal. o-x.M ta a f nvia'M.-il Albanr. !!Yf.iAri & ononriELL. I LEANT COLLEBJAK 15STITUT2 ALBANY, OREGON 18Q1, 1802. Writ Tra (! Iptaabr ttfe, At II oorpa of Inatroctorav- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AKD KSSMAL CLASSES. Coarse of atady Brrna;al UMt tk !l grade ofatadenU, r' Sfrrinl tnanetHunt eftrtd t itndnl$ frtn ahroad. rr. IHMT KIIIIT 'VII iTa THE For salt . .STKWAIT SOX, Dealert In N ERAL 1-fARDWAR.S Albanj, -Oregon. . REVERE HOUSE, tLBANY. -JRECOII ;iIAS. PFEIFFEK rilOIMUKTOR, in Br-cias .'yl. labliv ! 'IT'''" .j vn lb tiewt In Inn i.nrku ' ) i(ina ajarEii;nt, Itmplw rim ti j ' .'. VWa PrwkiOBl ........... i. mm Chehiae g. Ml Cm kwldV 1. L. DOUCLAO TVS tiT iHOA tl UUI FOIl 1 Hi UST ttlt f wm a rat ""T vx rriTrr..-Ja By usiD2 S. B, Headache and Liver Cure, and S. B. Couch Cure as di reeled for colds, Thj were SUOCES3 JPTTXLTST used two years ago during" the La Grippe epidemic, and very flattering1 testimonials of their power oier that disease are at hatd. Price 75 and 50 ets per bottle. For s!e by Fo shy&Mtson. .aAdd Scientmo Anericai -t j A.ency ior 4 CAVtATijL DtSION PATkMT COPyRIOMTSt tO. fV Infrwnatlnaj and fi-aa TTandnook wrK to Mi nn col a.i BH.iitir, Nrw Vor. Outaak kinw fair (orartiic palMla In Ammrum. Kaarr NUM Ukn out tr U unMurtit b"'a Vaa paiikic l a auttoa lao draa oi cbaiK ia M lariaat (fmlatloa of an waratlKf Baaar la tba Vorld. Hplaixliair lllu'tnuvd. Ha ltiHBua bm abould ba wlihova it. waiT, l.U aaari f 1.JO all montba. Adnrvaa MI'S, rt;BUaMBita.aO Bruadvar. Nta Yutk. EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. lapraaa Train laav purUaad Dal! THonk f .:' Itdtr a I it a a cr La Ar Poruan Albany Baa fraa-Hana ArTfat a a L I t a a L I ifm a Aataa Mill atop anir at lullavlaf atatlaoa north at Baaabaff. Baal rartiaad, Oraroa C'lta, Woad aara. Aaiaaa, Albanr. Taaaat, abadd, llaiaa liar btbarf.JanaWoaCll, lrlnf.Buaaa. aaaanaa atik, ailv r-irtiand Albanr Ar lri 1.t 1 lt oo a Li e.fOta III I L kit ra (Ar Bnaatmrf ia tni Fao-riarf ako iM aA M f J!V. aaaavaw, aa.a (SJ b--J tuiaJb aaa Va waraa)Ua-af U0Y3 oaV aaaaai akaraNl -lItllL2aTikaaa-aaa Iffl a I UKmii 9k0.f atcan Bmr) Ural fl I La I :0T , lataBbB KiHI, t" r a I L aTw.i r leas a ItiralAr kaimnoa L l:flii T:0taL Allawy Ar t:Vftra IU a a I Ar Labanoa L 1:40 r PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, far Aeeaaaaaadatf af agaaadClaaa faaaea era, ttlackaa ta CxpreaaTrata aaa aide Mvlalaa. BrrWEB rwHTLA ABB CBBALfclB. At Ail maia-BAitr (EtiaptSanaajr, T:u"a" a fu Portland Ar I JW r a 11:19 r a I Ar Conrallla t IW ra axraan raAia bailv (Exempt Bandar. 4:4(1 rtlLr PnrUand Ar I :tO A B I:Ur a J Ar MeMlnorllla Lv IM A a T2irop:hi rJ7iclietM T all point EAST AKD SOUTH. fat I tiif .r atUm rafrardlnj rate, nape. aa Company A cant at Al'auir B P. , EOOERB blaiA2r - 4tO. P.and P.Ae YAQUINA BAY ROUTB,' o . Oregon Pacific RaHroad, T ' B 0OC41, Beeetver. -o- 0r3fln PBvelopmaiifi To's Steamers, Bhwrt Line) te Californlit. Firmt-claae through pvwrntii and relent line frem Port land ard all -oinU tne wuimeii alley u ni from Man rrmacUMO, Cat. BoaU male mlow. connAclion at Alhan r)th train of tbe Oregon Faclfl ftallroad TIME gCHBDrB. aicapt gandr.) !atT Albany li.Ti r. a,Lr raquina, 7:iK)A,a iaav terrain 1 : s r . a . 1 ia uirvalll,lu:saA,M Kttiff Taair.a. 4 US r. a. Amv Albany, 11:18 A. a O. A C. trmlna poniifH't at Albanvand 'JorvaMU. The abovo trains oosneot at laaotrut with tbe Oregon Development oomj-ary'a uno r sieamahipe between Ve)tiin and xkii TranciKco, AINfj IKTEN . aoa Taenia. Willamette Vallur, DanVr 13. h , 22 id tU WUlamatta VtMsr. Dsmbr t'.h ( ISth ; tnh. The Compnv --rvB th ngnt to fiBfeaallloj daUa "'thont notice. f. B. Pawgpeia from PonUnd and Vfllamette VaRey point en make elrwe rmnoction with the train t the Yerjiilna pota at Albany or Car vail la, and If ! fined to San l-Vanclnoo ahould arratifAto Yrlve at Yanaina the evening before rtal t mJioa' arraateager aa rr-bt relet alwar Tite La w ea(- Tot iaformttla aiiljrta A R Ohmm, Frl(f ht and fTakat Arant, Allianr, . UOI.lt,. O T, r liu. Red CrownMills .Kivi r;.. 1 uopr' 40 BAR a Re IRA ;ststora(;f Facilities. If UKANHHOMETlMMi. Th trifl bill Intioduced by Springer, tnJ reported lavoikhlpf to the heme hy the and mem committee, la una I great ljjnl(lcnce. T Inulinf qhJ itrik tnjr ttHtmr of f outu la o i ta tMatt Mat it rrtOfHitt ik rijfku ami itrrttts 0 tkat grrttt My f American w'UfM Aapu a ai ffmiNwert. There may be 100,000 wool en manufacturer In the United SUtea.but there are Ut-five million conanmera oi woolen gooda. It wai McIkMnle'a pleat are to provldd lor the Intere.tt o( the too, 000 manufacturer!, end to utterly Ignore II the rlgh'.t and bene Alt of the ality.flve n.llllon consumer. Springer prooaa to reverie this vlclou legUUtlon by regard ng the tntrieitt of .the conumcr, the great mai of the people, The way and meant committee wl'l re port three unit diii u me nouie ourmg the prncnt week. The measure to be reported are the Springer free-wool bill, the Di-yan fiee blnjmg twine bill, and the Turner bill nlaclnn cotton tle, cotton baslng and machinery for making the me on the fr-e Hat. Th provUlona 01 the Springer bid, a finally approved by the democrktlc committeemen, have been Dubltshed. Springer, In captaining hit bill, tald all wool, and hatband wn.te mat ter are put upon the tice Hat AU watte advanced beyond the condition of tcoured wool, thoddy and mungo, are taied 3; percent. The ra'.eton woolen and orated ytmt are fi.cil for all valuet at JJ rer cent ad valorem ; under the McKlnley act the rtrt per pound and ad valorem are equlvalint to from 103 to Jl per centum I(ate on woolen and wonted cloth, thiwU, knit fabric, etc., are flxeJ it 40 ner cent: the cquUaleni rate under the McKinlev bill It not ttated under l! Item but on woratrd the rate w from 90 to 146 per cent. Other rate not stated woul vary from 91 to 3 Pr cent. Blanket, hatt of wool, and fUnnele for underwear are reduced from 30 to 3 j, from to 35 30 and from 40 to 35 per cent; under the McKltilrv act the rate are from 7 J to 110 per cent. On woman' and children dreit rood, etc.. hivlnif cutton waip, the rate are Used at 35 per cent) under lb McKlnley act they are over 6 per cent On the tame with woolen warp, the ratct are fUed at 40 per centt the equivalent rate of the McKlnler actUoo to no per cent. Ready-made clothing for nwn and cloak, jacket, etc., for women are tUed atdjper cent; the rate under the Mc Kinley act tt 81 and 84 prr cent. Rate on carpet of alt Uo4 f tjeJ 3 Pr cent; Ihe equivalent rate under tna mc Kinley act are from 50 to 81 per cent. -The ratea are :et,,, Mil Springer, "upon soodt to be uted by thr matte of the people, and hlgheat upon th high priced goodt to be worn by the more wealthy clattet, tbe reverte of which wa true under the McKinlev act. The aver age rate In the pending bill will be be tween 30 and 35 per cent, at agttntl 40 per cent In the Mill bill. If Cea PA'rosr, Cov-rertr B.ta, Wot R MotiUon, Sena'or Cailit e and Governor Pttitofl with their f-itn lt, (4 oiih'y hott,) thou'i' jo'n tugehvr to prtvent the nomina tion of llill, in order thai oee of tbeii owe aambcr night tccere tbe ptue, they could aot do tech effective woik to that cad a IJUt and bit hienJt la Ne Vo'k are doing, Tbe call of Uie New Ycd Suite eonvto'.ioa to meet la nid-via'er fur the eipretl putpoe of taking taap jurfgmeot t tccure a tolid detrgitioa for 1 1111 bat mid it irapouible to aecore hi BnminatiM io tbe Dalbnil coaveoiiua. Tnere will be too aatny Invert of fair play in that convention for 11 ill to tecure 579 vote. 1 1 ill' defeat it acconjlithed Urgely by bit owe overreaching. Clcv:aada defeat it probe b'e. Ca:liIe, Garemort Pjtiitoo and Bolet, Ota Palmer, E-jovinor Ctmbelt of Ohio toi olber ar aow being qui t cttentively ditcaued. Metewbile tbe lick of htrmoay in Wathing'oa among detoocittt keept on pace. If d'ttcntaioni and ttiifa prevail when the eoaventiea meet a. Cbictgo party leAdert mty be at earnett iu Ibeir deairet to keep off tbe ticket a tome are eow lo get oa it. Sir Moreli Mtsken! houtehold -pentR wete very great, lie kept tit teen ervanU, betldet a private coa:h for hlm elf and another for hi wife, and tpent every cent of Ida (60,000 jeailr Income, Both the dittf ngulahed Doctor and hla wife were vety fond of toclety, and their home In London wa the retort of brilliant peo ple. It wa a rare thlog for a caller to find them alone In the evening, and even then they were In full evening drett, Mr Mackenzie blazing with diT.0ndt. The Doctor' three daughter are tald to be very handtome girl and ail at fond of to clety a tnelr parept were. If, t now teemt Ukety, the national dem ocratic convention thtll drop all New York candidate, then, o abound tariff reform and honekt-plaifoim, we believe that any one of the folowing-ntnied nine gentlemen can unite the factions, carry New York and be elected pretiJent of the United States: Gov Horace Boiet, of lewa. Gov kobtrt E Patiiton, of Penntylvaoia. Senator John M p liner, of Iliinoit. Senator JohnQ Cailitle, of Kentucky. Chief-Justice Mervilie W Fuller, of Ilii noit. Sentior Arthur P Goimtn, of Maryland. Gov William E Rime 1 1, of Mtttachutettt. Gov Uiac P (Tny, of Indian. Gov Leon Abbett, of New JerH-y. New York WotV, No protective orgtn ha yet undertaken to explain why the administration bat contrtct ed to give the Geiman minufacturert free wool and tbe German people untaxed cloth ing, ahi'e our own manufacturer are taxed 11 cent a pounj on wool needed lit admlxt ur and our own people art taxed 49 cent a p;unJ and 60 per cent in value upon their clothing. The French have placed to high a duty on pork that the peop'e in tr.d tioond Parithtve ben driven to the ute cf to 2 fieh in large quantities Thrte people are prouctiontttt and are thut attempting tofotte- the infant pig industry. Tbey are taking vengeance on the American faimer for the passage of the McKin'ey bill. Thai does the evil that men do live after them. It i proper to ay that when von have found a man who doesn't tee any difference between tho democrat and republicana on the tariff c,imntion aifd who undertake to make pecple believe thi by making euch (tatetnanta in thecolumnti of newnpapers so called, or inQuasi public tpeoibos, you have ff tnd one who i either a fool or ft diHbon ett demaffoirue.' It it a safe rule to watch tut b men. The bouHe committee on the election of president and vice-presudent asTd representa tives in coni7:-a have aeei to report a bill leaving the election of senators to tbe people and confiTing the exclusive power on thtt state legiHlutures to fix the time, place and nnuiiisrof holding such ' election. I'fMtl Bind, f)rfb!-it. K, l. Armntrong, I'rm. . r-dut tinirti; if ttuijv, muii iafen of tuitlou, BuKiiiefis. Shorthand, Tyfrwrilwar, Penman Ji ip . and i-' iiglish Ih-wrfmrnti TttLEaitAPHIO NEWb Aewladleri Piam.ii, Wtuh Feb 19, For anveml ky kclnvpr nwimlk-r. in the jmrnna of a Ritmll, lniiKllt'-iini'il iiutn who tWln in nior money, the denomination of which 1m miu iy inwtinnLii larjw numlier ovw tho ornfl mUly cnirravivl flintw. hiw Inmn Piwratintf in tin city. TI10 Uitwt victim ia urn pnv twirtor of tlm t'liioatrn mcut nuurket, tit ,l!H lltiird atnt ytirduy. Tho anuill man went into Uio fmUhw hon and bonifht a tnilcrlnin ttcivk, irivinirwhat puriwUni tj U tv f 10 hill in piiymuut. llo wivt given IU.C0 in cliunw, mill went away. Tim bill turned up in the tloivrinu1 hriuo today and wiw iroiinnniHHt bogne, Jt boil uttm ruim'ti from n?J bill, ' It wa Leaded. LtKN, Mrtwt Feb 10, While can-leiwly toying- with a revolver tottay Williiim Lon Ireunut oliot and intiuitly kil!i'l hie frietia. Jmiiiw Fmry jr. lloth were witneaing tlie "Wild Wont' ahow horo. mM as a twr fonniTliud down hi 44-ciuir rcvolwr Imiln'iraa liUkixl it un and branujiilmd it U'fore hi cuum'a fiice in an innocent "port lie tltd not know, however, that tho weniMin wn IimuIihI, iind llien hi friend ientingly uid, "Lot hor go." Londregiui pulUnl the trlcuur and with a fuUd nmult. for the next lnatunt hit coiuMinhm full to U10 mxr dead Lou'lregim, who I frantic with griur. wua 1 liuol under arnwt. , ricked) ran Autouia, (r Feb 18. Tbe tli-um aclioon er W II lliu-rixon arrived from Nentucca thi niomintr with William McDonald and John Kurh, trom the tcttiing achooner Oecur and lUttie, of Victoria. They are two of Uie uiree men in lonkimr for whom Captain (Unit and three oilier men loat tlieir uvea itiot luemhip. 1 hey knew tioluing of Uie dwuater. TaeaanB la II. TAcoMA.WwbFtdj i.-flw t4Vgrpb bring word Uuit Mia Mary, Uie eldeat dniiifbUir orfhlef JuaUce arid Mr Fuller hiu eoniHtiiimuted it romantic marriage in rairopeby weddinir tolin aianiiiiiir. on of ex-governor Manning, of rWmtb Carolina Ihe mwiy made tmde ua attter of Wr Hugh Wallaoe, of Tacoma, who ia enroutu to California. A fraeUeal Wr La (liuktiK, tn Fub IS. Tbe farmer' alliunce of thi county have adopUnl an ex ceodlngty practlrnb) way of buttering tlieir coiKiiuon, Anuiiia oi inoorporauon nave botm QIihI for a ttock company whlub will build and operate a flouring mill, Thi mill will be of tuUlciont capacity to make it an active competitor fr the purcbawe of Um grain of the country, tiiu inauring to the farmer at high a price for Utoir product ua the nutrket will junufy. Wedt'OSfkr Tele. WAkiiiKofoif, Fb !. Hy peraUtont fighting, JU'prejamUitivQ llonniuin obtain 10.000 IncnMBS for the Balom publie build Ing. I ne committee but wek atfrnea on t-'M).000. Mr Hermann declined to acretit thia, and the bill waa reooraiiiitted to the anb-committee, which eave him HO.OoO nu re, lliia action waa confirmed by the whole cmumittne thi morning and a report ordered made for W,0u0 to the bouse, lite Bdlaiu Lill i enly Uie fourth bill o far re- ported. kaaadt flahy, W4mB0TQS. Feb IS.fTherB w a ttory doating armmd town today whh'h i' evt I dently being cireulab'd for Uie purr of enrournging the friimdt of " Mr Ulaino to maku tkltvminod fight in tbe primariea, toon to be r. .. "d elect d'legafAi who are frbtndly to biin in Um coming convenUon. The Ury gne that Maine baa partially cnnimteI to thi. end it ia bawd on the at biffed fut that HarrUm and bit friemU f'irced lilaine to make bit dm lination. Tbe l"b arlieme, which the anU-IIarrioo tw-u are aaid to bo working, ito have delegated for favorito ton in nnarlv every Ub, and (hi di'legutw will be lilaine men. who trill atand firmly by their own candilab- bntii tnry demooatrate the fact that 1'reai dtit Ilarriwon cannot be renominated, and then lilaine into be aprung nnon Uie con vention and aeni Uirough with a hurrah. 4 fk rti rtect. WAtittKiTOB. Feb IB. "If the amend ment to the eonttitution, which I projxxw, U adojdel, tba niemlr of the ttmnte of Uie United Htame will be chosen by Uie dirott vote of the free people of the aeventl ttato , and it will be what it never ha yet !n the popular branch of the congrtw of Uie United Stated." Theae were the word uaed by Stmator Palmer, of lilinoia, in bit tpeech in the eenate today, urging Uie elec tion of Unitl State aenator by tbe popu- lar vote, and bit arraiigenwit of the upper bona of congrea aa a non-popular loly, wae, in hi Unguage. not ofum benrd by Ue venerable ruemlirrtof that digntllod aa aembly. TBI . r. lajaartla Pohtlaxd, Feb 17. Mr John P Fay, an attorney of Seattle, ba began euit in Uie United Stated circuit cot jt here in behalf of land ley Smith, George le Keein and Joaeph barton, who own about f.1,000, 000 worth of lionda of the Oregon Pwifie, againxt Clonel TK Hogg, Job and Wil liam McKay, sberiJ of lien ton county, to enjoin Uie aberiff from delivering the cer tiheate of tbe tale to Hogg or J,b or any one eb. The complaint it a aomewbat volumlnou document and alleirea fraud in different form and ak that Job and Uogg be en joined from demanding; or receiving from Sherill Maekay the certificate of aale, or, if it it isMied, to restrain them from aaaigning tho tame to any one, and to enjoin Markay from iiwuuig aaid eertificate to Job or Hogg or to any oliier perton at their aolicitation, and ask that, on a b ijal hearing of the cae, Uie court will dtclare tiutt the aaid Job purtluMed Uie property for tbe joint benefit of the plaintiff and other bondholders, and declare a trust, in their favor and to oruVr and decree that Job and Hoinr aball proper ly take and assign the aaid certificate of tale or other evidence of title to whoever Uie court may appoint to receive it. tsasd WtrtU Anyway. Wamiisotok, eb 17. The nub-committee, to whom the foreign affair commit tee referred several Russian Hebrew reso lution! introduced in the house, has reached an agreement upon the following resolution w ne reporter : Keeolved, that tbe American People, through their aenator and representative in cojigres awmmed, no hereby expres tj-mpatliv for Kssian Hebrew and their depressed condition, and hope that the Kan tian government, however, with which Uie United State alway has been on terms of amity and good will, will mitigate aa far at possible the decree lately issued respecting them, and the president it requested to use hi good office to induce Uie government of iiussia 10 mitigate tata decree. A f bippiKg Obi Age Ciiatuam, Ont Feb, ... 17,Rev NHE Martin, who for the past fifteen year ha been pouter of the Lewig Episcopal church here, wa to have been married last night to Mia Kitchen, a prominent member of hi flock. The guest had assembled and all waa In readiness for the ceremony, but tne bridegroom came not. Investigation revealed the tact that he left the city Satur day last, tince which time no tiding have been received from birn. The sensation caused by hia disappearance wa added to today by the announcement that ho wa en gaged to be married to Mise . Delraage, another member of hia church, and also to Mis Sarah Donet, a farmer' daughter. Died r Jny'" Chicago, Feb 17. Mr Catharine Baker, widow of a veteran of 1812, and a pension- ar. fliarl tn1(TinIv sif. TTf rvsnrtl ; vaulafrlnw aged 88 year. A few day ago she received a letter from one ot ner sons, whom she Lad not seen for thirty years; telling her he wa coming home to visit her,' Th good new caused her so much joy that she grew very nervous. Yesterday her son sent her a dis patch that he would be with her in a few hours. When the message wa read to her Mr Haker fell down and died. Her eon reached the house soon after. Allowance for Lebanon Wasiiikotox, Feb 17. Representative Hermann has secured a clerical allowance for the postoffice at Lebanon, in Linn county Or, and an equally generous allowance for Hums, in Harney county. Know In England ' Lojfpoiy, ft& ??. The snow storms which have prevailed, -recently throughout the United Kingdom have increased in severity. In several places in tba south wpsb'rn - part of England the snow w sever?;! feet dump, iinuiv accidents are reported from various Fatted the Beaal. WAKittKOToS, Feb 19. BetwUrt Alien' blli appropriivting f 100,000 (or tho purchuKe of a aitrt and the ertK-tiim of a public luild- ina nt iiteoma, Wttih, wwied the aenute ttwluy witliout objection frointhn deniorVntt. Whut it fwt, or Unit of tho bill for build Ingti In Koiittlo and HiKikime, in tho houae will t it not known. Hut it it doiibtful if they tuiH by Objwtor llolman ithd hi ait- iplwi. Wfcltevt Blnrk. LoviMTtbtK, Feb 10. Rioting between Uie white and negroe it fmirod new Fat- IttKburir. A nutnlier of wliib were rwent- Iv ditehiirmxl bv UieOliio HigHwidy rail road on aeraunt of trotiuio witnuin neirnx. . lie white were no incensed Unit they gtive a band 01 acvcmy-nve negroe wnming w littve or lie whtptied. 1 he negrott art) urm ing thomaelve and a riot i probulilo. After Bate Ball. 8ai.km, Feb 19, lnbaaebiill circle tbe outlook today i bright for perfecting the orgiiniwttion of a 110.000 atoi k company to lupport Kitlem In the raoitui iiorthwrwi lenguo. Mr Lytle arrived from Portland tli in evening and a llnal ennviia fortlte ttix k will 1 nimle tomorrow, I horo it no longer any doubt that nulmn will aviul heraelt of thi opportunity to huve leagtio bull. ma bi iirma axblvib a.ioiiatib. Tbo annual meeting of the Albany Duildlng A Loan AmocUUou was held last evening, with a good attendance of stockholder. The Secretary read bl report. The profit cf an aiaoeiation gradually Increaaea toward tbe end of a aerie to that a report for tbe first two or three years does not show the complete altuation but the showing Is an excel lent one, and indicates that tbe length ot the aeries will be about 100 months. The rate of earnings lia been J6 per rent per annum ior tne three year, and percent ior tne mat year, roiiow ing i the subttance of the report 1 jncitm. On hand last statement 4417.00 Dues 11004.70 Interest on stock loan Entrance and expense account 10.20 Tax account. 218.40 Fines and transfer fees . 1 I4O.0 .30 Htock loans paid. Personal accounU... 1.00 8.00 113089.19 .$ R910.7A Riant'BtaMKNrs, I urn.. ........... , ti i t. .1 . . 1 v lliiufswai. ..... ,,.,..- Expense account.. Interest.... In, premium.... Balance on band............... 2007 02 333 40 8.00 20.00 1418.07 113089.1, Mnttt'aeas, Loan in force . , 1 . . L 1 ,4S30000 1411.07 Fixtures , Due from member.., Tax account. 100 00 3.14.32 04.00 130418.99 UABIUma. Unearned interest.... l.l3t5.M Duo membert on loans..., 1004) 33 314341. CO ,.336173.30 Net re sources..... ,. Net profit for the year THd kEBIES, Ma I uraa raorrrs vali'b ivrL 1 $ 35.00 f 8.47,3 41 47 20.634.04 2 ?s.00 e.ld 34.10 2,029.00 3 34.00 4.7ft 3S7fl 1.467.10 4 21.00 4.07 25.07 7S3 3 3 18.00 2.47 17 47 S1I.02 12.00 1.90 13.00 707.W 7 600 4J 049 133 31 Undivided profit 2.08 Total value ...1.175 30 HBTHKB tiSBNE. A large and interested audience greet ed the Motnet Goote entertainment at the pera l.oute last e.k. Old mother goote . me.odlet weie ret re sented a lib renewed seat and original Idea. Under the splendid management ot Mr II J Uopklnt, It wa presented in a manner that pleaaed ail. Un the curtatnt rlalng A B akal appeared a LltUa Boy Biue with bit horn, heralding in mother gooae, and her tlx little attendant. Mitt Adce Moaee, who performed her part at maater of the ceremonlc with good elocu tionary ability, 8 N Steel appeared at Ring Cote with Fortmliler, tVyman and Prlchard a fiddler. Velle Irving wa Mlatret Maryi Maud Croaby, Hot Croat Bunt; Ida Me wart, Nancy Eulcoat; Marguerite llopklna a Bo Peep; Tiny Monteltb a Mother Hubbard bad a erU oua time with her dog ; Cliat Cutlck, Mr Palmer and V Prlchard were Ihe three wlte men; Frankle llopklna with the shoe full of children ; Mr Conkllng had a teri ou lime wheeling hit wife, Mite Flora Mason ecro the stage; Ml Lee Prat her twept ihe tklea; Will Lyon went lo tit Ive with seven wive In good style; Tho Overman jumped over the candle ttlck. Then appeared Ora Dubrullle aa Ml Muffet ; Mi Gray a the egg woman; Fannie Reynold at Ihe farmera wife; Mr Taylor and Mlaa Ptclffer at Jack and Jill; Mra Montellh at the woman wth bellt; Mr Gondii at Polly with a kettle; Mr Renneratklng counting money; Mlt Clark a the queen and Mitt Emltt, the maids Ole Toblcton a the ten o'clock scholar; Chat Montclth a Wee Willie Winkle i Mr J Wilton at Simple Simon, captivating the audience; Mr Ccnkling a the Piman; Mlt Warner aa crott patch; Mr Rob Strong at Tom the Piper 'a ton: Dr Ball a the nobleman ; Lena Mi'thall at the queen and Kophle Houck, Belts the lad ; An.ta Ilouck at golden lock; Vetta Wallace was very cute a Little Lord Fauntleroy; Eva Cowan a Little Red Riding Hood; Lillian HacUeman a Maude Miller; Geo Morchoute a the judge; llattle Galbralth a the beauty and a beatt; the Pipe' children at the babe In the woods; Fannie Cobb'edlck a Mary and the lamb; Lid a Galbialth i the GodJem f Liberty; Jack pmlley and Mr uverman a ueorge ana Manna watn Ington, and thirteen ttate represented by thirteen !l tie glrlt. Then the dog barked and tne oeggar came to town in tne shape ol the Apollo club, who were heard In two metodlet, enthutlatilcally applauded. The participant then descended to the hall and went through tome pretty eyolu tlon. exhibiting their peculiar tottume to good rUcct, after which an hour or two wa (pent In sociability. The expense were only $3-13.40, being 3300 lor becretary'a eaiary, Zo lor rent and 33,40 for advertising. The following officers were elected : F P Nutting, O II Stewart, Maurice Sen ders, DrJPWallce. K Washburn, II Farwell, H Bryant, W 8 Thompeon and II F Merrill, directors. J L Cowan, E W Lintrdon and E N Condit.auditors. 2000 was loaned to M V Leeper at 59 months interest and fouu to jotin Ander son at. the same rate, The eighth series was ordered opened and considerable stock liaa already been sold In jt. A meeting of the directors wai held this morning at 9 o'clock, when the fol lowing officers were elected; C II Stew art, President; II Bryant, .Vice-President; Jay W Blain, Secretary; W 8 Thotnpaon, Treasurer r J N Duncan, At tornev ; H Bryant, F P Futting and De J P Wallace, finance committee. Mr Mer rill declining to qualify ns director T L Wallace waa unanimously elected 10 811 tbe vacancy. - DIED. PORTER. At hit residence In Har rltburg, Tuetday, February 16, 189s, W D Porter, at the age of 80 yeart,8 month and 10 day, after an 111 nest of teveral montht. "Uncle Billy," at Mr Porter wat gener ally ca led, crossed the plaint in 1853, and settled on a ranch three mtlea from Har rlsbnrg where he-lived until he came to reside in the city which place continued to be his home. " - Three children Mrs D S Busey, Mrs M Cunningham and Mist Maria Porter are left lo mourn his less,- The funeral service were held at the Christian church yesterday morning under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, of which deceased was an honored member, The remains were laid to rest in the Ma sonic cemetry three miles north of town. mams, Spokane Review: Fred Gebhart. at the age ot t$ I a mental, moral and phytlca! wreck. He bat upon hit face the lmpret of dlttlpatlon and the mark of age. Hi 19 4 .... B ta. a. nntr i gray, nil pearu wiute, lilt eye la dull, and bit manner that of extrerre wearlnet aod profound despair. The fear of parel bang over him, and he htt been tent to 'lie Neciey ineiltute bv bl alter( there ta be guarded by attendants, and reformed, If poatlble, against hit will. Tht It tuch an Inventive .two Hint thev even Invent aheep counlcrt. We lear.i Mr John Inabam hat Invented a theen counter tnat It quite original and a great helper sy the tsugene Kcultter, It I to arranged that the thce,p have to go Into ine pen une at a time aim wnen mey are ail In a gate drop and thui them In. ft can be adjusted for any number of sheer. W Lair Hill, recently appeared a at torney at The Dalle In the case of Avery and Alfred MvpHe, who were jointly Indicted for the crime of assault and rob bery of an old man named Chamberlain. Averv pleaded guhty and wa sentenced lo three year' Imprisonment In the pen! tentlary, Metptle' trial excited great Interest, Mr 11(11, who appeared for Metptle, made an able effort In behalf of hi client. At the dote of the evidence the general imprrttlon wa that a verdict of guilty would be returned. However, Mr lllll addressed the jury for two hour with Micu telilrg effect that the jury came In with s verdict of acquittal. An effort I being made lo have the verdict tet aaid. Mr lllll ha been for year a friend of the family. Manufacturing a patened article for one's own viae la art infringement aa much as if manufactured for aale, a fact generally misunderstood- ftcio. Linn eounty, la soon to be again lighted by electricity, Ex. Our live neighbor lias been iignted uy eiectricuy for about a yean but tbe lights went out with the mill fire, and new ones are being secured. tlThere is no greater mistake in a buel. neas sense, than the attempt to get something for nothing. It won't work, a waa demonstrated In the thi rand ease. Don't ever try to got free advertising. Better pay for it. Tbeae patent outside newspapers are very live aiialrs. They have Just got down aa late as the campaign In New York last fail between Flower and Fas- sett, and are giving the candidate picture on account of the election to come off. Tbe old fashioned ox teams could knock out these modern patents in a speed race. Key Mays, editor of tbe Pomeroy In dependent, thus announced: "The enemies of this papt-r, who do it an in jury because it xpoaa t,ei, corruption, am, one by one, being removed by lliui who presides over the destinies ot worlds and reward every being as is iuitt and proper." Let the enemies ui hottest paper generall1 take warning. Newspaper men are often entltuaiasta In gardening and agricultural purauite, la which thev some times display great proficiency, fiofer, ot the Kalem Journal, Is a strawberry fiend, and Ira Campbell, of the Kogene Guard, has juat set out 20 acres in prunes, may be mentioned as examples of what can be done with hoes as well as with shears and pencil. Seattle is shocked over learning that she pays about Stfjoo per month for Uie water with which the milk supply of tbe town is adulterated. Tbe inspector baa recently condemned a number of wagon-bid of adulterated milk in that city, and it is thought tbe practice will be broken up shortly. One of the milk men therehe has two ranches is an old school mate of tbe Man About Town, wbo'ii wager a gallon of cream that be waan't in the adulterating villainy, un ices he has gone back on his boyhood honeaty, and a friend says he has not ; but deals out only the pure article. The following very candid item Is from the McMiunvUlo Telephone Regis ter : Jos lloberg has completed thv school census and now has a mass of interesting matter. The total popula tion ot the city actually is 1T03, in round numbers, actually 1800, in bragging number a to induce people lo come here, and to oe aa a statement of greatness we have 3000. He finds that the total number of Bctod children is C41, being an increase ' ver hut year of 41. Albany it the only place south ot Port land big enough for Hobby Uaylor to slop off at. Ite hi a big town man. Thlt city thoutd show lu appreciation by.glvirg him a big nou.e. This continues to be an inventive age: C J Dante, of llillsboro, has invented a machine that will saw and split wood at the same time. It is claimed for the machine that it will split into stovewood fifteen cords of four foot wood sawed into sixteen inch lengths in ten hour. Two men and two horses are required to Operate rhe machine. 1 After aU Oregon has some pretty seri ous wind storms, aa can easily be appre ciated by reading only a part ot one of Hon T T Ueers effusions which are sweeping like a tornado over some parts of the valley, causing disaster to weak nerves. Geer is gradually writing him self to death, and the sooner the better. Three Bay iiraee ' '" , Spatial to Pix T, Cobvallis, Or, Feb. 20th. Colonel I Intra ia here. Sale ot road not yet con firmed. Sheriff made demand for the million dollars today, but they plead three days grace. BEAt, ESTATE SALES, . J L Hill to I P Chesher, 4 hits, blk 4, 11 's add to bodaville.t 200 00 8 A Gentry to J L Uouey, 4 lots, blk 1,N Brownsville Columbus Jones to Melvina Fletcher, 300.40 acres, 12 Vv 3 8 A Gentry to J L Coney K 0' two lots.K's add to Lebanon. J W Stanley to T Strokmeyer, 0 . aciea 11 W 2 O&CRRtoJM Knight, piece land 15 W 2....; Anna B Berry toMikellagan, 40 acres 9 ES JL Miller to TM Munkere, lot 112, Scio..... J K Kirkpatrick to C A Elson, 2 lots, Lebanon Max Friendly to Trees & Blake- ly, river lots and 30 acres 12 W ; Brownsville B & L A t Mrs N E Waters, 1 blk G's 2nd add.. J C f iropson to M V Bllyeu, lot 01,8cio.... W B Kirk to Andrew Glass, 23 feet front, Brownsville .... 600 00 4340 00 78 84 130 CO ' 894 40 800 00 100 00 259 00 fjOO 00 400 00 sko on I 200 00 Total , .8U1 24 For bargain in monument", headstone 'o.,goto E W AohlsonACo,Alhny,OrcgoB - With hi new bakery Conrad Meyer it able to offer old and new outtomer evtry thing,flrstolas in baked gondi. Whkrb to Gbt Thbm. When wanting an organ ar piano call on Blackman & Hodge where you. aan telTt from a firt clat ttock. , Thefjiliairiaal" a. :ii ol iiW ou thalr entire liae of mitte and ohildren' aaady made drettet below out. Call and taonra a bargain, flORJf. KLEIN. On Saturday morning, Feb. 20,l892,to Mr and Mrs Job Klein an 8 lb boy, iSol. AU doing wen. SPERLING GAY.- -At tbe reaidence of the bride's parents, in Crawfordaville, on Wednesday, February 17, 181)2, C L Snerling of i-latrisburg, and Miss Anna NUliU Aa AKBBAB TlIt'RSUAY. Albtny la getting al oot big enongh for a book biudery. . - Corry enanty paid tba fir at ate taxes. $1200. Tb;itst aie.fteti flrrt. A ! ail If agua lhi year will probably ot.tt vt lVitisiid, Srattln, Tacoma. Spokane, Walla Wall and Salem. , Milk tell at Fore it Grove for 18 entt a eollurtf at , Albany fer 2 ocbUj Off goo 'by30onti -Petidletnn 40 eatit and at Eot!i.e for 20 cent, Neat. There will i.e a stallion show at Brownt Viils m rriday, Marob 2Jlh. erid-f the msam)it of P.rownyill lAv Stock Annotation, Kntpp, Burroll ACo hv just opeted a braiieh Ik ute in Mabim. Ibis firm started ot In Alhtnv fifteeu or twnity ago, and h jost got around to tome of the small tnwr.a. Adirpatdi from Ytquio Wy Is tn Ilia trTeo tht Captiin Uarratt ar:d foor seamen of the setliiiK ho(iner Otear ai.d Hattie were drowned yesterday, while attemnting to land ia a tmall boa. at Naatecot. Whan near th shore the boat waa capved, and all wr drowned. The ctptald and hi rnto tha toViower in search rS aavrn der4-rt who bad taken a boat and left the veaaDi, Face Btia Nan. Tblt morning Odell Comb wag starting a fire In hi fsthei't wood tw cnulne. uainir benzine, when It natneu in rut lact naill ly burning It, and a fill keep him from well bit handt. It w work for aomeilme. Ox rug Wat, A car load of rait and material for the carrier on the anor.'.Ach to the bridge, arrived last nigh, the first of twenty-! cart now on the way, the tmpping recclptt for which Mr Ed Btone the superintendent ha lust received. Car toad of material wilt now begin ar riving dally and a bridge will be teen on our river front almost before we know It. A Srt'tiEMT Dinn.Tlilt noon a dele gation of student from the State Agri cultural college, were In the city on their way to Gettklt, with the body of Ernett Miller, whote parent reside In the latter city. He wa taken with the grippe about a week aso. resulting In typhoid pneumo nia, from which he died, aged 23. He wat In the junior year and was a young man welt liked, a good ttudent. IsttTALiATiov cr Orrtcea. Lat night Columbia Division No. 4, of Uni formed Rank of Knight of Pythias, Installed the new officer, under charge of Major Geo W Hochstedler. Following are tha new officer: W M Paiker, Sir Kt Captain W A McClaln, Sir Kt Lieutenant., David Llnk.S'rKt Herald. U G llajne. Sir Kt Recorder. P II Marahail. Kir Kt Treasurer. C. E Proput, Sir Kt Guard. John Itoin, jr Sir Kt Sentinel. A IxjuscTio Gaxtd. Last night Judge Dcady granted an Injunction at Portland retlralnlng temporarily the sale of the Oregon Pacific, which wat ta be completed on Saturday, ihe jh inaiant The petition wat made by t tc New York bondholder. This show that all the talk about there having been a compromise wa ill feunded, and that there hht been lot of talk on a sandy f undaion. Col Hogg arrived In Corvalilt Ut night, and the outcome will be watched with great Interval. People generally are tired of tpeculation founded on no Information at all, and hi Ihe future will watch only for lactt, ana pay nine a'tention to rumor. There It a general fcellne, llnujh. that tbe matter will be settled and tbe road go aneaa. Axo-nia W akurbsr. Lat night mn arrived In Albany on the Portland local, Alio appeared to be either Intane or Intoxicated. He wandered off toward the Eastern part of the city and wat fished out of the ditch about 10 o'clock and taken bareheaded to the Franklin Houte. The attention of Marshal Heftmin wa called to the cite and he hunted the man up and found that he undoubtedly had been on a tpree. Hi name It W G Graham.and he rcakie at Ettt J ortland, where he hi a family. On hit person wat $135 and a gold watch, which the Marshal placed in aafe keeping for him. A dispatch from Eatt Portland asked that the money be tent to hit family ; but of course there wat no authority lor thlt. The man assert that be watn't Intoxicated; but be un doubtedly wa. VEUIAT- Tbe ona.t taM,er Go II Chai.ce acoma to be having bad .tick. Kb baa jutt ran t B a bar stesr Elnrea. , etuting soma damage. Mr W T Heart ha moid bit interest id tbe Albany Iron Worm, and tmkieg arranga nt nit to jaoa to I'onlaod, where be wilt j,o into tbe wooj bein. Mr F W Blcml erg bat the agency for tha Cotamhi t.ioj' jla, wbiub ha no aapcrtor. Those dntiring to tee a model bicvele ahooid examine the on jnct puroiiaaed tor M its Clara Head. One of tba busiest titer In Albany ia the talnrina department of tbe L V. i'i'ia Cloth ing Co. under charge ot Mr rkhifabr. Jutt now tbtt department ia tusked with work iih numerous order ahead. Tha law I'-rm of Walton ft Sklpwnrth ba teen retained by the defendant ta the divorce cam of Mra Nrliia tfladdeo v S C Sladdn. Tha out wit not be tried until th Jane Urm of the circuit eourt. Euaea Guard At a meeting of th rrpoblieao central oommittB yesterday afternoon the coon'y enavenUon wa tet for Wednesday, March 30th. at )0 a. m., and tha primnriee for March 35th, at 1 eblook. There will be 90 delegates to the convention . From all report ii is said the Olympia quartette teem aaabie to atitfy tbe aadt. eneea nightly with their anlnotim io tbe a ootid aot of "Sport MoAUister," for to do to they would have to ting all night. Thi exoellent company will be teen at tbe opera nt.ua tomorrow uigni. Mr Kendall, of Portland, i iq tbe city establishing a branch dyeing honte, for which ha ha rented the Hyde building op posite Stewart & Sox'. It will be rnn by a orotner in-law. intra oegtit to be good field bora for inch a basinets. Mr We Maple ba old hi farm between Albany and Corvallia to Mr W II Hanni bal Consideration, $3500. The phto is a good one, contiiting cf 100 seres, and Mr Hsunihal is aaid to be a live, industrious young farmer, just from San Jose, and one who will help build up the country. All tbe mmbera of the Freuuh flinltry have tendeted their reeignationa to Presi dent Carn.-.t. The oause of the resignation waa the action ot tbe ohambar of donutiet in connection with tha bill dealing with asso ciations, Captain E J Ltnning, a prominent besi de mm of Albany, was in town today, He tay that aa taw E It Lackey in Albany on tbe 2ud of February, down towr that be tpk to Mr Luckey and tsked bim bow long he wa going to remain lu town. He antwered that he would only remain a faw miuntes Eugene Guard. A Gukat Attbaction today has been an automaton clown fiddling, running his tangOe out and rolling hia eyes, in Matthews & Washburns. They are also offering some attractive bargains, and are an attraptjye flrm geneialfy. SATURDAY. 4 Feb. 22. WaahlngWa b.rthday. will b observed aa a holiday by tbe publio school. The Oregon Paoifio is building a baggaga room near it ticket offbt, a ppg needed improvemeot. v . The Oregon PiciBo tclay liqnidated with it employee fir Ootobsr, leaving four month due. Look ont for Bonn move to got a piaaofc the publio school. The pupil and teacher are getting quite anxious for ane. At tha reoent teachttr exsmioatioa 9 re ceived first grade oertiHoatna ; 12 second grade; 19 third grade aod 12 failed, Tha memorial to oongress for an appro priation for a continuation of improvements at Y equina Bay wa received by N C fllanchard, chairmau of the committee on Rivers And Harboit. the same being ac knowledged ia a (otter to the president of tbe board of trade, Mr G W Wright, ; Several oeelis ago a Oslea'.ial cimb!r one Sabbttn afternoon reoeived a buhet in afoot from a rtvolver in the usual mysterioua way. They sent to Portland fir a Chinese surgeon, who oortainly must bava possessed some kind of a charm tor th Celostial is able to walk en tbe Injured toot, Tbe DiaocRAT regrets hating been unable to attend tho leetnr of Rev W H Jtnuings st the Study hall of the Pollock Stavens Intai tute, in Bunniagham, Ala,, on Feb J'2, to the yonng ladies of the Hippocronean Liter ary Society, an iavitation for which his inea reeeivtfd from our former townswoman. A tood sised audienoe greeted Mand Granger last rening,d were .awarded with a theatrical treat of mnt, Tb Creole bring out Mis Granger wonderful tno tional power to great adranU.e, Her tnpport is uncommonly strong, Mr Clarence liaedyside ( partionlarly tslcnted in bis part of George bohsmelj while Jay Hunt doe th oomedy as Potain ia a man ner that captivate tbudiDC, Will ii SUrk, 11 jewelers. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros, Tbe best roast coll re in tbe city at Conitd wuyre Rave joo tried F E Allen' tea, if not, why tint Have you triml thit idea! ioa.t oi.ff ie at FKAten', If not, why not. ' Exirafin California (trained hon-y at Conn ft tlendriusoo's. C inn ic I fsndrio-.on't prion are low-r than vr. Givethsm a call. ljtm Y Ht-ediicsoa ia tbe place to gM yoor garden reed and on'on tet. llals h.ir Senettrr contain the natural food and color-matter for tbe bair aod modbjiiial herba lor t -e scalp, earing ray ne, balilnesa, dai at uff.and acalp sores. , Tub Oa scoKpAciric, There was b report that tbe sale of the Oregon Pacific wa confirmed at Orvalll by Judge Pipe yesterday; but this prove unfeunded. Col. Hogg wa een on the streets of Cor vallU last evening. The result of the mat ter It being watcbeJ with great Interest. Joint I Iran. An old pioneer tells the Dkuockat that John D Hard, who died at tbe insane asylum yesterday, did not come to Albany until aa late as looo, instead of in 1849, and that there was quite a town here then, which, of course, negatives the statement made in tbe Salem paper that he worked on the first house here. He was in the aaylum atxtut two years. A Ma, I toast. The gray dray team ol Al Baylor.VOtran away this forenoon, causing a very exciting time for half an hour. One of tbe horse became tern porartly insane and was absolutely un controllable, finally rearing and tearing away irom several men and escaping down Broadaibin street. Ilia legs were badly braised. There waa little other damage. Marlon Har'andhas written for the next nnmber of Harper's Weekly, pub lished February 17tii, an account of tbe historic town of Williamsburg, once the capital of Virginia and a centre of colonial magnificence and fashion, now interesting chiefly for ite reminiscences and it old-time mansions "where gboets walk." It is tbe place where lived Mary uary, tne nrst love 01 the lather ol onr country; and Mrs Tlarland relates some interesting facts concerning the affair in which younz Waahimrton fbet his heart. 1 but about which history is silent. The article will be handsomely illustrated. Tbe editor of tbe Times Mountaineer gets oQ tbe following Bill Nve idea: A doctor will sit down and write a pre scription ; time, five minutes; paper and ma, rents; and the' patient pays Si, 15 or (10, as the case may he. A lawyer writes ten or twenty lines and gets from $10 to SiW from his client. An editor writes a half-column nuff for a man. re quiring more Intelligence and erudition man either ol the former, pays a printer $1 for putting it in type, prints it on $7 worth of paper, and surprises the pa Ced man if he makes any charges. I'ofie Io gives the U S the following pan: "ine United Males, winch con- stttutefl a repnbhc, grows greater "very day despite the drawbacks incidental to their boundless liberty. There, too, the Catholic church develops without clash ibg with tbe state. The two powers act in periect harmony, where neitner tn fringe on tbe rights of tbe other. Liberty is indeed the base and the foun dation of relations between tbe civil powe and religious conscience. The cr.urch aspires before all to.libertj." NoTtiiii SvccKir Li Sfccxu." Why are we tbe eaoM tuccewful fitm in lb dry good trtde 1 Because we bac the largest and best se lected stock lorhoote from. 'We are now receiving new and seasonable good bargains ia winter goods, Cloakt at lett tbta cost. We are sole agent for Butterick pattern!. A full line of ladies and children 't shoe. Give ut a call. W. F. Read. Mombtto Lbax. I have meney ia euros of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton conaties, st lowest current rates. Kb delay In furnishing the money. U ti 151 bkhabt, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. . ljtdia, do yna with yoar bair to atay earl, if o get a bottle of ?ro-ich ca-line Mm Hvman' it a- Look Hebb a Moment. I have some of tbe choicest residence lota In Albany fcr tale, term to reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of hi own by paying a small payme.it down and small montuly payment tnereatter unUI all la paid for. ior further Information call at ihe ornce. corner and and Boadalbin at., opposite Democrat office. UK vi W MaSTOW. CATARRH CURED, health and awatt breath aeonred by Skiloh'a Catarrh tamedy. Price. g0 eeott . - Kaaal In jeetor free, ; DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION. KOTICB is hereby given that on the lib day of March, 1892, between the bourartf 1 o'clo k p "1 nd 7 o'clock p m of sJd day. an tloilon will be held In th precincts f Weat Alkany, Albany, Central Albany and East Albany.ln linn eonnty. Oregon, for the purpose of elect Ing delegatea to the Democratic County Convent'on. Tba polling place In Weat Albany pre cinct will be in the Circuit Court room.at tbe Court House, In said West Albany Freoict, and Hufu Tbompeon, Martin Payne and B W Cundlff are the Judges of such election. The po'llng plaos iu Albany Ptaclnot will be the County Caurt Toosn at the Court House, in said Albany proeinot.and O P Cesbow, p s Smith and A fenders wt;t peinewuogBs oraucn eieetioa. Tbe polling plaoa in Central Albay Precinct will be at the office ot tbe Albany firmer' Wareoute. ia aaid nreoinet. and Frank Farrell.John I torn and Jason Wheeler will be th ifuuee of sueh election. The polling pls in East Albany Precinct wui be at tbe old Cannery, in said precinct. and E J O Conner, G W Willi and R L Bark hart will be th Judaea of suoh election, The number ot delegatea to be elected at such Primary election it a follow: In West Albany precinct, 4; in Albany Pre- einet, 5; in Central Albany, 4, and in Eaat Albany, 4. D-ited thi 13ib day of February. 1892. TJ STIPES. ; Seo'y Dvun-Kratio Ctunty Committee. T f. WniTafKY, BP, ACADEMY OF - Par Lady ef Perpetual Hsip. Z NOT1CB OT BUSINESS CHANCE. L A Allen hat purchased the Interest of hi partner, S A Allen, to the grocery buticett of Alien Bro , the latter retiring. All aooount should be paid to L A Allen.by whom all babilitiet will be paid. -Albany, Feb. 14'h. t L ALLEV, ' 8 A ALLEN. OOOOOOOOOO 6 G O O D IIET7Q O q For tks avlllier sf senturas st Q oTiitt0?illoo Olt a-l ve lr. at slastuf to aa ntiuoc that he at new aatting up O TIIIY LIYEH FILL O .0 which is oraaveaeeisy-r bwumi Msa, I yat raaalnlaaja! sMa S-vuaBof tba J lnril'nff daWMataMad UJ r Ov.(atiMa. jkwa i are anl jtao, V. m aaWMi aaa of f) TUTT'S T1XY UV:S PILLS . isstiowuia tka kerderf tM"s,4." German Syrup" The majority of well-read phya idacs now believe that Consump tion is a germ disease. Ia other words, Instead of being in tbe con stitution itself it is caused by innu merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do tne leaves ol trees. The phlegm that is coughed up 13 those . parts of the lungs- t. ! t. 4 . A Germ Dlsoase. wnicn nave Detn gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the f Dody in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the tkin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lung where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kill them, expells them, heals the placesi they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump tives income gertn-prool and well. & SUMMONS. a tfa Circuit Court of the Htatt ol Oreyt Ltnn, vounly. A. C. HILL, Plaintiff, 1 BO DKDGEUILL. Defendant, j To B.-Hle-tgt.Hlil, fie abov atm 1 de fendant: N 1HENAME OFTHE STATIC OF Oreg'n, . TO ou are) hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint fliadl ag-sloat von In tbe above antitled Butt 00 or Before tbe 11 rat day of the above env Mled court oext following the expiration efthe publication of '.bit iinmini town; the 14th day of Marob, 192. 4 1 J If your Elll to answer, for want thereof t ba j UnT will apply to tiia court f'r the- relit prtted for in bar com plat nt.vi: 'or thedis soiotion of tbe bonds of matrimony now SBttUno; between tbepiainuffand defa-J l aaUttid theooatody of the three yminz o, mlnoi ebiliiran, and for atich other ao 1 further relief as mty be equitable. Tbi aervioe U made by ptioticatioo by order of Hon ft P Bolae, Jads-e ot ail Court, duly m vis at Chamber io aiaJoaa. revm, DecM-.h. JWl. L. H. MOSrANTE. (11-18) Att'y fwr PlBlBttAt In tlte Circuit Court of the Stmt' (ff Orv gonxJar Itnn bounty. W C DAVIS and G E W DA. VL3. partners doing baal.iess! under the firm name aac ktyie ef Dbvib Bros., Pla.ntifla, v. PETER R BEAK, D-fendant.. To Peter R Bdr, fendanu thsabov rta.niJ da IN THE SAVE OF TAE8TAT8 O? Orogon. yoa are hereby i-eqaired to appear and aa-wethe cum plaint of tba piaititirTfi ed in tbe above entitle I court with tba clerk of acid court, by tha firsij day ol tbe text regular urn uf tbe abovdl entitled court, towtu oa the 14 b. day mT MaT;h.l8ox and yoa are hereby notified that if you Call to appear and answer tha aaid co "p.aiot tba plainUff w(Jl taaa lodgment agAiost yon to tiwi aunt of 340 tl with inlwaj taereon at the rata of ten (I. i) per vent per annual from tbe Zod. day of iSnptcmbor. 1891. and for the eoat and disbursements of this action ta te axe?; and aleo take an order aqd decree, of said court, to aei! the fctiiowing 6. aerttd land towru 'l tobv dersndant'a rhrbt, tHU and inrretkV in tbe donation land claim of Ovran Bear, being noti&ee. ttoo No iidO.and citim Ko 4I,tu townakio 12, eVMilh Hange 4 Weot.and c:aim So An, hi township It, Socth Itane 4 WV; In Liaaeocnty, Utegno, cemtsining 6-H.SO acre, leas lh.n 41 acres heretofore aolcl tovirioue parties, leaving 003 50 acres; which aaid laud wat duly levied upon by writ of attachment duly itanea out of the above named court, in the above entitled, action on the 8ib day of September, lSyt for Uie purposes of aeearinar ari-v tud ment that the plaintiff mgbr, rover In tbe above entitled eauavs Tbia summon l ae.-ved by publication In tbe Stats Hicht. DaxocatAT bv order ot tbe Honorable K P BoiM. Jadsre atth.2 bov4 entitled Court, rrade at CUAmb.r on tbe 16lh day of January, 1392, J K. V4 KAlHKKirOKr, i. Attorney toi flaiatifl. j dJ J ' laiia n.i i 'i 7' lf SUMMONS. f th Circuit Court of" lh Slat oAOrtgon for (At CasNtfy of Linn : - ' - ALVAN THOMAH, PUintiff, v. ,-:..-.: MIMERVAC THOMAS Tw.r.-.. - - v vnetUBUt, To Minerva C Thomas, tha lw, ,..-,1 Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE QF Oregon, yoa are hereby required to ap pear and aoawer the oomoUint Kf tka plaintiff, ia the above entitled court, pqw oa - ioi ii oourt, oy tr brtV day t f the next raga'ar ; ,n of said court, which aaid term foj.ua on Manday.tke 14th day cf March, IS 33, at the acart hang ia Albany, Liaa county, a-ego and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to Senear and u ail i reqaired th plaintiS will apply to the oeurt for tbe relief orayed fn in .i plain t, towjtt For a decree disaolving tbej jta aod plaintiff, and for the coats and dit- bone menU of thi tuit to be taxed. f Thi eammotre- U pnbhthed by order Hon V Knimm Jn.t. Ohambera. tn the city of Salem, CWoa. f rablajhed January 20th, 1892. W R B1LTEU, J ' - Att'y for PUintiff i At th Oir,i Court for Lim Constat H A FRANCE, Plaintiff, f RTILLE FRANCE, Defendant. To Orvilla France, tha abive naojed da fiindatit; IN TUB NAME! OF THE STATE or Oregon, you ar hereby reqaired ta appei ud answer tho oompiaiat filed 1 against you in the above entlt.ed ault on ar before the first day of the next regular ' karni af the abovo entitle 1 court CiAf following the expiration of tha pubHon- I on of this eumiuona towlt: tha fit v. a.. af March, 1?9Z and if you fwl to answer as herein required, tha plaintiff will toke fndg;nent agalnm you for th relief He- aaanded In her oosnpiaint, towit: A dJQ eree ot the above entitled court Uissolving ma Dtmai nrinunmA.- . . . , : J- between latnuff arid defondacfabod f aamed and awarding t plaintiff the f snstody nf Aoll Warne! Vrancthe fbluor I Shlld of plaintiff and defendant. I ThBservloa of summons is made hyL- nn'AatiAn h -m.A - . ' "3 l"woi non k e liaise, (UaasofBaui nnnrt m., m j. .7, ; vutunwra. tlLAqiBURN A WATSON. Attorneys for plainHff. KCTICE CF FINAL SETTLEflERT. T-OTICB IS HEHEBTf OIVEH THAT THE US Talleot ;t, djoessad, has Sled his Saal account t mid admlnutrator, and that the county court ot Una soiiritj Oreiron, ha appointed Monday, the 7th day ef Max, isii. a TTo A'w t ".k-TJ ' . . . ,l4v luiuiiuoil VJI arSaita id - ' , , "a.iBr auU wowmg BaVlfl tVO" uut nd tho .wttiement ol sajJ swute Xaii January ijt, m . " BOWWBiaHT, "IdSraior. ai oravj. , r 'X I I 5 A Cav; eat b 0 it, anil Trale.Msrks olittined. and all rat ismc's f(.n lrici;-l fcr Moii n,e Fees ir OiJics Is Opsosits U. S. Patent OMice. J? t.--;ire l.iitatit In less time than Uio ti front VV auVilt,rtv, and renio- Jjnodcl, if:a ; .- or choto.. vUh it,iirtt BOO. VV sitvSse. If tiioTifshlo t-'iarc A 1 s. Our ft-s not Sua till uatent, i ral Ram r- , ' w J Uttnil, Willi I nf st-tnu! eilints in vonr State, co-mtv.or amnhir.t l..w -Lt. t . tovta sett lrosi. Aldrest, 'A H r fit 55 r ff r 1 ?CAli z cMm ii . t 1