The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 26, 1892, Image 2

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Kdllere sad
Ex-United Stat Senator Blair hat d
clarcd himself a presidential candidate.
Uov. R lo stands out more and more
clearly at a representative of th beat and
heakhlctt In political life, lie U a demo
orat to whom democracy U something more
than a jest
At the New York convention yesterday
full lUll delegation w tlected to the
national convention. Ml conteatt were
decided in favor ot 1 1111. There wm great
enlhutliuin among Hill's friend.
The democratic tlate convention of New
York will bo held lo-day. It la aoltd. for
lllll and will elect 7a delrgatea instructed
to support htm. Ordinarily thla would
give Hill big start. Many people say It
will not now.
u j 3
Congressman Scott, of 1 1 lino's, has In
troduced resolution calling tor a bill to
repeal the sugar bounty. It ought to pass.
The bounty Is a barefaced robbery of the
taipayere. Its repeal would save ti 5,000,-
000 to the treasury and by so muck help
to prevent an Impending deficiency.
If it be that the friends ot Mr Cleveland
are to be called mugwumps and thus to be
denied a voice in deternil nlng who shall
be nominated by (he democrats for presi
dent, the Chicago convention would rep
resent but very small faction ot the
When you see men who for yeais have
been try'.ng to get nominated for office and
have failed because they were deemed un
fit, starting out to organise a new party
crying reform, it Is safe to aay that about
the only reform these men have in their
hearts is to seevre some scheme by which
they may still get office. If they are
broken down politicians Utok out lor them.
Democrats in their primary meetings on
the 5th of March should see to It that del
cgates are elected who will insist on a-
dopting the vlve voce system ot voting in
making nominations. The great ad
vantage of this method was seen In the re
suit of the convention and elections two
years ago. It shuts out all attempts at
unfair wire pulling and trading. If, per
chance, some delegate falls to vote for a
candidate whom he had pievlously agreed
to tupport. the blame rests on his shoulder
alone,nd not on that of the convention's
rs in the cae ot the ballot ay stem. The
bad faith Is thus located while it could not
be under the old system.
The Albany DruocaAT I still frothing
over high tariff. The democracy had
eight years rule la congress, and why did
they not modify the tartR to suit the
wearied cotemporary . Mill City Gattltn,
The Democrat had supposed that there
was but cr.e newspaper in the state that
was so far gone as to suppose that one
branch of congress could alone pass laws
on the tariff question. For the Informa
tion of the Catttt we will say that the
democratic party has not had full control of
the law making power of this government
for more than thirty years. If the Gaztttt
btllevts in the robber scheme ot protection
ism let it defend It. The fact that it has
never offered any intelligent defense of
that scheme leaves one to infer that Its ed
itor knows nothing about the queatbr, or
has too much manliness about him to de
fend a scheme that taxes one class for the
benefit of another.
It will be remembered that when con
gress convened last December there were
two views among democrats as to the best
policy to be pursued in reference to tariff
legislation. Oi.e line cf policy proposed
was to formulate an entirely original tariff
bill covering all th ground of tariff legli
lalion, while another line was proposed
which conkUted In attacking the McKinley
law in detail, in Its weakest points. On
the 5th of December Senator If ill made a
speech at Elmlra, New Yotk, which he
said he had prepared after much thought
and deliberation. In spexklng of the two
policies of tariff legislation as outlined
above, he took strong grounds against that
of attacking the McKlnley law In detail,
and declared in favor of an entire repeal of
the McKinley bill, and a leturn to the
tariff law of 1883. For this he was severe
ly crltlclzid by nearly every democratic
paper in the country. Here is what he
Shall we break our party formation and
go to pitci s In debating some small amend
ments towards taxation for revenue only,
or some confuting details of scandalous
tariff schedules; or shall we rather voice
a great people's rebuke of the two Mc
Klnley acts and demand their rrpeal? '
Shall we nibble at rates and percentages
as if that were tne size of our quarrel with
republican revolutionists, or hall we sim
ply vote to reeal the two McKlnley acts
an J to iestroy ihe bounty and subsidy
system root and branch?
Then he- as much opposed to offering
"small amendments' such as one to put
wool on the free lUl and reducing thej
duties on woolens to a mere nominal rate,
another lo put binding twine 011 the free
list, another to put cotton ties on the free
list as U now being dene by Springer and
the ways a:ul means committee.
The speech created general surprise at
the lime and among other things the Dkm
ockat In the issue of January I, 1891 said:
It Is a matter ot great surprise to not
only those who support the governor
for the le.noc.atlc nomination, but to
those who would have Ei-pretldent
Cleveland or some other man,, that he
should lake a position so negative, so do
nothing, so patently untenable on the
very Lee of it
QThe senutoi lias evidently been devot
ing rime attention to the subject, and has
given It that searching investigation that
the importance of the subject dernand,and
the Dsmocrat Is much pleated to be ab'e
to chronicle a isdical change of opinion
on the part of the senator At the recent
New Yo'k state convention he was called
upon to mike a speech, iul in the mldt
of his triumph he said:
' "Th cause of tariff reform has lately
made great practical advance. Secretary
Manning, in bis' report cf 1886, advised
congress 10 bi-gln a practical lariff reform
by a single act an act (or fiee wool.
One year later the secretary's report was
"writ large" In the message of the pretl.
dent. Now, five years later, one of the
mcst enlightened economists, David A
Wells, wtlies the clia'rman of the ways
and means committee that the path of pro
gress which Secretary Manning bUz-d first
and alone is the true path. It is a maxim
of sound policy, b.;t'er fitted to win
eltc'-lone than lose them, better dividing
Into ehao'trs the lessons of a on campaign
of education. AbolUh wlienevr "i can
one indcfenib!e U at a tl iu. ' 1 his h
true progress, , "
Now, the scnatur is no longer afraid of
"little 11 1 1,1; ml ne inn and In the brilliancy of
the light' that has come to him by eearch
fie rx-:lalms in sound democratic tones:
"A bo Hal 1 whenever you can one indefensi
ble lax at a tl:ne." U'ell, said senitor. We
are truly please. I t see th j e nalor add
anniln'r In (he many fkne.- which ho al
re-id p i.i.-ccs 10 fie;.nne a great
i-r -1 i v lvi I -r.
Tou have Wn told by the loouVrs of the
iuc'of protoctionwmthaltlioy would im
pose an sAUtionul duty on wool fur the pur
pose of protecting you against tlto competi
tion ef foreign cheap wool. The way this
wna to ha done was to make the duty so
high Umt no Importer could pay this high
duty anil bring foreign wool into our mar
kets and soli it aa cheap m the home pro
duct. They told you that if they could
keep out foreign wool it would curtail the
American apply, while the demand would
remain the tame, resulting,' according to
the immutable law of political economy, in
an incroww in the price of American wool.
You accepted this promise in good faith
and elected a republican congress and a re
publican president. That congress gave
you an incrv in the duty on wool from
88 to 42 per cent, but the woolen manufac
turer was present at that congress, with
both ejwopon, and he demanded that if
the duty on wool was to be increased, that
the duty cn woolens must also be increased t
and what do you think he demanded t Well
hit modesty restrained him, hence he txked
an increase of only from 67 to 91 percent Now
Mr Woolgrower, did it ever occur to you that
woolen manufacturers and wool growers were
the only two classes whom interest were
here protected? Did it ever enter your mind
that all the wool growers and manufacturers
put together would not exceed five millions.
while the consumers of wool and woolens
outside of this five million, ' exceed fifty-
eight millions ? The right and interests of
these fifty-eight millions were absolutely ig
nored by McKinley and his coadjutors. Was
tbia right? Was it fair? Ua it not been a
cardinal doctrine of the American people
since the organization of our government
that the greatest good to the greatest num
ber should be the rule in legislation? Is
this not universally acknowledged to bo a
government ot the people, by the people ami
tor the people? Are not fifty-eight millions
more nearly the people than the five mill
ions? Why did you willingly enter into an
arrangement to ignore all this vast army of
equal citizens? But, now have you duly
counted up the amount of your profit in
that enterprta? Let us see. You were to
be benefitted by keeping foreign wool out
of our market. Hut the report from the
custom office show that for the year end
ing December 31, 1890 under the old las
there was imported into the United State
10!Mfc0,6?2 pound of foreign wool, while
under the McKinley law for the year ending
December 30 1891 the amount imported
was 139,317,571. being nearly 31.000,000
pound more under the McKinley than un
der the old law. Do you not see that you
were badly hoodwinked in the whole matter ?
Now let u see how the woolen inanuhutu
rcrs came out . lie was to be protected by
keeping out foreign woolen goods from the
American markets. Dut these same custom
officers report that woolen good were im
ported for .the year ending December 31,
1890. under the old law, to the value of ti,
898,914, and for the year ending December
31 , 1801 .under the McKinley law.the amount
was ttV4.010.534 or a decrease in one year un
der the McKinley law of tl9.8S8.371. Some
how it appeara that the manufacturer se
cured his protection for the duty imposed
on woolen good resulted in a falling off in
importations while there wa an increase in
importations of wool. All the latter year
wool ha been selling cheaper than under
the old law. Do you not see that von got
much the worst of the bargain? It wa a
hog game of grab and like the little pig at
the swill tub yoa "were not in it." The
truth is just this. You bare always re
ceived a better price for wool under a low
tariff than under a high tariff. Your hav
ing a tariff on wool, wheat and com, justi
fies the man who hope to manuf dure tin
some time in the future to go up to eon
gres and demand a protection that will
count something for him and at your ex
pense. Why not divest yourself of this
hallucination under which you have so long
labored and help get rid of a robber tax
that avails you nothing but which you help
pay every month in the year? To come
thinking for yourself now.
The democratic state convention of Rhode
Island to elect delegate to the national
democratic convention will be held in Provi
dence March 2, the tame day that the state
ticket is selected.
"Amherst, Bristol, Warren and Eait
PrOTidencejjhave elected delegate favorable
to the nomination of Cleveland. In this
town the delegation will be solid for Cleve
land. Scituate, Foster, Gloucester and a
few town in the section where Congress
man Page live may send Hill delegates.
If the convention were held today Cleve
land would capture every delegate, and there
i little doubt that nine-tenths of the dele
gate will be for Cleveland.
Mayor Daniel A Pond, of Woonsocket
will be the choice for governor by a large
majority and will probably carry the state-
The democrat also hone to elect the if legis
lative ticket and county officer at tha state
election, which will be hchHthe Brut Mon
day in April.
The democrat have made a clean train of
over six thousand in the stub eghttration
Take from this Uie supposed gain of the ie-
publican electors on property and other qual
ifications and they will still have a net gain
of 4000 and over. There is good re won to
believe that the new legislature will be dem
ocratic in both branches, and the democrat
confidently expect to elect their state ticket
by clean majorities. Only a plurality is
needed for presidential elector.
Among the democrat who would like to
go to the United State senate are ex-Gov.
John W Davis,' Congress Oscar Lnpham, of
the First district, and Charles II Tage, of
the Second district; Samuel Honey, Mayor
of Newport; Hugh G Can-oil, mayor of Paw-
ucket, and Thomas McGuire, jr, of this
own. One plan is to send Congressman
Page to the senate and elect Thomas Mc
Guire, of thU'ploce, to hi seat in congress.
The delegates-at-large to the national
convention will probably be: Mayor Sam
uel R Honey, of Newport, Mayor Daniel S
Pond of Woonaockot, and possibly ex-Gov,
Davis, of Pawtucket. and Congressman
Oscar Lapham.
Every city in the state now ha a demo
cratic mayor and city government.
Democrats at the primary meetings of
the four Albany precincts should besr In
mind that their meetings are conducted
differently from the manner heretofore
prevailing. Under a law pasted by the
last legUlature, all these meetings in cities
of 2000 or more nhabitaiits, tha'l be con
ducted by judge and clerks. The judges
re appointed by the county central com
mittee and two clerks each by the judges
theret.f. They shall be inm st are judges
ami ocritk at 4 general c.tttioti, and shall
keep poll bojks and make returns as in
general elections. A wi!l be seen by
notice given eUewhere these prima-y
meetings will be held from one to six
o'clock In the afternoon of Marrh the 5th.
The names of the judges and places of
voting are named in the notice. In the
otner precincts of tne county tha primary
meeting will he conducted as heretofore.
Let every democrat in the Albany pre-
(Fmm our remtlar oomimicnt.)
VVasimnotok, Feb. 15, tSol.
Speaker OUp is thoroughly in accord
with the desire to make a calm conserva
tive and business-like Investigation of the
Pension Office and Its methods ot doing
business, and In selecting the committee
authorised by the House reio.utlon he
made good use of his knowledge of the
members nt the House and named men
who will tit with the same impartiality on
the ev.dence presented to them and as
carefully sift it, in order to throw out that
which in their judgment It based on
hatred or personal they would
It titling at judget in a court of law. The
democrat on the committee are Rep
resentative Wheeler, ot Michigan, Little,
of New York, and Dungan, of Ohio; the
republicans, Mettrs Llnd, ot Minnesota
and Broslus ot Pennsylvania, all Union
Representative Hear, ot Massachusetts,
is confident that the adoption ot his reso
lutlon by the House authorising the com
mlttee on Manufactures to Invesisgate the
so-cslleJ ''sweating" system ot tenement
house labor, is a long step in the
tight direction, and he predict that tho re
sult ot the Investigation will be some start
ling facts ot speuUI Interest to those who
wear "ready made" clothing. Bctote the
House adopted the resolution It adopted
an amendment directing the committee to
Inquire how much Increase the McKinley
bill has caused In the wage ot workmen
employed Ie Industrie protected by U
terms ot that bill. It alto afterwards
adopted a resolution offered by Mr Ilol
man, restricting thecost of the Invesilgst
gin to f 3,000.
Speaker Crltp has fclven some it the
democratic member who have been care
less as to their attendance .n the sessions
otthe House a little lecture on their dulls
tsklng hi text from the lack of a quorum
ot dtmocialt on the flesr, which the other
day tnablrd the republican to compel an
adiournment. A second lecture on this
subject should not be necessary.
The aenate committee on Agriculture
will report a rcsrtluiltn providing tor the
appointment ot a number of sub commit
tees to mrke an Investigation, a committee
to each branch ot IIk subject, for the pur
pose ot asceilalntng the present condi
tion of agriculture in the United States,ihe
prices of Its products.and If there be any of
which the prl:et are depressed, the cause
of such depression and the remedy there
for. This resolution will be reported as
substitute for Senator George's resolution
for an Investigation cf the depression In
the cotton-raiting states.
Representative Wheeler, of Alabama
has sent a cold shiver down the spinal
column of a'.l the big office holders by
Introducing a resolution Instructing the
sjvcrsl commil:es In charge of appropria
tion bill to mske reduction! 30 per cent
In all official salaries of f 5,000 or more
that would catch senators and represent
ativesand of 10 per cent In alt stearic
of $3,ooo or more.
An attempt is being made to get the
Wat and Mean committee of the House
to grapple with the cigarette evil by re
porting a bill placing an Internal revenue
tax cf $10 per 1000 on all cigaettet ot
tered for sale, whether of domestic 01
torclgn manufacture. A memorial show
ing that tin excessive use of cigarette has
during the year kilted too young men, end
sent an equal number to insane ay turns Is
being circulated In congress.
The manner in which the annual ap
propitatlon bill for the Military Academy
was reductd by the House, timing as a
committee of the whole, before It wss
passed, in spite of the powerful Influences
brought to bear In favor of passing it as
reported from the committee on Military
affairs, ha convinced a good many people
who had doubt on the subject that when
the democratic leader sal J economy In
public expenditures would he enforced by
the House, they Indulged In no Idle talk.
Republicans may sneer, but when the
people's verdict is heard next November
the democrat will g?t their reward.
The Bland free colnige bill, now on the
House calendar, I the subject ot much
talk In and out of con g re. It I favored
on principle by a very large majority of
he House, 'but whether a majority
of the democrat believe it political wis
dom to ps It at this time will very soon
be known a a petition atking the com
mittee on Rule to set a date for Its con
sideration by the House is now being cir
culated for democratic signatures More
than a hundred have signed.
It Is expected that the Canadian reciproc
ity commissioners wilt return home this
week, knowing jut about as much as they
did when they came. They bad no author
ity to make a treaty , nor had Mr Blaine,
even had he been so disposed.
A ha been before stated in these column,
the Demochat regard the inue upon
which a man run for president a far more
important than the candidate himself. Not
a vingle democrat of all those whose names
have been mentioned in connection with the
presidency-Cleveland.IJoies.CarlUIe Whitney
Palmer, Pennnyer, Puttison, Ruasell, Gor
man. Gray, Vilas, Hill, Flower" and other
but would bo far preferable, if on a square
toed tariff reduction platform than any re
publican on a "protection" platform. The
Dkxocrat entertains not the slightest fear
as to what the platform of the nationul dem
ocratic convention will be on the great vital
issue of tariff reduction. Hence it is cafe
to say that the Democrat will heartily
upport either oue of the dintingiiinhed
leaders above named if nominated. But
thi fact docs not preclude the Democrat
from urging tho nomination of one in
preforance to others. Thi we will do with
eut regard to criticism of other newspaper
that think such a course should not be pur
sued. r j
A delegate is not sent to a convention to
represent his own opinion or to seek per
sonal iifurandizimerit. He is tent to rep
resent the wishes of theparty. The rank
and file of the democratic party of Oregon
is overwhelmingly for Grove r Cleveland,
and we much mlstakehe temper of the
people If they do not take such steps as t j
give their wishes effect at Chicago. A
solid and enthusiastic delegation backed by
the Instructions of the party should be the
outcome ot the state convention. Itevltw
Grovtrt CievelaaJ went to Ann Arbor yes
tenlay an 1 delivered sn adJress before the
hc-i'tf and s'uilenft of the University on the
subj-.c', "Sentimenr In Oaf Nations! Life."
He wis met at the fk',oo'ry aooo student.
Tlie Mayor of Ihe city presented Mr Cleve
land with the freedom of thi- ciir In a tilvet
McKinley gave the woolen manufactur
er about 50 per cent advantage ovor tho
wool grower when arranging the duties 01
wool and. woolens. Springer gives the
woolen manufacturers 35 per centad vantage
and still the Otfonian gque.ils. -
It i said that the friend of Hill in In
diana are joining with tha friends of Gray
to srcure a d"!i;,'ation instructed for Grav
In Butte. Mon.. thev nut era no on the
door of wife beater. The echeine U
very effective.
San Francisco strl
bavu platter of
Pari model of their feet
made. The
fadeet fad yet reported.
Albany will be a wholesale clly some
day ot considerable magnitude, Keep
track of the fact.
Forty of the new half dollars are an
Inch and a ball higher than forty ot the
old half dollar, fact that will d away
with cniintlnu Imlf ilollnrn liv oamkaires.
and bankers are, very naturally, kicking
A most important case 1 now before
the lupreme ceurt ot the atate of Oregon,
Involving the constitutionality of the act
creating the omoi o( county recorder.
The Coming Century, Mr Duntway'i
maitaxlne. tlioutrli he had oid out,
baa tutpemied publication tor
the present century. Bo far a Oreiron
la concerned Mr Duniway I not "In it,"
epeaklng metaphorically.
Spokane will set the Great Northern:
but it took an Immense number of ub
crlptlone, ot from f 3000 down. Mon'
teith A Seltenbach, formerly of thla city
are in it for the liberal turn ot 160 and
NY M Wolvertou for 100.
General surprise succeeded the funeral
of a rich man in England. At hi re
quest, four hundred ot hi intimate
friend were Invited to the funeral, but
only twenty-nlue went. The other three
hundred and teventy-one were somewhat
dejected eight day later when tne will
was read. Jtgave each person who at
tended the funeral a turn 01 money-
fiuoutoeach man. and flow to cant
The following ia clipped fiom an Kast
ern paper: Anew tort of bed waimer
wa tried by Mr E E Charnian.of Oregon
City, Ore. He placed an incandescent
electrl liaht under the clothes to warm
bit feet, and wa toon In a comfortable
lumber. In about an hour he awoke
with a start, and in an lniit waas
lively as a ben on a hot griddle. The
e'ectrlc light had set Are to the bed
ppokane Is a great city and has men
with massive brains. On of tl.ern runs
the oper house. He cancelled the jrn
eaeement with Pstti because the brii
Iiant idea came into his brain that It
would take so much money away from
the city the people would nt have any
left to go to other entertainments of lets
magnitude. As a result Patll gvs up
Hi I'actne coast trip entirely.
The suit of the Freestone Distillery
Co. against A 1 Wagner and F 1 Talk
in eton. involving lunii dut fr fou
barrels of a certain brand of blended
whisky, which was not np to sample,
went against the distillery. The airenl
of the company was the only witness
put on the stand lor plainlifi. He gave
the rase away by admitting that he
could not tell by tasting whether a cer
tain brand would be according to sample
or not. It was officially determined poor
stun accorcunc to tne undinge 01 juuge
Uuisc, who is a good judge of law
whether he Is of poor whisky or not,-
Balem Journal.
A petition ha been circulated snd gen
eraJly sinned, addressed to the CU
Council, asking that awning- be taken
down. It will be presented tomorrow
night, snd should be grsnted. Awnings
sre frontier affair and eve tores to any
city. First street would at least appear
twenty feet wider with them down and
present a much more metropolian appear
nee. uown with tne awning.
Today I Wshliglon'sblrth.ijy, de
erved monument to th greatest "father
of Itls country" any nation ever had.
Though the capital of the U. S., one of It
tate. about thirty counties, many town
and thousand upsn thousand of babies
have been named after Washington the
respect raid to hi memory 1 none too
great. The more one studies hi life and
the history ot his limit the bigger place
doe he get in ore's h'srt. iil f rest net
Is not trsdltion, but history. The little
hatched sloiy was undoubtedly net Ion 1 but
hi life work, the Integrity snd granseur
of hi character I vended hy history.
Lish Applevate. known by everybody,
was invited to be present at the Port
land republican convention, now
chestnut. He did'nteo; but wrote the
following note to Ikies Ayer, which
shows how a man feels after lie ins kicked
out of office : In answer toyou favor 1
have to tar that it is very unpleasant to
be compelled 10 answer your moat re
spectful rtouest in the manner which
candor requires. I most tell you then
that I tiave received a character of treat
ment at the bands of the present admin
itlration which would render it very
Improper for me to undertake tacit wort
ta this to which you invite me. The
fact is I have been dismissed and ex
pelled by the M E conference and excom
mnnicated by the pope of America,
Iiisbop Newman, all of which proceed
ines were oromDil v sanctioned and con-
firmed by his excellency the president of
the United states. The good old party,
therefore, being no longer dragged down
and encumbered by my earthly an
worldly weight will now rapidly rise up,
punned and sanctined, ready and pre
pared to meet the miiienium : while l in
the meantime may he permitted, per
haps, to stand afar off and see the Lion
tat straw like an 0,
HoTf'f ThfisJ
We offer One Hundred Dollars Beward tor
any eas of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Ball' Catarrh Cor.
F. i. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O,
We the andsrslcned, htvs known 7. J. Cbe
ney for the last IS year, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business transaction
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tlons made 1v their Arm.
"Wkut Tsuax, Wholpa!e Drumtsts, Toledo, O,
ViklAiua, Kink A MaKVIK, WholctAlJ Ijruf
fisis, loieuo, is.
'j Catarrh Cure is taken Intornallv.aoilni UDon tha blood and mneous surfaces o
tha syrtera. Price, 7N. per bottle ikild by all
JOTggUH. xesuiBomais iree.
A B Hrllwala OtTer Heme Itsltsm I'rle
II mskct the following reductions in tui;sr
(or csih 1
17 Ihs diy granulated for fl 00.
So Ibtexir C wliite for $1 00.
22 Ihs extra C golden for f t oo.
Here sre ime wholeta'c price:
too lbs 'xtra C i, ctt. ,
loo Ihs tx'ia C white 4 ct.
loo Ihs dry granulated (si $H ctr.
He aitl alio id! a five gallon keg of pickles
for 90 ;ents.
Uneitr Islh Best Palle
Thi it a parent mod cios advrtite neut
but atiootioo tho tnomnt may save
you niac,h soffuringss will at money,
W cur that oouwh
W oars that tick ling,
W oure tht h ioking.
Wt cuie that.tbrott ,
Wa car Croup. :, -
V our Bronchitis.
W ur La Grippe Cugh
W help yon t ting and speak.
W ire m,t the S. H. L itM.
W are a ilesut Ciuvh Symp.
W are pat ia fiO and 75 eent hirttljs.
We r H e 8 B. Couh Cure.
Uaaraoteod by Yo hay & Mason.
Allsii I'-rcs aiwsys keep their customers
so.!ieil with froth hatter and aggt.
. EverUititiKly tn it,
F E Alitn :..
If nt, wby m.t.
R ,-rt & SjX s-11 th very Umt t,tiit
lemjujvd thears and scittort. the celebrated Havans Gllcd S ocnt
eir at Julius J oaeph's.
(! lo 3 W Cobb, suceettorto Paisley &
Smilo), Fltnn rji.k, for yi orj b printinu
)' til kinds
Dr M H Ellis,
Aibaiiy, Oregon.
Calls ma.l
city or
rettpeaed Tw Wautb.
CtmvAtu. Or Feb 23. In the mutter of
the- confirmation of tlie wile of the Omsfon
'iieillc railroad, Judtm Hnn uptHWii In
court and filed a petition lieforu Judo 1'ipe
In behalf of Zeph W Job, the purchawY, ask
ing for a continuance 01 sixty tutys w mine
the balonco of tlie money aha'alleging tlmt
ho had made arrnntreiiietit to have tho
money here at the time sppr-iflnd, but that a
suit lieinin in the United Bbite court inter-
lerml and upset nl plans. 11 wa itiruier
alleged that the money wa to bo procured
from ixurtios in New York and London, who
are sun retuiy aim wining w mrnum mhj
.fii 1 . m;. . . ...:..t. it.-
nun, to soon a the rase now penning in tne
tlisitml Htjih court is nettled satLfiu torilv
to them. J It Urysou appeared In behalf of
tho Farmer's Loan Trust Company and
tiled a motion that the e.OUU paid in to
be forfeited and another sale to be ordered.
The motion wits denied and the petition of
Job granted. .
t'emplelrl Blspsrted!
Wahuinuton, Feb 23. Tlie secretary of
state hut received the following from Mia
inter Rvan. of Mexico. reirnrtUnir the con
dition of affairs in that country:
According to the advices of the Mexican
. : . . . .
irovcrnmtmL (Jura's band, orimnued s-1'
civ in Texas, are comnletely uUiered in
coiiwiience ot tlie pursuit set on foot by
tne UuUxl biute force, w Minever tne
force have crossed into Mexico, the pre
cautionary measure instituted by thi irov-
eminent were ulneient to preserve the peo
ple and railway from norm.
Wasiunotow, Feb 23. Judge Bennett.
chairman of the Utah territorial republican
convention, today, proponed to tlie senute
commttbw on territories a bill for local gov
ernment in Utuhaud favored the admission
of the territory as a state, on the ground the
gmnnd tho imopie wanted stiitWiood or
nothing. John Henry Smith, of Hult Like,
also favored tlie sixbYnood measure. This
close tho bearing.
A Terrible Crime.
ToitKKTO, Feb 22. The chief of pol ice of
thi city last night received iiiforauition of
a very sensational murder. It appear that
a few night agoa peddler sought lodging
at a hoh-l in Loretto, a small villaae in
Adjiila county, lie found a party of vil
lager in a jiilly mood, drinking and tmok
intr around the barroom fire. They de
manded a nng from the peddler, whohesi
totml to comply, aaying he knew nothing
but Orange sung. J be crowd, however,
insisted and Uie neddler cointlioL but the
sentiment of the song so . exaxjiernted tlie
crowd that they set upon and Unit the man
to death, riu'ldenly tobeml by their mur
derou hod. they shut up tha house snd
steut the rest of the night in cutting up the
boay ana putting it in Urn stove.
stecwrder All It Is kit-
Salku. Or Feb 22. In the supreme court
totuty an inbnting suit wa ended. The
case of FJIiott v Oliver i a mandamus pro
ceeding brontfht by tii appttltant. a receiv
er of conv. yance for I'num county, to re
cover certain reeonl which the ap-llunt
claim the right to and custody of by virtue
vi nis oiutw. ine cfnmituuonuiiiy 01 uie
office of reeortUr of deed wa nut powwil
uiKJii. the court dM-linintr to consider so
grave a juetiin where tlie record ilmrlf wo
defective, but Uie opinion contains a brief
dictum that the law creating Uie oliice of
reeonler in Union county is prulably m
stituUonal. The tendency, sold Judue Stm-
ban, of thi tl iion is to leave tlie condi
tion of affair under Uie various ait creat
ing rwordera in the several counties undis
puted. a mm
A stoma, Feb 22. Til American thlp
Tlilie E Ptarbuik, whose non-arrival ho
cnuael some anxiety, arrived in thi even
inif. l&i day from ew York, and when
her anchor went down in the harbor Captain
Curtis remarked: "This end the Jougest
sua voyafc-e 1 ever made." The yeel, which
is one of Uie fastest sailer in this tra.le.
wa twelve day making the find WuO mile
out of New York, and thi bud beginning
wa fmt all the way, a vewei a week or
two ahead of her at Cape Horn maths rat-
uingpoNsage up toe comm.
i- , ..... --. .
WktOiy DM It.
Wam.a W'AhLk. Feb 22.-Dr D II Iimu-
cber, sjb-kian of Prowwr, Yakima county
died in Uie jail here Sunday nuirninir.
lSroticher came to town Balunhay and im
mediately beimn drinkintr hi-avilv. Alxnit
2 o'clock Bunday morning he was token
!.t. I . te. - I (I .... .t
wiin an ejK"T'ic nt ana iu on tue s.ue
walk with such force a to iroduo concus
sion of Uie brain. le wa picked up by
Uie polk and takan to tha city jail. A
physician wa summoned, but nothing
could be done to save Uie man. lie died at
Ho clock in the uonumr.
Bluiae the tl M
PpoxASE, Feb 22. Freparation are be
ing made today to commence work on the
Grant Northern. There was unusual ac
tivity about the engineers' quarters Uiis
morning. UrauifhUmea were busy pre
paring maps, and engineers were gettuig
ready to cross-sertion the line for contrac
tor. Engineer W F liobinson, who ha
been in Uie city for several week, will leave
tomorrow for Meade with a irty and le
assigned to work between Meade and the
east city iimiu.
Vat Arlssa.
Itof-KKHTKu, N Y, Feb21. ThesliooUng
of an express messenger on a New York
Central train, Uie rifling of a safe, the flight
of tho roblier on Uie engine of anoUinr train
from which he had driven the crew at Uie
point of a revolver, a running fight from
tho engine for miles, followed by another
engine filled with railway men, and the
final capture of Uie desperado by a sheriff's
posse in a swamp, after a wild pursuit
across the country, are some of the sensa
tional features of the most desperate attempt
at train rouuery in uie niatory of the Central
railway, aud which cant in shh, as an ex
hibition of coolness and nerve tne famous
exploit of the Jesse Jame band or the
other outmws of western fame.
Tho man it believed tolas the much want
ed Oliver Curtia Ferry, who roblied Kxpres
messenger moore near t. lica lost foil.
nw Tasssnaay Will '
Ai.bakt. N Y Feb 21. Tonight it i un
derstood Tammany decides not to go to the
Chicago convention under inatraeUon for
any ono. rrominentlammany men said
posHibly it would Iw better politic for Hill
to go to Chicago simply a democrat, and
not with him a the iron bound cohiee of
any organixution, and possibly too, Tam
many may prefer to go a a lwwerful or
ganization, not determined to press any
one man, tint at tne tame time with a warm
and, if needed, earnest frienibihip for lltll
then the jkiwct of each might be greater
upon the delegate from outer states.
Wa Delighted
Portland, Feb 21. II E ITartloy, ajww
coiner to this state, who has token a trip
up the West Side road to Corvallis, across
to Albany and out to Ashland find back, is
(lulitflited with what he taw. He says the
fall sown grain is looking tine and up the
Went Side the farmers are speeding tlie
plows at a great rate, some of them having
four or five tuatns employed and making ef
forts to get in a larger acreage than usual.
Prospect for a pood crop ore very favorable,
and the railroad men report that the freight
luminous is improving and future prospect
bright. ,
Aaatber Babbit Srlve
Tiuvin, Ctil Feb 21 .The largest rabbit
drive in this section of country since 1888,
wa held today about two miles went of
Travcr. About I o'ctock hundreds of ve
hicle and 400 mounted horsemen commenc
ed the line of march under the perconol
supervision of J N Bowhay. The line ex
tended four mile in width. ' Great excite
ment prevailed on reaching the wine-n of t he
corral, which were one and one-half milesH
apart. About 4000 scalp were secured. -A
Notable Wedding
Tacom a, Feb 21 .A matrimonial event
which will interest many people of Taeoma
will take place in Portland Thursday, March
3. Herbert S Hu8on,'the well known capi
taliot of thi city, and recently assistant
principal engineer oi the northern Pacific,
will wed miss Labinia Whulley, daughter
of J W Whalley, a weil known residont of
Portland. The ceremony will take place at
St Stephen' chapel, and will be followed
by a reception from 1 to 3 p m at the resi
dence S'M West Park street.
A fltatae r Brlgbam Tsaag
Salt Lake, Feb 21. The Brigham
Young Memorial Association has let a con
tnv't to Sculptor Doliin for a statue of the
prei(t Mormon leader, I 1 1 1 - ! in the
. '!it hf-:it corner (if tin1 'i '
)em lllinrlont,
SalkM. Feb 2:j.-11ie Salem Raseliill Club
incorporated today with a rapiUI stock of
IIO.(HX), and will bat;k a 'Salem team in the
l'acific Northwest Ientnio. The stockhold
er met tonight and elected J C Hinith pres
ident, C A Unity serretnry, and "I'op lytlo
nionager. Manager Lytlo stiirt east tomor
row to sign player and make up a teitni.
A rerllaad Msa lata
Bar FliAMt two, Fob 1. Louis Unrke,
gardener from Portland , ttecamo violently
insane en rouio from Portland to Han Fran
cisco on tho Steamer Oregon. Ho attempted
to kill one of hi fellow passenger and had
totieiocKoa tip. two policemen had a
hard struggle in hiuulmimiig him on hi
arrival Ikmu. He wa sent w the home for
An fai the. sake.
Saw DfKtHt, Feb SI. At 11:17 thi even
ing Uioro was a severe shock of earthniiake
wiiu viuraiions irom mm to .west, iiuuu-
ingirocketl in a terrtfle manuer bringing
thousands of people on the street. The
damage, if any, u not known a yet. A
second siix k, which was very light, wu
felt at 11:40. , .
The New York 5f-'or ha been Inter
viewing democratic governors.
Governor Russell of Mass, tsysi
"I tell you," said the Governor, bring
ing m nana forcibly down upon the tame,
"If Mr Cleveland 1 nominated, I can
pledge the vote of Mticbuettt to the
democratic national ticket. There l no
doubt about it. I could go Into detail
alth you and show you Iw 1 know that
the democratic strength IhU Uil Is to be
Increaied thousands and thousands of
votes. Tne vote of this state is ready to
fall into the lap Of the national democrscy,
nd I cannot believe that they wt.l want
only throw It sway, snd 1 still believe
that Mr Cleveland will be nominated, and
nothing that ha been done or that I Hke
1 to be win prevent it,"
Gov. Esgl of Ark. si
"If Hill secured a solid delegation
through Intrigue it would in my judgment
have a tendency to ceieat itim Oviore tne
"1 am Inclined to believe it would also
prevent Cleveland's nomination, for the
reason that it would not be prudei.t tor the
democracy to nominate cither Cleveland
or lllll with a factional fight going on in
their state between the two men."
Gov, Winstis ot Michigan ssyt:
HI think, of course, that a to'.ld deb its -
Hon for Hill In ew York would be some
thins: In his favor, butln in v mind It I ex
tremely doubtful whether ft would be able,
witn even tnt prestige, to get uie neces
sary two-tblids majority required In the
democrsilc national convention.
f think the natural reuU of the whole
matter will be the defeat f both Cleveland
and Mill the nomination of a westrrn
, Gov. Fleming of W. Va. saysi '.
-I 4a not think a solid lllll delegation
from New York meant Hill's nomination.
i think It would prevent Cleveland s
nomlnatton.nnt becaute the people are any
the Ies attached to him, But tni conven
tkm would desire to nominate a candidate
who could surely carry and unite the
party In his own state."
Gov. Durke ot N. Dak. ss;t:
At sn outsider I tiiould think that a
solid lltll delegation meant Cleveland's:
delrst In the conventlon.but 1 do not think
Hill will get the nomination. A a re
publican I should be pleased to see lllll
nominated. I regard Cleveland at the
si range tt man with the msset tn the dem
ocrat k'ptrty, but tn the event of hi defekt
in tne national ine nomi
nee will be a western mn. In my judg
ment Senator Palmer will be tin mm in
that event,"
Gov. Peck of Wlscomln says;
"A solid II i:i dclegttlon from New York
would not s fleet the other slates If the
feeling In them wt sgslnst Hlli.
"It n.litht result In Cleveland's nomina
tion. No one man can force himself Into
the pretideniUI chair. It the people want
tll: thev will find Mm, and he wil not
have to carry a asndttlch ign nctllylng
the democrscy tnst ne is in tie tsce.
Oa lnx to the floe weather farmers io
this vicinity are busy plosrlng and sow
ing their spring grain. .
Quite a fight ensued one day last week
between two light weights. The cause
as far as can be learned was, who was to
get the girl.
Peoria Is very proud of their new doc
tor, Dr Killetntjuick, who bs bis office
In the Kiolston Uiock, room 27. lie is
death on tlio grippe.
Uncle Tommy Clement li still on the
tick litt
W R Gariett lias returned from a visit
to John Turner's, of Harrisburg.
Mr Vodnrwood will start for the east
with his family the ?7;h ot the uiontb.
James Uithen wa ap and spent Fab-
bath with lift parents.
The Green Back Literary Society gave
very enjoyable entertainment Tuesday
night, which was the last night, (uite
a large crowd was present.
' John Miller met with an accident last
Friday, which came uar breaking hit
Kg, by his horse falling dowu on lilin,
spraining bis ankle.
Rev WcFarland will hold quarterly
meeting at the church nest babbatu,
Quite a blase caused some excitement
on the top of Mr Zieglcr's house, but by
the quick work of both Engine Go's and
Hook & Ladder Co was soon extinguished
wittout much damage.
After selling out all their sheep Gltb
ens & Lamar have started to raising
goats for a change. They wish to get all
the goats they can possibly buy.
.' Mies Annie Githent will go to Albany
baturday, where she wilt go lo scuoqi
during tlie spring term-
Chris Hlagle it talking of pn'.ting In a
steam ferry on account of the current
not Using swift enough to carry the boat
The Peoria ground hog was out and
saw lit shadow, and went buck to noie
up for six weeks. Champion.
sua sieasi -
IVker Hros, grocers.
F, M. Freaoh kps railroad time,
fijy your grooerta of Parkor Bros .
Apple psrers f r sale at Stewait k. Siixrs.
fiae groerri t Conn & Hrudriccuu'.
Latest ilnst inusie st Will & I.itkV.
Ksw cream ehees justtsosived at Conrsd
Myr. -
C W Cl.b, job printer, Flion Block, does
flnt cla work.
IS W Ae!ion &Co ar selling monu moats
at PottUud prioes. .
Th finest line of pocket knives in'ths
o'ty at 8t art k Soi's. -;
la Just tt bour J. r. I. reUersi eoiutiaHon
sad srsat bwadaeh, Aftav It set th system
aat sonlrel a Meaaiseal ds prvnts rsrurn.
VT f by psrmlaston to W. H. U arskall, llruns
wlek Baose, S. F.j tM. A.Wsreet, 51 Callfornl
t, . T.l ati. C. Mslvia, m Kearny 8., a, F.,
aa ssaay wbe hav fsuad rsllsf frosa
atipUeisalkhalk. .W. Vlneut,
tt tuns CtsS, a f. writs! "1 ra 10 ysar
sf see bar bsa troahls wlta consUjMtloa
to year. I was renNly ladacsd lo try Joy's
Vscstebl arsapssiU. I rssofnlssd la it at
no as ksrb ths Om MsxIeaM used to (It as
la Am saity M's is bowel tsoablec - (I cam ta
02Uorala ta M.) tssd I kuw it would kelp mt
asalHbas. FethefiiUimbiyaiieanalep
wU and my system Is malar and In splendid
eadltloa. Ths old itexicim hsrbi In Ui U rc lastly
ar a certain ear la constipation and bowel
troubles." AskJor
I o v
j O Carcaparilla
in the CireuU Court of Hut
Sliilt 0 Orry.on
for tha County of tAnn,
M CAIlTEH, Plaintiff
F A BUttKUART. Defendant.
by vlrti e of an txcetiMon lunl out
of the above namsd eoiirt, in ti.n above
entitled notion, to wie diroetod and dellv
rd, I did on the day of January,
i puis or inttwirt nammi pain
ttif, levy on and attach all the rlhC, tit e
anil inieiPNt ct the above nsmed defend
ant In ami ti the real property herein
after dewiiUd, and will 011
HturAnt, Ike Milt day of Marrh, l,
at Ihs Court House door, in the city of
Albsny, Hun cwtinty,) the hour
o' 1 o'clock am of said dayell at publtn
tuetinti for etnhin hand titfiit hlKhftst
hiitder, arid rest roprty dnterlbed
fjllows, inwlt Jlfklnning at h N W
corner of lU k la.liaoklnoian'aVnd addi
tion to Allf) y.LInn coiuitv.OreKonithentM
eu rly and pirnllol with the south
boundary line ot sail b'.oc.k sn ftxtf:
thnnee soutborly and pr'Wl with the
oh boundary uneorMiii inoek ill fofu
thnnee westerly parnt'nt wlih ihe north
boundary Imer fsuld block CO fret, iui ne,e
northerly on the west boundary ll'eof
said bloek to the tMaoe or iteglnnlng.
Also 1 hit N of the l)or.stl-u Tail I OJalin
of O I' Jiurkbart snd wife, Notlflcatlon
W In p II, M K 3 W. of thi Willamette
Mnrldlan, in Mna county, Uragan.
Ihe irocend-t rMiig from the ssls r.f
said reel property to t o ipollt, firm, to
the puyioeiit of the costs of and upon this
writ, and tl original (xmus amounting to
the sum of $20 05; Mxiid,to the paynieht
of plalntirrs claim ainonutlng to the sum
of fllt.iifl, and third, tbat the overplus. If
any mere tut remaining 'lr Ihe payment
of the sum shove, to be paid into the
above entitled e urt to abide tho further
order ot s tld cvuru
VaUhI thi t 3d d .y or January, Wil.
rheriffol Llna county, Oregon.
Tb suecesa ef this Great Conch Cure is
without a paralkil la tbo hlntory of mcdioioe.
All druRcsuarauthoriNl to sell it on a pos
lltv ausrsnloe. a test that ao other car caa
auecvsafully stand. That It may becotn
knows, th Proprlrtort, at an enormous cx
peoM, srs ptaciaa a Kainpla Boule Free late
very home in the United Bute and Canada.
If yoa have a Cough, Hors Throat, or Bron
chitis, use K, for It will cum yon. If your
ehlld ha th Croup, or Whooplns Cough, use
It promptly, and relittf Is sura. If yoa dread
that Inaidlons dlaesM CoaxintTition, a It.
Ak ycrar trottiflt for BUiLOlI'tt CL'RK,
lrlc 10 eta.. Wet, If jrmir Longs
srasoraor llaek lame, us Khiloh's l-orous
VmUst. pHo S$ cu. I'or sale by atl Prag
gist and Dealers.
vautBf qualiUaarBiMranMtiat4. actusl
Cmtlsailii (wo li- of brut i Mj
fWlnr bft.l. KJt
tAi'Ml b r tat. I rtm T l M A. ii a. A t . 1 K.
roaaLitinf nKAtj:HaorNrBi.i.T. yp
tin tnn4' Manic
tt Umt irt K n an. Mmmmwmml
lMf4iS -mM ft WtfMHM.. tm mWb I SftV,
tl (wiwu;, .ntMr-il tttutkc t'nlty lrnr4.
Stiooo. hiMf.1. ImmWi- Vrtl-itl. Ur
J I .H OOO uta. trt oa'l hi. it l-.TrlnU
Miw.t 4-tfiM. mt miv A-t( Mart Ffff.
Tto 9.(3o4 Mca Soar Co.. Ch'.ozmo, tlU
It dcrslk'xJ Wteeuuir at Ul. lot ti I m1 tauatnsnt
oi W M lul.l, 4acae4, hw ft led hl Html amiuM ta
tfa ana tA Oi. &mny eiik t Uintt ouuntt ,nrcYH,
and thst tlisoirtinty eanrttiil l.lnn cnu.iy, has
kuor vi Uo'culi iu Um (n-rti at old d..u tit
tlaw, sn IIm MMtrt mom tt nl -i raii;ity curl th.
I'Un f-ic tHutnitjf ohuct,.u U mtar ta niti SimiI so-
oanl saI Uia Ktutuot ii mxni ck'.a:.
ll4 Jsuttuv 4U, ItJi.
0;0 W WRtOtIT, Kutcalor.
AW J tur titcu'or.
tkt Const gCout of He Staff of (jrrfo;
ft Ltm const '
In tl matter of
Orr, d.swui.
th est at 4 Henry
Ta alt lb hci
abot en'i1-1
Vi n and onkuowo in th
leitAto. liitetin;:
O.1 jon, jot) ara hrrt y cited anil r -quired
to appear io th en tnty emirt (f the
slat of Oregon, forth c uety of Linn, at
th toort mom thereof, at Albinv. in th
tunty of Unn, on ratordsy, t.i 12'.h day
of Msrch, !$'J"2,at 10 o clots in the forenoco
of th t day, t hro and thre to show caose, if
any there bo, hy an order should nitistoe
not of the ahove etstitied court aothorisiug
wd direoting O I" (Whow, the doly sp
tio'd, q-is'itiwd a.t acting administrator
of aidste. to st; I tut real property b
lot'm tn fci.l :, described as follows
b witi The sonttiwi-at ons-f iur'h ofsee
tioa 2. in townshir 14. south Rao; 1 Esst
WilUmetU Una eountv. Oregon
Don hy ordr cf th ion D RS Black-
bnri, Juds ot tha Couaty Court of th
stat f Oregon, (..j. ;b ouuoty of l.ion.aith
the teal of sst I enort affixed, thi 1st day of
renruary, A U, ISSTJ.
Attcst. . NP PA YNrT.
the annual mHina: ofth stooic
hotdr of the A Ibsny S.root and Kail ay
iximpaay win us noui on weioody,
Marah Ovh. 1892. at the hour ft 7 cm
of aid dsy, at the cfUce of the secretary
of said 00 mp nr. theaan Iwinsratth
real estate oiQce of CO Burs hart on First
Street, In Albaoy, the purpose
ofaleoling seven serve for lb
term of on year next ensuing from aid
meotinK, and until their iicronrs sr
elected and qualiheJ.and lo transact such
otuer outline as may onme before said
L'auni Fsbraary 21rd, 1892,
Sejretary. "
Jnhn K Cyrus and V P Piiehford,
partner doiug bualiiea In -Ncio. Llun
county, OrtBOn,unlpr tlio firm name and
style of Cyrus A Piiohfnrd, hav duly
made an sssigDmint of all iho property,
real and personal, to the underigued for
the benefit of tlmir creditors. .Ml person
haviutf o'aims sgalust the ssid firm srs
hnrsby notified aud required to present
th same under oath to the undersigned,
at the offtc of J K Weatherrotd. in the
eity of AH. any, JUon county, Oregon,
within thr(i month from the date hereof.
Dated Feu Srd,
NOTICE 1st hereby dven that the
annual meeting of the took holder of
iuq aiusny jiuiiiiibj assnoiacion will ce
held at the offlo of WO Tweodal. on
Farry 8tre, m Albany, on Moudav.
March 21st, 1803, at 7:83 p m.for the sleo
tioo ot direotors, and suoh other business
as may come before the rreetiny.
uatea r eo izin, iui,
W C TVVEKOALB, eeortary.
: rrsstdent.
there will be s meeting of the block
holders af the dd Fellow Hall Building
Association held rt theiroruca In Albany,
Oregcu in Monday, the 14th day of
March, 1892, at the hour ol 7 o'clock p m
of said day, f - ihs pu rpo e of el eoti ng
seven director to servo for tha ensuing
year snd for th.. transaction of any other
buslnoss thtt may oome before said
1 nis the 5tn oay or January, 1892.
E A Pakkkr, President.
May be seen the
finest stock of
cold and eiivei
I wsitclics, si;
and and ether rings, jew-
PLAIN BKWINO. The aodersiKne4
will tak in tiain Mwioir whiuh will b
don In ftrst-clas order and on reaonabl
tirms. Lesvs order at residsoo of Tho
Jo , Os 7th street, betwtso Braadalbia
and J erry street, Ml.M VThitkbsad,
leg) vot-rs of Bohool UUtriot. Ko S.
Linn county, Or-nn,that th aonoal school
mmtins for said district will bo hU t the
Court linn, in ssid distriet, to begin at
the hour of 7 o'elock p m, on tne fins Moo
day, being lb 7 lb dy of March, 1832, for
tn ptirixM of hrin th reports of Iilrto
tors and Clerk of ssid distriet, snd to levy a
tax for th support of ths schools fur th
sosfcing year and f r ths trnsetioa t.f any
other bttsieec tbat may legally coins brfoi
tn marling,
lted this Z3rd 4y of Firry, 1892.
L If MogTtNT. DwtriotCbr'-,.
Chsr ii'd of Direeirrt.
WaNTKD. Board atd room, private
f sally. Man. wife and little girl.
Address "ii," this office. .
I.tOll PALS-Honte and eorner tot ta
" H's 84 add. 7S0. Apply to I W Davis.
RTtELK A CO.. Albany. Oreoron.
Iisn mousy on ood real est at
security in Linn and adjoining 00 unties.
MONfnrTO !Aa -Home capital to
lren, In so in t to sult,oa Allmn v and
souidv real eaUi or good ,mraons
securfty. vV K Mcfbsrson. First Mtrsrt
npp, Monlo Hall. Albauy.Or.
jt RIM H COWS rOR8ALK.-On-bll
1 and on-fsartb Jerter cw for ).
Also Imported rjtry Hun I so M)tatos.
rric, 73nis r r nosnwi. tall routl
2 miles east ot Albany. X C HorirMajt.
thi summer t II to, cell on Van Wilson,
t Stewart & Sox', and see a New Mall,
which slway give satisfaction.
Wtssm ft Cat.
....n.Xwwi an Muufws
Threa flights and Saturday Matinee,
commencing Thursdsy, Feb. 35th.
The Child Wonder of the Drs-natlc
Weld, snd
The Eminent Actor and 1'laywrlght.and a
carefullv t-le-.ted company of ladle
sr.d genllemen,opcnlng Thursday
night in Mr Barbour' great 1
three-act comedy sa
tire, entitled
A LEGAL 00CUf.lEflT,
1 T.ciuru as piayea or mm over
6so night In the principal cities.
Prislij.Shadows'of the Homssteal.
A beautiful picture of hrrnc life.
fSatwday, Flit, ilia Queaa if Xor.
Children it cent
i-owcr l lxr r0 cent
tjallery , 35 cent
Teat on tale at Will & Link'. Ko
extra cha-ge for retcrving.
i by titce of an order ofa:e duly
made and entered of record In th County
rourt ot uno county, urcgon, on ice otn
daycf Jaotisry. I81fi, in the matter rf
the lale of Maria Crew , dmeaaaiJ. tha
unOeMxne I, tba daiy qoaliaml sud aos
ins; Miraioimrator orsakt enuto, win on
MalonJsy. lbs 13 h day ff Ke."rary, 189i,
at tho bcur r 1 oviocic p. in
ll at public aactioryjtt ih Court Houe
door, iti th cite tj Albany. Linn countv.
Oregon, for cash in bnd to tr-e highest
bidder the r al piopony belonftlng toaaid
estate, denoriboi a follow, towir:
An undiviied one-eieventbof the north
half of the Lonaliol Land Claim of
Ksmuol Porter and wtte. beins 'K nation
Claim No S903jmd being parts of Sections
5 6. 7 end 8, ia township 14, 8 R 4 W,
Willamette Meridian, in Una county,
Cregon. , -
EaUt this 12th dsy or January, 1392.
1 the Circuit Court of tie StKe oj Oregon far
Lin Count).
JOS HAWKINS. Plaintiff,
PETER R BEAR, Defendant.
To PUr R Bt-ar, the aboe named de
A. Ormroa yoa are hereby rq aired to
appearand answer tha 00m pi Hint of the
plalnlitf'.fiied in the aoove en1 it' I court,
with tho clerk of said onurt, b fie flrat
day f the neat rwirtilar Ur e of ' above
eniiiloil onurt. towiu on lh- 14 ii day of
March, 189 and yon are beieby notified
that If you fail to appear and answer said
complaint, the plaintiff will takejndf
meat aeainnt you for the um cl to t.l 0.
with Interest thereon at the rate often (10)
per cent per annum, from the 9th day of
April, ISSt, and for the further aunt of
10 wi h iutereet thereon at the rate often
(10) percent per annum from Sept. 1st,
1881, and for the cn r d disbursement
of this action : in- uxed; and also take
an order and dtcree of said court, toatll
the following described isnd towlt: all
jonr, dsrendanfs right, title and Interest
In the donation land claim of uwen Bear,
being nouncauon ro r-to sna claim Ko
41. in township 13, Soath Rna 4 West
and claim No 48. in township 12, South
Range 4 et. in LJnn county, Oregon,
containing 64459 sores, lea 41 acres
heretofore sold to various parties lving
6(13 SO scro. Which said land waa duly
levied uonn by writ of attachment duly
iasusd out of the above nmed oourt, in
the above t-n titled action on the 8th of
ptniber, 1891. for the purpose of so-
curing any judgment tbat plaintiff might
recover in the above entitied causa.
Thi summons I served by publication
In the tatk RIGHT Dkmccrat by order
of the Honorable R P BoltHi-Judgo of the
above entitled Court, made at Chambots
on tbs lutn day or Jt nuary, 189'i
4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
4 1 may tonesrn that tba UDdsroffnsd ha ron
sppointml sdmtnUUmttir. with tbe wilt annazsd, ol
thessUU t Robert Johns, daesassd. AUpsrsons
nlnjf oltmi asrunst ssid astat ar nquired to
pnsut tbn duly nnl to th uodarsigiiwl within
. months from this data at Albany, Lioneoanty,
This ths lth lay ot January, 1SOS.
with th will annMd ol R John, dae'd.
1 1 daniimad has this day )Mn appolntad admin.
srauir 01 tne aawtaol ratar wait, oaeewad, by tha
asunty iurt ul Linn ooanty,Or(ron, and that I hkve
led mr bond as nquired by law and ant now duly
qstaliHd to act as suh sdmlniatrator. All parsons
ssnnv claims aminst aald estate are hereby re
spired and notified to preaant the same to me at the
sfflce dWB Biiyeu, in Albany.Linuoonnty, Oroapn,
viui W9 pmwr vvueuera, w-.iiuii auc monioa Irom
me aata narenr.
baud at Albany, this S9th day ot Janusrr, lt.
WRBllyeu, , Administrator.
aitf tor aaminuraM :
dergisrned administrator nt tha estate of Mari& (I
l'alloott, deoeaMd, has Sled his final aooount aa said
aamuimtrator, and that ths county court of Linn
caunt j, Oreeon, haa appointed Monday, the 7th day
el M ch. lmt, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of .aid
ay, aa tne time lor Bearing ana settling- said ae-
euut ana tne settlement of sud estate,
bated January 21st, lisail.
W WRIGHT, Administrator ,
Attorney, . ..3 '
Xl deniifrned admluistrator ot the estate of
Allee Keel, deceased, hs Sled with the Countv
Cierk, lor Linn county. Oros-ou. hts floal account
in said estate and the court has fixed the Tth day of
March, ItSW, an the hour of ID o'clock a m and the
court room of said county court as tlie place, for the
noaant; ot jojeut urns uiereto, u any, atiu tor tne
stttienuuit of fc-i;d ettte.
i-'utcd Jnnim'V 2v".il, l!02.
S A T.", "-- -
Vhile trying to Crowd theh
jtore, where tbey alwav t have on hand '
tv tss t statist s it. snu ,jfvs-
iuns; an, immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; Tents,
.sm fast. lmMr Dl1. slK.l
Mammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands
of other things too numerous to mention
riepnir Shop
n connection with the Store, and one of
ie best workmen in the Bute to do any
nd ail kinds of wor
Coi on Come No rouble to
how goods. "Small profit and nuick
t'x" I ou; .not to.
Need a
I have all kinds, at all pricag
and every watch hts the
price. But price is no't
everything: in watch-buying;
first thing.
I iaaranteo waches accord
ing to their quality; and
quality makes the price.
1 All kinds all qualities
all prices.
The Corner Jewelry StoJe,
tar Baker j
Cri r-ada:Mn ss FfrstRU.
Cststaxd t rails, Casss Kt .
slaar, lsiecasitr.,
Drfedl rrstll). Vge'.sible,
Tsbsteeo, !;(
Magstr( Sples,
('Sec. Test.
la laot vsryttuag- tbat I kept In a fanera
... - varieay snd saoeefT store, Highea
snariet prist paid for 1
, M su u btctu rsr T '
saetal aUtaatinn j&lit a aairlna ill
d of msnbiner
PaliM-ns. Msds on ?.hnrt NntiM
...... :- of -:-
Baby :-: Buggies,
best Site rtroent ever brought to Albany ,
just received at
Steqt?t Sox's.
See the Biggici and Get Trices.
J. A. Camming,
irup, X'aintm., Oils
, Glaus, ltc.a
M -.Store. .
Beat stock -of Snd sdT go3s In the
ValUy, snd the most reasonable prices.
1 have on band U kinds of
One C ocr Treat cf 8 E Young's eld star.
n .I n
fIG. (
FOETfaiiLLEti a im
ArlerU Embalui'.ug dou 8Isotineall)
Albnyt Oregon.
-miuu aa aaraiir-
AptKUfor Jobn B. Allen's publioa-Jopay1
W avAlvvaJt ff sou tsl ytvtv w yt -umi tt i wi j
Rl iniP.P HFAT.Q 1
Wl.lWIVia ai 4 1 U -
Or iu. E