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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1892)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. It. WEATIlKUrOUD, ULiiwifUUi. Wilt practice a kit ermrttalthe atata. rVli attantl n rl"n to maUare In probata ami to ou iHUimi. ornCa-Iath rilna alook. . i, . tunai'd, a. a. inn AH la" mattar trill rmln pnvit tltantlan. fiftVa, In Odd FaUnar' Trauple, Albany, Oe yf n. hilyf.u. Attomay al Uw ml ft-vllcllo In Chaneary. Call Uorie ma.1 oat all po'nta. Iwa rragotialed a aratil tarraa. A I but, Uragoa. G i:o.c. ouuacutiiiv. Allodia it (, W It ;! Hl'i Il l "M II ll atata, I '!'. I .!! I' .!' I mill ti i mm in ' M -I ! 'ill nl. QKV. W. WRIGHT, UamTlU.andNnUi7rutilla.WII1imra a a autina tl Hit raw aad In th UaiM tatta KwOrvfon. miwi -rMl touaa aar It Orafoa, A.baa. t',ra. ' ONTANTK at 1IACKLEM AW, Attorneys at Law, Albany, OrtRon. jn. j. i iiiLt, rtrrUUa ana Sargaaa. OPPICB-Caraar rarrj atraate, Alliany, Or. D R. nARTOV DAVIS, PtiraMana aa Sureaoaa. OPTIftl Oaraar a -VI bia atraate, A I baa , Or, Call ttaudd la oilT an4 aaaatry i c. V. C'lIAMBERlVlIaT, M. HaoMnfiallilat. rSpaeUlat la aleaaaa at tee I a. Taraatf taarV epariaaaa 0aa fcaam- te t a tat 1 la ( at, aad 4 V laraaiaf. Albaa? , rafaa. F 1R"JT NATIONAL BAKU, ra.lot .. imyn L XI t Vlea PraahWoa ,ili..,.. rtA.ArTS A aKMFRALbankln.toaainaoa. ACt Or NTS KtrT anblKl la abaci. SI0HT EXl'UAHOK and tat Tapeie traaarar, aald Ma Torb, Baa rraaeiaoe, CMaafa and Fvtaaa CO .LECTION aUDloa faaraWe Varanl. aiaatToaa t. t. Tom K, W, Lanaaoa Blau, l. run ( I. St. IN!ffCO NATIONAL BANK, Or AUllTiOIMOR. capital itock tico.oce. Praallant.... J L COWAW, Tlaa-Praatdaat J M BALSTOrT, at C-hl-. O A ARCU1B0LD. Paattoaa, J L Cowaa, J at Ealfbaa, LaaM. W U Oalira, i A Cratrerd ud OA W , Arab fRArTB ACTS a caaaral banking koala . DOAWBIOHl DRArrSoa Ma Tork, Saa aa Partiar I, t,Orafoa. LOAil MOrtKTua appro eaeartty UCUVXdapaaiuaublacI aback. B ASK OP OREUOS. iUtlT, OINOD, Capital, a- ,. Fraatdaat . Tlea-Praaidaal. aaai H PMEBULL ... JLA"Hfg laT W BLAH TraaaaeU a ranaral baabiBr buaioaaa: Eichanta bauahl and aaid aa all iba arlaaiaal alliaa la tha I'aitad Biataa I al aa aa Eaflaad, Iraiaod. franaa aad Gannaoy. vonactmaa aiada al ail iimiibla patala aa Caaac- aia tam, li ataraat allaaad aa MaM dapaatla. 1! ask or acio, oio. oinao. mou: 1 Naaaa Tk PraaMlaat.. J lay MTaaa ) 1UT Munla, U Braaal r O aSab. THE IIIAiUOaD Far x 1NG For aal bjr STEWAIjlD 8 SOX, Dealers In NERAL HARDWARE Albanjr, Oregon. ILBAHT CCLLSSJATE I9STITUTS ALBANY. OREGON 1891, 1892. ' ' a riral Tens peaed H'pleaahcr lk. A foil corpn of lntruotora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Cournfix ot atudy arranged lo in (Ml t all grade of atn'lent". SfrrSml tiauemrintt ojjtred to itmdent$ from abroad. rr. r.!, i".ir cit REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, OREGON JHAS. PFEIFFER I'llOPHI ETOR, FHifii ud Xrai-ciaaa atvls. T&t.lna uppllwl wi. the bMt Jn tbe tnsrket Nice alcpluKaoartirifmta. Hmpla room -,r cotu:norcil traroiora. Red GrownMills AfTD BAA KIUI SS. KEfTSTOUACf! FACILITIES. Albany -:- Nurseries. W ara "(lurlnir to "i!mtir( tha ffnaat U,t lalflrralt tn-ca, nail duairahla TArlatiw In tha atata. 0 u h n Irj I 1 1 1 (I ; 1 1 . i .il ,, ar Uila'ata IN.SPEniOJT INVITED, and BATIBFACTIOJf OUARAKTEED. fii.-i!tr;,'iia ore ill n u. it ,thj al in n nil". I, i i n ( a ,i i r.lii ; Altian r. waarnaa: BOaiaa, WHY IS THE XL L. DOUGLAS G3 SHOE CENTtaUVIe'N , TKt BK.ST SHOE M TMlWufiLO FOR THE MaNT ItteaaaaraloaaabAMSWllhaalapkaorwat Ihraait tn bur taa fM maila o( Iha baat ana fit. atatl.h and aaaa. aad basaaaa aaa mnrm aA'wa of lata iia rana aay ixaar ataviK-faraf, n ai(uaia aaa Miii'MaailM f rna aa.ui la ma . Cft )liaaaUa llaad-aawad, tna nnan aair Saa atitw amr i" l-vmi aauala rraaatt xi annaawnica aat it" "a''"- l Uaad-awad.iVaU. nkais Una ealf. atnab.fumrriaiiai ar iffril al IhM I'rli iilaahitaaatMUna rrum anna anar prloa t aama raja aa ua m aa i bA KitoAvui. CO ft Vt"-a tHaai rarmaaa. Xallroad Waa aiaaa aad Irttct'arrlaraU waartbaaii auaralr aaamlaaa. amooia Inai.lo, kaaaf tiiraa aoiaa. aataar aKaaUais 'n pair will araar araan . . AA lia aalfi o baiiat ahiaaaf firTarafJ a aa thla artnti iaa trial will eoaaluaa Uitaa lrho want aaboatoremnfuri and aaraica. . fin i and i.ati WarklaamaVa ahna ajaba ara vary nmu and duralJa. Vanaa aa baa anaa nu a Ulai arm raaauiaarinaaa. rtAval aad I.A arawd aluM LlUJO wiira T iha btiraaTanrwtaarai lUaa pa tlMlr marlta. aa tha lu-raaint a aaw. I rtrl Ina .1'l, llaad-arrd ahna, 1 LUQICB l-'ii.iiIa.aarraitlUh a.iuaialrau uiM miatina f nm At ill to aft Ml. . and l.3 anna fnr ba baat flaa LK'ngota. tuyllah aad durabla. t aailua.-4Ua that w. U UHtlar aaaaa aaj aatoa ara nam pad oa taa outturn uf aaon aaua. rrTIKI an ftrBtTITlTKaTl Taataacn lcal ad-arrtlaod di-lra aiiinilyliu yon, XtTaCa A01 CiLAri, Brack I aa, MaaaTViuV IA ORIPPK. CURED By using S. B, Headache and Lirer Cure, and S, B. Coueh Cure as di rected for colds, Thy were SUCCESS irTTHtHTSr used two years ago durinpr the La Grippe epidemic, and Tery flattering1 testimonials of their power oyer that disease are at hai.d. Price 75 and 50 cts per bottle. For sIe by Fo shiy&Mison. Scientific America Agency Tor COPTRICMTA, ato. flnr tnf nrmattnn a'd frre nnnrtronk writ In KL.NN Al'O-Srt llllcUWAr. NW Votlrt. Oldaat traraatt f ram.-urtre pt"-nta In Amarioa. Krerr patact lokon out bf na la hrmiatil belr aba avbUc bj a umca elrcn free of cliant u ua 'cicutific mcri Lareatt nmitatlin of nay artontlrM panav Iba wTd. fpiu.tiJiT liiutratl. No tnirllia" nan aHmild ba without It. Wwl. I.OII a tnr: 1JI III morilha. Addraaa Mt'N.S CO, tlUHKKa,Aa Urua4waj.2a' I'wL EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Paciflc Route SHASTA LINE. Eipraa Train laava Portland bally. sSnbl I f T.i.L p..ruand ArTT Si aa I t r L Albany l, ( :?3 A It a a I Ar San Franrlao LaT;oara Abara l-ala (tap an!y at .aloia atatMna north al Anaabnrf. Kaat Fortland, Oravm City, Wnad earn, aaiaaa, Albany. Taaeanl, Hhudd, UaUay liar taborf. Junction city, liimf, Euffana. aaaairaa bail, n.r tit a I Lv Portland Ar " 40 f IktO r a f L Albany L I !!. Itlra Ar Roaabarr LtI30ab a? S!lEj?w 2 CiTTTOug J? , aaa 1,1 III I" pw A. I . oaua-ava j auamv AOCA14 an.r axcarr Stsdat) ear a Lv :I1 Aaaaaoa aaaf. fill I C Albany - r It A I IS r a I Ar Ua hanoa Lv :) A 7 0aa L Albany Ar 4:26 r a tM a I Ar Labaoua La :0 r a PULLMAM BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars. far Aeeaaaaaadlaliaa af baad-4'laaa f aaaci ara, attaehedlta avxaircaa Trala fVfal aide tMvlalaa. BCTWEEV r at TLA H Ala COSTAtLIK. Mill, raaiauaiii (Excavt iiuxiay, 7:iAa I 11:10 r a Lr Ar Pirllaml Carrallla Lr 1 11 Ai ra axraia taaiX dai'-i (Eirrpt ganday. :tn r a T.-tfra L I Ar Portland KcMlnn villa A r I .M a I r I t .iS a 1 Lr TAironli TlcketH To all pottita EAST AND SOUTH. fai Inii 111tor1aul.11 rca-ardin) rata, mar-t, on Company Agvnt al Al wny .. OKilLKB g P. tUHlERB Manairar Aaal U. f. and t. Ar YAQDINA BAY ItOUTB. Oregon llvtifi, Beeelver. -o- Ores-m Dsyolapnigat Po's Steamers, Shwrt I.lae to Callfornli Klrajt-cla Uiroub panwiijer .r!d altttit Uuefrain rortlaod m! all tx.inU h the WUIsmeU Valley to . uJ from !"an f Tiaolaco, t 'al. .FoatA ma'cp clone cciiiDCCtton Rt AIbn "idi trains of the Oregon l'aclfl Knilroad TliiE SOHKI IX :. txsapt 8ar!aja.) 'atva Albany U:2v r. a laaa llorr.llia !. ArH Taqoina, t:!)j r. 'Arnra Ai).tny, ll:i aa .fjearo CorraJlia.lO:86A.M O. dk O. trains '-rri;ct at Altanv .ud 3rvllU Tl:o above trnln fnneciat faanior with tbe Oregon l)cvoiopirint i5ryanpaiiy'a lAa of Hbeamabipa ttiraon Vacinn and Han Franolaoo. tilMVti IIATKW . rvm rAi'-ii. WlUautta Valley, DaiamSar 13th, iiui Slat, raoa a riAxciaoo WUlamalla Vallay, DaoaraIr S'.h i ISthj f7tb. The Corjiriv w-xryea tli ngnt t rrjge aailiog 4aU f'thont notloe. I. B. Paaaenxera from Por-land and VUlatAiette Vafl6y poinU can make oloae rnuisctiAn witb the train of th Yamiina tnuuat Albany or OofTallla, and Ifdea fVtaKi to Ran Kranclroo abould a rr an to to rlve at Ynaolna tbe avonlna before date t illng WTmtajff Fr'shf rale alway lb - La treat far inform tl 1 apply to A R Chapman, Preljrht and iekat Aranl, A'hany, C. '. mnaft.. it t . .r t f. Ai!i CorraJlla. coC.G- , Poftlwitl, Oiyko. A. P. jtTOirtnoiit, Vrtn, tVnuKh rVliof : Capita l llu. (miuk, vik m. inQi. Mitwcwrwiof itud, Muii ,td-i of lattloH, lluslness. Short hand, Ty?rHritiHf,l'tnmamikip,aH,l English !', mntit AW I n awrlon Uiruuitbout tha v.. riimlrnia alnilt at any lima. Cxial'ja ia fruin cltkar fta Pacific Hailiodi t Scutotvat. FRKK 61LVKK. Tlx liouu committee on Coinage hna ile ciiletl to report lavorab'jr un. D'and't free coinage bill. Fiicmla of the tnraMite clulm thnt out of 331 mrmlirrt In the I ouie So vill vote for the u.emiur, The)' y ttii cf tlitie re repuhlicam and the rtmaimUr ilciiKK-tnli. Of thene who K ill tote aalnit It 40 me demo lat. The following It the hillt BUNU'l II ILL. Section I. The unit vtlue In the Uuliod Siatet to he the itanaid ailver lollr ta now coinnl, iltyi craim of itandnril nlvcr, or the Kohl dollar 5 8 lo grain of ttanriard golJ. Stamlart Rolil anil at ver com o the United !Sttft tre to lc Irgal tenilcr In pigment of all ilstiti. Any holder of fjohl or iler hulliun ol the value ol fioo or more, blanilanl fine nem, will he enliiletl 10 have the mma tiruck In any authniiied coin of the United State, fiee ol chartir. at the minta of the Untied State, or nwydcpoiit the lAine At kuch minti and receive thercior coin no'ri cqut in amount to the coinnge value ol the bullion de poaited, and the bullion liecume the property of the government. Tli coin note to mutd ill be in denomination ol not let man VI nor more than iox, and l alto Irgal tender. Sec. t. After the P'i;e ol thin act, it will not be lawful to iuue or re-iau gold r tllvcr ceriilicatc or (rcaiury notet, provldeil for in the act ol lu y 14, 1590. Ail men noie rectived in the liettuiy are to be can celled and dettruved, and coin no'et, at pro vided for in the firm teclbn, be iuued in lieu thereof, provided thit not alter the legal lender character of inch note now iuacd. Sec i. The coin note herein authorized may ba reiuu l, but the amount at any lime outttanding it not lobegreatei orl.Mthan the value of the coin and bullion at coming value held in the treasury 1 ia note to be re deemed in coin on demand at h treaiury or ay ub-treauiy, and the bulliot depottted tha II b coined at It aa nccettaiy lor redemption. CIIANC.ISO STANDARD DOt.LAtS. uch S.-c. a. Any holder of lull leual tender, in eold or tiiver coin of the United State to the amount of f lo, or mote, may drpotit the tame at the anb-treatury, and aeccive Iherelore :om note, herein aulhoiiaed. Ssc. 5. Teae. of July 14, iSou, thai! be repealed. Sec. 6. Si toon at France thai! reopen her mint to the free and unreatrlcted coinage of tiiver at her pieaeut rate of bdtn and one- half pound if tilvtr lo be worth one pound of cold, troy, it will be the duly of the preaident of the United Stale to make a public pro clamation I lhat fact, whereupon the taid ratio ahall le the tcal ratio of the United Stale, and thereafter the ttandard ilver dollar shall consist of 400 grbint of ttandard lilrcr and dolla' ef tiain in the treaiuir. or comini: in thereafter, thai! be coined aa fast a practicable into ftoIMr of 400 graina, and gain anting therefrom to be accounted for in the treaiury. BOKB HAKMONY NF.EDKU. For tome time there naabten much talk among democrat all over the country tha whatever New Yoik atked In the nation al convention ihould be gr Anted. Thla wa, of rourae, upon Implied condition that the democratic l?adrr in that atate would untclfiahly puraue a courae bcl calculated to promote the election of the candidate nominated by the convention. Dut now tin whole aapect of affaire i changed. Frcm many of the beat and ablcat democratic paper of the nmi try come now the advice to Ignore New York, and male uch i.otiilna'.ion a the belt juu'gmtnt tl the convention Willi dictate. Not a few urge the nomination .f Otvtland without regard .o the wlahe cl New Ycik, Intlatirg that Cleveland atindt a much better chance of election without New York than lll'.l atould with I:. Thla turn In democratic feel leg and aentlmer.t grow out of the "nap-judgment" method adopted by the leader in New York to accure the election of c'tlegtt rotn that atate favorable to the nomination of Hill. Why Hill and hi friend thould have made the mlatake of Calling what the World call "tnap judg ment." "mld-arlr ter," freeze-out" con vention, U Ineip'Uab'.e, in view of the fact lhat Iney were reasonably tore of electing tuch delegate even if the convention were not called to! untl! In April 01 May. Tlveremut be more harmony InNewYork And Waahington or the democrat might aa well forego the hope of electing a pres ident In November. 8iio-.hIaOo!, kenm:. Heretofore the city of Sclo and suburb have conttlatuted two tchool dUtrlctr. Recently petition were circulated In each raking the county ichool tuperlntendcnt f consolidate them. The petition were tlgned by nearly all the legal voter of each diatilctand tuperlntendcnt Ruaaetl, hat, accordingly, contol'dated the two dl trlct into one. Dy the aid of Mr Ruttell, the school have been reorganized and graded and hereafter Sclo will be hletted with advantage he tlioold have enjoyed for many year pant. The people of the town have thow-n good judgment In lhu contolidating and grading their tchool. A eveiy teacher L now, a teacher In a graded tchool can care for twice the number of pupils that he can In an un graded one and at the time time hi work will be mors effective.' A $15,000 or $, 000 achool hovte it said to be In contemp lation in the near future. This 1 a step In the right direction and the people in our neighbor city, are lo be congratulated on good tense they tho in this matter. Ai a mere mov;ment to enhance the growth of the town none better could have been made. If the school authorities succeed In making the school what they should be they will soon find people In the sur rounding country anxious to patronise them, and, to that end many will purchase property and become permanent resident of the town. Thi is a up in the right direction, ' Of the many rare Bible the "Breeche" edition I perhaps the bet known, but the 'BUhop liib'e" i equally deterying of tudy by thoe Interested in 'bibiilography, Samulc Hutchlmoii, of Charleston, Mat., was potftsed In 1775 of a copy of the lsue, so called on account of it being the translation done by eight bishop in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and his descend, ant own it now, Christopher Barker, of London, wa the printer, and the black letter press, marginal note and concord ance, all between the tame cover, give the quaint old volu r.e a flavor distinctly its own, . ' "O'l thnt mine enemy would write a book is an old siying, but it nevertheless retain lu force. Blaii c wrote let1 era usi many Tien were g ad 1 1. treat. Heimann, H B Miller, C E Wolverton and a number of iiher re publican cong-ciionl ajiranli in thi con -gretfional dijri-rt arc thanking their atar nearly every day that Geer, of Marion, crowdi the press of the State with column after column of nothingness. Never di t men re quire sn little effort tor vercome a poliiical opponent for a iiuiniu .tiwii to conguew a tin above named aspirant do to overcome Gee'. AIroOt dai'y coci he writes himself down a a crank. .Spurgeon, like Grant, loved a good cigar, and he tmoked nlmoat a many of them a tie Ct-nrirl did, Jhe great preacher. w a miiil t 1 eurlnu phvtique. ( He wa thort nnd fat, or f "portly habit" a the doctor. ay euphemistically. In at j tire he looked more like a country squire j than a famous metropolitan minister. TKLKdltAPHIO NEWS Aaalnai an Karly taavrallnn. Biiookltm, Fob 12. An anli-llill tiMHttc itiK liclil ut Uio CriU'rion Umuttr tonight wna litrjri'ly Uoiu1ihI. Afrurttim Ifunly open ml (ho inrH'Hnir, unit hi acfttliinif mbtike of Hill ami hi follower w,h chwrwl lit every jMiint, nml lliore wcw nnonid chiir for (Jrowr Ulowlnml. KdwHrd M Hhcppunl, cliiiirnmn of (lie niitint;, anokn in mwn roiiiiiittiii(ion of tlm net of thn Hill men in CHllinir aiit'h nn curly convt'iilion. He wiw followttl by John rowiit Wnnwr, wlioae MjierH'li wna the principal onnof Uie eviniiitf, Tha nil ver Mra. Wakhinotok, Feb 12. Hie ailver ttton lmve BotttecL'ht or ten jn'titione in circuit tion on the iloiiiix riitir aide of the hniiae ur trinf tlint the ilvor bill be iuikIo a apocial cotiUnuitiK onlor, nml miiil they lnul early bxliiy mvunil about UK) ijmtr. There tiro tloubta etiUYbtintHl m to the expctlienry of the petition iiiovoiucnt. but the ailver men niiihlly tNlieve it way tulvamis the ronaidor ktiiin df the bill, anil lire iloiiij wlmt they run to tiring tho mutter to an inue early in tlio actaiion. Hot Ha Bad EuoicNK, Or Feb 12. A nnvtinj of U10 ttorkUoMor of U10 Kutfeno Cimnlii),' nnJ I Vkinir ComtMUiy wna liulJ nt the boiurdof trmle nxnna litHt eveninir, nml a atnteiueut wiw made by tlm ilim-tort of the uffiur of the company. 1 bin allow tbe ennnory not to bo in ao luul a nlinpn rut hud, trenerully Ueii iuppomil, tttid while Uie cannery hit met W illi loamw. yet it u tlioutrlit U will coiiio out ull riuiit in (ho future and be one t .1. - 1 I . 1 . a .1 a. 01 me Hituinn iiiNuiuuoiiaoi uio country ittreel t ar Ilet4 lt r KKNito, lul rtb 11. Utat htKut a enr on the fuir-gToimd lino wiu held up by two men on Ventura etreet while mukinir the hmt trip out. lue man totMKd the homo and the other itmonted the cur, nt the mini time holilinir a revolver U) Unver Kerr head. nd demiutdtnir hi money. Kerr showed birlit. but wiw overrtowereii by the aot-ond miin. and tmveun what cluuiire be Im.t, nixMit . I time pnnaeniffm worn tn the cur. one of whom, an Arnieniiin, Uiruat hi head out of a window to eeo what wu wronir. He hud no oonnr done ao when one of the robber plneed A pixbil to hi heiul ami tirer miiaini' him to full btuk into the cur. The wound i thought to be futul. The robttera oacninHt. Tha War Aprlag ateaarvallaa. WAaiiiNOTOx. Feb 11. Senator Mibln-I I of Oregim, Unlay introduced a bill pertim ticntly fixinir and deliuinu; the boundary line ol the arm firiiiin inilutn reaerv tion in Oreiron, and ilix liunni it to be thnt part of the line run and aorveyed by T II Hundley in 171 . from tho initial point ttti to and including- the twenty-sixth thmxif thence in a due went counw to the aunimit of the CiiKcuile mmiuUtina, a found by l omnuaxioner Mark A rullerton, Uillutiii II II Iufur ami Jame F I'urne, in their report U) the wxrebiry of the interior of June 8, IXVI. Thai e) f'aavratlaa. Xkw Yokk, Feb II. Tlmre waa lnsld to night in a large halt of Cooar Union itinMw meetintf of demorr' t to proteat airuini-t holdinir a dumormtie atute convention Feb rtutry -J, aftr only four week notice. It la thi convention, which hiut htn denomi mititi "Senubir Hill' atuo convention. and the meeting to-night waa prompted 1 larj,"ely by adherents of ex-I 'rcaideiit Cleve land. A llillilaal tK Irrtlta, Nkw Yoiik, Feb 11. (Seorijo Fry, a private th-Uvtive from Walla Walla, wa id tho totimh court thi momitiir and mmle compluint mf-.tinit a priaoner named John imn. who Fry claim bipwan-l him out of f IWW. Fry wo on hiJ iray to Kuroie. and had the money in 'tfofd. Johnaon dif fered to clutni-e it in bill, ami ptihM Fr out of the rhce and h lc4 the door. Thi wa jAtntiory 6. Fry kw Jolinm on Dm street tlii mominf. The latter tri d to eacape, but wa iac'1 by the poliee. Jnhn snn denie the whoie atory. He ay he i a lirookly barber, ile waa held for exami nation. lavedlgallag Tatter. WAitiusnTtix, Feb 11. Two ilay aio the 1 resident ordered an invetirttion of the cenaiii bitreau. It wa tried to kefi the inveatisftition a nerret, but tome of 1'orter'a friend heturd of it. and were very rnnrh in rvnaed at the pwident for hi m-tion. When the net-ret inveatiiftttion wa ordered. Porter was not in the city, and bad bwn away for ev-ral week. Ilie iwixon for Uie inventi ir.i'i'm i uid to be a lt-ttcr from the preni dent of the ft Italia Furniture Id writ of Tnule. lii hirinir the btirtnu' fiirtirea on manufacturing atatixtioi inaccurate. Willi la BjalatOvrr. (iAttuKi.D, Wuh Feb 11. A complica tion in the town government baa arisen that may yet 1 carried into the court. At the town election in ItecetubtT three memlicrs of the council were uhonen to take the place of It p McCroakey. A Overby and t W William, whone tinru expinxl in January. S 1' Crairg, one of the newly elected cotincil men, refuMed to qualify, and now Williams claim the teat under the proviaion of the law governing towna of tlie fourth claaa, that otlicer hold their poaitiona nn til itc ceaaor are elected. Malty Babbe4. Seattle, Feb 10. K Marvan, of the firm of Marvin Quinn, proprietor of the Tycoon aaloon, at 1110 Waahington treet, waa arreMtod tonight at the inxtance of Lud viir lloriar. of Kverett. who chartrnd him with sUtaJinf from him an $400 certificate of deposit. 1 he theft w alleifed to have oc curred in the Tycoon aalcxm at 10 o'clock Tuiwdiiy tiik'lit. uml Horig implicate two gambleni aa Marvin' amwrntilice. War' ronta are now out for their arreat upon the same churo. Horitf claim he waa tutked to play a game of cards with tlie two (rum blera. Ile lost and the (ramblers told him he must pay them IViO. He refused to put up tne money and waa oiwaiiitea by the by the gambler. Then Marvin appeared on the scene and told Ilorig be would have to nut ud the mnnev before he left the house. Thoroughly frightened, ho Anally produced a certificate of deponit for and wa forced to sifrn it. Marvin took it, promi ing to give him back 1750 today. Karly thi morn in (, Marvin canned the certificate of dimwit, Unrig finullv went to the police and Marvans' arreat followed. Tired or It. New York, Feb 10. An Ohio uenator aid today that Senator Sherman told him yesterday that he U not and will not boa candidate for the presidency, and that if hia friend in-nut on running him they would probably bo dincouraged. The sen ator milled: "I have been boujfht and sold in convention until I am sick of it." Mr Sherman's name haa been marked off the presidential lint here. Tkn Want kaaw New Yonic, Feb 10. Tho worst in re gard to the Hotel Royal fire is now believed to be known. Seventeen persons in all, eleven of whom were women and six men, is tlie sum total of the dead. Of these even have been positively identified and two others partially so. It is expected that the identity of these two persona will be known by tomorrow at the latest. A Mew Jeraey Earthquake . Trehtow, N J Feb 10. A d'wtinct shock of earthquake wag felt in east Burlington tonight.. House' shook and trembled, aa if about to fall, clocks were stopped, and the people ran wildly and excitedly through the strews. The duration of the shock was about ton seconds. Jaat Like Llaa. Unios, Or Feb 10. A petition haa been presented to tlie county court of Union county, asking the court to ignore the ac tion of the state board of equalization, and direct the clerk to extend the taxes on ' the roll as taxed by the county board of equali sation in September. The court however, denied the petition, and ordered the clerk to extend the taxes on the leases as equalized by the state board of equalization. The i'anal Extra Work Colfax, Wash Feb' 10. G W Babcock, architect, and W White, contractor for thn new courthouse, haue sued the county for 826,000. Mr Babcock's claim is f 1000 and White's 8A5.000. The cause of the suit is that the commissioners refuse to pay the above amount for extra work done on the courthouse at tlie time it waa built, the commissioners claiming the price was ' al together too high. - - A aad and ttemaalle Htory. riTtenttttu, Pa Feb 12. -Mr Trnvemo, a momlier of a prominent lloaton family, ha btxm brouplit all tho way from A limit a in iron and win tie (loiuinoil in a linitimore miul-hotiHO. Ho wiwinelmrifo of William F Dttrno and Kinory W Foter. of Wanhimr ton. Tlny told a iul and romiuitio itory. For over 'JO yenr Truveme lived on a little Khun' near Pitka, uttnictinu no unuiinl at iiticiii. liiiHt tjetober ho became o violent that hi relittive in lliwtini rind tho author itim ut WitHhintrtoti were informed, and Mew r oter and Durno wen aent to Ala ka to brina; TrBverno biu:k. They loft Aliut kit with hi 111 January 12. On Oio voviitro down the coimt Travermt became to violent tniitlt wiw found niHwaary to put him in iron, and notuo time to gitif him. Alabama eiyle HiitMtNutt am. Ala Fob 12. Lout Mon MUy ni(lit at Homtutulu, Tumnlooaa county two notrona broke ojion D 8 HoberUonH' tiire, robbed it and burned ittotlieirfound. They were arrented, and on the way to TuMaihxwa a btnly of niUMkml and artntKl men took tne neirroc; from the guiinU and wuttg them to the nniireat tree. Miariie. A crae 33 Inche long with a head 8 V 6 inches will hold a btithel, a fact worth pasting In your hat. , About the dryett rcadlna of the day to thinking people U the alleued humor of ome writer with big reputation. Pattl ald ahe fell like tlioutlng when tlie aw JNUijar. The IitMocHAT man felt Ilka saving all hla breath for the hack men and teller of Indian relic, when he looked on the mad water. An exchange get off the following re markable statement: Over ninety per cent of thote who buy real cttate make money, uver seventy-lire per cent who uo not looic. The K venr o'.d daughter oi iV I) Ilouae, of riatt county. Mo,, It I claimed. can read letter without breaking the teal and books without teeing tttepage. King wou;u dc no ' here betide her. Ctmtraata are always p'.eatant to con aider, particularly In Oregon. The follow' Ing I laughable to Webfcet. A Maine farmer haul hay to town In the winter on an arrangement with sled In front and wheel behind, to a to be ready lor ine cnangeame weatner. The mjat prominent iren have been the one who trutri'led In vain for the prealJency. Clay, Webtter and Blaine are example. It It a colossal thing to be prcaldent of a nation that can frlirhien the life out of a little nation like CmIII; but there are much greater men than ome pretldent are o far a ability i concerned. They needed money badly In a church at liurna, near Kurtalo. ao they lietJ toclal, and TSerc lathe way they ralaed the money: Aero the one end of the room wa a curtain. For an hour the guest chatted after the old fathloned church social ttylc. Then the curtain wat sud denly withdrawn. There In row stood i of the prc'.tleat women in t e congregation, bluahlng and tmiling, each bearing upon her boaum a placard on which were the word a : You may kla me for a rent It wa fifteen minute before the device began to work, but when It did the tllvcr quarter tali I y atuywrred into the apron ol the young ladle' circle. Old and yuung eagerly ru.iicj to tne iron", to exchange ccrtn i.r Mate. The how laated only a thort time, when i;ie curtain wa again draw 11. Then the atorin burst. The women were icalcu f their huabanc1 and a itojen or more family tgbt were started at once. Soon It wa announced that the women would poae again in a thort time. Then the Atij;ry women tor down the curtail. and tle out the light. A scrambling lor the door followed and for over two hours the church members goaalped and fought on th- sidewalk. They finally dltprrard and .a factional church fig it I the result. One of the niont philosophical advei tiacra we have seen bail Iroin Kugene. lie any: HtockhoMers in ih cannery are pretty heavy hater but ther will not leei it much, a they can make it all back in tkj days by ale, next haturia attending the auction ay, and buying real estate. The Ifayette IUcr says that Hon A H I'.urbank haa receivetl direct from Jerusalem ome seed from the locust tree of that country, epoken of ao often in Bible bialory, and that Mr I'.urbank saya it waa from thla tree that John the Baptist obtained hi food when be lived on locust and wild honey. Mr Bird, superintendent of the Palem arsnnery haa written to H It Miller of thit city proposing to tell a mode n can ning plant for f 2.500 and take one-third ot it in stock. Mr Miller lias called a meeting of the leading citizens to discuss tlie proposition the National Bank building. Grant's l'nsa Courier A local society Is making arrangementa for three papers giving the principles of the democratic, republican and prohibi tion parties, at a future meeting," each also to give the principles of the other parties from their .standpoint. Huch papers could be made very interesting. particularly if written from a partisan standpoint, as they probably will be There should be a fourth paper on the Farmer's Alliance to add spice to the occasion. There is being considutab.a talk of base ball team in Albany this year, with professional players. If Albany wants a club it should face the music. There is just one way to have one, and that is to Eay for it, as clubs absolutely will not egin to pry for themselves In a place anywhere near the s.zo ot Albany. That is a univer.ial experience. No flKureg lie more than previous ones in reference to base hall gate receipts, 1 hey don't pan out. The question is simply one of whether our citixens are willing to invest a certain amount to nave a ciut to praise if victorious and to kick at if at tho tail end. There ia much more courtship by correspondence than many people real ize, resulting many times in marriage: Here is a case that didn't result that way: In Boise valley, Idaho, they tell a joke on old man Yates, who lives on Sucker creek. Though a small, withered om nacii of uo. he wa not averse to marrying, and lie corresponded with a lady in Oh.o for that purpose. He bad plenty of means, and repeated the old saw to his hands when they twitted him about his flame that it was better late than never. Miss Ohio sent for his photograph. Yates went to town in his best togs, had his "picture pulled," and enclosed it in an envelope with a love letter full ot sweet nothings. But tbe young fellows put up a job on him. They smuggled tbe portrait of a fine-looking young cow-boy into the envelope instead of that of old Yatts and posted it. The lady's heart was captured by the picture and she came in hot-haste to- Boise, to capture ber hubby. But, alas 1 when Yates safd that he was Yates her throb bing heart sank into her rubber shoes. He cne-ed and swore around because the boys had played that trick, and the lady fairly collapsed and got sick, but finally gathered herself together and went back to tne state of Major McKinlejr. If yon hear any one speak about the Duke of Oregon you- may know, they mean Senator Mitchell. Speaking of dukes, a republic like France that will allow such a title ought to be taught a series of lessons on democracy. llheumatic people should read tbe following: In the North' American Practitioner for September, 1891, Dr Joseph Lane Hancock writes that for the last two years he has been treating cases of inflammatory rheumatism with a local application of carbolic acid ap plied in the form of a four per cent solu tion on a warm flannel cloth wrapped closely around the entire affected joint. Dr Hancock states that his custom is to leave this dressing on overnight, placing it in position just before the patient retires- IttOM tODAVILLE, Aatlher Callei far linn 4'aUMty February 11th, 1892. A question that haa long been agitated n this towr,le- the feasibility of building college. Considerable interest baa lice n manifested from time to time, but until late thing bad never assumed a permanent shape. 0 W 15arzte,of Hlicrman county, brother of Prof itart-ce, of thi place, lately came Into our town, and after niaWina investi gation and nntiiifyiiig himself of (he ad- vnntHuT" ol tins point for an inbt tntfoii of lcarniiik. made a proposition to the cltlxena which waa accepted, vhs: that a subsidy ojh liouu he ralaed, in rotiniiiiiriia- tton 01 which ne proposed 10 uttiiit a Chilean pultablo to accommodate 3(H) ir 4(H) students, ichool to be established thi next Heptember. On Tuesday eveiilnir last a mass meet ing waa held at the school house, and after the uatiai preliminary five minute speeche a thousand dollar waa sub surlbed In a few minutes, and later Hie writer has learned that thia mini ha bnen augment d by three hundred more. Citizens are confident of success and Hodavtlle la jubilant. Work la to be commenced by (tuna 2Uh and to be finished by HeptemWr lt. A full faculty I to be employed and Prof Barxce, who will have charae (if the In stitution, proposes to open up with 150 stuiienis. Hodavtlle will be an educational point of which Linn county will have just cause to be proud; with an extremely healthful locality, a fine mineral soritiit. a commodious tmtli houaeand with a first class school to back it Hodavllto will step I. A . A I - A l ' iuu) ine iron i rana. raoatmaatVB Citizkm. Ilaov. Mavu lk, Feb 9, iyi The three year old ton of Mr and Mrt RN 1'hcmpaon wa taken sick with carlet fever tome two week ago, finally retuittng in dtptheria, ol which he died on Friday lat, and was laid to real in the city cemcteiy. Our railroad hobo' left here between dark and daylluht, taking with them good supply of whlakey, and Joe llanaaid mourn the lota ol the whUkty They broke Into the Ro at tatoon and theinaelvea. helped The family of K M Bradley are tore allllcted of late. Edna and Mr H. are both tick, Edna havlne; been tick for the pt six week. II J C Averll i again able to be out on the street, Mia Maggie White ha been quite tick, but 11 reported a bclrg otuitie improve Better tell the therlff Mi frit it no ue to come to Brownavllle at the populace are alt broke, that It, judging other by your cci retpondent - aa aa Ltes. February 11th, 18U2. Jaa Lyone U having a tract near town layed out In 5 and 10 acre lota to be told for fruit farm. The late rain haa stopped plowing in thla part of the valley. Mehauia la on the boom. A new school house ami several dwelling bouses are to go op thla summer. W A Klmaey, of Albany, waa in town the first ot this week on busiuese for Sheriff M Heott, Mr Il M llcnfn returned home from her visit to Corvallia Tuesday. 8 M Itrecao'a family have moved on the Ja I,) on place, IxHwecn this place and MchatiiA. T C Sinner ha started hla aawmin.biit owlnn lo the liiile demand for lumber be ia running a light crew. There ia a great deal of tlckiu es among the children of thli vicinity. There la to tx about 100G cord of K R wood cut at this place this spring. lrashlral Pkrlrb. Bird Waggoner, the subject of this brief notice, was of German extraction, his Immediate ancestors coming to Amer ica at an early day and aetttimr in what is known aa tlie South. They were actor in the struggle that nave u our free in stitutions, lie was bora in Clay county, Kentucky, In the year 110, where lie lived until about 18. !0. when he immigrat ed to Illinois. In the year IN34 he was married to Miss C aroline Ticket, an otvu cousin to Genet al Picket, of ConlcWerate fame, rrom Illinois he moved to low a. He and family w ere among the vast mul titude that croaeed the plains in the year 152. He had the inliortuno to looe his wife on this trip by death. His second marriage to Mis Nancy E Gray oroved to be a happy one. Mte, ailer a ion and painful sickness, died about even year ago. He was converted and Joined the church in the year 184. For many years he had been a useful mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, on the Brownsville circuit Hi bonne waa ever a home for the ministers of the gospel, never tiring io hi efforts to helo them in their labor of love. He was one of our best men, tilling bis place ascitixen, neighbor, liuahand, lather.and above all and best of all tilling his place as a christian. The greatest thing that can be said about him, is, he died as he lived, a pure man, sustaining to the last the beautiful christian character ba be- San to form more than forty years ago. 'f the common weakness and detects ct our disordered humanity, I do not sup pose be was altogether free, but these by no means controlled him. His last sick ness was not protracted nor painful. Lifea springs just ceased to tiow.and in a good old age lie was gathered o hi fathers. D. 0. McFablasd. Bate Ball. Albany, Or.,Feb. 13th, 1802. Editor Democrat : Will we have base ball, that is tbe question that ia before the people ot Al bany at present. They should respond in a manner that would show determina tion, and take steps toward procuring a team that we would not be ashamed to send abroad. I think it is every busi ness man's duty to contribute something monthly toward the support of a it not only affords . amusement of the highest class, but it is a verified fact that a base ball game will put more life in a town than anything else for the same amount ol money. Now as the season opens in April and there are grounds to enclose I will suggest that those desiring to lake an interest in the games would make their intention known, as we have only two months to make preparatitns in. Last Friday's Herald announced that thero would be a meeting at Boenickca. I will say in behalf pf dig nity and propriety of tho game that firelimimfry meetings are generally held a hotel parlors and newspaper offices. B. B. An Albany man ha handed the Dimo crat the following with the remark that it I worth pubtUhlng: Here are two views of it: - No woman, no matter how grtal, can do a better thing than to cork a wholesome, toothsome, dlgeatible din ner Kama City Times. Ihl Is reck less extravagance. Cooking is a fcood thing if It be djne well; and it Is neces sary. But one mother of healthy, vigor ous, handsome, well-mannered, and high principled children is greater and more worthy of honor than a thousand cooks N V gun. . rattl Nut Coming ; Poktland, Fpbl2. An Associated Press dispatch from San Francisco, received last night, says: "Adelina Potti, the famous singer, will not come to the ' Pacific coast this season. Her managers have telegraph ed, canceling all her dates west of Ouialia. The rerson assignod for this is that she is doing an enormous business in the east, and her managers wiah to exhaust that field before coming west." . I J.L .... in MARRIED. GOODMAN GOODUN. On Febru ary 11,1892, at the residence of David Goodiin, by Rev W L Blackwell, Mr Chas C Goodman and Miss Ida 0 Good iin, both of Linn county. Good tor the gioom, ood for the bride, good for tverybody. May they live good lives and be prosperous. - HOW ft AMD ARBOAD TlltItBllA T. . Conn k HnndrHson have at their store soins hla red apples any coontry might be proud of. Under thn jnw tim tibia the jloWinra; xprns arrivna t 12:J0 and the Portland xpre at 12:23. Four eir hisd of timber for th Albany briilgfl anivfd ynatnrday from Mill Citv. All the JnmW fur the luiHe ha licen itirnhapi of Albany llrina, a naarh ? tie tun h-tiro. A plant at O jrrtu & Mimttitli' tri' t (ronnrnl sUantinn , It wa raiaod hv Unule Onor,; hut,'hi, ami show lonir and pnina taa,I iug oar nn t ha part of M r II tighra. The plant is an Iriah Kale. Tho Ui"tr-r of Ktiitnne av f the run nnry failure) Home ef the fruit canned hs not hc 11 M ami what was snlri had Iiapnafd of at low urine. Horn of th flneat dried pi-aohaa ever aann were ot ont frrnn our oannery Lot thny brouyht only six awnts a iMiunri, wliara the uauul bnce 1 frdm twelve to ei(hti'n rente. Tha junior msjihar of tha firm rnenlinnDrl In thn fnllowinu tliatmti h from Colnrnba. ().. i a brother of Mr li V M err 1 1, nf tha Orijin ittuk, of this eityi Almut midnight a lira wis dltonvnred in tha baaemant of Pttririin errill' wall nam-r tora. Thnt atnrr) w aona bartid nut, a wa aln MOMiy llrii elotbinv bduan aid Rtettner mualo rtcrn. MisaC'or Blair jumped from tha aennd tury window and wa fatally but t.. The Ivmm will retveh I00 000. rillUAY. and Jupiter rign in tha heaven srnntug nnw. beautiful etr, , Barker's d", iti',y il court ted in yellow lla apcr wa the ciron at the depot this noon. Tli 0. r, train wilt leave Albany at 12:33 and fur th ffjiK it 12:43 inattad of a heretofore. Tha M V. Church South i being greatly improved, among other tliinu a heater be- ittg intrortuend. A hn.atoloi s'atad arrangement ar being; eompU-tH'l for a (matter for the San ttam mines, tn ba arreted either at Albany or at tna mine. Article of incorporation will ba (ilea in a lew daya. Quite an attraction lt evening at tha opera hur was tha playing nf Mia (telle and Amli Sender between th ant. Vhair aflVrt were greatly appreciated, tntir piano dueta enuring amuMml eatarlamment alona worth atteoaing. Tha Schmidt Label and lithographing Company, ol Han Kraootaoo, today ljan a autt in th Circuit Court i!iot tha Kugt B Canning and Packing Co., for $701, for bat anoe dun on printing labala. uaard. Jodge Mcheuna, ot Calilornia, wa ap pointed )teriay tc sneered Judye Jsawyrr, and not, a anme hare lurerred, to tha poat- ti.m ovnr which there ia aocb a atrifa be tween II ill, SiinoD, Gilbert and other. IS appotutment haa yet I -ecu made. An A'banv mo call our a'tentioa to th following! In North Carolina a jail caught on lire I bora wore two priwiner toide. black man and a wliiia man. The jailer Cv each a (run and (old t.lm to took ont for the other fellow, and neither escaped in event wa crrtalniy a pfcabar "b. Tha Atbby lVarco Mn'rt chnrcb waa dedicated lat evomnsr with frnial eajrenio. mm, uo'l. r chirem f Kv (ioodafiouah. who preached th dedicatory rmon. Thar a Urun attqilinoe. Tha church wa built m 1'jUl), hot owin to different cir cumtaucea ha ot prmioi.-ly ti dedi cated. Tho ruanager of th Portland atpnitinn hv lixvl tha dutn of th ow(iinA( ut the fair nn tha Wedn-1ay following Iha cl w ot tb la fair. That i'.tha lt fair will Mien on MrKi4t',S 12th, and clo- oa the I7'.b,d the 1'nrtlani xp:.titua will t pio on thn 2lt and UMd far am.inth and day. Th a wt.l prnvcnt any claeh In th dat of I'.c two (alia tbia year, Tna Maacor C,t;?t Ci.r. YesUnlay thi club held its monthly shoot or medal on the'r ground near ths dt-pol, resulting a follow, in a shoot at 20 blue rocks apiece: t Phil Baltimore Ifl Fred Blount. 15 Al l'erry 14 (Inter Vernon 14 Win Itendricaon 13 Geo Fmman . .13 Frank Wheeler 11 I B Monteith 11 LW Ieyoe 10 Grant Froman 8 Kd llauston .. 8 The go!d medal hence went to Mr Baltimore and the silver medal to Fred Blonnt. There being a tie for the leather medal Froman and Huston shot ofT for it, after three trial the menial which no one wants petting into good hand, and will lie worn by the popular insurance clerk. An election nfofllcers was had in the evening for the ensuiti year, resulting as follows : W E Baker. President ; L W Ieyoe. Captain ; Fred Blount.Secretary ; Grant Froman, Treasurer, and l'hil Bal timore, executive committee. SATVaPAT. Kt Valentin day to-morro. 8k ate fraa at I .-lira matinee ai tkating rink to-morrow afuiruonn. Ihe Tiniea nnder it preterit manarm :ut U crrdlt to Hrownivilie. Aahlaod haa juat hail a taii.e man' earnival hko tna one held is Albany a oonple year ago. Prof G C Wtlon ia prinoiptl. Mark Peery aed K'a Mi ore aaaittaota, in the Scio public tchool, aa Jort graded. Cap W W 8annder i now acting a en gineer in tho Udndiy at the att peniten tiary. Yettnrday wa Lincoln' birthday. It wa celebrated in a becoming inanuer ia the Urter of the U. 0. Th U S Marine band oi Wathington D. C the president band will pass thmngh Albany oa April 18. It would atop off for $700. Dr Hill, of Albany, ia baviug 100 tore of land eioartfl lo tienton county, and will act it all out in Bon Davis apples. One of tha beat theatrical treat of the season will he the appearance of Maude Granger in Albany in 'Crcoln'' next Friday evening. There promites to lie a picked house. At a meeting of the Browneville Liva Stock Atoolt on on Monday evening. Feb 8, at Browntvillee, it wa decided to fcive another borsa show at that placo on Friday, March 23th, 1802. Thacvriage factory has started up, and is now nnay tilling an order for forty cart from a Euame firm. There ia also au order for mere good from Eucena and a Portland firm have clot-d a omit. ao for a large number of bugy and oaok bad Ben tern Leader. A man wat elling 20 oranges tr 25 oenta t.u tbe streets today. That anuoda cheep; but we are iu formed a like orange (van sell toe. ia Portland for 10 ceits a dozen or three doaen fnr 25 ooots. A good orange with tomothi.ig behiud th ekia ia chaiper U 21, 50 or en GO oenta a dcxao. Mr Tom Hill who went to the front on (he O P to hunt for his brother J F Hill, who wss lost, has returned to Albany. He had forty men ready for the hunt; but six Inches of snow prevented operation for the preient. J E Mott, international college secre tary 01 tna i ni u a, the general secre. tary of California, and J A Dummit, traveling secretary of the Northwest, passed tnroush - Albanv tbia norm for Portland. Mr Dimmit has been arrang ing ior a 1 m. u a in Eugene. Mrs 8 C Sladden returned home from San Francisco this morning, and ia visit ing at the residence of Mrs J B Under wood's. SLe has retained L Bilveu, who will bring divorce proceedings in the Lana county circuit court in a few dava. against her husband.Captain Sladden. uruitru. . Mr Jas B Je nks. one of Tangent's most popular young men, nnd Miss Kate Howard, daughter of Eev Howard, formerly of Tangent, now of Pendleton, were married at the residence of the bride's parents in the latter place on Wednesday. Feb 3, and arrived home on last Thursday. They were given a gen erous welcome. Mr and Mrs Jenks have the best wishes of many friends; fhe'YPSOE of the U. P. church gave a social at the church last evening, that was full of enjoyment for the mem bers and friends who attended. Besides many games a short program was rend ered, consisting of songs by a double quartet.a recitation by Miss Clara Davis, a reading in Irish dialect by Miss Mamie Cundiff and one by Mr Floyd Dorria in "piifiiVt fit tilpftf - - Tho supper given by the ladies of the M E Churoh South last evening was a success, many remarking that it was as good as any ever set in the W C T U Hall. It was called a crazy lea it, a title easily understood before the repast was com pleted. The guests ate on platters.foond their sugar In the milk pitchers, and their cream in the syrup jug, etc. Bo qnets consisted of cabbages, and things general'' were mixed up in a manner to cause numerous blunders by the unsus pecting. ' ft K At. f STATU SA IF. Geo Howell to William Bansee. 1 lot. Lebanon $ 260 Hannah Kobinett to I) T Kobinett 411.150 acres 14 W 1 2 B C Krusel to Win Krusel, power 01 attorney Il Pearl to Silas K Keeney. one seventh parcel land 13 W 3.. . 000 Martha K Schooling to John It Cartwright, Schooling's Park, Harrisburg 250 Mary B Carter to J P Carter, 80 acres, and 2 lots. Halser 1000 W J Vernon to W L Vance, one- tenth 01 322 acre wo W J Vernon to J J Vernon, power of attorney...... Nick Zimmerman to Frank Zim merman, power of attorney. . B Thompson to W E Thompson, 62x151) feet, Lebanon 6000 Total , ..$7102 imsi, Cam aim, Feb 0, 1802. Editor Dfmocrat: Thinking a few lines from old Fantiam might le of some interest to the demo crat of Linn county, I believe after a careful canvas of this precinct that, we will come up next June with our usual democratic vote, varying very little from two years ago, and I believe there will tie less scratching than for many years, from the fact that everybody seems will ing to abide by the action ol the con vention on the vive voce system of voting. Faimplat. OSWEGO The Falare Maaaraetarlai a a barb af Pert laad -Already Pay Kail r. a,. rer M'raib. It s a well known fact that a manu factory, employing labor, no matter where situated, ia the nucleus of a city. The greater the number of employees, tbe greater the prospective city. The Krupp gun works of Germany, support a city of 05,000 ; the Pullman Palace Car Va, of Pullman, 111., a city of 12,000. Oswego, Oregon, ia in its infancy. Today the Oregon Iron & Steel Works, and other industries, make a pay roll of 142.000 a month. With an increase in the manufacturing output, the city in creases in population. Population in creases values of real estate; therefore Osweeo offers today, to the careful in vestor, the very best field for investment, Oswego I only two milee outside the limit of Consolidated Portland. It has cheap train service of S4 cents a trip. and e'ght trains a day : also six steam boats each way on the Willamette. Osweso ia a beautiful site for a town Oawego ha a splendid 2,400 water power, which is ollcred to manniactures lor a term of years free, and land with it Oswego 11a pure spring water in pipes over the town. Oswego has a beautiful lake where the pleasare-lovers of Port land will soon establish a summer resort. Property values in Ottwego will advance rapidly and pcrmanent'y as its future is founded on the development of tlie favorable location for manufacturing. Lota in Oswego invite the home-seeker. Lots sold on easy installments of $10 down and $5 a month. Ask the pub lisher of this paper to show you a plat of Onweiro, or addrtss a postal card to Borthwick, Batty A Co., tl Alder street, Portland, Oregon. Haaraly t I be Steal Palley. Th a ia a tet.t me i i advertiaCmen bat tour r 'notion tbe m men may ae no much u flaring aa well a money. W core that coauh Wa cur that tickling. Wa car tbtt hackling. W, enra that throa learin, VVa ear Croup. We car Bronchitis. W care La Grippe Coogh. W help yea to sing and .peak. We r not tha S. H. Lotangea. We are a pleasant Coosh Syrup. Wa ara pot in SO and 75 cent botllea. W are the S B. Coach Cure. Guaranteed by Ko-hay Uaaon. Dow t Help fair Ptcrallaa. Almoat every day w fol the ni leaant aeraation of iodl(eatioo. Try Allonck'a Pur out Plattera and be relieved. J F Davenport, of Canartie, New Yolk, write T bave been very moch troubled witn a violuut pain below my chett hone. I wa told by aeveral phyaician that it waa rheo iiiatiam of tht dUphravm. It reaulted from cold and rxpetnte. I had very little ap petite and digested ray food with vret dif ficulty. I placed on of Al.occk'a Porooa Plaater below the breaat bone ard two on ten tide. In tb courae of twenty-four boors all pain ceased, and I waa able to eat and digest a good tqntra meal, something I had not don before io two week. I got better constantly, and at tbe end of aeven daya foond mvaell entirely well. Since then I have oed AHuock'a Poroat Flatter for cold, coaihsand pain my side, and I have always found tbem quick and effect ive. ' Decidedly the largest and choioat variety of taala town ia at C E BrcwneU'a. Son dried, basket fired, guen, b aek, English breakfast, &n a m A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Portmillor fc Irving's,jost received. STien B-iby wa tic:, we pare bar Castor. Whfn the was a CWld, the cried for Caatorta. Whan the became Mia. he clung to Caatorta. When the bad OUldron, alia gav tliem Caatorta, All 1 inda of choioa eating and cooking apph at Allen Broa. Juft received new and onsjiJJfar retail CE Brownell'a the follj ting ' . Chow Chow, Cooking Moltsses, PioWKaia viuegat, -Sa't Herring, Salt whit ti-h, Salt kalmon. ' ' A luge stock of pruning she,ra and prun ing hooka tha ilneat made, just reoaive i at Stewart & Si'x't. Now i the tine to ot them. E W Aohtvm k Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for -semetery lot. These walla can be furnished at half th eoat of any othr and are faraopnrior. It is a big pnviiege to be able to get . what you . want when you go to a grocery store. Allen Brothers keep such a variety that they can always accom modate their customers. This saves running around. If it is fruit season they have the goods. In produce their stands are full of the lalept and best. Their stock of standard groceries is always large, of the best to be secured in the market. The Deharte corset and Delaarte waist furnish the basis of dreta reform tending towards artietio and hygienic- dressing. They saour oinfort, development and grace. Ladies, who wish to examine Delaarte goods, should address the agent who will oall with sample, take pains in measuring and gnarantee perfect tit No trouble to show goods even though no order ia taken. Ad rises Mrs : A M Talt, box 60, Albany, Oregon, Agent wanted. - " W W Davis is now in harjeof the Del- monico restaurant. Maol Eljeentg. Eastern m.w-oi.i fi-irti 1- . -h ,t .lr-c "G erman yrup" " I have been a great Asthma. flufFcrer from Asth ma and severe Colds every Winter, and last Fall my friends as well as myself thought because of my feeble condition, and great distress from constant cough ing, and inability to raise any of the accumulated matter from my lungs, that my time was close at hand. When nearly worn out for want of sleep and rest, a friend recommend ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee's German Gentle, Syrup. Iam con- n m u. fident it saved my Refreshing life Almost the first Sleep. dose gave me great rel lef and a genle re freshing sleep, such as I had not had for weeks. Mycough began immedi ately to loosen and pas3 away, ana I found myself rapidly gaining in health and weight I am pleased to inform thee unsolicited that I am in excellent health and do cer tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syrup. C. B. Sticexey, Picton, Ontario." Q SUMMONS. In tin CirtHtt Court of tht Slate ojtOrego for the County of Linn t ALVAN THOMAS, Plaintiff, v. MIMKUVa C THOM A?, Defendant. To Minerva C Thomas, tha above named Defendant s IN 71IK NAME OK THE STATE OF Oregon, yon are hereby reqotred to ap pear and answer tha complaint of the above plaintiff, in tha above entitled toort.Doar on 01 with the clerk of aaid court, by tha first day of the next regnlar term of said court, which aaid term begin on Monday, the 14th day of March, 16'JZ, at tbe acort hooae in Albany, Lino county, Oregoa; and yoa ar hereby farther notified that if yoa fail to appear and answer aaid eornplaint a hereby required th plaintiff will apply to the eoort for the relief prayed tar ia aaid com plaint, towit. Fur a decree diaaulamg the bond of matrimony now existing between van and plaintiff, and for the coat and di LnnemetiU of thi tait to be taxed. Tbia earn-none i published by order Hon It V Bouw, Jadge of aaid court. made ( ham her, in tha eity of Salem, Oregon, tbe 25tb e!ay of Jaontry, 1892. rnblialiad January 30th, I8'J2. W tt BILYEU. Att'y for Plaintiff SUMMONS. Me Cireuit Court otht SUitt o' Oreyor Linn County. . A. C. HILL, Plaintiff, ) BODEOOE HILUDefendant. ) To Bode iga'HIll, the abiv nam! de fendant : IN THE NAME OFTHS STATIC OF Oregon, yoa ara hereby rsqalred to ppear and answer tbe complaint n;ed agalnat yon in the above entitled sriit on or bfore tbe drat day of th above en tt'led court nex'. following the expiration of the pub'dtinn of '.hi u ntmni towit: tb mti day or Marea. uJ If yoa rati to answer, Dr want luirear t ti r tain tiff will apple to the court f ir lbs rail pn-ed for in baroomplalnt,viy: or tbedia Mention of the bond of matrimony now exitting hetweeri tbep'.atQtitfani defr-id-ant arid theeaatody of thethrea ytung or mlnoi children, and for aa ;h other and lurthnr relief may b equitable. '1 bia aervioe I tnvl by publication by order ef Haa R P Bd!m, JudaofaalJ Court, duly ma le at Chambra in Haleoa, Orjnn. Dec. 14th. L.U. MNrANYE. (ll-in Al'y for Plain mr SUMMONS. tk Circuit Court of tht State of Ore gon, for Limn County. W C DAVIS and OE W DA VI3, partners doioi budiea nndar the firm natne an. style of Davis Broa., Pla.ntUT-, vs. PETER K BE A it, Dnfendant To Peter R Baar, lbs above narool da fendant: IN THE NAMEOF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the eom plaint of tbe plaintiff ti ed in tbe above enllt.'ei eoort, with the clerk of acid court, by the first day ot the rext regular term 01 tbe above entitled court. towlU on tbe 14-hdavf March. 1S93, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the aaid 00 p:aint tbe plaintin will take Judgment against you for the sum of 310 66 with fnteres' thereon at the rate of ten (1") per cent pr annum from the 2nd lay of September. 1891. and for the costa and diabutsements of this action to be buced; and also take an order and decree of aaid court, to sell the following da wn bed land towiu a'l your defendant's rifht, title and Intnreat In tbe donation band claim of Owen Brae being notifies. Hon No 2240,and cl'i ii No 41 Ju township 12, re-atb Kaoge 4 West.nnd eialm No 43, in township It, !ou.h Kant's 4 Weal; In Linn eocnty, Otegon, containing 644.50 aerea, leaa than 41 aorea heretofore, aold to y irioua parties, leaving eos SO acre; which said ia-id wat duly levied upon by writ oi attachment duly hsuea out of tbe above named court, in tb above entitled action on tbe 8th day ofMeptemorMr, 1SVI for the purposes or Mooring any judar ment that the plalntlflf might, reoover la tbe above entitled cause, Thla summon is served by publication In the Stats Rights Dkmoohat by order t the Honorable K P Boise, J ad go or tha rbove eutitled Court, trade at Chambers en the 18th day of January, 1893, J K W EATHE RFUR V, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. fn tht Ctrtuit Court for Linn County, Stait of ' Oregon: K A FRANCE, Plaiutlff, va. RVILLE FRANCE, Defendant, To Orvllle Frauoe, tlia abovo n vjd de fendant: IN Tn. NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against, yoa in the above aatttied suit oa r before the first day of tha nextregular term ef the above entitle I court next following the expiration of tha public, inn of thla summons towit,- th Hih day f March, 1S92, and if you fail t answer aa herein required, tUe plaintiff will take jndgrafcat Bv5intt you for tbe relief d aaanded in ber aouiplalnt, towit: A de aree oi tbe above entitled 0 urt dissolving the bonds ofma'rimoay now existing between plaintiff aud defendaet attova aamed and awarding t plaitiUff tha tuatody if Aoll Warner Franoe.the nlnor hild of plaintUTaud defendaut. Thiaaervioa ofauinuiona ia mad a by ub!ioatiou by order of Hon R P Boies, Judge of said o i rt, marJOAt Chainbers, to tbe city ofSJoia, oa th.9 llth day of anuary. 1892. . ' BLACKBURN & WAT30N. Attorneys for plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE THAT THK TJH' darnifned adininiatrator nf tha aatata ot Maria Q raUoott, daoeaaed, haa Iliad hi final aooount as said aaminlstrator, and that th county eourt o( Linu aaunty, Oregon, hu appointed Monday, tha 7th day ol Ma eh, 192, at 10 o'clock ia tb forenoon ol said ay, a the time for hearing and aattliag aaid ao aunt and the settlement ot aaid aatata Dated January 21(, 1842.- KOW WRIGHT, " '-.' W"W.' , Attorney. FREI TO THE AFFLII 111 who are scfftrioj from th effaots of youthful errors, lots of manhood, falling power a, gomorrhoe. glaet,ttriotur. syphilis and the many trouble which ar tha effeeta of these tarribl diiordar will raoaive, free of ebajga, full diraotion how to treat an are themselves at hem by wr(U" to t California Madloal anl Surgical Infirmar KSOMarkat Street, San Tranoitoo, Cali I70R f ? H"a Sdadd. IJ750; Apply to I W D vl,