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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1892)
he sEkuwrott. Crook Coumty.J N Illne ha had the misfortune of Iolng hi eye lght end now Hopelessly DlinU, On Friday morning at last ftk llar died very suddenly at one ( th Prlnevllle Land & Llv Stock Company' ranchei on Muddy, just aero the county une in wasco county. At Silver Lake a week uo Sunday minister preached icrmon which did not suit a portion ol the community, and wa egged by thoe whom he offended. Tuesday evening, Feb oth, Albert N Wilson died at hi home In Prinevlile, after an Illne of two week with tvnhold fever. Mr Wilson wa born near riugene, nurr 29, 1004, no came 10 tnurouniy In 1S77, and wa married to Mis Ida M Huntakcr April 11, tbXo. The followinir ladle and gentlemen were appdcant for teacher certificate before the county board of examiner llilt week: Mer W S Mavberrv. O C Mix well, T I. Donoho, Ed Snoderly, Mloe I.laa lg!e, Fannie Ketchum, Effie Jroois, Laura Martin. EOie Vandcrnool. Lou Campbell and Jennie Comb Re view. Tii OtRAND Failir. The Wei come, of Portland, KVce the iuot parti. cular about the Durand failure. It give aome of the losers, a follow: til icott, $ 8000 In tock; Mr Will will lo every- . J . 1 . -. . . . smog ne nai; A Al SniDIey, an Old farm er, t7x 1H loe everything, D W Ross, Of Puvallun. Sk.ixxv Innalriioilnkl him of which he claim $ J 1,000 are forgciie'; Marlon Johnton, of Clackamas, f 7000; D iv norimi, ?oooo; Key Mutnoi'.g, 01 bast l'Drtlnt d. $3000; Jame Abraham, $6000; Cvttaye Organ Co, $15,000; Mr Vebter, $5000; Mr Bowman, of Kant Portland, $&j,ooo; M A Howe. I, $5000; M Phillip, $6000; 6 P Paddock, S-6000; m nitrous biokers, $90,000 In all; Mr White, a alder of Mr Durand $9000; 1) C Currie ha mortgaged all hi property bt-fdet many other. Lent & Mctjrcw are re ported to be mlnu $13,000. forged note, by the D rand tw indle. ThU i about a much a hey made off him In lnteret during their bulne negotiation. At nil J .ml. A few da ago a couple case knlve were found In Dempter' bed at the jail. 'Ihey had been arranged in the form of w, and place were found where ney- had been used. Demrwter and Reasoner have been chained together a they cannot be trusted The other do not evince any delre to escape. httten, the man who paused the check on Mr Cheadle take thing coolly. The old fellow who tried to steal Chrlt Houck' horse, I a jolly kind of a man, aad ay he wa only on a pree, which i probably a fact. When scLer he tan he could not addle a hore to ave "him. Hill who recently returned from a trip to the asylum doe not like confinement; but 1 getting used to what may pro ye a several yeai' residence In the penitentiary. LvcKtT Locatcd. The Guard ay: Sheriff Noland yesterday afternoon tele graphed Duncan Scott, who wrote the letter to George Melson about having een E R Luckey at Sacramento, Cal., asking for furthrr Information. Tbl morning the sheriff received a dispatch from Mr Scott a follow. ."Saw Luckey at Sacramento, February 4th. Think I can locate hi present whereabout." Sheriff Noland Immediately telegraphed Mr Scott to use al! endeavor to locate him. It will be remembered that Mr Luckey left her on the 1st dy of Feb ruary for Portland. If he left Portland Tuesday evening, the 2d, he would have been In Sacramentoon the date m'ntlined. All the conductor on the railroad between Ashland and Portland, being well ac quainted with Mr Luckey are positive he did not go on the train utile he wa dl gulted. Albaxt Instead cr Rohzdi'ro. It harts the Salem Journal to give Albany credit so much that it makes an item like the following: Citizens of Rosebnrg have undei taken the work of organizing a company with a capital of fSO.COO for the purpose ol erecting a smelter near that city or at some point in Linn county, for reducing the mineral products of the Santiam mines. The undertaking is an important one, and it is to be hoped it will succeed. It is understood that nearly half the amonnt is already pledg ed, and that incorporation papers will soon be prepared. The telegraph brines the welcome news that a construction train has gone to the Oregon Pacific front with a force ol men to put the track in thorough repair, it is presumed preparatory to the resumption of the work of extending the road on over the mountains. Statesman. As a matter of fact the construction train went to the front to do a little re pairing so that Manager Hong could go to the front on a special train with an Eastern man. The road will probably go ahead in time, a consummation to be desired ; but, as a mattei of fact.nothing baa yet been done. Wants Bask Ball Cai. The States man says: Ed Lytl", who used to play baseball with the Portlands, ha written Salem base ball enthusiast relative to the organization in thi city of a team with which to enter the Northwest league for the coming season. He say Salem will have no trouble In getting Into the league, and he believe that with a strong team (hi city would be heard of In base ball circle during '92. Mr Ly tie, with the proper encouragement, could be prevailed upon to take the management of the "Salem,"and with his well-known ability thev could make a record for him and Sa lem If not win the pennant. Salem I already hungering for base ball, and It would" be difficult. Indeed, to have to live the season through without a team. Nabeow Escape. A man whose name we did not learn who has been at work above ficott's mills on Butte Creek, recently met with an accident in which be narrowly escaped with his life says the Silverton Appeal. His cabin was in the heavy timber, and large trees stood near on all sides. He entertained some fears of the trees falling when one day last week bis danger was folly real ized. While in the house he heard a cracking sonnd and ran ont just as an immense fir tree was falling. The tree came down literally mashing the house and its contents Into the earth. It was close call. The Latest Success. The well known Irish comique Bobby Gar lor supported by a fine New" York comedy company will be sees at the opera house next Saturday nleht In the latest eastern success, entitled "Sport McAllister, One of the 400." This comedy comes direct from eastern triumphs having achieved destinctlon and great success In New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, etc. and is now making Pacific coast tour under the direction f Mr Wm A Brady. The company I one of artistic merit and Is the same grand organization that appeared with Mr Cay- lor in tne east. Oregon on Wheels. A Peoria, 111 paper of eb. 11th gives a column ac count of the arrival there of Oregon on Wheels. The writeup is a very favorable one for this state, and numerous com parisons of our products with those of California are favorable to this state, The car had exhibited in thirteeu states traveled 6000 miles and had 150.0C0 i i . visitors. ' Bpobt McAllibteb." Bobby Gay lor - who comes to the Opera House nex Saturday night, ii scoring a wonderful success in his new comedy, "Sport Mc Alhster," one of the 400. It is a satire on New York's UDDer ten. and the hum orous Bobby has a character in Jeremiah McAllister, a Metropolitan politician that tits mm like a glove. An Albany Man it It. J. N Gulliford of Albany today bad Hherifl Noland serve another attachment on E Luckey's property. It amounts to I1.T20 The total amount of attachments to date on the property is $17,202. Guard. The Eighth Series. Seriet No. 3, of the Albany Building and Loan Associa tion will bs opened on February 19th. Ap plication for stock will be received by the secretary, Jay W Blaln, Painting. Mis Nellie Richard will organize a clas In painting on the 1st of March; A good opportunity for superior Intructlont. For particular call at her esldcnce a' 6th and Jefferson street.' Albany not In It. The boar d of direo tori of the North Paclflo Trotting Horse Breeders' Association held three sessions a few days ago in Portland. They do cided to organize a trotting circuit, If possible, and the following is the pro posed schedule: Week beginning August 1R, OlympU. Week beginning August 22, Tscouui. Week beginning August 2U, Kent. Week beginning September 8, Port land. Week beginning September 12. Salem. Week beginning September 11), Inde pendence. Week beginning September Ctt, Eu gene.. Week beginning October 3, Kosebnrg. Week beginning October 10,Vanconver. Week beginning October 17. Walla Walla. Week )eglnning Octolier S5, Moscow. It will be seen that Altmny, one of the best horse centers, as well as most prom inent cities, is not in it, which simply indicates that the horso men of this county are not "attending to buinesn." It there is to bo a circuit Albany should be one of the points. We have the grounds and could giv a circuit a big fujjnort- The above arrangement is not final, and by taking iiiinmiiate action Albany might he included. A'rite to fcrntBt Bros. 15 Stark street, Portland. A 19rn Century IIi'koand. Consider able interest bns been taken in the divorce suit of Mrs Nellie Sladden, of Kuircne, against her husband. "Cant" 8 SCSladden. Mrs Sladden was a resi dent of Salem previous to marriage and i.api Mauuen, a very pompous young man tins made Himself very conspicuous in military circles. The followinir I given as the substance of the plaintiffs complaint: That plaintiff and defend ant were married at Los Anitelcs. Cal.. on Oct 8, MR). That soon after marriage defendant became cross, brntaland arbi trary to platntitr and "ould curse and abuse her; made statements to her in reference to his actions with other women which humiliated her; that en Feb 7, he kicked her out of bed, hurtlug her badly, and used to her nro- faneand Indecent language; that on July IS. 1SU1, he administered chloro form to her, without her knowledge, which made her sick; that on lec V, 1891, he threw her on the floor and abused her greatly; that he threatened to kill her at numerous time: that he admitted his inlUUIity with numerous women, itiviiiit times and place, too in decent, vulvar and profane te le writ ten ; mat she left him on Jan 22, 18112; that her health has been greatly im paired and endangered by said treat ment ; that S C Sladden is worth from 18.000 to llO.ow, nnd is able to pay plaintiff 5,000 alimony. Mavtk Granger Comino. Maude Granger will be seen at the Albany opera house Friday evening next, and offer the strongest emotional role she has ever appeared in When the lustrous eyed Maude ucccs In "CainlHe." "Frou Frou" and ro'e of that calibre It taken Into consideration that Is saving a creat deal No little Interest t being etlnced in the fair Gianger' coming. Everybody na heard of her. and everybody it anxious to see her. Miss Grancer' U exceedingly popular with the ladles, and :he female contingent will be out In full force. A well a being a laniou bcautv, MU Granger I alsocelebraied f r being the best dressed of American artists. Her costume are always a revelation to enthusiastic femininity. Tnere I a large demand for seat for her engagement. Mis Granger on this visit appear In her famous role of Ci-ra' In her own version of Belot's ma-terwerk, "L'Artlc'e 47" -The Creole." Will sc Plbni v. Many people are buying up the t.ew coinage of silver half and quar'er dollar 4 souvenirs, under the Impression t'.at the new coin have bet n called In and that no rrore wl'l be Issued. The truth of the matter I this: The coin circulated here were minted at San Francisco and comprised dime, quarter and halve cast from die cent out from the Philadelphia mint. In a hort tl-ne It was iHscove'cd the die were defective and coinage from litem wa sto pJ until new ones could he secured, t n the meantime the mint at Philadelphia I still turning them out. Ex A Well known business man, referring otbe success of hi firm, said: "We attend to our own buslncs and nothing else. You never heard of any of us being on the road nor out driving We do not go to the thettcr. We hare no outside ousine no venture or speculations In oil, wild lands, patent or stock. What money we ha ye we have put Into our house. We take care of our business and our business take care of u. We keep abreast of the time" Scientific American. In other word beet me a slave to their business. All bukine, no play. A Home Machine. RedCeld Bros- of Glendale, Douglas county, who Invented a mowing machine, a few years ago, have brought it up to such state of perfection that it attracted the atten tion of such monied man as Alex Martin, Sr., of Oakland, Cal.,K R Reatnes of San Jose, Cal., and G W Stephenson of Ash land. Three of the Redhelds met Messrs Martin and Stephenson at Jacksonville on Tuesday and disposed of their patent to them under lavorablo arrangements. The purchasers will immediately take steps to manufacture a number of these machines and place them on the market. Times. Hailed With Delioiit. Maude Granger's engagement at the Albany opera house, Feb 19, is one of the inter esting announcements of tbe theatrical season. She will be seen in the Creole The coming of so distinguished ft star as the lustrous-eyed Granger, will be hailed with delight. The feminine contingent will be interested especially. Everybody has heard of Maude Granger, and every one will be anxious to see her. Man agers Warner Ac Cranor are to tie con era' tulated on having secured her. Her coming will prove a great social and artistic event. Probate Matters. In the estate of Moses Burg, S A Gentry sppolnted ad ministrator. Bonds Siooo. Uond filed. In the estate of John Shaw, will ad mltted to probate. Jas Clow sppolnted executor. Uond Si 200. In the estate of Wm M Davis. C F George wa appointed administrator, giv ng undertaking la cum of S1200. Ap praiser John Smallmon, Trios Munkert, and Wm Douglas. In estate of John Arp, receipt of Peter Arp for personal property filed. Third of a Cintury. Oregon was thirty-three year old a a state on the atn, having been admitted un reb. 14, 1859. Oregon has tent many men of abili ty to Washington; but few, if any posset ng the ability of her first selection. Hon. Dclazon Smith, father of one of Albany's present popular citizen. Mr D S Smith, and General Lane were senator, and L F Grover, representative, Col Baker and Col Netmith were the next tenatort and Lansing Stout, representative. A Polk Co Murder. L B Gentry was shot and killed at Wlllamlna Saturday about 8 o'clock by a man named Green. Gentry had been cumng and abusing Green' boy and ran the boy tnto Green's yard, when Green went Into the house, procure! a revolver and shot Gentry tour time, killing him. Oentry leavet a wife and three children, tie was a notorious character. A Matron Appointed. Mrs E D Sloan has been aoDointed matron of the hos pital and borne just completed at this city, and has taken charge ol the home, Tbe selection is a good one. Mr and Mrs Sloan will reside at the home, ana the prospect is that they will nave consider able company. The early extension of tbe street car line to the borne is greatly neeuea. New Marble Shop. Mr George Har ris is making arrangements to stsrt a new marble shop on the Viereck corner, just south of the Democrat office. A build ing will be erected for the purpose tn a few days, iir iisrris 11 an oie resident here snd sn experienced wokmam. m mm Worth Thinking About. Bat words ere things, and a small drop of ink, fall fog like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps minions, mint, rue ooject 01 this tsto make you think about the subject i groceries. Conn & Hendricson keep a first-class stock, at bottom prices, and as well have a fine line of crockery ware. Think about it and call on them. 0C14L kH9 rJE.aAl MONDAY. Wm M Hong was In the city this noon (Hi his way south on the Southern Pacific. E D Cuslck relumed from Salem this noon and ha assumed his place In the bink of J W Cuslck At Co., and w ill make Albany hi home. Rev II II Dobbin who h betn In the city few days en business connected with the Presbvlerlan College at Albany went to Oakland thl afternoon. Eugene Guard. Mr Jnmes Wallace, whose name hat appeared tn the paper recently ,on account of a trip to California, returned to Albany thl mornlrg, went to hi home a few mile from thl city, and the Democrat U glad to report wa welcomed bv and i on good term with his family. Mr Wal lace ays hi wife knew of hi contem plated trip to that state, that he wrote home two or three times, and that Instead of taking $1350 with him he only took $So, leaving the remainder In Albany, He ny the several attachment suit against him wilt he etlled,that the report In reference to him were highly co'ored and exaggerated, which the D'kmucrat hope wilt prve true, Mr Wallace ha alwaytooJ well in the community and win proonuiy continue 10 uu so in ine future. Tt'KSDAY. Mr O W Simpson made a business trip to the front on the O P today. Hon J K Weathcrford returned yester day from h!a trip to San Francisco. License ha been Issued for the marriage of Chat L Sperling and Ar.nle Gay. Mr Hastingwho baa been canvassing Oregan In the interest of ft patent hub, is in the city. Mrs J S Van Vt inkle, of Albany, ar rived in the city Thursday evening, having been sent for by telegram to wait on her mother, Mrs M M Hayes, who is very sick with la grippe Silver ton Appeal. J K nonnt of this city, goes to Port land Monday to accept a position on the l'inkerton detective force. Mr Mount has been quite successful and 1ms a good reputation in this work. He will be a valuable addition to the force. His family will stay in Silverton for some time.- -Silverton Appeal. WEDNESDAY. Mr K F Sox returned last evening from a business trip to Portland. Mr WL Wallace returned a few days ago from a trip to California. Miss Anna Houck is visiting in Cor vallis, the guest of Mrs Geo Waggoner. The Albany Glee Club will go to Salem Friday to furnish music at the college YIK'A convention to be held there. Mr Will Martvn. of Portland, formerly of this city, was In Albany today on bis way toCorvallis, where his parents re side. Inn't miss seeinz sixty Mother Goose characters tonight, at the opera bouse. Admission only 25 cents, social after en tertainment. been in a Portland drug store f"r some time has accepted a position with Geo C Sfanard of this city. Mr Murrv Vaughn has rented an office in the Cusick block jus, north of the Democrat office, and will open a boot and shoe shop on the 1st of March. Gov Tennoyer, Secretary Mc Bride. Superintendent AfcKlroy and other members of the Agricultural College's board went to Corvallls this noon. Miss Clara Head is now the only lady owner of bicycle in Albany, having re cently purchased a Columbia safety, which she will use in going to and from business. A good example to the younit ladies of Albany. Tbsse bicycles are proving very popular. Rev K J Thompson, of this city and Rev K H Prichard, of Albany, took the noon train yesterday on a visit to the t'resnyterian churches at indrpwndvnce, McMinnvilie an! other cities on the 'Vest Side, tirevious to the meeting of the general assembly which convenes at Portland in June. Times. MrlRnnta. gunsmith with Deyoe & Fronian Bros.. t thi city left yesterday afternoon for a vacation of several days. There was nothing In the report about bis being insane, any more than too much liquor will deprive ft man of his reason for the time being, which was ;robably the trouble with Mr Banta. When sober he Is a good workman, clear headed and one of the best wing shots in the valley. In Cask op Exeroenct. As the vice- president of tbe U S is only a figure ead and sort of political inlluence Mr Nelson mentioned in the following might as well be run for vice-president as any body. Writing the Statesman from Salem, under date of Feb 10th, N F Nel son, places himself in nomination as ft candidate for vice-president in the Col- lowing terms: My name having him used several times in the papers in con nection with the office of vice-president. as a possible candidate of the republican party, I will say that I respectfully de cline such unmerited honor. Should an emergency arise, however, when the delegates meet at Minneapolis, and it shall appear that the welfare of the country demands the services of one alike the friend of the poor and the epu lent. who would dare do right, by enforc ing the laws, and last, but ifbt least, the Constitution of the United States in cluding the 15th amendment, they are at liberty to use the name of N F Nel son." A School District Fight. Some time ago District Na 75 In this county. situated nea' the O P at Bates, was dlvl. ded into 75 snd 108, snd snother school house built, un pctitien ot a large num bcr of reiident In the vicinity the district wa consolidated. I nose opposed to con solldatton appealed to the state school su perintendent, who has just rendered a de cltUn ordering the districts divided. The dlvislonlst are hence quite jubilant. Con siderable feeling I said to have prevailed over the metter. How to Make Money, Every man is the farmer of his own fortune and the harvest he reap I entirely due to hi own peneverence and Industry If properly town, there 1 not one seed tnat promise him better returns than saving a dollar by buying groceries where you can alwsys ti pend on tne best goods and lowest prices. This you can do by dealing with Parker Bros., who always have on hand Urge and select stock of groceries and baked goods. Try them. It is a big privilege to be able to get what you want when you go to a grocery store. Allen Brothers keep such ft variety that they can always . accom modate their customers. This saves running around. f rait season they have the goods In produce their stands are full of the latest and best. Their stock of standard groceries is always large, of the best to be secured in the market. "Nothino Succeeds Like Success." Wby sre wc the most successful firm in tbe dry goods trads ? Because wc bars the largest snd best se lected stock to choose from. We srs now receiving new and Ksionable good bsrgains in winter goods, Cloak at less Ibsa cost. We are sole scent for Butterick pstterns. A full line of ladies and children's sboes. Civs ns a call. W. F. Read. OUR ability In CATsnoe to waete should not be LOST sight of when yes oed tb best stotes in tbe market, as well a tinware and naraware pnrUy We can furnish tbm at bottom prioe. Matthews & Wasbbukit, the stove men. Mow Is the time to have your bedding cleaned. Leave order at oe' barbs hop or at Laundry office. City Laundry, ist St., R. G. Simpson, Prop. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh's Curs is ths remedy for yon. EirORED.TUH FkUlB. Bow a lady aasht ftaslor the rewder riads. UaklBg The, fraudulent character of the motif odi used to introduce some of tbe now and inferior baking powders to the housekeepers of this vicinity through bogus chemical tests performed generally by company of women agents,! fully shown by the following Incident : A lady of St., who bad been annoyed by the gents, determined to test the efficacy of the experiments, aud she brought out some of the baking powder which they were advertising. The agent submitted the substance to the usual tests and called the lady's attention to the presence of alum, ammonia and other ifteged in jurious ingredients which could be dis tinguished by the peculiar odor, the residum, eUi. The lady of course saw all these unuilstskahle signs of so-called Impurities aud allowed the agent full swing to expand upon tho merits of Iter own rooking powder. The agent finally Inquired ol the lady what brand of bak ing powder she had Wen experimenting with. "That baking powder," replied the lady, "is the same that you have been cracking up an high." The agent turned all colors and heat a hasty retreat. Ft. hn not la-en bothered with .baking powder agents since. BK4I. SLBTATR BALEH. J L Hill to trustees 0 I church, 4 lots, Sodavllle 1 WL Maple to George Hamital, 08.31 acres 11 W4 3600 IlrownsvHIe It A L A to P L Gerow lot 10, blk'i (' add 50 It N Wlndlo to P L (iero-, lot 3, blk 2, G's add, Itrownsvllle. . . 50 U 8 to Wm Hale, acres, 10W3.Patent O it O K K to Peter Chance, piece land 14 Wl 00 28 Peter Chance to Artillu Chance, 40 acres 14 W 1 200 Q 8 Miller to Jas Higgs, 63 acres 14 W I... 100 Peter Chance to ArtiltaChance, 20 acres 14 Wl 70 Oregon to Peter Chance, 40 acres 14 W 1 80 Jas Higgs to Artilla Chance, 40 acres 14 W 1 25 A C Games to J L Davenport, 5 acres 11 El 180 II F Kadeker to Margaret Rrdcker ' HOacreeOES 123 II Bryant to Jeff Myers, 40 acres 10W 2 400 J H Thompson to W 8 Walker. 120 acres it w a . ... 6400 Total 110251.28 rnblle lanrrsu. Aluaxv March 17th, 1802. Editor Democrat: The article which appeared in last evening's Dkxocbat showed that of care ful preparation and thought, and we express our most sincere thank tome writer for recommending such a noble and generous idea Hut let u ask the writer, is It the proper thing to support that institution any more than patronis ing It by sending our children to school ; and furthermore when it is under the careful supervision of a church or private individuals w ho profit by its receipts, an., recsiva all the credit that an institution ! its long standing and success is worthy of, Hut if the people want a park, I say lt na Iibva one. but let It be in a rdoce more suitable than a "grave yard or col- li.irn rimnni." ln-rn w will not Ix) to I the expense of planting trees aud waiting an indefinite length of limn for them to grow. There are plenty of beautiful and verdant groves surrounding the quu-i city of Albany. and w by not improve one of these picturesque ejjs? I am sure it would afford a better place to walk and enjoy the cool breeze of a hot summer afternoon than on the dry. burnt grass of the College campus. I have not tl e least doubt that If we had a base ball club, anJ thecltizcnse xprctsed their desire 10 have ft park, but what here would W games played ex oresnlv for the purpose to build a pars, which, 1 think, could be built for less than t2o00. Now as to the graveyard quention, at present it is in the hand of a lodge who pirscu, I, IV IH IIIV IIPHU VI '"Wlrl hw 1 will keep in repair fences and roads or wbativer is necrsaary in that reepect. I do not think aristocratic fa mi lies who have their dead burled there would wan't their respect for their beloved one in ferred on by the circulation of a subscrip tion paper, or with money which young men were trying to organise a base ball club. Why thy question is absurd in extrertc. "Bane Uallikt." An KavrrtAN Curiosity. In July,lS81, there were discovered in the ancient city of Thebes, the mummies of Kgypt's mighti'!s Pharaohs, among them that of Kauiem s the Great. There were also found seals, coins, statuettes, preserved food, and a few rolls of papyrus, some of the latter being ol great value, curiously hound together, and, notwithstanding the mould and mildew of ages upon them, as easily read a i! written yester day. A oueer little hook entitled. "A Night with Hameses II.." lias tcn exe cuted so cleverly, that the oxydized seal, suggestive of mould, antique coloring, and partially decayed and ragged-edged papyrus carry at once to me nuna tne possession of a veritable relic from the dawn ot civilisation. Mailed to any ad dress on receipt of 0 cents In stamps, by C Ayer Co , Lowell. Mass. IS) ADVASCE II RfUi. ft ft Hcllwala OSTrr fteme Bel tern ttte He msket the following reduction in tugar for catb : 17 lbs diy granulated for fl .oo. 20 Ibt extra C white for ft. 00. 22 lbtcxtia C golden for $1.00. Her are tome wholrtate prices: 100 lbs extrs C 4 cts. loo lbt extra C white 4 ctt. 100 lbt dry granulated & ctt. He will tiro tell a five gallon keg of picklct for 90 cent 1. Aw Old Sayino l,"spend not all jou have; believe not all vou hear: tell not a!t you know: and do not all you can." Do not look for blood in a turnip or stoves In a confectionary store ; but go to Matthews ft Washburn's stove, tinware and hard ware store snd examine their stock of good. If this I the line you wsnt. If you buy you will not spend sll you have; you will believe what you hear because you an also see: you will knew too much to tell It all and vou will not do all you can because the stove you get will do the work and save many a savage expression ana extrs step. Look IIbrx a Moment. I have some of the choicest residence lot In Albsny fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home ol his own by j i psylngasmall down and small mummy I'zJ micclic uum a.. peia ior rur surmcr luiuriiiaiiuu i the office, corner snd and Br:adalb!n Sis., opposite Democrat office. UK. ir w m ASTON A larae line of elegant cold watches in listy new trays at Will ft Stark's. tetter List. Following 1 ths list of letters reikainlno in ths post offioe at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, Feb. 17, 1802. Persons calling for these letters must givs ins oat on wbton they were advertised. Atherton, EE Arohibald.D H ' Anderson, Wm . Atkinson, Edward Bilyeu, Tilda Basher, Mra Brown, Ned Davie, H II Don gins, Wm Dwyer, W L t Durbio, Joseph Flint, Magie Geil, May Hill, Cbas Hill. Battle Holmea. JO i Johnson. Marie .. Jones, Mary ' Lewis, N Leavy, Peil Mallery, F 0 McDonald ft McGlll Parker, WH PeJmer, Eugene Peterson, Beartha ' Sprenger, Clara Stohn, Fred Stewart, Eila Shufford.JH " Tift.Jobf ' Thompson, AS Tamer, E J Vingard, John ; Weir, Osrtrude Wyer, George H ' , Veaoh, Josis " T, Monteith, P M, HOME AND AHBOAD MONDAY. Little Graoa HW will l at tbe Opera lions on th 25th, 20.h and 27tb,pronoanosd A rare theatrical treat. Ladles Matin Tussday and Thursday afternoons. Doors opeu at S oolook promptly. Us ot skates, 25 cents. F.Usht TUrnes, a pioneer of Oregon, and a resident f Crook county for many years, died iu M Issmirt a few wseki sgo, The regular meeting of the AlUny W C T U will b held at tholr hall tomorrow afternoon, Fb 1 Oth at 2 .30 o'clock . A good attendance I requested. Boys Mtiue Huturdsy fternnon. Thurs day eve uo ou allowed to skste only those toomnpanied by a lady. Boy not allowed on th ll'Mir. Kink will be opto Satnrdsy night. All thnsn who srs interested in vocal muslo re invited to' sit end the meeting at the M K church thi" J evening at 7:30. The Prof hat lust vlctrit iiicora.fitl term, and there ar forty who bav ;rl for the souond term , The ladies of ths Prhyteiisn oliutch will give ae sprou t'srty In April. It wilt be a novel affair. They will nd by letter for giftsf f aproii from filtu l in different part of the world, snd have already duns to. Saturday Mi Cowso recelvd one from Teis, Tim sprobs will be suctioned off. and as they will be labeled, wilt bring good prices. TfSSDAY, have the 8lein is again. to Halvatioa army Th "Mother Goose Coo ten nisi''! 1 eerier th intiagemut of Mr 11 J llupklua. The attachment suits agiimt Jam Wal lace, heretofore meutiotied, hsv alt beeo settled, snd hava been taken off ths eirouit oonrtdecket. Governor Pennnyer yesUrdsy rtappoiutsd J V Apperton, W P Kdy and J K Weatb erford, membfri of th board f regent of the state agricultural college of Coivalli. Tho letideneo of I'r. f W K Adttns, of SUvtoti, wa turned hat Sunday. Inur to on house snd content f 1410. The firs occurred during a meeting at the church. L Bilyea has had ths plan drtwn for a ontiage, which he intends erecting 00 th ooaat ner Newport, tiii spring. It will be quit a baudsoiti evtuclur.-Kdgen Uuard. Kitty ch'rtt s will lie represented in tl; 'Mather U lVneaoil," Welueedy evening, Feb 17th. There will be a social and refreshments after tre entertainment. Admission " oenta. Two handsome oil pdallnj of Lolls tt'Hik and the Maid of Orleans miy beeeea at C'hsa Mailer' refreshment parlor. They hv betn io hi mother Umily a good many yetr and ar artistic gem. Msad U ranger 's reputation is so thorough ly established that oemment i hardly Deoce sry. Tu are should be a big boose Friday night to see thi popuUr scire with a first class tronp in the Creole. At th M K eherch last evening frf Dsvi gve th et.Mteg eeroienf asoojee ful term of singing echooL They Were of an interesting nature, and showed great dvaaceriieet soring 'be member of tbe class. IVf tvi l thor"tifcb in-tractor in the use of tbe yucsl organs. Justice O W Kiii.ey, this morning. lotd a wsirtnt th arrest of B r Kanel!. of Thurston, on ooaiplaint of lr ll A Pain aad W Keykeniialt. He te charged by tbe enmplaint with preeticing taedicioe eud urgf j without lice or certitinete (ruji the Siat Hoard of Mdi4 Ktsm'nrr. Imly Sheriff Mctjhee Urtd for thai P ' morning t.. rrt kirn. Keg" e ' JWt was id I !tl., try- lug every besr t ly iteadter, titil m tie itfei. 1'lt.e cconof yon, trouble i io the food, liver, tfuiacb, o( Sidney, take Ayr H.rtsp.r'.ils at onoe aid be sure of a cut Tske no other. Totheque.ti n. Which i yjor favorite poem! there ny be a greet vsrtrty of ans wers; but I en asted,bich is voorfsvorit blood pari'ln! there cm be only on reply Aire's Hare peril la, bocu- it is the pur et, tafest, ecd most A Small Wr xk . Yesterday after noon the west bourd freight train on the Oregon Pacific met with a wreck rear Little tit. When approaching a trestle, a car lumped the track, Anothtrcar and - ",- ...... .............. - the csboo.e were dragged off snd one of ine car fell oil the trestle down the em bankmertt, while the caboose a tipped over. It was about lo clock this morning when the passenger train succeeded In getting past, on It way to the Hay. WEnKVrAY. A Christiaa ehuich is to be built at Cor- valll. Ur K II Teylor. hs sold bi dentil office aod preotice at Crv!li to Dr K (I Hyde, recently of Oak'aud, Celf. The Albau Itoildtntf ti In Association mett Friday nixht. Thi will be the annual meeting. wba th report of the oertry will t mad aod directors e'eoted fi r the tMuidg year. 0it of th twenty-one anulicsnt fur teachers oertifioatea at the reornt examina tion in i'endtetao, two reoeid firet-erad, seven ourid-srrsde sad nine tbird-urad eartiflcaUeand there were three fsiluie. Rstiih Terriil. a student at the ssiieol tor- el colli u. full from a third-story window of tbe o!pe dormitory 1 t Hundsy afternoon. Aside from a ba4 scare, aod aomeehst of a jolt, he sppeared none tbe worse for hi fall. Corvallis Time. Sheriff KM snd thi moroins received a letter from Duncan Keott. Soott aaya hs is positive bsaw KR Lackey onth4th, on th Sacrament" express trsio. ilealaoaaks what sum if offered as a reward forfiudiog air ivoosey Kugen Uaord. Tbe "OlvmDie Quartette'' cow with 'Sport MoAlliUr."ba been linear together than any it bar Quartette on th American etag. It was organised over Pfttwn years ago, ana tb same fonr men are io it atill. 1 bey will be seeo at ths Opera House next Saturday evening. Th First Presbyterian obnroh of Mcbsm he been incorporated with W It Surry, C D McCoy and JWWyatt as incorporator. aod th Cumberland Presbyterian church; ot Hodaville, with H A McCartney. Geo Wtrta, martin Jackson and Louis liarsse as incor porators. Will & Stark, ihe Jeweler. Fresh crisp oelery t Allen Rro. Matth & WsKhbnru keep the beat I tore. Tb bust roast colfe in tb city at Conid ntyr a Have you tried P E Atleu' teas, if not. why nut Have you tried that ideal toast ooffje at F E AUus. If cot. why not. Allan Brcs alwav koto thair customers supplied with fresh butter and egg. By nsioff Hall's Hair Ronswsr. crv. faded or discolored hair assume ths natural color of youth, and crows luxurious and strong, pIcMiug everybody. , A. 13. McIlwain has just rsceived direct from the manufactories, new designs in ear- pets, oil cktbs.linoleums snd wiadow shades. which will be told at reduced prices . lis is alto receiving a fine line of men's sboes, in 1st i mtmv icLciTiiiK a uiiv nun ui uicu e si'ucs,in Jis ity,M( ,t 3J to 7J cent, pcr pair Uss than regular prices. MiM Staffs May be seen tbe finest stock of gold and si 1 vet watciies, diamond and other rings, jew eiry, silverware, xc, m uie city. 11 A Kill ED. BOSQUET GREEN. At the res! dence of the bride's parents, on Monday evening, Feb. 15, by Elder Silas Williams, Mr George Bosquet and Miss Kittle Green. They left this noon for their future home In CathUmet, Washington where Mr uosquet Is engsged n buslneas. BOKN. YOUNG. On Mondav.Feb. 15th.l802. in Albany, to Mr and Mrs Mell Young gin. , . DIED. DAVIS. A this home on the North Santlam, on Wednesdaj t Feb 10, 1892, W MM Davis, aged 74 years. Deceased was an Oregon, pioneer, coming In an early day... Ha, leaves no family. He was buried on Friday at Shelbnrn ceme tery, -r ;. WHY ROYAL Baking Po wder is Best " The Royal Baking Powder is atrjolute ly pure, for I have bo found it in many test3 made both for tho.t company and the United States Govcrnir.e;it. M I will go still further and state that, because of the facil ities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation, "the Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. -HENUY'A.M0TT, Ph. D." Lk United H.'uUt Cwernnunt Chemist. OSI TH KeiTHt'.BM fteiNIMKl . Feb 16th, 18U2. Mr DcfTcnhBiker is fencing his ranch on the mountain side. Johnny Macy has sowed grass seed on the clearing he burned the brush from last summer. Geo AllliiKbatn is still on the sick list from the grip, lie has hd a six week's sslge of it. Home of our farmers talk of sowing grain this week. The ground is in fine order, though it may tie a little too cold. The if ravel train has been drawn off this section of the It It. The track is now in fine shape. Winfleld Allinsthaui attended teachers' examination at Kugene last week and came home with a severe cold and sore throat. Three young men of this locality have spent eight days hunting two hounds that ran away to Mohawk but so far have been unsuccessful. Mr Jones' team ran away last week, and the result r. as a badly demoralised set of harness. Mr Rtockdale lias rented the farming land on the Cochran place from Dr Mcndenhatl, and kas moved into the Cochran house. Mr Hill lias gone to the fcantlatn mines to look for his bi other. He expects his father from the at in a few weeks. Several attachments have been placed on the Luckey farm the past week. The creditors were turely sortewhat hasty in their action. Mr Luckey has many friends here who regret to hear ot bis mysterious disappearance. Menta Iloeseman lias recovered from her attack of rheumatism. 8 I Holt lost one or two cows by their crowding into a hay barn. Mr Clay Fores nmn has tried courting in font, Linn and Yamhill counties, snd now for the past ten days has been attending court in Marion county, cause a suit against the 8 I' It It. One day last week was appointed for a grand coyote cha but so many of the hound were n las ng on that day that it proved a l Del une affair, with halo coyote, Home of our neigl fcO'S are talking f moving to the 1'aloi M our? try nest fall. They give themeelv ip entv of time in which to change tht is mind. Mr James Holt will have two hundred prone trees planted on bis farm here this spring. Mr llealey has lost several bead f hors Ibis winter. They were "hunch grass" horses and bad not become ac climated. Mr J K Jones, one of the pioneers of this section, has bedn sued for damages for not maintaining a garden fence. It is bis first law-suit. Hasx, Saddles, Etc. Our orders are placed with eastern factor ls, and we purpose putting in the mast complete lock o good ever shown In our line, in the upper valley. We buy direct from first hands for cash; so guarantee to com pete with Portland prices. The display horse stsnd In our door opposite the First National bank. O C McFarlaxd. rnr trig Frodu.'cd from the ! stive and nutitio i iulee of California figs, combined with t'tj medicinal virtue ol pliat keowe to most LeneKclal to tb bumen system, a geotty on th kidneys, liver and bowe elentually cleansing the system, dispell! oMs aot healscb'.r, and earing htbttu oonliption. Everlastingly la it F E Allen. If not, wby not False in One, THE ENGLISH OF A LATIN PROVERB APPLIED TO A CONCERN WHICH IS NOW IN BUSINESS. A Business started upon shams, must resort to shams, or retire. Tho Royal Baking Powder Company garbled official documents to give it standing. For this it was publicly branded. The Food and Dairy Commissioner of Ohio caught the Royal Baking Powder Company in the act of misquoting his report, to make its goods appear unadulterated. The same Company stolo the livery of tho Board of Health of the State of New York and went on dress parade in the garment. The Board exposed this. When the apparel was removed, of course tho deformity was left alone. Then the Royal Baking Powder Company resorted to constructing a speaking machine. It called this machine "A Government Chemist." When it mouthed its words to order, tho Royal Company quoted the same and passed them around. These words represented the Royal Baking Powder as pure, etc V ' Government' is a stately word. Like everything good, it is abused by unscrupulous tricksters. MAKE A NOTE. There is no such office as that of Government Chemist. A THOUGHT, ' If a concern garbles official state papers, misquotes Boards . of Health and Creates Official Mouth-pieces, for its own pur poses, what will it do in adulterating its goods? : Dr. Price stands a foe to impure goods and tricky methods of advertising, - Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only Pure Cream Tartar Bakino: Powder now to fcc obtained, nrl (OI'ktv im tttiir roftTKftTie. There wilt be a democratic county con vention held at the court house hi Albany on Tuesday, March 8th, 10 o'clock 1 in, to nominate candidates for county office, to elect 16 delegate to the State convention snd to transact such other business a may properly come before the convention Primary meeting will be held at the usual place of voting In the several preclnc's on Saturday, March 5th, 1892, at 1 o'clock p m ISy unanimous vote of ine committee it was recommend ed thst the vlve voce system of voting be sdopted by the nest convention o far a It may apply to the nomination of candi date. The cveral precinct are entitled to delegates a follow: Albany 5 Rock Creek a Center 3 Shedd.... ,4 Cenrl Ab4..y, ..4 Sweet Home 4 Cta fordsviUe. . .3 Sodavllle 3 East Albany 4 Santlam 5 Fox Valley a :clo 4 Franklin Dutte.,.4 Shelburn ...4 Hatsey 5 Sr recuse 3 Jordan 4 5 lirownsvllle .3 N lirownsvllle. .. 4 S llarrlsburg 3 N Harrisburg. , . .4 S Lebanon 5 N Lebanon 4 Tangent..... 3 Orleans 1 Waterloo 3 Price 4 West Albsny 4 Total delegate, iai. All voters without regard to former pol itical affiliation, who fayor an hrmest economical administration of public affair so a to conserve the Interest of the masse a against the monopolistic tend ency of the day, are cordially Invited to join in taking part In these conventions. T J IILACK, I J Stites, Chairman piotem. Secretary. kerne EaeUes. Editor t Drmtcrnt ; Tne conditio, our City Cemetery I In I a disgrace to the city, alio It Is a shame to let the college ground remain any longer in the condlthlon they are now in, and more especially a we have no public park. It there are 100 men In Albany who weuid put up 115 each to litre a team of base ball player are there not 100 men ho would pay fit, each to be spent In beautifying and cleaning up and caring for '.he City Cemetery and Improving the colh ge grounjs. I do not think I J 500 could be used to better advantage In ad vertising our tow n than the Improvement mentioned snd I am sure ll would be a pleasure to a lare majority of our citizen to take their vuitinc friend 10 a well kept cemetery or spend the hot summer sfternoors and evening on a well kept lawn and In the at.ade of grove 01 tree such a can be grown on the college campus, snd 1 have no doubt very satls- fsctory arrangement could be made with the trustee of the college a well a the c!rectcr of ihe cemetery aasoclatlon In re gard ts. auch Improvement. I would like to set ihl subject discussed through the pspeis a I believe the result will be for good. J V BLAIN, Alkeay Market. WHEAT. 77 CENTS. OeW.S2tt . Butter, 'ii eenta per tb, Keg. SO nU per dos, potatoes, 5 wnts per bushel. Lard, 11 a 12 nl per fb, Bae-ra-tltam, 12 eenta; sldoe, 11 eenta; Shojloer, V eanw. Beaf on Toot. 2 C4 'i'4 cents per tb Prk. slreaasd, 6 cents per lb e par barrel. AsDles. oOoenU. Ac.ples dried, bleacLed 557jr. son dries', IfffBO. Plume, dried, ffj&a per lb. Chickens, young $.v6o4.00. Mutton. 13 and $3 60 per heal. Granulated augar, t oenta; extra C, eenta. i h n ' ' Hay,8 to $10 False in All. CLEARANCE LARGE NUMBER, OF REMNANTS have;been left over in our various Departments, and we will close the flame nut at coriiirlerablo lesa than mat. Ihey consist of Dress CoocU, missus ana Jbauies, Ji-moroiaenes, velvets, Flushes, Satins, Silks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwear, Etc. These Goods art arranged on our Bargain Countermand an xamination of the same will be of interest to buyers who have an eye to a god bargain. In addition to the above we will have a general clear ance sale of all other lines in stock, and wo will give 10 per cent discount on all cash sales until March let,on our entire stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Lad'es and Children Shoes, Hosiery ,Woolen Underwear, ete. ON THE SECOND FLOOR we cany a complete lino of Men's, Boy's and Children clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., on which wo have madethe fo1 lowing reductions: MEN'S SUITS Worth, : $ G.50for$ 4.50 7.50 5.50 9.00 6 50 " 10.00 8.00 12.50 9.50 15.00 11.00 20.00 15.00- & SPECIAL OFFER Boy's Wagon, To be given away with each and every Boy's Suit, with short pants,which we sell before March 1st. TAKE NOTICE that these offers are good only until March 1st, as we positively withdraw this proposition at that date. a v W. dlUWIMh isssW Wc qic qlqys coisideqbly qljcqd of ie Xi?occssioi. Now it is necessary for us to dispose of all Rubber Goods, Macintoshes, Umbrellas and Overcoats. If we clear out even' article there is only one way to ' do it sacrifice every bit of .1- ' . 1 jl. . 1.1!. we uo ii, ana ine puDiic gets THE ABOVE NAMED ARTICLES WILL BE SOLD AT OUR ACTUAL COST. It's a little too early yet to interest you with spring gcods, and wc won't say anything about 'em, but they are now beginning to arrive by the car loads, and when the proper time comes you'll hear from us concerning them. SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS. T. L. WALLACE & CO.. "Tha leading On the Corner, - - Give Ear to We have already received a largt and fine line of clothing for men, youths season, which we wish you to see. 11ns includes some handsome suits made specially to crder from Albany Woolen Mill goods, already attracting attention. We aro closing out Winter geoda at cost to make room for new goods, which will continually arrive. 161,1. the ij;adig cr OXIIIEl s . SALE! Woolen Hosiery, in Infants, YOUTH'S SUITS Worth, 5.00 for $ COO 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 3.25 4.00 5.00 7.50 9.00 10.00 Worth $2, Simpson. Doesn't by any means indi cate the lowest prices or tho best of goods. WE'RE MODEST AND DON'T SAY MUCH, (we let the other fellows do the talking,) but when it come3 to having the goods and selling them right profit even loose some money . .1 1 . ine Denenu ClotMers.1' - - - AlDaaj Tregcn, Our Be and boys, latest styles and in mark llllOli!