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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1892)
STITE3 & HUTTIKO. KdlUr aa rrerlet Reed, be of cir fame, ii very anxious to go as a (Iclrcte In the national republican convention. Blaine and hia man Friday, (Manlry,) bare dettrmlned that bt ahall not go. The fight wilt be a pretty one. I U A correspondent at Atlanta, Georgia hat interviewed 1193 prominent democrat of all parta of Georgia at to presidential preference!. OI that number, 849 want Cleveland, while only 377 declare for Hill, the other scattering. Tho tax on wool hit netcr douo anybody any good in tins country, and it lias dona everybody harm. Hut any bill for free wool must cut sqniuvly in hnlf U10 taxes on clothing and H tiier forma of woolens Uiia ia tho kind of reciprocity democrat are moot interested in now. H10 democrat! of tho country have al rouly done all tho rmdvimi and declaring that Rro newasary in regard to tho "worse thon-wiir tariff." What they elected con grem for wa to act. "Fine word, butter no parsnips," and fino resolutions reduce no taxes. Afcwdayssgo the legislature of Mary land passed a resolution cti,rctain a sense that the national bouse of rrpresenativc should act upon the tar Iff que: ion in harmony with President Cleveland's message of 1S87 and the Mill bill. Democrats in their prirrary meeting should Instruct their delegates 10 'he county conven tion to support tr viv voce system of voting when nominal ine candidate. This is the honest, straightforward way of voting in con ventions, and is followed by much belter sat- isfact ton than is the ballot system. Demo crats, look to this matter ia your primaries. The treatment in the protection organs of this nation's "commercial progress" is char acteristic. They claim the credit of the in creased exports due chiefly to short crops abroad coincident with large crops here. And hsving paacd a law avowededly to curtail imports to "prevent the flooding of the borne markets wi;b the products of foreign labor they now have the the coolncsa to boast of "merchandise imports into the United States much the largest in value ever known in any calendar year. The psra- doxes of protection are stupendous. Whatever good results followed the pass age of the McKinley bill are in no sense due to it but are entirely due to the uniform good crop ln.vt year. It wa a God send to protectionism that the crops were good, for the leaders of that cause have only to show that crops were good, and say they were attributable to that legislation in order, to satisfy thousamla of the blinded followers of the scheme to benefit the few at the ex pense of the many. TtiKTABIFf BILL. The majority of the committee on ways and means today agreed upon the full text of the bill prepared by Chairman Springer, to admit wool free of duty, and to reduce the tariff on manufactured woolen goods. It Is a follows: 'That on and after the first day of Jan uary, 1593. the following articles when Imported shall be exempt from duty: All wools, hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, and other like anlma'.s, and all wool on the skin, all top waste, slubblng waste, roving waste, ring waste, yarn waste, card waste, bur waste, rags, noils and flocks, includ ing all waste or rsgs, composed wholly or In part of wool. "Sec. 2. That on and after the 1st day of January, 1893, the articles enumerated, described, and provided for In the para graph hereinafter named, of "an act to reduce the revenue" and equalize duties on Imports, and for other purposes, approved October 1, 1S90, ahall, when Imported,' be subjected to the duties hereinafter pro vided and no others: That ia to say, upon the article enumerated in paragraph 391 of said act, the duties shall be 35 per cent ad valorem. Upon the article enumera ted in paragraph 392, the duty shall be 40 percent ad valorem. Upon the article enumerated In paragraph 393, the duties fixed therein at 30 per cent axJ valorem, ahall be reduced to 25 per cent ad voloremj the duties fixed at 35 per cent ad valorem, hall be reduced to 30 per cent ad valor em, and the dutlc fixed at 40 per cent ad valorem, shall be reducrd to 35 per cent ad val jrcr, and no duty per pound, or per squf.r.' ard, shall be imposed upon the articles (numerated in said paragraph. Upon the srticlea enumerated in para graph 394, the duties shall be 35 per cent td valorem. Upon the articles enumera ted In paragraph 395 ai.d 39S, the duties shall be 40 per cent ad valorem. Upon the articles enumerated in paragraphs 396 397 the duties shall be 45 per cent ad va lorem. Upon the articles named In par ajraphs 399, down to and including para graph 408, the duties shall be 30 per cent ad valorem, and all Imported article enu niera:ed,d:scribrd and provided for In ld paragraph respectively, which may be In public store, or In warehouse on the said first day of January, 1893, ahall be sub. jectcd to the same duties when withdrawn for consumption and no other, a If said article had been Imported on or after aald first day of January, and only the ad valorem aa herein provided shall there after be levied,col!ected and pilJ upon the article mentioned In aid paragraph. "Sec. 3. That the articles mentioned In paragraph 390 of said act, and likewise all mungo,shodlet,garnctted or carded waste, or other waste product, and of, or bMh, ahall en and after the said 1st day of Jan uary, 1893, be subjected 'o duty ' f 35 per cent ad valoiem. "Sec. 4. That all act and parts of acta In conflict with the provision of thl act, be an I the time are hereby repealed. But this section sha'l not take effect until the 1st day of January, 1893." COTTON RACGI.VO AMD TIS. "1 he following bill to admit cotton bag ging and ties of duty, oris also agrted up on, that the following artl.les, when im ported, shall be exempt from duty, vl.: MDaglng for cotton, gunny cloth and all similar material suitable for covering cotton, composed In whole or In part of flax.jule or jute, roving frames, winding frames, softeners and other ma. chlncry purchased abroad and used in the manufacture of bagging fcr cotton, gunny cloth, and similar materials, suitable for covering cottons; cotton gin and also hoop of band Iron, or hoop or band steel, cut. to length or wholly or parity manu ' facturcd Into hoop, or ties .for baling pur pose, and hoop or band Iron, or hoopi i bar.d steel flare spaljer.'or punched slth, or without buckle 01 fastening n 8HILOH'S COUJS and Con un ption 1 : - t 1 1 . . v urn i i y n nn guarantee, it cores oifcntrijtpo. 0,1 -WflOOPIffO COUGH aod Bronchi Cur . .1, ""mediitoly relicval hy Sh lh' HIM AS A BUXULKH. The revolt airainst the Hill machine ia at- utning greater proportions in New York than Mr Hill emorted. and the KrfnNx la tree to confuse that it ia aoracwhat surprised at the Immediate activity shown in result ing Mr Hill'! bossism. The Now York democrats have submitted to tho Tammany machine no long that tho country at large generally expect thotn to goon submitting. They are loud enough in newspaper pro tests, but words go for little with Mr Hill in control of the machine and the niaclune in control of tho convention. Now, how ever, the majority of tho party in New lork ia showing a very decided disposition to assert ita righU in resistance of bossism In callinjr his machine convention for February Mr Hill so openly declared his policy of tolerating no expression from the party in contravention of his plana that tho honest democrat of the state are roused as they have seldom boon before. It is not likely that they will try to interfere with Mio machine convention, for they know that will be useless. When Mr Hill and his associates fixed tho date of tho convention for February it was public notice that every thing else was "fixed" accordingly. No sensible man would trouble himself to go to machine primaries to vote against the ma chine where tho machine does tho counting The movement for tho overthrow of bose- tmu is tukinir another direction, which prom isee to make it much more effective. Hither by primary or muss convention a delegation is likely to be soloctetl to go to Chicago to contest tho right of Uie machine to represent Uie New York democracy. They will find a convention opposed to Tammany bossism, and they will be sure of a very respectful hearing. Mr Hill's action show that ho knows nothing of politics beyond tho first stage of packing conventions and that sort of thing, which is easily learned by tho mot amateurish bona. He could have used his machine to control the New York delegu tion in any event, and, this being tho case tho common-sen) of politic would liav promptod him to give the opposition every appearance of fair play, llut being a mere bnnirler in politics, he proceeded to "make assurance doubly sure," as ho thought, giving his opponents "no show." This is tho wont blunder any politician can make in American polities, and it is the blunder always m.vle by the small fry bone who thinks he own the earth when he ha only captured control of a committee. Mr Hill is a bungler iu politic, and he will never be anything else. No one but a bungler ever gets behind the herd of a mule or attempts to drivo democrat. St Louis Rrfblic. -lTDAXll'OUAGAlN.- The lime approaches when the chair man and the candidate will "mot heartily thank the gentlemen of the convention for the distinguished honor," etc., and make hla little speech; and every one of them, whether bis speech Is long or short, elo quent or stammering, will wind up with: "Gentlemen, 1 thank you again " A suit able reward will be pIJ for the discovery and production of the man who does not wind up hi remarks by thanking them aaln. It always must be done twice, and usually the third time is considered necessary . Tel from. We claim that reward. Some years aso at a democratic convention In Linn county, a gentleman who had not sought It at all, was nominated for the legislature. In the evening a lallfcallo.t meeting wa helJ to endorse the nominations mad i Defeated and successful candidates alike were pre ent. The gentleman who had, without any solicitation on hi part, been nomina ted for the legislature was called out. He arose with a dignified air and said: "Mr President and gentleman. The position I occupy before this convention is not one of my own seeking. I thank you very much for the honor conferred upon me If elected I promise to be faithful in the performance of my duty. Again, I thank you." He took his seat when a candidate who had labored very hard to secure the nomination for the county clerkship but who had met defeat was called out. He said: Mr President and gentlemen. Tbe position I occupy before this convention I also not one of my own seeking. I can not say, that I thank you for any honor con ferred. I am not In an attitude to say that If elected I promise to be faithful in the performance of my duty. I do not thank you again. Dut 1 have this lo say : lam a democrat, and will labor with all my energy and zeal to elect the ticket." It is not necessary to say that he carried the convention by the hit. Two year after ward he wa nominated for county clerk rUK'IDENl I A L rim LltF.NCES. The New York World. wlt' character istic enterprise, has been making canvass of state legislatures as to presidential pref erence. It was made just before Blaine declined. It showed republican sentiment to be largely in favor of Blaine. Uem ocratlc sentiment may be summarized a follows: In Pennsylvania democratic of ficials all favor Cleveland. A Cleveland delegation wilt be aent to Chicago." State officials In Tennessee are for Hill simply on the ground of vallabllity. Aa to personal popularity the correspondent says Cleveland ha more friend In that atate ten times over than Hill. In Maine a large majority of the democrat favor Cleveland. In she Utah legislature 8 democrats favor Cleveland and 6 Hill. Among tie liberal 21 favor Cleveland and 7 11111. Cleveland I the favorite in Flor ida, The same In Minnesota. Wtst Vir ginia is all for Cleveland. A poll of state official and the lower house of the legis lature of Kentucky showed 33 fur Cleve land and 12 for Hill. The legislature of Virginia show Cleveland 50 Hill 33. Ohio legislature Cleveland 12 Hill 25 but a strong feeling for 3 western m&n. Sen timent about equally divided In New Mex ico between Cleveland and Hill. Cleve land I the almost unanimous choice of New Hampshire democrats. The legis lature In Georgia show Hill 65 Cleveland 33. In Wlscomln all Is for Cleveland rnd the dele '.ition will be a Cleveland one. Montana is for Cleveland. Indiana Is fur Gray and after him Cleveland. Since, thl. canvass -vas made a very strong feeling Is setting In against Hill on accoui.t of his mid winter convention and Cleveland would show up much stronger now rela tively speaking. SOMEFUUns. The bitter fruit springing up as the natural and inevitable product of Senator Hills' "midwinter" convention in New York showed itself very forcibly in the elections for supervisors in several counties in that state laat week. In 20 counties SG2 supervisors were chosen. . Of these 248 are republicans and 1 14 democrat. The re publican nuijoiity of 30 in 1891 is increased to 134. These elections are of great im - portance politically. The supervisors of each county constitute a board, to canvass election returns, and also to redistrict any counties into assembly districts where they may have more than one under the new apportioi ment proposed in that state. Tho country is growing tired cf these never ending New York quarrels and there seems to be but one way to cure them select can didates outside of New York. J CLEVELAND'S ATTITUDE. An eastern dispatch says t There Is a distinct lino of division be tween the leader In the democratic party, It can be expressed no better than to call them Cleveland and anti-Cleveland sup porters. In the house the anti-Cleveland men are found close to Spcnjtcr Crisp, while l ne admirers of Cleveland aflillat with Mills, and McMUlIn. There Is little at tempt made to conceal their differences, and the follower of Mill are making it extremely unpleasant for the speaker. Ho haa been halted In a doxen different entci prise by the word coming to him that to proceed meant an open fight Ihoe who obterved the progress of the speakership fight will recall the fact that all the anil-Clevclnnd force were rallied to elect Cilxp. Hill, Gorman and Iliice lent their Influence to secure hi elevation to the speaker' chair, and It wa the vole from Ohio, Maryland and New York that aecurcd his election. It wa given out at the time that the fight wa to kid both Mill ami Cleveland at the unit tlme.and In the first flush of victory for tho Crisp men It looked as though It might have been accomplished. Weeks have now passed and affair wear a different aspect. Crisp ha proved a disappointment. lie wa expected to use his Influence In changing the sentiment of the south from Cleveland to either Hill or Gorman. In thl respect he has occoinp llshed nothing. Ihsreisnow a stronger Cleveland sentiment among the public men of the south than there was at the time of Crisp's election a speakci . The speaker ! an obstinate sort of an Individ ual, who gives his democratic opponents a good sluw of resUtcnce but In lacks the qualifications of an organlzer,and has been found to be utterly useless by the combln atlon which so substantially aided Its sc curing his election. It the whole thing had to be done ovir again, the tjl- umvlrate would throw their weight for McMillln tor speaker, a he ha tlmwn himself capable of accomplishing things for which t rlsp I utterly useless. The failure to create an antl-Clevcland sentiment in the south has weakened the efforts of Ihc combination. Mills, Oreck enrldge and Wilson have asserted that the south Is prepared to nominate Cleveland whether he enters the convention ftllh or without the delegation from hi own state. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan snd Nebraska have practically settled on Cleveland and this represent the prevail ing sentiment of the nortltwrst. With the south almost solid and the northwest practically so It has become an Interesting tssue with tbe enemies of the cX'pretldcnt as to how they are to secure the votes to defeat his rcnomlnatlon. Hill's friends have learned something In the past month and they are far less aggressive than heretofore. It was the understand ing that Senator Br Ice should have a del egation from Ohio which he could carry in hi pocket. It wa s'atcd that of the dcli-gatcs-al-lare Ui Ice and McLean were to be two of the number. The first thing tVy ran against nat the organization in Onb. It Is stilt l:uoir.ioi of ex Governor C'amplxll mkI I.ooille to tiie Hlll-Iirlcc-Gorman combination. When It was known that 11 rice and Mc Lean would be in the field f-r delegates at- large Campbell notified them that he would oppose them by running himself and Allen W Thurman, the son cf the re CcrU candljatr for vice-president. That meant a big tight, and ilrtce concluded it would be better U, conciliate than to con test, so a sort of compromise was patched up, and Campbell and Drtcc will consiltu'e two of the four delegates at large. Mc Lean will be In ttie convention, but a a delegate from the ftist district in Hamil ton county. With a delegation loaded up with Campbell men, Senator It. Ice will find it difficult to deliver the goods a ad vertised. These palpable failure of the anti Cleveland machine have tent Cleveland stock booming upward In the past week. Cleveland's vlU to Detroit on Wash ng'.on' birthday Is not alone frr the pur pose of adJmsln the law students of the university. There will be a secret polMcul confer ence held during tils vilt. In which the ex 'presidtnt, Dlckhnon, Vila, Daniel La mont and ex-Govrrnor Car.ipln-ll will be the chief figure. There gentlemen have all promised to be present, and from local leaders who are In a position to know It Is learned that there wilt undoubtedly take place the final conference on the question of Cleveland remaining In the field for the presidential nomination. The prisence.of Campbell discloses the hand which the ex-presldent will play in the cast, himself, if be finds It unwise to make the race. Rather than see the nom ination go to Hill or to any other member the Gormnn-Bitce-Hlil combination, Mi Cleveland intends to throw all his strength for some outside man. He has picked on the ex-governor of Ohio as the proper one. Dlckir.sori Is known to be very friendly toward the Buckeye candi date, although devoted to the Interests of his former chief. He Is ready to work for the Ohloan in case Cleveland con cludes definitely not to run. THE WOol. NU WOODEN TARIFF MUi The democratic members of the way and mean committee have agreed upon the following reduction of duties on woolen manufacturers: On woolen and worsted yarn 35 per cent: tne rate under the Mckinley law I 35 and 40 per cent on woolen or worsted cloths. Shawl, knit fabric and all fabric made on knitting machine or framc,and all manufacture of every description made wholly or In part of wool, or worsted, not specially provided for, 40 per cent, the present rates being 40 and jo per cent, according to the value.. On blankets.hat, wool and flannels for underwrar, com posed wholly or in part of wool, valued at not moic than 50 cent per pound, 25 per cent, against a present duty under the Mc Kinley law of 50 per cent ad valorem, valued at more than 30 cent per poi.nd, and net more than 50 cents, 30 per cent ad valorem, against a present rate of 35 per cent, valued at more than 50 cent per pound, 35 per cent against a present rate of 40 per cent ud valorem. On women's and clilldren't drctsgoods, coatlnvs, bunt ing and jf.wt's of similar description, 35 per cent against a duty under the McKinley bill of 50 per c-nt. Clothing ready made and ai tides of wearing apparel of every description, cloaks, dolmans, jackets, and other outside garment for ladle and children, 45 per cent ad valorem, against the McKinley rate of 60 per cent. On webbing, goring, suspender braces, belt ings, binding,, galloons, fringes, gimps cords, cords and tassels, dress r trimmings, laces and embroideries, but tons, head nets, 40 per cent ad valorem, g8lnst the present rate of 60 per cent. On carpeUof ail descriptions, druggets, carpetlngs, mats, rugs, screens, covers, art square fr.d other po tion of carpe's, 30 per cent, as against the present rate of 40 per cent on nil except carpet and car petlngs, not specially provided for, which I placed at 50 per cent under the' Mc Vlnkn tutu " In addition to 'these reductl 01 ad valorem duties, the committee has decided to icmove till the specific duties being (he per pound and per square yard dutlc which, undci the McKinley law.comtltute nearly one half of the present duties on woolen. The average rate of duty under this propposcd new law would be about 36 to 37 per cent a compared wl'h 91 per cent tinder the present Nw, II err, now, would be a law In the Ink-res of the masses of the people, the consumers, No man In favor of fair dealing can oppose It, miitna. . Don't throw your money away World's fair advertising rackets. on The E O of Pendleton report a rattle snake with fifty-four rattle. Next, Harah Althea Terry I. hopelessly In sane. Mie has been that way, though several year. We do not remember having heard of Jennlnifs; but the Salem Statesman has, and we judite from the following that Jcnnltigt must be a republicans The name ot Jennings, 01 i.anc county, is mentioned hy somebody a a candidate tor con tress. Jennings would be a beautiful specimen to represent uregon lit uie congressional menagerie. He ti an ever blooming acka. J C IaMire; of Pendleton ay the re publican have a candidate for congress lo eery 160 acre of land In Eastern Ore eon. He elves tho name ot some of them a follows: A C John, John L Rand and It S Anderson. Morrow county hW R Sills; Harney, J II Huntington; I'nlon, W J Kitodgra and j w Norvai They are hobbtng up because of the gen eral undet standing that Eastern Oregon will get (he nomination. 11 The 8m of Veteran, of thl city have been reorganized with the following offi cers: Capialn, M 8 Phillips; first Iteu tenart, A W Ulackburn; second lieutenant, Fred Vea' ; first sergeant, II E Palmer; quarter master sergeant, W F Galbralth; sergeant of tne guard, V P Ketchum; chaplain, P K Keltey ; corporal of the guard, Ch Tabler. tolor erpcant, Win Hand; principal musician, F () Urccken Irdge; camp guard, Wallace Meade. An eftiMl lo organize an amateur bate ball league, to embrace Nalem, Albany, Euk'rne. McMlnnvllle and Corvalli. I bC' Iriil made. Just count In the French Tralilc bot and you will find that a team of "clodh jppcrs' can keep nie on o; any other amateur team In the valley. Wood burn Indendence. Judging from the following at leat one of Salem's central population will be moved to her suburb. Referring to the number of people at certain state lntt tutlons, an Albany papers aaya: "A the asylum, penitentiary, etc., are al way included in the 11 it urea given aa Halem'a population this it) a very impor tant item." -The population referred to ia probable a Important and fully as smart as tome claimed by Albany. Will the yonng men of the country who enlinted in the Chili war receive pemdons is an important question al ready being ag'.tatrd in fun. The Dallas Iteiuixer tsya "there la not a more eneractic atate nchool imperln tfndent in the.alate that K It McKlroy." The Iteiuixer may go to the head of the clof. It haa madi a statement no one can deny. Frank Abraham, a Yakima Indian, was tried for adultery and found guilty and fined $20 IX). lie drew bis knif-j and, after enraing the judge, made hla way out of the court room and fled to the hills on hi pony, another Indian ac companying him. The Jndge ordered the Sherift Frank Olney, who la deputy for the reservation, to follow and arrest him. On comics up with him he at tempted to assault the aherlll with a club and was abut by the o direr, dving in a few minutea- The agent at Fort Himcoe took the txrdy. The friend of Abraham are very angry end ay they win ter I I kill tbe ludice and slieritr. 1 he iat- ii In biding, Ppokano Chronicle, Here ;a a very fishy story from Helena, Mon : A correspondent at Woodmde, on the summit of the Rocky mountains, in Ier Ixljr county, thi state writes aa follow. "Ret I. h Wood, a llapti-t minister, owns a ranch here and his son Harry has one adjoining, which extends op to the foot hills There Is a very ex tensive cave nar the latter bat well up in the dills. Last fall a wandering baud of Morjui Indians were observed cctcr ing the cavern, but day after day, week after week ami month after month pass ed and the Indians had never been seen to emerge. Wood, his sons Ixiuia and Harry, John Anderson and about twentr other men from Marcus Daly' ranch determined to find nut the intentions of the band. Heavily armed and well sup plied with torches they entered the cave anl after proceeding fully a mile they came upon those they were in search of. There were about forty of them and they were all in a comatose state, in fact hibernating just like bears and other animals. They had been there In that condition ever since last fall and are still there, with the exception of a boy and pill who wero taken to Daly's ranch. It is impossible to thoroughly awaken them, however, and they will not eat or drink. When let alone they remain in tbe same cotna'ose state. This is prob ably the last remnant of a once powerful tribe. They will not be disturbed in their long slumber, and their reappear ance with tho hears in Uie spring will bo watched with Interest' Aaaanaresseat. Aldant, Or., Feb. 0th, 1802. Edit on Democrat: I desire, through the medium of your valuable paper, to announce myself a candidate for the office of County Clerk of Linn county, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention that meets on the 8th ot March, in this city. The voters of Linn county are ac quainted with me, and I am willing to leave in their hands the decision of the question of my candidacy in convention assembled, and will abide by that deci sion, bo it what it may. I thank them for past support, and promise, if apain elected, to endeavor, by a faithful dis charge of the duties of the merit their confidence. Yonrs truly, J P GiLBBAITII, sea uxcih Parker Bros, grocers, F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your grooeri-M of Parker Bros Apple ptrer f r sale at Stewart k S )Xf. F groosriss at Conn & Hodrlooo's. Latest heet tnutlo at Will & Link', Hew ertain eheaae Just received at Conrad Meyer. O W Cobb, job printer, Fllnn Dleck, does 'Jrst class work. E W Achtsoa &Co are sailing monuments at Portlnud prices. Tbe finest line of pookot kutvei itijthe city at Stewart k Box'. . Stewart & Sox soli th very beat patent tempered shoars and scissor. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 0 oet.t cigar at J alius Joseph's, J. W. Bonttey, lesdiuj boot and ho maker, just east of Rvvere House. ; , C-o to 2 W Cobb, successor to Pa!ly & Srr;i!f Fllnn B!ck, foryeorj b printing of il kinds , . ' T)r M II Ellis, physician aod snrgeon, Ail-any, Oregon. Call made lo city or oonniry. Til AT HACKING COUGH can be so qniokly oared by Sbiloh's Care. We guar antee it. WILL. YOU BUFFER with and Liver cotnplidot? Sbiloh's Vitaliaer 1 goafantoed to euro yon. TKtaKG-ItAPlirO NEWS ' A deed Example,, Or Feb 16. Tho Willamette Val ley Fruit Crowing Company, of Balom, ii setting out HI .OOOjprttne trw on what i known as the Snnnysliie fruit farm. These tracts are a few milis smith of Haltmt and huvo recently IxH'n subdividod, having bwn Iuirta of soverid large farm. The tree now K'inir tiltuitod are, for the must part, Italian prune. Already alront IftO acres have bernt planted, and when the tret' which were sent out today are set this will bo the nygwit prune orchard tn Oregon. Waal Base Ball Bad. Salem Fob 18. lids city, at a mooting of biuwball enthusiasts, hold tins eveniuir. will endeavor to enter the I'adllo Northwest Ituwball taniruo this season, makinir with Walla Wallu a six-team circuit. President Rockwell wns present at the meotimr. and it wo decided to iiicorimraU) a btuMihall as sociation, with a cupihi stock of $10,000, plucini the short at f-w each. A commis sioner was aptoinUd to look tip tho matter and thoroughly ciutvtu the city, VesMVlas Erupting, Kosiie, Feb 10. Tlie people of Naples and vicinitv are somewhat, ulamit'd by threatniicd eruption of Mount Vesuvius. liuva is irtsuinir irom tun mum or uie voicano and (lowing into tho t trio Del tavetio. Thi is considered on indicating that a new crater will be formed, a situation thut im peril a district heretofore comparatively sociini from disturbance. Tka rrlaee mt Wales 'tttl) Aijiany, N Y Feb 10.-A Private tele gram wot nwoived tonight announcing that the Prini-e of Wales. wvommuilrHl by suit of twenty-five, will puss throtiuh thi cily May 5J7 on tho way to Nmirara Falls Two floor hav tn secured them at the Clifton. Tho destination of the prrty 1 at Ottawa. 'IIjo omwuon of the prince's vinit to America 1 not Known. A Crack ahot. Ui'TiiuiK, O i reb 15. Three young ladie of tlii pliu-e, Missc Udia Iluye, Cora McPherson and Lulu Aiumlm. m with a serious accident while horseback riilino- todnv. Their hiirnn Uvoroini friirht tied, dashed away at breakneck ssed, ant1 the equestrienne were soon unseat!. Mi McPherson wa badly rut iiUmt Uie lieud ami Mi Saunders had her none broken Mis Have suffered even more severly than her omijMuiiotis. In falling her foot caught in the stirrup, and she was drairtred some distanm. An unknown man, evidently crock marksman who happened to ! in the nciifliWhood, saved the young lady's life by bringing the maddened animal down with a well directed shot from a ritb. Os) Ike Vera a Bevalallaa Nr.w Youa, Feb l.i. Writing front Monterey, Mexico, llm Ib-ruhl corrcjon dent says Mexico i jut m w apparently on Um verfi 01 a revolution or a civil war. 11 steudof making a bob! stroke, O.inu diily dallied until lie wa hemmed in on the Mexican side, and wo beintr pursued by trooii on the American si-le. After four months of thi kind of warfare ha conclud ed. at lat temporarily, to suspend opera tions until spring- Every pmmnrrj will bo broutUt lo bear upon ijenerui I rev 1 no, t jon- era! lionzadc or General Golan to take con trot, and to announce theuiM-lve a candt dates for the preidwy against Dia. A her Haa M !! . PonTt.Jn. Feb 15. Charles 8 Fox. rommetvud traveler, i another man who ha 'disappeared. lie wa in the employ of M K Ifwtenntut a Co, gTorrie and ireneral menhaitdiM'. and wo dtnchnri.'vd Ibrea week aifo. lie becnm dipotvu'nt, and iittrkinRhi l,"rip. lie left the city, without biddinrr good bye to hi wife or friends, or irivinirany clue to hi future where ilxmU Hi wife arid son. a bright ywith of 11 your are left in very straightened nrvumstan'-e. After frail !. Jm kosvii.t.r.. Or Feb 15. Tho fruit groww of thi have inawrurnted a cam ttatirn of extermination ttirainut fruit pest and the on hardmU are rverywlwre lty pruning and spraying their tree. The Han Jons vale seems to be the nuwt fortnbl able, a it i found in almost every locality and even on the rose tnwlie. ine aetion of the Southern Orrifon statr? board of ami culture in ruling out pot infected fruit, ha sumuiateo orenorutsw to uniuM ruort. Will Bel lit With ssrlealttir,. Wasiiisutox, Feb 15. The howc bus decreed thut tho find inventigtion into the Orutions of the McKinley law slutll be conducted by the cnmnuth on agriculture, Thi arrangement ha Uie informs! sanc tion of Uie democratic memliers of the ways ami mean romniittee, and the inquiry of Chairman Hatch and his colleague 1 to 1 dirwtcd particularly to the effort the high tariff ha hail upon Uie agricultural intcr entsof the country. Das Mali Agalasl I kill. Ha.i Fuaxciwo, Feb 15. F A Orr, at torney, of Uii city, is taking up tho civil conl.wit in behalf of the sailor of the cruiser liultimore who were injured in the aauit at Valpornio. Orr ha twenty-two client and be pray that they may 1 awarded voriou sums aggregating 1..105.0JO. Orr does not state how he grade the penalty to tin damage inflicted, but will forward all claims to Washington at once. A Tragedy, Dhaix Or Feb 14. Thi town wa startl ed about 10 o'clock this morning by the suicide of James Ward. No eatit for the act i known. Hi little girl, 11 year old, heard a noise in Uie room where ho and her mother were. On going into the room she saw her mother on the tinor, with blood all over her face and her father pilingchairs on her. The cltild pusned her father away and helped her mother to her feet, who then ran out of the house. Ward then went into a closet and secured a large Colt' revolver. The child took it from him, but he regain ed it. Tho little girl then ran from Uie house oiler her mother, lumiodiately a shot was lirod and Ward wo found lying on the floor. He had shot himself through tho brain, rr the fasrade Larks. Wasainotox, Feb 14. Tbe senate com mittee on commerce at the last meeting commenced the consideraUon of Senator Gibsons' bill for Uie improvement of the MiosisMippi river, and Senator Dolph's bill for the improvement of the Columbia. The hearing was concluded at a Bpeciul meeting yesterday. Senator Dolph was authorized to report favorably hi bill appropriating tl.750,000 for the compleUng of the canal and locks at the Cascades of the Columbia, with a provi k that no more than one-third of the total appropriation should be expen ded in any one year. A Batlult flaaahler Fiiesno, Feb 14. The rabbit drivo on the plains went of this city camo off today. There wers more than 2000 horsemen en- figed in the drive, besides many spoctators or many miles around tho country is in fested by rabbits, which lie among Uie grain fields and vineyards. From ten to fifteen miles west of Fresno they had became an intolerable nuisance, eating vines and young tree. Forces of men with horses surround ed nearly twenty square miles of land, grad ually closing in from all sides, driving the game into a large pen inclosed by a wire fence so high the rabbita could not leap over it. 12,000 to 18,000 were then killed with clubs. A Bad Acelilent Seattle, Feb 14. The of tho men work ing in the great Lake Union sewer tunnel, in the northern part of this city, were caught by a flush of water from a spring early this morning, while 1200 feet feom the mouth of the tunnel. One of thera, Daniel McLean, was buried six feet under quicksand, and another Thomas Nelligan, was rescued in exhausted condition, while the third, Peter Faber, though severly injured, escaped to the shaft, where, upon being pulled seventy feet to the top, he told tho story of tho ac cident. Starving Bulla ; Loxdon, Feb 14. Letters from St Pe tersburg show that telegrams, which pass the censorship do not dopict half the hor rors of the situation. In the province, of Samara the government official who went to carry relief to a village found tt deserted but nearly every house contained a corpse and some of them contained several. In Pensea the people may be seen praying for death. Suicide, however, is infrequent, no matter how terrible the situation. SHILOH'S VITAUZER I what voa need for Constipation, Los of Appotite, Diazioesi and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents par bottl. . After Moutt, New Yontt, Feb 18. The Herald's Val- pamiso Chili special cable says; I'lok to kill Iroth President Montt and Canto, have lierni tnscovereii ana tnwarum' Tho attempt on President Monti's life took pi boo last Satur day nifrht. The miscrwinU engaged in it. removed tho raits three kilometer north of Mulo sUttion, i heir intention was to wreck the train which Monlt wa announced to take, fortunately Montt stopped off at a le Million, and moreover tho removal t,t the rails was diNooverisd by the railroad of ficial before any datnugo wa done, MiMried lbs Nblpl NKWpouT, Or, Fob 10. Tho sealing schooner Oscar and llttttio are off Yarpiina hunting seals. Thephave been out two week from Victoria, and hav not found anal very plentiful so far. The hunter, puller ana sloorur of one of tho schooner took two ifuim. eitrlit dav's iroviioon and one of the boats and deserted Sunday night, premimaoiy landing at, 1110 covn, ten mile alKvo Cut Foiilwoalher. On Monday. Jai)tain,(lault sent seven men onhoro to OOK for the Ixtat and tlin men. He i-irnnot well lose the Iroat as hi) needs it constantly. Thus far neither llio bout nor tho men have lreen soon. Three lloj s Drawaed CiHt'Aoo, Feb 14. Treacherous ice cans d tho death of three young lny at Hum. boldt Park thi afternoon. They attempted to walk across a small hike on the ice. which broke and all three wero drowned. -I!..U.... ..J. women. Thomtno:i'fl!'j l.rt-tof wnirrusrjj ik tict l. Mb, ti!lMtlm an-l ittrvotis t-uuhlr. 'rj arts trtly Irora st-itnse'i a't'-Hcr. A -lu'i Vfibl RrtrarU'. U tli only Unvel ri latl a f rpralieu, yea rn se till? It 1 mors ffsetlr lUau any other lars;isflt!a la t'-e-ss tronklM. It I daily relieving t,.vu1rjJ- Ttt aeUa I tnllj, tflrert and rftVctlv. W hare wsissof letters tram rtfetefal v. ones, Ws rf or t a f s : Kerveu debility, Mr. J, Barrvo, Hi Tib M-, t, T. Hsrrotii dtbllltr. Mr. Fred. W. 837 ElUSt.,S,r. Oosral dcUlltr, Mr, fceleto, CIO Mason U. S.F. Barren ssblllty, Mrs. J. Lataphtr, 7i Tark 81, Users dsbtUty, Hiss B. iPweablaw. Vrt I71B Bt, s. r. tonack trvabl, Mas. B. I. Wfcsaton, 701 Pstl t, i. r. Ik ka4ahtt, Mr. M. B. Vriee, J rrotl rt. a. r. lek btadaeha. Mrs. M. f owUr.K7 Kills Bt.,8.r. IsdltMtlM, Mr, C. D. Smart, iat Mission Bt,, Constitution, Mrs. 0. HsItU, UI KMroy Bt.,8.r. Joy's Vegetable SareapariHa Must modem, aioi siTcetn, UigvA touio, lkuu rlc, 11.00 or i tot '.. run SALE tlV CEO C STAMABD ALBANY ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Wa5BK Ctt50U... sod Msnsgst Friday, February 19th, T Curs F.vsxr cr tmk Sask. TWt lcr!r EawtWaai Aelrss, SuifsnW t MrClarvnss IUsM tJ hsr ic mcsnf , vntiaf ii,s dlitiuxt Mf W M Wiiklna. Aptsdr.f la bsr rstaars'.al "Csrs." In Kr mt "L'ArUst t, soPllol, If THE CREOLE." SN. OTREf.K A CO., Albany, Oregon. Loan tfonr on stood real oui aeurty la I4un naS adjitntng oountbs. Peoria a rokgnoontlBtaK an ovor I, ovrl!. over U-je and oardiran lvk(-t. Its pair of ov a turn to Dkmoobat oIBm r -I 1'onrla. H B Fiskaa?. LA EG EST -: ASSOEOEHT or CEATII.0 STOVES. AT MAnmws & aeeeuss's WfANTFO. Board a d rxnm, prlVAUi Tf f ar-liy. Man. wlfa and Ititie girl, Addrea ";" tbla offloc. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber aarl Elder Flower - Cream Is tils sisinsU lu th ssas In aklsh Utst torin rspotsri uswt, but inriannUr baauUSo, H erssta soft, smooth, slsar, T'oty skin, snd by dst If us grsduallr issks th oompUsluii seTrsl sltsJs lilts. It Is a euoaunt protection from tht sflarw at sun and wind and prsrsnt snn burn and rracsias, and blsak bsads wlil nsTsr whlls jou Mis. It elsan lbs fso far bsttar Ihsa soap and wsisr, noarlsbss and bull la up th skin tlssus snd Rrsvents th formation ( vrinklsa It girt Ihs ihnsas, clearness and amoothnss of skin that ytu had wrn a litU lrl. Ery ladr. young old. uaht to us It, aa It gtrm a mar Youthful appear sue toanjr lady, and that psrmansntljr. llsoutalns a add. powder or alkali, and la s harmless a dew snd nourishing lo th skin a dew 1 to th flower. Price ) I sll drufrtsts and hairdressers, or at Mr Oanrala Urshsm's aslabltshnieut, 10S Post street Ban Fran dam, when she tresis ladle for all blemish as of the (see or figure. Ladle at a distano treated st letter. Bend stamp for bar HU1 book "How to be Beautiful, -ti Sample Bottle .IT! ZWYJn? r7 poetstra aod peeking, Lsdy Hat wanted ' MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Our tV.s worst saws of FreeVlss, Sunburn. Isl nwnes. ktsth patches, Mmples arid ail skin blemishes, rrle !.. Rami and esTecUfs 1 1 auipl can be sent ; Ladf agewSs wasted, fill TlrWrrrtHlt s sow who rsordi Jill JJiUglliu Wll of ww rerawwitorts wUI has hi msi added to this sdrerwJMment. My preairselena sre ter sale bf wholes! drag gists k bhlewgeaad wrerr elly wast el It, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "TOTICB IS BEBEBT GIVEN TO ALT, WHOM IT J ,1 may conoern that the underslirned haa been appointed administrator, with the will annexed, of th estate of Robert Johns, deceased. All persons having olstms against said estate art required to present them duly verified to the undersigned within sis month from thlsdato at Albany, Llunoouuty, Oregon. This the 10th lay of January, 1803. JK WEATHERFOItD, Administrator with lb will annexed of R Johns, deo'd. FURNITURE AT COST At Thos. Brink's Old Stand. CALL AliD SECLF.K KHILE THERE IS A (BISCB' THE LEADING PflOTOOltAPnEnS, Albany, Oregon. SHERIFFS SALE. In th Uireuti Court of tint State oj Oregon for tht Comty of Linn. , 3 IS C'AUTKIt, PlalntliT, V A tlUKKIlAKT. Dnfoarlsnt. NOTICK IU IIKUKJIY KlVEK Til aT by virtue of an txeoullon issued out of th) above natnsd oonrt. In tie above entitled antVin, to me ftlroeted m.rt'1 d)llv nrmi, I did on tho 29th day of January, IHOat tl.e suit of the above natni' plain titr, levy on and attach all thn right, tit 0 and internet of the above oanitd defind ant In ami to the mat property f orsln afier drmerlbsd. and will on mnurdM), IheMih day mf Mnreh, tml, at tbe Court Homo doir, inthetsityof Albany, Linn county .Oregon, ttio hour of 1 c'nloek p n of said ly, sell at ptibllo cnciloti for cali In band to lli hhihesit IikIcIhi-, nald rest property dnoribnii f iIIowh, towlf llnKlnuing at li W W oorner ofbloiik 5.lla4'klHiuan'ii'.'n f tldi tlonto Albsny,Llnn eotintv,)rog'nj'b- en fcsftU-rly and pernllel wittt the xoutli boundary line of aald b wlr M f,-. i; lliiu: aoiitttrly ami fmralldl with t.'in bnumlar ilniof wild biooK It') 'e"t; westerly parti, el with lh noith iHiumiary lin tmnki itioeic cu rt, l'i r.e norliiriy 00 um wi loiiioary ll- oi MH hlfKik lo the plaen of ';; r.nlng. Also I ho N H of t lie llonsll.'iri I.nril (' aim of O I Jturkhnit and wlf. Not 1 11 carlo-. 05. In p II. H it 3 W. of tho .Vlllamr lto airiu)u, in lAtta eounty, urKon. Toe i-roced arlnlng from the sale of said real property td bt tppll-jd, flrat, to the pay merit of the coal of and uixm ttil writ, ami um original com. arnountinir lo the aum of 'a r,; ofK-ond.v tho payment of platntlir claim atnntiullng to the sum of, and t'tlrd. that th ovorplms, If any lliaro b rernairrlrign'ttr tho pnyrrjent of tho ntirn above, to bo paid into the bovo urnltieii o irir. lo abi in t!io further order ol Htll court. tfeted this 3rd dr..v of J-tfiuary, IH'iZ. M. K20TT. fheriffof Linn county, Oregon. NOTICE Cf FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTirE JH UKRKliy OlVr.X TIliT TIIE C!f 11 ilmttrnsd ailmlnMrstor nt t, mud ot Allua lloel. dfltiftMMIil. lin. K'.n.i milh 11, a I 'r.lllil . Jmrk.dir blur ounly, uri.m, ,, ftrisl so-tuiil in sia tai ana tn xti hss nxea 11m 7tb lsj of Msrcb, Iswi, s. tha hour 4 lo o',-,-l( m, s ia ths oojrt taum ut salt! c,uiitjr court s Ills ,lw.-a, lur lbs MMriS or ijeiiis iiierDtu, it snj1, ani fir th sstllsmsiit A sslil iwtt4t. 8 A M';!(KltsfS. OCOWWRIUHT, Ailinli-lslrstor. Attjr tut AJm r. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. v;(mx ih ueuKBV (hvks that thr vk- is 'lrii,iiol ecuvr nt ih lt will sntl loUmmt if W M NubU. sarnwl, lis fllr4 his AuiU scctttit to lli olr.o ili county cUrli A l.trtn ciint (trtnr-m, snd tiut tli ciunty tuurt tit asi-1 I. Inn cui.iy, Km sj..liilr l anilir, (hi It), day t Urch, Ima, t U;s nutir tr otihi in um inrauwn l sua lsv,M Uw Htm. sn4 tks Oiiari rof-m ut sslil puunljr ciurt th jis tut bssrlnir objection 11 ny to Ssil Stisl o cuaut snd Hi sattiMiMiii -f sst4 !:. lUd Jantunr rub, Ui'Ji. ASL'UF.W i KOntX, WEO W WBIOIIT. EuUr. Au'y t-ir fcsscutur. CITATIOH. In thf. Count y Cont of tie Stnti t Oregon, J-t Lin county: In til matter of Q:tr, 1cste 1. th :' if Hfnry Tt all th heir knivf nud tjulnonn in tbe a!xs) ontitit d (uUtn. lirrptrrif t r;; TI3K K.ME (if THE STATr? OF Orfleton. yoa aro hornov rit. .od r cj-jird In .j-sr ia lh Cnunty frort fif ho si st ol Or-gy, for tho cuntv f Lino, at tlourt rwrnt tl.r-rrof, at Ail.snv. in thr oounty of Tjitarijy, tSe I2:h day of Martrli, 10 o'clurk in tl.o torct.vo of tli t day, Ibno au-f thare to ahuw C4, if any trr tia, wbyao order shouM n t iu eat of tli abov enart au'.tioriaiiig and auertin( O F Cmbaw, the duty et'kI, qua'-ified an.l actia adminictrstor u! rsulceU'. to atll the rt-al iirotirrt7 t '""jiinjj lo saJ ev,t, dcfcnhfid aa fnllow 1" wit: The sr.u'nwst ofiis- f Hirth f o tt'ii; 2. la Uiatuhii I I. tith Rsne I Kt liisliti tte li 1 Jim county. Oftnn. Itooa b order f the Hon I) It N Hisck- burn, Jailfce ,. tho Couutt Cnnrt if the sUtc Oiegm-, f. f .ln uoutity f l irn. aith the ,1 of tai l c.iort atfiser), thi 1 t day -f rcliioarv, A D, IM2. Arrir. N V PAYNK, Cirk. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. NOTK'K iel.cft.y ytn tliat l.Tf IT; Druti. will mrtt b tx-pnj of Linn county ,() mo.', at 9 o'clock ru ao4 rvmain oulil 4 o'o'ix lt p m.ot their n;i-ctive tiiacrs of vntiou in the rl preempts. at tbe M iuM'iiiu time ar-d laces fur tb punwaiof cuSlocttPK tb Isxcs forth csr-f IS'Jl: e Rick Cttek, Monuay, IVtirn rv 13. Kx Vallnv, Tuesday, Kb 16, Jordan, V.VdntsJay. Ke 17, H'J2, Kcfo. Thursday, Fob 18, ISSI2 Franklin Butte, Frtdsy, Krb 19, 189J. .Sh.lbura, 8tordav, Feb 20. North iVUnon, Monday. F-H 22, 1S'J2. S:titisiri. Mondcv, Fob 22. IS92. S. nth Lebanon, TotsHnv. Feb 23 1S92. Waterloo. Tne-day, hoh 23, lb.2 JWavi'lV, VriaaUy, Feb 21. IS92 Sct Hume. Thor dsv, Feb 23, 1S92. Crasrfordsvii e. Fridav, Feb 2A. 1S92. N I rov.vil e, Katunlsy Fob 27, IoU2. S ..ruarisyille. Satnrdar, Ech27, 1S92. CtDter. Satnrday. Feb 27, 1&92. K Hani-hur, Monday. Fob 29. 1S92. Ilalsey. Tuoeday, March I. IS92. Hiedd, Wedoday, March 2, 1S92. Tangent, Thunwlay, March S, 1392. Orleans, Thursday, Maron 3, 18U2. l'i ice, Friday. March 4, 1892. Svraato, Saturday, March 5, 1S92. est Albany, Satnrday, March 5, 1392. Albany, Monday. Marob 7, 1S92. Cpntr Albany. Monday, March 7f 189Z Kast Albany, f ue day. March 8. 1832. l'roint t raytnut will ba rrrjoircj. 1'ay your t&XMr-nd savocoft. M. SCOTT, Sheriff and Ta Colkctor. Dated Juuary 21st, 1S32, The Merry Monarch of Comedians .til. BOBBY GAYLOU, and Ids brilliant corps of fun-making adepts, In New York' greatest laughing success, sport McAllister, ONE OF TH2 400. On Saturd&y, February 20th. CUHIITCI The Funaiest of Musical Ctmedieat WiiUU I OU'reseuted In the most humorous manner Interspersed with Exaulslte Muslcl I s IIPUCI Song, Daace and lledljs 1 LAUQuoI YPI I CI Pre"16" of Stag Besuties! I ELLwi Tb Handsomest Stage Costumes I -Oeurgia Parker, the American CsnneBolta D ft 1 B C I The Famous Olympia yuartcttel llUAnOl One Conlinu&l Round of Laughter Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 pgr dozen. Enlaiging pictures a specialty. 16x20 crayon frame! for $10.00. We carry a large line of 5x8 and sterescoplc' views of Ore. gon, - Studio 1n Froman's . Block next to Masonic Temple.First Stree DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION; NOTICE I hereby (riven that on the h day of Mareta, 1692, between the bourn of 1 o'clock p ni rnd 7 o'clock p m of aald day. an elation will ba hMd in tbo prfloinnt of Wt Albany, Albany, Central Albany and Knat Albany ,ln Ilnn ountv. Oregon, for Ihrj pur port of alrsnt ln dalKgates totbs fHmoeraili ( ennty Convntfon. ihm polling; plarta ia Wst Albany pra clnet will b in th C Irr-nR Court rorm,i th Court Ifousrf, In ld WH Albany I'resint, and Hafus Thompson, Martin Payne, and n W Cundiff ara the Jods of such elnf lion. Tha io ling plaoo In Albany Froolnot will be tho County Cnrt roosa at tbe Court I lor j vi, in aald Albany prsxdnot.and O P Oxbow, 1) Hrnilli and A Mendors will be tb Jiif'jfns of auuh elntloa, Tba plilrit placa In Csniral Allsaay Preciiiov will be at th t ffioa of th Albaoy F armors' VV'sreuuse, in said preoinct, and frank Frr nil, John iwm and Json Wfiealet will be th e'udr of snoh eleolioo, Th KliiiiK Ti in Ksst Albsey Prachjct will b at tba old Cericery, in aaid pree'not, a..d K J 0 0 -oner, i W Willi and K L I'.urshsrt wdl ba lbs Judges of sooh rlactioa.' Tne ijumir of d!Kte to. be eleotd at vti'tt I'rlriiAry tleo.ion i a follows! In Wt Altisr.y preoinct, 4( in Albany Pre iiiikii, 6; n Central Albany, 4, and in East AH.- v, 4. DaUil this 15il. day if Pebrnary. 1192. TJSTIrKS, Mco'y I County Cntnmi'.tea. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. XTOflCK Pi IIKREHY' OIVKS THAT il by vlrtno of an nrriir ofa: d;iiy made and untwrnl of ronord In ha Connty Court of Linn county, Oregon, on ltin Sin day of Jouiry, thin. In t e nWr r-f the stt of M-ttit C'rew, (trrmmuX, the noil-rlrir,(l, tin (July q tm: I find udacv los wdtrrlniHtrator of aald onUlo. wlil on Hulurtlny. th 13 h day of Fosmiary, J892, at tho h'.ur r,f 1 o'clock p. tn., ixtll at publlo auction at the Coarl Ilonie door, In lit city of Albany, Unn county. Oregon, for cih In band to ti big beat bldiUir tho rial ptopnrty belon&InK to said an ale. ilirlt r follow, towit: AnundlviJnd one-eleventh of th north half of the lionatlo Ind Claim of Hamuel I'ortnr and wils, being- rJonatlon Cl-iim No SIM.and blnri parta f tactions o . 7 snd 8, tn towtiablo 14. H U 4 w. lllamotio Meridian, in Linn county. Oregon. Dab d thl 12th dy of January, 1803. GET). HUMPHREY. Admintrator. SUEIMOHS. tn Out Cire.nU Court of tie. Htate oj Oregon for Lmn Couwy, JOtf HAWKINS. Pialutlff, To I't tor It Iloar, Urn abo numt-'l do- irutiarit. IS THE NaMK OK THE HTATE OF Orison, you are herebw rooulred to appearand answer the onmplaiot of tbe piamiiir.niea 10 tne aoove entitled court, with tbo c erk of aald ooort, by the first day nf the next regular ter:a or the atOTe entitled nonrt. Inwiu on tbe 14 b dawcf March, 1892; and yna ere hereby unified 1 bet If jna fail to appear and answer aald complaint, the plaintiff will take Jar:, merit airainst you for the sum cf, with intermit thereon at the rate often (10) per cent per run am, from tbe 9th day of April, 1HI, and for the further aum cf 110 wi;b Ints-reuit thereon at tbe rale often (10) rreen, twr annum Irom Sept. 1st. 1KH1, and for tba coals and d It-bur tuent of thi action to be taxed; and also take an order and dteree of aald court, -to at.ll the tullowlrz doecrlbeu land to wit: ah yonr. di'en lant'a rlicbt, title aod lnuret In tbe domaiin lend clal'n of "i wen Bear, tielt.ix notiflrilon ho 220 and claim No 41. to lowuxhlp 12. Ho a lb Itsni 4 West andi-lalTi No 4S. In tow-nahlp 12. omh Kace 4 rt. In I.inn county, I'rr-jt.-m, conlttlnln- W4 59 acrea, lea 41 acre hi rt-toforo sold to various panUHt leaving W.3 50 arr. Wlikh aatd land wan rloiy IcvImI oviti by writ of attachment duly Iwttad out of lbs ab.ive n-mcd ourt, in tbe alxva -n!liW,d action on tbe 8 U of v'ejrUm6.r, lutti. f-irihe p'trp- ofK ruring any judaiont that plaintiff might ref)vnr in toe above emu -" l esow. Thta etirnaiun I nerved by puhlioation In the-TAtE Riort Iikm' ki b order of tbe IIoo rblo It P Hoiv Jtidiiw f tbe above ei.titlwl court, mdtat t"bnilKi on the ViiU iXv of J tiuary, lh&& J U WK I UEKrXJKU Atlorin for Pl.,lut:ff. ANNUAL MEETIKQ. NOTICE I hereby riven that tbe annual meeting; nf the etockholder of the AHiany Buildino; Association will be held at the office nf W C Tweedale, on ferry Mtree , In Albany, on Monday, March 2Ut, t89J. at 7:SJ p m.for the alec Uoa of directors, ani aucU other buainen aa may eome if.jre the meeting, bated Feb 12 h, ISM. J. JOSEPtf . T C TV EKDAI.E, SecreUry. Prenldisut. STOCKKOLOESS' MEETIMC. NOTICE N HERE3Y GIVEN TH AT t'aere wili be a meotinfr of the trlock koldera ..f the Od-I Fa) Iowa Hall Building Association bald rt their r. trice In Albaoy, Oregon nn Monday, tbe 14th day of March, 1S92, at tbe hoar of 7 o'clock p m f aald day, far th parro' e of electing vn dtreirtors to eerve fr the euaulng year and for the tranaaotloa nf any other busineea that may oouio bff-ire aald aaeetlng. This tbe 251 b day of January, 1192. V C TV EEL) ALE, I A Panax, Preeiient. elecrvlary ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. N'OTICE 18 HEREBT GIVEN THAT THE CN deniirned has thisaay heti appointed admin -aerator ol tbe estunf Pe-r Welt, deeeaeed, by the stunts' court ol L r-a eaulv.Oregun, snd that I hare led air bond aa required by la and am now duly tasiifled to art as su:h admlnisU-atur. All persona saving claims sgaiust aald estate are hereby re quired and noilfled te present Uieestoe to soe at the Are of W R Rilyeu, in Albany.Linu oounty, Orezm. lib the proper vouchers, Within six months from Sa date bereol. Dated at Albany, Oils 29th day of Januarv. 1S9J. A J WELT, W R Bilreu. Admiulatrator. Atty tor Admlntarator STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBT GITEN THAT the annual meeting- of the stock holders eft be A lbanj Building; and Loan Association will be beld on Friday, Feb ruary 19th. 1802, at the hour ot 7:30 p m of said day, In tbe Bank of Oregon, in Albany. Lion oountv. Orfiron. for the election of nine director, to serve for th term of one year nxt nauioir from said meetlntr, and until their aucceasors are elected and Qualified. and to transact inch other buainr as as may com before the association, none ry order oricessso elation this 1Mb day of Januarv, 1802. OU STEWART. Jt W Putin, ProaidenL Secretary. KCllGEIOCRlCITrFS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT John K Cyrus and W P Pitohford, partners aoing ousiiicss in sclo, JLlnn county, Oregon .under the firm name snd style of Cyrus ft Pitohford, have duly made an asftienmtnt of all tbo rroDertv. real and personal, to the undersigned fur the benefit of their creditors. All persons havlutr. c'alma agaluet the said firm are hereby notiaed aud required to present tbe same under oath to the nndersinned, at the offloe of J K Weatherford, n th city of Albany, Linn oountv, Oregon, within three months from the date hereof. Dated Feb. 3rd, 1802. J.n.PErSRT, Assign e e F OS HAY & MASON aib aacau, 1 )ro agists and Booksellers Atrei.ts for John B. Alden'a pcbllcUon ulch we ell at pcblisher' prleea with dstjreaddec' ; , ALBANY, ORK4UOK CHOICE MEATS 0( An, Kinds - tam' rlcl: -fc - Bakor, Opposite Bohmeer Ltvery Stable, next eer to WlilamettetPaekuig Ce's (tore. MONET TO LOAN Horn capital to loan, In sum to auit,on Albany aud eoontv real estate or good personal security. W E McPherson, First Street opp. Moni HU, Albany, Or. , ; . Need a Watch? I haye all kinds, at all prices and every watch fits th price. Lut prictj is not everything in watch-buy inc; GUARANTEED QUALITY is the first thing. I gaaranteo waches accord ing to their quality; and quality mako t the price All kindsall qualities all prices. F. M. FRENCH,. The Corner Jewelry S to.'e. Star Baker j CorBrdUla anil riralWC cokraq &mfmnim. Cuaed WnlU, CGLMSware Xrfed rralt. Totiisrro, ftagarf 'ofiCe KM,, ( sastrl S3: Qapeijswatr., VB4aJjl, Cfcstn Jfpiee, Test, al.. Ia fact ee7tt,.ag that I kept In a genera earioty arid gsoosir stur. Uigheet tmarEet pnoe gM for AlsL KINDS 0FPR0DUC3 TWO MEN AND ONE DOV FOUND DEAD! (Vhile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEY0H & FROftlA.1 BROS Store, where twey aiway a have on hand he largest Slock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifle and Shot Juns; an immense dock of Fishing Tackle of eery description; Tents, 1 1 am mocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands of other thing too numerous to mention Xiepn.ii Shop connextton with the Store, and one of "fee best workmen in tbe Ktate to do any nd ail kind of wor Coaie one Come No rouble to how good. "Smalt pre St and quick a W is out A BIG STOCK OF -: Baby :-: Buggies, best assrrtment ever brought to Albany, just received at SteCqt Sa Sox's. m tbe Mggies and lie. Fnces. Albany IRONWORKS i-Mid nfacta rer o' ilkU IWm CRIST mi MILLMASKIKERY iXCN .fONTS W ALL MM OF MEAY AMO LIGHT WORK, IN IROM AKO BRASS CASTIKSS. soda I atteaUon a)d da of machinery rlrtaa stl P&tatrns Mads on Short Rotiei J. A. CuKinipg, Wall Taper, Jris:s,, Oils Glasn, JEto., AL0AIIY, GRSQ0H 2nd Beat stock of Snd S3BT" ;od in th Tallay, and th most reasonabl prioea. I have on band all kinds of FURNITUat, STQYES, TINWAHE. TRUKXS, BOCKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. On door wst of S B Young's old stori L. COTTLE IB FORTMSLLER & IRVING. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming dob SoleoUfleally Albany, Oregwa. p:ie9:::a;a:;i'Q"::B::::B;!;:siiB::::&.''& H . . . XIIH CZUJEBMATED . Vas as y SMITH & WESSON BREVOtVERSi " The Finest SsuU Arms Etrer Manufectured. 1 Unrwfess3r, HccuRcr, SS-.J fl S DiRABILlTv, I??U3a'l H EXCEUt,JCErfvte5-nl. urntiu,ii,cuib ... 4 ' it-lv 4 N CONVEWENCS It W 1 V'-VH g LOADiHG ar.J SAFETY- S . ' ,.t; Beware af chet-p liTsa imitation -SfJJ 0 Send for!! irs'.raiiij Catxfr.;e Jr.d TfitO t;st ioi SrUAUi'MLJ, MASS. 5 -m Kfisrtt' Liaf iftfaB?f 23 SJ3'.;:f,-J,.tU5;'. BB-("it ry inljey li