The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 12, 1892, Image 2

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    lie Dtiwaat
TE3 &
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Ion W K Willi, of Rosebud, la being
km of as a pootllile nominee lor Su
ms Judge by Uie republican, and Hun
' Ilonham.of Salem, and John Burnett,
Jorvaliis, by the democrat, Roseburg
, ncw8pnjxr man who cannot toe any
orence tatwnr-n the two great political
:i on tho tariff it a poor ntick to under
5 to twii'li and enlighten the public on
at economic quentions.
t appear that torn of lh woolen sasna
urers art suited with th Springer bill,
r all . Tbej are willing to concede tone
ige in the schedule t in exchange (or tree
i. They can sllord to, especially if the
age are mad in tome other fellow'
(even, the Mataachutett congress
n, I a woolen manufacturer who frsnk
tajs he expect free wool only at the
:e o( a large part of the duty on the
nufactured product.
Ve commend thl fact to the attention
he OrtfOHiaa.
V 'rural democrat" a.ks: "Wa the
l-treasury and land loan tcheme ever
part of the faith or principle of the
nocratlc party ?'
io, not in the history of the party can
lattorm, date or national, be found con
ilng an approval of thete acheme.
jual right to all, and special lo none,
I 'opposition to all cla legislation"
cardinal democratic doctrine.
lie tax payer of Polk county will have
mbl tax to pay thl year. It la true.
i t U a little over two mill more than
f lad levy, but wl'.h the addition made,
count mil pay the lowed levy ot
i county In the atate. We sue there
iio ground for kicking. Polk County
Vhat a whopper. On account ot the
bridge Linn county' levy thla year I
mill. The ordinary levy In thl
jnty I 15 mill, but iS mill I the
,hct ever levied In the hldorjr uf the
i t.
There U cne way In which David B Hill
i gain the edeem and confidence ot the
nocratlc party of the nation, and that I
heading the New York delegation to
kago fur Grover Cleveland. Thla I hi
y road to the presidency. It would
re him capable ot being the servant of
. party a welt a attempting to be It
. It would insure the nomination and
Action of Cleveland, and clve 1(111 a
n hold upon the gratitude of the demo
.Ulc party. Roecburg Review.
low ulofncal and senmin it is that in
" Unitotl StattM where high wugr are
J we should say tbit we need a proUvt-
tariff to protect our laborers against the
iper labor of Italy, France, Germany
1 Ramia, and in the same coun trice
y say they want a protective tariff to pro
t themselves the industrial pro
U of tho United Stub's and Great Brit-
w 1 .,
!. 11 we neea a tarm iur protection iney
t not. ' t we are so fearful that we cannot
mpeto with them why should they be
arful that they can not compete with us?
The Newport Timet gets on Its ear about
ur statement a few weeks since, con-
mlnir the democratic newspaper of the
lAilun being in the advance of the repub
Jcan paper. Now, the Roseburg Plam
Unler and other papeis admit our state-
lents, and the rlaindtoJe, a strong re
ubllcan Journal, accounts for the fact by
jaylng Jhal 'the republicans read demo-
ratlc paper Instead of the republican
apers, and thus neglect their own iuur
hals." Why do republicans read demo-
railc papers in preference to their own
r pen? The editor of the Timet know.
ind, what Is worse, fee I a, the reason why:
I he republicans are an Intelligent class of
Wrens, and they know a good thing when
hey see It. II j( emit.
A kind Providence has granted divers
Udvantages to divers parts of the globe;
Lrhy should there be an Inhabitant to par-
akeof them? When I wish to bring a
1 barrel of sugar to the station the law
Lhould not constrain me to wear the har
ness myself, for it Is more economical to
Seed my horse a peck of oats and have liim
o do It for me. And so between man and
nan. None of the gentlemen here present
manufacture their own shoes, because by
allowing their specific vocation they can
team the value of ten or of a thousand ps'r
hoes In less time than it wou'.d take them
o manufacture one pair.
The McKinley law protect tLe manofac
jttirer and mine-owner against foreign com
;"tition, but leave the laborer to look out
;f hinnelf. Even the foreign contract-
abor law is constantly evaded, An official
jiiMpe-tin of Pennsylvania mine has just
aliown tliat American and English labor
jhaa been crowded ont and the work is done
I by the lowest and most vicious elass of
f Hungarian, Pole and Italian. This situ
ation is the result of the republican party's
world-renowned system of protection to
A merican labor.
A third party man gives as a reason
why he decided to leave the democratic
party and join the thirt) party was In con
sequence of the rlisracter of the speeches
made at, and resolutions adopted by the
democrats when organizing a club at the
court houe in this city some time ago.
Now, the speeches made were In advocacy
of an aggressive tariff campaign and ad
vanced legislation in regard lo silver. The
resolution which was unanimously adopt
ed declares that Tariff reduction should be
the paramount Isaue, In the corning cam
p iljjo . All this was soundly democratic
and no man who believes In Jeffersonlan
democracy would for a moment take any
exceptions to the speeches or the resolu
tion. According tj advices from St Peters-
b'irg the Czir intends to Initiate measures
.for tho rotors. Ion of serfdom among the
Reports from msny district officials
fco icor in the statement that thelnciease
j of population In the village Is so great that
the land belonging to the "mirs, er local
communes, Is Insufficient to support all the
The government, with the view to
remedying the evil, proposes lo allocate to
the peasants vast tracts of land under con
ditions similar to those ot serf tenure.
One third of the harvest Is to be stored In
the command magazines for the support
of the peants; one-third Is to be aoid by
tbe government for the payment cf local
d:b'.a to tl.e state, and one-third is to be
rrtsiiied for the payment of government
The peasants will not be allowed to
move communes, but lll be kound to the
soil and will be obliged to fulfil their con -trscts
with the state.
Tbe lystein will be first applied In the
provinces of Samara and Saratoff, and if
successful, will be extended all over the
empire. The execution of the new law
will be intrusted to the dUtrict o:H;Ltl
stvted "seemsk! natcbalnlkl " As these
aie recruited from the reaction nobility,
who favor the restoration of serfdotn.they
!ii e certain to report the scheme a success
To obtain t complete vie w of reciprocity,
free trade and protection we must svold
the entanglements of detail. No man,
no million of men, not all humanity can
Calculate how tariff or no (nrlff would af
fect every Individual In the United States.
We must endeavor to grasp the principle
of these doctrines; Hthrt be sound, Its
application will Ukewlae be wholesome.
Granted then that we protect ourselves,
let u consider! If a nation's law compel
A to protect D to the extent of $t, and
compel 0 to protect 0 to the extent ot $1,
and compel C to protect A to the extent
ot $t, then the nation will have es
tablished -an absolutely equitable pro
tection; but will have likewise established
an absolutely unmistakable nonsense. On
the other hand, If A protect B to the ex
tent of $t, and B protect 0 to the extent ot
$1, and C protect A to the extent ot $3, It
will not be long before B and 0 will have
been protected into pauperism, for A will
have protected both their protected pos
sessions Into hts protected pocket. It
need not be mentioned that things perfect
abide In heaven 10 know which ot these
protective method now prevail In our
country, and be It remembered that any
devirtlon from the fallacy ot equal pro-i
tectlon U unequal protection, and unequal
protection Is neither more nor less than
robbing one to enrich the other. If the
burden pressed equally on all It would not
be endured. As It Is, the crafty use Is to
abuse the unwary.
Why, then, you ask, are we so much
more prosperous than the people ot Europe
general and free-trade England In par
ticular? How U It we can manufacture
millionaire out ot the people' money, and
till continue to Increase abundantly from
yer to ycaif 'Simply because the civi
lised nation ot Europe contain a 00 Inhab
itant to the square mile, and wo but
twenty. If a farmer ha two pastures of
equal size and place 200 head of cattle In
one and twenty In the other, which would
grow fatter?
If I were permitted to raise the tariff on
bananas, for Instance, high enough to pro
tect me against the pauper bananas ot
Central America I would agree to furnish
genuine United Slatea bananas. Tiue,
they would come rather higher $1
piece, perhaps for I would have to raise
them In conservatories but what of that?
The money would remain at home. Or
would It be m jre economical to send our
neighbor In the torrid sone $1 worth of
bacon, or any other of a thousand things
we have, and In return receive from him
too bananas? That Is reciprocity between
governments. Tariffs produce artlficlclal
condition, forcing labor into uneasy
channels. Let all peoples of the earth do
what they can do beat and easiest. Let
them Interchange their ptoducts In perfect
reciprocity, fiee without let or hlndiance,
and then there v. ill be no loss. But, If we
are to raise our own sugar and the Cuban
hi own corn, we shall nave but little su
gar and the Cuban little corn.
The delegates from this state So the nation
al democrsttc convention are commisioncd to
represent the democrats of this state.
The derroctau of ihta stale bavc a right to
select those delegilcs in their own wsy.
Tbe way prescribed by the state committee
Is not their wsy. It is a wsy which they
have utterly condemned, as is stoo by the
anroimous freest of the democratic press
against the calling of a fresse-out, mid inter
convention upon insufficient notice.
The state committee knew in aJvsnce that
its sasp-judgment ;o:icy would not meet the
spptovsl of the party. The H'orlJ told it so
itb emphasis, and the World, as Senator
Hill knows, and every member of the state
commute knew, spoke not in the interest ol
any candidate or in antagonism to any, but In
the interest of fair play, of party peace aod
party success. It sroke the mind ind wish
cf the democratic voters.
la spite of the warning tbe committee
carried out the predetermined programme.
called the convention for an unprecedented
time and upon unpresedentedly short notice
It did Ibis without discussion, without con
sideration and without even putting forth
reason or an excuse for Its course.
But it is not to) late foe the committee
give to the matter the consideration which
should hsvs glvsa to r io the first place.
The committee would not beed the World t
warning. Perhaps it Will beed the echo of
which resounds tl.rough all tbe democra:
newspapers, and comes back from the people
in hundreds of indignant an.! protes;ing letters,
The thing was don by direction of Sena
tor Hill aod in bis interest. The senator an
th4 committee must now see that
in tbe plan will injure him more than any
body else. It was done in tbe as me of dem
ocracy. It threatens the democrat witn dis
sension and disruption,
Fiom every point of view the celling of
midwinter convention is a blunder. It ought
to be corrected.
If the ststc committee has any sense f fi
delity to its trust it win bow to the expressed
will of the psrty sad rescind its action.
If Senator Hill is regsnlful of bis own
ambition be will use the suthority which Le
has over the state committee to leaj it to un
do its blaader without delay.
The opportunity to repair the daraige pre
sent itself now. If it is not promptly cm
braced it will pais awayand the blunder will
remain to do its disastrous work. New Vcrk
It has been decided to attack the tariff
law, section by tectlon, Instead of endeav
oring to have It all repealed at once, th
chairman on the ways snd means commit
tee has Introduced a bill repealing all the
duties on wool. The ''compensatory"
duties on woolen goods are also to be taken
off, but the advalorem dnties on woolen
goods are left untouched, and thu they
wl.'l be left as highly protected as they ever
were. The product of the farmeris to be
put on the free II'. The product of the
wool manufacturer is to be left fully pro
tected. Slattwnan .
There is no feature of the democratic
position on the tariff question that has
been so uniformly, persistently and will
ingly misrepresented af that In reference
to woolen. The Oxtvon'an has almost
dally sfted the democrats proposed to put
wool 011 ihe free list and retain the present
duty on woolens. But here comes the
StAtttma and either Ignorantly or will
fully maes a statement which upon the
very face of It is false. It ssys the "com
pensatory' duties on woolen goods are to
be taken off, but the advalorem duties on
woole.i goods are left untouched, and thus
they will be left as highly protected as
they ever were. If the Staetman can tell
bow woolen clothe are left at highly pro
tected as Cver after removing a duty of
49 cents per pound It may be able to
shield Itself from the charge of open mis
representation. But It can not do so. To
remove th ,rvm11v.',, or specil'r
dutiet fr'oai wuoleos leaving the adva
lorem du'.ies still on means a reduction of
nearly one half of the present duties on
woolens. A cause that needs to much
fallacy, sophistry an willful misrepresen
tation to prop It up as protectionism dors,.
I one thtt should be dished out.
:' ,
Whereto GetThem. When wanting
en organ r plana call on G L Blackman
h"e you can .ebr.t from a fir.t clau
When the friends of particular prwidtmt-
iid candidates go np to tho Chicago conven
tion urging tin nomination of their favorite
it will not be enough to moke the pledge
that ho can carry New York. True. Now
York is highly Important, (not essential)
but it is juxt as important that U10 candidate
unit carry tho entire south, and 28 electoral
vote beside tho south and Now York. It
was said by many democrat only a few
month ago that the candidate that Uie
emocrata of New York united on should Ins
nominated, and ordinarily this would huvo
been Rood politic, but reccut event in
New York have chunked this policy. It is
powuble, and even probable, that tho dem
ocracy of tho nation may bo constrained to
defeat a candidate becauno ho is demanded
y New York. Thin prows out of tho hot
actional broils engendered in that state by
tho ''snap judgment' convention called by
the state committee. It is highly probably
that tho fool friends of II ill have thus early
placed the obstacle over which thoir favorite
may stumble into defeat. Hill could carry
tho south and presumably New York and
Now Jersey, and three or four elector in
Michigan. Iloyoml this, nothing at this
time is certain or even hojeful. If he
should be nominated, tho feeling of resent
ment created by the call of mid winter
convention in his state might subside, ltut
he must have 14 more vote than New Jer
sey and 4 in Michigan. There is nothing
more certain in the uncertainity of fjtolitic
than that IUU will como up to Chicago
ith a united torenty six votes, but this
inachino made delegation may fall by the
force of it own weight Senator Hill has
many admirers, but his methods are
very distasteful to thouMOnds of indepen
dent democratic rotors of the country, and
notwithstanding Senator Hill would be
much preferable to any high proteetioi ist,
yet it would be imposaible to bring them
independent voters to his support in case of
h.s nomination. In Ctue tho convention
goes outeido of New York for a candidate
a largo nutuU'r of available men are to be
found. Gormsn, though quite frequently
pokon of, would moot the same fate as
Hill' and largely for the same reason. Gov
ernor Russell, were lie ten year older,
would make an ideal candidate. Governor
Pattison of Pennsylvania would make an
admirable candidate clean, conscientious
and able, and it would be well to keep him
in view. Twenty years off the age of Gen
eral Palmer would leave splendid presiden
tial timber, but he is too old and will not
be nominated. Gray of Indiana is spoken
of but mcwtly by men of hi own state. He
may be nominated for vice president, bu
not for president. Boies, of Iowa, if a
western man is selected, will most likely
take the cake. He is incorruptible, coura
geous and able as well as sound on the tariff
iuetion. Whether he could carry New
York is a grave question, and equally doubt
ful about carrying enough of the west to
di!fiMe with New York and Connecticut.
James Gillespie Illaine ha written a letter
that brings contentment to a great many
people the democratic party generally, and
all the Harrison republicans. Whether
the opinion was well founded or not, the
democrats generally regarded Illaine as a
much harder man to beat than Harrison or
any other republican whom the party might
have called to its leadership. Hence they
regard his retirement in the light of the
most dangerous foe placed iortt d toW,
Ilamson and hi friend are pleased, a a
dangerous rival voluntarily retires from tho
Hut what next? ill Uuunes friends ac
cept this letter as a finality ? Most of them
ill. A few will not. They will still
clamor for the "magnetic" man's nomina
tion. Hut will not the opposition to Har
rison (and it is strong) place some other
man in the field? No doubt. And this
procedure that has been going on between
Blaine and Harrison for several months
having for its si ngle purpose tbe nomination
of Harrison may be the very rock upon
which be may stumble and go to piece.
Many of those who have heretofore folh wed
Mr Illaine with singular devotion, will now
bid him farewell forever, not because he
has practically retired from politics, but
because they will regard his conduct for the
last six month as that of double-dealing,
The letter marks toe last milestone tn a
singularly eventful political life.
Our neighbor, the Ilexald, makes a show
of favoring a protective tariff because
enable our manufacturers to pay high
wages and at the same time compete with
tbe "pauper labor" of Korope. How illog
ical this position is may readily be seen by
a simple test: Suppose our manufacturers
wirre to have protection against only one
foreign nation, and that trade with all
other foreign net ions should be free and un'
restricted; what nation wouliJhey ask to
be protected against? Every one with one
accord would say England. And yet in
England wage are much, higher than in
any other European nation.
If Professor John Williams White of Har
vard, accepts Prof Harper's offer of $7,000
a year to fill the chair of Greek at the New
Chicago University his salary will be almost
as great a a cabinet officer's, but he will
be worth the price. For Mr White has
dined with Plato and supped-with Aristop
hanes for twenty year with an appetite that
good digwtion has waited on, and there
probably no one in America; unless it be
Prof Goodwin, who knows more abou
Greek and Greek lifo tlian does he. The
large salary offered him is interesting as
showing how inuoh U-tb-r this profession of
teacher is remunerated nowadays than
used to lie.
Vergennes, Vt, is the third oldest city in
the United States, having bedn chartered in
1788. Hartford and New Haven, Ct, were
chartered in 1784. Vergennes is probobly
the STnallext and most quiet city in the
country, having a population of 1773 and
covering only 1200 acres. Nevertheless
has a mayor, a city council, a board of al
dennen, and other officers pertaining to
full fledged city.
.The preferences of the members of the
legislature of Massachusetts for
the presidential nominee of their re
spective parties are as follows:
Democratic, Cleveland, 39. lull, 16; Rus
sell, 13, Flower, 3; Campbell, 2; Palmer, 1
Whitney, 1 ; Doies, 1 ; Gray, 1 ; Butler, 1 ;
Republican, Blaine, 68; Harrison, 25;
Sherman, 1.
Tr.e Stay ton Time gets off the follow
ing on the Oregonian: The Oregor.lan
meets the charges by contemporaries that
while that paper listed its new building in
the Improvement for 1891 at (400,000
and was assessed at only a little more than
$51,000, by statbi that the indebtedness
clause Is what lets It out. It claims to be
deeply tn debt. The Times owes nothing.
Look IIbre a Moment. I have some
of the choicest residence lot in Albany
fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody
can buy and own s ho-nof his own by
paving a small down una" small
.1 mont.ily payments thereafter until all I
I paId ori For Iurther information ca'lat
,beoflicc. corner 3nd ,d Brjadalbiu St..,
' opposlte Democrat office. 1
Dr GW Mastos.
It It but possible, but not certain, that
the raid now made on the democracy by
Senator 1IU1 for a presidential nomination,
may defeat the selection ot Mr Cleveland
as the democratic candidate; but thcie I
no possible contingency In which Illll
could effect Jhls own nomination, The
democrats of the natlan are not prepared
to enter one ol the most hnpoitant contedt
of our political history with a candidate
wlto would symbolise the purpose lo na
tlonallse saloon polltlcs.wltli political thtft
as one of the jcwcbi of the new political
We tay that It is possible that Ike "snap
judgment'' convention called by Senator
Hill In New York to assure a solid delcga
tlon for himself for president, may defeat
tne nomination ot Cleveland, but It Is not
at all certain that It wLU do to. An over
whelming majority oTlhe democrat and
tariff reformer ot the country desire the
nomination ot Cleveland as against alt
others; and It Is entirely safe to say that
four-fifth ct them, taking In the entire
country Including New York, very posl
tlvely prefer Cleveland to Hill, white
large nercintage, and quite enough to
control every debatable state, would vote
tor any reasonable candidate of any other
party to defeat the election of Hill. Thl
Is not sentiment; It Is the plain truth, and
It should be presented In cold types for the
study of the men who are active In tho
present Hill raid upon the democracy.
While the defeat of Cleveland It possi
ble by this presldental raid of Senator Hill
It Is not only possible, but It Is even proba
ble, that the democratic people of the Un
ited State will nominate Mr Cleveland
with or without the vote of New York
Stale; and If so nominated, he would be
elected not only without the clcctorlal vote
of New York.bul tho certainty of his elect
Ion would compel even Senator Hill t
fall In with the party and give his stUo to
New York democrats of the Illll school
have twice defeated democratic candidate
for the prciUlcncy by deliberate peifidy.
Hancock was sacrificed In i&o,andln 10S8
Cleveland was dellberate'y betrayed to
make Hill governor. There Is natural
distrust, therefore, of the Hill Icsdeis. and
the only certain wsy of electing a demo
cratic president this year would be lo
nominate the strongest man, regardless of
the heroes of political theft, and compel
their support by teaching them that they
are not necessary to democratic success.
They had the power to defeat the dem
ocracy In i&So and again In iW3. They
have not the power to defeat Cleveland In
In 1S91, If the people ahalt emphasize their
devotion to honest government by nomi
nating him as their candidate. Such is the
attitude of the Hill presidential raid given
In a nut shell. Philadelphia Tim".
It is now settled that dogs think mora
than some people.
There are rdentv of men willina to be
president of tbe United Htates; but not
everybody Is willing to lie poundmaster
of Albany.
Linn countr is the manufacturing
countv of tbe state.and it has more good
towns than any county of Oregon, a fact
that meant much for ts future growth.
First class schools are a great thing lo
the upbuilding of any community.
Money given In the interest of new build
ings or lor endowments U well expended.
A big field is offered for some Albany
man to rover himself with glory by giv
ing a big endowment lor our home
The Orting Oracle says that all tbe
lunatics in tbe land are now gathered at
Kverett, or Port UarUner. Ita are
worth from 12000 to $ 10,000. It Is to be
savs the Reveille. This wilt be followed
by a slide-back that will be such a set
back that nobody will get their money
Speaking In hi paper of hi arrest for
bomb throwing the editor of Ihe Prlnevllle
New say: "The whole thing was a farce
from beginning to end. .It wit not a
matter of prevention according to law.but
simply a put-up job of persecution from a
clanlth and ghoulish set of Indivldvals
who would rather aee u out of existence
than to tee us here."
The Herald gives a democrat tbe tot
lowing important notice, referring to tbe
announcement published in the Vtno
crat: While tbe llerald does not agree
with Mr Galbraitb in politics, and will
endeavor to help elect a republican clerk
in June is free to say that be lsa
thorough business gentleman, efficient
and well qualified snd if he could gel
enougb rotes would make a good clerk.
Salem's outlosk for a public building Is
very dubious. According lo the latest
ruling, It will be entitled 10 a postoflice
building costing thirty-three and one-third
dollars, tne present rent, a dollar a year
being 3 pei cent, cm the amount It has
decided to allow. Even this will have to
go through three committees.
Crook connty's tax levy amounts to 21
mills, and the levy is made on the 1891
A slightamount of contention Is arising
as to how much tbe grade shall be raised
at tho corner of first and Calapooia
streets on account of tbe bridge.
The Roseburg Review Is somewhst ex
cited about the Salem csnnery; It wsnts
one In Roseburg. It Is all right in all
points except thedivldends tostockholders
they haven't aeen the dividends. Out
the farmers and others have seen theirs.
Salem Statesman.
It will lie welcome news to tbe mer
chants and bnslncss men of Portland to
know that material is now on the ground
for the Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern
railroad, and that operations will be
pushed vigorously as soon as the weather
settles. It is expected that trains will
run regularly by the last of tbe present
year. Welcome.
Bpeaking af Lackey the Eugene Guard
sas: Borne people still advance the idea
that be "skipped." Tbls seems very re
mote Indeed. He took no money with
Lira, when he could easily have secured
thousands of dollars from friends, for he
had tbe confidence of everybody, His
property was entirely nnincumberrd.and
is wortli several thousand dollars more
than tbe attachments now made. Be
sides, riotbing whatever of a criminal
nature lias appeared against him.
Dedication Sbbvicbu. The Universa-
list church at Albany will be dedicated
next Thursday evening at 7 :30, Feb 1 1th,
Rev 8 Goodenough, of Oakland, Calif.,
will conduct th services. There will
also be preaching Friday and Saturday
evenings and Sunday, Feb 14 tb, both
morning and evening. All are cordially
invite! to be present-
Ths IJeppner Gisette pritted John L
Ayer's "advaooo" speech in full. When
t e editor found out all about the eonveD
tioti ha collected his fin a noes together,
bought a pair of heavy oow hide boots with
bra 1 in tbe soles, and when last beard fiom
was making for Portland at a speed of
twenty milas a day. It may be necesssry
to write more about this hereafter. Wei
ooiria. - - : .
A luge stock of pruning shears antf prun
ing hooks the finest made, just received at
Stewart & Sox's. Now is the time to use
them. .
ttaVenieeM tlodles tterevercd,
Nkw Yotttt, Fob 6. The" digging nnd
delving Into tho Hotel Itoyal ruins for tho
unfortunate victims of Sunday morning'
Kro were continued throughout the day in a
vigorous and effective manner. That por
tion of the ruins underneath where theoim
and dining room of the hotel had Inxm was
cleared of dohrU. by 8 o'clock this afternoon.
Up to that hour seventeen bodies had boon
recovered. Twelve of thiwe hail Inmn taken
nut before midnight lout night vnd
four more were found botween tho hours of
4 and 0 this morning. The seventeenth
body was discovered at 1 M this afternoon.
The Male Asylum.
Salkm, Feb 0. The quarterly report of
Dr Itowland. ucrUitondonl of the insatie
asylum, shows the total number of jmUenU
lo be 704. Tho numlier received during
January was thirty-throe, in the nsvlum
are 624 male patients and 240 females' Five
were dischorgnd as improved, six died, nnd
and nine were dim'hanwd as cured. Tho
institution suffered considerably during
tng January irom the ravages of the grip.
Why N.l lillliert
Wahhinoton, Feb 9.-r An evening paper
dtps into the subject of the circuit judg-
ship in the ninth circuit and prints the
following tonight: "Pwjflc coast senators
and repnwnlutivea ore very nnu h interns
oil in the probable appointment of a circuit
judge for the ninth judicial didrict. It is
rumored that the lucky man will be W 11
Gilliert, of Portland, Or. who is heidg urg
ed for the place by tits friend. This pro
diction seems to nave hal some foundation
for several days. No one has yet been found
to say a won! against II r GilWt.
A TsrrlMe Blew.
Omaha. Feb 0. Tho great Union Pacific
system received the greatest blow in its
history tonight when the city council Msned
an ordinance di luring forfeited all the
franrldite granUil this comiity by Omaha,
and instructing the city attorney to tear np
tho tracks of the company on city property.
Tts tlesnll eflhe fire.
Nkw Yohk, Feb 8. At 1 o'clock this
morning there is nothing on which to bam
a correct estimate of tboe who jirrUhed in
the burning of the Koyal Hotel. It is posi
tively known that there were I.'jO person in
the hotel at the time of the fire. Uf these
eighty-two are known to lie safe, and twelve
liodie have been rwovered, which Wve
fifty-eight iersons unaccounted for. That
some of tlnve escned is certain, - and it is
eqnidly certain Oiat a good iortion of those
escaping, perhaps all. will forever keep their
identity secret for obvious reasons. Only
when the last piece of debris has U an re
moved from ihe ruin will th number of
dead lie positively ascertained. The work
of identification Is very slow.
Aaatfcer HlMlag Mas,
Rkattlk, Feb 8. P I) Ilurke, a Great
Northern contractor, h s mysteriously dis
apiieored, and nothing has bm-n lward of
In tn since Friday, January tl. At that
date he left his hotel with the express! in
tention of going to Snohomish, lie jaiid
his bill, and it is not known wlu-ther he
retu-lud Snohomixh or not. His rvtntives
claim that he dirharged a laborer recently
with whom he liad a hot quarrel, ami thut
the disgruntled man mad threat against
Hurke's life, liurke' wife and fmir children
live in Sparta, Wis, and know nothing f
his iliKapiuTn'o. lle wasaman of good
habits, was sumrsoful in boines, out of
debt, and hod large sums of money due him.
ttevvrwar Bjr4.
I.tScul.X, Neb Feb 8. Governor Iloyd
arrived and took pouMwsion of his office to
day. Wlien the entry was made to the ex'
ccutive apartment Oovernor Tliayer ad
vanced with extended hand, remarking,
"How do yon do, governor?" Iloyd bowed
but lirnoml tbe outntretehed member. lliaV'
er fltuiwd slightly, ruked if be could be of
any asMiirtani, and receiving a negative
renlv. h-rt the romn. Governor Ikivd beinir
aked if he intended to make a clean sweep
of the republican officeholders, admitted he
had such action in content oUtion. A num
is ot 1 hayer appointee have already
tendered their rewtgnauon.
Aa AaarrhUi tbtrV
Skattlk, Waah Feb 8. A speck! dis
patch from Ia Conner says that Milan Gal
lilier. a Seattle capitalist, stabbed OF
N aener m Uie McGlynn House this worn'
ing. He won arranged, bound over to tbe
grand jury and takrn to Mount Vernon for
trial. iU iher is a biuhlv restmcteil nio-
wer. He came to Olymp.a in tlieearly lo's
and has large pmiierty mtercxUat (Uymtna
near I .a Connor and in Keattte. He is 60
years old, and a peaceable and law-abiding
citizen, u F agner is better known as
"Herr Most Wagner, beratue of bis anar-
ruin prucuviuce. tie is a proiewuonoi agv
ISS feaJvagr:
NEwroitT, Or Feb 8. The steam schooner
Maggie Rosa, which was Wily disabled at
sea Decemlier 4, sailed for San Francisco
this morning in command of fan tain J J
Winnnt, her repair having been completed
The Maggie Um was nicked up off tho
Siushiw by tho steamer Willamette VaJlev
and towed to this port, the crew h iving
taken to the Ixntts, ie Y illametto v alle;
received tflwy salvage. Hie Firemen
Fund Insurance Company, which had all
tli'. rude, made alt the repairs to Uie vessel
Prawt't Jtlr
MoxTifKixo, Ark Feb 8. Chloe Wright
a 1 -year-old dangliur of Jackson nght
was outraged by Henry Beaver, a negro
this morning. Heaver was afterwards found
hanged to a limb and riddled with bullets
Malse Speaks Oat.
Wasiiixotok, Feb 7.- Secretary James
G Illaine has finally spoken. Under d.tte of
yestrrduy has written Chainiinn Clui kson,
of the republican national committr. form
ally announcing he is not a candidiita for
the republican presidential nomination."
The full text of bis letter is.
"1 am not a candidate for the presidency,
and my name will not go before Uie repub
lican national convention for nomination.
I make this announcement in due season.
To those who have tendered me their sup
port I owe sincere thanks, and am most
grateful for, their confidence. They will,,
am sure, moke an earnest effort in tbe ap
proaching contest, which is rendered es
jiecjally important by reason of the indus
trial and financial policies of the govern
ment being at stake. The popular decision
on these issues is of great moment, and will
lie of fur reaching roiisoqucnce."
A Terrible Disaster.
New York, Feb 7. A disaster, appall
ing in horror, and bringing to , mind the
terrible occurrence in Park Place, still freb
in the public mind, occurred in this city
early this morning. Tbe Hotul Royal, that
well known landmark, which has stood for
more than a quarter of a century at the
southeast corner of Sixth avenue and Fort
ieth street, burned to the ground and a
number of persons were burned, suffocated
and crushed in tho ruins. At the time of
the disaster there were nearly 150 guests in
the house. The hotel employes, ail told,
numliored fifty-five. Of the 150 people,
five have thus far been found dead, six are
in Uie hospital and sixty-three have been
reported alive. One hundred are still miss
ing. A Leae. Illabwaymaa
MoKZ.i.cvf5E IIiix, Cal Feb 7f The
stago to Valley Springs was stopped by a
highwayman this morning about four miles
from this place at the same spot where the
stage was stopped January 7. The robber
was masked with a gunnysack. The man
was about five feet ten inches in height,
dressed in dark clothing and his voice
soouded Uie same to the driver as that of
the former highwayman. The driver was
ordered to throw out the express box. Tho
only passenger was a young man named
Mailles, who was asked by the rood-agent if
he had any money in his pockets. Answer
ing in the negative, nothing more was said,
and, the box being thrown out, the driver
was ordered to go on. . -
Aa Army Officer Befornia -
Port Townbend, Wash Feb 7. At the
Murphy meeting tonight Lieutenant Kim
ball, rrf the United States infantry, made
one of the most pathetic, eloquent and af
fecting temperance speeches ever heard on
a platform. Many persons were moved to
tears and applause shook the building. The
opera-house was packed from stage to gal
lery, standing room being at a premium.
Lieutenant lumbal urged upon the friends
and members of his company to "sign Uie
pledge and quit drinking as he had clone. A
grout number responded to his eiur.Ofat appeal.
Wheeling:, W Va Feb 2.Iutervlews
today with sixty of the loading democrat ic
politicians and bummm men of thlscity, in
eluding the oily olliciaJs, showed forty-nine
for Cleveland, two for lull, and tho bal
ance distributed between Whitney, Holes
and Gorman. Tho iubrrvlew worn called
out by interviewers recently jiublishod, in
which too suite was claimed for II ill.
Ileeoi led Cabinet Changes,
Nkw Yoiik, Feb lO.Tbo Times' Plain-
dolphia"siecial says: There is a rumor of
impending cabinet change in quiet circu
lation. It is that tho postiiifwter-general is
to resign within a few days 'and is to l
stmt to ran to suocel ft mister Wbitlnw
Iteid, who has long desired to return to the
United Slates. Hi important sequel is that
General James Clarkson is to be upiKiiiited
postmiwter-genoral. These moves on the
party choekorlioard are said to have been
arranged on the occasion of Mr Wanamak-
ersvixtt to Mr Clarkson at the Plaza in
New York hud Saturday.
A Rew Kaad rremtied,
WaSHisoTtiN, Feb 0. Several days ago
Senators Mitchell and Polph addrowtod a
letter to President C P Huntington, of. the
Pacific roads, urging him to take stop to
wards building a line into what is known
as tbe Klamath Lake biudn. This letter
seems to have intcrented the railroad twig
nate considerably, and yesterday he sent
from New York a reply which indicates
that it may not le a vTy long time tieforo
such a rood will lie built.
The l alare Maanrartitrlng liabark af Prl
laad- alreaSr a Par '.Stall r ;!,. B
rrr lion tk.
It is a well known fact that a tunitu
factory, employing labor, no matter
where situated, is tbe nucleus of a city,
The greater tho numler of employees,
the greater tne prospective city. I bo
Krupp gun works of (lermnnv, support
i city 01 ud.uou ; tne ruiimnn move mr
'0. of Pullman, 111., a city of 12.000.
Oswego, tlregon: is in its Infancy. Today
the Oregon Iron A Uteel Works, and
other Industries, make a t ay roll of
142,000 a month. With an increase In
the manufacturing output, the city in
creases In population. Population in'
creases values of real estate ; therefor
Osweeo offers lodnr. to tbe careful In
vestor. lb very best fiel'i for investment.
Oswego Is only two miles outside (he
limits 01 Consolidated I'ortland. It lias
cheap train service of cents a trip
and e'ght trains a day ; also six steani-
iMats each way on tne wiilarnvtlo.
Oswego is a beautiful site for a town
Oswego baa a splendid 2,400 water power,
wii ich is orjerea to ntanuiactures lor a
term of year free, and land with It
Oswego has pure soring water in tiine
over the town, oawego lias a beautiful
lake where tbe pleasure-lovers of Port
land will soon establish a summer
resort. Property values in Oaweiro will
advance rapidly and permancut'y as tts
future is luunoeu on too development 01
the tavorable location lor manmactoring.
Mils in Oswego Invite the home-seek r-r
Lots sold on easy installments of $10
down and 1!) a month. Ask tho pub
lisher of this patter to show you a plat of
Oswego, or address a postal card to
Rorthwlek. Rally A Co., 71 Alder street
Portland, Oregon.
Diiicr is tt;.
A St Mrllwala wSTrr Kama Stotlrssi friers
He masts the following redactions ia sur
fur cash 1
17 Hi diy grsnulstcJ for ft 00.
30 lUritti C white for f 1 00.
is lUeiiia C gulden for 1 1. 00.
Here r sntne wholes' piic:
IOO lb f t C 6" 4.'j CIS.
loo lb cstra C while (f 4 V ct.
loo lb diy graeulstcd e 5 V ct.
lie will a'to sell a Cve gsllen kre of ti.kles
lor 90 ;ents.
sei raasa
Taiktr Bros, grter.
T. M. French ke(s railroad tlmsw
ftiy yjr rijo-Tis of Parker lUn
A pis psrsrs f r sal t Stewart A Svt,
V'i3 groceries at Conn at Ifendr'csoa'.
Utest sheet tnuslo st Will St I Jr.L'a.
New cream obeee just teooirsd at Coorad
C W Cobb, Job printer, Flion Block, doe
Brt das work.;
E W Aohison &C'o are selling monomtnt
at for Haul prioea.
Tbe finest linel of pocket koirrs io'the
otty at Stewart ft IWe.
Stewart & Sot sill th very best f stent
tempe "d shears aad sciesors.
Smoke th celebrsted HsTina Eilcd 5 Celt
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
J. V. Dectlry, lesdini h" and shoe
maker, just eset of Rssere linos.
Oa to 0 W Cobb.' seeeessor to Pauley Si
Smii, Fllnn Blrrk, for j nrj 1 1 printii.(
if all kinds
Dr M II E'.lia, ' htit ian and aurguou.
Albany, Orsitan. Call made In cit) or
Ak Old Savikg ls,'pend not sll jon
Iistc, believe not all you hear; tell not ail
you know; snd do not all you can." Do
not took for blood In a turnip or sieves In
a confectionary store; but go to Matthews
St Washburn's tove, tins are and hard
ware store and examine their stock of
goods, If thl I the Una you want. If you
buy you will not spend all you have; you
will believe what you hear because you
cn a'o see; you will knesr too much to
tell It all and you will not do all you can
because the stove you get will do the work
and save many a savage expression snd
extra tep.
Alttaay Markets
Oa.82K ".
Butter, 26 eonta per tb.
Fsrtre. 80 eonta per dns.
Pokstoew, 15 eants per bushel,
Trd, 11 A It osnkt per lb,
lisn-lntm, 13 osnta; slclor, li sent;
ahoslderv, t cents,
iwron foot, 1 f 2X cents per lb
Pwrk, dressed. 0 eenta per
rionr, par barrel,
April. 80 eent
Ar pies dr!ed,bleaehodBJ7e; sun dries!,
lum, dried, 95o per ft.
Chickens, young $3,O0i.0a.
Mutton. t and 13.00 per heal.
Granulated sugar, SK oenU; extra 0,
H etnra
Hops, 15 eenta.
Wsy, 18 to 110
Old 'People.
J. V. 8. Is tho only EarsaparillQ that eld or
feeble people should take, as ths mlurrsl potash
wbtcblsinereryotberBarsapsrlUa i.ofcnoT
el, Is midsr eertalu conditions knov, a to be
emalaHn(t. J. V..8. on tho eontrnly rs pnrely
rccttsble aud stimulates CtgtMtlon snfl creates
now blood, tho very tJilaj lor eld, Cclleato or
broken floirn people. It builds them np and
prolongs luciT Ures. A ease in point:
Mm. Brlilen an sstimablo and elderly lady ol
JI0 1!cj-i f t., S. F. was for riontks (Sediuincso
rspiitly s to serieualy !arn ..ef farallr. It cot
so bad tk at sit wet finally evicted Witt) falotiug
spellv I-lie wtltes: "While tu tlist dna;eioBs
coniSliluu I saw soma ef the tcetlnioutals oon
eernlng J. V. B. sud sent for bettle. Ttiat marked
the turning pntut I retained my lost fleah aud
strengtb and bar not felt so well tu years."
That was two years sco and Mrs. Eelden Is well
and hearty to-day, aud still taking J. V. B.
If you fro old or fcebls and want to bo built up
Ask for . ' ,-
- Most modern, most effectlrs, lergeet bottle,
Hame price, U-OOt six for f 3.00. ' "
In 0i Circuit Court 0 tho State 0 OrcgSn
for tut uoHiiy of Unit.
K CARTKRpPlalntlff,
A BfJUK IfAltT. Defendant.
by virtue of an aeetitlon issued ont
of the above named court, In tbe above
entitled aotion, to m directed and deliv
ered, I did on the 2iHb day of January,
mw2,ai ti.e suit or ins anove named plain
tltr, levy on and all ths tight, tit 0
and interest of the above named defend
ant In and to th real nroporty herein
after dosctlbsd. and will on .
Aalardajr, Ihe Mill Hay mt Mnrh, !!',
at the Court House door, In the city of
Albany. Linn county the hour
of 1 o'clock p m of said dy,ell at publle
t notion tor osn in nana 10 wis i.iiinest
biddir. aald reel property described as
fillows, towtf 'Winning at ihe N W
oornsr of block 15,Uac.k!eaia'2nd dll'
tlon to Albany, Unn oorintv,Oregon;thenn
easterly and parallel with tbe south
boundary lino St said b'oek 68 feel;
thence southerly and psraltel with tbe
est boundary lino or ssld block lis feel!
hence westerly parallel wiih the .north
boundary linerfNald block M feet, t'Knne
northerly on the west boundary Hre of
sski block to the piaee or 'xiginning.
Also the N li of tbe IoimU:n Laud Calm
of (J P J'.urU Ijsitt and wife, NntiAeatlon
m, In tp II, M It 3 w. of tho Wlilarndte
Moriuuii, in county, ursuon.
I he iroeeed arUlnir from the sale of
said rcai property to be tp-jltad. first, to
tba payment of the cost of and upon tbls
writ, and tr original oosnt amounting to
the sum of Uti; the payment
of plaintiff claim amounting to tbe sum
of 111 .U, and third, that ths overplus, If
any tnsrn te remaining arter the payment
of tho sum above, to be paid into the
above entitled court to ablds tho forth sr
order ol sld court.
Dated this 3rd dr.y of January, 1872.
M. f-OOTT.
feberlfTof Linn county, Oregon.
Bier rwffl til the utwleraliro lus heen
i.iH.liitxl .i.ninitru.i', wtih the "ill snnesed. of
llieeeial mt Hbcrt Jhn, Uuee4 all peru
bevlns claims afciiirt M l eetete srs riiirMl lo
ireeut them duJjr veriScl tu th uixlenlirneil within
lamuiillts lrMO tltlsiUia at A'buiy, iSoasouuiy.
Tbls tb liftb Jay af Jsnuary. iwij
i k wKartieitroHn,
wlUi Uie "ill aaMS4 ef B JeSse, SWd.
roncg is tiKKKiiY tiiven that the t'jf-
I daralneil slmlntirtraliir af the eatat ot
Alice Hoot. tenueel, has Ste4 with the Countr
Cierk, tr litin owoif, irrotnm, b Snal eamucit
1 aeld eaWIe en-l Uie etlrt baa fliwl the lb dar of
Marvh, Iwi, a. ihe tmr uf luoVlo k em, an.i the
eujrt ruiitn f aalit (.uinty eotirt aa the place, for the
bva-lu' of tbjw-Uone iherehi, l injr, wi J fur the
aattlemabluf aut aetale.
Oawd Januarv n)ll, li.
ft A SiCKKflioS.
01.D W WltHillT, A4iinlwal4r.
aiwisr A'lwr.
NOTKfg is iiKtir.ny oiveh that the ik
.lortbfittl aueuior of Ihe teal will anl Uw. lament
of W N S..I.I0, danaunl, be rHct hi final acot.aitl In
the orrl uf ihe euunlr dark of l.hin euantOregun,
s4 thu the emntr o.url of eai'l Linn, baa
aj..-liiUl M Hi lar, lh 7lb 4ajr uf Mffh, Iwi, t Uie
h or of Vt e'eiAik in th f.riiMn ef 4 day.a the
utns, end Iba cviurt Tinm '( Ml 1 1 mm renin aa the
plaaa -t heanny nli) II any to aaa Snal se
'tint ami Wi ectilainent f aai4 c.iale.
OaUl Januarr tnh, lui
AStiltEW i Nut;tK.
IW: W WKIOtir, Kircutor.
All lor eucM
eWrawneS edoiinleeralir 4 the ortel ot Mar'-v U
Taileutl. daeeaeed. ba Sled bu Snal aceottat a wid
edtniniIVor, and Ifeet Ik eminty court at tins
tennty. Of ", bee eprulnted Mundey, Ihe 7th df
4 Me eb. I -art, at 19 o'eloeb ia the Iwrenuoa ot emid
day, ee the utne for k .awing and esttllbi aeld ee-
eonul and tba eattletawnt 4 eud eetate.
iated Jeoitarr SUI, Hsl,
. W R BIUY tX,
GKO W WlflGUT, Ainuolttrator .
demrued ba lb dajr I on atMUUl admin
lelret'rfot UwHlol JpUr Wt, demaani, by Uie
emuity eottrt of L an e-s-ir,Ora., snd that i bare
SJadwvbond a ralrd bjr la aod am now duly
aoalkOad to at aa ao -h mlotlnlatratur. All trene
Savins eialma alul aaid eetate are beteby re
iilred end votlHad te nneant ihr eatne la ine st tbe
torn re f W it Huron, in Aitwnjr Una want?. Ores' ,
eiih tb prujKit eotbcre, within sis moelbe tram
Ute del bervd.
Utud at Albany, On t.H dey of Janaa'r. 192.
W R ntlrao, A.iminttualor.
Any fnr Admtnl.ruor
f Ite County Coat of lh Stnti of Oregon,
for Lin tuumly i
la the matter nf
Orastr, te J.
ths aaia'.e of Hrniy
To sll the heirs known a: d nnkuown in tbe
above nUtl d estate. OrePtwu:
quired to appear in tbe ooou'y eoart of ths
state of Oregtm, forth countv of Lino, at
th rottrt room thereof, at Albany, in the
etunty cf Unn. on faturdty, th 12ih day
of March, I$!) lOo'vlock in th foraooon
of th t day, thru aud there to show csnse, if
sny there be, why an order thouit nit itfue
out cf the shore entitled court autborisiug
and ditectiog O F Cosbaw, tho doty ap
pointed, qjaUtted and acting adminiatrstor
of stid raaate. to sell the real property be
longing to said estate, described aa follows
t" wit: The emjtnwrst one-foorth of seo
tinn 2, lo towushii U. sooth Range 1 East
Willamtitt mefili!i,in Lion eoantv, Oregon.
Done by ordrr uf the Ugn D ll'N Black
burn, Judge ot the Count) Court of the
ttate nf Oregon, for iba county of Linn, a ith
tbe seal of sai l court affixed, this 1st day of
February, A D, 181)2.
, Attsst. N P PAYNR.
K0TICET0C3.3)r.n -
John K Cyrus aod W P Pitchford,
partners doing buslnca in Sclo. Linn
county, Orcgon.undnr tho Crm name and
atylo of Cyrus A rilchford, hava duly
made an nskigomtnt of sll tho property,
rial an- personal, to the unden-lgued for
the tteneftt of their creditors. All persons
havlnu o'aima sgsinst tbe said firm are
htrsby noliflwl and required to present
the urns uuder ostb to tbe undersigned,
at the officii of J K Wealherford. m the
eity of Albany, Linn county, Oregon
within three months from the data hereof.
Dated Fot) 3rd, 1892.
NOTICE is hereby gisea that I, or my
Deputy, will meet tlia tax-psyeis of Linn
county , Of ego j, at 0 o'oleok a in and remain
until 4 o'cVok p m,at their respscti e places
ot voting iu the several tb tol
lowing tlujs and plscss for the purpf st of
oollecting tb taxes for ths year of 1691:
Rook deck, Monday, Fsbiutry 15, 1802,
. Fox Valley, Tuesday, Fb 18, 1892.
Jordan, tYedndy, Feb 17, 1809.
Sofo, Thursday, Fb 18, 1891
Franklia Butte, Friday, Feb 19, 1892.
Shjlburo, Saturday, Feb 20, 1892.
North Lebanon, M-"ay, Fb 22, 1895.
Santiam, Monda O 28, 1892.
Snath Lebsnoa, m .r.Fsb 23. 1892.
Wsterloo, Tnee. eb 28, U'J2.
Sodsville, Wedi ifrda , Feb 24. 1S9Z
Sweet Horn. Tl j y, Feb 23, 1S92.
Crawfordsvllle, i.y, Feb 26, 1892. -N
Brownsvil.e, i .rdsy Feb 27, 1892.
SB rowneyill rturisy. Esb 27, 1892.
-enter, Satur t
c Feb2 1892.
Hley, Tuesday, March I, 1892- -
Shedd, Wedoasday, March 2, 1892.
Tangent, Thursday, March I, 1892. "
Orleana, Thursday, Heron I. 1892.
Prio. Friday. Mareh 4, 1895.
Syrause, Satnrday, Mareh 5, 1892.
West Albany, Saturday, Maroh 5, 1892,
Albany, Monday. March 7, 18ii.
Center Albany. Monday, Maoh7, 1893.
East Albany, Tuesday, Marsh 8, 1892.
Prompt pasrnsnt will b required. Fay
ricsaad save oostt.
Sheriff and Taw Collealor.
Dated January 2 1st, 1892.
OUND-Jan 80th, in Iba lord ba
tween Oakvllle and Peoria, an open
aeed wAteb. '1 be owner can have tb
a me by proving property snd p?ing a
uijifs. ( s!i tn Jl A tlt(.b, lie
vllle. .
WAWTK A girl to do general
housework in a small fsml y, In
quire at store of Kb Id Bros.
1 OST.A valnabl 9 ir of
mi g'assei. The finder will e?nfr
favor by returning them to W II Loo.
girl to do general
Call at rssldsna or
It h nns work.
office of Dr O W Msston.
WANTED-Hlabest prios paid for at the chair factory, Albany,
SN. 8TEELB A CO., .Albany, Oregon.
JiOati money on s-ood real estate
security in Lion and adjoining counties.
L A Allen has purchased tbe murest
of his partner, 8 A Allen, in ths un-osry
basines of Allen liros, ths latter retiring.
All scoennts should be paid to L A Allen,b)
whom all liabilities will be psid.
Albany, Fob. U'h.
WAHNKH $, CklifOH,.
.Lessees uti Measgers
DIroet From Tfaelr How
rou one mo itT onur-
TuUllaDAY Evi5IJfO, FlIB. 11.
Maes.fJeent PruSeetlen 4
Great Madison Square Theater Success,
"Capt. Swift,"
Sui4orte4 r s sueerb eetnany nt blh elaas rmf
er. a ail uie orifinei etuunw,prp
erllne and eleet es prnlueed ever
VI Unw la Mew Yerk hf
" this sMkiKar.
E&Tt'kxu of admission, 59c and 7V.
ArSeeure foul seats el Will A fink's.
eur cti-lte seals eerljr, '
l ths aoousl rneoiintr of the stock
bi.ldt.ra of tba S liiany Bufidlng and fxan
Asooclattoo will be held on Friday. Feb
ruary ltb. IWZ. at the boar U 7:S9 p ra
of aald day, in th IUnk of Oregon, In
Albany, UnnoiuntT, Oregon, fnr the
iftctlmi of nine directors, to servo for tba
berni of on year iisrst ensuing Sroui eald
mee)tine;, ana until tueir sueaeasor sre
elt4 and qualified .and to transact auch
other titialu a may eoaa before the
asaorlaSon. lx,nt by order cfthnaaso
elation tbls 1Mb day of Jannary,
O II utevVakt.
JT W laji. President.
by vlituo of an order .ifa:e duly
made and etitrvl nf record in tba County
Ccnrt of Unn county, Oregon, on tbe Sin
day of January, I Mi, in tje matter of
the tuttats) of Maria Crewao, deoeaned, tb
uodenifcned, tbe duly qualltled sad set,
inn aximiolHtrator or said en Late, will on
tur.iay. Ihe 13. b day of February. 1892,
at tne br.ur or 1 o'clock p. tn
mill at publle auction at th-Court House)
door, in the city of Albany, Unn countv.
Oregon. br cash In band to the highest
bldi!-r tba real piopeirty belonging lo said
e:ate. oewanueri as follows, town:
Au undlvltcd one-e'.eventb of tbe north
half of tba liona'loi hmad Claim of
Kamuel l'ortr and wile, being 'tonation
Claim No 3!iC3.and Ix-lng partaof Sfcliona
A 6. 7 and 8, ia towoabip li, 8 K 4 W,
Wli;rutHte Meridian, in Lino county,
I attd this I&b day of January, 1891
f fAe Circuit Court ot tit. Httte ttfOrego tor
Linn County .
PETER It BEAK, Defendant.
To Pntor K Bear, the abo named de
Oregon, yon are hereby required tn
appearand answer tbe complaint of tbe
plaintiff Qled in the above entitled court,
with the clerk of aaiJ court, by tba first
day nt tbe next regular term of tho abov
entitled court, towiu on the 14th day of
March, 1S92; and you are hereby notiflad
that if you fail to appose and answer said
complaint, the plaintiff will take Judg
ment against you for theanm cf $5Vf 0.
with intermn thereon at the rate often (10)
per cent per ennom, from th 9th day of
April. 1881, tod for the further auto of
110 with interetihreon at the rata of ten
(If) percent per annum 1mm SepU lat.
18S1, and for tba eoere snd dUburaementa
of this action to be taxed; and aHo sake
an order aod decree of sai l roti?t, to ail!
tbe following described loud towiu ail
yonr. dsfendanl'a right, title rd Interest
In tbe donation land claim cr.weo Bear,
being n oil float Ion No 2240 and claim No
41. in township 12, South Rang 4 West
and claim No 43. nTownsblp 12, South
Range 4 West, in Linn county, Oregon,
containing 644. W teres, lesa 41 acres
heretofore sold to various parties leaving
U03.50 sere-a. Which said land was duty
levied upon by writ of attachment duly
issusd out of the shove n-med court, in
the above entH'ot erttonon the 8th of
epteimber, l"-9l. f .t tbe purpoee. ofee
curing any judgment that plaintiff might
recover in the above entitled eause.
Thla summons Is served by publication
In the stats Rio hts Democrat by order
of tbe Honorable H P Boirm.Jud'gif of the
above et. titled Court, made at Cbambeis
on the 16th day of Jr nuary, 1892.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
MONET TO LOAN Home eapltal to
loan. In earns to sulUon Albany and
ountv real estate or good personal
seouritv W K MePbenrou. First Street
opp, MesonleHall, Albany, Or.
RED Y TO WORK.-Parties desiring
wood pi;tla or any sine sNw
done, can obtain piomptattouuon Dy se
curing the aervicea of Daniel the
little ferry house. Leave orders there.
there will be a meeting of the Mock
holders of the Odd Fellows Hall BuKdlng
Aanrwtlatlttn hald ! Ihal.ffite In ,lk.M.
Oregon on Monday, the 14th" day i
aiarch. 1392, at tbe hour ol 7 o'eloek p m
of said day. for the purpote of electing
savin directors to serve for the ensuing
year snd for the transaoUos of any other
business that may come before said
This tbe 25tb day of Jannary, 1892.
w flTai-fniriii
EaPaKkir, President,
secretary 1 .
2nd JpJ Store.
Beat stock of 2nd ter goods in the
Talley, and the most reasonable prices.
I have on hand all kinds of
One door wet of S E Young's old store;
B 3 B B KSBIHStEMiafti
R Th Finest Small Arm Evr. Manufactured.
Q llniiin'iiil m -jl""''T'' I
niiKaRii Itv
M Beware of cheep iron iraltatlona.l
H Send for Illustrated Catalogue snd Price L it to 1
"SSww- . a
1 1111 1 11 1 lis 3
Vhile trying to Crowd thcii
itore, where they alwsjs have on hand
bu largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest Improved Rifles snd Shot
juris i an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every descriptions Tents,
Mammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands
of other things too numerous to mention
JR-epniir S91iop
tn connection with tbe Store, and one of
ie best wot k men In the State to do any
tnd ail kinds of wor
Come one Como No rouble to
how goods "Smsll pre fit and quick
a W is out Giotto.
11 Y flt7 fkTORF.
Pfeiffer Block,
Stanard & Cusick
Drugs, afedieitfes, Cbeniast., Fane
and Toilet Articles.Sponges.Pruslisai
Perfumsry, School Booke, and
Artiste fclupplie
Fbyslelaoa preacrlptlons
fuly eempsosdsd.
Star Bakery
Crnrasidilln and aTlrstSir
Cat nasi rraile,
Orfed Frail).
aasi) !.
S plec.
la feet eeerrtL. tba I kept is
wiety so tvoeerr etore. mif aee
(merset priea U for
seoiaJ attention -l't ' a
da of inacbinera
Ptr1na all
PaVtxros Kade on Short Notice
-miuu aas aacaib-
Ornggistsand BooksellenT
Aaw Ufor Jobi B. Alden'a puollcatioos,
blob we sell at onhfehtr' price witb
ataiweut.W " ' -
4 in ART. OHF.WOrV
J. A. CiDiaing.
i rvarts,, Oils
Glasst, 12to.,
Real EsUtf Agents.
?arm and Ranches for sal.
Alio eity brofwrty in Albaor
and Corridlia,
Need a
I have all kinds, at all prices
and every watch fits th
price. But price ia not
eTerything in watch-buying;
first thing. - ,
I guarantee waches accord
ing to their quality; and
quality makes the price.
All kinds all qualities
all prices.
The Corner Jewelry Sto'e
Arterial Embalming- done Scleotifiealty
Albany, Oregon. "
Or.Au Kums
tamricls -c - Baker,
- Oppoette Schtoeer's Lin 17 SUble, next,'
. oerte WiiliBtw Faatlaf Ce'sttere,